cover of episode What I learned in 23 years | Taylor’s Birthday Episode

What I learned in 23 years | Taylor’s Birthday Episode

Publish Date: 2023/11/22
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One Thing About Us


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Hello guys, welcome back to another episode. I'm Taylor. I'm Sam. I'm so excited to do this episode, but also the episode right before Thanksgiving. So fun. I love the holidays. I know. It's definitely a weird time because it's your birthday, holidays, but we definitely at some point need to do like a holiday...

guilt type podcast episode. We do it every year. I guess December. Yeah, December. But you guys already know. If you've been here, you get it already. I feel like with two and a half years of this podcast, whatever it is, we obviously have some new people, but it's really just our girls. They know. They get it. They do get it. It's crazy too because when we would do those episodes too, it's like we also kind of needed to hear it. But now it's more like

We get it. We got it. We're good. And we just want to joke around. Have a good time. Yeah, 100%. But without further ado, actually, no, with further ado, because I'm just going to start this off by saying, follow us on Instagram and rate us five stars anywhere you are listening. Talking today is an issue. Anywhere, Spotify, Apple,

greatest five stars it takes five seconds like just tap the five stars if you want to write something on apple be our guest but you don't have to literally just tap it it makes a whole lot difference and if each of you share this with one friend then our listeners double just send it to a friend yeah then you double our listeners if everyone sends it to one friend one friend let that be your birthday gift yeah it's literally my fucking birthday like tell some person like if you're at your friend's giving

And you're like, oh my God, I like podcasts. Tell one person, just one person. You'll have someone like your sister, your friend, like you're sitting around Thanksgiving table and you'd go like, oh, what do you think for thankful for? Say you're thankful for us and make everyone listen to it.

And you double our listeners. One person. That's all. All it takes. Yep. Anyways, let's get into the episode this week. This week we're going to be kind of chit-chatting about your birthday, right? Yeah, because if you... A little therapeutic. If you have been listening, in July it was Sam's birthday and I kind of gave her like a... Kind of did like a Sam's quarter life crisis and I just like questioned her about her life because, you know, a year older... We got fucking deep. A year older, it's just like, you know, a lot to...

unpack when you're getting older. So we're just doing the same. And I guess this is like, I don't know if we're making a new tradition of whenever it's our birthdays, we...

unpack our whole entire lives um but let's get on right in with like one thing about us yeah one thing about me is no matter where i am if i'm on vacation or anything i'm gonna be home by midnight like just because it's like a girl's trip and i'm on a bender no like i'm fucking going home at midnight and i don't care everyone else can stay out but me i'm still irish combining no matter what

It's like, yeah, I love it. I got I got tagged actually in a tick tock. And I was gonna talk about this later in the episode, but I might as well talk about it now. A girl tagged me in a video you maybe you saw because it kind of blew up. And it was a girl saying how she's not going to survive on her wedding night because she has to stay for the whole thing. Yeah, but I was like, but weddings end early. I

I know, but either way, I'm just always fucking leaving early. And I was like, oh my God, I have to be in charge of hosting everyone for that. Weddings normally, they're not all night vendors. Okay, good. They're until one latest because you have the venue. That's so true. You can pay for later, but you don't have to pay for later. So my wedding's going to be like, it's a known fact that, hey guys, midnight, goodbye, goodnight. And the good thing about weddings is...

You can do anything you want. Like, if you want people to continue raging, you could be like, hey, guys, like, late nights next are here. I'm doing my exit. You know, sparklers. Woohoo. Bye. But, like, party it up if you want. Like, you can be like, y'all can stay the hour. Yeah. I'm out. It's your wedding. You can do...

anything get like a stunt double literally halfway through the night get someone that looks like you in a wedding dress and people will be drunk they won't even realize that you left reading the the comment section i was like dude i found my fucking people like these people like everyone was like thinking the exact same thoughts and i was like oh my god like yeah i mean have your wedding end early you can do anything you want there we go what's your one thing about my one thing about me is that i just realized that i think airlines are the worst

form of business ever. Like, one thing about me is I fucking hate airline companies. I don't think there's another business where it's just, like, the worst. Like, it's just the worst. Yeah. Like, you never have an... Like, a...

I don't know. Like, you never... I feel like traveling, you're never like, that was exactly what I wanted. Yeah, and, like, literally no matter if it's contacting someone, a delay, like, there's always fucking something wrong. And, like, so I could try to explain on here, but it's probably not gonna make sense. But basically, like, I just find it weird that I know the people on the phone don't make the rules, right? Like, they don't make the rules. They're just doing their job. But I feel like if I was on the phone, I'd be like, listen, I know...

I'd be like, I know like it sucks. Like I feel like they're being bitchy as if they do make the rules. Like they're like ready to enforce them. I really if I was on the phone, I'd be like, look, I'm so sorry. I know this is like really awful. Like I wish I wish I could change it because I just don't get like I fly American Airlines all the time. You know, aid advantage. Like I'm always flying American Airlines. I'll pay for a seat. Like I'm giving you my business. Like you can't like help me change a flight when you used to be able to. And she tried to tell me no.

She tried to tell me, no, that's never been a thing. And I'm like, okay, I understand you trying to tell me that's never been a thing, but

I think I did it for every single flight for the last two years. So you can tell me it's never been a thing. It's only if you pay for main cabin. I'm like, right. I've never paid for main cabin in my life. Check my, you, do you have a history of my tickets? Never paid for main cabin. Never. That's what I've learned from my mistakes because when I got stuck at the airport for like 12 hours that day with my boyfriend ever since then with booking my flights is now I get main cabin. But before I could change, I have changed my flight.

like so many times. Like I'm telling you, go back. And like I would get travel credit. Like it was easy. It was so easy. And she was like, no. And I'm like, but how are you going to tell me no? And like, yes, like you literally probably have all my purchase history. I've never had main cabin. Please scroll back. I changed it before. And I was just like, you know what? And I was like, let me just call because like on the off chance, like I fly with you all the time. Like you can't just

Like, I'm not canceling it to go to another airline, you know? Yeah. Like, maybe someone will be nice enough to be like, hey, like... Yeah, you just gotta buy the extra money. Well, listen, now I know... Fucking sucks. Now I know, but because it literally used... Like, I used to be able to change it. I would change flights time for travel credit. I'm also, like, when it comes to traveling, too, I'm also, like, the most indecisive person. So now it just helps having, like, that extra...

like knowledge that hey like oh i'm going back to boston what if like oh i'm having so much fun in boston i want to stay a little bit longer yeah just spend extra like thirty dollars on the flight so that way i have like the insurance on it basically yeah and i can change it whenever i want now i'm doing that even though i literally used to be able yeah to do it literally all the time so yeah i don't know i just feel like they should be like hey i understand that airlines suck but they don't they're like fuck you i'm like okay fuck you like why

Like, why are you being so mean? It's Thanksgiving. Also, can we... We'll just go on a fucking flight tangent right now, but also pets. Why do I have to spend $125 one way for my pet? No, it's ridiculous. That's $250 just to fly with my pet. No, it's ridiculous. It's insane. It's ridiculous. Look at this little nugget. He deserves to fly for free. No, it's... It's like, honestly, for $250, like, you should bring your great Dane on board. You know what I'm saying? Like, for $250, like, let me bring him a fucking small horse. Like, it's ridiculous. It's ridiculous.

I just don't understand why they make airlines the absolute worst experience. Yeah, poor Mackie's going to fly next month. It's so upsetting. I just think the next, like how we talked about how Kylie Jenner's a billionaire and could have done so many good things, but she did a clothing line. She should have made an airline company for the girls. That was just like fun and easy. Dude, there's one airline, Jenna Palak's flown on it before, that like flies out of here sometimes and a few other places.

JSW. The semi-private. Dude, and you can bring your animal for free. It's semi-private. And guess what? It's like normal. It's like the same price. Yeah, I know. But it doesn't have... Yeah, you can go into Miami on that. But it doesn't go up to Boston. I was like, oh, I should have looked at that. Because when I heard about that, I'm like, oh, it's probably $5,000. It's the same price because airlines right now are ridiculously expensive. Yeah, and you don't have to do the whole like... No, it's private. Security shit. So it's basically a private plane, but...

it's not your like it's public tickets to a private plane if that makes sense yeah and you can bring your dog like everyone can bring there's like unlimited unlimited amount of dogs you can have and i saw a tiktok once of someone flying on that flight and there was like 15 dogs and then guess what i was like maybe i'll get a flight a new flight no because then if i miss my first flight then like i don't have my return flight yeah what the fuck is that

Listen, it just shouldn't be that fucking hard. Dude, Mac has been fucking sleeping for like hours. So one thing about me is I hate airlines. What's your favorite? My favorite of the week is Uptown Dallas. I went to Dallas this past weekend and Uptown Dallas is...

The area which people probably that like live in Dallas are like no there's definitely nicer areas okay from what I saw and what I've traveled it is so fucking nice it's like everywhere I went like restaurant wise it was like bougie ass like old ass people that you could tell just had money like. That's what everyone hates about Dallas is because everyone's stuck up as fuck.

See like I didn't have the problem because I didn't really talk to many people but like just the vibes of it I was like I felt like we were sitting at this one restaurant all the old people looks like they were on like the Real Housewives like all the older women were like are any of these people like famous because of just how rich everyone was. There is Real Housewives of Dallas.

Could have been them. Is there? I don't know. Well, maybe. Maybe I was in a room with one of them at some point. It could have been. They do. But I was like, it was just so nice. And I loved it because Austin is such a city of like young people that you don't really see when you're out. Wealth. Yeah. Wealth like that. Like it was just so cool to see. So uptown Dallas. Cool place.

Will I ever really probably ever go back there? Probably not. Maybe. I don't know. I don't feel the need to, but it was cool. I mean, probably live close. I feel like there's a high chance you would go back. But like, there's other, yeah, there's just like other things, like other places I want to go see, other like things. Yeah, a quick weekend. Like we don't have professional sports. Yeah. If you want to go to like the NFL game or like, you got to go. Yeah. Like, I just feel like,

I don't know. I'm very big on if I travel somewhere once and do like a certain type of travel once, I don't feel the need to do it again. Like I don't feel the need to go back up to Dallas and do like a weekend like that. Like, I don't know. And I've been to Dallas before, but it's been different. Like our lifestyle was a little bit different when we were doing that. So I don't know. What's your favorite of the week? My favorite is the Golden Bachelor, bro.

that i wanted to watch it all when it was finished to my knowledge is not even finished the finales next week i was pissed i don't know why i thought it was done i thought i saw tiktoks of it being done and i see november 30th i was like you gotta be fucking kidding me i watch it on one day the golden bachelor is the best thing the bachelor franchise has ever done because we all know the bachelor and bachelorette suck like no one wants to watch it anymore because everyone's just trying to be famous

This is the most quality reality television I've seen in a long time. It was so good already.

only one lady was negative vibes glad she went out kathy i wasn't fucking with her apparently she's from here was she the one who's the one i didn't watch it but she's the one that didn't go to the wedding of her daughter oh i i watched it yeah that's crazy town but her daughter looked older i'm wondering if it was like a second wedding like a small maybe i'm thinking i'm thinking that's my guess it's just very odd

But it was so good. Like, the women are such good vibes and it made me so happy because if they left, they weren't crying or anything because, like, they've already lived so much life and they know it's, like, not a big deal. Yeah. Like, they were like, wow, this just kind of gave me hope that, like, you can still date. There's so-and-so out there, yeah. And, like, there's people still out there. And, like, everyone was just, like, having such a good time and, like, most of them, if not all, maybe only, like, two didn't, like, their husband died and it's, like, the...

golden bachelor like his wife died it was just so the first three minutes from sobbing he's like telling the story about his wife i'm like this is so not okay oh yeah this is literally so sad but it was it's great um finale's next week team leslie all the way leslie's like the hot one can i get like a hot take or lukewarm take but old people are cuter than babies

Well, I think it... I think there's a... Like, when I look at an old person, I'm like, oh, my God, you're so cute. Like, I don't look at a baby and I'm like, oh, my God, like, so cute. But let me say for this, these are old people, like, in their 70s that look fantastic. Yeah, kind of probably like the fucking people up in Uptown Dallas. The Golden Bachelor's, like, 70. He's so hot. Like, the women... Hot? For an old man, like... And the women, like, got it going on. Like, they do not look 70. Like, they look great. And, like...

And it's funny because like all of them, like most of them look like to the nines. Like they look great. Like you can tell they got Botox going on. They look amazing. And there was like two that like, then there's some it's like, oh, you kind of look 70. Yeah. And you're competing against this girl that looks 45. You know? It's all that money, that Botox and stuff. But let me tell you, or I guess or something that I realized, I'm like, oh, do you just age better when you're not married for a long time? Maybe a little less stress on yourself. I'm like, because all these single old women look great.

And, like, they all love Pickleball. Oh, my God. No, it was the best show. Like, it was really good. I think they should cancel The Bachelor and only do this. Because none of them want... They don't want to be influencers. They're 70 years old. You know what sucks, though, about, like, The Bachelor Nation is that in order for Bachelor in Paradise to be good, because Bachelor in Paradise is good, you need to do the other show. And it's like, can we figure out, like, a new concept to The Bachelor where it's Bachelor in Paradise, but...

that vibe and it's not so so much the one man and a million girls the downfall of it was rachel kurt connell and chris harrison leaving that was like a big downfall of it because rachel kurt connell got canceled and like it really just like wasn't warranted in my opinion because she still literally wish you get canceled long story but like something like um she went to like a party in college and the theme was like not a good theme and it was like a definitely like racist like not good in the party but like

They were just like definitely a fuck up and like she didn't play it. Like it just felt bad. And then like Matt James, who was The Bachelor, got in a fight with her and kind of broke up with her over it like on air. But they're still together like living happily ever after. And like they fired Chris Hansen because Chris Hansen wouldn't like speak up against it. Yeah. But I think he was like, bro, this is my job. And like people like it's just like.

It was literally within two days, it was like, Chris Hansen's fired. And then everyone was like, don't do that. That's crazy. Yeah. I'm not super into all that stuff. But that was kind of the last season of like... But yeah, The Golden Bachelor. Watch it. If you're home on Thanksgiving break, you have all day to do nothing, Golden Bachelor. So you didn't watch Love Island Games? No. Fuck, dude. Shit's so good. I watched Winter House and The Golden Bachelor. When I got home last night, I binged the last three episodes. I'm on to the finale. The finale is going to be...

i don't know maybe tonight or something but it's so good i just love callum like he's i love calum too if i could like marry one person on this earth he's literally a character i'm obsessed with him anyways hot gossip for this week i know you already agree with me on this and i wrote down alex earl's podcast like i just need to go on a tangent about this right now because i tried like at the very beginning when it first came out i'm like oh my god i'm so excited like out shows podcast we're gonna get to know her on another level

could not listen to it. Well, I saw this TikTok, which put it into words, like, I think perfectly. Like, at first, I think people saw this Alex Cooper, Alex Earl, and were like, oh my God, yes. This is, I think it's a horrible choice by her. I think teaming up with Alex Cooper, great for Alex Cooper, not good for Alex Earl, which like,

I'm not saying she's dumb. Hello, you're a young girl. Alex Cooper. Dude, we all make mistakes in this like growth thing. But that's like, duh. Like girl with the biggest podcast ever wants you under her wing. Like obviously you're going to say yes. It's nothing she did wrong. No. Like I love Alex Earl. It's something she did incorrectly. Like I would do it too. Hello. You know what I'm saying? Like I would do it too.

But I mean, I think someone like us doing it, it's more beneficial because we're smaller. That's going to give you engagement. Alex Earl is arguably more influential than Alex Cooper right now. Like, obviously, Alex Cooper is more successful with years behind her. But right now in this moment, Alex Earl is giving Alex Cooper everything.

like spotlight yeah and the way they're doing podcast is bad it's not a podcast it's fucking YouTube like put that on YouTube yeah so like I'm

Another thing too is it skids from one thing to another way too much where I'm like, what the fuck is going on? It just seems so unauthentic and scripted to the point where it's forced. And I feel like she's being held at gunpoint to record this podcast. It feels so scripted. So scripted. And if you were to compare it to her get readies with me on TikTok and the podcast, the way she films now, I'm like,

The TikToks are way better, like, in terms of, like, authenticity and just getting to know her. Where I feel like the podcast, I'm like, oh, my God. Like, I feel awkward for you. The What Would Alex Do, like, is not good. Like, it's so scripted. And it's just, it's not a podcast. It's not a podcast. I, like, if I'm going to sit and watch it, I'm like, oh, I'm going to open this and watch it, like, while I do my makeup. I can't. I said this when it first came out, that when it first came out, I was like, oh, my God, I'm going to go for a walk.

I put my phone in my fanny pack and all of a sudden I'm like, wait, what the fuck? And I had to like watch it while I walk. I was like, wait, what are we doing? They're like house tour. I was like house tour over a podcast. I'm confused. I went on a little bit of a tangent about this on my Snapchat and someone made a point of like, oh, I've just like I've gotten used to it. Like I've learned that if I'm going to listen to it, I need to go sit down on my couch and watch. I'm like,

Well, that's not the point. Then it's not a podcast. Then it's not a podcast. Then that's you needing to go onto her YouTube channel, subscribe to her YouTube, and pull up her YouTube video. It's a YouTube show. It's defeating the purpose of calling it a podcast. You're explaining my point right now is that you need to go out of your way to go find a time to sit down and watch it. Yeah. That's not a podcast. I like, I mean, on Spotify, it has the video. So that is...

Like the videos on Spotify So that's cool but again Not Apple podcast Yeah Spotify has video which is like a Spotify like Good trait they have But I just think It's a YouTube show It's a YouTube show

And that's what it is. And you can't call it a podcast. It's not a podcast. No. So I think that's just very confusing. Like in the last one, it's like travel with us. And they're like travel. They're vlogging. Yeah. Wait, it's a vlog? That's the point that pissed me off the most. I was like, we're getting on a plane right now. Like I can't see shit. And then it's like there's like a lot of scuffering and like sounds and no audio. And I'm like, what am I watching right now? Like what am I missing? Like what the fuck? Which I think if it was just hot mess like YouTube show.

Yeah. Call it that. That would do great. Yeah. Because now I can't listen to it the way I'd listen to a podcast. Can't listen to a shower. Can't listen to it on the walk. Can't listen to a driving. No. No.

I do like her in Braxton though. I think Braxton. They are so cute. Part of the episode was like one of my favorite parts of the show that I've seen. Yeah. They are really cute together. Yeah. I also the other girl signed to Unwell. Madeline something. Who's that? The other TikToker who signed to Unwell at the same time. I've never knew who she was until. Me neither. I think I've seen a few for like viral videos but I didn't know who she was. She's from like England or something right? Yeah but Homegirl gets no attention. Yeah. Yeah.

Maybe she does over, like, in her country. Like, maybe she's the... I see Alex Cooper with Alex Earl all the time. Like, she gets no attention. Well, yeah, but she's in another country. Yeah, but still, like, I feel like it's, like, she is under Alex Earl. Do you get what I'm saying? Yeah. Like, what attention is she getting? Yeah. I bet you, though, from another, like, POV of, like, being... I don't know if she's from England. If she's not from England, then my bad. But I can maybe see people in England's...

being way more obsessed than i don't know i just like don't see her getting the same like love and attention from alex earl i mean from alex cooper oh that definitely yeah i've never heard anything about her podcast she had a podcast yeah maybe she started it i don't know could not yeah i don't like a youtube show as a podcast um what that is i don't really have any other like um hot gossip except for literally so sad at the taylor swift concert um to that a girl died at the

The arena was like general admission in like a stadium. Crazy. Crazy. They weren't allowing water. And it was like 140 degrees in the stadium. Videos of Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift is like on the verge of a heat stroke. She's like throwing water into the crowd. A girl died.

What? How did I not like see anything about this? A girl fucking died. Literally resting. That is so fucking sad. And then people like people really need to get a fucking grip. I only saw one TikTok, thank God, and the comments were off. Notably so. She had to postpone the show because they didn't want to do another one in those temperatures. Literally the videos of Taylor Swift. It'll be on your For You page after this. Yeah, probably. She's, I don't know how she didn't pass out performing like that.

They had to postpone the show. What city was it in? Argentina. Oh, it was still in Argentina? No, Brazil. Okay, just somewhere non-America. Yeah, yeah, yeah. South America. People are like, oh my God, she had to postpone a show to a Monday because the weather. Because someone died. And they're like, she's going to miss the Chiefs game. Bro. You like really need to get a fucking grip. Like you need to get a fucking grip. Like... Yeah. Yeah.

i'm like i haven't seen so fucking toned up was it last week yeah like over the weekend oh on the weekend like she's gonna miss the chiefs game yes someone fucking died like that's so like i saw one take off this girl like no she's gonna miss the chief game like i've been waiting all weekend for this like oh god dude people are fucking no like someone died someone died and like you're gonna really need to like especially that's probably so like taxing on taylor too

No, I can't imagine how she feels. I cannot imagine how she feels. Awful. Awful. Yeah, no. So awful. Fuck. I have one last thing and that is, have you seen Brianna Chicken Fried basically getting canceled for her comments about Taylor Swift? No, but I do think that her comments about the 9 to 5 girl were absolutely ridiculous and I...

like don't have respect for any of those people on that podcast after she said that. Well, so she said about Taylor Swift, she said she thinks that Taylor Swift is still doing it for like PR publicity stunts after seeing the video and she's referring to the video of Taylor, um,

doing those new lyrics at the Argentina show and then getting off stage and running to him and like hugging him. She thinks it's all like PR and everyone on TikTok is going fucking nuts because she's doing Zac Brown or Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian. Like you have no room to speak, dude. Yeah. No, there are comments about the nine to five girl. I mean, and that like when she like you're a cloud chaser too. Well, I don't think it's wrong for it to be like it's PR if she's not saying it in a negative way.

Like, was she being, like, hateful or just a statement? No, I just think... Well, I haven't listened to the podcast yet. Well, because if she's just, like, being, like, it's PR, like, I don't think that's cancelable. Like, yeah, she's dating Zach Ryan, but, like... She's just overall getting canceled because of... The 9 to 5 thing is what I see people, like, tearing her a new one for, which deservedly so. Like, her and Dave Portnoy talking about that girl on that podcast, like...

No, like it's seriously fucked. And like I've seen so many TikToks of girls being like, Brianna Tinkenfry, like we used to love you, but like literally fuck you. Like girls being like, you lost all of my fucking support. Fuck you. Like people and like everyone in the comments is like, no, literally like...

I'm like it was it was really bad and I think some people I wonder. Yeah, I forget like what they said. So basically this girl I've talked about it on the podcast for I know but I can't remember what they said. So if you missed it, we brought it up. This girl's crying because she's a two-hour commute back and forth and she's just saying like like living paycheck to paycheck like you work all day people can't even afford anything like no one can afford anything these days really really upset about how like she has no life because she literally has to work and work for nothing and they were just kind of like

suck it up that's life it's like this girl like you literally just got famous for like drinking on the internet like don't tell her suck it up that's life like like that's fucking tone deaf as fuck and they were like and she was like my parents worked doubles and didn't complain and everyone's in the comments like to you like did not complain to you you know what i mean like come on now like they were just very like

It was giving like the Kim Kardashian thing like no one wants to work these days. Like shut up. Like shut up. Like you like it like the way they spoke like it just like turned so many people that listen to them. They were just like you're like don't talk to people like that. Yeah. Literally are working like animals to just like just work like when you literally just got famous for like drinking online. Like just be like.

You gotta watch what you say. I definitely think they're out of touch a little bit. Well, not Dave. I feel like Dave... But Dave was literally like, yeah, fuck off. I just feel like that's just who he is as a person anyway. He's just an old fucking man. But I feel like definitely Brie has seemed a little bit out of touch lately with just life. Yeah, I don't really... She's not my cup of tea, but to each their own. But that put a lot of people off of her.

Things like that when you have so many people producing and like PR people and all those people contributing to a show. Yeah. I just wonder like was anyone like maybe we should like take that part out. You know what I mean? Like how does that get by?

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Want to do like a little bit of a weekend recap? Yeah, I have a very, very short one. So my weekend started on Thursday when I went to the Morgan Wallen concert.

Which I'm literally so happy I went So in the morning Sam's like Oh my god the Morgan Wallen concert's tonight Which I totally forgot because if you Know anything about the Morgan Wallen concert It was like rescheduled so it used to be Scheduled for last May And then it was rescheduled for November And I think this is the start of him Like I feel like he just started doing shows again I could be wrong though

So I totally forgot. And I was like, oh my God, no way I have to go. Because after ACL, I just realized how much I think concerts are worth every penny. Like ACL, the music, I was like, concerts are worth it. Worth every single fucking penny. Like a hundred percent.

So I was like, I have to go. That's it. It's my birthday. Like, duh, I have to go. But I'm like, who the fuck is going to go with me? Like, I didn't know if I knew anyone who liked the music enough to last minute spend $300 on a ticket. $300 on a obstructed view ticket. Okay. Like these concerts are, but that wasn't bad. The fact that I saw tickets for the tickets were actually two something, but then fees and whatnot, they were like 300. Yeah.

so i'm like motherfucker i don't know anyone who would be down for this but i'm like i know two people i know would be down i text her friend hayley because like when this was originally a thing she was like we'll go so i'm like hey morgan wants tonight do you want to go and she's like i just bought really expensive plane tickets i can't i was like damn it so then i text my ex-boyfriend because i'm like i know he likes his music and would want to go like

And I'm like, hey, as besties, you want to go? And he's like, I have kickball. I'm like, so? I'm like, skip it. Like, it's a concert. He's a diehard kickball fucking guy. I'm like, literally skip it. He's like, that wouldn't be healthy for our relationship. And if you've listened to the podcast, we passed that. Yeah. A long time. That ship has sailed. I'm like, so now we care about healthy? Come to the fucking concert. I'm like, if it was like, hey, I don't want to spend $300.

I get it. You know, it's expensive time of year. We got flights to pay for. I get it. You don't want to spend $300. But I'm like, just because healthy, like, fuck. I'm like, okay, you suck. So when I post, I'm like, do I go by myself? And I'm not even kidding. I don't think I've ever got more swipe ups to a story in my life. Minimum 200. Like the swipe ups were crazy. I didn't get one. No, everyone's like, you have to go by yourself. But on the story, I was like, and also I'm

If any of you even semi know me and you like live in Austin, please let me know if you'd go to this concert. Like if you know me, you met me one time, please come with me. And thank God, one of our friends Riley was like, oh my God, just saw your story. Buy a ticket. Like I'll Venmo you. I don't care how much it is. And I was like, no fucking way for real. And she's like, yep, I don't care.

I'll meet you after work. Fuck. Yes. And it was so fun. Like we couldn't see the screens, but like who cares? It was so fucking fun. Bailey Zimmerman was actually so good. Morgan Wallen. Like I knew every single word to every single song. I don't know how I had my voice the next day. It was awesome.

So fucking fun. We had great seats because no one was behind us and we were at the end of the row and we were right next to the bathroom and the bar. So leaving and coming back was so easy. It was great. It was 10 out of 10. We didn't get home till like 1 in the morning because getting an Uber was...

trash garbage but you know that's why we took a pedicab for like half a few blocks you did was it expensive well he was like we had we walked far and then we get to a pedicab and we're like come on he's like 40 bucks and to go like a few blocks though oh and riley's like i have cash yeah oh my god okay um so we take the pedicab to a bar that she thought her friends were at

And we get there. They're not there. But her phone's dead. So like we asked the bartender to charge it. I'm like, I feel like if we're waiting in here and she's charging her phone, like we have to get drinks. Yeah. Like, you know what I mean? I was like, we have to get drinks. We can't just stand here. So it was kind of like a fuck. Like, I didn't really want to drink more. But I'm like, we have to. So like we literally drank like half of them because by the time we got them, we called an Uber to get home. And it was just a bitch calling an Uber. So by that time, we'd probably been out of the concert for over an hour. Damn. But the

the morgan what time did the concert get over was it like a late one probably over at like 11 he didn't come on until a little after nine oh damn yeah what time did you get there 7 20 started at seven we got there like late so we missed the first opener yeah and then we got we got a good amount of drinks i wasn't gonna drink then i was like bro it's a morgan wallen concert like i've been looking forward to this concert for like

years like i've been wanting to go to this for such a long time i'm like you need a fucking drink like have fun like i don't know why i was like i'm not gonna drink i'm like bitch what is wrong with you yeah like it's literally like the number one concert you've been wanting to see like have fun

Thursday night, I had kickball, which kickball, that game, was probably the most intense game of kickball. Did you win? We did. Four to one. And, bro, my boyfriend has never seen me so mad, like, in a sporting event game in his life. He was like, you're so mad. I'm like, you're right, I'm mad, because they were, like, heckling me. Because I'm a female pitcher, and they kept making, like, fucking jokes of, like, oh, like, slow it down. Like, your pitches are so fast. Do you know the name of what the team was? No, I don't. Oh.

But they were in second place. We were... The whales? Probably. I don't know. I always... We're playing the first place team next week, though. I don't know. So, anyways, they were just so fucking mean. And, like, I was, like, getting so mad. And, like, I was, like, not, like, screaming, but, like, chanting, like, for our team. Just being, like, super obnoxious. And it was getting under their skin. And I just love the competitive atmosphere. Like, I was just thriving in it. So, we won 4-1. No.

Not next week because Thanksgiving, but the week after that, we play the first place team. And then if we win, I'm pretty sure we're in like first place or second place. So, sly. And then...

This weekend I went up to Dallas. Drove up there. I fucking cannot with GPSs. I don't know if it's just going up to Dallas, but it will say, oh, get there in two hours and 50 minutes. Both times up and down, it has completely lied to me. It was like a four-hour drive both times and nothing.

I fucking hated every second of it. The amount of traffic that I got stuck in in the middle of the day was outrageous. But once we got up to Dallas, it was literally time to rally and I was so hungry. And on Friday night, we just kind of bar hopped and went to a few speakeasies, got dinner. And then we found this one bar called, I think it's Skellig, it's called. And dude, it is literally the latchkey of Dallas. It was so cool. It was like triple...

Not even maybe five times the size of latchkey And it was so fun. I bumped into a bunch of you guys while I was there and a lot of you guys didn't know because I I didn't really know I was going up to dallas this weekend. It was like a last minute thing for me And I was there

and had it really posted about it and a lot of you guys were like oh my god like what are you doing here i was like yeah i'm just here last minute like this place is so fun like it's literally like latchkey and if you ever go to austin like you need to go to latchkey because if you like this bar you're gonna love latchkey um so i had a lot of fun just doing that and then taylor there's this one tiktoker that you know the name of but i'm not gonna say the name on this podcast but bumped into him at this bar wait can you like

Yeah, I'll just send you his I'm gonna send you his um his instagram But anyway, he's so freaking cringe like the cringiest. Do I think he's hot? Yes he's so The reason we went up to him is because one of my friends thought he was so hot and i'm like dude guys as we're Approaching him and I go I literally know who this is like we used to be mutuals on tiktok And so does he live in dallas? He just moved there. Yeah

i'm like trying to guess so moral of the story is his fucking shit is so cringe and he used to hit on me like on tiktok and i had to block him because his stuff was so cringe and i couldn't deal with it anymore and he looks at me and goes you look so familiar and i'm like fuck like i blocked you and like you definitely don't know the fact that i blocked you and he goes like where have i seen you before like how do i know you and i was like

TikTok like we used to be friends on TikTok and he was like he's like oh my god like yes you're right like Sam right I'm like yeah I was like I blocked you actually in my fitness person no dude like go to his thing wait I'm not where'd you send it to me text oh text yeah sorry I'm like in my I blocked him so I can't send his account my things I'm like do not disturb so I didn't see yeah dude oh wait no

The cringe TikToks. You know what I'm talking about. He's so cringe. So fucking cringe. And one of our girlfriends is like madly in love with him. And I'm like, dude, like this is, I just know he, this guy's a fuck boy. Like he's a fuck boy to the T. Like he's not going to treat you right. Like,

Don't even waste your energy on this. That's so funny. I know. And it was funny too. So then my other girlfriend was like, oh my God, I literally DM'd him the other day trying to shoot my shot. I'm like, oh my God, girls, this guy is not it. Don't. And so I was being liquid courage to the max. Just being like, your TikToks are so cringe. That's why I blocked you. And then I walked away and he was like, oh my God, why is she being so mean? I'm like, no, literally, I don't think you understand. I literally had to block him because he was so cringe. And it didn't help that...

when we were mutuals like he was posting they had like a girlfriend or something and like also commenting on my shit so i just knew he wasn't a good guy and then when i saw one of my friends talking to him all night i was like oh my god like this is just not gonna end well and i'm you know i'm gonna i'm gonna say a few comments to my friend being like he's just i know he's not a good guy like don't put the effort in but whatever they ended up staying i was like i'm going home so i went home at fucking midnight like i usually do and they stayed out

And that was the end of that. But it was just probably like the highlight of my night was just seeing him and just telling him that his videos are cringe. And all his guy friends started laughing too. His guy friends were like, dude, we've been waiting for someone to tell him that for so long. Because all girls do when they go up to him is just hit on him and talk with him. And no one has actually ever been to his face like, your videos are cringe. So bad. Because they are cringe. Like, yeah, he's hot. But hot can only get you so far. No, I know. It's so bad. Yeah.

i wish i could just name drop but i don't i don't have the the courage maybe if i had liquid courage and i was drunk right now i'd drop his name but i will say that i'll give you a hint it starts with a c i'll just say cringe cowboy cringe cowboy hey baby hey baby hey baby hey baby hey baby his videos are it's a jump scare like when that when i hear that like if i'm scrolling i'm like he like gets in his car he's like hey baby yeah

And girls are like, oh my God. Stop. Because I fell for it too at once. But then I realized how cringe it was and I was like, I can't. Yeah. You have to think about like someone real life film that. Yeah. You have to really think about it. I know. Like TikToks are girls only. Like stuff like that. Like thirst traps are only for girls. And like videos like that. Boys can't do it. So then next day I was so fucking down bad because I didn't think I was going to go out out. And

And then we went to the clubs. We went to Greenlight, which Greenlight is in Austin as well. They have a Dallas location, but it's 10 times bigger. Like there's a speakeasy upstairs. The downstairs is like a whole club and they have an outdoor bar and like three other bars. And dude, I get there and you walk into the corner and it's a whole arcade.

And I started a punching bag machine basketball thing And the entire night I was on the punching bag machine for probably like an hour I love a punching bag machine I know I was on that punching bag machine for like an hour Guys kept coming up to me and being like I bet you can punch stronger than you And they're like alright let's do it And I'd be like okay well if I punch stronger than you Like you need to buy me a drink

And I had like a rotation of like three guys come through I put stronger than all of them and I was like How does it feel like how does it fucking feel? And I got free drinks out of it Which I was getting free drinks all night because one of our girlfriend's best friend works at green light So she was giving us drinks anyway So it was just like drink after drink after drink after drink the second night. Yeah the second night and It was funny. I just like started to realize like just talking to all these fucking men like at the bars i'm like

how much like i just am so happy in my relationship or just like i didn't notice how cringe men are when they try to hit on you and i'm like y'all need to fucking stop it's so annoying and like i was just coming off as a bitch like the whole weekend because i was like i don't want to talk to you like leave me alone i'll i'll punch that punching bag with you and you'll get me a drink but then after that like i'm dipping i'm out like don't talk to me and it just made me realize like this is so cringe to say but like how much i really like my boyfriend

Yeah. Like getting, being away from him and like being in like other atmospheres. I was like, damn, like. No, like being single sucks. Like I have no desire to like.

be sick like i just like why like i don't you're telling me it's almost like the same effort you have to put into like people when you're out or like dating or things like i'd rather just have like someone there like i don't want to go on dates with people no yeah you talk to me like i'd rather just have a person and it was just fun because like i would like fuck with men all weekend like one guy or two guys i was standing on the side of the road in the middle of the rain by myself and the girls were under the like under a thing under the rain

I'm just standing out there. I don't fucking know why. And two guys come walking up to me and they start hitting on me, asking me where I'm going, whatever. And I started to act deaf. I was like, I can't. I was just making sounds like, I can't hear you. And they're like, oh my god, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. And then I just go, haha, got you. Fuck y'all. And they started running away. And they're like, oh, what the hell? I'm just fucking with everyone all night. So, yeah. I just...

I don't like being single anymore. Well, I mean, obviously I'm in a relationship. No, being single sucks. It's literally like I've... It's the worst. Speaking of single and boys, y'all know me. You guys know too much about my life. So I literally get... Please, just listen to you people. It's almost like you guys are grounded. Okay? Like you're grounded. What? Literally, this girl's like, so when you go home, are you going to see blank my ex-boyfriend from home? And I was like,

no don't come for me like that with laughing face and like literally all the swipe ups i was like are you and i was like i don't believe you and like i'm so happy someone asked what i was wondering like i don't know the og girls no and i was like she is you're lying and i was like we all know on the pod you're gonna be like so and i'm like the way like you're gonna i'm like shut the fuck up no i'm i'm not accidentally i might we go to the same gym which like

Yeah, you're going to... This is what's going to happen. You're going to go to the same gym. You're going to bump into each other. You're both going to like kind of like smile at each other, giggle a little bit. Conversation's going to happen. No, that's not what my therapist told me to do. Okay, well... I really hope your therapist has this much control over you. She does. She better. But I'm saying like this is what I predict is going to happen. Going to giggle a little bit at each other, have a conversation, fuck around with each other, just like make like your small little banter that you do. And then one of you is going to be like,

Like let's do something later. Like let's go get Chipotle. No, because I mean, I just think like we both have other like. Do you though? Yeah, because it's like. I don't know. I mean, to be fair, like for me, at least personally, when I broke up with my ex-boyfriend like five years ago, I think we hooked up every time I went home for like three years straight. Right. But then it's like I have my ex-boyfriend here. I know, but I'm just saying like. Yeah, well, I think he has a girlfriend. Yeah.

Which, like, no, like, don't mind me. I'd love to be toxic and, like, ruin it all. I would love to. I would love to, like, just be a toxic piece of, like, the worst. But, no. Yeah. Actually, that's such a lie. First year, hated my ex-boyfriend's guts. Like, would not fucking talk to him. But then I think the two years after that, went home. Yeah. But I just want to say, like, you guys, like, mind your business. Yeah. Mind your fucking business. I'll get it out of her. Don't worry. I'm going to be the, um...

the Kelsey brothers Jason kills I'm gonna be like that like in terms of like the Swifty fans love that they get all the tea from them on the podcast like I'm gonna do that for our audience of the tea that is going to be spilled next week on if you hung out with your ex or not can we put a bet on it

Yeah, but also I don't want... How about let's not talk about it either until the day of recording? Yeah, that's fine. Like when we record the most authentic raw reaction conversation. Yeah, but the thing is I'm not because if I do, then I'm fucking up a lot of things. Yeah. I remember when you went home last year...

I knew that, though. No, I know, but then I remember you texting me and you're like, I hung out with him. I was like, ah! But like, duh. You know what I'm saying? That wasn't like, oh, secret. That was like, duh. Yeah. I'm not even going home for Thanksgiving, so I'm staying here. I have a flight tomorrow morning at 5 a.m. So...

Let's get into the nice therapeutic session we got going on for Taylor today. This is gonna be great. I turned 23 on Wednesday. So if you don't DM me happy birthday, like you're fake. I want to make Taylor cry right now. I literally don't. Because guys... When's your next therapy appointment? Next week. Okay. So you're like due for like another one right now. Yeah. Because it's the holidays. We didn't do one this week. But I just want you all to know...

Getting off my medication actually sucks ass. Okay, everyone's saying just like push through and that it will get better But like it sucks really bad and I do cry at Everything if I see something even slightly emotional it evokes tears aka the golden bachelor So just take it easy. Yeah, we're gonna it's gonna like these questions are gonna kind of like sway from like happy Inspirational sad. Did you make them up or did you find them? Um, I kind of made like I made a few of them up but most of them are like from a website. Yeah

No, some of them are really pinpointed at you. I was going to say like how like much of an attack. No. All right. So we're just going to recap on the last 365 days. And my last 23 years. Yeah, I guess. All right. So what is your favorite memory that you feel like you've

At the age of 22. Yeah. Or at the age of 22 or like this past year. Yeah. This past year. No, this year. Oh, my God. What a fucking good one. I think this year, like one of my favorite days and like I'm also thinking really fast. So if you gave me more time to think, I might have a different answer. I was debating telling you the questions. No, no. No, I like. So I have two that come to mind. Like stuff in Mexico was really, really fun. Yeah. Like even though.

things after have like they're like it's almost a little ruined now things in mexico are really really fun like that first day in mexico being like so fucked up in mexico was really fun and like it was like my first time going out of the country another time that just bring like when i see pictures from this day i'm like damn that was so fun that day on the wakeboard boat which way board oh the wakeboard when my brothers were in town yeah like dude that was really fun that day was so fun that was it rained we didn't even give a fuck that was like

The best boat day of the... So, like, when I first go to, like, DM, like, what was a really good memory? Like, I'm, like, being on that boat was so fun. Yeah. And, like, there's probably something else I'm missing, but I would say being absolutely trashed that first day in Mexico was so fun. And that wakeboard boat. Yeah. My next question is, what made you the happiest this year that you'd like to see more of going into the age of 23? What made me the happiest this year?

I feel like for so many things, I have, like, two. Does that make sense? There's no limit on the answers. Right. Because it's almost, like, two different, like, things. So, like, one thing that I think this year, like, truly did give me the most amount of happiness, if I had to put one thing, it was getting back into dance. Like, that gave me, like, the most amount of fucking, like, self-peace and, like, happiness. Like, that shit. And then also, like...

I think like trips with friends. Yeah. Like I think like going out because like like I said like Mexico was really fun like that was really fun and we're coming up on to do that again. We're coming up on a year like of that trip to Cabo and I was literally talking to the girls about that. We need to do a whole like that was tropical vacation. That was really fun like a trip with friends is really fun. Like I'd like to also have like

you know my relationship was also really fun but that's not a next year problem that's a 2025 problem yeah there we go actually speaking of which whoops i just lost but yeah i would say more dance and more um trips with my friends yeah like one i feel like one i feel like one big one is like

yeah well we have the the potential ski trip but then we were also talking we were like we need to go on a well i want everyone to come to miami yeah really bad because i don't know how much longer my parents are gonna have the house and we have a fuck ton of beds in there right now yeah like my parents just got bunk beds we have fucking beds galore so i want people to come to miami that would be fun um so given a five-year plan at the age of 25 or sorry at the age of 18

What was your five-year plan at the age of 18? Okay. And how has it reflected, changed, or been the same now, five years later? Totally different. So at 18, I would have been going into college. So I would have been 22 graduating college. I did not graduate college. So I would have spent 18 to 22 literally living up in Gainesville. Didn't happen. I also thought I was going to get a master's degree. I fucking love school. So I thought I was going to like go the distance. Like I thought I was going to kind of like do school till I...

Like I thought I was gonna get a master's degree like there was kind of no question Uh didn't even get a bachelor's degree So I would have been maybe in school till I was like 23 24 or actually 23 because I would have done Yeah, I would say like 23 and then I would have graduated Been in miami. I don't think I would have moved anywhere else But like I guess I would have been looking for a job So like I could have been anywhere but like work work from home is so popular that I probably would have been in miami hopefully

Yeah, I guess I at that period of time I'm like what I've lived with my parents like, you know Like why would I pay money on rent? If I could be at home So like maybe i'd be in miami of some sort and then by 23 like I thought i'd be like definitely still in a relationship like i'd for sure think i'd be in a relationship because my I literally like my whole thing was always like I think being engaged by like 25 26 is just like correct Um, so time is taking on that Um, so it's totally different

totally fucking different did not get my bachelor's degree moved to austin texas never once on my fucking radar was moving to texas in the plan i've never even like like what if you told me that like you're gonna move to texas that wasn't even like in the year plan that wasn't in my life yeah hundred year plan like that happens like i asked you and then like three months later you moved like there was no like texas like what like what

Um, so totally out of left field. And it may have, you told me like you were moving for like a job, like a literal job. I would've been like, okay, slay, like you got a job, but just being like, you moved to Texas to like make TikToks. I'd be like, what the fuck? Like be so fucking for real. Yep. Um, single now. Um, so that sucks. But I mean, I still got,

Three years to have my engaged by 26. So we don't give up Damn that timeline dude. So we don't give up. It's so funny because like, um My ex-boyfriends like they all know that about me that like that's what I want so like

They're not shocked in the sense like there was like, I just like feel like you'd be like literally engaged. I'm like, you know me so well. Maybe. Yeah. Like your exes are all going to look at you when you like do turn that age and you're like, well, I'm not surprised. They're going to be like someone fell for it. Yeah. Someone took the someone someone fell for it. So, yeah, it's literally completely different. If I was on track at this age, I would have like just got my master's. Yeah. Might still be in Gainesville.

What happened this year that you did not expect to happen? Oh my God. A relationship. I kind of knew you were going to say that. Let's be so real. That was like not on the agenda. I think like getting in and out of a relationship within one year was unexpected. Dude, yeah. That's so weird to say out loud. I've never really had a short term. I actually guess in high school, but that doesn't count. It was my first like first adult relationship, which I guess in some ways, even though it wasn't my longest by any means.

almost kind of felt like my most serious in the sense of future adult yeah like i don't know how to explain it like being full on adult like it's like my first relationship being like that

Which I guess teaches you like a fucking lot. Like I never regret relationships. No. Because I just think you learn so much about yourself. Like I arguably think, you know how people are single, like work on themselves? I low-key think when you're in a relationship, you learn so much about yourself. Yeah, especially when the other individual is so different, maybe from like a previous ex. And then you start to realize like, holy shit, like things you need to like work on within the relationship. Like I feel like sometimes in a relationship, you work on yourself and learn about yourself more.

than when you're single because you have someone so close to you like not like keeping you accountable but like like you've I don't know like you just like have the ups and downs but I did not expect to be dating anyone like I thought I was just gonna be like single like I don't know what you want to sit with me yeah I was gonna say stare at you sit with me if you want

um but yeah that was totally out of left field all right well then given your age now how does it feel to be one year older does that stress you out no no no i think my given your timeline you don't think that eight that number stresses you out giving my timeline like yes and no because like the timeline like even though like it is something that i want like really bad like i ideally like

I don't actually put that much stress on it. You do realize that's me in six months. I know. Get it together. Dude. Yeah. And I'm just letting you know, it's not happening in six months. Like I'm not going to be engaged in six months. If I had anything to do with it. Yes, you know, I would fucking not. If I swear to fucking God, if that man did that, I would be, I'd be like, Taylor, why the fuck did you do that? No, like he's, he literally gets out of money and you're like, it was Taylor. It was Taylor that influenced this. I'm like, no, I bought the ring. Yeah.

I bought it. It doesn't even need. Yeah. Don't even need to pay me back. That was on me. I'm not getting engaged at the age of 26. Me.

I am not. Yeah. That's crazy. The reason it doesn't stress me out is the timeline thing. Like it actually doesn't, I don't have that much weight on it. It's like, yeah, that's what I'd want, but it's not something that actually weighs on me. And I think it's like half like exaggerated and kidding more than it is serious. It doesn't like, I'm not going to cry if I don't get engaged at 26. It's going to be the day of her 26th birthday. She's going to be like, well, no, on every first date I go on, I'm going to be like, so how do you feel about engagement in two and a half years?

Thoughts? Let me know. No. So the reason it doesn't stress me out is because one, everyone is so much older than me and I kind of don't like being... I think 23 is finally the age where you're like for sure out of college. Like I feel like when I say 22... Yeah. 22. So I'm like, okay, 23 sounds way better. Yeah.

But so in that sense, I like the thought of aging. Let me pick Mac up because he's like, he's like, damn, I haven't seen you all weekend. Like, just give me attention. Oh, there you go, Mackie. And then it also doesn't stress me out because I think the absolute prime of my life is like when I'm 30, like when I'm 30 and like have a husband and kids, like I think that's my prime. So the idea of like my 20s being over or like being this age being over is

like makes me happy there you go like i don't really like early 20s so what is some advice you'd give to someone that is stressing about the number oh oh shit damn well i just think if you're this age like i don't know how to like in terms of like someone like maybe your age i think when you're approaching like 26 27 28 yeah that's different i think if you're stressing about the number at my age that's crazy like you're so or especially to somebody that

Maybe not necessarily like the timeline of like getting settled down, but even like the timeline of. Oh, like work? Yeah. Because you with work. Oh, yeah. Shit has really been crazy for you with work over the last two years or so. That's valid. The age of like when you should be moving out, when you should have a job, all this stuff that is fucking stressful. And then there's TikToks that I love that I've been seeing recently. The one that I saw that I was like, holy fuck. Kim Kardashian on season...

Kim Kardashian on season one of Keeping Up With The Kardashians was 27 years old. Yeah, that's nuts. On season one of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. And obviously they were already rich, but like she didn't have what she has now. They were like, and she was 27. Like Skims is popping off. How old is Kim? 40 something? Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, and when we were at the Dear Media live show thing.

Michael Bostic was like, most of you in here could double your age and you'd still be so young. I was like, damn. Yeah, I'd be like 44. And so many people start businesses in their 40s. When I watched Summer House, one of the main characters, Kyle, started his alcohol brand. He was like 40. You know what I mean? These people, it's so young. And his alcohol brand is what's making him a fuck ton of money. He didn't start that at 22. I think it's distorted because you see...

such like olivia rodrigo emma chamberlain billy eilish like i don't know people that are so famous that are like 20 and that's not fucking normal like alex earl that's not fucking normal it's not like you can start a business and like make a whole nother future for yourself at like 45 there's people that i hear their stories on podcasts or that write books that like were in prison for 20 years and xyz and like now have a business like there's so much fucking life also watching the golden bachelor

Because these women are like 70 living their fucking best life. Like not stressed about a man being like, I hope to find a man. Like, and they're talking about their life. Like, holy shit, they lived through so much. Yeah. I mean, you're telling me this guy like was married for like 40 years and like still had all this life after. Like, I don't know. Watching that show put like life into perspective. Hearing them talk about like just how much life they fucking lived. Especially that's like, I mean, that's how I feel too. Like,

me hopefully going into 2024 opening up a new business and it's like who at my age is like actually doing that like yeah if shit hits the fan at this age like say my business doesn't do well at this age i could retry it again at the age of 45 like and we've so many people do shit like that like it's we've had our fair share of like oh that was a mistake yeah like or damn we put a lot of money into something and like maybe you're a mistake but like

We're young. Exactly. Who cares? Like we're gonna... Time doesn't come back, but money will. Yeah. And it's not like I have a family to feed where if I lose a bunch of money, I'm gonna be struggling. You gotta take up every opportunity you can when an opportunity presents itself.

Because the money can come back, but the time in that moment can't come back. I think also the biggest thing that happens that keeps me sane with the timeline, which this sounds like this might sound negative and I don't mean it in a negative way. But when you compare yourself, like let's say someone, let's say you're my age, 23, someone at 24. I know people from high school married. Okay. So let's say I'm seeing them married and I'm like, fuck man, they're married. Like, you know, I want that. I want to be settled down and married. Okay. They can get divorced in three years.

They might. Or like, damn, like this person really has, they make this much at their job. Like, fuck. Like, damn. Like, wish that was me. Like, literally next year, like they could get laid off. They could. Like, not saying I wish that, but you never fucking know. Like, you're just kind of like, you never, there's no need to compare because in the next 10 years you can be in totally different spots. Like, you just never know what's going to happen. Yes, I agree. I lost my place on the questions. Um, yeah.

All right. What are some things that you learned this year? Oh. That you didn't learn any other year because. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I feel like so much. But I'm trying to think of like learn versus just like new stuff I like. Yeah. Like learned. So I think like learned one is like that I don't have to like put labels on things like in so many ways, like with like my content or like what I want to eat. Like, I don't know. Like you don't like put labels. Labels. Yeah. Yeah.

It like doesn't matter. And then like physical things I've learned, like actual, like not just life's lesson, like literal like thing I learned. I think it's been really cool like working this year. Like I feel like I learned a lot about like fucking real jobs work. And that's like not something I knew. Like I've never had a real fucking job that like you have to do real fucking job things. So that's cool that I learned about how all that

works in the ins and outs and i'm still like figuring it out because sometimes i just want to just chat in emails like i'm texting someone and you can't do that so like learning how that works um and i don't know i don't know i think i've learned a lot this year if i had to handle like anxiety too yeah and like little ways like that's not really like one but like it kind of is like i think i figured that out you pretty have that under control this year there you go

Out of the 23 years that you've lived, which year has been your favorite? Oh. Did we get canceled last year? No, two years ago. I think last year. Last year was your favorite year? I think last year. Because like 2022? I think so. Okay. I think so. Yeah. Yeah.

Life really melts together and blurs so fast that I'm like, I don't even really know what happened in 2020. So 2022 is the year we bulked and then we started our intuitive eating and then we went... We met all the... We went to San Diego. And that fall, my single girl... That fall. My single girl era from that August to fall, that shit hit. Yeah. That shit. And I feel like in the beginning of 22...

Like 2022, I think I was like making good money. Like I don't know. Like the years like fucking mush together so much. But then I'm also trying to think like what year was my favorite when I was younger. Like past like this recent time. I've said this before, but my senior year of high school. I think that's everyone's. So like 2018 to 2019. Yeah. That was my favorite year of life. But if I'm talking adult year of life last year. But yeah. Childhood.

Fucking my senior year of high school. Yeah. Fucking. If we both could go back into that, that would be insane. I will always say that that year of music too was insane.

That was my sophomore year, so it was insane. But I think like... And that's one thing that like makes my heart hurt is like for high schoolers stressed about their life in that time. Like if people try to tell me and I'm like, you don't get it, but my problems are real. Like your problems are not real and this is the best time of your life. And like, why are you fucking complaining? I don't have like really a stress I feel like at that age. See, there was stress I had because I'm a perfectionist when it comes to grades, which I know you wouldn't know because I did drop out of school. But like grades, like I could...

If I had a fucking dollar for every time I had a mental breakdown in school because I thought I wasn't going to get an A on something, I'd be rich. So I had stress and like I wanted to get into a really good school. So, you know, things. But even just a little stress of like boys and like drama. Just none of it fucking mattered. So, yeah, my senior year of high school was probably the best year of my life. All right. Your five year plan moving forward. So until I'm 28. Yep. OK, so next year, I hope to be 20.

Like, living in a really nice apartment, still working, hopefully, like, have a few raises under my belt. Like, working, like, doing the same workflow. Like, I kind of don't want anything to change, like, within the next year of work. Living in an apartment, I don't think... I might have another pet. Cat or dog? No. You don't want to put a label on it? No. See? No labels. We don't do labels around here. I don't know. Like...

Yeah, I don't know. And then I would say like next year, I don't want a boyfriend. Like I don't want don't want that. I could be kind of like Alex Earl. Like she had no label with Braxton for like nine months. Like if anything, like I'll do that. Yeah. You know, like I'll do that. You are not my boyfriend. Like I just don't want that. Yeah. Yeah.

And I want... Yeah. So, like, I'm okay. Like, I don't like talking to a bunch of different dudes. So, I feel like I'm going to find myself in that position of, like, a person. But you're not going to be my boyfriend. Yeah. Because... No? No boyfriends around here. No. And then... So, that's, like, 24. And then 25, I would like boyfriend. 25? You're like, yeah, because then the timeline's cutting it close. 25, I would like boyfriend. For sure. 26, I would like to...

Because I feel like at that age, I feel like this sounds crazy, but I feel like once you've been dating someone for a year, that's when you move in with them.

So I feel like then once I've been dating someone for a year, I'd move in with them. Because in my head, I just think if moving in is going to ruin us, I'd rather get that out of the way year two than move in year five and we live together and we break up. You know what I mean? Like, let's just figure that out now. Do we like living together or no? Yeah, I could never move in with someone after getting engaged. No. Like, people do that. People are like, save that. I'm like, why? Damn, are you rich? I also want to move in with someone because like,

Let's split rent. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, damn, like you must be making hell of bread. Like I want to split rent. Duh. And I want a dog and I want a dog specifically a bigger dog. Like, I don't know. I'd be more inclined to get a dog if I live with, um,

just to have like joint help taking care of it. See, I'm the opposite. Like if I'm going to be living on my own coming up this coming year, I need two dogs to like protect me. To protect you? Yeah. Keep me company and protect me. Like, yeah, that's fair. But like I would be in an apartment so I can deal apartment. Yeah. So 26, ideally like moved in with someone and like, I feel like maybe by then I'd be like, maybe I'd have a different job. I feel like I'd move companies because I feel like that's what you do.

So like I'd either hope to move companies by then or be in a different role. Yeah. Don't let your company hear that right now. I feel like there's like you want to leave. No, I don't want to leave. Ideally, just a different role. Yeah. I should just said that different role. Maybe I wouldn't leave companies, but like different role. Yeah. Because I couldn't stay what I'm doing for longer than like X amount of time. And I don't know what the ideal timeline is for moving up jobs. But because I have my social media stuff, I'm in no like rush to

to get a more demanding job if that makes sense like i could chill on getting a more demanding job um and then if i was engaged and then like let's say i moved in at 26 i feel like 27 is like engaged but i would do a long engagement so like my goal i would never be that woman that like gets engaged and the next day's planning a wedding i want to like enjoy just being engaged without planning a wedding i feel like i'd be engaged for like two years there you go i would

I wasn't expecting you to say two years, but... Like, I want, like, a year of being engaged of, like, oh my god, we're fiancés and then, like, a year of planning a wedding. Yeah. I feel like that makes sense. Oh my god, jumping into an engagement and then immediately plan... I don't understand how people do that. I think you have to do some planning as in, like, pick a day in a venue so you can, like, lock something in. Yeah. Because you gotta do that. But, like, I just want to, like, be engaged. Mm-hmm. No rush. No rush.

I'm also like unless unless I marry someone that is just bread it and I can get a wedding planner to do all the work and have the most extravagant wedding planned where I don't lift a finger. Maybe. Yeah. I literally wedding talk is like my least favorite thing because I don't I don't want a big wedding. So it's not important for me to like. No, I was literally saying this to go to a courthouse. Yeah. I was telling one of my girlfriends about this yesterday.

If I get married like I'm only inviting people that I've talked to in the last six months Oh, I don't if I haven't talked to you in the last six months. You're not invited So this was like also a issue. Um in my last relationship He has a huge family and I don't I have a huge family too and i'm like see like I I don't like it's kind of just There's a small amount of us. Um, and then if you even take my dad's side too, not that many of us

And I'm like, so let me say, let me get this straight. I'm like, so my side of the family is going to be like 20 people. And your side is going to be like 60. I'm like, I just, it's just not going to, it's not going to work. Yeah. I don't know. I'm like, I just want a small wedding. I agree. You have to pay like 50 bucks a person for them to be there and eat. Sorry, I'm not paying for you. Yeah. No. I agree. Um, what is something that you plan to achieve in 20 or into, I keep saying in 2023, but I mean, like while I'm 20, 23. Yeah.

While I'm 2023. Yeah, that makes sense. While I'm 23. I feel like this is a bad answer, but it's like kind of like true. I kind of like for my sanity don't have any crazy like stress on it. No, like I don't have like, oh, I like want to accomplish this. I'm kind of like

I like how things are going right now. Like, I'm happy with my work. Like, if I keep everything kind of just... How it is? Like, I don't have a desire to be, like, I want to accomplish, like, moving up to this title or, like, working with XYZ brand or, like, starting whatever business. Like, I'm just kind of chilling. Like, I don't really have a big desire. I mean, I think I always have, like, financial goals for myself. But, like, I don't really share how much I make. But, like, I think I always have, like...

um just goals to always be like good on making money but i don't have like i want my next year to be like i feel happy with like my flow of what i do for like work and stuff that like i i just like don't need to stress yeah like i'm young i'm not trying to have like any crazy goals besides just like as long as i'm just like living living life there we go i don't have a crazy goal i think every other year i've had like

Like I try to be so ambitious. I'm like, just fucking relax. Yeah. I guess you kind of like kind of answer the next one is advice for your future self. Oh, just fucking relax. Yeah, relax. I figured that's what you'd probably say. Just fucking relax. Like, um, just relax. I feel like there's more, though. I think when people say like you've got through all of your hardest days, like all your hardest days in your past that you thought you'd never get through, like you've gotten through all of them.

It's like you always get through it. Like anytime you thought you weren't going to get through it, you did. You're still here. Yeah, I always look at things in the sense of like whether it's like you're mad about something, sad about something or anything. It's like, are you going to have the same emotions you have right now about it a year from now? And if not, then it's like stop putting so much like...

into like that specific. Yeah. You know. Yeah. It's kind of when people say like if it's not going to matter in like five years don't think about it for longer than five minutes. Yeah. Because really there's so much stuff like how when you were like what was your favorite year. I'm like oh God what even happened. Yeah. But in those years there was probably such huge thing and you just forget about it. Like even I was like did we get canceled last year. I don't remember what it was. Yeah. Do you know what I mean. Yeah. And in the moment I was like oh my God like life is over now. I'm like when did that happen.

couldn't even tell you and i feel like in the moment i would have thought that like those dates would be like seared into my brain i'm like could not tell you the year it was no i just don't remember so i don't know like to to really just fucking relax and also just like do like do what you want to do regardless of like keep doing what you want to do regardless of people because i mean i already think i'd do that because social media made me like immune to things but yeah i'm

Well, I pretty much asked you everything that I have written down. I asked you like nearly 15 questions. Yeah, that actually was a lot. Yeah. Do you have anything else that you want to wrap up by saying? No, not really. I'm so excited to be 23. Yeah. I feel like that's a good age. It's a good age. It's a better age. It's such a better age. I think it's also crazy. Like,

Like, I don't know. Like, I've only been in my 20s for, like, two years. That's crazy. That's crazy. It is crazy. I guess three, because this is, like, me finishing my third. I know. But, damn. Dude, Mac is fucking slumped right now. I think I'm trying to, like, realize that none of this, like...

literally matters at all like when i think about things that people being older and like what they did in their 20s now it doesn't matter like both my parents were like married before me you know what i'm saying yeah like so much shit happens that doesn't matter at all yeah i i literally always say i'm like we're just fucking ants on this planet we're like no like a little i'm in my like really like nothing fucking matters like nothing matters yeah which in in more terms of like big things like i don't know it's also funny when you work like

like jobs that aren't like a nurse like something big and it's like oh like really important I'm like it's not that important it's an Instagram story yeah like it's gonna be okay I know like it's it's fine literally though like when I stress about work I'm like baby you're an influencer like

You're not like we have friends that are like pediatric nurses. Like it's like you don't need to stress about your tick tock. Like it's OK. No, that is so true. Like there's so many tick tocks about that. Like when your boss is like emergency and they're like, we work in marketing. There's no emergency. No emergency. But yeah, I think I want to like travel a little bit more to in the next year, which I didn't say that, but nothing big. But like I work from home like.

I could literally go wherever I want. Yeah. You know, you can do anything. I already have like three fucking trips booked. Like I can next year. I can go to any city I want. Yeah. And we have a friend that like kind of does that, but she goes all over the world. Good for her. I would just more so like, you know, who Natasha? Oh yeah. Yeah. She's next level. No, she goes to like Africa. Like that's not what we're doing. Like, I'm just like, maybe I'll go to like North Carolina.

Yeah. Easy peasy. But I'm just like, I could do that anytime I want. Yeah. And that sounds cool. I know. Especially now that I know that my boyfriend is like really good at watching Mac. I have no... It's like really good is like...

I know. Well, okay. He was wearing a gold chain. I know. I was really worried. Dude, so he sent me photos over the weekend. Him and the boys went to Walmart to deck him out. So they bought him a new puffer jacket, a chain, these other bracelets or necklaces. I'll show you the photos. They're so fucking funny. The boys are just at Walmart pimping him out.

And he now has this chain. Actually, the chain they got at the gas station. Like, they didn't even get the chain at Walmart. Fuck. I was in my room and I just hear clinking. And I was like, who? And it was Mac in my bathroom with his chain on. That's them in Walmart, like, dressing him up. I can't. They were, like, taking him around like he's, like, a fucking baby. Like, these photos are just hilarious. He was probably so concerned. Ha ha ha.

well he's fucking tired clearly i've never seen him sleep so much in my life i can't believe he wanted to sit on my lap he never sits on my lap i know podcast so cute i'm so tired though i need another coffee like this fucking week i slept maybe like i'm tired too and i have to wake up at like 3 a.m for a flight tomorrow yeah and i have to pack when do you get back again you're gone for exactly a week yeah so i get back the morning on the 28th gotcha i'm

I'm so excited. Well, everyone wish Taylor a happy birthday on her actual birthday. Yeah, if you literally don't DM me, you're blocked. I know. I'm keeping a running list. All right. Okay. Adios, peeps.

Sometime in the early 80s, REO Speedwagon's airplane made an unannounced middle-of-the-night landing. This is my friend Kyle McLaughlin, the star of Twin Peaks. And he's telling me about how he discovered a real-life Twin Peaks in rural North Carolina, not far from where he filmed Blue Velvet. What was on the plane was copious amounts of drugs coming in from South America. Supposedly, Pablo Escobar went looking for other spots, quiet, out-of-the-way places to bring in his cocaine.

My name is Joshua Davis, and I'm an investigative reporter. Kyle and I talk all the time about the strange things we come across, but nothing was quite as strange as what we found in Varnumtown, North Carolina. There's crooked cops, brother against brother. Everyone's got a story to tell, but does the truth even exist? Welcome to Varnumtown. Varnumtown is available wherever you listen to podcasts.