cover of episode What’s New With Us? | Mental & Physical Health Updates, Boy Problems, and More

What’s New With Us? | Mental & Physical Health Updates, Boy Problems, and More

Publish Date: 2023/6/2
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One Thing About Us


Shownotes Transcript

Hello guys, welcome back to another episode. I'm taylor and I am sam today. We're just catching you up on our lives Um and talking about ourselves and just like going in depth on random topics of our life stuff that we kind of gloss over every week but we want to go in on it because also like not to like

like brag and like make everything about us but like we're kind of like viral on tiktok no we literally are we're kind of going viral on tiktok on the podcast tiktok which is like okay so like maybe like this is a perfect episode maybe you're new here maybe you don't know who you who we are you just want to hear about the girlies so welcome because like we're low-key going viral on tiktok

And I'm going to tell you guys straight up right now, like this is extremely unscripted. We have no script right now. We literally just sat down like five seconds ago and we're like, wait, fuck, like what are we talking about? And then we just have like a little bit of an outline, but not much. It's just like the typical catch up, but just like

like Taylor said, really detailed. But first things first, merch went live last week. You guys killed it, dude. Yeah, killed it. And we still have orders that we're trying to catch up on. So if we have time today, we'll continue to pack them. But shop the 2023 summer collection. We got three different hats, a shirt, and a koozie. Great vibes all around. Y'all are buying everything. It's equally being bought out. Yeah, the hats are crushing it. The hats are so...

so freaking cute. Like our friend Haley was wearing the professional fun, have her hat. And she was getting so many compliments on it. Yeah. I wore it around my boyfriend's friends and they were like, Oh my God, I love your hat. I was like,

it's my merch and they were like oh my god really wait i forgot to tell you this past weekend i was wearing i stole hayley's hat for a little bit and someone came up to me and was literally like like barger what's the trying to bite off yeah i was like wait is this like the new way to sell the hats like face to face like i just wear one out and then like sell it if we had a booth on like

rainy we should like one of those little stands we'd probably sell out no but the thing is we're already gonna sell we would need to get more because like I feel like in the next week these hats are gonna like fly off the shelf they are flying they're flying but even if we went with the last like

30 yeah that's true i'm saying 100 because i would rather honestly go to people here in austin because i think it'd be so cool if we're out one day and i'm like on the table on latchkey and i look over and someone's wearing the hat like i wonder like we should see what it what putting a

table on Rainy Street like how to do that. Yeah we should like every. Yeah let's let's do that. Let's look. We'll look into it. Yeah. And then if you're in Austin Texas you can just like buy one off us like on the random Sunday that we're on Rainy. Yeah that'd be so cool. That'd be so fun. But yeah you guys killed it and it's really it's really fun to see like

You guys ordering them and wearing them. And if you didn't know, like we package all the merch here ourselves. So right now we're trying to be really quick with it because it just launched. But just just know it's all it's just us two girls in our house. Yeah. So we try to keep up and get it to you quick. But it is just us. It's not from like a.

It's from our garage. Yeah. So be patient. Yeah. And then the last thing we're going to also kind of plug is just the fitness app. You know, we've been crushing it on that. I've been loving adding every single recipe into that. I no longer, like, post really my recipes on social media. Like, I'll do the reels, but, like, the whole recipe, ingredients, everything is going onto the app, which is cool. And then, obviously, we have the programs on there. Mm-hmm.

And working on like every time I squat and every time I bench, I'm like thinking of programming to add those on because I can't wait to like add that on for you guys, especially like a bench program. I'm like so excited to like put a bench program on there, which would be in the next like probably like...

maybe the end of summer before the end of summer like august or something yeah like august or something so if you want to get it and don't miss out you can get it for that because it'll it'll be coming yeah i do want to say one thing too about the app that um i haven't addressed on here but i've been getting a lot of messages about it because people know that i no longer do like the the big three and the big three like compound lifts are really programmed in our

in our app and i just want you to know like you don't have to follow every exercise per like the exercise if there's back squat and you don't like to back squat like i don't back squat but i'm gonna still like like i would still do the program it's just the first thing the back squat like change it for something else change it for something else and work on that as you're progressive and also like i like i do back squat like i do bench like i did used to deadlift and we did make these programs when we were doing the big three every when we did make these programs

we made the programs when we were in the peak of seeing the most gym progress that we saw. And I also hadn't had a surgery either. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, I was thriving. My body was working. Yeah, so this was, like, when we were, like, really, really making, like, our most, like,

I'd say our biggest jump in like gains was when we were programming the ad. Like when we were like really, really, really serious lifting. And obviously our lifestyle changed a little bit. But when we were programming this, we were making like our most progress. And now our goals are a little bit different. But that's not just like...

bullshit we made up. Those are literally the workouts we were doing. Yeah, like if I could still work out like that, like I 100% would, it's just...

I got smacked in the face with surgery didn't realize the recovery was gonna be like that like I wish I could still train like that it's just like now I have different goals yeah and like that's literally what we were doing like if you followed us back in the era where we would like work out at gold's gym and like do every workout together yeah these workouts on the app are I'm not even kidding the exact workouts we were doing like we were literally like okay like

quad day like what is our quad day that we do literally every week putting the app like it's it's what we were doing it's not like shit we pulled out of our ass but it is like a year and a half old now but that's why we're gonna keep adding things that's why I'm gonna add a bench program that's why we're always

hey i'm doing the the fucking core workouts though you are doing the core workouts and then we'll come out probably with a like gym advanced 2.0 that doesn't have the big three like so so many different things yes but yeah those are literally the workouts that we were doing when we were programming yeah and speaking of workouts should we like talk about our fitness life yeah everything thriving i would love to i feel like i've been just like doing such a good job at like

Not like I'm crushing it in the gym with my workouts and I feel like I'm definitely getting my strength back back, but I'm definitely not letting myself like feel extremely humbled from like my time last year.

You know, like what I'm saying? Because like I feel so much weaker than last year, but I'm not allowing it to like get to my head. Right. I know things are just different now. So like I'm enjoying just going to the gym four days out of the week and then two days out of the week I'm going on a hot girl walk for like four to five miles. And it's just crazy how much like my perspective on like fitness has changed.

I love it. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like I'm just like not at all bothered by like the way I look anymore. Like I never really have bad body image days because like I'm kind of in the opposite. I'm so focused on being strong right now. It is like what gets me through the gym. And I've started this little series on TikTok that like.

you guys have been liking because you're all like, oh, I needed this. Like, thanks for this. Like, it's just me being like, I'm stopped training like a little bitch. Like, I work out. I try to work out really, really hard now. And it really helps going to a gym in an environment where like everyone else is like really working really hard. Like when we see like

And we see like Justin and stuff. Like it makes me like want to work hard. Yeah. Like when you're next to him, you cannot fucking have acid. Yeah. Like these like big bodybuilder dudes that are like, like, I don't know. You just want to be working as hard as the people next to you. Like if someone's working really hard next to you, like what are you going to do? Be a pussy? No. So like, I'm just like trying to work really, really hard. Um, one, just because like if I'm showing up there and like taking the time to drive to the gym and like be there for an hour, like don't be there doing fucking nothing.

You know what I mean? And then also it makes good content, which makes me work harder. Because if I know I'm filming a video for the purpose of being like, watch me train hard, then I have to train hard. Then like the sets better be hard sets. So filming content makes me train harder.

Because I feel like I have to. It's almost like accountability. It's like putting on a show. Yeah. It's like, I'm literally like my, like me putting out entertaining content right now is me like dying on the leg extension. So you have to do it. Like you have to go all out. I kind of feel that too. Like with filming, it's like, okay, like.

If I go into the gym like, okay, I'm going to film this workout knowing I'm going to post it later. I have to have a good workout and I have to get through the workout. Whereas if I was in second exercise and I was not feeling it, I could easily just be like, oh, I want to go home. I really like that we've been working out five days a week for a while. We were big six days a week for a long time. The two days off

really hits. I feel like I can really recover, which is just great. And I've been doing a little bit more cardio. I've been going on walks, not really for weight loss, but for more time in like the sunshine because we work inside all day. So I like being outside. Sometimes I really don't leave the house. So I like going outside and it's less screen time. I like a little more time, just like not really on my phone. So that's mainly why I go for walks, not really for

Like the cardio purpose. I just really like being outside. Yeah. I've like surprisingly found like a lot more podcasts to listen to because like that's one thing I was like struggling with because I go on so many walks because I have Mac. So every morning I go on like a 25 minute walk and then after the gym I go on another 25 minute walk and then one after dinner with Mac.

and I've been running out of podcasts, but I've been, like, finding, like, a bunch of just, like, random ones. Not necessarily, like, the F word podcast, but, like, more, like, episodes, if that makes sense. Like, if, like, Skinny Confidential has, like, a guest I really like, I'll listen to it. Or if, like...

I'm right now listening to Nick Files like with one of the Selling Sunset Girls like I'll watch that and I really like podcasting you know what I've been into because I watched a shit ton of their clips on TikTok and I saw I watched one episode because kind of the same thing on YouTube it was they had Hannah Burner and Paige like the Giggly Squad girls on so I was like I want to watch it because I like them Stiff Socks podcast

Stiff socks. You will recognize one of the guys from TikTok. But like they're funny and like they have good guests on. Yeah. Like they just funny banter back and forth. I know that's what I need with podcasts. I can't do like the whole seriousness. Like I try to. That's what I stop listening to. I can't do the serious. No. Like when I started listening to podcasts like that's what I like.

Because I was like, I thought it was like, oh, if I'm going to listen to a podcast, I need to learn something. Same, same. I was like, this is making me a better person. Yeah, I'm a better person now. I would be in quarantine on my walk listening to Ed Milet, which great pod... Like, these are good podcasts. I just can't do it anymore. But like, Ed Milet is like a motivational speaker. And like, I would go on these five mile walks listening to him being like, you are not average. Like, it was like...

I was like, yeah, I'm going to wake up at five in the morning and go for a run. Like, I know. And it's just like, what the fuck? And now I listen to like the fucking toast and they're just like being fucking stupid. No, that's literally how I am with like the Plan Breakey podcast with like Brianna and fucking Grace O'Malley. They're just like talking about stupid shit. I'm like, I love this. At like seven in the morning, I need to hear how like fucked up you got this past weekend. Like, I love it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just like, especially I think so much...

of life is so like serious. I know. So it's kind of nice to just listen to people fucking around and being funny. Dude, if someone saw me on a walk like with my headphones in, I'm literally like with Mac and I'm just like cracking up. I'm like...

Like, out loud, like, bad. And, like, I can't hear myself laughing, but it's probably really loud. Yeah, but I've been very into, like, the funny podcasts, too. And that's kind of how I feel about, like, what I was saying last week about the books. Like, I thought, like, if I'm reading, I have to learn something. No. No. You could just do it for fun. Like, they're good every now and then. Like, the other day, I was looking up, like, a credit card one to, like, learn how to, like...

And so I was just like listening to this one podcast that I found on TikTok. I can't remember what it was called, but I was like skimming through that. But I would you never catch me like every morning like learning something new. Like, yeah, those are like episode by episode for me. Like sometimes there's podcasts I really like, but I don't listen to all of them. But if they come out with kind of a motivational educational one and I'm like, I think I could use that.

I'll listen to it. Like, I've listened to some of Shelby Sacco's episodes, too. Yeah, time and place. Time and place, for sure. But I like a funny moment. That's why our podcast is just, like, full of shit. Yeah, literally. Because it's what we like. Like, if we give you fitness content, we're literally, like, trying to, like, banter it up. Yeah, because, like, there's enough people being so serious. Yeah.

Anyways, women's health. How has everything been going for you with birth control, periods, all that good jazz? We talked about this in the last episodes. We were down bad. Phases of my cycle hit me like a truck. And it's so fucking awful. And it's funny because I'm about to get my period. And I just get a little bit, everything kind of pisses me off a little bit on my period. And this weekend I was just like pissy.

It was the first time my boyfriend has seen me pissy and pissed off. And he was very scared of me. Like when the boat was late. When the boat was late? When like we were waiting for the boat and it was like 20 minutes late. Why were you pissed? We had so much fun. Waiting for that boat. And I was so fucking pissed, dude. And then he was trying to park it in a little slip.

yeah for like 10 minutes bro i was like notice you were pissed i was literally fuming i was like i literally no i was like i'm so fucking over this like i don't want to be here like i was like this is so fucking dumb and literally my boyfriend's like relax i'm like no like and i was like you need to download your flow app i was like this is the first time he was even like mad about something like i'm like genuinely pissed like he was like what

oh and then getting on the boat like which we'll go into this but like getting on the boat like people were stopping so we couldn't get on like people needed to like go all the way to the boat like sit like we couldn't i was like if y'all fucking don't walk to the back i was so angry oh i was so happy i didn't witness this so i was just like really pissy drank a few spritz i was fine but like like so i realized my menstrual cycle goes like this

So I'm on my period. On my period, like, once I'm bleeding, I'm, like, fine. Like, maybe I'm a little crampy. It's more physical. Like, maybe I'm a little crampy, but, like, I'm kind of fine. And then I, like, feel good. Like, I feel good. I'm, like, productive. Like, I'm chilling. Lastly, the period is, for me, at least, is, like, cloud nine. You're like, wow, I feel great now. Yeah, I'm like, this is great. And then a few days after is, like, your ovulation, like, phase. And then right when, like, I'm ovulating, like, the day ovulating after...

Jesus fucking Christ. I can't. Like, I can't. I can't get out of bed. I can't move. I can't work. Everything makes you want to cry. Dude, I wonder if we're ever going to sync up our cycles. I don't know. I don't believe in that. You don't believe in that? Really? I feel like that's like everyone talks about that and everyone... I don't believe in that. You don't? No. Okay.

Well, I wonder if that will happen anyways. Then those two weeks, literally everything makes me want to cry. I'm so depressed. I literally hate my life. And then I'm happier, but then I get that pissy phase where I'm like, this is pissing me off. And then it's my period again. And then I'm fine. Yeah. So it's just...

It's just awful. But then I'm breaking out. And it's like you just never... Like, I'm never, like, good for more than, like, a week. Yeah, I feel like you're, like, a month ahead of me with, like, the whole, like, feeling...

in flow with your like period and like cycle and stuff because like i for the longest time have not getting my period but every time like you talk about something it's like the next month like i experience it so i'm like holy fuck like i haven't quite felt that yet like i just got my first like i've had two periods so far and the most recent one was 45 days late and like that month before was when you were 45 days late 45 days no i'm sorry your cycle was 45 days

Yes. I was like, I was not 45 days late. Not 45 days late. 45 days cycled.

Or something like that. And I was like the month after you did that. So I'm like, great. What's going to happen for me next? Mine's always like a week late. Yeah. It's been a week late like every single time. It's slowly right now. It's like been a week late every single time. Yeah. So I don't know. Which is unfortunate because I like... I got pregnancy tests stocked the fuck up because having it be late stresses me out. I took a pregnancy test today. It literally stresses me out. I'm like, oh God. And if you can just like...

Yeah. Why not? Why not? Just like... And I also... So I have to go home in July. Or I'm sorry. I'm gonna... June. I'm going home in two weeks. And... Which I need to actually do that today. Is call my... Would you weigh in? Yeah. My...

Female doctor and get an appointment in there just to get everything checked out because if you guys listened a few episodes ago, I tried to book an appointment here and my insurance is not covered here in Austin. So they were going to charge me $250 just for the appointment. Not even for like any of the tests, the eval, like nothing. So like I probably would have been walking out there with a $500 appointment. Like I ain't doing that. So I'm just going to go home and do that. And I'm going to be home for a week. So yeah.

yeah i'll miss you i know it's gonna be crazy you're me watching mac for me i know well actually i told the boys the other day they can watch i was like if you guys want to take him from taylor for like a day or two like be my guest like should just text her like you can come pick him up they can take him yeah they were like we want to we want to come to the park we'll get mad bitches i was like okay um i'm trying to think if there's been anything else with that like

Not really. No. Oh, I'm getting an aura ring. So because they're like giving me one, which is like I wouldn't have bought that because it's so expensive. They're like 500 bucks. Oh, shit. It's like a gold ring. Is it like forever, though?

I don't know. Or is it something like an Apple Watch where it's like within like five years, like you got to get the upgrade? I don't know. Couldn't tell you. Yeah. I don't know either. But where I'm going with that is with natural cycles, you have to put a thermometer in your mouth every single day, which is just like...

a force to like you do it right when you wake up so it's hard to like remember to do something like you know right when you wake up like that's a force um you can connect it to your aura ring and your aura ring will do it for you so that's that's sick yeah and that'll make my life

easier because just like no one wants to be doing that yeah putting out their moment in your mouth so that's super cool and i'm just waiting to hear back on taylor's experience with it before i hop on the bandwagon yeah i mean we'll see even though i'm telling you guys i can feel when i'm ovulating yeah so i feel like i don't even need it okay so here's the thing um i don't know if this is like tmi tmi which honestly it's not because this is girl audience girl talk whatever i literally just told them i took a pregnancy test this morning when i'm ovulating like

down there like it gets like gross down there like the right yeah you know i'm saying discharge discharge it gets bad in my panties so like i know well i'm ovulating right now and like i knew that like because one the flow app and two like down there and i'm like damn like it's so crazy because like when i was on my period like this shit was never that bad yes yeah yeah

it's crazy yeah crazy being a female it is crazy it's wild it's kind of like fascinating i know it's like wow i'm a woman literally i was just a little girl i'm birth control now i'm a woman now i feel like i just got my period like my real period yeah 100 coming of age 100 like all of a sudden i'm 25 you're 25 with me maybe like the reason i'm like oh my god like i see a little bit older things myself like who even was that girl i think it's like

Because I was on birth control Yeah You know what's crazy Also because you just said 25 This entire year People keep asking me how old I am I accidentally say 25 So I think I'm like mentally preparing myself For the fact that I have to Eventually tell people I'm 25 You know how long that we've lived here kind of Yeah I'm turning how old you were when you moved here I know

crazy crazy like i'm in my quarter life crisis dude like i've been in my quarter life i've been just in a crisis dude my boob job was my crisis my whole life i was just like i something crazy needs to happen this year yeah no not my whole life i've been in crisis since 18 yeah but i cannot wait to turn 25 though i feel like that's just like such like a milestone i want to be 23

Yeah, 23 was fun. Honestly, no, I'm living my best life this year. This is like the best year of my life. 24 to 25, best year. Because I'm going to be going into turning 25 next month. I'd say 22 is probably so far best year of my life. Best year of my life. Let's go. Professional fun havers. Professional fun havers for real. Anyways, next thing I have on here is mental health. Mental health check. How has your mental health been? It just depends on the fucking phase of my cycle. Right now...

Fine. Yeah. I'm a little like stressed at times. I don't really think that's mental health, but I'm like good. Yeah. I forget to take my medication all the time, which is like not good. Yeah, I feel the same. Nothing tragic has been going on. I feel like maybe that's long overdue. I'm just kind of like, what am I doing with my life? No, I'm like... My biggest stressor is what am I doing with my life? That stresses me out so much. Because I was kind of like everyone my age is in college. So like...

i'm like everyone's just in college like and i'm college age and i don't need to be doing anything like everyone my age is in college i'm supposed to be a junior in college like it's fine everyone i would have just graduated and everyone of my age just graduated and i'm like okay so now everyone's just adults and now everyone's doing something with their life and like what am i doing with my life so that's stressful yeah like to be quite literally as transparent as possible with you guys on here like

This is not a sustainable job at all. Podcasting, the fitness app, merch. We are hustling with that type of money to maintain a living. And it's so scary to think, what if in 10 years this is not a thing anymore? Then what the fuck are we doing with our life? Yeah, I've been looking into jobs and such. Because even if it was a very sustainable way of living...

this full time does not make me happy like and that's just how it is because even thinking back because it's so unlike because it's so unpredictable i have no idea how stresses me out you have no idea what one month is going to be compared to another but even in my best months doing this full time doesn't make me happy yeah and it's like i feel like everyone thinks like being an entrepreneur and like doing social media is like the dream and it's like

If you've made it, though. But, like, if you're, like, Alex Earl. Yeah, that's what we're saying. Like, if you don't even have to do anything. But, like, just getting to the point where, like, you can do it full time doesn't mean it's, like... And even if you were Alex Earl, like, social media is fucking sucks, dude. Like, social media is so...

draining and it's oversaturated now like i liked it and enjoyed it two years ago when it wasn't extremely saturated yeah and now it's so oversaturated that it's like so hard to get like brand deals with brands or like any of that type of stuff like brands like give it five years and i bet you brands are just like not really gonna be working with influencers anymore like it's gonna be like more i don't know what it's gonna end up being but it's just like it seems like things are changing a lot in this industry yeah and it's it's just like

a lot to deal with the unpredictability of it all and it's just like a very complicated space to be in i mean it's like so cool and i'm so grateful that i got to like do this yeah and like it like supports me being here but i think if you think for a second that we're like

like dripping in money because we do social media like we're we're not it's just like i mean i do i support myself like people like is it full-time like i support myself i pay off like i pay all my own shit but it's like i'm not like buying myself a dior bag every week you know what i'm saying like it's not yeah it's not like that um and regardless of money like i said it's just like this doesn't make me happy to do full-time and like i would love to do this as like

my side thing and like because then like the joy comes back in it for me yeah you know what i mean like because then like editing tiktoks oh my god like then i could i could stay up till 12 a.m editing tiktoks that's just fun yeah like and now we're just doing it for fun and i'm doing it because it's a hobby and i find it fun like when this wasn't my full-time job and yeah i was also just because i started doing it so it was new and it was fun me spending the whole day making videos and making tiktoks like brought like

I was so happy. But there wasn't any pressure on it. Like, I was just doing it to fucking do it. I wasn't doing it to pay rent. Like, I was doing it, like, because it was fucking fun. So, like, I feel like this as, like, a side thing is, like, the best scenario. Because you get, like, the best of both worlds. Yeah. You get, like, this amazing opportunity and, like, this amazing, like, community of people you built. Yeah.

But it doesn't make you like want to pull your fucking hair out. Because then you grow like resentment toward it. Yeah, I agree. And another thing too like that I've been just like really focusing on. Not focusing on but just like thinking in the back of my head is like. Okay, like if I end up getting a boyfriend and like we settle down together. Because like I'm like a little bit older than you. So like you have less of like a stress over this. But like I feel like say like I get a boyfriend now. We get married in the next two years, whatever. Like I don't want to be like talking about like.

finances and like my job and having to be like yeah like I make money through like social media only fans like that type of stuff like but when in 10 years I have kids it's like okay what the fuck I don't want to be doing like vlogs of days in my life you know what I'm saying like

when I'm 35, 40 years old, like, I want something to do and, like, be an entrepreneur in that sense. Yeah, and I think... Like, I want to take a step back from social media, maybe from it in, like, 15 years. Right, 100%. And I think that's, like, also where we differ as people is, like, because you're, like, very entrepreneurial, I feel. And I think doing this, I realized that I'm not. Like, and I think that's another thing is people, like, push, like,

quit your nine to five like start your own business you don't have to fucking do that like I think I realized for me like I think it's cool to like have things I was able to start like like I said it's kind of like a side thing but like I kind of don't like being the one in charge and having to figure everything out and having to be the one to worry about the money and having to be the one to figure it all out yeah I kind of don't mind

being an employee like and just being on payroll yeah and someone figuring out all the hard stuff like and i feel like it's so pushed like how to quit your nine to five and start a business like maybe you don't want to start a business and i think it's like good to talk about this because like at the end of the day like how many people change their career a million times like i'm 22 years old and i feel like i like get really stressed about it and i'm like this is gonna happen

Dude, literally happens all like people change jobs a million times and realize what they thought was right for them wasn't right for them. People get laid off. People get whatever, like an interest. Think about think about it this way. I even said this to you, but I'm going to repeat it so that the audience can hear is that when I was your age, I graduated with my graphic design degree. And this was during COVID. And I was applying to for like three to four months, applying to every single graphic design job possible, getting declined everywhere. And I was like,

And I was also posting on social media and like I was getting so discouraged over the fact that I couldn't find a job with graphic design. That's when I was like, fuck it, I'm getting my CPT. So it's like so much fucking happened at my age. Right, so much thing happened. Like at your age now, when I was your age, that's what's all was happening for me. Like it's so crazy because now I'm so much older. So like you have like all this time to get to my age to figure it out. Life changes so much. So quickly. Yeah.

even like from last year yeah life changes so much and like yeah it's crazy how much like time you have even when we were at the we went to a dear media live show thing a skinny confidential thing and michael bostick was like you can double your age and still be young like you could be and i was like oh my god i could be 42 and that's like

That's not old. 42 is not an old person. I could live literally double my life and still be 42. Or at the time I was like 21. So now I'd be like 44. But that's still not old. That's like an elderly person. So it's just very interesting. And I think a lot of people comment on my things like, oh my God, you're 22. I thought you were so much older. They just think I have my life figured out. It's like, I don't. I'm still 22. And no one has their life figured out. Kim Kardashian was on a podcast the other day talking about how...

And people were giving her a lot of shit for it because they were like, but you're so rich. How can you be stressed? And it's like, she's still allowed to be stressed no matter if she's rich. She was just saying that like, she's a single mom now and like,

it's stressful like dealing with the kids and like sometimes she lays awake being like oh my god what am i doing and it's like kim kardashian like cries at night and stays awake at night because she thinks she doesn't know what she's doing with her life yeah you know what i mean like kim kardashian lays awake and cries because she doesn't know what she's doing with her life like are you fucking kidding me yeah like of course like i don't have any idea what's going on yeah like so it's just like important to remember that like we don't we don't live this like

it ebbs and flows yeah sure like literally one month i could be like this is the best month and then i could be like oh fuck what the fuck am i doing but like that's but yeah that's why i don't like it like that's why that's why it sucks and that's when people are like are like yeah that's why it sucks and it's hard and it's hard to to deal with the stress yeah um next on our list is boys boys boys boys boys boys

Yeah, this is my favorite topic. It's a great topic. So last week, guys, I told you that I was like, I was over Sneaky Link, like, and I was just gonna hard launch post him because like, I was over it.

so far from over. No, but the thing is I started posting him and everyone on Snapchat was like, everyone was like, oh my god, this is the hard launch. We know it. And they all think it's over. Yeah. But because I haven't talked to any of you guys until now. Well, now you know it's not. Now you know me and Sneaky Link are not over. But he's not Sneaky Link anymore because everyone knows who the fuck he is. Yeah. Should we just call my name? No. The thing is, for his own sanity of like

no he did not sign up for that yeah like he did not sign up for that so he's still sneaky link yeah 100 although he likes it he was like can i make he won't he goes can i make an instagram called sneaky link i was like if you want like i don't know what the fuck you would post yeah and we're literally like i i love that you think that we're so famous that you'd start that instagram and get like followers i know like we don't got it like that like you're not gonna get that many people following it but yeah go for it

So, yeah, we, I basically last weekend told you guys that I, like, kind of, like, cut things off with him that Friday night. Like, we had the talk, or not that Friday night, so that Saturday morning because I slept at his place Friday. And Saturday morning I woke up and I was like, yo, like, what is going on? What is this? And we kind of, like, cut things off on, like,

an agreement that like he's not like mentally there yet. Like can't like do it. He's came out of a relate to back to back relationships and like needs to work on himself. So like respect if that needs to be the case, like do it, whatever. So then that, that next day we go out last weekend and he is like all up on me, like giving me all this attention, like literally like wants what he can't have. So then this weekend, moral day weekend, um,

Same fucking thing. Like, same thing. And I'm like, you need to, like, leave me alone. Like, I can't do this. And it didn't help that my brothers were also here. And the first night we saw him was at Lucky Duck. And I knew right away, Taylor, that he was, like, still, like, into me when you made that comment about the other guy. Yeah, yeah. We made a comment about, like, a boy that reached out to Sam that she, like, was, like, messaging with, like, a hinge dude. Yeah. Yeah.

And like I could just see that. No, like we were all at the same table and like the energy at the table just like shifted so quickly. I was like, oh, like he did not like that. And I just texted Sam. I said, he didn't like that. Yeah. And I go and then his other friend that was like in town visiting like made like another comment. And I was like, oh, yeah, like his friend didn't like that.

Which means he knows about you and knows your situation. Dude, he kept saying so much shit about me. Like, his friend that came into town was like, I've heard so much about you. Like, making all these, like, little, like, you're his girl, you're his girl. I'm like, stop. No, I'm not. Like, what are you saying? I'm no one's girl. What the fuck? But, yeah, so Sneaky Link and I have been hanging out. We hung out literally every single day that this fast began. And, like, sober all of Sunday.

Went to his house on Sunday. Like, we're hanging out. So, very interested to see what happens. Very interested. Me too. You know? I got hard launched on my boyfriend's Instagram. Yeah, that was a slay moment. When he posted that, I thought it was your Instagram post at first. I was like, no way. And then I was like, oh, wait, it's just his. No. I don't know when I'm getting... I don't know. We'll see. That kind of freaks me out.

I don't know why. It doesn't. Dude, guys, I took the best photos of her with him. I don't like the way his glasses are in the pictures. Dude, neither does he. Yeah, but he doesn't, like... Who cares what he looks like? Yeah, who gives a fuck what he thinks? You look great. Yeah, but I don't like it. And he doesn't like it. You only don't like it now because he pointed it out. Now you notice it. No, I pointed it out first. Oh, you did? Yeah. You looked at him and you go, your glasses look weird? I was like, these pictures just, like, aren't great. And, like, that's why. He was like, yeah, like, my glasses. I was like...

Yeah. Oh my god. Like we've been trying for the last like three weekends. Look maybe. Maybe it'll be like in a swipe. Maybe it won't be the first swipe. No. I don't know. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. But now it's like weird. Like. Um. I don't know like. I'm like. I don't know what to like put on blast about a relationship. And like what. Not. Like I feel like it's like. When you notice like the super honeymoon phase is like gone. Yeah. And it's more like.

now we're just dating yeah and like now is that where you are yeah yeah i mean that makes sense like yeah you guys like spend a good amount of time together where it's like how long in the honeymoon phase last you know yeah yeah yeah like he like if we go out like he'll just like sleep here after because like i'm like i'm like i don't want to go home by myself with you

and then we go out again and then it's like when is our time to go home and then since it was a long weekend he was like are you sick of me being here I was like I'm gonna be so honest like literally yes like I'm literally going insane and he was like I'm not sick of you I'm like that's great he's like I'm the puppy dog that wants to just stay and hang around and that's great like

I'm losing it. Like, and it was just like, like just like little moments of like that, which is like funny. And I'm like, well, there it goes. Yeah. There we go. We're, we're taking each other serious now. Done. I was like the like fairytale land relationship. God, I'm like, can you get the fuck out of my house? Yeah.

So, boys, boys, boys. We might as well get into the weekly catch-up now because, like, I feel like the rest of the stuff that I'm going to talk about with Sneaky Link will be referenced in the catch-up. Yeah, for sure. So we can start off with Thursday because that's when my brothers got into town, I guess. I feel like they were here five weeks ago. Dude, I know, right? Because, like, I didn't really do much, to be honest, leading up until Thursday because I knew I was, like, I am about to have the longest bender of my entire life. So Thursday, they get into town around, like, I don't know.

I don't know, one. And I picked them up. We were just kind of hanging out. And right before I picked them up, guys, I had, like, the biggest, like...

like, freak attack, I was panicking because we have a boat planned for Saturday. So I get a call from the boat guy wanting to confirm the boat and everything. And he confirms the time and he goes, yeah, so, like, make sure you get here around 7.30. And I'm like, 7.30? What? He was like, yeah, 7.30 because the boat's from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. And I was like, what? No, it's not. It's from 12 to 4. He goes, not what I have listed down here. And, like...

This whole ordeal broke out. Obviously, it was miscommunication because I was on the phone with them months ago when I booked it. So I don't know how in the hell the time got changed and whatnot. So I was like, you know what? Let's reschedule this boat. I rescheduled the boat with them to later in July because that's the next availability they had. I was like, just give me your next availability. I don't know. And I ended up rescheduling or rebooking another boat. It was a wakeboard boat. And...

Um, the boat we had was for 25 people and the boat that I ended up booking for was 15 people. So I had to tell, unfortunately, 10 people that they were no longer invited. But luckily there was about 10 people like two days beforehand that all got invited. So I was like, you know what? These last people that just got invited, like,

I unfortunately have to bend them on the back, kick them off, but they can come on the next one. So I dealt with that and then picked everyone up. And something like that just really can put a damper in my day. I was having the worst day. It was a very intense morning. And I was like, I need a boat. My brother's area, I need a fucking boat. So got a boat. And then...

We just kind of hung out, and then I brought my brothers to get some dinner before we went to the bars to watch the Celtics slash Dallas Stars hockey game at our little favorite sporty bar called Little Woodrow's on West 6th. Yeah, on my Thursday, I went to... My boyfriend plays in this, like, kickball league, like, for fun, and, like, it's just, like, how people meet each other, and it worked. Like, they're actually really good friends, so if you need to make friends, join a sports team. And I'd, like, been telling him I'd go, and I'd always bail, so then I...

I had to promise that I'd go. Were you like the only one on the sideline? No, there was one other girlfriend there. I was in the dugout. Okay, so you guys were just hanging out together? Yeah, and I was like in the dugout, not like on the bleachers. So like he'd come back and I could like talk to him. And the games are short. They're 40 minutes. Oh, okay. Yeah. That's not bad at all. No, they're 40 minutes long. Like it's so short. Yeah. It was like so... Like it's all just like for shits and giggles. Like they like literally pregame them. Is their season like all summer? Because it's going to get hot. I don't know.

You can get a real hot kickball. The other team was, like, really intense. Were they? Yeah, like, the pitcher was, like, pitching that kickball. Wait, how do you even pitch kickball? You, like, throw the, you, like, roll the ball. And I was like, yo, man, like, the pitching technique for this adult recreational kickball league, like, you're doing...

Like, let the people kick the ball. Like... Yeah. Let everyone kick the ball. Like, this is... Like, let the ball move around because it's more fun that way. Yes. You don't need, like... Like, quick innings. Out, out, out. Yeah. Like, no one needs that. Like, have people be running. Don't you want to play a sport? Like, what's with, like, trying to get, like, strikeouts? Like, come on, bro. Like, I was like, this is, like...

I don't know. That's what I thought. I was like, I think everyone would have a lot more fun if we like let people not let people score. But like you should start screaming that have some. Wouldn't it be cool if everyone got to like move and run and like do things? Like, I don't know. Like he was like, this team's really good. I'm like, OK, that's such a weird flex. Yeah. Like, I don't know. That's weird. Like, oh, my God, you're really good at kickball. Like.

good for you like meanwhile their team is like shotgunning white calls i'm like the parking lot i'm like i feel like that's more the energy yeah definitely more the energy and they're wearing their like champion shirts from like last season i'm like no i don't like that right i'm like we like don't need to be doing that yeah he asked me this weekend like one of his friends isn't playing and like if i would do it and i was like girl and boy like yes it's co-ed oh

Exactly. Like, it's not that fucking serious. You know what I'm saying? Like, you're giving that hardcore kickball pitch to, like, a 25-year-old girl. Like, come on, dude. Yeah. Like, chill. Hardo. So icky.

Yeah, and then on Thursday, I brought Mac to the bars. Mac had the time of his life. I know. I wish I saw it. It was so funny. Like, I would put him down because, like, I was holding him for, like, a while. And, like, he's obviously so small, and we're sitting on, like, bar stools. And, like, every single one of my friends, like, just wanted to hold him. And I'm like, this is perfect, honestly, because Mac's complaining that he's on the ground right now. Like, he was just getting passed around like a baby. Like, everyone was holding him. And we ended up leaving right after the games ended around, like, what, like, 10? Because...

I could not drink. My brothers drank because they were like, we're going to drink during the game. Like, how could we not? I'm like, typical boys, as you should. Yeah, sports are on and no beers. I know, right? That's a crime. So they drank. And then Friday morning was when we finally went and picked up our merch. So we drove. The merch place is about like 15 minutes north of us. And we went to go pick everything up like right in the morning before we even had breakfast. So that way, because it was Friday, like we wanted to pack things up, get it out, shipped out before the weekend.

And we spent the morning doing that, went to the gym. And then this was like the real start to our bender of a weekend. Bender. Yeah. Bender. Mine was slightly less of a bender. Yeah. Because I had to like take Sunday off because I just, I really couldn't do it. But yeah, it was bender. This had to be the biggest bender I've had in years. Yeah. Here in general. Here, here and in years. Yeah.

So Friday, we do our typical... Because I wanted to show my brothers Lucky Duck and Latchkey. We just did that. That was the typical thing we did. We went to dinner to one of our favorite restaurants here now, which is Veracruz. Those...

frozen drinks so the first time we went there we just got regular margs and the regular margs were not strong at all they were they were like eh but then we got a frozen drink because it was so hot i'm like sitting there like sweating i'm like i want to i want like a nice frozen refreshing drink and that frozen drink got me feeling good i was i'm not even kidding drunk

dude like it was five o'clock when we finished eating too and i was like bro like why am i buzzing and it wasn't because i hadn't eaten no i had massive tacos like i was like fueled up and ready to go i was halfway small by the way yeah big halfway through this small frozen drink and i was like oh god damn i was like it is going to be one of those and then we went back home before we went out spent a little extra time to kill yeah so we're like we'll run back home and then go out

and I was like I wish we were just going out because I'm like not okay yeah I sobered up in that time but I was like home trying to like get a purse together and I like put my phone down and then I was like where's my phone dude I was like I was truly not okay and just getting randomly drunk off one drink to go home and like

Get your shit together. Dude, if I could like do that though, like if there's just like a day in the week where I'm like, I just want one drink, like I'm going there. Well, that's what I want to do more often. Yeah, like just one drink, go home, have a nice buzz on me and that's it. I would rather more days a week, not more days a week, but like more often just go somewhere and have one, maybe two drinks and go home than go out and go crazy. Yeah, like after this, okay, I say this now because we just had a bender.

But like I agree. Because it's so relaxing to just have like a drink and like chill. Yeah, I agree. Which all of our friends on Sunday, we were all talking about that saying like we need to start doing that. Or make drinks at home. Yeah. Making drinks at home is so fun too. Because then like I feel like you drink a little less because you're not like

out of control like I don't know it's not like on a Friday night like if we didn't want to go out like we could all just like hang at someone's house and make drinks yeah and it's like casual it's fun then you're home already oh my god it's great yeah anyways so then we got our shit together and we went straight to Lucky Duck

We had so many people meet us there. We had to put two picnic tables together because there were so many of us. Usually we only have one picnic table. And the picnic tables can fit up to like 10 people. Like five and five on each side. Yeah, maybe even more. Maybe even more. So there was probably like

20, 25 of us, honestly, there at that point. There was a lot of people there. We were taking so many pictures with the merch. Yeah, like, slay. The merch was, like, popping off. Everyone loved it. Yeah, because we brought some of the merch out with us because we were going to give some to the boys and Hailey. And we were just chilling at Lashkey probably until, like, 9 o'clock.

Or I'm sorry Lucky Duck Because the espresso martinis there On happy hour Till 8pm Are $6 And you're telling me I am not gonna be getting Like three espresso martinis During happy hour Mm-mm Like I literally The clock hit 7.55 And I ran around To everyone And I was like Happy hour At 6.55 Let's go

Because a bunch of the boys were up at the basketball thing. So I ran over to them. I'm like, guys, happy hour ends in five minutes. Let's go get drinks. And all the boys got two. I only got one because I was like, I don't need two. But like Sneaky Link and all his friends, they all got two. And I was like, fuck you.

They're so cheap. I'm an Aperol Spritz girl these days. No, I want to get one so bad. Some people think they taste so bad. Like, I've seen TikToks of people being like, when they look pretty, but they taste like gasoline. Like, I genuinely think they're so good. Like, I think they taste insanely good. Some people think they taste like shit. Next time we go out, I'm going to get one. I like them. But I don't know. Some people hate them. Yeah. Because...

They look pretty. Like, they do. They are pretty. I don't know. I have no idea what they taste like. It's like orangey. Orangey? It's like an orange liqueur, Prosecco, and club soda. Yummy. They're good. I think they're good. Yeah. But yeah, no, I was just doing the espresso martinis. Espresso martinis and spicy ranch water are the two drinks I get the entire time I'm out.

And then when we went to Louchkey, that was kind of a blur from there on. Oh, my God. I literally was trashed. That was hammered. I was not okay. But, like, here's my thing. Like, I go so crazy, like, when I'm out with my boyfriend because, like, I just, like, don't see what the consequence is. Like, I have someone with me. You have someone that's, like, watching over you. I have someone with me. I have someone, like, buying some of my drinks. Like, someone's going to make sure I get home safe. Someone's going to, like, who cares? Yeah. Well, why not? Like, why not?

What's the harm? Yeah, but I knew because we were...

Going on a boat the next morning that we need to leave early. So one of my brothers, Brian, he at like 10, I think it was literally 10 o'clock, looked at me, tapped me on the shoulder and goes, Sam, I want to leave. Give me your keys. I'm going home. I'm like, okay. If you want to leave, you're fine. You're a big boy. You guys are grown adults. I don't need to come with you to go home. Y'all can do it. So I gave him my keys. He went home. And then around like 11, that's when we get a call from him.

He had gotten himself locked out of the house because he left the keys in the Uber. So around 11, me and my other brother had to go home and let him inside. And as we're doing that, a few of my friends actually got kicked out of the bar. So we're sitting on the side of the road, like on the corner waiting for our Uber with like everyone else because a bunch of them got kicked out because they got like cut off by the bartender. And we're all just sitting there and I get home.

Had the whole dilemma of being locked out of the house. Taylor was home at that point. And woke up the next morning... Don't even ask me how I got home or what I was doing. I don't know. The...

Next morning I woke up and my keys were all the way in San Antonio. I luckily have Apple tags on my keys, but the Uber driver lives in San Antonio, which is an hour away. So I was like, fuck, I'm screwed. No keys, no nothing. Like it has everything on there. So I did not even get my keys until like yesterday, which was like,

Five days later But The whole weekend I was Car keyless And I was just like So ready to go Like each morning I woke up This past weekend I woke up at like Seven in the morning Yeah nuts I went on two hot girl I went on a hot girl walk Friday morning Or Saturday morning I walked with Mac Walked to Starbucks On

um did like a nice little loop i think it walked like three miles that morning before anyone woke up it was so nice yeah no could not be me um but we told here's the thing taylor we told each other that we were gonna wake up on saturday mornings and go on hawker walks before we go out and i did it i know should have joined me

I'll do it next week. Nice. Saturday mornings are for my hot girl walks. I'm not going to the gym, but I'm going on a hot girl walk. I'm going to a walk. Yeah. And you walk to Starbucks, which now I can't do because I'm on a caffeine cleanse, but maybe we can get a teacup latte. You can get one coffee. No, I can't. You said you're doing 100 milligrams. Yeah. A coffee is definitely more than that. A coffee is like 100 milligrams. Is it? A coffee? Yeah. Or you can get a latte. Okay. Okay.

decaf latte or caffeinated latte maybe i don't know i'll try um and like before we knew it we had to go to the boat yeah which the pregame was literally at 12 like yeah so that like yes we literally next thing we know how to go on the boat um we made some breakfast i've been like on the weekends more of like an egg gal i don't know what it is but like being hung over and like having oats

I could vomit. Don't even say it. No, like literally being hungover and like the thought of like protein powder with like oatmeal. No. So I've been doing like my breakfast tacos like that's the typical breakfast I have just because I don't know what it is, but it just gives me the ick and I don't want it to ruin it for me because I love my cream of rice from Monday to Friday. Like I love it, but weekends I just can't do it.

yeah same yeah i do i'm back to protes in my normal day today yeah i'll do eggs on the weekend um it was like literally before i was like oh my god we have so much time and then i was like what time are we going to the pregame you're like 12 i was like oh it's 11 yeah i was like god if i can i gotta shower do my i don't even really wear makeup i just put on um waterproof mascara i don't wear a lot of makeup either yeah i put on water my waterproof mascara which i've been loving telescopic waterproof mascara

amazing because it's like when I get the drunk eyes like I still want to like look a little bit presentable so I'm like mascara that's it we're doing it we're sending it yeah I don't remember what I did but I didn't do much at all yeah I didn't even touch my hair I just had you do the two braids on the side and that was it yeah I didn't do much to my hair like I didn't I didn't really get ready much yeah um

And then we went to our friend's apartment pool with all of our friends. My boyfriend like grilled a whole bunch of food like he went to HB and got food and like thank God he got a lot. Yeah. Because he was like, are we all just like bringing our own food? And I said, yes. And like, that's not what happened. Yeah. Like, thank God he got chicken. You brought he brought hot dogs. And what else? Jalapeno poppers and like grilled all of them. There was so much food and like everyone ate them.

And it was funny because a few of our friends had listened to that clip on the podcast. We were like, a guy that knows how to grill is so hot. And then like, yeah, Dayton was like, oh, he's grilling. Yeah. Yeah. You know, you're aware.

And then I told him about it. And then my boyfriend's like, well, like, did you take pictures of me? I was like, no, I'm not a creeper. I'm not a creeper. I'm not a weirdo. He wishes. Yeah, I'm like, he literally wished. He was like, he was like literally like unintentionally posing while he was like flipping the bird or the chicken and shit. Literally. But it's like they made a bunch of

food um and we were just like chilling by the pool not even for that yeah we i'm like what are you saying we chilled at that pool for an hour max not that long like by the time we got up there within 10 minutes he was grilling and then i had to tell joan i go we're leaving in 40 minutes like is that enough time he's like yeah yeah so then the fuck name drop i know i don't care the we had to call those fetties by the way if you use any fetties which are like sprinter van ubers so they can take you like a party bus code f word um saves you money on those

So that's cool. But we called our Fetty, get in the Fetty. Fettys are so fun. I love Fettys. And having a good time vibing on the way to the lake because the lake's like 40 minutes away. Yeah. Did you say the code? I can't remember. You didn't. Code F word. But yeah, that's like kind of like the downfall, but also like a good thing at the same time that the Fetty ride is so long. Because it's fun. Like it's fun, but it's also the same time. Sometimes I'm like, okay, I kind of wish it was like maybe 20, 30 minutes. Yeah.

Yeah. Like sometimes it's almost an hour. Yeah. But at least everyone has fun in them. So it's like whatever. Yeah. But we get there and guys, we get there. He tells me, this man that we rented the boat from, he goes, make sure you get there 30 minutes early so you can check in and everything. And I do that. Like I get us there. I did a great job. Got there 30 minutes early. This guy's not even here yet. He was 20 minutes early.

minutes late like with he wasn't even there yet with the boat he's like I called him he's like alright yeah I'm in the parking lot like you should be able to see me I didn't see him for like 30 minutes 20 minutes late and this is when my pissy I was like no it was so hot and like hot standing and hot on a boat

two different things yeah reason like i would just was like can we can you get me on a boat we're sitting there so hot like carrying all of our shit like no dude and so i was taking you know the streamies that day so like i was standing there like oh this is gonna be perfect timing like by the time i take them right now i'm gonna get on the boat like i'm gonna feel great no we were so late that we were like sitting there and that's why you were so pissed but i was so happy i was like oh my god guys like we're gonna have so much fun on this boat like this is gonna be great like i'm gonna have a

the time of my life. Like I was sober too. And I didn't pregame at all. Yeah, you didn't. So I was dead sober. I was not. Yeah. And I like, I also had to pee so bad in the port-a-potties guys. I'm not even kidding. We're probably like a half mile uphill. And I was like, I'm not going there. So I literally popped my ass into the Marina water. And I don't know if like, I guess Marina is here a little bit different than like,

up north but like marina water up north is like disgusting it's foul like it's gasoline it just like there's trash everywhere it's gross so i'm getting into the water here and i'm asking the workers i'm like is it okay for me to go into this water because like most marinas up north like you're not allowed to like go into the marina water because of how bad the water quality is and like you should be fine i'm like are you sure like i'm not gonna like you know like

I don't know like get a rash or some shit like what the fuck but I was like you know what full sun I need to go in the water and go pee and so I went in the water and went pee by the time I got out I saw the big purple boat coming down it's like this massive sparkly boat I'm like this is literally the best life I've ever could possibly live like this boat guys was like a barbie boat but like purple it was so cool it was so cool and like once we got on and once we got moving I

It was just... We were the funnest boat there. We were. By a mile. If you looked around, everyone else was standing around and we were having the time of our life. I don't even know how to explain events of what we do on a boat. Just have fun.

Yeah, like so we had two girlfriends that were on another boat, a double decker like pontoon boat. And so as we were pulling up into the cove because we're going to this place called Devil's Cove and there's like it's a no wake zone. Like all you're allowed to do is like tie up with other boats. There's like a sandbar if you go a little bit farther where people like stand on the sandbar. But like we don't go that far in. We just tie up with other boats.

And so I'm calling the girls and I'm like, where are you guys? Like, and I see them. So we wave them down and I tell the captain, I'm like, tie up with that bow right there. So it took us about like 20 minutes to tie up with them. But once we got tied up with them, like,

Our two girlfriends had, like, probably, like, five or six girls come to our boat. And, like, at that point, on the back of our boat, the wakeboard boat... There's, like, 20 people. Yeah. Like, the wakeboard boat speakers are so loud. I felt we were, like, we were in, like, a music festival, like, mosh pit. Yeah. Like, it was so fun. Everyone was jumping up and down, like, fist bumping, like, crazy dancing, like, jumping into the water, getting back out onto the boat, like, going crazy. And, like, we were listening to, like, literally, like, EDM music. Like, it was not, like...

Casual like daydreamers. They had their big boat and I was thinking if anything we tie up with them and go on their boat because our boat's smaller. And like the fact that they ditched their big boat to like stand on our like little tiny boat. Like our boat was fun. No our... That's the thing with boats. I think I like the smaller ones better because you're so compact that it forces everyone to like hang out and talk. Yeah.

Because, like, the boys were making a good point. They were, like, on the party barges. Some people literally disappear. Some people, like, just, like, it's, like, groups of people throughout all the boat. And it's, like, it doesn't allow in, like, forced conversation. It's, like, you're allowed to just kind of, like, hang out with, like, your little group. But, like, with this boat, like, everyone had to be together. Like, we were all, like, sardines in the back of the boat. Like, but unfortunately, the weather kind of took a...

turn for events like it started raining but like it didn't bother me it didn't bother me either but the only thing that bothered was my bag was like the only bag that was out so once it started to downpour I'm like on the back of the boat and I sprint to the front of the boat because like I had a bunch of shit in there I had like seven people's phones in my bag and I'm like freaking out I shoved my bag in there but then I was like oh my god like

this is sick. Like, we started playing, like, all these songs that have, like, these crazy beat drops, like, during, like, the pouring rain, and we're all just, like, going crazy. My hair got soaked. Like, I hadn't even really gone underwater. We had, like, a little lily pad that I went on at one point. I didn't go underwater either. Me and all the girls, like, a bunch of the girls went onto the lily pad, and then, like, we're falling off the lily pad, like, trying to run across it. Like, that's when I got my hair whipped, but that was, like, the very end. And...

We just, I don't know. Like I looked, I remember looking at somebody, I don't know if it was you or somebody else looking at my time on my phone and being like, it's only five. Yes. Yes. No, we go two more hours. Was that with you? Yes. I was like, it's only five. I was like, we had two more hours left. I'm like, we have, we've only been halfway through this boat. I was like, what the fuck are we going to do for two hours? I thought we were running out of alcohol too. I was,

Literally, I was like, we have two hours? Yeah. What the fuck do we do? So, guys, I have been getting, like, a lot of, like, alcohol PR. And I brought, I thought I brought, like, a lot of alcohol. And I'm like, okay, I'm going to supply, like, a shit ton of alcohol because, like, I don't want to sit in the house. And I brought, like, two, like, 12 packs, a handle, a bottle of wine, and, like,

other miscellaneous things like a little half thing of tito's like just a bunch of random things by five o'clock that stuff was all gone and we have two hours left and we have no alcohol left what the fuck are we gonna do luckily we didn't really need it no but it's just more the awkward sense of like like we ran out we ran out like what the fuck like but we were fine we were all thriving and had a great time we got um off the boat and you have to schedule a fetty when you're like

Like, you have to schedule it ahead of time because it's not going to come right away, especially when you're in the middle of Lake Travis, like, far away from the city. And so when we scheduled the boat, it had, what, like, 45 minutes or something? The Fetty? Or, yeah, the Fetty. Yeah, it was, like, 30-something. Yeah. It was, like, I'll be there in, like, 30-something minutes. And I was, like, what the fuck are we going to do for 30 minutes? And then my boyfriend's, like, we'll walk to a bar. And people are, like, there's no bar around here. He's, like, yes, there is. And I was, like, okay, well, I mean, let's just go to the main road and...

I was like, I'm not going to stand in this parking lot. Like for 30 minutes, we got to do something. Little did we know, literally like a block down the road, there was a bar. Yeah. And we were like,

Sold. We're going in. So they were probably like, these fuckers. We probably looked like animals. No, we did. We walk in there and the only people there are like a bunch of old people. Like locals. People that look like they do not go to the city. Like they're like in the middle. They live in the middle of the woods. Like at this like one bar. They had pina coladas and we were in front. I was like, I want a pina colada. Then it like, you know when one person orders a fun drink and then everyone gets it? I was like, I want a pina colada. Then everyone got a pina colada. I got a pina colada. Everyone got a pina colada. I was like,

I want a pina colada. Like, because I walked in there first and then it was like, there's a movement of like, oh, we're getting pina coladas. We're getting pina coladas. Yeah. And a lot of people, I guess, ordered food too, which I did not realize was a thing people were doing because me and one of my girlfriends walked to the back and so this bar is on the lake, but it's also on a water park. Yeah, they had a water slide. So there was like, but no, there was, you should have seen it. Like,

Behind the water slide because the water slide was so big There was like all of these crazy like Kid me but those were all closed The only thing that was open was that so it's like One of those ones that shapes like a U So you go down and on the other side of the U And you just keep going back and forth In a U like Swishy swishy

And I went up and down that thing probably like five times. And it's like four stories of like stairs. So like, I'm like sweating my ass off trying to get up there each time. I'm like, this is still just so much fun. Like, I love this. And it's one of those tubes that has like the opening. So it's like two donuts like attached to each other. So it's two of us going down and,

And the first time I went down, I learned the hard way that like you are going to scrape the shit out of your ass. So I'm like sitting in it and we go down it, but we go down backwards in my ass. I'm surprised I don't have like some type of like rug burn or something from it, but like

it hurt so bad but then the next time we went i figured it out and then all the boys started doing it and the boys looked so cute like together like doing the little slide but that was like the highlight of my day it was it was so funny being at that bar was just really fun and thank god i was like not ready for the driver to like give me a hard time by like changing and i just called i was like we're at this bar like does that work he's like i know where that is i'll be there soon i was like

Dude, the fetties are, like, so nice. The people, like, that drive those things, like, they'll do... I'm like, can we stop at a liquor store? He's like, bet, got you. But he didn't, like... He didn't. Yeah, but he didn't because he didn't know where one was. Yeah, we didn't really, like, tell him. And I was like, you know what? I don't even know where one is. I don't care that much. Yeah, but it was all good, and then we, um...

I literally went home and went right out. I did not shower. I did not touch up my makeup. I literally threw clothes on. I looked like hell. Same. And the only issue for me with this is that I was kind of like tripping a little bit of like,

You know, you know the vibe. And once I got to the bar, like, I didn't realize how, like, how un-sober I was until I got into latchkey when it was, like, the pitch black in, like, the room where the Celtics was playing because the Celtics were on. The Celtics were playing on, like, this massive, like,

Is it a projector or is it a TV? Yeah, projector. And I sat in the corner. I'm like, oh my God, like I'm actually like really fucked up. So I just sit in the corner by myself for like 30 minutes and not every friend in order to get to the back of the bar. They had to pass me. So everyone kept passing me and like looking at me and like, Sam, are you okay? And I was like, no, no, like no.

I was like, I'm not well right now. Like, just give me 20 minutes and I'll be out there. So like everyone ends up going out there and I'm like, I can't be sitting here by myself. So then I get up and I go back there and everyone's on the picnic tables. And I'm like, Sam, just get yourself onto that picnic table. You can do it. And I get myself onto the picnic table and I just did not move all night.

Yeah, I like didn't feel like I did much that night. Like I was just kind of vibing. Then I was like, right, need to leave. Yeah, I need to go home. A good amount of people didn't even from the boat didn't even go out. I would say it was like 50% of people went out. But I was like, I had to go out though. I was like, my brother's here. We're going out. Yeah. And I was I was so happy to go home though. What time did you do? No, do you know? Yeah. Yeah. So long ago. Yeah. So like I ended up like staying out and I'm like, one of my brother's

didn't come out and then the other brother he came out but he was so like i need to go home like he couldn't keep up so he went home like on the earlier sides i think he went home like literally like a little bit after the celtics um won and he went home how about the them heat yeah i'm fucking heat the thing is i'm not that pissed about it because like i don't watch basketball like that's the one sport like growing up i did not watch um and

I was still there with Sneaky Link and I was like, you know what? My brothers aren't here. Sneaky Link's here. Like, how could I not? Because like I had not really given him much like attention, like like flirty attention is what I mean, because like we had talked like a lot all weekend. But I was like, you know what? I'm just going to flirt back and forth with him a little bit. So we were doing that. And then he was just like, do you want to head out? And I was like, look, I guess even though I told myself I wasn't gonna. Yeah.

Yeah. And I told myself too I was going to Uber home that night and I didn't. I fell asleep. Yeah. And I learned in the morning that Sam wasn't home and I was like. But I did get home really early. You did. I got home at like eight in the morning. You did get home.

because i was like hold up like i can't you got home really early because then you had brunch at 10 yeah i was like i can't i can't have my brother wake up and be like where's my sister yeah so i was like i need to go home we wake up and the group chat's going off and the group chat's always going off with like plans that don't happen like let's do that i'm like we're not actually no one's actually going anywhere right now so i take a shower i wash my hair uh chill i know we're gonna do some things it's like a long weekend but i was like i'm chilling and then i go in sam's room and she's dressed i was like bitch the fuck

the fuck are you doing like why are you makeup on like why are you dressing i just washed my hair look like a wet rat and you're like brunch are you not reading the chat i'm like people are actually going i was like no way did i think that that was like real i was like i was like okay i will not be this was like literally like 9 45 but you're like it's like 10 30 i'm like there's no chance i make that i'll meet you later i'm not getting there by 10 30 it's just not happening so i went to kirby lane

Oh, fun. I didn't even know that. Was it good? I didn't have food. Yeah. Because even if it's busy there, you can just sit at the bar. Yeah. Was it busy? Surprisingly, no. And on a long weekend, on a Sunday... I think there's so many restaurants here. There was no one there. That brunch places are never too crazy. It was busy last time I went. It wasn't? It was like an hour away. Oh, damn. But...

Like the bar is empty, but they don't tell you. You've got to ask. The bar is full service. So there's like groups of two, three waiting an hour for a table. Hell no. And I'm like, sit at the bar. What the fuck are you doing? So yeah, we just grabbed food really quick.

And then met you guys on Rainy Street. Yeah. And like I honestly at the time like when I was going to brunch like I was just going to the going to brunch just go to brunch like and I was going to go home and we were visiting one of my girlfriends who works at a brunch spot like she said in the group chat she's like come visit me at work and we're like bet like we'll be there. So we went there. There was like six of us at brunch and

And I didn't get any drinks. They were all drinking, but not me. I was like, fuck that. I'm not drinking. Like, I'm still like kind of unwell. Like, you know, when you're like a little bit nauseous, the next one, that's how I felt. So I, I even drove, like I drove downtown, like with no intent of drinking. And then we started walking around downtown. I brought them into a few stores, like a few of my favorite clothing stores. One of them bought like sunglasses from the store and,

And then they were like, should we like go to Rainy? And I'm like, guys, like, no, like we can't. And they're like, no, we're going to Rainy. And I was like, okay, well, I'll drive you guys there because like I don't want to drink.

And so I drove everyone to Rainy. And once we get to Rainy, we go to this place called Tipsy Alchemist. And I was like, you know what? Like, I'll get one drink, but I'm going to get an espresso martini because like I need more coffee. So I get one drink and then I realized that everyone else is like wanting to go crazy and like go out out. So I was like, fuck, guys, like I need to like bring my car home. So I drove all the way home and Ubered back. And this was I did all of this by 2 p.m.

which is so crazy to think about like all of that happened before 2 p.m and by the time i got back and i had them drop me off at a bar called unbearable because that's where they all ended up right is that right and from there i think we hopped how many bars did we hop around we went to a bar and then went back we didn't go to clive

yeah we that was what was the outdoor luster pearl oh we were the only ones in there we were there for like what 30 45 minutes yeah and then we went back to unbelievable yeah oh my god it was craziness and then i i i went home i wasn't really drinking and i was like i because i literally couldn't i was like i can't do this again i knew i wanted to go to the gym the next morning and i was like i literally can't do this um

and I went to parlor for a little bit too yeah yeah but um I was like I can't do this and then like the speed everyone was going I was like I can't be if I'm going to be here I need to be drunk and I can't get drunk so I need to leave I was like I need to go home like this can't happen and my plan was I was like I'll leave

When you guys leave, like, to the next, like, spot. But I was like, I have no idea how fucking long you're going to be here. And I don't even know why for that I'm getting here. No, dude, we were the last ones at Umbar. Like, the sun started to set and there was no one there anymore. Yeah, I'm glad I went home. Like, did you see the video of, like, me and Jeannie hula hooping? Yeah. And then the other video after that of Dayton jumping on Jeannie? No. Okay, so, like, those two videos...

that's like right before we left like the sun was setting and we just all look around and we were like the only ones that we were like where'd everyone go we were like what the fuck like we've been here since 2 p.m and it's now like 8 p.m like we need to get the fuck out of here yeah and i was like i need to leave here can't be here don't want anything to do with it um i got ice cream from the little donut stand thing across oh yeah lucy do like i got ice cream

and ate some ice cream. You had a wholesome ass sundae, damn. And watched High School Musical and that's what I did.

Yeah, no, I did the complete opposite. I hopped in one of those golf carts. And then I cleaned my room. Oh, my God. Meanwhile, I'm literally, like, passed out on, like, Sneaky Link's lap on one of those go-kart things going from Rainy Street to West 6th. And we're going straight to Cat's Pajamas. Because, like, if you guys remember, if you're OG listeners, like, Cat's Pajamas used to be, like, our favorite place to go. But then we started to change it. Now we go to Lash Kale all the time. But we're like, you know what? Like, we're kind of getting skeeved out by Lash U. Like, let's go somewhere different. So we went to...

cats and then me one of my girlfriends were like we're so fucking hungry like we need to go get food so like me and her disappear for like 30 minutes and we go to like a bunch of food trucks all the food trucks are taking forever the line's so long and we find this one food truck that has like no one in line and we're like okay we're just gonna get food here so we get like chicken fingers and mozzarella sticks and we are just mowing down at like 8 30 9 p.m at night and then we go back to the bars where everyone is and we just kind of had ourselves a night from there on out like

I don't think I had a single drink from like that point on. I think I had one drink from that point on because I was just like vibing, having such a good time. And I think my phone died around 10 p.m. So I like at some point was like, I need to go home, but I'm not Ubering by myself with a dead phone. I was like, it's not happening. Like my phone's dead and I don't want someone booking me an Uber, me getting into that Uber. And not having the information on the Uber app. So I asked Sneaky Link and I'm like,

I was like, yo, can we leave? And he was like, like, I, he was like, I literally would, but like, like, like he just didn't want to leave. And I'm like, well, fuck this. Like, I want to leave. So then I asked one of my guy friends, I'm like, will you leave? He's like, no. I'm like, okay, you guys will suck. So then one of my girlfriends finally got me an Uber. And she was like, you know what? Like,

We'll go to the Uber and we'll see if the Uber has a phone charger. And we won't leave until we plug your phone into the phone charger on the Uber. And then you can leave. And I was able to get my phone on. And I was like, okay, fine. We can go now. So then that's when I went home. And even before all that happened, one big thing that kind of happened, which is important information in regards to Sneaky Link, is he got in this little argument with one of my guy friends.

And it was just like one of those like protective things like where like someone was like another guy said something like sexual about me and he got so pissed off about it that I'm like, oh, oh, do you like me or something? Like if you're going to get like all like butthurt about like a comment that someone's going to make about me, I feel like you must have like a little bit feels like a minute. You got a little bit of feels. Yeah. Yeah.

So at the time when that little argument happened and the boys were fighting, I was like, oh my God, I hate my life. But then the next day when I thought about it, I was like, oh,

like he was being protective slay you were like so stressed out about it when you dude i was so stressed to bed you were like no i'm gonna stand here for 20 more minutes i was like can you please go into your room and go to bed i was like i like please i was like i just need i just need them to answer i need to make sure everything's okay i was like go to bed i look at my text with like my two friends like the next morning and i'm like i'm so sorry guys like this is all my fault it literally wasn't my fault

Well, the next morning was Memorial Day and I had like pretty uneventful. I went to the gym and went grocery shopping, which took literally everything in me to do. But I went to the gym and went grocery shopping and then my boyfriend had friends over at his pool. So I went there and then once they all left, I just went to his apartment to watch the heat game and then went home. And that's it. Yeah, that's all I did. I literally went to one of my guy friends house with like there was like five of us there.

And we watched... Well, we didn't watch the game all the way up until 7. But I literally got there at noon. And that's why I came back from the grocery store. And you were like, oh, I'm going to Dayton's to watch the game. The game's at 7. And you weren't home. And I was like, there's no way this girl's still at Trader Joe's. Because when I was just at Trader Joe's and I didn't see her. And then I took your location. You're there. I was like, this girl said the game's at 7. And it was like 1.30 or 2. And I was like...

Yeah, I got there at like 12 and was just rotted there. Because I thought I was going to go over there and we were going to like, well, we did. We did watch movies and shit, but I thought we were going to go get like lunch or something early on. But we didn't end up leaving until like five.

So like at five, we left, got food and then went to go get ice cream and came back for the game. Yeah, because I didn't leave until like two to go to. Yeah. So from like 12 to five, we were just hibernating in his house watching movies. We watched like the Bama Rush documentary. I heard it's awful. So bad. It's so bad. That's why I was so slow. I was so excited to watch it and I heard it's awful.

awful like why wouldn't they pick girls that had already gone through bama like they picked girls that hadn't rushed yet that hadn't rushed yet like why why are they gonna explain their experience for bama rush when they're like going through the process like why wouldn't you reach out to girls that were alone or both yeah well there was both but like

The girls that they were picking were, like, so, like, for Bama Rush. Like, we love Bama Rush. Like, no. No, no. Make it juicy. Find girls that fucking hate Bama Rush. No, yeah. I've heard it so bad, and I was really excited about it, and I heard it so bad. No, it was horrible. And it's almost two hours long. Yeah. And, like, they could have easily slimmed that down to, like, an hour. Yeah. Because, like, the first 45 minutes were horrible.

horrible like i was trying to sit there like they didn't even get to the machine part until like the hour mark i was like i'm here for the machine park like tell me like the drama but people said they still didn't even really explain no they barely did like it was but like the but the thing is once we got there i'm like oh my god we're almost there we're almost like through like the tea like i all the drama nope nothing yeah i heard it was bad horrible so unfortunate i know i'm watching speaking of things to watch

van uh summer house reunion was so good i'm like a page to sorbo stan vanderpump rules part two reunion is on tonight and i want to watch it live the reunion with the i'm down to watch with the cheating people it's gonna be live and the girl raquel the girl that was having the affair she's gonna be on it talking

I'm so invested. So the Vanderpump Rules reunion is on. It's Wednesday when we're recording this. So I'm very excited to watch it. I love juicy reunions. The Summer House reunion was so juicy and heated. So, yeah. One thing I'll say about, like, TV or, like, reality TV is, like, if there's something that's, like, really trending, like, years ago or, like, a TV show that starts, like, years ago and you never really watch it, like, watch it. Because I kind of wish I started, like,

all those shows when they first released because like i feel like i would be so much more invested now i'm like damn i have to re-watch it i was like late on summer house but i was binging it with my me and my ex-boyfriend like we spent like a few weeks fucking all in on and something so weird about us tv we watched it backwards yeah that's weird that's really weird because look what happened we watched the latest season because we're like oh we'll just watch this one

And then we were like, oh, wait, I kind of wanted to see what they were talking about. Like, maybe we should just go back to that one season so we can, like, learn more and be more caught up when the next season comes out. And then we were like, let's just keep doing this. And then we just literally watched it backwards. Yeah.

um but yeah the good i don't watch banderpump rules i just only know the drama going on so and it's interesting so like i'm here for it it's easy to like get caught up with that it's easy to get caught up like i literally watched that last episode you you know what's going on and now i'm watching the reunion and i know everything yeah it's like that's all i did too i was like okay i'll watch the finale i'll watch the reunion and i've like heard enough people talk about it and i still learn things like i'll learn things i'm like

they used to be engaged. I'm like, now this just got crazier. I'm like, I didn't know that. Like, you're like, oh my God, like this girl's friends with this girl. Like, and then you just learn things and it's, it's more interesting, but I know that I know the gist. Yeah. And then, um, do you want to talk about, cause I just wrote this down, like what happened at the gym today or no? Are you just kind of like, no, I mean like,

I'm not really, but that was fucking stupid. Yeah, it was stupid shit. But like add me on Snapchat. Yeah, add us on Snapchat. Because there's like other things. That's where I posted about it. Other little things that happened throughout the days. That's where I posted about it. Like I just don't think it's like worth like a full conversation.

conversation it's just random at this point um one thing i will say this is really random but i read a few things like down that there's like things that came to mind that i want to talk about amazon jewelry i'm so fucking mad i've realized all of my kendra scott and my georgiana rings are tarnished as fuck really like they're starting to turn my fingers green and i'm pissed about it because all those rings are like 80 100 pissed off is that not happening for you

No, I'm pissed. I haven't been wearing mine. I've been wearing like Amazon exclusive rings like for the last few weeks. Yeah. So I this week bought a bunch of rings on Amazon and I just got one of them. Isn't it so cute? I've never had a pinky ring before and I like it a lot. So I bought a bunch of like cheaper jewelry because I'm like, I can't believe like I've only had that like one of them that's really tarnished and turning myself green. I've had that one for like a year.

Not even. And it's turning my finger. Like, my finger was turning green. And it's, like, brown looking now. It doesn't look cute. I'm so pissed about it. Jewelry's hard. It makes me so mad, though. Jewelry staying really shiny gold is so difficult. And, like, I think my jewelry's gold. And then I get a new piece of jewelry. And you're like, holy shit. Like, they used to be gold. And it's, like...

what am i supposed to do get like a stack of cartier rings no i know and then like in the summer like i just wanted to be so gold because it looks so good with like my skin tone and i'm like fuck yeah i'm so pissed about it so i'll let you guys know how the whole amazon jewelry goes i'm gonna try my best to not to wash my hands with jewelry on like and like you know what the tea about that is what i'm out and i go to the bathroom i don't wash my hands

I do sometimes. I don't want to get my rings wet. Yeah. But, like, some, like, I don't want to get my rings wet. Here's the thing. When I'm out at restaurants, I, like. Oh, sometimes I take them off. No. Yeah, but, like, I'll, like, for instance, Friday when we went and got food. Like, I didn't need to go to the bathroom. I went to the bathroom to wash my hands because I ate tacos. And I hate when my hands smell like food. But I didn't take off my rings. Sometimes I, like, wash my hands.

No, yeah, like... I don't want to get my rings wet and, like, I literally, like, won't wash my hands. And it's, like, it's not like I go to the bathroom and, like, piss on myself. You know what I'm saying? Like, I don't, like, have shit on my hands. Yeah, yeah. Or, like, I didn't, like, take a shit. Like, I didn't, like, pee on my hands. Like, it's fine. And I know, like, not everyone does. And then, especially, then you go out and there's, like, girls using the mirror for something and I want to leave. Yeah. The bathroom's in there at every bar. I just don't want to get my rings wet. So it's, like...

No, I'm going to try to do better because I don't want to have to be spending all this money on jewelry. And something I also did, I got a pack of bracelets from Amazon and one of them already tarnished. It was $11, so I'm not mad. And it was a big pack of bracelets. I left a lot of them still in the packaging rather than taking it out and having it lay with my other jewelry. So that way I could wear one...

and like a tarnish then i'll like wear a different one yeah rather than letting them all tarnish like within the span of like a month you know what i mean like now i can wear them kind of one by one and let them like have their time yeah and then it'll tarnish then i'll switch it out yeah that's smart rather than taking them all out and letting and the earrings too like the hoop earrings like but earrings are pretty easy because like they're not really getting wet yeah i'm

I don't know. About jewelry. I love it, but it's really hard to get good jewelry. I feel like it's made me realize that I think good purchases, like, I maybe won't even be, like, a purse girl. I might be, like, a jewelry girl. Like, if I want bracelets, like, Cartier bracelets. Like...

Like not now, but like when, if I have like money to spend, like nice jewelry, like a fucking, like, like I have one bracelet that I have, like this bracelet's like gold, gold. And it's like actually shiny. And it's like, wow. Like that's crazy to have like shiny jewelry. Yeah.

This was a long episode. I was not surprised. Oh my god, it was so long. I'm literally going to fall asleep. We say that every time. I know because we can't shut up. I know. Can't shut up. But as usual, I had so much fun this weekend and going into this weekend, I'm telling myself I'm not going out but you know, realistically, I probably will. I'm going tubing. Yeah, that'll be fun. I know. I'm excited. I want to go paddle boarding. I wonder if I can get everyone to do that. It like stresses me out. Like committing to a plan stresses me out. Are you taking the bus? Jonah's like, I have no idea. I don't know.

Jonah was just like I had to Venmo a girl I don't even know what for I'm probably for a bus then but it's like it was kind of expensive I'm like did she book like it was like it's for everything like you're paying for things like it was kind of expensive um

And he was just like, do you want to go tubing on Saturday? Apparently we've talked about this because he was like, are you still down for tubing on Saturday? I was like, still down. What the fuck? And I was like, I think. But like, committing is just me. I'm like, what if there's something else on Saturday? But I was like, no, I'll go. I'm like, I've been wanting to do that. I want to go paddle boarding. So maybe I can get my friends to do that. We, well, his friends were saying they want to go paddle boarding on Friday. Friday? Like after work.

They were like, after work beers. That's going to be horrible. That's what they want to do. It's going to be such bad traffic downtown. Oh, hell no. That sounds horrible. Yeah, they were like, because they do like Friday beers every Friday. They just go get like beer somewhere. They're like Friday beers on the paddleboard. They're meant to San Marcos.

Neither have I. So, I think that's where we're going. I'm like, I have no information about any of this. Yeah, that's probably where you are going. I was just told who to Venmo and that we're going tubing. I have no idea. Any logistics. So, I'm just along for the ride. Yeah. Well, I'm filming a full day of eating today. So, make sure you guys are subscribed to our YouTube channels and added us on Snapchat. You guys know the deal. Follow on the Instagram and with...

That's about it, right? Yeah, that's about it. All righty. Bye. Bye, guys. I'm John Glover. Emmy Award winning researcher John Glover. And I'm Marissa Pinson. Critically unacclaimed TV writer Marissa Pinson. And we're the hosts of the new podcast On Brand with John and Marissa.

Join us every week for an exploration of the world's most interesting and iconic brands, like Walmart. Do they still have the old people who say welcome to Walmart? No, they got rid of them. So you just want more old people in the store? I want every staff member to be over 90. And Heinz. Heinz. Heinz. I say Heinz. Like a German dictator. And while you learn about these legendary brands, you'll also learn a bit about us. Hey, John, do you still sleep in shoes?

There's probably, I would say probably three times a year I fall asleep in shoes. You told me the thing that you should never look under a Costco chicken. Well, I don't think you should ever look under a chicken. So tune in every Wednesday for a brand new episode of On Brand with John and Marissa. Available May 24th wherever you get your podcasts. See you there.