cover of episode Summer 2023 Reflection + Going Into Cuffed Girl Fall

Summer 2023 Reflection + Going Into Cuffed Girl Fall

Publish Date: 2023/9/6
logo of podcast One Thing About Us

One Thing About Us


Shownotes Transcript

what is up you guys welcome back to another episode i'm taylor and i'm sam oh my god i'm so fucking your voice is truly unwell unwell we keep saying that everyone was like i thought this was a a freaking announcement that you were with the unwell network i know but we've always been saying unwell i feel like everyone yeah i don't know but welcome to one thing about us we

change the name of our show yeah and our upload day it's wednesday happy wednesday happy fucking wednesday it's tuesday right now but you're listening on a wednesday and you might be like what the fuck let me just say if you like how our episodes have been the last few months if you like our girl talks if you like us going out if you like our motivational episodes if you love all those combinations the show will pretty you'll love the show it's the same thing but if you noticed last week we added in those segments

It's just a little bit better. Yeah. And another thing I do want to say is like we do the weekend recaps and then the episode doesn't get aired for a week later. So I felt like you guys were really behind on our life. So now that it's uploading on Wednesdays, it's uploading a little bit sooner to the previous weekend we just had. So you guys can relate a little bit more with the content that was like currently live on our feed because I got post something and then I'd get like a bunch of comments referring to the episode. I'm like, no, guys, that was from like last week.

This is different. This is now like a new week. So I want you guys to be like really up to date with our lives. Like as...

as possible. Right. And I personally enjoy listening to podcasts more so during the week than on the weekend. Yeah. I feel like if a podcast gets aired more toward my Friday, I'm probably less likely to listen to it. Yeah. Like, I don't think I listen to many podcasts on Friday, but, you know, on a Wednesday, on a Tuesday, on a Thursday, that's when I'm really listening to the episode. So I also am kind of here for that change of having you guys get it during your week to

To like be ready to listen to on your like drive to work, on your drive to the gym, wherever you listen. Because that's when I like to listen to podcasts. So that's awesome. And it was just like time for a refresh because we've like outgrown what this podcast used to be a lot. We don't want to be stuck in a niche. We don't want to be confined because y'all talking. We have not missed an episode of this podcast. If you haven't noticed. Ever. There has not been a Friday where an episode...

didn't go out even when you guys think like shit's in the fan with us too like mentally like like there will be like a week where like i'm like super sick or you're super sick or just something or both out of town and people like so you guys uploading this week i'm like guys come on now like yeah it's gonna come up it will always come up so when you are doing and we talk for like an hour and a half we don't like to be confined or give you like not enough content

it's hard to be stuck in a niche like being stuck in a niche when you're want to share so much about your life is boring like it's boring to be so stuck in a niche um and let's be real for the past like year i don't think we've given you like crazy fitness advice so like we're just no we're just grown to be people like the way i think of this show now is like a chit chatty funny um

lifestyle podcast a like kind of like a chit chatty self growth podcast not really like a fitness show no so like of course you guys know like that's a big part of our life so it'll still be like talked about in the show but it's like by no means what we're stuck in as a niche anymore yeah exactly I feel like too it's like we can talk about something once and then don't really need to talk about it again for a while just because for the most part especially with something that's really educational

Like we're not going to change our mind on it. It's like that's the straight facts that we're giving you. So like for example, like if you need like an episode about calorie deficits, like and you want to learn about how to lose weight, like we have an episode on that. We don't necessarily need to do another episode on that because like losing weight is one way and one way only. It's never going to change. So that whole episode, like you can go back a year and a half ago and listen to it. So yeah, but let's get into our segments. I'm excited to now officially do this and I hope you guys likes the art.

We literally pulled that shit together in like 24 hours. We went and did a shoot by ourselves. We did my camera on self-timer in this little like park thing here in Austin and did a photo shoot for 30 minutes. Brought it back. I popped into Photoshop and we have new art now. Yeah, the art is so cute. If you didn't know like what that means, like one thing about us, what does that mean? We say that all the time. Yeah. If you're a listener, we're always saying that. It's just...

Just one thing about us. And it's like, it's something too that's very obvious. I'll be like, Taylor, one thing about me, I love coffee. And Taylor's like, I know, Sam. I know you love coffee. Yeah, like, it's either really obvious or the other way and it's super niche. I can't like give an example, but I'm like,

It has to come in the moment. Like, it really has to come in the moment. Like, let's say, like, I'm at a restaurant. If they have, like, fried pickles on the menu, I'd be like, one thing about me, I'm going to order fried pickles. Yeah. Like, I don't know. Like, something, like... Or, like, if I do something stupid or just repeat it, like, one thing about me, like, I'm going to trip on a curb. Like, I don't know. Like, there's, like, something, like, really fucking stupid.

stupid you know it's funny too I have gotten my boyfriend to say one thing about me and he gets so mad at himself when he says it because I say a lot of things that he says now like it's just like we're together it happens yeah and every now and then like he'll give me she'll be like oh my god like you said that because of me I'm like well duh like the fuck but then he'll be like well one thing about me and I'll look at him I'm like you're really saying that right now he goes fuck no I didn't mean to I'm like yeah okay but didn't the boys start that yeah

I don't know. They would always say like... No, they would say guys like us. Guys like us. They'd be like, guys like us. We have a good time. That's what it is. Guys like us. Similar. Yeah. Similar. Yeah, we should have a segment with them. Or just a whole episode and it'll be like... The episode will be like, guys like them. Yeah.

Yeah, it's us just to basically talk about like just things about us. Yeah. Every single fashion of our lives. Also, the reason we wanted to change our niche was a lot of you obviously originally followed for the fitness content, but you've grown with us. And like I said, you guys have been loving what we're doing now. Like our girl talk episodes are like most downloaded. Our clips on TikTok about us talking about white toes, about us talking about female friendships, about us talking about our first dates.

those those would pop off like those would go so many views and it's like not that we only do things for the views but you kind of do because it's a job that's a job and like that's what you have to do and it's like okay if this is what gets the response why are we not doing what's getting the response like if the clip about is talking about fucking guys liking white toes like

Our show should be about that stupid shit about our thoughts about everyday things because that's what people on the internet clearly enjoy. Yeah.

And today's Tuesday. Usually we're going to be recording on Monday. So when we record on Monday, everything that we're going to be talking about is going to be so raw and fresh because Taylor and I don't really see each other a lot on Sundays. We used to wake up on Sunday mornings and have our little recaps on the couch and drink our coffee and be hungover together. But now we both have boyfriends. So I'm probably waking up in bed with him at his place and she's waking up here. So

On Mondays, it's really raw and authentic of us doing our recap and shit. Yeah. So I feel like we set them up enough. Should we go into our one thing about me? Yeah. Did you guys notice that? That that's a segment, one thing about me? Do you see what we did there? Yeah. I hope you got it. I hope they understand. Okay.

Why am I blanking out on mine like I didn't prepare mine before? You go first. Dude, I haven't... No, I shouldn't. No, I literally prepared it before and my mind just went fucking blank. Mine's so cheesy, though. It could be cheesy. Okay, fine. I literally was thinking about mine all before we recorded and now my mind is fucking gone. Okay, well, so mine... Oh, I got it. I got it. It came back to me. One thing about me is I'm so new to relationships, so I'm just constantly learning, but this past...

Friday or Saturday, me and two of my girlfriends went to get drinks and we were just sitting there talking. And it's just so nice to hear like perspectives on dating from other people. 100%. Because it puts it into perspective because I have not been in a relationship in five years. So they were just saying like, you're constantly going to be working on your relationship. You're constantly going to be needing to fix things. You're constantly going to need to adjust to make the other person happy. It's never going to be like,

Like, it's a constant working battle type thing. And, like, that just really shifted my brain with, like, the whole dating aspect. And I was like... And then I realized, I'm like, I'm just, like, so happy in my relationship right now, but it's so fun learning about my boyfriend and learning what he loves and him learning what I love. And my friend said to me, she goes, the first, like, six months of a relationship are tough because you're learning about the person and you're, like...

Trying to adapt to like what they need and what you need that it's not necessarily like a honeymoon phase. It is. But at the same time, it's like also like a workshop. Yeah. I feel like the first two months are honeymoon phase and then like two to like one year is like.

putting in yeah because now I'm past the two months now and like it's like we're like really like like we'll talk like we'll when we have our deep talks it's like I really like this or he really likes this and like this bothers me not necessarily what I'm doing but just like things that like trigger from like old or previous like relationships and stuff and it's just like it's like a workshop it's so fun yeah it's definitely fun it's also like hard in the sense that like

you're meeting parents, you're meeting family. And it's not like, okay, then you can just hang around my family and it's like no big deal. Like, you know, it's a big thing. My boyfriend's mom is coming this weekend. Yeah. And it's like things like that that are like, okay, this is like now like effort and something you have to think about and like,

really try hard versus just like okay fine like we're just like hanging yeah so I guess like my one thing about me is that I'm just in like the workshop phase of my relationship but not like that sounds so bad but like it doesn't sound bad it's just that like you haven't been in a relationship in a long time and now you like you do have to balance someone's

needs and emotions. Needs and wants. But it's so fun. It is fun. Even little things like my new thing I was going off I was like I'm always trying to ask even though he's a boy and he like doesn't give me much to work with when I ask. I'm always like what do you want me to wear? Not that I like dress for my boyfriend but I just want like what do you like that I wear? Like you know like do you like when I wear like a dress? Like do you have a shirt that like

that you think is like a nice outfit on me like what do you like that i wear like just so i know like do you hate when i wear like really baggy jeans i do not like that you know what i mean like i'm still gonna wear them but like if we're going on a date if we're going on something like what do you like that i wear like he said like he really likes my hair when it's like curled and when i had bangs uh-huh like like just like little things like okay like note it like i don't know like it's just like fun to learn that kind of stuff of like what do you like

that I can do for you to like be... An example for me is we were this past weekend or not this past weekend, two weekends ago, we were talking about like love languages and he was like, my love language is physical touch. And I was like, my love language is also physical touch, but he hates PDA. And so I'm like, that doesn't make sense because we both love physical touch. So if we both love it, we're gonna be all up each other's ass like in public, but he doesn't like PDA. So then when we're out, I'm like, touch!

touch me he's like yeah he doesn't he's like i don't like pta i'm like well you know my love language is fucking physical touch so touch me yeah he doesn't touch you much i know um my love language i thought was physical touch and quality time and i've had a re like growth period and i don't know maybe it changes relationship to relationship or like i feel like i go in phases maybe of what yeah it is at the time mine is a hundred percent as of

thinking about it more words of affirmation because the amount of times i'm like are you sure you like me like do you like like i need someone to like tell me all the time yeah that they are like into me or like i want to hear like if you think i look pretty like you need to tell me like i just want to like like i need you to like tell me that you are like happy dating me like i need to hear it with your words like i'm literally that girlfriend that's like would you love me if i was a worm like like that's like

that's me like i need to hear if i grew a tail would you still love me yeah like if i woke up a 400 pound bald man would you love me like i'm just so like he's like what i'm like you don't get it i'm like you're not understanding but would you love me he's like no and i'm like damn so i just realized i'm big words of affirmation um my one thing about me is literally not related in the slightest at all going full 180 it's that

One thing about me is I'm going to shower after the bars. Damn, you turned into that person. I turned into that person. I really, really fucking did. I saw the TikTok of the girl. I forget her name. Jordan something. And she was like, if you're not showering after the bars, what are you doing? And I was like, literally, no. Who do you think you are? Wow. Like, it's really great. To be fair, all the times I've done it recently.

I've been like fairly sober, so it's really easy to get done. You see how long I stick to it when I'm like a little bit more down bad. But I did it like the last like two weekends, like nothing crazy. Like sometimes I literally like I literally rinse off like two seconds. But like it feels so good to like really get clean. Like you wake up feeling so much better. Like I freaking love it. Showering after the bars, especially because it's so hot, too. But I'm like fucking sweaty. Like maybe I'll be less like, oh, I need to when I'm not.

literally dripping like sweating bullets down my back but it feels really fucking good to shower and go to bed like it feels amazing yeah i can't relate it's so nice like i just do it in the morning because then i know i'm like washing my sheets the next day yeah sometimes i do both and i wash my sheet like it's it's truly nice damn

Well, I love that for you. Some people said it could be dangerous. If you're really drunk, don't do it because you're going to literally slip and fall. Yeah, no, literally. And I was like, that's such a good point. But I don't think that that... My bathtub is really slippery, though. Don't worry. I'll be practicing safe showers.

If you are an avid listener of this show, you know that this sponsorship is a long time coming and this is probably the most on-brand sponsorship we've ever gotten. And that is Hinge. Hinge is the dating app designed to be deleted. You know we have had the most crazy fun experiences on Hinge. You know, our single girl wild and out days were on Hinge. We were meeting up with people left and right and then...

shockingly i met my boyfriend on hinge and we've been together for five months and boom you know got asked on a date through hinge and it totally worked for me because the profiles are really set up to show someone's personality that's what i love different photos different prompts you really get to learn a lot about someone and see their personality shine through and i'm a huge personality person so that's why i love hinge and they also set it up for intentional dating and

intentional dating is all about knowing who you are, what you're looking for, and expressing those desires and wants to others. So basically on your profile, you can make sure you're finding people that are looking for the same things as you. For example, you can put you want your long life partner, you want a long-term relationship, you want a short-term relationship,

and more so you can kind of filter through the guys that just want a one night stand versus someone who wants to date you for five years. So for example, if anyone said short term relationship or just kind of one night stand on their intentions, then

I was like, that's not going to work for me. I don't think I can do that. I think this also kind of helped me get into my relationship because we both knew that we were looking for the same things and we wouldn't have been able to know that if it wasn't for intentional dating. It leaves less room for confusion or assumptions and helps people meet people who are on the same page.

I don't like playing games online or games on dating app. I want to get straight to the point. And if you're not with a long-term relationship, I don't want to waste my time on you. Similarly, if you're not looking for a long-term relationship, you don't have to deal with those guys that are going to be like blowing up your phone to be their girlfriend. Download Hinge and share your dating intentions to find someone worth deleting the app for. Trust me, it works. It worked for me. So download Hinge and go find someone to delete the app for.

All right, well, favorites of the week? Yes, I have a favorite. You can go first this time. This favorite was what you recommended to me. Oh, my God. What did I recommend? Let me get the exact name so I don't say it wrong. I know you're saying the product. Yeah, it's a product. Okay. It is the Color Wow Dream Coat, the Supernatural Spray Anti-Frizz Treatment. And I think there's like an extra strength one.

Like I think there's a normal. Yeah, there's extra strength. So I have extra strength. Got it at Sephora. Color wild dream coat. It fucking works, dude. Like that shit takes all the frizz out of your hair. If you spray it on your hair wet, let it dry. Like whether I blow dry it, air dry it, it doesn't matter if I spray it. The frizz goes away because I have all this breakage that's like frizzing up and it pisses me off. And Sam was like, get this. It helps. And like I'm always skeptical with hair products because like

It's so hard to get one that actually, like, fucking does something. It's like, is it really going to fucking do something? I've just seen so many reviews on it. Same. So that's why I was like, you know what? Full send. And it worked. It does work. It really does work. Like, if you are struggling with that, I highly recommend it. It's not too expensive. It's like...

Yeah, and like that small bottle. We get like the travel size bottle. You got the travel size one already too. I got a small one, yeah. And I've had that for like three or four months now. I might honestly get a big one because I might save that for travel and get a big one because it really does work. But get the little one tested out. But if you struggle with frizzy hair, I highly recommend that spray. Yeah. My favorite of the week is so fucking random, but my pap smear. Yeah.

And the reason I say that is because... You did not just say your fucking favorite is a pap smear. No, but okay, I have a reason behind it, dude. I have been like so stressed slash anti going to do that just because I've been holding it off. Because fucking I hate doing that. And you don't want bad news. And I don't want bad news. Right. But...

I feel like once I went to go get my pap smear, so much weight was taken off my shoulders of like, oh my God, it's finally over. I finally did it and I don't have to worry about it anymore. So this is all for my girls out there that have not gone to their annual pap smear. Go get that shit done, okay? Don't hold it off like me. You're going to feel so much better once you go to get it done. Like I literally am not even kidding when I say I have a weight lifted off my shoulder that I finally did it. Love it. But a downfall about that is I actually didn't have any

insurance that would cover it down here in Austin. My insurance fucking sucks with my family, but you know what? You win some, you lose some. So I had to pay in full for it and it was kind of expensive, but you know what? I feel better that I went and did it. So perhaps we are slay. We got to make sure we got our, um, our health down there online.

Yep. So true. I did that a little bit ago and I'm going to keep going with it. Yeah. That's my like new thing as I feel like I'm an adult now. I'll be going to my doctor's. I wanted to while I was there too. But again, like I said, my health insurance is not covered. So I was already going out of there with like a big check. I wanted to. Another thing was get my fertility checked and my hormones checked.

I could have done my hormones while I was there, but I wanted to do like a two in one type thing. And they said I can do that through lab testing. But I had to go to like a different offsite place. And I was like, fuck, like maybe I'll consider doing that. So that may be like my next step into my own like female health that I'm like taking into like a priority. I can get my lab work done for free at my doctor's place. Like my insurance will cover it and I just haven't gone. Yeah. Yeah.

So yeah, I just need to find like, they said too, they were like, oh, just not that my doctor's office wouldn't take my insurance, but they said maybe like lab work, I could get covered. I just need to look into it. Yeah, it's so annoying because the blood work, they're like, you have to come like on an empty stomach or whatever. Yeah. And it's like, I don't want to go to the doctor at least in the morning. Yeah. I just like don't.

And I'm feeling, like, okay right now. Like, if I felt... I can't speak. If I felt pressing to get it done. But, like, right now, I'm, like... I'm just curious. Oh, I'm super curious, too. Like, I'm not, like, there's something wrong. Because they asked me, they're, like, oh, why do you want to do this? Like, is there something wrong? I was, like, no, there's nothing wrong. I just literally want to see what my body is, like, inside. Like, on a piece of paper. I want to see it on a piece of paper. Right. What's going on. Like... No, I agree. So...

Yeah. Anyways, next segment, moving into breaking news. We still don't have a name for this. We still don't have a name for this. Drop suggestions on Instagram. I want to talk about girl math. Dude, yeah, that shit's so funny. It's so funny because it's so real. My favorite one as of recently is it's kind of transformed like before it was literal math like numbers. And now there's just like other things that are girl math like math.

If I only had wine to drink, I didn't drink. Yeah. Girl math. Like, that's it. Like, I only had... I had four glasses of wine. I didn't even drink on Friday. That's literally girl math. Someone said to me on, like, one of my TikToks that I didn't even realize that I was doing girl math without even realizing it. The whole t-shirt to dinner ratio. That's girl math. That's girl math. So, if you guys listened, like, two weeks ago, I said, once a week, I'm gonna buy my boyfriend, like, a new shirt because his closet needs to be, you know...

updated and i was like just an exchange like take me to dinner on a friday night and get me my dinner and there you go you have a free t-shirt and like a free dinner like it evens out so that's girl math my favorite girl math is also whatever money in your starbucks account means the starbucks was free yes today my starbucks was free i had 25 dollars in my app starbucks was free so i got you one starbucks is free like i literally paid with my app like

That's how I feel with credit cards, too. Oh, see, I feel that. Oh, credit cards, not debit cards. Yeah, credit cards. Credit cards. Cash is free. Because, well, if you're doing the credit cards right in the aspect of like certain cards will get you like four or five times the points when you buy something. Like me and my boyfriend are booking a trip to Florida and I can get because I just got the gold card.

um, which, okay. So the gold one is restaurants and groceries. And the silver one is, um, this is American Express, by the way, travel. And it's, I can get five times the points if I book through my card. Right. And I'm like, that's like free flights next, free flights next time. Yeah. I need to get on that. Yeah. I literally don't do it. Um,

yeah if an app can get me rewards it's free venmo money is yeah free free oh my god if that stays in my venmo account free i swipe that shit at the bars yeah even though so i had a lot of money in my venmo because like for a second like i bought me and my boyfriend's acl tickets and he just venmoed me um because i was home when they got released and he was at work so i bought them he venmoed me and for some reason i felt like i made money

Like, I don't know because he Venmo'd me like a day later and I was like, well, I just got 300 bucks. It's like,

I just made money. Like, no, you didn't just make money. You evened out. You bought the ticket and he was going to Venmo you. But I'm like, I just, I'm positive. Like, I'm up. Yeah. It's because you don't look into your bank account. Like, I'm more likely to look into my Venmo, see the transactions in there, see that I've gained money in my Venmo than to look into my bank account and see that money has been taken out. Yeah. Like, I don't, I hate looking at my bank account.

I hate looking at my bank account. But everything else, like my credit cards and my Venmo account, I don't care looking at that. It's just my bank account. I'm like, dude, Sam, you just spent way too much money. Chill the fuck out. Yeah, but sometimes I love looking at my bank account if it's popping off. Yeah. Because I don't get notifications when I get paid. My management pays me. They direct deposit me. Yeah. And I don't really get notifications for that. Yeah.

influencing is weird you can get paid for something you did fucking a year ago like you can you don't fucking know when you're getting paid super annoying um so i don't know but like it's all on friday so like i haven't checked yet like they could have put a chunk in there on friday i don't know so i have to check but like sometimes that's fun because i'm like oh like

All this money from last year just got fucking put in and I don't know. So it's kind of like... But that's why it's also scary. It's like a guessing game. It's like once a month. The first of every month when I'm going through all my transactions is when I check. It's like a guessing game. I'm literally like, did I get paid? Have I not gotten paid in three weeks? The world may never know. I'll have to check and see. So that's a really fun game. Yeah. No, it is fun. But yeah, Girl Math is...

It's so real. Yeah. Next up is the girl on TikTok that says her boyfriend is moving out after dating for three years. Do you know that girl lives in Austin? Wow. So I was stalking her for a little bit. I got to see it. Yeah, I was stalking her for a little bit and she was like doing like days of my life and shit and then like was going to a whole age. I was like, oh my God, she lives in Austin. She has like a...

I think more followers than me. I don't even fucking know. She's like big on TikTok. Anyways, so backstory on this girl. She made a video. It blew the fuck up without her even realizing it. And she just starts off by saying, my boyfriend and I dating of three years is moving out and moving in with his brother. And like came up with this like whole reasoning behind it. Like saying, oh, yeah.

He wants to live with his brother for the first time and that like he just wants to have a bro time and just like really no reason behind it and that she just needs to

live by herself so then she can get better night's sleep i don't fucking know but everyone in the comment section is like girl i was i was this to lulu like yeah literally this this man is literally going to break up with you in a few months like just give it some time like this is his step one into his like step three phase of like breaking up with you and the girls like convinced that like he's never gonna break up with her and that they're he just wants to go live with his brother and then people in the comments are like

What about the whole childhood? He was living with his brother his whole childhood. Why does he need to live with his brother at the age of 25? Yeah, it's definitely weird. I'm not going to lie. I could see it working out for her because I'm not saying 100%. I'm like 80-20. But if you're happily living with them, why leave it? I just can't picture living with my boyfriend...

And him being like, hey, like, I'm going to go live somewhere else. Unless, like, I know some people, like, have to do, like, maybe long distance for a little bit. Like, you get a job. Like, you got to be away. Like, there's, like, things like that that happen. And, like, you're still on a lease. But, like, the goal is get back to, like, I don't know, like, whatever people, like, deal with in that sense. Yeah.

I can't think of it either, but she sounds so convinced. So good. Secure in it that like, I'd have to honestly see their relationship more. Cause if they're like fucking strong as hell, then like maybe they're strong as hell. Like it's what it is. But like if there's other, like, like one or two other cracks, it's like, yeah, it's just weird. It's definitely like, you should definitely be getting closer over time and not like,

separating yeah i just like don't i would i would just be so sad like what you're not having fun living with me like yeah i'd be no i want to live with your brother listen when i say i can see it maybe working for her i'm not saying one chance in hell that it would work for me like that would not fly with me yeah like to me you're living together like you move in together you're living together for the

till end like you shouldn't move in with each other at like a younger age like say like they've been living together for three years and they moved in together at 21 like you shouldn't do it that early on because that's really early on yeah i mean it's definitely crazy the other thing that's crazy is when people say they sleep in separate beds and like have separate rooms yeah no i can't i can see it in the sense of like okay like maybe your closet's not big enough

And like... Oh, 100%. The guest bedroom closet, that's yours. No, 100%. Like, I need... Like, I'm going to need like a room. Yeah. Like, extra closet space, desk. Like, my room. Yeah. But I'm going to sleep in the same bed as you. Like, I'm not sleeping in a separate bed. Yeah, no. I...

Oh, by the way, I meant to ask you, how big is your boyfriend's bed? It's a queen. Dude, my boyfriend has a full. They're barely different. I fucking hate it. They're barely different. It honestly might be a full. It's so small. We both back for...

like background we both have king size beds yeah cause we're big money fucking ballers dude and when our boyfriends sleep over like I love it like I have so much room even though like we cuddle like most of the night but I'm just like like we can toss and turn we can lay sideways diagonal like we can do whatever we want bro on that fucking full bed I am like

on the side of the bed like oh my god i'm gonna fall off no i hate it the other night i was fighting for my life like so often i'm like you need to move over like like i'm like i get it you're like this like six foot two man and like your legs are taking up room like you're gonna need to keep those legs on your side of the fucking bed like i'm literally gonna fall off like this is not okay and i like never stay over there and then i realized that like that's why you

I'm like, I literally hate your fucking bed. I hate it. I go, I cannot wait until you upgrade that bed because he also has a fucking bed frame from like Walmart. So I'm like, bro, can I literally said to him yesterday, I'm like, get a real bed frame.

This bed like moves around. Like when you're tossing and turning. His bed goes. The bed goes. I'm like, oh my God. Meanwhile, I have like a nice ass bed frame from like Pottery Barn. I know mine's from like All Modern or something. Like that shit is heavy duty. It's dense. Like solid oak. Like I had like Pottery Barn like workers come in and build that shit. Yeah. Someone built my bed like.

Also, my boyfriend only has one nightstand. Same. So my shit has to go on the floor. I can't put a cup next to me. We finally bought him a rug for his bedroom. His dirty ass wood floor. There was no rug.

Like this is nasty. I we were thrifting when my parents were here and there was furniture. I was like, I'm going to get you nightstands. Yeah, there was like I was like, we are on a mission for two matching nightstands in this fucking thrift store. I will buy I will buy them myself. I'm like, I want a fucking nightstand. I just because I'm like, that's such a boy thing to do to be like, it's only me. I need one nightstand. Yeah, you need to. My boyfriend was at least nice enough to buy me a charger for my side of my bed.

I don't have my own. Do you have a toothbrush there? Yeah, but I have like my whole like I have like a whole little bag of shit. That you leave there? Yeah. I also have like a suitcase there too. Of clothes? Yeah. That's what I need him to do here. Not like an actual suitcase. It's a backpack. I'm not there very often. Yeah, but I realized the other day I was like, fuck, like I'm wearing something right now and I've been here long enough where I'm like, I want to put on like comfy clothes and I don't have that. So...

The other day, I just brought a whole backpack of random miscellaneous clothes and just am leaving it there. Yeah, smart. Yeah. But, yeah. Because he has that here. So... Okay, speaking of... I'm like, we are like... How do we even get talking about that? I don't know. The girl...

moving out. So comment on Instagram. Have you ever lived with someone and then moved out and then it's successful? It's successful. This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. I think we've all had those times where our mental health is literally like taking over and you can't stop yourself from overthinking like your racing thoughts are just keeping you up at night.

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You can visit slash fword today to get 10% off your first month. That's slash fword. Kylie Jenner and Timothee Chalamet. Dude, I did not know about this. Okay, I wasn't going to write this on here because I wasn't sure you knew who Timothee Chalamet was. No, I do. Oh my God. I was like, she might not know who this is.

No, it's been a while. And to me, these are two people that don't exist on the same universe. I didn't realize, bro. It's been for a while. I saw a bunch of TikToks of them at a concert together. Yeah. I think it was Drake's concert, maybe. Yeah, they've been booed up. Yeah. Those are two people that don't exist on the same planet as me. You're telling me Timothee Chalamet and Travis Scott dated the same person? You're telling me Timothee Chalamet could be Stormi's stepdad? That makes...

literally no sense to me did you see there's so many videos because I got in like a rabbit hole of Kylie Jenner after I like saw this but they were making videos of like her personality and her like the way she would dress when she was dating Travis to now like the way she dresses and like

puts herself out there on social media and everyone's like she's in her like what's the Sophia Sofia Richie era yeah they were all saying I'm like it's so true she's wearing like floral dresses like less makeup like colorful stuff where she would used to wear like a bunch of black and like skin tight stuff now she's wearing like flowy dresses I'm like

damn like boys can really change a girl yeah i mean look i fucking love the kardashians of jenner's like i i fucking love them so like i'm so obsessed with what they do i'm i'm here for kylie's new like yeah like it's cool to me like i have nothing like against it like i think it's cute i just don't see them as two people that exist like in my mind they are not two people that know each other

The way she is like looking right now kind of reminds me of what she looked like when she was like 16.

Like, she looks younger. She looks happier. She's vibrant. Like, the stuff she's wearing literally reminds me of the OG days of when her and Kendall were, like, 16 years old, just being super innocent in the back of, like, the Keeping Up With The Kardashians videos. Like, this white, like... Yeah, dude. Yeah. And there's another one of her on a plane wearing a floral dress with, like, white sneakers. This is so cute. Yeah, I'm like, what is going on? But I'm here for it. I love it. Oh, yeah. It's giving, like, I'm, like...

Like a mom in the Hamptons. Like, that's what it's giving. I feel like that's definitely where the trend is going of, like, soft girl. Like, very soft. Like you said, that Sofia Richie, that florals, white, soft, pretty. Not, like...

bad girl no like it's not like no more instagram baddie yeah like i want to be cute and like pretty pretty yeah that's so i don't really keep up with her instagram like that but yeah neither do i she's so true so and everyone follows what she does so just you heard it here first the trend is soft girl like look at her holding this basket of sunflowers dude yeah

It's crazy. And if you were to literally scroll down like one year ago, it's all black and skimpy and tight. Yeah. Crazy. Well, I think it's cool. I just like am I the only one that like cannot fathom these two knowing each other? It doesn't make sense to me. There's a few celebrities like that where they like end up together. Same with Kendall and Bad Bunny.

Yeah. I'm like, y'all know each other? It just like doesn't, it doesn't click to me. Did you see the video of his Instagram story of them on a hike and there was a squirrel? No. And he was like, he said, mommy, baby, careful, squirrel, my bite. And then Kendall goes, what, rabies? It was so funny. Anyways.

Yeah, that's pretty much it for me. Do you have anything else on the pop culture shit that you want to talk about? I don't think so. I could be missing something huge. Um...

I don't know. I think I could be missing something. I feel like I was just really out of it this week because we had a long weekend and I wasn't really just like scrolling on social media this week. Yeah. And I think like everyone kind of enjoyed their long weekend. Like what were people like doing besides just like hanging out? Yeah, exactly. Which speaking of. I'll have more to talk about because the toast comes back today where they do all the pop culture and that's how I stay informed on pop culture. So without them, I'm like, I don't know what's going on. But well, weekend time. Yeah.

My favorite part. Weekend time. Yeah, this weekend was obviously a long fucking weekend. Very, very. And I fucking loved every second of it. I had the most like. I did so much. I feel like this weekend was the epitome for me of protecting my peace. Yeah.

I am. Major protecting my peace era. Dude, sorry, by the way, guys, I'm like sniffling so hard into the microphone. I'm trying my best to turn away every two seconds, but it's not really working. But yeah, we did our photo shoot on what, Thursday? Yeah, so that was like a wholesome little afternoon. But then Friday rolled around and it was time to basically celebrate a long weekend. I started off my weekend, which is going on a date with my boyfriend.

We have a shared notes. I think I've mentioned that numerous times on my thing. So once a weekend, we try to hit a new restaurant and just knock it off, go to a new one. I was kind of feeling like under the weather at the beginning of the week, like really down bad. Like obviously I have a sniffly nose right now, but like it was so bad on Friday morning when I woke up. I like wouldn't get out of bed and Taylor texted me like in that morning because you could hear me in my room like literally rotting away and was like, are you okay? Yeah, like coughing, sniffling. I was like, are you fucking okay?

gonna lie like it was honestly concerning yeah but now i'm much better so we were just kind of like laying low we got um one glass of wine at dinner nothing crazy i'm like in my wine era that's

It's crazy. Honestly, I think Aperol Spritz kind of eased me into the wine. Yeah, because it's Prosecco. Yeah, but it eased me into the wine taste. So now I'm more used to it. And now I'm starting to find wines I like. I'm just converting you into me. I know. I'm like fine. Slowly but surely. Every time we go and get dinner, me and my boyfriend, we'll get a glass of wine. And I get a new glass every time. Because I'm trying to log. What did you get last time? I don't even know. Oh, so we went to...

that Joanne's find they didn't have like a good wine menu so I was like oh can I get a white wine I had no idea what it was literally no idea but the night before that I got Chardonnay and then I can't remember what I got two weeks ago but yeah cool yeah I went on a date we were deciding on what to do I was so beat from last week like dead tired I don't know like why I mean I had a really busy week but I was just dead like all I wanted to do was just lay down and sleep and I was like

Oh let's go to dinner and I was like maybe we'll go to a nice dinner and then I was like I literally like like I really don't want to do that I was like I want to go get something fast and good and like come the fuck home like I was so tired I was like I literally want to do something so chill I don't want to put makeup on like.

i literally just want to grab something so we went to this pizza place on south congress called home slice which is really popular in austin i always walk by it on south congress all the time and it always smells so good um and i wasn't obviously eating dairy for a little bit so i've never had it and it just seems like such like a austin staple of a thing that people like but i was like i've never been there um and he had gotten it but never been in the restaurant there's like you can go in a restaurant or they have a window where you can pick it up by like the slice so i was

So I was like, yeah, let's go there. So we got pizza, some Diet Coke action, and then we split like dessert. And I was like, this was just what I needed. And I want to lay down and watch a movie and fucking go to bed. That's like literally all I wanted to do. So I had like such a chill night just doing that. Yeah, I brought my boyfriend to Mount Bonnell for the first time. You've never been? Never been. I was like, you've been living here for two and a half years and you've never been to Mount Bonnell. I was like.

you don't get out much do you that's crazy i know he hasn't done a lot like also pennybacker like a list of things that we've done i'm like you've never done any of this what the fuck interesting yeah so we did that and then the next morning i kind of was trying to have a wholesome morning did i go to the gym that morning yes yeah yeah i did go to the gym that morning i went to the gym that morning too

Yeah, but it was a quick workout. I'm trying my best to, like, work out on the weekends again because my workouts have been just, like, a quick, like... They're so fast. Yeah, like, but in a good sense. Like, I kind of like that. I know you and I are kind of having, like, different, like, fitness, like, goals slash...

whatever but for me at least like I have been just in the mindset of like I want to move my body for 45 minutes to 60 minutes a day I don't have really any like goals with it like I just want to move my body it makes me feel good so like when I go to the gym like other than leg day leg days I'm like going fucking hard but like my upper body day is like I don't really care as much as I do like I don't have goals with it so I've been just kind of moving my body rather than like

A goal. Right. So they've been just quick, but I want to try to get in the gym five to six days a week. Yeah, I went on the gym. I went to the gym on Saturday because I didn't go on Friday because my alarm didn't go off. Like it was going off, but my phone was on silent. So I don't know. Blessing and a curse because I just got to sleep in and have a lazy morning. But that meant I missed the time I could go to the gym. So I was like, OK, I'll go now.

back to my boyfriend's apartment with him and go to his apartment gym. Because I was like, this is perfect. Because sometimes I don't want to go to the gym and it's busy. And I just don't want all that. I'm just not in the mood on a weekend to be in the gym. I've been also going to Lifetime on the weekend. And I like it because it's AC'd. It's not super hot. Yeah, it's chill. It's chill. And I'm like, I can do this every weekend. Yeah, that's why I kind of fuck with his apartment gym. And I might...

How about for your thing? Gym because football's on. Okay. We don't have cable. This was like the perfect routine and I think it's going to be my fucking Saturday. The game started at 11. He's like, I want to watch it. I'm like, amazing. And I was like,

should I do a spin class like you can put like a there I don't think they're pelotons but they like look same thing and I was like oh my god wait that's so cool I could put like a 45 minute cycling class on the tv and do a cycling class that's kind of sick yeah but I just kind of kind of got nervous of like messing with the tv that I don't know how to use so I was like I'm gonna skip that maybe another day but I was like that could be fun but

The treadmill is also where I read a ton. So I love getting on a treadmill on the weekend. So I'm going to either do the Lifetime on the weekends or I was telling my boyfriend I want to also not get ClassPass again, but I do want to go to SolidCore again. But SolidCore, you can do a membership and just buy classes and like go. So I think I might also do that because our thing has been working out Saturday morning and then going on a walk through Lady Bird after. So if I'm already downtown and his gym's downtown, like...

after we just meet up and go on the walks so I might do that because I do want to like move my body more in the sense of like I'm doing other things besides going to the gym like I'm doing kickball starting next week yeah which is so crazy I know so I just want to get like back into like doing more activities outside of the gym yeah I haven't been going to dance as much yeah which I

It's just because my weeks are so busy that, like, it's sometimes just hard to get there. But I want to start going again as often as I was. Like, I haven't gone... I've only been teaching my classes. I haven't been going to other classes. So, trying to get back into doing that. But I'm not putting pressure on myself, too. Because that's just not, like... Like, I don't... I never want it to be something stressful. You know? Yeah. Not, like, forcing myself to go. Exactly. It's just not what I fucking want to be doing. But...

I always go to the one I teach, but obviously. So Saturday I did my little workout and then got ready for the day at my boyfriend's house. And then we went downtown. I was sober all weekend just because I just wanted to like bender of a summer. I just was like,

I need a fucking weekend to like really recharge and feel like really good. It's just like, I knew that's what my body wanted. So we popped in this one bar to like watch the rest of the UT game and we couldn't decide on food. And I was getting antsy and I was like, let's just, I was like, I'm so thirsty. Like we parked and we're walking downtown and it was so hot. I was like, I need to get a fucking beverage. Like I'm going to lose my mind. So we just walked into this random bar. I got like a Diet Coke. We watched the rest of the UT game and,

And then by the time we got food, I was like, I don't care where we go. We picked a random food truck, got food, and then it was time to meet up with y'all. Yeah. Can you believe we've had seven months without an NFL football game? I actually can because it's all any guy in my life is talking about. It's how excited they are for football. You hear us say it on this show that our weekends now are literally filled with football.

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After the gym went home, got ready, and all the guys are Gamecock fans. Majority of them went to South Carolina, but then the other guys are now just converted to Cock fans because of everyone else being Cock fans. So there's this... Every bar in Austin has... Not every bar, but every sport team has a bar in Austin that is home-based to watch the games. So we went to this bar called Pop, but before that, the boys wanted to do a pregame and

at one of their apartments downtown. So the girls, we were all like, you know what, let's show up a little bit late to this pregame. So me and two other girls went and got a drink at a speakeasy at this super girly place that I knew no boy would ever want to go to. So we took advantage of it just being the girls, and we went and got a drink, and then we went to the...

Pre-game and once we got to the pre-game I was so mad we were in the uber and I was like fuck we didn't bring any alcohol I was like we should have brought alcohol. What were we thinking? Like maybe they'll have some which luckily they had some but they had no chasers They had a full bottle like massive like massive bottles, you know, you can get like a medium size like handle No, like they had like massive ones that were like double handles of like deep eddies and vodka and

All they had for a chaser or a mixie was Mountain Dew. I'm like, who buys Mountain Dew for a chaser or a mixie? Who buys it in general? I know. That's what I'm saying. Why wasn't there Coke? Why wasn't there ginger ale? Why wasn't there club soda? Boys did great with the pregame food. They had everything. They had a cheese board. They had mini sandwiches, like little chicken salad sandwiches. They had...

shrimp cocktail but they couldn't pull through with the fucking chasers like so me and the girls were just sipping on ice deep eddies I was like we're in for a long day the pregame was at like 430 that's why boys can't be trusted I know we went to the bar that was like honestly the worst bar ever so bad quite literally awful especially to be sober at I was like I can't stay here like I was like

This is not for me. I was like, this is literally brutal. It's called Pop and it's on West. It's next to Buford's, like in the same corner intersection. And I've never been there, which is like, it goes to show how bad it is because like we've been to so many bars here in Austin. And-

Guys, we get there. It is a tiny like little half circle bar outside and there's like little balconies overlooking the street. The other end of the bar is inside, but it's like dark and it's like a sketchy ass, grimy ass like club vibe with like

Club tables like that honestly looked like there should be a fucking stripper pole in the middle like disgusting everything was gross everything was gross floor was sticky the room was like musty like but there was a scene which was good that was the only plus side out of it because obviously the Austin weather is like 100 degrees every day.

But it was disgusting. And we rolled deep into that bar. Like, when we were walking up to, like, the bouncer, the bar was pretty empty. And we rolled deep with, like, at least, like, 30 people from the pregame. And I was like, okay, like, we're about to take up this entire place. But all 30 of us can't fit in the outside front part. It was so small and gross. So we were like, okay, we have to go into the musty, dusty, like, back end of this bar. And the drinks were...

Like, so expensive for no reason. These, like, small-ass cups. And I was like, damn. Like, I'm just sitting back thinking to myself, like, this is the bar we have to come to every Saturday because my boyfriend and all his friends are, like, Gamecock fans. Fuck this. Yeah, no can... I literally was like, I need to leave and dip the fuck out of there. Yeah. Because I was like, I can't. So, we...

Where did you go? Well, I ended up going to Rustic Tap because my boyfriend thought he was going to meet one of his friends. And I was like, can we go home? Can we go home? Yeah. I'm so tired. So I was always sitting in the corner of Rustic Tap for a while. Like for a while. Like until like 945. Damn. Yeah. I was like, I was literally like on my phone. Like I met a follower. So it was nice. But like I was literally like.

Like, I was so tired. And I was like, I just want to go. But, like, his friends were visiting from out of town. And he was like, they're, like, going to come after dinner. I was like, okay. And then they didn't come. And we saw them on Friday. But I knew they weren't going to come. I was like, why can't we just go? So it was just the two of you sitting there? Damn. I didn't know that because I was there for a little bit. Yeah, I was literally sitting in the corner. So I ended up leaving. I don't really know around what time. Because it wasn't 945 because I went home at 1030. So I probably got there.

I don't know. It was halftime of the game, the football game, and me and all the girls were like, let's get the fuck out of here. The drinks suck. Everything sucks.

Everything sucks. So a few of us girls and a few of the guys that aren't Gamecock fans We all left and we were literally just bar hopping down west And just popping in and out of every bar seeing what the vibes were what the teams were like each bar Um, we ended up at rustic tap because they were doing live music at the front stage Yeah, so we were like dancing up there and then one of my friends Ended up seeing like someone that she has like a big crush on and then we were all just like shit shot and with like that group and like dancing and having a good time and then

I went back to pop to see if we could get all the guys to come to rustic tap because we were having so much fun at rustic tap and then at that point we just went home and yeah because they wanted to go to east which if you go to east you gotta hop in an uber and go to east and I was like I ain't fucking doing that we've been out drinking since like 4 p.m I'm good yeah so that was pretty much like the end of Saturday yeah and then Sunday we

How did I start my day on Sunday? What was the first thing I did? Oh, we went to girls day. Yeah. I went to the grocery store like so early. I have been so productive. Like I haven't been getting like I've been enjoying this. I haven't been getting like so fucking drunk to where I'm like miserably hungover. Like I'm getting like a good drunk and like running around having a good time. But then I'm like waking up in the morning like early and being productive.

Like the next day, which is like chef's kiss. I want to keep it that way. So yeah, I went to the grocery store and then we had a very good girls day. Yeah, we had a great girls day. We had brunch at Bear Cruise. We got 15 drinks for five of us because we're beverage girls. So we got so many drinks. Not like alcohol drinks. Like juices, coffees. Juices, coffee, alfafrescas, like all these beverages. And then we hit up the pool and had a nice...

Pool day, like chilling in the sun. We brought the floaties. Like I read so much of my book. We all took Instagram pictures, like everything.

yeah such a good vibe and we were all saying this too we're like we need to have more of these like girl day things like fuck the boy like we love being with the boys morning is like fun like yeah morning is a good time so like we were literally all just like all day like thinking of like new fun things that we can do because we're like oh my god like we have adult money we can do whatever the fuck we want right now like you want to go like one of our friends hayley was making a joke she's like i want to just go on a train and just like

see where the train takes us. I'm like, we can do anything we want. So we're just going to be doing a lot of like girly fun activities on the weekends. Yeah. Now that it's football season because the boys are, we know where the boys will be. So we know they're going to be safe, having a good time, being responsible at pop bar, watching the football games. And we're going to be doing something else because I ain't going back to that bar. Yeah. Um, it,

It was no bueno. Sunday was like the longest day. It was. So we did all of that. And then it was like four. So we went home from the pool after chilling there for a few hours. And then I got ready to meet up with my boyfriend who was at the bars. So like we said, there's school. There's a school for every bar like through their alumni association. So his friends were all at the Florida State Bar, which I was a gator, which is like the rival of that school. But yeah.

His friends went to Florida State, so they were all there, and I was like, okay, I'll come. Florida State is, like, the biggest party school in Florida, probably one of the bigger party schools in the country. Like, it's up there. It's a crazy place, and you could tell by that bar. Dude, it was fucking packed. I was literally the last person in before they started, like, making a line.

I came like literally right after me, a giant line formed. And when I was there, everyone was walking right in. I was literally the last person in before they started making a giant ass line. And they got there early. So they got like a nice tape, like a, a, one of the like benches, tables, like where you could sit. Um,

It was fucking lit in there. I want to give like a little background for people that have never been to Austin before. If you've seen Nashville or like seen like photos of Nashville, it's like a same like vibe as that in the street, but it's not as big, not as fucking big, but it's like same vibe of like the sidewalks when you're walking on the sidewalks, like the bar is literally right there. Like you can see into the bar, the bars are all outside. Like

You can see everything that's going on. And so, for example, like, me and my friends are walking past this bar with the massive line. And we see Taylor inside the bar. Yeah. And my boyfriend, like, runs up to Taylor and was like, hey, guys. I said in our group chat, I was like, walk by Key Bar for a high five. Yeah. Because I was sitting, the benches are literally, like, like, I dropped my sunglasses back onto the sidewalk. Yeah. Because I tilted my head back to take a drink and they fell on the sidewalk. So I was, like, sober in that bar. And it was so fun. Like,

The vibes, like, you could just tell it's a fucking party school, like, and that people that go there are fucking...

just party people it was a good fucking vibe like and then they were winning and my boyfriend was all into it he didn't even go to that school he's like going nuts for it i'm like you literally have no affiliation um it was really fun like it was he's like this is where we're gonna go like for every game day i'm like it it was it was fucking fun yeah i'm not even gonna lie like the only reason like i left i was like can we go like you guys are at cats like we wanted to meet up with you guys

but I was like, can we go? He's like, but it's fun in here. I was like, yes, I know. I was like, but they're not going to be able to get in. Like, cause ideally it would have been like, just come. But like the line was fucking ridiculous. I was like, they're not going to be able to get in. It's not going to happen. I was like, I would tell them to come here, but it's just not. Cause it was like guaranteed fun. And I was like, can we leave like third quarter? And he's like, okay. I was like, yeah, come on, let's leave. Yeah. So I went to dinner with my boyfriend because I had to do a brand interview

video with this company called Cruise. They're the self-driving Uber cars here in Austin. So everyone else was at another bar watching...

Or not watching even football. They were like seeing a band that they love at this bar called WTF, which is literally right next door to the bar that Taylor was at. So after dinner and we did, I did the whole brand video for the cruise cars. Um, I met all my friends at WTF and everyone at WTF, there was a bunch of famous people there. So walk, walk a flock of flames. Um,

um rick flair and joe rogan like a bunch of random ass fucking famous people all hanging out together like so fucking weird like what it was the weirdest text getting like waka flaka is at wtf i was like pardon yeah like they were all taking pictures with them and then my boyfriend's like freaking young he's like i need to get there i need to get there i'm like bro like what are you gonna do stare at them like you're not gonna do any it's not like you're gonna do anything you're just gonna stare at them stare at them like so weird it was so bizarre yeah like

I don't understand what the... It was honestly so weird. Waka Flocka is here. I was like, what the... Yeah, like a... Not even... The artist that was playing at the bar was like a smaller country band, like country vibes. There was a bunch of guys in there wearing country hats, country boots, and then he's just in the corner at the bar. And it's not like a nightclub. No, it's not. It's just...

It was just so weird. So weird. I need to know what the fuck was going on. Yeah. I was watching their stories. I think there was an event that they had to go to or something here. But yeah, so they were there. And then after the band ended, that's when we went to Cat's Pajamas slash Bee's Knees. And those bars are right ones over the other. And...

underneath is B's knees and there's a pool table my boyfriend is obsessed with pool right now he literally bought a pool table on Amazon for like 500 bucks and literally assembled it and put into his fucking house that's obsessed he is so he went straight to B's knees and pretty much just held the pool table down and was just playing team after team after team like basically what happens if you keep winning like you keep holding the table and you can play new people and

So that's what him and his roommate were doing. And I was like getting annoyed by it because I was like, bro, like we're all at fucking cat's pajamas, like come upstairs and party with all of us. And he was just like, nah, I'm like playing pool. I'm like, whatever. So we were we were just all continuing to bar hop. And then finally he lost and we left fucking bees knees. And I ended up just going home. It was another early night. But thank God it was an early night because like we said, this weekend was so long.

Yeah, I enjoyed my early night. I left at like 11. So good timing, solid. And then I literally since I was sober, I got back and started a book, which was like awesome. I literally got back read like an hour of my book and then.

finished it the next day so I guess we can go into Monday Monday for me I vlogged the whole thing on YouTube so like I'm not gonna go into like crazy um but I finished the rest of my book so I had a one day turnaround on a book which I felt great about got my nails done mani pedi got my eyebrows waxed took an everything shower did a face mask went grocery shopping wash my sheets like I had such a self-care day it was amazing it was the perfect Monday that I needed to set me up for the week and

And I'm so happy that I took advantage to have such me time. It felt so good. I haven't done my nails in so long. So it was such a good freaking me day. And like I said, I vlogged the whole thing. So I'm not going to go like too detailed into it because you could just watch it on my YouTube channel. But I basically had like just a me, a me day, like just vibed. Yeah, I feel like I'm going to end up doing that a little bit today because yesterday I spent the entire day at my boyfriend's. We went, did the Peter Pan mini golf thing.

for the first time yeah that was really fun it's fun right yeah so fun we only did the one half the course so yeah like um it was just too hot to do both we only did one too yeah but i guess you're allowed to do both if you if you wanted um but we only did one it lasted like 45 minutes and then we went home and i got ziki kitchen for dinner and yeah we were just hanging out the whole time yeah but today is gonna be more of my like i need to go to pedicure so fucking bad and like

Catch up on work and... Yeah, it was nice to... Now that I, like, have a real job, like, taking advantage of the day off. But, like...

it was like how my work days used to be kind of like i vlogged all day like i feel like i just really like took a lot of time for myself like productive yeah a lot of productive time like i feel i felt like really good um but it was nice to have that like self-care day because sometimes i don't like to do that on a sunday because i want to do shit yeah you know yeah because it's like like i want to have really have two days out of the weekend where like we can really hang out i know like i want to have plans so it's like okay i have this monday to like

do my shit. So yeah. Hey guys, as you know, as you can tell from us rambling on in our podcast, we're on the go a ton this summer, whether it be late days, boat days, traveling, you name it. We're on the go and need satisfying snacks that can give us a good source of protein through all of our summer fun activities. And of course we need the protein to keep those gains going. And if you're on the lookout for a snack that satisfies those cravings and gets that protein in, let me introduce you to wonderful pistachios. I mean, you probably already had them because they're

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Join me on this pistachio filled adventure and let's redefine what it means to snack. Visit to learn more. It felt really good, but that was pretty much our weekend. And we want to talk about just a little summer. Like it's September. I've had like four pumpkin cream cold brews. It's like fall. I know, dude. It's so weird. So obviously summer technically for us is going to be here for another like two months. Like we'll probably have a few more, at least one more boat day. Like

It's going to be hot for a while, but I do want to recap on this summer because this summer was probably the best summer I've had since I've graduated high school. This was the summer I felt the most like an adult slash most established slash had the most friends. Like, yeah, this summer I felt like I truly have my own like


for real. Yeah. Like I even said this after my birthday, because my birthday is in July. And this was my first year of my birthday where I actually felt like I was at home for my birthday. Like my other two birthdays here in Austin, it was like, oh, damn, like I wish I was with my family. Like all my friends from home are texting me. Like this year, it actually felt like I have such a solid friend group here. I have like

I'm home for my birthday. And it's good to feel like that, especially with the summer. Like Taylor just said, we have a good-ass friend group, big-ass friend group. We're constantly doing things. So it's just crazy that it took two years for that because I know people can probably just assume or think like, oh, I'm moving to a new city right away. It's so easy. You're just like jumped right into it. You have a good life. But no, this was our – this is technically my third summer here.

Because I've been here for two years, but I've had three summers. This is like my like two and a half because I moved in August. And I like came to visit for like half of July. So it's like I feel like I was I feel like it's my third summer because like I came for that long period of time. And then like August, September is still like hot. So yeah, we're like doing summer things. But it's so nice to feel just like an established fucking person. Like I didn't feel the need to travel this summer because I wanted to just like enjoy where I was.

yeah like and summer goes by so fast so fucking fast that like in my head it i feel like yes i intentionally wasn't trying to plan a bunch of trips just because i wasn't i just wasn't trying to do that but like even if i was like time's gone like it just like goes so quick like i i did a little bit of traveling this summer but outside of that like the first boat we had for our girlfriend's birthday was

We were talking about that. I'm like, that was technically so long ago, but I feel like, holy shit, that was like the start to our summer, that first boat day. And it just went by so quickly. Like, how many boats were we on this summer? Lots to do with count. Yeah, dude. I don't know, a fuck ton. And it's so fun. But it's like, it makes me excited. Like, I'm kind of okay that summer's over because I feel like we did it. Yeah, we did. We fucking did it this summer. That's why I'm like...

I'm not like upset. Like I'm kind of ready in a sense for like cozy nights in like not fucking day drinking starting at 9 a.m. Like even though now it's football. So I'm not doing the drinking at 9 a.m. next summer. It's not happening. We already talked about this last episode, like those pregames for the boats at 9 a.m. It's not like if there's a boat and someone's going to invite me, I'm going to say no. Yeah, I'm excited for like.

watching football and like the bars being like a more chill scene of like sit watching football like drink a beer like i don't know i'm excited for the new like seasons because i feel like i lived up summer so i'm like not sad about summer being over yeah i agree and especially now this is my first like season of like the holidays having a boyfriend and it's like last night he was like do you want to make a pumpkin pie and i'm like you want to make a

like I've never done that I was like this is so fun

That is so fun. And we're like talking about like traveling for the holidays now having to make that work with someone. I'm like, it's crazy. Like the seasonal depression of like being single and like seeing all the couples doing like the apple picking and pumpkin pie patches, like all that shit. That shit's real. Like that depression is fucking real. And no offense to all the single people listening right now, but like I finally got it. Suckers. Yeah. Sucks for you. No, I'm just I'm kidding. I'm kidding.

one day you will find your person you'll get that but just know I'm really happy that I'm not no longer in that it's definitely interesting like I didn't have that last holiday so I'm like looking forward to it this time yeah because like all my siblings like in relationships so like when I go home yeah like single I'm just like alone but I'm not gonna lie like holidays in different places like

It kind of stresses me out because it's like not that I don't want to like go do stuff with him because like I do. But it's like I wish your family just live with my family lived like because like I like love like I'm such a family person. And that's something I really realized this year. Like I've always known I'm close to my family. But this year I like really, really realized that I'm like it's truly so important to me. And it's like, damn, like having to like split time or like go to your Thanksgiving like

That's like really fucking hard for me to do because I want to go home. Like I want to see my family, like my sisters have kids, like I don't like I want to go home to my family. So that's like difficult for me. And like the compromise of like, OK, I'll go if you want me to go. But I'm like, I don't want to go. I want to go home. And like I would love if your family could like just like be here, be in Florida. Like it's just so hard when you're dating someone when you're an adult and like you're from different fucking states, right?

yeah i see that because then it's like oh my god like for the rest of your life it's like back and forth i guess then you have your own family and like you kind of stay put because it's like you have your own family and your own kids and your own life but for like that in between time of like okay we're in two separate fucking states for christmas like plane rides like tough yeah um we were even talking about that like with the whole what are we gonna do for the holidays and stuff and like

We're going to make it work where it's, like, we're probably going to travel for two weeks. Like, so that way, like, I can also go to his place and then, like, he'll also come to my place. It's not, like, I'm only going to his place for Christmas. Like, you know what I'm saying? Not necessarily, like, the actual holiday. Like, we're both going to be home for our actual holiday. But, like, the week before is when we're going to, like, visit each other's places. And so that's what we're doing. But we also have, like...

Other things to look forward to of, like, ACL, the music festival. Like, we've been talking about, like, the football games. And I do need to hopefully visit one more city by the end of the year. So that way I can cross off my, like, New Year's goals of, like, visiting three new cities. So, gotta do that. Gotta do that. I know. What was your favorite thing we did this summer? Or that you did? Favorite thing that I did this summer...

Or like favorite memory. The first one that comes to mind for me was that wakeboard boat day. Dude, that was so fun. I feel like really fun. Yeah, that was so fun. And like having my brothers there. That was fun. And the last boat we did was low key. Like, yeah, really fun, too.

Yeah, that fucking boat was a lot of fun. Those were like top tier fun. The Devil's Cove, bro, it's so much better. Like tying up with other boats rather than being on a big ass barge is just so much more elite. Yeah. No, it was like really fun. Yeah. I was going to say that...

But also like the beginning of the summer when we would do the whole Lucky Duck and then Latchkey. Like I just love sitting at the picnic table in the back of Lucky Duck with all of our friends. We would pull those two picnic tables together. And when we would sit there like 15, 20 of us just sitting there drinking beers, drinking

And oh my God, it's crazy because we were also watching like the hockey playoffs. The hockey playoffs. That was in April. Yeah, but like that technically felt like summer, bro. Yeah, that was in April because I went home for that. Yeah. Well, not for that, but I was home when that was going on. But even still like the whole going to Lucky Duck and going to Latchkey. And my boyfriend said to me yesterday, he goes, I'm so happy the duck phase is over. And I go, no, it ain't.

Just wait until it cools down. Why would he ever fucking say that? I know, I go, no it ain't. Just wait until it cools down a little bit. We haven't been going to Lucky Duck because it's too fucking hot. You know what? I can't be sitting in the back little lot on the picking tables in the dirt at 7 o'clock because it's 110 degrees out.

that like statement like i'm not gonna lie like that really like hurt me in the heart i know i was so i literally looked at him with red eyes i go it's fucking not over i'm going i'm sad i'm like you when you go to pop i'm going to lucky duck i'm like sad about it i'm like why would you say that i know he was like it was just like annoying i was like i know i was like he hit because he hated that i would like shove the fucking ducks in like my boobs and shit i got my ducks

Like, I'm going to do it again. I'm going to do it more. Yeah, like the weather's getting nice. Yeah. Get ready. Get ready. Dude, I... You're telling me I'm going to pass up a happy hour of espresso martinis for $6? Or what was it? $6 or $8? I think they were $8. $8? Cannot beat that deal. I don't know. Yeah, you really can't. So that was like one of my key memories of the beginning of summer was the Lucky Duck days. Yeah, the Lucky Duck days were good. I fucking loved it.

But yeah, we've been like missing out on East. We haven't been going to East like at all. It's too hot. Yeah. It's way too fucking hot. And like it's just really jam-packed there. Whereas with West, it's like a mix of indoor and outdoor bars. Yeah. And every bar has like those little like sprinkler like mist fans. I will say I did a day on East where we did kind of a lot of like speakeasies and indoor stuff. Yeah. And like it was really fun. Like we went to the speakeasy at Shangri-La. We went to...

In Cahoots, there's a bunch of bars. There's an indoor one. I forget what it's called. Right on the street. I forget what it's called. But we were in there on the inside. We went to that Italian restaurant. We went indoor and got drinks at speakeasies and little things and not the big bars. So that was fun. But it's way too hot to be in those patios. And also, speaking of, entering the fall season...

I have entered my like obviously cuffed up era, but like era of I'm only going out once a weekend. Like I think summer time is the only time where I would go out two nights in a weekend. Yeah, I just don't like I just don't care too because I can't with how like tired. Yeah, like all even all our single girlfriends were saying this like they're single and they were saying this because like I can understand it like

I'm in a relationship. I know I'm saying that because like I'd rather spend one night with my boyfriend and then one night out. But like even my single girlfriend saying that I'm like, damn, are we all like summer really did us dirty. Like we were on a bender. Also, I need to finish my book reading goal. Yeah. What are you at? 33. Well, I'm on my 34th.

But I finished a book in one day yesterday. Damn. So, yeah. I started it laying in bed on Sunday and I finished it yesterday night. That's fucking nuts. So, like, I'm going to try to, like, keep going fast. And it makes the whole difference in reading a book if I read, like, on Friday night. Like, and read on the weekend. So, I'm trying to crank that through. And if I go out twice on the weekend, I won't read. Like, I have to. I need to read. Yeah. But we also have, like, a good amount of, like, to-dos. We need to make our own notes pad.

because you keep sending me shit on TikTok of like things to do, places to visit in Austin. Oh. We need to make our own notes about it because I have a notes about it with my boyfriend of restaurants I can go to with him. But me and you, we need to make like a list for like all of us girls. The girly things that we like. Girly things that we want to do because like that coffee shop that's like pink and like in the Barbie bar. The Barbie bar, yeah. The boys aren't going to fucking want to do that. So we need to make our own. I want to go take a shot off the Ken doll. Yeah, we need to make our own like

girl list of things to do in Austin. Yeah, I agree. And then we can share it with y'all. Yeah, that and then also like gotta take advantage of the fact that it's football season and the boys are gonna be doing that because I don't know like it's kind of like a win like it's a win-lose situation of like all like it's football season. They're gonna be so like into it, but also at the same time. Yeah, it's a win. It's a win because it's like they're gonna be growing it up being boys doing their stupid boy things during football and like

we can go do like girl but even like i said with like he wanted to watch the game i'm like so i'm going to your gym yeah like i don't need to sit there and watch the whole game yeah like i'm out so it's like i got to do my thing uninterrupted yeah like and then just like go do my shit like i can go to like a speakeasy with my girls and take a boob luge off of ken what was the bar well there's a barbie pop-up doll and they put a shot glass on the ken doll like on their like

like underwear and you like take a shot off oh that's so funny yeah so i'm like i want to do that like i want to go do that like i want to go get pink coffees and like me too and go watch your football like a degenerate yeah literally at your stupid ass pop bar that smells like musty dusty yeah socks it sucks

No, but they both work. That's fine. Yeah. Damn. Well, I'm so excited to enter our fall girl era, even though it's me a hundred degrees and I can't wear like cute sweaters. Yeah. I'm wearing a sweater right now because I just forgot that I own sweaters and I'm always putting on like a hoodie to be comfy at home. And I'm like, sweaters are so comfy to like chill in. I need to order. If you guys have recs, even though like obviously no places I can go, but if you have like specific favorites, I'm going to put them in the description.

I want really, really cute but really comfy like work from home clothes. Like that if I want to like run out and run an errand, I feel like really cute. Like I want to get that free people romper. Like I want like really, really cute comfy work from home clothes that will function really good. It's like really cute but really comfy. Yeah. So let me know if you guys have like favorites. I will definitely check a look. Check a look. I will definitely check them out.

I don't know what check a fucking look means. Oh, check them out. So DM them to me on Instagram because I just need like work from home clothes in my life. And it'll be really beneficial because like I'm really excited to wear hoodies. Yeah. Like going to the bar and watching football. Like people dress really casual because they're wearing like a jersey. Speaking of, I wanted to get a jersey, like a UF jersey because like Haley was wearing her college jersey. I know. I kept saying I was like, I want to get a big ass oversized jersey. And it's like she's rocking her school. And I feel like I want to go out and wear like

the team I like if we like go watch football. Cause I was like, that's so cute that Haley's wearing like, like her school that she likes out to the bar. So people like know what school. And I was like, I want a jersey. I don't, I can't relate to that, but my boyfriend did say he's going to get me a jersey. So I'm like, I want a jersey so I can,

wear it like because I didn't experience really much many I maybe had like three like college game days and I was literally telling my boyfriend like the bars were so fun I'm like this is kind of my like college game day like experience yeah like with these all these post-grad people because I didn't do much of it in college so I kind of like

in like a cheesy way, like going to the bars to watch the games. And I'm like, I want to go to the UF bar with like my roommate from college, like lives here. Like I was like, I can go to the UF bar and watch the games and like, like get my fix of like the game days that I didn't have and like do them here. Yeah. So I'm like,

I wanted to get a jersey just so people know what team I like because I think they look so cute. Even with that too, I would get a UT one too because I do want to go once, like I said, once he cools down, go to a game there. And just have variety in what I wear. Yeah, exactly. And I was also going to say people dress so casually.

Because like the bars are so casual. Like I can't wait till it's cool out and I can pull up to a bar and like leggings and a sweatshirt. Dude, yeah. You know? And like sneakers. And just like sit and chill in a hoodie. Yeah. That will like...

that'll be do it like that day we went to the bar in t-shirts oh i wish i could have done like sweat suit i know you know like but i mean i would have quite literally like died yeah but that would just be so fun i know i can't wait hoodie when the nights are nice and like 70 degrees even 80 degrees i will literally be the nights right now are like 95 degrees i'll shiver it'll be 80 degrees i'll be like oh yeah cold yeah

I'm very excited. But summer was definitely good. I mean, we both like, no, literally not. We both like, we're so. I found my Prince Charming.

Gross. I know, and I still haven't fucking hard-launched him, guys. You guys keep freaking out every weekend. You're like, where's the photo? Dude, he doesn't... He's not good at taking photos. I don't have a good picture either besides... He fucking sucks. We only have one good boat photo, and, like, we're both wearing glasses, and he's wearing a hat. Like, you can't see us. Should we go on a double date this weekend so that way we can get photos? I'll go on a double date. All right, let's go on a double date. Oh, his mom is here. Can we do, like, Thursday or something? You have kickball. Yeah.

No, that doesn't start until 14th. Okay, maybe we can do like Thursday or something. Yeah, let's do it. Because his mom is here on the weekend, so I doubt I can get time for that. Okay. Yeah, maybe Thursday because we're doing Topgolf tomorrow and then Friday I'm probably doing something. That's just going to be a lot, a lot. But we'll see. Anyways, all right.

I hope you guys enjoyed this episode and I hope you guys enjoyed our new rebrand. I totally forgot that we were telling them that we got a new fucking photo. I know and I can't wait to post it on Instagram tomorrow. Bye guys. Bye.

This is Below Decks Captain Lee. Listen to my new podcast, Salty, with Captain Lee. Um, don't you mean our podcast? Uh, yeah, I guess I do. Anyhow, listen to Salty with Captain Lee, co-hosted by my assistant, Sam. And we will be talking about the latest pop culture news and all the gossip every week.

So does this mean we have to talk by ourselves, about ourselves, or can at least have some guests on? I don't know, I find myself pretty interesting. But yeah, we can have some guests on. Some of our reality TV friends and some stars. Works for me. Listen to Salty now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.