cover of episode The Girlies Went to Cabo! | Our Trip, Internet Drama, New Diets!

The Girlies Went to Cabo! | Our Trip, Internet Drama, New Diets!

Publish Date: 2023/3/10
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One Thing About Us


Shownotes Transcript

what is up you guys welcome back to another episode i am sam and i'm taylor we are just two girlies that just got back from mexico we are sun kissed yes i was in the gym today and i was like so tan like i felt so good and every other time i've been to the gym i'm like ill yeah unfortunately my workout i went to solid core so i was in the pitch black so i couldn't really see myself but i

I know. But I know. It feels good to be tan, and it's definitely nice that we've come back from Cabo to Austin, and literally all of this week is going to be like 85 degrees. So we are not losing that tan. No. This will stay until like September. Yeah. I really hope so. Literally. But Cabo was so fun. So this episode is going to be a little different because rather than like...

a catch-up and then an episode. We just want to talk about Cabo. Talk about Cabo. That's the whole episode, just kind of one long... I think at the end, we should definitely give tips, too. Yeah, it'll just definitely be full of, like, all over, just, like, travel experience, Mexico experience. I did a lot of cool new things for the first time. So we just have lots to say. Yeah, we do. Should we start off strong with just, like,

like not like packing but like just the airport yeah well i also want to say like why we went to mexico we just like decided with our friends that we wanted to go on a big trip and me sam and connor were the only ones that actually pulled through so that's just why we went we just went like just to go on a trip like neither of us have ever been like on a tropical vacation like

We fucking work hard. Like, the last few years we work hard when we have never gone on, like, a tropical vacation paid by ourselves. So it just felt nice, like, going on a vacation where it's, like, not our family paying for it or we're not going with our family, you know? So it just felt really good to, like, finally do that. Yeah, it was cool. It was a cool thing for me to, like, go out of the country with my friends and...

do it on my own. That was just a cool, definitely. I'd never been out of the country. So yeah, we literally just wanted to go somewhere tropical. We wanted to go to Cabo. It wasn't far too. It was two hours. It was a two hour flight. Really easy.

And we just sent it and booked it. So that's why we went. So many people kept asking us when we were there, are you on spring break? And we're like, we are older than that. I know. I was like, come on now. I'm literally turning 25 in July. Yeah. I'm like, some of these kids look literally like they're 12. Yeah. So we just decided to go. We headed to the airport bright and early. We had like an 8 a.m. flight, which it wasn't too bad because we landed. We had the whole day. There was a lot of really dumb questions of what do we do with our animals and

We just leave him in the house. Why wouldn't we? We just leave him in the house. I came back to 20 shits all over the place. So that's what we do with him. No, I'm kidding. One of my good guy friends watched Mac. They love watching Mac. Yeah. And he loves it. And I just get a Rover. I've had good experiences using Rover. And because all he needs is...

A cat could go once a day. They could even go like once every other day, but I like to spoil my baby. So someone came twice a day, every single day that we were gone.

um to yeah and we have really good neighbors too like if anything were to happen like literally our neighbors watch our apartment or our place like a fucking hawk while we're gone like if anything's like if there's a package like out front and like it's been there for a few hours she'll be like hey do you want me to go get that package and pick it up and like put it inside our place like you got a package there so we just feel safe yeah and community i would recommend rover i mean i mean i'm gonna hit them up like i should work with them

like because honestly I've had really good experiences with Rover like I know like someone taking care of your dog is like a lot more work but for a cat or all someone really has to come in and like

Feed them they do a really good job and the girl was so sweet I got a package from suja like the juices and she didn't even tell me anything about it But the package says really big like refrigerate like immediately like it says that So she opened it up and like put them in the fridge so nicely and i was like, oh that was nice for her but yeah, I always have good experiences with that and that's what we that's what we do with them and they vibe they

They're chilling. When I got those comments, I'm like, guys, what do you think we do with them? Yeah, like, what do you think we do? We get pet sitters. Like,

I fly all the way to Boston, drop them off at home, and then fly back and then go on vacation. Like, come on now. Yeah, so we got to the airport, me and Sam had seats next to each other. Yeah, and I didn't realize too, like, I know I'm like kind of jumping, but like, I thought you were sitting with me on the way home and I was really sad when you weren't. Like, I thought we had like a package of seats together. So I can't remember how we got next to each other.

I don't know. Did you pay for your seat? No. Yeah, okay. But we show up to the airport and someone looks familiar.

very familiar there's a familiar face and it's funny gate to cabo san lucas because every this individual i he's in a previous hookup literally like a year ago this like this month of march we hooked up like only once but like we for a few months like stayed in contact too and like went out a few times all together whatever but um there's always been jokes because he looks so basic like he's a basic like

man like he looks like a lot of other men and every time we're out i'm like taylor like is that him like making jokes about it and then finally like at the airport when we're walking over to our gate i'm like oh my god is that actually him and it was actually him like i never joke about any other guy being like oh my god do you think that's him it looks like him but it's always i don't know it was just hard to explain but we're always like doesn't that guy kind of look like

So and so like doesn't that look like him? We're always saying that. So for him to be sitting there and us be like,

wait is that him actually this time and like what are the odds like like being on the same flight as someone you know yeah so random especially a hookup like someone you know it's a little bit more common but a hookup like so random and he was alone oh we were like that's so funny like what are the odds and then we got on the plane he's in our row he's in our fucking row well how many rows are in a plane 35 like are you kidding yeah

So it was just so like what a start to the trip like love a little a little drama right before we even take off. Yeah, just just funny. Just kind of like what are the odds? He has a girlfriend too, but I was like, obviously I have to say hi. We can't make things awkward. Like you're literally in my row. So he was like two seats over three seats over and I'm like, hey, like you're going to Cabo like you're going alone. Like why are you boarding this plane alone? He goes, oh no, I'm meeting like a group that lives in Dallas and

So he was flying out from Austin. They were flying out from Dallas. And I'm like, oh, cool. Later into the trip, I then realized he's there with his girlfriend and then another couple. So it was like a double date, like couple-y vacation. I was like, ooh, awkward. Yeah, but I mean, maybe unpopular opinion, but I feel like as grown adults, like you should be like civil and nice to people. Like you only hooked up once. Like as a girlfriend, like I personally like –

Obviously don't be hanging out with the girls you hooked up with but like that's so normal to like say hello and speak. Yeah. You gotta be mature. You're grown adults. It's awkward if you don't. Yeah. A hundred percent. So that's how the trip started and we were like okay Mexico's gonna be interesting if it already happened like this on the plane. So we two hours quick and easy flight landed in Mexico. First time entering a foreign country. Got out. Got a cab fairly easy. And then we got to Mexico.

and made our way to the resort we stayed at the bahia cabo um it was really nice really bougie a little pricey but it was the cheapest it was the cheapest resort in our area it was very nice it was super cute like the lob we walked in we were like oh sly like it was so cute like so instagram worthy um everyone there so nice like to you

and we get all checked in but we couldn't check into our room yet so we had to just in our airport clothes send it to lunch which luckily that day wasn't even that hot the sun wasn't out at all that day no it wasn't that hot if it was any of the other days oh my god i would have been dying yeah because we were in sweats and stuff but luckily yeah it was overcast and like perfect for that so we're at this restaurant it's kind of a nice restaurant and

A table away is Brett and Jason from Selling Sunset. I was like, bro, what? I was like, why are they here? And like if they were with other Selling Sunset people, I maybe would have been like just like went to the bathroom and walked by and been like, oh my God, love Selling Sunset. Like cool to see you. But they were like with like random people I've never seen before and they were just like literally wearing sweatshirts, chilling, eating. I was like, I'm not interrupting there.

their lunch like they I don't need to do that but it was just funny and we looked like literal like homeless people like we did not look okay so they put it they probably would have been like why are you dressed like that like did you even shower today and I would have been like I did at five in the morning it's funny the entire week we were like

there you could tell because there was always every now and there and groups of people like walking the beach wearing like the airport outfits and i'm like yeah i was like they just got here like it's not weird to be dressed like that but i was like every time i saw a group i was like they just got here they haven't checked in yet yeah so it was like 11 something and we were like do we start drinking because it's our first day yeah we had literally nothing else to do we had nothing else to do we didn't have a room like it wasn't hot enough to lay in tan like we had nothing else to do so we were like

guess we're drinking and also since we started drinking at like 11 i'd only had like breakfast and a snack at that point so it's like that first drink got me like it was hidden it was like oh i'm hidden like it feels good let's go so then i got an espresso martini because like i was exhausted i was like i need something so espresso martini at 11 30 in the morning like that hit like no other so i just kept going what a morning coffee so we just spent the whole day

drinking on the beach at the beach bars going like starting the trip with a bang uh so the first place we went to our hotel is connected to this place called sir house it's like

one kind of place because the hotel isn't on the beach so that's like your beach access yeah you have like a little shuttle goal like golf cart thing that will bring you down the hill to go to it i guess i think you just get more exclusive access to the reservations there but if you're not staying there definitely recommend going at least one day because it's so nice it's very nice yeah it's very bougie obviously the selling sunset guys were there like and you know they don't they wouldn't be at some not nice place so obviously you knew it was good but

So we were just chilling there, drinking, and then once we got the text that we could check in, put our keenies on, and proceeded to continue doing the same thing, going to the meat bars and drinking more drinks. And let me tell you, also, we, at this point, had not, like, taken out any cash yet. Like, we literally just shut up with our cards, and we were just like, all right, like, what do we do? Like, when we got to Mango Deck, I, like...

For the trip, I was like, I really hope we like are okay using our cards. But for me, I brought my American Express and I thought you were going to be able to use it like most places because I like looked up before we went. And I would say like 50% of the places that we went, I couldn't even like get anything. So we were just like racking up tabs everywhere we went and then just splitting it like that way.

But yeah, expensive day. That was our most expensive day. We only did two days of heavy drinking, one being the first day and then the other being later in the trip. But I highly recommend this place on the beach. It's called Mango Deck. We went there the first day, but it was a Wednesday and it was...

In our head, that day was really fun, but we didn't realize how empty it was compared to what it normally is. Like in our head, we were like, this place is fun. And then later in the week, it got so packed because obviously people are going to come in more Thursday, Friday. Then we were like, oh my God, that day it was lame. Yeah, but like we were so turnt in our own head that we were like this. No, that's the perfect word. We were so turnt.

Because it was just that excitement of like, we're in Mexico. Like, okay, so you sit down at this, like, okay, if you want a visual, by the way, I vlogged the entire thing. So if you want to stop this podcast right now, watch the YouTube video so you have a visual to kind of better visualize what we're talking about. But we got there, we were sitting at a table on the beach. So half the bar is up, like,

At a regular restaurant. And then they open and expand it onto the beach with the stage. And we're sitting like kind of far away from the stage. And it's just the three of us. And they had this lady going around with a bottle. Like a... Was it vodka? No, it was Grey Goose. Yeah. It's vodka. Yeah, Grey Goose vodka. But it was like...

It was mixed with like... Cranberry juice. Cranberry juice, yeah. But she was like, yeah, who wants to do shots? Shots for $10. And I'm like, oh my God, like why not? Like, let's fucking do it. So I took a shot for $10. Taylor took a shot for $10. Connor took a shot for $10. And then she comes back around like 20 minutes later and asks this dude again. And that's when she... Was it Connor that asked to compete with the tic-tac-toe? Because I didn't do tic-tac-toe. No, I said that I didn't want one. And then she was like...

if you beat me in tic-tac-toe it's free yeah and it was like oh well in that case i'll try and then this girl's a wizard at tic-tac-toe i've never seen anyone play tic-tac-toe better in my life you can't beat her and she always goes first no but then connor asked to go first and connor still didn't win yeah he was like can i go first and she was like sure and he went first and he still lost yeah this girl's a wizard at tic-tac-toe

And so yeah, we did some of those and we were just vibing. Like I couldn't even, there's not much else to even say about this day. Cause to be honest, it's a giant. Oh, don't worry. I got so many photos guys. The amount of photos, like my phone camera was open the entire trip. Like my phone camera did not close and Connor did make a little comment. Like, Oh my God, like,

Like, you guys never unplug. I'm like, I don't care. Like, I love taking photos. Like, it's fine. But when we were there, see, we got there at two. Well, we got there at one. But then we were, like, hungry again probably, like, two hours later. So they came over with, like, fresh guac. We had a man making us fresh guac on the water. I liked the guac, but you and Connor said... It needed salt so terribly. But that's the issue with, like, Americans is they just need an aggressive amount of salt. No, it didn't need aggressive. It needed, like...

It didn't taste like anything. It didn't have any... It needed... Or if it wasn't going to be salt, maybe like...

More onions in it. Maybe. Like, it didn't have flavor. It needed flavor. I just felt like it was, like, the avocado itself was really fresh. It just tasted like mashed avocado. Yeah. I guess. I don't know. But, yeah, we were just sitting there vibing, drinking. How many drinks do you think we probably got there? Maybe, like, two or three? I literally couldn't even tell you. Like, I think we got two in the shots. I would say two in the shots. Two or three. And we didn't even go anywhere after that. Or, no, that was the same day we walked on the beach.

I yeah yeah it was oh my god guys this trip is such a blur loki like even though we only went crazy two days I feel like it's one big mesh of days it really was because we were there for so long that like I was looking at pictures like me in the gray outfit and I'm like what did we do that day yeah exactly that's how I felt with editing my video my youtube video because I was like

Some of them were from my phone and some of them were on the camera. So I had to put them together. In order? I was like, wait, what happened? So we finished up at that place and we were like, let's just keep walking down the beach. And we ended up walking probably, I would say, half a mile down the beach to this place. It was called Tabasco. Tabasco. Tabasco.

And we got like one that was our like last round of drinks and I wanted to get a frozen drink because I was already really drunk So I feel like when I get frozen drinks every time I do that it takes me forever to drink them So I was like i'll get a frozen drink and they came over with those frozen drinks. It was massive It was like I wanted like a small little frozen drink. No, this thing was like

24 ounces like it was a big ass cup and it was good i can't remember what exactly i got connor got it for me when we were in the bathroom and i couldn't even finish it i ended up giving it to him and we were just walking down the beach and yeah going back and forth finishing the drink yeah i got a mai tai and it was so good but then it was like kind of time to get ready for later in the day get ready for more dinner vibes every single day was basically beach shower dinner

That was the vibes pretty much every single day as it should be on a tropical vacation. I want to talk to you a little bit about Peloton. You guys can say goodbye to boring workouts. We all know it's no fun to like be working out at home or like somewhere different than your normal gym and the workouts just suck.

suck and they're so boring and you can't get a good workout in. That was literally us on this trip and all the hotel needed to do truly was get a Peloton and they don't only have bikes they could have got. A treadmill, they could have got a rower. If they put that in the gym, our workouts on this trip would have just been totally...

upgraded because they have all the machines, but then they also have exciting classes that can change working out from another dreaded task to something you want to stick with. When you're doing the same moves over and over, it can be really hard to find motivation to work out. And that is why they kind of turned working out into a game. So Peloton created this thing called lane break. So you can like pedal on the bike and crush different levels and like

earn points like it's a game to keep you motivated. And they also have really, really cool expert level instructors that can not only teach you a workout, but literally talk to you about celebrity gossip while you're working out. Like, trust me, they have something for everyone. You'll also find something you like when it comes to their music. They have everything from gospel to metal to EDM, or you can even do like scenic rose music.

No matter where you're starting from, Peloton's expert instructors are there to guide you with contagious energy and supportive instruction at every level to really take the guesswork out of working out. Try Peloton Tread, row or bikes risk-free with a 30-day home trial. New members only and not available in remote locations. See additional terms at slash home trial. So we shower, we get one drink, we get espresso martinis that I actually liked. No, you're forgetting something. That was after. Oh, it was? Yeah. Yeah.

Why is it timestamped at 5 o'clock? No, it was after. It was like nighttime. No, it wasn't, Taylor. Oh, but we didn't do it. We rolled it up. Did we just bring it with us? Oh. So we go to this spot to get espresso martinis. And if you guys listen, you know I don't like espresso martinis. But this one place, it was called Milky Beach. They actually tasted so good.

And I've never liked them. That was the first one that I've liked. We loved Milky Beach. I can't stop yawning. I should have made a coffee. I'm like yawning. If you've watched me on this YouTube, I've yawned literally like 50 times. Meanwhile, I'm drinking coffee. I'm like yawning like no one's business. So we drink those espresso martinis and I actually liked it. And it was like the highlight of Sam's whole trip that I liked an espresso martini. I know everyone was kind of freaking out on Snapchat when I posted it. Everyone was like,

Taylor, what is that? Taylor's drinking that right now. Like, what the heck? What's going on? And I was like, yeah. Yeah, I mean, every other one I've ever tried to literally make someone vomit on the spot, and that one didn't. So, I don't know what they do differently, but it was good. And then we got a little bit stoned. A little bit stoned. Just a wee bit. Just a little bit stoned on the beach, and it was kind of a vibe. Like, we were just sitting on this random little ledge on the beach.

smoked a little bit of weed went to dinner we were at that dinner so beyond crossfaded like no other i was not on planet earth like that like i was literally just like i don't even know how to explain it like nothing felt real we like i kid you not if we had outsider video of us three sitting at this dinner table it'd be the funniest video you've ever seen in your entire life we were

Like we were so not okay. And what's so funny is like, I felt like we were in this like alternate universe. We were across the street from the hotel. Literally. Like we were not like it's. I thought we were like two miles away. Literally. Like I was like, wait, where are we? Like we got out. I was like, oh, we're home already. Sick. Like the hotel's right here. We were so unwell. And I'm at dinner and I'm like, oh my God, like how long have we been here? And Connor's like 30 minutes. I was like, no, shut the fuck up. Like.

That was after we ate food too. Yeah. Like I was like, oh my God, we've been here forever. Like we need the check. Like how much longer can we sit at this restaurant? And he's like, we literally just got here.

Like, in my head. Bro, I'm, like, sitting. So, I got fajitas. And I'm, like, sitting there, like, eating my food. And I'm, like, wait. I think I'm eating too fast. So, like, I, like, put down my food. And, like, I was taking my fucking time. So, I thought. Taking my time to eat this food. And I thought it took me, like, 20 to 30 minutes to eat that food. No. We all sat in silence and ate our food within five minutes. It was honestly so hilarious. Like, looking back. Like, I...

It's such a good memory to be just like kind of stoned out of your mind at dinner in Mexico. Like it was the most perfect crossfade of my entire life. Anytime I've ever gone crossfaded like that, I've thrown up. I've passed out. I started fucking seeing random weird shit popping out at me. Like it's never good. Like anytime I would get crossfaded. And you know what? That's why it was fun because in like big groups or like there's always sometimes I feel like if you're kind of drinking a lot, um,

You you know what it was - it's not that we drank that much It's just like we hadn't eaten all day and it was a travel day So the alcohol was hitting like it's like we each had like ten drinks We had what like for like it we didn't it wasn't like an absurd amount of alcohol Yeah, it was just like we didn't eat that much so it kind of like hit But I feel like there's normally one person who's like not vibing but we were all like happy and

And normally, like, there's, like, a sad drunk or, like, the one that's too paranoid or, like, someone's kind of puking. But no, like, we were all just like, this is the best day ever, don't you think? No, literally. And I want to say right now, like, we don't smoke a lot ever. And when I, like, the last time I think I've gone, I was drunk and smoked. Fuck, I can't even remember. Mine was San Diego, but we...

We drank... I was drinking too much. I didn't even remember. No, yeah. I think mine was literally in, like, my sophomore year of college. Yeah. I think that was, like, the last time. Because it never went well. Like, I literally... Last time I got crossfaded like that, I literally...

Had to go hide behind my friend's car and just started puking everywhere. Ew. But, yeah, we don't, like, do that a lot. We're not, like, always, like, drinking and doing drugs. If that's... I know some people on the internet think that. Oh, can we talk about that for a minute? I know some people on the internet think that we just black... That we just black out Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and then don't eat and sleep all day the next day. I know everyone likes to run their mouth.

no bro like literally what the fuck so literally what i know i want to talk about this so badly it happened while we were there yeah it happened while we were in cabo um so this is like the only ever time we've been able to talk about it because we haven't had another podcast since but basically we there's this individual this girl that you know we used to kind of be friends with um then shit happened on social media and then she kind of just dropped us like flies because she didn't want to

I guess hang out with us anymore. But anyway, there was a TikTok that was made and...

She was very passionate about the fact that she's seeing content creators, fitness influencers that drink Thursday to Sunday. Blackout. Blackout. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Eat 300 calorie meals. Sleep all day. And she was basically saying that these individuals are binge drinking and like out of control and all this stuff. And let me just say, everybody in the comments was accusing us as these individuals that she did not want to name drop. And it's just like...

bruh like no bruh and the way this was like the second day of the trip yeah i literally like opened my phone i was like oh my god there was a video about us and watching the video i didn't even watch the full thing because like it gives me panic attacks but then we watched the full thing and i was like none of this is accurate toward us like none of this makes sense yeah i never drink on thursday

We never sleep all day the next day. We never not eat. Like we, I've been talking about on here how I'm trying to drink less. Like I don't like blacking out. Like I've literally openly made videos saying I don't like blackout. Like, I'm like, this is not, this doesn't make sense. Like none of this is right. And also on top of that, we did a whole January sober. Yeah. I was like, none of this, I was like, none of this is really adding up to be us, but the comment section really thought it was. And one thing about me on social media, about both of us,

And everyone loves to be all like girls supporting girls. No hate mental health awareness.

Why do you let people name drop in your comment section? Because one thing we don't let people do is name drop in our comment section. The second someone's name is brought up in my comment section, I delete it. I delete it immediately if the video is about them or if it wasn't, especially if it wasn't. Yeah. Or if it wasn't about them, I would maybe leave a comment with the name so that I can reply openly and say... It's not them. No. Because then that removes speculation. Yeah. Because then people can't be thinking. So unless you're going to leave the comments so you can like straight up say...

No, that is not who I'm talking about. Why do you let people name drop in your comment section? That is weird. It's fucked up because then you take the place. I didn't name any names. Yes, you did because that's your page and your comment section and you let people just rip on people's names in your comments. Yeah. And we don't do like...

Look back. And if there's ever one I missed, like if you're going to like go through my TikTok and be like, well, this is here. Please let me know. I will delete it. Like if there's a comment I've ever missed, I will delete it. Like please point it out to me. Respond back to it. I will delete it. Like I will not delete.

I mean, we don't really make videos where people... This is honestly, though, like, why I hate the fitness industry. Like, the fitness industry, no matter what, like, we are genuinely so happy with our life and our mindset with, like, health and fitness right now. And people will still try to find, like, a negative thing inside of that. So, like, I don't even like to classify myself in the fitness industry anymore. Like, I'm literally just a content creator that posts my entire life. Food, fashion, travel, fitness, everything.

mental health fucking birth control shit like literally everything i'm talking about and i'm not classified in the fitness industry anymore i don't want to be a part of it i don't want to be named into it yeah i'm just a girly a girly girl posting her life yeah i've even like i feel like my niche more so is like going through your 20s like and like dealing with mental health like i feel like that's my niche like i feel like my niche is like early 20s

dealing with mental health. Like, that's my niche. Like, in the video, it was too, like, are you supposed to be health and fitness? And I literally wanted to comment, no. No. No. Not at all. Am I a fitness page? Literally, no. Don't call me that. Like, I don't

It's just like the fitness industry is always trying to tear people down. Always. And no matter what, no one can ever look at positives and happy shit. Also, I do want to say, there were so many of you saying you guys were sticking up for us in the comments. I didn't read the comments in the video. Yeah, I got my mental health to protect. No, I didn't even...

We were on vacation. Fuck that. I don't want my vacation to get ruined. Literally. But I did mention it on Snapchat. And, like, I had, like, a little conversation with you guys on Snapchat. And a lot of you were saying that you stuck up for us in the comments, which I really appreciate. Like, that's the proper way to be, you know, fighting on TikTok is sticking up for people, not tearing people down. So... Yeah. And you can... Of course, there's free discourse. You know what I mean? Like, we talk about the way we don't like fitness creators posting certain things. Yeah. Like...

We say like we don't agree. You're open to post things being like, I don't really agree with this certain way people speak or this. I get it. Social media, you got to do what you got to do. It's the second you let such mass groups of hate target these people that it's a little bit messed up. Or when you come on a video so like angry, like, I don't know, like some of y'all just need a life. Like you need a life ASAP.

It's like this weird obsession with us and it's like, why? No, literally. Why are you obsessed with me? I don't understand it. And it's just funny because it's always coming from people that like... They just think they know what they're talking about but you haven't been a part of our life. So it's like, why? Yeah, and you don't listen to our podcast. You don't watch our YouTube videos. Even from fucking...

you know, T, her name starts with a T. Like, we met her for 10 minutes in my entire life and a whole entire, like, narrative she put against us. So that was crazy to me to also just, like, also those videos just instilling more fear in people's mind that's, like, isn't it not health and wellness to go out every weekend? Like,

I'm 22 years old. I like to go out every week and I live in a new city. I need to make friends. Sue me. Like, sue me. Sorry, I'm so toxic. I'm so toxic that I want friends and I don't just want to go to the gym and do nothing else. How toxic of me. Oh, that's another comment someone made on my Snapchat. They were like, this is why I love you. Like, I go to your page. Like, you have variety on your page. Like, it's not the same mirror selfie in the gym. Yeah. Like...

You have variety to your life. Like you post more than just like that mirror selfie and like the same breakfast every morning. And like, that's what I want. Like I want people to know that there's more variety and more things out there to life than just the gym and being so, so brutally like angry 24 seven. And clearly that's a problem to some people. So we kind of opened that on TikTok and we're like, oh,

This sucks and is so lame. Literally just so lame. But whatever went on with our...

We went on with our trip. It was okay. It was kind of a running joke a lot of the trip. Like, any time I got an alcoholic beverage. No, it didn't really upset me at all. It just made me angry. It just made me angry, yeah. But it was like, any time we got an alcoholic beverage, I was like, oh, because I just black out. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Like, heaven forbid. Heaven forbid I'm on vacation. Yeah, oh, crazy. Me, a 22-year-old, drinks alcohol? Yeah.

Crazy. Someone call the police. But so we were just hanging out that night doing our thing, you know, stoned. We went to a pretty good ass... We're talking about the first day, aren't we still? I'm thinking of the day that we found the video, which was the next day. Okay, well, the next day we can like still talk the next day. Didn't we go ATVing? ATVing was so much fun. I loved it. Like something about like an adrenaline rush when you're just doing like a fun activity. Yeah.

In the middle of Cabo, Mexico. Oh, so fun. Yeah, I got so out of my comfort zone with that. I did not want to drive an ATV. I like jet skiing and stuff. I don't like driving it. Like, I would rather just hang on tight on the back. That's my preferred way. But I had to drive my own. So, you know what? Full send. Very out of my comfort zone. I wasn't a fan. I didn't hate it. We made a stop halfway through the ATV tour to feed camels. Love that part. I was so excited to see a camel because I just love animals. Um.

um and then after that halfway point i got better at it but we literally stopped on the atv to get out and do the camel she's like how is everyone and i was like i hate it and he was like you hate it i was like i literally hate it taylor also almost like fell off of her atv i did almost fall off the atv but like i didn't so that's really great i was literally like terrified because we had to stay in a line so it was the tour guide we did a

private tour by the way because if you were in a giant group tour you weren't allowed to use your phone or you like use cameras or anything and I was like what the fuck like you're telling me I'm gonna go on this ATV tour and not have any memories from it like no so we spent the extra money and we did the private tour so we had to follow a guide it was Connor in the front Taylor in the middle and then me in the back and

and obviously i'm behind taylor at like this one point where we're going through like this really rocky like dude the ground was like not smooth the ground was bumpy as shit like my atv would like v like it was hard to keep it in a straight line and all of a sudden like i'm like you probably didn't even notice but i'm like literally five feet behind you no i can't you like slow down so much and then like

I don't even know if you hit the brakes or something, but then all of a sudden you were only on one wheel. No, it was just a bump. Like, it was just like a bump to the side. And like, I fully felt my body. Like, the only thing keeping me connected was like my hands on the thing. Yeah. Like, my butt did, like, came off. I was like, the way I almost just died on this ATV, but I didn't. So that's... The front right wheel was the only one on the ground. Every other wheel was up in the air. It was... I hated it. It was slow-mo too. I was like...

i'm trying to get less scared of adventures things like at the end of the day like it is part of my personality it's never gonna be my thing i would choose to do like on that trip alone i would never in my fucking right mind spend money on driving atv like that like i'm happy i did it because i get to say i did it not like expensive though like no but i don't even care if it was 20 bucks i just wouldn't have like i just that wouldn't have been my choice for my time or money i'm glad i did it because i get to say i did it um

And I do want to start kind of overcoming, like, I don't like roller coasters. Like, I really want to just, like, start riding roller coasters. On a regular basis. Just on a regular basis. You know, maybe, like, once a week go ride a roller coaster. But I was just thinking. No, no, no. I was literally thinking. I was like, hold on a second. I've never been at an amusement park drunk. That sounds horrible. Not drunk, but, like.

The first day? Like, if I went to an amusement park. Like, buzz and just all day? One or two drinks to get me a little loose. Maybe I'll be like...

kind of ready to just like yeah i'll do it like just like a little a little loose maybe i'll do more of it but i just want to be less scared of things just so i'm not like a pussy bitch even though it's just always going to be part of my personality and that's nothing i can change but this was a good step um i was shitting my pants but i did it and i lived to tell the tale so here's the thing the views are crazy though here's the thing with that though is like when's the next time you're gonna go to like an amusement park i don't know i like disney one thing about me is like next time i have a

It's just crazy. I grew up in Florida. Going to Universal and Disney World is a very common thing. I don't know. I guess. I haven't been since I was 10. If anyone else is from Florida, yeah, you go to Universal, you go to Disney World. That's not that uncommon. How far of a drive is it from where you live? From where I live? Three and a half hours. You go often. Yeah, it's just a common thing you do. Going to Universal. I'll probably go...

To Universal or Disney World quite a few times in the next parts of my life. But, yeah, so I wasn't a big fan of the ATVs. I really liked the camels and the views were cool and the pictures look sick because I look... The helmet's on so you can't see me looking like I'm going to shit my pants. So I just look like a badass. Wait, we literally just forgot about Esteban. Oh.

We can't forget about us, Esteban. All right. So when you book these adventures, guys, you want to find a guy on the side of the road. Yeah, you want to find a guy on the side of the road. That is literally just selling adventures. Yeah.

They're really nice guys, I promise. As long as they're at a booth thing with a lot of flyers, it's promising. It's not sketchy. But we found a guy right on the corner of our resort. His name was Esteban. And we bargained the shit out of these adventures, which I think...

bargaining like they always say like oh like in the pamphlet it's 165 but i'll offer it to you for 70 yeah but 70 is just the price yeah but 70 is just the price it makes it they just make it like like it does work i'm like oh my god yeah like 70 bucks me every time i'm like yeah sure let's do it but anyways estimon was our guy he was we saw him at literally every day because like i said he was in the corner of our resort like just on the side of the road with his little booth

And he's the one that got us the ATVs and he got us the boat activity at the end of the trip. So if you're booking trips, find Esteban. Yeah, he was so nice and so funny and he got us our...

Our excursions are definitely cheaper that way than doing them at your resort. Yeah, the resort people are not going to bargain with you. No, these people, they'll let you do it. It's super chill, and we just easy-peasy booked it. They picked us up. It was through Cactus Tours was the ATVing, and it was a really cool place. It was very well-ran. Yeah, when you walk in there, there's a bunch of bars. Yeah, it was very well-ran. It was very nice. Yeah.

I highly recommend. I mean, I don't like truly recommend the ATV because I would kind of hated it. But if you think you would like it, you'd have a great time. Yeah.

And if you think you'd be scared, you should... They don't even go that fast. They don't go that fast because of the sand. The faster you go, though, the better. I was on the sand. I was falling behind. Dude, I was pushing that gas thing as hard as I fucking could forward, and I still felt like I was barely moving. I was like, bro, go faster. Yeah, no. But even if you went slow, it just made it so much bumpier. So I was just...

Yeah, I had that shit. Full throttle. I was like, let's fucking go. On the beach, I had it like all the way, like pressed forward. And I was like, can this shit go faster? Like, please. No, the views were nice though. They were. So we were in the desert. And then we went to the desert up to where the camels were. And then from the camels, we went down to the beach.

And we were just going against the shore. And, like, the waves were massive. Huge! It caused, like, the beach to have, like, erosion on the edge. So, like, you couldn't just walk down the water if you wanted to because, like, the erosion was just hitting the beach. And it was just, like, a legit cliff. So, God forbid, like, the fucking ATV just went over the cliff. Like, you wouldn't survive that. Like, that would have been dangerous. But, like, the waves were so big that they were crashing up onto the beach.

And, like, the mist was hitting us. And it low-key felt really good. Like, I didn't get, like, super dusty while we were ATVing. But, like, the water when we were right against the ocean felt really nice. Yeah, it was a cool little tour that we did. And then... What was it? Two hours? Yeah. Yeah.

and then we got to go back get some pictures that we also bargained they were like 150 bucks for all the photos and we did not want them but connor had this one picture that was a really good picture of him and he's like i want that photo but they wouldn't just give him one so he bargained down all the photos for 30 bucks for all the photos so we got a bunch of pictures of us on atvs for 30 yeah and i was like i was like i don't even really like any of the photos that were i was in because i

Like I said at the beginning, we were allowed to take photos and stuff. So I was the only one that had my phone. And I was just taking a bunch of random videos, photos. So I was like, oh, I felt fine. I don't really need them. But then once he got the photos for us, I was like, okay. Yeah, for $30, they're cool. Because there's pictures of all three of us riding. And it's cool to have a picture of all three of us together on them. Because we've posed once, but us actually driving them. I was like, okay, those are cool pictures to have.

um what did we do after that we just like chilled on like we had a sober day yeah the like excursion was like an almost like an hour away i feel so it kind of like took a while when we got back but then once we got back we went um down didn't we go to oh no yeah we went back to the pool because i was starving like i was so hungry so i literally didn't even want to have to like

Drop myself off at the resort and then walk all the way down to the beach to go get lunch. Like we were literally just sat our asses at the pool and ordered lunch poolside, which the resort food, like it tasted good, but the portioning,

Was so small. So small, but the food was like... It was so good, but the portioning was just ridiculously small for the price it was. Yeah. I highly recommend eating at the little smaller taco places, not right on the beach. So there's like a marina, either on the marina or like one or two streets into downtown. Right on the beach, everything is so expensive, which is kind of like every beach town, right? Like anything waterfront right on the beach is going to be pricier. Just go like...

one or two streets back to the little taco places. Yeah, like when you're eating, you're honestly eating for the vibes. Like for like the atmosphere. Like you're paying for the atmosphere because I feel like all the food was so good. Like those like $5 tacos we got, those were as good as the Asian place we went to.

like food like taste wise freshness wise like it all like the food was all good yeah yeah it was just more the vibes um display of the food yeah so that next day we just had like a pretty chill sober day um didn't really do much besides like hang out like it would wipe us out we'd get up really early because the time change and just because like we had like that excursion was kind of early so we'd wake up like between like 7 and 8 a.m we didn't have a chill day that day

Because we microdosed mushrooms? No. No, that day we microdosed mushrooms. That's what I'm saying. Next to the pool. The ATV day. That's what I'm saying. Oh, I thought you said next day. No, I said we had a chill day and you said we didn't have a chill day. And I said, oh, because we microdosed mushrooms. Oh, I thought you said the next day we had a chill day. No. Okay. So we tried to microdose. Well, we did microdose mushrooms, but I didn't really do anything. Yeah, I did not feel anything. But I don't think you're supposed to. Like, Connor was like, you're not supposed to. No, but I also think it's because we were kind of being like...

scared little babies about it because we've never done it before and i was like oh like let's really microdose it and i think it's because we did like half like we spread out the two yeah but like you're not supposed to feel anything when you microdose mushrooms but i have to take more like you're not supposed to feel anything i literally there was literally not a second that whole time where i felt like there was anything different though yeah but like you're really not supposed to like people microdose them you're not really supposed to feel anything

like i think it's more like it's more like self-conscious like people say like it might put they might get into a creative flow a little easier it might like ease your anxiety but those are more like subconscious like things that are happening yeah like to your body but yeah we microdose mushrooms um just for the vibes we'll let you know when we try it again how it is

And if we like it, because we don't really have word now. It didn't really do anything. Yeah. But we didn't drink. We kept it easy peasy, lemon squeezy. And then the next day was our rage day. And we woke up so early that day. Like, oh, also another thing. We only worked out once while we were there. Literally one time. The gym at our resort was horrible. Awful. Like so bad. Like down bad. And one thing about me is I'm not going to force a workout. Like if I'm going to work out, I'm having a good workout. Yeah.

and you know i just knew i was not gonna have good workouts in that resort so i was like you know what fuck it we're not working out but we walked a shit ton oh shit ton for example that morning that morning we got 8 000 steps but i'm not even kidding 10 30 in the morning yeah we walked so far for shitty ass coffee no but like even before that like taylor and i woke up at like

7 38 and breakfast doesn't get served until 8 30 at a resort So I was like taylor like do you want to go find like coffee somewhere? Um, but first I was like, let's go walk through all the resorts on this beach one thing that I always used to do with my mom when we go to resorts is like

Or like a beach that has a lot of resorts is like i'll just walk into resorts and act like I live there just to be nosy to explore them because like you never know you I don't like staying at the same resort every time I go back somewhere like um, i'll say the new one So my mom always likes to just like Go and check them out. So we were walking like

I don't know, like over a mile. We walked a lot, dude. Mile and a half without Connor. And then Connor was like, ladies, where are you? And we're like, we're walking. And he was like, all right, well, we'll meet up. So then we ended up meeting up like halfway through our walk. And then we walked the other way of our resort and we walked downtown to go find coffee, which was a fucking adventure. An adventure, like for real. We were like, where's the best coffee? And this local guy was like, Cabo coffee's the best. So we were like, okay, we'll go there. Fucking hike, bro.

trekking through this downtown couldn't find it finally found it coffee tastes like shit so it wasn't even worth it but the walk felt nice we got a crap ton of steps um literally insane like we walked literally so much like when i checked my health up i was like guys we have 7 000 steps and then that was before we got back to the resort like we walked like crazy

Yeah, no, like the steps were insane. And luckily I was wearing sneakers. But most of the other times when we were walking, I was only wearing sandals and I have like the worst blisters between my toes. Like it's so bad and I need them to heal because like it doesn't feel great. Nasty. Yeah, no, it's really bad. It's only on my right foot. My left foot doesn't have any blisters. But yeah, after all of our walking, we finally made it back, had some breakfast. Our breakfast was

included in our resort, which was nice. That was very nice. You don't have any options. You get one option off the menu. It's the American breakfast. So you could get two eggs, styled however you want. And then you got potatoes and you got some toast and you could get either sausages, chorizo or bacon. And I bit the bullet. And that was like the first time in a really long time where I actually had like a...

not like a meal of meat but like a side meal of meat like within my meal um my stomach handled it perfectly fine but uh that chorizo i need to figure out how to cook chorizo because i will be making chorizo it's like my new favorite thing yeah speaking of like eating things um i eat fish now crazy so there wasn't many things for me to eat and like for a two-day trip i could have survived but like

I just like didn't want to deal. You would have been so sick of beans and rice. Yeah. No, they didn't even have beans and rice at half the places. Yeah. But so yeah, let us know is rice and beans like not like a traditional Mexican thing to eat because like it wasn't really a thing people like had on the menu. But anyways, one thing about me is I'll try anything. I will literally try anything.

And at this restaurant we went to, we were like, what's the best thing? And the guy's like, octopus. And I was like, I mean, if you get it, I will try it. Like, I will try a bite because I've never had that before. And like I said, I will try anything. I'm like the least picky eater of all time. If you want me to put it in my mouth and eat it, I'll eat it. Um...

And I tried it. It wasn't – taste-wise, it was fine. Texture-wise, it was weird. And then Sam had a spicy tuna roll, and she was like, just try it. I was like, I'll try it. It tasted like nothing. And in my head, the reason I didn't eat seafood was because I never liked it. Like, everything I tried when I was younger, I didn't like. So not eating meat –

I had no reason to be like, oh, let me try being pescatarian. I didn't like seafood. And there was rarely a time where like seafood was the only thing I can eat. So like I just never ate it. Like I didn't like it. There was no reason to. But there was so much seafood here and not that many options for me to eat. And I'm not going to torture myself for a diet. If you don't know, I was vegan –

Like ethically and I still don't eat meat like meat will not like I can like literally full heartedly like like real meat like chicken beef pork like now, but I had not eaten an animal and literally fish. I don't even know last time I ate fish last time I ate meat was like eight years ago fish. Like I said, I didn't really like so I probably haven't eaten fish in like 10 years. Like, yeah, I don't know the last time I've eaten seafood.

It actually didn't mess up my stomach. I don't know if it's because it was just a really good quality, but it tasted like nothing. And I have now learned that good seafood isn't supposed to taste like anything. So I tried some sushi and then I was eating some fish tacos. I tried like snapper. I was eating tuna. I tried oysters and it was all pretty good. It's not like my favorite. My favorite was probably like the sushi. Yeah. The oysters were good, too.

I was going to say the red snapper was my favorite, I think. Yeah. You can get tuna everywhere. Here's the thing. The snapper tasted good, but something about just like a piece of meat, like it's very hard for me to like – my brain must turn off. Like I need to just like put the food in my mouth and I can't look at it. I can't think about it. Like in a sushi roll, like that to me is like a slab of fish is like that's really difficult for my brain to comprehend. I was kind of getting the ick. Like a few times I would get the ick.

the fish tacos like the last dinner we had yeah i was fighting i was fighting through because like it tasted good but like the second i was like bro you're eating a fish right now like you haven't done that in yeah you'll get there like it just gives me like a little bit of the ick um and i probably won't though like just because it's not like my favorite food like in most restaurants there's probably something else i'd order before i order like

a piece of fish you know what i mean it's more like i wouldn't really order that like for my own liking but the sushi was good the oysters were good because they tasted like nothing um and i like tabasco so lemon so those tasted like nothing um and now that's cool that that's a fun thing i can just go like order but yeah it's definitely not going to be something i eat like

Well, no, I got canned tuna because the only seafood I liked back in the day was like making tuna salad out of canned tuna. Like, because that's like barely counts. But like that's something I would eat regularly when I didn't like fish. I would only eat that. And I was like, fuck, I'm gonna start making that again because the macros on a can of tuna is insane. My lunch today, 42 grams of protein. Yeah. Crazy. So I'm like, fuck it. I'm gonna start eating that because also this is like a whole tangent now about how I eat fish again. Yeah.

It's really hard. Like if all you want to be is vegan and that's like your main goal, it's not hard to do. You can do it, but it's hard to balance wanting to be plant-based, like ethically wanting to eat more whole foods to clear my skin, wanting to make sure I'm eating enough like vitamins and minerals to balance my hormones, wanting to travel more. Like when you have all those different goals, like,

That's when it makes it hard. At the time when my main focus was I literally just want to eat plant-based and that was my main focus, dude, it was easy. I literally didn't care. But I also never left my house. It's very easy to be plant-based or vegan when you're not traveling and you don't leave your house and you don't have a social life. It's really easy. But it does make it a little...

harder when you're more out into the world and like I honestly like if there was more options for me to eat I might have not eaten it but like is what it is my body felt fine for like two days later in the trip I was a little bit like like my stomach kind of feels weird like I could throw up any second but I never did and now I'm don't eat meat or dairy but I eat fish and eggs so kind of like pescatarian but now I eat fish

Yep. It was crazy. I posted me eating the oysters and people didn't even say anything. One girl was just like, I like that you're vegan, but you don't mind trying things. And I was like, well, I did a lot more than try to eat a lot of fish. I ate quite a lot of fish, actually. Not only did we eat a lot of seafood, we ate a lot of tacos. I think like...

Almost every single meal I had was tacos. I love tacos and I stand by tacos at all times. Like I'm came back home and I'm still having tacos. Connor looked at me when I told him when I was making for lunch this week and he was like, you're having tacos again. I was like, no, I will literally never get sick of tacos. One thing I will never get sick of. Yeah. And like my guess is this is probably just because we were in a touristy area. I bet if you go more toward like

more just like local towns the food is probably amazing but like in the tourist area that we were in like the mexican food here is better yeah and like that's probably just because we were in simpler though but i think it's just because we were in a very like touristy area like i don't i i bet like you get someone's mom's home cooked food

Like, it's probably so good. No, it's just because we're in America and everything is saturated with, like... No, but, like, those last tacos were good because, like, the tortilla... So fucking good. But, like, the places at, like, the, like, beach... Like, the...

yeah like they were like yeah like they like i almost like those better than the ones that were like trying to be fancy like because the lot like this one place we went to they're like to the tortillas you could tell they just made them oh my god they were like i could eat like a plate of those tortillas and just like put them in my mouth they were so good but like there's something about like some of the nice food mexican food here just like

Ton of hits. Like, knock them off. And margs. Like, low-key. Some of the margs we got were literally disgusting. Okay, one thing... I don't know if this is, like, a really, like, normal thing, but, like, putting kosher salt on the rim of your, like, margarita glasses...

It's disgusting. Yeah, it was like table salt. Like, no. Like, it needs to be sea salt, like flaky salt, kosher salt. I wanted to like throw up. It was way too salty. Yeah, I didn't like mind it that much. But like, it's definitely like it should like I wouldn't use like table salt to rim a glass, especially at a restaurant where you have more than one thing. But like, yeah, the Margs.

were not good. Everyone was recommending this place called The Office. That was the worst alcoholic drink I've ever had in my entire life. Those margaritas were awful. They were so bad. We literally didn't even drink them. But yeah, like I said, my guess is probably just because it's a touristy area. I bet if you go to other smaller towns, people are probably like, you don't know what you're saying. The food is so good. Just not at the very touristy spots. But

So it was so nice to come home and cook our own meals. Like, eating out is, like, so exhausting and expensive. I love cooking. No, like, seriously. I love eating lunch and not swiping a debit card for it. Yeah. Like, we definitely next time need to go way more prepared with, like, the finances of the day-to-day there because, like, I could have easily have spent, like, so much less day-to-day when we were there. Like, we were literally just, like, at the end of the day adding up everything and dividing it by three, which...

Is fair not so fair and also like we were just eating at like really expensive restaurants each night And like it would have been honestly nice if we just had like a baggy t-shirt sweatshirt Night walked to the boardwalk like those girls that were eating at the echo bar next to us They literally looked like they just got off the boat took a shower threw on sweatshirt and sweatpants and just like had dinner and like

Had dinner. Yeah, well, even if we were there, like, I still don't mind getting dressed up and just sitting there and being like, I don't care. Yeah, but we just should have had, like, more, like, low-key dinners. Yeah, it was just, like, it's hard when you don't, you know, you don't know what you don't know. Like, it's hard, like, like, you live and you learn and, like, and all that. I also probably would have just gone for less time.

Yeah. Yeah, we definitely... You don't need to spend six days in Cabo. No. Like, four max. I think you could probably even do three. Yeah. Like, you don't... There's not that... Because it's very small. Like, there's not much to be...

To be doing I mean the tan you get after six days is crazy. Yeah like if you want to be there to like relax and really not do much you can get away with six but if you're there to like rage you really only need to be there like three days. Yeah and we were a good mix of both. Yeah we were in between. So speaking of rage I feel like the only last thing that was really like eventful.

Was our other rage day. Yeah, our Saturday day. So we wanted to rage a little. We wanted to party a little. And we go to Mango Deck again. Funnest place ever. Because we knew that was the place to be. And they're like, we only have like one table. But if you get bottle service, it's $300 for a bottle of Costa Migos.

Realistically, throughout the day, we're probably going to spend $100 a person. Yeah, we were literally there by 11 a.m., so we knew we were not going to be leaving. We were like, okay, if we don't leave, if we go around to a bunch of bars this whole afternoon, we are going to spend $100 a person. Yeah. 100%. That's just how it is when you drink alcohol. It gets pricey. So we were like, honestly, we should just do it. Whatever. So we get a bottle of Casamigos. Yeah.

We're making drinks and then we're trying to like loop around like find people. And then the day got interesting. Yeah. Because there's so many people there. Like I said, this place, now that it was the weekend, was fucking. And it was like a mix of people too. It was like spring breakers and then like bachelor and bachelor party. A lot of bachelor bachelorettes. Like all ages. A lot. A lot of bachelor bachelorettes. Like they were really overtaking the place. And we go to this one group that looked like one big group, but it was actually two groups that like kind of met each other there.

whatever wedding and then like college people yeah they were like all mixed together and we go talk to them because like obviously me and sam are boy crazy like there's just like boys over there we're gonna go say hi like yeah duh what else do we do yeah we're on vacation and connor's like what like she's like guys stop leaving and it's like we have to go speak to boys yeah connor was getting annoying at that point i was like connor let me go find a man yeah because they were being annoying and not letting us all leave the table at once because they thought we were gonna leave without paying but we were like bro like

We're not going to sit at this table the whole time. So we were just having issues being able to walk around the bar. But we start talking to these people...

and they're a little bit insane. They're very drunk. They're like giving us like show me like shots of their own tequila. And I was like, I already have a bottle. I don't need that. So, and then they're talking and hanging out with us and they buy a table right next to us. They pay the bottle service to get a table right next to us. And the reason they can pay this is because one of the guys that was with them is in the NFL. So he's throwing out cat, like,

he's funding this trip for them easy like he's just like you want it paying for it so we're like bro what the fuck is going on like this is just crazy like all these people like it's just fun like you're meeting people you're talking it's wild um we were like obviously just talking to boys and then mr nfl man is like we're getting a boat

yeah like we're getting a boat come on the boat sam met a dude there was a group of bachelor guys there was probably like 15 of them at the table next to us and they were all wearing cow attire and i'm like okay these guys are like a little bit older like they were all like

Probably like young 30s, young 30s. And the guy that I met, which actually I didn't even meet him, Connor immediately was broing it up with this dude. And Connor kind of like hooked it up for me. Like this man wasn't a typical man that I would be like,

sexually attracted to. Like, I wouldn't look at him and be like, oh my god, he's the hottest of them all. It was just his personality. Like, his personality was the winner. And he was vibing it up with Connor and then Connor was like, yo, like, meet my friend Hunter. I can name drop it. It doesn't matter, right? You're never gonna see him again. I'm never gonna see him again. His name was Hunter. So I was like,

oh my god like hi hunter like we're just vibing we're having good times and like all of his like guy friends and like that bachelor group like they were all having a good time they were giving me shots and i mean they were dressed like cows like hello the vibes were high yeah the vibes were high and ends up turning out that one of their friends in that cow group their uncle was the owner of this bar that we were at so they had a free table with free alcohol they had like

five bottles of alcohol and like we left our table so I was like okay we have to bring our bottle with us so the whole time I'm like holding my bottle like very blatantly open day like holding our bottle of alcohol and they're still coming up to me offering their bottle and making shots out of their bottle I was like I have my own bottle like calm down you guys but then there was this one guy that was friends with your NFL man he

He had his bottle and he kept pouring all of us shots. Yeah. And I kept dumping them in my drink. Me too. I didn't know if you were actually doing that. I kept dumping them in my drink and Connor kept laughing at me because he'd be like, yeah. And I'd literally go...

poured into my drink because like I'm not going to pour it on the ground because that's wasteful but I'm not drinking that as a shot I would just pour it in my drink and then you just add a little bit more pineapple juice yeah just keep making drinks nope I mean like it was so noticeable but they're just dumb they're so dumb so we're vibing it up with these people NFL man is trying to

Like fuck anything that walks. He is like on a mission. He's like we're getting a boat. And like sometimes guys are weird about like boys on their boat. And like Sam was talking to like that cow dude. Cow man. And I'm like well I'm only coming in my friend. Like our friends have to come. Like our guy friends have to come. Like we're going on this boat.

And we were like, fuck it. We're going on the boat. And this guy just pays for a catamaran and pays for all of us to go on this open bar sunset catamaran. Literally, what the hell is going on? But the $300 price for the bottle worked because all in all, we got a whole day of unlimited free alcohol for $100 a person, which is not bad. And a boat.

So it wasn't that bad. That was our most economically smart decision. But honestly, we could have gone away with just walking in there and getting free shots. Literally, we didn't realize that we didn't need to get a table. We could have walked up.

We could have simply walked up to their table and stood with them the whole time. And because they were offering us so much alcohol, like we didn't even need our own bottle. It came to the point where like I needed to finish our bottle of alcohol that I was even offering our bottle to random people because it came like we were about to leave for the boat and we had like, I would say like,

30% left. Yeah. And I was just like looking at random girls like, do you want some? Do you want some? Like, please take fucking shots like out of this. Like if I drink this, I'm going to blackout and I don't want to blackout. So you guys here have some. Yeah, we definitely didn't need, we could have just went up and talked to them immediately. But you know, again, you live and you learn. Yeah. But we go on this boat.

It was kind of a, like... I feel like every two seconds on the boat, I was like, bro, what are we doing? Like, literally, what are we doing? Taylor, no, I have a video on my phone of you, like, standing on the edge of the boat. And you're just, like, dazing off of the boat. Just looking at everything going on. That's, like, what I'm thinking of you saying right now. Yes! You were just like, where am I? I was definitely...

they're like why am i on this boat in mexico like the video you're with a guy dressed as a cow connor's like making out with some random girl like mr nfl man is like paid all this money for this like i'm literally like standing on the boat like i'm literally like what the hell is going on this is you you're just like pondering life like you're not even like who's that random man you're just like

pondering like no the way I was like girl what the hell like why am I on this random boat in Mexico like it was just very weird I was like why am I here I'm literally making out with a cow yeah like Sam's making out with a cow on the front of the fucking catamaran me and him were laying in like a little net thing eating a girl's face off like we're just and I am just like Mr. NFL man is like literally want to go like smash in the bathroom like no wait what

I did not know he said basically. Oh, I thought you said he asked that. No, like he basically did. Like maybe not word for word like that, but he was just, he like went to go see what the bathroom looked like. Speaking of those bathrooms, those bathrooms did not work. I had to literally pee in the sink in that bathroom.

You peed in the sink? Yeah, me and a girl peed in the sink together. That's gross. The thing stopped working. It was overflowing. That's disgusting. And we were moving. I couldn't jump in the ocean to go pee. So me and her were like, let's just pee in the sink. That's disgusting. So the night after the boat was like a drunken blur. We're just like, fuck the night after the boat. The guys are trying to hang out with us. We didn't hang out with them. Whatever. But like drank too much during the day. But whatever went to bed.

The next day, I'm just doing a little research. Just, you know, doing a little digging because you can't tell me you play a sport and then expect me to not Google you. Hello, I'm Googling you ASAP. So do a little Googling, do a little Instagram searching. What do you know? Mr. NFL man has a long-term girlfriend and a kid.

I was like, no way. Because this guy was not acting like a guy that had a girlfriend and a kid. Let me tell you that much. Like the things this man was saying out of control, the way he, like it was so gross and scummy and disgusting. Like I literally can't. And I mean, like I, we didn't hang out with him that night, but someone did for sure. Oh, someone did. It wasn't, it didn't happen to be us.

But someone hung out with them and it wasn't us. And he was trying to get it to be me on the boat. And it wasn't. But homie had a long-term girlfriend and a kid. And that...

is fucked up yeah like even the shit he was saying to me i'm like no he wasn't literally like he's a piece of shit garbage like garbage garbage garbage pro athlete like when i looked and like you would think if someone's acting like that maybe their relationship would be kind of more low-key online no found her in a second the child and um i actually ended up telling her and like

shooting a little DM because I was like if it was me I'd want to know and like she took it well she didn't like get pissed at me oh no she was so happy about it so I hope she's doing well and I feel she deserves so much better he's a piece of shit and the thing is is with professional athletes is they do suck like this is not our first time too with professional athletes not our first time they've never failed to disappoint us nope

Like, I'm never, like, the dream of mine would to be to date and marry a professional, but no. Not after all these situations I've seen. And you know what makes it worse for this, like, girl is that she had been with him for years before he even, like, went pro. So that just goes to show how shitty he is because, like, you were with her, like, she was your day one.

And like was with you before you even got clouded and you disrespect her like that. That's fucked. It was so messed up. Like when I saw that, like I just like joined Sam and Connor at breakfast. I was like, do you guys want to hear something super hilarious? He like my jaw fell to the fucking ground. I'm like, yeah. And it was just so gross and disgusting. And I literally hate men. I hate athletes like.

It's so ballsy too. I don't know if you think we're just not going to speak up because I just want your attention so bad. Homie was telling me I can come visit. Oh my god, the craziness. Just out of control. And if you think for one second that I would see that and not want to ride for your girl, why would I know? I'm like, you're disgusting and gross. Literally so gross.

That was like a pretty eventful little thing of realizing that. And it's so sad because like you just can't assume like just because a guy's like out there flirting with you and saying like vulgar things to you, that does not mean he's single. Not at all. Nope. He is probably married.

Especially when he's in Cabo with a bunch of boys. Literally. And like the way, like I can rant about this forever. Spending your hard earned money that's supposed to be taking care of your wife and your baby. Your wife probably doesn't work because you're out all the time playing football and you're

She is taking care of your fucking kids staying home rooting for you And that is your hard-earned money pay for his college or some shit buy her a purse and you're spending it to get bitches drunk in Mexico I can't literally gross Literally so nasty like makes me want to vomit

My man, on the other hand, he was a nice 31-year-old man that just... He might have a girlfriend, too. We don't know. Fuck, you're right. I actually have no idea. I'm going to be talking way too highly of this man. He probably doesn't, but I'm just going to say be careful because you don't know. My man, on the other hand... He might. He lives in California. I'm never going to see him ever again. Actually, that's a lie. He goes to ACL every year, which ACL is a massive music festival here in Austin. So maybe I'll see him during that. But like...

I just love older men. Like, something about a man in his 30s, like, that has his shit together. Like, I love it. This other NFL player, on the other hand, was 22. He don't got his shit together. Everyone's going to be Googling NFL player in Cabo, 22 years old. Yeah, good luck finding that. Good luck. I mean, if you do, that's super funny. She honestly took you a little while to find him.

Yeah, because his name was spelled weird. Yeah. But that was super, like, gross and icky and disgusting. So we just, like, really just got drunk at Mango Deck and then went on a random boat. So that was fun. Yeah. And then the next day... Oh, also, this wasn't even, like, the... This was, like, earlier in the trip. If you want to get massages in Cabo, Mexico, freaking do it. You can show up to the beach and, like, people will be saying...

Like, ladies, massages, massages, like $40 massage. Like, do it. Like, 100% do it. Like, that was the best thing we've ever done. It was great. Like, the three of us were all just, like, laying in our bathing... Well, I don't know. I guess... I think Connor was in his bathing suit. Me and Taylor, we took off our bathing suits. Laying beachside, like, getting a nice massage by...

these ladies it was it was amazing yeah that was a really fun thing and then i feel like is the last thing we want to talk about like what the night scene looked like i feel like there wasn't any yeah the night scene was like kind of sketch yeah so i was like we didn't really end up going out any of the nights and then one night i was like bro we have to go to like see like just like see it like a little bit because like everyone talks about like this one bar it's called squid row like literally tanamoja was there like two days before it's like the spot that you go like hello like if tanamoja was there like it's a spot so

Like we just have to see what it's like. We've been here for six days. We got to see it. Um, it was crazy down there. It was packed. It was like nine o'clock. It's packed full of college kids on spring break. The people are coming up to you. They're charging 30 bucks to get into that squid row place or 25. And we're like, hell no, no, like we're not paying $25 cover. Who do you think we are? So we just go into this random other bar that we just walked past and

And this place, this all downtown of Cabo at night was filled with freshmen in college. The youngest looking kids I've ever seen like drinking alcohol. It looked so illegal. It looked not okay. I felt I'm not even that much older than them and I just felt too old to be in there. It just really felt not okay. Like they were so young. They were so young. They looked so little. And honestly, it made me think like not to be like, I'm not going to.

I wish I could be the coolest, most chill parent. I know there's probably like 16-year-olds listening to this right now. And that's fine. I don't recommend you go. Nothing against you guys. I don't recommend you run around Mexico with your friends really drunk because we were there with our, with like, we're a little bit older and we were there with our 25-year-old like grown ass like man friend walking us around like, and that's honestly why we felt pretty safe. And like, yeah, these people were in big groups, but like these big groups of drunk people

17, 18 year old girls should not be walking around Mexico. Yeah. Like there's no stay in the country. There's literally no reason. Like I was just like, how is this happening? We were outside squid row waiting to get in. And this girl is walking by herself texting. I assuming the vibe of it looked like she was probably meeting up with people because she was walking and texting and walking kind of by herself. And I wanted to stop her and be like, where are you walking to alone? Why are you walking down this road by yourself? Yeah.

It was just so many young college kids. And, like, not to be, like, a little, like, no fun, like, negative Nancy. Like, yeah, like, not to be a Karen, but, like, I really don't think you guys should be going to Mexico so young, drinking...

They were probably all drinking and doing drugs. Like, it just, like, did not seem safe. Yeah. I mean, I never – when I – I didn't have a spring break because I played lacrosse in college. And when I quit lacrosse, I went abroad to Australia. So, like, I never had that experience of a spring break. And honestly, I'm kind of happy I didn't because watching, it just looked so unsafe. There's so many cool places you can go in the country, not even for –

There's just little things like even if you're not because anywhere can be dangerous, right? You can get in a bad situation anywhere. Anywhere where there's a big amount of drunk college kids, you can get into a dangerous situation. But then you add in language barrier. Your phone is going to have no service. Your card is not going to work. Your card is going to not work. You're not going to have cash. You add in all those factors of you basically having like no communication that makes it

Way worse. Yeah. So yeah, like looking around at all these young kids I was like i'm gonna be that karen of a mom that when my 18 year old daughter's like can I go to mexico on spring break? I'm gonna be like hell no, like I will literally pay for an all-inclusive like Vacation somewhere else in the country like just so they won't fucking go i'll be like, okay i'll pay for you to go to like

i don't know where does where do people typically go i have no idea i was just like you people look way too young to be here and like why are you running around a foreign country by yourself drunk like this is really not okay and if you look on the news like bad stuff does happen and like i said it can happen anywhere like it could happen like right here in texas it can literally happen anywhere it's just all those other things like you are not gonna have service you're not gonna speak the language like if you called the cops you're gonna have trouble like

I don't know. Like, it just like, what if you can't talk to the cops on the phone because they don't speak English? Just so many things that could happen that just made it seem so scary. And we were literally sitting in these bars looking at these kids being like, bro,

what and like i said i wouldn't even feel safe there would just i mean a lot of it did feel very safe there wasn't i wouldn't have gone down like i'm kind of happy like if we didn't have connor there with us there would have been a lot of times where i would have been like on edge but like obviously walking around with a 25 year old dude who's like six four makes you feel a little quite a bit more safe than just me and sam on our own but if we were alone like i would have been

like on edge yeah like honestly i'm kind of happy like with how drunk we were saturday like when we me and you went back and like if we ended up going out me you connor like from like after getting out of the cabin going out downtown i'm kind of happy we didn't because of how drunk we were like i don't know like how the night would have gone like if i got even more drunk and like

lost you guys i mean like it just like wasn't a safe place i felt so like i'm kind of happy we didn't yeah i feel like if you're gonna be like if you're going to go to cabo and you want to like drink i feel like kind of staying especially if your resort's near the beach just staying in that area like the locals area it's really only a couple blocks from like resorts to the bars and the beach like you're not going too far uh downtown was a little bit

chaotic and i feel like that's a thing too like in most cities like downtown is where it's yeah like even even here in austin like the same vibe on dirty six of like the locals like coming up to you and like begging you to come into their club and like offering you free drinks and like handing you their business cards and like it's the same vibe in austin texas but obviously because you're in another country language barriers and everything like you just don't know what to expect and like

For me too, like, one thing that I was going to set myself up knowing, like, if we did go out, is that I wanted to make sure I could see the drinks being made. Because, like... Well, me and Connor said from the start, like, I know you don't drink beer. We were going to get beer. Yeah. I don't drink beer. But, like...

I felt fine at that one place where we went to get drinks. Oh, it was so empty. If we went to Squid's Row, like, I would have been, like, at the bar watching them making my drink, watching them hand it to me because, like, you never know they could slip something into your drink and be a part of something with, like, someone that's, like, on the other side of the bar. Like, you just never know. You want to play it super safe in those situations. Yeah, anytime, like, obviously, anytime you're out drinking, you need to watch if you're in another country. You just need to be aware. But it was a good trip. It was lots of, like...

Just, like, experiences. Like, things to say I've done, eaten, saw. Yeah. And I'm happy we're doing really good with our, like... Or at least my bucket list for the year. Like, I made it very known, like, as my New Year's resolution goals that, like, I wanted to...

Go on like a vacation like this, which we did. And then like I want to also travel to two new cities this year. And like I'm ahead of the game. Like I'm going to Tampa next month. That's a new city I've never been to. So I just need to book another one. And then like. That's so easy. Cities are so easy. I'm so ahead of my like.

New Year's resolutions. Yeah. But do we have any tips for Cabo? My biggest tip is the water situation. You cannot drink the tap water in Mexico. Do not buy the Fiji waters from the restaurants or your resorts. They charge $7 a bottle. You can go to the pharmacies and get a gallon of water for $1.50. We spent probably a few hundred dollars on water. And we could have easily have spent $50, not even, on water while we were there. So...

If you're gonna buy water in Mexico Make sure you're going to the pharmacies And you're getting just like the local brands Not Fiji Yeah huge huge for the program Um I feel like I don't know um

Wear a fucking sunscreen. Yeah, wear a sunscreen. Also, like, we kind of said this earlier, if you want to save money with food, like, one place I personally recommend, we went there twice in one day because it was that good, is the Echo Bar. It's right on the harbor. You can literally go there. They have a taco bar, and each taco is literally $2, and we got three tacos for under $10. Like,

Could have been doing that for lunch every day. Try to stay away from eating at your resorts. I know it can be tempting just because one, it's so convenient. It's so easy. The food looks amazing. But save the money. Yeah, it's definitely, definitely pricey. Like eating like me and Sam got dinner just us and it was so expensive. Yeah. So expensive. At our own resort. We literally just walked down to the lobby of our place and spent like $70 each. It was so expensive. Didn't even get drinks. So fine.

fucking expensive. But it was good. Yeah. Yeah. No, it was like fire. Like we were fucking chowing down on that shit. Definitely taking cash out just in case you want to get a cab or like tip taking cash out. Yeah, having cash on you is really important. The cabs is $15 a person when you're traveling to and from the airport. So just make sure in advance you have that because we did not in advance made sure we had that. And

And we ended up literally getting to the airport as our flight was boarding. And let me just say, the 30 to 40 minute cab ride from our resort to the airport was the most anxious I've been in a very long time. Yeah, I was anxious about the flight. And like I said, because I'd been eating fish.

The last two days at all times, I felt like at any moment I could puke. So I was already feeling like I was going to puke because I was kind of getting nauseous in the car. And I was anxious that I was like, I'm literally going to vomit. Because there would be nothing like us getting stranded in Mexico. Yeah. So the fact that we made the flight was huge. But yeah, having cash would be big. Yeah.

And, like, obviously just being, like, so careful and aware. Yeah. And also, like, I know all of you probably, I would assume, are subscribed to our Snapchats and our YouTube channel. We spam the shit.

Out of our Snapchats. Well, Taylor's doing better. I sometimes have to remind her. You've been posting on Snapchat, but I think she's going to do better. I'm getting better. In the last 24 hours, the amount of people that have added me is crazy. Yeah. It's because if someone asked me, what's Taylor's Snapchat? I know, and it's blowing up right now. Like, it's literally blowing up. Good. So, yeah. Add us on Snapchat. You can find that.

or i can just say it right now mine's sammy t711 and then taylor what's yours mine's taylor olsen with three ends at the end and yeah we spammed the shit out of it taylor actually just took a selfie right now and she's posting it but um that every i think every single photo from my camera roll was uploaded to snapchat the week of us in cabo yeah um yeah that just kind of

explains how much i posted on that yeah and we took great instagram pics we did take in and we also wore a lot of the trip our future milf hats oh yes future milf hats like those are gonna be essential this summer get them while you can we are gonna we're running very low on the hats right now but we'll definitely restock on them soon because i think those are my favorite hats like yeah the future milf hats like compliments galore like if you want to walk around a beach town and get people being like i love your hat

wear that hat. Yeah. I'm telling you. This random older man was like, future MILF, I love it. I was like, thanks. Appreciate it. But we wore our future MILF hats. They got a lot of love on the trip. Is there anything else you want to say about Coppa? No. I had so much fun and I'm so happy that I'm so tan. I feel so good. It definitely feels good that we're getting back on track. We'll be back into our normal workouts hopefully by Saturday, Sunday. I won't be taking a rest day for like

a while because we took six days off so i'm not gonna rest this weekend i'll probably honestly work out for like a week and a half yeah just because we literally just took a week off so i'm like

I don't feel like I need a rest day. Like, I feel like I can run through my split, like, pretty easily just because we took so much time off. And we're... Also, I wasn't really planning on going out this weekend, like, coming home. One, because I want to save money. And two, like, I'm tired as fuck. I'm so tired. But it's our best friend's birthday.

Haley, it's her birthday this weekend. So like I have to show face. So I'm going to get my shit together. I am going to go maybe have like two drinks and show face. Yeah, I don't even think I'm going to like I'm literally just going to like hang out like I really can't. And then we have like some fun events here in Austin. Yeah. South by Southwest. South by Southwest. So it's going to be definitely a busy week, but getting back on track, getting everything together. Sometimes, guys, you have to have these times off or like you have

such off weeks because it makes you appreciate your routine even more it makes you feel even that much better to be home and getting rest and eating home-cooked meals and all that stuff just makes you appreciate it and it feels make makes you know what i really appreciate being able to get water from my fridge i refill up my water bottle right now i refill up my water bottle and i just feel like a queen yeah i'm

There's Do you guys know how horrible it is waking up in the middle of the night So thirsty and you don't have water to drink I woke up every morning running to like The pharmacy to buy water It was awful like it was crazy But overall we had a really good time It was my first time out of the country Now I eat fish, rode ATVs Like I just did so much like I'm a new woman Like if you knew me before I went to Mexico No you didn't You guys are the only ones that know that I eat fish I'll have to like say it at some point but like I don't know

I just like to tell you guys. Everyone else can figure it out. I need water. I need like a coffee or something because I have to like edit this and like finish cleaning my room and I'm quite literally dead. Yeah. Anyways, guys, I hope you guys enjoyed this episode. Nice little recap. Make sure to watch the YouTube video that will be live by now and add our Snapchats. See you guys in the next one. Bye. Bye. Bye.

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