cover of episode Girl Talk | SAM GOT A BOOB JOB


Publish Date: 2023/1/27
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One Thing About Us


Shownotes Transcript

Hello guys, welcome back to another episode. I'm Taylor. I'm Sam. Today we're just gonna do a little like life update catch-up girl talk little things because the biggest thing is that Sam has boobs now. I got boobies. I got big boobies. So we're gonna go through like that the main portion of the episode and then also like little things like we haven't done like a talk about like birth control all in one place just like our life, you know, we're just gonna chat and

So hope you enjoy that. Yeah. And I'm just warning you guys right now. My like like I can't do very long sentences. It fucking wears me out so bad. I think it's just because like I'm so swollen right now in my chest area that I think it's really like compromising my lungs. Like it's really just like the pressure on my chest is just like right so much. So yeah.

So let's get into like first like we'll do a little weekend recap. So I was really sick so I couldn't do anything. So it was another pretty easy weekend of dry January because I couldn't even leave the house. So that was fine. But I was having the most FOMO of all time because Sam was out with our friends. Not drinking though. No. She didn't drink. So props for that. Yeah.

mainly because of like she had surgery so yeah she couldn't drink because the temptation was real but i was just i had surgery honestly if i didn't have surgery i probably wouldn't end up drinking yeah which is like that's good that you're gonna stick it out but you have no choice yeah i know um one weekend left um i was so bored last weekend it's really hitting me the dry january like i really just want to

go do something and have fun and like go out and also just like i really would love a glass of wine that'd be so great um but it's the 26th so like god we're right there after today it's five days yeah damn and we actually fucking did it um

Was it worth it? I don't know. I feel like I saved a lot of money. Okay, here's my thing with this. And I was talking to our friend Connor about this because Connor was supposed to do this with us, but he gave up this past weekend. Me and him were literally in the middle of the road on West, looking at each other like, what is the fucking point of this? What is the point? I had a point and I explained it on the couch really deep. I think there is a point. The thing is, five years from now, am I going to be like, I'm so glad and happy I did that? Probably not. Probably not.

It's going to be so irrelevant in five years. I think I'll be glad that in my life as a whole, I was really good about my relationship with alcohol. Yeah. No, of course. Which things like this would... Because then you could say that about every single time you don't drink. And then if you think of that about every single time, then you just become an alcoholic. Yeah, but like...

Last last year both of us at different times though went like a month without drinking And we had no desire to do it because we weren't telling us ourselves that we couldn't yes But that's like a good so this is what I told sam when she told me about this So I listened to ed my let this was like during covid when I heard this because I was like

doing my five mile neighborhood walks like listening to this he basically said that self-confidence is keeping the promises that you make to yourself and that that's how you build self-confidence because you need to trust yourself because if you think of it as like a friend or someone you know you wouldn't be like confident in that friend in that relationship if you were like telling

telling them to do things or ask them to do things and they promised you things and they kept backing out on those promises you wouldn't have like trust or confidence in that person and it's the same to yourself so if you like set goals like that and actually do them it like really just helps you like self-worth and self-confidence by like setting a goal and sticking to it and doing it and ever since I heard that on a podcast I just like think that's true

Yeah, no, I definitely agree. It's just like... It's tough out here. It really... The streets are tough, man. I'm just bored, obviously. Okay, and so if you're an OG listener too, you know Takeru Mucho's was like the fucking place to be. Like that's where our pregame spot was. But no, I think now we have Polvo's because this past weekend where my dear friend Connor gave up into the temptation...

that place is gonna be our new like we're going i just like really want to go we haven't gone to kiramucho so i know we haven't gone we've also never brought in like our friends there yeah so we definitely need to go back yeah we definitely need to go back it didn't help that we live like down the fucking street from kiramucho's when we used to live that was definitely part of it but regardless tangent um

Pretty lame weekend besides the fact that Sam got to hang out with like our friends. Our friend McKenna came in town, which was nice. I got to see her for like a second on like an outdoor walk because I couldn't do much because I was so sick. But I was like, I need to see you once before you leave because she came all the way here on a plane, did the whole thing. So I felt so bad that I was so sick and like couldn't.

like go to like dinner like do anything i was like damn really but i mean there was nothing i could do about it but i saw her for a little bit and that was really cool and then it was basically surgery day well yeah can i can i recap on the weekend yeah yeah you can i just don't know how much you want to be talking so like i'm just as of right now i'm good okay um but yeah no this past weekend um like i've said our friend mckenna came out we are keen

Down to Texas because sometimes I forget where Nebraska is or whatever. But so we got coffee on Saturday morning and then later that night I was going to go out with my friends, but I like wasn't really planning on going out. I was just like, oh, maybe I'll get dinner or just hang out with you guys at...

your apartment and we ended up going out out we all went to dinner we went to polvo's like i said and let me tell you guys this had to be had to be my like favorite sober night out i've ever experienced like you gotta have a good group of friends to like be able to do that and have fun and not drink because not one okay well besides at the very beginning when they were trying to tempt me and be like come on like fuck dry january but other than that they did not like

try being like annoying over the fact that I wasn't drinking. Like they, they're reviving with it. We ended up like bar hopping. We went to little woodrow's, which guys, if you live in Austin, go to little woodrow's when there's like an, a game on or a fight on because it is 95% male. Um,

And you can potentially find like the love of your life there. I unfortunately did not. There was only like two guys that I found attractive in that entire bar. And there's like 200 people. But yeah, it was, it was a fun time. And I ended up getting in a really big fight with my friend Hunter, which if you guys watch my YouTube channel, I vlogged us going to tennis. I,

I'm so competitive. He's so competitive. So I was like, I'm going to be, I'm going to whoop your ass in all of these games. And then we went and played tennis and he beat me, which is unfair. So if, I mean, he's like double your size. I know. I just want to than you. Yeah. Double my size older than me. More like,

with spanned of like holding the tennis racket whatever but i did say in my vlog if anyone lives in austin and wants to challenge me to some tennis i'm so if anyone wants to smoke like literally like dm me you have to be a girl though no boys listening to this like i want a fair match against a girl and i want to i want to play some tennis i now that sam's out of commission for movement for however long i texted hunter and i was like yo

I need tennis lessons. Now that you can't play against Sam, you need someone to play with. I need tennis lessons and I need practice so I can become decent at a sport. Because if I'm going to figure out how to do a sport, it's going to be tennis because that sport doesn't... I don't like sports where like...

bigger balls are like coming toward me like tennis doesn't scare me whereas like volleyball no I mean like in my head I'd be really good at volleyball in real life physically me standing there like diving for a ball it's not gonna happen and then football like

I actually know how to throw a football, but I always get too scared to catch it because one time I broke a nail catching a football. So that's also out the gate. So if it's going to be a sport, I think it's going to be tennis. Especially it's a very big retirement sport too. Old people do it. Yeah. So if you're going to

get old and like oh i thought you meant like so i could do it because old people do it no don't make me laugh dude it hurts oh sorry but um so now do we want to talk like now you got yeah yeah yeah

So, yeah, basically laughing hurts. Also, I have the worst fucking dry mouth. Like, I'm so dehydrated. But, like, I'm drinking so much water and it's doing nothing. But, yeah, so let's talk about surgery day because that was, like, the most intense day of them all so far. I'm only three days post-op. I got my surgery on Tuesday. And Taylor dropped me off Tuesday morning at 7 a.m. And by 8 a.m., I was...

I was down. I was being, you know, sliced open. If anyone can't really do this whole like surgery talk, definitely skip through this because like I'm going to share some details. But anyways, so I when I got in there, they made me really comfortable. They had like this little like boutique lounge like space.

that I was able to go into. It had like a nice reclining chair, like a TV. They had like on the TV like the fire pit thing going. It was really heated in the room too. So it was like nice and warm. And they came in, gave me like all my medication and then they attached me to an IV. And...

I had sat in there for an hour, but about 15 minutes before I actually went, like, under, the surgeon came in and he, like, kind of wrote, like, in, I don't know if it's, like, actual Sharpie, but, like, whatever, like, the surgical, like,

marker is and he was just making like marks everywhere like remeasuring and just making sure everything was perfect and then um I put like a robe on and then within like that that 15 minutes I ended up walking down the hallway with the IV the nurse was like rolling the IV down the hall and I had like the thing like hanging off me and I'm just like walking down the hallway like honestly terrified because like it was kind of like dark in there but because it was it was still early like it was

Like 745. It's also just you in like a little like room. Like it wasn't like a hospital. Yeah, no. I wasn't like in a... Well, I was in like a medical center, but it was like a... It was very much under construction, like getting revamped. So you could tell like a lot of the spaces in the medical center were just not in use yet. And so...

I am getting like walk down there and all I can see at the end of the hallway is this one room that is just like lit up and I can see the surgical bed and I can see the anesthesiologist with like his mask on his cap on his glasses and I go fuck like this is about to be real scary and I'm like don't get anxious and like that's the last thing you want to happen so I'm just keep I'm like reminding myself it's okay it's okay like

I'm in good hands, like, whatever. And I lay down in the surgical bed, and he had me put both my legs, or both my arms, like, sideways, like, the long way. Like in a T. Yeah, like, I was laying in a T, and there was, like, the bed with, like, two little things on the end so that my hands could go on it. And I remember just laying there, and he had hooked the...

I be up to some medicine and he was like, this is sleepy medicine, Sam. Like, just let me know when it starts to hit you. And I'm like convincing my convincing myself it's not hitting me. I'm like, oh, it's not hitting me. There's no way. Next thing I know, I am closing my eyes. And then that was it. I just did not wake up. I woke up in the recovery room. My mouth is so fucking dry. I should have brought water up.

Um, but I woke up in the recovery room and I just woke up instantly shivering like to the fucking core. I was so cold and I couldn't open my eyes either. My eyes, I don't know if like when you get surgery, they put like Vaseline on your eyeballs or what, but like I was rubbing my eyes and it just felt like there was like Vaseline on my eyeballs. I was like, I can't see anything. Like what is going on? And

The nurse was in there. She's like it's fine sam. Like you're fine. I was like, no i'm like Freezing like it's so cold. She's like don't worry Like I have a winter jacket on like it is cold like you're not wrong It is and i'm like this I was like this bitch is lying to me There's no way because I couldn't see her I was trying to see her but I couldn't see her i'm like she's not wearing a winter jacket Like that's bullshit. Why would she be wearing a winter jacket in here? and finally like i'm starting to like wipe my eyes and like starting to see a little bit more and like

I don't know how to explain it, but it's just like basically how I could see anything was as if there was Vaseline on my eyes. Like it was just smudgy and blurry. And I suddenly can start to see her a little bit. And she is in fact wearing a winter jacket. I'm like, okay, like,

Yeah, so she puts a heated blanket on me and then she was like well has the pain I was like honestly like I care more about being this cold than the pain like the freezing cold was worse than the pain like I was so cold and then once she put the heating blanket on me and she was like okay well now how is the pain I'm like I'm like I guess it hurts like I don't really know what's going on like what the fuck and then

She ended up giving me like this pretty heavy like drug and I was just like, okay, like a little scared having heard really good things about this. And she gave it to me. And after that, the pain started to like wear off. But then I started getting like really dizzy. I was just like, there's no way. Like how long am I going to be in this like recovery room? Like forever? Forever?

hopefully until this wears off. No. Next thing I know, I hear Taylor on the phone with the nurse and she's like, yeah, like I'll be there soon. And the Taylor's like, okay, great. Like, or the nurse is like, okay, great. Like, and then she hangs up and he's like, Taylor's on her way, Sam, like let's start to get ready. So then she starts clothing me and I'm in my head like,

oh my god like she's actually like letting me go like like this and these conditions like i'm unwell like there's no way i can get picked up right now i was like freaking out i was like there's no way taylor's gonna be able to take care of me so she removes me from the surgical bed into a wheelchair and as i'm getting up and into the certain like into the wheelchair i like almost fall over i'm like what the fuck my balance is just not there i was so like so like

Confused. I was like, why don't I have balance right now? So I sit into the wheelchair and I just remember like being like wheeled for like a while like down a hallway through an elevator and then just like

in a very small glance like seeing taylor's car and i i remember like thinking to myself i'm like wait does she know what taylor what car taylor drives she did yes yes okay because i was like i don't know if she knows so i was like i like pointed with my fingers like with like very daintily and i was like she's right there yeah she asked me because she said that she can see from the window in the room the car so she was like i'll be able to see when you pull up like what car are you in so like she saw my car pull up

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next thing i know taylor's just bringing me home and then from there on out i it was like really like i don't remember much i felt so it's like right leaving the parking lot is a speed bump and like i mean there's nothing i can do like i gotta drive over and you're like oh because the car and i was like i'm sorry i'm like there's a speed bump and like the whole road in front of that medical center needs to be paved like it is like potholes and bumps galore so we're driving down the street bump and you're like ah

And I was like, I'm sorry. And I'm driving so slow. And then there's one point where I was kind of like, there wasn't that many people around. So I was like swerving like around all the potholes in the road. And I was like, the car behind me better not be a cop because they're going to like pull me over for drunk driving because I'm literally like swerving around and I'm going to have to... I was like, I'm literally going to have to be like, my friend just got a boob job and the bumps are hurting her and I'm...

weaving through the bumps to not hurt her because I was like bro I'm gonna get pulled over they're gonna think I'm drunk because I'm over here like swerving yeah that whole road like needs to be paved like if

was literally like do you remember that i remember the first bump yes beat bump was big i was like i was like oh like that literally hurts so bad but when they brought her out i was like oh because like the lady was just like okay i'll bring her down you know just like chipper as ever and then sam was not chipper sam was like like literally dead in that wheelchair and i was like oh my god like i didn't think you could walk because i definitely couldn't

I was like, oh my god, can she walk? The first floor of our apartment is on the second floor. You have to go upstairs when you come in. Not apartment, we live in a house. Whatever. So I was like, oh my god, is she going to be able to get up the stairs? We have a bedroom on the first floor. I was like, is she going to be able to stick her in the bedroom? Can she get up the stairs? Can she walk? What the fuck? I was like, what?

okay. And it's like, now she's just in my care. Like, what? You're just gonna take her out of this wheelchair? And I'm like, how is she gonna walk? Like, you didn't look like you could walk. But then she was just kind of like, get up, sit in the car. And you kind of did that. You, like, got in the car. So I was like, okay. Okay, yeah. You functioned. My legs, like, I could, like, move my body and, like, walk, but it was just like, I felt like a drunk person that was sober. Yeah, you...

you were just like kind of dead yeah and i was so pale white too yeah i didn't really notice that but you were just in the car like i'm so cold and i had a towel in the back seat and i put the towel on you i know i looked back at like that tiktok i made like with me laying on the couch with the chicken noodle soup i just looked like a fucking zombie and then i um so i basically just like slept the whole day after that i was in and out of sleeping i do not remember like really from getting home to like maybe like a little bit

Yeah, because...

And I had chicken noodle soup. And I knew, like, I had, like, three little spoonfuls. I was like, there's no way. And I, like, told Taylor, I was like, you can, like, go to the gym or whatever. Like, you don't have to be watching me. Yeah, well, the lady was like, you might want to stay with her for 24 hours in case she falls. And I was like, what the fuck is she going to do? Yeah, like, we're on the couch. Are we going to roll off the couch? Like, what are you going to do? Yeah. So I don't really know what.

What that meant, I'm like, how is she going to... She's not going to be, like, running. Yeah. Like, what is she going to do? No, I was just, like, sleeping the whole time she was gone. And then I just remember, like, putting the chicken noodle soup on the table and then just, like...

10 minutes later just needing to sprint which keep in mind is very fucking hard to get out of bed or up from a couch i can't use my upper body model muscles but like i had to if if i didn't get up like i was gonna puke all over myself like it would have been like a disaster the idea of you saying sprint but knowing like how you like i'm just picturing you going like

normal speed but like sprinting you like to use sprinting but you're like going slow yeah so i like get myself up and like i'm in pain from doing that so i'm holding on to my tits i'm like oh and then i run over to the sink and i just start gagging or start throwing up and i just knew for the rest of the day i was like i'm not gonna be able to eat this sucks like fuck this and it was just because of the anesthesia um that's the only reason i really threw up i guess sometimes i

Person to person it depends on the anesthesia how you'll respond and yeah, I just threw up once wasn't too bad Yeah, and she texted me while I was in the gym. Hey, sorry, I threw up in the sink. I cleaned it though Yeah, I did clean it and there was no way I was making it to my bathroom Like there was no way I barely made it to the sink So i'm just happy it went somewhere where it could go down a drain um

But yeah, that was pretty much my first day, which honestly I would say wasn't even that bad. It didn't look that bad. It wasn't bad besides the throw up part because like I was on so much like medication slash drugs that like the pain was just like non-existent. I was just like nauseous. That's all it was. And then my day two was kind of the same pain wise. Like I wasn't really in pain. I went to my like my 24 hour follow up appointment.

And I actually ate all breakfast, lunch and dinner, which was great. And then today I woke up on day three and I am so swollen and bruised. It's like insane. Like my boob is like so swollen on the side that it's like in my armpit.

Like, my boob is, like, in my armpit. I want to see them. I can't wait to see them. Yeah, you'll have to wait. Like, I just... Literally, like, my boob is in my armpit. That's how swollen it is. Like, and I... Like, I can't... Like, when I close them, like, it kind of hurts because, like... Yeah. I can feel the, like, bruise slash swelling, like, in my armpit. But you're definitely not, like... Like, obviously, like, it hurts, but you haven't been that, like, bad. Like, you're not, like... Like, you're better than I thought. Like, you're chilling. Yeah. Like, you're, like, you're not, like...

Like visibly. Yeah. The only times it really hurts is when I'm getting up and down from bed or a couch. Um, cause I kind of know not to like grab things that I probably shouldn't grab. I'm like TX T-Rex arms, like grabbing shit from like areas. But the only time I'm in pain is like getting up and down. And the best way that like I can get up if she helps me is like, I'm using my core. And then at the same time, she's kind of pushing my back because if I try to use my chest, Oh, it feels like, I don't even know how to explain it, but it feels like,

it's like a mix of like an elephant stepping on my chest and like a sore chest from a workout it's like a combination of the two because there's like intense pressure but then there's also like the like achiness if that makes sense so honestly i would say it's like a pain wise maybe like a six or seven out of ten depending on the day i don't know

Yeah, but you're pretty like chilling. You're like pretty dang good. I just want them to not be so swollen anymore because like right now I'm like, oh my God, they're so fucking big. And they're not even that big. Yeah, I know. And like this also too has like crazy padding in it. So it like appear, they appear really big. Yeah, they're not big at all. Like considering it's padding and swelling, they're really not big. No. Yeah. And I cannot wait. I tried, I took a shower for the first time this morning and I tried getting the like

sharpie marker off and I couldn't get it off and I really hope it comes off soon because like pat dry your bandages oh I didn't even get them wet I didn't know I like me in the shower I was like it was to my back and then it was like like my whole front side didn't really get wet and it was so hard to clean my armpits I was like I don't like to click like the tiniest little amount of soap and like lightly lift it up and go okay let's get those armpits clean but yeah you didn't shower for like two days yeah you didn't smell though

I smelled on the first day, but then I did like a little like, what's it when you take like a shower in a sink? Oh, oh, oh, oh, I know what you're talking about. I don't know what that's called though, but I know what you're talking about. Like, so I just did that and then I put deodorant on. Cause like when you, the day when you went to surgery and I'm pretty sure this is for every surgery, you're not allowed to have like perfume on, moisturizer on, like body wash from your past shower, deodorant, like,

He didn't even want me to wear my contacts because he didn't want me getting like bacteria or like anything like stuck in my eyes or my nostrils. Like when I got there, I had to clean my nostrils, which was really weird. They had to put like alcohol like swabbed in my nostrils to get all the bacteria out. So yeah, I was pretty damn clean. There was not anything on my skin or my hair.

Well, so far so good with that, I guess. Stay tuned for like the boob reveal. I know. Huge boob reveal. I'm so nervous though for Cabo. I really hope they like...

I know it's like we're not going to Cabo for another like month. You'll be fine. In a week. But like, yeah, I just hope that they're not like so swollen and like. You'll be fine. What's the worst that happens? They're swollen and you have huge boobs? Like what's the worst? Yeah, I guess. Facts. You're just going to have to make sure you have bathing suits that fit you. Yeah, I cannot wait to try on all my new clothes. Not new clothes, but try on my clothes and get new clothes. Yeah, it's going to be so exciting to see like how they look. I know. My posture right now is not good.

Because I keep having to, like, lean forward. Because, like, when I stand or sit the proper way, it, like, stretches out my, like, incision. So I'm like, oh, I just want to, like, lean forward. Curl up. Yeah, that makes sense. Well, he told me to also stand, like, for 10 to 15 minutes every, like, few hours. And, like, stand properly. And I'm like, okay. I have to, like, remember to do that. What was I going to say? Shit, I literally had something in my head that I was going to say about this. And it just...

I don't know. It just went right away for me.

oh you're getting back into the gym journey is gonna be i know interesting yeah i don't really know what's going on with my chest but i'm like so weak right now well they like totally took your muscles and like yeah oh my god this is another thing too the when i went to my follow-up appointment uh with with the surgeon he told me he was like yeah like i have never seen such developed like chest muscles before and i was like i was like oh really he's

He's like, yeah, like I actually had to like kind of work out to like pull up your chest from the incision. So like when they do the incision, he has to take this like 90 degree tool and like pull up.

um my muscle to like slide the implant in he was like yeah like i that you had like one of the most developed chests like i've seen in a while i was like fuck yeah let's go baby hell yeah yeah so that was like a nice compliment that i received that is really nice compliment i'd like really cherish that yeah i did cherish it i was like fuck yeah

They're gonna it's gonna disappear real quick though Yeah, that's gonna be like super interesting to see how that How that happens, but you know gotta do what you gotta do if you're you wanted to do it So you gotta get it done eventually Yeah, I know a lot of people were also saying a lot of like fitness creators are doing it and like Which there are and everyone's like freaking out because like we're not gonna be able to go to the gym like

At least for me, like I'm not too worried that I can't go to the gym for like a month if it is a month. Maybe. Well, he did say starting next week, I can go to the gym and just walk on the treadmill, which is amazing. Like being able to just move my body. I would love to do that because I'm going to get so like freaking tired of just sitting around, but not being able to work out for like a month. Like I'm not too worried about that.

i'm in like a good place like mentally with the gym where it's not like yeah oh my god like i haven't worked out i have to eat less or oh my god like when i go back i have to like i'm just kind of living i'm vibing yeah like last week i literally didn't go to the gym because i was like so sick and it's like whatever yeah so i'm not too worried about it yes also like so many like um almost like majority of like pro bodybuilding girls have their tits done and like yeah

And they're jacked and, like, they're in it. Like, and they went through getting their tits done. So, like, who cares? Like, they did it. Yeah, and, like, honestly, that's another reason why I kind of got my boobs done was because of the gym. Because Sam's going to compete. No, no, no. Because, like, I just felt so un, like, feminine in my upper body that when I would, like, hit... Like, I obviously know I'm not fucking massive. Like, I'm not huge. I'm not stepping on stage anytime soon. But, like, I feel like I was slowly losing, like, my...

Like feminine feminine self like and I really wanted to get them done I've always wanted to get them done like I just kind of like bit the bullet finally on it cuz I was like I

It wasn't, it's not an insecurity. Like, I'm not like, oh, like this. It's not an insecurity compared to like my lips or something. Like I'm insecure about my lips sometimes. I'm like, oh my God, like they're not symmetric, whatever. My boobs, it wasn't like an insecurity. It was more of just like, I want to feel like more girly. I don't know how to explain it. Yeah. I mean, why not? Yeah. You just wanted to do it. You've been wanting to do it for a while. So you just fucking did it. Mm-hmm.

as as people should i made i made an appointment on tuesday for a veneer consultation let's go do you get put under for that or no no they just glue little things to your teeth you get put under for wisdom teeth so i don't know you just glue like little things to your teeth but i made a consultation for it to see like how much yeah it depends per like you do it per tooth

And, like, I just want to see, like, because it's, like, could I not do, like, every tooth? Could I just do, like, my front four teeth? Like, you know what I mean? Like...

So I don't know. I guess I'll ask them and see. But I really just wanted to like go to a place and like book a consultation and fucking see because y'all, if I get my teeth done, like literally it's over. Like then I'll have no insecurities. Yeah. And you know what's so funny is like people, you know when people comment about something like you know you're insecure about and it's like they think that they're like saying this super mean thing to you. Like someone commented like that I need to get my teeth done and I'm like,

I know. I don't. Yeah. I'm like, do you think you're hurting my feelings? Like, I agree. Like, I've already said, like, multiple times I want to get my teeth done. Like... But they're probably saying that because they know you've said that. Yeah. Some people just, like... I don't think so. I get that comment a lot. I would... I bet you they're just probably haters and they know that's an insecurity of yours. But even before I've said, like, a lot... Like, I've got that comment a lot. Yeah. I mean, they could, but it's just, like, funny. It's like, yeah, like, I already know that. Yeah. I guess. Um...

But yeah, so that's it's like really expensive. But if I can like finance it and like like pay it a certain way, then like honestly, I'm just going to freaking do it because I'm trying this year like less like little spending and more like, OK, I'll get my teeth done. Like I'll go on these trips, but less like trips to Sephora. Yeah. You know, which also like we don't need to like.

No, we literally don't need to. Me and Taylor would literally go to Sephora all last year because one, I was getting into makeup. So I was always like, oh, like I'm going to Sephora. Do you want to come? And then you'd come, you'd probably buy something. And then like, I was kind of building up like my makeup, like,

And now I have a good makeup quantity. So I just don't feel the need to go. Yeah. Only thing I will say is foundation. I will end up needing to change because I'm going to get tanner. Okay. But like meeting something is different than just like wanting something to want it. And like I got new skincare and like I'm really keeping up with like my skincare grind. It's like if I run out of like.

the mascara i like get a new one like but i i already have three it sounds like i'm talking about the mascara trend but this is just the first thing that came to mind i already have three mascaras in my drawer i don't need another one or like how many nude lip liners can i have yeah when i wear the same like one like i have nude lip gloss i don't need more yeah

so i just don't need to buy that there are some things that i do need now that i'm thinking about it but like i'm i'm good i can wait off right and it's like if you need it like you need it and like i also find myself like i have to like think about it like do i really need that or like do i not like i don't know i'm just trying to do like less like little spending and more like like having money like i bought like oh i bought mics like finally for my camera for the gym because like

I literally do like fitness TikTok for work and I didn't have mics. Like, are you kidding? So like I bought those and it's just like, just like more like better, like better.

thought out purchases i guess like this month i didn't really buy anything i did you got tits i got tits you did pay for those but like but like that that's makes sense yeah but like i didn't buy i didn't like go shopping this month like i really didn't do anything i uber eats a lot last weekend when i was sick that's what i did do but i mean i needed to eat so yeah what are you gonna do what are you gonna do you need food yeah speaking of mascara though can we quickly just talk about not only like what's going on with

um oh yeah yeah yeah so like guys obviously we know there's like a mascara trend going on first of all a lot of you people that listen to this podcast have been con well i assume you're listening to the podcast if you follow me on tiktok um i've been commenting on my video of like the mascara trend and what i wrote if you don't already know mascara is not actually mascara it's

We do a whole thing and I'll read mine. It's penis. Mine's, I stopped getting lash extensions because I was ready to start wearing mascara again. None of my mascara has been good enough though.

And that means boys, like penis, dick, whatever the fuck you want it to be. I stopped getting lash extensions. So I stopped being like a little virgin. And because I was ready to start using, you know, dick again. And none of the dick that I've been getting has been good enough. The amount of comments on my thing actually giving mascara recommendations. I'm like, guys, my for you page is like insane.

Saturated with that trend. Yeah, but like some people like still like it took them like a long time, which is just like I think it's like funny that people don't know. Oh, yeah. I literally have. I have been commenting back to them like with like the little like the melting emoji. I'm like, like, are you kidding right now? Or like...

One girl goes, I got mine unexpectedly at a bar the other or unexpectedly at a bar. I go, after dry January, I'm running to the bars. Mine, Mascara's trying to say, I had the same go-to mascara for three years, but it kind of dried out. So I wanted to try the new trendy mascaras, but they don't last as long as my eyes and they're so messy. I want my reliable mascara back.

Yeah. So and then someone commented, we need to vocalize our feelings to the old mascara. And I was like, vocalized feelings? I don't do that. Yeah. So the that trend has been going on. But when someone commented, get the dupe. I was like, oh, wow.

The other like thing in regards to mascara though is like the whole Mikaela thing with mascara. So I think that's why people are getting so confused about the trend. There's a lot of mascara going on. Because like they think that like we're talking about how Mikaela kind of is like

being a scum about mascara and like not being reliable source for like good mascara so people are like i need a good mascara yeah like oh i need good mascara like where do i get my good mascara yeah people are like oh like l'oreal or like oh my god i got mine at like walmart and then i said back to someone i go what island walmart because i'm like like some of y'all are just not getting it but the whole mckayla thing i think is a little fucking ridiculous the mckayla thing here's my thoughts um

Claudia Oshry like from the toast like girls no job whatever she was making TikToks about it and like the way she she's just so funny so the way she was talking was just funny but it was true she was like so Makayla lied what are we gonna do kill her like what are we gonna do like she was like some of you guys like get a fucking grip and it's like

Because she was like, yeah, like, that's not cool, like, whatever. But it's like, I don't think, like, public slander. Like, why can't we all, when someone does something like that, like, take mental note? Like, if you want to unfollow, unfollow. If you don't want to like the video, don't like the video. Like, she's not, like, your cup of tea anymore. Yeah.

don't engage press not industry like i i don't like the public slander i don't get why she lied like i really don't get why she lied it was an ad like publicity all she could have said people were literally like she showed it without the falsies like she she showed her normal mascara like she put it on she could have been like and now i'm gonna finish my makeup and put my lashes on

and like finish the video like it could have been a normal ass video and then she just in the comments or people were like you're wearing falsies she could have been like oh yeah i just wanted to show my like finished makeup but she's like no i'm not like okay don't

don't be lying why like she gets no benefit out of putting the falsies on like it's one it's not her product it'd be different if it was maybe like her product she came out with this mascara that'd be worse no i know but that's why i can maybe understand she would want to do but like there's no bad there's literally no fucking reason why she did that like yeah also like l'oreal like approved that video yeah but it's like which is like

why did you prove that video like you're obviously wearing that yeah i'll be honest so the first time i watched it i didn't really think anything of it well yeah but like that's because like i think we're also like sane and like i don't yeah i'm and like to be honest i didn't watch to the end of the video either like i didn't like that i'm just not gonna like notice that yeah but also like it wouldn't come across like

Like I said to me if I was like oh maybe if she put on lashes it would make sense to me in a video to be like okay now the end is her finish routine and like now she put the lashes on but it's the fact that in the comments people are like you're wearing lashes and she's like no I'm not. Yeah. I'm like okay well like all you could have said was like oh no I just wanted to show my finished makeup routine and that would have been like oh that makes sense like you're just showing like the end result.

um so i don't really know why she lied but like i know she's already like people people already have such like mean things to say about her that like i just feel bad like i think public slander like really like there's just like things going on in the world like we're like you're really gonna take your time to like hate on this girl talking about like eyelashes yeah that's

You know? I just... I would love to know why she did it. I mean, that's all. I would love an explanation. The logic behind it? But we were talking about this and I said, like, she's already lied to people in the comments so many times that now she has to take it to the grave that she's not wearing lash extensions in that video. Yeah. She, like...

And she's just going to have to stand by it. That she's not wearing lash extensions and she's going to have to stand by that. Because commenting back to your followers and just lying to their face is really not good. That's the part. Like, I don't really give a shit about the video. It's the legit commenting back to people and gaslighting them. It's like, you guys are just proving to me why this mascara is so good. I'm like, girl. Like, so that's just crazy. But I do think public, like...

Like, there's no reason for people to be commenting just, like, mean things. Like, yeah, like, I've always hated that bitch. Like, yo. Yo, it's mascara. Like, you just need to be, like, mean. Like, there's no, there's no, like, okay, guess what? She used fake eyelashes and you are a bitch on the internet. Yeah. Like, you're no better. Yeah. Like, you're arguably worse than someone just putting on fucking makeup. Like, you're, you're mean. She's just wearing eyelashes and, like, you could just ignore the video. Yeah, there's bigger problems going on in this world. Way bigger. But, like, obviously it's, like, interesting to be a...

Watcher of it all. A bystander. Of course. But it's like...

I don't think anyone deserves to be like publicly called me. Happy it's not me. 100%. You don't actually know what? I want to get canceled. That's what I'm saying. I need a relevant scandal. Yeah. You know what? Let's go try on some mascara. Let's go. No, no, no. What should we do? No, no, no, no. Just start telling everyone you didn't get a boob job. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, my God. Oh, my gosh. I can be like, oh, my God, guys. Look at this new push-up bra I just found. Like, it's insane. It's insane.

Let me try it out with this new top. That's crazy. Oh my God. Yes. Start gaslighting my followers. Speaking of scandal, I posted this TikTok on our podcast, TikTok. And like, I'm so sorry. I'm just going to like make fun of people right now. Like I know I just said not to drag people on the internet, but like.

I'm dragging all of these people on the internet that commented on these posts. Okay, like you're stupid. It said the gym being your whole personality is toxic. The gym being your entire personality is toxic. And I meant like toxic like to you. Like obviously not toxic to other people because how does your life affect anyone else? It doesn't. And so many people, a lot of people are like agreeing. And then a lot of people are like, what, how, like in what world? Like in a world where people's whole personality is like drinking and vaping, I don't think it's that toxic. Or like...

like just because you can't like some people one girl commented like just because i don't have the like discipline to go to the gym doesn't mean i should be a hater and i'm like just because i don't have the discipline to go to the gym i go to the gym and lift every single day i'm like first of all what the fuck are you talking about so i'm like guys what are you getting about it saying your entire personality like and then i'll click on girls that are like miss girl what and their page is like

they do so much like yeah this doesn't apply to you like look at you like it's look at you living like this literally this video nothing to do with you like you you have a very well-rounded page you look like you live a great life

Like how is the point going so far over these people's heads? Yeah. Because you could have made that video about anything and you would have gone on attack no matter what. Yeah. But it's like I'm like how do you guys understand like one thing being your entire personality is like not cool. And like people like they're just so I was I just don't understand not being able to read. I was just like so caught up in like

That part of my life, though, that I know like those people that are fighting it, they can't see outside of like that thought process and they don't they will never understand until they're actually out of it.

but yeah um yeah that's pretty much it yeah so that was just like funny to me that people can't fucking read i also wanted to give a little like just like birth control talk um because we haven't really put it all in one place and yeah a little bit so seven months ago we went off birth control which is crazy seven months

Like, I've had seven periods off of birth control. I know. That's nuts. I've had zero. So Sam hasn't gotten a period. I know. I'm supposed to hopefully get it next week. And now you did even more, like, things to your body. So who knows now? I know. But, you know, eventually if you don't get it, maybe just go to, like, a gyno or something. Yeah. But I've been...

Like a-okay my periods are kind of like long but like I don't really get any symptoms from them I thought I got like sick last time again, but I think it was just coincidence and I got sick on the time my period I don't think it was like

Because my period if I get sick next month, then it's I think it could do with your period Your immune system kind of shits the bed right around Yeah, so maybe like both but I haven't gotten sick before my period and like since my first two periods So it's been a while. So we'll see next month how I do Um, I get this comment every single time I post about it saying what am I gonna do now? Am I gonna get an iud and I don't get how everyone jumps to are you gonna get an iud guys? I use condoms and people just like

Disregard that as birth control which is so weird because it's like when you learn about birth control like one of the first eat you like condoms and everyone's like we're gonna do now get an IUD I'm like I just use condoms like what like everyone goes so like

into like the hormonal like more like in invasive forms and i'm like i just use condoms like i don't know what to tell like why do people just like don't they don't even think like people even make videos being like i see a lot of people getting on birth control but what are we doing just like raw dog are you guys just like praying for the best i'm like no i'm wearing condoms yeah i don't know how people forget about that

I am not going to lie. I wanted to get a copper IUD and I started looking into it and like I even saw this one TikTok and I don't want to scare anyone listening to this. We're not fully fucking educated on this shit. Like go talk to a professional, not me. But like I saw a TikTok and some girl had a copper IUD get taken out and it was literally rusty.

yeah well some the thing is but then i posted a video being like if you had a iud like comment down below like how your experience was like everyone was like it's the best thing i've ever done yeah like everyone loved it yeah it's just depends person to person i guess and it's like a medical procedure so like i feel you just have to account for like some people aren't gonna yeah aren't gonna have like a good one i just would rather not and also i need to get my period first so i'm just like cool with like

Using condoms. I've only had sex twice in seven months. Condoms plus like pull-up method. Yeah. Like both. And then if you want to be extra good, don't be having any type of sex when you're ovulating. But your body makes you horny when you're ovulating because your body's like now is when you want to have kids. So that's like super rude. But that's that. My mental health is like so good from it. My skin is good right now because I started these clear stem vitamins. Yeah.

That are like their accutane dupe if you will and Guys, I literally think they work like it's craziness Like i've only been taking it for a week and it says you can see results in a week and I think they're right and i've been using their face wash too and I feel like It solved all my problems, but i'll check back in with you in a little bit to see How it like really is but like my skin feels great right now. I like invested in good skincare, you know, take my vitamins I'm really doing the whole thing and that's doing well um

I feel like there's not much change in like my body after going off birth control. It's just like my mental health is still okay. Skin is good and my periods are fine. I don't get cramps. I don't get really anything. I just bleed for like a week.

And that's that. I also get DMs saying, did I prep and do anything before I went off? No, I just went off. But like, do what you want. I just stopped taking it. Yeah. I, yeah, like Taylor said earlier, I have not gotten my period. I had like, I've had for the last seven months, I've had three times where I've gotten like a bleed. This most recent time, I had like a pretty long like

Bleed like it was like a dry bleed It wasn't like a full period but like I bled like quite a bit like I put a tampon in everything like That's how much blood like did come out. Um, so i'm hoping like going into next week if I am gonna get my period I know I just got surgery. So that's like a huge impact on my on my body itself So I don't know if I will get it But i'm hoping that it's gonna be a little bit more blood than like last time I've been doing seed cycling and i've been doing a lot of other things to kind of help balance out my hormones um

Um, I made like a whole Tik TOK on this on like my top five things that I've started to do to bounce on my hormones. The first one being seed cycling.

Seed cycling, there's just like I guess a science behind it that it will help bounce out your hormones. Each seed has like a different benefit for you based on like the cycle that you're in. So when you're in your follicular phase, you got to take two different types of seeds. I have it written down on my phone because I can't memorize it yet. So follicular phase is day one to 14. You're going to do one tablespoon of flax seed and one tablespoon of pumpkin seeds. And when I have my seeds, I just put it on top of my oatmeal. I really like it. It's like a crunchy...

and creamy i don't know i just love the bird bird seed yeah i just love the texture of it and then in my luteal phase is day 15 to 28 i do one tablespoon of sunflower seeds and one tablespoon of sesame seeds again just still on my breakfast and i have gotten a lot of dms asking me if it's helped and

And guys, slow your roll with that question because I've literally only been doing it for like 25 days. Like it hasn't even been a full month of me doing seed cycling. My hormones are not going to balance within like three weeks. Like it's going to take some time. So I've been just incorporating that. Do I know if it's working? No. I've also started taking Bitexberry, which I started all these things around the same time.

Um vitex berry is just a supplement that helps bounce out your hormones and then i've been taking turmeric as well and magnesium um all as supplements to kind of just help with that and then i've also been doing bone broth because I've been following gracie noren and I really want to get her on the podcast She said she was down to come on the podcast So I just need to figure that out because she is pretty much where i've learned everything from but basically basically

Our bodies like all work in sync together on everything, like your brain, your heart, like your digestion, like literally fucking everything. So like if you have a happy gut, you're going to have happy hormones. So putting your gut health first is going to help benefit your hormones. So I've been doing bone broth as well. One cup every single day. And that helps strengthen your gut, gut lining. And then what else have I been doing? Taking a lot of probiotics as well.

And I think that's like it that I've been doing. I might. This is like exclusive podcast tea. Sorry. And flow app. Oh, I track on the flow app too. I've like every now and then I'm like, I'm going to put every single thing on the flow app. Like I want to put everything like, did I have a headache? And then I forget. And then I don't do nothing. So, but like sometimes I'm like, I'm going to put every single symptom I've ever had. And then I just don't. So this is exclusive podcast tea. Also exclusive tea for you. Why?

I think I'm going to start eating eggs. No way. But like, I really want to like look into where I get them because you guys are being vegans ethical for me. Like it's like it used to be health when I followed freely the banana girl and thought she knew what she was talking about. But then it like I know she's full of shit. And now it's just an ethical thing for me. But chickens lay eggs anyway. So if I like know I can find like a really good like diet

reliable place to buy eggs which now there's like an egg shortage and eggs are really expensive so maybe this is like the worst time ever for me to be like saying i'm gonna eat eggs because i keep seeing posts about how they're gonna i haven't seen the eggs go up in price here oh my god every tiktok i see is how there's an egg shortage maybe not here i have i mean i at least haven't seen that price go up whatever um but yeah if i can find like an ethical place i could also like farmers market it up

Like, every Sunday. And, like, go get eggs at the farmer's market, which would be, like, so cute of me. Like, that'd be so cute. But I want to start eating. I will never eat meat again in my life. And, like, I can swear by that. Like, I will never. But the only reason. So I've been. Obviously, we're going to be, like, traveling more. And there's just, like, little things that I see that, like, I think I'll be okay with eating in, like, certain ways.

Context? Like, for example, if I see people... What's something I see? People making... I think I've said this on the podcast before. They go to a nice restaurant and they make a Caesar salad next to the table. And they make the dressing from scratch. And the dressing's not vegan. It has eggs in it. And it's like, I want to eat it. Yeah. Because like...

wherever i'm gonna be that i'm gonna or like if you go to like italy like fresh pasta like made fresh from scratch has eggs in it it's flour and eggs it's like it's like i want to eat the fresh pasta in italy so it's like i could just like and it's honestly like a very small like in that type of stuff it's a very small amount of egg it's not like so it's like obviously my diet like is still gonna stay primarily how it is yeah i would just rather a full egg in there like um be a

And obviously I can't just like do that one day because like then I'd go to Italy and eat it and like my stomach would be fucked. Like that wouldn't be good. But like if I can find like a nice like ethical way, I think to keep like eggs in the house and eat them, which I hope I don't. You know how you get that? Do you ever get the ick from eggs? You're eating an egg and it's like gross. That doesn't happen to you. Sometimes like the thought of an egg or the texture of an egg like grosses me out. But yeah, so that's like what I'm like kind of scared to do it. But like you shouldn't be.

Because like it's also like I've done such a good job not being like part of like a weird vegan community. Like not a lot of people even know I'm vegan. Like they'll just be like, you should try this. And I'm like, Miss Girl, like I don't eat that. Like it happens or brands are like, do you want to try this? I'm like, I don't eat that. Like I'm not really in that. So I don't think I'm going to get like like some people are really in the vegan community. Like that's like their thing. And then they like stop being vegan and then they get like fucking flamed. So it's like I'd still be like plant based eating vegan.

but just like like only eating eggs really and then like yeah there's only every guy doesn't have a name on it like it doesn't need to have it's still it's still considered like plant-based because it's like yeah you're mainly eating like plants and then i would just be like yeah i just want to like you know like if we're in like like we're going to cabo like i don't know if there's just like something i want to eat something or try something i want to do like i don't want to like not do it so that's that it's like exclusive end of the podcast tea

yeah i i'm pretty happy or excited for you because honestly can i say this and don't get mad but like there's definitely been times when we're eating out there's probably egg or dairy and something you've been eating right but i say that all the time i'm like what i know i don't hurt like what i don't like because oh because i'm not like i'm putting my like fucking i'm not gonna fucking not eat or like starve or skip a meal yeah because i don't because i can't guarantee that there's fucking egg in it like that's like i'm not

Like I've never done that like ever since I started I'm like look like one thing about me is like I'm gonna be not starving to death because I'm Can't guarantee doesn't have like like fucking egg in it. Like that's just not gonna be me Yeah, but I've never like bought it in the house and like had it but I'm gonna like look into like Where I should get my eggs from cuz like one thing about me is I still don't like the meat and dairy like industries at all Don't get it fucking twisted

One thing I will say... Don't get it twisted. I've realized in regards to dairies, I cannot have too much of that shit. Yeah, then Sam be pooping. I be fucking firing my shits out. She be pooping and farting. She be pooping and farting if she's on a date. No, it's bad. So last week for groceries or like for my food, I had like the breakfast bowl with feta cheese on it. And then I would have a snack that always... That had dairy in it, whether it was a Quest bar or string cheese or whatever. And then I had a dinner again that also had...

dairy in it and like by the end of the day my like stomach was in fucking shambles so like i just need to like reduce my intake of dairy a little bit more yeah i don't think i'm gonna have dairy in the um it's as something i buy um just as something that like maybe i'll eat if we're like traveling and there's something i want to eat but um so eggs might be the only thing i have in the house and um i think my computer's gonna die so i think we gotta oh no wrap her up

Okay. How long did we podcast for? Quite some time. All right. Well, what else do you want to say? I don't know. I was just going to talk about boys. Oh, you were just going to talk about boys? Yeah. We could always come back. It's okay. We don't have to. I can save it. Yeah, I can save it. Okay. I don't have that much to say about boys. Well, I think we can talk about boys later.

And talk a lot about boys when we have the boys on. Yeah, I'll save it. Next week we'll have our guy friends on, guys. And they can just give us advice. Yeah. We're going to have to figure out what to do about mics. Yeah, we will figure that out.

But yeah, we're going to try to have our guy friends on so they can give you guys advice and then give us advice. So we're not doing advice. Michael has mics. Oh, sick. We can... The Google form, go fill it out. Send in your boy problems. So hopefully we haven't done it in like two weeks advice. So hopefully they're like racking in in there. Send boy advice. But like it needs to be...

Detailed and specific it can't just be like I want to say hi to my gym crush Like I want details like I want like who is he or like your boyfriend cheated on you? Okay, I want details like we need like a little bit more of the story so we can give specific advice With all the context so really send in Any boy problem you're having so our guy friends can Give their input and it'll just be like funny send it into the google form. Follow us on instagram to find that

And we'll go all boy crazy on you next week. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you guys so much for listening to our little life updates. Girl talk chat. Stay tuned for the tit reveal. I know. Stay tuned for the tit reveal. We'll see what happens with Michaela with her lashes. Facts. And...

We'll just keep you updated on the birth control stuff. Yeah, just all things girly. Thank you guys so much for listening. Bye, guys. Bye. All month long on Pluto TV, stream the biggest Tyler Perry movies free. Watch your favorites like Madea's Witness Protection and Madea's Big Happy Family. Join Tyler Perry as he goes on a couples retreat with Sharon Leal in Why Did I Get Married? Or Idris Elba and Gabrielle Union in the Tyler Perry directed film Daddy's Little Girls. Plus, Pluto TV has hundreds of channels with

Hey guys, it's Brooke. And Danielle from Gals on the Go podcast. It's very minimal change, but basically what I did... Wait, can we talk about the TikTok? Because I saw you deleted it and I need to bring it up. But now that you're bringing it up...

On our show, we talk about everything from college, lifestyle, to navigating your 20s and beyond. And there's always that quote that people say, like, if they like you, you'll know. If they don't, you'll be confused. But some people I don't know. We hope you guys will join us every Wednesday for brand new episodes right here on Podcast One.