cover of episode How To Be a Good Workout Partner | DOS AND DONTS

How To Be a Good Workout Partner | DOS AND DONTS

Publish Date: 2022/12/2
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One Thing About Us


Shownotes Transcript

What's up guys, it's Sam and Taylor and we want you to put your shoes on, pop open that energy drink and go.

Hello guys, welcome back to another episode. I'm Taylor. And I'm Sam. First of all, big thanks to all the Spotify-wrapped people that had us as their number one podcast. I loved it. Honestly, if you guys still have the chance or time to post it, do it. Because I, Loki, I don't know if you've been doing the same, but I've been stalking some of you guys, tagging me. I just like putting faces to the podcast. I like seeing who listens and I stalk you guys a little bit.

So if you're public, like I've been a little nosy. You creeped a little bit. A little bit. But yeah, thank you guys so much for that. And then if we were in your top podcast and you haven't rated us five stars, you should do that. That will be our Christmas gift. Like that's your Christmas gift to us. Yeah, because clearly you liked it. You know, we were in your, maybe your number one, number two, number three spot, whatever it was. Like...

Shoot a little love over there. It'd be really nice. And yeah, that's kind of it for that. Won't bore you with that. But thanks for like sharing that we were like your top podcast. That's super cool.

We have so much to talk about. I know, but first, before we get into the episode, we should probably let them know what we're going to be talking about this week. I know it's probably in the title, but we're going to dive into being a gym partner because Taylor and I have been working out together for almost a year and a half consistently. I feel like we have all the nicks and crannies down. Yeah, and recently we've worked out with other people. I'm going to say mainly dudes. Yeah. And it's like there's clear things of...

I'm never working out with you again or like, yeah. Yeah. I had actually such a clear instance in the past like two weeks of like, I'm never going to the gym with you again versus like,

I'd actually work out with you, like, every day. Yeah, 100%. And there's clear things that made the difference. So stay around for that. But first, let's get into our past week because it has been eventful. I traveled. Taylor stayed here. I was home chilling, really just enjoying my peace. Yeah, I hope you guys all had a good Thanksgiving. I hope no one really took, like, the whole, like, eating and indulging on food, like, too serious or too to heart. I will say right now, I fucking enjoyed my time. Like, I...

ate out every single day and like this time last year if I ate out every single day I would have been like fucking crying about it like oh my god like whatever but no it was a good time fun time I went back to Boston I was home I was supposed to be home for a week but then I was only home for five days because I'm a dumbass

And I booked my flights, which I never do this. I booked my flights on Expedia. So when you book on Expedia, it then brings you to like the actual landing page of the actual like flight. So like if I'm booking a flight on JetBlue, like it will like bring you to JetBlue and you book through there. So my flight was from JetBlue and through Delta, right?

And I was like freaking out because I couldn't find my flight coming home. And I'm like, fuck. And I could have sworn it was through United. So I'm like looking all through United. I contacted customer service and I was like, where's this flight? And they're like, we don't see anything. So I'm like, fuck. All right, I'm just going to book a new flight and I'm going to leave tonight. So I spontaneously left tonight. And then...

that day i got an email that my flight for wednesday was through delta i was like fuck so i am down like a few hundred dollars and i couldn't get a refund on it but i'm like whatever like i need to get out of here anyway like i didn't really want to stay home any longer because all my brothers went back to school yeah well i mean is what it is you know yeah my brothers were like oh the best of us i know my brothers were like oh just take that like credit and use it towards like your flights in december i was like

I suck because I books through Expedia. Like if I books through like the regular airline, I probably could get the refund. But because I books through, I am not a fan of third party booking. I never do it. And I don't know why I did it. Yeah, I was just because I was browsing. I happen to be browsing. I'm like, oh, fuck, this is so cheap. Yes. So you just bought it. So I was like, oh, my God, I'm just going to buy this right now. Well, yeah.

Don't do it. Don't do it. And use your fucking credit card too. Like I have an American Express that I use for travel. And holy shit, like during the holidays, you get so much extra points. Like if you're doing it right, like if you go through like your American Express and book through American Express, you can get like good points on it and then get good travel. Like I have so much points right now and I've been holding it off. And I'm like, I just need to book a vacation because my whole vacation will be free. Right. Yeah. Yeah.

um well besides that i just chilled it was my birthday um i got a tattoo so that's like really fun um and i've just been chilling i've been like living my best life truly um i was saying yesterday i was hanging with a friend yesterday and i was literally like i feel like i'm in my prime right now i think this is my peak

yep the peak i think this is my peak yeah like i think anything else is downhill i know it's so crazy we've been doing recaps because obviously everyone on social media does recaps of their whole year and i'm like this was literally the worst year at the beginning of the year like i literally oh no like so bad like not to be fucking dramatic or anything but like i just didn't want to be here like i literally like crying in my closet like i just didn't like i needed life no it was like

The beginning of this year was like the like really, really, really bad. Like, but it feels like ages ago. It does feel like ages ago. Maybe we could do a year recap. We should do a year recap. Spill all the fucking tea.

Maybe we do need to do a year week. We should do a year. You know what I was really hoping? So I went home for like speaking of this whole incidence like with like the whole you're probably like if you some of you guys don't know but if you do know like had an incident on social media. If you know you know. And one of the things was this girl made up like this fucking rumor of me like making girls go naked in the locker rooms at school which obviously never fucking happened and I went home this past like

This past like Thanksgiving like I was home last week and I brought it up to all my friends and they were all like They were like, yeah We all saw that cuz I haven't seen my friends since that happens because it happened in like February and I have not been home since and

And I was like, isn't that like fucking ridiculous? And all of them were like, yeah, like we were all so confused by like that and everything. Like they were like, even my brother was like, Sam, not to be like weird or anything, but like you weren't like the cool kid in like in high school. Not to be a bitch, but you were weird. Like you were.

were quiet and weird. I was like, look, Loki. I was like, whatever. But I'm like, it's just so funny. Like, and I was really hoping the girl that made the rumor. I've never met her in my entire life. She lives like two towns over for me, but I was really hoping I was going to bump into her like somewhere random just so I could confront her about him. Like, hey, like maybe she like dreamt it. She made maybe maybe I don't know. I don't know. But maybe we'll do a little year recap in the next month. Stay tuned. Um,

But yeah, so just like I feel like I'm in my literal prime right now with just like everything so like I'm just like Unstoppable in this moment in time, but oh and i'm also getting lip filler today. Yeah, and then i'm getting more botox in my forehead I'm real excited about it. Um, if you're gonna be like you don't need it. I never said I need it I said I want it so

Yeah, no. I have a lot of self-care this week. Botox, then laser hair removal, and then I'm getting brown lamination. So if you want to see a little...

um vlog of the brow elimination i'm doing it on sunday check out the tiktok but i kind of i i don't know if i told you about like the two incidents of like this past week while i was home i think i maybe didn't sometimes i get confused because we facetime and i figure what we talked about but there was two incidents guys while i was home that i just need to share on the podcast because i'm like it's literally insane first of all i feel so bad for the people out there that literally still live through like high school drama um

Like if you got in a fight with your like high school best friend and you had a massive falling out and you no longer like our friends and you have like mad beef with them still and it's like six, seven, eight years later, like grow the fuck up. Like, no, seriously. I was at the I was at on Wednesday night before Thanksgiving. I was at like our college bar, whatever, went to the bathroom with one of my girlfriends and like.

We were just talking and then we come out of the bathroom stall and the girl that actually like hates my guts We had a massing fall about falling out like six years ago was standing there her draw Drops to the ground when she sees me coming out of the bathroom with her friends like she's more friends with like her And she books it out of the bathroom and starts like not like crying but like wanting and being like fuck this like

Fuck this fuck you like I'm getting out of here Like you just respected me you're talking to her Like all this stuff and I'm just like Laughing I'm like this is so embarrassing it's been Six years and like you're still like acting Up last Thanksgiving When I was home at this exact bar I actually Went up to her and I was like hey I just want to let you know Give her a hug and everything I'm like you were like a sister To me like I hope all is well

And like she said like the same like back to me and I thought I thought we squashed it. I thought we beefed it out. But then I saw her this past week and she fucking went crazy. She went ham over the fact that I was talking to her friend. That's the girl that's friends with our friend. Yeah. Oh, and then I have another friend here like that moved to Austin and I

we were all like best friends like in school like we were all besties and so one of my friends moved here and she gets so mad when i hang out with my friends that lives in the same city as me now like she gets pissed weird so i'm like this is just so crazy like grow up and like i i bet you if i asked her too why we're not friends she wouldn't have an answer for me right because like i at this point i forget why we're not like it's just one of those things where it's like you hate me for no reason i posted like a tiktok saying how like

like how everyone goes home to your to their like hometown friends but if you're like me and you don't have hometown friends like i feel you man like i don't have high school friends and like a lot of people were like yeah like mood like i don't have any friends from like my high school and then some people were like this is such a red flag i'm like like i see what you're saying like why would i not still have the best friends but also like because i live states away and like my life is different now like why would i still be their friend yeah like i

Like, and someone's like, shocker, you don't have any high school friends. I'm like, you don't even know why I don't have high school friends. Like, what are you talking about? My town was just really small and like all, everyone like,

in college like 50 of my friends did not go to college so they still lived at home so when i would go home for like weekends or break or summer like we were all just still there so i was just stabbed in the back by too many people in high school that like now i know my like worth as a human and like no like i don't want anything to do with you because you treat people so poorly yeah i'm just like

And they're all just so like fake to me that I'm like, no, no. And if I did used to see them, it was because it was like my boyfriend's friends. And now we're not together. So what connection do I have? None. Yeah. So that's that. And that's why I don't really care to go home because like whatever. But the other thing we need to talk about is a huge running list that we have going on in my notes because I

Recently, it's been a prevalent thing in my life because as someone who's really in the dating scene these days, the ick really comes. And it comes hard. And it's so bad. Sometimes it's just like, I don't know, you could be vibing with someone one second and then you hang out with them one more time and it's like you're never speaking to them again. Oh, no. And we have a running list of things that are just...

bad to do and will immediately turn me away from you drumroll please hit me with it the first one is something because someone's so I got a DM from a boy and I realized the boy had a girlfriend that follows me and it was like a troll mean DM can

Can you imagine your boyfriend sending hateful DMs to random girls on Instagram? Oh, yeah. If I was dating someone and they were rude to a girl, I would fucking freak out. Like your boyfriend sitting there leaving a hate comment. Oh, so bad. And there's a lot of men out there. I wanted to DM the girl and be like, this your man? Yeah. Like...

get it together with him. Tell him like, what the hell? Like you're, you're like literally dating a girl. Like, do you talk to her like that? Yeah. No. Or do you take out all your insecurities with your girl out on other girls? Probably. I don't know. Ladies like Loki, like this is a toxic thing to do, but like check up on his like comments and DMS and make sure they're like nice. Not like trolling on women. Yeah. Like, and if it's like,

Well, one time I think just like being in like an asshole troll like that. Like one time my ex-boyfriend from high school in front of me was in a car with his. It was me and his cousin in the car. And they like thought it was so funny that they like cat called a girl in the street. They like yelled to me out of the car and then we're like laughing. And I was like.

you did not just fucking do that in front of me yeah no i was like that is the least funny thing i've ever seen that girl's gonna walk home on the sidewalk for the rest of the walk scared yeah i hate cat i was like you are disgusting every time someone cat calls i just fucking flip them off i'm like fuck you yeah that was the biggest i don't know why i didn't break up with him right then and there because that's honestly so bad the second one is a person

What? The second one is our old friend. Yeah, I don't know what happened with that one. I would say testosterone pills or whatever the fuck you want to call it. You maybe started roids. Yeah, you started roids and now you're like full yourself. Yeah, so we're friends with this guy who's like does fitness stuff and now he's on TikTok being...

Such an asshole. Like I can't even get over it. And like obviously our girl Drew has come at him a few times, which is like once you get the stitch from Drew. Game over. Game over. Yeah. But it's just crazy. And now it's like, oh my God, I hope people don't think I'm like associated with that.

No. Like, you know what I mean? Yeah. It's like, I am not associated because I do not know this new... Like, literally just making fun. This kind of just goes on being a troll on women on the internet. Making fun of women, making fun of, like...

like, I don't know, like, making fun of women who are, like, overweight. Yeah. For no reason. Girls that are overweight and girls that aren't into guys that go to the gym. Yeah. Like, why is it a problem that a girl isn't into a guy that doesn't go to the gym? Like, honestly, at this point, like, I'm not into guys that are diehard gym bros. I'm not into diehard gym bros. I'm not into fitness influencer gym bros. And, like, that to them, like, that really triggers these men. But, like, he stitched a video of, this was a while ago, of a girl who's, like,

Like, she's like a body positive type influencer. That's a big point of her content. That's kind of like, that's literally the point, I think, of like her page. She's like trying on a dress, like minding her own fucking business, trying on clothes. And then he stitched it and just made fun of her. And it's like, what? Like, what possessed you to do that? Yeah. And I don't know if a man was out there like being like, just being rude like that to girls or not like to anyone. That's so rude.

That's gross. Okay, now the rest of these are funny.

Imagine your boyfriend doing like an at-home booty band workout, like following a YouTube video. No. Okay, so guys, we've been watching the show. A lot of the icks are coming from the show we're watching right now. The Dated and Related. So it's a new show on Netflix and they clearly don't have a gym budget, like at all. So in the show, they're in the corner of their villa, quote unquote. It's like such a Love Island wannabe TV show. But they're in the corner of it dancing.

doing workouts with resistance bands and I'm just like, oh man. And it's like, I get it. Like you're trying to get your pump on. There's nothing else there. Yeah.

But and this girl's like they look so hot working out. I'm like, no, they don't. They're not like, no, they don't. It's just funny because like, bro, it's a Netflix TV show and they don't have a gym budget. Like give them like dumbbells. And the dumbbells are only like five pounds. I'm like, you couldn't have got a set that went up to like 20. Yeah. Like let's like, come on now. Or at least like a barbell with like 225s or something. But like they were really out here like, you know, the five below workout equipment section.

yeah that's what it looked like it was like a foam roller and like a bam yeah did you someone went shopping at five below and stock this fucking gym setup no but this show is low-key really good i definitely recommend watching it did you finish it no i think i watched us an episode and a half i need to catch up yeah okay the next one if they fall in a pool no okay stop guys i joke like low-key feel so bad what the heck

Okay, so there's like a one of like one of the character not characters with the cast members on the show fell in the pool and I felt so bad but like he was walking to like a date and like just imagine you sitting there at your table and like the guy for your date is just like walking over but then he falls into the pool.

How icky. I feel bad, though. Oh, no. Okay. Next one is when a guy repeatedly mentions how many girls that he fucks and that he fucks so many girls. That means you're probably a virgin. Or you do so many one-night stands because no girl wants to hook up with you again because the sex is so bad.

Yeah, that's what it is. You either don't, you're lying or literally your body counts 100 because like Sam said, they're just not coming back. Like you can't hold the girl for more than one time. Yeah. So yeah, there's two guys on the show that are always just like, we're so used to getting all the hoes. But then in the show, they're not getting any hoes. Not getting a single hoe. So it's like, I don't know. I call Cap. Yep. Cap. This last one.

Sam feels really strongly when they wear like too long of shorts. Okay, like I can't. If they go like below your knees and it looks like you have just like cankles like because the shorts are so long. Like one of our guy friends love him to death, but like we were at flag football and

And we were just cheering them on. And then I realized, I look over and our guy friend has like... Shorts to his... Shorts to his like shins with like high knee socks. And it just looks like he has like horrible cangles and like short legs. I don't know. I just so nodded. Okay. And then, yeah. So those are funny ones. And then the one that is like prevalent in my life that immediately makes like I will not speak to you is like if you start wanting to be a gym influencer. I know. If... Wait. Wait.

And you also don't know how to work out. Yeah. That's my big one. Yeah. That's my big one. I really can't do it. That's a no from me. I need to look at my list on my phone because I have so many things I want to catch up on. Oh, we have the Tampa Bay update for them. Guys, what was the last thing that we said? The last thing I said is that I fell in love and that I was hoping to see them again. Guess what I found out?

Okay, I found out they had a girlfriend after. I am so devastated. I cannot trust men and I think I am scarred for life and I'm never going to find a fucking boyfriend because every man that I've tried talking to or trying to like just have fun with has a fucking girlfriend.

Like, the audacity of these men. Yeah, this man is a big old cheater. He blocked me on everything on social media because he knew. He knew he fucked up. He had to get rid of his, like, leave no trace. No fucking trace. And you know what I did? I DM'd his friend on Instagram, his, like, his bestie at the bar that night. Because we, like, were talking mainly to two of them the whole night. And I DM him and I go, hey, I just wanted to ask, like, why did you lie to me? Dot, dot, dot. I heard...

blank has a girlfriend i was stalking him and he never answered oh because they got fucking caught in their fucking trap yeah and it's like 10 um story reshares and we we confront yeah like all right it's okay here's the thing so i didn't realize so we filmed the podcast when did we film the podcast

Last week. Yeah, whatever. And I never really, like, put into thought, like, oh, like, he definitely has a girlfriend. Like, I thought, like, no, like, there's no fucking way. And then we did our digging and digging and, like, waiting on to see if this girl would post him. And she posted him. And I was like, get this. Listen to these stupid little games these men play. When we were out, his Instagram was private. So...

We couldn't see if you posted a girl. We couldn't see. We couldn't go to her page. You're private. Can't see anything about you. But also. And like he's not going to. He's not going to accept you right then and there. So it's like. Hmm. So you go out with your Instagram on private. So that way the girls in the club don't know anything about you. And then you go home. And then you're public again.

again yeah but the thing is he then he went public and i saw his instagram and i like stalked a little bit but then the picture he had with the girl she wasn't tagged so i was like oh maybe he blocked her something the picture was from two years ago and no it wasn't from this christmas i mean it was from like a wasn't it from like recently no it was like over a year a year ago or something oh really yeah i thought it was from like around this time yeah i don't know but then i was like oh maybe it's this old picture you want to get rid of it because mems you know hashtag memories

And nope, not the case. So yeah, devastated. Devastated. Yeah, super literally achy. So I'm single, single, single. So achy, men are gross. Oh, speaking of being single, one of my boys is in town and he just texted me. Oh, he just let you know? He goes, hello, hello, with a wave. He goes, did you work out already? Little Z, no, I'm not working out today. Should I work out tomorrow? Yeah. Ooh. Okay. I'm saying right now, I'm not working out today, but I...

am tomorrow legs lol this is a man's that i've already bring him to live hooked up with bring him to lift and we can do a double date oh should we yeah let's do a double date that would be fun

Anyways. Anyways. Wait, can I bring up my also ex... The next thing on my thing is my ex-boyfriend. Sure, tell him. Because he's fucking toxic. So if you guys remember from this time... I don't even know if I've told the full story. This time last year when I went home, my ex-boyfriend literally...

I had hooked up with him a few times while I was home last year and then on new year's I was supposed to sleep at his apartment My stuff was at his place at his apartment We all went out and then throughout the night all of a sudden I lost him I was like where the fuck did this man go? So me and all my friends we were back to the apartment because we were all sleeping there But I was sleeping in his bed like my stuff was in his room and like we made it very clear because I had been already sleeping in his room like a few nights that week and

I get back and he's in bed naked with another girl. And I'm like, the fuck the disrespect on this one. I was like, so pissed. But I was like, I'm not sleeping here anymore. Fuck that. It was like two 30 in the morning. Cause it was new year's. I don't usually stay out that late because it was new year's. I did.

I go in there. They're butt-ass naked. I grab my shit, and I fucking bolt out. I go, fuck you. Like, this is disrespectful. Book it out. The disrespect. The disrespect. And anyways, flash forward a year later. Have not talked to him because I'm like, that's just so rude. Like, if you genuinely cared about someone, you wouldn't do that to them, okay? So a year later comes by. I told myself, going back home, I'm not talking to him. I'm not speaking to him. He's in my friend group, so it's going to be really fucking hard not to. And...

We're out at a bar on Saturday night. So like this past Saturday and I see him and I'm like, fuck, like I already know like he's going to end up coming over to me and saying hi. I have to brush past him to get back over to my like girlfriend. He grabs my arm, looks at me, smiles with the biggest cheeky smile and goes, hey, how are you? And I'm like,

Are you dead ass? Like are you dead ass right now? And he goes, what do you mean? I go the way you disrespected me this time last year You think we're just gonna pick off where we left off? He goes. No. No, like i'm so sorry. Like let's talk about it real quick So i'm like, okay, whatever let's talk about so I pull him over to the corner and we're talking about it He tells me that he did that to me that night to disrespect me by bringing another girl home While my shit was in his bed and we had literally hooked up 24 hours ago Like we hooked up 24 hours ago and I was gonna hook up with him again like

As one does. No, as one does. And he says to me, he did it because we talk shit about him on the podcast. And I just look at him and I go, you just gave me so much more reasons to talk about you on the podcast. Like, you don't think that I'm going to go on my podcast right now and talk about like this whole situation. Like,

It's just funny. It's comical. It's relatable. It's not like I'm you. Like, I'm not, like, personally victimized by you anymore. Like, I'm not. It's just funny. Yeah. So it's just crazy. Like, my relationship with him now, I said it to Taylor, is just one of those, like, toxic but fun, keeping life interesting friendships. That's what it is. Right. Sounds very toxic. Hate the man but love the man. Sounds very toxic. Yeah, I'll gotta...

I would tell you guys, I'm so all over the place. So once I, I don't really have much to share because I can't share too much or I'm going to scare people away. Yeah. My last issue. Well, no, Taylor, how do you expect? No, you need to talk about whatever you want on this podcast. You should not be scared to talk to our audience. Well, I'm not scared. Okay, well, here's my main thing.

There's this guy on TikTok. You can find in my spam account. I literally have tagged him in videos. I comment on his stuff. You can find it. Okay? Like, you can literally find it. He's DM'd me on Instagram. And then I liked his picture out of nowhere. And, like, we stopped DMing on Instagram. And I liked his picture out of nowhere. And then he DM'd me again. But the thing is, he lives in, like, New Jersey or some shit. And I'm like, do I just...

Do I need to make an excuse to go on a little trip? Want to go on a vacation? Because it's like he like I am so like down bad for this TikTok boy. Like I literally have never even heard his voice and I would be his girlfriend. Wait, that's such a good point. What if?

what if his voice is bad what he was like hey i hope it is though because like then i could like forget about it hey i don't think he is though oh my god he's literally so hot and the thing is like he knows i'm a simp because i simp in his comment section because i was like i have nothing to lose he's never gonna talk to me but if he's so hard i was like but if he does like good like i'm gonna shoot my shot like i literally like i simp in his comment section all the time i literally made a tiktok and i was like

like me when they're like a baseball player with tattoos and then just tagged him and then he commented on the video and he was like hey i'm like no way like i literally just simp on the internet so i feel like i need to go um see him i need to meet this guy so if you see me like randomly in that area new jersey connecticut if you see me around there

You know, you know, the the prerogative it's to meet that boy. Um, if you see me back in nashville, you also know the prerogative But um, that's pretty much my life Yeah, my last update is my birth control update because I literally was on my deathbed for the last like 36 hours I got a little spotting of like a period quote unquote period I'm, not even gonna say it's a period because I didn't even fully bleed. It was just like a spotting and literally like

Four hours later, I was so nauseous. I was sitting on the couch drinking an Olipop and I'm like, oh, like maybe the Olipop, the bubbles from the Olipop is just making me a little bit like nauseous, a little bit like bloated. Nope. It fucking hit me in the face like an hour after that. And I was in my bed from like 4 p.m. to like 12 the next day.

just not moving and then but okay I was still parallel from the couch on until the rest of the day so like I did not move for almost two days and I'm really hoping like with the seed cycling that I'm gonna start doing and like I'm gonna really focus on like my workouts too with

my like cycle to just like really fucking regulate my hormones because I want to get my period so bad because it's kind of like like something that like stems my like anxiety a little bit because I'm like fucking stressed out about it I'm like oh so

so hopefully your girl gets her period next month yeah i don't believe i just um got off my period um it was like whatever um wasn't too bad i don't really get sick anymore which is good um but i would did break out which is like super also one thing i do want to address about this is a lot of people when i talk about this on tiktok are like you need to go to the doctors and get your blood work like go to a doctor asap like this is not okay like

hold up calm down backpedal like it's totally normal that you're not getting your period right when you come off birth control like for some people it's like right away you get your period but for some people it may be a year before you get your period so like to all those like crazies out there like calm your shit okay literally i'm like it'll be okay also to the crazies that think people going about their day being like i'm gonna try this for myself is a person who

trying to promote you doing it. Like, that's your problem. Like, you need to be able to watch people like, go about their life and do things for their body and their health without thinking that they're promoting you to do it. Yeah. Like, I posted like... Like, these aren't anti-birth control ads. This is like...

I made a TikTok. My experience. Yeah, I made a TikTok about it. I was like – because someone left a comment. They were like, really funny how all these people are forcing this anti-birth control content after Roe v. Wade. And I was like, no. The point of all of this is like you need to have like information to make the decision that is best for you. And I'm giving you information by letting you know how it feels and like how it helped me getting off birth control. You do the information as you wish and you make the right choice for yourself. Yeah.

Like, make the right choice for yourself. Like, if it's more worth it for you to be on birth control, be on birth control. For me, it's not because I like to wake up and want to live. So I would rather not be on the pill. Like, you need to, like, if it's, like...

Yeah, like, if, like, the abortion laws in your state aren't worth getting on birth control, then don't. Like, it doesn't bother me. I haven't touched a man in six months. Like, I think it'll be okay. I'm not on birth control. Like, being an idiot and, like, hooking up with men X, Y, Z and not being, like, protective with it. Like, for my own reasons, like, I'm doing it because I just want to see what my body feels like. Not on birth control because it's been literally...

Nine years. Yeah. On birth control. People are asking me, they're like, so what are you doing? Condoms. Yeah. And I'm trying to be better about... Ovulation tests. I'm trying to be better about not, like, hooking up with anyone when I'm, like, ovulating, which, like, sometimes I'd, like, fuck up. But it's okay. I'm trying not to. But...

I don't know why my mic is not staying. Yeah, condoms and just don't... I don't know. I feel like dudes get scummy with that and they're like... I'll put it on in a little bit. No, stand your fucking ground. Uh-uh. No, you don't got any of this if you don't got any of that. You just got to be on it with that.

Yeah. So that's that. Now I feel like we should get into the episode. 110%. I'm excited for this. So this is just like funny, lighthearted, but also important because... Yeah, because some people don't realize like some of the basics. Some people don't know how to be a gym partner. Totally okay. Like I went years of my life not working out with anybody. So... And I have the list on my phone. Do you want me to send it to you or do you want me to just like say them and then we can spit facts about them? You can just like read if you want. Okay. Okay.

So gym partner 101. First one's going to be got to know how to spot. Okay. Way too many times do I see or even like even not with a gym partner if I go up to someone and ask them to spot me. Like I think spotting just needs to be like known across the board and like how to do it. And spotting.

There's a few different forms of spotting. There's the spotting where you do not touch the bar at all. So if you're benching, you can lift off the bar, but do not touch it. You can put your hands under it. No, but don't even like don't. Yeah, don't even. OK, but maybe if it's going down a little bit, like if they're struggling a little bit, you put it under, but like you don't need to go under it.

But then there's the other form of it if you're doing like a back exercise and it's lat pull downs or a pull variation and they want to like go past failure, which will be communicated between the two.

i feel like i would like a spot i feel like it's helping you in case you fail yeah like and you're not like gonna like but i'm just saying like the times where you can touch the weight oh is like or like if like shoulder press like if you wanted me to help you get that last rep up i would grab you yeah yeah so like shoulder press like if she has one more fucking rep in her tank and like she's really struggling to get it up i would grab her like

like right below her wrist, like kind of like forearm area. And I would just help her get that last rep up. Yeah. I, when I bench with boys, like any of like my guy friends, like really like any boy, they always touch it because I think they think I'm like low key and capable. I went for 145 again and I was working out with a boy and he touched it. And I was like, I have no idea if I got it or not because you touched it. And I said, okay,

don't i was like i won't drop it on my face if i fail it i will just hold it carefully it's not gonna it's not gonna crush me like i can control 145 pounds yeah yeah it's not gonna like fall on my neck and i'm gonna die if i fail i will just hold it there and you can grab it like it's gonna be a-okay and you fucking fucking touched it and i don't know if i would have failed it or not and now i'll never know yeah

Fucking sucks. I'm like, why did you do that? And it's always, even one time I posted some of our guy friends spotting me in San Diego when we were in California and my mom swiped up. She was like, they look terrified for you. I'm like, that's what I'm saying. They look so scared for me. Like, let me like,

let me do it bro like i'm fine like i know how to like it's just it just goes to show they i'm strong girl before yeah it's like i'm strong i'm fine like i'm not gonna die don't touch the fucking way okay um number two in regards to spotting is spot even if you if you think you don't need it like if you're like going for like low reps or whatever or like maybe one extra rep like mentally

just having Taylor standing behind me, like not like her hands could be behind her back. She'd be scrolling on her phone. She could be not paying attention, but just like mentally knowing she's there while I'm going for like my last rep, because if no one was there, I probably would have half asked that set and just rewrote it. Right. But because she's standing behind me, I'm going to go for an extra rep. God forbid it does go down.

I have enough control in myself where it's not going to crush me and then she can act quick enough to like grab it from me. But like mentally having someone just standing behind you is amazing. Especially in back squat. Like back squat. I'm like, can you just stand there? Yeah, because bench I can, I think I can roll with. Like I really think I could get like 135 pounds like

off of me like i think i could figure that out but like failing like almost 200 pounds on your back with a squat and like that just like being on top of your whole body that scares the shit out of me yeah so just standing there yeah just like standing there and like being being readily available yeah it's nice to have so very nice um number three is

Can't be too talkative unless it's understood that you guys are there to catch up and talk it out because you haven't seen each other in forever. Yeah, but even then, I'm going to say like,

These rules, because I said that when we were writing it, like, unless that's what you're there for. But then I thought about it. These rules are for people that want to fucking work out. Yeah. You know what I mean? So if you want to fucking work out, you're not fucking out. Like, go get, like, Chipotle after and talk it out after. Talk on the treadmill. Maybe talk, like, when you're warming up. But, like, you don't got to be, like...

chatting it up at all hours. I mean, we talk a lot, like, something's important, like, you know. Yeah. Me and Taylor, like, when we work out together, we have one AirPod in. So, like, sometimes you do too, right? Sometimes I do too. It depends on, because, like, I don't like hearing my music and the music

Come on the speakers. Yeah. So like we'll do like both. We'll just have like our own music playing just because I cannot work out if there's not like something flowing through my brain because I have the worst ADHD and I'll get sidetracked like crazy. But like it's nice to be able to like listen to music but also like if we're going to have a quick conversation

conversation like between exercises or things I don't have to like pull out my phone and like stop the music or whatever like I can still hear her yeah and it's like I got caught up in conversation last leg day because I started talking to this guy who was like a coach and we just got into such conversation we literally took like a 10 minute rest break like in this long conversation and like is what it is because like we just got

into talking and mid conversation I'd be like oh my god I need to like do a set like this is so bad and I'd go like do something and if I worked out with someone that was always just like doing that all the time like I can't work out for like two hours no I can't because we're like chatting it up I can't remember the last time I've had like a two hour workout unless like I'm like

traveling somewhere and there's like a really cool gym and like a lot of new equipment and i'm like oh my god i just want to even then we're probably not even working out yeah i know i know but like i just like came from the last time i've had a workout that's been like two hours we're like in the gym for two hours if you count like getting set up doing your workout doing cardio taking a picture too like maybe then it'll be like two hours but like we're not physically working out

like lifting weights for two hours that's like literally insane yeah um the next one is gonna be gotta be each other's hype people like no matter what whether across the board of like lifting weights or just saying like wow you're like your gym outfit looks fucking sick today like you you look great today or just like anything just like hyping each other up because like that's the environment where you want to like feel good look good yeah and like encouraging someone to just like do better like i love working out with someone that like

For me, this is where it came into. Like I said, I worked out with like two boys and there was a direct like difference. I can't be the one like pushing you. Like, are you supposed to be a dude? Yeah. And like, I will like a little bit, right? Like, well, the way I push boys is that like we're strong. So like you can't pussy out and you are going to use the same weight as me. Like, no, like you need to go up. So that's how I'll push you because it's like, what are you going to use for that? I'm like 50s. And it's like, oh, shit. I'm like, yeah.

What are you going to use? Like now you got it. I was going to use 50s, but yeah, it's like, oh, I guess 80s, right? Like you can't use the same as me. I'm like half your size. So it's like, that's fun. But also someone being like,

like counting your reps like if you're like oh i think i do a 25 and they're like no you can do like a 25 and a 10 yeah don't no i think that's another thing too with like us too like if you find a gym partner where it's like each person has like a different like strength like for the longest time like i would have fucking neglect i probably wouldn't have like gone so hard into wanting to do bench if it wasn't for her being so like good at it and excelling so quickly on it and now like

like, a few months back, like, when I started, like, re-really focusing on Bench, like, she's the reason now, because I'm like, fuck, like, she's good at it, like, I want to be fucking good at Bench, like, whatever, so, like, now I'll, like, I take Bench more serious, because she takes Bench serious. Yeah, and, like, I was working out, like, if you're going to be a guy working out with a girl, like, and you're trying to, like, make a good impression on a girl, you need to push them, and, like, there's a fine line between, like, push me, like,

Help me correct me. Don't mansplain. Oh, the worst. Because it's like, no, help me. Like, help me like that. Like, I put a plate on the overhead shoulder press machine, like the plate loaded one. I've never done that in my fucking life. But he was like, you can do a plate. I was like, no, I can't. He was like, yes, you can. Like you said, you put up 50s dumbbells. Like, yes, you can. Like, you can. And I was like, okay. And he like spotted up and like counted the reps for me, which it's like, that's all you need to do. If you started mansplaining,

- Mansplaining me like the purpose of the machine. Oh my God, you lost me. - Oh no, like that one time when we had like our guy friend come, I mean, you were benching, he was benching on another. - Like don't, don't like fucking correct me. - Like I failed, like I failed like a rep on like a set

I failed it. And he like looks over and he starts mansplaining my form on my bench and like how I could do better with it. I was like, yeah, I'm well aware. Yeah. I'm working on it because if I guess what I would ask, I like if they're saying like, does this look right? Like are my feet in the right spot or does this look right? Like, is this correct? Like, is this how you're supposed to be holding it? Like, then tell me. But like,

If I didn't fucking ask, like there's just a really fine line between helpful encouragement and.

And mansplaining when no one asked. Exactly. And then the next one, which really gets me fucking goring, is don't one-up each other. And Taylor and I don't do this, but on social media, I see it a lot. So when I see it a lot on social media, I'm like, do you do this to people in person? Because this is fucked up. But I'll post a PR of mine, whether it's a one-rep max PR, a full set PR with weight,

And then someone will swipe up and be like, oh my God, congrats. Like I just did, or okay, I'll use an example. Maybe I posted like my one rep max of a bench. It's 125. Someone will swipe up and be like, oh my God, congrats. Like I just hit my one rep max of 135 or 145. And I'm like, okay, like don't make me feel like shit. You're like, no one asked. Like great, you hit like 10 more

pounds 20 more pounds than me awesome like i didn't need to know that like you make me feel like shit you could have just been like oh my god pr2 like yeah pr2 like awesome you don't have to one-up me with your with your pr yeah like you could have just been like oh my god like like twins yeah like good for you yeah like great like you don't have to do that i'm already insecure

insecure about my bench press. You don't have to do it. Stop it. Like, I get it. I'm a fucking weak little pussy. No, but seriously, stop one-upping somebody. Stop it. Like, I don't know if people do that in person, but it's not cool. I feel like that'd be a weird thing to do in person. Like, I don't know. People are fucking weird. Like, imagine if you hit, like, a PR of, like, something. Like, I don't know. And I'm like, oh, yeah, good. I hit that, like, three years ago. Yeah, and you're like, oh, my God. Like, yeah. Like, I do that for, like, eight reps. That's awesome. Like...

You're like, yeah, 120. I'm like, that's my 10 rep. Yeah. The thing is, like, I'm well aware that is your 10 rep. But just no, like, no reason. No sympathy whatsoever. You're just like, that's my 10 rep. But, like, I can just picture myself. What is this? I'm like, oh, what? I think, yeah, I do that for 10. Yeah. No, that's, like, the worst. That's so interesting. Like, great. Right?

like someone's like let's go low rep today like i'm thinking maybe like 115 and someone's like that's low rep that's high rep no like seriously you can't do that that's so fucked up you're like getting triggered i go home the way i am home no but seriously i hate posting my prs on fucking instagram because i get swipe ups like that all the time i'm like guys fuck off

Or, you know what I did too? Like, I also hate when people try to act like a certain way isn't impressive. I posted that I curled 25s. That's fucking impressive. You're going to... Show me a... Show me. Like, go curl 25s. Girls don't do that. Girls curl like 10s. Like, fuck out of here. And, like, I got so many comments being like...

lol like that is like not heavy i'm like that for curls yeah five that is heavy no seriously like i don't know just being like that's not heavy well it's heavy to me yeah fuck off like

So funny. The next one is going to be always take pictures and videos for the other person. It can't be a one-way street with that one. It has to be back and forth, helping each other. Don't say no. Can you take this picture for me? No. Why? Yeah, no. Like, oh, okay. Okay. Oh, fuck off. Yeah, no, but seriously, like even like

like having tripods is nice and great but like you have a like a walking tripod right in front of you it's better when you get i like moving clips better like i like because sometimes when you're doing an exercise let's say like i'm gonna give an example cable kickbacks really hard to get in frame because my camera's very like zoomed in and like you're you're like long like your legs shooting all the way back it's a very long exercise to get in frame like your body's moving a lot you're shooting your leg far away so it's like someone moving is better

To get myself all the way in frame. And also, if you're going to film, like, try. Like, if you open the camera and, like, exposure shit, lighting sucks. Like, say something. Be like...

like turn down the exposure or be like the lighting isn't good here like go over there or like the angle too like it feels like the angle's like flattering like don't do them dirty and give them the shitty angle I'm gonna be like yeah Taylor this angle sucks like let's do it somewhere else try it again like don't just like be like oh yeah like totally notice that like

it's like the screen is basically white your head's not even in it half your body isn't in frame but like i was out of focus i recorded it anyways yeah it looked great to me um next one is be on time oh my god especially the gym like gym is crucial time like a lot of people don't have like a lot of free time like they have a time frame where they need to go to the gym so like be on time to that like if you're 10 minutes late that's 10 minutes of a

a workout like 10 minutes of a workout a whole exercise that could have been done especially if you know like let's say saturdays at the gym are really packed so if we're like we're getting there at 10 to go to beat the saturday crowd like you were going you you pick 10 a.m for a purpose if you show up 20 minutes late now it's almost 10 30 and guess what now there's no more benches

because you were late and now we can't we just i just start without that like i'll get into my workout and like no like if they're late like i'm like i'm gonna get into and i'm at least gonna like reserve the yeah bench and like be that person which is smart like if you have a gym partner that's gonna be late like start getting into your workout reserve that first machine and just like start like warming up but take your sweet ass time warming up

And hopefully they'll get there. Yeah, but be on time. Like, don't... Yeah, don't let it die. Don't be doing that. Be on time for everything. But, like, no one needs... No one needs their schedule to be all messed up because then, like, they have to rush their workout if they have somewhere to be. And no one wants to rush their workout because your workout sets your tone for your whole entire day. Mm-hmm. And you could be messing with someone's entire...

and their mental health for the entire day if you make them rush a lift. Yeah. The next one is going to be two people max. I just cannot get through a workout that's three people. I can't do it. Especially with like exercises that like require like I love chasing a pump. Taylor, not so much. You don't really care like for like the pump, do you? I mean like I feel like I get like pumps like anyways. But like I like taking my time because I'd rather like –

throw some fucking weight on some exercises. Yeah. Like if I'm doing something and like I don't really like

like taking a really long break between like the the sets and like there's three people that need to run through it like i'm gonna lose my mind like i'll do i'll end up doing a super set like across the gym like because i just hate waiting around so um yeah two people max in my opinion if you want to do a third person maybe you can be like every once in a while for like social reasons but like there's really no point yeah the only reason i could the only time i can only do three people if the other two people i were working out with were so like i

in it like yeah like really really gonna be like going heavy like doing like everything like we already take so long with bench imagining adding like another person i benched with three people once and it was like fine because i just like went really heavy and like took the breaks but like

I don't know, but I can't do the whole, like, workout with three people. It's too many, especially if we go to a small gym. There's not really room, like, to do that. To be sharing a machine with three people. Yeah, I agree. The next one, like, kind of going with this is going to be supersets are going to be great.

Like after all those compound lifts and you want to like really get through a good workout and like not really chat it up. Supersets. I love them. I run around like a crazy person in the gym doing supersets. I love them. So like if you need to like get through a good workout quick and effective and you have someone that you're working out with and sometimes it takes a while.

do supersets yeah that's it that's an easy one um and then the last one this is taylor's favorite um wing a man that shit out of your gym crush and help that shit out yeah you gotta be a team player like you gotta help like you gotta one i mean you can't be a snake you know if they call dibs on a gym dude you can't you know i think it's funny is like the one situation that did happen at our gym like taylor like can i can i can i not like expose but can i can i kind of explain the situation what situation

With your mans. Oh, sure. Okay, so they matched on Hinge like a really long time ago, but like never like did anything about it. No, this is what happened. I unmatched with him on Hinge because I thought he was like wannabe fitness influencer and I was like, oh my God, I can't deal. So I unmatched with him. Okay, yeah. So she unmatched with him. And then like time goes by like a really long time and I'm like, Taylor, like you need to talk to him. Like what the heck? So then...

at one point when we were at the gym, I don't know how long between like the unmatching and all that happened. He goes up to her and then Taylor says to me, she was like, oh my God, he came up to me. He talked to me. So then I went up to him and I go, or no, I went up to Taylor. Like after that, I go, get it Taylor. Loud. Like really fucking loud. And then he,

heard it and he like takes out his earphone goes he goes hi hi like and says his name and i was like yeah nice to meet you like i know i was like i know of you and just like when i'm at my day and it guys it turns out he actually deleted all social media off his phone and doesn't want to do that anymore so we're in the clear yeah and he was like i deleted all social media off my phone i was like that is the greenest flag i've ever heard in my life he's like really i was like

keep it off i don't never get it back delete it but you know but to be fair it's like because this is what i'm talking about like he's like in shape knows how to work out like and like he actually like has like really good like engagement on his tiktok when he did have it like they would like his videos would do good because he like looks good and that's what happens with dudes like you know you're jacked to get views whatever but it's like then there's the other guy that wants to do it and he like doesn't really work out so i'm like you cannot be doing that

I thought of another one. What's that? You need to have good gym etiquette because you can't be, like, embarrassing me. Yeah, that's a good one. Like, you can't be, like, a dick. Like, you're just gonna, like, not re-rack your shit. Or, like, or, like,

not be aware of your personal space or like be rude to someone like you need to you can't embarrass me that's just like across the board with everything in life though like those are no brainers across the board you need to be polite yeah but it's like even like i don't know it's like lift like we know the workers you know everything like what if we brought someone in and they were like did that one time remember with our guy friend about the day pass situation oh yeah so embarrassing so embarrassing what was that noise was that the cat

I don't know. But I hope we're not getting broken. Like, there's no murderer. But anyways, like, yeah, like, he was being a Karen about the price of the day pass. And it's like, no, bro. Like...

Are you looking at the camera? Yeah, it looks like he went up there and knocked the camera over. No, he knocked it over the other day and I didn't know how to put it back up. So I like definitely put it up wrong. Yeah, I see Maggie. He's laying on the couch like a fucking potato. Well, anyways, you need to have a good gym etiquette because you can't be like embarrassing me. Yeah. All right. Well, to finish off the podcast, we want to do the advice columns.

And guys, this is just a reminder. If you ever want advice from us, make sure you go to the Instagram, the F word underscore podcast. And in the link in bio, there will be a submission form where you can then submit any advice you have regarding boys, friendships, fitness, life, body image, only fans, careers, anything. Literally, you name it and we will help you out. So let's get into it. Yes. Do. All right. A lot of these are about boys. Love this. Nice. Nice.

How do you know if your boyfriend is not the one for you, even if they are a good person? That is so vague. I know, so vague. Like, what exactly are they not the person for? Also, if you're having these, like, thoughts in your head, then they're probably not the person. That's what I was going to say. You ask the question and you know the answer. Yeah, like, they're probably not the person if you're thinking that. Unless you're someone who's very, like...

like a type and like always like on edge about everything that's just your personality, then maybe like, but I don't know. I think you ask a question, you know the answer. I really stand by that these days because like if you are like, how do you know if maybe you should break up with your boyfriend? Then you should. You should. Because in my happiest, perfect times in my relationships, I never was like,

Should we break up? It was only when like, you know. Yeah. Like when I went through that phase too, like we ended up breaking up. Yeah. It's never like randomly or like I don't sit like in our living room every day. Like, should we be friends? You don't even think about that. Yeah. Like that's not like a... Should I end this friendship right here? You know what I mean? Like unless like if you really knew... I feel like...

It's because you know. Yeah. So, you know, he's not the one. The next one is about friendships. I'm a second year college student. I've been having a really hard time making friends ever since I started my freshman year. I'm not exaggerating when I say I have literally no friends right now. And I honestly feel so lonely. I'm not even sure how to meet people this far into college. Miss girl, you are only in your second year of college.

Do not get it stressed out. Like my four years in college, my friend groups changed like halfway through. Like the first two years I had like a group and the two years after that I had another group. So like don't stress it. You got so much time to figure it out. Yeah, I mean I'm not the one to ask because I also had no friends. But my second year is when I actually made some friends before I left. And that was just because of my rooming situation. I would recommend if you're –

In a relationship to not be in the relationship because truth be told it's really easy to make friends with dudes So I feel like if anything if I was in a relationship in college, I probably could have made dude friends Maybe not girlfriends girlfriends are hard to make but you can definitely make guy friends and guy friends are cool um, but i'm literally not the person to ask because I didn't make friends in college either

But you know what I did do? I tried to do the clubs and things, and they didn't work out in my favor, but I did. I auditioned for a dance team. I did a dance club. I did... What else did I do? I rushed. Like, I would...

try to talk to people in class and like did it really work out in my favor no but I did try all the things and one thing you like people can't tell me that I didn't because I really like tried to do things so if you haven't tried to do like something try like even doesn't work like I did like this like dance club thing did I really make friends out of it I made one friend actually and like we keep in touch on social media but it's like

I would have never known. Maybe I make all my friends. And also, like, my college friends are not my, like, for-lifer friends. Like, my for-lifer friends are the ones from my hometown. Yeah. Like, what? Is it in me? Oh, yeah. Well, in regards to, like, college friends, like, don't stress it. Like, I don't really talk to my college friends anymore. Like, they're not real, like, friends. I feel like the friendships were so, like, surface level in college because, like, you're in college, you're drinking a lot, you're going to school, you have, like, side jobs. Like...

You're just friends because you're all in the same environment. Like, honestly, just find those surface level friends to get you through the four years, whether it's like class friends, lunch break friends, like club activity friends. Like if you just have people to socialize with, it's fine. I just don't think like sometimes like college friends are just so surface level. And at the end of the day, you're there to like get good grades and like work and get an internship. Like put your time together.

But I agree. Like surface level friends are totally the move. Yeah. Next one is, hi, I'm an ex-college athlete. Pop off, sis. But now I'm a full time doctor graduate program and I'm I'm loving going to the gym and working out. But most days it's hard for me to get there on top of all the work I have to do and all the school all day. I'm so tired. Any advice on how to get into a routine, but also don't feel so forced? Duh.

Uh do like three days a week. Yeah, I would say like you don't want to get burnt out with working out and that's one thing that we Talk so highly of on this podcast now is like getting burnt out from like working out It's like you don't need to be going to the gym every damn day Like back up the amount of days you're going to the gym Because what's most important right now is your doctorate program like you want to fucking excel on that like bad bitch You're gonna have a great career with it. Like

I can already see it now. Just take a little bit of a break on the working out because the working out will be there for you down the road. This doctorate program will not be there for you down the road. Because clearly, like, you're going to be in your bag. Like, you're getting a good degree. You're going to have a great job. Sooner or later, you'll have so much free time because you'll just be rich because you're getting...

Pop off, sis. Like you're going to be in your bag with your big degree, like really making moves. You have so much free time. You'll be that mom that could drop her kids off at soccer practice and go to like hot yoga with their friends every day. You know, like you'll have your free time.

um if you're seems like you're on the right track to be doing so so just like take time off and then like in the summer go more like maybe you have like more time off whatever you're not taking classes go more yeah in the fall like around like when you have like your finals and shit go less like there's no you literally can go like three days a week and if you want to go more like do 30 minutes like you don't need to be there for hours and hours yeah but also and then also be realistic about the time and like be like

If you have class at 8 and you're rushing out the door at like 7, maybe that means you wake up at 6 and you go. Like, if you want, like...

If you really want the tough love aspect, then it's like, then make time, bitch. Yeah. Like if that's what you want to hear, then like, then make time, bitch. Then go at five in the morning. Don't know what to tell you. Yeah. But also you don't have to. I 100% agree. All right. This will be the last one. I want to try to hit like every category of like things. This one's about food. I want to lose the last 10 pounds, but can't control myself around sugar. How do I break a sugar addict?

my advice for this which mine is coming from a different standpoint in life where I was trying to just get out of like the restrictive aspect and like gain weight and also Put sugar into my life and like not be so afraid of it is like Like have the sugar like I don't know if you're like restricting it and it's causing you to be so afraid of it but like

The 80-20 rule is like my go-to advice. Like end of the day or if you want to have like your little sweet treat throughout the middle of the day, do it. Like you shouldn't have to avoid it. Yeah, I'm gonna go the more like scientific route of advice with this one. So you say you have that 10 pounds to lose. It might not even be weight you have to lose. Maybe it's just kind of like a body recomb kind of thing.

And if that is the case, which it probably is because I find most people that are like, it's just five to ten pounds. Like, no, you just want to like body recomp. Like it really has nothing to do with your weight. Like you just want to build a little bit more muscle. Eat more balanced meals because if you're eating primarily carb focused meals because carbs are sugar. If you're eating like something like cereal for breakfast or like plain oatmeal with just like fruit and then you're eating a very carb heavy lunch and carb heavy snacks and like dessert that like that's

Gets your blood sugar all over the place and totally not stable, which makes you crave sugar. So if your meals are more like if you're going to have cereal, having it with like nut butter or like protein powder and like so it's more balanced, that'll keep your blood sugar more level. And that's how you don't.

um like go all crazy with sugar is keeping it level you can listen to our episode with abby sharp because she talks about that like her little like hunger crushing combo like making sure you're eating like balanced meals like if you want to have fruit as a snack have like fruit and nuts and it'll like balance it out better so your blood sugar is not all over the place

Agreed. So I'm really concerned about the banging that's going on downstairs. I don't hear it anymore. Oh, I hear it. I hear it like right under us. But yeah, that hopefully that helps you out. And I really like doing these because it feels more personable on the podcast when we get to engage with you guys. Agreed.

So make sure if you want to be a part of it, go to the Instagram, submit whatever you got, and maybe we can catch up for you because there are so many, so it's hard to do them all. Yeah. And we got to go because we got to leave here in 25 minutes and I need to make lunch. I'm starving. Agreed. So thank you guys so much for listening and make sure to leave us five star review. I can't talk. Review. Five star review. Subscribe on YouTube. Follow on Instagram. Love you. See you later. Bye. See you.

See you on Friday.

a.k.a. someone who wasn't on the show but really, really loves it a lot. We will also bring on some special guests to answer your questions and tell you about what's going on in our lives today. It's not only football. Friday Night Lights and Beyond is available now wherever you get your favorite podcasts. Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose! Cheers!