cover of episode Our Morning Routines To Feel Our Best

Our Morning Routines To Feel Our Best

Publish Date: 2023/1/20
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One Thing About Us


Shownotes Transcript

What's up guys, it's Sam and Taylor and we want you to put your shoes on, pop open that energy drink and go.

What's up, you guys? Welcome back to another episode. I am Sam. And I'm Taylor. So happy to have you back. Our last episode did so well. Our last episode is like our best one on YouTube in a while. Okay, I want to address that really quickly because we have some sensitive people listening to this podcast. Do we? Yeah. We got a few comments on our like recent posts about the trends being like, don't shame people for what they want to do. And it's like,

I'm sorry, but if you took that episode in any way, in the wrong way, everyone in this world is allowed to project their opinions on things, and it's not that deep. We kind of over-exaggerate things in the sense of we want to be entertaining, so it's really not that deep. If you want to be a carnivore, if you want to be keto, do you, but just know that...

No, but like don't like, yeah, I know. Like, don't be stupid. Also, like, no, I'm just like, not that's what we're leaving in 2022 is like, but like, do whatever you want. And it's like,

One, obviously. But two, like... Get with it. There's things that you should probably stop doing and that's just how it is. You cannot sit here and tell me that anyone that found critique or like shaming in that last episode, like you cannot sit here and tell me that you do not sit with your girlfriends and talk shit or say your opinions on certain things that other people are doing. So don't act like you're perfect. Just because we have a podcast...

and we're entertaining and we're sharing our opinions doesn't mean it's not okay for us to do that like you do the same exact thing you just don't do it mic'd up also like it would be the most boring podcast of all time and we're like everyone just be jolly happy i've literally told sam that there was this podcast that i um really liked but the more i was listening to it it literally angers me because every single thing they say they follow with like but it's okay but do what you want but like

Like just know like it's okay if you do it instead of being like stirred in their opinion. And it's like if I'm going to listen to someone for an hour,

If you don't stand and trust and back what you're saying, why am I going to listen as a listener? I don't want to sit and listen to a podcast of someone talking who isn't even confident in their opinion. Exactly. Because that's why I'm listening to you. I'm listening to you because I want to hear what you have to say. And I think it's really fun. A good thing about podcasts that I really like when people actually share their confident opinions is you get to like...

Think about it and have your own internal like dialect. I listen to a lot of podcasts where I don't agree with everything they say. And it's like good because it makes me like, like, what's the word I'm looking for? I don't know. Like it makes me like actually think and have like intellectual like conversations and thoughts about like things I agree and disagree on. And it's obviously not like harmful. Like we're not saying anything wrong.

crazy yeah just saying like keto diet stupid like literally not saying anything crazy so it's like at the end of the day next time you're sitting with your girlfriends or your boyfriend or your family and you're judging or giving your opinion on it something reflect on that like come on now now i literally put that down in my like notes of things i wanted to talk about because like i just think this world is so sensitive it hurts anyways

Topic of this week is our morning routines you guys literally loves the fact that we mentioned that we wanted to do that in last week's episode and you guys went hype for it shooting us DM shooting us comments on the page saying we want to hear it so here we are we are going to discuss that obviously after our little weekly catch up this morning I actually filmed the visual version of that which will also be up on Friday so you're gonna get the visual aspect of my morning routine and you're also gonna get the audio aspect so I'm

Give them both a listen and a watch and i'm sure taylor's probably gonna be doing the same thing Yeah, I filmed my morning routine last week and this week I was supposed to voice over it. I haven't done it yet because yesterday um today i'm like 70 percent better i'm not all there yet. I was literally like on my deathbed. You guys don't understand how sick I was yesterday I I truly can't put it into words how horrible I felt like I really thought I needed to go to the hospital Really not. Okay

It's for my period. Super weird thing going off birth control every now and then. My period will also come with the flu. It's horrible. I don't even know how to explain it. But I do need to voice over that and get it up on YouTube. My YouTube has been slacking like no other. And just because like I'll like literally film something.

And then not think it was good enough and don't post it. You know what I've been doing? Is not really editing them. I'm just throwing them up. And everyone in my YouTube channel, like, my subscribers are going up a lot, too. And, like, everyone in the comments is like, I'm so happy that you're so consistent with posting. I'm not even editing them. I put, like, maybe one or two things of text over it. And I'm just putting it up. And everyone seems to love it. So I'm like, whatever. Yeah. I literally, like, have... I didn't even try. Like, one of the last ones I filmed...

And then I like realized it wasn't that much footage. And I was like, I didn't even try to edit it. I was like, I don't like this and didn't put it up. Like, you can't be so hard on yourself. I know. But it's just like, oh, anyways, the thing is, the thing is that we notice that we're so picky on. They don't even notice. I know. So. But yeah, I need to get that up. Hopefully tomorrow I'm like 100 percent better. I still have a sore throat and like a headache every now and then.

But last night, I'm pretty sure I broke my fever and had the worst night of all time. I never took my temperature yesterday, but I really think I had a fever. I was very feverish. And right now, as we speak, I'm getting my headache back. I think my medicine's wearing off. Hey, if I have to do all the talking this whole episode, I'm not. No, I'll be good. I'm going to very talkity. As long as I can just sit here, I'm fine. And I'm thinking...

In my head that I like sound weird, but I don't know, you know. But let's get into our week because I had a pretty good week, I guess. We didn't obviously we're still doing dry January. So we are to 18 days strong. Let's go, baby. But I'm starting off strong last week, guys. I went on a date and I I don't know, like I'm really starting to like hanging out with this person.

And this is the same person from the Michael and Josh story like last month.

And, yeah, I had a really fun time. We went and got coffee at the beginning of my weekend. And all went well. We went to this little place called Marabou. But instead of calling it just Marabou, there's two A's instead of one A. So if you ever want to go there, it's super cute. A lot of cool lattes. I want to take Taylor there as soon as she's feeling better because they had so many cool little wellness-y type drinks. I don't know. You know, I haven't gone outside in...

Yeah. Like a day and a half. Yeah. You definitely need to do that. But that place was really good. I really enjoyed it. And we just went on a walk and stuff. I brought Mac. He was going to bring his dog, but I guess his dog got in like a little like dot, like a scrap with like another dog. So it was a little traumatized. So another dog date probably wasn't like the best for his dog. But then if you guys remember from Buford's when I went on New Year's Eve,

There was this man that, you know, I went back home with and...

I didn't think he was going to actually text me to like want to hang out because he went out of town. So the first weekend after New Year's, he went out of town. He's like, OK, I'm going to text you like the following weekend because I'll be back in town like that Thursday. And Thursday rolled around. He didn't text me. And I'm like thinking to myself, I'm like, fuck, like I'm such an idiot for even thinking like that he was going to text me. But then Friday, the next day rolls around and he texts me and he's like,

I don't say I'm just going to read it because it's just like very entertaining and I feel like I just scare men away. I'm going to scroll all the way back up. So he goes, hey, what are you up to this weekend? I go, hey, no plans to be honest. I'm just going bowling with my friends tonight around 730. How about you? I just got back. I'm chilling tonight, but I'm probably going to be downtown tomorrow. And I said I wasn't really planning on going out this weekend or I'm sorry, this whole month. So let's I pretty much was just like emphasizing, oh, let's do something different.

And then we're talking and we're talking. And then I finally ask him, like, so do you want to, like, come over and chill? And he ghosted me for, like, 12 hours. And then the next morning he texts me and goes, hey, all my fam came over last night. Like, I couldn't do anything, whatever. And then today he has a wedding shower. So I'm like, okay, whatever, wedding shower. Like, that's fine. So I think that maybe because he's going out downtown on that night, he was going to, you know, I don't know, maybe text me, want to hang out.

I asked him again to hang out that night and he goes to me again. And we're the thing is we're texting like the whole day. Like we're texting, we're texting, we're texting back and forth, like two second conversations. But every single time I ask him to hang out, he goes to me for like 12 hours. But this time it's now been like four days. So he hasn't texted you back. Nope. My last thing to him because, but the thing is, is like, he texts me first. So it's like, why are you texting me first? If you don't want to hang out.

He texted me. We were talking about like ice hockey and football, like how I'm more of a ice hockey gal and he's more of a football guy because he's from here and I'm from up north. And I was like,

Literally the last thing I said was, so you want to hang out today? And this was at 1230 on Sunday. And he just didn't answer and just ignored me. Yeah, that's super brutal. I just don't understand why. Why would you bother texting me? And, you know, I wish this was like there were some guys listening to this because I genuinely want to know the guy point of view. Why do you text me? And that every single time I ask to hang out, you come up with an excuse or you just ghost. It makes no sense to me.

Do you have an input on this? No, I think it's super weird. It's so weird. I've never had a guy not want to hang out. But I've seen girls do that. Yeah, but girls... I'm not texting a guy first. Yeah, because I've seen so many girls when you text one and then they ask to hang out and you're like... But it's like...

I get like they're probably not texting first. Yeah, like I'm I'm receiving a text from him first, expecting him to want to like coordinate plans, hang out. And you know what the thing is, too? The very first time he texted me and he was like, oh, I'm out of town for a week. I will. He he said, I will text you in a week and we can do something. And then he texted me a week later, but then never followed through with plans. So I'm like, OK, like I thought you were going to be like the love of my life, but clearly not.

Yeah, I really don't know. I think that's very bizarre, especially because all dudes want to get laid. Yeah. Maybe you want to come over and chill. Maybe it's because I'm not drinking. No. Maybe he just wants to get drunk and smash. But if you're down for him to come over anyways, what difference does it make? I know. I don't know. Maybe he's just nervous. Maybe. Maybe you're just so intimidating and you're so hot. Yeah, maybe. Could be that. Tell me about your little...

um boy situation because i honestly like i kind of know what's going on but i don't and i want to hear it firsthand okay i don't know how to do the whole like going on dates with dudes but you don't want them to ever be your boyfriend yeah because then it's like you can't go on dates i'm like then i'm like i like to literally don't i don't want like you like

ugh like i just want like someone to hang out with that's like fun but like i don't want you to like like me or like be trying to date me because i don't want to do that but then i'm also really going through it because i'm like kind of in my like this single girl shit is so boring and i'm like remember when it was so nice that i had this long-term relationship i was in like uh it's just so annoying

Try doing it for four years, Taylor. I literally said this to her the other day. Four fucking years. Yeah, no. Single girl era. No, I really... I just, like, don't know what the fuck, like, to do. Because, like, I had a good situation going where, like...

me and one of our close friends had like a thing we all know who it is at this point if if you listen to the podcast and you don't know who it is at this point you're good then like they know who it is and that's their business if they already know and no one else is but the thing is like it it wasn't even good so it wasn't good and it was honestly making things weird barely

It was making things pretty weird. How? Do you want me to call you out right now on my... Well, like, what was weird, like, with, like... Like, we can all agree, like, we're sitting all in our living room, a few drinks in, and then you guys start cuddling. Yeah, but, like, that's just me when I drink, and, like, people are just gonna have to get over that. Yeah, but, like, you can't lie and not say that you weren't catching feelings. I would never cuddle with someone that, like, I didn't catch feelings for. Oh, no, when I'm drinking... Like, that's, like, me, like, wanting to cuddle with, like, con

Connor like when I know why would I do that school like and I was drinking I was with like all my guy friends like I'm thinking the last time I had a big group of guy friends was high school like if I drink and we're sitting on a couch like I'm putting my head on your shoulder oh no and guys everyone tell me that I'm right in this situation you only ever really cuddle with someone if you have feels for them we can talk right or wrong I'm just saying I'm a touchy person especially drunk and I love I love feelings

but it's fine like i just genuinely like i would tell you what do i have to hide from you feelings no like literally not at all i wouldn't even look me in the face right now and tell me i don't we wouldn't even you just looked away she just oh my god we're on a podcast no no i just told you to look me in the eyes i would i'm trying to talk into the mic because i edit the clips and sometimes i realize when i talk this way it's quiet i wouldn't even cuddle with him in the times it actually mattered yes so why on the couch because i

matter anyways we've had a whole like what's the word you when you like i mean i'm just like when the whole friend group like gets together and discusses something i just like you could believe it or not believe it but i would tell you come convention intervention an intervention i would just tell you if i like someone or if i didn't like i would tell you i liked

The vibe of it all and the attention. Perfect scenario for me because like no one wants to be dating. You're just friends. It's totally cool. It's just fun. Perfect. Like nothing better in this world than that. That's all I want. But then when you meet someone who like is like if you match with on hinge and one dates with it's like, okay, now they might be trying to date you and like that's weird.

yeah you should go on like tinder or something no hinge is more meant for like people that i in my opinion hinges more meant for people that are like looking for somebody not when they have what they're looking for in a relationship just wait until we go start going back out again i think your problems will be solved when we start going back out again because you weren't really thinking that or feeling that like you like on new year's eve like you had someone come over and like hang out

Yeah, but see that it's like, and now you're in your like stay at home, do nothing era. And it's like, it's boring. Yeah, I guess. I'm right. I'm right. Give it February 1st and like you're going to, you're going to be fine again. Maybe. I want to go. Okay, so guys, there's this new club in Austin. It's called Superstition. Superstition. And I really want to go. I think that's the first place we're going to go when we start drinking again. Yeah, I'm really excited. I'm really excited for a little cocktail. Yeah.

I'm excited for a cocktail. Do you have to buy tickets every day or just when there's people? I think every time. But one of you guys sent me a matcha martini, and I just feel like something like that would really ruin matcha for me. Like drinking a matcha with vodka, I just feel like I would never want to drink a matcha ever again. That's how I feel about...

Espresso martinis. Like, I just think they're disgusting. See, the thing is, I don't think espresso martinis taste anything like an actual coffee. No, they're just fucking foul. If you get your espresso martini with not, like, no creamer in it and you just do, like, a black one with, like, Kahlua, tequila, like...

I don't really taste like... Obviously, it has espresso in it, but like it just doesn't taste like a coffee, if that makes sense. I literally hate that. Oh, I also want to mention my dog is the worst wingman for me ever. When I was on my coffee date the other day, we were walking and Mac got diarrhea while we were walking and it was so embarrassing. And if you guys know, like...

I've talked about it before. Mac has like the worst poopy butt where it's like he poops and the poop just like smears down his ass between his butt cheeks and just onto the ground. So like he has like a massive smear of poop. And obviously I had my poop bags with me for like when he goes to the bathroom. But like I had to take the poop bag because we were on a walk and I didn't have napkins and like wipe his ass with it. It was so embarrassing. And I just kept looking at him like, yeah, sometimes like Mac likes to go up to the cat's litter box and eat

The cat's shits. And then when he eats the shits, he gets diarrhea. And he's just like looking at me like, yeah, this is so embarrassing. So we also played a lot of sports this weekend. Yeah, we did. Bowling, mini golf, tennis and basketball.

The conclusion still stands that I literally hate sports. I like the vibe of saying that I'm going to go do them and then once it's time to actually do them, I literally hate it. And I was going to say hot girls are bad at sports, but you're good at sports. But you're the exception. Yeah. I just physically can't. I can't play sports. And it's just something in my DNA. I don't play sports. I love watching sports.

I love watching hot men run around and be athletic. I love it so much. I can play sports with other people who aren't that good at sports because then I feel... Because then I feel...

like I'm actually not that terrible but I literally hate sports and like they're fun in the idea of them but like I literally hate them I'm really competitive and I swear a lot when we play sports so like when we were playing sports with them I would so me and Hunter when played like on our own once and like I warned him I was like I swear a lot like I'm very competitive I'm gonna swear at you I'm gonna swear at the racket I'm gonna swear at the ball it's just gonna happen and then we started playing with like all of us the other day it was like me and like

Three of our guy friends and Taylor. And I'm just, like, swearing. I'm like, all right, Sam. Like, you need to, like, calm yourself down. Yeah, it's like we're really just playing tether. We're really just playing tether. But no, like, I'm, like, that's just how I've always been. And, like, one thing I will say is growing or not growing up, but, like, growing up

being on the field, like I was always like the biggest bitch on the field. Like I would fucking swear left and right. Like, but like not like at anyone. It was just like, I looked like I was not someone you wanted to really mess with on the field. And that's just like something that's never really left when I'm on the field. Like I'm in the zone and I get pissed off at myself if I do something wrong. And like,

Yeah, so... I think when your kids are in sports, you're going to be, like, toxic sports. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. When I go... Because the thing is, I go to my brother's game and stuff, and, like, no, I'm more, like, rooting, like, and screaming, like, let's go. But I'm not, like, at... Like, people that, like, scream at the refs and stuff, no, I don't do that. I swear.

I feel like you might. No, I don't. Your kids are different than your brother. You know who's actually talking about this? But we're never having kids, so it's fine. You know who's actually talking about this, like, a really long time ago? I think it was Kylie Ross, because she played soccer, and she was the same exact way on the field. And she, I don't know if she did a TikTok or, like, a YouTube. I don't really watch her YouTube anymore. I used to, like... Kylie Ross curses? Well, I don't know if she curses, but, like, she was saying that she, like, was, like, the biggest, like, bitch on the field. That's crazy. Okay, like, obviously, like...

um i i hope that didn't come off wrong like i hope i didn't accidentally like no you're not calling her a bitch you're saying she was like yeah like she was just like really aggressive and really mean on the field and i was like oh girl like i relate to you so much like saying this right now like because it's like when you get off the field like no i'm not like that i'm just saying like i can't picture it because like

I don't think I've ever heard her like say a bad word. Oh, yeah. Say something in the slightest bit. Yeah. She's just very rude. I feel like when you look at her content too, she just looks very competitive with herself. Right. But like maybe competitive with herself, but like I can't picture her being aggressive. Yeah. No, definitely not like aggressive, but like I just, so like it's just hard for me to picture her on sports being aggressive, but like.

I forget she played sports. Not a Kylie Ross tangent. Give me your legs. Anyways, so that was all fun. Tennis and bowling. Had a great time doing that. Definitely want to get better at tennis. I'm going to keep playing maybe once or twice a week. Oh, also...

I really just wanted to know, Taylor, I never mentioned this to you, but I just need to know why this is a thing and why men do this. But why do men, when someone asks, this is, I saw this on TikTok. Why when a man is asked his height, he'll say, I'm 5'9-10". Why? Why?

I don't know. They're probably 5'10 in shoes. But it's just like, tell us your actual height. Like when a short king has to be like... I've never had anyone do that to me. Exactly. I saw it. I saw someone do that. And I was like, why? Yeah, but like one person did that? I've definitely seen way more people do it. Like some guys being like, oh, I'm 5'11", 6'.

Yeah, I've never seen anyone do that. Oh, I just don't understand why people do it. A lot of times when people do say, like, I'm six foot with shoes on, they're saying it ironically. Yeah. If someone says, like, I'm six foot with shoes on, like, they're kidding. Like, they literally text back in the comment, 5'9-10".

I'm like, why can't you just say you're 5'9"? I've never seen anyone do that, so I don't know. Yeah. I didn't understand it. So I just didn't know if there was a logic behind that. Guys are just insecure about their height. They really are. And hairline, I've come to realize. But, like, valid because, like, I, like, rip on short dudes. So that's valid for them. I'd also be insecure about it. Like, if I was a short dude, I'd be insecure about it. Oh, 100%. So, like, that's fair. Yeah, because, like, everyone has insecurities. And, like, boys, I feel like, don't have that many things to be insecure. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, I feel like it's, like, facial hair if you can't grow it. See, but because some people are cool with, like, not having facial hair, though. Yeah. Like, some people are, but it's not, like, universal. Like, for girls, I feel like there's universal things that, like, need to be perfect. Yeah. Like, guys don't need facial hair. I mean, I think they do, but that's personal preference. Yeah. Literally. Yeah, guys need facial hair in my personal preference as well. Yeah.

Last thing I wanted to discuss before hopping into the actual episode is that we are going to be approaching March very soon. And if you guys didn't already know, March is colon cancer awareness month. And this time last year, I wanted to do something for it. But, you know, things happened on social media. I got canceled. So I was not able to do that because I didn't want to look like a fucking twat trying to raise money for something while I'm getting canceled the same time. So this year, I want to go into doing it again.

My senior project when I was in high school, I organized a 5k. I had amazing resources in high school when I was in my hometown to be able to organize something like this in my hometown. But now that I'm in a new city, I don't really know many people that are involved in like the city of Austin or anything like that. It's gonna be definitely pretty hard. So if you're listening and you live in Austin, you have resources, please DM me. I do want to organize something and

um, toward the end of March, it would be probably a 5k. I want to do something what involves being active just because that's like kind of like my niche and a tennis tournament. Oh yeah. Um, so yeah, definitely DM me. I'm going to start brainstorming on that, especially because all of next week I'm literally going to be a couch potato. Um, so I'm going to try to organize it, get like all the graphics and like advertisement done for it and just really hope for the best with this. Cause I do want it to happen. Um, when I, uh,

When my family was going through my dad being sick, we had a organization that funded for us. They didn't necessarily give us the fundings for food and water and paying our mortgage and stuff like that. They sent us on a family vacation.

to Puerto Rico. So I do want to find maybe a family or something like that that I can help in some way. Obviously, I would reach out to that family and be like, what do you personally need right now? Do you need someone to pay the mortgage? You need someone to fund your groceries? Like, what is it? And then help them in that way. So yeah, be on the lookout for that. If you live in Austin, let's all get together and run slash walk a 5K. That'll be so fun. Yeah. Do you want to know what I almost...

so you were like march is coming up and i almost just screamed we're going to cabo because i thought that's what you were talking about yeah that's true and i was like yeah i was like we are going to cabo though and like you just started talking about something really serious and i literally almost went we're going to

And I was like, oh, that's not what she was talking about. That's not what she was going to address. Never mind. Like, I literally almost just, like, just grabbed your drink, like, screamed over you, like, I'm going to Mexico, bitches! So that was, like, really awkward. Yeah, that would have been awkward. That was awkward.

that i like really thought that's where you were going with that when you said that it was march but i think that would be like the coolest most fun thing ever i know i i do too there's a lot of like like i made a tiktok about it and a lot of girls comment on it with like resources in austin already so i'm just gonna reach out to like a bunch of those um things and see what i can do oh we can get sponsors too if anyone has um businesses that they're they work in like there was a girl that works in south with celsius

um as they're marketing something and she was like i could try to get like celsius to come out and like sponsor whatever i'm like whatever we can do to kind of like fund that end so that way all the money can go directly to the family would help a lot even like there's so many like even that like lift the community is so strong like just a community that would like yeah support and like come out and yeah do things i'm sure

I'm sure we can get a good amount of people out there. And then that way I can meet a bunch of you guys too. Yeah, and I'll be walking. Yeah. 5K. Yeah. I will be going on a walk. I will not be running that. But I'll be walking. That'll be really fun. Yeah. I'm excited to see how that turns out. One last update. I'm on my fifth book, guys. Way ahead of schedule. Way ahead of schedule. Crazy. I talk about it on my Instagram story, on my TikTok story.

All the time. If you want to hear more, go there because all I talk about on my Instagram story is books. So it's very fun.

Yeah. Go to my Instagram story. And then I know I said that was my last thing to update you guys. That's not actually my last thing. Surgery is next week. Super hyped about it. We're slowly preparing. You're listening to this on Friday. Still have not gone into surgery. We're going in next week, but I will now be preparing for it. Can't really work out because I can't have sore upper body muscles. I'm going to be drinking a lot of pineapple juice.

and other fun things. Running a lot of errands because there's going to be a lot of things I will not be able to do after. So, yeah. Yeah, and then I'll be playing doctor. Doctor. Fun. Is that it? Yeah, that's pretty much it. Yeah, that's it for me as well. So, who wants to go first with morning routine? You can go first. Okay. I give you the...

Mike? Honestly, I kind of like that so I can get most of my talking over with and then just drink my ice cold water because nothing feels better on my sick body than a glass of ice cold water. But it's so ironic that we're doing this episode and I was so good on my morning routine and then I got sick and then for the last two days I haven't done it. So, you know, you win some, you lose some. But...

I have been loving my morning routine and I can't wait to wake up not feeling like actual dog shit. So I actually do it. But I wake up between let me double check my sleep cycle app. I wake up between 715 and 745. I talked about this on last week's episode. I think the sleep cycle app basically tracks your sleep.

But I don't really look at that. I use it for its alarm because it wakes you up in an interval and it tracks in that interval where you are at your lightest sleep. So that way it wakes you up when you're already ready to be woken up. And then the sound comes on very, very slowly. It slowly gets louder. So that way you're not in a deep sleep and then just get hit with like a giant alarm like and you're like, what the hell is going on? It like gradually wakes you up.

And it helps me get right out of bed. I love it. So I wake up and then the newest thing that I started doing was going on my balcony and getting sunlight in my eyes. Like because Andrew Huberman said that's like the best thing that you can do for yourself. And if he says it's good.

I will do it. So I just like open my balcony, get sunlight in my eyes. My cat will like venture out there too. And he's like, yeah, I get to go outside. And I just like get some sunlight in my eyes, look around and then come back inside and do my skincare. This is all no phone, by the way, like zero phone.

checking whatsoever. I do my skincare. I stopped washing my face in the morning with cleanser. That's new. So I just like do water, rinse it off, skincare, done. And then I go downstairs and read and read until I'm hungry for breakfast, which is

There's no set amount of time, but I'll go downstairs and read. And then sometime in between all of that, I make my bed. I don't have a set time that I make my bed, but I will get it made sometime in that morning of things.

I will make it my bed. There's just no set time. And then once I read, I will also write in my planner. I've been trying to get better at time blocking. So writing actually my day kind of hour by hour.

So I'll write in my planner as well. And then I will make breakfast. I make protein oats every single day with granola butter and blueberries and honey. So good. And then I also brew a coffee in my Nespresso. And then once I eat that, drink my coffee, I'll go upstairs and

and well no we drink our coffee and then me and sam like literally have like business meetings on the couch we like literally like talk about work in the podcast and all that stuff and then after coffee i go upstairs and i'll do makeup and change my clothes uh like normally workouts that even if i'm not going right to the gym i'm going to the gym eventually so i'll just put on workout clothes and put on a little bit of makeup and then go back downstairs and then i'll honestly either just like

do like content type stuff on my phone, like post Instagram stuff, post TikTok stuff. Or if I'm lazy, I'm just scrolling on my phone. And then I do that work wise until like 12. And that's basically the gist of my morning routine. It's not that many things, but from waking up, getting out of bed,

to breakfast which is when i touch my phone is about an hour's worth of time and i literally don't call my phone for that first hour and it changed my life like it literally changed my life it feels so good i that's why i've been reading so fast is because i read every morning and i don't touch my phone that's how i read so many books it's life-changing could not recommend it more and i'm telling you this sleep cycle app is literally how i get i would not get out of bed in the morning without this app not even sponsored but i should be because i love it so much

Nice. Yeah, that's what I do every single morning. Is it my turn? Yeah, that was like so fast, but I don't know what else to say. Yeah, it's okay. We'll chat after, you know? So yeah, I kind of do like kind of similar type stuff.

I do not also touch my phone until after breakfast or like when I'm sitting down to have breakfast. But basically what I do is I wake up anywhere from like, it's honestly different every single morning. I don't set an alarm. Like my body could wake up at 730 or my body could wake up at 830. It really depends on like when my body's waking up. But,

But once I do get up, the first thing I do is I will throw on like some sweatpants or something because I usually just sleep in my like undies or something. And then I will let Mac out of his crate. Yes, he still does not sleep with me. He's not quite fully potty trained. He's quite annoying shits in the house sometimes because he cannot get through the night.

But um, yeah, then i'll take him outside. We'll go on a walk. He'll go potty Um, i'll pick it up with his little poop bags Walk around the block for a little bit get some fresh air and then I come back inside And I go straight upstairs to my bathroom and that's when I started to do my skincare I do not right now in the winter. I do not wash my face I just hit it with some water because my face I have like, um a

I'm like in between. It depends on like the season. Like I would say like in the summer, obviously I'm a little bit more oily, but like right now my skin is very dry. So I've been just hitting it with some water and then I will then do my skincare. I do...

If you guys want like the full details on like the products, you can obviously just go watch the YouTube video because I'm gonna have them all directly linked in the caption. But I will do all of my skincare. And then also while I'm doing my skincare, I have been doing and taking really good care of my teeth. I have the whole Smile Direct kit, which this is not sponsored, but I swear by the Smile Direct's whitening packet. It has been working so well. You're supposed to use it twice a day for a day.

for five minutes, but I've only been doing once a day for five minutes and I just do it in the morning. So while I'm doing my skincare, I pop my retainers into the cleaner machine. And then that cleaner machine is, um, on you cleaning my retainers or my aligners for like 15 minutes. So for that 15 minute timeframe, I am doing my skincare and

And I am also whitening my teeth. I have like this blue light that I put into my mouth that I use and I will whiten my teeth. The machine turns on and turns off on its own. So I don't know necessarily how long I'm using it for, maybe like five minutes. And while I am whitening my teeth, then I usually am done with my skincare. And once I finish my skincare, then I use my Gua Sha. Is that what you call it? Gua Sha? Gua Sha?

um and i use that as well i swear by this thing the second it touches my skin and i start like massaging my face i feel like it just lifts my cheekbones i have been getting a lot of comments lately not to hype myself up that comments of being like oh do you have cheek filler i'm like no i don't have cheek filler i appreciate the the question because it's kind of a compliment because you think i have nice cheeks but um yeah i would honestly say like

Massaging my face with that tool has helped a lot. And I do it right after I put lotion on. I know some people will do it like before their skincare and put oil on their face, but I do it the opposite way and I don't really care if it's bad for you. I don't know. I don't care. It works for me. I don't break out. So but then once that is done and I'm done massaging my face with that, that's when I take my liners out of the washing machine and I will brush my teeth.

Um, and then I have this stain resistance thing from Invisalign as well, or from Smile Direct as well. So basically what it is, is you paste it onto your teeth, let it dry for 60 seconds, and then you can have coffee. So like, if you're going to eat or drink anything that you think is going to stain your teeth, you put that on. So I just put it on during my morning routine because I know I'm going to eventually have coffee. And then once that's dry, I put my retainers back in my mouth.

And then I will go out to the kitchen. Sometimes I'll sit down for a little bit because it's still a little bit early and I'm not super hungry yet. But I am chugging water in the morning. Like one thing about me is I will have like nearly half of my hydro jug in the morning. And oh, I also have all my supplements too. Almost forgot about that. I've been a very big supplement gal lately because one surgery is coming up and I want to be on top of my supplements. I heard taking turmeric is really good for swelling, right?

especially with going into a breast augmentation surgery, you're going to get a lot of swelling in your body. So I've been supplementing that and magnesium, which people had also been saying that is really good to be taking before surgery. So that, and then my Vitex Berry, which is good for your balancing hormones. And then I have my Care Of packet, but my Care Of packet has a probiotic and a prebiotic blend. It has collagen. It has, I want to say B2 and B3,

or I'm sorry, B12 and vitamin D. And that's something else I can't remember off the top of my head. But I take that. And then once that's gone, I think I'm just going to buy my supplements on Amazon because I think it might be cheaper to do that. Honestly, I was looking at the supplements if I were to buy them on their own individually. I could get like a 200 count of like my probiotic prebiotic blend for like $10. And that's like almost a year supply. I got

I got a 200 count of vitamin D, uh, HEB for like two bucks. Yeah. So it's like, I might just do that. Um, now do I necessarily know that it's like the best blend? I,

I don't know. Do I care? Not really. It's placebo, okay? So then I take all my vitamins and when it's time for breakfast, I just do cream of rice in the morning. Did you go in on your breakfast or no? I just said I do protein oatmeal with granola butter and blueberries and honey. Yeah, so I just do my cream of rice. I had a lot of controversy on my YouTube channel. I didn't emphasize that I do cream of rice with shredded zucchini in there. Some people in the comments were like, oh my God, is that flour with cream?

cucumber i was like what i was like nah it's just cream of rice i keep my cream of rice in like this glass jar i don't keep it in the box because it's just aesthetically pleasing on the counter

And the comments were so funny. I was like, guys, it's cream of rice with my zucchini. I just want to make sure I'm getting as much veggies in my day as possible. And I feel fucking amazing doing it. But then one thing that I have changed in my morning is I'm doing seed cycling. So I've also put seeds on top of my oats in the morning. We've been doing that. And after that, I will then have a coffee.

And that's pretty much my morning. And then I'll also after coffee or while I'm, you know, letting my coffee sit because I don't like hot coffee. Sometimes you do a hot coffee, but I don't I never sometimes I do a hot coffee if it's really cold. Yeah, like I don't do hot coffee. So I need to brew the coffee and then let it sit on the counter for like 30 minutes before I even make a coffee because I just I can't have it hot.

hot. So I'll let it sit. And then at that point, I've now had my phone. I'm looking at emails. Emails is like the first thing I'll do because it stresses me out if I open my email thing and I have like 50 emails. I get so stressed out. So I just go through all those real quick and then I go about my day with the rest of my work depending on what I got to do. So that's my morning routine. The visual is on YouTube because I don't know. I feel like sometimes like when I listen to people's morning routines, I'm

I would rather see the visual. I don't know. Yeah, but I think you can like immerse yourself in it. Just close your eyes and like believe. Close your eyes and believe. Oh, wait, I forgot to mention. Before I even go outside with Mac, I make my bed. Like the first thing I'm doing when I wake up is making my bed and opening up my blinds. That's like a no-brainer. It has to happen. That's like my morning routine needs to happen or else my day is shit. Yeah.

I forgot to say supplements like you did. So I actually do my supplements after breakfast because one of mine needs to be taken with food and the others don't matter. So I just do it after all of them after breakfast. And I've been taking the Clear Stem Acne Supplement, which is

It's only been a few days, so I can't really comment on it. I've been really trying to take my antidepressants every single day because last month I think I maybe took it four times. Really bad. Don't do that. Like really actually terrible, horrible. So I'm actually trying to take those every single day. Vitamin D and then from JS Health.

um, I take a hair supplement, which actually isn't biotin because biotin like can really make you break out. It's actually not biotin, which is like why I like it and has a lot of other things in there. And then I take this other one called libido and energy support. And it has like a bunch of, it has like magnesium is magnesium in it. I forget what it says. Like, I think it's just like good for like your hormones and like

sexual health kind of thing makes you horny yeah like i don't really it just like it like says it has like things like i literally forget exactly what's in it but i remember reading it and being like oh those are all like things i've been wanting to take so sounds good um yeah and i've just been doing that and i do it after breakfast because gotta make sure you check if you need to take vitamins with food or after food or else you will literally get super nauseous if you're not supposed to take it on an empty stomach pro tip make sure you read the directions

yeah but yeah that's pretty much it's like our morning routines don't do so like you don't have to do that much crazy shit like i'm not like i do a meditation and then run three miles yeah no like it's just like i do my skincare and read and write in my planner before i touch my phone yeah i just need to have some type of like plan when i make up because like if i wake up

And, like, I didn't have, like, things to do. I think I would have... I would just lay in bed until I'm hungry and want breakfast. Yeah. It also, like, it feels... Having something you, like, like to get out of bed to, like... Well, one, a dog, like, you have to walk Mac. But it's, like, you need to get up and, like, walk Mac. I...

really like to read so it makes me excited to go read my book but i cannot read my book in my bed i need to go on the couch because staying in bed that's just like you're asking yourself to fall back asleep so i must leave my room to read i cannot read in my bed that is just like literally not cannot happen um but it can't be anything that crazy you don't need to do a

yeah don't stress yourself out and if you don't have like skincare and like for my morning routine like going outside doing your skincare and reading like okay yeah i have the time to like do that for like an hour you can do that in 15 minutes like you can read for 10 minutes and then like go to work you don't have to do it for so long just having something in some type of order is so nice yeah and then it's also something that like i get a break on like like a sunday like maybe i'm like oh today's maybe more like chill

And like actually, but I like it so much that sometimes I'll still do it and I still like won't go on my phone and I'll read instead. But like maybe you're up a little later and like maybe you do choose to read in bed that day instead of reading on the couch. But it's just nice. I love my mornings. I love a morning. I love a morning. I like night too. Like I love like being in bed early as fuck. Yeah. I love like I think I just like me time. Yeah. Which is why like living with a boyfriend like makes me want to vomit.

I know. I was thinking about that. I cannot do that. Well, because here's my thing. Like, every time, which I know, obviously, like, you must get, like, over this. But I would imagine, like, the honeymoon stage of it all when you live with someone. Like, I'm thinking of every time I was, like, sleeping over, like, with...

My ex-boyfriend, like, if I was visiting him and we were basically living together for, like, a week while I was visiting, I didn't do shit. Yeah. Like, I didn't get out of bed. I didn't do anything. And it's, like, when we live together, that cannot be how it is. It would really suck. We can't just be, like, laying here doing nothing. And it would really suck if your future... Both of our future...

husbands works from home as well that's what because you don't have to you don't have to get up that would be a disaster but I would imagine eventually that goes away like eventually it's like no I have to get up and do things but I feel like for a while like it's kind of just like why get up when you can just like lay and cuddle in bed and like put on the tv show you were watching last night and like knock it up yeah like that's way more fun than like getting up and doing something productive so that scares me also just like

staying up late and like hanging out like and not doing like my night routine like no i want to like read and watch like my tv show i don't want to like deal with your nonsense so yeah i don't know living with someone would definitely be super interesting yeah like sharing a bed with someone

yeah like it like sounds good and like i can't even share my bed with mac some nights like mac move it sounds so good and cool but like it also sounds like the worst yeah because like what if i like i just want to do my morning routine my night routine and like i don't need you to be there i just need a man who like also has a morning routine but i think that's hard to find

i don't know i feel like the one i've been talking to is like like that yeah see but the thing is i'm kind of hypocritical because i'm like i need to make that also as a morning routine but like guys that make those videos that they're really put together life like not gonna make me cringe like are you a girl that's for girls only yeah but also it's at the same time it's like do you want a man that like leaves his like fucking facial hair in the sink no i think you can be like clean and put together without being like

here's my 10 step skincare routine and like I do all this shit like I don't know if I need you to be doing that like the room in the bathroom for the skincare products is mine yeah like yeah like I love that you have like you can be clean and put together and like clean the sink after you shave and like not be a slob but like I don't need you to be like morning routine vlogger yeah I don't think you will be it's just like not me like at the end of the day like she's not my type yeah like I love just like

Like, I don't know. Like, it's just like, I feel like Becca Moore, which is the things that are for girls only. Yeah. Like, morning routines. Morning routines are for girls only. But, yeah.

That's kind of it. It's so weird trying to make episodes of like something that other people would like find so interesting and like I find other people's morning routine interesting but then it's like why do you guys want to hear about what I do? Yeah. In the morning. I think it's pretty boring. So boring. Then I go on with the rest of my freaking day. But I'm starting to feel like shit again. I am like so nervous for next week with like everything that's going on. I've been having like not like nightmares but like

Like, a hard time falling asleep because I get so trapped in my head of, like, oh, my God, like, surgery is next week. Like, I'm going to be, like, cut open. Like, I'm going to be under anesthesia. Like, oh, my God. Like, just, like, thoughts are just circling. It's scary. Okay, the thing is, it's, like, it's scary, yes, but I'm more excited than I am the nerves, but because nerves are, like, so much more, like,

There's so much more emotion from nerves that it's like, it seems like I'm more nervous, but I'm not. Like, I'm really excited. If that makes any sense at all. But like, I'm so excited. But same time. I don't know if anesthesia like makes you all like... Because when people get their wisdom teeth out, like they're kind of like... Out of it. Out of it. Like, am I going to be like that? I'm like, take my fucking phone away from me. You'll probably be out of it. Okay, take my phone away from me. I think when you get put under and...

Brought back up. I remember when my dad would have surgery and we would go and visit him, he was so fucking out of it. That's the only real thing I can remember of seeing someone under anesthesia is he would just say really silly, stupid things. But other than that, I can't remember the last time I've seen someone under anesthesia.

I just looked up. Is it normal to feel loopy after? Normal to feel loopy. Well, given the fact that I can't drive and I need someone to pick me up, probably. Yeah, well, you also probably can't move your arms. Well, I can drive myself the next day. I have a doctor's appointment the next day to go back and follow up. Why doesn't it say if you're going to be loopy? Isn't it crazy that the next episode is like I'm talking to you guys about the procedure? That's so crazy.

It's finally here. I really want to, like, know. I mean, I guess I'll see for myself. You'll still feel out of sorts. Yeah, like, you must have someone drive you home because you'll be... Lupe. Yeah. Oh, God, that makes me so nervous. I don't want to text anyone or say anything to anyone. You're going to be, like, texting your man. Why aren't you answering me? Yeah, why didn't you want to hang out with me last week? Why didn't you answer my text? I'm trying.

Do you want to hang out today? Literally gonna be you. Oh boy. Literally. How long was this episode? I have no fucking clue. Oh wait, you know what? I can check. Sorry guys, you guys are probably like Sam and Taylor shut up. I can actually check when I uploaded that story. Sometimes I just want to vibe on the mic. Okay, 50 minutes. Sometimes I just want to vibe on the mic and I don't want to turn it off. Yeah, neither do I. I just don't want to turn it off. I just want to hang out.

But I guess we can turn it off, guys. Like, I've been getting, like, the chills because I'm not even kidding. Yesterday, I had, like, a horrible fever. Like, I swear to God, if I took up my temperature, I think I had, like, a dangerously high fever. And I'm in and out of being super hot and being super cold. And I'm really sick of it. But, yeah, this is when I wish I had a boyfriend to, like, hang out with me. My finger's bleeding. Okay, well, we should stop, like, being, like, a mess on the mic. Because we're just being...

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Hey guys, it's Brooke. And Danielle from Gals on the Go podcast. It's very minimal change, but basically what I did- Wait, can we talk about the TikTok? Because I saw you deleted it and I need to- You're bringing it up.

On our show, we talk about everything from college, lifestyle, to navigating your 20s and beyond. And there's always that quote that people say, like, if they like you, you'll know. If they don't, you'll be confused. But some people I don't know. We hope you guys will join us every Wednesday for brand new episodes right here on Podcast One. ♪