cover of episode One Thing About What’s In & Out for 2024

One Thing About What’s In & Out for 2024

Publish Date: 2024/1/3
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One Thing About Us


Shownotes Transcript

hello guys welcome back to another episode i'm taylor i'm sam happy 2024 first episode of the new year it feels good feels great feels great knowing that we did an episode every week too 52 episodes freaking episodes 52 freaking episodes and i just think something in me is like the podcast is just gonna get better this year oh 1000 it's just podcast era yep

2024 podcast era. This is our baby. It's our baby. It's what I've been waiting to talk to you guys for so long. Like there's just so much to say. No, there really is because we,

We were just full vacation mode for a week. It's not like we had Monday to Friday. We were working. We were just, at least me, I was being feral Monday to Friday. So lots to catch up on. Yeah, I was not, but it's just so fun. It was a lot to catch up on. Obviously, New Year's Eve, duh. And if you've been following along, I've been saying that I have a lot to say. If you've been in comments like, oh my God, I can't wait.

So excited. But anyway, can you tell me one thing about you? Yeah. One thing about me is I have realized I am easily influenced by the TikTok shop. You know what's crazy that you're bringing that up? Why? I was going to we're going to talk about ins and outs. I almost said that like an in is TikTok shop because like people hate TikTok shop. Yeah. I'm I like TikTok shop.

I like it, but also at the same time, it gets old when you're constantly scrolling. I'm like, I just want to see a wholesome video. Why is it always a product? But I have gotten my algorithm. You know, you got to interact with the right videos. Yeah. Got to make your algorithm work for you. But the reason I think it's in is because people are like, oh, it's sketchy because they think it's like,

They think it's like products from TikTok, but I'm like, no, no, no. It's the company's Shopify selling it. Yeah. It's not sketchy. No, it's not sketchy. So... But I'm buying sketchy things. Like, I'm not buying a Sephora product on TikTok shop. I'm buying sketchy things that...

Like my scarf that I wore yesterday got that off TikTok shop. Really? So I'm like that could have easily been a hit or miss. Like that could have been like a shitty ass product. It came from like China. Like I don't know if it would have been good, but I love the scarf. Yeah. I got a foam light. I got my silk bonnet for my hair. I got my little face thingy. Yeah. My pickle sweatshirt. I got a few pajamas from there too.

like i'm it's like it's just like it's like amazon it is yeah it's like amazon anyways one thing about me is that i will be changing my mind all the time so like never listen to me that hard no like literally never anything that comes out of taylor's mouth is a lie everything that comes out of my mouth is a lie but i feel it in the moment but like my frontal lobe isn't developed yet i'm 23 like give me two more years and then maybe i'll be set in stone but like

I'm just putting that out there. I change my mind all the time. There's fundamental things that I will always agree and be stern on. But everything else, like, I'll just... Whatever fits the narrative. I know. It's just you always throw me for a loop and keep them on their toes. No, I'm not here for it. No, 2024 is for keeping my mind...

right yeah stop 180ing it every hour oh that's so boring yeah all right anyways my favorite of the week is i don't fucking i just drew a blank i can go my favorite of the week is megan maroney her music is so good it literally made me be a feral rat like on friday and like on the weekend like

The music is so good. If you're going through a breakup, some of them are love songs too. So even if you're like in a relationship or it's just such music for the girls and the way I can describe it is I like OG Taylor Swift. I like country Taylor Swift. To me, this music is if Taylor Swift kept making country music, it would sound like this. It's just music for the girls. Like you listen and you're like, holy shit, this is fucking girlhood. Like you get it. It's so good. So good. Yeah. My favorite of the week I remember now is...

things in bulk knowing that you only need one thing but you just buy a bunch of things. No listen to me hear me hear me out. Last New Year's Eve I bought six fucking dresses. Oh like I thought you were going to say like paper towels. No. Because when I think bulk I think like Costco. No like

Go shopping and like for unique outfits and This year I did not have to stress a single bit because I knew I had bought a bunch of dresses last year And I just had them all ready to go and I just tried on whichever one I thought Fit best that I liked best and I wore it And it's very niche. I know and for you with your dress that never came in time. Keep that don't return it I am gonna keep it except I did order the same dress in other sizes. So I'm gonna have to return those Okay, well either way

You have that dress now keep it next year. You don't have to even stress about it. No. Yeah, I am gonna keep it because it's so cute. Yeah, it's somewhere So don't return things that are like unique unless you fucking try it on and you hate it Because like I tried the money Yeah, I tried all of them on and I liked them all and I was just debating which one to like Yeah wear that night But yeah, it felt good not having to stress about that because I always stress my outfits It takes me fucking hours in my closet Yeah, she does and she does this thing

um, where she puts on an outfit, hates it, tries on 30 more outfits and always ends up in the first outfit that she was in. Yep. Like without fail. Cause I always just put it on and I know it looks good, but I'm like, I think I can do better. And then I find outfits and I'm like, I'm just not doing better. So then I throw on the original outfit that I knew was the best. And then like, you finally decide on a different outfit and I'm like, yes, that looks good. And you're like, don't tell me I'm putting the first outfit back on. And I'm like,

Okay. Yeah. I just can't ask for advice because I already know in my head like what I'm going to do, but I'm just like, does this like look right? Tell me. But then I am probably not going to listen. Yeah. It's like you will always end up with the first outfit. Yeah. That is what it is. Anyways. Do we have hot gossip? I only have hot gossip about my life. Yeah. I don't really have hot gossip to be honest. So let's just skip it. Yeah. Because we have too much to say. We have way too much to say. Okay. Amazing. So...

Literally the day we were recording guys our last episode was the day I was going to pick up my boyfriend at the airport and It went amazing like way better than I could have expected. I picked him up at like 5 30 at night In boston logan airport and then we drove back down to my hometown and we immediately met my family at dinner Which I don't know what the best scenario is to meet someone's family Is it do you think formal at dinner or at house or? Like what is what do you think is the best way to meet a family?

I've only done when I just did like my last boyfriend it was at dinner like at a restaurant I just don't know I feel like dinner sometimes it's so tense whereas if you're at someone's house it's a little bit laid back a little more comfortable but then every other time it's been like a house because it I like lived at my parents house yeah like here had to be dinner what would be like they don't live here they don't have a house here yeah you know

But it could have been like your house here. Like he could have came over before dinner. In my house with his parents? See, no. Oh, no, no, no. I'm talking about your parents. Oh, okay. I was like, hell no. No, no. Wait, I think... Or even the other way around, like at his apartment. Wait, that is what happened, I think. Is it? I think he came here and then we went to dinner. Actually, yeah, I think you're right. Because I was supposed to come and I was like...

I had a towel on my head and I was like, this is awkward. I need to get out of this room. I think he came here and then I left him. Yeah. And that's what it was. But I think if you're chill, easygoing people, it's like not, it doesn't matter. No. Because when I met them like in a restaurant, it didn't feel like

No. Especially, I already knew right away off the bat, like our parents are very similar. So I was like, oh, this is going to be easy peasy. But we got dinner and dude, the restaurant we went to was a Tuesday night and they didn't have half the things on the menu. I was so pissed. And like the dinner was just going so sideways. I was like, fuck. Like my dad was getting pissed at the waiter. I was like, oh my God, like this is going to be so bad. I was like, why can't this dinner just go perfectly? But then they got along. And then by literally the end of, we stayed in my hometown at my hometown house for like

two nights and then we did two nights in the city of boston in a hotel but the two nights that were there by the end of the time at my hometown house they were literally my dad and my boyfriend were just shitting on me the whole time like ganging up on me talking like i was like you guys are the worst like fuck you guys yeah that's the best though yeah the way guys like if you are like new to our content as in like you started listening to us in the last year and

Sam is a totally different person from when we started this show. Dude, I was just thinking about that. And it like actually like not in like a sappy way, but it's like it's so like cute to watch. No, dude. Because you're such like a different person. And like it makes me excited to like be your age because like you've changed so much that I'm like, oh my God, by the time I'm... Yeah. Yeah.

Because like you've changed this much from like 23 to 25. Yes. And like I just turned 23. And you got two more years under that belt. And I'm like I'm so excited for me to do like that jump like you did. But like you're such a different person and it's so cute. No. I was talking. I was thinking about the TikToks I'm posting. The TikToks I'm posting. I'm like where did this emotional girl come from? No.

Oh my god, I've never seen this side of you. I'm like, same. I've literally never seen this side of me in my life. And that's not just like, oh, you've never seen it through the internet. Yeah. It's just not as...

it's just not a side of you that is there. Like, you've never, like, been mentioned. Like, never, like, talked about anything romantic or lovey. Like, ever. Like, doesn't, like, hug people. No. Like, it's just not you. I know. And it's crazy that he is, like, unlocking a side of me. And that's when I know it's, like, right. When he's unlocking this side of me because it's never really come out. Even in my past relationships, it didn't really come out that much. So it's very... It's cool to see. No, like, you being, like...

like i didn't know i could love someone this way i was like i know dude i'm i know i don't want to get all fucking like lovey-dovey right now but like i'm literally obsessed it's so bad it's cute because you know what's funny it's like we were having these conversations like in the beginning because like in that beginning like limbo period where it's like damn like like is it like real is it not like when it's the first few months and you're kind of like

damn like am i gonna feel that deep before and we're both like when we're like both in relationships obviously i'm not anymore but when we were like i feel like we'd both be like damn but is it like but do you love him like so much and we're like oh like you know like i don't know you know i don't know yet so now you being like no i love him so much no okay like now you know and it's funny because we we both we're talking about this like months ago of like oh it's the six months like the six months you like kind of know it's like the maker break came and it didn't work didn't work and my six months is literally on monday and i'm like it's worked like it

I'm obviously going to continue on with this relationship, but it's true that hit the six months, you know we're not. And I think it helps that I met his family and then he met mine because living not where you're from is really hard being in a relationship because you don't get to see that other person's side of them and he also doesn't get to see the other side of me. So it's definitely hard dating outside of where you're actually from. Yeah. It felt good showing him my roots. Yeah. So...

It's crazy. And another thing, I actually haven't posted this on TikTok. I made a video yesterday and just forgot to post it, is the whole it's too good to be true concept. That's how I felt for like the majority of the beginning of this relationship. It's too good to be true. And I'm like looking for reasons to like get mad or like be like, oh, this isn't going to work out. Like it's not going to work out. Like I can't do this. Like and I'm just like saying, why are you doing that? Why are you trying to manipulate your relationship just to

Let it fall into place. It's going to work out. Stop being so... It's too good to be true. I need to find problems. That's literally what I was trying to do. I definitely did that. Yeah, a little bit. I definitely did do that, but it's what it is. Yeah. It's just... It's something that I was... It was like overpowering my brain for a while. And I was kind of keeping it to myself because I was like... There wasn't anything big enough where I was like, oh, this isn't going to work out. It was just more... I was trying to make something small, big...

And I'm like, dude, why are you doing that? It's also because you want to be ahead of it. So that way, if you get hurt, you're like ahead of it. I'm like protecting my emotions. Yeah, because if you're like, but these are all the reasons like how we shouldn't be together. Then it's like if you get hurt, you're already like mentally prepared versus like, oh my God, this is the best thing ever. Like you're like. Yeah. And it blindsides you. Yeah. It's like survival instinct. Like you're trying to like.

make sure you have all the reasons that like you should be done yeah and i was talking to him about one of our friends that's you know dealing with someone cheating on them and i was like

I'm just like, oh my God, like I need, like, it's crazy. Like, I think it's too good to be true. Like, you're just so perfect. Like, but I'm scared. What if you cheated on me? He's like, I would never know. Like, see, that's what they all say. So I'm like, I'm always going to be on edge. Like, fuck off. No one has ever said, yeah, I will. I will. Like, I did have someone say that to me. Well, we weren't dating, but it was just like, he was just like, we like could never date. I was like, why? He was like, I would cheat on you. I'm like, oh wait, I think I know who you're talking about. Actually, I kind of forget who it was, but I was like, hmm.

I was like, I appreciate... Valid honesty. Yeah. Like, I mean, I guess tell me. Yeah, right? Yeah.

Don't waste my time. Oh, I remember who it was. It was, if you listened to the high school episode, the Miami Beach boy that was rich. Oh, I thought you were going to say the... My first kiss. I thought you were going to say the guy when we were both double dating. No. He probably would have said that too, though. Yeah, I feel like he would have. Yeah, he probably definitely would have. Because meanwhile, he was. He was. Anyway. He was cheating. Yes.

um but yeah i was told that that's crazy yeah yeah so stops anyone listening to this stop self sabotaging yourself if you're in the six months stage yeah so let the six months happen and then after that you're like oh easy breezy this is what it is i feel like it's six months like you might have already said like i love you and like you really really like them but for me it was that jump missing of like

I couldn't be making the TikToks like you were making. Really? Because remember we talked about that. No, we did talk about that. I was like, oh yeah, that's... I would watch these... Lexi Hildago, to be specific, of her just being like in love. And obviously it's TikTok. It could be like fake. Fake, but I don't think it is. It doesn't come across that way. And she's just so like, this boy is like the love of my life. Like never loved someone more. And I was just like...

see I wouldn't make that I was like I just wouldn't make that video and it's like nothing like wrong with like him or like what's going on but I'm like I wouldn't make that I wouldn't make that I wouldn't post it if I did it would feel funny but if you find if you found the right person I used to in my other I used to yeah you did you did so like me I was just like see I wouldn't make that and we were talking about it and you were like yeah I wouldn't make that either so then now you you're making it I'm like she has crossed the line like

I have jumped that boundary. Dude, but he hates it. He fucking hates it. He's such a jokester. So when I make those videos, which I hope he doesn't, I'm happy he doesn't have TikTok. I used to wish he had TikTok so he could see all the stuff I'm posting. But now that I do the lovey-dovey stuff, I'm so happy that he doesn't have TikTok. He will literally hold it over you. Dude, I know. Like, he didn't even know like the New Year's Eve kiss. He didn't even,

know I had a phone propped up even though in the video he like looks at it and does the thumb up. He was wasted. He was blackout drunk and I was like yeah like I filmed the whole thing and I'm like I'm posting that. He's like don't. So funny. He's like the boys are gonna roast me. I'm like I literally don't care. We literally had a whole podcast episode about how boys not a whole podcast episode but you talked about it how

Boys like roasting people. Yeah. To their girlfriend. No, literally. So lame. And all of our boyfriend, all of our guy friends have girlfriends basically. So who are them to talk? Okay. All of them. Pretty much. Besides like the two that live together near my boyfriend and my man. Who's your man? Wait, are you talking? What do you mean? Dude, you have like five men. I don't, I can't keep up.

No, the only one that's our friend that your boyfriend wants me to date. Oh, yeah. No, he actually... Nope. That's so... I got affiliated on that team. Oh, my God. I'm hurt. Yeah. Oh, my God. I'm hurt. Oh, my God. I'm heartbroken. I have to text him later. Yeah. No, you got to text him later. I got it. You got to win him over. I have to.

Guys, this is the friend that we, when we went to Wurstfest and my boyfriend was making jokes when we were in the Ferris wheel. Like, oh, we're on a double date. We're on a double date. And we were making the two of them so uncomfortable. We're like, kiss, kiss from the Ferris wheel. Um, yet. Yet. Taylor really wanted to. No, I was literally like, I'm going to jump off the Ferris wheel right now. Like, this is my chance to end it all.

The One Thing About Us podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. I want to talk to you about something that's been a game changer for me. At the end of 2023, I got into therapy. As we dive into the new year, there's so much buzz around becoming a new you, and let me tell you, I'm embracing the magic that's already within us. I've been reflecting on what I want to keep the same in 2024, those little victories that made life brighter. Maybe like you've conquered organizing one part of your space, now you're eyeing another corner for a transformation, or maybe you've mastered taking your daily supplements, now the goal is to add a healthy breakfast to your routine.

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Hanging. Yeah. I was literally just having family time galore. Watching some, you know, cartoons. Cartoons? Playing outside. Yeah, the weather was so nice there. I'm so jealous. So nice. I went to the beach. Yeah. When I was in the fucking city, I was so pissed. It was raining every day. And being in a city when it's raining is the worst. You can't walk anywhere. Yeah, the worst. I was so mad. But luckily the hotel we were at was kind of near everything that we needed to be at. So that was fine. But...

Yeah, so do you want me to do my little quick Boston trip? Yeah, do your Boston trip. So we stayed at the hotel. There are two nights. First night, it was Thursday. So I was like, I don't want to go too crazy because we had literally New Year's like that Sunday too. So I was going to be like kind of on a bender. So we went to dinner. We went to the North End and I fucking ate like...

Meatballs like calamari some wine like full ham went crazy and I was like, you know what? We're in the north end right now I need to show you mike's pastries because this is my favorite thing in the world and I know we're like out drinking But it needs to happen because we're never going to be in the north end for the rest of the trip that we're here So let's go over there and get some cannolis got the cannolis brought them back to the hotel Thursday night, of course football's on so he's like can we please go watch some football and i'm like, all right Well, i'm drunk. So as long as i'm maintaining this drunk, I don't care

But if I was ever sober watching football, not going to happen. So we went to the hotel bar. It's called the Sports Club. It was actually pretty cool. Like you walk in there and the whole entire like bar is like a locker room. It was sick. That's cool. So the whole wall was just like a thing of lockers and like it was a cool vibe. So sat there for a while. I got a espresso martini and then I was really fucking drunk. Like

very drunk and I was like, well, I'm done. And Oh, another thing I should add in is I booked this hotel with my American express and you get so many perks when you book with your American express. One of them being that I got a hundred dollar voucher to any restaurant in the hotel. So I was using that hundred dollar voucher.

Getting those drinks that night And so I'm like okay like might as well get another drink Because it's free Yeah dude so I'm like might as well get another drink Because it's free dude I get a six ounce I go oh can I just have a glass of wine And it says on the menu it's six ounces This man this bartender brings that glass

glass of wine over i'm gonna have to put a thumbnail clip of the fucking glass it was full to like nearly the top i was like that is not a glass of wine that is a bottle of wine in the cup and i started drinking and i'm like dude i really should not be doing this so i was like can we go back upstairs we can bring the drinks with us because we're in the hotel and so we brought the drinks up there and then my drunk ass thought it was gonna be a good idea to eat a cannoli so i'm

I am eating the cannoli, whatever. It's so good. I'm like in heaven. And I think it's totally okay that I'm eating this cannoli. It's fine, whatever. Then I get ready for bed, do all my hair, makeup, lay down. Dude, I had the worst spins of all time. And it was like, you know the feeling where you know you're going to throw up in your throat and you're getting the little bubbles, whatever? I'm like, I'm going to throw up. It's going to happen. And I literally sprinted over the toilet and was throwing up for almost an hour, just throwing

got it all out but then i was like dry heaving and my boyfriend just sitting there like slapping me on the back being like it's gonna be okay i'm like it's literally not gonna be okay i feel horrible and it kind of ruins like the rest of the trip for me because i was so down bad the next day that's really upsetting i know kind of funny it was funny and he was like don't look at the throw up it's it's

basically black because of the cannoli because it was just chocolate he's like you're he's like don't look at it don't stress it it's just chocolate that you're throwing up right now and chocolate and espresso baby yeah literally my stomach the red wine the way i mixed so much shit together like

I regret it like no other. I'm never doing anything like that again. I thought it was just invincible then. I was like, yeah, I have a lot of carbs in me right now. I'm fine. I'm fine. I got pasta, meatballs, calamari. I'm good. No. You talking about it's kind of making me... Dude, it did quite literally the opposite. You talking about it right now is kind of making me want to fucking... Yeah. I know. And so I didn't go to the gym the next day. We were planning on going to a Barry's workout. Didn't happen. I was so hungover. And then we just went shopping on Newberry. I

And got some stuff for him for New Year's. And he got me a pair of pants from Abercrombie, which I ended up wearing that night. They're like business pants. And I loved like dressing like that. Businessy attire. My Abercrombie business pants are the best pants I own. Yeah. They fit me so well. They're different. They're like suede kind of. Okay. They're like... I don't know how the material will explain them, but they're super cute and I love them. The only thing with Abercrombie is most of their pants are so high-waisted. So I just feel like I'm like swimming in the pants. Mm-hmm.

Is that like all for your trip? No. The next time I was like so down bad still, but we got those espresso martini flights that you swiped in up on.

All my friends were swiping up on them basically saying what you were saying of like that literally looks like a blackout like you're gonna blackout because I We had the espresso martini place, but they were like regular drinks. But what was the first one? It was like clear. Yeah, it was I need to find that liqueur It's like a a chocolate liqueur. It literally tasted like chocolate. It was so good I'm literally guys so much alcohol this past weekend that like us talking about all this drinking like I literally feel like i'm gonna yak Yeah

No, I got to hold it together for this episode. But if you guys live in Boston or ever visiting, go to Saver at the Seaport and get that espresso martini flight. It's $30. So it's technically $10 a drink. And they're good size drinks. We were sitting there. I was like, wow, I'm actually pretty drunk off this. And I also like the menu because you can get everything on that menu as an appetizer size. Oh, cool. Which is so fucking cool. Because I'm like, I don't need like a whole ass bowl of pasta right now. And so I got the ravioli, but I got like the appetizers. Um,

side and then we also got appetizers too so like i had like an entree but app like smaller because i didn't want to waste food and so i like so i really think restaurants to do that more of that appetizer side size stuff yes yeah exactly like date nights

sharing a bunch of food is so much better than just getting one entree yeah so and then we went into southie for the night and we met up with his friends he had friends from college that live in boston and then we were just sitting at a bar with them for a while and then eventually like a bunch of my friends came in and we were just at loco um to cure to kiro what's the mexican name to keep

Taqueria. Taqueria. Taqueria. And we were just there for a while and then I had to go home because I was like, I can't drink anymore. I'm going to get sick. Brutal. Yeah. Brutal. Brutal. So tell me about your Friday night. Guys, I just want to preface this by saying I had so much fun and it was literally what I needed. So all week, I was just really down bad about my breakup and stuff. I was really just sad in my feels. And...

I had already planned that I was going out Friday night because one of our friends that lives in Austin actually lives kind of near me in Florida. And he was like, oh, I think we're going out in Fort Lauderdale. Like, come. Like, you should come on Friday. So I was kind of like already in my head like, yeah, Friday I'm going to go out. Because I don't really go out. What were you going to plan on doing? Like, if you were going out in Fort Lauderdale, were you going to stay in a hotel? Or were you going to like Uber all the way back? Or stay with them? No, I was probably going to Uber all the way back. Damn. Or...

like stay with them like it depended on where because like they're it could if it was in Fort Lauderdale like it it's big like it depended on like yeah close it was because it yeah anyways because the distance could be like how we went for New Year's yeah like that's so true yeah so I was already kind of like I need to go out and do something like I'm down bad and I love going out when I'm home but I never do because I just hang out with my family so then um I get a DM on Instagram and I realized I

I talk about ex-boyfriends on here a lot, so I need to give them each names so we can distinguish. We have Mr. 305. That's my high school boyfriend. Mr. Baseball.

Like, my long-term boyfriend and Mr. Hinge, which is my last boyfriend. Okay? Those are all my ex-boyfriends. Mr. Hinge. So, like... We met on Hinge, so... I know. But, like, just so we can distinguish. Because I don't want to say their names anymore. So, like, that's... Yeah, fuck that. Yeah. So, like, that's just who they are. Because I don't want to keep prefacing who I'm talking about. So, I get a DM from Mr305. Which, like, we dated so long ago, there's no, like... Like, it's just, like, not...

I don't know how to explain it. Like, there's like zero feeling there. Like, it's like not at all anything. But I had watched his story. But like, I've watched his story a few times and I'll watch it on my main page. I don't care. I will watch people's stories full fucking face. I'll stand by my stocking. I'll put my whole chest in it. But like, he's never DM me before, so I don't think he sees it. But then I watch his stories and I get a DM like, so I watch my story like, like, happy holidays, happy new year, whatever. Like, hope you're doing well. Like, again, like, really sorry for all that. Like,

prayer like everything in high school because if you have been following along it treated me like garbage okay so bad um and then we started like catching up over dm like nothing crazy but like crazy updates in like his life of things and just like um just talking about random stuff and he's like oh my friend's djing in winwood tonight you should come and i'm like

I know it's going to be late. And if you guys know us, we don't leave the house at 12 to go out. No. I'm like, okay, I'm not going to Wynwood at midnight. You're on crack. Like, I'm not doing that. So I was like, I don't know if I'll be down to do that, but I can meet you for a drink before. And if I want to go, I'll go with you. And I'm like, bro, what? And I'm literally texting him. I'm like, I cannot believe I just said yes to hanging out with you. Like,

What the fuck? And he's like, why? And I'm like, I can't guarantee I'm going to Wynwood because I might not want to hang out with you that long. Like, I might absolutely hate it and want to go home. And he's like, you're not going to hate it. I'm like, I might. So I just, I need a way out. Like, I can't guarantee I'm staying and hanging out with you all night. I literally might hate it. But I tell my parents, they're like, oh my God, that's so funny. Like,

I like my family's like that's just hilarious. So I was like you know what fuck it I'll go. But then he's taking a while to answer me like all of a sudden I was like you need to give me a time and a place and he was taking a while. I fucking hate when people do that. It was like because the thing is I can't like I don't know places like I don't live there. So I was like you need to give me like a time and a place and just tell me where to go. And it was taking too long and luckily he answered before eight because if he didn't answer after eight I wouldn't have gone. Yeah. I was like you just made your cut off by telling me when to fucking get ready.

So I'm like pre-gaming, I'm getting ready because obviously I need a drink before I do this. And like I meet up with him and we're literally just like talking about like... We just dated when we were so young and it was just so funny like talking about it all and all this stuff. And I was like...

And like there's this one thing that I remember after we broke up someone told me that he told people that like I had no ass when we broke up in high school and I was like told him how someone told me that he was like I never fucking said that I was like I someone told me you did he was like why would I say that like he was like I did not say that and I was like okay like maybe but like all the other shit was just kind of funny to like.

I don't know, talk about stuff that doesn't matter anymore. And it's just funny. That's how I am with my most recent acts. If I do see him, I'll say shit. And it is funny because it doesn't come from a dark place anymore. It's more just like, fuck you. But I'm fucking around because... No, it's like it doesn't matter. It doesn't impact my day-to-day at all. So we're just fucking around drinking. At first, I was like, don't buy my drinks. And I buy my first two drinks because...

No, like I was like, this isn't a date. Like we literally ordered like another round and like I put my card for my drink and he was like, what are you doing? I was like, you don't have to buy my drinks, but we were at a cash only bar. So, oh no, I guess I give cash. And then I ran out of cash. So I was like, you can't actually buy my drinks. I ran out of cash. Yeah, sure. But then we're playing Jenga.

And I win the first round of Jenga. And then he was like, okay, because the bar had games. He's like, if I win, you come to Wynwood. If you lose, you come to Wynwood. Like, just come. And I was like, okay, I'll go. Like, I'm already lit as fuck in this bar. So I was like, yeah. I'm like, let's go. So we go to Wynwood. So fun. Like, it's just like a club vibe. Miami, like, crazy club energy. Like, it was a good time. Drunk. Duh. Like, I don't know. I was on one. I didn't eat dinner.

That's where I failed. Yeah. But we were just like on one, like literally having such a good time. And then, by the way, if you're my parents, like stop listening to this right now. Exit the podcast. Give me my space. So we go back to his place, which is really, really close to my house because he's like, I have to like let my dogs out, whatever. We literally go on a walk with these dogs like three in the morning. Okay. It's like so fucking late. So late. And we're like walking these fucking dogs. And then somehow...

accidentally but on purpose i did end up sleeping there i was like take me home in like an hour like i was like take me home in an hour and i was so dead set on it i was like i have to go home because hello i'm at my parents house yeah i can't walk in there in the morning in my clothes like i need to go home like in an hour like set an alarm like whatever next thing i know i'm getting tapped on the shoulder wake up at seven in the morning and i was like

I was like, crap, crap, crap. Like, I was like, you're lying. I was like, you need to take me home right now. And like, he's driving me home and I literally had a walk of shame into my own fucking parents' house at seven in the morning. Damn. That's like the worst. Were they awake? My dad was. Because sometimes I've done the walk of shame going back into my house early enough where they don't even realize that I was gone. No, my dad knew because when I was leaving, my dad was very on edge about me leaving. Like,

what time you're gonna be home like i'm like i don't know like no one has asked me what time i'm gonna be home yeah i don't know i'm like oh and he's like you're not gonna stay out all night i was like no no he's like just keep me posted like text me when you're there all this stuff i'm like oh my god i was like i okay it's funny that parents do that because it's like my mom when we're going out it's like my mom your parents are not texting you like did you make it home safe like and

And I'm like feral in these streets. Yeah. But he's just like, but you're here. Like, and I can, it's like right in front of him. So you guys want to know. So like my phone is getting blown up at like five in the morning. He texted my Mr. 305's phone, like being like, are you okay? Like, where are you? So then at seven in the morning when I woke up, I was like, yeah, you should have shot your parents a quick text just being like, Hey, like I'm staying here. I didn't mean to stay there. I fell asleep. I know. I fell asleep after.

Doing things. Some really bad things. No, I needed to do... It was like so fun. Dude, so I'm at... Like literally sitting at the table with my boyfriend and drinking this rest of martini flights. And this is me and Taylor's conversation. She swipes up on my store and goes, that's literally a blackout tray. And I respond back, ha ha ha. Why is literally all of y'all saying that?

Riley just said the same thing and then Taylor goes I got drunk looking at it and go I'm drunk so slay she goes period I'm gonna have amazing tea for the podcast tonight by the way I go fuck off no you're not don't do it and I'm obviously thinking she's gonna baseball yeah I'm gonna hang out with Mr. Baseball man she goes no it's not what you think it's harmless just for fun lol I go with who and then she avoids it again and doesn't tell me she goes I'm just

getting drinks with someone not even a date just catching up because I got invited and want to go out in Miami so I'm going I go oh Taylor she goes mr. 305 but it's not a date I just have no feelings at all for him it's harmless doing it for the plot and I never ended up answering because I was drunk and like out

but i was just so taken back i was like this girl like literally talks so much shit on this fucking man on our podcast and is going out for drinks with him but when i tell you like all the shit that i like talk like it's like those are like my high school like feelings that i have like i don't have real hatred there's people that i see and i hate that i see them and i hate them yeah he's not like that anymore like he used to be but like

I don't care. I want to make like... I so don't care. And to be fair, I'm going to give like another person's opinion. So like obviously Sam doesn't know me dating this person, doesn't know this person because this is so long ago. When I told my like best friend from home, oh my God, I called her. So funny. I was like, oh my God, you'll never guess who I saw. And she was like, no, you didn't. Like, like Mr. Baseball. I was like, no, better. I was like, or worse. She was like...

you saw mr 305 i was like yeah and she was cracking up she was like that's so fucking funny and i was like no i know it was so fun she was like she's like good like honestly that's good she's like that's fun like she was very um yeah because i don't have queen like she was like that's because she like it was so long ago but like i don't see like you've never said anything positive about him yeah to me it's always been negative so like in my mind i'm like why would you want to go see him if all you do is shit talk him so very negative relationship but a relationship nonetheless like we like

I enjoyed him enough to date him. Even though it was shitty. It didn't even matter who it was. My friend made a good point about why I had so much fun when we were talking about it. She was like, you know what it is? I say on here all the time how much being in that high school age it was just so fun. So carefree. Had no responsibilities. It was just so fun. I literally for the night felt like I was 17. I felt like

it was like kind of leaving my parents house and like like doing something i'm not supposed to do with like a boy and like it i literally felt like i was like 17 yeah like carefree like no rules like nothing mattered like kind of like going like behind my parents back and like like i don't know 17 again but doing it with a bald grown man it literally

Literally like I was like, oh my God, I literally feel like a child. But then get this so that we get to my house at seven. I like didn't sleep. Okay. Like I slept for like an hour.

And we get there and I pull up. I'm like, I left my fucking bra at your house. My nice fucking Victoria's Secret bra and show bra. I needed it back. I was like, I need that back. And he's like, I'll bring it. I'll bring it here. I was like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Show up. Walk. Knock on the door and tell them that I left my bra at your house. That'd be great. Yeah. I was like, no. I was like, I'm going to go get coffee. And he's like, I'll meet you there. I'm like, oh, my God, you want to see me again? I was like, I'm just going to pick it up. I was like, you're obsessed with me. I was like, you're really obsessed with me.

I was like, okay, just meet me there. I'll go get it. And I tell my parents that I'm not meeting anyone. I was like, I'm going to get coffee. And they're like, you meeting anyone there? I'm like, no. But then we stay there for a long time because he orders and they're like for here to go. And he's like for here. So they put the coffees in like a glass cup. So you have to like sit. I was like, oh, so we're staying. So we stay and talk and it's been like an hour. And then my parents are like, must be really busy at the.

coffee place and I was like yeah it's so busy it's crazy and obviously I came back they were like you were literally with him at coffee I'm like yes I was sorry so I like get it back whatever and then like again at night he invites me out again he's like not out out but like I forget what he's like oh like if you want to come to this I was like oh my god like

I was like, you want to see me again? I was like, why are you so obsessed with me? So the first night when you guys went out, it was just the two of you and his friend that was DJing. You just like weren't really hanging with them. No, because he was DJing. Yeah. I just didn't know if you like went up. I was on the DJ booth and I almost spilled my drink on it. And the guy was like, that would have been great. And the guy was like, don't do that. And I was like, sorry. But I was like, we were like in the DJ booth. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Being, I was being a feral rat. Like I was, guys, it was so fun and it really got me like,

I'm not going to say, like, over my ex-boyfriend. Let's not be dramatic. But, like, it, like... I don't know. I was just like, okay, life is fun. I was like, that was really fun. Yeah. I wonder if anyone, like, that falls saw you guys out. No. When we were sitting at coffee, I was like, how brutal would it be if right now someone that knows us both walked in here? And he was like, yeah, that would suck. Yeah. I was like, that would be so funny if, like, someone, like, we went to high school with, like, came in here right now. But...

um it's just a nice it's nice to be on good like like clean sleep with people and like i love his family so much like i love his family i've always had like that was the hardest part of our breakup was literally his family um so i was like did you tell your family you're hanging out with me he's like no like why like tell them tell them i'm like i was the best girlfriend you've literally ever had has he had a girlfriend since he said he dated a girl for like three years damn yeah

Damn, that's crazy. And he said I taught him a lot and like that he knows he was like really jealous and like crazy and he tried like not to be like that. And I was like, well, glad I could fucking do that for you. Wow. Damn. But it was so fun, y'all. Like it was so fun. Like I didn't even have like anxiety about it, but I got so drunk. Yeah. Yeah.

Like I was so nauseous the whole next day, like dying so down bad. No, literally I was too. And the fact that we knew we had a Sunday night bender ahead of us, like insane. I got back the night before New Year's. So on the 30th at like midnight and she got back in the morning and dude, I'm not even kidding. Like waking up knowing I had to drink again that night. I was like, oh my God, I literally don't want to. It's like, it's not like I can just like not go. It's New Year's Eve. Like I have to go. And it's like,

The plans we had were like big, like honestly, probably the biggest party we've been to this whole year. Yeah. Besides the 4th of July. There wasn't even that many people there though. There was a lot of people. Not as many as like they were on the list. You don't think there was 150 people there? No. I feel like there was. No. Our immediate friends were like a lot, like there wasn't that many people there. Yeah. Maybe a hundred. I think maybe, maybe in total coming and going. Yeah. But not at one time. Yeah. Yeah.

So we had a house party at one of our friend's house. His parents have a house on the lake. He lives downtown and, uh,

This party was honestly planned maybe two weeks ago. We had no idea what we were going to be doing for New Year's. I was just expecting, honestly, going to West 6 and having a time downtown and going home. But we ended up realizing now we have that party. It's 45 minutes from where we live. And so we were like, you know what? We're the closest house from the party. We'll have the pregame. And then from the pregame, we'll hop into Fetty and then go over, which code one thing pod. If you guys ever want to ride Fetty, it gives you 50% off for your first ride.

And I want to say 25% off for the rest of the rides, but I could be wrong. Don't hold me to that. Fettys are the best. Yeah, they're the best. If you have Fettys where you live, like, fuck Uber. Yeah, fuck Uber. So we, I was just taking it slow all day. I went to the gym, which I did not go to the gym, like, at all the whole week. So I was like, I literally need to get my fat ass to the gym right now. Like, last workout of the year, like, let's do it.

And then, yeah, people were just starting coming over at 7. I feel like that day blinked before I knew it. Yeah, I went on a walk and while I was walking on the treadmill, I finished my 50th book, guys. So, I did it. If you wanted the update, 50 books read, completed. How many pages did you have left going into the last day of the year? Not a lot. I was like 85% done. Oh, okay. Because I was going to say, you left it so last minute. I had so much time to read that book. Part of me, the whole time, though, I wanted to finish. On the last day? Mm-hmm.

Gotcha. I had so much time to read that book. Yeah. Like, I was coasting through it. But anyways, I wanted to take a nap so bad because y'all, Friday night, as we established, I didn't sleep because I was doing...

naughty activities and barely slept so didn't sleep on friday then on saturday i had to wake up at 5 30 to get on my flight so i had to wake up and then i had to go out again so i was running on empty i slept on the plane like in and out but i was so fucking tired i was like i need to take a nap i laid in my bed with my eyes closed for like 30 minutes didn't fall asleep i was like fuck like all i wanted to do was take a nap but we rallied i drank an energy drink and we were

zoom in yeah i ended up also so i had an espresso martini at night but i was like i knew i only had like a coffee like in the morning but i was like don't have any caffeine until the pregame like you're gonna need it and so we pregamed for about like an hour gone the fetty i was still like kind of sober in the fetty which i kind of wanted i was like i don't want to get drunk until i'm actually there just because we're gonna be there forever like i

My Uber was... The only downfall about Fetty is that they don't do any rides after midnight. So we couldn't get a Fetty going home. So we had to get an Uber going home. So I scheduled an Uber for 1.30 in the morning. And so I just knew, I'm like, Sam, you're going to be drinking from 9 to 1 in the morning. That's a lot.

You know around here we don't do that So I was like I'm just gonna wait until we get there We get there I start drinking I get drunk really quickly That fucking drink that I was drinking so strong It was like straight liquor No I know

But it's like, it's a martini, basically. Like, a martini is straight liquor. Yeah, I guess. But either way, I was drinking like a mixed cocktail out of a glass, like out of a bottle. And it was a Cosmo. And it was good. I liked it. But it was fucking strong. Like, you take a sip, like you can feel the, I was like. I was drinking June Shine, which I have to say after last night, that's my drink of choice. I felt so good. Like, I never got absurdly drunk. I didn't like.

forget anything i never felt bad i never was like oh i but i was like a good level and i was like drinking them like kind of fat like i don't know how to explain it i just felt really good like i got home took off my makeup like woke up feeling okay like june shines are my drink of choice now because i just felt really good yeah like i never got feeling very very drunk doesn't what i kept doing too because i

Everyone warned us when we got there. It was being like, make sure you hide your alcohol. Put it somewhere where someone can steal it. Someone stole my champagne. Yes. They were like, people are going to be stealing it. So I was like, oh, God. And good thing we're in our friend's home. So I'm like, okay, I can find a safe place to put my stuff. And I just kept putting my bottle down. Luckily, no one really... I would put it down for like 10 minutes because I knew if I was holding it, I would have been sipping on it. So I was like...

Okay, Sam, like put it down every like few minutes. Like just let it be like somewhere, whatever. And I was doing that. But then it came to the point where I was like, you know what, Sam? You don't need that anymore. Just leave it where you put it. And then me and two of the other girlfriends, there was – how many of us were there? Our girl group is like eight. No, it's like eight of us, right? Yeah.

Or seven. Yeah. Yeah. So we were... Like, all of us were there. Some of us have boyfriends. Some of us don't. Some of them don't drink, like, too crazy. But three of us ended up, like, going to the pantry. And...

Two of the girls they were like we're so hungry and i'm like and our friend that's hosting the party ate his snacks No, well, so our friend that was hosting the party was like just go into the pantry like there's food in there So we go into the pantry we lock ourselves in there We're in there for like 30 minutes and then like the two of them were just like mowing down like you know How he had like the sandwich platters. So we had extra sandwich platters in the fridge in the pantry That's so so we were like sitting in the pantry just like eating and I was like i'm like at

In that moment for me, I wasn't hungry because I had one of those sandwiches like an hour ago. We're sitting there and then a bunch of people come in and then they start doing naughty things, like illegal things. You can pick up what I'm putting down. And we're like, let's get out of here. This is not where I want to be. I hate being surrounded by that shit. Got out of there. And then it just came to the point where this really run like,

11 30 I was like, dude, i'm just like not as drunk as I want it to be And i'm having fun but like not too much fun Like I was like, I just can't picture myself staying here till 1 30 when my uber is supposed to be here so I looked at the two girls and I was like What if I like canceled it and just ordered an uber like right after midnight like right after the ball drop? And like yeah, let's do it. I was like, okay, like i'll fucking do it and

After midnight that's when I like tried to order it and it wasn't working I was like I made a mistake yeah I made a mom mistake I was like vibing all night like somehow ended up kind of like talking to this guy like back and forth and we're just like vibing like honestly having a good time and then we go to eat our grapes under the table at midnight.

And right before midnight, I go to grab my champagne that I bought. Mind you, it was $8 from HEB. So not that big of a loss. But I go to grab it. But it's just an exciting thing to like pop open a drink. Yeah, I just wanted to have like champagne. Like fuck people for grabbing something that's on Thursday. And it wasn't in there. And I was like, what the fuck? I was like, god damn it. Someone took my fucking champagne bottle. So that was upsetting. But I eat my grapes under the table. And then I go...

try to take pictures of sam and her boyfriend kissing by the fireworks worst pictures i've ever seen in my entire life but i thought i was eating it up dude that was so funny like so i remember i didn't really care for like the new year's kiss and obviously we all know it's trending right now to eat 12 grapes under the table and whatnot so i'm like okay you guys are going under the table i'm gonna take some pictures of you guys and then i just like time passed and i realized i'm like

Oh my God, it's like 12.02. I never kissed my boyfriend. Yeah. So I went right over to him and got a kiss with him when you guys were all under the table eating your fucking grapes, which you ended up eating your grapes in a minute. Yeah. Yeah. But I didn't do it right, I don't think, because you're supposed to like one at a time. Oh, really? Yeah. I didn't know that. But so like I do that and then I go outside and take pictures of you and then the guy I was talking to like most of the night was like, are you done being a third wheel? And then just kissed me at like 12.01. I was like, oh, fun. Like so fun. No way. Just like...

I was like, whatever. And then like one of our other friends like had a champagne bottle is like here, like drink. It goes to pour it in my mouth. Literally all it does. It literally just went in my eye. Like I was like, like I had like champagne in my eye. It was like my face. I was like, that was awful. But then I'm like, after that, it was kind of like, yeah, like maybe it's like almost like time to go home. And like, but getting Ubers was so hard. Like you said.

couldn't find you for a little bit but we're just kind of standing around with our friends i was charging my phone in ethan's parents bedroom there we go because my phone had fucking like eight percent and i'm trying to get a hold of this uber i'm like great like my phone's gonna die and i'm never gonna be able to leave yeah so i we basically commit me and this like guy that i was talking to because like everyone's kind of trickling out and somehow i just ended up being like no one i really knew was there um

And we were like trying to get Ubers. Nothing's fucking working. So we were like, okay, figured out we live semi close to each other. I was like, whoever's Uber loads first, we're getting it. Like we're both getting in it and we're going back. Like we're taking the same fucking car. So it's like, yeah, like let's just do that.

My uber finally fucking loads. It was honestly probably like 80 dollars But I was like, okay, let's go and I and I really truly meant like I wanted him to know that I wasn't just being like He he then you could come to mine and like uber home Like that's what I genuinely meant like you can get in my uber and then you can uber home You're not staying in my house. And like I kept saying that i'm like just so you know You're not sleeping in my place. You are taking your ass home. This is just for convenience So like we get in the uber to go home

then literally he came here for like two seconds and then i accidentally um busted into sam's room with her in it at like three in the morning yeah i didn't think she was home because she didn't have a house key and since i wasn't back with her yeah i was like there's she didn't come here because she didn't have a house i was like thinking about that too when i was in the uber like going home i'm like fuck like i have like these three other people in the uber with me and they're like relying on me to get into my house i'm like i literally don't

don't know if I'm gonna be able to get into my house. Yeah, so like in my head, I'm like, Sam isn't here because she doesn't have a house key. And then the guy, when he's waiting for his Uber, he's like, oh, where's your cat? And I was like, I couldn't find him. I'm like, oh, where is he? And he always goes into Sam's room. Was he in my room? No. He was in the downstairs bedroom. But I was like, oh, where's his cat? I was like, oh, he's probably in Sam's room. I literally opened it to like you and your boyfriend just like sleeping. I was like, oh, Uber.

I was like, where am I is home? I was like, would you look at that? I did not think so. And they made a good point that I'm lucky they weren't like naked in there. Cause he sprawls in his butt ass naked in my bed. Y'all were covered. I was like, Oh, and then like your dog came running out and I was like, Michael, go back. Get back in there. I was like, go back.

back i realize i have a problem like i sleep like a brick when i'm drunk i was pretty quiet i'm no but i'm such like if i was sober i would have woken up to that because i'm such a light sleeper yeah and the fact that mac like jumped out of bed ran over to you and like that would have woken me up if i was sober now y'all were dead but i know oh she is home how funny um but then yeah then he left as he should went home and then i took my makeup off and

everything and had a great sleep. I actually ended up doing a Lyft, not even Uber because it was taking so long. We both downloaded Lyft too. We were calling, like each of us on our phone were calling a Lyft and an Uber like the same time. Yeah. So it was funny because we were leaving and

And but like a bunch of people were trying to irish exit and like honestly I I wasn't irish exiting I was just like walking out and a bunch of our friends were irish exiting and i'm like Bro, like so many people were leaving in ubers that had like space in their uber Like people were leaving in like a single uber by themselves like and then there was two boys that left together and when i'm like Y'all are literally just leaving space in these ubers like what is going on? Like this is not cool Like there's 45 minutes to get home just to downtown like people are gonna be stuck and so um

We got into the uber to go home, but the or the left and my fucking boyfriend was so drunk me and to the girls were literally just like Fucking with him for so long like he could not like stand up straight do anything like he was just making us crack up like for instance, he was talking about a fucking like Mushy banana for like 30 minutes in that uber and just like talking about it all sad about his stupid bananas but yeah, we got home and

he insisted that we got Uber Eats and I was like, don't do it. Like, you're literally going to hate it. And last time I had drunk food, I threw up. Like, we're not doing this. We're going to bed. And that's when I went to bed and next thing I know, Taylor's also home. But, which I thought, for some reason, I heard you in the morning. I thought you were like, coming home in the morning. No? No, I...

Slept at home. Yeah, I don't know. I thought I heard you coming in and going up the stairs. I was like, did she just like... Because I was awake at 6.30 in the fucking morning because his work alarm was going off. I was like, I literally hate how you don't turn this off. And then I woke up early to like a million... This man was going berserk in our house calling me, texting me to wake up. I wake up, I have like three missed FaceTimes, three phone calls. Yeah. And the way he was acting, I was like... I literally was like, did you do drugs last night?

And like, and a non-negotiable in my relationship is no drugs. Like you're not doing any type of, well, not, not no drugs. Okay. That's a lie. Shrooms. Okay. But everything else, no, I have PTSD from my last relationship. I am not letting that be a thing in this relationship. So that was non-negotiable. So I'm like looking at my mind.

did you fucking do something like are you lying to me right now because you're acting weird and he was like no i didn't like i swear i didn't like sometimes i just get like this when i'm like hung over i'm like okay you're being fucking weird like to the point where this man is literally like calling her a million times at like six in the morning all the way until like eight oh speaking of the devil he's fucking calling me right now should i answer yeah hello what's up i'm currently podcasting right now what are you doing

Do you want to say something to the camera? We're talking about you right now. Oh, great. Yeah. We're talking about how fairly you were being Monday morning running around with that lizard. Oh, yeah. Yeah. No, we hated it. All right. Well, I'll let you guys get back to it. All right. Bye.

Damn. So I get all these texts and like his, his, um, her boyfriend's always just like grilling me about like my love life. Um,

and because he's like you didn't let that guy sleep over i needed i need a bro to like chill with in the morning yeah like i need a double day i was like no so he's like literally on one like on one like crazy and then he lets macro outside and then he's like taylor your cat got outside like so casual near my cat because he's allergic and he also just like wouldn't go near my cat and i was like well why'd you let him why'd you let him go out and like get him and he's like

Like literally no. So like literally he comes up, close the door, like left him outside. So he comes up and I just want to preface this. I fucking hate lizards. I will scream. I can't do lizards. Okay. Sitting at my dining room table, minding my own fucking business. And he puts a baby lizard on my knee.

the scream that came out of my mouth dude i thought it was like a dragon it was so scary looking it was so small but like he literally was like oh look at this puts it on my knee i got up and then it's one of those things where we couldn't see it after i was like is it still on me is it in my hair like where is it i was running around shaking everything like the scream that came out of my body i wish he was filming it

No, I know, but he was, he filmed the other one. I'm gonna have to have him send me the other video. Oh, you did? But I wish he got the first thing on video. I know.

i holy shit my heart left my body i'm freaking out like shaking everything like non-stop moving my hair sam is too sam's like is it on me we're like freaking out he's cracking up get dying i'm like pissed at this point because then the lizard was disappeared yeah i'm like he's gonna be under the couch he's gonna be he's gonna be crawling into my mouth when i'm sleeping tonight like i'm like you need to find this lizard right now and if you don't find this lizard i'm literally gonna be so pissed at you and we're like freaking out like

I'm like, no, no, no, no. Like I can't do it because we couldn't see it. And I was convinced it was still on me. Yeah. Like I'm like, for all I know, it's like crawling on my back, freaking out, freaking out. He finally finds it. Of course he's right.

chasing us around with the fucking lizard again. Yeah. Like, oh my god. And he starts feeding it to Mac. I'm like, bro, like, leave it alone. Bring it outside. It was actually torturous. And then I had to go get my cat out of the fucking bushes. Yeah, your cat's still outside. Luckily, my cat doesn't run away. He just sits in the bushes. So I knew he wasn't long gone. Had to get him out the fucking bushes because he just let my cat leave. Like, it was so chaotic for, like, eight in the morning. Yeah. I was like, this, like, really...

Does not need to be happening. I know. It was horrible. And then he goes into my closet and is like putting on like this funky outfit like after and is blaring music jumping around and I'm like in the shower. I'm like, can you not? Like, what are you doing? But then...

But then he ended up calming down because I put him in his place. I was like, you need to fucking chill right now because you're going to piss me off. Yeah. Like 2024 energy. Like not it. I was like, literally, I was like, what happened to you? What liquor were you drinking? Me. No, don't want that around.

But yeah, so then I ended up going to get barbecue later in the day. I was like, Taylor, you can come if you want because we were still making jokes about one of our friends that was going to be there that we were like, oh my God, it's a double date. You need to come. Taylor didn't come through to the barbecue. I was too tired. Yeah. The barbecue was good. It's just, it's so greasy and like,

It's good for like bites, but I'm not going to have a whole ass meal of it because it's gonna make me feel like shit. So definitely not my preferred thing. But I do want to go to either In-N-Out or that other burger place at some point because it's nice to do like little meals like that every once in a while. I was so tired, like so tired. And I had to like.

Well, so I planned on like doing a bunch of laundry and like cleaning yesterday. Then I saw all these videos how cleaning on New Year's Day is bad and like bad luck and doing laundry. There's so many like things. No, no, no. But it was like I saw so many videos about it and it was like anyone who posted like New Year's Eve reset was like, why are you doing laundry? Like you cannot do laundry on New Year's Day. Like, um...

Like, it was all, like, how cleaning and doing laundry on New Year's Day is, like, horrible luck. And, like, you can't do it. Like, you have to do it the night before. Like, you can't do it on the first day of the year. And I was like, fuck. Like, now I read way too much of this. It was literally like, no, no, no. Like, you can't do it. Like, you can't do it. Like, it's wrong. Like, people were literally, like, trying to see, like, does this count as cleaning? Like, all this stuff. I was like, oh, my God. Like, I had no idea that that was...

That's crazy. I never heard it before, but... I also never heard of the beans and the colored greens. Yeah. I've never heard of that. Dude, I've never heard of that. I'm like, where are all these like... My grandma makes black eyed peas. ...tradition things coming from? I'm like, I didn't know about the grapes thing until like a few months ago. I've done grapes every year. Not under the table, but I do grapes every year. Really? Yeah. And my grandma makes black eyed peas. It's just like a symbol for luck. But basically what they were saying...

Is that if you clean and like specifically laundry, if you wash clothes, the oldest member of your family is going to die in that year. What the fuck? I don't know. But I was like, I read too much of the superstition of that. You can't do laundry that now I'm not going to do laundry. I was like, no, I'm scared. So I was like, that's, I guess, a later in the week issue because TikTok is saying that if I clean my whole family can die. So that's crazy. Yeah.

oh fuck you know what i wish i said was my favorite of the week is those lumify drops oh i wish i said those were my favorite okay i know this is random but i just wanted to bring it in real quick because that was so random yeah i know i don't know why i thought about it but guys i got these eye drops which i've been talking about it a lot on tiktok so if you want to go see they're eye drops that make your eyes really really white and they're usually meant for people that are like smokers or whatever like for red eyes if you have red eyes like

use it that way but anyways i wore them on new year's and i was getting so many compliments on my eyes along with i wore them to the two nights before that because that's the day i bought them and i was just too like excited to wait i was like i know i want them for new year's but like i'm gonna do it tonight whatever but i guess people were like you can't do it too much like it's bad for your eyes whatever so on occasion i'm gonna use them but you're blind anyways yeah i'm literally blind anyway so it doesn't matter so

I just loved it. I'm like, I wish there was a way for my eyes always to be that way because it looked so good. I loved it. Lumify eye drops. Amazon. Cool. Yeah. Anyways, now it's a long time of no alcohol. I know. If I do everything correctly, it's going to be 75 days. I'm only doing the 30, but I'm having one cheat day in the month. If I do it all correctly, it's going to be 75 days. So we'll see y'all.

Yeah, I just can't not. We're going to an Airbnb, so I'm in the middle of a wine country, so I gotta have a little bit of wine. Oh, this is what I said to one of my friends last night. I think what it's gonna be, because I don't wanna say dry January, because I'm basically cheating by doing that one weekend, I'm saying no bars January. Whatever makes you better. I'm trying to not... So I'm trying to do 75 Hard. I did it yesterday. Um...

And I want to, if I don't do it like super perfectly, like I said, I'm not starting over. Like I'm not like doing all that, like whatever, like I'm not starting over. But the reason I really don't want to drink for that long and I'm really going to try is because you guys know I have like, I was trying to go off my medication and then it like literally wrecked me into neck, like wrecked me. So now I'm getting back on it and alcohol really, really like

affects that medication like it it's not great for you're not supposed to drink on it you can but you're not supposed to it's not great for that and i want it to like really like work and settle and like take it and not drink so that i can like really get back on it like properly yeah i don't want to like have the alcohol like fucking it up so i like know i shouldn't drink because it's basically since i was off of it it's like i'm going on it for the first time again and i know like

I'll feel better on it if I don't drink. Yeah. So I'm like, I know it's good for me if I don't drink. And 75 days seems like a lot, but it's really just going into like the first little bit of March, which is like two months and a little bit more. Yeah. Months go by so fast. But I want to go on dates. So it's going to be a challenge for me. And I think it's going to be like exposure therapy for like social anxiety of going on dates sober. Yeah. Yeah.

It really is. Just sober meeting new people and going on dates. And it's also going to guarantee that I won't sleep with them. Yeah. But honestly, I like sober dates better. Going on a coffee date, I would prefer that. I went on a coffee date for my first date. Yeah. Coffee dates or an activity, I like those better than just going to sit at a bar because...

I don't know. I feel like those types of dates can last longer than you would want it to. So it's going to be interesting, though, to do that. But yeah, we'll see. I'll keep you guys posted. But I'm not going to make like a ton of content about it because I feel like the more I talk about something online, the better chance I like. I feel like once I say something online, I like can't stick to it. Yeah. Facts.

Well, do you want to get into our ins and outs for the year? Yeah, mine are so random. Yeah. All right. My first in is mixing metals, which we already talked. Yeah. Mixing silver and gold. I'm so here for it. Love it. I used to do it all the time in high school and I'm into it. Yeah. Mine is workout classes. I never would have thought this time last year that I would be like workout classes. That's my preferred workout. Like

No, they're really in. I am seeing I feel like I'm seeing the fitness space getting smaller in a good way. Like a lot of those fitness creators are like branching out to other things. It's just because like it's like burnout happens really fast. Yeah. It's hard to keep up with with something for so long. My next one is Pinterest. I love Pinterest. I love like it for legit copying things like black tank top outfit with jeans and then looking up an outfit and like

wearing it how they wore it. Great. Like how did I get my New Year's Eve outfit? Pinterest. I love Pinterest. Just took it straight from Pinterest. Literally like when I'm

When I buy my house, I have a whole mood board. You can get any type of mood board from fucking Pinterest. Buying quality over quantity. This is something that I did a lot of this past year, whether it's jewelry from Amazon or my sunglasses from Amazon. Literally, quantity over quantity, and I'm realizing that's... When you say quantity over quantity. Quantity over quality. Quantity over... Quantity over...

Quality over quantity. Okay, quality over quantity, meaning no more Amazon stuff. Yeah. Okay. Well, I can still get it, but just... Less? Also, if I'm going to be doing that, make sure I'm building the quality items as well. Because I feel like I've spent so much money on little earrings and stuff that are tarnishing and not lasting long, or even clothing, like Skims clothes. My Skims t-shirts, I've had that...

Them for like over a year and a half and they're still in like pristine condition whereas some of the shirts that i've gotten from amazon like the basic tees like Have like strings hanging out of them or just like whatever i'm like Just stick to the the quality of the product. Yeah My next in is outfit repeating i'm sick of i'm so hard on myself of being like But i've worn this outfit already like the idea of wearing clothes one time. That's Insane, that's crazy. I know and absurd like i'm

I need to be able to wear outfits more than once. Like if I don't know what to wear, why can't I be like, oh, that was a cute outfit. Let me wear that again. Like it's crazy that in my head, it's so hard for me to repeat an outfit. It's so wasteful to not rewear clothes. Yeah. My in for 2024 is also going to be more deep rooted friendships. I feel like the beginning of the year, I had a lot of friendships with like a lot of these girls where I'm like,

It's kind of surface level. And now that I'm building deeper rooted friendships, like I really consider this place home. Like at first I was like, oh, like little iffy about it. But I'm like, damn, like being home is,

This past holiday, whatever, I'm like, I really fucking miss, like, the people back home. Like, my relationships back in Massachusetts are nowhere near now my relationships here. Obviously, because I haven't seen all those people in forever. But, like, either way, like, it just feels nice knowing I have way more, like, spread out, deep-rooted friendships than surface-level friendships. So, deep-rooted friendships and actually building relationships.

outside of just partying, drinking, and doing surface level things. My next hit is unfollowing. Yeah. You just don't need to follow people who you don't want to follow. I literally was telling my boyfriend this. I was like, you follow like 2,000 people. Like, why? The grocery store or the grocery store theory of if you're in the grocery store and you see someone, are you going to say hi to them? If you're not, why are you following them on social media? It's weird. So I think I've unfollowed like maybe 40 people the other day.

I don't follow that many people. Yeah. Kitten heels is in for the 2024. I just bought, I think, like three new heels. All kitten. I can't get by. I'm not a tall person. I'm 5'5", but I just can't get by massive heels.

I just I don't I don't like them. So kitten heels. They're so cute pointed toe heels So in I love a tall heel. Yeah. Well, I don't love them because they're impractical and they're um Uncomfy. Yeah, but like I love being tall I love that's crazy Um, my next in is concerts slash just like spending money on experiences My number one like thing for this year is going to concerts. I'm already going to like four Like that I have ready to go um

But the concerts I went to like last year just made me realize they're 100% worth the money every time. I've never regretted going to one and they make me really happy. So concerts and just money on experiences. Yeah. Mine is capturing more memories on video, not photos. I've realized like...

Videos are so much better to like look back on like 20 years from now rather than a photo So I want to make sure that i'm getting more videos Which I do already it's my job but like even more like little things like propping up my phone like even with my boyfriend like the other night with the video of us kissing for new year's like

I could have gotten a photo of that. No, but honestly, I prefer the video over the photo of that moment. So more videos for me. My last one is lipstick because I'm always just like a lip liner, lip gloss girl. But I think like I need lip liner, lipstick, lip gloss. Like I wore lipstick on New Year's. Like it was liquid lipstick. But I just want to be a lipstick girl. I want to put on lipstick, not just liner and gloss or lip oil. I want to put on lipstick. I have two more. So my last two, one of them being, I think you guys all know this, is lipstick.

Going and getting pastries and coffee, like, on a regular. Like, more of that. I think it's...

It's kind of like the feeling of going to get like tea and like little like i've never done it But like that's the vibe it gives and I love it Pastries are so in coffee going to do that as a little hangout And then my last one is do you do it yourself activities with friends? I'm going into this new year, especially because it's dry january doing a bunch of activities and i'm so excited for it fun Yes, like what? um

Well, the puzzle. Huge puzzle girl. Building candles. Yes, the candles. Board game nights. I played the funniest fucking game with my family. We have to get it. What is it? Incoherent.

So like where the card has like a phrase that's like in gibberish and you have to say it and try to see what you're saying. Oh, I have heard of that game. It was we were like peeing our pants. Yeah. It was so funny. Yeah. Another one too. I really want to do this is vision boards or like like a arts and crafts night like making some like making like

A wall art. Yeah. Because, like, I've done the wall art above my bed. I've done. But, like, why didn't I make that into, like, a wholesome activity? You know? Making mocktails. Playing music. Maybe making dinner, too. And, like, arts and crafts. Yeah. You know? With my dance friends, I wanted to make vision boards as, like, an activity. Yeah. I was like, I'm going to want to do that. Okay. Out. My first out is just being pressured to drink. Like, I'm so...

over like that vibe of like being pressured to drink in any situation you don't have to yeah um mine which obviously you probably already saw all of the ones i'm saying because i made a tiktok out of the ins and outs for the year but um one of them being men shaming men for treating his girl right i can't get by that i'm not saying my guy friends or my boyfriend's guy friends are like that but just like seeing that out and like

a third party setting seeing guys shaming on another guy for treating his girlfriend right I'm like that's just not cool I think also just in any situation shaming people for being in a relationship in general yeah in terms of like especially getting older when it's just very much like oh like with your boyfriend like yeah you're with your boyfriend you're like you're growing up and that's your boyfriend yeah yeah you're with them like I don't like when people are overly like shameful on people

For like being like, oh, they're so lame now. Like whatever. Like, yeah. Especially like when they're like, oh, they're so lame now just because you used to go out four nights a week and now you only go out one. Yeah. That's okay. Like, I don't know. Like your lifestyle is not going to be exactly the same when you have a like if you have a relationship and like it's not a bad thing to like not be raging.

24 7 and I feel like it really stems from men too because they struggle to have sober activities that they all do together not necessarily like our guy friends like our guy friends do a great job they watched football on Sunday all sitting on the couch hanging out and then like they do board night games but like there are certain men that won't do that like they'll make sure that there's like a beer there like they have to drink and I'm like

You don't have to always be drinking with your friends at a bar. Like, maybe invite them to go play golf. Maybe go do XYZ. And don't drink at golf. Like, you don't need to drink at golf, you know? So, yeah. My next out is... Mine are so, like, all around the same idea of, like, going out. Like, drunk texting. Can't be drunk texting my ex-boyfriend. No. Can't be. He drunk called me on New Year's Eve and I said, get out of my face, don't come over. Yeah. So...

look at me go one thing i will say that i've seen a lot of for outs of this year is sneaky links and i like i see them and everyone's like out sneaky links like don't let a man like treat you that way blah blah blah like whatever like i'm like bro like honestly like i'm happy he was my sneaky link for a while before ever maybe even getting serious with him i know he didn't want that but i'm like yeah but i think you're the exception i don't know i just feel like they like

Some men will turn over like just be patient. Yeah, but like I think you're the exception. I don't know dude I think you're the exception um But i'm okay with sneaky links and situationships, but like the girl can be in control Like I want situationships and sneaky links because I want you to be a situationship and a sneaky link Yeah, because that's how I was with him at first and I had no feelings for him I was like i'm never gonna have feelings for this man

I did say that. I literally was like, I'm never going to have feelings for this man. But then we hit the three months and I was like, Taylor, I think I might have feelings for this man. Yeah. So I just like, as long as I'm always in control. Yeah. I don't like, that's fine. Yeah. You know? Um,

Vaping and cocaine out. I have on my list drugs. Out. Fucking out. I want to be clear right now because I said this in my TikTok. I've never done either of those. And people thought when I was saying those are out is because I do it. I was like, oh, no, no, no, guys. Like, I don't do this.

I can't stand it. I just don't understand the need to go to a house party or just like go to a bar and like snort a line. Like you can literally have fun and just be drunk. Yeah. Is that crazy? Like wow. People are popping pills in a living room. Like bro, what? Literally. Also, I only drunk vape and that was my last time on New Year's. Like you're literally at someone's house and you're using their...

dryer and washer as your board for your snow like no it's what the fuck it's gross and i have on my out here and it's so like it's so normal so normal like growing up is realizing everyone you know does cocaine like i hate it like no i literally hate it um my next one is showing too much skin all the time is out and not in a way that i'm like not in a like

Girls are slutty if they dress that way. And like bitch in the summer, I'll still be rocking like a thong on my ass. I mean, it's not in that way. In a way that I used to only feel like hot or pretty or sexy if I was like half naked. Like if that makes sense. Like that like a crop top or like a shirt. Like I only felt hot if I was wearing as like little clothing. And I feel like now classy dressing is like...

so in and so cute and like i just like am not only hot if i'm looking like scandalous yeah like i can be hot in like nice clothes yeah i agree um besides my boobs um out male validation slash competing with other girls i see way too much of this of like girls end up like bashing heads because they're competing for a guy and i'm just like y'all like

It's really not that deep. And if you have to end up doing that for a guy and like be on bad terms with a girl because of a guy, it's like, is that guy worth it? Like he's not. In going off of that. Also, in those situations, we all have to remember that he is to blame. Yeah. Like, especially he has two girls wrapped around his finger. Like he needs to be.

mature enough to realize that hey you have two girls pick fucking one but I do at the same time situation too many fucking times I do at the same time think though that it can't be the girls I think it can't be the girls too but I think a big like if the guy wasn't doing it there like without the guy there'd be nothing

Yeah. Like, I found myself in that situation so many fucking times, even in the times that I've literally asked people, like, are you sure that this girl's not around? They're like, yeah, then they are around. And I'm like, why would you do that to me? So many fucking times, actually. And it's like, like, Netflix situation. Yeah. It's like, that's his fault. Alex Robax and Berrios.

braxton barrios is shady and i said it and i'm calling it i don't like that guy but like because i posted something like bro like this will feel like i feel bad for her and people are like but alex did nothing wrong everyone just goes like what team are you on like sofia or alex it's like the whole thing i'm like they're both right it was him like you guys put the justin haley selena yeah justin bieber is at fault like not haley not selena justin yeah girls need to start blaming the men more i think i mean it more in the sense of like

When the man doesn't really owe either girl anything. Like there's nothing.

Yeah, but like they feed into it sometimes. Yeah, I don't know. I just think that it causes too much drama. Definitely. And it's unnecessary. I think drama is out. Yeah, that will never be out, unfortunately. My next one is phone use in public, scrolling on social media. Obviously, it's okay if you're putting your phone to take photos, videos or whatever. But like if you're fucking scrolling on Instagram when you're sitting around hanging out with your friends, like get off your fucking phone.

Very, very real. That's like, if I could delete everything off my phone, I would. Yeah. Um, because I'm like, literally addicted to my phone. Um, my next one is closing out the bars. What? Closing out the bars. Oh, like staying out all night? Yeah. Staying out all night. Yeah, that's always been out for me. No. Um, also, what else do I have? Um,

Also out, one-sided friendships. But I feel like I've never really gotten myself into that situation of one-sided friendships. I know right away. I'm like, okay, if this person's not really going to put in the effort, I'm not going to put in the effort. And the friendship will remain surface level. But if I'm trying to build a deep-rooted friendship with someone and it's one-sided, I'm just not going to try. So one-sided friendships, out. I feel like you can tell pretty...

right off the bat. I've hung out with quite a bit of people too in the last two months too. And I have not run into this problem. But I realized another thing that is an issue for me is if you're meeting up with someone for the first time and they literally don't ask you about you personally and you're constantly having to ask them things and they're constantly talking about

Their life, but they never come back and are like, oh by the way So like what do you do for work or oh, do you have siblings? like if we get in this conversation of like siblings and they're like, oh, what about you because like I shouldn't have to be like I'm gonna say it like you should want to ask me. It's more of the What's the word i'm looking for? It's more of the Feeling like the person cares. Yeah, that is one of my biggest flaws As a person and this is why and I like

Literally, it was after I went on one of my first dates, I literally had to give that disclaimer. So my whole life, I don't speak. I don't speak about myself. I don't speak. Literally, I would meet people and they'd be like, you literally didn't say a word. So now I'm like, okay, I got to be better. I got to talk so much that I like...

feel like i need to talk so much then i'm like fuck did i talk so much like did i only talk so much but like i wasn't trying to i just like don't want to be mute and it's such a problem that i'm like dealing with of like we're conquering fucking social anxiety in 2023 okay and like that's why therapy is in too i'm gonna figure it out but like literally like after like i went on like dates with a kinsman i was like i'm so sorry if i talk too much didn't mean to i was like i just like

I've always just talked too little. So I overcompensate. Like I overcompensate by like wanting to make sure I talk so much. Yeah. My thing I think is I'm very picky now on friends that I want to ask them questions because I'm like I want to know if we actually will get along outside of like this first hangout. Yeah. So like random things like

I don't even know what the fuck is a random thing because I'm not judging someone, but I'll be like, oh, like, do you drink? Do you smoke? Like, like those like questions like that where I'm like, like, are we the same vibe? Because like if you're someone that like smokes all the time and like watches movies, like I'm just not like that. Like, that's not my vibe. So like, I just know like outside of this, we're probably not going to get along as much. But like, just like asking like simple things or like, oh, like my, I don't even fucking know what my example is. My biggest thing with people that I meet right now is what kind of music do you like? Yeah. I don't know what mine is.

I can't go on. I can't talk to a guy if we don't like the same music. Yeah. That's like my deal breaker. Honestly, I feel like really it's just if the conversation flows for me. Like if I'm hanging out with someone, like if the conversation flows, then that's fine. But obviously there's like weird things. I'm like, okay, like we just don't have the same interests. But yeah, not too picky, I guess. Yeah. I think the biggest out...

Is just in general. And this is like every year. Which I know we just did a list of in-announce. But it's giving a fuck what other people think about you. I was going to say mine on here is people pleasing. Like, again, therapy is in y'all. And like, if you struggle with that, like just talk to a therapist. Like that shit helps. But like, you just don't need. If you are okay with what you're doing. If you feel okay. You don't need to like change to be more like other people. It's like something that.

It's hard, especially in your early 20s because like everyone's changing so much but it's like just because you're different Doesn't mean you're like doesn't mean it's bad. It's not bad because it's different Yeah, I think people pleasing at the end of the day like we're old enough to the point where it's like I know people will get upset about certain things and that's just life. So why? Be so worried 24 7 that you need to make other people happy especially other people happy and other people just like

maybe not even happy, but just like content with your decisions. Like it just means other people will agree with. Yeah. Like if you are okay with it, like that's fine. Like, for example, like let's say like, um, like me going home and like doing that, like doing stupid stuff. Like, okay. Then if I come back and I cry about it every day, like,

then that's on me and then people have the right to be like oh you shouldn't have done that you're literally home crying about it every single day but if some people are gonna be like oh shouldn't have done that but like i'm fine and like it was fun and like i feel fine about it then like it doesn't matter what you think because i'm fine yeah you know yeah like if i came home and like

If I'm going to cry about it every day and like make it everyone's problem, like then it's like, hey, don't do that. Yeah. Like if you're chilling, do whatever you want. I think also in the sense of doing things for people to make them happy, like an example is like one of our friend's birthday. Like I did not want to go out after. So why am I going to people please by going out?

to make someone happy when i know i don't want to be there in that situation i might as well go home which i we went home but i'm just saying like situations like that why am i gonna go do something for someone to make them happy when like i know it's not gonna make me happy yeah so selfish selfish era yeah that's what i posted like everything for me this year is like if it's not a bettering my mental health i'm not doing it yeah and that is that's just what it is and if it is benefiting my mental health i will do it yeah um

I got some exciting things this week. Lots of fucking like catching up to do because I feel like I've not been on my computer in like two weeks. But yeah, things are happening this year. I'm excited for it. I'm very excited for this year for like I'm a very I like clean like restarts like like Monday. It's like beginning of the week's beginning of the month beginning of the year. Like I really like like a fresh start. Yeah, new year. I really enjoy it. And I think they'd like

This year of my life will be like a good one. Yep. Agreed. And speaking of, I have a call in 20 minutes with somebody for exciting things. So I gotta head out. Thank y'all for listening on our silly little drama and silly life. And we'll see you next week. Bye, guys. V, do you think we give too much advice on this podcast?

Girl, this is a podcast. Advice does hit way harder when you cuss with it. Yeah. And we do plenty of that. This show, it ain't for kids. Definitely not for the kids, but we do talk a lot about family. I mean, it comes with the territory and with a show called Baby Mama's No Drama. I just wonder if people get the gist of the ad we just did. You mean like the massive billboard in Times Square? That one.

Well, yeah, that one, but also this one, right? I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Kale Lowry. And I'm V Rivera. And we're the hosts of Baby Mama's No Drama Podcast. The Webby Award winning Baby Mama's No Drama Podcast. Two baby mamas chatting it up about life, bedroom talk, family, and whatever drama we are trying to get out of the way. All while being just a little bit explicit. A lot explicit. Yeah.

So listen to us, the Baby Mamas No Drama Podcast. Wherever you get your podcasts.