cover of episode One Thing About TikTok Boys and Our Toxic Ex Boyfriends

One Thing About TikTok Boys and Our Toxic Ex Boyfriends

Publish Date: 2024/3/6
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One Thing About Us

Shownotes Transcript

What's up, you guys? Welcome back to another episode. I'm Sam. And I'm Taylor. We, at the end of this episode, were inspired by the TikTok trend that's like things our exes did and we stayed and we're gonna just expose ourselves. Yeah. For times we were dumb bitches. I know. So, I don't even know if I would... Yeah, I would say insecure. I was insecure. Insecure, but also you're just a little blinded. Yeah. You're a little blinded. Not even though because I saw it firsthand and I still was like, I still love you. Yeah. You just like...

You just like kind of outweigh it with the pros. I know. And I feel like anyone listening to this right now, they're going through it with their boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever it is. If you're experiencing the things that we're saying, get out. I'm telling you right now, like get out. They're so niche. They're so specific. I know. I know. I wonder if like if I was dating a girl, if she would.

act the way my exes have acted. I feel like girls... Like, yeah, like, do you think girl to girls, like, they are, like, shitty to each other? Okay, part of me wants to say no. I feel like girls just have the common sense. Girls do have common sense, but girls are also catty bitches. Yeah. I guess it would be different. I don't know if...

like lesbian girls are as catty though as straight girls because i feel like a lot of the cat no that's what i'm saying girls but it all in all all i know about females is females are fucking catty so i can see a girl and girl relationship being like like really toxic yeah because think about maybe like girls are crazy like think about some of our like most like crazy girlfriends like i don't know think of two of them dating okay here's the thing

Of all of the girl-to-girl relationships that I've seen, they just look so happy together. But so do most people. I guess that's true.

And you never know. I guess. Anyways, we'll get more into this topic. Are you in a lesbian relationship? Comment on our post if you are happier. Dude, we should do another episode where we have them submit things of the toxic stuff so we can kind of get an outsider perspective. I would love that. Maybe next episode they can send in. Yeah.

And we can react. Yeah. Like a part two. I agree. Cool. But anyways, what's one thing about you? I wrote it down this time this week. I love that. I know. I've been slacking, guys. One thing about me... You used to be queen of writing shit down and now you come in here all like willy nilly. Well, I've been fucking all over the place the last two months. So one thing about me is that I did not go to the bars this week and I am so proud of myself and it just felt so wholesome. I feel like a fucking mom. Like...

hosting one night and then just going to get a sunset cocktail and going home the next to go home to my little sons. Like, I feel like a mom. And I hope we do that all the time. Yeah. It feels so good. Love. I know. One thing about me is I got a tattoo. Woo!

Yeah, she did get a tattoo. I just had the tattoo itch, so I did it up, and it actually didn't hurt at all. That was probably the least painful tattoo I've ever gotten. I feel like my back spine one didn't hurt as bad as all the other places I've gone. This shit did not hurt at all. How did you... Oh, you laid. I saw your video. Yeah, well, I was wearing a bodysuit, so we came back home, and I was like, wait, let me grab a t-shirt, because a t-shirt, I can move my back. I can't even take off a bodysuit to see my back. Yeah.

started like changing to a t-shirt and like it was definitely weird trying to get it all situated but yeah i really liked it was kind of impromptu decision it's a palm tree on the side the left side of my back and i just kept looking because there's so many different styles of it i'm like don't want it like this don't want it like that and then i just know what the tattoo at least for me i mean they're very serious a very permanent get what you know you like once you get it

You love it. But all those little details where you're like, oh, do I want that? Like, I don't fucking remember. Yeah. Oh, 100%. When I was designing, like, the one on my back, I could not tell you the other designs that, like, I had. That's what I'm saying. Or, like, I thank God he was like, do you want it here? And I asked to move it. And I always feel like the biggest pain, even though...

They know that you're getting something permanent. And they probably had way more picky people come in. Right. It's one singular fucking palm tree. And I'm like, oh, do you mind moving it? And he's like, yeah. Like, that's why we're... That's literally the whole point. And thank God I did because I like it where it is. But...

yeah i got tattoo so fun yeah um what or i guess i can go because you just went favorites of the week um my favorite of the week is first pool day of the summer and i know i know i'm saying summer and you guys are probably like what yeah i'm calling this summer like weekend summers that's all it is it's not fully summer yet but i have my weekend summers back because it's

I'm not going to be treating the middle of the week like the summer until it's actually summer. And then I'll be like, okay, Tuesday, who wants to go to the pool? But for right now, weekends at the pools. Great. Great. I loved it. My favorite's a book and it's called If He Had Been With Me. I don't know the author, but it's really popular. There's also a sequel that just came out. I haven't read it. So good. Incredibly sad at the end. I think a singular tear fell from my eye. It was really sad, but it was really good. If He Had Been With Me.

uh really cute it's like high schoolers um it's just cute it's really good nice yeah it's on kendall unlimited i'm trying to read on kendall unlimited only because i pay ten dollars a month for free unlimited books so i'm trying not to buy other books yeah it's really hard because i keep looking at books that i want and they're not on kendall unlimited but i'm trying to be smart

when you move into your new place you're gonna have a bookshelf but i don't have like a cutesy one i don't have that many books yeah i guess unless people like buy me books even though i did get a signed copy of a book with my name in it yeah you did it's kind of sick you have like three of that book i have two now two now two oh because i remember you had like a bunch of those books down in the different book okay

i was like damn she's gotta love books yeah it was like an accident i like ordered a bunch but anyways yeah that book is really good y'all should read it yeah um hot gossip of the week we got a lot to get into we have something that i brought up at sam's house because it came up on the news and i just wanted to make sure you were aware of it because i think yeah what were we watching like e-news or something some shit whatever's on before the bachelor yeah christian cavallari and the fucking montana boys i

Okay, so I thought last night when we were talking about it that she was 38. She's 42, you said. She's 43 and he's 24. That, honestly, going to the 40s makes a huge difference. Like, I think they can kind of get away with it and she's in her 30s. But the fact that she's 40... You said three? Yeah. I'm drawing a blank. That's nuts. Yeah, let me... She's hot, though. Like, she's so hot. No, she's so hot, but she looks not in a bad way. Oh, it says 37. I saw 43. Oh, okay.

Oh, thank God we fact-checked. Yeah. Okay, I saw something that said 43. Okay. I saw... Like, I didn't pull that out of my ass. So I... Okay, that's a little bit better. 37 is definitely better because that's a five-year difference. But the thing I will say is seeing the clips of her children, I guarantee her children are, what, 15 years younger than that Montana boy? I think for me, it's not so much the age. It's that...

That's clearly an immature TikTok-ing 24-year-old. Yeah. You know? It's... Like, wouldn't you... I guarantee she's just having fun. Like, she's not taking it too serious. Like, she's kind of fucking around. Maybe. And I saw... I'm kind of like, ew. I think it's weird. But then I saw TikToks of women the same age being like, way to fucking show out for like the 40-year-old women, like 37. Like, just that age range of like getting the fucking hot young kid. And I'm like, honestly, I could see that. But I just...

I feel like once you're almost 40, like, don't you see that as a child? I also wouldn't want to, because I have two younger brothers, I would not want to go for a man even five years younger than me because that's, like, my youngest brother. Like, my youngest brother is, like, a baby to me. So I can't even imagine dating his friends or, like, that pool of age group. That's weird. And to go younger? They're just the cringiest TikTokers, and that's making it worse. It's not some 24-year-old, like...

Who's so mature and this, that, and the other. It's a 24-year-old who makes the cringiest TikToks you've ever seen in your life. And that's tough. What I imagine is going on, on the back ends of things, is he is treating her like a fucking princess. Like, all obsessed. Like, he's just, like, Google-ized. Probably. That's like any man's dream. Like, a hot 40-year-old. Exactly. Yeah. So she's just loving it. Like, he's probably, like, taking her out, paying for everything. Although she doesn't need it because she's a fucking, like... Yeah, she's rich. She's set. She's set.

But like she's probably just having so much fun that it doesn't even matter what his age is or anything. She doesn't see anything long term with him. I could see that. This is definitely a fling. I could see that. But it's so public. Yeah.

Is it publicity? I mean, no. They only made, what, like, three TikToks together? But, like, it's, like, on Instagram. And she's like, he makes me the happiest girl. Yeah, they're probably fucking... I bet you she, because she knows how to do... She's been on reality TV. She's done it all. So she probably knows how to work the social media game. So she's probably doing it on purpose. But it's weird because he's not that famous. No. He's, like...

It's a very niche group of people that will understand it. Yeah, so it's not like... If you're on TikTok, you know who that is. But if you're not... See, but I only knew who this guy was a week ago. Oh, really? I've seen those boys. I don't know his name, but I just know he's part of that clique. I've only seen that group the last few... They've recently come up a lot. Yeah. And now that I've looked for this, they're always on my fucking For You page where they all stand in a line and sing a song. Yeah, that's all they do. That's all they do. Honestly... It's crazy how far looks can get you.

It's so crazy. That's the same thing. Oh my god, guys, sorry. I have like a hair in my eye, so if I'm like on camera like looking like I'm dying, I'm just trying to get it out. Ignore me. My thing says it has three minutes left. Oh no. You guys, I'm sorry. This is not going to be able to go to YouTube because my dumb ass just fucking deleted the clip from before this, so...

the video is starting fresh like this anyways it's all right it is what it is anyways what we were saying i mean to you guys we haven't left but to us we've been gone for like five minutes we had a little uh scenario um i was saying these looks with these tiktokers bobby whatever and connor oh yes that they just stand in front of the camera yeah at least these montana boys like they

Like, they think it out, which I respect. They put a little effort. And the comments being like, I can picture them being like, yo, bro, like, you didn't do this right. Or like, yo, bro, like, get in line. Like, I can picture them, like, choreographing their little fucking videos. But these other boys, they just stand there. I know. They just literally press play.

And just look at them. And girls just fucking fall for it. They love it. I'm sorry, but like, can we stop hyping men up so much on TikTok? They just don't deserve it. It's like so cringe. I just think that we need more of the hyping up of each other. Stop hyping up the men. I just like, I don't think I've ever commented on a man's TikTok being like, like,

Just like one of those like thirsty comments. Oh, I do. You do? But not on videos like that. Yeah. No, that's what I'm saying. Like videos like that. It has to be very niche. There's very. Yes. I have. Like Joey DeLopio. That guy. Oh, I used to be so thirsty in his comments. I'm so thirsty in comments. And my TikTok man. One of you commented on something. You know who it is. The guy that sings that I'm in love with. Okay. That I would marry on the spot. He liked my Instagram story the other day. He did. Does he follow you?

Oh, I didn't know this. Because I'm always in his comments. Oh. I'm like, hey, King. Well, no, that's not what I say. I'll give song requests. I'm like, give the best taste in music. Because we have the same taste in music. And as we discussed in the Love Language episode, that just melts me. I'm like, you have great music taste. And he's like, send more song suggestions. So I'll send songs. And he posted something about how the weather in New York was so bad. I'm like, it's sunny and 75 in Austin, buddy. Get your ass on a plane.

Damn, that crazy. Yeah, it just depends, I guess, on the man that you can thirst trap over. I wouldn't thirst. No, what's the right word for that? Actually, no, there's a guy that I used to thirst over. Remember that baseball boy in college was so hot?

There's so many, Taylor. No, you would know him if I saw... If I showed you, you would know. Yeah, but you have, like, a list of maybe 10 fucking baseball college boys. No, but if I showed you this guy, this... That's so true. If I showed you, it was, like, from a while ago, you would know. He has a girlfriend now. But I have to do it, and I try to comment something, like, semi-funny. Yeah. Like, I'm not just gonna be, like, hard-eyes. Yeah. I have to comment something kind of funny. Yeah, it has to be very niche. Like, it has to be a video of, like, a guy cooking or, like, cleaning or just...

But dancing videos? Can we stop? I'm over the comment section. I'm over it. Yeah. I just think they need to be humbled. They humbled it. Oh my god. Wait. I'm literally just name dropping and exposing. So the guy that I just said makes those cringe videos when I worked in influencer marketing was DMing the company I worked with thirsting for a partnership. He was. And I'm like, ew. Oh yeah. Yeah.

Oh my goodness. So funny. Speaking of that, when I moved, I had to send my new address to a bunch of brands that I've been on their PR list in the DMs. So I sent my address in the DMs of a brand. And one of you guys listening to this responds back and goes, oh girl, I got you. Don't worry. I'm an avid pod listener. I'll update that address. I was like, oh, jump scare. I forgot that some of you were like,

behind some of these companies. So there's this trend where people are like, no, I'd never be one of those crazy girls and it swipes to their burner account. So some of them are just burner accounts and some of them...

like this girl is the social media manager for like ESPN. Yeah. So she's creeping from ESPN's Instagram and like people being social media managers like being like no like I'm not crazy and it swipes like they were big brands. Yeah. It's like wait that's so funny. I think one girl's like Red Bull. I'm like wait not you guys with these big ass brands that you're creeping on and let me just say if I get this job that I'm interviewing for I'll have like

so many brand accounts on my phone y'all will never know i'll be everywhere i'll have like five brand accounts can i call you out right now yeah you know i can see who you searched on the podcast instagram oh yeah duh i didn't know if you thought it was just on your phone who you search bro the people you've searched i'm like does she not see that i can see this

No, I know that you can see it. Sometimes I just... She uses the podcast Instagram as her spam account. Sometimes... No, I have another one that I do. Sometimes the podcast one is just like the last... Like I don't realize I'm on it. Yeah. If that makes sense. But stop creeping on your ex. Which one? On accounts that you shouldn't be going to look at. Okay, well, on... I don't know what ex-boyfriend you're talking about, but the one that I creep on him with is not the podcast one. No, because...

You go to his baseball team's Instagram. 100%. No, but I creep on it. So there's one account that like, you know how you block all future accounts? Yeah. There's one account of mine that I'm not blocked on.

okay it's not that one but for a different ex no for that one there's one so what how are you able to see oh because the baseball makes sense but that was like an accident like if i did it on the podcast one like i probably meant to do it on the other one yeah there's always just like a random ass person that you like search them it's funny the last ones on the podcast page are my ex-boyfriend's baseball team and a guy that you are obsessed with yeah 100 percent

and my esthetician but like they they refilter every like few days like that will disappear and then like a new one will pop in and i'm like what is she doing i saw this um take talk of this girl i've talked about on her her on here before i think she's like from miami and she's so rich and she does get ready with me it's very alex earl anyways she was talking about podcasts now the best podcasts are the ones that just say everything and are so unfiltered and name drop everyone and how she could never do it that's why i commented i'm like one thing about us

will say all the tea she's like i have to give it a listen do you guys realize how much i just spilled like i just talked about this tiktok guy like i literally just exposed myself for looking at my ex-boyfriend's baseball team like i like need to fucking zip my no honestly no i the thing is i don't think so because it's not like what we're saying is bringing any harm to anyone um

So true. It's not. Like, if anything, it's bringing harm to, like, ourself. That's what I'm saying. I don't care about other people. Yeah. Like, I won't, like, shit talk someone and name drop them, but... Oh, 100%. I'm just saying from... Sometimes when I think about it and people ask, like, what don't you share? I'm like... Dude, way too open. And that's why when I'm talking to someone, especially a guy, and they're trying to be like...

I don't know, like, think I'm not being serious or for real. I'm like, I don't lie. Like, I share literally everything. I know. That's the thing, too. I'm being so upfront with you. That's the thing with my boyfriend. I'm like, I just don't imagine ever lying to you. Even, like, a little... Oh, white lies I'm pretty good at. Just, like, for funsies. Funsies. You know I'm a good white liar for funsies. But, like, in the most serious sense of things, I don't lie because...

You can just go listen to the podcast if you want to find out everything I'm doing physically incapable. Yeah, like I will tell and i'm just such an open book Like I was texting this guy and he was asking me some questions about like something i'm not gonna like get into it But I was like i'll tell you i'm just not gonna text you about it right now I'll tell you anything or anything that you want. He's like, oh you're being lame. I'm like

I just want to text you about it right now. If we see each other in person, I will tell you straight up. Yeah, I fucking hate texting about that stuff. I will tell you literally anything. Yeah. Like, I will tell you anything. I have no fucking filter at all.

And I feel like people don't understand when I say that, that I'm being so genuinely for real. Dude, we got so off topic from Christine Capillary. It's fine. Good. That's the best part of a podcast. I know. I got a quick one, though, for you. I don't know if you saw it, but did you see the drama with Paige Lorenz? And I think her name is... I can't remember the other girl's name. Alicia or Alyssa Lorenz.

No, I didn't. I'll look it up. Okay, so what happened is this Alyssa girl, whatever the fuck her name was, I can't remember, is selling a bunch of her clothes on Depop. And she, in every description of her outfit, is giving a description about the clothes. She threw shade at Paige Lorenz. Alyssa Violet. Alyssa Violet. She used to date Jake Paul. So she wrote a description, something along the lines of,

One night I was wearing this gorgeous dress to an event. This strange girl kept following me around all night. And then towards the end of the night, she kept telling me how much she wanted to be like me. And then she ended up dropping a bomb that she hooked up with my ex. This girl is dot, dot, dot, Paige Lorenz. Dot, dot, dot. Like, just like shading it. I see it. I'm reading it right now. Read the exact wording. Okay. Okay.

I wore it to a party with my situation ship in 2021 and it was a weird mini rave. And this girl came up to me, said she loved me and thought I was super cool. She told me she followed me for years and wanted to be just like me. Then she followed me around the party all night like a stalker. And my friend saw she was sketchy, but I gave her a chance. Then she pulled me aside and said, BTW, I hooked up with your ex. Can we still be friends? And I walked away. The girl was Paige Lorenz. Anyway, my situation ship said my waist looks snatched in the dress. So that was nice. Why would she say that? I don't know. Crazy though, right?

Why would she put that on Depop? I don't know, but it's crazy. And the balls that that girl had, I was like, when I saw that, I can definitely sense it coming from a sense of jealousy because I feel like Paige Lorenz now is so just in her own world. She's so successful. She has a whole fucking brand. And...

people have nothing better to do than just someone commented page was just in forbes and you're selling clothes on depop listen no page lorenzo literally has a clothing brand and you're selling clothes on depop i'm just confused why she put that in a depop caption like she didn't make a tiktok or like a tweet like you put in a deep yeah she so subtly wanted that to like get out there wait like maybe i should start selling clothes and like talking shit and like like

Like I'm selling makeup lies about my clothes be like these jeans one time I wore on Facebook marketplace. Maybe I could like throw some tea. Yeah, be like my shitty roommate sat in the other chair. That's gang. She fucking got sharty ass everything. So she started in that chair.

Maybe that's why no one's buying these chairs because they hear just talk. They heard us talking about how much we shit our pants and they're like, we don't want those podcast chairs. And sometimes they see some clips of your toes just sitting up on the chair. No, I sent you a clip of your toes. Wait, which one? You like kicked your foot straight. So it came in. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Toes were just like out there for the world. Dude. Yeah. My toes are manicured. Did you see the clip that Liv took of my toes the other night?

My toes were like curled up on the ground. Sam puts all this foot shit on me because she has like long like alien toes. Dude, I have long french fry toes and she has chubby fucking chicken finger toes. Listen, it is what it is. It's fine. Does your boyfriend put your feet in his mouth? No, but he was massaging them yesterday. He's never put your feet in his mouth? No. I know you like that, but I'm just not into that. I'm just curious. Sorry. Okay.

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That's slash one thing spelled O-N-E-T-H-I-N-G. Get started with therapy. It's so helpful for learning positive coping skills, learning how to set boundaries and just become the best version of yourself. That is slash one thing. The Bachelor. Maria, spoiler alert, Maria's gone. Unfortunate for a Bachelor nation, but at the end of the day, I didn't really want her to get engaged to this man. She can do better.

I agree.

But they looked like they liked each other a lot. I just need an explanation. I don't care that she went home. I just need Joey to explain why. He said, oh, I just couldn't get there. What are you saying? Your chemistry, the two of you, was the best. The best compared to anyone else. She posted a TikTok a few weeks ago and it's now resurfacing because she obviously got kicked out. And it was, the caption was like, everyone keeps commenting on our chemistry. Like, it's so crazy to see that you all think that

I truly brought Joey's personality out in the show. He did a cartwheel. And yeah, and all this stuff. And she was like, but if anything, like he brought mine out and that's why we were like so good together on the show. And I'm like,

dude that is literally it like nobody else in that show can say that they were able to bring his personality out fucking daisy the only thing she talks about is her hearing i'm sorry i get it people go through trauma go through things but you cannot make it your whole personality you need to get to know him on a deeper level i have not seen a single thing where daisy has talked about like her as a person or like maybe asked him at

Like anything is just like, that's the only thing that they talk about. I was saying that on her hometown. It was actually a really cute moment for the thing she was saying, how she kind of like thought she was dying. And now she realizes that she can date again and have this new life. And that was all really, really sweet. But everything she was saying was about her and not about him. Exactly. It was just like, this is a fun experience for me. And I'm like,

What about the boy? It seemed like the experience was really good for her and she liked kind of fun dating this guy, but it seemed like she said nothing about him, which obviously they're editing. I know. Yeah, because there's so much that's not in there. They could have said so much stuff, but...

This is where, because you said how I'll say I like your girl, but don't like your girl. Because there's a difference between the people I like and the people I can see Joey likes, if that makes sense. That's different levels. If we're making a pyramid with who I like, I don't really like Rachel or Daisy that much. But I've said from the jump, he really likes Rachel. I don't know why. Because I don't see the...

I mean, they get along really good, I guess, but he really likes her. It's obvious to me. And I see a lot of TikToks saying that they don't see it. I thought on their little dancing date they did that it seemed like he really liked her. I don't know. And on that one date,

When Kelsey and him rode the little mopeds, it seemed like she, um, that he really liked her too. And they had that really, really good date. But then ever since then, it kind of went like not that great. And Maria was like good always. Do you think she self-sabotaged herself with not saying I love you? No. No.

I don't think so either. She keeps saying that that self-sabotaged her, but with his excuse of saying, I couldn't get there. I think that when she said, I love you right at the rose ceremony, that's when he knew like, oh fuck. Or at least allegedly because he's saying he couldn't get there is he was like, oh fuck, I really am not gonna be able to get there and say that back to her. I feel like he already made his choice though. You think? Well, cause he didn't know he was gonna, that she was gonna talk to her. Like I feel like he already had it made up. Yeah. Yeah.

I don't know. I just think that they easily had the most fun in the best time and I think their sexual chemistry is off the charts and one night in the fantasy suite they would have been engaged. I think they were 100% gonna have the best sex. 100%. But... I need a woman's tell-all now. He likes these other girls and I think... I don't know if the producers are just doing us dirty but he has some... He did a cartwheel on the boat. Who wants to do a fucking cartwheel with? Yeah. Like, they have so much fun. Like...

I don't know. They're the only ones that look to me like they're actually together. Mm-hmm. But maybe they're just cutting out the good shit of the other people. Yeah. I don't know what's going to end up turning out of this season at all, to be honest. I've heard what happens. Don't say it. I won't, but I don't know. I've never seen, like, confirmed. I just see, like... Yeah. Yeah.

random things but i'm it's like sucks that maria went home but at the end of the day like she kind of is too good yeah um so the tart trip i know you were like but that's it you were so against it last week but i want to talk about it again so let me make it clear i'm not against any influencers that go i would go okay the influencers slight live their best lives i think brands doing this is dumb i don't think so

Think about it. They're not spending any money on any type of advertisements. No, I don't. I know why they do it, but I think like there are so many people like I just think it's tone deaf.

I don't think so, though. Because think about the amount of brands that spend maybe... I saw a video of a girl saying the amount of brands that will spend money on a Super Bowl ad. That price for a Super Bowl ad is probably equivalent, close to what they're spending on a Tart trip. 100%. So it's like they're just choosing to put their money towards this brand trip. And people will see this tone deaf, but I don't think it's tone deaf because...

that's just where they're choosing to put their money. It's not like, oh, they're not raising... She does all this money, raising money for all XYZ fundraisers, all this stuff. She invited some of her...

like consumers out that she had like a few consumers like actually come out. Like I just think it's like rich people getting like things when they're already so rich and like people. I don't think these girls are rich people really like Grace O'Malley came from nothing like a lot of these girls came from nothing. Yeah, but they have a lot of money like right now like some people are just turned off like these one girls made a video with a sound that I was like weird sound to use. I just think it's like

a little overdone at this point. Like, I just think... I don't know. It's, like, crazy. Like, private jets. Private jets? I mean, if she... I don't know if they, like, if that's her private jet or, like, they own those... No, there's, like, three of them. I know, but I don't know if, like, like, she owns them or whatever. Like, whatever the fuck that is, the deal is with those private jets...

But like, I don't see the problem with it, honestly. I really don't. Especially if they continue each year to do it and like are constantly cycling through different content creators because it kind of helps the content creators to grow in a way. Yeah. If they invite like lower people...

it's such a good networking slash like growth period if you get invited to that that it just seems very overall beneficial for not only the brand but like the creators that get invited out despite some of the other creators like i don't see why like maybe like avery woods and emily whatever like those bigger people like i just don't think they need to go but like some of the small like not like smaller ones because christian bally by no means is small and then um abby bull i can't remember how to say that's what i'm saying those girls that are like

um so like people that they could go to borobor if they want yeah like they could go if they want and like buy like and also i'm not this is not a tart exclusive thing like if y'all were ogs back in the day the dope girls like brand trips like this i've been watching youtube since i was like 12 brand trips like this have been a thing for years and years and years and years and years it's now more popular because they stopped because covid and all that

brand trips to Fiji, to Bora Bora, that has been a thing. So this is not like Tarte exclusive. I'm not like anti-Tarte. So many brands have been doing this for literal like years and years and years. It's not a new thing. The Tarte ones are the most extravagant, like private jets. I've never seen that. And I've watched many a brand trip vlog.

in my day. Private Jets is a new one for sure. Yeah, I mean, she's making history. That's all I can say. Yeah, 100%. I think most of the... Where I think most of the marketing comes... I see a lot of videos of people being like, I'm never buying Tarte, whatever. It makes just influencers use Tarte to try to go on the next trip, which is...

It's kind of cringe. Like, I see, like, right now, so many creators being like, oh, my God, like, not me using Tarte because, like, I want to get invited next year. It's like, she's not going to see that fucking video right now and, like, be like, okay, next year I'm inviting you out. Like, I don't know. Because, like, I don't think a lot of these creators are using Tarte on a daily basis by any means. Like, they're just, like, bigger and are sticking out in the industry. I just think it's interesting, like...

Social commentary. It's interesting to see because this is stuff that's so new and relative to... I didn't really watch any of the content that was being made in Bora Bora. Me neither. I didn't really see it on my free page. Same. The only thing I was really seeing was a lot of people talking about it.

So like that video that girl made about like the comparison of the Super Bowl ads or like TV ads or commercials and like just the way that people use their money to market their brand. Like I was seeing stuff like that, not necessarily like the girls actually on the trip. Yeah. And like the money aspect with the Super Bowl ad, like to me, it's not the money. It's just the...

extravagance of it's all like three private jets like private jets are the worst thing you can do for the environment like by a mile like using a private jet is like awful and it's just interesting like the it's interesting to just see the way people talk about it online because everyone's like fuck Taylor Swift she uses her private jet too much but like are you gonna comment on this like it's it's interesting to see like what people choose to say and what people don't yeah it's cool to watch the discourse y'all I'm just very I'm

I think it's interesting. But I'm not like... Maybe you want to go to Bora Bora. That's for sure. I've always wanted to go there. Yeah, it looks nice. Maybe for my honeymoon or something. Yeah. Honeymoon vibes. Definitely romantic vibes. Mm-hmm. For sure. Anything on Love is Blind? No, the finale comes out tomorrow, right? Wednesdays? Tomorrow, yeah. I think somehow we've gotten to the point

where clay is like the best guy and that's crazy i know right the fact that we've gotten that way is insane chelsea fucked herself because she has a valid point about jimmy's girlfriends but also like crying and being like you can't go out no that's why she fucked herself what do you say she had a good point about the girlfriends she's right if he fucked that girl and they're friends and he's about to get married fuck her kick it to the curb

But you are like invalidating your argument because he went out for an hour for someone's birthday. Yeah. She's like, I wouldn't do that. She was drunk. She was like, I declined a lot of invitations out because I want to be with you. I'm like, but he's like, why would you do that? Like, go out. But he was like, I left for an hour and a half and half of that was the time it took me to drive there. Yeah. And then she went for one beer. And then he's like, other girls from the pods were there. He's like, I don't know what they look like.

Which I'm like, wait, that's such a good point. Because she's like, well, so-and-so and so-and-so were there. He's like, I've never seen those girls. I have no idea who those girls are. But also, I think she was just saying that to Fish to see if he would say, yeah, they were there. Because she didn't know if they were there. So she was like, I know girls. Jess was there. And she wasn't there. But he was trying to see if she was by saying she knew she was there. I just thought she has a good point with the girlfriend thing. I'm on her side about that. But she's ruining her argument.

By trying to say that he can't go out for an hour for his friend's birthday. Yeah. Pretty crazy. I am kind of like team Jimmy. I don't think he's like disrespecting her at all. Because she's being too crazy. Yeah. If she came at it, I think the girlfriend thing is weird. Yeah. But he was also so respectful with the whole just thing at that party. Like didn't like they had a conversation. Yes. By the water. But like, I don't think that.

he's done anything really wrong me neither i think i didn't like him for a second and now he's gotten he's like he respects chelsea and like talks highly of her he's never from what i've seen maybe i've missed a snippet of it but like i don't think i've seen him talk badly about her he almost talks so highly of them that it seems weird yeah he's like we're the happiest like i love oh i know yeah okay i

yeah okay weirdo but i don't know i'm fucking obsessed with jess even though she didn't make it i watched the or not watch i've listened to the nick viles episode that she's on and dude i she's awesome she needs to go on some type of reality tv show i don't know what it is but perfect match oh wait actually there was rumors she was on perfect match i saw that yeah because there was snippets of her and harry jowsey in the water and they're like oh they were filming perfect match

So I don't know. Harry Jowsey gets his ass on every reality TV show that there is. I know. Harry Jowsey's like PR team is working. I don't even fucking like perfect match. Why are they doing a season two? I kind of like it. You liked it? It wasn't great, but.

The concept of like all the games and stuff. I hate it. Why can't they just be like Love Island vibe where like people come in and go like it? I didn't love the way that it was done, but I thought it was semi interesting because I like reality TV shows like Perfect Match and Bachelor in Paradise where these people kind of know each other. Yeah, I think that makes the drama. Yeah. Why can't it be like that? Yeah. Why is it then to have these weird corny games and they film the games for too long? Yeah.

Oh my god, the games are like the whole episode. Yeah, I just think it's really interesting when it's people that know each other because they come in and it's like, wait, this girl used to fuck him. Yeah, or it's like, that's my ex. Yeah, it makes it fun. Yeah, it does. And I heard that they're actually recording a Love Island...

all-stars over in the uk or i could be wrong i can't remember but i feel like i saw something along the lines of that one out right now there was one like the beginning of the year but i think i saw something they're recording another one cool but i don't know um which speaking of love island when's the next season of any of those uk australia or any of those i fucking love that show it's my favorite

One last thing because I just like put it on there because me and Taylor were talking about this last night. And I just thought it was interesting and a little bit of a quick conversation. Keeping your friends close and your enemies closer. Taylor, that's what you said last night. And we were just talking about it in the sense of like I just could never imagine being friends with someone that...

I knew had a history with the guy I was talking to or a guy that I wanted to talk to. And it's just to be close to the guy. Exactly. It is so crazy to me. Those, I don't know if any of these girls listening right now, maybe things could be different where you're like your best friends with someone now because you met through a guy and like you're genuinely best friends. But I just see so much of it of like, it's fake. It's surface level. It's going to die out. But,

Just being friends with someone that also used to hook up with the guy that you were hooking up with, I don't think I could ever do that. No, and used to hook up with the same person you hooked up with is almost putting it very lightly. You used to hook up with the guy and you hated this other girl and now those two are dating and you're best friends with the girl. Yeah. It just makes no sense to me. Crazy. But people really do keep like...

their enemies fucking close because they want to like keep an eye on them i could never do that i mute i mute the shit out of all those people i'm like like i'm not gonna unfollow you because i don't want to cause drama like that's another thing we were talking about last night is i'm following people like some of our we had bachelor monday last night at our place and girls were just talking about how like this girl unfollowed her i'm like i just could never imagine unfollowing someone if i followed them to like stir up the pot and cause drama no

Me neither. Like, I'll involve someone if we just, like, genuinely have no, like, history together or I don't really know you and I... But, like, not someone that, like, is in my close ties or, like, whatever. Like, I just...

It seems childish and causes more drama. Yeah. It's unnecessary. But yeah, the whole like hooking up with someone and then becoming friends with that person that was also hooking up with that guy. I just don't understand it. It's crazy. And I'm so happy that moving to the city, I didn't really hook up with a lot of people. So I don't have a lot of boy drama here.

Yeah. Like, there's not really much of that. And when we sit with, like, the girls and we talk about, like, guys and, like, guys that we've hooked up with and, like, people will be like, oh, like, so-and-so is also hooked up with them. I'm like, I've never really, like, experienced that here. This year I'll get into it. Yeah. Maybe, Taylor. Getting into it this year. Don't worry. I kind of – that's how I feel when I go to the gym. I go to the gym and I'm like – Yeah. Surrounded. No. Yeah, I've never hooked up with anyone from Left ATX.

I haven't hooked up with a lot of people from the gym, but I've just like, I talk to people. Yeah. How many people in Austin have I hooked up with? 30. What? Shut up. I think only one that still lives here. No, two that still live here. And then two of them have moved or aren't from here. Like one of them lives in Houston, drove here. And then... So you've hooked up with one person that lives here? Two. Oh, two. Two. That's all I can think of. Am I missing one? No. And then I've obviously had people come and visit me.

they fly into that shit well not even like visit me i'm kidding no not even not even visit me but just visit their friends and then like we hit it off yeah but yeah no one that really lives here i have no ties i fucked up with three people that live here not not accounting not counting boyfriends so four yeah four four people that live here

damn we're whores that's like my entire body count i'm like and that's it folks i really feel like people on the internet think i fucked up with like a million people i know same y'all i'm in single digits period i mean i'm in double but i've lived not for long though catch me in a few months i've lived 20 almost 26 years and i'm in double digits so that's like

No, that's like so normal. That's so normal. I mean, double digits sounds like it could be like 99. That's so true. You'll never know. Yeah, you'll never know. You'll never know. Anyways, I don't have a lot of weekend tea. I'll just give a quick rundown. I was with my family all weekend. They came to visit. So that's super cute. Went to Blake Shelton. Had so much fun. I am just born to wear boots, listen to country music and like drink a Michelob Ultra. Like that's that's honestly where I thrive. Yeah.

It was so fun. Blake Shelton was outstanding. One of you messaged me and said that his concert wasn't that good. You're a liar. So that's all I have to say on that. I think he did amazing. Dustin Lynch was so good. Fell in love with him. He was so hot. And it was really good. And then I went two-stepping after and danced with some random men. I love that for you. Yeah. And then it was like a chill weekend. My sister ended up getting sick. So it wasn't too eventful. But I just had a wholesome weekend with my family. Nothing too... No tea. Yeah. I, um...

Had a pretty eventful weekend. On Friday night, I had my housewarming party, which was so much fun. I know I'm so sad I couldn't go, but... I know. Daddy Blake was calling. I had to listen to him sing. Yeah, so I had...

Bunch of my like close close friends over I by no means wanted it to be a fucking party and like that's kind of the vibe I was trying to give to all my friends. I made like a group chat. I literally just wanted to be low key sit by a fire played some board games drink some wine and I told anyone in the group chat I'm like if you want to go out like this can be your pregame but like I'm I'm not going out like I'm hosting people. I want it to be low key. I don't.

want to avoid the bars at all costs. And it was so much fun. I got my fire pit for my deck, which if you want to see it, you can go on TikTok. I did like a little backyard tour. And my boyfriend brought over some s'mores. We got some sausages to put on a stick and we were just cooking them on the fire. And we were just playing board games and card games. And then later towards the night, the boys brought out the poker board and they were playing poker. And it was just so fun. Everyone loved it. And

were kind of hyping me up to be the hostess once a week. And I'm like, that's kind of a lot, but like, I'm so here for it, but in different ways. Like I know this coming weekend, I'm going to do a brunch at my house. Um, but yeah, I just love hosting and I love that. Like,

I'm pretty much the only one right now that has like a home in our friend group. Everyone else lives in an apartment or if it's a house, it's a bunch of boys living in a home that looks like a frat house. So yeah, that was really fun. Didn't go to bed though until like one o'clock. People stayed at my house until like midnight. And then in the morning I had to wake up at like 8 a.m. I was doing two different run clubs.

And if you guys know the raw dog run club here in Austin, it's run by a bunch of the boys that also do social media. Um, super cool guys. They are so free spirited. Like the energy was just so high there at 8am. I loved it. I went with one other girlfriend and we ran it three miles. Super easy, but I'll definitely be going there every Saturday, uh,

For the most part, if I'm not hungover, because it is early, it's at 8 a.m. So if anyone wants to ever meet me, you know where to find me on a Saturday morning, 8 a.m., is the Raw Dog Run Club. It's three miles away.

all paces. Always three miles? Yeah, it's always three miles. And yeah, that's just, it was a lot of fun. I kind of want to maybe down the road do my own little run club, but we'll see right now. The only thing with the Austin community is the run clubs are so saturated. So many. That way, that maybe like, I don't know, maybe once a month. I wouldn't do it every week by any means. That's just kind of a...

That's a lot to do it once a week and Terrence once a month. Yeah. And like, I just, I'm always traveling. I'm always doing things like I can't just say, Oh, every Saturday I'm going to be here in Austin, Texas for a run club. Like that's just not realistic. Um, but then Saturday during the day I had a really fucking busy day. It was out of the house almost all day. Went to the pool. You'd be next of a seven. So I got my tan on. It was nice cause we had a lot of leftovers from my housewarming party from like sausages and stuff. So I brought that over to the pool and we hung out there for a while and

And I actually got a pretty good tan on my upper body. I don't know why my lower body got like no tan lines, but I got an upper body tan. And then we went to just like a little happy hour during sunset at a rooftop and I went home. Fun. I forgot to mention that Friday morning, my sister was like, I want to get a workout in and she goes to these bootcamp classes.

i was like you know what i'll go with you because i wanted to get at least one workout in and like i wasn't gonna do it on my own so i'll go with you that we went at 6 45 okay the class was at 6 45 just fucking boot camp these boot camps are hard as fuck and they're like moms all these people they're so hard it's basically an hour of like 30 seconds on 30 seconds rest so freaking is it like the same ones that she like she does at home yeah they have like a franchise yeah um

So I went with her. Literally, I actually died, but then I got Dutch Bros. It was right near Dutch Bros. Oh, I love that. I was like, you're a big coffee person, right? Dude, did you know Taryn used to work at Dutch Bros? I think so. She was telling me that those drinks, like if you don't get it sugar-free, those drinks are like a thousand calories. A hundred percent. I'm like, bro. A hundred percent. And she was saying that she had like regulars that would come in every single day, get like these like 2,000 calorie like coffee shake things. I'm like,

that's insane i bet i asked my sister i'm like i would have the shits i was like there's a really good coffee place if you want to go and got some dutchies and it was so good yeah she said the regular milk is like absurd like the macros on i was like don't tell me that i was like do not tell me that i could imagine but yeah i gotta get them sugar-free and it was so good yeah um

Then Sunday morning, I had like a wholesome Sunday morning. My boyfriend slept over, which I love. He was sleeping over every weekend because I'm like, I am no longer going to your house. Like, he's like, come on. I was going to ask you if you ever go there. I haven't been there in a month. Love. I know, right? And, but he, like, he'll walk into my house and he's like, fuck, Sam. Like, I really like it here. Like, it's so homey. Like, this is awesome. Like, every day he's like, this is awesome. Like, I just like can't believe this. I'm like, yeah, like, exactly. I'm never going back to your house. Have not been there in a month. And...

he's been sleeping over each night on the weekends and I love it because we just wake up. Well, some mornings because Saturday morning I had to go out of the house at like seven 30 for the run club. But like Sunday morning we took it slow. Um,

um made some breakfast and then he went to hockey he plays hockey now which maybe down the road i'll go to one of his games but i don't know i like taking advantage of the fact that like he he has something that he needs to go do and i like can do my own thing you should go watch though yeah well so that's like a pick that's like not a regular league thing it's like a pickup thing so whoever shows up just like plays he's in a league now and i think the games are on tuesday night starting march 9th so that's next week um

But yeah, I'll go to like the game games. The Sunday morning things, no. Those are like pick up, hungover boys just fucking with each other. So I went to brunch and from there went to an event on South Congress and then was just walking around. Had a wholesome ass Sunday just doing things. It's just nice getting out of the house and like doing things even if I just...

I'm just walking and window shopping, just not being in the house all day just because I am in the house Monday to Friday all day besides maybe a few things that I do. But other than that, I like being out and doing things on the weekend. Yeah, I went to the farmer's market. I brought my family to the farmer's market.

I got a few things, which is always fun. How much do you spend? Like 50 bucks? No, no, no. I spent like 20 bucks. I only got two things. When we got that goat cheese for like $15, I was like, I'm never buying goat cheese from a farmer. My parents bought goat cheese for us to snack on. Really? My mom did. But I got like tea and I got eggs. That's crazy. Also, I realized... And then I went to the gym and I did cardio with my sneaky link. Real cardio, not jokingly cardio. Which sneaky link? I don't know. I think it's the one that you hooked up with because you... No. No.

oh okay he's not a sneaky link though well he's just the one that i said when i said i think i found a sneaky link from that clip that's who it is yeah yeah you can't call it sneaky link sneaky link you've never hooked up yeah i know but it's just like i referred to him as that on the podcast one time yeah but the guy i hooked up with i haven't seen him i haven't spoken to him or seen him since he hasn't reached out to you well we didn't really text before so why would we text after

i mean i guess that makes sense but like but like i feel like it would be more likely to want to text you after they're at the gym and like i haven't seen him at the gym in forever my friend has but i haven't seen him interesting yeah i mean it's like whatever i'm cool with it yeah you know fine by me yeah very interesting the um maybe he listened to the podcast and he was like fuck i'm out

Or maybe I exposed him and he... I don't know. Yeah, maybe. Now he's, like, fucking fighting with his ex-wife. But yeah, no, we don't, like, talk anymore, but I just haven't seen him. Yeah. So, what were we saying? Oh, on Sunday? Yeah, and then...

I just stayed home after that whole extravaganza and made some food, went to Trader Joe's. And I'm still trying to figure out what grocery store I want to start going to just because I live like equal distance from every grocery store. So I'm like trying to figure that out. I think each week I'm just going to change it up. I'm going to be a Trader Joe's girl when I move. Yeah. Exclusively.

Yeah, the only thing with Cheerios is, like I said, the freaking sauces and shit. They don't have the traditional stuff, which is annoying. Definitely. I was this close to Instacarting the other day, but I was like, no, Sam, don't be a lazy sack of poop. I Instacarted yesterday. Get out of the house. All right. Are we going to work our way into our topic? Yeah. All right. I'm going to go pee real quick. I'm embarrassed to share these things. I'll wait for you to come back. This girl always has to pee during the show. I know. I have a bladder of a two-year-old.

A two-year-old bladder, for real, for real. I can't with her. If you want to be my new co-host, DM me on Instagram. Qualifications must have a bigger bladder than Sam's that we can podcast without stopping. And you have to be cool and fun. Like, if I tried to, like... Like, I know it's a problem that I pee so much, like, so quickly, but, like, if I was trapped in a room, like, just a 10x10...

room with nothing for five hours i would have to pee maybe like three times just on in the corner cool i wouldn't survive interesting would you be able to hold your butter for five hours five hours i don't know that's a long time i'd if i prepared and like maybe didn't drink like i think today and it's only 10 20 i've peed maybe six times i don't know how many times i peed like twice but i've also been awake since like 6 45 i woke up at 7 30. oh really i

Waking up earlier. My cat tells me when to wake up. He comes in and walks on me and says, get the fuck up, bitch. I have no blinds. And fucking cheese is like crying. The sun doesn't wake me up. Really? The sun wakes me up so bad. My room gets bright as hell. It doesn't wake me up. You got some solid eyelids. Yeah.

Couldn't be me. Anyways, I'm like embarrassed to say these things out loud. Yeah, me too. Can you go first? Sure. So if you forget what the fuck are they talking about? We're talking about things that our exes have done to us that we still state in the relationship because we're delusional. My first one is...

I found Tinder on his phone when he went on a weekend trip to Canada, which I'm from Massachusetts. So Canada is not very far and the drinking age is 18 up there. So the boys would always disappear and they would go on weekend trips up to Canada just so they could drink some alcohol, go to the clubs. And he was in a relationship at the time.

Found Tinder on his phone, logged onto that Tinder, took his phone from him. And I found on his phone messages and matches with girls from Canada. And in the DMs on Tinder were his hotel information and the room number. And that was all. And you stayed. And I stayed. And you know what? He told me that he was matching with these girls on Tinder for his guy friends to get some girls to come to the rooms. You believed it? I believed it. I was like, yeah. Okay, like you're such a good friend.

Getting your guy friends some girls. So nice of you. What a good guy. Cool. Love that for you. No. That was a tough one to start out with. Yeah, right? Okay. Some of mine are more tame than others. This is one of my more tame ones. We'll work our way up.

I just have told me that if I went to a certain school, which was like my second choice, that he would college, that he would break up with me immediately because it's too big of a party school. And then I was like sobbing my eyes out because he was like, if you go to that school, that's your second choice. I will break up with you because you will party too much. And then I was sobbing and then his parents came home and I had to lie and say why I was crying and like make something up that I was just like sad to go to school. Dude, really? He yelled at me and told me that he'd break up with me if I went to a school.

The amount of like threatening of I'll break up with you that I've experienced in my past relationships is crazy. Like, oh, yeah.

One time on St. Patrick's Day, I was going into the parade in Boston, which is a huge fucking thing up there. And my boyfriend, ex-boyfriend at the time, was really hungover and had claimed to me that he wasn't going to go to the St. Patrick's Day parade. So I went in with all my college friends because I went to school in Boston and he went to school up in Vermont. So he...

We had our home friends back there, but I had two groups. I had my hometown friends and I also had my school friends that I could hang out with in the city. So I went up with my college friends and my boyfriend had claimed to me that his phone had died the day of the St. Patrick's Day parade. And I found a photo on Snapchat of him out at the fucking parade. And...

I crazy girlfriend at the time went to go find him. I found him showed up. He was with all the girls that he knew. I fucking hated, hated their guts, hated their guts because they were so mean to me. They like fucking bullied me in high school. And he had claimed to me that his phone was dead and he was going to tell me that he was going and that he wasn't super hung over and that he was going to be able to make it out and try to find me. He didn't try to find me. He was just hiding from me.

I found him in the corner, which I actually walked into the party that he was at because it was all my hometown friends. So that's why I was able to find them. And he was in the corner with the two girls that at the time I did not like at all, just standing there in the corner. And I was like... And he had like ghost eyes when he saw me walk in. I was like, toxic. That's so bad. I have...

One that was technically we weren't dating yet, but we were like about to be dating right after we hooked up for the first time laying there. Closeless in a bed, open his laptop to watch a movie text from his ex just come up on the screen like she was texting him. So imagine laying there and just being being being I was like, oh, and then I continue to come back.

damn like a fool um and for context he was like literally like back and forth with me and this girl forever and yeah and then i like cried after and told him like you make and she wouldn't have sex with him because she was very um religious totally cool do you and i was just like you're literally using me to have sex with you while you talk to her and i was like sobbing and then we dated for three years damn um

My ex at the time used to travel a lot as you can tell so he went on a trip to south america and He was there for about three weeks for like a internship type thing And he had no cell service when he was there So the only way he could communicate was on other instagram dms or whatsapp And he was there for three weeks and I went a few days without being able to communicate with him because of the locations He was just at and he had no internet so

Don't ask me how I knew or found out his Instagram password, but I found out his Instagram password. Oh, yeah. So I logged on to his Instagram because there was times when he was on the trip and the only way he was able to communicate with me was through Instagram DMs. So we would Instagram DM back and forth.

So I logged on to his Instagram and I found in his DMs on Instagram, him and his best friend talking about his trip and him saying how awesome it was and how all like hot all the girls were. And he sent a video saying,

of another girl giving him a lap dance to one of his girl one of his guy friends and the boys were talking back like bro that's so sick bad so bad so do you want to know why i was single for five years after that relationship i know this is why holy yeah i was treated like bro and the thing is i've heard these stories but something about hearing them

back to back is like wow i know oh this doesn't get any better well this is my worst one i have my worst one coming up um so i asked my ex-boyfriend because i saw tiktok about it and i was like i said do you have a photo vault i have never seen a man panic so bad in my life just like

all the color drain from their face and just like fuck and i was like let me see it and he was like no like please like give me four seconds like give me five seconds when i tell you like you like he was on one side of my bed and i was on the other and you know when you're like trying to get around to get it i was like determined to get this phone he was like just give me five seconds with my phone i was like no like call this i've never seen someone panic so bad which obviously made me obviously i knew like he had no type of poker face like no like no i don't have a photo ball he was like i was like let me fucking see it

So in this photo vault was two separate albums, one of me and one of... Okay, so there was one of stuff of me, which is like fine because there was stuff I knew about. There was also in that album videos of us doing shit that I did not know that he took.

which is actually a crime um that is quite literally go to jail but what's crazy is i'm not like opposed to that i told him i was like you could have just asked like because i had there was stuff that i did know about like you literally could have just asked and i would have said yes what the fuck like because it was like like i wasn't facing him do you know what i mean yeah you're doggy right yeah so like i didn't know and i'm like that is literally a crime what the fuck but that wasn't even the worst part so i had like one of me and then one album of stuff of like his ex-girlfriend

But he was like, I didn't even know I still had that. I'm like, but you added stuff of me. So every time you went in there, you saw that you saw it. It's not like one. No, but it gets worse. So then in the one of his ex, too, there was also a picture of like a random girl that I had no idea and a picture of one of our good friends who was like dating his friend. And I have no idea like how he got that picture. Like, I don't know if his friends sent it and like they were just being gross boys. I don't know where he got that picture. But there was also a picture of like one of our good friends.

which i don't know how he got and it was so long ago that i don't remember the details but i saw all that shit in that photo album and i've never seen a man panic so bad in my life and that is actually a crime yeah that is nuts and he had all his exes like pictures on his phone if you guys don't remember i am also very much triggered by coke

I cannot be in a relationship with anyone that does it because of my past relationship. I could go on a tangent of a bunch of stories about coke in my past relationships, both of them. But one of the biggest ones for me was we were at a party. He was disappeared in a room for a really long time. Didn't know where he went. He knew this was also a huge thing in our relationship that we were constantly fighting about.

And I finally went up to him and I just looked him in the eyes and I goes, did you do cocaine? And he looks at me and goes, no, he had white shit. Like I caught him like two seconds after, like he was coming out of the room, didn't really get the chance to like freshen up or anything. It was all over like his mustache and like nose. And he literally looked me right in the eyes and goes, no. And in that moment, I just fucking broke down, ran away and just like left the party like,

distraught so yeah that is just like i could go on a whole fucking tangent about those different types of scenarios but yeah he would just constantly do that after i told him plenty of times to stop um and he wouldn't yep nothing like dating a drug addict literally um this one is a very vague but um not very vague but just the biggest red flag of all time and i'll never deal with ever again

Had a girl best friend that he used to hook up with and like Snapchat it all the time. And I had to actively argue for the fact that they should not have a Snapchat streak. And it took me a few weeks and then insisted that I hang out with her and that he wanted to see her when she visited here. And they used to, they only know each other from hooking up. Can't, can't have a girl best friend. Can't have a girl best friend that you hooked up with. Um, yeah. Crazy. Um, and he did not understand why I hated her at all. And she would send him my TikToks and, um,

hate them you need to burp you need me to burp you like a baby i had a bubble in my throat um just a girl best friend no it can't these two kind of go i guess hand in hand but um at the time my ex didn't have a job okay that's it he just didn't have a job there we go didn't have a job so in order for him to make money what would he do sell drugs but also begged me i'm prescribed on adderall

I hated taking Adderall. He knew that. So I wouldn't take it. But I would tell my mom I was taking it because my mom really wanted me to take it because I was struggling in school a lot. And so I would tell my mom I was taking it, but I wasn't really taking it. He took my Adderall and would sell it. Wouldn't give me the profits. Wouldn't give me the profits. He sold my Adderall and he would also take that money that he would get, go buy lottery tickets and hope for a chance of making a little bit more money.

Sam, like, this is the worst person actually ever. I know. This one that's engaged? No. Oh. Which I'll get to at the end of this episode and just put, like, final words about it out there. Mine have all been different people, by the way. So my first ex, like, he also had a coke problem and unfortunately I think still does.

but I wish nothing for the best for him. Like he was, he treated me like an angel. It just like, I couldn't physically get there with him. Like he was in love with me and I just like, couldn't get there. It was my first love, but I was just like, I just can't. What's crazy is a lot of these were not my first boyfriend, but my first boyfriend was worse. It was just more like fights all the time that I can't really write like legit, like

he did this and I stayed. It was just that we got in fights all the time. Whereas like my other boyfriends more have these like singular stick out things. If that makes sense. My next one, this is more of just kind of a gross thing. Not a he treat me badly thing. He told me he usually only brushed his teeth once a day, but I fixed that. Ew. I know. Brush my teeth like four times a day. Yeah. That's nuts. So...

uh that's disgusting dude actually speaking of brushing your teeth one of the girls on love is blind admitted that she doesn't brush her teeth some nights when she goes to bed that's what he would say that's so gross yeah and i did fix that problem um and we were young but old enough to know when to brush your teeth i hope now that i'm out of his life he um learned something took something away brushes his teeth at night yeah maybe flosses or tongue scrapes you know yeah um

And then, so you already mentioned like the photo vault thing, but I also had a similar experience where my ex also had a photo vault and had a bunch of photos of this one girl, one specific girl that was constantly sending him nudes. And I did not know about that.

Why do girls do that? I know, right? Not to be hating on women, but what the fuck? Which the breaking point for me and why I broke up with this guy was he did cheat on me and he cheated on me with the girl that was sending the nudes. Well, it sounds like he was already cheating on you if she was. Oh, well, yeah, but like physically cheated on me. So, yeah, I found his photo vault and there was just a lot in there. Yeah.

yeah but i don't think i have anything else really that i could think of off the top of my head now this is just the the high key things that whole relationship was so fucking bad do you have any more my last one is just while i was right there next to him openly let a girl flirt with him at the bar like in front of everyone i knew yeah and didn't understand why i thought it was a problem or he he was like no she wasn't flirting with me and i was like

Well, now I don't trust what you're... Form of flirting. Yeah, what the fuck? I'm like, you don't think that... Like, you don't see that being an issue, so what the fuck is your normal night out? Yeah. My other things, I have one more that I thought of, of just, like, a specific fight with one of my boyfriends that really threw it in for me.

My best friend was having a birthday like my best friend like of my entire fucking life her 18th birthday We're going to her keys house with her family and friends all in separate rooms Yes, there was guys going some of the guys most of the guys had literal girlfriends But like this wasn't a rowdy trip. Okay, we're with her family in a vacation house He literally was like telling me that I shouldn't go

We like left a school event, got in like this screaming fight. I was like literally sobbing. So I was like, you're telling me not to go to my best friend's literal birthday trip. Like my best friend, because there's boys there. He was like, yeah, we just got like this screaming fight.

like crying argument because he was like, you shouldn't go on this like trip. I went, obviously. But yeah, he was really like, you shouldn't go because there's going to be like boys there. I was like, her literal whole family is there and we're sleeping in separate rooms and all of them have girlfriends. See, my ex-boyfriend did the opposite. He would try to like

forced me to go do something because he wanted to go do something without me. Oh, so he was like, leave for the weekend, bitch. Yeah, like, go do that. Go do that. Because like, he wanted to like, take advantage of the fact that I wasn't there. And then one more. I didn't stay. We did break up, but I got back with him. So kind of counts. Yeah. I'm just sexted my best friend. And I stayed friends with her. Yeah. For a year.

and then i cut that bitch to the curb i want to wrap this up by just saying because like i know this shit gets back to my ex it has for years now when i talk about him on here because his fucking sister is batshit crazy and like sends me fucking threats on social media remember that time she made a tick like no no what did she comment on your tiktok she commented she trolled on my tiktok you're an idiot without a burner account and told me that

My boobs were like, I don't know. No, she said that when they did your boob job that they gave you a lobotomy. Yeah. Like, when they cut your brain out. Honestly, like, honestly, it was, like, a good insult. Like, it was pretty creative. But, like, what a bitch. Yeah, right? Like... It was a creative insult. Like, gotta give credit where credit's due. Like, at least go on a burner account. How embarrassing for you. No, it was so embarrassing. And, like, why do you care so much? Is she in love with her brother? Yeah, literally. It's giving in love with her brother energy. And this was, like, last year, too. And I have been broken up with this man for...

five years now or honestly going on six probably years now and anyways so i just want to say like me and him me and my ex have had numerous conversations when i've gone home and have completely cleared the air like he's apologized to me he know he knew he was like immature not in a good place in his life like so when i say these things i don't hold any grudges

I am so happy that I went through that because now I know how a man should treat me. And now I'm in such a good relationship where I know what I deserve. Yeah. So when I say these things, I'm not doing it out of shade, out of spite or anything on this podcast. Like genuinely. And like I told my ex-boyfriend this, I was like, I talk about these things because one, it's relatable to their funny stories at this point. Like it's, it's just like comical to me that like I put myself through these scenarios. So like when I say this stuff, I don't mean it in any way where I'm like,

fuck this man he fucking sucks like me and him have had numerous conversations he's in a new relationship and i hope for fucking dear lord he is treating her like a fucking angel and i i assume he has just given the conversations we've had and now he knows and like he's learned from his mistakes on how to like treat um like his future girlfriend whatever so if my fucking ex ex's sister tries coming at me like fuck off

yeah my like worst boyfriend my worst relationship we've like squashed that because we were so young and then like some things but like one of my boyfriends are still like we were on good terms and now we're on bad terms and then like my last boyfriend it's fine yeah like i don't hold grudges about it either like sometimes i talk about it people like oh my god get over it like i'm over i don't i don't care yeah like over this doesn't affect me but like

it's good like if y'all heard anything that you're like someone did that to me bitch run yeah so it's funny because over the summer i went home in like june and at the time me and my boyfriend weren't dating and i was hanging out with my ex like at a party not like one-on-one and we were just both like fucking around with each other because like we have like we have like a still have like that same banter like that we did and i was like i was like are you talking to anyone are you seeing anyone he's like no like fuck that like it just like doesn't compare to like

Like, what you and I had, and I'm like, and I, like, kind of, like, was just jokingly, like, yeah, like, I'm not dating anyone either, like, haven't been in a relationship since you, it's been five years, like, and he was also the same way, and he was like, he was like, the whole fucking dating scene just sucks, like, having to get to know someone again, and, like, put yourself through that, like, whatever, he's like, we were just both, like, fucking with each other, and just, like, going on a whole tangent, but it's funny, now we're both in relationships, like...

what june it was june so like months later we both got in relationships so it's just it's funny things go full circle yep it's just i like putting that list out there because it makes me realize that there's better people every person you date is always an upgrade it always is an upgrade because you always are learning from your relationships you're always understanding like

Your needs and even if you don't think your relationship is gonna be like a forever thing or whatever even at the younger ages you just learn so much about yourself not even like what you deserve with your partner just more about yourself to 100% so 100% yeah. But don't let these fucking shitty men.

Walk all over you get out if you are comparing anything that we've said in this episode to what you're going through right now Run There was also it's making me mad because one of my boyfriends had this thing of like lying to me There was like little things that he lied to me about and I can think of one but it was stupid and I feel like there's a few in a row And i'm not going to get into them because um, honestly My computer's gonna die and we're already kind of done but I just remember there was these little things of little lies of like

pointless things like the things weren't that big of a deal but it's just the fact that you lied if that makes sense and i just want to say if a man's doing that to you where it's like wait why did you lie about that but like the thing isn't that big of a deal it's the principle don't stay with someone that's lying to you and lying to your face because he would lie to me about things that were so pointless that it was like okay this isn't really worth a fight because that's so dumb but you're lying i

I just couldn't understand lying to someone that you supposedly love and supposedly care so much about. It's one of those, like, I didn't tell you because I thought you were going to get mad. It's like, well, now I'm mad that you're a liar. Exactly. It's like, they say, oh, I'm trying to protect you or I'm trying to... You are not protecting me by disrespecting me in a way where, like, I'm not going to find out about it. Just know because, like, obviously we dropped some, like, heavy stuff, like, took videos, like, did cocaine. Even if it's small stuff that they're... If it's just lies and disrespect...

It does not have to be the things that we said to get you to leave. Yeah. Leave it to small things. Yeah. Don't wait till they're fucking bitches and doing cocaine. Yeah. Leave before that.

100%. 100%. One last thing I will say because I'm wearing the merch right now is that go shop that merch, okay? It's going to be that season again where the t-shirts, the trucker hats, like it's going to be in full effect and I can't wait because summertime we got some really good ones. I think we still have the professional fun havers, right? The hats are almost gone but we do have a few left. I know there's a few orders that need to go out. I need to order more labels. We ran out of paper to print labels on. So, yeah.

Yeah, I almost brought them to the post office yesterday, but I need to order more labels, which is, you know, good things when you run out. But we're going to try to get those out as quick as we can. There's shirts left.

And I think every size and there's only a few hats left. So go check it out. It's all cheap. It's all like under 15 bucks. The shirt I'm wearing right now is GTT gym tan tequila. That's the lifestyle we live by, especially literally today. I'm going to the gym and then I'm going to go tan. Maybe I'll have a cocktail. Probably not. But on the weekends, I will. Yeah. Follow us on Instagram.

so that you can send in what your ex did for next week yes okay that's it bye guys