cover of episode Beth Feraco | Calorie Deficits 101, the ONLY Way To Lose Weight

Beth Feraco | Calorie Deficits 101, the ONLY Way To Lose Weight

Publish Date: 2022/9/9
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One Thing About Us


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Do you want a bra that's sexy or do you want a bra that's comfortable? Well, that was a trick question because I know you want a bra that's both. And now you can have that thanks to Third Love. Third Love was started to take all the frustration and the ick and the ick out of bra shopping. That's why they make solutions for every bra problem, aka, brablems. They put every style through hours of wear testing on real women, including themselves, before it's given the stamp of boob approval.

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What's up guys, it's Sam and Taylor. And we want you to put your shoes on, pop open that energy drink, and go. What's up you guys, welcome back to another episode. I am Sam. And I am Taylor. I want to do some like, you know, housekeeping things right off the bat. One, we're launching a fitness app. Hell yeah. If you didn't know that, I did a little poll on my story today. I was like, did you know that we're launching a fitness app? And like, I'm going to check what it's at right now. It wasn't a lot of you already knew, so I'm not saying you guys didn't know, because a lot of you did, but...

Some people just don't keep up. 103 people said... Did not know. Didn't know. Damn. Well, maybe they don't know this in the podcast, too. 400 people did know. Yeah, that's good. So you guys are with it. But you might be number 104. Yeah.

who's like wait I didn't know now you do fitness uncensored app you can find it on any of our profiles on the podcast profile you can find it'll be super easy quick to get to um so yeah if you're number 104 that also didn't know now you know and now you're aware

um also merch is still for sale you can still buy merch shipped in package by yours truly yes and yeah but guys i you i need to just let you know right now how excited i have been to catch up with you guys all week like this weekend like there is something in particular that we will get into that like rubbed me the wrong way and i've been itching to tell you guys because you guys are gonna find this hilarious um i think this is really funny um

um this is going to be a good episode for you guys because this catch-up is going to be us being our hilarious wonderful selves but then we're going to get into some really educational valuable info 100 so it's a really good mix of both make sure to stick around for the interview with beth but listen to like i'm just going to read you guys these notes so you guys can like be like wait what because it's funny this is what it says moving to offland is weird heavy period bled through my shorts nail salon and then someone's name

That's my notes. Here's another thing. Do you guys ever, which I'm like asking you this as if you're going to answer right away, but is there ever somebody in particular that really pisses you off one week and then anything that pisses you off, you refer to it as their name? Like, let's say they're a Rebecca. Sorry, Rebecca's listening out there, but like,

I'll like yell at the fridge because our fridge like screams and like beeps. I'm like, Rebecca, shut the fuck up. Our fridge screams. It's like, ah! No, our fridge like makes this beepy sound. So like anything that like pisses you off in the slightest, you just like refer to it as that person's name. Yeah. I do it all the time. Yeah. So we can just go right into that because we're already talking about it. Yeah. So we can start there. It was last on my list, but we'll start there. Yeah. Guys, we're getting canceled again. Never, guys. Like,

To be such a catty female is so just like icky. Like everyone talks about like what gives you the ick? Like what gives you the girl ick? Like the friendship ick? Because I hardly ever meet people who are right off the bat. I'm like, oh. I need to get away from you. I need to get out. No. And because, you know, normally it's like

Even if it's not the best interaction, you give people the benefit of the doubt. It's one time, you know, you feel it out. But it was like, nope. Yeah. Nope. Some background context for you guys. So basically, we have a friend in our friend group, a guy, and he has an ex-girlfriend. And they did for four years. And we literally have never seen her in our entire life all the way up until this past weekend. Yeah.

She made an entrance. She made an entrance. And I've always wondered, like, why haven't we seen her around? She's part of the friend group. Like, what the heck? Anyways, now I know why. But, um... So...

We had been at the bars bar hopping and we ended up being at the same bar as her at one point. And one of our mutual friends was like, oh my goodness, like I want to introduce you to her. So obviously we're like, okay, like we're going to give this girl like, keep in mind, we have no like bad blood toward this girl until after the interaction. Because this was our mindset the whole time. These people are both adults. Like I'm not going to like hate your ex just because it's your ex and you should be able to be in the same room. Like, you know what I mean? Like,

we're adults like there was no like um bad like we weren't going into it with like a oh we don't like her because that's my friend's ex it was like we're adults but taylor and i well we haven't really we weren't drinking so this is another like thing so she was obviously drunk we weren't drunk i had one right because we were sober i'm just saying i'm just saying like my in like my like

reading a person sober is much better than reading a person when you're drunk. So we're just kind of standing there and I was actually doing like a, um, something with somebody else and she goes, okay, like let me introduce my friend. So the girl comes over and she goes, hi, nice to meet you. My name's so-and-so. She goes,

This guy, like, I don't want to say our friend's name, but let's call them Stephanie and Jared. Okay. Jared's my ex. Jared treated me like shit. Our entire relationship.

And that's the first thing she said to us. And I'm like, whoa, okay. Like, calm down. Like, I did not ask. And I felt like she was just about to literally, like, unwind her entire, like, four-year relationship onto me. And I just feel like that's not something you do when you know blatant day that I'm a really good friend with your ex-boyfriend. You know? Yeah, it was just, it's very weird to come on initially talking crap about someone's friend to a person, to their face. Very odd.

Now, this was a very quick conversation. Very packed bar. I'm talking like shoulder-to-shoulder packed bar because football games were on. It was crazy in there. You know, loud. So it wasn't like this long, drawn-out conversation. And like we leave it, right? We're like, didn't really like that. I didn't know what to say. I was like, I really didn't know what to say. We're like, didn't really like that. Like just like weird. And then we find out through the grapevine.

That we were apparently mean to her. Yeah, we were mean to her and that she wants to quote unquote ruin us on the internet. What? She heard we were influencers and wants to ruin us. When she's the one that came up to us talking shit about somebody else. I'm like, make it make sense. You know, this is where it bothered me is like because we have a platform with a bunch of people on it, people just think that they can automatically assume or like

make this assumption about us and it's just not true and then they think they can just cancel us. It all comes back to what I was saying on last podcast episode about like

It's worried if people are going to think your man's going to see us. I know. It's hard for girls. It's crazy. But I don't know. Just don't, guys. This is my thing. Don't be that crazy ex. When I broke up with both my ex-boyfriends, I wanted to be able to be in the same room as them. No drama. Like, move on type of situation. And...

That's just not happening with this relationship. And, you know, somehow we get dragged into it. And I don't even know where. I'm sick of getting dragged into everyone's business. But now it is our business. And I'm talking about it on my podcast. I know. I thought it was the funniest thing when she said, quote unquote, she wants to ruin us on the Internet. What? So, OK, I'm glad we're putting it out here first because that's what's really happened. So if you see a random girl on the Internet...

saying that we did something to her. She's not going to. Well, I mean, I wouldn't put it past... That was a weird... I wouldn't put it past it. But, like, that was... If you see any of that happen, you heard it here first, folks. What really happened was a 10-second conversation where we didn't know what to say because she was just shitting on her friends. Yeah. Ah, fuck. I'm the rude one. So rude. Should've... Yeah, because...

To lose who's then what? Then we talk shit, then our other friend doesn't like us. Yeah, I know. So where do you win? We don't win. We're never in the winning situation. Ever. Anyway. So back to my list. My main big point on this list that just had us like...

laughing. You know, it's like that TikTok that's like, I don't judge, but I will judge you if you move to Houston just to go to Alphaland. Yeah, okay. The reason I... We had this conversation before the podcast and that's why we put it down. But the reason I... We got into the conversation because I saw some guy's TikTok and he was basically saying that Alphaland is becoming so oversaturated with so many people moving there and everyone is trying to be the same person. And it's like...

how are you going to grow as a person or even a content creator on social media if you are in the same exact place as so many other people just trying to fit in like someone's going to like you better and like fuck with your content better if you're like doing fitness and you're maybe a nurse um on the side like and they see that you're hustling and all that stuff not like

dropping everything and moving across the country to go to Alphaland. And I know the Texas haters are going to be like, well, you guys moved to Austin. Everyone's moving to Austin. That wasn't a content thing. Yeah, I had a full-time job when I moved here. That wasn't a content thing at all. I literally would have moved. And if you were in another city, I probably would have went with you wherever, honestly. But anyways, people are going to be like, you also moved to Texas. It wasn't for...

content like really um but the thing with the moving to alphaland to me one houston there's nothing else to really do near alphaland yeah unless i don't know the area well enough so i'm also like what are you guys doing there all the time there's not much to do and i i agree with what you're saying everyone's sponsored by the same company so you're all wearing the same outfits like you know you walk in there's 50 people wearing like

You know, same thing because they work with very similar companies. Yeah. There's a few companies that kind of run the fitness industry. Yeah. And then it's like they have the same. Everyone has their hydro drug and everyone has this gym bag. And it's like, yeah, we have that stuff, too. But when you're just in a room with your it's like clones and like everyone's the same. It's like.

Yeah. Like if you right now are kind of debating, because I know there's definitely a lot of you debating, you want to just after college or even right now, whatever place in your life you're at, you want to move and send it to Alphaland. I say don't do it. Go somewhere. Either go somewhere random, stay where you are and be that person

only person that's really focusing on like content creation at your gym. Like we, an example we have is just like the middle of nowhere and like a farm town. Like if you are the only person really focusing on that, everyone in your area is probably going to be following you and relating with your content because like,

they are living kind of the same lifestyle but then immediately when you move to alpha land no one can really relate to you anymore because they it's not the same lifestyle and that's where like if you want to grow on social media which i hate having these conversations because it's it's not that over complicated but you need to be relatable yeah and um this

I think people go also for the sake of like meeting like-minded people. But really, it's not really meeting like-minded people who are so into the gym. It's meeting like-minded people who all want to be famous on social media, which is like a very toxic place to be. Yeah. Is to be like always in a room with like that's your shared interest is like growing on social media. Obviously, everyone likes fitness, but it's different because shared interests are so many different reasons someone might like fitness or so many different ways of working out. So liking fitness doesn't mean everyone –

relates automatically. There's so many different like subsets of it. So literally the only thing really like immediately that you have in common with everyone living there is you want...

like clout on instagram for being a fitness person and it really gets toxic being surrounded only by people who do that like i mean the trips are overwhelming because it's a lot of cameras it's a lot it's on on on all the time you have to look your best because everyone's filming and everyone wants to be in this video being that video and i mean i couldn't live like that

it's a lot. That's definitely something we learned at the very beginning that we kind of had expressed to you guys is that just because we're all fitness creators doesn't mean we're all going to get along and be best friends. Like, you're going to see me do content with someone maybe once and then maybe we just didn't vibe then. Like, we weren't friends outside of the camera. Like, we didn't have the same interests. We weren't the same type of people. So we didn't vibe off camera. So you're probably not going to see me maybe do content with them again. And then

Then there's this whole thing like, oh my God, why aren't you friends with this person again? And I'm like, well, I was never actually like friends with them. I was just, I met them and I made maybe one or two TikToks with them. Yeah. So that's the, another thing to keep in mind. And then I think just like overall, the reason I wrote like is weird. Alphaland is a super cool gym. I'm not saying like, don't go visit. Super cool. I love Alphaland. Highly recommend going on like a weekday if you can get around, not going on a weekend. Yeah.

beautiful gym, beautiful facility, cool staff, awfully close, dope, nothing against it at all. I think the like obsession, like bow down to Alphaland. Well, think about it. It's only been open. It's only been open for nine months. So like it will die down at some point. Die down. That's the other thing. Well, now you live there. Yeah. Like the hype dies down and you're in a year lease. Yeah. So you have to say, so I think it's just,

I think we should do like there should be a documentary. Yeah. On like fitness influence in Alphaland. No, no, wait. I don't know if anyone follows Christian, but someone actually reached out to him about doing a documentary of Alphaland. And he posted the email on his Snapchat or on his Instagram story. Yeah. I mean, it's just a it's just bizarre to me. It's bizarre. Yeah. That man is set for life. He's insane. I would love to get him on the podcast. Yeah.

and talk about all that stuff. Oh, yeah, that'd be crazy. But, yeah. Let's work our way into birth control. I put it on my little page, birth control deathbed, because that's how I felt all week. Yeah, so the week prior, I'd been a little sick. I was kind of ill, and I feel like people thought I was being dramatic.

I was like, oh, I thought you were being dramatic. Yeah, I was like, I don't feel good. I was like, just stand up, drink some water. Water fixes everything. He was like, I have a headache. You're like, are you dehydrated? I'm like, I don't know, but I feel like shit. And we were going on the plane and I was like, bro, I'm so nauseous. And you're like, maybe you're anxious. I was like, no. I was like, I'm going to throw up. Like I ran. I was like, I'm, I literally was like, I don't think I can get on this plane because like,

what if i like puke on the person next to me i really don't know if i can do this i was ill for like a day not as down bad as you but then it hit you like a motherfucking truck it did hit me like a truck and you know what i already talked about this on my youtube and a little bit on my instagram story but i had like no idea like in the moment i felt like shit

And I just thought, I don't know, maybe I'm like a weird hungover, but I don't know what's going on. Then I reflected a few days after and it was like a mix of like anxiety, the nausea from my period cramps and all of that. And I was so down bad on Sunday. I think I stood up for maybe...

20 minutes throughout the entire day. She slept the entire day. I went from couch to bed, couch to bed, taking different naps. And oh my goodness, my neck is so sore because of the way I was sleeping on the couch. But yeah, no, it was really bad. And today is actually Thursday. So this happened on Sunday, right? Yeah. Sunday. Now it's Thursday and I got my period. So...

We got through it. I mean, hopefully this period is not that bad and we'll see what happens next month. Yeah. Um, I'm actually off my period right now. I've been tracking on the flow app cause that's the document mine. Yeah. Document Sam. Sam said this one she had. And then I realized I actually had this up before because it had like information from like two years ago. Yeah. And I was like, Oh, I've used this before. Um, but,

But it's so cool actually having like real cycles. Obviously, they're not perfect yet. There's probably still hormone link imbalance, obviously. But it being like, you'll probably feel like this. And I'm like, I do. I do feel more energetic. I do feel like I can do more work. I do like you'll probably be in a better mood. Like, and I'm like, wow, you're right. You're right, little app. You're correct. Like, you're literally correct. I've been trying to log all my symptoms. Yeah.

So that way it can give me the best understanding of what's going on. But on my period, what I wrote down was heavy period blood through my shorts. The first two days of my period, first day the most, it was like so much blood. Okay. I literally looked down and there was just like red on my legs in the gym. I was wearing black shorts and we were leaving. So I was good to go because I was just getting in the car and going home. But it was a lot and it lasted about five days and now we're done.

Yeah, I'm hoping mine's only like four to five days. I don't know. But I just looked at the app and said I didn't have my period for 31 days. So that's like average. But I know obviously like I'm still kind of like got the birth control in my system. So I'm not fully off and I'm not, you know, but I'm just documenting my journey. Yeah, documenting everything. So you guys, if you're debating it, you know, like from day one, obviously...

um it's not gonna be the same we pretty much had pretty much the same experience but a lot of other people like i got comments being like i've been off of it and i still haven't gotten it for three months should i be worried and i'm like okay one maybe ask a doctor if you're worried because i don't know us with like your birth control and to so many people are so different like i've got comments being like for the first year i didn't have a period for six months i didn't have a period or they got a period and it like never stopped like literally like

So many things. So if you're genuinely concerned, go talk to a doctor. But this is just like literally what's going on. So all I can share is what's happening to me. That's facts. Facts. And we have an episode with a hormonal nutritionist. So you can go listen to that. I also wrote down nail salon. Guys, we were in her salon for so long. I hate the nail salon. I don't like it either. And you know what? I've come to realize that I just... I need to be less...

Like, I just... Going into the fall, I'm not going to be so uptight with my nails. They're going to be simple. We need to go to, like, an individual nail tech. Yeah, that too. I can do pedicures at nail salons. Because pedicures, I read my book, I get a foot massage, turn on the back massager. I'm, like, relaxed. You guys should see...

my pinky right now it is so long and this finger is really long yeah she's like short almond and i look over this girl has claws on my hand and i go can we go shorter and he gives me like dirty look he's wearing a mask too so like i can tell he's giving me the dirtiest look ever but he's trying to hide it because he's wearing a mask i'm like no no no like please go shorter and he goes no no we can't i'm like but why like i know we can't why please

Like I am going to go to the gym and one, they're either going to break or two. My nails are me digging into my like palms when I'm trying to grab a plate or just anything. Because when I bench, I'm like digging into my hands when I'm benching. And I have like these marks on my hand at the end of the gym, which you guys can't even see unless you're watching on YouTube. But it hurts. And I'm very upset about it.

So my guy, this was like I almost laughed out loud and cried at the same time. But like normally, even if I'm getting a refill, I can change the shape. Like if they're square, they can reshape them to almond. If they're almond, I can cut them, make them square. Like they can only reshape them for me when I'm getting a refill. Maybe that's not normal, but I've always done it. So I'm like, yeah, can we do like short almond? And he's like,

And like shaking his head. He's like. And I'm like, not even like, no, that's not going to work because of this. Just kind of like, I don't really want to do that. Yeah. No, that's what it is. You know what?

The square is fine. I was like, or we can keep them the same and just make them shorter. And he was like, yeah. And I was like, okay. It just was funny because nail salons, they boss you around in there. You know what's funny? Actually, speaking of nails, the other day I had to get a copy and paste link of my account, like my Instagram account. So I just went on Google and typed in my name to get like the direct information.

Instagram linked and you know, I started scrolling down so bold of you. Oh, I like reddit does not like make me sad anymore It's actually embarrassing for the person posting it and this one is embarrassing Like if you're the one that made this like thread why so i'm scrolling down and I just see there's like a reddit thread Of a screenshot of my nails that I posted one time about six months ago and

the caption is, is someone going to tell Sam Taylor she has legit fungus growing in her nail bed? So fucking gross. And the thread blew up. It has like over a thousand likes and like a few hundred comments of just people like ripping my nails apart. Like literally like so bad. Like what do you have? Do people have nothing better to do than just like crap on people for the smallest inconvenience? But I'm just

just sitting there laughing because everyone thinks I have like this bacterial infection in my nail and like all this shit but if they were up to date on my content they would have known that literally a month before that photo I stuck my hand in a blender and my entire nail bed got ripped in half and my fingernail fell off

so that's why my nail looked like that and everyone's like oh my god she's so fucking nasty like she must like not wash her hands like all this shit like all why would you post it if like it was gross like it was just making your broken blender nail looking like the best it could be yeah like to be fair you would always ask them please don't put a nail on it oh i never wanted a nail and they're like no we can put a nail on that finger i'm like no they were literally putting like they were

putting an acrylic tip on my skin. Like, they were gluing it down onto my skin and I was like, the first time they ever did it, I go, don't do it, please. And then I turn over and I look and she's putting the glue on my skin and then a tip on my finger. I was like, all right, this is where we're going. So yeah, basically there was just a whole Reddit thread about my bacteria-infected finger, but in reality...

I just stuck my finger in a blender because I'm dumb. No, that's literally... I was like, no, no, no. She's like, no, no, no. It's fine. It's going to look great. I was like, what? I have no nail there. It's skin. Nail salons literally boss you around. They do. They take control. They literally boss you around. It's like, wait.

Are you paying me to be here? Yeah. Or am I paying you because you're used to it? Like, can I do almond? No. Okay. Okay. All right. Can I go shorter? No. All right. Fine. Jesus. Please don't do this. No, I'm going to do it. Okay. And here's the thing. I will never fight. Yeah. No, I won't. I'm too scared to. I did try a little bit like when they were doing the mask. Well, I think asking you to like just being like, can you cut my nail? Can you maybe try like this? Asking once. I don't think that's fighting. Okay.

No, no, no. I'm talking about the other part when they were doing the French. Yeah, so when they were doing the French, he was using like the small like brush, like the really small one that you use for designs. And I'm like, I've never seen anyone use that for French. Usually they do the, they just paint on the white and then they use a brush, like a

a makeup brush with acetone on it and they just like do it real quick so i knew i was gonna be sitting here for a really long time because he was using the tiny little brush and i was like fuck like i so i asked him i was like can you do he goes no i was like but please like i the last time i was here someone did that and it looks great and he's like no no i don't do that i'm like come on please like and i knew i was gonna be sitting there for 45 minutes no it was honestly hilarious like nail salons are just so funny yeah

Yeah, they are. It's like, you know, I don't know if you know what this is. You know, the nail salon, Angela, what's her name?

I think her name is Angela. She did the nail salon thing and she did the Burger King. No, I have no idea. You guys know what I'm talking about. And she goes, and it's her like, and she's like, it's crooked. And the lady is like, no, like, that's your finger. Or like, no, it's so funny. If you guys know, some of you have to know what I'm talking about. The nail salon scowl show too when we're done. My finger is so crooked. It's like early 2000s vibes. Like it's old. But one of you knows what I'm talking about. That's just like really what our experience was in there.

Look at how crooked it is. Yeah, a little bit. Oh, and in the skit, she's like, can we do short? And she's like, that's why you don't have a boyfriend. Because you're getting your nails short. It's funny. Oh, my God. Yeah. I don't think we're... I want an individual nail tech, but all the ones that I find on Instagram that I'm like, this girl does so good. She's so far from me. Like, she's in Austin, but not close at all. It's like, at that point, you might as well just go to a regular nail salon because you have to go out of your way. Like, you have to drive like 30 minutes just to get your nails done. I know.

But, you know, I'll figure it out. Boy updates.

Oh yeah, everything on my list was covered, so what do you have to say? No, I don't even know if I want to say anything. Guys, I'm single as fuck. That's what I'll say. Basically, I went to the bar and he was there and he gave me no attention at all. Like, no, nothing. So I'm over it. If you're going to be a guy, you need to be one all over me and claim your territory. And that hasn't been happening, so I'm over it. Yeah, agreed.

Yeah. It was so lame to watch. It was horrible. I was like, we're going to the next bar. See you later. But I did see a cute guy at the gym today. So hopefully I see him again. He was very tall. Yeah, he was. Hopefully I see him again tomorrow. And if I do slide in, should I slide in? I commented. Oh, no, actually, I didn't comment on something. I made a tick tock and it was like,

at the guy like i added the guys and it has like half a million views and it goes at men if she makes eye contact with you more than two to three times at the gym she's into you and everyone in the comments is like thank you so much for this now i have my court case next week um just like funny ass comments and i was like you know what i said it in the comments i was like you know what guys girls

The new wave is the girls going up to the guys. Fuck it. We're going to start going up to the guys. As you should. It's so scary and intimidating. But if I do it, will you guys do it?

And if you do do it, please let me know how it goes. We can all boost each other's confidence with it. Yep. True. That's about it. I have nothing else really to catch up on. I'm really excited to get into this episode. I am very excited, too. We love Beth. She's like a mom. Yeah, she's like a mom. We're going to go all into calorie deficits. We're going to stop with this stupid nonsense that no one cares about and give you something important.

Yes. So... We get straight to the point on every aspect. You guys asked a bunch of questions on the podcast Instagram. And if you're not following the podcast Instagram, do so now because we do a lot of polls for questions for you guys to ask to our guests. And we had a lot of questions and we had them be answered by Beth. So I hope you guys enjoy this episode. Yes, enjoy. All right, guys. We are here with Beth now. We are so excited to have her on. So Beth, if you wouldn't mind just kind of introducing yourself.

Yeah. So, hey, my name is Beth Wilkis-Ferraco, owner of Beth Ferraco Fitness, and I'm a certified nutrition coach, strength coach and mindset coach. Love that. So my question for you is, was this something you've always been super into and wanting to do as a career or is this something that kind of took a like a change or has just always been something?

It's always been something. So when I was 18, 19 years old, I went to actually began college to get certified in nutrition, but I quit. I went to Arizona and I actually moved to California and I was like, I'm going to live in San Diego and live the beach life. So I just quit college and I'm almost 50 now. So yeah.

Everything comes around full circle. So I got back into it when I quit drinking seven years ago. And that's how I got back. Yeah, many years after. Yeah. So if anybody doesn't follow Beth on TikTok, I definitely recommend doing so. That's how I found her. And I loved her attitude. I loved hers getting straight to the point with pretty much everything. And that's why I'm excited with this episode today to kind of talk to her and ask her questions all about calorie deficits on her

Podcast Instagram I actually put a poll up And I asked our audience To kind of leave some questions for you About calorie deficits and let me just say The questions were Very very complicated to the point where They should not be complicated So we're excited to kind of Just digest all of this and Show people how easy it actually is To lose weight

So my first question for you to kind of start this off because some people listening are probably gonna be like What in the hell is a calorie deficit if you want to take the lead with that? Let us know

Yeah. So what is a calorie deficit, right? The number one question. And so what is a calorie? A calorie is a unit of measurement. It's energy. So a calorie deficit is taking in less calories, which is energy from food than your body needs to maintain its current weight. So if you're eating too many calories, energy, you're going to gain. If you're eating less calories than you need to maintain, you're going to lose. And if you're eating like the same calories as your body weight, then you maintain. Right.

So to put it simply, I like to put this analogy is like, okay, so example, if you're eating the same meals every week, no one does this, but just for an example, and you have like your part of your meals are like two regular Mountain Dews a day. You take those two Mountain Dews, that's like what, 300 calories out and you swap them for zero calorie drinks. You're basically putting yourself in a 300 calorie deficit.

So if all you ate is the same fucking thing and then you took out those two sodas, you're eating less calories already. So people like they overcomplicate it, you know, obviously to try to cut out a million different things when it really comes down to like, you know, your portions. Yeah, I know. So one one thing you're really big on, because I know you talk about yo-yo dieting a lot on your TikTok and everything like that.

We're kind of breaking away from the yo-yo dieting and trying to explain to people that all you really need to be is in a calorie deficit. Now, my question for you is who should be in a calorie deficit? And I kind of put it in like parentheses. Who is physically ready and who is mentally ready to be in a calorie deficit?

Yeah. So if, yeah, this is a, a very broad, like, you know, it really depends. So if you've been dieting for a very long time and that's all you've been doing yo-yo, you know, I think it's important to maybe rethink, um, reevaluate actually going into a calorie deficit and really maybe finding your maintenance and stop dieting for a little bit. Um, and then there's, you know, if you're

severely overweight you know obviously that for your health it would be you know helpful to get into a calorie deficit but also finding like i think it's important everyone needs to find their maintenance um first so what is that right um

And go from there. Yeah. If you've been yo-yo dieting, if you are have an eating disorder, I don't suggest being a calorie deficit, you know, being mentally ready. I don't know if a lot of people really are mentally ready. Some are like maybe me or you that have been in this business. We know what to do. Right. But there's some people that don't.

just they need to work on their mindset during the calorie deficit as well because it's kind of combined. Yeah, of course. Now kind of going back on how our listeners asked us some questions, a very common one was before you entered calorie deficit, how do you find your maintenance or where do my maintenance lie? So if you could kind of answer that question.

Yeah. So I think it's important, like all my clients, when they first start out, I just have them start tracking their calories. We don't even figure out a number yet. Let's just see where you're at. Because a lot of people just don't even know where their maintenance is. So have them track, you know, hopefully they're weighing and measuring their food. So, you know, I don't want to give them no calorie goal. Just put I don't care. Just add put whatever you are eating in the app.

And then, you know, monitor your weight for that couple of weeks. And if it's, you know, staying the same, obviously, then you're in maintenance, you found your maintenance, if you're losing, then you're still you're actually in a calorie deficit. Or, you know, if your weight's going up, then you're possibly in a surplus. So I think it's important to track.

and find it that way. And also, you know, you can go on any app or website like If It Fits in Your Macros or and you can find an estimated maintenance there as well. And remember, everything is always an estimate. It's not like set in stone unless you are really tracking for a certain amount of time and you are able to find it that way. Yeah, that's definitely what we like encourage people to do. And I think sometimes it frustrates people because sometimes

Yeah, the calculators are a great estimate because if you have no idea what you're doing and let's say you track and it's 2,000 calories, being like, is that even remotely close to maybe what it should be? I think a calculator is very useful and you can compare like, okay, that's what it should be. That's what I'm eating. That makes sense. But I think people get frustrated when we say like you can't just get a perfect number right off the bat and it might take one, two weeks of tracking and they just want to already start doing

doing something but you need to take that first like one two weeks few days whatever it is of tracking and finding a maintenance and i think that's frustrating to people yeah yeah i know you i mean everyone wants things quick yes to do it the right way you gotta do this shit yeah i know you just said how you think that everyone should be tracking everything that they are consuming into the app are there anything that someone is eating that you would tell them not to track

In the beginning, track everything. Okay. Yeah. Even like... Yeah. I mean, think of it like people are like, do I track my fruits and veggies? It's like, yeah, if you never have, you probably should. Because an apple, I mean, think about it. Honey crisp apples, like 80 to 100 calories. You're having one of those a day. That adds up. Yes, of course. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. People...

We like don't really. Well, like we're not tracking right now, but when we did, we didn't really track our like green vegetables. Yeah. I never understood not tracking fruit. Yeah. Neither did I. Like maybe not like weighing it. Like, you know, like I would maybe average just put in like one medium apple. Right. Because I'm not like on prep. Like, that's fine. I mean, like.

Like lettuce and spinach and shit. I mean, that shit, it's like, it doesn't weigh anything. I mean, obviously that, but in the beginning, just for people to know, then I'm like, you know, don't worry about the lettuce and stuff. That's, I mean, you're going to get really crazy if you start trying to measure that. Yeah. I think it is good practice though, to put everything in just to like practice. Yeah. Yeah. Now I know there are going to be some people out there that are listening and they're like, oh, well, I don't really have the time for this. Tracking seems like a lot of work. I feel like I'm like,

maybe in a good mental state where they can be in a calorie deficit, but they also don't really want to be so fixated on numbers. What are some things that you would give for a client or anyone listening to be in a calorie deficit without tracking?

without tracking. So is this for someone that has like never tracked before or they're like, I'm too busy or I'm too busy. It's like, okay, if you have an eating disorder and maybe tracking may or you have had it got one from tracking, but you, because we don't work with people with like full blown eating disorders and they shouldn't be in a calorie deficit anyway. But some people, like you said, shouldn't or just don't want to track. But I think that that's like the last resort, honestly, because if you, if you have a goal and,

And you want to, you know, achieve that goal and you want to make sure that you're actually in a deficit without the fucking guessing all the time. You know, tracking is the way to go. But obviously there's, you know, the people that can't and that's OK. So I like the three plates, two snacks method. Yeah, I saw this. You posted this on your TikTok. I believe I saw that.

Yeah. So I learned this from Jordan Syatt. So half your plate should be veggies, a quarter plate of protein, and the rest is carbs and fats. Then, you know, you would swap out high calorie drinks for zero calorie drinks. Make sure that your snacks are protein, fruit or veggie. If you're drinking alcohol, like one drink would swap out one snack, two drinks would swap out the other snack. And then if you're drinking more than that, then fuck it at that point, you know.

No, that is good, simple, and kind of straight to the point, which I like. Yeah, very simple. It is very simple. People overcomplicate that too. Yes. Oh, I bet. And I think another take to not tracking is maybe tracking a bit less. Maybe tracking full-blown macros isn't for you. You just do calories. Yeah.

My dad recently is big into like weight loss, lost a bunch of weight, just doing calories, like none of the macro stuff, simply hitting a calorie goal and like exercising. My sister wants to get into tracking food. She's like, she works full time job. She has two toddlers. Like it's, it's a lot. So I was like, just do like, and she's also trying to get like stronger. I'm like, just do calories and protein. Like you don't like, I think people think they need to do like it all or like whatever, like you can customize the approach. Yeah.

Yeah. So that it fits your lifestyle better. Because I mean, like what I said, if you're not on like competition prep, it like doesn't really fucking matter. Like exactly how much fat you're eating. Like, you know what I mean? Yeah. Most of my clients, when they start only track calories and protein and fiber, because that makes them I'm making sure they're getting enough vegetables. Right. Yeah. Well, that's another, I think, good point of why maybe tracking vegetables is

could be important because you can track other things besides macros and calories. Like I used to, because I eat plant-based and when I was first already eating plant-based, I tracked every vegetable because I would look at my micronutrient intake because I wasn't sure if I was eating enough of the right thing since I was like following a new diet. So that's actually why I would track like literally everything to see my like micronutrient intake. Yeah. Yep.

Now, that's what I try to tell people when they're apprehensive about tracking. It's like, don't think of it as like restrictive. Think of it as like you're actually getting enough food. You're getting enough calories. You're getting enough protein. You're getting micronutrients. Yeah, that's honestly where both Taylor and I kind of came from. We both came from a very like restrictive, under-eating lifestyle.

Point in our lives. So when we did start to track in a healthier way because obviously before we were doing it In not the healthiest way It kind of helped us understand that like the more food we had and like the better relationship we had with food and like creating Meals and being more protein focused and all that that's where tracking macros definitely helped us and it did Yeah, it still helps me eat enough like this summer. Uh, we both haven't been tracking and i've been very focused on like

just kind of the quality of my food and trying to eat just like more nutritious without really focusing on the numbers. And I have noticed like I have lost a bit of weight. I'm not really trying to, I don't really care. Like it wasn't a focus, but like I definitely have, like I'm a little more like shredded down just because when I don't track, I do eat less because tracking tends to help me like eat enough. And like you said, like tracking is not forever, you know, but it's important to it. Like it's a learning, it's data. I like what you just said about

like tracking and tracking people will track forever. The golden question a lot of people also ask is how long should someone stay in a calorie deficit? I had one individual say that they had been in calorie deficit for over a year now and they have stopped seeing weight loss. So give your intake on how long someone should be in a calorie deficit and maybe even some insight on what to do when they've been in one for way too long.

Okay, good question. So I think it's also it depends, right? I think if the more weight you have to lose, if you're a larger person, then you can probably be in a deficit longer, like a moderate one, not obviously like really strict one. And if you have not that much weight to lose, you probably shouldn't be in it for too long, I'd say anywhere from like eight to 12, maybe 16 weeks max. But a larger person can you know, it depends. I think

I think you have to look at the signs of when to get the fuck out of the deficit. If you are like your sleep is shit, if you're starting to feel really stressed and really hungry and irritated, you're, you know, you're gym, you're really weak in the gym. It's probably time to like get out of that deficit and give your body a break.

Yeah. And I think it's important to note like the difference between like someone coming from a place of being like more overweight or weight loss is something that's going to be kind of like a constant deficit for a while to get back to a healthy weight and someone that's looking in the mirror just saying like, oh, I need to lose five pounds. And I think, yeah, I think that's the people that overcomplicated a lot, because if you're just looking in the mirror, like

Oh, I think I need to lose five pounds. Like, I feel a bit bloated. You probably don't even need to go on a calorie deficit. Maybe just like

Walk. Train. Weight train. Walk a little more. Like maybe swap out some foods. Like maybe you're kind of like eating kind of shitty things. And those are the people that overcomplicated the most, I feel. Just like nitpicking themselves apart. And not people that actually have like real weight loss goals. Right. It could be like more of a body dysmorphia type thing. Yeah. Now, someone who has been in that calorie deficit for a while now, what would you advise them to do?

I would say take a diet break for sure. Get out of that deficit and go into maintenance because maintenance is ultimately where you want to be. It's a good thing to practice that. Yeah. So for anyone kind of listening that maybe won't be too sure on what you mean by that, obviously we would reverse diet up to maintenance, correct? Yeah.

Yeah, I would, you know, have either go right to maintenance or reverse diet because people freak out about the scale because you start adding, you know, two, three hundred calories. You're going to see that scale jump and a lot of people are afraid of that. So take it slow. Add like 50 to 100 calories a day each week to your mate. Your weight like maintains between the same three to five pounds. And what people don't realize is that usually your end diet weight is not going to be your maintenance weight. You will put on a few pounds. That does not mean it's fat. Right.

Yes. I think a lot of the times too, people... Because Taylor and I have, within this last year, gone through a bulk process. And then we maintained for a little bit, went into a calorie deficit. And now we're just enjoying the summer, intuitive eating and not tracking. But I think a lot of the times people...

Get a little because I at least notice this in my DMs, very fixated on the number on the scale when they're leaving that deficit or maintenance or whatnot. And they don't realize that it's actually just water retention and their weight is not necessarily like body fat. It's just retention of water for maybe all the extra food, the less food you had, whatever it is.

So the little jumps in the scale is not something anyone should ever get super... I have another point to add to that. Because what you said that I wanted to point out, how weight staying between the same three to five pounds is staying the same. Like that's like your coaches, like probably like your doctor, like whoever would count that as it's pretty level, three to five pounds. And a lot of people think three to five pounds...

Is so. So much. It's like. You could just like. Need to go to the bathroom. Right. Yeah. Like. It's not. And I think. That that's good to know. Because a lot of people might think like.

three to five pounds like maybe they think like the same or like one pound is what people mean by fluctuate but like it could be a whole five pounds which seems like a lot to someone like obviously once you're comfortable with it it's whatever but like you literally could just need to like go to the bathroom or like you had too much salt last night like it's not totally yeah you're

Focus. They have to stop focusing so much on the scale. It drives me insane. Although, you know, I get it because I do the same thing sometimes. And I'm a fucking coach. And I have a coach. And she sets me straight. Because I'm like gaining muscle right now. And it's a mind fuck, the scale. But if you are taking photos and you're taking measurements and you're looking at the other data, then you can, you know, take the emotion out of it and become a scientist about your own data. Yes, of course.

Now I was stalking your TikTok Of course before this And I saw a response to a comment It was like months ago But I kind of like the concept of it And my question now is What would you tell or ask a client That has been in a calorie deficit For a few weeks or months now And isn't seeing quick results on the scale Oh

That they're not being patient enough. A. Yes. And that they look at the other data. Like, are you losing inches? Are you getting stronger in the gym? Are your clothes fitting better? I would take a look at that because like you said, like the scale. Here we go again. Right. It's always it comes back to that. Stop focusing on that. It literally takes people out.

It does. It really does. I think people, another thing like with the question box that I was getting is like, it was very much centered around this with the scale. And another kind of like pinpoint on this topic is like making sure they're tracking absolutely everything. Now, are they going out on the weekends and going stir crazy because they were tracking Monday to Friday and then on the weekends, maybe they were off completely. So there are just so many factors to consider when you are in a weight loss journey.

Oh, yeah. A lot of people just aren't consistent. They don't track their consistency. It's important to track your consistency, too, because you can think that you're perfect with your calories, but you literally don't track when you go out to a restaurant, which is like three times a week.

You know, you don't track your alcohol on the weekend or, you know, so you're just not, you're in a diet mindset, but you're ever not, not ever actually in the deficit the whole time. So yeah, that's what I was going to say. A lot of people with the thought of like, but I tried a calorie deficit for months and didn't lose weight. Then you weren't in one. Like it's as, it's as, it's as simple as that. Then you were not in one or people, I was listening to this podcast and they had a guest on,

Not like a fitness person, but she just made a comment about her current diet that she was doing. I think it was carnivore, one meal a day, and calorie deficit to lose weight. And I'm like, so the only thing that's helping is the calorie deficit. And it's just so frustrating seeing people still talk about that. Because she was saying when she was eating a lot of fruit, the calorie deficit didn't work. Oh, God. It's like...

It's like when people say, I've been eating 1,200 calories and I'm not losing fat. I'm like, you're not eating 1,200 fucking calories. I can guarantee you're not eating. Maybe you're eating 1,200 calories Monday through Thursday and Friday, Saturday and Sunday, you're fucking eating 4,000 a day. Yeah. And then Monday, you're going back to 1,200. So you're really not eating 1,200 calories a day. You just think you are. Yeah. You know?

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Sign up for an extra cash account and get up to $500 instantly. For terms and conditions, go to slash legal. Instant transfer fees apply. Banking provided by Evolve. Member FDIC. The future you will thank you. I had another listener ask a question and she had asked, what to do if you've plateaued with weight loss but still have weight to lose and your calories are very low?

First off, I would say that you're probably not in the plateau or in a calorie deficit. Yeah. Kind of explain that a little bit. I mean, this is also an it depends. I mean, I think honestly, it doesn't happen very often that someone is eating at a low calories and their body has adapted to those calories. Honestly, I don't run into that very often at all. Most of the time, they don't realize that they're not actually eating that low.

Okay, so would you mind explaining on that a little bit? Like we just said about the 1200 calories, people, you know, I've been eating 1200 calories, and I'm not losing any weight. Yeah, it's that, you know, I'm plateauing. It's like, no, you're really you're just not in a deficit. Yeah. And also plateauing is normal. If you're not losing weight on the scale, but maybe you're losing inches, everything you think you're plateauing. So they're basing all of their progress on the scale. The scale is not moving for a few weeks, but maybe they're losing inches, they think they've plateaued.

Yeah, especially with weight training. That's another thing to consider as well. If someone has...

you know, is coming from a very big weight loss journey and they're losing the weight, but they're also weight training, but they're also putting on muscle. That scale is not going to be moving down as quickly as they would expect it because like I just said, they're putting on muscle as well. I think it's also common, especially for girls to get really dramatic, really fast. Like let's say you've been in a really good weight loss journey and then it's like around the time of like your period and for two weeks or a week and a half or a week or whatever it is for you, you're bloated and you're like,

sending DMs to this question box we put or whatever like I had a flat toe like I have an calorie deficit and it's not working for that week and then it like goes away and maybe the next week they're like oh yeah yeah yeah just be patient a little bit I'm good

Yes. If you don't have a lot of body fat to lose, you know, you, you may think that you're plateauing as well because it's hard to lose those last whatever, five, 10 pounds. It's, it takes super consistent, consistent here and, and a lot of fucking patients. Well, especially the time. Sorry. I thought you were done. I was going to say most, most of the time that, you know, you are losing inches and your body's recombing at that point. So yeah,

Yeah. Yeah. I was going to say most people also those last five to 10 pounds are probably necessary for like health. Yeah. Right. Like like a lot of the time. Yeah. Like I think people are comparing to like a body. Yeah. And you actually do do need those five pounds. Yeah. Or else you're going to lose your period or something. Yeah.

I feel like everything we've kind of been just saying has obviously been, well, maybe you're not in a calorie deficit in terms of like weight loss. So kind of want to move over to the fitness mints because those get me heated. I know I'm sure they definitely get you heated, but what are your top three fitness mints that you've seen that you absolutely hate the most?

Since we're on the subject of calorie deficit, I figured I'd say, you know, okay, carbs make you fat. That drives me fucking nuts. Drives me nuts. Drives me crazy. Sugar makes you fat and fruit makes you fat. I mean, that is fruit. Like who is going overboard on fucking strawberries and apples? Yeah. No. No. You know. I hate it. Someone once posted this thing. Thank God the creator has like kind of,

stopped this like lifestyle of posting this stuff like she's way more like healthy now which is great but back in the day it used to be like um that you'd only do like fruit like in the morning and like you shouldn't eat like carbs after a certain time of night and i like i was terrified terrified that after i had my fruit in my breakfast which was i correct that like as a snack midday that that was bad um

That's crazy, right? And it's like, I mean, I like like that. I'd rather go for like chips as a snack. Someone told me fruit is right. Or like I've had clients that are afraid to eat bananas and like someone that I had someone that hadn't had a potato in like a year.

Potatoes like the most is low in calories and they're very satisfying and they fill you up. And, you know, it's insane. Potatoes are the this is a fun fact that I learned in history class. That is like my number one, like carbs are bad, like rebuttal that potatoes are the only food that you could like if you had to eat one food for like the rest of your life and no other food. If you only ate potatoes, you'd be like pretty healthy because they're full of like so many nutrients. Yeah.

That like only eating potatoes, you would like perfectly survive and like be good. Noted. So when people say they're bad, I'm like, no, they're like actually the most nutritious, I think. Yeah, they are. I have another question because it kind of just came to mind. What do you do? Because I'm sure you have so many clients that come to you with fear foods. What do you do to kind of help them get out of that fear of that specific food, whether it's a banana, mac and cheese, whatever it is?

I have them start to incorporate it in their diet. Like, you know, let's slowly, let's add this first fear food in and track it.

you know, and go from there. Yeah. It usually works because, you know, they're tracking their calories and they're like, oh, I can actually eat a banana and it's fine. Like, yeah, exactly. No, I used to do online training this time last year and that was one thing that I really did with a lot of my girls is I would make them create a fear foods list on their phones and each week conquer a new one and it helped tremendously with them overcoming that. I had this one client which I still keep in touch with her

quite a bit. Oreos was her biggest thing. And she ate a few Oreos one day and she was just like, oh my goodness, I cannot believe that like I could eat these Oreos and there was absolutely no effect on my body, no effect on like my progress with dieting

my calorie deficit and I could write it into my macros and eat this because anyone, or at least her or I, when I had fewer foods would always think that it would completely mess up my progress. Yeah. It's, you know, it's,

it's mind blowing. It really is. Yeah. The fear. But I mean, I get it. I used to be that. I used to be that person too. Yeah. There's a lot of bullshit information out there. Yeah. It's crazy. I think a lot of it too is the fear of not being in like control around the food because that was it with me. I realized like I feel like I never thought I had fear foods, but then I realized, no, I actually did have foods that I thought like

Like I couldn't have near me or in the house because I would just like uncontrollably like eat them. And I think that was my version of like fear foods. Yeah. And then the thing is like when you restrict it, you want it more. So you're restricting it and then you're binging on it and then you're saying it's like complete. It's like a cycle back and forth. Yeah, exactly. If you actually include it.

It's not going to be that important to you. You don't have that food on a pedestal anymore. So you're most likely going to be able to moderate it. Yeah, I think everyone thinks that they're above the binge restrict cycle, that like they are tough enough and they are disciplined enough. And I don't think anyone really is. Yeah. I want to ask one more question before we wrap things up. And that is,

Kind of another question in regards to like a client or a listener listening. What is some advice you would give for them if they were in their yo-yo cycling at the moment and you wanted to kind of help them break out of that? Like the yo-yo dieting? Yeah. They were just constantly hopping from different things.

Well, if it, let's think about this, this way, if it, nothing works or if, if you keep having to do something over and over, like obviously it's not working. Right. So why not do it the right way? So you actually don't have to keep doing this shit over and over again. Yeah. Simple. Yeah. It's really simple, right? It really is simple. And it honestly, like, it makes me so sad because I used to be the same exact way when I would think about like,

Weight loss gaining weight, whatever it was like I always used to think it was so over complicated so when I did see like a bunch of those questions in our question box like I just remember I used to be the one thinking or asking those questions and it just makes me sad So i'm happy that we were able to kind of have this conversation today and show how simple it actually is Yeah, and I think it's funny because a lot of the times when this is like such a common ass question like When people like ask us like can you do a podcast all about calorie deficit? It's almost we're like

There's really not that much to say. Yeah. Like, I think people expect this, like, I mean, we talked for 30 minutes, but I think people expect this, like, complicated answer. So, like, something you really need to listen to and, like, really sit down and talk about. It's like there's really not much to say. Yeah.

It's like it's so simple people don't want to fucking believe it. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. No, you really just, you know, eat your fruits and veggies, your whole grains, your protein, go walking, strength, train, sleep, get some water, drink some water. And they're like, no, there must be some other way. No, it's actually you just have to do those things consistently. Yeah. Yeah. However, it's kind of like social media has manipulated it to make it seem like that simple way is the complicated way. And if I just had apple cider vinegar shots every morning.

that's how I would lose my weight because that seems simpler than having to do all the tracking and all the exercise. Right. So, I mean, so yeah, calorie deficit, the mechanism about it is easy, but it doesn't mean like getting into it is, is, is easy because of all this other stuff, right? Yeah. The emotional eating freaking no support at home, you know, the list can go on. And then the fact that a lot of people just can't be consistent. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah.

Well, thank you so much for coming on. If you want to kind of just plug your Instagram real quick and whatever else. Yeah. And your podcast. Yeah.

So I'm on Instagram as Beth Rocco Fitness. I'm on TikTok as Beth Rocco Fitness. And I have a podcast called Cut the Crap with Beth and Matt. That's on Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, Google, wherever a podcast is, basically. Love that. Amazing. For coaching, you can reach out to me at Perfect. Well, thank you so much for coming on. We were so happy to have you on. Thank you, guys.

I'll have to have you guys on my podcast. Of course. Yes. We would love that. That'd be awesome. I will actually reach out to you and give you some dates and we can just book it up. Perfect. Yes, let's book it. Yeah, I'm ready. Let's book it. All right, Beth. Thank you so much. We appreciate it. Thank you. You're welcome, guys. Bye. Have a great day. See you on Friday. Bye. Bye. Bye.