cover of episode Chervin Jafarieh | Level Up Your Health & Wellness Routines: Supplements, Mindset, and More

Chervin Jafarieh | Level Up Your Health & Wellness Routines: Supplements, Mindset, and More

Publish Date: 2022/9/23
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One Thing About Us

Shownotes Transcript

What's up guys, it's Sam and Taylor. And we want you to put your shoes on, pop open that energy drink, and go. Hello guys, welcome back to another episode. I'm Taylor. And I'm Sam. This episode is with Chervene, the owner-founder of Symbiotica. It goes just so deep into how to live your most healthy, wellness-focused... I don't even know. It goes...

So deep into all things health and wellness. You definitely need to stick around and listen and like take out a notepad. Yeah. And like get serious about it. We did. I was going to say we did record this maybe two weeks ago and ever since recording this episode. We did.

We say, like, little remarks about the episode because we take away a lot from it. Yes, we did take away a lot from it. So get ready for that. It's a really good one. But before, of course, we have to do a little bit of a catch-up. Just us, you know, little, because you guys have a lot to digest coming up. Yeah. So...

But we can never forget about the ketchup. It makes me sad going a week without doing a ketchup. As you guys know, we have notes on our phones throughout the week if something pops up and I'm like, I need to tell the girls. It has to be talked about. But first and foremost, I do want to say...

I have been recently getting a lot of DMs. I don't know why, but lately a lot of DMs about bad experiences in the gym. First of all, I love that you guys are so comfortable and you feel like I'm like your big sister or mom in a sense that you can come to the DMs and like just look for like moral support or just like comfort. And I want to put this out here because there's been two of them that I've gotten in the last week that kind of made my blood boil a little bit. First one that made my blood boil was

A creepy man literally took a photo of her. Like, this girl was, like, in her car, like, DMing me, like, at the moment. And I was, like, responding back. I was like, holy shit, like, this is happening right now. But, like, a man took a photo of her at the gym. And now she doesn't feel comfortable enough to go back to the gym. And then the other one is long-term boyfriend. They broke up. And now they're at the same home gym. I'm going to say this right now. And I need to just get this out there. But...

Ladies, do not let any type of man, whether he is fucking old and wrinkly or your ex-boyfriend, control any space that you want to take up in any environment, okay? Go to that gym, claim your dominance, show the bad bitch that you are, and get a good workout in. Who cares if they're maybe staring at you or whatever, making you feel a little bit uncomfortable or sad, whatever the scenario is, but take up that space. Yes. And I'd also like to know, I don't know what kind of gym you go to, but...

If you are going to a commercial gym and you have these like community focused like

power lifting just these really like boutique like smaller business owned gyms if you have one of those near you and you've had many instances at commercial gyms feeling like that i cannot recommend you more to go to a big like community space because like i know small business owned gym if we were at lyft and anything happened i'd have no problem like telling yeah people that work there telling the owner like speaking up and it like just like

It just, those environments just feel like safer. So if you have one of those near you, I'd highly recommend. And two, there are 24 hours in a day. If it's going to bother you that much to see your ex-boyfriend,

What time does he go? Maybe we'll go at a different time. I don't even know if it's like the seeing him part. I think it's the stress of maybe seeing them because you're trying to avoid them. Right. Because I've been in that situation where my ex-boyfriend was at my gym and I'm like, okay, well, I have to fucking avoid this man at all costs. But at the same time, like, no, work out. You're so hot. And the reason you guys were obviously together is because he was attracted to you. So like, let him stare.

That's what I was going to say. Just go looking hot. And yeah, right. You don't need to go to the gym and dress for a boy, but sometimes you do. So yeah, go. It's fun. Sometimes go look hot. Go take the squat rack right next door. He's benching and show him. Show him what he missed. Yeah.

Well, at any rate, a little bit about us, our weekends. I had so much fun this weekend, guys. You guys know I mentioned it last episode. I've been going on Hinge. I've been trying to get myself out there because...

Men just don't want to come up to me. I don't know what it is. You're intimidating. Do I smell bad? You smell like shit. You look like shit. You have shit in your teeth. Fuck. Okay. And I have poopy butt all over me because of macro. That's what it is. Anyways, so this past weekend, Taylor and I went out to dinner with our friend, girlfriend. So there was the three of us and we were like, you know what? Let's go. Let's go out. It's a Friday night. Let's go out. Let's get some drinks. Let's just people watch at some bars. This is what happened. I go to the bathroom and I come back and they're like, we have a proposition. I was like, what is it?

And they're like, we were supposed to go to the pool after this. Low key vibes. And they're like, let's go out. Yeah. And I was like... But okay. I was like, I'm down. But at the same time, when me and my friend was talking, we were like, no, let's just go to like one or two bars and get like one or two drinks and just like kind of people watching, like sit at the bars and like watch around. So yeah, that's in the back of my mind that that's the vibe of the night. So...

Our guy friends were in a big group chat. Our guy friends were like, what are you guys doing? Where are you going? We're supposed to meet our guy friends at the pool. And we're like, you know what? It's girls night. Fuck it. Sorry, boys. But we're going out. We're always the wing woman for the boys. We never really specifically said what we were doing. We were driving over to our friend's apartment. We were supposed to go in the pool. Three of us girls, two of our guy friends, we were supposed to night swim at the pool. He lives in a very nice apartment complex. We were just supposed to be posted up at the pool.

So we're just like, I'm texting. We're all in our separate cars because we ordered dinner. And I'm like, put your dancing shoes on. Yeah. Like what? I'm like, it's girls now. Are you one of the girlies? Are you down? And they're like, what the fuck are you talking about? So we show up. Our guys, our guy friend is in his bathing suit as he should. And we're like,

we're going out. And he's like, he's always ready to go out. So he was like, hell yeah, changed his clothes. And I go one thing and one thing only. I go, this night is about us, not you. And if you even think for a second, you are glancing at a female's eye. No, I will slap the shit out of you. It's not happening. This night is about us. And I told him, I was like, here's my type on

on paper let's go find him and but it's so that our other guy friend shows up in a bathing suit and we're like and like so we're all in going out clothes and we're like we're going out i was like borrow some of his clothes he's like no i brought pants i don't like you guys like they're always down to go out yeah no i brought clothes yeah everyone they just changed and he pulled a bottle of tea it was like out of his bag too he's like i got the booze too i was like what like how did you know

Anyways, so we're out and we're sitting at our first bar, which is Rustic Tap. And we're just sitting at like a circle table. And all our guy friends keep being like, Sam, like white shirt, black hat, like look that direction. And I'm like, no. And then they're like, red shirt, glasses, that direction. I'm like, yeah, like, yeah, that one's cute. And then they're like, okay, like, here's the plan. And like, there's like whole plan. And yeah.

I get like scared. They're like, just go up to him. Like, no, no, no, I'm not going up to them. But like they'll, one of, one time they went up to, one of them went to a, up to the bar to order a drink and then he starts talking it up with like one of the guys and he was like, and then he comes back over to me and he's like, Sam, like was that one cute? Like was that one cute? I just talked it up with him for like a while. Like I'm on his, I'm on his like,

like friendless like I don't even know what the fuck that you would call it as a guy and I was like well no I don't really find that one cute but like I really appreciate the effort like they were running around the bars like trying to find guys for me and then we'd be walking around and he'd be like oh yeah like she's hot and he's like but not tonight not tonight he's like I can't not tonight it's not my night tonight it's the girls night and we kept putting our hands like when we were with them we'd be like

alright everyone put your hands in like the circle and they're gonna be like 1, 2, 3 girls night it was just so funny like I love having guy friends and like but the funny thing at the same time is like they're like

okay so what's your type and i'm explaining my type and they're like well okay you're kind of describing me and we're like well no like you're my guy friend i need guy friends like it's not like that with you i'm sorry i hate to break it to you i'm really hurting the ego aren't i yeah um it was really fun um i did get home at five in the morning but yeah i

Not even for any other reason other than I went back and then we ended up going in the pool. And I literally did not know what time it was. It was just one of those good nights where you don't check your phone. And I looked and it was 3.30. And I was like, what the fuck? Get me out of here. And then it took a little bit to leave and I got home way too late. Never doing that again in my entire life. But it was just one of those times, you know, you don't check your phone. I thought it was midnight. And it was almost 4.00.

So. Ooh, we also cannot forget to address our Sunday fun day. That was like the best Sunday we've had in a very long time. Sober Sunday. It was a good Sunday. We went to, now that it's football season, I'm like all here for it. Like go Pats, baby. I'm in my football era. Yeah. Football era. Like I'm here for it. And there's this bar that is like a Patriots bar. It's like an Irish pub, like fun vibes. And it's like,

and I just I said it to Taylor and I don't know why but I well actually and now I know why because you explained it but I was like you know what like I kind of missed like the Boston boys like I don't know what it is like with the way they dress like the accents like the Irish tone like the South yeah I like I don't know what it is but it was just like I loved being in the environment for like home yeah I felt like home

And we brought Mac to the bar. I bought him a Patriots jersey, which came in Amazon. So next Sunday, he's going to be repping that thing. Yeah, it was really fun. It was nice. I like a little football Sunday, even though I don't care about sports in the slightest. It's cool. Yeah. It's good vibes. Now, Taylor, do we know why I wrote on my notes, people be really out here canceling each other? Like, do we remember this conversation? I remember that we talked about how...

Say it. I don't really remember how like when people come out here canceling each other, like they get so much clout for making up stories, canceling each other, as we've seen from our own personal experience. And but like who was getting canceled that we were talking about?

Because this conversation got brought up somehow. We were sitting on the couch. Basically, we were just saying how like, bro, people just make these things talking. Was it Adam Levine? No, that happened like... Oh, wait. Too soon. Was it Adam Levine? Guys, Adam Levine's been in my DMs. And it's crazy. I don't want to talk about it because I don't want to get exposure. I'm new to LA. But... We're new to LA, guys. So don't come at us. New to LA. But we were talking about...

How like if you come out here and make a fake story about someone and cancel them like you just get so much clout off of them. Yeah. No. And then we were saying we were like we should take our close friends and like cancel them. Oh no. I remember what it was. Well I don't remember what it was but we were saying like like someone we wanted to cancel somebody because like

I don't even know what it was. But we were like, we should just team up with our friends and all just start this massive drama for no reason. Because that's what people are doing. No, I know. It's really funny. You scroll on TikTok, all it is is drama. That's what people are doing. And I feel like we're just like, someone left us out. No, the Adam Levine girl is literally trying to be the next Kim K. Oh, yeah. We can't even go into depth on that. I know. It's so funny. I'm sure there's other drama podcasts that are covering it. Yeah, 100%. But yeah, we definitely were just talking somehow about literally just canceling people on the internet gets...

so much clout for people and that's what they do. And it seems like everyone's teaming up to just like cause drama against people and just get clout off of it, which is really sad. Yeah, it is sad. It's very sad. But... But I mean, if you see...

If you see us after you're stirring the pot, you know why. You know what's funny, too? Because a lot of people will say we name drop a lot on our podcast, but I've never name dropped. I've just talked about scenarios. But at this point, I'm like, I might as well start name dropping. If the shoe fits, wear it, bitch. Yeah. But anyways, besides the fact of the canceling and social media part, we're going on a trip, guys, next month. And I'm so excited. Whoop.

We on football Thursday last weekend, we were sitting with our friends and they were like, we're going to San Diego. Let's fucking do it. So we booked a trip to San Diego and I cannot wait. It's going to be my first time there. So hit us with the recommendations on what to do, what to eat, what to see in San Diego on Instagram. And I really appreciate it because I have no idea what to expect. Yeah, that's going to be really fun. I don't really feel like I have any other updates.

No other updates other than the fact that this episode is going to be a really long one with our guests. So I hope you guys do enjoy it as much as we did. Yeah, very excited about it. Let us know if you guys liked it because Sherveen does come to Austin quite sometimes. He does come around. So if you guys liked it, we would love to get a part two in and maybe like in person if he's here. So if you like it, make sure to let us know that you liked it so we can try to maybe schedule that part two. Yeah.

So yeah, enjoy. And now we are here with Cherveen. Did I say that right? You crushed it. Crushed it. Owner, founder of Symbiotica. I have listened to him on so many podcasts and I just love the value and knowledge you provide on stuff that, quite frankly, we don't have the...

Yeah knowledge and insight to talk about so i'm so excited to just pick your brain and get all this information So if you wouldn't mind some background and information about you how you got into this all of that Yeah, it's an honor to be here and um

For me, I'm an experiential researcher. I think there's too much intellectualism going on in the world today. There's too much like, this is what science is telling you. This is exactly how it's supposed to be. And it gets over some people's heads to the point where they don't even look at it. They don't even want to participate in it. And they go back to the standard matrix and all the stuff that causes escapism. And so for me, I've been...

I would say, you know, grown up in a community and in an environment with my family and the mentors that I had that really showed me the ropes of developing my own faculties through experience and taking on aptitudes of science that actually work for me, that makes sense to me.

And so I'm an experiential researcher. You know, I'm a farmer by trade, which developed a lot of those practices, you know, being in the earth, growing your own food, nurturing your own food, seeing it come to fruition, fruit fruiting and having that developed faculty of a steward, if you will, kind of grow with me at an early age. No pun intended. And so, yeah.

That really curated the lifeline that I operated with in my human design of being an investigator, an anarchist, and a martyr, which is exactly how I was cultivated as a child. So I was able to really express a lot of the things that I inherently was incarnated here to do. And I don't mean that such on a hyper-spiritual level, but more of like a purpose and a path and

and finding my way in life. So that allowed me to develop really beautiful relationships, network really well across this plane of existence, and really bring things to light. There's a lot of empty holes in our system. There's a lot of empty holes in our environment.

Our school system, our medical system, our financial system are all falling apart in front of us and people are just trying to hang on and they're in survival mode. I saw that at an early age and I saw what being in that stress survival mode has done for people and it's taken us out of our present. And so for me, cultivating hyper levels of presence, meditation, foundational training, physical exercise, food, nutrition, laughter, having the best time ever,

really was at the core ethos of my life. And it's where I've developed myself and also built Symbiotica based on that kind of cognizance as opposed to cognizance. And so we're in remarkable times right now. There's a big snapping into reality going on. Obviously, we just went through what we just did with the virus last couple of years. And that's shaken people up. And I feel like it's either put people on the path

Or it's done the opposite and made people fall back into their existence of illusion even further. And so that's kind of where I stand today. I'm having the best time ever and I'm a student, so I'm constantly learning.

I apply every day of my life as an opportunity to get better and to grow and to learn from some of the patterns that I've developed. And I think that's one of the core things that people need to look at because everyone can tell you, okay, this is how many calories in. This is how you train. This is how important sleep is. This is how important this is.

But if you're not taking the time to develop your discipline, all that goes in one ear and out the other. And everyone has an idea and everyone has a concept and everyone has a plan that works because there's so many things that actually work. The problem is, is that we're not developing the faculty of discipline to stick with something.

And we're so instant. We're so we've been so hooked on the instant gratification chain. You know, it's like I want to be this and, you know, two hours doesn't work that way. We have to build levels and execute those levels and then see the momentum grow. And so I'm a big momentum guy, too, with everything in life. And I'll add this momentum can go any direction. Momentum can go into pure bliss or it can go into pure chaos. It doesn't pick or choose.

You can see that if you look at some of the friends in your life, some of the people that you've grown up with, you can see who's kind of taken different trajectories in life.

I think, well, one, so much of what you said is so interesting. And there's two things that stuck out with me. The first is something that we talk about kind of a lot in our own type of way. But in the beginning, you mentioned just how people like to go straight for like the science and what's there and the professionals and this, but don't take the time to really do things on their own and their own, like how they feel about it, kind of their own experience.

experimental process because something we've dealt with is people being like, well, you're not doctors. You don't have this degree. You don't have this. And we're like, but we've been trying and doing these stuff. So we've been for the past over two years. That's kind of when we started our own like personal health journey. Been seeing these results and basically being guinea pigs on ourselves. And that's just what we're sharing. Exactly. Yeah. We're very big on just sharing our experience because I think that's like where it's also like,

very relatable in a sense is just sharing your experience and like adapting day to day, which I think is really interesting when you did mention the whole momentum thing as well, because when we,

Throughout our entire experience, I've been slowly adding in new pieces to my health and wellness routine. And I think this too, with this episode, the whole supplementation, vitamins, all that is something that now I feel I can really, really nitpick on and get deeper in on that. Yeah, of course. And to add to what you're saying, I think we can find balance. So I'm big on people learning and understanding what...

what a nutrient does or what a study says. You know, this is very important. I'm not against that, actually quite the opposite. What I'm saying is that we sometimes discredit our own ability to learn and to build awareness and we're leaning on an outside energy a little bit too much.

And so that's caused some kind of signal that we're not worthy, we're not smart enough, we're never going to get to some type of higher attainment or some kind of peak. I've seen that disablement amongst the masses. I mean, there's a collective insecurity in that, which has caused them to just blanketly remove themselves from the equation. And I think that could be because of the oppressiveness of science where

where they've made it way too complicated. And there's things that we don't even know the accuracy of it because a lot of it's being ran by major corporatocracies and, you know, groups that are looking to marginalize and profit and hold us under some kind of, you know,

We're disabled a little bit. But on the other flip side of it, I'm big on discernment. And so if you want to learn exactly what glutathione does to the human body, as opposed to just hearing someone like me saying it's good for you, that's the initiative that I'm taking. That's the initiative that Symbiotica is taking, is that we're an educational movement based on real facts, real knowledge, not based on fear.

Fear is judgment. Discernment is learning. So if you're listening to this, the more that you can bring real information and real credible knowledge into your source code, into your mind, body, heart, soul, whatever,

the better ability you're going to have to make better choices in your life and not keep running into the same roadblocks over and over and over. And you can see it. There's a pattern. People are constantly hitting the same wall over and over. It's not like this new wall keeps jumping out from a different angle. It's usually the same patterns, shut them down. They go into depression and then they reach for things that aren't good for them. That could be anything, right? That could be any type of addiction. And so that, that cycle happens.

is causing a lot of burnout and it's aging the body and mind and soul at a very, very fast clip. I mean,

And before you know it, you're not operating in your 18-year-old body anymore. You're in your late 20s. And all of a sudden, your hormones and your thyroid and your hypothalamus and your entire endocrine system is completely out of whack. And now you're susceptible to a hundred different autoimmune diseases because you're out of sorts. So there really is, in my belief system and my background with Waldorf education and practicing anthroposophists,

which is a Dr. Rudolf Steiner, I would say cultivated inner science is that most disease and most dis ease, meaning dysfunction and breakdown in your life begins in the mind.

And it's the mental approach or the lack of malleability in the mind to be able to flow and to create new pathways and avenues in your life. Because if you have bad practices and bad habits and you're out all night and you're putting weird shit in your body and you're engaging in weird sex and you're not sleeping properly and you're getting up late and you're stuffing yourself with weird shit, that's a mental affliction. Wouldn't you agree? It's not a...

It's not like you can just blame it on the glyphosate in the food. You're the one that's choosing to do, to live that lifestyle. You can't blame it on sleep because you're, you're choosing that sleep lifestyle. You get what I'm saying? Yes. We're, we're, we get to like the, the, the things outside of them that we blaming it on, or sometimes we blame it on society or we blame it on our parents or we blame it on things. And don't get me wrong.

People have dealt with so much tragedy and so much trauma and who knows what they went through as a child and how they were cultivated in the womb by their mother. Maybe their mother had seven amalgams in her mouth and we have no idea what that did in terms of brain chemistry for the child. I can go on and on. There's so many ways. It's so dynamic, our bodies and our minds.

But we can't just be a victim. We got to start taking some ownership and get responsible with our activities, or that's it, you give up. I've gone through massive tragedy in my life over the last four or five years. I went through my dark night of the soul three and a half, four years ago with my father. Very easily, I could have just boxed it all in and said enough of this shit. And

That made me that drove me that pain drove me to the purpose, which then drove me to power and gave me the faculties of developing things that were that I would have never gone to if I didn't take it head on. And so, again, you know, if you're listening to this, we all have a story and it's some of it's so ridiculously fucked up.

And it's tough to look at, but we have to make a choice. You know, we can either keep running from it and escaping from it, or we can take it head on and start getting disciplined with our lives and start really cleansing our reality and the people who are around, the choices we're making. And all that at the end of the day means you just got to have discipline, look yourself in the mirror and figure out, you know, what is it that I'm choosing for myself every day?

I agree a hundred percent. I feel like the overwhelming like theme of all of that is just like being independent and like trusting yourself and what you need to do and your thoughts. And then of course, like the discipline that you said, I mean, we, we see people that we're around all the time that maybe are complaining about sleep or money or this or that, but they're

spending money out every weekend till 2 a.m. partying, drinking, and it's like you can't, then how can you complain? Like kind of thing. And even if you are complaining about something valid, a very valid sense of pain in your life, I think being like self-aware of why it's a problem and why you're dealing with it. Yeah, there's definitely balance, quote-unquote balance, to like an extent that

Like I can definitely see like there are people in our lives that like they have great balance. But then there's the other ones where it's like they're complaining about X, Y, Z. And, you know, we do a pretty good job with like the balance aspect of it. But I definitely think the discipline needs to come in hand when it's coming to that like social life aspect and really narrowing down on the things that maybe need to like tweaked a little bit.

Yeah, I mean, and it's pushed me to be more disciplined about like who I want to hang around, things I want to do. Like recently, like I've made the decision that, you know, I love my friends, great people, but like the amount that they drink or consume alcohol, I cannot partake in anymore for me personally. Like I don't think it's a terrible choice that they're doing it, but it's that own self-awareness and mental discipline to be like, that's not right for me right now, currently. Yeah.

That's a beautiful perspective. And the way that you both said it was very eloquent. You're not judging, right? You're just making a decision for your life right now. And maybe, you know, six months from now, you know, you're going to go, you know, down to Tulum and set it off. Right. But that needs to be part of your everyday right now. You're making that choice without judging or casting a spell on them or an energy on them or thinking less of them. And I think that's really what we got to do is, you know,

There's also that woke community or people that are just so judgmental on people. How could you be doing this? How can you do this? That's their karma. That's their choice. That's their life.

If you don't, if it's not for you, then just don't be part of it. You know, I think we're just too many people trying to put a fork to people's heads and that energy of being like, you know, looked upon like that is just causing people to cascade worse and worse. It's not helping them in any way. The only way you're going to help your friends is through embodiment. There,

They're not going to see you for a month, six weeks, eight weeks. You're going to look healthier. You're going to feel better. You're going to be further along in your business. You're going to be saving money. You're going to be networking and resourcing. You're going to be getting smarter, more intelligent. You're going to have more time for more real intimate gatherings. You're going to, maybe you're going to start, you know, meeting new people outside of your sphere. That's going to bring a whole new world of knowledge and influence into your life. That's creating momentum for,

And people, your sphere of influence will see that and feel that. And they can either choose to jump on that train or not. You know, and so the whole alcohol thing is,

I think that's a really big topic because alcohol is one of the most common drugs that we have in this realm. It's just such a pastime, yet it's the most dangerous of all of them, in my opinion. If you trace alcohol back, alcohol is used to extract things from flowers and herbs. That's how the ancient Egyptians did it. That's where alchemy begins.

The root etymology word of alcohol is al ghul, which means evil spirit, which is an old ancient Arabic word. And al ghul is prevalent in our realm today and it's running around. And that's why you see people that over drink alcohol and then the liver shuts down, can't metabolize it. And all of a sudden, the alcohol is literally pulling their soul out of their body. They're pissing it out or they're

They're breathing it out through their lungs because this is another way to get everything out is through our lungs. And they black out and they have no idea who they are anymore. And they say, you know, it could be an entity attaches to them or, you know, some weird energy pops up. We've all seen it. We've all been there before. We've all blacked out on alcohol. I have. I remember, you know, 20 years ago. And so we got to really be careful with these things because we

We're also in a world now where one mistake can ruin the rest of your life. That's a fact. We have rules in this realm. And, you know, people are getting into fights. They're abusing their spouse. They're getting behind the wheel. Or they're just degenerating in this constant rigmarole of alcohol and their bodies are suffering constantly.

long-term damage. It's not just that two-day hangover, eating fried foods the next day. It's long-term and relationships are getting suffered. So alcohol, I think, is a big point of discussion, especially in that 16 to 30-year-old range because it's just become such a norm. And it's been used as a coping mechanism for stress when, in fact, it compounds your stress tenfold.

And anything that pulls magnesium out of your body and pulls zinc out of your body is the opposite of what we want. And I think it's just so fascinating. I've been talking about alcohol for a long time. I have a lot of friends that were in AA, whether I agree with that program or not. I believe that it's helped a lot of people. And that's a good choice that you're making right now. And it's reaping benefits and rewards to you. I'm sure you can see it in your everyday life.

from not continuing to poison yourself every night. And I'll just add one last thing. I'm a, I learning how alcohol works in the body is very important and also learning what you're drinking and the surroundings you're in. I'm not against, you know, having, you know, two shots of mezcal every couple of weeks with your friends or drinking a biodynamic or a dry farms wine or something like that. That's done with intention. So that's another thing is like,

if you're unconsciously eating, if you're unconsciously on Instagram, if you're unconsciously drinking alcohol, if you're unconsciously making love, if you're unconsciously doing all these things,

How you do anything is how you do everything. You're completely dilapidated in your action. But if you have intention, you have intention when you eat, you have intention when you're going to go to sleep, you have intention when you're going to drink alcohol, you can make these things into a more balanced effect where you're not getting into a deficit every time you're doing something. You get what I'm saying? Actually use these things and find potentiations where they create balance and actually harmony.

Yeah. Yeah, I like what you said with that, with the intent of those things, because I think that's one thing that we both... Now, obviously, she hasn't drank in a few weeks, and I have... Well, I drank in LA. Yeah, yeah, yes. But the intent is definitely there. It's not like we're mindlessly like,

ordering something if that makes sense like we're very aware that we are drinking like we spent like a good amount of money got dressed up went to catch in la like got a glass of wine the waiter gave us a free shot for fun like i'm gonna drink it that's fine that's like a an occasion a celebration like i didn't even pay for the second thing it's a reward yeah like

And I think it makes it more enjoyable. Yeah, I do too. Like it makes it way more enjoyable. But I think that was a good segue what you were talking about, talking about pulling the magnesium and zinc because what I really want to dive into is...

that aspect of health and the vitamins and the nutrients and that type of supplementation. So I'm glad you mentioned that. So since you talked about the magnesium and zinc, I want to know, and I don't know if that's your answer for this, something you think pretty much everyone needs to be supplementing, vitamins pretty much everyone needs to be taking. I don't like even the healthiest of all individuals, like something they probably need to be taking.

That's a very, very broad question. But let me try to find balance to it. So we're supposed to be getting our nutrients from the food that we eat. Yeah.

the food cycle has been shot. Meaning our hydrological cycle of how weather patterns work and how the soil integrates with the floods and the remineralization and the biotics is gone. Commercial agriculture farming over the last hundred years has destroyed most of the farmland in this country. And it's that, I mean, that right there is the root of it, literally. And our gut is

our large intestines, small intestines, the entire GI should be fundamentally mimicking the soil in terms of mineralization, in terms of biotics, in terms of ratios and things of that nature. And that's why we're, you know, one of the main reasons why we're having such, you know, profound pathological diseases that are coming at a higher rate. And that's why we also have mental affliction and emotional trauma and all those things. And so I would say even before nutrition,

And before vitamins and nutrients and all those things, it's hydration. We are dehydrated as a nation. We're clinically dehydrated intracellularly. There's people that just chug water all day long, but they're not really getting hydrated. And if you're not hydrated, if you ever get dry mouth, that means you're clinically dehydrated. That's like last step. Your body's just throwing a Hail Mary and telling you that.

And that's a really big deal. We're lacking minerals in our body. And so when it comes to like what's the most important foundation of vitamins or nutrition, it starts with hydration and mineralization. You cannot process any of the fat soluble vitamins, you know, A, K, D, doesn't matter without mineralization in your body, without proper selenium or zinc or magnesium, right?

or any of the beautifying minerals like silica, which is part of all of our elasticity of our organs and outwards to our skin, nails, and hair. There's so many things there that we have to look foundationally first. And so whenever I hear people saying that they can't control their appetite or they're hungry all the time, I'm like, you're not hungry, you're thirsty.

So get some water in your system and maybe you got to add a little bit of sea salt to that so you can get some of that electrolytes. And that's so that's a really good strategy for people is that when you wake up on the rise, you know, you're drinking 30 ounces of spring water with maybe a little bit of Celtic sea salt in there. That's mineralizing your body. That's elevating your blood pressure properly so your adrenals don't have to kick in to get your blood system going.

These are little strategies. I don't call them hacks because I don't think our body is meant to be hacked. I call them strategies that help create a better inner system and an outwardly better outer system on how you think and how you're able to train every day and how you're able to move your body. And then from there, then we can start talking about nutrition and what nutrients are missing from a lot of people right now. And so I've been using Shilajit for...

for, you know, since I was like 15 or 16. Shilajit is a black mineral pitch resin, which is the cornerstone of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is the life and physical science that came from ancient India, which has so many fundamental health practices in nutrient density and herbology and life cycles and dojos and all that stuff.

And it literally translates to the cornerstone or the conqueror of weakness is Sheila G. Are you guys using Sheila G? No. No.

You're not on it. Have you seen the black tar that we're making every day? So anyways, this is all the trace minerals in the world. It comes from the earth, from some of the highest altitude places on earth. And it's a combination of all these minerals and we make it into a tea. And this is I mean, this is the cornerstone of alchemy for the body. I have all my top world number one athletes on it.

This is mineralization at the foundational level that can get into the intracellular areas of the body. Because a lot of the stuff that they're selling you as vitamins and minerals, our body can't accumulate them because they're not designed to be uptake by the body because they're synthetically manufactured.

And that's actually causing a disservice and then causes calcification and gets into the joints, gets into the veins, arteries, into the heart, brain. Then you're having problems. We got to really like get crafty with how we're bringing nutrition in our body. This is super important. And so if we're not properly mineralized, then our body is craving stimulants and you're reaching for coffee, coffee,

You're reaching for caffeine sources. You're reaching for anything that can get your body going because you're not electrolyzed. Our body is electrical before it's chemical. This is why before I even take on someone to work with them directly, which is very rare, I get into the foundations first. Instead of going down a whole list of like symbiotic formulas and eating windows and all that kind of stuff, I say, what time are you going to sleep?

Are you watching TV before you go to sleep? How are you rising every day? Are you rising with the sun? Are you getting your feet out on the earth? These are fundamental to the life cycle circadian clock of our immune system and every other biological system in our body. If we're not operating with that type of integrity, forget about everything else. You're 20,000 steps behind.

And so that's the core part of the health is you're rising every day. You're hydrating immediately. You're getting your naked butt in front of the sun. You're turning on all the immune system. You're turning on all the biological systems. You're activating the production of melatonin. Melatonin is the sleep neurotransmitter.

which is manufactured all over the body, including the pineal gland that can't get manufactured if you're not under the sun on the rise. And so we have to get grounded to the earth. If you're living on like a, you know, 10 story building sitting in non-native and electromagnetic frequencies next to wifi and your TV's on and you're hit with blue light, it's just, you might as well just forget about anything else outside of trying to figure out that strategy outside of that.

That is a cornerstone of our health. And so my ritual is that I'm up on the rise at five o'clock. I'm here in Laguna Beach. And so the sun's coming around this crest. I'm staring at the Pacific and I'm getting 20 minutes of full nakedness on the sun, every part of my body.

I'm suntanning my balls. It's like we're supposed to get sun in those areas, women too. Perennial sunning is key. We're not supposed to be living in these artificial boxes with artificial temperature calling DoorDash to bring us food. We're losing our

survival faculty. Like we're supposed to be out there growing our own food and hunting for our own food and looking for spring water and, you know, surviving the elements. That's what creates the body's ability to create resistance to the survival. That's what expresses survival genes. I think at the, at the cornerstone of our house and are at the downfall of our health is that we're, we've become too sedentary. We're too lazy. You know, we're, we think that

Getting in our car and driving to the gym and working out for an hour is enough. That's bullshit. And most people aren't even doing that. Our bodies need to be moving. We need to be constantly engaged. Are you familiar with the term hormesis? No, I'm not. No.

Okay, so hormesis means that what does not kill you makes you stronger. Okay. Okay. That is a fundamental epigenetic scientific perspective, not just spiritual. So we know that our, so epigenetics, let me just, I love how this is just organically flowing. This is how we do it. Oh, I'm like taking mental notes. I need to write stuff down on my phone so I don't forget. Yeah.

You guys are with me, right? I'm flowing this, right? Yeah, I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm in it. All right, so...

So you remember, we always hear like, oh, it's that's just his that's the genetics is genetics. Yeah. Story of our life. Story of our life. Right. And genetics is true. We all have our snips. We all have probabilities towards certain cancers, certain heart diseases. We have a finite amount of time in this life. This life is short. We're just a.

a drop in the ocean of time, as Rumi says, literally. And sometimes we forget that because we're so caught up in the material bullshit. But this life is short. Boom, just like that. And we have different phases of life. We're in our mother's womb. Then we go to puberty, hit adulthood, and then shut down. You go into the disease span. My whole thing is I want to stay in the health span for as long as possible. I don't want to enter the disease span forever.

where other people are entering it today, which isn't crazy in their late 40s. It's unbelievable. And so we have cardiovascular disease, cancers, metabolic diseases, all of these are at an all-time rate. And so epigenetics means epi is above the genetic factor. So we now know that your environment dictates what genes turn on and what genes turn off. And those genes could be a survival gene,

And another gene could be a disease gene. There's so many different chromosomes and cues that our body takes based on the environment we keep, the water that we're drinking, our rituals every day, the lack of sleep we're getting, you know, the addictions we have. All of those things are either turning something on or turning something off. And so my whole thing is, what did the human body and the human consciousness do

What was this thing evolved to do? We weren't evolved to be doing what we're doing right now. And I mean that in a general way. We weren't evolved to be working and slaving away at nine to five job to be miserable, to be fighting with our partner, to be worried and stressed 24 seven.

to act like there's a lion constantly chasing us and we're in this sympathetic stress state where cortisol is cranking all the time. And then we're looking for drugs and we're looking for outlets to try to find balance. That's how the body goes into the disease span very rapidly.

Because we're supposed to be calm. We're supposed to be relaxed. Why do you think meditation and breath work and jumping into cold rivers and the cold plunges and infrared saunas and hanging upside down and getting away from people and finding quiet time is so valuable?

It's not just some like cosmetic law. It's an actual scientific biochemistry perspective that our bodies are desiring homeostasis. And so just like the inflammatory system, we're supposed to have inflammation in our body. If we don't have inflammation in our body, we'll never heal from anything. Have any of you guys ever sprained an ankle? No.

Yeah. I mean, I've like hurt an ankle. You've probably had more injuries. Yeah. Oh, I mean, yeah. Well, if you bump, if you bump a knee or you sprain an ankle or whatever, what happens immediately? That area swells up, right? Well, it's swelling up because your innate acute immune system is sending growth factors, blood flow, growth hormone, white blood cells, all to that area and that it's a heal. And so that's your acute immune,

inflammatory response and we want that that's the survival that's how the body heals but if we're in low-grade inflammation all the time meaning that the body is constantly fighting something all over the body that means we've opened up all these wars throughout the body that chronic inflammation

is what leads to a complete cellular degeneration and a complete breakdown of so many things that are supposed to be keeping you strong, keeping you young, keeping you supple, all that stuff.

And so we need to exercise the acute inflammatory system, and that's the hormesis model. We got to do things that are survival mode. So I highly advise people, not only are you getting up and you're rising every day with the sun and you're doing your breath work, but you're also challenging yourself.

And that's why I'm a big fan of, you know, high interval training. You know, if you're going after it for 30, 40 minutes a day and you're turning on every anatomic system, your adrenaline, your heartbeat, all of those things, your body is getting that flex. And then it's going back down the baseline. I jump in. I'm in a cold plunge, you know, three or four days a week. I'm going in 39 degree water.

What's happening when I go in that cold clench, my body's going into survival mode. At some point I'll go into hypothermia and die. You with me? Yeah. As my body is now going into survival mode, it's preparing for stress. And so now as I've created a cadence, my body's gotten used to this level of survival mode. So now when I'm driving on PCH and some asshole cuts me off and flips me off,

I'm not ready to jump out of my car and fight to death because I'm calm during that moment. You get what I'm saying? Yeah. That has created a stability within me where little things aren't causing inflammation in my body. And I'm able to be in a stronger position because the flexibility of my immune system, my conscious, my parasympathetic, which is my fight flight, is now way more malleable.

These things are invaluable to someone's lifespan. These things are invaluable to your decision-making. This builds composure and discipline from within. This is why in the military, in black ops training or whatever, Navy SEAL training, this is why they put them through hell.

They want to challenge their nervous system, right? They want to be able to, so they can take on stress a lot easier because if someone's, you know, engaging in some kind of ambush in some foreign territory and they get, and something happens out of what they predicted, they're either going to crumble and fall apart or they're going to step up. Right. And so it's the same, it's the same thing with our everyday and our, and our stuff. Once we have control of these kinds of faculties and we've built this level in

inner power, then everything else comes out and becomes a lot easier. And that's what I always preach before looking at high-end nutrients and nutraceuticals and all these things, which are foundational because our food system shot a hundred percent. We got to get the core faculties in a place where it's working with nature and not against nature.

I really like where you went with all of that for like a few reasons. But one is because a lot of what you said for probably most individuals that are listening to this because they're probably listening on an iPhone and how they they are in like a good like life situation. Most of that is virtually free and not very time consuming. Waking up at 5.

The sunlight, if anything, gives you more time. Going outside is free of cost. Probably everyone listening to this has water to drink enough water. And let's say having a cold plunge. You might not have a cold plunge in your house, but you could take a cold shower. Like, most of that is arguably free of cost to most people. Yeah. So I think...

that those that that's a very like interesting answer and a good point because a lot of people think it's all very expensive and very time consuming and very overwhelming but at the root of it i mean obviously it was a lot of information but at the root of it those are very very simple things is sunlight and water that's very simple the second thing is the whole minerals thing i find it very interesting because i listen to a

And those are the only times I really hear people mention the minerals. Everyone's all on like vitamins and like even ourselves, like the protein and the carbs and all that. But the minerals are not something I hear people bring up unless I'm listening to a podcast with someone like yourself on it, giving that different perspective. I never hear people talk about

minerals people are on so many other type of supplements and focus for health and i never hear it being minerals ever do you it's foundational it's the it's the of our health without mineralization forget about anything else it's you know every so every mineral has a specific subatomic charge that's why like your body like what are we what's our structure made of

We're made of calcium and silica. Just think how crazy that is. Our carbon-based avatar, whatever this soul incarnated in, is made of the earth. Think about that. So we're literally a material of the soil. So our bodies ping to minerals. Every mineral has a specific job to

That's that governs major, major transcription factors in the body in terms of how they create enzymes and how they create actions. Sometimes they're called cofactors. You know, zinc has the ability to.

cleanse the body and kill things in the body. It could be killing bacterias and stuff like that. It has the ability to charge up our hormone production, estrogen and testosterone. It has a very unique electrical charge that cues the body up. Magnesium

magnesium is the conductor of all communication in the body. That's how cells communicate with each other. And it's also the, the, the element that is our stress reserver, meaning when you have stress, your magnesium is being used up. And so that's like our, our, our, our, I would say like our golden chest is,

to be able to tackle things that we take on every day. And so without adequate magnesium, we're not getting proper sleep. Our muscles aren't contracting properly. We're not digesting properly. We're not eliminating properly. There's so many things to that. And I can go on and on. Like every mineral has a very, very particular, um,

total whole body aspect to it. It's unbelievable. And I find it to be probably one of the most fascinating things that I've ever studied was mineralization. So again, you got to take your mineralization and your hydration to the highest level before you even think about, you know, pound per protein or carb ratio or any of those things. Those all come last place in

to the fundamentals because you're not going to be able to metabolize food properly. You're not going to be able to use, you know, create insulin properly and, and, you know, shuttle nutrients into the cell properly if you're not properly mineralized. I have a question about magnesium. Is the magnesium, you know, like the calm powders and stuff,

I do. Is that like the same like form of magnesium that you're referring to or is that like different? I mean, I'm – look, of course, I'm the founder of Symbiotica. I'm always going to say like nothing compares to what we're doing. Yeah. But I'm also going to say however you can get it in, get it in. So if you're taking – yeah, if you're taking the magnesium, I think –

I'm trying, I think it's magnesium malate. I'm not sure what form of magnesium they're using in there. Most people are taking that at night.

A lot of people are constipated. I mean, it's so crazy. The constipation levels in this country are so high. That's why people are drinking, smoking cigarettes and taking a shit ton of magnesium at night just so they can get their elimination going. And that's just a product of having dysbiosis and leaky gut, among other things. And so...

Any way that you can get magnesium in your body. We created a liposomal magnesium L3 and eight, which was developed, you know, at a very, very prestigious university. We have a patent on it and that's a brain magnesium. So that magnesium specifically crosses the blood brain barrier.

We're very deficient in magnesium in our brain. Obviously, magnesium is not in our food anymore. The brain is the hardest place to get magnesium. So it was a no-brainer to create that product. We also have a topical magnesium chloride, which is sourced from the Dead Sea. And that's a spray bottle that gets into your body transdermally. But any way that you can get more magnesium in your life, the better. There was a funny meme that we created. I got...

98 problems, but magnesium solved them all. It's such a blanketing mineral for so many problems. And most people are magnesium deficient. And you'll notice you'll be operating a lot better foundationally if you get your magnesium levels to adequate levels. Okay. Interesting. Okay. Because I knew there was like different forms. So I just wasn't sure if like

That was the same form that you were referring to. But I guess like you said, yours also has the one for like the brain. And that's very interesting that you can put it topically. I didn't know you can do that. Yeah, absolutely. That's very interesting. Yep. Our bodies are sponges. They'll take on everything. And we have certain compounds in that formula that speed up that process, that really push it into the bloodstream. Okay. Yeah.

Um, so this part is kind of the, this is almost a direct opposite of the first question that I asked. Do you think there's something specific? I mean, there's probably a lot, but if there's ones that come to mind, maybe very like trendy right now that people are pushing to like focus on and supplement that you think is just totally like over, like totally not worth it. Overhyped. Let's say our body already makes it. Like I know one people will say that like collagen, oh, collagen. Yeah.

What were you going to say? I know some people say that everyone's like, take vitamin C, vitamin C, but everyone eats enough vitamin C. If you eat a lot of fruit and vitamin C is not really that worth it to buy, something like that. I'm a big fan of vitamin C. Okay. Just because there's so many pathogenic viruses and STDs and weird shit that

Going around and vitamin C is just, it's a staple. It's a, it's, you know, it's a, it's a one for one antioxidant. It gets intracellular. It's water soluble. I mean, it doesn't stay in your body. It's in and out. We make a liposomal vitamin C with a couple other key ingredients. It's a great combination. I take it twice a day. I'm taking two grams of vitamin C every day.

it's good for your skin it's good for your blood it's good for your immune system um it's just i would say it like just like anything else there's just a lot of generic crap on the market right for us my my whole team we all agree you are what you eat you've heard that right but more importantly you are what you can absorb

And so a lot of the stuff that's made on the open market, you're just throwing your money away and pissing it out, maybe even causing some stress on your kidneys and liver. And so we go out of our way to really create artisan crafted nutrients that are all organic. Most of them are in liposomal form, meaning it's basically we've turned supplements into foods.

And we use only the highest, highest level of nutrient sourcing in the world. And another thing is that we're running our products every 10 weeks. This is unheard of in the supplement space. And what I mean by that is every 10 weeks, we're making a new emulsion. So because Symbiotica is cranking so fast, and this is artisan blends,

We can't make a million products at once. You get what I'm saying? And these products are meant to be used. They're not meant to be sitting in a warehouse and then making its way to this distribution center and then sitting at Whole Foods for another four months. You get what I'm saying? When a product's made, that final product, like let's say we make X amount of units, that last unit is probably being used within three, four months. That's unheard of.

So our stuff is long story short, it's very fresh. It's live liposomes. And I'm really, really stoked on that. That really helps me feel good every single day. It's different than anyone's doing out there. Nobody's doing it like this. And that's because we bootstrapped this company. I don't have an advisory board that I have to answer to. I didn't take money from anyone.

You know what I mean? So we make our own decisions and we're running our own systems. And so, you know, it's not the best model for like super marginalized business, but I don't give a fuck. I'm not here for that.

I'm here to create the best and offer the best and give people what they deserve to be having because this stuff matters. And so our product line, like for women, I always recommend like they get on the D3, K2, CoQ10. That's an incredible liposomal form product. Our Omega formula, which is a plant-based Omega formula, which is phenomenal.

It's got all the omegas in there. It's got C buckthorn oil in there. DHA, all from the best sources in the world. Also our glutathione, which I think is so important for so many women out there. There's, you know, they're getting hit with heavy metals and molds and toxins, bacterias, all this shit. You know, we made a liposomal glutathione, which goes in there. It's the master antioxidant. It just chelates everything out of the body.

And the studies on it are just phenomenal. There's so many nutrients that if you just find like your cadence and they're all delicious, best ever, they come with strategies, you build momentum. And you got to see the testimonials that I get. It's unbelievable. Yeah, no, I was just, I was curious because when she asked the question and we were talking and you said collagen, I would just love to know like why. Yeah.

Why I feel collagen is being overused? Yeah. Okay. Well, how you do anything is how you do everything. So majority of the collagen products out there are not coming from the best sources. They're coming from, you know, slaughterhouses, scraps on the ground. And, you know, that's just not the best ever. And so my whole thing is,

If you can find a really, really high quality source that's got the right label, that shows you exactly where it's coming from, that shows you it's coming from organic farms that are doing it the right way, the right practice, it's not some crazy chaotic commercial meat agriculture bullshit, then you could probably find something that's decent. Or

you could just make your own collagen at home, which is, you know, really the ticket and you get real collagen. And there's a strategy on that. You know, if you, if you, if you're not vegan, cause you can only get collagen from an animal source. There's no like vegan collagen. There's silica and vitamin C, which helps manufacture type one, type two collagen, but you can't get collagen from a plant source. And so, you know, you could get like a, you can go to your local farm and,

and get like chicken feet and backs and beaks and then put it in a cooker and slowly cook it with some herbs. And, you know, within two, three days, you're going to have

a gallon of collagen, pure collagen. Interesting. Interesting. You should do it. I, I eat plant-based, so I wouldn't be doing that, but you should do that. Yeah. I'm very interested. Maybe, maybe one day you'll see me cooking up some fat feet. I'll make it for you and you can drink it. Yeah, there we go. If you see me come in with like chicken feet, don't, don't be alarmed. So I'm a qualitator. I'm right in between you guys. So I, I,

I've been a qualitarian my whole life. I just put quality in me. I don't subscribe to any ism and I don't mind anyone who's this way or that way. When I, you know, we have a, we have a farm on the North shore of Kauai and it's epic. I mean, we have the best, we have the most incredible fruits and all over the world that we've brought in and it's just insane. But when I'm on the Island, I turn into a frugivore, you know? And so I'm,

I always find myself, I follow the seasons with food. I kind of just go with the flow. If I'm here, if I'm in Iceland, I'm eating that cuisine. If I'm here, I'm eating this cuisine. I'm just kind of like, and I'm sourcing the best ever. So that's really important. Yeah, 100%. Yeah, I mostly eat plant-based for animal and environmental stuff, not really for health stuff. Maybe one day I would transition. The only...

The only way I can see myself getting back into eating animal products again is like eating eggs literally sourced from chickens in someone's like very small farm. Like that kind of – That's how we do it. Yeah, that's how we do it. Yeah, that's how I can see myself going back into it. But that's like where – that's how my diet is at the moment. I eat like vegan. How is that working for you? It's good. I haven't eaten meat in like over seven years.

Okay. So it's, it's comes honestly pretty natural to me. I was little and we'd go to McDonald's and everyone would order chicken nuggets and I would literally order a salad. And I was like, fine. Like it's,

It's really natural to me. Like if we cook dinner and it was like chicken and like rice and vegetables, I would literally not eat the chicken. I didn't like it. Yeah. Well, McDonald's at an early age would push anyone to veganism. Yeah. But just like little, like literally anything, like at a restaurant, oh, side of fries or side of broccoli, broccoli. Like it's just kind of in my...

I'll take that as any day. As are so gnarly. I was, I deep dived on French fries in terms of the dangers of it. It's just insane how, how bad that is. It's like they compare it. They compare French fries to smoking like six packs of marble reds in terms of like oxidative damage intracellularly. And that's, that's crazy. Are we talking because of like the oil? Yeah.

Yeah, just the trans fats and how it clogs up and just literally causes, burns the cells, burns the membranes. And that oxidative damage hits you like really like at the mitochondrial level, which is the battery in the cell. And that stuff's just chaos. If you bake your potatoes and then like sweet potato and chop them up,

and you know put a little olive oil on it that's a totally different Beast right it's the canola oil the vegetable oil the trans fats all that kind of stuff that stuff's chaos so if you're listening to this stay away from commercial French fries it's a disaster to your body and then people compound it they throw like ketchup on top of it yeah dude

That's hectic. You're big on the homemade sweet potato fries. I am. I love my homemade sweet potato fries. Nowhere compete. That's a good workout food, right? Especially if you just hit it like hard, like anaerobic, not aerobic, anaerobic. Like you hit the weights, you squatted, you did your biggest compound movements. Sweet potato is a great post-workout. I'd say about 90 minutes after that workout.

Good to know. I will buy more sweet potato. Yeah. I'm like, don't have to give you another excuse to want to make sweet potato fries. Yeah. So I wanted to go into like morning and night habits, but I feel like you kind of already covered that as in morning, get outside, get in the sun. Night, I assume it's probably turn off the blue light, get to bed. Yeah. Night is...

So like the declination of the sun, right? So like in the, so we're, we're in summertime, we're heading into the fall equinox. So the sun is going to start shifting south on the declination. So it kind of changes a little bit. I'm speaking more on a cosmological level. So here in Orange County,

Um, when the sun leaves the site here, as we get into the fall, it starts to get dark a lot faster than in the root of summer. You guys familiar with that whole thing? So like in summertime, when the sun sets, it takes like 90 minutes for it to get dark. But in wintertime, when the sun sets, it takes like 15 minutes. You with me? Yeah. It gets dark at like 5 p.m.

5 p.m. But more importantly, and I want you guys to tune in on this, is that in the wintertime, when the sun leaves your eyesight, it'll get dark within 15 minutes, if not sooner. But in summertime, when the sun leaves your eyesight, your sight of vision, it'll stay lit for about an hour and a half. Because we're in the Northern Hemisphere, the sun in the summertime is closer to the Northern Hemisphere, so we're getting that lag light.

I bring this up because this is important for your sleep method. And we're supposed to be going to start getting sleepy when the sun goes away. That's how these bodies work, you know, and that's optimal. Obviously, we have social lives. You know, we love, you know, watching some of our favorite movies. We love to go, you know, have stuff. Same here. So I'm not like a machine. But I know that for optimal speaking, when that sun is gone and it's dark, you know,

I should be doing everything. Everything I should be doing should be getting me ready for that sleep. And that sleep is the most precious. I would say it's the most precious thing we got. It's one of those things that you cannot do without no matter what you can stop taking certain nutrients and whatever. But if you fuck up your sleep, forget about it. Sleep is, is the time we're not only,

You're rejuvenating and repairing, but you're detoxifying. So the whole thing is every hour of sleep that you get before midnight, they say counts as double, right? So if you're in bed at by 10 p.m., you're getting an extra two hours there. So that's actually four hours of precious sleep, which makes sense. And if you're not preparing for bed at 915, 930, and what I mean by preparing is your last meal was no later than 6 p.m.,

You're not caught up in weird chaos. You're not like staring at a big old blue screen. You're not, TV isn't blaring. You're not involved in gossip and weird shit.

then you're positioning yourself to enter sleep at the right time and to get a full night of all the waves. So you're going into theta and then you go into delta. This is when rapid eye movement starts. And the actual body starts to recycle itself and detoxify itself. That's why when you wake up,

You know, you have a film over your teeth and your tongue. You might have stuff in your eyes. What is all that? Why do we have all that? It's because your body's cleansing itself from top to bottom throughout the night. And we have, you guys familiar with the lymphatic system, right? So we have lymph nodes running throughout our body. This is basically our garbage disposal. Just like we have veins that carry blood and nutrients. We have, we have tubes that carry all the toxins out.

There's one system that's really interesting. It's called the glymphatic system, which is in the brain. The glymphatic system will not cleanse if you don't get that proper sleep. This is very fascinating. That's why you can tell the difference when you get three hours of sleep or four hours of sleep or it's been completely restless or you're on vacation somewhere and the hotel is shitty or you're not used to your bed or whatever. Don't you feel a lot dumber now?

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We probably aren't very great about, you know, like the screens at certain times kind of thing. But one thing about us, we are literally in bed horizontal at 830. We are ready to be asleep even when we're out with friends.

uh any time over midnight is insanely too late to be out of our house the the clock literally strikes 12 and we're like bye no not even don't even say bye we're just like we're out yeah it's it's way too late uh-uh not me because if if we don't sleep like sleep is i'm damaged sleep is no for like honestly for me it's like three days yeah yeah that makes total sense

you're wiring in your entire thyroid. And, you know, being a woman, you guys know better than I do. There's this very delicate system. And so like, if you miss that window of rejuvenation and detoxification, you're playing massive catch up.

And so it's really important to get into that cadence. It's really good to hear that you guys are taking it serious in that sense and listening to your body. That's another thing. You're listening to your body, right? It's not like putting a gun to your head and saying, hey, you have to sleep at 830. You're listening to your body and you're doing it. And that right there is super important. And if you miss that first wave of sleep, you kind of get a second wave of energy. And in Ayurveda, they call that pitta.

And so you'll see people that miss that first wave, like they're not in bed by 930 10pm. And if they're still up at 11 o'clock 1130, and all of a sudden, their sleepiness goes away, because the body releases energy, and it keeps you up. And that's why you have a lot of people that are stuck on that, like, that night is where they're just like up all night. And then they're finally falling asleep at 233 o'clock. And it's like, it's bullshit, right? They're like, they're breaking down. So

This is really important. I think sleeping in a pitch dark room is critical. So there can be no light pollution at all. So you got to really be very, very critical on that. You got to make sure there's no sound pollution unless you're like into like having a background white noise type deal. That's up to you. I think it's also important that you stop drinking fluids about 90 minutes before sleep.

so you don't want to have you don't want to be waking up in the middle of the night at 3 30 4 o'clock having to pee also room temperature i think the ideal room temperature is somewhere between 65 to 67 degrees that creates an optimal sleep situation and then you're not rising with an alarm you're naturally rising

with your, your own circadian rhythm. Those are, you know, fundamental paramount aspects of sleep. I, I've actually just created a symbiotic of sleep formula, which has never really been done before. And, uh, this is coming out in the next couple of weeks. Um, and,

But that's the fundamental rules I think on sleeping. And if you have to watch TV or be on your computer or be on your phone, then make sure your settings are down on everything so that you're getting as much of that blue lights. You're not getting that blue light in. And then also get some blue blockers to throw on top of that as well. And another good thing is I like to do my infrared sauna at night.

I have a sauna that has red light as well. So both of that combination just puts my body in a total relaxation mode. If you don't have an infrared sauna, another one that's really powerful is get in front of a fire. So have you guys gone camping? I'm sure. How good do you feel like sitting at a campfire at like nine o'clock after like a long time?

Right. The best.

but it's an energy that's giving off infrared nano, you know, nanowaves of light and energy. And our body just soaks that up. So if you can make it a ritual to get in front of a fire every night, that's why I love the season of fall. That's like my favorite season, you know, because summer is all gene energy. We're raging. We're going berserk. You know, we're traveling, you know,

We're doing the pool thing. We're, you know, we're doing all this crazy stuff. We're surfing every day. We're down at the beach, you know, we're going nuts. And then fall comes and it just seems to calm down. The energy starts to get a little bit more creative and a little bit more inwards. And so, and at that point you start, you know, getting into that like cool little, like fun space of like inward thoughts and consciousness. And I love that. I love the season cooling off a little bit.

So we have to be present to our seasons too. A lot of people are completely disabled to like what the hell is going on. I think someone who's grounded into like going into seasons and feeling into their own inward bound consciousness, it's very powerful for their health and for their psychological health. Noted. Taking all of this in. I wish we had a fire plate. I know. I wanted to get one for the balcony. Yeah. Maybe I should.

You should. It's super clout. Just be careful with it. I don't want you burning shit down and they blame it on me. No, yeah. No, won't blame it on you. Okay, so on the balcony in the morning, I'll be tanning naked and then at night, I'll be by the fire pit. Yes. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

That's so funny. Okay, well, I feel like we did a deep dive into so much and we've been talking for like, I think an hour now. Yeah. Are we at an hour? Yeah, I think we're actually a little bit over. I feel like we went into so much and I learned so much and took a lot away from this and I hope everyone else did too.

We will be putting a post up so everyone can find you through our Instagram. Are we, are we Instagram friends? I don't think we're Instagram friends. We've got to become Instagram. We'll be Instagram friends. Right when this is over. And next time you're in Austin, maybe we could do a in person. Yeah, that'd be cool. Yeah. Let's make that happen. Yeah. And I want to say like,

I'm just speaking from a level of experience and there's no indoctrination here, meaning you have your own choice to make all these decisions. This is just what's working for me and my tribe. We're getting good results over here and we're having a good time with it. You know, this is not this is not the concrete way. And if you're doing something a little bit different.

awesome. And I'd love to hear other perspectives. So this is not coming from like a hierarchy. This is just coming from experience and looking at the fundamentals of health and coming together as a tribe. And so I'm all about like that energy of just tribing up and showing up for people and just all love. I offer this with pure love and intention. Yeah. I love that. I think that's so important to note because I think a lot of people could feel like

I mean, I don't know if like attack is the right word, but as if like, I think people go into like defense mode. Of course. Really, really, really quickly. And if you get defensive on certain on these things, it's an opportunity for you to look at inside yourself.

and like figure out why is that like triggering something you know this this is an opportunity to learn more about yourself and to maybe like move outside of that challenge you know i always tell people i used to be a lot more demonstrative i was you know i'm a wild guy i'm crazy guy you know and i've done a lot of crazy shit and a lot of people were they couldn't

It was just too much for them. And I get that. I've tailored it off a lot. I'm always coming from a place of love, but I'm energetically a lot softer. But I always just want to tell people, go at your own pace. You're not going to change anything in 24 hours. Just start building momentum. Try something new tomorrow. Maybe stop that old pattern and try this. Maybe listen to this podcast. Maybe...

Drink spring water, maybe invest in a shower filter. You know, maybe you start instead of watching this TV show that you're always watching that maybe stop unfollowing, maybe unfollow certain things on Instagram that cause you pain and frustration, you know, because those are energy exchanges to, you know, social media is chopping people apart right now. And so you just got to like figure out what's your pleasure and what's your poison and, and,

And find balance there. Yeah, I do appreciate you saying that too because a lot of people listening right now will think that they have to – it's like an all or nothing type thing where they have to jump right into it. But I definitely think like the small pieces that they start to pick up on will end up being that big picture that they want. Right, because if someone like me starts right now at 21 years old –

if I start a new habit every month by the time I'm 35, like that's when like it'll be different. Yeah, exactly. Um, but yeah, uh, I love this. I think it was a lot of fun. Thank you so much for coming. And of course, let us know next time you're in Austin. Yes, I will. Sure. Okay. Well, bye guys. Thank you. Thank you.

See you on Friday.