cover of episode Do You Want Validation for Being Fit, or Do You Want To Be Healthy? | The New Direction of Our Show

Do You Want Validation for Being Fit, or Do You Want To Be Healthy? | The New Direction of Our Show

Publish Date: 2022/10/21
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One Thing About Us


Shownotes Transcript

What's up guys, it's Sam and Taylor. And we want you to put your shoes on. Pop open that energy drink. And go. Hello guys, welcome back to another episode. I'm Taylor. And I'm Sam. Okay, cool. Take three. First things first, right off the bat, reminders. Give us a nice little rating on Apple Podcast. You can give us a little five-star rating. Just tap the stars. It takes five seconds. And if you want to take another extra five seconds and write something...

write something nice. It'd be greatly appreciated. While you're listening, you can just hop over. Literally take you two seconds. Would greatly, greatly appreciate it. Second thing.

future milf hats they're going and they are they're flying off the shelves they are we don't have much left like we bought what 150 of them i think we have like one sleeve left which is maybe like i think we're almost to like the 50 i think we're almost to the under 50 mark yeah i think i don't know but like you guys should get your hands on them we do have pink ones because i know some of you already had the pink ones so yeah those are in so we have some pink ones and we still have t-shirts because we ordered a lot of t-shirts

I just never wanted to run out with those. And now we know too is sizing because there's a lot of smalls. Yeah. But there is still t-shirts left. All the t-shirts are pretty relaxed fit. So even a small is like it's not going to be tight. Yeah. Like they're all very relaxed fit. But yeah. Merch is all in stock. So you should go check that out. Anyways. Now that that's over.

We have a lot to discuss. A lot. And I'm so excited because it feels like our weekend was the longest weekend of my life. And I feel like we have not talked to you guys in like three weeks. But in reality, it's been like five days. Yeah. Last recorded. If you aren't up to date with our other social media, which you should be. But we went to San Diego. We went to Pacific Beach. One of our good friends kind of grew up there and it was his birthday. So he was like, I want to bring you all to San Diego. And we went.

We went and it's so nice when you plan a trip with a group of people and it actually happens. When we were all going to the airport together, it was like, wow, we pulled it through. Like we're going and like, you know, you show up to the Airbnb and the Airbnb is real and actually a place to stay. And it's like, okay, full send. Here we go. And it was one hell of a bender. Yeah. Like I think...

No, I don't even want to say like the longest... Yeah, the longest bender I've been in a while. I'm not even going to lie. I was going to try to like flex it off and be like, yeah, I'm the shit. Like, no, I'm not. That was like the most alcohol I've drank in a very long time. Yeah. So we got there on a Thursday night, stayed in, chilled. We played this game called Monopoly Deal. You guys should totally get it. It's like Uno and Monopoly in one. Super fun game. So we like played games, um...

I drank... No, you didn't. I didn't. I didn't drink. What did you do? I drank a little bit. Yeah, okay. Yeah, I drank a little bit and then... If you're my parents, get off. Get off now. I'm giving you five seconds. Five, four, three, two, one.

Three, two, one. Cool. Weed is legal in California. So I like normally don't like smoking weed, but I want to drink less. So in turn, I'm like, I would rather smoke weed than drink for like, I just think it's better for you than alcohol. Like I'd much rather smoke weed than drink.

Which none of them are good for you, but I would say, yeah, weed's definitely better. Yeah, I think weed's better for you than alcohol. And I don't really think weed's like super bad for you. I mean, I'm not a fucking doctor. I asked someone else about it. But regardless, I think it's better than alcohol. So I told my friends, I was like, yeah, I'll do it with you in California because it makes me anxious sometimes. But like that night, it was fun. And that was officially my fun smoking weed times outweighed the anxious times.

So now I like it. Yeah. I mean, I want to smoke because now I've seen her do it. I'm like, damn, that looks like fun. But like, I just didn't want to do it. Like the last time I smoked, I had the worst experience of like panic attack. My first ever panic attack that I've ever had in my entire life was when I

was high so like that's why i don't want to do it again and i just didn't want to do it because we weren't like in our home like god forbid something did happen to me i would have been like oh my god i'm not home like this is horrible are you talking about the time at like the fitness convention yeah okay you like took too many no i'm well aware like did i ever talk about this on the pod no i think that's a different day or else we're gonna get on a whole tangent i'll tell you another time guys but like don't do it tonight

Taylor, stop putting me on the spot. I'm not putting you on the spot. Fine. Only if I can play Monopoly with the boys. Yeah, because Hunter asked me when. Hunter. Hunter, Hunter, Hunter. Anyway, so that's what I did in California and drank a lot. I'm like, it's way better than alcohol. I drink so much. But everyone was just like, it was one of those times where I feel like you just have to celebrate life. Like you're young in San Diego, like in California with your friends, like...

Who cares? Yeah, nothing really mattered, honestly, while we were there. Nothing mattered. Zero things mattered. It was a lot of just chilling by the beach. Our Airbnb was practically on the water. The street it was on was right to the beach. I took my first sip of alcohol Friday at 1 p.m. And it just didn't stop all the way until...

It did not stop until Sunday. And actually, yeah, no Sunday. That's perfect facts. If you guys want the visual aspects of this, we both vlogged and I literally said in my vlog on the very first drink I go, it is Friday at 1 p.m. Let the weekend begin. And it did not stop. Friday, I day drank. I didn't day drink on Saturday just because I was so hungover from

from the first night out but taylor me taylor had opposite nights okay yeah on friday i got so trashed it was the day drinking and then we went to dinner at this really nice restaurant and at the dinner table we got 30 drinks yeah 30 there were seven of us

We got 30 drinks. You'll hear in the back of one of our vlogs, one of our friends says to us, we're waiting in line at the bar. And he goes, hey, guys, like this is just your reminder. Our dinner was $800. Like there were 30 drinks on the tab. Like, can you guys all make sure to split that with me and Venmo me? And we all just like are starstruck. We're like, what? $800 for dinner. Yeah. And it also went downhill. Okay. Okay.

A lot of like mixing of alcohols. And then we went out after dinner.

um super fun um just had a we went okay so anyone in downtown i was gonna say we should definitely say like give like kind of back end on like where we were because i guarantee there's a lot of people that one have been to san diego or two live there so we first friday night were downtown the entire time we went to bang bang for dinner which was fucking incredible didn't realize that it turned into a club after but luckily we got out of there before it turned into a club luckily

we got out because like we shouldn't have been there for the club. Like, thank God we were not. We left dinner at 10 PM and went straight to the bars and the baseball game had ended at that point. So the streets were just full.

flooded with people wearing baseball like jerseys hats and shit we're like where are all these people coming from and i'm like little did we know that the the stadium was right down the street so everyone was walking to the bars i have not waited in line at a bar in so long because like luckily in texas you don't have to wait anywhere yeah well i'm speaking on austin honestly i don't know what houston dallas is like but austin you don't have to wait anywhere so we're waiting in line for like a while and i think that's when we had like the most fun to be honest because

We were all just like chit-chatting, like no alcohol, but we were just like vibing because we were drunk. No alcohol because we already had so many drinks at dinner. Yeah. But then I was making the drunk TikToks. Like, I mean, it's just, I got to be careful when I get drunk and use social media. Like,

I don't know. I don't really post when I'm on Instagram. Oh my gosh, my Snapchat goes crazy. I wish I did because then I'd have more videos, but I just like don't because I think I get in my head about like you don't want this on camera, so I just don't do it. But shout out to, we met a few. Oh my God, yeah, we actually did meet a few of you guys while we were out. Yeah, which was super nice. During the day and at night. Yeah, and then one of you let us in to the psyching club we went to because there was a line. There was such a long line. Yeah.

Yeah, and she was like, oh my God. Wait, was it Moonshine or Mavericks? What place was that one? That was Mavericks, right? Mavericks is the one by the beach. Okay, so maybe it was... Oh yeah, Moonshine is two. There's one over in our house and there's one downtown. We were waiting at that one. Oh my God. Taylor doesn't even really remember this place, but it was massive. There was like a speakeasy in the back. Why are you outing me that I know I literally... You can talk shit on me.

about my next night. I literally don't remember being there. No, like, guys, this place was an open outside bar, kind of like Buford's in Austin. Outside, turf, everything. But then you go to the bathroom and then there's this secret hallway. And when you go to the secret hallway, it just opens up to another whole massive bar with a stage, like a country singer singing, like, three...

three floors of bars and I was just like this is incredible so me and Haley just wandered off and started exploring we found this one bar that had like these magic drinks and she comes back it was like a bucket of alcohol Haley got one? yeah like a bucket of alcohol and we're all like drinking it we're like this is so much fun did I drink it?

No. We gave you water for the rest of the night. And when we got back, you were just drinking water. Taylor looks at the bartender when she's plastered with her card in her hair. She's swinging her card. Literally swinging. She goes, three shots, three shots. Because you wanted to buy me a shot and then Hunter a shot. And I go, no, no, no, no. And then I look over at the bartender. I'm like, water, like water. Give her water. And she hands you a glass of water. Goes, I'll only give you the shots if you drink this water. So you chug the water. 100%. But listen.

I don't regret like no there's no regrets of the whole weekend no regrets like because I got a lot of comments like I thought you said you didn't want to drink like okay I'm talking like the majority of my life not like one weekend where I'm in San Diego with my friends I know like you know what I mean like I'm talking like no I saw those comments I'm talking like day to day life yeah like it's okay to go out on and have a bender weekend but

Some of our friends, which there's no problem with it, but some of our friends literally drink four to five times a week. Like they can't go without having dinner, without having like two to four glasses of wine. And like, that's so different than us going out.

On a vacation. Yeah. Or even on a vacation. Like that's just so different. Like we understand the balance of like, okay, we're going to pick our nights wisely and we don't need to be getting plat, not plaster, but like tipsy during dinner, during the middle of the week. Right. But anyway, so that's like that. And normally that would make me really anxious the next day waking up from that. But I wasn't, which was like, I don't know, like a good, like mental health sign. Like I wasn't really anxious about it.

Which I don't really know how. I think I didn't get anxious because I knew that I had an IV on Saturday morning, which got me through the weekend. Yes. So we woke up and then Sam got IVs for three. She was able to get three. So her and our two other guy friends did the IVs, like these hydration thingies.

And they were just revived I was a-okay the time change really messed us up And we were up and at them at like 7 a.m. Every single day Whenever the sun rose I rose I think just rose from my bed I was like and it was like let's get the day going so they did the IVs and then what else do I want to plug I want to plug the company though Just so if anyone wants to use them they're not based out of just San Diego They're based out of like a few different states throughout the country. It's IV doc on Instagram and

They just have a nurse a certified nurse You could literally if you're a nurse and you want a side gig. I definitely recommend doing this because this guy was Amazing first of all and second he was like he makes like like good money and tips and stuff from doing this So I definitely recommend it but just certified nurses You can register through ivy doc and they just have nurses come to your house or wherever your airbnb and do it for you so

So it is about that time of year where we're going to be flying home for the holidays and flights right now are so expensive around that time of year. And I'm dreading it, especially along with Christmas gifts and all of that. It's a lot, you know, and I know we've all been in a situation where a little tight on

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Download the Dave app from the App Store right now. That is D-A-V-E. Sign up for an extra cash account and get up to $500 instantly. For terms and conditions, go to slash legal. Instant transfer fees apply. Banking provided by Evolve member FDIC. Yeah, so they did that and just got like alive. And then we kind of just went...

And wait, no, this is not only day. No, we didn't day drink this day. No, this was a really cloudy day. And then we went to go to Drippy. Oh, yes. And then we went to Miss B's Coconut Club and got coconut waters and wraps.

Yeah, Saturday wasn't like too adventurous to be honest. We were just really, I wasn't hungover. Okay, it's a lie. I wasn't hungover. It was lack of sleep. We were tired and we knew that we had another night ahead of us. So we wanted to take it easy. Yeah, it was like, let's take it easy. Let's vibe. Let's chill. Let's hang out for another night.

on and saturday was my favorite night and you didn't even stay for the fun part bro i stayed until like 12 30 that's a long time so we started at what like six so we went out yeah so we went out to dinner um

I only got like one glass of wine. Sam got like three drinks. Don't know how that happened. Okay, wait. Let's also talk about the restaurant we went to. It was a fire station, like a legit fire station attached to a restaurant. So it was firehouse vibes. It was sick. Yeah, it was pretty cool. And then we left there and I only had like one drink. Again, like Sam had kind of drink a good. I don't even I didn't remember you ordering those, but I guess you did.

And then so we walked to this other little like outdoor little bar scene called like Mavericks, you know, chill. It's only 8 p.m. Met a guy from The Bachelor. Yeah. And I didn't even know. I didn't know either. All right, guys. Actually, story time with this. I was doing a TikTok. I was so plastered at this point because I had so many so many drinks. And I told I think Taylor, did you hold my phone for me or did somebody else? You propped it on the table. Oh, I propped on the table.

propped on the table and I was doing the audio. He's like, I want to kill my mom. I want to kill my dad. And I was going to put the odd or like the text over it of like, there's no hop boys in the gym. And this guy was behind me staring at me. And then they laughed at me after, cause they were in the background and I laughed too. Turns out I exchanged phone numbers with him and I, I thought he was so cute. I was like, you're so cute. I was like, you are adorable. Like I, I'm feeling it. So I was like,

He asked for my number. I took his phone and I put my contact phone in. And then for my profile picture, I took a selfie. I was just holding the phone up and I took a selfie. Yeah, he was really hot. So you were like talking to them up and then he found your TikTok. Yeah. And commented on it and we realized he was on The Bachelor. I had no idea. Yeah.

And now it makes perfect sense because like now I guess I do kind of recognize him like now that I put two and two together. But that was really funny. Then again, at this bar, I only had like half a drink and you probably had like what to. Oh, my God, Taylor. You only had half a drink there. I got a beer and I didn't mean Haley went match to match out that bar. I think I had.

I had half a Corona. Because us three got one together, right? A Corona. I got a beer. And then I bought Haley one and then Haley bought me one right after. Yeah, I only had half a beer. So then we are walking to this other bar and this is where Sam doesn't remember. Yeah, like I remember. It's blurry. Yeah, it's blurry. It's blurry. I just remember like walking for a really long time and then my feet hurting and then someone picking me up and then

yeah that's all i really remember hayley was on um one of our friends back and then you know what's funny is now hunter's name is just fair game in the podcast yeah same with hayley like and hayley and we'll do connor too yeah yeah their names are out there yeah hayley hunter connor you can find them on the gram yeah um so our friend like picks hayley up and then hunter picks you up and then i look around and i'm like

So I'm just the only girl that has to fucking walk. That's bullshit. I was like, but I'm an independent woman, so I don't care. I was like, you guys can't care for us. Yeah. And then so they're like literally playing bumper cars, piggyback rides. Like I was waiting for someone to fall and like crack their head open on the sidewalk. I was like, this is no way. But to be fair, no one else was drunk, but you and Haley. So it's not like,

The boys carrying you were drunk. Oh, God. I really didn't know that you had drank that much by then at all. Because in my mind, I had had one glass of wine and half a beer. I thought the night hadn't started yet. But anyways, we get to this other bar and the country singer from the first night is there again. And she was 12 out of 10. She was so good. Lost my voice because her song selection was just...

So unreal like had everybody singing so we were you know out and about on the dance floor oh and so the night before so much alcohol you know my friend Connor buys us shots straight tequila I put it in my mouth immediately spit it back into the cup triggered my gag reflex throat warning okay if you don't like that don't listen and

immediately triggered my gag reflex like i had i've never had anything like make me so sick so instantly and i was like i remember watching you do that yeah i was like and i like was standing at the bar like trying to hold myself together i was like like nope and then i sprinted to the bathroom yeah and i sprinted after you and i was like i was like where is she going i was like no i'm good i'm so good just needed to like

And then right after that, we met a follower in the bathroom. Oh, yeah. That was bad, though, because you were like mid throw up. And I was like, I was plastered, like standing next to the stall waiting for you. And she was like, Sam. I was like, oh, that's crazy. It wasn't even a too drunk throw up. It was like that. I don't just like the thought of alcohol from like the alcohol that like it just like trick. Like I wasn't again. This was like I wasn't even really I didn't get really drunk this night because I wanted to like have a good time and like remember it.

so at this bar Sam and Haley left and I was left with all the bros it was just me and the dudes because Sam and Haley went home and we stayed out and I was along the ride for boys night and we stopped at this club because the name of the club was a similar name to the apartment building that like our friends live in so we're like oh we should go there like that's funny and they had stripper poles and we were like oh

Oh, yeah. Like, we barely even drank at this bar, too, because we were just so fixated on dancing on the stripper poles that, like, we didn't even have time to go to the bar. So we're dancing. It's so funny. They're like, do it, do it, do it. And I was like, I'm only doing it if you're doing it to my friend Connor. So I, like, he was wearing a button-down shirt, and I, like, unbuttoned his shirt and, like, took his shirt off. It was so funny. And then the other people that were with us were firefighters. And this kid...

the none of us filmed it because we were just so in awe in the moment i have like could work a pole like nobody's business he was climbing to the top and like flipping upside down and like spinning around he was he had every girl in that bar in the palm of his hands a group of girls were just walking by is he a 10 or is he just a firefighter is he a 10 or is he just on on the pole is he a 10 or is he a stripper

So we were just doing that the whole night and then we just walked back home and it was so much fun. My turn to speak. Guys, me and Haley, like Taylor said, left at like 1230. Haley was just like, I need to get out. And I was like, you know what? I'm really drunk. I probably shouldn't be here any longer anyway, too. So I made the good decision and left for the safety of not only myself, but all my friends because I didn't want them to have to deal with me.

But then we get in the car and he was like, let's prank them. And I was like, you already know I'm hyped for this. So I have all of their locations. So I made it on my phone so that when you guys left the bar, I was going to get a notification on my phone from when you guys left. So I was like, Haley, we got to act quick. We got to wait. But you weren't just waiting for notification. You were texting me. Let me know when you come back because I have a boy over and I need to get him out before you're home. And I'm like,

what are you talking about? You were like, there's no way. I go, yeah way. He's here right now. Yeah. You're like, I have a boy here right this second. So you better let me know when you're coming home. Yeah.

And I'm like, I need to get my fix in. Yeah, I'm like, what the hell is this girl talking about? Anyways, so I'm running around the Airbnb trying to find anything because as you guys know, Airbnbs are just empty. There's never anything. But for some odd reason, I find this massive roll of bubble wrap in the garage. So I'm like,

oh bubble wrap and then i find duct tape and i'm like oh even better duct tape so i literally bubble wrapped the entire front door so that they couldn't get in and then the stairwell to go upstairs was just like duct tape everywhere like zigzags like it was a maze like there was no way and i'm like so drunk doing this and me and taylor i mean me and hayley are like cracking up like peeing our peeing our pants because we thought it was like so clever and so funny

But then you guys show up and what do you guys do? Yeah, we show up and then like Connor or someone is like, are we at the right house? Because like...

No one was like that drunk. It was kind of like, are we that drunk that we just walked into the wrong house? Because I don't remember the door having bubble wrap on it. So we're like, what? And I was like, no, no. This is 100% the fucking girls. And there's solo cups all over the stairs and a sheet. And I was like, what the hell? But you guys are like nowhere to be found. We fell asleep. Yeah. Oh, so they're asleep. We couldn't stay up. And we're like, what the hell? So...

We go back outside to the roof, you know, play Monopoly, smoke weed, as we do. And we're hanging out and then there's water. Yeah, water gets squirted. Because there's a hose at the end. And we're like,

These motherfuckers woke up. Because there's just water spraying the glass. We woke up. We did not want the pranks to end. I literally full up went from zero to 100 real quick when I woke up from that nap. And I was still drunk, too. So I was like, haha, this is fun.

So the balcony is on the third floor. And so I'm going down to the first floor where the hose is outside. And you can stand under the balcony. So if they were to look down, they wouldn't be able to see me. So I'm like leaning over to the side and squirting up and spraying them. And they're like, I can hear them. They're like, what's going on? What is that? I knew like...

No, but I heard like the boys. It was you fuckers. And then the boys were like, let's go get him. And we heard that. So me and Haley are barefoot and we just sprint as fast as we can to the beach. We're like sprinting. We're like, fuck. Which is so funny because no one was chasing them that hard. I know. We thought people were chasing us, but no one was. And then we get back and we get close. And then all of a sudden, two of the boys are downstairs. Connor has the hose and then Rizzo is just standing there. And I scream at the top of my lungs. I'm like...

And then start running away and then fucking Connor's spraying me with the hose and I just I look like a wet mop. I'm like you guys just because like I'm upstairs so I don't know what's happening you guys just come up and you're soaked. And I was like yeah that's what you fucking get bitch. Like and then um yeah then I was hanging out by the fire for a little bit and then all of a sudden 4 30 in the morning rolls around and I'm like I should probably go to bed. Yeah that night I went to bed at 5. Um.

Super worth it, though. Super fun. Then... I didn't get any boys this weekend. I was a little upset about it. I tried. I'm just not good enough. I'm kidding. I was good enough. Yeah. But then it was Sunday. Sweet, wholesome Sunday. Sweet, wholesome Sunday on the beach. Literally so wholesome. Like, we were just...

Just being kids like we were buggy boarding buried in the sand got buried in the sand buggy board in like in the ocean playing football like so much fun. Yeah, I had a lot of fun. I love playing football with the boys. I told him to I was like they play five footballs on Tuesdays and I was like, so can I am I qualified? Can I play now?

Not qualified. It's fine. But what else did we do? We went to Little Italy for dinner. Oh, that was so yummy. I was craving a cannoli. And I don't know what happened, but just because I had only gotten like maybe like five hours of sleep one night and like four hours of sleep the other night, it just hit me like a brick wall. Once we like got to dinner, I was not talking to anyone. I was...

So tired and just wanted my food and just wanted to go to my bed But I did get a cannoli and that made my life a little bit better that night Yeah It was pretty chill after that night at dinner. We just got back and then I mean the mean the bros Went down to the beach by a bonfire and just hung out on the beach at night which was really really relaxing and really fun and

And then we just went back and went to bed. And then Monday it was basically time to go. Yeah. And so with all of that, if you need the visual explanation as to what the heck was going on, if we're bad storytellers, go watch the YouTube videos. Those will definitely be live. Mine will be live on Sunday. When is yours live? I don't know. I might post it when this is up Friday. Word. Word.

Do we want to play is he hot or is he 10? I feel like we should wait and do that another episode. Yeah, we should do it another episode because we have things to discuss. We were driving in the car and we were saying things like, is he hot? No, is he a 10 or is he just this?

And we just got into a whole tangent about it. And I thought it was fun. I want to play with you guys. Yeah. But anyways, we're entering take care of it season, meaning you just have so many things you need to. There's so much to do. It could be hard to plan your whole life around your workouts. You know, we literally talk about in this episode that working out doesn't need to be your whole entire life. And that is why we are talking about FitBod today.

The app makes goal setting easy, tracking your progress easy, and planning all of your workouts literally no matter where you are. If you're on vacation like me and Sam just were, literally no matter where, you can stay on top of your fitness with Fitbox.

Fitbod. It actually changes and adapts to you as you go, so you'll never get bored of the same routine. Fitbod is available on iOS or Android. The app is super easy to use, and they have video tutorials making learning new exercises a breeze. Take care of yourself first this season with personalized workouts from Fitbod that improve as you do.

Get $25 off your subscription or try out the app for free when you sign up now at slash fword. That's $25 off your subscription or try it for free at slash fword. The main purpose of this main part of the episode is to kind of... I feel like we know the direction of this podcast, but we never really...

have vocalized it on the mic of what this podcast and what the meaning of this podcast like means to us because it's a fitness podcast, right? Obviously, it says like fitness uncensored and you guys know this is being a fitness podcast, but something that just like came to us, especially within the last like six months, like is just like

How important every other aspect of your life is when it comes to fitness and like fitness can't be the only singular thing in your life and your fitness and your health means nothing if you don't have other aspects of balance in your life. So we want this podcast to just be encompassing everything, whether it's good for your physical health, good for your mental health, good for your relationships, good for your friendships.

Yeah, literally everything. Yeah, like I I think we just realized over the last year Fitness is not something that should be your entire life Like you're gonna burn out real quick from it and I definitely can say I have burnt out from it And now like taylor said fitness has this whole new meaning like it's every aspect. It's the hobbies you pick up It's the friends you're surrounding yourself with it's your mental health your physical health everything. So

Let's just dive right into that and just kind of ramble. We have a few different topics and why we believe that this is involved with fitness because it's just so damn important. But...

First one is going to be fitness influencers and where we kind of stand with that because we've definitely met a lot of people through networking and just meetups and stuff like that. And one thing that I can definitely say is if you're following a fitness influencer and

Some of them, but some of them not. They have a whole life outside of fitness that they're not showing you. So sometimes it can be hard when you're following a fitness influencer and all they post is fitness. Like the only thing is fitness. And so it makes you feel like...

In order to be like them, you need to be on the grind 24-7 in the gym. And if you're not in the gym, you're fucking dreaming, sleeping about the gym. So that's why personally for me, I kind of changed their narrative on my social media platforms to being overall my life because I wouldn't be so disciplined and

Eager to be going to the gym if it wasn't for all the other aspects in my life So you just need to remember that if someone's posting just fitness You need to be aware of like what they're doing outside of that Yeah, and then the other aspect of that is some people aren't doing anything outside of that Yeah, some people that that really is all that they're doing. Um and I know for a lot of people that get into the gym, it's very um, you have this kind of like

reason like in your like mental health or something that makes you want to go to the gym i feel like that's how like majority of people start is like they go through something they start lifting um and it like kind of consumes you for a little bit and but i think after that little bit of time is up there needs to be something else that brings you joy other aspects of your life like

A lot of people kind of joke about like how high when the gym is your only personality. And like I used to too. Like scroll back in my content. Scroll back in my content. That's what it was. But like now I kind of see it and I'm like it's kind of sad. Because I know I wasn't that happy. Like with my life only revolving around the gym. Like in making content like when everyone's out but like you're at the gym like late at night. It's like well...

maybe you should be like out doing something and that's not to say like out at like a bar but like maybe you should like have a friend over yeah like i don't know it could be like literally anything i think you just need a little bit more to your life than constantly working out especially when people become quote-unquote influencers it becomes it becomes you're working out it becomes your hobby and it becomes your job

Yeah, and you're collabing on the weekends, flying across the country to just work out. Your friends are also gym people. Your weekend trips are to gyms. I think what it was for me that really made me realize that the gym wasn't my whole entire personality is when we were going on these trips and we were in the gym for five hours during the day,

And I'm like, I feel like I'm wasting my whole fucking day and life away. Like, I'm in a new city, a new state. Like, shouldn't I be exploring this city slash state? Why am I in the gym for five to six hours taking photos and videos? Yeah, that's definitely, definitely, like, was a big, like, epiphany for us. It's like, I am not content just surrounding my whole entire weekend about the gym I'm going to. I can't. Like...

And doing it repeatedly, like not just like a one off little thing, like repeatedly having that be what you're doing. It's not. And don't get it twisted. We still go to L.A. and we still go to zoo culture, but we are in and out as we would be if we were in Austin. Like we go to zoo culture for two hours maximum and we're out of there. Yeah. We just try to do other things, you know, meet up with like.

friends and not take gym content and not work out like not everything has to be like oh do you want to hang out and hit a lift like let's do something else like it just seems like fitness with online people totally consumes their life in a way that it seems trendy and in reality it

It's just not really a fulfilling way to live. And you can literally look back, like scroll back, like the beginning of my content, like just like the difference in how I lived. It's funny too because content used to be stressful.

Because it was like I had like that one niche of like I have to be in the gym right now and I have to get a video or I have to post this workout. But now I have like so much to look forward to. Like Taylor and I went to get coffee yesterday and like I purposely dressed up knowing I was going to take an Instagram photo. And like that's another like kind of fulfilling experience.

experience a moment not just being like in the gym getting content obviously now for everyone's gonna be different like this is my job other people like maybe fitness is just like working out but um now let's move into hobbies because this is a very important aspect is

We don't want fitness in terms of the gym, lifting weights to be the only hobby we have. Like we need something outside of the gym and that could be anything, anything that is an active activity, whether it's dance, any type of sport, walking your dog, Hawker walks, like you name it, like just getting out there, getting off your phone and just doing more things that

that you enjoy. And I know for the longest time, like I just was not doing any of that stuff. I would literally go to the gym for like three hours when I used to live at home just because I had nothing else to do for the rest of the day. Like I would finish up like school or work or whatever. And I would just be at the gym for like two to three hours because what else was I going to do? Right. A hundred percent. And like getting into dance for me, like has totally like

changed like my it sounds such a matter to be like oh like it changed my life like it's made me so happy to get back into having like a hobby like going to dance makes me so extremely happy and it's just like other ways of doing things to one like like you said help you from getting like burnt out because it's like guess what cardio walking on a treadmill and doing an incline and staying at the gym for longer than i had to be burn me out i don't want i like

I got kind of over like I got to sit here and do cardio after I left and I'm still in the gym like I have been for so many hours. I'd rather do my cardio in a dance studio.

My watch goes crazy in those days. Like I push myself cardio wise so much in those dance classes and it's so much more fun and fulfilling to me than just like staying in the gym for an extra hour. Yeah. And the activities that you pick up on the weekend or during the week, like it does not have to be anything like over complicated where it's like an hour long. It could literally be something as simple as like

10 to 15 minutes like if you aren't already walking your dog in the morning for 10 to 15 minutes add that in just like other small things that are going to Make you happier like I personally love my walks in the morning if I don't walk back in the morning like

I don't know. I just feel like my morning or day is just not going to start off right. So just anything. I don't know what other things. I can't really think about. But it's like our guy friends play flag football. I don't know. That's fun. Go do something that's not just you lifting weights. There's so many other ways of movement that are...

fulfilling and another hobby too like we're kind of going to get into this but another hobby can be also trying new restaurants that can be a hobby once a week trying new that's i would say that's technically that's our hobby yeah it's friday night we try a new restaurant every friday like that's a hobby of ours like yeah we all sit down in like research restaurants yeah so there's definitely like the different there's like the active hobbies like other way to get active which are important for things like

Like, you never know what's going to like, let's say something like COVID, like gyms were closed. Like now what? Like what else brings you? Yeah. What else brings you joy as a person? Because guess what? Like gyms were closed. Obviously for me, like I dance at a studio, like if everything closed, like the dance studio would close and I'd have to like find something else. But it's just like, you never know like what is going to be taken away from you. Yeah.

So you better have some like you need more things that bring you joy. Yeah. Like if you enjoy painting, get back into it. Like, I don't know. There's so much like when people if people were to ask, we worked out once on our trip to San Diego just because we had the time. But people always DM like I'm going on a trip. Like, what do I what am I going to do? Let's say we didn't work out. Do you guys understand how much we walked in San Diego? We walked out.

Oh my god. I think I hit like 12 to 15k steps every day. Every day. We were walking so much. Walking to get coffee. Walking back and forth to the beach. Walking to the bars and walking home from the bars and dancing at the bars and walking to dinner and walking to lunch. Getting my third coffee. Like we were walking like crazy and then swimming in the ocean and boogie boarding and being outside all day. Like we could have totally skipped that lift. Like we just went solely if we didn't

We woke up so early that we needed something to do. If we ended up sleeping in and we didn't have time, we could have skipped it. You know what I mean? And I also just wanted to go because we were with our friends that we don't work out with. We wanted to go to the gym with them. There was a cool gym close by. We wanted to go lift. But it just happened to fit. And if it didn't fit...

It's fine because we were so active. Yeah, like we were moving all day every day and it's like those things should also make you feel like content with being like healthy not just Lifting weights. Yeah The next little category is going to be our weekends. I know most people have free time on the weekend So take advantage of it. I know there are people out there that work on the weekends but

Most of you guys listening don't work on the weekends. Your friends don't work on the weekends. So take advantage of the fact that you and your friends all have this free time. And I'm going to like kind of throw some shade at like content creators and just people that post this type of stuff. But like the flex of being in the gym on a Friday night when everyone else is out like being social like that to me is

I used to post like that. Don't get me wrong. I should be that person. This is like shade to our older selves because we used to do this. Like fully aware, like we used to do this. And it's just not a flex being in the gym on a Friday night instead of going and just being social. Like I get there's the circumstances of like, oh, well, that's my only time I can go. But like realistically, like make the time to do something, whether it's with a group of people, with your family, with...

yourself like whatever it is just pick up other activities that you can do like from those hobbies yeah because there's a difference between every now and then being like i need alone time and being like

Going to the gym even on weekends is my only personality and the only thing I do. There's a really, really stark difference because it's I saw a reel today that was perfect for this. This guy. And now, mind you, I get these people are like exaggerating and kind of kidding. Like, I get it. But like at the same time, it's a bit much. Yeah. Like it said, like unpopular opinion, the gym. Wait, I wrote it down. Like kind of like I think word for word.

The gym is more of a vibe than the club. Be fucking for real. Like, I don't know what you're trying to say, but, like, be fucking for real. Like, I don't think you can say, like, hanging out with, like, a bunch of fitness influencers at a gym is, like, more fun than, like, socializing with your friends. Like, really? Like, I don't know.

Like, I don't know. Be fucking for real. Like, honestly, it's been definitely hard for us, especially moving to a new city and, like, finding that friend group. So I understand, like, if you are struggling to find friends, like, I've been there. I've been alone. I've been doing nothing on my Friday nights.

but once you find that solid friend group and you have friends that you can like do things with, it doesn't always have to involve alcohol. Like the amount of times our friend group has done things that don't involve alcohol and are doing things at night. There is so much to do, especially you live in a city. Like you could go bowling, you can do laser tag, you can do an escape room, you can go to dinner and not get drinks. Like there is so much to do and there's honestly really no excuse for it. Yeah. I just think to say like, like,

Like, to compare, like, I would rather be in a gym than, like, out in a social setting with my friends. Like, to make that, like, comparison is, like, it's a little bit, like, that's not, like, mentally healthy. It's not. Like, you should, like, you should just want, I feel like, more in your life than...

making reels in a gym like i think there's way more to your life than being in a gym now don't get me wrong the vibe of our gym lyft atx vibe lit i feel like i'm at a club at 9 a.m lit vibes but i don't think i could be like i'd rather be at lyft than like yeah out and about another thing too like that i just like kind of thought of is there's a difference between like genuinely

What happened? Sorry, I'm not really sure where we left off. The camera died. Yeah, so we switched cameras. There's a switch in the angle, but sorry about that. But as I was kind of saying is that I can definitely understand that this is coming from like a sentimental like touch in the subject because I've been there like the...

Not restrictive, but just like the I need to be fucking A1 on my macros, my food. Like I can't risk going out and like being social because it's going to fuck up with my progress. I've been there and I totally understand. Like you think in the moment like now, like what I'm doing is right. Like I am being super good, like being good.

On my game with my macros and stuff. Also just thinking, oh, I'm happy. Oh, and yeah, that's the thing. Like I convinced myself that like I was happy. Like I, I looking back, I was not happy. Like I did not get any fulfillment out of everything that I ever quote unquote everything. I wasn't doing much. I was eating super boring, working out every day, like nothing fun. So I can understand that if you're in that situation, um,

the struggle of trying to transition into the more overall life being your fitness lifestyle. So keep that in mind throughout this entire episode because we've been there for all of them. This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. As mentioned a lot in this episode, mental health is extremely important to us.

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Learn more and save 10% off your first month at slash f word. That's better h e l p. That's better help h e l slash f word. Yeah, like even when we first started living together, like we didn't do much. No, like we did. And I would so often the biggest source of my like depression was loneliness. Like I was so lonely. Like, I always felt like if people were going out, like,

I was never a part of it. Like I didn't have friends like that. Like I didn't have people to be going out with, doing things with, like things to do. I just never had it. Like I was always alone. Like I spent so much time alone. And I leaned so heavily into the working out and stuff, which helped me at the time because

But I also knew like my life forever can't just be me working out. That can't be it. Because it's just not, that's never going to last, never going to be sustainable. And there's so much more life to fucking live, especially all these people like talking about the fitness influencers. Everyone's what, like 18 to 25. You have so much life to live. Yeah. And that's, this is now why we have like our other form of fulfillment is

personally that we both enjoy and that is just like fashion like i was thinking about it the other day like this time last year how often were we like looking forward to like going shopping and buying clothes that weren't as close not how often were we wearing yeah wearing

Never. Now I'm struggling to like find an outfit to put together that I haven't worn in my closet. I would wear jeans like once a month. Yeah. So like another kind of subject and transition is fashion. We really want to emphasize like getting dressed up. Stop spending so much of your money on workout clothes because it's

As Taylor was saying, we work out to look hot. So why only look hot in our gym outfits? And this sounds really like vain and like conceited, but it's like, if you, you're telling me I work out and do my cardio and do my steps and look hot. I think I look good. I'm confident in my body. Guess what I'm going to do? Day drink and wear a cute bathing suit on the beach in San Diego. Like that's what I'm going to do. Because like I, I,

I want to. And, like, I'm going to wear, like, a tight, cute dress and, like, go out because –

Isn't that why I'm, like, gaining this confidence for myself to, like, do that? Yeah. And, like, wear style of clothes that you were never used to wearing. Like, my style of clothing has changed drastically over the year because not only has my confidence gone up, but I'm actually, like, spending time and money on, like, different types of wardrobe pieces just to feel that extra boost of confidence. And I think that everyone deserves that. Like, I...

I used to wear like the most basic like crop top jeans outfit and like I didn't feel like good or competent in it. But then like once I started like finding my style and clothes that I genuinely liked wearing, that's when I found it so much fun. Like I love getting dressed up. Yeah, I think that's such a thing people go through is like the only being comfortable.

in gym clothes even dudes like oh yeah for every aspect of what we're talking about a guy can totally but it's like there's so many like i really went through a time when it was like you can even find so many memes but like how like when you're never in like real clothes and now it's like i don't really relate to posting those things anymore because i do wear real clothes like pretty often yeah like you should pretty often we're wearing clothes and like little things like we said like

simply just going out to a nice dinner like once a week is fun and fulfilling and you don't need to be making chicken and rice. Yeah, you're actually transitioning us right into our next subject. Oh, perfect. Yeah. Food is so fun and such a source of like... Activities. It's an activity. Culture, like getting to know your friends, like...

Like you have such good conversations with your friends. You learn so much about your friends. Like it's just such a good time to be like brought together over like food and not just the food, but like you go to a restaurant and like the vibe of the restaurant and even be like, I pick up on everything. I love noticing like the type of plates they have and the type of cuts they have and like the plants and like, I love it. Like everything about going to a restaurant is so, so nice. And even like,

if you are going to drink or if you're not, but like getting a fun cocktail. You're just going to get one just to like try something new. It's fun. Like it's fun. Like going to the Italian restaurant that we went to and like the huge wine list. Like I want to try a new wine. Like that's fun. And like you don't have to get fucked up. Or like even so many places we go to even have really fun like mocktails. And you can like get a fun drink and like share a bunch of food with your friends. And it's so much fun. And if you're going to

not have those scenarios because you would rather like track your food i think you're just missing out on a lot yeah like i even wrote this down like stop being so caught up in the macros and the calories so much that you forget to make memories with your friends at a restaurant or event like the amount of times i would have like rejected like going to get food or going out

because I was so caught up in like the calories and the macros or the next day I would have been like off my game or like bloated a little bit and like need to go to the gym a little extra like that is such a toxic mindset to have with yourself and I genuinely think everyone listening to this needs to be going to a restaurant at least once a week. I know sometimes like it

it's not as affordable for everyone. But even if you just went to like, yeah, well, I think like something small or simple as Chipotle or picking up like a, like,

like dessert or something at like whole foods and going to like the park like something that involves food so that way you're not being so stuck on like the calories and the macros even just like cooking food with your friends and not making everyone like the chicken and rice you eat but making everyone like a meal that like you don't track like you follow a recipe and make a meal that you don't track or like tell your friends to bring food like because getting over that hump of being

so obsessed with food that you're missing out on that is a really beautiful thing to get over. And I think also something to know is like something I think I've realized once we started going out more is like so many places we go to have such like fresh, healthy food. Oh, I feel so good after going out to eat in a restaurant. Yeah, like there's so many restaurants that we go to like that are such like the food just tastes good and fresh and

and like healthy like yeah and this kind of leads us into our very last topic and the most important topic and that is going to be your mental and physical health now i know a lot of people a lot of the time will try to not cover up but use the gym as like their like therapy their mechanism to like what's the word i'm looking for like

They're like coping mechanisms. Yeah, like coping mechanism. Like they're like getaway space. And like I know that you can have that for like a good amount of time. Like that can be your like start place. Like some people like

People are telling you, start going to the gym. Start using the gym as your mechanism. But it's going to fall short at some point, and you're going to need those other outs. Yeah, you're going to need more than just the gym. And I will say it here first, the gym is a really big part of what changed my whole entire life. Not knocking that in the slightest, it 100% has changed my entire life. And if I stopped working out, I think my mental health would probably...

probably go downhill if I stopped working out. But...

Guess what? Once I got into a steady workout routine, that's what I was always doing. The working out wasn't really helping my mental health. It would help day to day. Maybe I wake up in a bad mood, then I go to the gym and it's better. But overall, that immediate high of like, now I work out and now it's really changed my mental health. It stopped. I got kind of used to it. And now what makes me so incredibly happy is like, it's Thursday. If our friends watch the football game tonight and we all hang out. That makes me happy. Or like,

Like reading, like reading makes me happy and like getting a cat made me happy. Like, you know, like there's so many other things in your life that are going to make you happy that can't just be the gym or you will go insane. It's going to stop.

Yeah, like, I just remember for the longest time, I feel like I'm so repetitive with everything I'm saying, but, like, being in a new city and, like, my life revolving around the gym, it made it so hard for me to find friends, new hobbies, new things to do in my city. Like, get out there. Be adventurous. Like, find new friends. Like...

I know it's so hard to do that. Like, it literally took us a year to find a friend group that we genuinely love. Half of that was probably our fault. Yeah. 100%. Oh, yeah. 100% our fault. Because it's we made these friends that we have now. The two friend groups that we've had, like, one not really, like, friends with anymore and the one we're closest now. The first one we were friends with was being out and me being like, oh, your hat? Oh, my God. I went to UF too. And, like, boom. Friends. Yeah. And then we were at...

An apartment complex. Met these people and they were like, come to our pregame tonight. We almost didn't go. Yeah. Because we were like... I wasn't going to drink. We were like... I don't think I drank. I did end up drinking because there was two boys there, but then... Right. What are you going to do? What are you going to do? I was in a relationship, so I was... I didn't drink, but...

I we were like almost not gonna go to be like no we should stay in like you know like to be healthy it's like and we're like what the fuck are we doing like why are we not going to go like we need we should go and like

fast forward like we just like went on a trip with these people and had like such a fun time i wish we could have like when we first moved in together like we had like here and there friends but not like a solid friend group like we do now where we're like hanging out sober with them like we had those friends we were like what are you doing friday night like what bar are you at like we'll meet you up but like if i could have had someone fucking shake me to the core telling me like

Get out there. Find those friends that are going to be your social, sober, also drunk, all aspects friends. Go find them because it has changed our lives. Friends, so I was in, I think it was my psychology class. I could be totally wrong, but let's just say it was my psychology. It was some class I took in college. And it was a study on how being lonely literally kills you.

Like, it, like, pre... It will age you prematurely and, like, kill you prematurely. Like, it is so terrible for your mind and your body to be lonely. Like...

And that would scare the fuck out of me because like I said, the biggest part of my thing that would make me so unhappy was that I was so lonely. But guess what? Going to the gym and feeding all into that healthy life, like quote unquote healthy lifestyle is lonely. And at one point it wasn't making it better. It made it better a little bit because now I'm out of my room and I'm at the gym. But now I'm at the gym and I don't talk to anybody. So like what? I remember going to the gym and being like, I love just having a small talk between sets with that random person. Right. But so...

I think about that all the time of just hearing how, like, one of the most horrible things you can do for your body is be lonely. And it's, like, friendships are so, so, so important. And I'm, like, all for, like, yeah, like, keep your circle small. Like, you don't need to be friends with thousands of people, but you should...

try to have a friend group and if you don't like I know how that feels and I'm there with you but like you shouldn't settle for the fact that that's okay like you should know that there's more out there and you shouldn't let

your drive for like health and fitness take you away from making friends and not just friends in the gym, like real, real friends, like outside of that, that like our friends, like we lifted with them on vacation. Like it's not like they don't work out. Like we'll lift with them, but it's not like, that's not why we're friends. Yeah. And I think the last little snippet for you guys to kind of reflect on is going to be your physical health.

I know a lot of the times you can look at someone that's going to the gym every day and be like, wow, they are so healthy. And you can definitely do that with me with when I was a smaller creator posting my content. But no, I it wasn't healthy. I was overdoing it with the exercise. I was overdoing it with like my physical activity level and like

You need to just kind of reflect on how active you are being because sometimes being too active is not good and it will really, really drain you. So just be aware and cautious of like how much you're doing to your body. Yeah, it definitely like will show and will show fast. Like if you don't catch up on that soon enough, like you can really, really, really hurt yourself before you're like 30 years old if you push yourself too

too incredibly far especially like the really young people on social media like we're talking like 18 to 21 years old that are like competing and on gear and it's like oh my god like take maybe take the slightest step back and maybe try yoga like do something else my dude like there's just like it's not worth ruin like ruining yourself for like

the Instagram likes of having abs or like, I don't even know, just like the validation of being fit. Because like, do you want the validation of being fit or do you want to be healthy? Yeah. Take that with you. That's very important. I think you can kind of just sum all that up. Do you want the validation of being fit? Or do you want to be healthy? Or do you want to be healthy? And I think a lot of people...

Want the first one and I think we'll re-realized we want the second one like we want to be healthy Like we want to be all around healthy. I want to look back at this time of my life and be like I was all around healthy And fit as in like my strength was there. My cardio strength was there. My hormones were balanced My friendships were good. Like my memories were good. My mental health was good Like i'm reading and like exercising my brain like literally everything like everything

was 10 out of 10 as it should be and not everything else was basically at a zero. But hey, I could lift. Yeah. I got abs. But hey, I can lift and I have abs. But like friends, social life? No. Yeah. And it's taken a lot of self-growth from both Taylor and I. I know when we first started this podcast, if you were to go look at our episodes, it's so cringe listening and thinking back on what I preached earlier

On here, so it's changed a lot and i'm really happy that it's changed because i'm obviously continuing to learn and continuing to grow And hopefully be a really good role model for all of you guys listening But the only way that we're ever going to learn and grow is learning from our mistakes and just going through the experience So you can never really knock someone down for like a part in their life that they're in. We're just

Trying to help you Just trying to help you Like that's all it is So don't take any Like serious offense To anything Because we've gone through it Yeah We've gone to where we are now From going through Those experiences So just kind of Learn from it

absorb all the information that we're giving you and just take it as it is yeah and hopefully like just if you're stuck on that like obsessive with being in the gym and being fit and all that this could kind of be that slap in the face to there's more in this world yeah to say fuck it and that there's more in this world to make you happy and to fulfill you

Yeah, and another one of our hobbies now, guys, is that we are going to a new city once a month. So I'm pretty excited about that. Next month, we have up Nashville. So if that's another fulfillment activity you want, try doing that. It doesn't always have to be hopping on a plane. It could be getting in your car and driving somewhere new once a month. It could be so many things. Like if we want to give a list on how many things it could be, there's so many. But like, yeah, for us right now, like...

these little weekend trips are so fun yeah like so fun and there's no reason so like right now it's like there's no reason to not and it's like i feel like every time i'm on a trip i get a dm like are you waking out like how are you staying i mean and i'm like girl i'm on vacation yeah but i hope this like resonated with some of you yeah this was a long episode so hope you guys enjoyed it yeah

And with that, I guess that's all we have to say. Follow us on Instagram. Leave a five-star review. And check out the merch if you want. Bye, guys. Bye. See you.

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