cover of episode Girl Take Pt 2 | Sex, Relationships, Only Fans

Girl Take Pt 2 | Sex, Relationships, Only Fans

Publish Date: 2022/8/19
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What's up guys, it's Sam and Taylor and we want you to put your shoes on, pop open that energy drink and go.

What is up guys? Welcome back to another episode. I am Sam. And I'm Taylor. I'm going to preface this episode really quick, right off the bat, not wasting any of my time. If you're any of our family, just click out. Yeah, don't listen to this episode. Yeah, we're going to go deep girl talk. Probably the most we've ever shared on the internet. Probably stuff we shouldn't share on the internet, but we're going to share it on the internet anyways. Why not? 100%. I don't care.

So, yeah, we're just getting really deep, raw, and real. So just putting that out there first. But now let's just go into our little catch-up and our exciting –

news because we had quite a day. I know. We have had such a quiet day and I know there's gonna be a lot of people that are probably just popping on to the podcast because they just really want to hear what the announcement is because I said on my Instagram story, I was like, yo, listen to the podcast if you want to know what the announcement is. But basically, drum roll please. For the last year, pretty much exactly a year. Yes. This is really hitting the one year mark because we started this right when I moved in and I moved in basically a year ago. We have been working on a fitness app.

It's so crazy. Fitness subscription app, we've been working on it like so much, like working with developers, lots of time, lots of money, lots of stress. Crying. Tears. Lots of everything has been going into this and we've been keeping it on the low just because we didn't know like, you know, things go wrong, things happen. Yes. But.

It's almost done. It's almost done. We don't have a launch date quite yet, but we are probably in like the one month range of being able to launch the app. So we want to kind of just announce it now so that way we can hype it up, answer any questions you guys have and just get like it kind of rolling. Like, yeah, it's been a while. And like Taylor said, a year.

But we're really excited. There is around nine programs in the app and it will be able to adjust to anybody based on your lifestyle, whether you're at home, you have a full gym, you have dumbbells only, you have dumbbells and barbells only, you name it. And it's basically programmed to our style of training, which is amazing. And I'm just so excited to finally get back into my passion and that is coaching.

getting other girls into the gym, helping them reach their fitness goals. So this is just step one into our big dreams slash goals that we have for ourselves with our brand. Yeah. So the Fitness Uncensored app will be...

on the app store like available to download we already got approved by apple which is a really big step in the process we are approved by apple um as soon as we're ready to go with the stuff on our side it is ready to go on the app store side and you guys can like download it and use it and use all the features we're gonna go in depth in a different episode um maybe we can do a q a on the

We'll do like a mini episode. A mini like little Q&A maybe. Yes. Saying all the features, but that's just what it is. We'll post the Instagram so they can start following the Instagram. Of course, yeah. Follow the Instagram. It already exists. Yeah, we've had the Instagram around for about like three months now. Yeah. And I was low-key scared because I made the Instagram. I was like, people are going to find this. Luckily, no one found it. Yeah, no one found it. So that's good. I just literally spilled water all over myself. But like, I don't know. I'm like...

I am so excited to finally do this and be able to do training again because, you know, Taylor and I, we first started with everything in terms of fitness. Like we were online personal trainers, but now we're able to do that in a more wide range.

like reach of girls so it's gonna be nice yeah it's really exciting it's really cool today we shot all of the video demos and a little bit of extra like promo content but we did all the video demos it was a workout and a half let me tell you it was non-stop reps just getting demo stuff i

We're dead and now we're here, but we did that today. And that was kind of one of the last steps, like the last big step. So now that that's done, it's really like we're just waiting for the okay. The go ahead. Yeah. So that's our big news. And we hope you guys are just as excited as we are. We're going to make this into a very big community and work out together.

Hold each other accountable. You know the deal. Yeah, we'll document from here on out. Every bit of the process from here on out. We'll definitely keep you guys updated and whatnot since you guys have been in the dark and secret for a year. Yeah. We'll keep you updated. We'll keep you updated. Yeah.

It's fun. Exciting. That has been something that we've been, we literally booked that studio appointment about a week ago and then we've been just like looking forward to that all week. We didn't really drink or do anything crazy this past week. I've been wanting to take a break the last two months. I have been drinking twice a week nonstop and that is so unlike me. So this past weekend we had a chill weekend. We went to a massive pool party on a rooftop and did not drink a single sip of alcohol.

which felt nice but then you know when it comes to the point when everyone's hammered and you're just like okay i need to get out of here because i'm sober i don't like it i need to get out of here because then the people are like asking me to do stupid things and just do all these i'm just like no i want my bed i want my dog i need we made food too and went to bed that's pretty much what it was and honestly i was telling sam earlier how i don't want to drink this weekend listen i'll

go i'll socialize like i did one sober night out and was it the most fun obviously not but i saved a lot of money and i wasn't tired or hungover so that's a win i'm like i'll go i'll socialize i just don't feel the need right now to drink i feel like in this like point of my life my priorities are work are work getting my mental health in check those two things and i think drinking

It's not helping you. Does the complete opposite. Yeah. Like, not drinking on Saturday...

that sunday was like the best day of my freaking life woke up early got shit done like before noon i like hung a tv on my wall got a coffee like had myself a morning and i was like this this is a sunday like yes sometimes they're like rolling out of bed like uber eats saying like being tired like that's fun sometimes but in this what i'm trying to accomplish in my life right now and like my goals for my life right now that doesn't align so i think i just need to

not fall into like peer pressure or like you know when it's like in the moment it seems like a good idea but it's like I can handle a little bit of FOMO of being sober on a Saturday yeah and like actually not be anxious like not be like like our friends are also crazy


I can't do that. And the other day, one of our friends, I was walking in the park and they're like, that's where the true friendships happen. It's like those late night sessions back at like the apartments, like venting and just like getting to know each other deep on another level. I'm like, yeah, no, but I just, I don't think I can keep my eyes open past like two in the morning. And it's like for me, that's what I was going to say. That's not where the deep friendships are going to happen because I'm probably going to be really like irritable. Like I'm not fun at that point. Yeah.

I'm going to be like, I want to leave. I want to go. No, 100%. And I know there's some people listening right now and you're like, no, I think the complete opposite of you. And that's totally okay. Whatever filled your bowl, whatever makes you the happiest, do it. But for us, I like to do the midnight Irish goodbye. Safely, though. You got to tell at least one friend that you're leaving and share your location with some of your friends that are still there so that they know you're getting back safe. Because I had the mistake a few weeks ago where I only told one person.

None of them had my locations and they were freaking the fuck out. But so this coming weekend, I don't even think I'm going to go out. We're going to L.A. this coming week from the 23rd to the 26th. So that's another reason I don't really want to go crazy this week because I want to be in check for like this L.A. trip. And I feel like when I do go out and drink, it takes me like at least like two to three days to recover. Literally. So no, literally 100 percent agreed. I wasn't going to go to L.A. and then last minute.

made the decision to go because the flights were cheap and I was like, it's not that long of a trip. Also, big announcement that I don't know if we made it last episode, but we are both now off birth control. Yeah. Today is my day five off birth control. I'm doing little mini updates on my TikTok about it. So far, so good. Obviously, it's only the first five days, so not much to say, but there's nothing negative to say yet. Yeah. I think another reason too that I'm kind of

decreasing my alcohol this month and next month is just because also I kind of want to be like really in tune with my body. 100%. And like I don't want to be like, oh my God, like I'm so fucking bloated this week or I'm so like...

I'm breaking out like crazy this week. And when it could have possibly have been the alcohol or like the drunk food I ate, like you never know. So I just want to be really in tune with myself. That's a great point because something I'm trying to look at with the birth control thing too is my acne and my mental health. Yeah. But big, like both are big, but I think let's say for like acne, like I want to be on my grind. I'm not really drinking energy drinks, like being like really on my grind. So that way, like eating really,

quote unquote clean like really trying to be good so I can really see what's making the difference and like trying to be really strict on that and then obviously for mental too I'm not trying to be like oh my god but I'm so anxious today like girl is it because you blacked out yeah no of course so I mean obviously I'm gonna know my like limits when I'm going out I'm not gonna go crazy but I will drink I will have a few drinks here and there but I'm not gonna be crazy with it I think I really just want to see

what's going on and how my body's gonna respond. I am going cold turkey with this entire experience. I'm not really doing much to change it. I just kind of hopped off after my last pack ended. Taylor did as well. But I mean, if I start to notice like anything, maybe like I'll start to experiment with adding in like

random stuff but as of right now i'm good to go yeah i'm good it's like the mental approach with it too like you need to be like i'm fucking doing this i'm cold turkeying it and i'm just gonna see what happens like if you're like already a little bit anxious about it then maybe for your own like mental game like do some other things to kind of like calm yourself you know yeah so

But I think with that, this is kind of a good segue into the episode if you want, unless we have anything that we want to talk about. And I just want to do a high and low of the week, but I don't really have one. I've been like feeling pretty good. Yeah, I've been feeling pretty good.

So yeah, let's get into the episode. This episode is gonna be so juicy. Taylor doesn't even know the questions you guys asked. I wrote them down on my phone. I looked over the Q&A, like the notes, because I knew we had put the question box up like two days ago. So obviously it would go away. So I screenshotted a bunch just in case. Like,

the question box went away and like we didn't have them or whatever but sam like specifically picked yeah a bunch and wrote them down so i'm like i feel like you're just gonna it's like you're interviewing me yeah i know because i don't even know what's gonna we're gonna start off really juicy so i have them in categories i thought you're gonna say you're gonna start really tame and get juicier no okay so we're starting so we have categories so the categories are gonna be first time sex next category is gonna be sex talk

all sex talk next category is gonna be the talking stage we have a lot of questions about the talking stage with guys next one's gonna be relationships and then the last one is gonna be ex-boyfriends and leaving with a bang only fans let's chit chat for a second because i know we've all been in a situation at some point in our lives we're a little tight on cash for me it's the move and buying all the furniture for our house and traveling from the summer and

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Instant transfer fees apply. Banking provided by Evolve. Member FDIC. All right. First one. Did you regret your first time? I did. I first did. But now I'm grateful that I learned from the experience. I'm going to say yes in the sense that I wish it was a more thought about, more intimate thing. My first time was terrible. Um...

I'm gonna say I don't regret it because mine was so spontaneous and it's honestly a story to tell like I tell it Yeah, I know. That's another bullet point. Okay, I was like you can't I'll jump No, i'll jump right into my first time story So first time story, I honestly can't really remember how old I was but it was my it was with my first boyfriend so like we had already been dating like

I already had like a really good developed relationship with him. I was so comfortable with him. We had pretty much done everything. Well, not everything, but like everything leading up to like, you know, the intercourse of sex. So I, what happened to be on a vacation in Martha's Vineyard and his family has a house in Martha's Vineyard as well. So I was renting a house there and his family lives there.

And every night we were going out just like if you live in the Cape or if you've ever gone on like an island vacation in the United States, like you kind of know, like it's a small, small town vibes. Like you'd go downtown, you walk around and we were young. So we were really like drinking ice cream. Yes. Yes. So like I wasn't really drinking or anything, but the funny thing is,

We were all hanging out. It was like 15 of us, like young kids. And we had to tell the parents we were doing something. So we were like, why don't we tell them we're playing Manhunt? So we tell the parents we are playing Manhunt, okay? And...

best friend at the time is in on the game like she's prepared she's like making this happen because she had like she had her first time before me and we were best friends at the time she's like you need to have your first time like it's gonna happen like we're doing it we're scheduling it so I am ready for this manhunt game and I just went to the beach at in Martha's Vineyard and Martha's Vineyard beaches are literally a strip of beach sand and then a massive rock wall behind it and

So I'm just sitting against the rock walls at the beach in the middle of the dark. Like it's like probably 930 at night. And my boyfriend, the time he comes find me. And like we had this play like we didn't even say it to each other that we knew we were doing this.

But like we knew we knew we were doing it. So basically, we just started like making out and I like looked at him straight in the fucking face. I'm like, I'm so nervous right now. Like, I don't know what to do. And he was like super nice about it. He was super comfortable. He was like, don't worry. Like, I'm here for you. Like, I got this. Like, we're doing this together. It was both our first time. Taylor, I don't even know if I've ever told you this story. Have I? Your first time on the beach? Yeah. That's like incredible. I know. So yeah.

I'm so sorry if you listen to this. This is so bad. But anyway, it doesn't matter because the whole point of this episode is that we're just putting everything on the internet. So I am making out with him, whatever. And then it finally comes to the point where he's like, all right, let's do it. Let's go for it. And I literally...

The first interaction of him and I touching each other, I was like, holy shit, I think this is going to hurt. I'm so nervous right now. This is going to hurt like a bitch. And we're struggling. It's awkward. He's struggling to get it in there. And I'm like, oh no, this is going to hurt. And when he did, when we first started going, the first interaction, I screamed at the top of my lungs, it hurts like a fucking knife.

like that's like my blatant memory of the entire experience and I was like it hurts like a fucking knife I feel like I'm being stabbed with a knife and guys like I'm just letting you know right now it's not that scary I promise like I just was not expecting it to like be like that like the first time like you're just like you know I'm not not used to it and then like we started to like do it whatever it lasted maybe 10 seconds like it was very short yet claps claps claps all around and

And, you know, I was wearing a dress, I believe, too. So it made it pretty easy for him. He was wearing belted shorts. So when we finished, oh, that's another thing, too. We had three missed calls because one of the moms was freaking out about how I was missing because I was...

I don't know. I guess I was just gone when I shouldn't have been. You were hiding in the manhunt. Yeah, I was hiding in the manhunt. And so she had been calling me and I missed the calls. So then Paris definitely fucking knew. I wonder to this day if they knew that was going on. But yeah, I...

put my dress back how it needed to be he put his pants back on and then we just kind of like worked our way back into the group of like the park because Martha's Vineyard has like this massive park with benches and like paths and stuff so we were just made our way back to the group and we're like hey guys and just like never talked about it for the rest of the night that's pretty interesting yeah mine's not really interesting mine mine just like sucked like almost to the point where I don't even know of my first time like

even really count like counted like I feel like the second time was actually the first time but my my it was my first boyfriend in high school um he was very like a pushy kind of like like let's just like do like

like a pushover no like pushy like just wanted to do like sexual things just to do it and it was never like properly like done like no like care for like me yeah okay so he was just like we like it was kind of just like we should like do it now we're about to go out with this whole family his whole family's home like it's like the middle of the day like we're about to go to lunch okay like everyone's home like whatever but there's two stories in this house so his mom's like upstairs um

But his little brother's downstairs. And like, it's so quick and rushed. Like, we didn't even do really like much before at all. Like before I actually just like get into it. And like not even fully all the way like undressed. Like I still have like a shirt on. Well, I mean, I had my clothes on too. Yeah, but you were like in public. That's so true, guys. Don't get naked in public. And it hurts like a motherfucker. Probably because we didn't like

do anything before. Yo, wait, hold on. We're like scaring our audience right now. They're gonna make a first time. They're fine. And so like it hurt like a motherfucker and then his little brother walks in the room. Yeah.

oh shit so then you like it just kind of ended right then and there like literally wasn't long at all that doesn't count but like it did happen it did happen but like in a way it doesn't count because like like so it's like that's why like i feel like i never had like a like because like yeah like it did happen like that like it did happen but it wasn't like

He just sucked so bad. Here's my thing with this entire thing. Like, I wish it was an actual, like... Yeah. My take was, like, the whole first-time sex thing, because, like, going into the next question, how do you guys know if you're ready for your first time? My thought process is, if you're doing it young like we were, like, you're not really, quote-unquote, ready. Like, it's not intimate. It's not, like, you're just kind of doing it to get your first time out. It's just if you feel comfortable. Yeah, if you feel comfortable, of course. But, like, in a sense, it's, like, at that age, I feel like it's never really, like, actually intimate. Yeah.

You know? Because, like, you don't... Like, at that age... At that age, like, I'm not like, I love you. Like, you're like a little kid that has, like, a massive crush on your boyfriend. Yeah. Like, it's not mature. It's not... Of course, it's intimate, like, physically. You also just don't know what you're doing. Yeah, you just don't know what you're doing as well. So, obviously, everyone's stages in life are totally different. In terms of, like, being ready, I would just say, like...

if you don't want it to be with a stranger, obviously do it with your boyfriend for the first time. But also there's these stories I hear of girls doing it with someone they don't know for their first time. And that's the best fucking thing they could do because they feel so like uncomfortable or maybe not super confident. And if you do it with a stranger, you're never going to see them again. So it doesn't really matter. Right. I think it's more so just if you're comfortable in the sense of it's like, do you think you'd really regret it or not? Like in that, like I don't have a very,

to me like my first time like losing your virginity not a huge thing to me obviously like a little bit serious but it's not something that like is like make or break to me like at all so for me it was like this is my boyfriend like whatever like it doesn't bother like I like him doesn't bother me like I'm not gonna like regret it I regret it in the sense that I wish it was like

But I don't regret. Yeah. The fact that I lost my virginity. Just like you're going to be comfortable with it and not really regret it. Yeah. I just don't think it needs to be something where you're like overthinking it like crazy. If you are overthinking it like crazy, then maybe you're not ready. Yeah. So just like it's going to be one of those things where it's like it's going to come. It's going to happen. You're going to be in the right situation, right time, right place. And like if it happens, it happens. So that's just my take on it. Yeah.

And obviously everyone like has different like religious standpoints on it as well. So yeah, I would agree though that if you're overthinking, you're not ready because I didn't think about it much. Yeah. I almost didn't think about it like at all. Yeah. If anything, like my whole my best friend at the time, like literally planned it out for me. I was like, yeah, sure. Like I'll go play man. But let's get into like the sex talk.

They're kind of going to be a little bit all over the place because it's a big category of questions. But first up, birth control. Let's talk about it. Did it affect our sex drive at all? And what do you want to say? I don't know if it was the birth control for me or if it's just like other...

That's what I was going to say. I have no idea because I've been on it for so long. Yeah. Like I wouldn't know what my sex drive is off of birth control. 100%. So I think it's more so like just like my mood swings that like cause it at times and my mood swings might lessen the fact that I'm off birth control.

birth control. So I really... We'll let you know soon, though. Yeah, I really couldn't say. I guess we'll let you know. But I would say, like, if you have a low sex drive, which there are a lot of questions about that, like, we get questions, does working out affect your sex drive? All of these.

And my biggest takeaway with low sex drive is making sure you are not overtraining and you are not under eating. Because for me, at least when I was in my relationship with my ex-boyfriend, I did have a low sex drive, like literally to the point where my ex-boyfriend, when we were breaking up,

literally told my entire town that I had a broken vagina and that was like the most devastating like embarrassing thing that anyone could have ever said because you're just like it's such a vulnerable state you're in and that was just like the word around town is that I had a quote-unquote broken vagina and for me it was I was under eating I was over training and I had no drive to do anything sex

Talked to people I was angry 24-7 It was just not a good state in my life So maybe take another Like obviously if you are taking birth control That could be a factor But take into consideration all the other aspects Yeah I think also something to note Don't get like gaslighted by your boyfriend Into thinking you have a low sex drive If his is just like absurdly high Yeah Like if that's all they're trying to do with you And you are like

i'd rather not uh seven times a week maybe like less than that like maybe not every single day that's not like you having a low sex drive you just don't want to feel like you're just being used like like don't let a boyfriend like gaslight you yeah you should like thinking that like you shouldn't this is a huge problem i had with my ex-boyfriend is that every single time we hung out i felt like we needed to have sex like i felt like

every time I was with him like it was something that was going to happen and a lot of times like one like obviously like I just said I didn't have a sex drive so I didn't want to be doing it and I was just in a state where I was like okay well I kind of feel like I have to because he wants it and it's like you should never let your relationship or even yourself get to that point where like okay I have to do it for him okay like

realize that, kind of take a step back from the relationship. If you are, like Taylor said, having sex like six to seven days a week, I don't really think that's like needed, especially because, I mean, obviously if you're fucking enjoying it, go boss the walls, go seven days a week. Like, I don't care. But like, if it's something where you're like, holy shit, like I'm doing this way too much, then take a step back from that because,

A year from now, if you're still having six sex seven days a week, like you're going to get drained, in my opinion. If you start talking to someone and you go into the relationship having like crazy sex and then toward the end of the relationship, it like kind of slows down, which is what happened for me. Like I we were I was enjoying it like a lot. But then toward the end of our relationship, it just like it wasn't the same.

Yeah. So yeah, 100%. I feel like I'm still unlearning from my like toxic, horrible ex-boyfriend or just like toxic random times with boys you're just like talking to that you don't need to. And I've been like in a committed three-year relationship and I still will get in my head about like, like the like, and I'm like making it up. Like it's, it took me a while to be like,

oh like you can have a sleepover and like not have sex yeah that's like another thing that wasn't even like a pressure from like him it was like an internal thing of me feeling like i needed to from the way other people have treated me yeah thinking it was right and then me being like oh i guess like it's fine yeah like i we have one of our good girlfriends i was actually having a conversation with her the other day and she's been talking to a guy and the guy like

Every single time they've been hanging out going out like they're not even doing anything like they're sleeping in the same bed And I feel like that's like a very big factor That I will definitely be taking into consideration with my next boyfriend or anyone that I like commit myself to is that Can we be in a bed together and he's not? trying to pull that move like I feel like there needs to be like boundaries in a sense or kind of

Not like intentions because intention is the wrong word I'm kind of looking for because...

I don't know. But like... Well, yeah, because some guys are scummy and their intention, they think doing that the first night will give them like a leg up to do it the second and third. So their intentions can still be bad. But it's just personal and like it's also like a love language type thing. Yeah. I feel... Yeah, 100%. Everyone's definitely different. But yeah. So next one is going to be, do you guys sleep with someone on the first date? Kind of going into that one. So...

I think here's my take on this. I feel like I have a little bit more of like experience with this than Taylor, but obviously please put your input in. But yeah, no, I definitely have my opinion. Yeah. Single. What my hundred percent. So my take on this is that what is your intention with that date? If your intention with the day is you literally just want to have a hookup.

Then yeah, why not? But if your intention with the day is like I want to get to know this guy I want him to maybe be my potential boyfriend then maybe take things slow but I I have 100 been on dates where i'm like I literally just want you to be like my hookup buddy for the night and then Peace never seeing you again. So it's your intent with what you're doing with it If you are looking for a boyfriend out of it, maybe take things slow

take a while to maybe get to the kiss part. Like, I don't even know. Like, just know your intent when you're doing it. Don't ever feel bad too. Like, if you did, if it was a guy and you're like, oh shit, maybe I shouldn't have like had that one night stand with him. Like, I still want to get to know him too. Like, after that, even if you had that one night, like after that, you can still take things slow. Like, there's no like boundaries that were really set quite yet. Yeah. I was going to say the same thing. Yeah. Like, I totally think it's like, you know, when you're going out, just,

just to hook up with someone and you know when you're going out really like a boyfriend but also I think with it what's interesting with us because it's like how me and my boyfriend started dating how you date now and if I was single how I would date if I was single we don't like just go on a date and meet someone yeah so it's hard like like let's say you've been hanging out with the guy and you see them out a million times in bigger groups at the gym like whatever it may be like you see them you hang out with them

If you sleep with them on your first one-on-one date, is that really sleeping with them on the first date? You've known them for months. Yeah. Do you get like... 100%. So I think that's where like the way like let's say like you right now talking to boys where there's like gray hair because it's like, yeah, it was your first date, but like you've known them for a long time. Well, yeah, there is that one guy. Okay, there's that one guy when I was at the domains. Yes. So there's a scenario like that where it's like I literally was meeting you for the first time ever. Yeah.

And I met up... So I met up with a guy at a bar. And I, guys, was having the time of my motherfucking life. Time of her life. Time of my life. I'm, like, texting Taylor. I'm like, this guy is so cool. Like, we're having the time of our life. Like, I'm loving this. It's a Thursday night. She's plastered at the domain. Oh, I'm plastered. And I'm, like, texting, like, my friend Rachel, too. I'm like, Rachel, like, this guy is so cool. Looking back on it, I'm like, Taylor, shut up. He's not cool. No. It was just, like, the...

the front he was putting up well and it's like it's the first day of buying you all your drinks and taking you out and showing you a good time is fun and all then you have to talk after and it's yeah i know so yeah like in that type of scenario like i'm having a good time out why ruin the good time like i just let the night flow into what it was that was it i don't think it's that like

it's i don't think it's bad like if it's the vibe i don't see the reason to purposely kill the vibe because you think in your head it's bad to on the first date yeah do you know what i mean like if you're having a good old time why not like you don't have to like stop yourself just because you think like there's like a rule that you shouldn't or like there someone's gonna think you're like a slut that's dumb yeah

Yeah, no, I can't stand that word, slut. I can't. But also, keep in mind, guys, I'm not going out here doing this every weekend. Especially not now. Off birth control. Yeah, off birth control. I ain't doing that anytime soon. No can do. But actually, we can get into that question. What are you doing now for safe sex if you no longer taste...

birth control. My boyfriend lives 1,000 miles away. So that's my answer. Yeah. And mine is self-control. It's not happening for a little bit. Letting my body adjust. And two, condoms. And then I'm... So obviously, like I said, I'm raw. Like raw. I'm turkeying it. I'm turkeying it. Oh my God. Going cold turkey. I'm going cold turkey. Turkeying it. I'm not raw dogging it.

i can't believe i was just about to say that oh my god it's gonna be a great clip yeah everyone's gonna laugh fuck anyway anyways um so i'm my boyfriend's a thousand miles away so that's my number one form of birth control it's a really good one you know send your just send your boyfriend uh halfway across the country it works really well and and then condoms yeah condoms for this first um

Period of like irregular cycles and after that I really want to do um I think it's called natural cycles like the cycle tracking where you take your temperature and you know when you're ovulating It's like 90 effective um

So I'm going to really get into that. And I feel like if I'm stressing myself out with that, I may look into an IUD or something. I am going to look into a copper IUD. The pain of it scares the living shit out of me, but so does having a kid. So pick your battles. Facts. So I will look into that, but both of us want to kind of let our body...

settle this no birth control thing before doing another birth control. Yeah. Even though an IUD is not hormonal, like it still messes with like your period and stuff like that. So I just want to be, we want to be all natural. Yeah. 100%. Yeah. All right. Next one. Would you ever do a threesome? Yeah.

What? I'm going to spit out my water. Yeah, no. So straight to the point, no. I would not. And you know what? The jealousy and rage that would consume my body. Okay, here's the thing. I could put... No, not even. I would just say I could potentially do it with two guys, but no, not even. That would give me... Like, I can't. That would give me the ick. Like, I cannot stare at my, like, boyfriend.

Like hooking up with a guy. That would give me the ache. And I think it'd be like way too much. Way too much. Like that seems like painful. You know what? No judgment to any of my girlies or boys listening here. If that's your fancy, if that's your fancy and you fucking have the time of your life, do it. Look, I wish I had...

I was all kinky like that. I wish I had the confidence. I wish I had the balls because that's probably dope. I'm way too much of a jealous bitch. You're telling me I'm going to watch my boyfriend like kiss someone? I'd rather jump off a bridge. Also, I'm like, I'm a good fucking time alone. You don't need somebody else there. Yeah. Like, let's be real. That's like... Yeah, I really...

I don't think so. I can see more so. Like, there's a lot of... This gives me, like... Do you know who, like, Lena the Plug and Adam 22 are? No. You don't know who they are? Like, the no jumper people? No. Okay, so they do a podcast. Lena the Plug, they're, like...

I mean, I don't know if like porn stars is the right word, but they like that. Right. They like do that. Very famous on the Internet. They were on Bradley's podcast. OK. Oh, I know you're talking about. He has like a rap podcast, whatever. So they have a podcast where every guest that comes on, they have like a threesome with them. And it's like part of the podcast. And it's on OnlyFans.

So like it's an exclusive. That's really weird. It's really a niche and I bet they make millions of dollars. Oh, 100%. All their guests are like people that like do that too. So that's like what they do. And I'm like, that's like cool for you, I guess. And they have like no attachment to it. And they're dating, they're married, like they have a kid. Like they're like married. And it's like, I just don't understand how you do that. But I see it more so working out for people that like have like aren't in a couple. And it's kind of just all like...

randoms and for fun because girl my jealousy yeah i don't couldn't be me do it i'm like too awkward no i just like like okay it's just not my like what's the word i'm like i'm not like sexually attracted to female so like i just don't think like i don't know like i just don't think i can do it like if it was two guys mate like maybe but like i just i don't know if i could do it no i could i'd rather another girl than a dude really yeah i feel like you would just like

just like beat the i'm not going into detail okay okay whatever all right next one and this is another good one have you ever faked an orgasm i don't think i've ever faked one i think i've exaggerated yeah yeah and but i also have i like i'm like straight up like if a guy like looks at me and like oh my god have like have you finished yet i'm like no like why are you even asking me that like that

Question pisses me off more than anything I've never been asked that but I realize now I mean obviously I was super young like my ex-boyfriend was horrible But we were like 16 so like I guess I can't hold it against the guy

but like it definitely was like i feel like maybe exaggerated but it was never like a distinct like i'm faking this right now yeah my thing is like i feel like that would just like crush his heart yeah i know like i've been asked like a few times like if i have and i'm like i hate that question because it's like i'm obviously like trying to and maybe like the sex isn't like the best so it's like you just ruined it i'm like you just ruined it by even asking now it's start over now i'm not

like don't even want to like why are you asking me right now oh my goodness like what why do boys i'm literally gonna make a series i've been doing this series on snapchat and is why do boys and like anything that's like happening in the present i'll take a photo of it i'm like why do boys and that's part of it why do boys don't ask that but yeah for sure and i definitely think like

It's something that is not talked about as much as it should be that like it's not as common for females to orgasm like orgasm. Oh my God, I can speak orgasming every single time for me at least is not something that like occurs a lot. Obviously Taylor like you're in a relationship so it may be a little bit different but for me like

I've never been random people I'd say no yeah like it's just like harder with a random person like it definitely like it's not as intimate and it's a little bit hard for me yeah I mean I'm pretty chilling right now must be nice all right next question does size matter yeah no yes

I would say yes. I, in terms of like too big, sometimes too big, can't do it. It hurts. Yeah. Like, but also too small, but I've never really experienced a too small. I've never experienced a too small. I've experienced way too many too bigs. And I'm like, too big, too big. It hurts. I've done a too small one.

This poor guy. Poor guy suffering out there. He was friend-zoned the next day, so it's fine. Not even just because of that. I'm not a shallow bitch. So many more things were friend-zoned the next day. Oh, poor guy. We were really good friends. Okay, there we go. We were really good friends after. Brother-type vibes. Literally such good friends after. It was actually funny because he...

He was kind of like still kind of going with it. And I was like, yeah, no, I'm not on that page. Like we're, we're homies. Like, and then it was like, okay, yeah, homies. And it was like, Don's out from that point. Do you ever, okay. This is my, I'm going to put a question here because I want to ask you. Okay. Cause like, I'm going to give my answer too. Okay. But does ever like too big, like,

like hurt so bad that like you are dreading the exact like moment you're in yeah like i'm just like i don't want to be here right now this hurts so bad because yeah like that's definitely happened to me well for me that's like i feel like i'm forgetting that we're like on a fucking podcast yeah this is definitely out of our comfort zone right now ladies so

i feel weird um i feel like that could happen like sometimes often if i'm already like done yeah yeah 100 and i'm like hurry up yeah no i'm over it yep okay that's like that's when you got sometimes you gotta take them for the like like there's two people you know here's another question then does time matter

Yes. Hear me out. People are talking about hours and hours. The longest time I've had sex is three hours. That like literal sex. Yes. No, I'd rather die. No, but like I enjoyed it. No, but it has to be with the right person. Like I see three hours, but like not all of its actual like it's every like, yeah, like stopping going like it was just like three hours. Yeah, I could like kind of see that. But like, yeah, but like that seems like a little bit too much.

I've only ever done that really once. It was with my ex-boyfriend. It all of a sudden just turns like 3 in the morning and we were like, holy shit, it's like 3 in the morning right now. 10 minutes. Yes, perfect. Perfect. 10 minutes, all I need. And then the other times, you know, you do it. But on an everyday basis. And then sometimes when it gets past that clock in my head, I'm like, okay, let's hurry this up along. I'm

I'm good. So that's like me too. 10 minutes is a great time. Yeah. And honestly, then sometimes like even too for the guy, like if it ends up being like two minutes, like that's really okay. I don't know why you need to be embarrassed about it. But you should compensate. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 100%. 100%. Let's talk about that real quick. Don't get me. But actually, yeah, no. Next one. Dun, dun, dun. This is something new to us, for us, or at least for me. Masturbation. Oh, Jesus.

I know. I know. We'll go really quick into it. Masturbation, dot, dot, dot. That's all she left in the question box. Masturbation, dot, dot, dot. Let me just say this. I don't know why it took me so long for this to be something that is new in my life, but it's new. I wish I was more comfortable with it. Yeah, 100%. This is so uncomfy for you to talk about. Come on. Just go for it. We got to talk about this at some point. For the girlies. For the girlies. Oh.

um like i knew she was gonna hate me for this question yeah well because it's just really awkward even though it's like real life it's not it's my boyfriend lives a thousand miles away and you know things gotta get done sometimes yeah that's that well yes okay so like we're on the okay but here's the thing like yeah you have a boyfriend a million miles away but i also don't even have a boyfriend sometimes it's really hard to just like

Find someone, you know? So, yeah. It does happen, but not, like, I'm not an expert on this topic. So maybe one day. It's also not that, like, often for, like, it's not, like, a common thing for me. Yeah, no, not at all. Not at all.

All right, next one. This one's directed towards me. I feel attacked. No, I'm kidding. Thank God. No, but this one's funny. Sam, have you ever brought a guy back while Taylor has been home? Yeah. Yeah. Like, is that not normal? Like, do people not do that? We don't like share a room. Yeah, we don't share a room. Like, but I go back to my room. Like, we'll go out.

And if like I'm with a guy, like he'll come back as well. I mean, we'll all sit on the couch together. I mean, like David stays here and we're like, what's the difference? Yeah, no, there's no really big difference. I think it's only happened like

I feel like I've only ever... Yeah, like twice I've only ever brought in a guy back. Which, like, I feel like listening to this podcast right now, you guys probably think, like, I've brought in back, like, 20 guys. No, Sam gets zero play. I get zero. No fun in this household. So, yeah, I think there's only been, like, two guys.

Yeah. And we've been living together for like a year. Yeah, and then another time she just like walks in at 8 in the morning. Yeah. Hello. Good morning. At our old place, like I wouldn't bring my keys and you had to use a fob to get into the apartment and I'd like FaceTime her at like 8 a.m. I'm like, open the fucking door. I'm standing in his clothes outside. I don't really... Okay, here's my thing too with like...

One night stands are just like in general going to a guy's place after being out. I hate not sleeping in my bed. I will do everything in my power to make it back to my bed at the end of the night, whether it's four in the morning and I've sobered up, whatever. Like I'm going to be waking up in my bed. Like I cannot stand waking up in somebody else's bed and

feeling all gross from the night out dry mouth cotton mouth and make a path on make a path on like it's not a good time it's not a good place to be in so i will do anything in my power to get home yeah that's how it would be too because even like sleepovers like like girl like like a sleepover at like a girlfriend's house like you fall asleep on their couch or like you just fall asleep in their house like just with like a friend that even i hate i don't like sleepovers

All right. Here's a goodie. Most embarrassing sex story. Um,

I have a good one. I'll just say it right now if you want me to. Mine was... Okay, so my two ex-boyfriends were back-to-back. And they were both three years long. And at that time, I had only hooked up with two people. So, like, my first ex and then my other ex. So, like, I had no experience with any other guys. And I would say about a month into my relationship with my second ex, I accidentally mid-sex called him the wrong boyfriend's name. Oh, no. Oh, no.

yeah really bad not good not good at all like it was bad embarrassing and like we obviously just like kept going but it like killed the fucking vibe and i've never ever in my life called someone the wrong name only that one time and it was really bad yeah um i feel like mine is just being like walked in on it um happened with my ex-boyfriend twice the time i already said and then a different time with like his cousin because my ex-boyfriend was just like

I could never just wait till like the mood was right. Yeah. I also, no, I actually don't have another embarrassing story. So I'd say those are like mine. Yeah. Crazy. We're so crazy around here.

Talking stages. Let's get into it. All right. Less playful. Oh, thank God. This is like, I can like relax. I can like- You're fucking stressed. You're probably sweating right now, are you? No. You're like geeking out a little bit. All right. So much time for that shitty guy. What advice do you have? What was it? Like so much wasted time on that shitty guy. Okay. Okay.

It's not wasted because you learn something. Of course. One day, you'll laugh about it. Every situation with a guy that I've, like, stressed over, now I think is funny. Yeah. That's one thing. And also, depending how old you are, like...

Like, I don't know. Like, you just never know, like, what's going to happen and, like, what direction it's going to put you in. Like, it honestly doesn't really matter. I'm really big. Like, I'm not very, like, religious or any of, like, believing in things. But, like, I'm very big on... Okay, I'm, like, kind of, like, saying the opposite of what I'm trying to say. But I'm very big in believing that things that happen in your life happen in your life for a reason. Whereas, like, okay, I broke up with my ex...

Of dating for three years and then I Ended up dating one of his friends Like yeah that's not the best Situation or scenario But I believe that that happened For a reason that I was in that friend group And then I ended up meeting that other guy and it's just like everything That's ever happened in my life I feel like you Need to understand that it happens for a reason And like Taylor said you Learn so much from those experiences Now obviously if you're it depends On how much time you're wasting from a guy too like If it's like three years of your life I wasted

like honestly two years like not consecutive but obviously in the gaps in between he was like a topic of my mind yeah and was it wasted yeah it also showed me a lot about the friendships I had it showed me a lot about

what is a healthy versus not healthy relationship um it in a way probably manifested my relationship now because david was the guy i told him not to worry about and but he actually didn't have a reason to worry but he just had a psychic like inkling from the beginning because he would be like i don't want you talking to that kid and i'm like why like i didn't like i didn't even like know about it like i didn't know him we didn't talk we weren't friends and he was just like i don't know i just like don't want you talking to him and i was like

like literally why I like don't know what you're talking about like I don't talk to him like we're just like not friends I don't know him and then we broke up and then we started dating so I mean I don't yeah I guess he knew something that I didn't so in a way he manifested I guess the relationship I have now but all in all I just like learned yeah I feel like

To like with that mindset that you're having that you feel like you wasted time You're probably feeling that because you're going through like that breakup stage And you just feel like the whole entire world is crashing down on you and you don't really know what to do But I promise yourself give yourself a few months. You're gonna look back on it You're probably gonna laugh at it and you're gonna realize so much self-growth happened during that time in your life So you're good to go my girl. Yeah, um next question How do you know if you're really into someone or you're just bored?

I feel like I'm definitely in that stage in my life right now where I'm not like, okay, yes, I am looking for a boyfriend. I want a boyfriend. I've been single for like four years now. So yeah, I'm looking for a boyfriend, but it's been kind of hard where I'm talking to guys and I'm like, am I actually like into him or is he just giving me attention? Cause I'm bored. And I've definitely like noticed that quite a bit with like, like a few guys. And I'm like, okay, no, I'm just bored. Um,

You need to like really get to know the person. Like, are you just for me, at least it's like you're on cloud nine because you're getting attention from a guy and then you're all excited about it. So you need to kind of keep hanging out with them. I guess for me, this is what it takes is like hanging out with them a little bit more.

learning more about who they are and then if you like actually are like really into it then yeah like continue continue to pursue it but if you're not and there's like little things that pop off like not like red flags but like little icks or just like turnoffs then you're probably just bored because yeah yeah i think if you like actually enjoy like alone quality time like

If going to, like, the grocery store together is, like, a fun... Is, like, fun to you. Or just, like, hanging out. Like, you should be able to, like, enjoy time together. But also, you're probably overthinking it. And I feel like it maybe could start that way. Maybe you were just talking to them because you were bored. And now you like them. Yeah. Like, I could see how that could easily...

This next one kind of rings into like what you're saying right now. I'm in a dilemma. I want a boyfriend, but I'm afraid to get hurt. I just got I just recently got happy again. And I feel like you can't give someone that much power over you. One. Yeah. And I feel like, too, it's like you were just you're just getting happy again. I feel like.

This is something that I really struggled with those two boys back to back is like, oh, wow, I just got happy again. I can get go into my next relationship. But it's like you kind of do need like that independence aspect in your life. I looking back on my two relationships back to back.

I wish I didn't, but at the same time, I learned so much about myself, so much self-growth after those two were done. But you do need a good chunk of time of like self-growth and like kind of figuring out who you are because we are at such a young age. Obviously, I don't know how old you are giving me this question. So I don't know if like you've already gone through that part of your life or whatnot, but I do think your own happiness is more important than being in a relationship and also relying off of that person's happiness. Yeah, but there's also like take it slow.

Like just because you're scared to get hurt doesn't mean ghost them. You can hang out with them and text them without being exclusive and being boyfriend and girlfriend to the point that he can hurt you. Like don't give it any power to hurt you. Like just hang out with him. Keep your roster full of men. Yeah, we love a good roster. And if he doesn't work, you just move on to the next. And it's like...

It's like a good thing if it doesn't work out fast because you know and you got it over with. Like instead of like, oh my God, I trusted this guy and he hurt me right away. It's like, no, good. Showed me your true colors. I'm outie. Who's number two on the list? Like, who cares? Yeah.

Agreed. Now we're going to get into relationships. Fuck the talking stage. Let's get those boys. Fuck the talking stage. All right. How to spice things up in a long distance relationship. I'm going to give this one to Taylor. So I like little like cute things like making time for FaceTime calls is really, really important. And like long FaceTime calls is if it were a date, like plan it out. Be like, yeah, like this is something that we like in my relationship. We kind of fell out of doing a little bit and it like

it like shows and you feel it and it's like okay we need to go back to that like being like let's eat dinner like on the phone or like watch a show like literally like play a show at the same exact time and just like set the phone up and on FaceTime and watch it so you could like talk about the show and watch the show together stuff like that is like fun like just because it makes it seem like as important as like a real date if you were like let's go to get dinner to be like let's eat dinner on the phone like and just talk while we eat dinner um

And then, like, always talking but having, like, real conversations. Like, it's not going to work if it's just like, hey, like, what are you doing? Like, okay, talk to you tomorrow. Like, I don't know. Like, you got to actually be... Present? Yeah. Like, in it. And then...

I don't know. Like, I feel like it's so hard to be like, what am I doing? That's like making it like work. I mean, making time to see each other. You do have to see each other. Like we like we try to see each other every it doesn't really go over two months. Yeah. Like two months is kind of like the OK, it's been a long time.

One of us should go see each other. But... Yeah. I don't know. I feel like it just like when it works, it works. Yeah. I do think that too. I think if it's like... It's like the effort that each person's putting in. If it's getting to like...

you're like i don't like this this is boring like maybe it's not working yeah and like obviously sometimes you're gonna feel like oh this sucks like we haven't seen each other because like um like let's say when i was like moving um like it was hard and like he was moving into summer baseball and like i was moving here and it was a lot and obviously your phone takes like last priority to like be on a phone call when you're like so busy so then it's like oh my god we haven't talked in like four days like stuff but like you're just gonna like that's gonna happen yeah i'm

I love that advice. Next one, because it's kind of like, I haven't been in a relationship forever, so it's really hard for me to give advice, but when is an appropriate time to take a break in a relationship? I took a break in my relationship because I just knew, for me personally, I needed to know that it was right now.

like kind of like you don't know what you have until it's gone type of thing. And it was just a personal choice that I knew was right. I feel like I kind of almost a little bit

might have checked out subconsciously like before it even happened um and if right now you're asking that question i feel like it is the right time yeah like i'd say like if you're if you're thinking about it yeah i think the biggest thing you need kind of check in on with yourself is your own independence do you kind of have like your own friend group your own life outside of your boyfriend

do you not rely off of, like, your own happiness outside of him? And this could, like, also go with, like, breakups as well. Like, sometimes, like, the relationship maybe is just not working. It's not working. Like, when you take a break, you're kind of breaking up. Like, you don't necessarily know if you're getting back together. Right. So, for me at least, those were, like, the kind of, like, big things that I realized. And also, like...

into with like a toxic relationship like noticing like those toxic things where it's like he's controlling like you don't really have a social life outside of him like you can't go outside doing things without him like those types of things like if you just I guess at the end of the day don't have that independence you need to take that break so you can build that independence or realize maybe he was suffocating you yeah or if you have a lot of other things going on that maybe need all of your attention and you can't give your attention for in a

But I think overall, if you're continuously thinking like maybe we need to take a break, then you probably do. Yeah. Like don't hold it off any longer. Yeah. Because if you end up holding it off like a lot, it's going to probably end up just being a breakup. Like it might not even be a break. And if it's meant to work, like it will work. Yeah. It will work. And like when you're on the break, like see other people. Like literally see other people. I feel like you have to. Like see other people. Don't worry about like –

I mean, obviously, don't just be like, fuck my ex. But like, don't really worry what they're going to think about it. So at the end of the day, you're not together. See other people. So that way you're like really knowing like what's best for you. All right. Moving into ex-boyfriends. How do I handle a best friend getting back with a toxic ex? And I've definitely experienced this a lot with my best friends back home where I've

Tried and tried and tried my absolute best to help them get out of a relationship But they always just kept flying back to their ex-boyfriend that was extremely toxic And it will come to the point where you can't continue to waste all your energy on Trying to get them to realize that the relationship that they're in is not beneficial for them Yeah, um, so I was like one of those people really stuck in a toxic relationship um, and what killed me all the time was people calling like

me stupid or people calling me like calling me names rather than being like oh he sucks yeah it was just like you're stupid like you're this and not like he's stupid he's an idiot yeah and because if you really alienate your friend that is in that situation and like cut them off or like yeah just like alienate alienate them because of what they're going through how would that give them the opportunity to leave because now that's all they have

Yeah. You know what I mean? So I think there does become a point where you can't be the one like trying to say something or help every two seconds because clearly they don't want it.

And in my situation, it's almost like I feel like I knew it was toxic. I was just scared. I was scared to break up with him because I didn't want everyone to be like, told you so. Yeah. Like, you're dumb like that. So I think putting a lot of pressure on someone doesn't help either because that's what I was scared of. I was like, I'm going to look like an idiot. Yeah. Like everyone told me I'm stupid and now we're breaking up. Whereas if I felt like kind of supported, yeah.

it would have been probably easier rather than me feeling like, well, shit, like everyone hates me now because I'm dating this dude. So how am I going to break up with him? Because like everyone hates me. Yeah. I mean, I see from that end as well. I see it from the ends of like I've had friends and I'm like, oh my goodness, there's just only so much energy I can put into it. And you kind of, in a sense, from the person that's trying to help you, you kind of not feel backstabbed, but you kind of just feel like all that energy and all that stuff that you're

All the advice that you're giving is just kind of pointless. Right. And it just it kind of ruins the friendship because one every time you're hanging out you're probably talking about the drama of the ex-boyfriend and how he's not treating her right and like all this stuff and it's just like it really drains of friendship as well. So I guess at the end of the day what's like the advice we would give.

to like that girl that's struggling with the ex-boyfriend. Okay, the girl in the relationship? She's the friend that has the friend with the toxic ex. Okay, I think like make it known, like obviously say something. But I think there's just a fine line between don't be too much. And I think it's fine to back off in the sense and like,

If she's coming to you every day crying about it, then you need to set a boundary. If it's something in her life that she deals with in private and doesn't really bring to you, then there's not much you can do. Exactly. Honestly, because she's keeping it in her life. I do think like if she's coming to you every single day crying or like they break up every day and you have to deal with it, you need to set a boundary because that's really fucking annoying. But if it's her own personal business, there's probably no...

not much that you can change and if it's like totally outside your friend group like your friendship and you trust that they're a smart person it'll probably end eventually like I feel like I feel like it'll probably end like if you had a boyfriend and I didn't like it and like whatever like you're the friend you stay with him yeah like you stay with him you don't care it's like you're a smart girl you're not gonna marry him yeah like

I don't know. I'm fucking sure. I hope I'm never in that situation. Yeah. Also, like, here's my thing. My big one. I mean, my toxic ex put a big, like, front up. So my family did like him. But, like, if no one around you likes him, you need to, like, smack yourself in the face and realize. It's really hard to realize, though. If no one else likes him, that's a problem. Like, if my family didn't like my boyfriend, no.

No. Yeah. Like my parents adore David. Facts. I can't really put much input on that. Yeah. But yeah, let's go into the next one. How to have a friendship with a past ex. I can't. I could have a friendship with someone, like I said, like

Like made out, like almost hooked up one time and then we're like, nah, and then we can be friends. I can do that. To me, that's like totally fine. I can have a friendship with past ex. One of them. My first one. Which I would say like every time I go home, we're super civil. We have conversations. We catch up. Because like my, both my ex-boyfriends are in my friend group back home. So like I kind of have to be civil with them. So I wouldn't say like being like good ass friends, but being civil with them is really important. Right. Because...

If you're going to be, like, besties with them, like, you... That's weird. Like, things might rekindle. And, too, if you're going to try to talk to another guy, that guy's going to be super fucking insecure about it. And what if they have a girlfriend that you can't be... Like, I think full-on, and I'll stand by this, you should not be hanging out in a relationship with your ex. Like, frequently. No, yeah. Not at all. Like, that's not...

I just think you need to be civil though. Like you should be able to hold conversations, be mature about it because especially in high school or college, if you're not civil with your ex-boyfriend, it's going to be so fucking hard to get invited to parties. Like I had the longest fucking time with my ex-boyfriend not being able to go to fucking parties or gatherings because he was there and all the bros didn't want me there because there was going to be drama and then you miss out on all the fun fucking things and you don't want that. So,

Girls, stand up. Be civil with those boys even if you fucking hate them so that way you can still go to these gatherings with your friends and get another... And fuck their friends. Yeah, fuck their friends. Just kidding. Maybe. But yeah. But yeah. I mean, I don't think I could ever be like close friends with an ex to the point of like...

you text them like you snapchat them no um civil is all we're going for yeah i mean not me i like dislike my ex-boyfriend i wouldn't want to be in a room he was in but in the standpoint of like let's say your friends were all in like a friend group and that's who you're hanging out with and you're gonna have to like deal with it yeah agreed

Last one. OnlyFans. This is the last category and there was only really like one of the same... It was the same question across the board of OnlyFans and is, what are we doing on there? You guys look up to us. You admire us. But yeah. So basically, I kind of want to just address this because I feel like I get this question all the time. And OnlyFans...

It gets the worst rap ever, I feel like, in my opinion. And you know what? I realized for a long time, like, men sexualize the shit out of us on social media. Like, if you go look at my buffalo chicken dip recipe, I'm being, like, sexualized like no other for wearing a baggy t-shirt and my booty shorts.

All that. And I'm letting them talk about me like that for free. For fucking free. You're kidding. For free. So I might as well monetize on that opportunity and do it over on OnlyFans as well. Now, by no means is it necessarily the same content on OnlyFans. I will say that there is bathing suits. There's lingerie. But it is no nudity whatsoever. I'm just taking the opportunity I can to monetize my content whatsoever.

with men. I'm going to get that bread, okay? That is it. Get that fucking coin, okay? So there is no reason to judge another girl for doing OnlyFans. You don't know what's going on. I mean, obviously you can if you want to subscribe, pay that coin to purchase art photos. Go do it if you really want to, but I will say this, that it's...

If you have, well, I don't have a big guy following on either platform. I like around 20% male, but I on TikTok men don't follow us on TikTok because if you go to our page, it's like a fitness wellnessy girl vibe. So why would a guy want to follow us on there? Right. But I do get a lot of traction on TikTok of men.

And they'll comment on my stuff They'll like my stuff but they won't follow They're always watching But they won't follow So I might as well take that opportunity Of those guys Make them go to my OnlyFans Have them pay to see my content So that's where we're at With OnlyFans If someone's going to yell something gross Across me across the street Like

Then I might as well make money for people sexualizing me. I'm going to put up with the fact that no matter what I wear, like I'm wearing a sweatshirt right now. I bet you somewhere someone would say a nasty comment to me. I'm going to make money off of it. I'm young. I'm hot. To me, it's just not that deep. Your explanation was good. But I think a lot of people...

I realized I think at first it was like, I want to like really explain this. And then I was like, I actually feel like I'm just young and hot and I'm like, Oh my goodness. My mom would like any, any adult would be, Oh my God. If I had your fucking body at that age, I literally wouldn't be doing what you're doing. I explained to my dad, like how it worked. Not like soup. Yeah.

They obviously asked about it. Okay, they follow me on Instagram. So I had to give them a little overview of like, don't worry, I'm not like doing anything crazy. Like your daughter's okay. Yeah. But I was just kind of like, so it's kind of just like this. And they were like, my dad was like, Sam, how do I do it? My dad was like, you're telling me like people can pay you for that? Yeah. How the hell do I get on there? And I'm like, yeah, man, it's like,

Like, you gotta... Like, I'm only young and hot and on social media one time in my life, and I'm not gonna fumble the bag. Yeah, of course. So that's... Take every opportunity as you would with a grain of salt. And don't judge... Like, just don't, like, judge people because who cares? My thing is, like, who cares? Like, I'm not trying to be, like, a teacher one day. So I'm fine. Yeah. Agreed. So that's our take on it. Hopefully you guys understand. Yeah, it's just, like...

I just personally don't care at all. Yeah. I mean, honestly, I've been through hell and back on social media. People judging me for X, Y, Z. People are going to judge you for... I'm going to do whatever the hell I want. Like, I got judged in high school because someone was saying I'm, like, prude. But then if I do an OnlyFans, like...

That I'm a whore. Like, you can't win anyway. Bro, I would be called a slut because I would make a buffalo chicken dip in my fucking kitchen. So, like I said, you're literally never going to win. So, take every opportunity you can to make money. Exactly. Oh, my God. That's like the best quote ever. You're never going to win. So, take every opportunity you can to make money. Done. End it. Listen, like, the world can explode tomorrow. Like, do you know that TikTok where it's like, oh, like, people judge me because I have OnlyFans and it, like, zooms out of the earth to the galaxy? Yeah. It's like...

100%. Like, we should be like, oh, like, you really have OnlyFans? It's like, bro, you're on a floating speck of dust. Yes. People get, like, especially with us having social media, like, or even in general, like, people just, like, capitalize so much on, like, the really small things that are going on just so that way they can feel, like,

like they're more valued than us by bringing us down if that makes sense so I don't know that's my take almost everyone does it yeah I find it hard to find a girl that does it like it's more it's really normal uncommon like I think paid content overall is just gonna become a bigger thing Instagram's doing it now there's things Instagram's doing exclusive content Snapchat has Snapchat exclusive Patreon has always been a thing where people on YouTube because YouTube has like community guideline stuff where you can't post certain things you can post it on like

Patreon and people pay for exclusive content is not a new thing by any means. It just so happened that OnlyFans was meant to be like all those other sites where it's just extra content for your following. It went down a more sexual route. But I think within the next year or two, it almost won't really be like that. And it'll just be another way for users to pay for exactly what it says it is exclusive content, content you're not getting paid

For free online. Because at the end of the day. We post so much content. Literally for zero dollars. So if I can post some content. For money. Because I'm posting. Like ten times a day. Yeah. Exactly. I'm not going to lie. I have to pee so bad. So when do you. So. What? When do you. All good.

Yeah, we're done, right? Yeah, we're done. And it's been long. Yeah, it is so long. I'm not going to lie, though. I'm going to piss my motherfucking pants. And I'm hungry. I want lunch. So I hope you guys enjoyed this episode. Show it some love on Instagram. Engage with our Instagram, our podcast Instagram, because...

I don't know. Instagram stops. The app Instagram too. So show some love on there and let us know that you loved this episode because we'll do more of it and we'll get more into our lives. I don't know how much more we can go after that, but I guess. Oh, I'll go more. I'll get deeper for you. All right. Well, bye guys. See you on Friday. Bye. Bye. Bye.

Hey guys, it's Melissa Gorga from Melissa Gorga on display. And I am very excited to give you a little look into episode two. I am going to be talking to New York times bestselling author, Dave Quinn, who wrote the book with all the juicy scoop on all

all the Real Housewives. Dave, I'm so excited to talk to you. I am thrilled to be here, Melissa. And I have to say, you have so much behind the scenes that happened on the Real Housewives of New Jersey that you've never spoken about before. So I'm ready to get you to open up about all those things. Let's make amends for the tea you didn't spill when we talked in the book because you were so nice to everybody.

And I promise you, Melissa, I'm not going to sing on display to you over and over again. But just know that in my head right now, that's what's playing on read. Of course it is. What else would be playing in your head right now? Okay, listeners, make sure you listen to episode two of Melissa Gorga on display.