cover of episode One thing about Austin Texas!

One thing about Austin Texas!

Publish Date: 2024/4/10
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One Thing About Us


Shownotes Transcript

haven't done that in a while i know i thought about today i was like oh have a canned drink we haven't done that in a hot minute i've been bringing a coffee so your coffee on your story today looked it's so good pookie was looking absolutely fire this morning i know if i could just have endless coffee without either shitting my pants or having a heart attack i wish i could decaf

I guess you're right. I haven't bought a decaf bag of beans before. Maybe I should do that. You should, so that way you can. The only thing I would have to do is I pour the whole bag into the machine, so I wouldn't be able to do that. Unless you like, nobody can really keep pre-made espresso around. I don't know. Yeah. Or I guess I could. I can ground them differently and then put them in the machine. When you need them. Yeah. Maybe I'll do that. You should do that. I know.

I love having so many... I've been having... I only have like one coffee a day, but like when I have two, it's a good day. I like having dirty matchas, but I like...

Only reason I like dirty mosh is because I like the taste of the espresso in it, but I don't really need the caffeine in it if I'm going to have it later in the day. So, like, I feel like if I just kept the decaf pods, I can make dirty espresso. Or what am I fucking saying? Dirty moshes. I'm having a poppy. My brain is not fucking working today. Anyways, hi, guys. Welcome back to another episode. I'm Sam. And I'm Taylor. We're going to tell you some Austin things. I know. I feel like...

Lately, we've been getting a lot of questions about Austin, whether people want to move here, they want to visit here. You literally name it. We're going to cover it all. So I'm excited to go over this because I feel like this is long overdue. We haven't done an episode about this in like in a while, like in a year. Yeah. Yeah. And like I'm three years deep now living here. So I feel like I've experienced a lot. Yeah. I was talking to someone yesterday. I was like, I'm literally a local.

Oh my God. Someone actually said that to me the other day too. I was like, no, no, no, no. I'm not a local. Like, don't say it like that. He was like, no, you're not. I was like, I've just been here. Like these transplants, like I've been here. Yeah. But no, it is crazy to see how much of the city has changed. So I was walking, I was walking down rainy street. I was like, oh, this shit sucks. It's so bad. It's all right. I know. Anyways, let's get into our little segments of the week. One thing about us is,

My one thing about me is that I hate keeping secrets more than anything. Can't do it. You guys know I tell fucking everything to the internet. So I hate secrets so much, but I do love good surprises. And withcoming of a surprise means you have to keep a secret. So this past weekend, I...

I pulled it off. I pulled off the best surprise ever, but I fucking hated every second of it, not spilling the beans, which we'll get into more of how I was able to keep it a secret, but it was so fucking hard, but I pulled off the best surprise party. Yeah, I would agree. I can't keep a secret either. I can't keep anything to myself. Because I'm just so excited. I'm like, oh my God, I want to fucking tell you that I'm throwing you a birthday party, but I can't. Yeah, no, but that's just me with anything. Oh, you want to ask me about anything? I'm going to tell you

every single fucking detail like I I have no desire to like keep fucking anything to myself which like it's probably bad but like I it's just because I do this on the internet like I don't

I literally don't give a fuck. Yeah. I told my boyfriend he has to stop listening for that exact reason because I'm like, there are definitely certain things you don't want to hear about. And I don't want you to get upset because you didn't ask to hear it. But because you're listening to the podcast, it's like you are going to hear it. Your boyfriend isn't meant to sit in on your chats with your girlfriends. Exactly not.

They're not, they're not supposed to. Talking about ex-boyfriends, talking about shit in my pants. Like there's just certain things I would like to keep to myself. Right. Yeah. A hundred percent. But even though like, yeah, it's hard. It's hard to keep things to yourself. One thing about me is, bro, I got my tan back and oh my God, I could take on the world. Like there's just nothing fucking better. I know. Laid in the sun for like two days, like three hours at a time. Oh my God. Crisp. Now it's cloudy as shit. So that better go away. I need a...

keep my tan going. I'm so tan and it just, life is happier that way. It really is. And I didn't fake tan once this entire, like from like winter till like ever, like that entire season. I did not fake tan once. I have been just raw dogging the pale life.

And now I feel great. Yeah, I'm going to Florida next week. So I'm like, I got a good base for it. My boyfriend is so pale next to me. Like, we look so different. I'm like, you cannot stand next to me. You're making me look so tan and I'm making you look so pale. Oh, yeah.

Um, but yeah, so favorites of the week, I have a really good one and that's going to be the coach outlet. If you have no idea about this, the coach outlet is where I've gone all of my bags. I have never gotten an actual coach purse from their website. I always go to the outlet first to see if there's anything I like. You are getting a bag discounted for nearly 50% off. I got three bags. Okay. So two bags in one wallet for $200. Okay.

That was a total? $200 in total for the three things that I got. Damn. I know. And I was like, I need a bag in every color. I have a coach in black. I have a coach in brown now. And I have a coach in white. And then I have a little mini wallet because I have a...

St. Laurent wallet. Love the thing, but it's very chunky. And when I have mini purses, when I'm going out, I can't put that big ass wallet into my purse. So I got a little like key chain wallet from coach. It has flowers on it. It's so cute. It is cute. So make sure you check out the coach outlet website. They always have things, but they go very quickly because it's just their stuff. That's like from old collections that don't sell. And then they just restock it all the time. Cause I was checking the website, I think for like,

two months straight. I was like, Sam, don't do it. You just moved. You bought way too much stuff. And I was like, finally like, okay, treat yourself. So make sure if you're, you really like something, you got to snag it right away. Speaking of coach, I have had my coach little key chain wallet. I want to say since high school and it is in perfect condition. Yeah. And like, I throw that shit around. I like that thing has seen,

everything that shit lasts. I do want to say though mine I'm curious to see how mine lasts it has painted flowers on it have you seen it? Yeah yeah yeah. So I don't know if like that will maybe chip or something but curious to see I just figured that one's gonna be a seasonal one I feel because it was cheap I got it for like $30 and it's definitely a seasonal one summer spring floral and then I'll get something different

Yeah, like my zipper's still fine. Like, I don't know. Like, I've put that shit through the ringer and my coach keychain is standing strong. My favorite of the week goes really perfect just with this episode talking about Austin. And it's just the Lady Bird Trails. I think it's truly one of my favorite parts of the city. And the fact that I get to live downtown...

in the center of a city and simultaneously be one walk away from just like beautiful nature. Yeah. Oh my God. It's like my favorite thing about the city going on like two hour walks along the entire trail. And I just love it. Like I love the people watching. I mean, be on the lookout. Don't get attacked by a machete.

Don't get killed by like the rainy street serial killer, all of those things. But I just fucking love it. It's like probably, it's one of my favorite parts of the city. It's gorgeous. Like I love, I love being surrounded by all the people on their walks, on their runs. It's just good. I love it. You probably may know who I'm talking about. Maybe not, but there's this one creator that just moved here from LA and

And somewhere in LA where like there's a lot of hikes and stuff. But anyway, she moves here and she's complaining about how... There's nowhere to hike. There's no wilderness, no hikes here. But I'm like, bro, what do you expect? You're in Texas? But this is probably the most outdoorsy city in all of Texas. Like...

Don't complain. Like, look at all, like, all of this. It's insane. We have so much to do outside compared to Dallas and Houston, in my opinion, from what I've seen when I've gone to, like, the other cities. And I just feel like you can't compare cities. You can't. Yeah, and, like, obviously there's no, like, mountainous hikes. Like, you obviously moved to Texas. It's one of the flattest places. California has mountains. We don't have mountains, but I literally can look out my window. And my view has made me want to walk the trails all the time because I can just, like –

kind of see like if the city's bumping like if there's paddle boarders if there's people and i'm like oh like i want to join the party one of these days you're gonna pass me on my run yeah so many people when i'm running and then it hypes me up because i'm like fuck one day going because i'm gonna like loop around i went on a run yesterday and shocking i was like actually like passing away um and i was like oh my god i wish i passed one of my friends so i could just look like a

runner so they just weren't so impressed by my running capabilities uh yeah but it fucking sucked like every five seconds i was like are we almost done how how far are we yeah you can't be looking at the watch i didn't have the uh thing on my phone so but like like at one point into the run i was running with like they just looked at it and laughed and i was like oh no i was like so it's bad i was like are we two miles yet he's like nope i'm like oh shit like whatever um hot gossip for this week

I kind of have a lot of things. I have something that's very niche. I might as well get that out of the way because I feel like you're not gonna have anything to say about it. But I finished watching Love Island All Stars. The winners. Spoiler alert. If you haven't watched it yet, skip like two minutes ahead. But Molly and Callum, I wish they got back together. I wish it, wish it, wish it.

so badly i'm here for it and i do feel in the near future i'm predicting it they will get back together because did they win no molly so they run her up so molly won her ex-boyfriend of three years that she broke up with six months before going on the show so they end up on the show together only had broken up for six months and she wins he is runner up with his new girl

Oh, that's awkward as fuck. No, but, bro, the chemistry between the two of them, I'm like, you can't. They're, like, trying to not admit, oh, we're just best friends. We're just best friends. You broke up six months ago. You cannot be best friends with your ex six months after. If you're best friends, you're in love. Yes, you cannot be best friends with your ex. Like, it is not a thing. I do love Tommy. Like, the two of them, they are super cute together, but just because of the chemistry that I see between them.

Callum and Molly. I'm like, they have to get back together. It's happening. And I'm on like Love Island, all star TikTok of like the two of them. And I want, I want them back together. She's so hot. I'll catch up on Love Island one day. Yeah. I don't know why. I mean, I just spoiled it for you, but definitely watch it. Cause there's so much. I still like,

I feel like toward the end is even like not what I care about. Like I care about all the in-between drama. Yeah. Like who wins is kind of irrelevant. Like the end episodes, I don't really care. I know. There's so much drama. Because once everyone's coupled up, it's like. Dude. And you know what? I'm like so in love with Molly right now that once I get a tan going, I'm going to try my hardest just to like.

Be her? Yeah, pretty much. Like, her fashion. Because she's so tan right now. I'm like, I just can't wear half the shit you're wearing because I'm not tan. And I'm like, I'll get there. I got the fake boobs. I don't have the veneers. She's blonde. And I don't have blonde hair. But, like, I'll be the brunette version. Okay. Yeah. I see that for you. I'm...

Yeah, can't wait. Like... Pop off. Yeah. Like, you just want to, like, wear those type of clothes? Yeah, like, I want to go out and strut my shit. She's, like, kind of Fashion Nova Instagram model. No, bro, I wore a dress, like, not similar to this, but, like, the white fox purple dress the other day. The amount of compliments I got out, I was like, fuck, I'm going to dress like this all the time. Like, Austin's not known for, like, dressing up more of, like, maxi dresses or, like, just...

cutesy dresses at all it's very casual here and if you step out wearing something like that you are gonna get a million compliments left and right because it's just so out of the ordinary but I'm like yeah no I feel that the other weekend I wore a dress to brunch like a maxi dress and I got so many compliments yeah I'm like might as well just dress up maybe like we can change things around here and like so many swipe ups being like oh my god you look so pretty I'm like oh like yeah I put a dress on crazy

I know. And dresses are so easy. I struggle so much in the closet of like putting like bottoms and a top together. Always. I wanted, I wrote a few things down. Morgan Wallen getting arrested for throwing a chair off about me. Dude, I saw that. He's such a fucking idiot. Like he's, he's genuinely like a dumbass and a danger to society. Yeah. I just don't understand what was going through his head. He could have like actually killed someone. Because he is such a well-known person.

What makes him think that would be a smart decision to do? A chair going off a six-story balcony? Could have killed someone. 100%. On Broadway? Have you ever seen, I want you guys to Google, a picture of the sidewalks of Broadway on a weekend night. Is that a new bar that he went to too? No. I don't think so, no.

he's making it i saw like photos of it and i was like i've never seen that bar i mean i've only been to fucking nashville once but it's a very small road i feel so yeah but we only went into two yeah places i'm i remember let me just oh i feel like it was a well-known place but regardless it was it was like one of it was like a country artist's bar i can't yeah i just it's not saying it in these articles but anyways does he have a bar there he's opening one oh

Morgan Wallen literally needs to get his fucking life together. When he like canceled his show right before because he was like too fucking drunk. He needs to get his life together. It's embarrassing. He's in this. It's embarrassing. It's so embarrassing. Like you have it all to like your life figured out. Don't throw chairs. It's giving like he would like hit you. I can't wait for his album with Pokemon to drop though.

Oh, no, like, it's really unfortunate because he does make, like, the best music. But you throw chairs off balconies? You're gonna... That's, like, you actually should be in jail. Yeah. That's crazy. The other thing I want to talk about is JoJo Siwa. Oh, dude. She's going through it, bro. Going through it. Okay, well, like, some of it, obviously, is, like, for the attention. But I can't tell what's, like, for the clout and what she actually believes. When she sits down, she's like...

I want to put out, like, I'm making a new genre. I want to be the next Michael Jackson. Yeah, she's like, I'm, like, I'm making a new genre of music that has never been done before. I'm sorry, pop? Yeah, what? What are you talking about? So, like, I can't tell when she's just, like, trolling and when she's being really deadass. Because then she had these, like, listening parties with her, like, super fans. I'm, like, really on JoJo Siwa TikTok because I fell down a rabbit hole.

like super fans at these like events where she previewed the music everyone was there like

making fun of her it's bad but she still got the content of the views regardless so you know what i'm saying yeah i'm like yeah everyone was there making fun of her but guess what every single one of these people posted it and they all got millions of views i genuinely think she's going through it i think she's having like identity like crisis but she's like my rebrand like you know biggest rebrand anyone has ever done she's just wearing the same shit she's black yeah

And she goes, in one of her interviews, she goes, someone was like, oh, who inspires, like, what you're doing? And she goes, Miley Cyrus. 100% Miley. Goes down like a fucking thing about Miley Cyrus. 12 hours later, gets asked the same thing. Michael Jackson. Like, make up your mind, girl. Who inspired you? She was like, you know, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus. And then she was like, I go back to, like, the older generations. I'm like, what?

pardon yeah and then she's like i want to do a rebrand like miley cyrus but my rebrand has never been done before i'm sorry miley cyrus bangers rebrand was the craziest rebrand of all time you're not she's wearing the same fucking outfit it's just black she was wearing a slicked back high ponytail with sparkles in it and i was trying to say like i'm rebranded like

I don't think so. Ugh. Did you... So I saw a clip against my will of her music video for that song. And she's like dry... It's like... Dry humping? Is that what you're gonna say? How old is she? Like 20. Oh, she's 20? Like 19, 20. She's probably 20. I feel old. It's her and this girl. Like, you know, like a lovey music video. Because, you know, the song's all like about like a relationship. But they're like dry humping on a beach. And it's like...

And it, like, goes on for way too long. Like, I really saw that against my will. Oh. I almost want to, I want to pull it up. Yeah. Because I feel, I feel like I want karma. Because, like, we're talking about it. You know what I'm saying? Like, she did. Okay. I hope this has it on here. I think it will. That. What the fuck?

Isn't that scary? Yeah, I don't like that. I don't like it either. She's kind of scary. I just really don't. I can't decipher what is for Clow and what's her genuine feelings. Yeah. I feel like she's just going through it. She's having a, like I said, personality. An identity crisis? Yeah, identity crisis. That's what's going on. Yeah. Give it like two years. She's going to be like, what the fuck was I doing? And her ex-girlfriends, like the clip. Who's your dream guest on your podcast?

let's make it crazy one of my exes i feel like all those girls are like we don't give a fuck bitch yeah you know what i'm saying like i don't think they care and she's like one of my exes and they're like okay like i haven't thought about you one like i i'm sorry if anyone i ever dated walked the carpet in that outfit like ick beyond yeah anyways my um

I just have a recommendation or like, I guess I could talk about it because you watched the documentary is color. Daddy just had Denise, um, from American nightmares on her podcast. So it was just so interesting cause I'm not a true crime podcast girly at all, but I do like, and I do believe Alex Cooper is an amazing interviewer. Like she does an amazing job with it.

and just listening to that podcast I was like fuck like this is so good I might have to get into true crime podcasts but if you haven't watched the American Nightmares documentary on I think is it Netflix yeah Netflix I would definitely give it a watch and then listen to the podcast itself it's just crazy like it I was I was lost words listening to that podcast um

I can't remember what her last name is. Denise Hutt. It starts with an H. American Nightmare on Netflix. We talked about it on here when it came out. I've seen quite a few documentaries, quite a few true crime stuff. That's by far my favorite documentary. It's so fucking good. I really need to read her book. I need to write a note for that in my notes. Read American Nightmare book. American Nightmare book. I have some more gossip to talk about.

So you know how we discussed the Noah Cyrus thing? How like Noah Cyrus was dating an older man and now the older man is like married to her mom. Allegedly. This is all alleged. So Noah Cyrus, like the other day, liked Liam Hemsworth's like thirst trap Instagram picture. Like Miley Cyrus's ex-husband Liam Hemsworth. She liked his like thirst trap Instagram photo. Like he posted a gym selfie and she liked it. Why is she getting herself twisted into like... Like what is going on?

What's going on with the Cyrus? Yeah, she's not liked anymore. No, I checked. See, why the fuck do they do that? Like, if you got caught liking it, why are you unliking it? Yeah, own it. Wear it with your chest. Own your shit. I just want to know what's going on in the Cyrus world. That's all I need. Miley's thriving, which is cool to see, but what the fuck else is happening? I'm so happy. After watching the Quiet On Set episode,

I am so happy to see that Miley is thriving. Oh, yeah. Because with just all the shit from like that age group of actors and all the shit that they've went through and how much they've all kind of changed in the not like not the best way possible, like Amanda Bynes and stuff like that.

I'm just happy to see Miley is continuing to thrive because fucking shit. And last thing I just want to say is that the CMT awards were on Sunday. It was so awful and everyone was dressed like truly awfully. I feel like it was like a, I feel like they were trolling the internet. That's just my thoughts on that.

It was a hard watch. Well, we have to obviously kind of recap on last week with the joint twins. We got our answers. We did get our answers, but then I saw people say that that's fake. I thought they were tweet. No, but someone said it's like that wasn't real. They didn't say that. But I choose to believe it.

I thought it was a tweet screenshot. Maybe. Yeah. I think it was like edited and like not real. Okay. Either way. I choose to believe it. I'm going with it. Yeah. I just saw that like when she orgasms, she also orgasms and like that. I had to stop reading. I couldn't go any farther. Yeah. So the girl was saying, yes, we're in love. Yes. Like I give him head basically. And that the other twin just like reads a book or like listens to a podcast or scrolls on her phone, but she feels the orgasms too. And when I tell you my DMS are flooded with that infographic, which I don't even answer guys. I don't.

want that sent to me. I'm like, thank you. I feel like this looks weird on me that every other DM is an explanation on how conjoined twins have sex. I feel like a creeper. I do. I don't like it. But we did. Apparently that's the answer. Also allegedly fake, but I choose to believe it. I mean. It makes sense. Here's my thing. As long as the other twin is

happy and not like upset with any of this and there's yeah maybe because it'll probably be her turn to yeah one time okay yeah i hope she gets the love she deserves i mean me too but i just i don't know like do you they're sisters do they not fight like sisters okay but also then you're kind of like having sex with your sister

Yeah, no, you could have left that out. No, but do you get... Yeah, but like... I'm right, though. But think about it. Sisters. Sisters fight like sisters. You're telling me those two don't fight like sisters and now there's a man in them? No, but they fight like sisters and they can't leave. Yeah. Like, you get in a fight and... I'm gonna slap you, bitch. You're slapping yourself, bro. You're slapping yourself or like, I want to leave, like... I don't know. I feel like an asshole. I gotta stop. No, I don't think we're...

Everyone's the... It's what every single person on the world is thinking. I know. So... Yeah, I just feel like a fucking ass. Listen. Whatever. Yeah. And my last thing I will say, not about that, but my last hot gossip of the week, is Miss Peaches hit a million followers on Instagram. And I think that is the most insane, incredible thing that Dave Portnoy has ever done in the barstool history of literally anything. Like...

What? Didn't Miss Peaches like owners tried to like get her back or something? No, I think that was like a fake like I think that was a fake headline or whatever because I think he was talking about it on BFFs. But either way, just what he's doing for Miss Peaches and just like dogs in general is crazy. Like this man has the power of absolutely anything. He can do anything he wants in the world. We'll just love it.

Yeah, we like Dave Portnoy over here. I fucking love that man. I hope one day I get to meet him just to say hi. That's all I want. Yeah, Sam is like Dave Portnoy's biggest fan. No, literally. If Dave Portnoy has no fans, Sam is dead. Sam loves this man. I love that man. And it's so sad that he's not in a relationship anymore. Because guess what? It could have been you. Could have been me. I feel like he would date you.

Yeah? He likes, like, not... Like, Hispanic girls? Yeah, he doesn't like... You're a little white. Yeah. You have, like, fake tits. Yeah, I do. And, like, dark hair. I do, but... I do, yeah. But from what I've seen from his, like, he'll put his top ten hottest females in, like, the world out on the internet. It's always, like, Hispanic girls and blonde girls. Um, you don't stand a chance. Yeah, right? I don't at all. It's okay. I'm...

But maybe your personality would just win him over. Maybe. We're both from Boston. That'd be dope. Yeah. Like, I think, I don't know. Like, what if Dave Portnoy asked you on a date right now? I would go. What if he's sitting in two DMs right now? I would go.

Yeah, I would... I hope my boyfriend would understand the circumstances. If your boyfriend ever said anything like that about any other girl, I'd kick his ass. I know. You know what's funny? Date partner actually got asked this the other day on his podcast by Brianna Chicken Fry and was like, Dave, if Miley were to DM you right this second to go on a date, would you do it? And he's like, of course. I would drop everything in the world. I would go on that. He was freaking out. Okay, well, Miley Cyrus...

Is not blonde or Hispanic. Well, it's just, like, because they were hyping her up. Yeah, like, cool person. Cool people. Makes sense. Makes sense. Should we do a little weekend recap? Yes. Birthday weekend extravaganza? Uh-huh. But I feel like my weekends are, like, before that. What did we do? Oh, yeah. So on Wednesday, we both went to the CMT's, like, live show thing. I thought it was Thursday. No, it was Wednesday. Oh. Because then I had first Thursdays. Oh, right. But Wednesday was, like, the...

The CMT Awards outdoor stage taping. And I really love that I can get invited to these types of things, but it's just not worth it. It's worth it? Okay. If you don't like it... So TV tapings are fucking brutal. I've been to TV tapings before. You're literally just being there to get the clips that they need for TV. The lineup of artists that were that night...

That night changed my life. I love they're a different person. That's a lineup of people I would have paid stupid money to go see at a concert. But if I didn't like those people, I would not have been there. See, that was me. I feel like if it was rap, hip hop, pop, or even alternative music,

like I would have been hyped, but it was country. I was like, I am very, very, very picky with my country music. And even then, I don't think I would fangirl over a country artist. So experienced that on Wednesday and,

left after like the second artist because I was like we had been standing there for about two hours before anything happened yeah so yeah TV tapings are fucking brutal um so for my girlies I know a lot of y'all that listen um we like have the same music taste I loved like DMing y'all about it Bailey Zimmerman I fucking love Bailey Zimmerman and then we didn't know we knew it was Bailey Zimmerman and Kelsey Ballerini which was enough for like me and my friend to want to go because that's like

And it said and more. And we're like, oh, the and more is going to be losers. So they say up next is Jason Aldean. I almost shit my pants. That's like fucking country legend. I'm texting my mom. I'm like, it's literally Jason Aldean. And then we were like, OK, it's Kelsey Ballerini. If you watch the CMT Awards, we're front row looking like fucking idiots. But you can see me.

We were front row. She was the coolest. She was so cool. And then, like, everyone's like, Megan, Megan. You guys know I love Megan Maroney more than anything on this fucking planet Earth. Like, I love her. I've been dying to see her live. I'm obsessed with her. And I was like, she's literally not here. We asked the stage guy, because we're front row, we're like, who's next? He's like, Old Dominion and Megan Maroney. We were going to leave if it wasn't someone that we liked. And I literally almost shed a tear. It was...

It was so fucking good. Like, it was literally some, like, my top favorite artist ever. It was insane. It was insane. Brutal. My feet, dead, delirious. Brutal, but it was my favorite artist literally ever. Yeah. Couldn't relate. Mine was just, I was, it was the middle of the week. I wasn't drinking. I wasn't drinking either. And I just wanted to go home. Because I had a long fucking weekend ahead from Thursday to Sunday. So I was like, I would rather get my,

Eight, nine hours of sleep and start fresh tomorrow morning. So I left. Yeah. And then you went to first Thursdays. I did not because I made a vow to never go there. Yeah. So actually Thursday was my boyfriend's birthday. And they had this whole itinerary planned for first Thursdays with their football fantasy league. They had whoever was the loser had to wear a knight in chiming like

night costume, full metal with like a fake sword to the bar to basically embarrass themselves. But in my opinion, I don't think that would embarrass them. I think they would get hit on by every girl because every girl would go up to them like, oh my God, like this is so funny. Like what are you doing? Take a picture with you. Yeah, this is like, like I don't think that's embarrassing. Like a boy just wasn't thinking in their right mind that like that would be embarrassing. No, you would get hit on by every girl. Anyways, so that was supposed to happen on Thursday. So I didn't have any plans for him.

And I, for his birthday, we were just going to go to first Thursdays and so be it. Turns out the guy that was supposed to do the night thing couldn't even make first Thursdays because of work, got out of work late. So that just never happened. I went to dinner with a few of my girlfriends and he calls me. He's like, oh, we're not doing the first Thursday thing anymore. I'm like, fuck. Well, like now I feel bad. You're all alone.

Like on your birthday after work and I'm going to dinner. Like what the fuck do I do? So he's like, I'm just gonna go to first Thursdays. It's fine. Whatever. So there was like ended up being like a good group of us. But I bought one of those fucking stupid passes to skip the line. I was there. How much did you pay? Forty five dollars. So like I have made a vow since like last year to like never go to first Thursdays again because I'm

I just like never really have a good time. Like I wouldn't pay to skip the line. I just made a promise. Yeah. I'm not doing it again. Everyone like everyone was going and I was like, no, I'm not going. Like I'm not going. I made the promise to myself to stay home. I just went cause it was his birthday and I fucking felt bad. That's the only reason I would have gone home. And everyone was like, oh, let's just buy the passes. I'm like,

I can't be the only one standing in line. Like, I have to buy the pass. No, when I got a text saying, like, I spent 45 bucks to skip the line from one of her friends, I was like, yeah, no. I'm not doing that. So, anyways, went to First Thursdays, left about an hour, went and got dinner at Hop Dottie or Daddy or whatever the fuck you call it. But you got dinner, then you got dinner? Well, I didn't get dinner. The boys got dinner because they were hungry. Oh.

Because they just went straight to first Thursdays and we got like a really good dinner. Got it, got it, got it. And yeah, so funny. One of our guy friends, which actually it's so my boyfriend's roommate, both their birthdays are like a week apart. So over the weekend we were selling both their birthdays, but he went on a ski trip with his family. This man's has the worst sunburn across his entire face. Like ski goggles, right?

Where it's pale and then the rest of his face is just bright red like a tomato. It was the funniest thing. Yeah, it was rough looking. It was so bad. I was like, you're going to have to put some sunblock on the red spots and just stare at the sun for the next week so you can even your face out. Yeah, I almost felt bad because on the weekend I was like, what's wrong with your face? And he was kind of like, what do you mean? And I was like, what? What? Like...

Like, do you not know that something's wrong with your face? Like, what is wrong with your face? Kind of like as if I pointed out something new. I'm like, oh, never mind. Maybe nothing's wrong with your face. Like, what the fuck happened to your face, dude? I know. The, um...

Yeah, I don't even know what the fuck my brain's saying. So on Friday, I actually decided finally we would celebrate his birthday. We went to dinner, went to Sway Thai, which obviously we're going to be doing a whole episode about Austin Rex, but this is a perfect date night recommendation. You got to book it in advance. And if you're going to book it on Yelp or any of those things, in the description, request the rooftop with the skyline view. Okay.

because you can only get that if you book in advance and you request it because the bar is very, very small up there. And so I got the bar, the bar on the rooftop faces the city skyline. So you are overlooking the city skyline sitting at a bar and the vibes upstairs are not tropical, but very like very different than a lot of the restaurants here in Austin. So

Perfect date night spot. So good. We didn't drink. They have really, really good mocktails that they make like these virgin sodas. So they do vinaigrette with soda water and like have a bunch of different flavors they can choose from. They're so good. And then we got like five things. We got so much food and obviously I was paying. So I was like, you know what? Take advantage of it because I need to go back there. I love it. It was really good. But I was I definitely will say.

I got way too much food. Like, I think if you're going to go there two people, you need four things max. I think we got fucking, like, six. It was so much food. But we had leftovers for the week, so that was good. Friday I also went to dinner. I went on a date on Friday because Friday is just, like, everyone's going on a date. So I went on a date on Friday. I went to Taverna because it's, like, next door to me, which, like, the guy I went on a date with, like, we live very, very close to each other. So it's nice to do things that are, like –

I don't know, like center downtown where we both can just go to because we live downtown. It's like when you live downtown, doing anything that's outside the city is like, ugh. It's like, why don't we just go somewhere that we can walk? So I went to Taverna, had myself a wine night, which always is nice. And then just had like a chill night. Didn't go out or anything. Do you like Taverna's food? I liked the pasta I got. It wasn't anything that I would...

rave about. I just because this is a very Austin based episode. I will say I don't like their food. I wouldn't like I wouldn't tell everyone it was great. But like I just got like pasta with chicken and like mushrooms. Maybe a food critic for this episode. And it just tasted like pasta with chicken and mushrooms. Like it was it wasn't bad but it wasn't like oh my God this pasta is crazy. It was literally just pasta and then oh and then we did though. Wait was that that night. Oh yeah. We were like we should get dessert.

So I went to Royal Blue and then we got Ben and Jerry's and that was better than the pasta. Hmm. 100%. Yeah. Way better. I want to learn how to make pasta. I was saying this the other day. I want to take a cooking class. Oh, I just saw someone post like a cooking class. That's a good date. Cooking classes are good date ideas. Yes, it is. Anything else from Friday? No, I just went on my date.

Saturday, though... Oh, and I tanned, but, like, irrelevant. Saturday was the day of my surprise party at my house for my boyfriend and his roommate. And let's just say I spent the entire day with him because he slept over my house, and it was nearly impossible to, one, set up my house, organize my house, clean my house, and just get all the shit done that I needed to get done. I was trying to distract him so badly, so...

He opened up all his gifts on Friday. So then on Saturday, I got him one of the best gifts. If your boyfriend is obsessed with the Apple Watch, you need to get them. The Kendra Scott. Kendra Scott has a male line of jewelry and they have the Apple Watch bands. You can get them in silver, gold, two tone, black. Like it's just an elevate.

elevated look to the Apple watch if your boyfriend's going to wear it all the time. So I got him that band, but because I ordered online, he obviously didn't get it fitted to him. So on Saturday we went to South Congress to go get it fitted for him. Took so long. I'm not even kidding. We were on South Congress until like 3 PM and I had people coming over at four. So I'm freaking out and I'm lying to him, like having like a mental breakdown, like, Oh my God, I'm just so hangry. I need to get home. I need to like, I'm like angels. Like he's like, what the fuck is wrong with you? And I'm just like,

Like stressing so hard trying to keep this a secret but also not explode because people are also texting me sending me pictures of the cake texting me about like fucking wings that they're getting delivered to the house and I'm like he tried grabbing my phone he's like who the fuck are you texting I'm like oh don't worry about it he's like who you texting like why are you being so sketchy because I'm not usually sketchy with my phone at all like yeah take my phone like I don't care but like in this moment this day I'm like I don't care.

I was so sketchy with my phone. Everything like, I'm an idiot. One of the group chat was like blowing up when you like sent like the TRs and stuff. And my phone was getting notifications on the top. And the fucking group chat says Nick and Dave surprise party. Okay, when you named it that though, I was like kind of bold. I know. I fucked up. Like bold group chat name. I was like, you should have named it like, like,

girls lunch like I don't know like something like I fucked up on that part something just like that he would be like oh girls lunch yeah but he didn't see it it luckily it's good it was it was good enough when I in that moment that I I do text a good amount of people like throughout the day that like that group chat had gone like far enough where like I opened up my text like you couldn't see it but um either way like

I risked it all with that group chat name. Shouldn't have done that. If you're going to throw a surprise party, don't put the group chat as the surprise party. Put it as something different. A nice little cover up, you know? Because then he'll have no reason to go into it. Like, I don't think he'll ever want to click in, like, our girly fucking pop group chat and be like, what's going on in this group chat? Yeah, no. Like, no. Yeah, I thought that as soon as you made it, but I was like, do you?

It's fine. Yeah, it's fine. But then I ended up getting home. I had maybe 45 minutes to get ready, throw some clothes on. I made some buffalo chicken dip that everyone was raving about. And I was like,

And I just realized Buffalo chicken dip is going to be the one thing that anytime someone's hosting something, I'm going to bring that. It's so good. Yeah. It's always good. I didn't have any chips though. So the only thing I had crackers for people to dip it in, but people were still eating it. People were eating it with a fork. I ate it with a fork. People were eating it with their hands and fork. I ate it with a fork. My Saturday mornings, like my date had slept over. So then by the time he got out of here, it was Saturday. So I went to dance and,

dance to a noah khan song it was a beautiful dance class and then i walked to sweet green and it was one of those days where dance was at one and then before i fucking knew it it was i got my sweet green ate it there and then it was almost three and i told my friend i'm like hey like let's go to like sam's together i'll walk to your place um and i'm like oh fuck it's three i came up here i got ready maybe 10 minutes i walk all the way to this girl's apartment and she goes you're gonna kill me we're meeting people

At the apartment next to your apartment. I was like,

Like, I was like, are you fucking shitting me? Like, we walked all the way over there. Now that we're going to leave right from there, she's like, yeah, we're going back. So my steps were pretty good on Saturday. I was like, literally, I'm going to kill you. Like, I would have stayed here. Some people are just very bad at planning. I'm like, I would have not walked over to your apartment, but it's cool. It's chill. Got ready so fast. Had to get my little tiaras and my sassage. Oh, sass. I can't say that. Sashes. That's how you say that word. Yeah.

And yeah, and then walked back to another apartment that was right next to mine. And then finally Ubered and oh my God, they were running late. And like, you can't be late to a surprise thing. You can't. Okay. And I was on time, right? Like I got to this apartment, like I was ready to go at like 3.30. We had to be there between 4.30 and 5. Bitch, I was ready. Oh my God, we show up to this apartment. These people aren't ready. Oh, we're waiting for so-and-so. He just got food. I was like, oh my God.

I was like, we have to leave. And the eclipse, fuck ton of people here, okay? There's like traffic downtown. I was like, bro, we have to- My road was blocked off. I was like, we have to leave. Like-

Jesus Christ. Like people just being late. Like, I don't know. Like I was kind of busy all day too. Not busy all day, but like out doing stuff. Like if you'd be ready, just be ready. Like, why aren't we ready? Yeah, no. So I told everyone to get there around like four 35 because one thing I know about my friends is I'll say four 30, but they won't come till five. So I just put the four 30 out there. Cause I was like, they're most people are probably going to get there around five, which was the case. Most people got there around five. And

And I told my boyfriend and his roommate that... So he had to go home because I was like, you know what? Hey, I have to record an ad while I'm getting ready today. Like, I would rather just be alone while I'm getting ready for the night out because...

I we had told him that we were going on a double date with his roommate And so that's what he thought he was getting himself into was going on a double date So i'm like, can you just go home you get ready? You can go shower put on a nice outfit like I need to film this ad like blah blah blah and come back around 5 20 Bro between five o'clock and 5 20. How many people do you think were in my house like 40? Yeah, there's a lot of like 40 people. Yeah, you could not move at all and

every single person every two seconds when is he gonna be here is he on his way what's going on when is he gonna be here i'm like bro y'all are stressing me out like trust me once he's on his way you will know but this fucker facetimes me and i'm like guys there's like 40 people in my house right now i'm like he's facetiming me so i go everyone shut up and run upstairs my phone's on bluetooth speaker so i'm turning the bluetooth speaker off because god forbid like they're talking downstairs even a little bit and he ends up hearing it so i turn it off and go hey

what's up? I'm in my bathroom. Cause I locked like every single door. Cause I'm like, I don't want anyone coming up here. He goes, how's this outfit?

520 and I told you to be here at 520 I go I like it it's great just wear it it's fine I fucking hated the outfit but if I told him that you hated his outfit his shoes did you see his shoes dad shoes dad shoes I feel like you have those shoes but with that outfit yeah you can only wear those shoes with like sweatpants and like lounge wear you can't wear it with a nice button up and yeah linen pants yeah no I'd agree

So we ended up making him buy himself some white dress-up shoes after this occasion because I was like, those shoes are not meant for that outfit.

But I was like, I don't even care. You're late. I'm hosting 40 people right now. You need to get on your way. But obviously I'm not telling him that. So I'm like, you need to come now. We're going to be late for the reservation. Like I'm freaking out. He's like, Oh my God. Okay. Like fine. I'm on the way. So he ended up coming on his way. And from my driveway, you can like see into the kitchen. So I made everyone like squish over into the living space. And I was like, everyone move over. Like he's here. And this man's walks into the door and,

so red face like his face goes into a straight tomato but acknowledge me like right past me because he's so in utter shock he hates surprises we literally asked him later and they were like so like um like what do you think of tonight he goes i hate surprises yeah he

Which I knew. I knew he hates surprises. We're like, okay. I knew he hates surprises. But he did not know how to act when he walked in that door. He froze, walked right past me. Like, I wanted to, like, give him a big hug. I was like, oh.

And he just walked right past me. He had his little sleepover bag, too, around his... Oh, he brings a sleepover bag. Yeah, you didn't see it? He had a sleepover bag. I didn't notice. It was a massive tote bag just over his shoulder. And he has a sleepover bag, and he just looks...

Stunned. Nothing coming out of his mouth and just walks right past everyone. I was like, what the fuck? And then we ended up recapping after that, like a few hours later. And I was like, you know, you realize you like walked right past me. He goes, oh no, don't worry. Like I realized that.

30 seconds after it happened and he made sure to like run over to me and give me a hug and say thank you because he was like fuck she's gonna be pissed I ran right by her I was like yeah no I was pretty I was pretty mad but I get it some people hate surprises other than that like if I had a surprise party I think I would like scream and just I would like it I would make the entire moment about me which obviously the whole moment is about me but I would I would eat it up I would eat that shit up big time yeah

But I can't, I don't think anyone would be able to get away with a surprise party for me. No, I think, why not? I don't, like, I don't think, like, I would find out.

I don't think anyone would be able to pull off a secret like that. Well, it's harder to get a surprise party for a girl than it is a dude. In general, surprising a dude is easy breezy. Dudes are, like, so in their own world. I just think it's because I plan, like, everything. I'm a very big planner. And then, like, I do plan my own birthdays. So it's, like, how the fuck would someone else be able to get away with that? Yeah, like, if you weren't planning your own birthday, I think someone could get away with it doing something similar to what you did where, like, you think there's another plan.

Yeah. Like where you think that they're like, not just like a, Oh, like we're not doing anything this weekend. That wouldn't work. Yeah. I'll make something. But if I was like, this is what we're doing, but it was, I was just telling you the wrong thing. And like, it was already planned. Maybe. I don't know. Maybe. I feel like my detective skills. Yeah. I feel like girls are hard to do that for. Yeah. Unless you're like a go, go with the flow type girl, but I'm not. That could literally never be me in my life. I'm not a go, go with the flow type gal.

I need to always be doing something. I just need to know what's going on. That's it. I don't like a, like, up in the air moment. I know.

But it was fun. It was a fun night out because we went to East. We fucking started so early. I was taking shots of vodka. I don't do vodka. Shots of vodka. Wait, at your house? At my house. I took like three shots of vodka. Oh, I didn't even see that happen. So me and the couple, me, my relationship, and then date. So double date, whatever, fucking shots. Then fucking did it with Molly and Winston. And then like other people, I was like,

So I didn't drink one sip of alcohol at your house. Really? No. Yeah, so I had two Aperol Spritz and three shots. Yeah, I had no alcohol at your house because I was kind of hungover because I drank a lot of wine on Friday. And as we discussed last week, apparently now I get hungover. But I was chilling by the time we got to the bar. So I drank some Aperol Spritzies at the bar. Yeah, so I was so fucked up.

and then my boyfriend was even more fucked up because it's his birthday obviously so he's doing way more shots than I was he looks at me and goes don't be mad but like I think I'm gonna get really fucked up tonight and I go do you but don't piss me off like I'm gonna I'll go home because like one thing about him is like when he gets drunk he's really really clingy but like in the best way possible like I love it but I'm like

If you're really, really drunk, I don't want to be wiping your ass tonight or holding you back on the toilet. That's not what I want to do. So I was like, if you do get really drunk, I'll bring you home, but then I'm going to go home. But before we talk too much about going out, we forgot that there was something we wanted to talk about at the pregame. Oh, yeah. So I honestly made a TikTok about this, and I'm so surprised that I forgot to bring this up. But it just blows my mind the amount of manners people lack or just home etiquette.

when you go to somebody else's home the amount of people especially people that i don't really know like this didn't really happen from like close friends it was more people i didn't really know one of our close friends did something no that's crazy yeah i know and either way i would look over the amount of people just going through my cabinets going through my drawers taking whatever the fuck they wanted i was just like in disbelief oh i was like

like I never have the balls to go to someone else's home and help myself to whatever was in the cabinets I would ask always do you have water do you have a cup like I don't care like the amount of people that were asking me questions of like where are the cups where's the silverware where's like I don't care like ask me whatever the hell you want I would rather that than you just like roaming through my entire kitchen just trying to find whatever you can yeah please like what's out for you is like on the

like on the table like cups are on the table I'm not gonna look in like your cups cabinet yeah there was cups on the table yeah oh I made sure that everything that was needed was out on the counters yeah I had snacks buffalo chicken dip I had extra like a box of LaCroix's that I had bought for like mixers and a bunch of other things that I just knew like why are people going through my cabinets grabbing whatever they wanted and here's a good example because I'm I'm just like this with

I guess this is something we both instinctively are like, so this is normal for us. Like, I needed, like, Advil or Tylenol. I think a lot of people would expect, like, bitch, I used to live with you. You're, like, the closest person to me in this world. Just go into your bathroom and get the Tylenol. Yeah. But, like, I was like... Was that you that asked me? I asked you for Tylenol. I was like, do you have Tylenol? And I think, like, people would expect I would just, like... I think people would expect...

That I would just go get it. I know. Do you know what I mean? Cause like. You're the one person like. But I know. Like but in a perfect world. Like could I probably. Yeah. But like. Why not just ask you. Do you have Tylenol. And like.

if I can go get it. And it's like, you would either like get it for me or just like, you said like, yeah, I told you, I was like, it's in the big cabin upstairs. I don't know. Like, it's my instinct to be like, let me just ask you, like, I don't need to go into your bathroom cabinets, like on, like without you knowing that I'm going into your bathroom cabinets. And I think if, if I ask and like, I have the decency to ask, I don't know many people that have like, like,

Who would be able to not ask? Yeah. Ask. It's weird. So there were quite a few people that had met for the first time at my house that night. And I'm in the Uber with one of them and I'm in the back. They need to know who this is. This girl. Yeah. I'll tell you after this girl sitting in front of me and she's sitting in front of me and she has a drink from my fridge and

And is bragging about how good it is and how she poured alcohol into it and made like this mixie out of this drink and is bragging about it and being like, oh my God, it's so good. And I'm just sitting there like, bitch, you didn't even fucking ask me if you could go through my fridge and you're like, I'm literally sitting right behind you and you're saying she was handing it to the girl next to me being like, you need to try this. I'm like,

Like what in your right mind? That's insane to me. It's crazy to me. And then the next morning I went to go look at my fridge. Half my drinks are gone. Oh, I'd be- Half of my drinks are gone. I would be-

Because guess what? All of my prime drinks were gone. I'm obsessed with prime drinks right now. I had like four left in that fridge. All of them gone. All of them. Guess what? You would have been like, hey, take whatever you want from my fridge. Yeah. You've said that with your words. Especially if someone has it in their hand and they look at me, can I have this? What am I going to say? No. No, put it back. Yeah, but either way, just like, what the fuck? But there was alcohol on the counter. Yeah. So clearly you...

looked at the beverages you had and put some on the counter like on purpose. Yeah, I know. So like, I don't know. It's like, I wouldn't do that. And I even said in the group chat too, I was like, bring your own booze, bring your own mixies. Like I'll supply some, but I'm not going to have everything that you're going to need. Yeah. Like I wasn't drinking. I didn't bring anything. So I brought a poppy for myself, but like, no, I literally think it's great. Cause like, I just like would never fucking do that. Yeah. So I made this TikTok and I,

I got only one comment that was bad. Like, I think... Like, you're inviting people over. Yeah. I was like, I'm sorry, do you not know what manners are? Like...

like what household did you grow up in? Like you can just go wherever the fuck you want and you just think everything you're entitled to? No. Like that's not how it works around here. And everyone else commenting was just like on the same page as me is like what the hell? Like I don't even have, I will like die of thirst before I ever ask someone for a beverage. I'm like, it's just funny because it's like,

Some people just don't get it. The only thing in a stranger's house I'd ever snoop and take is a tampon. If I was peeing and I needed it. Yeah, because one that's embarrassing to ask sometimes. I would take a tampon. Yeah, tampons are totally fine. And even then, if it was a girl's house, I'd probably ask her for it. But I'm saying, I think that's the only situation if I was mid-toilet, like,

blood everywhere i would i would get a tampon yeah but that's girl language that tampons are always fair game i agree i think that's the only thing i would take from someone yeah and like i told so i told my boyfriend about this the next morning and i was just like on a whole rampage about like just that in general and he was like i didn't even notice it i'm like well it's not your house i was

We can talk about that one after. And I was just like, no, no, no. Like, I don't think anyone will actually understand this until they either not own a home because you don't need to own a home to understand it, but like host people. Like my boyfriend's not someone who's ever going to host people at his house. So I'm like, maybe you just don't get it because you don't host people. But like, I just, for one, have now really, really started to notice this and observe it ever since I've been hosting like crazy. And it drives me nuts. Even if I'm having one person over, like,

I'm not hosting a bunch as long as you ask me like once like if they're like can I have a drink and I say you just need one like yeah take whatever you want I'll give you like one like go ahead or like oh can I borrow like lip gloss yeah use whatever you want okay now you have full reign I just told you yeah use whatever you want but like you gotta give like the one courtesy like ask yeah

I don't know where things went wrong the other night, but I guess my fridge was just fucking open for everyone. I mean, I guess it's like a somewhat of a good sign that people feel comfortable and like fun with you and your house. I guess. But like grow up. I don't know. Yeah. Grow up. But yeah. Other than that,

Such a fun Saturday night. We went to Inca Hoots. It was really fun. To start off the day. And then we ended up over just at Lucky Duck. Because I don't like the drinks that are that good at Inca Hoots. People say that they really like them. But for me personally, I just... I don't think they're the best out there. Then we went to Lucky Duck. Got espresso martinis there. And I went home after that. We're at the picnic table. It's like me and like... There's like four of us girls left. And like some guys. And I go to one of our friends. I go...

No one else is here. And she's like, wait, what? Like, where did they go? And she was like, she was like, those bitches Irish goodbye. Like literally we were all just like vibing. And I go, Jeannie, no one's here. And she was like, what?

So basically what happened is this man that I went to dinner with was coming to meet up with me. And oh my God, it was like the highlight of everyone's fucking night. Like I read with her. She was like, I'm staying. I'm like, I'm staying here to meet him. I was like, oh my God. But then we stayed out. We went from East. I'll always say yes to coming back to West because I

That's the way I got to go home anyway is go back to downtown. So, you know, I'm always going to be like, yeah, get in an Uber. And then it's like, okay, bye. I don't think I ordered the Uber. So I don't even know time I left. You had to have left. I'll tell you actually, because, okay, you left at like 830. No, because this photo was taken at 850. You left like right after that because this man got there at 930.

He was on his way at 9, and you were already gone when he told me he was on his way. So right after that picture, you left. Yeah, because we were at Incus until 7.30. Then it looks like around 8, we got to Lucky Duck, and then I guess I left like 30 minutes later. No, because when I got this on-the-way text, you definitely weren't there. When I tell you, because we were all kind of facing, you guys were always behind. I was like, turn around, no one's here. Picking table empty. We were like, oh, what? What?

It was very funny. We were like, oh, literally they all left. Honestly, I like it that way. Start drinking at 4 o'clock, home by 9.30. I wouldn't want to do it any other way. 10 out of 10. Yeah. My Sunday was literally spent Sunday resetting like fucking crazy. Two-hour Hawkgirl walk groceries, and then I just like cleaned the whole day and then watched myself on the CMT Awards swaying around to Kelsey Ballerini. But I literally was Sunday resetting my life away. Yeah, I...

Kind of just cleaned my entire... My house was a mess when I woke up. My house was disgusting. Not house. Apartment was disgusting. Yeah, I was like, fuck, got to clean. And the one thing I don't like, because right now in Austin, everyone gets garbage bins and recycling bins, and they take the trash from all the houses on Fridays. Or at least my part of the neighborhood. I guess my brother's part of the neighborhood. My boyfriend's part of the neighborhood. Oh, God. I already didn't slip. Ew. Anyways, his part of the neighborhood is on Tuesdays. So mine's on Fridays. Okay.

so it just got taken and I don't have enough of a garbage bin to take care of all the garbage that was taken care of on Saturday for the party so I just have fucking trash bags on trash bags full of beers and random shit but cleaned and then now I'm in a place with my backyard where I want to get it like

ready for like spring and like barbecues and stuff like that so i just bought a bunch of like backyard games in a storage bin so that way i can just keep all the stuff in a storage bin and how all these backyard games and just like host people like middle of the day and like do a little cookouts and stuff the only thing i'm waiting on is my blackstone but yeah my back backyard is pretty much ready to go so that's what i was spending most of sunday i also in the morning got fucking ihop ihop

pancakes uh yeah i'm gonna go um can i use your bathroom you can use the toilet paper too okay awesome thanks and if you need a soap to wash your hands um oh my god my body's sore go for it no but i got ihop because again a man stayed over so we were like fuck i'm so hungry so i uber eat it

I hopped and I got pancakes and it was honestly like a 10 out of 10 experience. I don't know the last time I had I hop and there was the 10 K on Saturday and from my balcony, you can see all the people running the 10 K. And let me just say, it was a humbling experience to be slightly hung over on your balcony, eating I hop pancakes, watching a bunch of people run a race. It was kind of like, wow, this,

Those people are so much better than me. So that was humbling. And I woke up so fucking early because he was supposed to run it. I don't even know. But I woke up so early that day. But the IHOP was fire. And then, yeah, I literally just reset it like fucking crazy. And on a two-hour...

hawk girl walk you should have ran that race that was on sunday dude everyone kept telling me about that i don't know about the races that go on in the city this man was like i'm running i'm running tomorrow i didn't know it was like a race right 10k yeah i thought he was just going on a run with a friend so this motherfucker has an alarm for like 6 a.m wakes up at 6 a.m because he needs to go run a fucking race then all his friends bail so he doesn't even go do it i was like you did not just wake me up at 6 a.m but i thought it was just like for fun and then we look we could see the whole race i was like

Oh, it was like a race race? I was like, you were like, I thought you were just like going on a run on the trail. And I was like, you don't just wake me up at 6 in the fucking morning to not go on this fucking run. So on Sunday, we'll go up at 6 a.m. I gotta get more in the know of all the...

10 k's 5 k's half marathons going on in the city i know there's a half marathon coming up i think in may but it's over at the lake so it's like 45 minutes away i know i don't love that i have to wake up at like five in the morning no fuck that i don't know we'll see because i do want to i do want to run one like you should but not me but my three miles was enough to kick my ass yeah so um that's where i give up

I ate out twice on freaking Sunday. I ate out a lot, honestly. I've been eating out a lot. Went back to our favorite taco place. I saw your story and I actually was so fucking jealous of you. Did you see how many tacos we... Oh, I don't think I posted the whole thing. No, I saw... How many people were there? Two. Me and my boyfriend, we got 12 tacos. Okay, because I saw like three containers of tacos. And I was like, this bitch went to this taco place with people and didn't invite me. I was like, what a fucking skank. No, I really... Because I thought from the amount of tacos...

I thought there was multiple people there. And I was like, you fucking skank. I was hyping up this place so much to him. It was so good. Did he like it? Oh, he loved it. He was like, okay, I gotta get a lot there. If you're hyping me up that much, I was like, okay. No, it was... It's so good. Yeah. And so my... One thing I love, I bought my house through like a builder. And if you fill out a survey, you had the chance of winning like a $100 Uber Eats gift card. So I won the $100 Uber Eats gift card for my survey submission. So I had $100 in Uber Eats. So I was like...

fine like get as many tacos as you want like whatever and he got he ate them all surprisingly but um i've also been eating out a lot but uh a boy is paying for it so yeah it all works out i think it's called un mundo mundo um it's in the middle of buttfuck nowhere so i don't think it's a great place to go sit and eat

definitely get it for uber eats because it's bomb and you won't regret it let me find the exact name it's like hmm i actually can't find what it's called what's it's at a distillery it's called like fierce it's whiskers my story isn't my favorite atx um atx taco highlight it's something mundo something world that's like what world is in spanish

Damn, this is going to drive me crazy. Un Mundo. It is Un Mundo? Yeah. Why doesn't it come up on Google? Un Mundo de Sabar. Oh, that does come up on Google. Look at the photos of the food on Instagram. It looks so good. Yeah, no, those tacos are like so fucking good. Next time I go out to eat, that's where I'm going to beg to go. Yeah. And then a quick little Monday recap because I figured solar eclipse, might as well talk about it because it was a once in a...

20 year thing so um we have the solar eclipse here in austin and i honestly really don't know any other place that gets it other than i know my brother's back up in um new hampshire vermont area they got to see it but so everyone can see it but the darkness okay from like

Like, from Austin, like, to the northeast. But, like, everyone could see the eclipse. It just didn't get dark, if that makes sense. Like, if you had eclipse glasses, you can see it happen. But we were in the path of totality or whatever the fuck. I literally couldn't even see where the sun was on my balcony. I was like, I don't even know where the sun is. You didn't even want to go see it? No, like, from my balcony, I couldn't see anything.

the sun because it was like so cloudy oh you meant like the sun was like over i think it was though i think it was to make sure both but i saw it get dark i sat outside while it got dark and then everyone was like my cat freaking out he was on the balcony with me staring at the sky like what the fuck i went to i was nervous to honestly leave my dogs at the house because i saw a few tiktoks of saying that dogs like don't react well to it so i was checking on my ring camera to make sure they are okay they were fucking sleeping the whole time

Yeah, your dogs don't. My dogs are dumb. Yeah, they don't know what's going on. Yeah, so I went to this event on a rooftop downtown on Rainy Street. And it was like a whole brunch, like concert type vibes. It was a lot of fun, free food, buffet food. I made myself some breakfast tacos and I had a little croissant. Sat there for a while, did not realize how long until like the actual eclipse was going to happen. And then I was like, oh my God, I'm going to die.

And y'all sitting there with like just a bunch of random ass people. And it's just so funny to see and hear like people talking about traveling for it. They're obsessed. They're obsessed. Like I was sitting next to like this old, like these three old people, older ladies. And they had traveled literally to Austin for it. And I'm like, fuck, I feel so bad for them. Like over a million people. They were like in their like,

I want to say. And like, they're looking forward to it so much. And it was just making me so upset because I was like, fuck, like these ladies traveled here on like a little girl's trip, probably spent thousands of dollars on like travel and they're not even going to see

see it it was so cloudy my brother almost came here for it yeah and he was like oh like glad i didn't go i mean like the darkness was cool oh that was definitely cool but like everyone my family group just like are you ready for the eclipse like that i was like i don't even have glasses like not to be like the most annoying because i know this is cool or whatever like i just like don't care and i'm like i know that that's like wrong but my mom was like you're not having an eclipse party i was like mom like

I don't care. And if I didn't get invited to that event, I probably would have just watched it in my backyard, honestly. Yeah, no, I just sat on my balcony and I could see all the people at the park and that was kind of cool. Yeah. Like, I literally was like, I literally don't care. I hate to break it to y'all. The sun, because I sat outside watching it for maybe an hour and a half leading up to it. And the sun would come out every now and then. But then, I'm not even kidding, 10 minutes before it was supposed to be totality or whatever you call it.

Not a patch in the sky of sun. Like, it was just full clouds. There was nothing. And so the whole city goes dark. Scariest part was honestly, like...

The amount of people screaming in the streets, the cars honking. Fireworks. I felt like we were in, like, a world ending. Like, yeah, purge thing. Because it was, like, sirens, car honking, screaming. I was like, oh, my God. Like, am I going to die? And then, like, the animal noises. Like, the birds started chirping. Because, like, they thought it was, like, the morning. So there was, like, nighttime animal sounds. But then morning animal sounds. It was weird. I don't know. Like, and then my friends are really into, or, like, one of my friends is really into, like,

I don't know. She's like a witch. Like she knows all that like manifestation. Like she's big into all that crap. Not crap. I find it interesting. But I literally texted her. I'm like, we're all like, it's the eclipse. Like what do we do? Like with this new moon shit? Like what do I need to do to like make the most out of the eclipse? It's supposed to be like a re like a new beginning. I don't know. So I feel like my new beginning happened in February. I feel like I have like a new beginning every Monday. Yeah, that's so true.

Yeah, I just don't believe in that shit. But I mean, shout out to the people that do. Like, do you. I don't know. It was definitely weird watching it get dark, but I couldn't tell you what the fuck was going on. Yeah. Um...

But let's get into our little Austin episode. I'm excited to talk about Austin. I love this city. I love Austin so much. Which, speaking of it, it's fucking humid this week. Like, I don't know what's going on with the weather, but it needs to just downpour, get rid of the humidity, and just be back to normal because last week's weather was amazing, and now all of a sudden the humidity is like 80%, and it's cloudy, no sun. I'm over it. I'm very over it, too. It says Thursday is going to be sunny. Yeah. I'll believe it when I see it. So...

I figured we, in last week's episode, we got a lot of questions about Austin specifically. We were going to do like a little bit of an itinerary, but I figured this may be a little bit of a better, well-rounded episode for people that are moving here or people that just moved here or trying to make friends or going on like a little vacation to come here. So yeah, we're going to do a little bit of an itinerary.

We can start off with just going through like favorite coffee shops, brunch spots, date night spots, and then like group spots. And then we can answer like the specific questions. Yeah. Because I honestly kind of like coming at this from a like if you live here kind of like if you just moved here vibe. Because like the weekend, if you're doing like bachelorette party, that's like you're

you can really easily find what you're supposed to do on the internet. On Google. Just literally type in, like, bachelorette party itinerary Austin, Texas. Yeah, like, go on a boat, get a pedal bike. Yeah. Because we don't do that. Like, I don't do the bachelor party stuff here. I live here. I don't do those things. I see them doing it, but, like, I've never done the bike pedal thing. I've never done, like...

like they do the bike the buses yeah the bees buses or whatever they're called yeah with like no roof yeah i just we don't do those things so i can't really give you an answer on a bachelor party but take the restaurant recommendations yeah but like if you just moved here um i feel like we know where to go yeah and my my austin demographic on instagram right now is popping the fuck off so thank you and welcome to everyone if you're new to the podcast and you live in austin i hope this episode can help you out a little bit

But starting off, favorite coffee shops here in Austin? I love, love, love, love, love Joe's on 2nd. Because Joe's coffee is really, really good. But the one on South Congress is very, very packed. Joe's on 2nd.

is chilling. Yeah. I'm a regular at Joe's on second coffee shops outside of the city, summer moon and black rock coffee, both the same vibes. So good. Endless amount of sugar-free syrups. Like the amount of drinks selections you can make if you are health conscious. Oh my God. Their stuff is so good. And summer moon has like their moon milk.

So good. Yeah. Also just like a, for convenience wise cafe at the Lauren, cause it's right next to the trails. So that's a good convenient. Like if you wanted to do coffee and trails, that's a good spot. Cause it's right there. And, um, any locally owned coffee shop that makes their own beans going to be amazing. Medici. Amazing. They make their own beans. Um, where else makes their own beans? There's so many fucking try hard. Yeah. Try hard. Like literally any place,

That has like their own in-house beans being made. Like, do it. And one thing that I've been doing because now I have my own espresso machine is I'll go to those coffee shops just to buy the beans. But like I'll work there, but I'll buy the bag of beans. But I make my own coffees. Drink every time she just said beans. Beans, beans, beans. It like started not to sound like a real word. I know. Favorite brunch and lunch spots. I feel like this is my favorite thing to do. Brunch and lunch is my favorite outing.

interesting yeah i like it better like on the weekends than going to dinner well brunch this is outside the city but colleen's kitchen i went there with my family and i um we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves yeah thoroughly enjoyed ourselves like it was really really good got something different than i got last time and like it got rave reviews from my family it's in mueller i

I feel like I jinxed it last time I told one of my friends to go here, but group therapy for brunch. It's always so quiet up there because it doesn't pop up on like regular apps to find. You can get it on, on Yelp, but it's because it's in a hotel. It's very hard to locate. Like if you type in on Google brunch, it's not going to show up because it's inside a hotel group therapy. Amazing. It's on a rooftop. You can sit inside, outside, but it also has a very, very big back table. So if you have a big group,

It's a great place to go with a big group for brunch or lunch. I also love the well, love the well for brunch and lunch, the well and dinner. I just love the well. The well is like up there in like my top three favorite restaurants in Austin. It's very healthy. I just, I love the well. Yeah. Um, bear cruise is also amazing. They have the, the food trucks.

everywhere but i do recommend the restaurant the restaurant is so good it's in mueller so if you want to do like the farmer's market in mueller and you want to get brunch go to the restaurant i would recommend going to the food truck because then you can get the desnudo coffee and the veracruz tacos i like the food i like the food truck better unpopular opinion but i can't eat tacos with coffee i love the breakfast taco like i like the food truck better yeah that's crazy

It's cheaper at the food truck. Also Cafe Noce on South Congress. Amazing for brunch. Amazing. And Two Hands. Both those are. I think those two restaurants are the best for brunch on South Congress. Would agree. And Cafe Noce. Would agree. I also really like the brunch at Abba. The brunch at Abba I got last weekend was so good. Yeah. And those are all like right next to each other. Can't go wrong with brunch on South Congress honestly at like any place. But if you go to Cafe Noce you need to get a pastry. Yes. Yes.

Oh, my God. You have to get one. And then we can go into date night spots. We didn't go here for a date night spot, but we went for a girl's night. It's Poeta. It's an Italian restaurant. I would love to go back there for a date night. Italian food. Very intimate. Very small. Close seating. Yeah.

I think the food was amazing there. Another place is Elementary. I went there for Valentine's Day with my boyfriend. I'm actually going back there on Thursday. I thought you didn't like it. Well, I didn't like it because someone spilled, like, salt on it. I think the food itself was, like, good. Their gnocchi was so good. But I'm actually going back there on Thursday, so I'm going to be giving them a second chance. Okay. I have, like, an event there, so I can't really tell them that I...

Hated my first experience, but I'm going to give it a second shot. But I did think the food was really good. Okay. I'm trying to think of where else I've gone. Ooh, Azov. Amazing. It's like a mix of Mediterranean and like, I don't even fucking know what the acute type of food is, but it's so good. If you just want to do drinks on a date, Garage Bar is like dark, moody, like sexy vibes. I don't think I'd go on a first date there because it's really, really dark. So you literally might...

be like what does this man even look like um but it's it's a nice like intimate cool vibe that is a cool date spot i also when i always forget the name of this place but i'm going to find it for y'all because i went on one date here and i was like wow this is a uh like awesome date spot it's a speakeasy and it's next to trulux and i don't fucking know what it's called but speakeasy

It's not here nor there. I don't, damn, I don't fucking know what it's called. Okay. Well, it's right next to True Lux. Dumont's Down Low. That's what it's called. Dumont's Down Low. Like couch seating. And it was like empty when I went on the weekend. So I feel like it's a low key spot. The drinks were really good. Yeah. I had a good date there. Sounds good.

Um, obviously ABBA can never go wrong with ABBA. I love going there, um, for date nights for special occasions. Cause it's very, very hard to get a reservation there. You got to book out in advance. Um,

Ooh, Lynn's is also amazing. Lynn's, their dumplings are so good. It's over on 5th Street next to... Actually, that whole area of restaurants is so good. You got Bar Peach. You got Lynn's. Clark's. You got Clark's. You got Rosie's Wine Bar. And...

Pecan Calf. I haven't been to Pecan Calf, but I've seen their menu. It looks really good. But that whole entire area is really good. Yeah, I was also going to say any of the oyster places, Clark's, Perla's, Bill's Oysters. I like an oyster date where it's like chill food. You're not getting like huge entrees. You're just...

A little bit of wine, maybe a spritz, some oysters. Ooh. Another really good day night spot is Flow Wine Bar. I need to go there. Oh, it's so fucking good. You go... I talked about this a few weeks ago, but for anyone that's like obviously new...

It's a order at the counter place. So you order your wine at the counter, you can go sit down and then you go back up, go order your food at the counter and you get a little cue card thing, but it's very elevated. It's not cat. Like it is casual, but like you can dress nice for a date night and still go there and not feel like you're like sticking out like a sore thumb. Like why am I so dressed up? Cause it's like pizza and wine. It's a whole wine bar. Um,

Pizza is amazing. Honestly, as of right now, I've gone to quite a bit of pizza places now. And I have to say, I think it's the best pizza place that I've been to. All Day Pizza. They also have one in Daydreamers cocktail bar on the east side. But for pizza, La Volta, Samarados, and All Day Pizza are my top three favorites. I love Samarados.

That shit is so good. Are we also doing date nights that aren't like food? Yeah, just throw them in there. I love going to Peter Pan mini golf. Oh, yeah. I've gone on Peter Pan mini golf on a date twice. And I just like doing an activity on a date because when you're doing something. Yeah. But...

It teaches you so much about how a man acts, like how competitive they are. Like, are they good at sports? Are they like, I don't know. I just like feel like I see a lot of someone's personality and how they do things. Another date wreck is to go to Mavericks dance hall. It's South. It's in Buda.

And go to two-stepping lessons. That'll also teach you a lot about a guy. But that is so fun. That is so fun. And I feel like this is a rec for anyone, literally anywhere on where you live. But going to the movies and the Cheesecake Factory all in one night. Best date night. So good. But then...

I don't really know what else is, like, a great date night. I personally just love going and bar hopping on a date night. Like, I think that's so fun. Getting drunk. I like getting a nice drink. Yeah, like, it's just a great vibe. But there's obviously so much you can do sober, which I feel like we can get into. Yeah. Well, these restaurants, you can also just do dinner. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So facts. For, like, mini golf, I did sober. Yeah, so...

I'm going to skip ahead and ask this question because this has to do with activities and like DNA substance or whatever. But get the question a lot of Lake Austin, Lake Travis or Lady Bird Lake. And I feel like we could break down each lake and what they're meant for and then talk about the activities on each lake.

Lake Travis is the farthest. It's the biggest. They are all attached to each other, but they are all divided through dams. So you can't just travel through one and get to the next, but they are all attached. This is just dams between them all. Lake Travis is about 45 minutes away. It's the biggest lake. It is meant for all aspects. Surfing, the party cove,

Jet skis. Jet skis. You're not really going to be like paddle boarding. Yeah, you're not really paddle boarding, I guess, out there. But yeah, so honestly, the only reason I'll go out there is if I'm going to the Devil's Cove and I'm partying it up on that lake because I can get the water 10 minutes away from me if I just wanted to be casually on the water. So Lake Travis is definitely a spot for if you are going to go day drink, be on a boat,

meet strangers, tie up with other boats. Like that's the vibe of Lake Travis. And then Lake Austin right next to the city. You can still definitely party on a boat. You can, I've gotten litty on a Lake Travis boat, but you're going to do a little less of the big party where every boat is partying together. Like it's, it's definitely more chill. You're not going to tie up with

Boats that all have 50 people on them. They're smaller boats. It's more chill, but you can definitely get Liddy on a boat. Don't underestimate it, but it's not like a Lake Travis party. Yeah, for the most part,

majority of the boats on Lake Austin aren't really rentals. Like there are a few select rental companies that you can go through on Lake Austin, but for the most part, like I just know a lot of our friends have boats on like, whether it's their parents or themselves that have boats on Lake Austin, just because it's a very neighborhood-y like lake, a lot of houses, not as many marinas as Lake Travis. Yeah. But I've done like,

They have like single story barges. I've done those on Lake Austin and then we've done like wakeboard boats and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. That's what we've done on Lake Austin. So it's a little more tame. And then Lady Bird is like,

Super, super tame. That is where you're doing your paddle boarding, your kayaks. You can do little like donut boats where you just like cruise. The vibe is just cruise. In Lady Bird Lake, you're not really putting your head in the water. No. So on these other lakes, you're wake surfing. You're going down slides. You're doing the damn thing. You're laying on a lily pad. You're pulling out all the stops. On Lady Bird Lake, you're not going in the water. Don't do it. You're going on boats.

probably like in clothes, like not even in a bathing suit just to like enjoy the scenery. And if you're paddle boarding and if you've seen us in the water paddle boarding, we don't really submerge our head. Just a weird thing about the water. I don't know. It's just not the vibe. Yeah, like where we're going when we're paddle boarding is a sandbar. So you literally paddle maybe 20 feet

into the water and you're at a sandbar and we just hang out and drink yeah you just hang out and drink you chill you just chill there yeah majority of the time honestly we don't even drink i'm just there for the vibes yeah it's too chaotic to drink it gets chaotic on that lake but there's some really cute things to do the little like duffy boats the donut boats they're really really cute and really fun yeah

Um, so yeah, those are like the vibes for those three lakes. Choose to do whatever you want, but if you want a good date night, like activity for yourself, I really want to do this. There's one rental company in particular. I don't know the name of it, but it's where the retro boats are and they allow dogs on it. So you can get a date night boat, sunset cruise, your full like

captain of the boat it's a very small like little boat but you can bring your dogs on it and i want to do it so badly i did a little donut boat with my parents it was on lake austin but far up but they have them on ladybird and on it i was like oh my god this would be the cutest date because like they set it up for you they like have it all cute um so i think that'd be a really really cute date yeah do a little donut boat yeah you drive it yourself so it's very like

It's not just you two and a driver. Yeah. Those are so awkward. You chill. You're alone. You're totally alone. Mm-hmm. Let's see what else questions I got. Yeah.

best places to go shopping in austin texas i love this question because i love to shop um there are quite a few boutiques that i really really like here in austin one of them that i just discovered is on south congress it's called the cove it's right next to someone so good i went there like a few weeks ago and it got a bunch of stuff and then i went back the other day when i was on south congress there's not the cutest things like if you need an occasion-based outfit you got to go there because not everyone's gonna like

Everyone shops at Princess Polly. Everyone shops at White Box. Everyone shops at those basic online stores. So if you want something that's going to stand out, go there. Stuff is so cute. Yeah, there's also a boutique that we went in that one time. It's called Maya or something. That we're like, oh, the stuff in here is kind of cute. I think it's closed. Oh, is it? Is it on the back, like off the road, off of South Congress? No. Oh. I'll tell you if it's closed. No, I think it's open. Oh. We went in it one time and they had kind of cute shirts and stuff. This place is...

Do you recognize it? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That place. But, yeah, South Congress has, like, I mean, all the fucking stores. It does. If you're looking for the basic Austin shoes, hats, like, anything you can... Boots. Boots. Anything you think of Austin or think of Texas, like, you can find it on there. It's a very touristy road. But there are little, like, antique places in there, too. And, like, what's the word I'm looking for? Like, home decor? Like, artwork? Yeah.

Yeah, like knickknacks. Knickknack places. Yeah, so that's a great place to go shopping. Another boutique I like is Stella Dallas on what? Second Street. And then it's also down the street from Urban Outfitters. Oh, bro, I fucking love Urban. So on that road, there's Stella Dallas. There's Lux Apothecary. There's like an Austin gift shop. There's Urban Outfitters. There's a Francesca's. There's quite a bit of shopping you can do on Second Street. There's a sneaker store.

yeah and then for the most part it's common sense if you want to shop anywhere else you can go to the domain or the mall um depending on the vibe what you're looking for i personally like to go to the domain i love the domain it's one of those places where it's like if you're looking for something specific you're probably not gonna find it like anytime i go there looking for something specific i'm not gonna find it like i go there to just shop yeah but i love walking the domain yeah it's nice

um next question is how to make friends in austin texas i have never as someone who it takes who is like a struggle who struggles to make friends i feel like i'm you can trust and believe when i say this is a very easy place to make friends such an easy i made a friend literally like last week i like got coffee and like walked with like

A girl to mutual friends, like whatever. Like it's so easy to make make friends. And the true, true way, like we say on here all the time, is to say yes to like everything you're invited to. You need to just go to things. And the one perk about this city is everyone for the most part just moved here. So everyone's open to making friends. I've had bad experiences with people that actually live here that aren't open minded to making friends. So if someone's from Texas or

like I don't really know if they're as open as someone who just moved here so it's very easy with the people that just moved here as well to make friends that's just one thing I've noticed and realized like because a lot of the people that live here still like have their high school friends have their college friends so like they're not as open to making friends but yeah for the most part 90% of the people living in the city and going out aren't even from here and it's a very

It's a very small city, even though there's so many people here. If you... I feel like you'd almost have to try to not know a bunch of people. Everyone knows everyone. If you go to a gym, like, if you started going to Lift ATX, like, oh, my God. Like, everyone goes there. But it's, like, you can meet so many people at the gym. And then before you know it, someone... You see someone from the gym out, and they're with someone you know. Like, you just realize that everyone knows everyone. Like, someone from dance, like...

that I wouldn't even think in the same world was like, Oh, you know, so-and-so I work with him. And I was just like, okay, God. And I'm just like, what the hell? Like small world, like wouldn't even think you would know who that is. Yeah. But okay. Weird. Um, but it's just like putting yourself out there. I kind of made, I made a TikTok about this, like in referring to dating, but same thing happens with the friend thing. Like,

just got to be out there like me and sam would go to bars just us two and like fuck shit up and talk to random people and like go paddleboarding just us and i feel like for a lot of people it'd be like well why are we just gonna go paddleboarding like just us we don't have a friend group like bro we you see so many of that though when you go out there yeah yeah there's oh like there's so many just like two girls but i think for how many we see there's probably more people too like that don't

like doing that or like think that they like need to know a million people. We would go paddleboarding and talk to everyone. Yeah. Talk to everyone and like talk to people. Like we met one girl. We're not friends with anymore, but like she was wearing a UF. I went to UF like, okay, say something like, so talk about it. Everyone here is so open that like genuinely, I feel like you don't even need that much advice. Like just,

literally leave your house. Yeah. And like in terms of like being active too. So run clubs are crazy here. Taylor does dance. Yeah. There's

Like, sport leagues. Like, pick up football, pick up soccer, volleyball. I did kickball. There are so many leagues that you can sign up for and make friends that way. Or, like, the run clubs. Run clubs are fucking free. Even if you don't love running, there are plenty of run clubs that are so casual, so laid back. You can walk the run club. Like, you can get away with doing that. The Mother's Run Crew, that happens once a month. Girls-only run club on Thursday nights.

there's a run crew for five miles and then a run crew for three miles and then a walk crew that walks about two miles so that by the time you do the two miles that everyone ran you get back around the same time and it's like everyone's becoming friends with everyone like the amount of people now that I know from running that I'm running on the trail and I bump into someone I know like

It's just a great way to get yourself out there. Agree. Like I've made the like I've met the nicest, like best girls through dance. And it's like my ex-boyfriend met all his friends doing kickball like and they're all still friends. And I feel like you have to let go of I don't know. I think when you're coming out of college, when like the only cool thing to do is like parties.

You have to get over the little bit of like, yeah, maybe like slight embarrassment that it's like you're going to join an adult kickball league. I think people think of that as almost like they think it's lame. Yeah. To be like, oh, you really want me to go play kickball. But it's like we're not in college anymore. We're like just going out is going to suffice. Like you need to fucking do things. Also, another thing, too, is put the ego aside of like, I'm not going to get hinged. I'm not going to download a dating app.

If you think, like, oh, yeah, you don't want to meet anyone, like, you don't want to marry someone through fucking Hinge, like, whatever. Put that aside. If you are new to a city, the best way to just even know of people is dating apps. Like, the amount of guys that, like, I've been comfortable enough to just, like, have a conversation with out in public because, like, I saw them on Hinge or we matched on Hinge. Maybe I don't actually see anything different.

with that person but just knowing that like we know of each other is a great way you can go on a date and maybe not hit it off emotionally in like that way but maybe now you're good friends from it like put the ego aside because i see so many people or like i'll talk to people about hinge and they'll be like i just i know my man's not on that app okay but like but why like it does but either way it's like that doesn't really matter like you can use hinge to make guy friends and and it just like um

like i'll use an example like right now like right i'm talking to a guy off hinge we have mutual friends maybe through like us going on dates on hinge like let's say we end up never dating ever maybe i kind of like they're guys i kind of know maybe i know them more they like go out on boats maybe i go out on their boat and like now like i kind of end more friends with this friend group that i've sent my i knew them a little bit but now i match with this guy and maybe now i hang out with these people like maybe that comes out of it like something can come out of it where you meet

someone somehow i got because i posted a tiktok responding to a comment being like how do you get dates and i said the whole like the you can't be looking is bullshit like you do need to be out looking you need to be on hinge you need to be at the bar so you need to fucking meet people you need to be like you can't meet people on your fucking couch and i got a comment like yeah it's like i would never get a dating app and like put in the work okay so be alone i don't like

I don't know what to tell you. Like, so then don't, but also like if you want to go on first dates, like,

Do you think they're just going to enter your apartment? Yeah. And ask you on a date? Or, like, magically get your phone number? Like, it's sad. Guys nowadays don't have the confidence just to walk right up to you and be like, you are gorgeous. I want to take you on a date. It just... It doesn't work like that nowadays. Social media is such a big thing. Like, our parents. How do you think they all met? Yeah, because they were at bars, went up to each other, were like, you're gorgeous. I would love to take you out. That's just not as common here. And... But Hinge...

Like I said in my TikToks, it's like a good middleman. I'm going on dates with this guy. I met him at the bar first, and then you meet on Hinge, and you already have your foot in the door. You're like, hey, we met last weekend. Or opposite, you match on Hinge. You both already have an understanding that you're both single and think each other's hot. Maybe you see him out now. He talks to you. It's a good foot in the door situation of just having conversation. It's just, yeah, you need to be not so...

like set in your ways i agree um what are other great ways to make friends i mean if you're really going you can do the bumble bff route but like like i said i made i got coffee with this girl because we had like mutual followers yeah and she just dm'd me and it's like okay like everyone knows everyone like charlotte that's going to walk like fuck it um definitely social media is a good way like it is like like it can be weird like i definitely can understand it being weird like signing into another girl's dms but like

I don't know. I think getting older for me is realizing that everyone's been there. Yeah. Like everyone's been in a situation where you don't think you have fucking friends and you just want friends. And like when a girl's just like, hey, like I think we'd vibe. Do you want to get going to walk? Yeah. Like it's like...

Like, why not? And I think getting over that, like, ooh, that's weird. Because I was like that. My mom would tell me to do that. And I was like, are you crazy? No one does that. And it's like, no, it's actually not that weird. And, like, most... I don't know girls that are like, oh, my God, I would hate to have another friend. Like, no one thinks that. Yeah. Like...

No one's like, oh, wow. Also being open to having, like I've said this a million times, be open to having those surface level friends. So that way you are able to meet so many people and find like those deep rooted friends. Because if it wasn't like one of my closest girlfriends now, like I was friends with her on a surface level vibe with like other people. And it came to the point where like, fuck, look, we are actually so similar now.

Like, and developed, like, a deeper friendship. And that would have never have happened if we weren't surface-level friends for, like, a while. Like, be okay with, like, just being friends with people at parties and big gatherings. And, like, you will eventually hit it off with a bunch of people. Like, I feel like after living here for three years and having so many surface-level group friends that I kind of, like, worked my way through, I'm now in a place where, like, I found those, like,

good ass people that I want to be hanging out with and like surrounding myself with. Like it takes a while. You're not going to have your like best friends like right away. And it shouldn't look bad too that like, like you say that a lot. It's like, oh wow. Like I've kind of like hopped from like groups to groups to kind of like figure it out. But it's like,

If I didn't do that, that's not how I would have made those other friends. It was, I mean, it was also natural progression. It's not like you just texted them one day, like, bye, I'm done with y'all. It naturally happens. And I think like people put a lot, a lot of pressure on the, like, you don't want friends that you just go out and drink with a hundred percent. You don't want that. But guess what? The unfortunate truth of how being like 20 something years old in the city is it's really, really easy to start being friends by going out and drinking together. It's very easy. And if that's the way you start being friends with someone, that's not bad.

Yeah. I feel like people put such like shame on it. Like they're just like your drinking friends. Like, okay, they might start out like that cause they invite you to get drinks, but like you can't, I don't know. You're not going to go from strangers to like bestie sleepovers one day to the next. Like it's okay if you just see each other at bars for a second. Yeah. Cause you got to feel them out. You got to feel them out. You got to catch the vibe. Like you're just not going to be best friends right away. I know. Um, my next one is what do we think Austin is missing? Um,

the beach yeah facts austin is definitely missing more of those like not necessarily upscale restaurant i was just gonna say that the trendy places like give me an irwan give me like another type of like abba like give me like those like more elevated type places like put a nobu in here yeah like i'm

I'm getting older. I need more of those places. I wish we had, even though I'm not one for like clubs, I think it'd be fun if there was the option of like the more club scene. Oh yeah. Like one strip of roads, just clubs, like more clubs, not because we go to bars and there's no, I think it'd be interesting to go to have more of a club scene. I agree.

But I don't even know if I would like it that much. But I think what happens is the bars would actually get more chill. Because some of these bars are supposed to be chill. But I think it's like people in here want to be at a club. And they're not at a club because we don't have those. I know. I feel like give it two years. Yeah, maybe. There will be a strip of clubs. But in two years, I hope I ain't going out like that. Yeah, I don't want to go to clubs. I'm slowly settling down. I'm in my...

housewife era housewife era last question i have is when is the best time of year to be visiting austin if you're gonna be visiting austin and i will have to say may to june and football season i would i was gonna say from now till june till end football season yeah i was gonna say that same like if you're very into football obviously austin's very into football big football city like

Lots of football bars, lots of things to do for football during football season. And then obviously I think the summer is just a little bit too hot. Like, yeah, it's great to be outside, but you're going to need to be by the water the entire weekend you're here. So try to get it out of the way. If you're going to come visit from like May to June, because once July comes around, you're going to be outside. Yeah.

Like, panting, walking a block. All the outdoor bars, the domain, the outdoor restaurants, you're not going to want to go. Yeah. Like, you won't be able to go. Yeah. Even at the beginning of football season, like, I'm sweating my ass off at those bars, watching the game in the middle of the day. I'm like, fuck. So, yeah, definitely not in the middle of the summer. Yeah, not in the middle of the summer and not where it's too cold to do, like, a boat. Oh, yeah. And one last question.

plain obvious is where to stay when you visit. I just tell anyone literally anywhere within 10 minutes of downtown. Like, yeah, if you're wanting something really fucking cheap, like, yeah, obviously you're going to have to go a little bit more outside the city, but realistically, like it may be worth it just to be downtown because you can walk downtown. You can, you have everything in walking distance for yourself. You're going to be saving money on the Ubers. Yeah. The living experience is going to be a little bit more expensive, but just,

Go downtown. I 100% would say stay downtown because, yeah, like, you're just close to everything that way. Yeah.

you can walk everywhere and it's not even that pricey like um i've had people come to visit and they stayed at like a nice hotel downtown they're like this is the cheapest one so like keep an eye on you know prices for hotels fluctuate she's like this was literally the cheapest one i'm like wow really that one's kind of nice but like you just happen to be as long as it has a pool make sure it has a pool if you're coming in the hot weather has to have a pool because if it doesn't have a pool then don't stay there but yeah i would 100 stay at a hotel um downtown and if you're going to do an airbnb just stay really close yeah

And maybe rent a car. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you could Uber, but... I did that once before I visited, and it was kind of a nightmare being trapped in the house, knowing that I had to Uber every time I needed to. Yeah, I would stay in a hotel downtown, honestly. Yeah. Like Ubering to the grocery store for your Airbnb? No, I would stay in a hotel downtown. I think that's the best way to go. Yeah. 100%. Yeah. And there's not really a bad place. Just stay downtown. I agree. Yeah.

But yeah, that's about it for me. I feel like everything else, like if you are truly looking to make like an itinerary for yourself, if you're visiting or even if you did just move here and you're looking for a place to eat, I feel like my Instagram is very organized. I have a ATX foods highlight, ATX taco highlight, ATX drinks highlight, ATX coffee highlight and things to do in Austin highlight. So you can check those out as well because I feel like my Instagram is pretty organized. It is. Yeah.

it's very organized oh i'm tired my legs are fucking cramping i need my second coffee oh my god my legs my calves today from that run y'all oh my god dude my from running my calves are like popping in i could imagine because you already had the biggest calves on tiktok i know dude don't forget that um i woke up i thought i was gonna be in more pain than i was because i don't

It was so out of my comfort zone. And I did like nine minute miles. Like when I do 10. Yeah. That's pretty good for me. Definitely easier to run when you're running with someone. Oh, that's the only way I did it. We were chit chatting and then I was like, it was fine. I had one, one headphone playing music all out and chit chatting. And then I was. Fighters.

I was good, but I was dying. Yeah, definitely. But I think I did better than him. I think from now on, because it's been so humid with my running, I'm going to be checking the humidity for the weather before I actually go on my run. Oh, it sucked. It was bad. Like, I need to, like, I just, now that it's so hot, I have to actually be paying attention to the weather and revolving my running around the weather. It was awful.

Because this week I wanted to run like 10 miles again. I was going to do it yesterday, but I fucking went to Mueller and I thought the loop was going to be longer. It was only like four mile loop. So I was like, I was gassing you up. I was like, cause I was like, I need water. He was like, Oh, I hope I wish you brought, I thought you're going to bring a water bottle. I was like, no, I was like, I just need to get like, I was like, bro, like my friend, friend, she's like a runner, dude. So she runs like camelback. She brings his little gels. Okay.

Speaking of running here I was like she's a fucking runner Dude speaking of running here I got running sunglasses And my boyfriend made fun of me so bad I said you had sunglasses I thought I made that up Do you have sunglasses? No I returned them Cause he made fun of you? Cause he bullied me

I don't like a man that doesn't support your goals. No. No, I was guessing you up. I was like, you should literally see like she runs like 10 miles like an eight minute, but like she's a camelback. Like this is, I was like, we're so pathetic. I was definitely like a little insecure about the glasses as is. And he was making fun of me. I was like, fuck, I need to get rid of these. Oh my God. No, to be fair, I'm going to buy a better pair. I think I'm going to buy like, like an actual pair. Cause I bought them on Amazon. Like Oakley's. Yeah. Like a type like that. But yeah, I returned them. Oh, I know. No, I literally was like,

I was literally like, oh, I wish she passed me in here. I would have been like, look at me go so fast. Yeah. No, I was like, people, like the guys that started like kind of when we started, bro, they were so far ahead of us. Like we were pitiful. Oh God. We were pitiful. Like they were going so fast. We started, he goes, says it's an 11 minute pace. I was like, oh, pick it up. And we started going fast.

Damn. And then we were flying. Yeah, I'm going to try to run on Thursday. 10 miles. I don't ever want to run ever again. It all depends on the weather. I think I have now committed myself that they think I'm now their running partner. And I'm like... Thursday is going to be 81. I don't think this is going to be a big habit of mine. But maybe occasionally.

Trying to check the humidity right now. The humidity right now is 80. Dude, that's fucking nuts, bro. It's so like wet. It's like sticky and wet. Oh my God. It's literally going to be 70% humidity on Thursday. I'm telling you. It dips down to 20. Fuck yeah. It was literally wet and gross and I swallowed a bug.

All right. Well, the sun's out, which makes me happy. Yeah, thank God. But that's about it for me. Hope you guys enjoyed this episode. This was a fucking long one. Very. I'm hungry now. Okay. Bye, guys.