cover of episode One Thing About Sneaky Links, Flirting, and the Bachelor

One Thing About Sneaky Links, Flirting, and the Bachelor

Publish Date: 2024/2/21
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One Thing About Us


Shownotes Transcript

hello guys welcome back to another episode i'm taylor i'm sam and we're gonna talk we just came up with this right now yeah all things sneaky links the rules and regulations having a sneaky link and regulations for sneaky link for seeing a man that's not your man but is your man yeah how to navigate it and then maybe potentially turn him into your boyfriend how to navigate it and also how to find one yeah like because i was thinking out this weekend

Recently, I feel like my like flirt game, Riz, as the kids call it, is like kind of good. And I've been doing it sober. Yeah. It's like really like raw power. And I like talking about it in the sense of women are in total power of this. It's not always the man that needs to find some sneaky link type vibe. Like, no, put the girls in power. Like 100%. You need to be the one using him, that whole vibe. Exactly. And I got, I was on live last night eating ice cream. Yeah.

spilling tea if you don't go on my tiktok lives like i was really spilling the tea of my life the girlies know i know you guys are listening um and they were like you're not scared these people are gonna pop on here and listen to this i'm like no because guess what this is what i do for work and like you're either with it or you're not and everything i say is the absolute truth and if you haven't noticed from this show we're kind of not scared of sharing

Every single detail. I have nothing to fucking hide. Exactly. I have one big open book. Especially if we started dating someone, which now I am, back before. I wasn't scared to share anything about my current boyfriend because he's going to have to get used to it. This is my job. This is my life. I overshare everything. He's going to have to get used to it. And guess what? What I said about you on the internet is genuinely how I feel about you. Wouldn't you want to hear that? If you don't like what I have to say or it makes you uncomfortable, sorry. I...

we've said this before i just can't fake shit it's not really in my dna where do you just go taylor i was vlogging on my phone and i had to turn it off so i didn't have a 30 minute video okay sorry anyways technical difficulties now do you have a one thing about you this week yeah one thing about me is recently like i've like i literally love going out sober it's literally so fun yeah no it's so fun i i don't know what it is obviously it has to be a good vibe if it's a bad vibe

obviously not can you believe that you're even saying this like compared to your year ago so two year like even back in the day like that's crazy to say no it's fun and then it's like wait i kind of want to go out friday like and saturday because i'm not hung over yeah you know i just get to put on a cute outfit put some makeup on yeah go out and if you want to leave after an hour you want to leave if you want to stay you stay and something about

Being so aware is sometimes what makes it not fun. But when it is fun, you're talking to people who are like, oh, did you see this? I don't know. I was fucking up on the stage. Dancing everywhere, having so much fun. People probably thought I was the drunkest girl in there. I was drinking to Shirley Temple. Yeah, the good thing too is you've come to the point where people aren't going to harass you about it. Be like, drink, drink, drink! Because even over the summer, at least, if there was nights where we would go to

The Thursday night things or the Friday night things. And we both knew we weren't drinking. Like I would show up and boys would be like, drink. Come on. Just one drink. Just one drink. And I'm like, shut up. I also realized you don't have to tell people if you get... Like I was getting Shirley Temples. That could be vodka crayon. No one knows. No one knows. Unless you tell them. But I was also with people that weren't drinking. Like...

an incredible amount yeah it wasn't anything crazy but yeah going out sober is like just low-key vibe i could go out every night you know what i mean because i'm not hung over it's like tonight why not go out you know yeah you could just hit the town yeah my one thing about me is gonna be valentine's day one thing about me is i got asked to be a valentine we didn't talk about this because we recorded it on valentine's day so we didn't get the chance to talk about valentine's day so when's the last time you've been a valentine before this

Honestly, my ex-boyfriend from five years ago, I don't even think he ever asked me to be his Valentine's, so maybe like 10 years. Period. I know. So last week we had Valentine's Day, but I had moved into my house like two days before that, so I was just going through it that day. And that was also the day, I think, that I called the cops on myself.

It was because I got scammed. Oh, yeah. So I got scammed. Guys, there's a whole story about that. You can find it in the video on TikTok. I'm not going to go into full detail about. But anyways, so my boyfriend ended up leaving work that day because he thought that there was an intruder in my house and we were just hanging out all day. And then he ended up leaving. And I was like, oh, my God, Valentine's dinner is literally in two hours. He hasn't even asked me to be his Valentine. And he texted me and goes, all right, like, come over before dinner. I'm like, come over before dinner. OK, weird, but whatever. Yeah.

Got over to his house, his entire bedroom, like typical boy's bedroom, like navy sheets, striped comforter, like dirty room, like nasty. But he lit up some candles. There was a whole like bouquet of flowers and all my favorite drinks, snacks, and a Skims bag. And I opened it, the Skims bag. He got me like a little one piece. He got me a fucking...

size way too big and I was like like what do you get you a medium and skims and like obviously boys don't know that but I'm like no like you need to size down down and skim skims is stretchy there's like a lot of material and I was like whatever wrong size now that's something I have to deal with and then in like a little note and he wrote like a little card and

It was like a page long. It was really cute. And just at the bottom of it, it was like, will you be my valentine? So I was like, yes, secured. He did it right. But then we went to dinner and guys, we went to this place called Elementary. And I'm not even kidding. When our food came out, we got the gnocchi. It came out one. It wasn't an entree type place. It was more of like a family share type place. So they bring one plate out at a time. Then when you finish it, they take the next one. The gnocchi they brought out, I...

Kid you not, I am convinced that a server knocked over a thing of salt. The salt knocked over and then got sprayed all over the gnocchi. And they must have just not realized that, oh, like it probably spilled on the food. They just picked up the salt container and just put it back to the side and then brought us our food. Because we were playing like a game of, oh, which piece of gnocchi is going to have so much salt all over it?

Because I was like, there's no way this was so salty from the chef cooking it. Like, I could just tell they knocked salt all over it. So it was pretty fucking gross. But it was just in the sense we made fun of it. Just every time we would get one, it was like survival. Like the fittest. Like who can find one that doesn't have salt over it? But yes, Valentine's Day was a lot of fun. And it just felt good going home and

being in my house. Cute. Yeah. What did you do for Valentine's Day? I went to dance. Yeah. So yeah I went to dance. Did you guys hand out chocolates to each other? Uh my friend that teaches brought chocolates. She brought like three bags of chocolates for people to take one. I love that. But yeah I went um to dance and it was um Rihanna night.

oh it was kiss it kiss it better baby it was that nice so yeah that's a always a good valentine's day um but then my favorite for the week is another i recommended a documentary on netflix like a few weeks ago now but there's a new one it's called lover stalker killer it's so short it's like an hour and a half on what netflix okay

I can't spoil it, but when I say, like, this takes DeLulu to... Does it have to do with, like, a husband and a wife or something? So it has to do... This is, like, the general premise. That this guy is on these dating websites. He starts talking to this one girl and this other girl. Kind of overlapping-ish. Not really, but, like, he's very up front with both of them. Like, I'm not trying to be, like, serious with you. But it's, like, an older man. This man's, like, 50. Okay? It's not, like, young people. They're older. And they're like, yeah, that's fine. But then all of a sudden...

one girl disappears and is like crazy but like there's plot twist and like i'll have to watch it this girl is when i tell you delusional like next like it was actually insane this girl's crazy it's a movie it's not like a episode type thing one hour an hour and a half it's so short gotcha gotcha and i don't normally pay attention to movies when i'm alone like i'll like go on my phone or something i was really into it

Nice. It was just crazy. Have you been watching it on your little TV? I watched it on my laptop. Yeah. On the couch when I was like making dinner. Gotcha. But it was really good. My favorite of the week is... Lyft ATX. I love that because you know what? You like... Disappeared for a while. You disappeared and...

My love for there will stay true that it's the best gym and I'm no I've always known that like I've always known lift a tix is the best gym. I'm just a pussy. I can't go in the middle of the winter. I can't do it. That's cool because it's fully outdoors for anyone listening that doesn't know what I'm talking about. Our gym is fully outdoors. It's a warehouse gym and

it has garage doors but they keep them open for not only sunlight just circulation of the air and it's fucking freezing it's cold like some mornings it's almost like 15 degrees and i'm like i wake up and i'm like i just don't want to go so that's why i got a lifetime membership because not only that it's inside but my boyfriend goes there but i just realized i love lift atx it gives me such good vibes when i go there and i get such a good workout in like the i only worked out

or lifted three times last week. And those three lifts that I got were so good. I've had such great workouts recently. Amazing workouts. Like my leg days once a week are killer. I'm just like kind of crushing it in my fitness game right now. No, same. But when I go to lift, I've had this really good routine.

that i'll go some days i have different times every day but like let's say when i go hit legs we'll go over like four so it's kind of empty if i go like in between like three and four it's kind of empty but then an end of the workout when it's like five after work time kind of everyone comes so it's like really fun social hour of like hey hey but it's at the end of your workout yeah so it's not like oh my god i can't focus there's so many people it's like you kind of got your workout in and then toward the end it's like oh my god

Oh my God. Party. Like everyone's here and then you get to leave. Like, I don't know. It's, it's fun. We enjoy our little, it's a really good balance of like kind of social hour and

And there's lots of hot men at the gym these days. Like, I don't know where they came from. There always is at lift though. No, but like at that certain time, it's like, there's like certain days recently where I'm like, am I the only girl in this gym? And I feel kind of like weird. The reason I don't like lifetime so much is because there's so many old people. Yeah. Like old creepy men. And that's why I like lift ATX is because maximum age is maybe like,

40 if that like you don't really see unless my parents visit and i bring my dad yeah but it's very it's like once in a blue moon where you actually see an older person yeah and they don't fucking like older men just make me so uncomfortable at the gym they really do it's it's good energy at the gym and even when there's creepy people at the gym and they're not that creepy just like young guys kind of annoying you because i know that the people that work there have my back i know that if there was something actually

making me upset like you can go say something handled yeah they don't really put up with shit there yeah and that's why i like and everyone re-racks their shit yeah you know how hard it is to find a gym where people respect the equipment yeah well because you get yelled at like you literally get yelled at if you don't put your shit back yeah yeah if i'm next to someone that works there and i like don't wipe down my machine the dealer get back over there no like

They will yell at you. And even us, we've been going there forever. You would think we're on the in. No. Fuck around and find out. Don't put your shit back. And they're like, I'm sorry. Put your shit back. And I'm like, I'm sorry. Yeah. And I haven't been going there in, what, three months? Yeah.

The few times I've been going, Daniel, the owner has just been like, Sam, it's been so good to see you lately. Like, I just love seeing you show up. And I'm like, see, like, now you make me want to go even more. Yeah. And it's cheap. It is cheap. Well, ours is cheap. I don't know. It's still cheap. It's still less than like 70 bucks. Yeah. And they could charge...

Probably over $100. Yeah. Guys, so we've been paying the OG prices ever since they opened. So if you're an OG member at Lyft ATX, you haven't gotten the increased price since they've changed. So I'm pretty sure I'm paying like $32 a month. Yeah. No, it's lit. And they keep getting new equipment. This is like a Lyft ATX shout out, but it's really nice. The only thing is now everyone goes there, which...

It used to be just kind of like our own little corner of Austin, like this niche group of people that worked at Lyft. Well, it's honestly good. Like, I like it for them. No, it's great for them that it's kind of where everyone goes, love that for them. Even though when they run all these specials, I'm like, yo, it's packed. Yeah, chill with it. Yeah, chill with all the new members. But when I say I don't like it, even though I don't have Hinge anymore, I deleted it. Oh my God, every single person has a selfie in like the Lyft bathroom. I know. And it's like, well, now I don't want to like you because...

My luck, I'm going to see you tomorrow. Bro. You know? Like... Bro. I literally was just about to say I should read out footage solely just like so I could see people. But I'm like, no, Sam, that's so stupid of you because people would be able to see you. I wish I could just be a ghost account. Recently on this podcast, you keep saying that you want to like be... I just forget. Like, I forget. I'm like, wait, that's just not something you should say. I forget too. Like, people that like used to talk to or something will like be in town or be around. And I want to text you like...

So-and-so's here, and I'm like, oh. Wait a second. That's sweet. Like, she's a boyfriend. Like, I don't know. Like, I forget. Yeah. I forget that. No, it's so funny. That's off the table. It's so funny. But it's fine. Yeah. Anyways, hot gossip for the week. We got a lot to talk about. Oh. Share with the class. Do we just start off with the hottest tea of all the tea? Our tea? Yeah. Yeah, but I'm going to be... I don't want to... I want to be real, like...

semi-high road right now and like not talk a lot of crap. Oh, I don't want to talk crap. Okay. I just want to talk about the fact that you guys have noticed that we've been talking in the last like few weeks of people just continuously following us. Well, it just goes to show that

Two years later, people realized that the shit that went down on social media... Was not okay. Not okay. Not our fault. Obviously, there's some things that are... That, like, I would say, like, I'm at fault for. But not, like, fully. I'm not taking full responsibility for any of that shit. I don't think anything is at fault for the consequence... Like, the consequences do not add up to, like, the one thing that maybe was said. Yeah. So... The consequences aren't fair. Oh.

I just want you guys all to know that Taylor literally predicted it that one of these individuals that followed both of us on Instagram was going to reach out to us. I was like, there's no fucking way. She was like, no. I'm like, bro, it's coming. It's coming. The text is upon us. And she fucking made a group chat with us and wrote a novel of an apology. And it felt good. It felt so good. It felt good to read it. We haven't answered yet.

I just don't think she deserves an answer because it took her two years to realize that she fucked up. But it does still good. It feels really good to have that realization. Even if it took a while, it feels good when you've been sitting here saying, I did nothing wrong. It feels good. For someone to come forward and just say from the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry. Like, okay.

damn finally and you know it's closure there was this person um wasn't outwardly hating if that makes sense shows sides commenting on other people's videos but um with hearts wasn't like early yeah i take it back yes they were so um

What was I going to say? There's a lot of other people that apology would also be warranted for and that would be life changing. But this was a good start. Yeah, the person that made the video about us will never reach out to us. And if she did, I would... I would laugh in her face. So like, I don't know what prompted it. I don't know. Maybe it's like start of a new year. People...

Like, maybe she was, like, in therapy and her therapist was, like, forgive. I don't know. I don't know what prompted this in people. I don't know. They definitely have been seeing us thriving. Like, we're still relevant two years later. That's what it is. And, like, still, like, not causing fucking people any harm. Yeah. Like, this narrative of, like, they're so mean.

Dude, we've been minding our own business the last two years. No, I'm literally terrified to speak to anyone that has a social media presence. Are you kidding me? So getting an apology was just like to the haters, to the Reddit trolls, to the people that think those people were right. They weren't. They weren't. They just came forward and said themselves. So...

Yeah. I hope more people come to that realization. And if you're listening here, you're definitely team Sam and Taylor Slay. Love you guys. Or your hate listening. Which still gives us the listen. Yeah. Still love you. You're a frenemy. Yeah. Love you. Frenemy vibes. There's funny internet gossip on like TikTok. What's that? This lady who has a 50, it might be up to 60 parts. I don't know how many. And they're each 10 minute videos. Wait. Okay.

Okay, I think I saw someone posting about it. Called, who the fuck did I marry? So it's 10 minute videos about this guy she married who is just a big old liar. I'm only on part like 25. What does the girl look like that posted the videos? Like maybe like in her 40s, like black woman. Okay, yes, I did see that. Yeah.

so i was so confused when i was watching i one of them came across my thing and i was like what am i watching yeah no no you gotta start from part one but i got to like part 20 skipping some parts here and there then i watched a summary because 50 is just so many but the reason i found it is because i saw a video saying do you have 45 minutes of cardio to do that's just four and a half of these ladies videos shut up and i was like that's like a movie

Well, not a movie, a show. There's 50 10-minute videos. Oh, 50 10-minute? 50 10-minute videos. Jesus.

yeah and they're not satire they're real they're real and they she came with receipts like it is so detailed i saw someone post they were like cleaning their house and they had their ipod or they're not their ipad their ipad propped open in the kitchen and that woman's videos were just playing and she was like cleaning her table or whatever i'm like yeah so that's what i need to do i just need to have her playing in the background to listen for the tea and just like clean my house all the comments are funny they're like

Damn, like, I'm obsessed with this. Like, just in my bedroom and bathroom. Like, time for the living room. Like, everyone is just, like, obsessed with this lady. I feel like it's going to become another documentary that I recommend on the fucking pod. No, that's so funny because imagine having that much time.

imagine how she's like always in the car 10 minutes 50 times ranting about your husband it's a few days like so she will do some in the car and then she'll do some at home and then she's like i'm busy tomorrow y'all i'm really sorry but like sorry one's not coming tomorrow someone's not coming back tuesday yeah like she's like it like it's my birthday tomorrow i'm taking a break

But we'll be back. That's hilarious. Wait, what's her name? I need to figure it out. Like, Teresa, I think. I think, yeah. But just look up who the fuck did I marry. That's hilarious. But basically, it's just like this guy was a big old liar and crazy. And it's like tea filled. And she's a good storyteller. I don't know. It's just like kind of taking the fucking TikTok world by a storm. This lady, Teresa. Yeah.

That's sick. But have you caught up on The Bachelor yet? Yeah. I wish that this week we could talk about like the new one coming out. You know what I mean? Because it's going to come out Wednesday when there was a new episode. I know. We're recording before the episode comes out. We can start recording on Tuesdays. I can't watch it until Tuesday morning on Hulu. Like I'd have to wake up at the crack of dawn. Well, I'm going to be buying the Hulu premium. Yeah. Yeah.

Oh, I'm going to be buying that. I just needed my couch before I like report on Tuesdays and watch it on Monday. Yeah. So that we can tell the class, tell the class.

speak our thoughts but so you haven't i have i have i didn't watch the rose ceremony but i've seen um enough of it on tiktok yeah that makes sense like the last episode i didn't finish but i just don't understand why people keep coming left and right for maria like this other oh i do popping in i do well obviously it's jealousy and just like yeah insecurities maria dresses like a fucking

Her outfits, her dress on the first night, I was like fucking slay bitch because everyone else wears these sparkly dresses that look like 2016 prom dresses. Yeah. And she was wearing a beautiful dress. She barely wears makeup. Obviously, she's wearing a little bit of makeup, but like a man would look at her and say she's not wearing makeup. Yeah. She's barely wearing makeup though. Like not really eyeshadow, not really lipstick. She is naturally gorge, has banging body, banging closet, and has a fucking...

backbone and a personality and she's older too and these girls are shaking in their boots because she's confident yeah and what's crazy is you know we're talking last week how you were saying she did say the age thing yeah but the girl who that comment was about who like if there was anyone that was going to be mad the girl medina is that her name yeah but

She doesn't give a fuck. Well, no, she does. She says we just can't be friends. But like, I don't think there was any. She was being nice to her. Yeah. Fucking layers like a jazz because they're like, why are you being nice to her? And she's like, because I'm a fucking grown adult. Women shut the fuck up. Yeah, no, exactly. That's what I was just about to say is because she's older. She understands like what was the point of fucking drama? Like, but the fact that the girl who the comment was made about, even though it wasn't even that big of a comment is like.

I just shut the fuck up. Why are y'all involved? Imagine like I was doing something wrong or just like mean girl energy or whatever. And you went up to Palmer and we're like, I just need to let you know, like Sam's doing like X, Y, Z. Like I just could never imagine tattling on like, I should. Yeah. I should tell him that you're so good. I just want to let you know that Sam made fun of me on the podcast again. Yeah. But,

Like, I just can't imagine tattling to a man about another girl. Listen, I said on here, if I was the bachelorette, the person that comes to me and tattles is gone. And they might be gone with the person that fucked up. Like, fucking out of here. Are you not 30 years old? Yeah. Unless a girl did something so insanely...

They would have to do something so fucking insanely wrong. For me to be. Or at least the whole group, like you said last week, was all under agreement. Hey, we need to step forward about this. But it's been one or two people. Because there was one Bachelorette season, I forget who it was, where there was one guy that was just a shitbag. Oh, I know who you're talking about. And kind of the whole group was like,

listen girl this guy's a shit bag and that's valid but here's the thing when girls are just like she gives me mean girl vibes one i hate that shit you either give me a real life scenario where i was mean to you or it's nothing because what she gives like mean girl energy she's so mean no she's not like you either have factual proof or you don't and if i was the bachelor i

If I'm Joey and this girl's like, I don't I don't like Maria. I'd be like, well, it's 30 of you bitches in a house and you're all dating the same guy. I don't expect you to fucking be friends. No. Yeah, I wouldn't. You know, any of them like you guys aren't all going to be friends. I don't have to break up with someone because these are people are all strangers. OK, they've known each other for five fucking seconds.

Because some strangers that are dating the same man don't like each other. She's like, are you kidding me? But her being like, you're being nice to her. And why? And Medina was like, grow the fuck up, bitch. Yeah. And Jess, so annoying. But Jess has been annoying from day one. I can't remember which one Jess is. The annoying southern one. She came in on like a boat or something. Blonde. Yeah, like dirty blonde. And it's like, she thinks she's really going to marry him. Like Jess.

I need you to be so real. Like I need you to be so real. Oh my God. These girls piss me off.

They really pissed me off. Like, actually. I was trying to explain to my boyfriend, too, last night because we were watching him while we were playing Monopoly. And he's like, so you're telling me he, like, loves all these girls? No, no, no. No, I know, but how many are left? Like, what, like 12 maybe around there? Yeah, 10, 12. And I was like, no, no, no. Like, but he's dating all of them. He's kissing all of them. But he doesn't get a lot of quality time with them. Like, the amount of girls that are there right now, he maybe sees all of them individually twice a week.

If that. Yeah. If that for like an hour. Yeah. Like it's not good quality time. And it's just, I could never imagine falling so deeply in love with someone that quickly. I can imagine thinking you are because of the circumstance around it. I saw a tick talk about it. It was like,

of course you're falling in love with someone. You're literally like on a yacht in Italy. Like they were like, I could fall in love with a plank of wood. No, I know. But not even that. Like it took me fucking like six months of being in a relationship to be like, Oh, you're level headed in real. I'm saying like thinking, like being so swept up in the moment where like, I like him so much. Like,

You're on a yacht in Europe in a beautiful dress on an all-paid-for vacation. Of course you had fun! Yeah. If you were in that situation and you didn't have the best date of your life, then you guys just aren't... And also, you're on TV, so it's not like Joey or yourself is going to get in an argument because you're on TV. Say something weird like, if I was on TV and something were to piss me off or like...

I was a little bit upset about something. I just don't think I would like have the balls to have a controversial argument on camera. Yeah. But there's nothing for them to argue about because they don't know each other. If there was, like if there was, I just don't think...

It's so I do really like you're perfect. I do really like this season, but like these bitches are pissing me off. And like, I want Maria to win so bad. Me too. Because I want her to shut these bitches up. I know now there's so many funny tick tocks, like hilarious reenactments of these girls and

It was like when your connection with Joey isn't strong enough. So like you make up a sob story and say Maria's mean. Like, I don't know. And it's like them imitating the girls. Really funny. Great work out there, TikTokers. Yeah. You're crushing it with the Bachelor. TikTok is a really great place for just memes of people. Yeah. No, the girlies are crushing it with the funny Bachelor stuff. But it's just what... Like, how are we acting like that as grown people? But you know what? I know girls in real life that would act like that. So...

I guess it's... Yeah. No, wait. For real, though. I guess it's fine. What do you think about him? I like him. Me too. I just think sometimes he's a little bit robotic with the things he's saying back to the girls. I think he has yellow eyes. Yeah. And he might be jaundiced. And I think he has liver problems. No, I have seen a lot of TikToks about that. Well, I was only thinking of it...

He just needs to address it on TikTok or something. Because I'm so original. I saw it on TV first. I'm like, is this guy going into fucking... Is it your liver or your kidneys that make your eyes yellow? Whatever. I'm like, this guy has a... I think it's both. People were saying it could be both things that he has. I'm like, this guy seems like he should go to a fucking doctor. But someone saying his eyes just might be sunburned from playing tennis. But I get sunburned eyes really easily and my eyes haven't turned yellow yet.

Weird fun fact about me. I sunburn my eyes a lot. Wouldn't you know? Interesting. Yeah. If I'm in the beach for a long time, like the part that's shown like right in the middle will be red. I'll get a red stripe across my eye. That's crazy. Yeah. I sunburn my eyes. Fun fact. My eyes don't turn yellow. You should probably get that checked out.

it's like it's like only if i'm like at the beach for a long time like it's not every time i go in the sun step outside and just look like a devil yes like there's just like sometimes in the summer where i look really like stoned anyways i like him though people are making fun of him because i went to a really really old city and he said it has old school vibes all right but they're kind of like harmlessly making fun of him yeah because he just says stupid things every now and then and like

It's just like Joey, like old school vibes. It's like the oldest city fucking to exist. Old school vibes. You know what I could never do is go on one of those shows and not allow for the world to know what the outcome was. Like they do such a good job at keeping it such a secret. Think the same shit. How do you hide being angry?

literally engaged to someone some people figure it out by seeing people's fucking like venmo transactions yeah they'll be like oh he venmo'd like they must just be living under a fucking rock yeah how does no one see you

And also going on a podcast too. Like you got to be so he's on been on so many podcasts. He's got to be so careful with what he's saying. Also when they post on Instagram, they'll post like clips of the episode. Yeah. So if he has a one-on-one with like fucking, I don't know a girl, he'll post it. Then like kissing, but aren't you engaged? You just posted a picture of you kissing another bitch. Yeah. Yeah. It's very strange. Speaking of kissing too. He just kisses everyone. Other people like night one, he kissed everyone. Yeah. Yeah.

I think I would get, like, ached out myself. I'd be like, I need to, like, drink some water and gargle my mouth because I have so much saliva in there. His lips would still be, like, warm from the last person. Yeah. What if they'll get herpes? Yeah, I don't know. Mono. Something. There's got to be something wrong with cross-contamination that much. Yeah. He's, like, kissing literally everyone. Yeah. Also, half these girls, because they know he'll kiss them...

It's like they don't talk to him. They're like, hi, Joey. And they just make out. I know. Like, why don't you speak? I don't know. Do you think a kiss is a make or break with someone? Yes. Like if they're a good kisser or not? Yeah. I think because I think good kissing is your chemistry. It's obvious. Yeah, it's definitely chemistry. My ex-boyfriend was the worst fucking kisser. Like, wow. So bad. He wouldn't even put his tongue in my mouth. Yeah. But then like he would do like the little you go like this. You go like that's all he would do.

Like, I want some tongue. Give me some tongue. I...

Talked to this guy one time that was a really bad kisser because he had massive lips. I just think it was like... Also, you know what it was with my ex-boyfriend? Is I hadn't really kissed a lot of other people before starting to date him. So I was like, okay, maybe this is normal. But then after we broke up and I started kissing other people, I was like, okay, no. He sucked at kissing. Yeah, I feel like bad kissing is just bad chemistry. No, I think my ex was just... Some people can be bad kissers, but then some people...

It's bad because the chemistry. Yeah. Because... You just need some lessons. We've said this on the podcast before. When you can't get on rhythm... Yeah. Like, you just can't sync it. Uh-huh. And, like, it should be effortlessly synced. Yep. But when there's just awkward, like, you can't sync it. Oh. That's with everything. Kissing...

sex like yeah but if i can't sync up a kiss with you we're not having sex yeah it's like all right we're stopping here you know like we can't we can't really move past this past the fact that we can't get a kiss to not be like hitting each other's fucking teeth yeah like that can't no happen definitely not yeah

uh that's like the no we're gonna talk about sneaky links that's the the scary thing when you go to hook up with a new person yeah you're putting yourself at risk no but that's everything though like the kiss the sex the comfortability conversation the conversation everything yeah oh it's so scary out here don't miss it anyways um do you have any other hot gossip you want to talk about uh

Let me see if I wrote anything down in my phone. I don't think I did, but let me just take a look. My parents are coming in today, guys. I didn't write anything down. I just wanted to talk about the lady and her husband. Yeah. This episode is sponsored by Careof. If you have been following me and Sam for a while, you know that we love you.

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You can actually get 50% off your first month subscription with Care Of. Go to and enter code 1THING50. That is and enter code 1THING50. Well, we can get into our weekend. Might as well. So weekend-wise...

I didn't really do much all week because I was so stressed out with moving. I'm not even kidding. I think I had maybe three or four different types of people coming in and in my house, either installing something, building something all week. So I was just ready to relax on Friday night. My boyfriend came over. We got some takeout.

and I drank the biggest glass of wine got some wine drunk and we just kind of hung out in my bed because we don't have anywhere else to hang out in my house because I had no couch no furniture yeah I had a pretty chill weekend I only did something Friday and then the rest of the days just kind of vibed out um on Friday I went out with my dance friends we wanted to do like a galentine so I guess it was our galentines we never really said that but whatever we went to dinner and

Classic and then went out. Bro, some of these people have like never been on West. On West? Yeah. They're like, where am I? Yeah. What is this bar? I was like, I'll show you. Are any of them new here? No. Well, one girl just like doesn't.

like have like she doesn't have a lot of friends here yet so yeah and then like another girl she's like older so she's like if she goes out she either goes to like these like rave things or she'll go to like nice oh she's a raver but she'll go to like roosevelt room yeah nice cocktail bars because she's like more mature than me and i'm like no that's not what we do around here so we were just like fucking shit up dancing around being being just like menaces on these streets and

So guys, if you are looking for a sign to cut your hair off, take it from me right now. I was expecting men to like my long hair better. I literally told Sam this and I don't know if it's just because ex-boyfriends have told me they prefer long hair that when I cut my hair, I'm like, I feel like guys won't like it. Like guys will tell me they like my long hair.

and so many people were coming up to me just being like oh i just want to say this guy was like i just want to say you are breathtakingly beautiful i was like thank you and like random people just kept talking to me but yeah and like i i blame it on the hair it was kind of crazy but i'm at b's knees and this guy starts talking to me and like whatever he's kind of cool he's fine um good energy and i like tell him what i do for work and normally i don't say what i do for work but he was kind of asking too many questions that i kind of just had to

You can't move around it. Yeah. I'll usually just say like an influencer. I said, I do social media marketing and he was like, for what? And I was like, it just got to the point. I was like, I'm a content creator. My usually go-to thing since the beginning has always just been, I'm a personal trainer. Yeah. But now that's like,

Yeah, but it's just like something that always rolls off the tongue. Yeah. Because I was so used to saying it back then. Now I just keep saying it. So I tell him I'm a contact reader or whatever. But then he says he doesn't live here. He just visits a lot. So we leave. Where is he from? Like driving distance? Yeah, driving distance. Oh, okay. So we leave. I'm like, I'm never going to see that guy again. At our last bar, he comes up to me and he's like, oh, hey. And I'm like, oh, hey, like, look who it is.

Then he leaves for a second. He comes back. He's like, you didn't tell me like you told me you're an influencer, but you didn't tell me you were like good at it. What is that? What does that mean? He's like, well, my friend just stopped me and was like, were you talking to that girl? And he's like,

yeah why and she's like oh my god like how do you know her like i listen to her podcast like like gassing me up so when she comes over her name was brooke hey brooke you're really sweet she's like oh my god you're so stunning like just like kind of gassing me up i'm like stop stop stop like it's not a big deal but like she's like big podcast listener and she goes wait i need the tea are you and stam still friends yeah the audacity of this girl or i think she said are you guys still close i don't know but i was like yeah i was like i was only at her house today

She was like, I knew it. I don't know what these people are saying. Yeah, dude. Like, what is she? This girl must be, like, scrolling on Reddit or something. I was like, well. So then I'm trying to tell this guy. I'm like, no, it's really. He's like, who are you? I'm like, it's really not that big of a deal. Like, she's really gassing me up. Like, I'm not, like, famous. And as I'm like, bro, I'm not famous. Like, relax. This guy comes over and he's like, lift ATX. I'm like, yeah. Like, hey. I actually didn't recognize him at all. But I'm like, yeah. He goes, she's a celebrity. I'm like. Oh, my God.

see he was like that's i was like this is weird i was like but also like what does it matter like even a few words like he was just he was just like so who are you like he was trying to get me it's like so who are you like he thought i had but it's like but he thought i had some like big answer i'm like there's really nothing else for me to say i just like do a podcast and i was like i'll talk about this on the podcast and he's like a whole episode i'm like no no but i'll

just i'll i'll talk about this for sure and he's like i'll listen i was like you probably won't like it but you can follow it on instagram so i followed it on instagram because you know gotta get that engagement up something followed on instagram never saw him again then i left um after that because my friends were leaving so i was like peace yeah of here dude i it's been so funny i as of lately have been meeting a lot of you guys and i don't know if that's just because my instagram lately has been like

growing quite rapidly within the Austin community and I'll see you guys out whether it's at the run club going out at a restaurant literally you name it and I just fuck with you guys and it's so funny because you guys if you listen to the podcast you obviously know my banter so then I'll fuck with you when I like see you in person but I

The other day at one of the run clubs I was at, I met one of you guys. She goes, I sometimes listen to the podcast. And I was fucking with her. I go, sometimes? What do you mean sometimes? She goes, no, no, no. I mean, like, occasionally. I try to keep up. I was like, I'm just fucking with you. I'm so sorry. I was like, I realized that maybe I shouldn't fuck with all of you guys because I don't know if you actually know what my banter is. Yeah. Also, I've been meeting a lot of you guys, too. And if I don't meet one of you, I'll get a DM the next day saying that you saw me.

Oh, those are the worst DMs because I'm like, what was I doing? Picking my nose? Please, if you see me, please come up and say hello. Sometimes I'm awkward about it. I try my best. But, like, please come up and say hello. I beg of you. Like, I've gotten so many DMs recently of like, oh, I saw you here. Another girl that saw me out, blah, blah. Please come and say hello. If you see me at the gym, if you see me at Barry's, you are never interrupting me. Please say hello. I would much rather you say hello than DM me.

that you saw me just say hi i'm begging of you and then i got a dm from a random man being like you came up on my explore page were you on the stage i was next to you on oh no what did he say i saw you came up my explore page were you at cat's pajamas i was like maybe and then i wanted to see what else he would say he said i was in the uzi shirt next to you on the stage at buford's i'm like so you saw me at cats and buford's like

How do people have no social skills of like, that's weird. Yeah. To be like, Hey, like you really standing next to you. I was standing next to you all night. Hey, like keep that shit to yourself. Yeah. Keep that shit to yourself. Like have social skills. I know. Cause I get it. That's not that weird. If you, if I did come up with your explore page of being like, I think I saw that girl out.

Keep it in your head. Yeah. Because texting someone like, I was next to you last night. Whoa. Whoa. Stalker. Lover, stalker, killer on Netflix. That's you. Yeah. Seriously, though. It's fucking creepy. I didn't really do much the rest of the week besides go to dance on Saturday. Like, I kind of had a chill week. Yeah. So Friday, like I said, got wine drunk, woke up the next morning and...

I was going to a run club because this weekend was the marathon here in Austin, so there was a lot of run clubs going on. So I met up with a few of my running friends, and we did a run club at 9 a.m. on Saturday. It was a lot of fun, and then I came home. My boyfriend stayed at the house while a bunch of my furniture was getting delivered. Came back, furniture was there, felt great that most of it was there, and then went right back to the gym and got a nice workout in. Wasn't really expecting to do two-in-one, but we did it, and then...

Kind of just hung out the rest of the day because my couch... Or no, that was Sunday. What did I do on Saturday? You went to dinner. Oh, yeah. I went to dinner. Oh, yeah. So I got an Ikea wardrobe. So my boyfriend built that for me. And as he was doing that, I got ready for dinner. And I went to dinner with...

some of my girlfriends and we went to another restaurant that was in a hotel. I'm going to keep doing that. It's so nice. You went to the place that we went carpenter. No, nevermind. No, I went to the carpenter hotel over in Barton Springs. They have a restaurant inside of it and I love going to them because they're so quiet. Like no one knows about them. They definitely pop up on like open table and stuff. Cause that's how I found it.

To make the reservation. Hotel restaurants are perfect. I thought you went to... What's that restaurant called? I saw it on, like, one of their stories, so I thought that's where you were. What? The other girls, they went to go get drinks before. At Eberly. Yeah. I thought that's where you went to eat. They went to go get drinks because they were, like, bored and whatever. And then we went next door to...

this other restaurant because we wanted to just get like one more drink because we were just like hanging out i knew i wasn't going out i was like i'm not going out this week and i don't want to because if i do go out i'm going to get so drunk just because of how stressed i've been so i was like let's avoid that at all costs i was so sam was like i'm not going out and like i guess we discussed like that's like a hard promise to keep and i was like if you go out like because you're going out she's like no i'm like

No, I meant it this time. And, you know, I'm sitting at home alone, like just like on social media as I do. And I'm like, oh, no one seems to be out. Would you look at that? Like I was like, she she really, you know, you know, the thing was is because we didn't go to dinner downtown. Oh, so it's like we're going to do walk across. And I drove. So I drove. Dinner was not downtown. So it's not like I could just walk down the street to a bar.

I had to walk. We walked next door to another restaurant just to get a glass of wine. And we stopped. We literally were. I was there till almost like 11 o'clock at night. And I was like, guys, I need to go. We only got one drink, but we we finished the drink. We're just like still talking. And I was like, I need to go home. I have a puppy now that I need to. Well, I was just like shocked and proud of you. Yeah. You didn't.

Go out. Yeah, me too. I'm very proud of myself. I kind of wanted you to because like I kind of wanted to like... But also my boyfriend didn't go out. He just stayed home and watched a movie with his roommate. But I wanted to... If you were going to go out, I was going to go out because like I said, like going out is like kind of really fun. But like it was like eight something or like almost nine. I don't know. And I ate my ice cream. Yeah. And I was like, I'm calling it because you guys know the rule. Like I called it for myself and I was like, if I see something that they're out now, I want to go. But...

I already had ice cream. Yeah. So... It's the end of the road. What time was my dinner at? My dinner was at like 7. So from 7 all the way to like 10 o'clock, I only had two drinks. And oh my God, dude. The espresso martini there had crushed up almonds on top of the foam. Yum. Oh my God. It was so good because you would take a sip and then it was like crunchy. It was delicious. Maybe I should try that one. No, I... Yes. And I want to try making it at home. Maybe I should try that one. I have a bunch of almonds. I'm just going to crush them up, throw them on top of the foam. Oh, man.

My Saturday, like I said, I just went to dance. I do my usual routine of going to dance and then walking down the street and getting a coffee. And it's like so wholesome because I just like walk down the street with my dance friends. It's like a thing now that we all just know if class finishes and we're all like coffee. It's like.

duh, the fuck? That's where we have to go get coffee. And it's just a nice little routine. Yeah. And then sometimes we don't coordinate that we're going and then we all show up and it's like, we could have walked here together. Like, why did we try to pretend that we weren't going to go get coffee? Yeah. Of course we're going to get coffee. Even though it's like three in the afternoon and I don't need it, it's just like...

It's the routine. It's the routine. Like, I don't even need the caffeine. It just like makes me happy. Yeah. A lot of people had work off on like today, Monday. So like my Sunday, I was expecting to do something during the day or just like get the key. Me too. Like I would like I wanted to. But bro, first of all, my couch was getting delivered. Had to be there. Obviously sign it.

That thing did not come until like 4 o'clock. And so once it got here, it was one of those couches where each section had to be clipped on. It wasn't like the one you have where it's like two sections that just need to get clipped on. Each individual part had to get clipped on. It took me over like an hour and a half to put it together. But before that, we got lucky. We went to Trader Joe's... Or no, we went to Trader Joe's after. And I had to get groceries for the week. And then we also got pizzas, made pizzas at home, which was not good. I saw that it wasn't good. It just...

It felt like I was just eating dough with minimal toppings on top. Like, I like a nice New York style pizza. I don't like thick ass doughy pizza. I need it to be nice and thin, like crispy. I would love to go get pizza. Yeah. It was just, it wasn't good. And then I gave all the leftovers to my boyfriend for him to eat today, but I was like, I am not eating it. It was not good. I did like nothing on Sunday really, but it was honestly kind of needed because I felt like I was getting sick.

Even though all I think your TikTok store or your TikTok stories, I think it was of your voice or no, maybe it was Snapchat. I think all it was because I never felt low energy, if that makes sense. I just my throat was really dry and my nose was stuff. I just think the weather change like dried out my like sinuses, if that makes sense, because I never felt sick. But my breathing and my voice and I got home on Friday after going out. Oh, my God. I couldn't talk. I lost my voice.

I'm like, did I lose my voice singing at these bars sober? Like, damn, I'm a fucking good time. Maybe. Also, it doesn't help that, like, like you said, like the weather changing and everything, but also having to change from I don't know if you've been doing this, but changing from the AC to the heat in the house to like all the different circulations of air just really. I just I think the change of the weather, like just like really dried out my sinus. Yeah. So like my nose was really stuffed and I didn't know if I was it was either like, OK, I'm either about to get really sick.

or this is it and i hung out with my friend what day was it oh it's valentine's day on wednesday and she was like had just had strep but she just got like antibiotics so she's like i'm not contagious anymore the next day i wake up my throat feels a little funny and i'm like bitch the flu is going around but i'm like if you gave me strep throat i'm gonna kill you like i think i had something like that two weeks ago and she's like no i'm not contagious i'm like

that's what they say my throat hurts it hasn't gotten to that point and i think i'm better now like i really think it was just the weather but i was like if you gave me sharp throw i will go over and kill you with my bare hands for real can you believe that this past weekend it was almost like it was in the 30s and now this coming weekend it's me 85 i was talking to my parents about this how in the same week does the temperature show 30 and 82 yeah excuse me it doesn't make sense climate change i'm really happy about it though because my parents are coming today and

It's just there's more to do with your parents when the weather's nice. You can't really do much when it's cold here. My family comes in this weekend. I can't wait to see your parents. I know. We've got to figure something out. Yeah, I mean, actually, I'm kind of busy this week, but I'm around. I had to cancel everything I was fucking doing. I was like, great, you're coming into town. Pop over, say hello. Yeah. As they do. Y'all are coming into town. Now I've got to cancel all my things. I have a lot to do this week. Yeah, me too. I have two job interviews this week. In person? One in person, one online. So...

That's fun. Hopefully I get a fucking job so I'm in my bag. Yeah. A working woman. And in exactly one month, or not exactly a month, but pretty much a month from now, you move. I know. I'm so excited. People are still very confused. They're like, did you find an apartment? Yes, I found an apartment like a month ago. I signed the lease. I just move in a month. Yeah. So that's that on that. And it's literally my dream apartment for real. And then we have this place until end of March. So like...

Moving out of this place. I'm pretty much... Pretty much done. Like, I realized... You know what I was like... Oh, the other day I was like... Oh, I have to get something. My fucking air mattresses that are in the closet. And all the pillows. I was like... That's what I needed. So today I was like... Okay, I have to bring those. Do you need those for your parents? Yeah. I was like...

Like, sorry, guys. So I had a dilemma, guys, with my bed, with the TaskRabbit. The secondary bedroom has a Murphy bed, and he was building it, and he fucking broke it. He was like, I'm so sorry. Like, I knew this was a two-person job, but I tried to do it. I'm like, bro, like, you shouldn't have tried to do it if you knew it was a two-person job. Like, just admit the fact that you shouldn't have been doing it. And the bed fell while he was trying to put it together and broke.

So now that's a whole nother issue I have to deal with. But now my parents don't have a bed that they can sleep in while they're here. So I told them, I was like, y'all are going to have to do an air mattress. Like, I'm sorry. I'm not hauling over that mattress. My mattress. Yeah. I was like, I'm not hauling that thing over and bringing it back. Like I would have done it if there was a bed to put it in, but I'm just like, there's really no point. I'm like, yeah, air mattresses. It is. Yeah. Um,

Yeah, but that's fun that we have family. Lots of family time coming up. I know. Well, I have family this week and then this coming weekend, I'm going up to Dallas to hang out with my boyfriend's mom because she's in Texas for the weekend for work. So it's just like back to back to back to back. And I like it. I'm so excited for you to go to Dallas because that means I get to hang out with the animals. Yes, cheese. I was going to bring cheese over guys today to kind of introduce cheese to Phineas, but cheese unfortunately had fleas. I imagine just from...

the house he was living in because there were so many dogs and stuff um he's better now but i also don't have all his vaccinations done he's going to the vet today so i was like you know what let's just wait until i know he's fully vaccinated and the fleas are all gone and they can meet yeah so fun um but that's kind of it that's all i really i really have to say yeah me too guys um just like backstory so to keep you guys updated i'm working out with hot gym man today

And I already went to Barry's, but, you know, I'm doing 75 hards. Do you want a man to be a sneaky link or a husband? I don't think I would like this man to be a husband. Yeah. Too full of himself. Yeah. And like I would looked at his tick tock and like there are certain things he was saying that I don't think. Oh, OK. I would agree on. He seemed very religious. I'm not religious. Mm hmm. So.

i that's probably not gonna work but yeah i don't think we would like get along but he texted me and i was like oh i thought you forgot and he said surprise shawty that face is hard to forget yeah you gotta investigate on this man like how long has he been in austin i love when men say shawty yeah that is i love i love that the um the only hard thing about

Austin's really, really small. So we're really lucky that for the most part, when we meet men, that there's some type of like history or just somebody knows of that person. But for you at this instance, no one knows of him. So you can't get any tea on him. But he is like famous and on TV. So it's like he's not...

oh yeah serial killer yeah 100 but it's just nice knowing okay he's recently been with this person or oh he actually kind of sucks because remember when we were at the super bowl party and you were like oh my god that guy's so cute and then our one of our guy friends was like no he literally sucks he's the worst don't don't even bother i go who's that guy you're talking to he goes the worst i hate him yeah oh okay got it trust your opinion got it never mind noted which brings

brings me i was talking to one of my dance friends and like obviously we don't run in the same circle yeah but she's like i'm going on this date with like this hinge guy on saturday i go who she goes you wouldn't know him i go let's be real girl i probably do and she's like no you literally wouldn't know him i'm like how do you know this place is so small i've been on hinge and seen i feel like every single man on hinge show me yeah so she pulls it up she goes see you don't know him i go really because i matched with that man so

I told you I would know. Yeah, because on Hinge or on Austin, you can pass someone...

And then still come by them maybe a few days later. That just goes to show how many people are on Hinge. Not a lot. I literally matched that man. So for you to come and be like, oh, you're not going to know him. I'm like, this city. Yes, I will. I'm like, I can almost guarantee you I will know who you're about to show me. Yeah, we match. Same thing. We went out. I go, I'm probably going to see someone I know. I walk in one of our friends right there. Yeah, that's just how it is. Yeah. But yeah, it's definitely like it, though. I like it, too, except for like right now I'm going to go work out and it's like,

If my ex-boyfriend's there, I'm going to... Well, that's a different story. But it's not a work day, so I don't... Yeah. Yeah. I think I'm safe. I think I'm safe because it's not a work day. Yeah. Pray for me, y'all. This is... You're going to hear this after the fact. I know. I'm nervous. We'll see. But my therapist said I can't change my plans because of other people, so... Like, I can't... Like, I shouldn't not go where, like, this man invited me because, like, my ex is going to be there. Like, you got to live your life and do what you want to do. Yeah, exactly. Not, like...

And not care that, like, someone's going to be there. Yeah. And I'm like, Sleigh Queen. But anyway, Sneaky Links. Yeah, Sneaky Links. Now, we've been talking about Sneaky Links for over a year now. It's became a thing in our lives. Yeah, it's become such a thing that I'm on FaceTime with my parents and they love to ask me about it. Yeah. Like...

don't ask. I'm like, I forget you guys listen. Cause they're like, my dad's like, how did you hang out with the Hawkeye from the gym? I'm like, dad, I'm like, you're, I forget that you guys listen to my shit. Like, and you guys hear what's going on. Yeah. I would scream if my parents ever did that. I would scream. I would be so uncomfortable. Yeah. I mean, is what it is. I was, I just, I just leaned into it, you know? Yeah. I just explained the tea.

So definition of sneaky and lingoist for me is somebody that you want to consistently see, hook up with, but nothing outside of that. Like you're out at the bars. You want to just leave with someone later in the night. There is no real social encounters with them outside of that. And sneaky, like no posts together, no...

You're kind of on the down low. Probably not to people you know. Obviously, your friends would know who your Sneaky Link is. But you're not the whole city of Austin. Yeah, and you have really no ownership over this person. Now, in the sense, as a girl, you would prefer that they aren't hooking up with anyone else and you're not going to hook up with anybody else. That's just how I was in my situation. It's like...

Like we're kind of exclusively hooking up, but there's nothing there emotionally. Like we're just hooking up. I kind of see it like because exclusive is a hard word because when I hear exclusive, I think so we're fucking together. Even though I'm the kind of person I don't fuck other people, but I'm like if we're exclusive, then it's like I can't even kiss anyone else. Like if we're not exclusive, like I can go to a bar and like kiss a boy. You know what I mean? And in terms of like having sex with someone, where I think of it is like

Let's say you haven't seen each other in like a month. You could like hook up with someone. Oh, 100%. Like I think a few weeks goes by. Yeah. Over two weeks, like maybe you could hook up with someone else, but you have to be, at least in my opinion, everyone has their own boundaries. You've got to be honest about like people, how many people you've been with, if you've been with other people while you're seeing them.

if you ask or like you kind of have to like set that yeah you gotta ask like i asked and i was like are you hooking up with anybody else because if so like put that put a condom on like i am not care but you just have to you have to know yeah it's like it's fine if you are but you need to be fucking honest or else you'll be in a situation like me where someone wasn't honest and i found out they were just like fucking both of us um and that sucks yeah that sucks when you're like ew like you feel like

Because you don't know how, like, between... Like, he could have, like, hooked up with you and then literally later that night been hooking up with her. And it's, like, you just got to be fucking honest with people. And if you can't have those conversations, I feel like people... Maybe we do Q&As or whatever. Like, there's a lot of, like, sex questions. Like, how do you say this? If you can't ask, like, those kind of questions, you shouldn't be in this situation. If you can't ask how many people are you hooking up with, are you hooking up with other people? Like, if you can't communicate those boundaries...

this is not for you yeah and another thing too is timeline of a sneaky link i personally feel for myself three months max because then you're gonna start to get feelings and if you're different different situation you really just don't see yourself getting feelings for that person you can continue on but if you hit that three month mark and you start to get feelings you need to dip you need to get the fuck out because you're gonna hurt yourself yeah and i'm

I think what about like getting the sneaky link? Cause this is like, we're talking three months in, but like, how do you start? There's a man. So let's say there's a man. Let's say you're like me right now. There's a man and you want them to be your sneaky link because like not to flex, like the like really top three contenders that I wanted. Like I really got in my phone and you know what? That took work.

Yeah. Work and effort. I think at least with a sneaky link, you got to set the standards straight of like, we're not going on a date, but like only time you're going to text. Oh, what are you doing this weekend? See, but like what I'm saying, how do you even get them to be like texting? You were interested in you if it's, if it's a guy you like, like how do girls get the guy? I never was texting my stinking link though.

Well, like we never texted. You went home with him at night. Like it's like, how do you initiate that? Like, how do you get to the point where like this man that you wanted is down to have sex with you? Besides the obvious that every man is down to fuck. Yeah, I think you just need to hook up once. Right. But like, how do you get to the point of hooking up? Like you say, like, how do you go to like flirt to get someone to go home with you?

I feel like you just catch a vibe. Yeah, you catch the vibe. If you guys are like, if he gets you a drink. Yeah, I'm trying to get like the advice of the girls. I know, but it's just like, it's just common sense. Like, okay, so there's no advice really. Yeah, I just leave and go home. At a bar, it's definitely like a vibe.

And there's really nothing. You know what you should do? Maybe say, would you want to come back to my place? Because what we want is we want to be in control of this. So just ask them, do you want to come back to my place after this? See, I'm kind of going the opposite route now where I want to go to theirs. Really? Yeah, because then I can leave whenever I want. If you come over, then you might stay. Like, what if I want to leave at 3 in the morning? Like, I want to get out. Where it's like, if someone stays over, then it's the morning and it's like, bro, get the fuck out.

Yeah. But, like, if I go to your place, I can get the fuck out whenever I want. Yeah. Because I don't like when someone's in my house in the morning. I guess. And then you're like, bro, get the fuck out. I don't know. I don't really have advice for just going home with someone. Because you're just so cuffed up. You don't even know. No, not even that. It's just, like, it happens if it happens. Like... Yeah. Yeah.

But it's definitely just like a vibe. And if you want to talk to someone at the bar, here's my go-to. You go up next to them at the bar and you ask them what they're drinking. They're either going to buy you a drink and keep talking to you after that or they're not going to talk to you after that and they're not interested in you. Yeah. It'll always work. I do it all the time. What are you drinking? And then if you want to be super ditzy and you really just want a free drink, you say, I've never had that before. And they go...

You've never had a fucking tequila soda? You're like, no. And they buy you one. Yeah. And it's so weird talking about this. But like my favorite used to be being at the bar and purposely being across the bar from them and just looking at them and like giving them looks and then just kind of just minding my own business. I contact you're in. Yeah. In a bar, in a gym, anywhere. I contact you're in. My thing that worked, which was like half intentional, half not because I was just...

I genuinely wanted to know, but it also worked. I was like, you look so familiar. And I genuinely was like, I think I know this person from somewhere. But like, I also thought he was kind of cute. So it's kind of like a twofer, like two for one. Like, I do think you look very familiar and I'm curious if I know you. But also now we're speaking.

And it's just like once you say one thing to someone, they either put down like they either are interested in you or they're not. And that's pretty much it. Other ways you can tell if a guy's interested. This is what the guy did to me on Friday. He walked past me twice. The first time he walked past me, he was very like it's a crowded bar. He was like, excuse me. Do you know how many people walk by and didn't say a thing? He didn't have to say excuse me. And you might be like, bro, that was flirting with you. Yes, it was so obvious. Like it's hard to tell. But again, it's like a vibe. Like he was like, excuse me.

bitch one there was like kind of enough room and like people are walking by me the whole time you didn't have to say that yeah he said it again like excuse me and i was like

mans is literally trying to speak to me and then again he was like sorry i'm gonna keep walking back a million times easy but like that's such an easy way in just being like oh sorry i keep walking past you you literally know they're into you because he didn't have to say anything to you yeah he's talking to you because think about the amount of people out in public that are gonna like squish by you and not say everyone is in a peck bar squishing by a million people he probably squished by 10 million other girls like he spoke to you yeah if if someone speaks to you in a bar they are interested in you unless like

I can't even think of like what a conversation would be that they wouldn't be. Like, I don't know unless they're like, I don't know. If a man, a random man speaks to you at a bar, they are 99.9% of the time into you. Yeah. And also handing out guys compliments too. Yeah. It's huge. Like guys really never get compliments. So when they get one,

it makes their day like you got it could be so simple like literally your shirt his hat whatever it is just something super simple give him a compliment and like that really sets the tone for like hey I'm into you and then if it's not at a bar we always get asked about the gym the only advice is like how many sets do you have left yeah

That's the way in. And again, if a man speaks to you, they're interested in you, he's either going to say for or none and give you the freedom to walk away, or he's going to talk to you. And if he says one extra word to you, he's into you. And eye contact. And then...

you just got to be out and yeah you just got to like leave together yeah and you kind of got to like not force it but like what i've learned recently give your you have to give them your full undivined attention undivided attention but also like you got to go for what you want like yeah i've recently or before i think i was in my head more of like should i text them like i don't want to be like too available but you don't want to be like too clean like you don't want it's like oh i'm gonna answer three hours later like no like

you want it, you want it and go get it. Like, you know what I mean? Like I'm done kind of over. How do you think I'm in my situation of being in a relationship? Right. Because you inserted yourself. I put myself there. No overthinking. You know what I mean? Like with this gym man, like he was DMing me about it and I was just like, okay, but text me about it. You know, like I'm going to give you my number. Like I'm not going to sit here and like

play like play a game yeah if that makes sense get straight to the point give you my number because i don't want to dm you about this you can text me or not and if someone's like oh we're giving their number like that's like thirsty like i just want to play fucking games do you want my number or not and i don't want to dm you on instagram because i don't like that just take my fucking number and whatever like i don't want to play fucking games yeah or like do i i flat out and it's like it's hard it's like definitely uncomfortable and scary kind of putting yourself out there but being like

Like, just the other guy was literally, like, next weekend, like, we'll go out. Like, just saying, like, right off the bat, like, oh, we'll do this. Like, not, like, asking them on dates because I'm a big – or we're not talking about going on dates. I'm not saying to do all the chasing and, like, put in all the work. But if you sit around and you're just trying to find someone to, like –

fuck around with and have fun with a man can find a million people to fuck around and have fun with so you have to no that's why i say us in like asserting yourself like swipe up to their stories and say something like be in their life or else they're not gonna see you especially within the moment out at a bar like

If you want to go home with him that night, you need to be all up in it. Not all up in his business. Annoying. But like you need to be present because he will just go talk to another girl. He will go talk to another girl. Like if they're drunk, they're just dumb. They don't think with their fucking head. They think that they're dick. And if you're not giving full attention, I will. I'm going to go talk to that other pretty girl. Like, you know, you need to be present talking it up with him. Yeah. A hundred percent. You have to kind of like go after what you want. Exactly. Because.

You know, and you can apply that lesson to all aspects of life. But it's like no one's going to come do it like for you. Like you got to get in there. Yeah. They're not going to come like crawling after you. And kind of like we were saying earlier with the timeline and stuff. Yes. If you're not hooking up with him literally every weekend or every other weekend, you don't have to really have the exclusive definition for it. But like if you are hooking up with them every single weekend, I personally would need to be hooking up with him exclusively. Like there would be no one else like in his terms of life.

But like I would hook up with another guy at the bar. Right. Exclusive in terms of sex but not exclusive in terms of like you can keep hinge on your phone. Yeah. You can talk to a girl when you're out. Because the whole point for me at least is like I wanted a sneaky link so that way I could keep myself occupied but also continue to look for a man. And it's a consistent person to just have attention from. Yeah. Like.

to text every now and then to see when you're out. It's consistent attention. When I like, I've only had like two situations of like really sneaky like vibes where it's like totally fucking casual. No hardcore, no handholding. No. Handholding in public.

crazy crazy you could not do that like someone i was casually with like held my hand in public one time and we were both like never do that again like later in the day he's like i don't know why i did that i'm like yeah it was really fucking weird yeah i didn't really know how to stop you in the moment but i'm glad you saw that that was weird because i no thank you like don't want that no like forehead kiss bullshit none of that crap yeah can't be doing that and if you want a sneaky link

Mine, at least, was obviously my boyfriend now. He was in my friend group, so we were hanging out outside of going out, but not ever really in the one-on-one situation, two-on-two. It was always big groups. But your girl ended up catching feelings for him and had to pull an ultimatum on him, so...

That's when I kind of changed things for me of like you're no longer a sneaky link and I can't get myself hurt. I need to either remove myself from the situation or let him know that I do have feelings for him and get heartbroken. Yeah. So you just got to be self-aware of your emotions. And there's different levels to sneaky link. Like I had a sneaky link that I was literally like I didn't even...

ever kiss him even sober. Like, it was drunk only. Which is, like, that's next level. Like, that's next level behavior, I feel. Like, literally in the morning being like, oh my god, get away from me. Like, not an ounce of, like, a hug. Nothing. Like, none of that at all. And that's, like, setting yourself up for success to, like, never really like them. But that is, like, kind of next level. Like, to never even sober. But, like...

It's kind of good. And yeah, you got... You're playing a risky game when you're doing... Your sneaky link's a friend. You are... You have to know... You really have to know your situation. You have to be really, really aware of your situation if your sneaky link's a friend. Yeah. Because like, I'm very lucky that I had a sneaky link that was a friend that it didn't hurt the friendship. But then like, you are putting yourself in the position that like, if you get a boyfriend or they get a girlfriend, they're not going to be as close of your friend. Yeah. Because that's just respectful. Now...

i actually like messaged me the other day it's so funny that i'm saying about this uh snap memory yeah yep and then oh my god this guy i'll just tell you about this now um i was like how are things like miss you like are you still with your girlfriend like whatever it's a main conversation and he was saying how like they've been together for a while yeah he's like you just know he's like you know me like you know like it's really hard for me to be like tied down like he was saying like it's so hard for him like he's trying i was like

if you really like her like you you gotta stick it out man and you know he like this is one of our guy friends like he means no fucking harm like at all that is so him like the way he was like you know me you know this is hard i'm like he's a lover boy but really bad at being a lover boy listen when he told me that i was like wow nothing's changed yeah you've been in this girl for like a year and you're still like wow this is hard like yeah dude

figure it out yeah like figure it out like yeah he was like do you want to go on a double date i go no not really not really at all actually that's so funny but i was like oh my god i can't believe you just said it's hard for you like why like why is it hard for you but yeah here's what it is which is the best hope he's doing well but like that can't ruin your friendship like once you stop looking up that can't ruin the friendship but it's gonna get weird if like one of you has a yeah friend or girlfriend because like you just

You can't be friends with the people that you still hook up with. Exactly. And if you think you can be friends with people you still hook up with, like, that's crazy. No. That's crazy. That's why I am so happy I've never hooked up with any of, like, our friends in our friend group. Oh, my God. Imagine the drama that would go down. I feel like sometimes. Yeah. Like, we have homie hopping friends and it's kind of fine. You think it's fine. You think what they're doing is fine. I'm not saying what they're doing is fine. I'm saying the guys don't seem to care. The guys don't seem to care. Do they care? Yeah.

No, but like it causes drama within the girls. Like you can't even talk to one of our guy friends. No, it causes drama within the girls, but I'm saying like the guys don't care. Yeah, but like that girl in our group, if you talk to one of the guys that she's hooked up with, she goes fucking bananas. And we're running out. Yeah. We're running out of guys. We're running out of guys. God. No, I literally told our guy friends, I'm like, stop it.

All of you. I just want to be able to be friends with you. Stop fucking. Please. Hook up with someone not in the friend group. But like when you're friends with guys and girls, like it's bound to happen. Like I had like friend groups of guys and girls like in high school and all that stuff. And like everyone. We've done a pretty good job. Our friend group has done a pretty good job though at that. Like. Yeah. Me and my boyfriend are the only ones that are dating within the friend group. Where I've heard and seen a lot of other friend groups that are like.

date like a bunch of people are dating in the friend group my high school friend group was all couples yeah i feel like that just gets sloppy well there was one girl in school that was a homie hopper and then she wasn't really invited when we're all hanging out and i'm like it's because you fuck these dudes you fucked all of them yeah why would they want you around yeah why exactly so like that did cause issues but what else with a sneaky like oh

I had to cut off a sneaky link in high school because they were like, I really like you, blah, blah, blah. And I was like, I'm really sorry. But we were friends. And after that, it was totally normal. Yeah. That was another friend situation where it was it was fucking a OK. Like you were like, I really like you. And I was like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That's not what we're doing. And he was like, OK, yeah, you're right. And then after that.

It was literally like it never happened. I kind of miss him. I hope he's doing well. Yeah, I really never had a sneaky link, to be honest. Besides your boyfriend? Yeah. So I think, hear me out. You're all like, I know the rules of sneaky link, but your sneaky link turned into your man, so I feel like... I got what I want, though. Yeah, but like, he did turn into your man. But you do realize, like, that's what I wanted. No, it is what you wanted. When I had a sneaky link...

I was looking for a boyfriend. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then I had like, I had two guys at the time that I was like, okay, I have like crushes on both of them. And then I just realized I'm like, it's him, my sneaky link. He's right in front of me. Because now that I think about it, any person that I've been with that wasn't a boyfriend in any sort of way, not even just sex, like any way, like I didn't want to date them. Like anyone I've wanted to date, I've dated.

Other people that I've been with were kind of sneaky-ling vibes. I didn't want to date them. Yeah. I mean, kind of the same. I feel like I realized when it came to... Yeah, I don't know. I'm looking at my list right now. Anyone else I've been with, I did not want to date them. I wasn't in the headspace to be in a relationship for majority of my hookups. I picked people that I didn't like, if that makes sense. Which, I don't know. There was just one guy in high school who I'd see sometimes. And...

I wanted nothing to, I never wanted to date that man ever, ever. I literally told him, I was like, I would never date on you. I would never date you because you'd cheat on me. And he was like, yeah, probably like, I don't like, I didn't like him. And then it's like one of our friends, like I literally never wanted to date him ever in my life. One of my, like, I don't know. There's like the recent people I've been with, which is really not that many. Cause I'm like actually like the fucking Virgin Mary.

Like, I've never wanted to date them. Or, like, got feelings for them. Yeah. It was kind of like, no, no. Like, and if they were ever, like, oddly too romantic, I was like, back away. Yeah. Don't do that. I feel like I, for at least with my ex, when I kind of went through that stage of hooking up with, not, like, a lot of people, but, like, going through the stages of just hooking up with people, I wasn't in the headspace to even like somebody. Like, I couldn't give myself the opportunity to actually...

build a connection with someone or have feelings for anyone so for about two years i really just i didn't have feelings for anyone like i think i also have very distinct different types of who i would like for me to have someone that i think i would date them they have to be like a really specific like kind of person and like really be someone whose personality i really like and i feel like i purposely choose dudes who i don't think i would like yeah which i

like works out most of the people that i've like hooked up with in the past though have always just been like out at a bar like it's never been something like oh he took me on a date and then we're gonna sleep together after like i never gave the opportunity to those men to take me on a date i think it could start like that though if you go on a date and then just sleep together because like let's say you don't meet at a bar and like there has to be kind of a way in to start speaking that's such a lie i think it could start that way if you go on a date

You kind of sleep together and then you don't really go on more dates. Like if it starts as a date like on Hinge or something and then like from that date you both realize that you don't really know if you want to date each other right now but you're just kind of down to hook up. I think you can start with a date. Yeah. If that makes sense. I lied. You did? Someone that came to visit Austin and I stayed at the hotel with them.

Period. Yeah. He was so hot. So hot. Fuck. Sorry. I'm the worst. He was really hot. My boyfriend doesn't listen to this anymore. See, but he's the worst. Yeah, no, he's the worst. You always gotta pick people that are, like, the worst. Like, the guy I went to the gym with today, like, the worst. The worst. You have to pick people that are the worst. You just know. You look at them, you're like, you are not boyfriend material. Yeah, like, if you show your friends and they're like, oh, he looks...

like a fuck boy i'm like you get it you get it like that's exactly what i want like when i told my friends about this guy from the gym that was like so flirty they're like oh then he does that a lot i'm like which is yes yeah that's exactly and that's what we want that's perfect yeah like that's you need to ask this man a million questions today

Yeah, I kind of want to be ballsy with my questions. Yeah, you should. No, you really should. Guys, like this video of this man, I'm like, I need that in real life ASAP pronto. Like, I've never seen a man... Imagine it's this big. And it's not circumcised. Have you ever been with a guy that's not circumcised? Nope. Have you? You have? My first boyfriend. So it was a boyfriend? So it was a lot? Damn. But it was the first... Wait! So and recently... Oh...

wait taylor that's crazy yeah but i was really drunk so it's spotty um yeah but it was the first one i've ever um been once i didn't know any different i'm not gonna lie like wasn't any different really when i saw other ones i've never seen one they're like really not different like really what's the like what's the point in doing that and not doing it uh a lot of people do it for like a religious thing and now it's just like more culturally acceptable but it's a big hispanic thing to not

okay like hispanics don't not genuinely speaking generally speaking yeah i just never knew like what that yeah like it's a big jewish people always do it um and then people do it just like um cult because it's more culturally acceptable so like you just like you know you don't want your kid to be the like weird one out you know what i'm saying yeah so makes sense i don't really know why it's supposed to be cleaner too yeah we need to stop talking about this i'm getting icked out not gonna lie

I don't know. Science. I just think they're not cool to look at. Yeah, but they don't look that much different. I'm just saying in general, like, I don't like the look of them. Oh, no. I say all the time, I think I was born to be a lesbian. No. Naked men are...

disgusting like i close my eyes they're disgusting like the second like the mood is gone and he like goes to grab a towel i'm like i'm not looking at you you're gross like you're hairy butt like you're disgusting like i don't like i like a man like they have to have like pants on you know shirtless amazing towel amazing yeah put your pants on like i always say this but it's this it's how if you were at a strip club or like

Going to a club and people told men, oh, there's naked women everywhere. The men are like, hell yeah. If you told me, do you want to go to this club? Naked men are walking around. I'd be like, ew. Like, that's the grossest thing I've ever heard. Like, I would never want naked men walking around. Ew. Disgusting. Imagine. Especially if they're not, like, horned up. Like. Ew. Ew. Like, men, like, ew. Like, it's honestly, like, being gay.

like liking men like it really is a curse it is i don't know why we like them so much me neither and that's just proof like that your sexuality is not a choice yeah because like you think i choose this life with these nasty motherfuckers i don't with boy brain too like i've realized boy brain is so bad it's really that sound that's like can i put a girl's brain inside my boyfriend it's really thank you how hard could it be boys do it

How hard could it be boys do it? That TikTok sound is so real. How hard could it be boys do it? Did you see my TikTok of my boyfriend making my bed for me? I'm like, you can't even do the bare minimum of making my bed the right way. He goes, I thought you sleep with the buttons at your head. Why would you do that? That's how he makes his bed every day. To cuddle a button? Yeah. I'm like, what are you talking about? Oh my God. I know. Men are literally so like, ugh.

like when you just think about it like they just suck and like so many of them are so like just like actually so shitty like they are number one killer they are number one like um like threat to a woman's life the number one threat is a man yeah like i'm scared of them like i walk down the street and any man that approaches me i'm deathly afraid of you yeah and i will see a man doing the most normal ass activity and i'm like

That man's out to get me. No. He's just like at the grocery store. Or that. Or like just like you get the ick so easily. Me? Just in general. Oh, in general. Like I get the ick so easily just from a man doing something so basic. Yeah. Like it's just so.

And that's what you got to do with the sneaky link. You got to really think about the eggs. What did my boyfriend do the other... Oh my God, my boyfriend was using the drill the other day and he kept dropping the nail with the drill. And I'm like, this is giving me the egg. Like, give me the fucking drill. He grabs the drill. Oh my God, same thing with like... The reason I think gym dates...

They're like the worst. But the reason I kind of like them. Oh, I was so nervous when the first time I ever worked out with him. I was like, make a break. It's really make or break. It's so make or break. Because either they can't... They have like bad form and like can't work out. And like luckily I'm not in my strength girl era right now. But like...

I can put up similar weight to a dude sometimes if I work out with them. You know what I mean? Yeah. And it's like, now you have to do like double what I'm doing. And also the, just the gym etiquette of them racking everything like gym etiquette, mansplaining. No, big, no. Oh my God. Like if you try to tell me like,

Had a fucking squat better. Like unsolicited and annoyingly. Like I will punch you. Remember our one guy friend that would like sometimes go to the gym at the same time as us when he would say do that. Yeah like no I'm gonna kill you. I don't wanna punch you. Shut up. The man I went on a date with when we went dancing he was like kind of mansplaining. Yeah. And I'm like I literally danced my entire life. I don't need you. And there was a teacher. So he was kind of talking when the teacher was talking. And I'm like there is someone here teaching us. You don't need to teach me. Yeah. I...

aware of how to dance like i was more so just like asking questions like just like making conversation just like not being quiet but it's like i don't actually need your help yeah i'm just like like i'm spending the worst like i literally teach dance and i've danced my whole life and you think you're gonna explain to me you know what guys it's supposed to be i take it back we don't need sneaky links no we do but this you got to think about why you hate them yeah you gotta you you can't focus on like they were nice to me you got to be like

But have you ever seen them like chase after a ping pong ball? Yeah. Have you ever seen them take their shoes off and walk through security at the airport? Yeah. Think about them like maybe like kind of slipping like when they like kind of trip a little bit. Think about them doing like a pencil dive into the pool. Or a cannonball. A cannonball holding their nose. With goggles on. And flippers. A man. Oh, that's a good one.

thinking about him riding a unicycle thinking about him running a unicycle that is a really good one that is really good one thinking of him like running like a girl oh my god like if you were like run and they were like running like a girl like unable to run oh this is the best like that's what you got to think about like every time you think you're about to catch feelings for your sneaky link you have to think about the worst things they've ever done oh i said i got the ick from my last person i went on dates with i didn't really tell you that this was the reason i was kind of like

keeping to myself for my slight ick he was wearing like a long sleeve shirt and joggers it was cold but like the long sleeve shirt was tucked into the joggers no and you know what's so funny that day you and your boyfriend were going out and as a joke he tucked his shirt in yeah he was like should i wear my shirt like this yeah yeah yeah and i was like no and the guy literally had his shirt tucked into his joggers and i was like it was so nice knowing you damn so

Yeah. So you just got to think of all the icks. You got to leave in the morning. If he's like, let's go get breakfast. None of that. Insert yourself at the bar, at the gym, wherever, on the date, wherever. You got to put yourself in that man's life and solely have sex with them. Yep. You're in power, ladies. You're in power. Like he's using you. No, you're using him. This episode is about how to use men for sex. If this was a man being like,

never take her on dates treat her like garbage think she's gross we'd be like wow that guy sucks but like it's okay no it's okay all righty well that's it for me i have a pretty eventful week this week my parents are coming in town and going to dallas over the weekend so touch back and then in a few hours i guess i'm on a date hanging out with the hottest man i've ever seen yep maybe we'll

Hang out at night. Yeah, literally. I could dream. What's your address, shawty? Guys, and I have another date this weekend. Like, when I tell you, like, the men are flocking toward me. Like, give me a break. There you go. It's fun. You can finally say after you've hung out that you have a sneaky link. But last week, you couldn't say that. Well, it depends. Well, like, I have, like, two options for sneaky links. But you have to hang out with them first. You're going in the right direction. Yeah, but, like, yeah, we'll see, guys.

Yeah. We'll see. All right. Adios, everyone. What is that? Color pop? Yes. Love color pop. Anyways. Okay. Bye. Bye, guys. Pluto TV is TV the way it should be. Free. With over 300 channels, thousands of movies and TV shows costing zeros of dollars. So if you want to watch shows like Ghost, The Walking Dead, CSI, Star Trek, or The Price is Right... Well, The Price is Right. It's free.

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No, that is disgusting. Well, we'll just have to go off the cuff and tell everyone about our podcast right now called Gals on the Go. Well, we are two gals constantly on the move with weekly conversations about friendship, navigating your 20s, relationships, trends, and just our exciting, chaotic lives. Will Brooke Michio and Danielle Carolyn please come to the gate immediately? Well, I think it's time to board now, but this should be enough, right? Yeah, I'm sure they won't use it.

But in case they do, new episodes of Gals on the Go drop every Wednesday. Find us wherever you get your podcasts.