cover of episode Fitness Trends That Need To Stay in 2022!

Fitness Trends That Need To Stay in 2022!

Publish Date: 2023/1/13
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One Thing About Us


Shownotes Transcript

What's up guys, it's Sam and Taylor and we want you to put your shoes on, pop open that energy drink and go.

Hello guys, welcome back to another episode. I'm Taylor. And I'm Sam and we're so excited to have you here today. Yes, thank you guys so much first of all for the merch sale, just support and love. Right after this I'm gonna put them in some bags and ship them out to you. But thanks so much for the support on that. Today we're gonna be doing fitness trends that need to like not be taken with us into 2023. Yeah.

Two weeks in to the new year. Still making new year content. But maybe this is the last one. I don't know. I've just been feeling like, like I even said this on my Instagram story. I've been just feeling like that girl. Me too. I just, the new year vibes and just like, I want to keep the energy going and I never want it to stop. Me too. I agree. So hopefully these podcast episodes can really help you guys continue with feeling like that girl and just being like on top of your shit. Yeah. I've started a new morning routine.

that I used to do but like I fell out of it and now I'm like no I need it and guys game changer so I wanted to wake recently I've had trouble waking up like getting out of bed is just not something I can do these days or I used to not be able to do now I can it was just like horrible I don't know what came over me like it was just really bad I couldn't get out of bed prior to like 9 a.m.

And then I remembered how great the app Sleep Cycle is. This is not an ad. It's free, I think. Or did I pay for it? I don't know. It's worth every penny. If I did pay for it, it's like only like $2 a month or something. So basically, it tracks your sleep, which I don't really look at. The main thing it does is you set a window of when you want to wake up. Mine is 7...

Like 720 to 745 is my window, I think. And it can sense like how much you're moving in your sleep to gradually wake you up when you're in your lightest sleep. So you're like ready to be awoken. Like it's not like you're in a deep sleep and alarm just like come straight on. It's like the noise gradually gets louder when your body seems like it's in the best state to wake up.

Makes sense. So it wakes you up when you are not in a deep sleep and you just gradually open your eyes and at 730 in the morning, I'm ready to go.

I don't know. I'm like the complete opposite of that. My body just knows like, okay, Sam, you need to be up at eight. Like your brain is waking you up at eight. Like I never set alarms. The only time I ever set an alarm is if I'm waking up super, super early to travel like on a travel day. No, I need an alarm. I mean, no alarm. I won't sleep in forever. I mean, one, my cat will wake me up. But I just like.

need alarms i don't know um it's also it was also hard for me to wake up because i don't have to be up for anything like you've mac that you need to like attend yeah so like you have to like get up and like take him out like i didn't i don't have a reason to be up but now i wake up write my planner read make my bed skincare and then for like an hour i don't scroll on my phone and it's yeah the best i feel so much better throughout the day i'm so much more productive but

I scroll on my phone less like it's just it's just the greatest thing ever and yeah, i'm just loving it Yeah, i'm kind of the same too with i've been really good with my morning routine But what i've now been doing is because I have my aligners what i've been doing is like

I have to put my aligners in, like, this cleaning machine. And the cleaning machine takes, like, 15 minutes anyway. So during those 15 minutes, like, I'm doing, like, my skincare and everything. And then after that, I do... I've been using... This was a... I should have put this on my New Year's resolution, like, list. But my...

Like Gua Sha tool. I've been using it every morning. Like while that thing is like in my teeth or my aligners are getting cleaned. So that's something that I really wanted to like be more on top of is just like using that. And I've been using it every morning other than like two days ago. I forgot to. But yeah, my morning routine. Maybe we could both do YouTube videos. Or I was going to do a YouTube video. We can also do like a morning routine episode. Yeah, I can dive deep. Like I can...

we can go even more like i can tell you exactly what yeah let's do that then we can do indie maybe next week yeah let's do that okay if you guys like that stay tuned comment on our most recent podcast post if you guys want to see our morning routine we'll not see here because and see it'll be on youtube too i'm gonna do it on youtube um but so yeah i've been doing that i have been oh my god i almost just like coughed right into the mic and i know that's so cringe okay sorry about that

I'm on my third book of the year. It's January 11th, and we're halfway through book number three, so I think we're making really good headway. Three out of 50. Three out of 50, baby, but my goal this month is five, so...

I think I'm doing good. I think I'm making really good progress. I got my Kindle, but I haven't read on it yet because I already started reading a paperback book. So once I finish this, I will become a Kindle girly and keep you guys updated on how I like it. But I'm officially three books deep. The books I'm reading right now are literally porn books. Like,

You don't know that when I was eating breakfast and reading, I was literally reading porn. Like, dead ass. Like, it's like... It's like, okay, maybe this is super awkward and uncomfortable. Speaking of, like, porn and that stuff, I just find it... Oh, what? I just find it so funny that ever since I told you about the Coop Dubs song by Post Malone, you just, like, can't listen to it the same anymore. Yeah, I mean, I can, but, like, it's just funny. Yeah. I mean, I...

I got to fill them in because we didn't even talk about this on the podcast. On Snapchat, I took a picture of me listening to the car or listening to the song by Post Malone, Cooped Up, like by myself. And I was like, this song really just gets me going. It turns me on. And later, like that day, Taylor was like, I just didn't realize that when we were in the car together, blaring that song, you were like getting turned on. Because we always put that song on. We always play it. And I was like, dang, so like that's what was going through your mind.

I'm just like singing. Damn, like I'm thinking about sex when I'm listening to that song. No, like I just, okay, there's certain beats and certain songs that like when you're having sex, like it hits. Yeah, I don't really have sex to music. Oh my God. I want to, I need to like start, but I feel like it's never, like the music just has to already be on. You can't be like, hold on, let me put music on. Yeah, I mean, I haven't done it in a while, but then also at the same time, I've only had sex twice in the last six months.

So like I'm not like okay also I want to talk about that because last podcast episode definitely people thought I was like a hoe. I had sex like Thursday and on Saturday with two different people but guys I had not had sex in like six months prior to that I was just like when I don't I do this thing where when I'm like wanting to have sex like I have sex it's so bad.

TMI. I'm so sorry. Mom, please don't listen. Actually, I asked my mom if she listens to the podcast and she said she's really behind it. I was like, go. Oh, my parents listen to everything. My dad literally listens to this. I was like, stay behind. It's okay. Here's the thing. Well, I talked about this on my Get Ready With Me TikTok that I made this morning. I feel like we're going to be doing a little podcast rebrand, which we've kind of done in the sense of how we talk, but not like in the sense of anything else. And if you're new here, if you're maybe like...

I don't know, just want to know more about the direction of the show. We are two girls that are so into fitness, so into being strong, but also, no, that's not the whole point of your life. And it's like, we're not a fitness educational show. We're like, yeah, we'll educate you, but it's, let's talk about the nitty gritty, like what you're doing not in the gym. Like, let's talk about everything else, like your mental health, sexual health. Like, let's just go into fucking everything. And it's so much fun. And I was actually thinking, because when you look on the charts for Fitness and Health Podcasts,

They're all educational, which is great. But like, what are you doing? Like, what are you doing on a Saturday? You know what I mean? They're all educational and everyone just being like, here's how to be the healthiest person ever. And none of the fitness podcasts that are on the charts are like two girls also just talking about their life. Yeah. And another thing too is like,

We look back on our really gym, like, quote-unquote gym bro lifestyle. Obviously, we're girls. But, like, when you think of gym bro, like, what the fuck do you think of? Like, gym rat. Like, literally, gym rat. So, like, when we were in that phase, it's like we kind of lost ourselves as, like, human beings. Like, it's all we centered everything around. Like, the food we were eating, what we were doing at night, the time we needed to get to bed. Like, literally, everything was revolved around that. And we lost ourselves, and we didn't have a social life. So, now we're in, like, a really good...

place where you guys know our catch-ups are the fucking best part so yeah like you can be a gym strong fit girl healthy while also being a feral rat on the weekends yeah exactly and that's we love the word feral

Yeah. We should put that on a shirt. Yeah, we should. Like a hoodie that just says like feral street rat. No, like literally every time we hang out with our guy friends and like just talk about like stuff that Taylor and I do, we're like, you don't want to be around us when we're like alone just the two of us because we're feral. Or like if we're getting ready to like meet up with them, it's like, guys, we're feral right now. Like,

Okay, another thing you can comment. Feral street rat hoodie? Yeah. Let us know. Did we want to see it? Maybe on a mug? Yeah. I've been also loving, too, like, our friends, like, we talk about everything with them. Like, yeah, sometimes too much. Sometimes too much. Well, okay, so basically our friend group is, like,

three girls and four guys. So every time we all hang out, like we just get into really deep conversations about like legit everything you could possibly imagine. Like I know our friends like so well. Yeah. A little too well. But I just love it because it's like I back home with my friends like I wasn't talking about like

sex and like porn and like turn ons turn offs with them like i love talking to dudes about that because i need to know like dudes i know do you guys want to have them on the pod

They've been like, they want to. Yeah, they want to come on so bad. They might like not really like say they want to that bad, but they do want to. Like some of our conversations that we're just sitting around like our table playing games. I'm like, this would be awesome if it was mic'd up right now. I mean, probably just a segment. Yeah. A good 30 minutes. Oh yeah, they would not be able to last a whole hour.

We'd have to give them like media training. Yeah, exactly. Like, do not cancel us right now. You are on Mike. Literally. But it's been like pretty chill few days. Just us just being that girl. I mean, I went home to see my family and just spent time with the kiddos, with my niece and my nephew, just being an aunt and

I love being an aunt because you get to give the kids back to their mother. And my sister gets to deal with them, not me. But I love being an aunt. It's like my favorite thing in the whole entire world. So I was there, which was easy because it's dry January. So one weekend through. Coming up on weekend number two. How are you feeling about that? I'm feeling pretty good about it. This past weekend, I was just hanging out with the bros. Haley, unfortunately, works during the weekend. So we never really get to see her. So I played tennis with...

A few of the boys beat their asses. I was the best tennis player. And then we went to the park and we played some spike ball and games and I brought macro. It was just a vibe. But now starting on Tuesday, I know yesterday, Tuesday, yesterday, Tuesday, I literally could not drink even if I wanted to.

For dry January because I have surgery in two weeks for my boobies. Yay. Which is really good because we just, I mean, like we influence each other to do everything. So like if you literally can't, I wouldn't have to worry about you like being like, I want to drink them. Maybe it's like, oh, I'll go with you. And like you, I can't influence you because you physically can't. But I just feel really good. And at the end of the day, we only drink on the weekend. So it's not really 31 days without drinking. It's,

four weekends like not 30 because we don't drink during the week so that's literally not a problem but i know it's gonna feel so i already feel so good taking like that one weekend just off it feels so good as you guys know i've talked about here before getting drinking a lot i don't really like but remember everything's a lifestyle so like

So what a few weekends in a row like you drink too much like it's how my overall lifestyle is so to me taking these breaks is just really big to me but like yeah I'm gonna drink sometimes but like I try my best we're not about perfection we're about trying. Yeah and I know a lot of people are probably gonna ask to listen to the podcast and they maybe don't watch my YouTube channel because I've been in very. That's so fake of them.

I know, so fake of you guys. First of all, listen to the, or watch the YouTube. But I've been very in detail about, like, the whole, like, breast augmentation thing on YouTube. So check that out. I brought you guys with me to my appointments. But I'm not going to share, like, the nitty gritty until after my appointment or after my surgery just because, like, my own, like, safety and, like, everything. But I will say we are, we finalized the size and, like, the...

Implants i'm going with the silicone implants i'm doing high profile the difference between high profile to low Profile is just like the projection out like so like from the side you would see more like projection Um, I have a smaller frame. So the low profile wouldn't work for me because low profile is a wider Implant so i'm doing high profile which means more out and i'm doing 320 or 310 so they ordered both size implants and

My surgeon has inspo photos of myself that like I showed like other girls that I kind of like want to like base off the look of and he's gonna

put what one he believes is going to be the perfect size for me into me during surgery and god forbid he thinks oh maybe that's too big he'll take it out and then he'll put the um smaller size in so yeah i'm just excited i'm excited too to see and i'll be taking care of her yeah post-op but i have to say the only thing i can think of when you're talking about boob jobs which like you don't really watch glee but i know some people do this scene she goes

You told her about my surgery. She goes, a surgery is when you get your appendix out. You got a boob job. Yeah. That's like...

That's like literally the only thing that goes in my head when you talk about your surgery is when she says that. So if you guys watch Glee, I know I'm not the only one. That's like literally all I think about. If someone's like, I'm getting a boob job, I'm like, you got a boob job. And another thing I want to say too is I feel like this is just like all meant to be because when I went to my consultation, I was expecting not to be booked up until like March or

But literally a few hours before my consultation, someone canceled their appointment. That was literally like two weeks later. So I took that. So I was ready to go in January. And another thing is to my surgeon literally went to Tufts University, which is in Boston, like right next to where I went to school. So I'm like,

I feel like we already have like a connection. Like you got to make sure you have a connection with like your surgeon or anyone you're working with. And like when he said that to me and he was like, oh yeah, like I lived in Boston. I was like, yep. Like you're the one. It's it. It's happening. You got to feel comfortable if someone's going to be like slicing you open. Exactly. 100%. Yeah.

um do you have anything else to say oh i got a whole list of things oh she's sorry she's not done oh another really funny thing to kind of correlate the boobie thing and then like our friends is we i brought this up to my guy friends and one of our friends literally asked quote unquote so do you get to pick your nipple died laughing i was like what pick my nipple like what are you talking about

Like he thought that like they were literally just chopping my boob off and like putting a new one. Putting like a new boob on. Boys are so stupid. I was like what the fuck. So we had like a very in detail conversation as to like how the surgery goes down and that I will have the same nipple. But I just thought it was the funniest thing. Like guys. That is so funny. Guys educate yourself. That is so funny.

That really is so hilarious. And then I also another thing because we never really talk about like food and like all that type of stuff anymore. But I do want to kind of like dive into a little bit like real quick about food for me and how I've been incorporating food into like my hormones and like really figuring that shit out. Because as you guys know, I've been struggling with hormone balance and getting my period back. I am like.

Really confident that like i'm slowly in the urge of like getting a full period again because my last period was like It was very light, but I got one But um, i've been doing a few things to kind of help myself out. And again, I am not an expert This is just my advice and what has been hopefully been working for me So i'm just going to share it so don't come for me and be like, oh my god You're not certified in this shit. You can't talk about it

Get over it. But a lot of you guys were recommending the Vitex berries, which is literally just a hormonal balance supplement. I've been taking that every morning. Another thing I've been doing is a cup of bone broth. I've been doing chicken bone broth. I didn't really know how my stomach would necessarily respond to beef bone broth. So chicken bone broth. And then another thing that I've also been doing is losing my train of thought.

Oh, yeah. Seed cycling. So you guys can look into that more on your own. Google it. There's a lot of like diagrams that pop up on what seeds to be taking during your cycles. So I've been doing that. I've been just putting the seeds on top of my cream of rice in the morning. It's super easy. And then another thing I'm going to slowly start to do is if you look at your

nutritional chart for um your cycles the vegetables and like the fruits that align based on your cycle i'm also gonna start doing but i'm taking it slow like i'm not jumping into all these things because that will be too overwhelming it's very overwhelming i looked at that and i was like maybe i should do it i looked at the chart i was like not today it's pretty it honestly is pretty easy like

for instance, like there's certain berries like strawberries and like cherries and raspberries and like other berries. It's just like, okay, I'll just put that on top of my cream of rice. Like it's super easy. And then like every lunch I have is a bowl most of the time. So like I just cycle through the vegetables that I'm going to be having each week. So it's going to be easier, but I'm just going to let you guys know my updates as that comes and hopefully start to feel a little bit better. Sick. It's fun.

Swaggy. But yeah, that's pretty much it on my catch-ups. I wrote everything I wrote down is what I said. Yeah, I haven't done anything too crazy. Other than the fact that we are planning a trip to Cabo in March. How exciting. How exciting. We literally just finalized that right now. And guys, I've never been out of the country. I've only been to the U.S. Virgin Islands, which like obviously is the U.S., but like that's it like as out of the country country.

As I've ever gone. I was supposed to go to the Dominican Republic with my high school ex-boyfriend, but we broke up before the trips. Yeah. So I didn't go. Yeah. Well, we're definitely excited to do that. Again, we're not going to share details on that because safety, but it's happening. Yes, I'm so excited. Friendships are always the best trips. It's going to be so much fun.

So you probably all know that now grocery shopping seems to be more expensive and stressful than ever especially when trying to get healthy fresh good for you groceries like me and sam were literally just talking about how our grocery bill seems like it like doubled in the last year it's actually

insane and we always want to make the best decisions when it comes to eating for us that means just you know buying healthy foods lots of fruits lots of veggies lots of protein and saving money and thrive market helps us do just that if you're busy like us and short on time then thrive market is perfect for you thrive market is my go-to for all my grocery and household essentials the convenience of getting it all quickly shipped to your doorstep is a huge time saver i

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Not only it does dive market save me money, but they also save me time I love the filters on their website or app. They have over 70. It's perfect for me because as you guys know I eat plant-based so you can literally filter For any certain dietary restriction you have and shop groceries that way which is so convenient You could even look for like non-toxic cleaning products like they have even more than just food

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um so with that um we have fitness trends that we didn't discuss what we wrote down um mine are like fitness wellness and i have 11 how many do you have um mine aren't like like that many they're not numbered okay i'll go first okay keto yeah i'm gonna bounce off that and say carnivore carnivore

I don't even think it needs much explanation, but for the love of fucking God, eat a piece of bread and like a fruit. Yeah, literally like eat a fucking apple. It's really not going to kill you. I would really hope that anyone listening to our podcast knows that by now because we talk about it so much. They could be new. Yeah, but if you're new and you literally just typed in like the title or you saw the title and you found it catchy, please, please, please.

Continue to be a listener of our podcast because we inform you and we let you know how we feel about keto and keep it fucking real But um, yeah, there's just no need to be restricting your diet if you are Currently in a diet this can go for any diet that you're currently doing sit down reflect on the diet that you're doing Can you picture yourself doing this diet 10 years from now? Can you picture yourself doing it when you have kids? If you can't then what's the point in doing it now?

100 100 also just like why do you think an apple is like what's making you quote unquote like what's making you fat yeah be so for real yeah be so for real also like how do you shit yeah i would love to know if you've been keto or carnivore for a very long time how are your poops

Yeah. I would love to know. There's like, I have blocked so many carnivore crazies on social media because I just can't get over. Like there was this one that someone posted a diagram of like the Quaker oats saying that there's so much sugar in the carbs from the Quaker oats and that it's so bad for you. And that it's causing like all this inflammation and bad things in our body. I'm just like,

Oh my goodness. Imagine living that much in fear of food. Of oatmeal. Oatmeal. Like it's, it baffles my mind. So it's even like I eat plant based and you don't see me out here posting diagrams being like, here is why chicken is getting cancer. Like, because I'm not fucking insane. Like we, we are so for like, you can educate and share your journey of whatever food or fitness journey you want to do, but do it in a positive light and don't bring down like,

The way someone else is like consuming food, for example, you're a crazy kind of. Yeah, exactly. I'm going to bring you down. Exactly. Exactly. So like, for example, we have this quote unquote friend of ours. Not really, but he was always bashing on people that are vegan saying vegans are weaker. Vegans are like not going to live a longer life, like all this stupid shit. And it's like, why? Like, why do you have to be so against vegans? Yeah.

When you're the complete opposite and like bashing on it when we all know that carnivore is just not a sustainable diet. Yeah, because like honestly, like I didn't really care so much that he was carnivore until it was like,

here's why everything you're eating is terrible for you. It's like... Talk about eating disorder. Yeah. So my next one is going to be, and I wonder if Taylor has this, is the Playbook fitness apps. I don't have that. Those trendy little... I don't even know if it's like a trend, but like honestly...

A lot of content creators in 2022 hopped on the trend of doing that $1 down fitness app, which was not even a fitness app. It was literally just on Google or on Safari. And I'll just let you know right now, all of those content creators are getting scammed of their money and getting taken advantage of because...

Every single one of those content creators has the same template across the board from that playbook company. And they are getting scammed and taken advantage of and used for their platform so that people playbook can make money off them. And it's just hopefully content creators can rally together and not fall for the trap of playbook apps and emails. I think we just take it especially to heart because we have been putting our hearts, soul, time and money into a real legit app.

like a real app the way Instagram is an app. Our app is an app. And to see people just be like, try my app. It's like you didn't make it. Yeah. So that's definitely annoying and more so annoying on the like playbooks end. Yeah. My next one is just Stairmaster glute workouts. I'm really sick of it. Yeah. I'm really sick of it. Like the fact that it's 2023 and I still see girls posting like

That that's what they do on the stairs to like grow an ass. Like the fact that that's still a thing being posted really grinds my gears. Like you're telling me cardio is growing your muscle. We have been there. We have done all of these. We have fallen for this stupid shit. So don't think we're bashing...

like specific girls for this because like we've been there we've tried it it didn't work for us and we want to make sure that you guys don't fall for the same mistakes oh i brought my booty band on the stairs like once a week oh yeah like five months really small plasticky like red resistance yeah and like it was one of those ones that you had to like tie into a knot do you know i'm talking about and i would literally just wear it around my knees and walk up and down the stairs i was like yeah ladies thinking cool

cardio machines don't grow muscles and that's just how it is yeah next one and this is for my gym bros specifically because i feel like the gym girlies don't do it as much um

sayings of mirroring, mogging, and we go gym. Stop saying those things. It's so cringe. I can't stand it. I don't understand it. For the most part, guys, it's centered around your entire brand. The mirroring or mogging, mogging, bro. I cannot. It's so funny to say ironically. To be like, I'm going to mog you. That

a hilarious thing to say like when you're being like not serious yeah oh yeah no but that's so hilarious no they're serious they're serious they're dead on for real serious but like ironically like going to a gym and being like i'm mogging you right now that's so funny yeah um my next thing is also on the gym bro um side of things some girls but having crazy amounts of caffeine

Yes. Literally having like 800 milligrams of caffeine a day. Are you like, stop it. Like, listen, I had a coffee. This is an 100 milligram energy drink, like keeping it around 200, maybe 150, even 175. Why are you having over 300 milligrams of caffeine on a daily basis? You're not OK. And like you don't need like to double scoop that like crazy pre-workout and wash it down with the bang energy and then like have a Red Bull like please.

Stop with it. Yeah, literally me. I don't know how I did that. Yeah, like literally stop with it. But even when we had our most caffeine intake days, we still didn't have as much as like some people do. Yeah, like some people are really crazy out here. But I just think that crazy pre-workout like

phase of having a pre-workout that's like 500 milligrams of caffeine a scoop at rise supplements i don't understand why your one scoop of pre-workout was like 400 milligrams of caffeine i would literally the first day i took that i literally like i've never done cocaine but that's has to be how it feels yeah i was in that gym going wild um another one this is kind of like

Totally not relevant. We're just kind of going across the board. But girls hating on other girls for full glam in the gym. Oh, 100%. That's so fucking pick me and gross. I know. Pick me. So pick me down bad. Like...

I used to so the thing is like I used to not understand it like I was never like I can under so this is coming from someone who used to be like oh my god like why is she wearing full glam like I a year and a half ago two years ago never really ever used to wear makeup ever so I never understood it but now that I like I'm into makeup I get it and I just don't understand why

why it's such a big deal especially too because not even full glam some people will come at you if i do like a pick my outfit for the gym it's like why do you care so much about the outfit you're gonna wear because i want it to look cute god yeah look good relax you feel good and it i hundred like hundred percent look and feel good especially in the winter with the self tanner i need to self confidence i have when i have a good self tanner on my body looking in the mirror and i'm like working out i'm like yeah it's also like

why can't i just have fun like regard like i just want to have romanticize your life i've been literally big on that romanticize your gym outfit who cares like i like doing my hair like in little braids and like wearing a cute outfit and like bye we take pictures in the gym like basically for a living like i'm gonna pick a cute outfit get over yourself yeah so i don't know if you ever saw this because i'm not really on like gym talk anymore but i did see this one video of this girl that was like she was on the hack squat machine

And she was just, like, hating on, like, girls that wear, like, hair extensions, fake lashes. She said, okay, it was captioned something like, things were leaving in 2022. Oh, I saw that. I saw that. Hair extensions, eyelashes, makeup in the gym, just, like, a bunch of, like, shit. Like, shitting on other girls that girls do. And I was like, bruh. That is so...

me like not to be one of these people but like that's literally internalized misogyny to the max like why is your personality hating on women you know what's my favorite trend what is that just i feel like really lifts i think it's so cute that we're doing the lid sounds like how i love being a woman a woman yeah because there's two types of girls there's girls that'll post like

we're leaving like doing all that like makeup and jewelry and eyelash extensions in the gym like stop doing that and then there's girls that would put on their cute little gym outfit with their eyelashes and their hair extensions and their self-tanner and use the audio like how I love being a woman and like that's that's the two type of girls and I like the latter I like why can't we be like

so like to me it's so cute like it's so like embrace being a girl like it's so cute to like get things that are pink and like wear makeup and do your hair like it's it's so gross to hate on girls for like

Like, people hating on girls that get, like, fall for trends like the Stanley Cup. Let people have their fucking cup. Yeah. Like, enjoy it. Let girls be girls. On the Stanley Cup talk, though, I will never understand, like, needing, like, 20 of them. Yeah, how do you have the cabinet space? I don't know. I just, like... Like, people go to an extreme with their obsession for things. 100%. 100%. I think collecting more than two is, like... I don't really think you need that many. Seems like a waste of money. But, like...

enjoy your cup yeah stop hating on girls that's so icky i 100 agree okay and then that i do have another one that i do want to say right off the bat because this is kind of going like against what we just said but not really but the bra pad in our shorts to hide the camel toe i'm going to judge you if you are putting your bra pad in your shorts to hide your camel toe i'm not gonna judge you because i get

The people are fucking weird about it, especially. I feel bad that like that. I just feel bad that that's the lengths people do to hide a natural thing that occurs on your body. Like, so I'm saying, like, embrace the fact that you have a vagina. Like, who cares? I fucking cares. Like, I get comments all the time on social media from men being like, oh, my God, I see it. Like, oh, my God. Like, did anyone else see it? Don't ask me the color of anything. It's like.

oh my god like i'm a woman like crazy like what the hell so it's just like i don't know build up the confidence to not need to wear because i know for a fact that cannot be comfortable yeah like i got i posted a video about how i don't wear underwear in the gym and someone's like how do you guys not get camel toe like that i'm like sometimes i do sometimes i don't some shorts don't some shorts do i don't know you want me to tell you about it yeah like that's just how it is so yeah i don't necessarily like

judge girls for doing that. I just feel really bad that that's the lengths people feel like they need to go to like conceal just a body part. Yeah. That's ridiculous. I'm telling you right now anyone that is listening to this right now that is like oh shit like I do that. Just take it out and I promise you like the confidence that you need to build like in yourself to just not feel like you need to cover up in any way to like

What's the word I'm looking for? The male gaze of like... But not like the male gaze of like... It's a bad male gaze. You know what I mean? For men being fucking creepos. Yeah, like the bad creepos. Who cares? Stare at them dead in the soul when they're looking at you. That's what I do. When they're looking at me, I'm like, what are you looking at? And I give them the dirtiest look. Yeah, that's a good one. That was a good...

trying to leave out. My next one is I'm gonna have to explain this fake Pilates. What I mean by this is Pilates on a reformer with a real teacher is not the same as doing arm circles in your living room and calling it Pilates like doing like literally this and like the if you're on YouTube, you can see like these random like

Like arm things. And it's like how to have toned arms. Oh, yeah. Like Pilates arms. And they're just like moving their arms. I want to get into Pilates. Bitch, that's not Pilates. That's not Pilates. And there's a girl that I actually have seen on TikTok that is like...

she'll kind of make videos like if your pilates coach is doing this like they're wrong like this is how you do it in pilates correctly and i'm like there are so many videos that are like pilates arms and they're just doing freaking nonsense and it's like that's not pilates you're moving your arms in circles it's not pilates you're literally just calling that like toned arm workout you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about and people it's still a raging thing and it's really like the little these yeah like shut up

Speaking of Pilates, I should have brought this up in the beginning of our catch-up. I had to start doing workout classes in terms of Pilates, yoga, cycling, that type of stuff. If you ever go to breast augmentation and you had to do classes like that, like post-surgery that allowed you to be able to still work out but not lift a shit ton of weight, please DM me. Help me out. Find some good classes if you guys did classes because I'm going to need those. Yes.

Um, my next one. Um, okay. I'm so confused as to what I meant by when I wrote this. But now I understand what I wrote. I said the gym all do all be all mentality. Okay.

like the gym is your whole life the gym is your whole life like that's all the all posting that you'd rather be in the gym on a friday night than doing anything else you're weird yeah then i wrote working out super late at night on the weekends and making a really big deal out of it because i used to be there i used to be like oh my god like well everyone i made this one tiktok i got like 14 million views yeah yeah yeah i know exactly and i was like like i captioned it something along the lines of like

oh like i'm at the gym saturday morning like getting my grind on while everyone else is hung over in bed like ew sam like you're such a loser like you're but ever the thing is everyone in the comments was like yeah like this is awesome honestly like maybe we deserve to be canceled yeah we honestly do honestly like facts but i'm like damn sam like you really were a fucking loser back in the day like literally like honestly but like bro like our mental health was bad bro like it was so bad

But yeah, just 100% agree. You guys know how I feel about this. There's more life to live. No shaming of other people that want to go out on the weekends and then like go to the gym during the week. Because I used to be the... I can't believe I'm saying this out loud. Wow, this is like crazy because a year ago, this time a year ago, I would have never have said that.

I would have been like, get to the gym. We're grinding. Like, let's go. It's literally, there's so much more of life to live. And speaking of that, I have one to bounce right off that super related. Travel for the sole purpose of going to a gym. I think we need to leave that. I think if you're already planning a trip, having that as something fun in your itinerary, that's so dope. There are so many other reasons to go on fun trips than visit a gym. Like, and then you're going to not even explore anything else in the city.

You're only going to go to the gym. You paid money for a plane ticket. Do something. Like traveling and staying at a gym for the entire day, like paying a plane ticket, paying a hotel to simply go to a gym and that's it. Like there are way more reasons to be going on fun trips. Like add that in your itinerary. Go to the gym for an hour. Sick. Do more things. I think that whole –

Like, I think people need to stop doing that. Like, if you catch me at Alphaland or Zoo Culture this year, it's because I'm already in the city of the gym. Right. It's like, now you're just going to stop by. I already have a reason that, like, I'm there. Or you're going, maybe, like, because it is our job. So, like, let's say they're like, oh, you should come for this one thing. It's like, okay, but we're going to stay for five days and we're going to do other things. Yeah, we're going to rent a car and do stuff. And it's like, I know I'm just sounding like a hater-ass bitch, but, like...

some people need like reality checks. So sorry. This is a...

Yeah. Like environment. Well, I hope a lot of the people listening to this honestly like the mindset and the mentality that we have like we really want like also like you guys listening to have because we've been through a lot of different mindsets and I cannot say it enough and I want you guys to have the mindset. Right. And like traveling for a gym and doing nothing but staying at the gym was not fun. Yeah. Like it literally wasn't fun. And the thing is I thought it was fun at the time. I literally didn't.

I used to be like, oh, let's go do this. Let's go do that. I cried every single time. I would cry every single time. Watch my LA vlog. I was crying in the bathroom. I literally would cry on every single trip.

I'm just a very like, as you guys probably know, like I'm very like outgoing. I love to be doing things. I love to meet new people. So like that's why I liked it. But when I look back on the ship, it's like you're telling me I didn't go explore like the city, the culture, the foods, the restaurants. I was at the gym for like five hours out of the day. Like, no. Yeah. And then I don't know if I have any more. Oh, yeah.

I got us. This one's literally not a trend. I just want to put it in here for a throwback funny one. I just put having your toes out. Yeah. Put your toes away if you know you know. That's not a trend, but just like for the OGs. Like if you know you know. If you remember. Put your toes away in 2023. Get pedicures too. I need a pedicure really bad right now. I got one. Okay. These next two I guess can go hand in hand. Being gluten free for no reason. Literally. Stop. Stop.

And the second one is asking for hot water and lemon at restaurants. I think that's so fucking weird. Like, the people that, like, for your digestion, like, when you go out to eat, like, ask for a hot water and lemon before your meal. Bitch. I have another one. What is it? Bloom greens. Oh, yeah.

I was gonna put that on here And you know what it is It's not even For me It's not even the product It's the marketing Yeah the marketing is so bad Like It's truly the marketing They will literally pick Influencers that have no idea Anything about like Fitness and nutrition And they'll be doing Like a day in my life Or like

Or like a full day of eating just to incorporate the greens for the marketing. And it's like, it's so toxic. It's so toxic. Or they just like, it's just the marketing. It's really truly the marketing for that. I was going to put that on my list actually, but I didn't know if I should call that out like that. I have two more. My best one's last.

Second to last, we're going those cool sculpting massage thingies. Recently, in the last month, I keep seeing people buying these massage thingies on Amazon that you massage and you put a gel and it vibrates and it gets rid of your fat. I've never seen it before. Oh my god. It's so stupid. I literally came across a girl's live and she was doing it on her stomach. I duetted a video a little bit ago where I literally just duetted the girl using it on her leg and I just was like,

I just had a face like, are you fucking kidding me? But you'll probably see it now because we're talking about it. But it's literally so dumb. Like I can show you after. It's like little massage guns with like a light and like a gel and it like massages on your legs and it like takes the fat away. Yeah. Like phones are creepy. It's probably gonna be like the first video on my food. 100%. My last one is being obsessed with your Apple Watch.

Mm-hmm. I literally don't wear an Apple Watch anymore because my charger broke. But before my charger broke, I literally would have been in dire urge to put the Apple Watch back on. I also used to wear an Apple Watch out, which I think for if you want the safety aspect. Mine's 100% safety because my phone has gotten stolen so many times. That you want another way to call people. And I need to figure out a way just in case.

I can see that. But I used to, I'm like, bitch, like take it off and put on like a nice watch and like jewelry. Like because, and like the obsession with like, yeah, it'll like track a lot of calories and steps while you're out. But like those steps happened, whether your Apple watch told you they did or not. Yeah. I checked my steps in months. This girl on TikTok said her goal last year was to close every ring and she scrolled through and all three rings were closed every single day of 2022. Yeah.

That's insane. That's crazy. Yeah, that's insane. That's wild. Like, one, you never, like, forgot it. I used to be so obsessed with my watch that, like, if I didn't start the workout and I was, like, halfway through the workout or finish the workout, it didn't count. It literally didn't count. And it's like, the workout happened regardless. Or, dude, I used to. But, like, it's so weird because you mentally didn't feel like

enough happens if it didn't tell you yeah it's such a weird like feeling crazy like

how much like an apple watch really holds people like so like or if you finish a workout it only says like 300 calories not 400 calories and it's like oh i need to do more like bitch what and then so i know there's probably people listening to this like oh my god like i'm in that phase right now how the hell do i get out of it take it literally just take it off literally throw the charger away like literally like have no way of getting it throw the charger away and take it off i had to stop stop wearing it to the gym that was my way like i would wear it during the day

Which was totally like whatever because I like it for like safety reasons and when I would go to the gym this was like honestly like two years ago when I was like super like obsessed with it is like I would go to the gym and take it off. Yeah. And I would do that. I wouldn't do it every day of the week when I was going to the gym like.

some days i would wear it but like easing myself into like not relying on like the circle being closed and it just like the rotating time like it's obsessive it's scary i also right when i got it i did on rest days i didn't wear it it's like if i went on a walk or like got steps at the grocery store like i didn't need an apple watch to like validate that i went on a walk yeah so like on my rest days i just didn't wear it and i think that really set me up

to like not be so attached to it because i was used to like at least having one or two days a week without wearing it because i'm telling you it gets crazy being like did that walk even count i didn't even track it yeah like so that's what i did when i first started rest days never put it on but like literally if you feel like you are attached to it like

Tell your friend to keep it for a month. Like, don't use it. Yeah. Should I add another one? But this is not like really a trend. This is just like, or I guess, okay, I'm going to word it in the sense of like tracking every single day for the entire year. Oh, your food.

And I will say last year going into the year Literally if you listen to last year's podcast episode of our new year's goals My goal going into the new year of 2022 was to intuitive eat for the summer Like I put that down there. I like told myself i'm like I need to intuitive eat like this needs to happen at some point in my life so If you are going into this new year and you've been tracking for so long and you can't really remember the last time you've gone like a month or two without tracking like

Make that a goal of yours going into this new year to like intuitive eat because it truly changed my relationship with food. And I never went back into tracking. Like I stopped tracking food.

And I told myself, oh, after the summer, like, I'll get back into tracking. Nope, did not get back into tracking. And I have been intuitive eating for, we'll be coming up on a year in June of this coming summer. And I feel so good. It's been such a game changer doing that and telling myself I had to do it. So even if it's just one month,

schedule it at some point this year to do that 100 i agree like wholeheartedly i love how youtube just saw me like getting that snap from my story youtube just saw me i'm like oh taking selfies um

Tracking, especially like bringing a food scale like everywhere you go. Oh my God. Like needing to bring a food scale on a vacation. Like when I would travel home for like whatever reason to go home. Bringing it. Yeah, bringing it. Like it's so... It's exhausting. Yes, it's so exhausting and it's just like it all goes... I feel like a lot of these trends just go back to like there's so much more to fucking life. There's so much more. It's also because like even if...

There's so many other good nutrition goals to have and fitting your macros really isn't the end all be all for your health. Like take a time where instead of tracking your whole food focused and you're focused on your vegetables and your hormone health. Like there's so many other things you can be doing for your health and your fitness that relate to food that have nothing to do with macros that you can focus on. Because it's not even like because you should be eating like

like more like correct like it's not even like to eat worse it's just like you can have other health goals that are way more important than having so much protein powder in a day because you're hitting your macros exactly preach it preach it do we want to do advice oh my god yes i forgot about that guys this was like a really good episode it was would you think i literally it will be even better once we do the advice i feel like really good about this episode me too it's like one i think this was

One of my favorites. Yeah, I love the little Rambo one set. Yeah, I really, thoroughly enjoyed that. Do you want to pull it up on your phone? Because I don't have the sheet on my phone. Yeah, I'm going to try. I kind of figured you had it on your phone. That's why I didn't bring out my laptop. So hopefully you do. Yeah, I'm going to try. But I just really, I don't know why I enjoyed this episode so much. I think it just really hit different for me. Guys, while I pull this up, this was definitely supposed to be in the catch up, but can you do it?

Because you did it last time. Yeah. I went on a date yesterday and this is this. OK. It's like this is exclusive catch up material for the people that listen to the end. Yeah. We wait. I went on a date yesterday and he was really cute and I had like a pretty good time because he was just really cute. And I was like, whoa, forget this. So we get there and we just like worked out together.

And I was like, I'm going to be like really, really cringe, but I really need to film me working out today on my camera because like I just I'm doing a TikTok series like I needed to film it. And I'm like, so I'm really sorry about how cringe that is, but I really need to film this. And he was like, I don't care. And I was like, sweet. And then I was being a stalker and I found his Twitter and in November. So just a few shy weeks ago, he tweeted,

when she looks good in the gym, but then she pulls out a tripod less than, less than, less than. And he tweeted that to the public. And I literally went to the gym with him and pulled out a tripod immediately, not even just with the phone, with an expensive, nice camera. So that was like super embarrassing for me. And I can't tell him I saw that tweet because then I'll look like a huge stalker. But Sam made the good point that like it's probably different because like it actually is my job and like has a purpose. Like I'm not just like

filming for no reason but it was super embarrassing um but the date was really good and he still texted me after and like wants to hang out so it didn't give him the or did and he got over it but yeah i went on a date all right sorry yeah i've been reading some of them so um i got some good ones cool all right first one

And I already know what Taylor's going to say. I find it very hard to gather the drive to actually get up and go to the gym. I am completely clueless on what workouts I should be doing and have a major gym anxiety because of that reason. I feel like it is the fact that I have no clue where to start or what workouts to do that hold me back from getting in the gym membership and going to the gym. Not only this, but food is also something I've been struggling with. I'm very picky eater and would rather just not eat because something is unhealthy or not or just or if something is just available.

sounds like you need to listen to our podcast exactly you need to listen to our last week's podcast episode my girl i don't know sounds like you are not caught up because we just did a whole episode on that she submitted this yesterday so you need to listen to our last week's podcast episode and if anyone else is feeling that way and they're a new podcast listener and they relate to that listen to last week's is that what you thought i was gonna say yeah yeah i was like what is this like yeah you literally just need to listen to last week's episode um

next one should my boyfriend be allowed to have girlfriends he has a girlfriend from another country and we should he won't stop being friends with her because he claims they've only been online friends since middle school no that's really weird that's why do you need to be online friends no i think opposite sex friends are for group settings yeah like i have guy friends

I love them dearly. I will keep being friends with them in a relationship. I will never go on a one-on-one hangout with like Connor by myself if I had a girlfriend. I mean, if I had a boyfriend, sorry, if I had a boyfriend. And that's, I think, I think that's totally normal. Will I stop hanging out with them? No, but I wouldn't be like, do you want to go get lunch? And that's just me. That's just me. I wouldn't do that because I don't do that in general. Really? We don't do that in general. Yeah.

because then that's like a date you used to hang out with hunter alone yeah but i was at the pool and he just knew i was there it's not like it was like like a plan yeah like he was just like oh i'm coming down to the pool i think tanning sitting by pool is a little bit different and like other people did live there and like totally could have came yeah okay but anyways like i would not be cool with um i don't think online communicating is

because you said he like their internet friends that makes it weirder yeah like why do you need a little pen pal no yeah no no definitely weird some weird creep vibes going on yeah i don't like that um okay and then the next one is gonna be i've been dating this guy for almost a year now the holidays came around he didn't buy me christmas gift he canceled last minute on me for new year's plans and lately hasn't been texting me back frequently or planning dates and if he if

If we do, he cancels as well. Is he still sabotaging the relationship to make me want to dump him? He's not into you at all. Wait, they're dating or are they talking? They're dating. Oh, he literally is not into you. Yeah. Does he know you're dating? Yeah, we. Is that like only a you? Is he like, this is just some bitch I talk to. And are you like, that's my boyfriend? There might be a discrepancy. Especially if he started out where he was super into you and he's been slowly losing interest in you.

I hate to say it because I've been in that situation where a guy was like obsessed with me when we first started dating and like he was we were with each other almost every single day and then it came to the point where it's like he didn't really want to see me didn't want to be around me didn't want me even coming to like hang out with him and his bros like weird vibes. Canceling a New Year's plan like New Year's is what you do with your boyfriend. Yeah. You do New Year's with your boyfriend. You buy someone a Christmas gift.

not like he could have at least got he could have got you something small like that's really bizarre he's truly not into you or he's going through something major in his life and that's probably not it so he's probably not into you and i would um honestly just have the last word and like you can talk to him about it or it i don't think it needs that much of a conversation i would just be like i'm not gonna be treated like this like we're done yeah

This one is fitness slash food related and is whether to know if I should start, if I should track macros or not for my fitness goals, especially in the effort to gain muscle and mass. I think you should. But like we just said, always know it's not forever and do a little check in with your relationship with food. Just how you feel about food in general. Do you think you're eating enough right now? Do you think about food all the time? Yeah.

Little things to check in with your relationship with food. And if you think it's like decent, I would track. Yeah. And you don't also have to track your complete macros. You can start off with just tracking your protein, especially if you've never tracked before at all. Tracking just your protein will make the biggest difference because most girls that don't track their food are not eating nearly enough protein. And if you can start with that, it will make a big difference. Yeah. That's really good. Yeah. Do that. I concur. And then we'll do one more.

Okay. Um, I've been super active my whole life in various sports running and now and now and Oh my god running and now in the gym, but my parents haven't been all there my whole life I'm super into nutrition as well. My parents don't eat good. My mom tries to work out and eat better But i'm worried about my dad he'll say he's going on a diet but never sticks with it Sometimes he decides he's going to go to the gym and other times he refuses and gets mad when I shoot When I ask if he wants to come with me

I'm really worried about his lifelong jeopardy because he gains unhealthy weight and has an extremely stressful job. I understand that when he comes home, he just wants to rest and probably mentally and not work out. That is probably getting worse. I've learned so much from you guys about deficits and something that I try to share with them is that

the knowledge of working out and nutrition with him, but he struggles with the consistency of motivation towards the better healthy habits. Do you guys have any advice on how to help him? I'm in college, nine hours away now too, so I'm not there every day. So I feel you 100% because, I mean, I don't know if my mom's still listening to this right now, but I feel the same way about my mom. Like, and I don't really like...

really told her this and I used to feel the same way about my dad but my dad has recently like really gotten into shape um on his own just with um seeing my lifestyle he kind of took it upon himself to get into shape um after a while it wasn't right away it definitely took a while but um better now than never now he's really really um getting into shape um

But my mom isn't and it does worry me and really stress me out. And it's not something I ever like vocalize to her. I feel like maybe if I did, that would like change things around. So maybe that is something maybe we could both do it. Maybe we can both vocalize it or she's listening right now and she already heard me. But I totally agree with you. But the thing is like you can't help people do everything. And it really sucks because things with people's long-term health that you know are –

What's the word I'm looking for? Preventable. It sucks when someone won't do something. And if something happened that was preventable, like that would just piss me off because you can literally prevent like it could have not happened.

But at some point you can't help people with everything. And like I said, it took my dad a little bit to get into it. But like now he does. Like my sister works out now. Like I don't know if it's all because of me, but like definitely me sharing like my journey and everything I'm doing. Definitely like.

help them and like they both come to me for questions and like they got there on their own like i gave them the little boost of like positive influence but like they had to get there on their they had to get there on their own like you can't make people do anything yeah and i know you never said you feel guilty but try not to feel guilty even if you if you did i know you didn't say you did but i think she does because she's saying she's far away yeah yeah yeah but like

You can't put all that pressure on yourself because then you're just going to end up like kind of building all of that like guilt up. And that's not something that you want. Another thing I know you are far away, but like what I at least try to do when I'm like cooking things or like when I when I am home and I do get the chance, like explaining why I do something like a certain way rather than telling someone what they should do. Like if I'm cooking something in the air fryer, like I explain why I personally am cooking in the air fryer rather than

like cooking it in a bunch of like oil and like frying it like just like small little examples like that explaining why you do specific things and then it will help them kind of understand and like learn on their own and be more like self-conscious of like their habits yeah 100 i agree with that but at the end of the day you also have to remember your parents are just like people too like they're not some like

Like, I feel like it's just hard to understand that your parents are also just people that like... It is a different generation. It is a different generation. Like, remember, they're not looking like... You have us talking to you on a podcast about how to get healthy. They didn't have that. Yeah. They had like magazines and like DVDs.

And, like, weight loss, like, pills. Like, it's very different. But the most you can do is just try to be a positive influence the best you can. But, like, they are grown adults that are going to make their own decisions. And that's just that. And, yeah, you can't be...

guilty about it because there's really truly nothing that you can do yeah facts but i feel you i feel you sis and maybe maybe what i just talked about here fixes it who knows but also it's like

Yeah, like you worry about their long-term health, but like the truth is like a health problem can come out of nowhere at any time at any age. So it's like don't – Can't live in fear. You can't live in fear because like you have no idea what could happen to literally anyone at any point in time. So you just can't live in fear of that either.

Not to be morbid, but it's the truth. And with that... On a happy note. On a happy note. Thank you guys so much for listening, especially if you listened all the way to the end. Leave a five-star review if you liked it. It helps us out a ton. Follow us on Instagram. Subscribe to the YouTube channel. Engage with our content. It really, really helps us

And when you guys do engage, we know you're a pod listener. It helps so much. I cannot stress how much like sharing something, liking something, commenting on something, rating it five stars. It really, really, really helps. Yeah. Like it just like truly means the world. And thank you if you go do that. And we will catch you again next week. Yes. Bye guys. See you on Friday. Bye. Bye. Bye.

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