cover of episode Solving All of Your Boy Problems Ft. Our Best Friends!

Solving All of Your Boy Problems Ft. Our Best Friends!

Publish Date: 2023/2/3
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One Thing About Us


Shownotes Transcript

What's up, you guys? Welcome back to another episode. I am Sam. And I am Taylor. This is going to be a really fun episode because after a few weeks of really just bagging our guy friends and forcing them to be on the show, we got them to be on the show. Yeah, we were just at the gym with them and then actually Hunter kind of like shrugged. He was like,

Ugh, so much content in the last two days. Yeah, because we keep being like, and we don't really tell them what we're doing, but we're like, hold on, do this for a second. And we like film them or take a picture of them. And like, I just tell them, like, I get it's annoying, but like, you're our friend. Yeah. Expect it. It's going to happen. And guess what? Yeah. And it takes us, it's honestly a compliment because we're not open with putting people on our like socials or like vlogging in front of someone or anything.

Podcasting literally like with a friend. We've never podcasted. Obviously, we've had fitness people that are our friends. Yeah. But that's different because they...

They do it. They're comfortable. They do it. You know each other. It's like a co-worker. Yeah. But these are just like our just real life friends that, you know, post once a year on Instagram. So it's going to be fun. It's going to be it's going to be interesting if they say anything super stupid. Sorry, but I don't think they will. Yeah. And I'm going to just like jump right into it because I know there's been so much crazy like.

going on on TikTok. And let me just say right now, like, I kind of gaslight you guys. I'm sorry. Sam is an evil little wench. Not just on TikTok, in real life. Sam will gaslight the living shit out of you. Like, she can see someone at the bar next week who hasn't maybe not that close with her and they'll be like, Sam, do you get a boob job? She'll be like, no. Like, she'll gaslight, gaslight, gaslight. Like, literally just...

yeah i'd be like no they just like just gaslight yeah and so you know that trend that was on tiktok was like the pros and cons of dating me yeah in the cons i put i'm always lying for fun in the cons and like so many people in the comments were like girl i relate to this so hard you don't do it to me i don't do it to you because you know me like i even tried to do it the other day to you and you just look to me and you're like i know you're lying it's also because we like live together and do most things together so if you were like this happened to me i'd be like bitch when yeah like

when when did that happen because i think i would have been there but um speaking of pros and cons i want to ask our guy friends when they're on our biggest red flag oh i cannot wait to ask that so we're gonna get their opinion on what's our biggest red flags yeah and green flags so that's gonna be super funny yeah but yeah sam's a gas lighter but like should we explain why because some people may not even know like i know some people that saw the tiktok know but other people don't

Yeah, yeah, definitely explain. So last night we had our... Well, okay, so one of our guy friends, Connor, he just put his two weeks in for one of his jobs. So the last two weeks he's been kind of doing not much during the day. So he came over during the day and then we were hanging out with him, watching shows and whatever. And keep in mind, the weather here in Austin is very bad. So it's basically snowstorm weather. The city shut down. There's nothing to do. Nothing. So yesterday...

We then called our friend Hunter. We're like, hey, come hang out with us. And like we've never really just hung out the four of us together. Yeah. And so I look at them and this was two days ago when we actually did this again before one of our other friends showed up and ended up being five of us. But I was like, guys, we're on a double date right now. And the boys just looked at me like, no, like, stop, like, shut up. Don't say that. Shut the fuck up before I leave your house. Like, ew, like, gross. And I was just like.

haha like let's do it again so then when when they were on their way back over they were gonna cook dinner at our place like we had already ate but they were like can we use your kitchen and like cook we were like sure whatever and then as they're coming i'm like taylor let's make a tiktok of like a pov double date and yeah so we posted that on tiktok and it was really funny it was so funny getting them to like do this stuff because they were just like what the fuck are you filming and we're like just go along with it okay it's funny and

um and everyone's in the comment like oh my god like what's going on and like no one person actually was like listen to the podcast you know like yeah this is like just their friends like yeah it is just our friends like so all of that yeah kennedy she goes girls who listen to the pod know this is sarcasm yeah like it's really not real um

yeah you guys are never gonna believe me when i actually get a boyfriend yeah literally so bad but those they're really just our homies but sam just loves gaslighting just loves being a liar yeah it's really fun it is well because the guys they'll literally ask something and at the same time i'll say no when sam says yes like i'm like and they always end up believing me too yeah like he's like oh like i can't even did you guys go to the gym yesterday yeah did you guys go to the gym i'm like no sam's like yeah

And he's like, so you did? I'm like, no. Like, what are you getting? Like, why are you? Or when it's in a group chat. Yeah, the group chat's even worse. They don't get it. He said, hey, have you ever been to this gym? I want to check it out. And I literally wrote back, we have never been. Like, me and Sam have never been. And Sam wrote back, I really hated it. Like, it wasn't good. And he's like, oh, really? Why didn't you like it? And I'm like, I just said we've never been there. And the next day, even, he's like,

damn like sucks you didn't like that gym i was really looking forward to trying it out i'm like she's never been there like she made that up like the thing is they always every single time they catch me in a lie they're always like i'm never believing a single thing you ever say but then it happens again then they believe me so it's just like they're never gonna learn you know what this is a secret for just us and listeners when they're on do it once yeah so that way they can

like yeah yeah yeah in real life so i'm like guys don't tell them but sam's gonna do it yeah when we're in the interview so you guys can see it happen okay perfect you probably were gonna do it anyways yeah probably yeah but um so a little bit about should we catch up we've been like yeah we need to also there's one other thing involving that video okay yeah do you know what i'm talking about oh yeah the devil's lettuce what's that that's what's called oh i had no idea oh because i mean like we need to be a brand friendly show

So I don't know if we can talk about recreational drugs. No, we won't. But we just want you guys to know that this isn't an era. It's been around. It's been around. I haven't done it in a long time. Yeah, it's been a while. But it's something I dabble. Yeah. It's not all the time. Not all the time. We dabble in certain things. You have to see the TikTok to know what we're talking about because I don't know what...

to like say not say about it but like it's implied you get it okay y'all bitches get it but anyways little catching up sam's one week post-op you guys love that episode by the way it did so good on youtube i'm so excited about that i did write down in my little notesy notes like pointers because there's a lot like so much has happened in a week with my like recovery i never thought that i would be feeling the way i feel one week post-op in such a good way like

I feel like I could go work out today. I really wanted to work out. It like kind of made me a little upset and I was like, damn, my body feels fine. Like I could definitely hit a leg day right now. And like when someone tells me I can't do something and I want to do something like I get irritated and I was like, fuck, like I really want to go. But I know it's obviously good for my body not to do that. Don't want to risk anything. But, um, last time I talked with you guys, it was what, like four, like three or four days. And so now we are one week and

and my swelling is completely gone. The only thing that I have is like, you know, the really old bruises when they're like kind of yellow and purple. So my entire like bra wire line on the bottom is like that. And someone said, made the comment. It was like, Oh, maybe your sports bras too tight. No sis. Like I'm wearing massive sports bras because I'm,

I have to wear a sports bra 23 hours out of the day. So I don't want to be wearing a super tight sports bra. Like I'm wearing sports bras that are very comfortable, like not tight on me. So that's not what's happening. It's literally because... I mean, you got surgery. You got surgery, you're going to bruise. I mean, that seems... I mean, I don't know anything about like boob jobs, but that seems normal to me. No, yeah, it's definitely normal. And I've seen other girls that have gone their boobs on, like they have the same kind of bruising going on as I do. And I still have like the...

surgical pen. I still have the tape on me too over my incisions, which is really annoying because they're like hanging on by a thread. But that is totally fine. I have been able to sleep flat, which is amazing. And the only thing that I would say that has been really irritating me is like

When I go outside, it's so cold and I have to walk Mac and I haven't really been going outside to walk Mac. I'll just let Mac run outside and like go to the bathroom because we have like a little yard area type thing is I, you know, when you're cold, your whole body like freezes up and it gets tight. Yeah. Yeah. Your boobs, your nipples get hard. Like, yeah.

I go outside and it just feels like there is 20 million pounds on my chest and I hate being outside because of it. So that's the only thing that's really been bothering me, but I know the weather's not going to last this long for a while. I will be upset if we go out this weekend and it's really cold because I'm

I didn't even think about that. Yeah, when we were walking downtown the other night when we were watching football, I was in so much pain walking back to your car. I was like, this is literally horrible. So hopefully the weather goes back up. Friday, the high is 55, low 34, but it says sunshine, which a sunny, cold day is doable. Yeah. Then a...

terrible but then it goes back into the 70s on sunday so it's good yeah um oh one thing i did want to add that i didn't add into last episode or even my youtube channel someone dm'd me and said this and i totally forgot to add this because it didn't really affect me that much but one thing to keep in mind when you are recovering from your like

Post-op surgery is your nipples will be really sensitive. I know a lot of girls have had the issue of their nipples being super sensitive for like weeks. I really only experienced that for like two days and it just feels like your nipple is like the nerves, your nipple, like,

I think they cut your nerve like they cut through your nerves and you have to like reconnect the nerve reconnects or something but basically it feels like there's like nothing there like you go to touch it yeah it's raw it's not a pleasant feeling but I only really experienced that for like one or two days and I know a lot of other girls have different experiences where they have that for like weeks so yeah but that's the only thing I really experienced that was really bad yeah but ever you've been

doing pretty well. You're like I know fairly a-okay. Like if I saw you walking down the street I wouldn't know you had surgery. Super like super simple things are bothering me like like like putting my elbow grease into like like cleaning a plate or like the dishes like that type of stuff is hard or um

making my bed, like pulling my sheets to like make my bed. That kind of is tough, but it just depends. I'm thriving. You really are. I have my second or my two week follow up on February 9th. And I'm really, really, really hoping that I can start to do leg days. But I also think I might text him and just be like, Hey, cause I have his phone number. I'm just like, Hey, like I feel so fine. Can I please go back? And just do glutes, like literally a million trillion glutes.

hip thrusts and abductors. Yeah. Like that will cause no pain to my chest. Like caps. You can do like. Yeah. Like please. I'm desperate. You can even probably do like leg raises. Yeah. Yeah.

Um, but other than that, this week for me, um, nothing too interesting, obviously, because I didn't get like a surgery or nothing. But, um, I have been, I made the decision that I just need to like really, really kind of dial a little back in, into my gym rat phase, not in the sense of like the old gym rat phase that we talk about how we hated. The gym rat phase of just like trying to eat more, really going harder in the gym, um,

and not like taking the easy way out like I realized when I used to do leg day at like LA Fitness when I first started lifting I would be dripping in sweat and now when I do leg day in an air-conditioned room I

I don't sweat. Like, and it's like, damn, I used to put in the work. I was like working. Mind you, obviously maybe like my stamina is better. So like what would drain me before wouldn't drain me now. But like, I'm just thinking like I really used to put in the work. I'd be in an air conditioning, air conditioned room, dripping sweat. And that doesn't happen to me anymore. And I'm like, you know what that sounds like? Like I'm being lazy. Like, and I don't want to be lazy. Yeah.

Like, if I'm going, I want to go and I want to go hard. I do really miss breaking a sweat. Like, I used to fucking put in the work and now I'm just lazy. And if I'm going to be working out for an hour anyways, I might as well not be lazy and work out harder.

Um, with my push days and my bench day, y'all know I always go hard. Hit 145 for two-ish. My butt was really up on the last rep, but I did get it up. So I moved 145 twice, but the second rep was questionable. But whatever. Like those days I go hard, but like I've just been being lazy and I want to get really back into actually going hard in there because I want to see some crazy progress in my legs and in my glutes and kind of my arms. Like I just want to be like muscle mommy. So I'm also been trying to eat more.

um because if you guys have been listening to the show you know i really struggle gaining weight but like i just want to be like muscle mommy like yeah i just want to go like harder in the gym and stop being a little b-i-t-c-h i literally told sam i was like if you can't work out like can you just come like coach me like come like yell at me and tell me what to do i think

I want to like place goals for myself for summer, like by the time summer comes, cause like right now I can't really do much, but I'm hoping to obviously get back into the gym this month, like in February. But my goal is like by summer is I really, really, really want to like work on my legs, work on my shoulders. I don't really think like, I hate to say it to myself and say this out loud, but I don't think I'm going to really be able to hit chest like anymore. Um,

um, not as like hard as I used to. So that's totally okay. But my shoulders, the 3d shoulders and my glutes is like things that I really want to work on, but I'm not, I'm still not gonna track food. Yeah. I'm not tracking food either. I'm just, I know myself very well. And like we both do and know how much we're eating that. It's very easy to just like, no, you're eating more, no, you're eating more protein. No, you're eating more carbs. Like I can, I can mentally take note of that without putting it in my fitness pal. Um,

Um, so I may also add because like I really want to continue to break a sweat and I don't think that's going to happen for a few more months if we're at lift ETX because it's not going to be super hot out. But I think I might add in just like one or two sessions of cardio during the week, especially if I'm not allowed to go to the gym quite a lot.

like if i can at least like do a cardio session at the gym or something that would be great yeah i break a sweat in my dance classes yeah and that's where i get i get pretty sweaty in there not gonna lie i really i really break a sweat in there depending on how hard i go because sometimes if i know like i really don't wash i don't want to wash my hair tomorrow i'm like

maybe take it easy but if i'm like i want to break a sweat give me 10 minutes and my hair will be like dripping but i can like make that call for myself but yeah dance class will get me my sweat going in um speaking of catch-up i wrote something like so this is so fucking random in the catch-up we just wrote down to talk about year of shoes

Oh, this is 100% our year shoes. Yeah, like we realize like what we need to be buying this year is more shoes. Like I have so much clothes, pants. Okay, one thing I don't have is shorts. When that becomes time, we need shorts. Yeah.

But everything else I'm totally good on. So I just need to buy a bunch of shoes. We need shoes. Like I used to be such a sneak. Well, I am still a sneakerhead, but I need heels. Yeah. Like I have like we each have like one pair of heels in each color, which is fine. Right. Like realistically, I don't even have that anymore. Yeah. But then it's like we just need different shoes. And like we've just shoes, though. Yeah. So there's this website called Miss Lola. It's where I bought a pair of shoes for Cabo.

Guys, this website has every single pair of shoes. Like if there's a shoe you want, I kid you not, they have it. I've never seen more variety of shoe. You can find any single shoe you want on that website. And I heard about it from a friend a while ago and I've never actually bought anything, but I'd browse it and then I thought about it. I was like, oh my God, that website that that girl told me about.

I kid you not, they have literally every single shoe. I got a pair of heels for Cabo for $30. Yeah, I got a pair of shoes on Amazon for $35. And then I went to Target and I got another pair for $30. So I will no longer be spending over $100 on a pair of heels. That's just not happening. It's really hard to spend over $100 on a pair of heels. It hurts. They hurt your feet. And you don't wear them often.

that maybe once a month yeah because it's like you don't we don't especially if I get like a pink pair yeah like oh I'm gonna wear that what maybe three times in the next like four months yeah like for me to spend like to me like a hundred dollars is like

i'd say 150 would be my limit because if they're the cutest shoes i've ever seen if i'm going for a special occasion yeah and if they're the cutest shoes i've ever seen like i could maybe justify 100 bucks or 110 we need to also say this this is one thing we always do is justify everything yeah we can justify any purchase if you guys ever like want to make a purchase and you don't know if you should buy it literally just dm us on instagram we'll tell you why you should buy it it's really bad it's terrible we'll go anywhere and i'm like oh should i get this and she's like

We both just discuss as to why I need it. But if we are both in the no spending, no spending, no spending mindset, we both justify as to why we don't need it. Yeah. But sometimes you just need things. Yeah. Like I just want a pair of little skims. I've been wanting little like under like I guess it's shapewear, but not really for the point of shapewear. I just want little kind of shorts kind of things to wear under dresses because sometimes my dresses are short and I don't want to flash people like.

I'd want to be dancing on a table like with just a thong underneath my dress. I'd like because then I feel not as confident to be dancing around. And one time in San Diego when Haley gave me her shorts to wear under a dress, I felt so free. Like I could do anything I wanted and you couldn't see the shorts. But like it just gave me that mental comfort of like, oh, like I don't have to be like watching what I do. I'm wearing shorts. So I got like little skims, just nude shorts to wear under dresses. So that way I'm free to dance on the table.

Also, this is going to be our first weekend going out and being, you know, drunk and stuff because we did... I did dry January. Oh, I failed last weekend. Guys, I...

literally was so mad obviously i had surgery so i couldn't go out this past weekend taylor went out and failed she woke up the next morning and she will i well i was already awake she took a while to wake up because she didn't go to bed until five and she just looks at me and goes i drank last night i i drank and i was like i am so disappointed in you but hear me out hear me out i had two goals last month and i got really really close to that one 27 y'all like

February's 28 days. That's basically a month, right? I like almost did it. And then I read like six and a half books. And I was only supposed to read five and I read six and a half. Like I surpassed my other goal. But the thing by so much and I made my other goal like

so close and let me and it was so much fun and I have no regrets like you know what I mean like I woke up the next day I was like listen but the thing is we went into it being like we have four weekends we're not drinking four weekends we weren't saying dry January we were like four weekends of not drinking I know

and i folded folded folded and i wish we did like a bet with like a prize at the end because i feel like you would have been more likely not to do it but it's just because we had no like end goal oh duh yeah we should next time well no we're actually never doing that again i lied i had it in my phone that i wanted to do it in september yeah well maybe but anyways maybe we can do like a like a whole month but you pick one day that's basically what i did

Yeah, but, like, that's, like, mindset-wise, it's different. Because you broke the rules. Yeah, but, like, okay. No, I get what you're saying. Like, giving yourself one day. One day of the month. And then you probably won't even want the one day. But, um... So, yeah. Sorry about that, guys. But you know what? Things happen. Speaking of the fact that I read six and a half books, I'm on that seventh book right now. It's so freaking good. I post so much book content, guys. Like...

all the time please if you are interested in it it's all over my instagram story of it all over my amazon page i've never gotten so much engagement on my instagram stories other than when i post books you guys literally love it so yeah you guys are like literally loving it i love posting about it it's really fun so yeah head over to my instagram and stuff if you want to see me post about books because i'm

I'm a reader. Also, I'm trying to think now that I'm looking at this, I feel like I forgot to write down a book I read and I'm stressed. Yeah, I have no idea. But this is going to be a very long episode. It is going to be a very long episode. So do we just come back? Yeah. Okay, I'm very excited. All right. We will see you guys momentarily when the boys are here.

And I'm like, I want to be like, but don't tell them that we're going to like gaslight them. But no, you guys can't respond back right now. I can't wait to see how they do. I know. All right. Okay. See you with them. Thank you guys so much for listening to the show. You guys know that staying hydrated is a huge thing for us. And to do that, you have to make sure you're getting in enough electrolytes. And we found the perfect caffeine free sports drink. And that is Vodafone.

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visit and make sure to use discount code f word and follow them on instagram at water drop sports and tell them you heard it on the f word podcast all right guys welcome back we are finally sitting down with our guy friends and they spent kind of a while writing down some notes because they kind of want to roast us so do we want to just start it off with right away yeah we'll first say your name so everyone knows oh yeah my name is hunter

And I'm Connor. Yeah, they only have one mic, so it's going to be like a little bit of a pause between each because they're going to have to pass the mic back and forth. But it's going to be good because then we won't be talking over each other and that won't be annoying. But 25 real dudes, single dudes ready to give their perspective on life.

You guys are going to be so good. Yeah, you guys are both 25, right? Yeah. Okay, cool. Yeah. Okay, so the first thing we asked them to do, we're going to get to advice for you guys, and we picked out really good advice submissions. But we wanted to ask them what me and Sam's biggest red flags and green flags are. And they spent quite a while writing these lists and were nervous. Would you guys want to start with red or green? Hit it with the red. Hit it with the red, yeah. Okay, well, I'll start us off. So Sam Taylor... Oh, God. Oh, God.

Some of her red flags. She doesn't eat red meat. I knew that was coming for both of us. She's a very nosy person. She's a sore loser. No, I'm not. Okay, maybe I am a little bit. She has a weird laugh. I do. And if you don't know her, you might think she's a resting bitch face. Oh.

I get that all the time. Yeah, I do get that a lot. Taylor Olsen. Red flags. She has a cat. Connor had that one as well. She's a vegan. Yeah. I eat eggs now, though. She eats eggs now. And as great of shape as Taylor is, she's not athletic. Ooh, burn. No sports.

Moving on to Connor. Yeah. Those were actually really good. Those weren't that bad. No, like I was kind of expecting those. Yeah. Okay. Now I'm kind of nervous because Connor, because guys, a little background on Connor. He's very like nitpicky on things. So I'm a little nervous. Yeah.

Mine aren't that bad. Okay, so for Sam, you lie. Yeah. Like a lot. On random things. It's okay. It's fun. It's fun. You spend $11 on a cup of yogurt. Okay. I even explained that to you. It's one tablespoon per day. So it's like a dollar a day. I don't care if it's a cup of yogurt.

You have multiple different voices. I do. Some of them are a bit creepy. Some of them are robotic. And then sometimes you're in your own world. Yeah, that is facts. Give an example of that one.

We'll be playing games and you just have no idea what's going on. Yep. Taylor, you have the cat. Yeah. That's a no-go. Don't give an effort in sports like tennis. I do give my effort. Kind of just sit there in the back for a little bit. I try so hard. You're not that adventurous and you're kind of sneaky.

Sneaky how? Sneaky how? I don't know. You just, you like to start trouble sometimes. Damn. That is so true. But hear me out, big time, you 100% help me do it. Yeah, you're not a good instigator on a lot of things. You help me do it every single time.

Yeah, exactly. Wait, what are our green flags? Well, he has to do them, right? Yeah. All right. Green flags. Let's get in good mood, you know? Green flags. Sam. Athletic. Thank you. She can cook. She's a great cook. Appreciate it. She has great style. Thank you. She loves to travel. She's very adventurous. Taylor. She's got some great green flags, too. She can dance. Yeah. Good taste in music slash pop culture. Yeah.

That's true. She's very book smart. Great style. That's it. Thanks. Thank you. Thanks. I appreciate it. I feel so good about myself now. Make sure you hold it pretty close to your mouth. Okay. Or talk very loud. Either or. Whatever you want. For Sam, you were a good cook and you liked to travel. Those are separate.

Together, I think you guys are both just good vibes overall, hanging out. Yeah. You both live healthy lifestyles, and you're both entrepreneurial. Ooh, that was a good one. That is a good one. Taylor, you're smart. You're continuously learning and reading. True. And that was that, actually. She uses her brain. We do a lot of the same things. Yeah. And...

now living with sam i am more adventurous and want to travel more yeah you've definitely got no no no i don't ride roller coasters here mike put the mic i mean she's a young girl and she moved to austin texas and tried a whole new lifestyle that's not very common and

when we went to San Diego you just jumped on board no questions asked yeah but like I'm not adventurous in the sense like I won't ride a roller coaster that's okay some people are scared of heights you just have to overcome that I used to be scared of roller coasters

You know what? We were at the, where were we? F1. I was a little freaking out about going on the Ferris wheel. Oh, yeah. That was really bad. There was like a little like Ferris wheel thing. I didn't want to fucking go on it. I was literally terrified. It was like the smallest Ferris wheel ever and it was going like so slow and there was like little kids in line and she was like hyperventilating. I was like, I don't want to go. I was like, it's going to be okay. Okay, Sam wanted to ask you guys about her boy problems first. Yeah, I just want to know. Well, we've already, what?

making those faces. You're like, which boy probably? Yeah, I know. No, okay. Talk with the mic to your mouth. Guys, do not accidentally drop names, okay? That's one thing you cannot do. We do not name drop one here. But we have this one boy from New Year's Eve. If you guys remember him, I found him at Buford's when I was with Haley. We're allowed to name drop our friends, by the way. And...

I went home with him that night. And after that night, I texted him the next day and I was like, hey, we should hang out this week. He wasn't around this week. And then he had been texting me for like a week straight every single day trying to schedule plans. But then every time there was a plan that he wanted to do, he would then ghost me and ignore me for maybe like 12 hours to like a full day. But then he would text me again and he was always texting me first.

So, going into this weekend, what should I do about it? Can anyone take the lead on this one? I think I know what it is, but you guys go first. I mean, why are you chasing? Because it's fun. Yeah, but if he's not interested, you're better anyway. Yeah, but he's texting me first every time. If I text him this weekend, this is going to be my first time texting him first. He just ghosts after there's like, do you want to meet up? Yeah.

And he's texting me being like, hey, what are you doing this weekend? And then I tell him what I'm doing this weekend. And I say, let's do X, Y, Z. And I give him a plan. And then he goes. Have you set a date in stone yet with him? No, I haven't. I haven't talked to him since. No, I haven't talked to him since he ignored me. But the last time let's make plans. So I want to text him this weekend and be like, hey, I'm going out this weekend. You should meet all of our friends out here. But he will ghost and not do it. Is it worth my time?

You should call him. Oh, that's so true because then he has to answer. FaceTime him, put him on. No, I'm not FaceTiming. Call him. Texting is so, like, you can get away with, like, bullshitting. If you just call him, see if he answers, then you got him on the hook. You just reel him in. Yeah.

yeah we'll see about that okay i think because someone said this i forgot who said it it's he's just like keeping you in his back pocket of girls he could like me that's what i was thinking but like he doesn't actually want to hang out with you but if he happens to be out and wants a girl he can call you so that's what i was thinking but she asked me what she what you can do i don't know about that answer but i was thinking the situation situation if it was me he probably is texting like 10 different girls and just seeing like which one will go out on the

weekend. That's, yeah. I appreciate the brutal honesty. That's what it is. He did ghost you when you went sober too for a day. Yeah, he did. But also at the same time when he texted me saying that he wasn't, he texted me and he was like, what are you doing this weekend? And I said, oh, I'm not drinking this weekend. He said, same. So. So he was like, so I'm not hanging out with you. He was like, if we're both not drinking, why would I see you? I think he's just like

Not worth your time. I just want boy attention this weekend. And if you happen to see him out, you happen to see him out. But like... I know, I'm... He's just like keeping you in his back pocket. I'm kidding. So he went to your place, right? No, I went to... So you know where he lives? He's from here. He's from here, but I went to his friend's house that night. Okay. Were you gonna say to show up to his house? Yeah. I don't... No, he bought me the Uber, so I don't even know where his house is. No, not that, but I meant like...

like if he lived by the bars right like let's say it was rainy you could just go to those bars there and see if you just imagine see if you well when we went to buford's last weekend or two weekends ago when we went to like buford's i was like looking around because i was like i know you come here like where are you exactly i didn't see him dang yeah i think he's out the window

Yeah, I'm going to give it one last shot. I don't care. I appreciate the advice and all, but I am going to text him and be like, hey, I'm going out this weekend. And just kind of like fish him in. Let's see what happens. Like, I'm going out. I'm getting drunk. Are you getting drunk? Let's go out. You were so drunk that night. Do you even remember if he actually was good looking? Yes, he was so good looking. So you think he was wearing a hat? He was wearing a beanie. Oh, shit. The beanies turned me on. I love beanies. Why? What's wrong with a hat? What does that mean? Shit.

yeah he wasn't half fishing it was a beanie you could he took it off for me he took it off for me and i was like oh my god he didn't stay no no like when we were at the bar when we were at the bar he took it off i was like did you make him take it off did you wear no i didn't i go do you play ice hockey because i was meeting like ice hockey players like out at buford's but then i saw him and i was like oh do you play hockey too like are you on the hockey team he goes no i go well

then why are you wearing that beanie? Like, I feel like it's really random that he's wearing a beanie because I thought he played hockey. And he's like, no, he's like, I just had a bad hair day. And then he took it off and showed me his head. Was it cold out? No, it wasn't too bad on New Year's. It was like 50s. Red flag. Yeah, you guys need to like scream. Yeah. Red flag. Yeah, there you go. Talk, talk, because we're like screaming over here. I have really bad boy bro. And I can see the sound down here. And you guys are like, itty bitty. And we're like yelling.

Okay. We can get louder. Talk louder. Okay. Final advice. Call them. I'm not going to call them. FaceTime them. Snapchat them. Be like, why are you opening my Snap and not replying? Well, FaceTiming I think is low-key weird. If a guy FaceTimes you out of nowhere and I don't really know you, it's like, what the fuck? They've hung out before, right? Yeah. Hung out is like a strong word, I think. We've just exchanged love. Yeah, exactly. So I think that's...

free game to call her it's valid it's valid yeah so if a girl facetimes you does it smell weird I don't like it but it happens all the time yeah wow

don't flex by the way not like that not like that i meant like they like to do that i don't like doing that sorry we're very comfortable on this mic by the way like we'll talk about anything on here cool just so you know same here good nice okay we have like i think there's like eight or nine of people that wrote in on their things and they want a voice perspective because like we're just like always gonna be like yes queen like love yourself but like get the nitty-gritty of like

like no the guy's fucking other girls like you guys know you guys know the truth sure so we'll start easiest and i'm gonna give all the answers stop help us you have to help them put them up by your mouth when you talk just hold it well you gotta hold the microphone by your mouth okay well then you can switch off okay let's hear it this one's like the easiest shortest one super easy it's what everyone wants to know

You like a guy to the gym. How do you approach a guy at the gym? Slash, how do you tell if he's interested in you? You could definitely tell if a girl's into you, if she's... A guy's into you. If a guy's into you, same, it goes both ways. If she's, if you guys keep connecting eyes a lot, you're looking at each other. Maybe, definitely if I was a guy that like the first way I would kind of like approach is like if she was using something, I'd be like,

hey like can i are you using that or yeah that's like how every guy approaches us at the gym or like how many sets you got left or whatever but yeah so it'd be like small stuff like that and like i said just always like looking and then eventually once i did that move i'd say hey to you every once in a while or every time i saw you she should do she should do that for a girl yeah um i think both genders it makes sense that's what i would do yeah

Are you using that? How many sets do you have left? That's so easy. What do you think? Almost catch him when he weaves. So it's like, what would a girl do to get your attention? Yeah, like as you're weaving, she maybe tries to weave around the same time.

Yeah, sometimes it can just be hard, though. I do that all the time. That's the easiest way. Because then you can, like, have your interaction. If it goes bad, at least you're leaving. If it goes well, then, you know, it's quick. And then you can figure it out from there. What should she say to you? That's, like, not weird. Just, like, just straight up, just, like, introduce yourself. Yeah. Yeah? I feel like literally leave it at, like...

And then next time you see each other, it's not as weird. Just be like, hey, like I always see you at the gym. Like my name's Sam. Like what's your name? And then just be like, it's nice to meet you. And then the next time you see each other, like the conversation just builds up. Yeah, but why do you want to drag it out? If you have those intentions, just send it. Yeah, but like if someone's not comfortable enough to continue the conversation, just like build it up, you know? Okay.

I find it very attractive if a girl is confident and she just walks up and says, hey, or whatever. So like all the girls listening out there don't think it's weird if you do that. If he's into you at all and you go for it,

he'll show interest. So when we did this with Brad, cause we basically did the same thing on that episode with Brad. That was a while ago. If you guys want to go listen, it was like a year ago at this point. Yeah. But he basically said a guy's never going to be upset that a guy, a girl's coming to talk to them. Yeah. And the guy's never going to be like, guys never going to be like mad about it. Like they're not going to, unless like you're super weird, but if you're normal, like no guy's going to be like, well,

what the fuck a girl at the gym talk to me but we're so full of shit because we don't talk to anybody yeah i there's like like certain guys i'm like come on leave me alone like i just want to work out no but i'm saying like there's been so many times that we're like oh that guy's so cute we don't say a word oh yeah yeah in that sense but like we're the first to tell everyone else to say something we don't you could definitely compliment him on his working out i don't know if that's weird for y'all to be like but you could definitely be like wow like

you're really strong or something like that yeah i don't think i'd ever do that i would love that just saying i feel like like make his ego 10 times bigger guys guys that to us yeah like a guy will be like oh like that's like impressive yeah and i'm like thanks i didn't ask okay now these are longer these are people's like actual like girls going through it that need help they're kind of long so you gotta like stay with me on the story

Okay, so this girl said she's been seeing a guy from Hinge for about one and a half months and she thought it was going to go really well. Like, she thought they were, like, about to get into a relationship until last weekend he told her he was in his fuck it phase and wasn't looking to settle down, which was, like, made perfect sense. But up until he said that, he's been, like, planning cute dates and, like, introduced her to all of his friends and said he's going to be around a while. Like, was doing very couple boyfriend things.

And they're not exclusive, but like she doesn't think that he's talking to anyone else. So like, what the hell does that mean? Should she stick it out and see if he'll eventually commit to her or should she just move on before she's attached to him? I mean, I think she should move on. Yeah, I think the same thing. Have they hooked up? Yeah, I assume.

implied then yes absolutely because sorry Connor what's going on like he might not be seeing someone but like if he said that he's definitely looking yeah he's not seeing someone but like he wouldn't be opposed to yeah like if he's out and he has the opportunity and then move on and then if he really liked you maybe he'll come back and he'll be like that's true she would rather have it out of his system entirely than him like always looking

Yeah, I agree she should move on. Facts. Do you agree? Oh, 100%. Yeah, don't stick it. It's only been one and a half months. And you're already seeing those red flags? Hell no. Get out. It's not even two months. She said, P.S. I already really like him. Damn, girl. You're fucked. You should just, like, be straight up with him and be like, hey, are we going to be a thing or not? Give him, like, an ultimatum or something. Yes. Have you guys ever done that? Been, like, boyfriend-y and then been like, never mind. Yes. This is it.

Yes. Exactly. See, they know. That's why you guys are on the podcast. You're getting like, it's like we're in the guy's mind. Literally. Literally. This one has like, is totally like different and actually kind of fucking interesting. So this girl said she started dating her man about two years ago and they were both in really good shape and really enjoyed working out and eating well. But over the last two years, he let himself go and doesn't work out or eat well anymore. And he used to love it. How does she nudge him back into like,

being healthier for physical and mental benefits because she says it's different like if a guy is trying to get his girl a girlfriend to do that but like she doesn't know how to like explain it to a dude i want to hear how you guys would tell your dude no i think you should answer first i think they should answer first um i don't know that's a tough one what do you think how would you want your girl to tell you to start working out

I've had this experience before with my ex-boyfriend. So like I'll put my input after you guys answer. I was thinking my first thought was like, my first thought was like, tell him, you know, like we have a trip coming up or like summer's coming up. Like, you know, do you want to, you know, you want to look good this summer? Like, or I would always say, Hey, I'm going to gym. Do you want to go with me? Try to like encourage him to bring, like invite him all the time. Make him say no.

and be like we have summer coming up you know i want to get in good shape you want to join maybe ask them to join classes with you i don't know stuff like that yeah but agreed good answer

I definitely agree with that. That's probably the best way. I'm going to put my input in like as someone that's like experiences before. So how long did she say they've been dating? Two years. So yeah, this was the same with me and my ex-boyfriend. She's like in deep. Yeah, like I was dating my ex-boyfriend when I first started dating him. Like we were both going to the gym. Well, I was an athlete at the time and he was going to the gym. And throughout the two years, like the end of our two years, like he stopped going to the gym, started like drinking a lot, like not really taking care of his body. And I hate to say it, but like

When you get older, like, the things that you look forward to and the things that you want to do and how you take care of your body are going to change over time. And you can't change that person. Yeah. Like, that person is choosing to, like, not take care of his body.

of their body as much and you can't change a person especially in two years like two years people change a lot like two years i might not like the gym as much anymore i might like rather do something different yeah i was gonna say um plan different things that aren't the gym like how we all like play tennis like go like do something like be like oh i planned this like do you want to go for a walk do you want to go like play tennis like literally go to the store and buy like fucking tennis rackets and then like plan something that's what i would do

And, like, buying people gifts. Like, buy him, like, new workout shoes. Buy him, like... You just want to surround yourself with the same like-minded people. Yeah. But also... And if he's not a part of that, then maybe you outgrew each other. And we don't know their age, too. Like, when you're in your, like, young 20s slash teens, like, that's a time in your life when you're really trying to figure out, like, what you enjoy doing and what you like. And I feel like, from my experience with my ex-boyfriend, like, we started dating when he was, what, like...

like 18 dated all the way into like 21 like from that time like people change a lot yeah and like what they're into so yeah that's true we don't know how old they are and that's like that's huge because if you're really young it's like it's not you're you don't you're not someone's mom yeah you don't have to like babysit him into like learning how to fucking eat like i think teamwork is the answer for sure work makes a dream work buy him some new clothes some raw gear use our code get on a diet you know and try to make him be on the diet as well too

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So nice that they let you switch around whenever need be. If you want to live a more empowered life, therapy can get you there. Visit slash f word today to get 10% off your first month. That's slash f word. Okay. I've been waiting for this one. This was like my favorite question.

Can guys in relationships have close girlfriends? My boyfriend of five years has a female friend who lives in a whole other country. He claims they've been online friends since middle school and they Snapchat every day. They used to text, but when I told him I looked through their messages, they started Snapchatting, so I couldn't see what they were saying. I voice my concerns many times in their friendship, but he chooses to defend them every time. No. Yeah. I disagree with you. I think they can be friends as long as he's honest about everything.

I like no secrets of me in a relationship. Snapchat is 100% off the fucking table. There's no reason you should be Snapchatting girls. Snapchat is like not a thing. You shouldn't be Snapchatting girls. I think definitely the I think it definitely depends. I think the short answer is it depends for sure. What if she was Snapchatting him pictures of where she's at traveling or something? We're all friends.

if like in a relationship like i'm not texting one of you often all day every right that's where it comes down to i you're supposed to be in a relationship with your best friend right yeah so the only thing i could think of is they had some kind of bonding experience like some kind of life traumatic event something that it's like they're friends but even then it's like all your time should be focused on your partner

Yeah, if he's sharing details about something with her that he's not sharing to you, that's a problem. And she looked through their messages, so he took it off iMessage and went to Snapchat. Like, he's purposely hiding it.

Well, then that answers the question. Sneaky. Yeah. Yeah. But I was going to say, I just don't think like friends is different than like texting someone all the time. Because like, obviously you used to have a boyfriend and we were all friends. Like I don't fucking text you guys one-on-one all the time. If I had a boyfriend, that's weird. Right. Like you're so my friends, but like that's bizarre. And I think that's normal. Like, I don't think you should just be like one-on-one texting someone all the time. It's just, if they're one-on-one friends, it's weird. Yeah. Because like...

You don't be friends with a girl like that unless you are into her. That's how I feel. Yeah. Yeah. And that's the truth. It is the hardcore truth.

Yeah, you just should. You don't need a girl. Someone. Oh, the point is like your parents don't have like like your mom doesn't have a guy best friend or like your dad doesn't have a girl best friend. Oh, for sure. Yeah. Married. At least my parents, like anytime they're hanging out with like they're hanging out with like another couple. Well, you guys are both friends with that other person. Yeah. Like you're always hanging out together. Yeah. Yeah. What could you do with your girl best friend that you couldn't do with your guy best friends? That's also the question. Yeah. Yeah.

What can you do? Like, why would you not, whatever you'd want to do, not do with your guy friends over, what would you want to do with, like. What do you have in common with a girl that just feel like hanging out with a girl if you have a girlfriend? That's weird. Were you guys watching football or like, I don't understand, you know? Yeah. Yeah. No. Oh my God. Wait, they've been dating for five years. I didn't really catch how long that was.

Five years is a long time. She needs to break up with him. Oh, that's so hard. Sorry, sis. Break up with him. Anyways, this one's funny because we kind of, like, kind of were talking about this the other day. Like, this scenario. So, she was sleeping with this guy. He goes to her. Two days later, he hard launches a new girlfriend on Instagram. That was, like, his friend the whole time. Guy comes out, he has a girlfriend. Um...

So then like whatever that so they stopped talking because a guy has a girlfriend one of the dudes friends Liked her on hinge and now he snapped now. She's snapchatting him She knows who he is But like the boy has no idea that she was just sleeping with like his friend does she like Keep things going or does she cut it off? Like the cat distracted me

So I'm like, Connor, take this one. Okay. Yeah, can you repeat that? I'll repeat it. So this girl was sleeping with this guy. Did Mac do it? No. How did he get in here? Mac can't jump like that. How did he get in here? I don't know. She was sleeping with this guy. He goes to her. Guy has a girlfriend. They did it together. Totally moves on, right? So now she's not sleeping with the dude anymore. Okay. One of the guy's friends liked her on Hinge, and now she's Snapchatting the friend.

She knows who he is like she's totally aware that this is the dude's friend But like he doesn't know the guy has no idea that she used to sleep with his friend Does she cut it off or does she keep things going with the friend? Like I think she should keep talking to the friend. What that's not her business Yeah, but does the guy actually not know that that the girl used to hook up with his friend Guys talk though. Are you sure?

yeah yeah like he might know he definitely might know depending how close they are more than likely he knows i was just saying because we were just kind of like talking about this i feel with like because you're going to cause drama like they're not going to like each other yeah i think um if the guy's willing to go through with it still like if he really doesn't know or let's say he does know and he just hasn't said anything then i wouldn't even bring it up yeah it's not her business i don't think it's her business

No. And he probably does know. I'm going to go he knows. I think also you should keep dating for a while and like if you guys have been dating for a minute or like you guys talk together for a while then you should ask. But also at the same time we've had like in our bigger friend group scenarios that are very similar to that and it's shady. I was going to say the longer she waits the more like because she knew the whole time. Would you rather find out later? But then she could just like assume what were you going to say?

That's what I was hinting at. Exactly. Like, Hunter, you've literally had this happen to you. This just happened to you. Oh, yeah, with Courtney. Like, isn't that shady, though? Uh, yeah. That's shady. Like, on the guys end, not the girls. Even the girls end, like, that's shady. But not really. That's not her business. I guess. I don't think it's her business. Hunter, say something. What do you have to say? Be so for real. This is all just for fun. I mean, I think...

I think it's shady. She should tell him. Just transparency because say they've been talking for three months. I would just ask, see if he knows already. If he already knows, then he has no real interest in her. I was almost in that situation. I feel like. I was almost just in that situation of someone I used to hook up with being like, oh, lol, he's trying to be my friend. That's my bro. And I was like, oh, didn't know. Not my business. Yeah.

I don't think that's my business. Yeah, sorry. I didn't know they were hitting at my situation here. But in that case, it was different. I didn't know. Like, I didn't know that they didn't know, I guess, if that makes sense. Yeah, so I'm kind of lost for words here. How does she tell him? You just say, oh, by the way, me and so-and-so used to, like, hook up? No, she didn't tell him. So she shouldn't tell him.

Should the girl literally be like, by the way, me and so-and-so used to hook up? Should she just say that? Yes. Depending how serious she wants to get. If she's trying to get serious, tell her right away. Exactly. Yeah, if you want to date the guy. But if you're just like, revenge... Because he ghosted her and now has this new girlfriend. So if she's just trying to get revenge and hang out with him, then what does it matter? Ew, stop. This one's really funny.

And I'm curious to what we're going to say about this, but it's kind of hilarious. And because I knew it was going to be good because she started with, please, for the love of God, keep this anonymous. So that's how you know it's going to be good. It's actually kind of embarrassing and I kind of feel bad. I'm obsessed with my boyfriend in every way. We live together and have an amazing life, but he's extremely uneducated in the bedroom.

It's difficult to explain because he says all the right things, but he doesn't have a clue what he's doing. When we first started dating, I'd hope he'd learn over time because we've been together for a year and a half and we have good chemistry, but no matter how much I tried to guide or explain, it's not fixing it. Is it a deal breaker? Am I shallow for ending it? Is there any way we can fix he's literally perfect in every other way? I don't think you're shallow. I think sex counseling. Try it. Sex counseling. Well, how, like...

What has she said to him about it, though? Has she said to him directly that he's bad? I'm going to go no, but she said she tries to guide. Okay, but if they've been dating for two years, I feel like she should just straight up tell him. She said no matter how much I try to guide and explain. So that means they talk about it a little bit because she said she tries to explain. Depends.

All right. I think I would love if it was my girlfriend just be like, hey, let me, as the girl, be like, let me tell you how I like it and go slow. Apparently, that's already been done. Apparently, because she said that she explained. And he's still not getting it. So he's just bad at it. Then you might have to be more honest. Maybe you're not saying...

saying the maybe you're kind of dancing around the answer yeah okay but she's not giving direct answer but what if she's like i would rather you do this and he does it and he does it bad like and he's just not good at it then you're not you're not shady at all for breaking up with him for for that i don't think so either like hold on but you gotta like yeah but you gotta tell each other what you want

Oh, yeah, 100%. If you don't communicate that, then you're not... Let's say we're assuming she did, right? Because she has to be totally straightforward. If she isn't totally straightforward, then, like, she has to be. But if she did and it's just, like, bad no matter what, then, like, you just might not be that into him and maybe you should break up. Like, he sounds like he's your best friend. Right. Sounds like you're buddies. And it sounds like an issue that might not be able to be fixed, if you know what I mean. No, literally. No, sounds like you're best friends.

Like, sorry, like, maybe, I don't know. Be honest. But, like, also, more experience with other women may help. Like, if they broke up for a little bit and, like, let him just go for the streets. That makes me want to throw up. Yeah, but, like, think about it. Okay, I don't know the situation. Maybe, like, he's only ever hooked up with her. We don't know how old they are, which is, like, huge. Because, like, are you 30? Yeah, like, maybe he's never hooked up with any other girl.

Are you 16? Like, this could be... Well, yeah. Well, then that's weird, I guess. Sorry. You know what I meant? Like, are you in high school right now? Like, we don't know. We don't know what age these people are. But...

You know what I meant? I just meant like the age... I just don't think... She's in the right to break up with him over that. I agree. I'm just saying they should definitely try every... Because if you said... What you said was that everything else is perfect. So like you should definitely try to fix it if it doesn't fix it. And if it's that much for you to break up with him over that, then...

That's okay. Well, just in a relationship without anything like physical like that, then you're best friends. Exactly. So if you don't enjoy it. So I've had two ex-boyfriends. My very first ex-boyfriend, like I fell out of like the attraction to him in bed and that's why I broke up with him. Exactly. There's nothing wrong with that. And like that sounds like kind of similar to like what she's going through. I think it is a deal breaker and I don't think you're shallow. But I mean, you could go to therapy. Like if they communicated and did all that?

Get creative though. Yes. Role play. Use tools, toys. Toys. Yeah. Try it out. That's what we need as a sponsor for this show. We do. Like a vibrator company. I know. We do need that. Okay. This one is wholesome.

Yeah, no. Oh, my God. Like, that truth or dare game I got for, like, do something crazy. Pull out something wild. It's Valentine's Day in, like, two weeks. Yeah. Pull out something crazy. Get, like, a hotel room and just, like, deck it out. Do something wild. And if it's, like, still... Like, give it one last shot. Just give it your all. If you give it your all, like, little whine, like, do the most. If it's, like, still trash, then it's not meant to be. And that's it. This one says...

Hey, Sam and Taylor and guy friends who may be on the podcast. Looking for advice on when to say I love you. My boyfriend and I have been dating since November. Started exclusively hanging out in August. I know without a doubt that I'm in love with him, but I don't know if it's too soon to tell him. He likes to take his time and really things he's due. I'm worried I'll say it before he's ready. Thoughts. They've already spent the holidays with each other's families, like started making plans for the summer. Like, they're serious. Should she say it? This is...

I feel like it should just come natural and it shouldn't be forced. Well, I think she wants to say it and she does want to say it, but she's like just second guess it. But like don't like plan it. Just like if you happen to think it in that moment, then say it if you're ready for it. You don't think it's weird if a girl says it first? No.

I don't think so either. Really? Yeah. I don't think it's weird. I don't think it's weird. I'm assuming this has been dating for a year though now, right? Or almost? They've been exclusively hanging out since August. Of last year? Yeah, and dating since November. So let's count August, September, October, November, December, January, five months. So they've been dating. That's a little soon. I'm older now.

I mean, it doesn't matter. It doesn't really matter. I mean, there's no time limit on saying it. If you've been exclusively dating and you're not seeing anyone else, like, then don't you like probably love each other? Like, I don't know for that long. I don't think it's weird for a girl to say it first. I know a girl definitely probably rather the guy say it first. But if she feels like that, she should say it because then it might be easier for him to say it.

Yeah, because he might be self-conscious too in his head. Like, oh my God, I don't want to be the first one to say it. Yeah. They both are like that. They're both like, I don't want to be the first one. What if she says it and he doesn't want to say it? Would that be weird for you? Like if a girl said, I loved you, you knew you were going to get there, but you're not there yet. Would you be weirded out or you would just like...

dance around it not say it see then i feel like you might get the the same response which just because out of like he was nervous and so he just said love you too yeah oh no you would have lied and just said it but he just said he would have lied and just said it back if he didn't really mean it no like kind of it's not like a lie but kind of like what he said like out of like nervousness just that is a lie though if you're saying out of nervousness same thing it's just like uh like

I love it too. But like kind of but not really because what if in the next month you know like you're gonna it's gonna feel more serious like you're gonna get there. So like why make it an issue? I think it'd be okay. I think it'd be okay to say but then you know she's gonna get an argument right after this guys but I think it'd be okay to be like I'm not there yet and saying that but you know whatever situation you're in which is usually like

probably making out and stuff when someone says i love you as soon as you say i don't love you back you're in a fight so you know i would you know i don't know what you want out of the night it just has to come natural that is what it is because if you force it then you're gonna get that response yeah i've never said i love you first and i don't think i ever will but that's just me that's crazy

No. I will say my very first ex-boyfriend, looking back on it because it was so long ago, like I said I love you to him, but like I definitely wasn't in love with him. It was just like a little like high school sweetheart type. Oh, same. But my other ex-boyfriend, like I was definitely in love with him. Right. Yeah. I mean, looking back on it, I didn't love my first boyfriend. That's stupid.

Yeah, so again, the age, we never... When you get ages more often... I'm gonna go everyone that says these things is probably in college. Yeah. I'm gonna... We'll say college and all that. I'm gonna assume they're all in college just because our demographic is what it is. So I'm gonna assume everyone's in college. That's the assumption that everyone's in college. Because if they were very much older than our demographic, they would have said...

What is going on? What are you going to have to do with? Both our animals are on Connor right now. Mac is sleeping on Connor's lap. This is the closest my cat has ever gotten to Connor in his whole life, and Connor's freaking out. It's coming my way. Okay, so she should say it. If it's natural. If she feels it in the moment, she should say it. Yeah, in the moment, if she's ready. Cool. What is going on? The animal whisperer over here. This is our last one. She's in that area.

This is our last one, and this girl actually goes really in detail about some things that are, I think, irrelevant. And I'm going to, like, have to reword it because it's a little bit super detailed. So, she goes to a party with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend's super jealous because there was a guy there who she used to have a crush on and hooked up with the summer before. Not when she was together with her current boyfriend. She just, like, used to hook up with him. So...

She told him again and again, like, it was a drunken mistake. Like, whatever. Like, it wasn't anything serious. And she tried to act really normal at the party. And they both asked her to get them a drink. And she got her boyfriend a seltzer. Because he thought he would like that and they could share it. And for the other guy, she made him, like, a mixed drink. Like, she made him a drink. When she came back, her boyfriend was really offended that she made the other dude a drink and then just got him, like, a seltzer. Who's in the wrong here? Like, should the guy be...

Oh, they're 22 and 23. She said how old they are. Perfect. Unfortunately, I hooked up with many of my current guy friends in high school and early college, and I don't want them to feel bad or awkward when we see them in person.

do you really think she should be making him a drink why did he ask her to make her a drink that's weird that's flirting in my opinion yeah kinda but like they both asked at the same time she got both drinks well actually maybe she's just saying they both asked for a drink maybe it was separate times throughout the night but the way she worded it made it seem like she went at one time they both asked and she grabbed both why are they not making her a drink yeah that's also yeah dump your boyfriend no I'm kidding that's super weird

Who so you think the boyfriend's right? Would you be jealous? Would you be upset? Yeah, but I think we're the type of drink isn't the big deal cuz like does your boyfriend like seltzer you got him what he likes The drinks don't matter. It's just weird that you made him a drink I'd be a little upset but it depends on the guy like I

Have they had the conversation of like, do they know that she's hooked up with the guy before? Yeah, the boyfriend knows. Okay. He doesn't like it. That upsets him. It's like, it's already... But she... And she's hooked up to not just this guy, like a few... Like, she still hangs out with her high school and college friends. I would say find new friends too. Like, why are you surrounding yourself with all these guys you've hooked up with when you have another boyfriend? But like...

Kind of, but not really, though. Yeah, I feel like it depends on... That's, like, a very particular situation, though. Yeah. I feel like it would depend. I get it, too, if they grew up, but it's hard to find new friends because, like, she knew the guys a long time. So, like, I get that. But, like...

Yeah, like if you know it makes the dude upset, then I would tell the guy, no, I'm not going to make you a drink. Sorry. I think it's weird that he asked. But I also think it's kind of rude to say no. It's not rude to say no. It's not rude to say no. No, you're a girl. You shouldn't have to make a dude a drink. I think making a dude a drink is weird. Like if you were already in a cooler and you're grabbing a seltzer and someone was like, oh, hand me one. Like that's like normal. But like making a drink is weird. It's very different.

Yeah. It's just, why did that happen? Seemed like it didn't need to happen. And wait, why did she know what he would like? Yeah, that's weird. She should have just went with something simple. I would make my girl a drink 10 out of 10 times. Yeah. She wouldn't need that, you know? Okay, but I think it's unfair to ask her to get new friends. I don't. I think it's weird that she hangs out with people she's comfortable with. Do you, though? Yeah.

Do you? Yeah. That doesn't make sense though. I don't know if they're all friends with the guy. They probably just live in the same town so people are around. Like let's say we went out to Buford's and it was like all those and like we're from here and it's like oh those are guys from my high school and they're there.

I don't think they're necessarily like tight. I think it depends on the situation and how like if it was an actual bad argument beforehand, then she should have just known that like that was going to upset him. And like, is it really worth the battle? Yeah. But would you guys get jealous? Should she apologize? I think she should apologize. I think she should apologize. Yeah.

Yeah, never hurts to apologize even if like... Like it's not that deep. It's like it's just over a drink, you know? Like, yeah, that is so true. Like the fact that we're talking right now about like making a drink. Yeah, making a drink is like really not that fucking deep. And if those are your friends and you want to keep seeing them, you need to date someone who's okay with the fact that you've hooked up with some of your friends before. Yeah.

It'd be one thing if she was like just talking to that dude all night and not her boyfriend or just was talking to him. And she just said she made the drink of whatever was lying around. She probably just poured some vodka, poured some Sprite. What? No, I just didn't want Phineas to knock it over so I picked it up. Um...

Like, she probably just poured some vodka, poured some Sprite into a Solo cup. Like, I don't think she, like, did something crazy. And then kissed it and put some magic dust and glitter. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, kissed it. Left your lipstick on the side. Yeah. Gave it to him and was like, here, love you. See you later.

That's 100% what she did. That's 100% what Taylor would do. What does that mean? Like I said, sneaky. Oh, right. I would never do that to someone if my boyfriend was at a party. So that's fucked up to say. Damn, this was a good episode. I thought it was funny. There's more, but how long have we been doing this? We're gonna do one more. One more. One more? Make it a good one. Make it a good one? Yeah, that was supposed to be a hard leak.

Okay, well, they sent in so many. Wait, can we pick one? They're hard to read. They're hard to read. Like, they're hard to, like... I'm just going to read this one and see what it says, and if it sucks, we don't have to answer it. My boyfriend decided that he needs time and doesn't want to talk to me. It's been a week. I also found out that his so-called cousin, who Snapchats with him all the time, is actually his ex.

What? I should break up with him, right? Yes. That's all you need to say. Girl, what? Imagine that. That's like sociopathic. How long was she a cousin? She just said her boyfriend. Wait, did it say? That's a really messed up. Damn, that's crazy. That's gross. No, but it was not his cousin. He just like, it said that. It was his ex.

He didn't used to date his cousin. Let's clear that. He just said like, oh, that girl's my cousin. It was not. Oh, that's so gross. It's weird. It's a little weird. Damn, yeah, break up with him. Damn, that sucks. Wow. Okay, that was a short one. I'll pick a longer one. I'm just hoping these are going to be good and not weird because I can't see...

The way these are written on my phone, I have to scroll to see the whole thing, so I don't know what the ending says. 22 and a virgin. So I'm 22 and a virgin, never had a boyfriend, and quite uncomfortable in my body, which is why I think it's never happened. Oh, that's sad. I've done stuff with a guy, and he was a few years older, and made me feel like a freak for being a virgin at the point where I'm like, do I just do it with a random so I find a guy, and I'm not a weird version? Anyway, do guys really care about that, and am I never going to find a man?

Have you guys ever slept with a... Like, have you known, like, going into, like, a night you've slept with a virgin? Or no? No, only the first time. Well, yeah, obviously, that's forever. Yeah. Now, I mean, you could sleep with someone that wasn't a virgin, but... But, like, why do you have to tell them? Yeah. That's what I think. Why do you have to tell them? I think, if anything, she should be proud that she's a virgin. Like, that's, like, a...

that's good like guys like that so you should find a guy that appreciates that and wants to do that with you um appropriately that's fair yeah like you'll find the right guy you'll find the right guy that will like

not make you feel uncomfortable in bed. Like, you don't want to feel uncomfortable the first time. But I could see how someone, because I'm thinking of it in, like, my perspective, if someone's like, I'm a virgin, like, it's a lot to take someone's virginity. Like, I don't know if I'd want that on my, like, conscience. Yeah, but it doesn't have to be rushed. She should still do it when she feels ready. Right. Because then it's even worse. Like, don't do it because you don't want guys to judge you. That's stupid. Yeah.

but she also said she doesn't feel comfortable with herself I feel like she should focus on that first and that should be your main priority 22 is not that old no that's young it's not that old that's in college you can lose your virginity in college yeah that's not old at all but also like if she wanted to like if she decided like oh like people are gonna think I'm weird if I wanna have sex with them just don't tell them yeah I wouldn't tell them just don't tell them that's something for yourself yeah I wouldn't know either I wouldn't tell them

Like, how would they know? Like, they wouldn't. But don't go fuck random people just to, like, just because you think guys think you're weird. That's not what you should do. Yeah. You're going to regret that big time. But just don't tell them. They wouldn't even know either way. Just don't tell them. Do it when you're ready. Yeah. Don't tell them. Yeah. Easy. Next. You guys want to do more?

I'm good. I think we did a lot. Yeah, I think we did a lot. We covered a lot. And I know how a lot of people... They're going to love this. giving your insight. Thanks for having us on. Of course. You guys, this was actually really long. Yeah. We sat here for like...

an hour almost an hour like 45 minutes it goes by quick when you podcast it really does hopefully we uh first podcast yeah you guys are gonna have to come back on at some point again and do a week recap with us next time oh oh my god like talking

Because the very beginning So before you guys came on we did like a week recap And we just talked about like our past week Like everything that we caught up on And I would love next time we're really feral on the weekends Just to like sit down and record After this weekend Yes like after a weekend out Just like recap it We all need a mic though I will get Mike's mic It's gonna get We'll get Mike's Michael's mic

Yeah, Michael has mics. Well, thank you guys for coming on. Thank you for having us. Appreciate it. If you're still listening, rate the podcast five stars. Follow us on Instagram. Subscribe to us on YouTube. Of course. But rate it five stars. It would mean the world. Okay. Bye, guys.