cover of episode One Thing About Our Current Workout Routine and Running Tips

One Thing About Our Current Workout Routine and Running Tips

Publish Date: 2024/2/28
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One Thing About Us


Shownotes Transcript

hello guys welcome back to another episode i'm taylor i'm sam and we are recording this for you guys on tuesday so that way we can talk to you guys with bachelor yes you know getting our priorities right also before we start merch you guys killed it with merch i took so many orders like you actually like it was so much work for me but you guys killed it um merch is still on sale crazy sale moving sale so yeah you can go check that out they're like all the shirts are i think like

10 bucks. And I think the post office man hates me. But yeah, I'm getting them out so quick too. The merch department works overtime. Just know that. Yeah. But order merch if you want to help us with the moving process. Yes, that's right. One thing about you? One thing about me, I posted a TikTok about this. Yesterday I almost had a mental breakdown because this menstrual cycle shit...

I can't do it anymore. You got a while. I was going to comment on your video being like, haha, sucks for you. I'm like three years ahead of you on getting to my menopause. I just... This month wasn't even that bad. Okay? My luteal phase actually didn't hit me that hard. I think it's the vitamins I'm taking. But it still hits you. Like, fuck. I have one week a month where I feel...

normal and like the cramps like i just can't and i know the mental breakdown was because i'm on my period but i was in the car holding back tears just being like this is exhausting yeah i don't really turn into like emotional wreck i just turn into a bitch so i'm normal and then i'm when i'm ovulating i turn into a wild animal

Like someone's commented, I feel so good when I'm ovulating. Same, but it's like manic. Yeah. I'm like crazy. I feel bad for my boyfriend. I like warned him too. I'm like the day, like I don't know when I'm entering my little phase because my cycle is so long. But that first day when I wake up and I am a...

fucking... I want to just rip someone's head off. Yeah. I warn him. I go, just so you know, today's day one. You got about a week and a half of me being a crazy bitch. And then my period comes and I feel better mentally, but I feel worse physically. I have cramps. There's just no... One week a month where I feel good, like I'm losing it. I'm losing it. Yeah. What's your one thing about you? My one thing about me, now I fucking forget because we were just talking. You didn't write it down? No. I wrote my shit down. Oh, one thing about me is...

Yes, I went to Dallas, but I will constantly be going to 16 Vines. That restaurant is so good. I wish we had a restaurant like that here in Austin. It is massive. I have never seen a restaurant. So I went to the Uptown one. They have a few locations, but I have never been to a restaurant that is so big here in Austin. Like every table is just enormous. There were so many parties going on there of like, I would say there was maybe 10 tables that fit 10 to 15 people at them.

And I'm like, why doesn't Austin have something like this so we can host bigger girls' dinners? It's a winery restaurant. The wine list there, insanely big. So I wish that Austin had something bigger like that, but I will be going to this restaurant every single time I go to Dallas. It's so good. Austin has very small buildings.

Yeah, small buildings. Everything's compact downtown. Everything's literally deep. Not even just downtown, but even like a little... Yeah, they just flip houses and turn them into... Everything is very teeny tiny. Yeah. That's one thing I definitely noticed with the difference in the cities is all the business here, small. Small. But then when you go to Dallas, Houston, everything's massive. But yeah, I really liked that 16 Vine place. Their wine selection was incredible and...

all the red wine that i was getting came out chilled whereas i feel like a lot of that's wrong nobody was good i really liked it you could just tell they had they have a massive like wine cellar somewhere in the back yeah and that's just where they keep all their wine and it's all chilled but it was really fucking good i think i'm gonna start maybe you know what i should buy a wine cooler or a wine fridge you should buy one install it into my cabinets one of the apartments i toured um

had a wine fridge like that that would be nice that was like the i didn't really like the apartment but i was like a wine fridge i do like that yeah no it was really nice fuck i don't have the room for that in my kitchen i have so much fucking shit yeah you wouldn't really have the room put in your getting ready room yeah right imagine good morning y'all glass of wine puts on makeup first thing in the morning pulls out the fridge grabs a bottle of wine yeah yeah

my favorite of the week is a song yeah it's called i had to pull it up on tiktok so i didn't get it right it's called austin fitting we live in austin her name is dasha i'm trying to look is that like her stage name i don't know why i thought you were gonna say that your favorite song of the week was gonna be beyonce's new song no because you've been saying like all week how good that song is it is it's so catchy i just country's having a moment right now and if you don't know that makes me very very happy but

There's a line dance for the Beyonce one. This girl has a line dance. So in spirit, in my dance class tonight, we're going to line dance. And do I teach hip hop? Yes. I'm going to make it slightly hip hop. Will everyone hate me?

maybe but guess what i teach the class i make the fucking rules the song is called austin her as it's dasha bitch it's so good like it's crazy and i think this is just kind of a random girl she's gonna pop off she's slays i'll have to give it a listen um not huge on country but it's so good yeah my favorite of the week is hosting i love hosting like three times this week i'm gonna be hosting i i didn't just so ecstatic about it i love it like

We're in the point where we're all adults too. And I think it's not a priority, but it's expected that when someone hosts, people just bring things. And I love it. People are bringing... Last night, one of the girls made this whole charcuterie board type toast thing. She went all the fuck out. She went fucking out. And I'm like, see, if we were in college, people are cheap as fuck and they would not be doing this. I just loved it. And I know we're not drinking during the week. And we made it very clear in our girl group chat that none of us were drinking. So another girl...

bought three cases of poppy. Dude, that's like, what, $20? $25, $30? I was like, girl, we are popping off. I love it. Yeah, it is when you get older that expected to bring something. I've seen TikToks about that, of people just debating what age does that start? Where not necessarily if you're hosting a party, but just anytime you go to someone's house, bring something. Yeah. People say if you're just doing anything, like you should bring the host flowers, you should bring a bottle of wine. Even if you're not going to drink it, just...

giving a gift to the person whose house is having people over. And now we're collectively all at an age where that's what you do. Yeah. And one thing I will also say about the hosting thing, it's so funny. So...

Everyone took off their shoes, which I made very clear in like a TikTok that I made that like my house is not gonna be a shoe house. Like take off your fucking shoes when you come in. And then someone made a comment like, oh my God, but what about your dogs? Dude, like you're not gonna be able to win in every aspect. Like I have dogs, yes, but if I can make my house a little bit more cleansy by all my guests taking off their shoes, like so be it. I'm gonna have that happen. So what I've done and it's been working every time is I keep a pair of my slippers outside the door.

So that when they see the slippers outside, they just assume, okay, I got to take my shoes off. And it's been working with everyone that comes into my house. Yeah. Because I feel like where the shoe is, is where you... Yeah. Where I see someone's shoes being like...

off is where i expect to put mine yeah so i the reason i said this is my favorite of the week because i got an amazon package last night and the guy obviously took a picture of the package bro there's like 15 shoes outside and then just the package i was like this is hilarious there was something that was so funny and i'm glad our friend texted in the group this was such a squad rollout that i wasn't the only one that noticed it all of us had a separate car

So it was like squad roll out. Like our cars were lining the whole street. Like we all like whipped out of there, like 10 separate fucking cars. So it just looked funny. Yeah, that's fucked up. That's so funny.

Yeah, but it was just good girl time. Lots of girl time. Yeah, which we'll obviously get into a little bit more. Yeah, so much girl time. It was just girl time city. Girl time central. I know. Hot gossip. We have to recap The Bachelor. Yeah. We got a lot of DMs of people saying they like when we talk about The Bachelor. Amazing because...

I like talking about The Bachelor. But I will have to say The Bachelor is the most unrealistic dating show of all the dating shows. 100%. They never speak to each other. No. And their conversations suck. And I said, I think the only conversation, I think Joey and Maria are the only ones that talk like they're in a relationship. That conversation they have. And not on camera. That conversation they had looked like a boyfriend and girlfriend conversation.

having a talk. Yeah. See, the thing is, I really like Daisy, but I do think when they talk, the two of them, it's very robotic and slow. They don't look into each other at all. It looks like they're thinking about what needs to come out of their mouth before they say it. But I made a TikTok about this literally like two hours ago. I like how Daisy was the most real one of just saying straightforward, hey, I don't love you yet, but I could get there. Because I feel like so many of the girls will just drop the love bomb when there's like five

or even four girls left because they want to stick it out. Yeah. Because they're scared if they don't say I love you that he's going to kick them into the curb. But she was just straight up like, I don't, I don't love you. Look, I hate to be a, actually, no, it's not a hater because I don't, I respect the hustle. To,

To say these girls don't want to be the Bachelorette is naive. They obviously all want to be the Bachelorette. So you do a good job and now it's go time where you could be. I don't know if I love you. You don't need to win. Yeah. You don't need to be proposed to. Daisy's good running for Bachelorette if she doesn't get it. You know what I mean? Yeah.

This is the kind of point where you can kind of play your cards and like, wait, what do you want? Yeah, because if you're that... Are you that really into him? Like, you really want to get engaged? Because now it's not just about... In the beginning, I could see how you might be, oh, I do want to get engaged because you'll have all this time. But now there's only a few more weeks. And maybe you're like, wait, I don't want to get engaged. And like...

Fuck it. Bachelorette. Yeah, if I were Daisy because she doesn't love him yet, I would just try to get as far as you can, stir the pot a little bit, cause some drama, and then dip. Yeah.

Yeah. Be like, I'll take my chances if I can be the bachelorette next season. That's why when Maria almost left, I was saying it would be iconic of her to leave, to be the baddest bitch of the whole season, gain 300,000 Instagram followers, and get the fuck out. Yep. But yeah, I mean, I like Daisy. I think she's sweet, but when they talk, it's just very robotic. Whereas with Maria, it just seems like cameras are...

could potentially be off and they wouldn't even know it when they're having their conversations. It looked real. It looked like two people that are seeing each other having a conversation. Like his body language with her and the way he talks is different. Yeah. Like they looked like in a good way.

Like they were going to get in a fight. And some would say, wait, that seems like a red flag. I mean that. And they seem passionate speaking to each other. Uh-huh. You look like you're about to take a phone call. No, my manager just texted me. But I know you really like the Kelsey girl. I don't really like her. Well, you like side with her. Our friends just hate her. Okay, but one thing I want to say. I didn't...

too heavily the last episode that she had the one on one date I must have been just like watching scrolling on my phone hardly paying attention but this one on one that she just had awkward no yes so awkward no romance whatsoever he got out of the fucking water and ditched her like sprinted out of the water without her like I'm sorry if that was Maria or Daisy I bet you he would have grabbed their hand and helps them get out of the water like watching him just sprint out I was like what the

I don't think he has chemistry with any of them except Maria and everyone loves Daisy. I don't hate Daisy, by the way. Everyone's going to be like, I'm a Daisy hater. I like the girl. She's cute. And I think looks wise, they look like just America's sweethearts. They look so cute together because he's hot. She's so pretty. It's cute.

I don't think he has chemistry with anyone else except Maria. They look like they're fucking together when they talk to each other. And I was saying the sexual tension between them is absolutely crazy. They're going to bang in fantasy suites like nobody's business. And I said this last night, but Joey needs to lose the swim trunks. The ones that are going to his knees. He needs the five inch seam ones. Yeah. Because if not, because I can't really tell if he's a short king or not. He's not that tall. Yeah. He's like the girls are kind of like up there. Yeah. So I'm

I'm sorry, but if you're kind of a short king, you can't have the swim trunks that go down to your knees. You need the ones that are the five inch. Just kind of make your body seem a little bit lanky. I don't care how tall you are. Shorten your shorts. Yeah, it's bad. Shorten your shorts. And I hate the ones that have little drawstring thing that like look like there's a professional swimmer swim trunks. I don't mind a drawstring.

not you're thinking of different ones i think because the ones he had one on yesterday were like the ones that like clearly like zigzagged and then like like they started like oh yeah yeah yeah do you know what i'm saying i know what you're talking about okay yeah no i don't like those either yeah he needs new bathing suits for sure like i like the ones that are kind of hidden but the drawstring is just the bow that you can make or the knot you can make but he had the ones that were like zigzagging up i know exactly what you're talking about yes uh-huh

I'm very specific with men's fashion, if you can tell. Yeah. I think the first time you see a man's choice in bathing suits and or basketball shorts...

is a risky time one time we went to our friend's flag football game and he was wearing literal basketball shorts no I know remember what I'm talking about and that was that was a hard pill to swallow yeah I mean not gonna lie my boyfriend has had I'm saying had had horrible sense of fashion until he started dating me and I've bought in maybe 90% of his new wardrobe so it gets better but it really does set this set the standards when you meet a man and his fashion is horrible yeah

So Joey definitely needs to work on it. You know what? I'm actually surprised he doesn't have a stylist. The bachelor, like you really wear your own clothes. I can understand that with all the girls because there's so many of them. They do have a stylist because people when Katie was the bachelorette, everyone was ripping her outfits and kind of ripping the stylist. So I think they do. Yeah. She ain't doing she or he ain't doing a good job. Maybe they don't care about the men. Yeah.

Because I can obviously imagine all those girls, like, they don't all need a stylist, but at least the bachelor or the bachelorette, like... Right. Gets one. I didn't like his suit either with the green tie and the black... Something about it I didn't like. Daisy's yellow dress was...

Yeah, it really was. It was really ugly. I feel like she could have gotten away with it if it was flushed to the ground. She could have, but also... Actually, no. She looks like a... It looked like a costume. Yeah. I hated it. And I don't mind a funky little dress. I don't mind a little tool moment. I kind of love dresses like that. It was fugly. I feel like... Maybe if it was black. I think like the yellow... I don't know. To do a bright yellow and...

The funky bottom. If it's going to have a funky bottom, maybe we go simple color. You know what's crazy? And I was saying this last night. I don't know if you heard me, but I don't have a single formal dress like that.

A single one. But why would you need it? Weddings or anything. Just like I was saying, if I were to ever go on The Bachelorette or The Bachelor or whatever, I would need to get a whole fucking wardrobe of dresses. I don't have a single dress I would be able to bring with me. That's expensive. Yeah, but I think they pretty much all do that. Yeah. I would do like Rent the Runway. Rent the Runway.

Be like, sorry, I'm going to need these for two months. I'll give them back. 100%. Because I just, I don't feel the need. I think I would always do, if I were to go to a wedding or any type of a formal event like that where I need a dress, I would do run the runway. I don't think it's worth buying formal dresses like that that I'm going to wear once. Yeah, that's fair. Like our friend Jeannie said she has a bunch of dresses and she was like, if you ever need to go through my closet, you're more than welcome. I'm like, obviously I'm going to take that up. But I'm like, girl, why do you have all those dresses? Yeah.

I could never. Take up way too much room in my closet. I have one dress that I bought for I don't know what, and it's kind of formal, but I couldn't even wear it to a wedding because it's champagne colored. And some people would probably tell me I could wear it to a wedding, but I like to not wear it.

accidentally wear like that's too white for me even though it's not white it's nude but yeah it's just like why there's i have a bunch of maxi summer dresses and stuff like that but not formal fuck no i technically at home might have one formal dress of my it's ugly though no offense it's not ugly she's not in style why are you saying no offense because it's my sister's bridesmaid dresses that we wore so like i'm not saying she picked an ugly dress but it's just not in style oh

And I was also like, literally like 50 pounds when I wore it in my freshman year of high school. So probably doesn't fit me. Yeah. I can't wait to get invited to a wedding. I want to get invited to a wedding so bad. Um, this, I want to be someone's date. Yeah. This guy I was talking to this weekend was like, I just got invited to two weddings. I'm like, bring me.

The thing is, I literally bring me. It would really depend, though, on the person's wedding. I can't go to a random person's wedding. I go to a random person's wedding if it was like known to be fun. No, because then everyone would be asking like how, you know, X, Y, Z or just like, I can't do that. It has to be like their friend from college. Yeah. Like their cousin where it's like family where I'm meeting all your family. If it's like your friend from college where you're not knowing the adults there. Yeah. You're just kind of a random, you know, like Aunt Sally doesn't know you. You're just fucking homeboy from college. I can go to that.

Yeah. I can't go to your cousin's wedding where I have to introduce myself to your fucking grandma. Yeah, no. You have to be somewhat of a random. Do you get what I'm saying? Yep, I agree. I can do that. Because then we both kind of feel like randoms, no pressure, we're just there to drink and have fun.

I think it'd be hot to go to a wedding and get all dressed up and drink and stay at a hotel. I can't wait for our friend group to start doing that. No, no, get married. Weddings here in Austin, Texas or in Fredericksburg. I already know one of our girlfriends. She's going to get married here in Austin. It's going to be in Fredericksburg. She's going to get married in two years. Yeah. Give it a year and a half, 100%. They're going to be engaged and then wedding planning is going to start and I'm going to be like, all right, Fredericksburg, here we come. Yeah. No, I...

I really want to go to a wedding. Yeah. So fun. So fun. Bachelor, we called who was going to go home. Wasn't that interesting of an episode? It was very obvious. Yeah. Maria had her instance, but good for them. They worked it out. Cute. Amazing. Love is Blind, we both watched. Literally, no one's going to get married. No.

Hey, there's also I can't stand all the tea that's going on with Love is Blind before the season's even over. Sarah Ann lives in Jeremy's house. Like this shit to yourself. Don't fucking post about it. Why are there not crazy NDAs that are going up? And why are all these people going on podcasts too? She's in Jeremy's house. Hello. Let us watch the finale, bitch. Yeah. You ruined the show. Someone made a TikTok like.

I hate you and you're a homewrecker, but could you have, I would hate you less if you didn't spoil the show. Yeah. Okay. But crazy. And that girl, what's her name? Laura being like, well, I was looking at your location. You weren't there.

Period. Yeah. She handled that like... Okay, I'm sorry, but how can you as a guy lie to your significant other when you share locations? He left his phone in the car, but he has an Apple Watch. Like, what a fucking dumbass. Like, honestly. Your Apple ecosystem, baby. Yeah.

Like, oh, I hate men. Yeah. No, I was. That was honestly like crazy. That scene was crazy. Kenneth and Brittany. I thought they were the best couple when they first got engaged. And then they just he didn't give a shit about her at all. That was what's the girl with the rocking body? What's her name? Jessica. No.

A.D. Dude, I love her, but, like, everyone is sexualizing the shit out of her body. If my man, new man, mind you, you can joke when you've been together for a while and you understand your, um, boundaries. Yeah. If my new man looked at a girl and said, she's got, like, an ass on her or whatever she said, pardon? Yeah. And on TV. Like, that's for private, like...

There's a difference between what you can say when people can hear it because then that's opening up to criticism versus what you can keep in the privacy of your relationship that stays between you. And like...

If you... Yeah, they're engaged, but they just fucking met. You can't make comments like that. You don't know the... We don't have that banter. Yeah. We don't know. Because I don't mind getting to the point with my man where I can be like, bro, her ass. Oh, 1,000%. And then you're just like, whoa, that's crazy. Yeah. Because we're not going to ignore the obvious. But do you think that it's more of like, you can say it first. I said it first. And then he agrees with you? Okay. If it's a friend...

Yes, I have to say it first. It can't be a stranger. No, it can be a stranger. If he says it about a stranger, I'm never going to see that girl again. Okay, yeah. Valid. And I say this specifically with butts because sometimes people have like... Massive butts. And sometimes it deserves a calling out. Yeah. And when you see someone with the most massive ass that you've ever seen, sometimes you have to just say something. But some of our friends have...

enormous booties yeah they were blessed baby i have to bring it up yeah you can't look at my friend and say something about the way she looks i can't yeah because we're with them and all the time you know yeah i can say it and you can agree because i also don't like a liar like so like some of our friends have fucking dump truck we got a hot friend group yeah

Yeah. So if I look at her and say, God, her ass is fucking huge. And you're like, no, it's not. Okay. Now you're lying. You're not like a liar. No. I'm opening it up to allow you to speak. To speak. Yeah. Let it out. But yeah, you can, on a random person, you could be like, holy shit, that girl's ass was huge. Yeah. So I like AD. I like her a lot. Me too. But I'm skeptical about her mans. He acts like a 15 year old. Yeah. Yeah.

He just seems so... You mean to get in the gym? Yeah. Who the fuck says that? He didn't know how to say... Because obviously I get what he meant, right? He went about it absurdly wrong. Because they just met and the whole point of this was about not caring about looks. Also, she's a rocking body. Yeah. So it's like, maybe wait a few weeks before you have that conversation because you just met, the whole point was not caring about looks and you're going to be like, get in the fucking gym if you turn fat. Now, I...

He making it about looks and weight and appearance is so weird to me because I'm all for encouraging people to get in the gym, obviously. He could have been like, oh my God, I'd love for you to come to the gym with me. I love the gym. It's a good environment. It really changed your life. And never bring up the way you look one time. Because I get dating someone that's into a certain type of exercise and being like, oh my God, I'd love for you to do that with me.

Like, let's say I met someone into running and obviously I don't run. Sam does. But let's say they were like, I'd love for you to come running with me. And they don't say in a way that you should come running with me because you need to lose weight. Yeah. They're just like, I would love for you to do that with me because I enjoy doing it and it's fun and I think you would like it. That's fine. But to say, let's get in the gym.

So that you lose weight. And again, they just met. These aren't just meet. You don't go on a first date and start talking about losing pounds. Because you also don't know what her insecurities are. Maybe her body is a big insecurity for her. And you just triggered that. You know? She said she works out. Yeah. I don't remember. She said she works out because they talked about her butt and she was like squats and Jesus. Oh, yeah. I remember that. She said she works out. Yeah. Any other couple? I can't remember.

They're both hot, though. He acts like a 15-year-old, but together. They look good together. Yeah, like she's hot, he's hot. It's cute. Sasha. Why did I say Sasha? Is that her name? Johnny and the girl. Which one is Johnny? Johnny's like, you need to get on birth control. We're going to get pregnant. Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. That girl gets no airtime.

Amy. Amy. Why did I think her name was Sasha? Her name is Amy. That guy is terrified of having a kid. Yeah. Put that on him. Put that on him. But like just use a condom. Yeah. Track your cycle.

Especially telling a grown woman at that age to get on birth control. I'm sorry. If someone told me that it's make or break if I get on birth control, you're gone. Yeah. You're gone. I couldn't even imagine. I'm never taking that shit again. I'm going to be turning 26. I can't even imagine my boyfriend ever telling me, get on birth control. Also, are you kidding me? Do you know how long it's taken me to regulate my hormones? It's been two fucking years. Also. Or a year and a half, whatever. I don't get being so scared of pregnancy when you're in a committed adult relationship.

You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Also, you don't want a kid, but it's not a teenage pregnancy. Yeah. You're like grown-ass adults about to get married. It wouldn't be world-ending like a teenager. You're grown. So I don't get when people are so scared of...

When you're grown-ass adults, like, pushing 30. That's not, like, you're not 14. I don't know, I feel like, well, I mean, like, with him, at least, it's the financial stuff, which is totally understandable. No, I get not wanting to have a kid, but not to the point that it ruins your whole life. You're grown and married. Yeah.

Yeah. But also this is my other thing with all these dating shows. A point I was thinking I find it so funny that it's always like let's get deep like we connect on the real stuff. Family values. No shit you connect on that. Who sits with someone and like

Says no, like, I hate family. I don't want to be married. Like, to me, they call that the deep stuff on all these dating shows. Like, what they want and their values. To me, that's superficial shit. Obviously, everyone wants a nice relationship and, like, a nice family. The fucking deep stuff is...

How you act at home, like your mannerisms, like the girl Brittany to Kenneth said, like I'd never seen his body language before. Yeah, that it will literally turn you off from a person in an instant. I could if we're just going to sit and talk about I would love to have like these Christmas traditions with my family.

Yeah, I can probably agree with 50 million people on that. Yeah. Who doesn't agree that they want, like, a cute little family? Yeah, no, the whole, like, quote-for-quote opening up aspect of all those things, I just don't think that's opening up at all. I just think it's the least important. I think it's the least important. You want to open up when we're, like, late for a fucking dinner and, like, we're both getting ready and stressed? Like, how do you act then? You know? Like, how do you act when, like, we're in a fight but we're, like, in front of our friends? That's, like, the...

The shit that matters. You're like... When you're with your friends, like, in a bar drinking, like, how do you act? Yeah. And that's why I don't think The Bachelor can ever work because, yeah, you can talk and talk all you want, but you're not even in a real-life setting. Everything's staged. It's so expensive. You're living in a luxury. So...

Why aren't you guys being placed to live together? That's why I think it's the least realistic. Yeah. Because at least the other ones that live together, even on Love Island, they are together 24-7. 24-7. There's a lot of outside factors, you know? So I think The Bachelor is the least realistic. Yeah, because with Love Island, they have new people coming in to turn your head constantly. And you share a bathroom. You share a bathroom. Whereas with all these other shows, there's not new people coming in, like...

At all. It's so unrealistic. I just think it's so weird in Love is Blind. I mean, really, all these shows, when we just connect so easily, you're talking about things that I think the whole fucking world would agree on. Yeah. That you want a committed relationship and you value family and you want the same number of kids. Oh, now you're going to get married? Mm-hmm. That's literally easy shit. Yeah. Let's talk about Dave Poitner's Miss Peaches real quick. That's what I wanted to talk about! Yes! Yes!

I did want to talk about that. Obsessed. I, first of all, I love that man. Like, obviously there's times where I'm like, okay, some of the shit you're doing on social media ain't it, ain't right. But like, I never really feel that way. There's some things I'm just like, what are you doing, sir? But I will say this man, he's so fucking funny. And the fact that he like, he's, he could just care so much about his audience. Like,

With, you know, helping with the pizza reviews, building up all these small businesses. Now he has a dog and has raised over $100,000. It's like almost $300,000. Yeah, for an animal shelter? Like, this man can do anything. He has the social media control. It's next level.

Like, how much he's in control on social media. My aunt runs an animal rescue. I'm like, girl, stay porno-y. Yeah. It's crazy to me. Miss Peaches is, like, my dream dog. I love a pit bull, and she seems like...

the most calmest sweetest little fucking thing that's my dream dog i want miss peaches it's crazy too because he said i was listening to the bfs podcast yesterday he said that miss peaches is the fastest growing social media page to 200k for barstool yeah all of barstool so alex cooper from caller daddy didn't even grow to 200 that quickly like all the other like big people miss fucking peaches a dog crazy dogs will bring the world together i know you know like i mean i

I bet Miss Peaches somehow will get canceled. Yeah, right? But... She's got, like... Somehow Miss Peaches is going to get canceled. Yeah, I don't even know what it's going to be. She's going to, like, bite someone. Dude, yeah, accidentally bite someone. Miss Peaches is going to get canceled. You heard it here first. Dude...

Oh my god. No. You heard it here first. Miss Peaches is going to get cancelled. That would be crazy. I really hope not. That'd be like then we've really like lost the plot. Like then as a society we're not okay. Did you see also fucking full 180 right now that Tart is going on another brand trip to Bora Bora? Yeah I'm kind of like don't care. I think it's kind of crazy that they're still doing them. The thing is like they didn't

These have been going on since, like, 2012. But have you seen the PR boxes that they've been getting? Yeah, but, like, this has been going on for, like, all of eternity. Like, the Dubai trip, people are like, that's the first one. They've been going on for so long. No, I know that. But I just think it's... The whole thing is getting a little bit out of hand. It's getting bigger and bigger, in my opinion. With the amount of people that they invite, the people... At the level of the people that they invite, like, there's some creators that I'm following that I'm like,

You have less of a... Not that following really matters, but it's just like they're inviting so many people now that it's like... And then they get the PR boxes that I think are $5,000 at least. They're getting like Air Jordans, Canon G7X cameras, a bunch of clothing, swimsuits, like all this shit. I'm like, crazy. It's just so upsetting to me. Now, I would enjoy a PR box and I would go on the trip, okay? I'm not saying that these people... Oh, anybody would. I'm not saying they shouldn't go on the trip.

I think these big companies, I'm just so, like, fucking eat the rich. You're so rich. Like, if you're giving people $5,000 worth of PR boxes, like, they're homeless people. Like, I don't know. Like, it just makes me so mad. Like, there's just, like, so much things that you can do with the money that, again, I'm not saying the influencer shouldn't go. Enjoy. I'm saying the fucking high-level people at fucking Tartt that are just shelling out money for no reason.

fucking reason like i will say though much with this tart is doing a really good job at raising money for a lot of things though good like she like i don't know if you fall tart doesn't really use their social media page it's more of like the founder the founder and she raises a lot of fucking money because what she had was a cancer or something she had something that she battled with but she she raises a lot of money like on the outsides outside of the brand trips i just like

I'm just so like eat the rich like fuck off like help people. I am eager to see what kind of tea goes down with these trips though. I live for it. I fucking live for it. There's no way that they're fun. They're probably fun in the travel expense but I cannot imagine all so many influencers being in one room not being like

drama city well no i imagine they they probably have fun with it because a lot of them are friends like that whole new york city oh the new york cities are like they're tight they're all best friends they're gonna have so much fun on that trip and then brie brie and um grace are going on it they're gonna have fun yeah they're gonna have fun but i feel like it's like i feel like they're so clicky like i feel like i'd be so like yeah they definitely are but that's everything any group massive girl group trip is a massive bit girl group like that has to be so like

i'd be so stressed yeah i'd be so stressed to like look so pretty yeah and like do all that yeah the nyc influencers are they're so tight they're so like they're always doing the like coolest together they are always traveling always always next every video i look at i'm like you're in a new city or country how are you doing it me out yeah

I'll get it. It stresses me out. Yeah, but it's cute that they're all like friends because they hang out like off camera. Like I feel like I saw the pipeline of them like being influencer friends, but then being real friends. Like it was like girls that did influencer stuff together. Oh, and now it's girls that just hang out at each other's house. Yeah. It's cute of them. Very cute. Except for I guess maybe there's a split down the middle with that girl that I was like dating the other girl's boyfriend. Oh, yeah. That one. Besides that, they all seem like best friends. Yeah. It's cute.

All righty, we can recap. So much going on. I don't even know what the fuck I had going on. Friday, right? This weekend was so eventful. Oh, I guess I had my parents in town. You did have your parents in town. Yeah, my parents were in town last week and I ate fucking good all week. And then we ended up hosting the last night they were here, which was Wednesday night.

hosted my parents at my house for dinner and we cooked it up for a bunch of my friends well not a bunch of us there was only a few of us um but my dad yeah my dad made lemon or chicken piccata and i made a homemade caesar and some pasta and it was so good but the one thing about my dad is like he doesn't care about your health when he's cooking food like he'll put seven sticks of butter in there like

Yeah, cooks with love. Me and the other end, I cook with like health conscious, you know, like cooking. It's still good. It tastes bomb. Listen, it was fire. There's not seven sticks of butter in there. It was fuego. Yeah, it was fucking good. But, you know, love you, dad. But I can't be eating like that every fucking night because then I will feel like shit. So anyways, they ended up going home, had a lot of fun with them there. Ew, I have a dried contact on my leg. That's gross. Ew. Gritty. But...

It was nice to have them in town because my dad was just doing a lot of housework around the house. I'm like, yeah, get that work done. That's what you're here for. Like he snakes the cable along the drywall so you can't see the cable in the back. Set up my sprinklers, set up my AC on a schedule, all that fun stuff. And then they left and I had a very, very lazy day on Thursday because I was like, fuck, hosting people is tiring. Yeah, my family comes this weekend. Yeah, you're going to. When do they leave? Monday.

Okay, so Monday you're going to be like, I need to breathe. Yeah. My Thursday was eventful. Yeah, your Thursday was eventful. My Thursday was eventful. I had a bit of a sneaky link interaction. The true definition of sneaky link. Yeah. It was, you know. The man that we were talking about last week where she has no idea any history about this man. Hot gym man. Which we found out some history about this man. We found out a lot of history about this man. But hot gym man said, come over. I said, okay.

Because why not? I said, if the world is ending tomorrow, I have to go. What time did you go? 11.

Taylor's asleep at 11. I went on 11. I was... Where was I before that? You were over at my house for, like, not long. Because I remember you being like, I might go. Oh, no. We were at the event. We were at the event. We were at the event. So by the time I got home and showered and I had to eat dinner, I did... It was, like, 9. So it wasn't... I only had to wait a little bit. But it was, like, 11. So it was Sneaky Link. That is Sneaky Link, like...

It really is. A little 11 p.m. come over. I feel like I was sneaking out of my own home. Uh-huh. You know, no parents around, but I was like, no one can see. Yeah, you didn't even go to bed until like 2 in the morning. And I did because he was like, sleep here. And I was like, no. Yeah. And then what the fuck did we do Friday? I did so much this weekend. This weekend, I was a fucking city girl. I was a city girl. Oh, yeah. So Friday, we went to dinner. To dinner. But before that.

So you came over my house before we went to dinner and you were like, yeah, I went to bed at two. I was like, fucking geez, you went to bed at two. You crazy one. I didn't want to sleep there. Yeah. I mean, I don't blame you. I had makeup on. I don't even, sneaky link houses. I will not sleep at, let alone sometimes even my own boyfriend's house. I ain't sleeping there. Like I want my own bed. I was like,

It was so tempting because you know when you're tired and you're like... But Austin is so small. Like you live what? 10 minutes away? It was 10 minutes away. Like I'm going home. So I did go home. When I think of driving 10 minutes down the road, I'm like that's just three songs I get to listen to. Three songs and I'm driving and I'll be home in no time. So I did go home. I did not stay but you know, it was fun. Yeah. It was fun. Do you think you'll do it again or do you... Yeah, but like now I'm kind of like...

Got another Sneaky Link in the rotation, and I feel like he might take over. Yeah, you can't be doing two. I can't do two. You gotta pick one. Some of my friends, I have, like, friends down the middle that are like, we'll get to it. Yeah. Never mind. But, so, Friday. Also, I, it's so scary sharing so much when, like, I've been exposed and, like, they listen to this, but whatever. Just don't clip it. They're not gonna listen to the podcast.

They're not going to listen to the podcast. The only reason you saw that was because it was clipped. Yeah. He's dedicated if he's going to listen to the whole episode. That's true. So, anyways. We're 40 minutes deep. I know. Girls Night on Friday, which we've been doing. Girls Night's...

Every weekend. I fucking love it. Like, get me away from my boyfriend for a few hours. Thank you. And we went to Devil May Care for dinner, which is more of like a tapas type deal. Like the Andres. Yeah, it's more like bites, bites and cocktails. But it's good. It's more like Mediterranean and an American food mix of both. And yeah.

I love the drinks there because they are so strong. But before we went there, me and Taylor were at my house. So I made an espresso martini real quick because I was like, I'm fucking tired and I might as well make one. So I made one. And then I ended up having two drinks at that dinner. Both fucking strong. I'm like, oh my God, I'm drunk.

And I got the lamb meatballs. They were so good. I got steak and I got some hummus with amazing pita bread. So good. Yeah. If there's not homemade pita bread with the hummus or whatever the dip is... I'm pissed. I'm so mad. Like, I've gone to restaurants where they literally will give you... Like a tortilla. Yeah. Microwaved tortilla or pita bread. I'm like, what the fuck is this? That's disgusting. Give me homemade pita bread. Mm-hmm. So...

we then i tried convincing the girls to go over to east because west i don't know what it is but i just like don't really like west lately it's just sport bar vibes gross the drinks are just not good i have not had a good drink on west and like a good tequila soda yeah like yeah everything it's just i can't do it because i like going so that's why i tried convincing the girls i'm like let's go to lucky duck because i like their esposa martinis there i just like don't like sipping on a

Tequila soda. Yeah, I just can't do it. I'd rather get really, really drunk before going to the bar and then just have nothing in my hands.

So I convinced the girls to go over to East. And as we're getting Taylor drove, obviously, because she's not drinking. As we're getting out of the car, pulling up to the side, we see my boyfriend and his guy friends just walking down the street. I'm like directly next to us. Like literally perfect timing as Taylor is parallel parking the car. They are like walking right by. I'm like, Austin is such a small world. Like the fact that that happened, I was like, this is crazy. But they were just going to dinner on that road.

which i didn't even know of i was like oh like crazy where are you going i thought they were gonna end up oh crazy why are you here you told me you were home yeah i don't know imagine no but i knew he was going to get dinner but i'm just like east you're getting dinner on east like oh some sushi place so um but yeah i ended up thinking that they were gonna go out after which they didn't and we just were kind of bar hopping on east yeah until you guys got in a fight oh dude oh let's fucking talk about that

literal brawl at Lashkey so I'm on the bench you know how at Lashkey you can stand on the tables so there's this drunk ass guy on the top of the table like shoving us because he claims that he like bought the table which I looked at him and go are you from here he goes no

And I go, you don't buy these tables. Like, no one claims these tables. It's not like when you're going to a club and you, like, bought out a table. Like, just because you got there first doesn't mean you, like, own this table. And there was so much room up there. They either totally made it up or someone did take his money. Yeah. And scammed him. Yeah. So I was like, I'm sorry, but that's just, like, not how it works. Like, anyone's welcome on the table. Like, when I'm on the table up there...

I, like, pull random girls up if there's room. I'm like, come join me. Like, dance with me. And sorry, if you're a man and you bought a table, don't you want girls to dance with you? Right? That's literally the point of buying a table. And when I say shoved, shoved to the floor. No, no, no. But not... No, it wasn't the girl that did it. No, we got there. The guy pushed... Right when we got there, someone got pushed off. I forgot if it was... Oh, so a random person? No, the guy. The angry guy. No, no. I watched it happen. So the guy...

I was standing on the bench and then two of our girlfriends were on the table and I'm facing them, looking at them dancing. And I hear them getting mad. The girl and the guy, like they're like, they're not even a couple. The fiance was on the ground and the two of them were on the table and the girl was like, what the fuck? Who are these random bitches? And I'm like,

The guy, they were talking about it and they're like, I don't know, I fucking told them to get off and I'm like watching it. The girl, I kid you not, took her fucking butt and like backpedaled her butt into Genie and then it was a domino effect. Pushed Genie into Liv and then Liv fell on the fucking ground. See, but that's not the time I'm talking about. I'm talking right when we got there. Right when we got there. Damn, okay. Well...

I didn't see that one, but this one obviously involves us. Yeah, that was like bigger, but the man pusher right when we got there. Yeah. And then the girlfriend did. Yeah. So then that girl pushed...

One of our friends onto the ground and when I looked at our friend, she looked like she was in so much pain She looked like she had tears in her eyes I was like so upset for her and she looked so embarrassed because everyone turned and looked and dude red went into my eyes Red I went over to that girl and I go I just watched that whole thing happen I can believe that just happened and then me and my other friend who's also from boston massachusetts like we have that like energy where like fuck with one of our friends like

We will say something. And we're just both yip yapping in her ear being like, I can't believe you fucking did that. Like, what is wrong with you? Like laying hands on a stranger, let alone like a girl to girl stranger. Like, what is wrong with you? Pushing someone off a table onto a concrete floor. She was wearing heels. She didn't crack her head open. I know. And so we were just yip yapping in her fucking ear being like, I can't believe you just said that to the point where they left.

They left. They went home. So me and one of our friends, she was like, come with me. She wanted to get a drink from a guy. So we're trying to wait for these drinks for my Diet Coke for her fucking ranch water. We're up waiting for the drinks. And we just see this. Like, we have no sound, but we can just see it all going on. We're like, oh, shit. They're still fighting. Because the original fight, like I said, we got there and there was kind of bicker. And then it, like, died down a little bit. And then it, like, riled up for this. So we're at the bar like, oh, shit. Wait, they're fighting again. And we just see, like...

People yelling and hands up. And we're like, oh my God, what's happening? We're like, we need these drinks to go. We need to go over there. What is going on? And then we saw them leave. Yeah. Watching it all from afar. We were like, grab the fucking popcorn. And mind you, what's so funny is at the bar before, literally, our friend was saying, we're talking about fighting. And now she would punch someone. And I was like, wow, we manifested. Yeah, she did manifest that one. Manifesting in the works. Because you sat there being like, yeah, I would fight someone. And the universe was like,

bet this girl's gonna push you off a fucking table dude and then she was laying hands on the both of us she was like pushing me back when i was talking to her i'm like don't lay your hands on me like literally do not lay your hands on me right now because i i have alcohol in me and we don't want that to happen when i tell you these people went to a bar and were mad that other people

Were also at the bar. Yeah. We're like, why are there people near me when I'm literally at a public bar that's meant for dancing and singing and a bar that gets shoulder to shoulder packed? And I just can't even imagine like getting mad that someone is having fun.

like i'm on a table and someone else is also having fun dancing like imagine getting mad about that she was so glad that you were like next to her man no they weren't dating the fiance was so the fiance ended up coming up to me and apologizing and she was like i'm so sorry he's so embarrassing like i saw the whole thing happen too like they're definitely at fault and the fiance is actually the one that got them to leave she was like we gotta go like this is embarrassing and i was like yeah not striped shirt

No, she had like glasses on. But the striped shirt girl was yelling. Yeah, no. She was very calm, cool, collected. She's like, I'm so sorry. I'll get them out of here. And I'm like, yeah, please do. Dude, if my man shoved a woman off a table. Yeah. A fucking assault. Like I didn't call the fucking cops. Yeah.

And I'm honestly surprised that the, obviously the bar was really, really packed, but I'm surprised a bartender did not see it and like kick them out. A hundred percent. But whatever. We got them out. We did it. No, it was crazy. And then we left. I was like, Sam, do you want to leave? Yeah. It was like 10. It was 1030. Yeah. 1030. And I had to be in Dallas or I had to be in the car driving to Dallas at 8am. And I was like, yeah, let's get out of here. I was like, I'm going to leave. And you were like, take me home. Yeah. Amazing. Love that. Cause like, you know, sometimes it's like a no.

Stay. Not really from you, but you never know if you're like, hey, I'm going to leave. But the thing is with our girl group, it is a domino effect of when one person leaves, the rest start to leave. Anytime I leave, then Jeannie leaves. Yeah. And then other people leave. People start to leave. It opens the door. So it's just kind of like, yeah, I was leaving. And then Saturday...

I had a long day Saturday. Such a long day Saturday. Wholesome day. Actually, it was so fun. We went on a boat on Lady Bird that I actually want to try to book for this coming weekend. So cute. We did a brunch on this boat at like 10 a.m., two hours, just cruised around the lake, all brought food.

ate crap and just like talked and talked and talked and talked and talked and it was so cute we all went comfy it was adorable and then they went to the pool but I just like really wanted to go to dance so I was like you know what like I knew I was hanging out with them all day like boat dinner going out I was like I'm just gonna

sneak away for an hour and just um go to dance because i'm actually still doing my workouts even though you'll hear i did drink um this night but i'm still doing my other shit anyways so i like i did really want to go to dance i'm like okay i'll go to dance so i literally snuck away i'm like i was out and about all day like fucking city girl in it and then i went to lunch with my dance friends i went to local foods yeah i've heard good things about that place fire chicken sandwich yeah like fucking fire i actually really want it again now i'm like craving it

And then I went home and basically literally got ready to go to dinner at Matt's all Rancho, which we were late for. But it's OK because you can't make reservations anyway. But it made me think I don't understand how people are late because I was late and it was so stressful. Yeah. Because my friend called me at like five when I was just planning to pee when I was just planning to leave. And she was like, wait, can you come here first and bring me your jeans? Which is such a her thing to do. That is like so her coded.

And I was like, okay, yeah. So I wasn't planning on being ready to have that stop in my thing. So whatever. We went to Matt's All Rancho. So good. Like queso fire. I got chicken tacos. Fire. Everything was amazing. Again, just talk, talk, talk. Like it was just, again, just like biggest girls day. And then we went to West and I decided to have...

a drink which you know oh no we didn't go straight to us we went to codependent love codependent um the drink i got was actually gross because i ordered the wrong thing by accident but it's fine i drank it anyway

We went to Codependent and then we went to West and I did just decide to have a drink. So I just needed like a fucking day off because it was like the vibes were so good that day. The vibes were so good. Yeah, vibes are good. If the vibes are good, like it is what it is. And I was and I was like, if this guy wants to hang out, I'm going to drink. If not, because the thing is, when it was just like Friday, if it's like just us girls, I have a great time with you guys drinking or not drinking. So.

So it's like I don't need to, if that makes sense. Like that's kind of how I've been feeling recently. Like Friday, it's like I didn't need to drink. I have fun with you guys. Like I will enjoy my night equally because I fucking enjoy hanging out with you guys. Yeah. Um, yeah.

I think my sense of drinking now, especially because I have a boyfriend, is like, damn, it was a long week. I need a rewarding cocktail. It's just rewarding having a few cocktails. That's kind of what I thought. I was like, I need one day. I need cheat day. I need cheat day. But I haven't cheated my workouts, just so y'all know. But I needed a cheat day, drank a little bit, and then I get a text from this guy saying,

who I've been texting a lot, who saw my clip of me talking about him. And he was like, come over when you're done. And I like being told what to do from a man.

tell me what you do don't ask yeah like if you ask like do you want to hang out later don't ask me that just say come over that's my fucking when you're done boyfriend's worst trait asking like like i don't know i like do you hold i like to be told and guess what like i'll go like if you put it because not a lot of guys do it just say like come over after like period no ifs ands or buts that's what we're doing yes i totally agree that is like my fucking love language if someone's like do you want to hang out like i don't know what do you want to do


Boo. Yeah. So then I had another sneaky league situation, but it was innocent. I didn't do anything. Yeah. My Saturday was spent going to Dallas. I dropped the boys off here. Oh, yeah. I was watching the dogs. Yeah. All weekend. So I dropped the boys off here right at 830 in the morning and hit the road. We went into Dallas because my boyfriend's mom was in town for work. She has like work conferences all week in Dallas. So she flew in the weekend before so that she could hang out with us. And guys, a three hour drive. I know. So short. But dude, that shit sucks.

killed me. I was so tired like the entire day. I felt like I was a walking zombie but spent the day going shopping going out to eat. We had obviously ate out for lunch and dinner but we got breakfast at Bucky's. Oh I like I've never done that gone to like the actual hot bar at Bucky's and like gotten food. We got some brisket tacos bacon egg and cheese tacos for breakfast. So good. But I will say they need like

Because it's literally just egg and brisket. And then you can get like the little sauce packets on the side. I'm like, I like I haven't eaten breakfast. You haven't eaten? It's 12. I've been busy all day. Bro, what the fuck? It's 12. Yeah, I know.

Yeah, that's not good. I know. I had to be up early and out of the house early. Anyways. But anyways, something about a taco, I needed to be drenched in cilantro and lime. And I'm like, they were just missing that. But other than that, for a gas station breakfast, fucking good. Buc-ee's will be my number one pit stop when I am road tripping in Texas. Right.

And then we went over to, like I said, the 60 Vines for dinner. Very low key. Like it just felt good going to dinner, having two glasses of wine, like rewarding week, whatnot. And it felt good because we sat there at that restaurant for like two and a half hours just talking, slowly drinking our drinks. And I want to go back there next time because last time I went for brunch and then this time it was for dinner. But next time I go back there, I want to do their wine flights because their wine menu was...

50 to 60 winds deep. Like, it was big and you can do the flights but they just weren't vibing with the flights. I was like, let's do flights. Like, come on. And they're like, eh, no. When you say come on, you mean like his mom? Yeah. I was like, come on, let's do some flights. Yeah.

they weren't vibing with it and then sunday morning well which we went back to the hotel and there was a fucking ghost i think in my hotel i'm not even kidding the fan kept going on and off and the blinds kept moving i was scared i was so scared i was like i'm never sleeping in this hotel ever again but yeah and then sunday just went home and got some housework done yeah i so like that um saturday night so obviously like this wasn't hot gym man it's a different person

I was like bro I need to figure this out because I have animals here so like hold on so I had to like uber here take care of the little fucking turd rockets let them out do their whole thing and then to go to sleep I was like then I'll go there he lives like very close to me

So when I went there and hung out and guys, I had a white claw and I liked it. Isn't that crazy? I've said on here I hated white claws so much and I always have. I had a strawberry white claw and it was good. I'm a little bit confused on how that happened, but I did have a strawberry white claw and it was good. And then, yeah, I had like an innocent night and then in the morning I was like, God, bring me back so I can let out these dogs. Then he met the puppy. I was like, go on, come say hi to a dog. And then he actually had shit in his crate and we walked in. He was like, it smells like shit in here. I'm like, yeah.

How embarrassing. I'm like, well, it's like a puppy. He's cute. Yeah. Well, the thing is, so he was shitting in his crate because the crate I was using was too big for him. So he would like shit in the crate because he felt like he could because there's enough room. Now I downsized the crate he's in and doesn't shit in the crate. Yeah. But like other than the crate shitting, you know, they had a good time with me.

You know, took them on some walks, even though she's like went on like a maybe three minute walk. But we did try. There was a little girl screaming at him. I don't know. It was really weird. Yeah. But yeah, the boys just loved my care. And then on Sunday after you took them, I went to the gym and I hit a fire like day. Yeah. You go to the gym. I haven't had a lift in like four days. I hit a fuego like day on Sunday. Yeah. So good. Oh, my God. And I get my car. I left my car at my friend's house. Really? The worst. Yeah.

Yeah, no, that is the worst feeling. It is the worst. But you know what's worse? Getting a DUI. Yeah, I'll only ever leave my car somewhere if I'm like sleeping at my boyfriend's per se because then I can wake up and I'll be like, hey, can you drive me to my car instead of home? I wish I could have asked him to drive me to my car, but someone's dogs were here.

yeah but they could take in two seconds and they needed tending to yeah well i wanted to make sure that they were good yeah i didn't want to like leave them all day i guess and i kind of felt bad because he knows i live down the street so i didn't want to add like more to his like day you know make a man work i know and some of my friends were like saying that i could have like but we've said this before like two men in one week i can't do that

Yeah, but you were saying before the weekend started, you're like, this may be my weekend where I'm going to do two in one week. Well, like if I lost all self-control. Yeah. But then I like in the moment, like I'm like, that's all talk. I'm not that ballsy. Yeah. I'm just not that ballsy. I don't even think I think you're thinking too deep into it.

that two people in one week yeah because like when it happened for me i wasn't thinking about the fact that like it just i was placed in the moment and the moment just happened yeah but also to be fair like it was like i actually didn't want to like i don't know it was kind of a moment where i was like we don't it was chill yeah he didn't really want to either yeah i mean it's just thinking too deep into it in my opinion probably i've said on here that i'm weird yeah you are really weird

Talk about it with my therapist on Thursday. It goes back. It's actually really traumatic and really actually something I need to work through. Why? Being weird? No, just... Men? Sex. Sex? Yeah. Yeah. Had some... Traumatic situations. A little traumatic and... The more time that's passed since the traumatic situations, the more I realized that I think they fucked me up a little. Yeah, I mean...

Definitely. Like, because it's like, I think about it, I feel like I think about it, like, maybe every other day. Yeah, and I think that's maybe why...

drinking and having sex may be a trigger for you it is yeah it like freaks me out yeah it like really freaks me out oh my god not this this is like really deep okay i can't talk sorry no it's okay that's this is that's one thing that i i haven't talked about on the internet you have a few times you've you've mentioned it yeah i'm barely vague yeah like but we have like there has been like a this is basically the extent i've talked about yeah yeah like

I just like had a situation that was traumatic. Yeah. And I feel like it will definitely down the road help you though. Talking about it. Yeah. And I'm not saying you have to necessarily do it right now, but I'm just saying. No, I'll talk to my therapist about it. The other reason I don't talk about it is because I don't want my family to know. That's why I don't talk about it on the internet. Maybe you need to set boundaries with your family. I don't know. I told my parents to stop listening. If I say on an episode, don't listen, they won't. Yeah.

Yeah, my parents don't listen. I go, don't listen. If I tell them not to listen, they won't. They won't disrespect my wishes because it's for their own good. They know, probably don't want to hear it. They're not going to put themselves in that situation. But yeah, it's definitely triggering very much so. My therapist will hear about it in two days. Don't worry. In two days? My appointment's on Thursday. She'll be crying, talking about her laugh. My appointment's on Thursday. It doesn't make me cry anymore. Oh, it doesn't?

You didn't cry last time? Therapy? Yeah. Oh, no, I haven't cried in therapy. What did you think I was talking about? Talking about the situation. Oh, oh. I haven't cried in therapy since, like, the first time I went to therapy. Yeah. Because I'm, like, chilling now.

yeah you're cool like that yeah i'm like fucking fucking dope so i don't really cry to her anymore yet i can't remember the last time i cried when was the last time i cried oh that's the best i almost cried yesterday in the car thinking about how i have to deal with my period every single day yeah i can't remember that almost got me yeah besides like my hormones being out of whack i can't remember the last time i'd be like actually that's such a fucking lie

got family shit going on i fucking made me bawl my eyes out for a week recently i'll like listen to music and like a tear almost falls i cry and dance sometimes yeah dance gets really emotional sometimes and sometimes i tear up not gonna lie watching your you're watching your dance video sometimes like i see the emotion in your face like i'm like she looks like she wants to burst into tears that's what happens this song is so sad or yeah no i'm gonna stop or what i'm

Looks like she wants to shit her pants. I knew you were about to say that. It's either I want to cry or I'm going to shit my pants. It's kind of the only two emotions you feel when you're dancing. Are you holding into shit when you're dancing? I'm not breathing. You're not breathing? Well, it's bad. You're supposed to... I'm really bad at breathing when I dance. Good dancers are really good at controlling their breath when they dance. Interesting. Not me. Interesting. Yeah, I'd pass out. Sometimes you finish and you're just like, I feel like I barely breathed. Ugh.

All right, well, enough of this random fucking talk. Yeah. Do we want to get into our little workout routines? Yeah, we just wanted to touch on, we have an update, y'all, on, like, what we like to do fitness-wise. And I know that's why a lot of you started coming to us in the first place. So, like, you know, once a year, we'll... Yeah. I mean, we've never dropped the gym. We've never dropped that healthy lifestyle. Never. Maybe there's been times in our life where we've been less motivated than others, but that's just a part of the process. At the end of the day, being healthy and working out is the, like...

biggest constant in our life yeah and i don't think it will ever go away it's just more of finding that balance of like what i really enjoy and what motivates me to actually go to the gym because yeah discipline is a huge thing but at the end of the day you got to enjoy what you're doing and even at our least disciplined we are still way more disciplined than the average fucking american yeah now you guys obviously know like over the last two years both of us

Working out wise has changed. We've transitioned from... I'm just kind of giving a background for anyone that's new here, but we've transitioned from tracking our food 24-7. We went through a bulking phase, a cutting phase, maintenance phase, working out five, six days a week of lifting with minimal cardio. Obviously, when we were cutting, we would do the cardio, but the only thing we would ever do is lifting weights in the gym to transitioning into that intuitive lifestyle and then

From that intuitive lifestyle, we've both kind of found things that really interest us in like that active lifestyle. And now it's like so diverse in what we're doing. So diverse. I feel so in shape. Yeah. And I just want to say all these journeys we've taken to get here, I don't regret a single thing.

bit of it. I don't regret tracking my food. Tracking my food taught me what I fucking know about nutrition. I literally had an eating disorder. It's eating disorder awareness week. Like that got me out of that lifting weights and going through a bulk where I put on all that weight like that did help my body image and my relationship with food a lot. And it all got us here. So I don't think any type of

thing like fitness really fitness like routine is bad it's just like what works for you in that moment like it all got here like the only reason i'm so confident in the way i eat in the way i work out is because i went through that i did everything yeah i agree and i'm i'm honestly like really happy though that i was able to find that point in my life that i was able to kind of like full 180 it

Because if I kept going with that tracking and gym lifestyle and maybe competing or just anything in that realm, I think things could have gone sideways for me real quickly again. So I'm happy I was able to

notice that like right away hey sam you need to enter that intuitive lifestyle and get out of this toxic behavior because it could have gone bad i agree and for us it was also a big social thing yes people their gym like gym people gym is their whole life and that is not a way that we um can happily live if you knew us personally and were our parents they can tell you that we were

absolutely down horrendous when we were in that phase so yeah we were like we can't live like this anymore i know i need to be out and about socializing meeting new people just experiencing new things

And when you meet new people from different backgrounds, especially in a city like this, you change so much as a person. You learn so much as a person. Like the amount that I've changed since introducing new people into my life is crazy. Oh my God. Yeah. Because you just learn not only other people's backgrounds in life, but also how to handle certain situations with certain people and how they handle things. Like you just learn so much as a person. So it's been good. I feel like you don't notice it until like you look back at yourself and you're like, holy crap.

Fuck balls. A year ago, I had long hair and bangs, blonde. That feels like five million years. Like you just changed so much. So everything we say on this, like in a year, this might be so different. People always ask, will you ever go back to like tracking and lifting? Bitch, I can't tell you what I'm going to do in five years. I don't know. Do I think so? No. But I'm also not. I don't have hard nose on anything. Whenever someone asks me, like, are you ever going to do this? Are you ever going to do that? I don't know. Maybe. Maybe.

Like, oh, I'm very stern and I'm never going to compete. People ask me that all the time. I'm like, no, I'm never going to. I'll never compete because we're also getting like old and like not even there. I guess. Yeah. Yeah. No, I don't. I will never compete. But like sometimes I do like, well, I like ever like power lift. So I like to live like, you know, but I never say no. I don't know. Yeah. Life changes so much. But this is what we're doing.

Today. Yeah. Like people ask me all the time. Do you think you'll ever run a marathon? I don't know. Couldn't tell you. I'm gonna say no right now because that sounds miserable. I don't want to put myself through that. But who knows? Maybe I will. Yeah. Like there's just no... I don't like putting hard yes or no's on things because my life right now is never where I thought it would be. So...

I can't fucking tell you. Yeah. Day by day. I said this in my reel that I posted yesterday because obviously I've gotten into running and I've improved a lot over the last month and a half. But what I said is that you're never going to grow if you're comfortable. You need to constantly be challenging yourself, putting things in there like...

Even if you try something once, don't like it, like at least challenge yourself, make yourself uncomfortable. Like I remember when we kind of started changing our gym routine and I was going to all these workout classes, how uncomfortable I felt in that first class. I didn't know what to expect, who was going to be there, if I was going to fuck it up, if I was me good at it, like I knew nothing. And the only way that I was able to build a good relationship with these people

Gym classes that I was going to was going to it, getting uncomfortable to become comfortable. So just know that you have to go through that experience of getting uncomfortable and just trying new things in order to build a routine like we have now. Mm-hmm.

So do you want to share like you're going to go like share your week, share my week? Yeah. So my weeks are always different. There are a lot of run clubs here in Austin, Texas. So I kind of just like look on Sunday and kind of see what run clubs I want to do and whatnot, because I limit myself to two runs a week. I don't want to do anything more than that just because I do want to make sure I am lifting three to four.

times a week and I want to balance it correctly. So I've been doing one really long run and then one shorter run. So running twice a week and it's always different during the week. Like people always ask me, what days of the week? I'm like, I don't know. They're always different. So for instance, this week I ran eight miles on Monday and I'm not going to run again until Saturday because I have a run club. And then the rest of those days are going to be lifts. I will rest

once or twice a week and then my lifts are two upper body and two lower body and I will

just kind of organize it that way. It doesn't really matter if I'm, you know, doing a leg day and then an upper body day and then a leg day again. Like I don't really care what the distance is between my leg days. I know some people are like, I need at least two days between, but I just, I don't care. I'm going to make it work. I'm going to try to run twice a week and lift three to four times a week. Nice. Yeah. Um, so basically I have been doing, um,

Starting on Monday, I do berries Monday mornings. I just love it. I love going in the morning because it's kind of something I don't want to do. Like, I like doing it, but in the moment, it's like, fuck, I'm going to wake up and go to berries. But something about starting my week like that just sets me off right. I love it. I love the energy in there. I would actually fucking love to teach berries. But anyways, so...

I go to Barry's and that's my Monday workout and it's always arms, arms and abs. So I do arms and abs and cardio. Tuesday I do an active rest because I teach and teaching my dance classes is the hardest workout of my entire week. Teaching my hip hop class exhausts me like nothing else in this world has ever exhausted me before. So I take an active rest for when I teach and then I dance in total silence.

One to four times a week. Mostly it's three to four. Some days it's just when I teach, but on ideal weeks, I dance Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. But that all depends on my availability. Sometimes I can't even teach and have to take it off, and it depends on my availability. But on ideal weeks, three to four times a week I go to dance. Wednesdays I do legs with my friend, and then Thursday and Friday I kind of do upper body in the gym.

Dance on Saturday and then I'll lift legs again on Sunday. So I do I lift in the gym four days a week and then I do one day berries. And then I do. So that's five kind of lifts because I do use weights and berries. And then I dance one to four times a week. Recently, it's been three.

four yeah i go four times i used to go to berries once a week i used to go to that monday morning class but now i go every other week just mixing it into my schedule yeah when it works yeah i like i like just i would love to fucking teach berries yeah i love teaching teaching dance is so fun like i just love fucking teaching in class and i've been told i'm good at it um some of you have come to my dance class that's really great but i love teaching people it's so fun it's like my passion and

But yeah, I'm also going on a ton of walks. Yeah. Yeah, I don't really do walks. Oh, recently if I don't go to enough dance because that's my cardio, I'll make myself run a mile as like my extra cardio. Because if I don't go to dance, I feel like kind of just like

I didn't do my cardio, but that's rare. That's if like a busy week or something. I want to give some running tips though, because I've been getting a lot of questions on how I've improved so much. I feel like this is the perfect opportunity is to just, if someone asks, plug the podcast and say, I mentioned it in here. So, um, as you guys know, I started running like,

The end of last year, but it was nothing crazy. I was doing every Sunday with my boyfriend anywhere from like one to three miles, but we were stopping going, stopping going. It was never like a consistent run. So I started to take it real seriously going into the new year. You dropped his ass. Yeah, I dropped his ass. He was slowing me down. And I started to get real serious in January. And what I was doing because I couldn't build the confidence to go on runs by myself is I was just signing up for any run club I could get myself...

myself to go to. Um, I've been doing cool down running on Wednesday nights. The meetup spot is Barton Springs. Um, lose restaurant. It's at, I think six, six o'clock and they do a three mile loop. And little did I know they also do a five mile loop. So for the first month I was doing the three mile loop and I was getting comfortable doing that. And then I finally realized,

Broke out and I was like fuck it Let's go try that five mile loop and I did the five mile loop for the first time and I was like, holy shit That was so much easier than I thought it was So once I was able to get to like doing five miles consistently That's when I didn't stop doing the five miles Like I kept going with it each week challenging myself doing the five miles Getting better and better at it. And then once I was really comfortable with the five miles That's when I have now just started to add another mile each week. So from the five miles, which was a month ago, um

I have been just adding a mile. So now I'm doing six miles now, seven miles. This week was eight miles next week. Am I going to try to do my nine miles? We'll see. I don't know yet. Maybe I'll do eight miles one more time before I do the nine miles, because that was a lot. And, um,

I've been just adding people are like are you doing running programs or anything like that? No, no, just you got to do it Like I you got to put yourself in that position to just do it Think about it. It's only one extra mile each week. That's anywhere from Eight to ten minutes extra of just running and if you need to stop and cool down for a second on those longer runs do it but I try not to just because I don't Want to lower my heart rate like I'd rather just fucking keep going but

You got to just do it. Like this just with everything. I was just going to say any new workout. You got to just do it. If you aren't starting something because you don't know the right way to start, you have to just fucking start doing it. Especially anything body weight. If you're trying to do some like Olympic weightlifting, someone needs to teach you how to fucking put a barbell over your head. Fair. Don't fucking kill yourself. If it's a body weight running, I post a video of me doing splits. People are like, how do you do that?

Practice. Get down there. I don't know what to tell you. Like, hold it. Yeah. Pull-ups. How did you get so good at pull-ups? Try. I've been doing pull-ups every day. Running? Try. I couldn't... I want to say it was like over a year ago. Both of us at Lyft like went to run a mile on the treadmill. Yeah. I don't know if you remember that. Bro, I couldn't...

I was dying, dying. When I tell you that half a mile wrecked me, I didn't finish the whole mile. I was like, you are out of cardio shape, motherfucker. So now I go to Barry's, which I run in there. I don't push myself like crazy runs there because I'm not trying to be a runner, but I...

I do some jogging. Dance, like I said, also is crazy cardio. So just my endurance has gotten way better. But that's because I push myself in my endurance each week. I fucking do cardio every week. So in turn...

Now I could run a little over a mile without stopping. Is it fast? No. But I'm capable because I want to be capable of running a decent mile. Yeah, just in case someone's chasing you, you need to run away. I feel like running two to three miles, three is like a 5K. I feel like being able to run a 5K to me is just like in shape. Like I don't want to be a runner. Running hurts my joints. Like I'm not trying to be like you. But like I just think if I can for a chill workout go like three miles, that's

To me, that's like fit. Yeah. Yeah. And I want to be fit. That's how I feel. I want to be fit because one day when I go on Survivor 2, I need to be fit, you know? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Like, I got to think every single day that like, I'm going to go on Survivor one day. So I got to get good at everything. Yeah. You got to live life as if, what if tomorrow I'm on Survivor? That's a good way to live because...

on the real though like i just like feeling in shape i mean like now that i dance i feel flexible again yeah like feeling tight everywhere as we get older dude like she gets scary now i feel strong i feel flexible my core is strong i have good cardio like i'm so fucking in shape right now yeah like you bitches could never no offense no offense but y'all could never yeah

um but i feel like you feel that way too like we're and we look great yeah like not to not to hype ourselves this is the best i've looked in a very long time six pack is six packing yeah hard the um you're like lean mean machine oh 1000 i feel so good like same it's crazy too with the life my lifestyle right now is so inconsistent with my workouts like like yeah i work out

What? The period cramp that just like stabbed through my body. Oh my God. Yeah. Sorry, that was literally awful. It's just crazy that like the inconsistency of my schedule. Yeah, like I said, I have like kind of a routine, but it's not set in stone every week. It's so inconsistent. Whereas compared to when I was a very consistent routine, I would not...

I would cancel plans to make sure my routine was on check. Whereas compared to now, it's so inconsistent. If plans pop up, I won't go to the gym. I'll skip the gym. So it's just crazy to see that this form of my lifestyle has created my dream, not dream physique, but just like I feel so good inside my own skin that I don't care if I miss the gym two days in a row, three days in a row. Like I'll get back into it. It's okay. Like I'm kind of like in a place where I don't,

I do want to get all my workouts in, but I found it had to take me getting to a place of like skipping things to realize what I liked. Like I maybe can't go five days in a row straight just lifting. So I do one day berries. I do like if I miss my workout, that's fine because like I go to dance and like dance makes me feel good. You know, if I can't go lift weights at all, like I still like to go to dance where it's like I have other movement and other times that makes me feel fulfilled. So it's not reliant on one thing.

um and that makes me feel that makes me feel really good it just makes me feel really good when i can get different types of movement in and like figure out some it i figured out a routine that i don't want to skip if that makes sense like i don't want like i said like i like going to dance on saturdays that like is my favorite part of my weekend is like going to dance and going to lunch like that i've found stuff that i fucking like so it i never really skip it anymore and i went through a phase of skipping i went through a

I went through months. It's not that I'm skipping because I'm lazy or don't want to go. It's because I'm busy. Something comes up. Busy. Yeah, yeah. No, 100%. I'm just saying more so comparing to my old self. Like I went through a phase of like, I don't want to go. I don't want to go. I don't want to go. And now I finally found a routine that I like. And that's like what I'm just going to keep doing. Find a routine that I like. I'll probably get bored of this. Yeah. I don't know. In a few months, I'll probably go through another phase of like, this is hard. But like now I'm back at it. Also, when I took my time of skipping.

And, like, taking a lot of time off lifting, I started to like the gym again. Like, I just needed a break. Sometimes you just need a break. Because now I'm kind of in my, like, in the gym, don't talk to me, I'm here to work, bitch. It's fun. Yeah. But, yeah, that's not really how I have for running tips. You just got to fucking do it. Don't be lazy. I'm harsh truth, to be honest. It's kind of life tip. It really is. You got to just put yourself out there, drive to a fucking path, and start running. Yeah, like, and if people...

I'm sorry. If you were like, I can imagine you get DMs like, how do you find a run club? I don't know if you get DMs like that. Oh, all the time. Okay. If you've sent that DM, you're lazy. What do you mean? How do you find a run club? I could find 20 run clubs in every state. Give me a city. I bet I can find 30. Yeah. Like social media or word of mouth. Gotta look. You gotta look. So yeah, if you've ever sent that DM to Sam, how do you find a run club? You're lazy. Yeah. Sorry. Especially on my Instagram. I post so many of them on my Instagram. Yeah. No. If you're in Austin, you'll find them.

Sorry. Yeah. But yeah, that's our current workout grind. Like we're really grinding. Like we're really healthy. Like we out here like we look good. Yeah. But I do need to go because I have an appointment in 30 minutes. There's literally like a knife in my uterus. Bye. Yeah, that's it. Bye, guys.