cover of episode #FHOLDINGGRUDGES | Our friendship story, confidence tips, supplements, and more

#FHOLDINGGRUDGES | Our friendship story, confidence tips, supplements, and more

Publish Date: 2022/1/7
logo of podcast One Thing About Us

One Thing About Us


Shownotes Transcript

What's up guys, it's Sam and Taylor, and we want you to put your shoes on, pop open that energy drink, and go. Hello guys, welcome back to another episode.

I'm Sam. And I'm Taylor. We are on Zoom right now, guys. We are so sorry. This one's going up a little bit late today because we filmed last night and the audio was a complete disaster. I don't know. We're still trying to figure it out, but we're filming again today, this morning, the day it's going up. Yeah, because as we said in the New Year's one, we couldn't say we were never going to miss an episode.

And then the literal week after. Miss what? Miss an episode. That would just be tragic. Yeah. So we'd rather put it up late than post the just horrific audio that was the beginning one. It was so horrific. I don't even think you guys would understand what I was saying. It was so bad. We finished it. It was late. I texted Sam. I was like, the audio is bad. She's like, unlistenable. I was like, no.

Yes. She said that to me and I was like, my jaw dropped. I was like, fuck. So we literally filmed. I'm not even kidding. I was sitting in this exact chair 12 hours ago. Oh, I was not. I was sitting on like a floor, but my butt hurt too bad. So now I'm sleeping on a couch while I'm here at my sister's house in Georgia and I'm sitting on my little couch bed.

Love that. Yeah, no, I got back what, Thursday? So yesterday was my first, or technically Wednesday. Yeah.

First day back, it's been good. I went to the grocery store twice yesterday because we're turning into a Whole Foods queen over here. But Whole Foods, hey you, but you don't have like Frank's Red Hot or just like the random necessary like kitchen items that you need that are just like well known, you know? Like I'm sure they have like some type of Frank's Red Hot, like

a different version but I'm not I'm gonna spend three hours in Whole Foods trying to figure out which one is exactly like spring spread on also for maybe like double triple the price exactly that too oh oh my god this is one thing too keep in mind guys

Yeah, we're starting to shop at Whole Foods just because like whatever it's literally a block away from us and the quality of like the snacks is maybe just a little bit better. But I was picking up chicken and two chicken breasts was like $10. And then I was like contemplating. I'm like, do I do this? Like that's two chicken breasts. Like that's ridiculous. So I dropped it and then I ended up getting chicken at Randall's like the regular grocery store.

And it was $6. I was like, I'm not buying any produce from Whole Foods. Fuck that. Yeah, that's the thing. I'd say, honestly, like the main reason I like going there. It is so close. It is so close. So close. Like it's right there. And Trader Joe's. I can't decide which I like better.

I like the vibes of a Whole Foods. It's so nice. I love the energy in a Whole Foods. You can get, like, a nice Olipop while you're there. I picked up two of them. I was like, I love you. I just like Whole Foods. I like the little cleaning supplies and the soap. I like it all. Yeah, no, I agree. I have been not being a Whole Foods girly. I have had many unexpected rest days, just, you know, chilling, you

not eating good at all but I don't care which is I'm finally going into a year fully completely and utterly like healthy mindset with working out like it doesn't bother me today even I don't even know if I can go to the gym and I was hoping to go every time we were here we have to redo the podcast and we have a meeting after this meeting and I have to like edit something for YouTube and I only have a few days here so I'm not trying to have like

pushing three hours of the day of work, you know? Yeah. Waste the whole afternoon. So I don't even know if I can go to the gym today unless I go later or something like that.

pull off yeah I don't even know but you know things happen I'm the same exact way I'm definitely happy to be back like I feel like I was I was gone for too long like we're to the point where it's like when I got off my flight yesterday or two days ago I was like wow I fucking missed it here like just driving through the city I was like I missed it here and like that's when you know like you picked a really good location to like move to

away from your family. Like I got off and I was like, Oh my God, like my heart, like, I don't know. It was just such a weird feeling, but I was like, I just love it here. Um, but while I was home, I was kind of the same as Taylor, like not really on it. I ate out 13 days in a row. Like I counted, I was like, this is, I was like, this is kind of ridiculous, but at the same time I was like, I don't really care. Like I was fine. Like my body felt fine. I didn't track at all. I intuitive ate the entire time I was home, which kind of sucks in terms of like my bulk, um,

So like a bulk update, I guess, is that I'm pretty much going to finish up my bulk. Because I intubated for like two and a half weeks, I'm going to jump back up to my macros that I was at, but I'm not going to go all the way to where I was right before I left. Because if I did that, my metabolism would be like, Sam, what the fuck are you doing? But I'm still going to jump into my bulk macros, just a little bit slater of a bulk and then work my way down to maintenance and then stick at maintenance for kind of a long time before summer.

Yeah, I'm going to go back and slowly get up to where I was before. It might take just like one increase. I won't go like way lower. I'll go like a little bit lower, build up if it goes smoothly and then stay there for I don't know how long because I definitely lost weight. And even before you guys know, I wasn't really gaining weight. So I feel like I've done nothing, which is frustrating because it's like I don't want to cut and look exactly the same or cut and look like smaller than before.

I haven't even stepped on the scale and I'm like kind of nervous too, because I feel like I definitely lost weight. Yeah, I did. I know I did only because I'd weighed myself in the middle of the day, like food and everything. And I was the same weight that I used to wake up at. Yeah. I've been just like not having an appetite to eat anything. I think the bulk before we left for break, like I'm just going to call it break, even though neither of us are in like college, but like before either of us like went home and

I had no desire to eat anything. Like my, everything sounded disgusting. Like I wanted to like throw it now, now that I'm home tracking, it's 10 times worse. I'm like, this is fucking nasty and I don't want to eat it. Like my oatmeal, luckily, like I'm starting to like it a little bit more, but like everything else, like my lunch, my breakfast, my snacks, I'm like, I don't want to eat this. I've been not liking oatmeal. I hate it. Yeah. I hate it right now.

So brutal. But yeah, that's the plan for the bulk. Other than that, I go home on Sunday, like back to Texas. I'm just with my family for a few more days for my niece's first birthday, which is so fun. So I'm here for that. And then it's grind time.

Agreed. Big grind time. I'm craving it. Like I said, I don't care that like I'm off my routine, off work, like wasn't really posting. I don't really care. Cause at the end of the day of like two weeks is not like it's fine, but I'm craving to be like on a schedule.

Yeah, we should also kind of give a shout out to all the girls that are either sick with COVID right now or gyms have locked down because I've been getting like an absurd amount of DMs, like pretty much people like saying that they're in lockdown. But like, I feel like they just need that reassurance that it's OK, like your body will need the rest at some point, like throughout the year, like you've been working your ass off like crazy.

day in and day out every day of the year. And all of a sudden like this event pops up where you can't go to the gym, you can't work out, you can't be on your nutrition and that's totally okay. Nothing bad is going to come of it. So, um, you know, just chill. And hopefully if you do, if anyone listens to this, I hope you guys get better soon, but if you're also for lockdown, you can keep your body moving a little bit, like just go on walks. Um, if you have some equipment at home, you know, play around with it. Um,

Yeah, and that's how I've seen, like, anytime I take, like, these unexpected rest days, I'm just like, I needed, I need rest. I'm hovering. I'm resting my body. I've been nonstop, never miss a workout for the last, I don't know how long. Like, count on one hand the unexpected rest days I took in a year. So, who cares? Just resting, getting lots of sleep, which is all good things. Yeah.

We love that. My sleep has been amazing this past two and a half weeks. I'm like, when you get back, I'm like, I don't want to have to wake up early again. We can sleep a little bit. Yeah. I do want to also give a shout out to the Facebook page, guys. If you have not joined the Facebook page, you are 110% missing out on that because the girls are amazing.

are absolutely loving it. You guys are becoming like one big happy family. I love it. If you go to the podcast page, Instagram, it's linked in there. So you can just go to the Fitness Uncensored Facebook page. Inside that, go to about and then there will be a group based on your location. Just add yourself into it. You guys are already creating Snapchat group messages, group me's. Like some of you already met up. I got tagged last night in a story. I was so excited about it.

I was like, there's no fucking way that they're already meeting up with each other. Like, this is so cool. Oh my God. Like it's literally how Taylor and I met, but in like a different way. Like we didn't have a Facebook group. We just met through social media, but like you guys are also doing the same thing. And I absolutely love that. So please, please, please keep tagging us in your little meetups, your little Snapchat groups, like anything. Cause it literally makes my day. That's all I could ever ask for. Yeah. It's so adorable. Like,

It makes me so happy. Like if I can give one of you like a friend in college, like, like, I don't know if you're going through something and you really need somebody, if we could be the, like what got you that, or if you guys would be long best friends. Yeah.

And forever you'll just know it's because of the Facebook page. Yeah. I do want to address this though, because I noticed this morning when I woke up, I had a comment. Someone, a guy must've been on my live yesterday because I went live and I said in my live, no guys allowed in the Facebook group. And this guy commented on my post. It was like, why are you, what do you have against male lifters? Like, why can't they be in the Facebook group? And I just want to address this because I know we do have a little bit of male following, listening to this.

It's a safe place for our females, our girls, because we don't want them to feel uncomfortable posting a photo of themselves, maybe in a sports bra and like booty shorts and introducing themselves, saying where they're from, like all that stuff. I want it to be a safe place for them. So it's girls only. Nothing against you guys, like at all. You men listening. But like, I don't know if I if I was one of like our followers going to the group, I wouldn't want a bunch of men in there.

Right. What's that thing when people say like for the she's gays and bays? I don't know.

I have no idea what you're talking about. Everyone will know what I'm talking about, but it's basically just, like, for girls, gay guys, or, like, nays. Like, non-binary. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, that's funny. But also people, like, I just know, not to be, like, hating on the men. I know it's not all men, but a lot of people are saying, like, what school they go to. Yeah, right? Not their, like, address, but...

Like, the city they live in and what school they go to. And a lot of men creep girls out. Yeah. I had, like, maybe, like, two or three guys try to request to get in. And I saw it right away. And I was like, decline. I was like, decline. Get out. Also, it's so funny because we're trying to remember, like, what we said in the last one that we make sure we don't miss anything.

The Snapchat group chats and the group memes that we were talking about, we don't make those. Yeah. That's you guys on your own. We are in no control. If you want any part of it, you need to make a Facebook and get on it. If you don't have a Facebook, make one just for that.

that's what I did I do not know how to use Facebook if you see post it's probably Sam maybe I'll learn when I go home but I don't know how to say my name it says like fitness uncensored admin Sam Taylor posted oh okay so they can see that yeah I don't know how to use Facebook so it's fine I upload the podcast Sam Facebook's yeah I'm the Facebook queen but no seriously though like if

If you don't have a Facebook, please, please make one. Do not come into our DMs asking us to add you into the Snapchat groups because we're not in the Snapchat groups. They're making it when they're in the Facebook group and like adding each other. So we have no control of that. But we are obviously super happy and excited that you guys are doing that. So keep it up. So cool to watch and watch our little like community. We love it so much. Yeah. Oh, and the sorry.

totally forgot spotify playlist best gym playlist ever we got like four different playlists we got like oh someone asked me where's the sad playlist we got to make that oh yeah i'm just gonna literally um input my like my playlist yeah that's perfect i'll do that yeah we have four different ones so definitely give that a follow we're already up to like a few thousand of you guys following it which is awesome um so yeah hope you guys are enjoying that

Yeah, that's super fun. I saw something yesterday that was, or not yesterday, like a few days ago, that was like the gym is just a silent disco. Yeah, wait, I saw it. Was it a guy's TikTok? I don't remember, but it is. I found it so funny. And I was at the gym yesterday just looking at everyone with their headphones. I was like, it is a silent disco. Yeah.

It was the same TikTok I watched, but then he was like, I wonder what they're all listening to. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was that. That was so funny. I was like, holy shit. I can't get the thought out of my brain that a gym is a silent disco. No, but it's even worse, though, when you take your headphones off and the gym doesn't have music playing. Oh, that's how it was in this gym. It was just a very, very faint techno beat.

but that was it sometimes when we go to goals like they're not even playing music and i'm like this is just like not it yeah true silent disco like literally true like no one's talking in all your ears like feet on the ground yeah no literally wait so funny well who posted it was claire claire posted a tiktok the other day she put a video of herself in like

three times speed, like shoulder pressing. And it was just her feet go like this. Like, it was just like, like, it was like, her feet were like shuddering up and down. I couldn't stop laughing. I was like, if I put myself in three times speed, I would probably be doing the same thing. So funny. Yeah. Okay. Um, we are going to go in today, a Q and A.

Hell yeah. And also reintroduce just our story of being friends because, you know, there might be new people if you guys are here because you just searched fitness this new year to listen to Fitness Podcast. Welcome. Welcome. We're so excited to have you. Yeah. So we're just going to answer like all these questions, all these little fun, fun little questions and kick off the new year like that or second episode of the new year, I guess. Oh, no. The other one was December 31st. Yeah. This is like technically our first one.

Because the week was weird. But anyway, we should start off with our little story. Yes.

We obviously did this last night, so it's going to be kind of weird retalking about it because I don't know what I talked about. And I want it to be authentic and I want it to be real. So I don't know if you guys saw my TikTok, but I kind of made a little bit of a TikTok story about this last week. But we discovered when our first day meeting was because I didn't even know when it was. I just kept assuming. I was like, oh, it was April. Like, it was April. No, first time we ever met was February 27th.

So back in February of 2021, a few weeks beforehand, I was going on vacation. I knew I was going on vacation with my family down to Florida because Taylor's from Miami and I'm from Boston originally. And I had mentioned her on Instagram because we had been mutuals for probably like about a month, a month and a half.

for on like Instagram and TikTok. And I was like, you know what? I'm going to message her and see if she wants to like meet up because I would love to, because she seems like a cool girl. So I messaged her and I was like, Hey, like I'm going down to Florida and

for like a family vacation. I'm going to be in Marco Island. I know that's like three hours away, but I'll drive there and I'll spend the day with you. So we get to that day and I literally hop in my car and travel across Florida. Like I was in the car for three hours to get to the gym by 9am and we're out with Taylor. Yes. And I knew it was off to a good start because I

hate people that don't, like, commit to things or, like, are just late or kind of flake. And that happens so much with the online stuff. People are like, oh, yeah, we're going to meet up. And it's like, are we actually? You know, the days before, it's like, okay, are you actually coming? Is it, like, for real? Are we going to, like, switch the plans? And it was, like, 9 a.m. sharp. We were...

Working out. We were working out right there, right there. And then, and you know what the funniest thing is. So also I do want to say I've logged this entire day. So if you need a visual from this day, go to my YouTube channel and watch it. Um, but yeah,

Taylor and I showed up literally wearing like similar outfits like as we would we like keep in mind like you're probably looking at our stuff now and you're probably like oh they probably just dress the same because like they're best friends now no like we dress the same before even being friends like I was wearing like a full like head-to-toe gym shark outfit I think you were wearing like a TLF outfit and our hydro jugs literally matched our outfits like it was the like

corniest thing ever but like I looked into the mirror when we were at the gym and I was like holy shit Taylor like my hydro jug matches my outfit and your hydro jug matches your outfit this is so weird yeah I was wearing like kind of like a pink and I think like an orange then my jug is pink and I think you had like a yellow and like a something else like a blue we were like totally coordinated and yeah that's such because people think that we are like trying to like be each other I don't know

Yeah, I know. And we met because we were already posting very similar, which back then was actually so bad and terrible. I don't know why. I know. My content was so bad. I don't know why you thought I'd be like cool because my Instagram was just... I was so awkward in front of the camera. Yeah.

But yeah, so we obviously met on social media, but honestly, guys, to our OG followers that have been there since day one, we can thank you guys for bringing us together because I don't think I would have followed Taylor as quick as I did when I first started my career.

fitness accounts if it wasn't for you guys constantly tagging her in my content or vice versa being like you guys are literally the same person like you guys like should meet up you guys should meet like you guys should be friends and that's why I followed Taylor I think on TikTok first and then I went to Instagram and followed her and I DM'd her after I followed her because she made this one Instagram and I was like or no she made this one TikTok and I was like yes queen like I really like this TikTok what was it?

I can't say because I think you deleted it. Oh, okay. Oh, you know you're talking about. Okay, well, anyways. Yeah, so we went and lifted and all that and then we got Chipotle. Duh.

Yeah, that was like the best thing. That's when I knew I was like, holy shit, she wants to go get Chipotle after the gym. Like no one ever wants to do that with me. And I was like, let's go. And we finished our food at the same exact time, which is like so funny. Like we each like inhaled it. And it was so comforting to me because I'm so used to being the only one out of everyone I knew in high school that, mind you, we were going to the beach after this, right after Chipotle. We went to my house, changed my clothes.

changed our clothes not my clothes and went to the beach and at Chipotle we instantly both like finished our bowls and normally if I was with other friends they would probably not eat it or only like half of it or not even say that we should go get lunch but

Which isn't like, I mean, that's not their fault if they're struggling, but to be around someone that actually makes you feel like, feel good with your, like when you've had your own food issues is so comforting. No, it definitely is because I remember being in high school and stuff like that. Like with going out, not necessarily the beach, like going out, like we'd go to the dining hall and my friends would eat like toast for dinner. And I'm like,

so I have to eat toast for dinner because you're eating toast for dinner. That's how I felt just because I felt like that was the right thing to do. So it is good to surround yourself with people that like literally will eat before going into bathing suit before going out, like stuff like that, because it can bring back triggering, you know, things if not, because we've both been there. But yeah, so we, we went to the beach and, um,

One thing that like we did do and you can even check inside the vlog is like we got to the beach and we both just put our cameras down, put our phones down and just talked for probably like three to four hours, just about like literally everything in life, like getting to know each other, like talking.

siblings, parents, where you're from, like what you did in high school, like literally everything. And the vlog is just like us going down to the beach. Hey guys, we just got to the beach. And then the next clip is, okay guys, we're leaving the beach. So it was really good. And it felt really nice to just like talk to literally a stranger. Like I had no idea who Taylor was at the time. And we were just talking and talking and

the entire time. Like, we even, I even asked her while we were sitting on the beach because I was on Sky 9 the entire day. Like, it was the best day of my entire life. I was like, oh my god, this is amazing. I even asked her while we were sitting on the beach. I was like, do you want to, like, move in with me? I'm moving to Texas in May. Keep in mind, it's February. Crazy. So, we, yeah, like Sam said, put all of our

phones down and we were just talking and it's rare because a lot of the times when you meet up with someone on social media, it's for work, it's for content, which whatever, if that's what you want it to be for, um,

then film away. But most of the time, it's literally just a camera 24-7. We weren't... It's not like Sam was vlogging, so we were performing for the vlog all day. Yeah. The vlog barely got any footage. We made a few TikToks, but we weren't doing it all day. So it was so nice because we also just had someone to talk about work with, and we both...

never spoke and it was right when it was becoming work for both yeah it was kind of in that stage of both of us being like wow we can do this full time yeah like okay wait this this is work and we can yeah so and all of our content did so well that we were like holy shit I think we're

I think this is like a valuable thing we got going on. Yeah, it definitely was. It's so crazy. And then we got a million views on like that one TikTok. Yeah. And it was like, okay, wait. Everyone, it's funny too, because I think even at the time, we already had like a very similar follow base because so many people were like,

god Sam and Taylor are together like what the heck like this is crazy and like I feel like if it was two random people like like meeting up like say I met up with someone else super random I don't know if necessarily like our following base would be the same and I don't think like our followers would freak out as much about us meeting up and hanging out so that's when we knew like we were like wow our content is literally the same yeah that's because a lot of times like we've met people and we don't

not everyone knows who the other person is but people immediately just like started putting us together very quickly yeah so and we had the same instagram followers give or take yeah three thousand like i think we each had like 70 yeah up to 70 no i think it was 50 and then when we got to la it was 70 because remember you hit like 75 at la like you got like

I'm pretty sure that was. Whatever. It was something around there. But we had, like, the same following to, like, like I said, give or take, like, a little bit. Yeah. And it just clicked and stayed all day. And then we went to L.A. two months later. Yeah.

Yeah, which was on a whim. Yeah, this was very, very spontaneous of us because keep in mind, I'm moving in May. Like I'm moving across the country by myself in May, May 1st. And we went on this trip in April, but we went on this trip in the end, the end of April. So I had the LA trip and then I had one week at home and then I had to move. So it was very like...

We're fucking doing this. We're going. But the trip was more or less just for us to see LA and see zoo culture. It wasn't because we got invited out or anything like that. Bradley didn't know who we were. The management didn't know who we were. Literally no one knew who we were. We were just three girls going to the gym and...

literally having no idea. We were so nervous. We were like, what are we going to be expecting from this? But yeah, so then while we were there, that is when, who came up to us first? Was it Bradley or was it Steve? Oh no, it was Isaiah. Well, Isaiah, yeah, and Bradley because he asked us about what clothes we like because they were- Oh yeah, yeah. So they were just asking us like, okay, what are you wearing? Why do you like that? So that they can get ideas for their women's clothes. Yeah.

And then we had a really long conversation with Brad, like talk to Brad forever, went to his house. And when Isaiah was like, oh, you guys should come over. Like we're having a lot of people over like for dinner. We're like, what? Because we were so scared to even go in there. We're like, no one's going to look at us. Like no, Beck's going to be in there. Like no one's going to look at us. We do not belong. Yeah, right. And it was just, it was really cool. It was really fun. Yeah.

Really fun time. And that's when we also, that's why I think we became as good of friends because it would have been easy for Sam to move to Texas and kind of this not-

really become a thing because life just happens but we spent a few days together you know living in the same hotel room yeah when you spend that much time with again I'm gonna say stranger because honestly Taylor we didn't really know each other that well but like when you spend that much time with a stranger you learn so much about them like so much we're literally showering in the same shower like not at the same time

Like we were literally using the same one bathroom, like sleeping in the same room, like everything we did together. I don't think we ever like separated. Like we were constantly together. So luckily there were no icks for me with Taylor and I was like, all right, this girl, she's cool. She's coming to me with me to Texas. So yeah, no, that was, that was good. We clicked it during that trip. Yeah. And I went home. Yep. And then I went to visit. Well, you came to Miami once, right?

um, whatever that was for the TikToker fight. And then I went to visit you and I went to visit you again. But the first time I went to visit you, I signed a lease. Yeah. I think it was like within like a month and a half of me being there, I would say around like, like maybe, I don't even know, maybe beginning of June or something. I can't remember, but she came and I'm in an apartment complex that I had lived in before. So I, um,

down the hallway in a one bedroom apartment complex. And luckily enough, they had a apartment that was available right around the time that we wanted to move, which was a two bedroom, which is the one we're currently in now. And I think that was just like a sign because it

If they didn't have an opening, like, I don't know what the situation would have been. I don't know if we would have maybe waited a little bit longer or maybe she would have gotten her own apartment. I don't know, but it all worked out for us. And I literally like, I had to sign all the papers for Taylor because she was on her flight back to Miami. Yeah. And it was spontaneous. Yeah. Like the leasing office said we might, she was like, we might have one. We haven't gotten word yet.

If this person is resigning or not, it's looking like they're not. And we're like, okay, that's a good sign. And then they finally got word that they were moving out and they were like, you can sign the papers today and it won't even go on the market. It's yours. No one can take it from you. And I was like, Sam, if I'm on the plane, when we get these emails, sign away. Yeah. So I didn't really, I just kind of told my parents, I was like, I'm signing a lease.

Yep. I'm moving in August. And then, you know, we were just hanging out here and there. Another thing too, that we always get asked is like,

I think that was a question in the Q&A. It was, how are we so close with Brad? How did that friendship come about? Yes, it came about while we were in LA. But also, Brad has been looking at gyms in Austin for kind of a while. Obviously, with COVID and stuff, it's probably not going to happen for a while. But he had been to Austin twice while I had been living here. So both times that he came and visited Austin,

We got to hang out with him here. He came to my apartment. We were all just chilling. We all got pretty close. Honestly, I could say Brad is like, I would say uncle. He's uncle vibes. I would say dad, but then I'm like, nah, he's uncle vibes. That's kind of just, now we're here. Now we're here and we do this and stuff. It's been working out super good.

Yeah. Oh, also I wanted to mention, cause we mentioned this the first time we tried filming is that living with someone like, or just be like being friends with someone who's also in the same like work industry as you help so much. Like we like, like, I don't know how to explain this, but like,

sorry, we just are each other's like support system. Like when it comes to like work and stuff. So like we knew when she would come visit me,

I would work 10 times harder when she was with me than when she wasn't with me. So I just knew then and there that like she needed to move in with me because I was like, girl, like my work ethic is 10 times better when you're with me. So like come to Texas already. So we didn't like get distracted and talk and goof off. It wasn't like one of us.

was like, no, like, let's sleep in or let's not do this. Let's like go out on this like Monday. You know what I mean? Yeah. So it was just a good, a good vibe to have. And when you work alone, totally alone, and a lot of people could probably relate because I know a lot of people work from home and

having someone to just be with and work with like you have an actual co-worker yeah is really nice because when it's you and your laptop it's so just lonely I know I'm now that I'm thinking about I'm like the other like creators are just like girls in our little like niche I'm like

That makes me so sad. Like, ugh. It's also having the help to film. Like, can you film this for me? Can you take this photo? When we're one vlog, it's better to have, like, a two-people interaction than me talking alone. No, 100%. So it's nice for that aspect to...

to get some help. Yeah, agreed. So we should go into some of those questions because I feel like I could continue to ramble randomly, but I feel like if we have a direct question, I can ramble even longer. Well, the first question that got asked maybe, I'm going to say like 10 times is do you

is do we fight? Yeah, I know. We got to ask that so much. I get asked that on like the regular anyway, like on my, people just want like the tea. I know. Um, guys, unfortunately we do not fight. I hate to break it to you, but, um, literally like, what's the point? Like,

Let's be real here. This can go for like Taylor, your like your roommate doesn't go for like a friend in your friend group that you see maybe not every other day. But like, what is the point in bringing up something that aggravates you about the other person or like a small little thing instant that happened? Like, yeah, you got it off your shoulders. You said it. But now you're just creating like an unneeded and unwanted tension between the two of you.

So I just don't I don't understand the point in fighting, you know. So if you have anything that like you want to get off your chest, but you think like if you say it, think about it a few weeks down the road. Are you going to be happy that you got that off your chest or are you just going to be like, wow, maybe I should have just like kept that to myself, you know? Right. So like.

This can go for anything, like literally anything, not just your roommate. Like, there's no point in fighting. Like, what am I going to fight with her about? That she didn't put the fucking sponge in the... Sponge holder? Sponge holder? Like, I don't know. There's bigger problems in the world. Yeah. And also, there's nothing really that bothers me about you. Yeah, it's really not even...

Like, I don't get, like, annoyed. But if there was a scenario where, let's say, one of us is just not in a mood. Like, we're just not in the mood to be, like, I don't know, like, hanging out as friends. Like, it's just like, I'm going to be in my room a lot day. We're not going to take that out on each other if we're, like, in a mood. Because I think a lot of people also think that we bicker, maybe, like, sisters. Like, I think people think we bicker like that.

That's so funny. No, no, I don't have sisters. So like, I don't know what that's like anyway. I don't really know what that's like either. Cause I have sisters, but they're older than me. So it's not like we're the same age where they do like using my stuff or what? Like that happened because they're older than me, but no, we don't do that either. And it's just cause we, I don't know. I think it's like a sense of maturity, but also if it doesn't,

It's okay if you can't work and live together and be friends. Yeah. Not like you have to hate the person. If you value the friendship and living together doesn't work, like, I feel like we'd have no problem being like, maybe if we get a, re-sign a new lease, let's like each get a one bedroom. Yeah. Like, I feel like we could have an honest conversation of just, maybe we should get one bedroom apartments. Yeah.

Yeah, I agree. There's nothing wrong with that. If you can't live together, it's fine. The only way I wouldn't be able to live with Taylor or anyone is if they were fucking dirty. Like, if they couldn't, like, pick up after themselves, that's the only, like, thing that I cannot stand. Yeah. My room gets messy, but...

Sam doesn't go in there. So yeah, the kitchen, the living room, it's all good. It's all. Sometimes I try to walk into Taylor's room and she's like running at me at the door. She's like, don't come in here. When I get in a mental health downward spiral, the first thing that goes is my room. It's immediate. Like I could deep clean my room the day before and

And maybe it's like a tough hate comment day. Maybe I'm about to get my period and I'm super like depressed. The room is going, I don't know how, but shit just comes from everywhere. And it just is so bad. And it happens immediately. So I'm just like, look, I'm a little bit depressed right now. Bear with me. But that's it. I feel good.

Only reason I wouldn't live with someone. Or if they were a smoker, but I wouldn't even be friends with someone that was a smoker. Oh, yeah, what? That's the only thing I can think of. That must be a part of it.

Yeah, we're good. We don't fight. No, we don't. And if we're not together, some of y'all will ask, if I'm on live and Taylor's not on the live, they'll be like, where's Taylor? It's just because she's not in the room. It's not because I wasn't like, I'm hiding from her. I'm in a fight with her. Literally.

That's so funny. Or like with your home and you'll post like with girls. Oh my God. Yeah. Where's Taylor? I don't live in Boston. Yeah, I know. So I was like, literally the caption was like hometown gals and someone commented, but where's Taylor? Like, where is she? And I'm like, she's in her hometown. I was like, what do you want me to tell you? People go crazy. Or you can post with David and people are like,

People think that like that's like an issue. I know that's why you made that video. I get that all the time. Like Sam punching the air or something like. Oh like what about Sam or like how does Sam feel about this? I'm like how does she feel that when I'm home and she's literally not here. She's like thousands of miles away that I work out with someone else.

Yeah, but it's like... I know, but even if David was here or if I was there, it's like, it's a boyfriend. Like, that's normal. It's not like it's another, like, girlfriend. And then I'm like, wah! Like, it's literally just, like, it's a boyfriend. I would think if anything, David is the outsider when we're together. Yeah, no, he definitely is. Yeah.

Poor David. The one that I really liked was, how do you all stay in the honeymoon phase in the friendship? Like each other. I know. Like, I don't know what it is, but, like, I don't think that I could ever get sick of a day of, like, us two hanging out. Like, I feel like we always just, like, laugh about something stupid. Like, we're always doing something fun, like, too. Like, don't sit around. Like...

I mean, we are roommates, so it's a little bit different. Even, like, with your friends. Like, go do fun things. Like...

It can be anything. Like, one time me and Taylor went bowling alone. Like, one time me and Taylor went to go look at the fucking Christmas lights alone. One time we literally went out. Like, out downtown at bars alone. Like, literally, like, two people are powerful. Like, do fun things. Yeah. That's definitely, honestly, my main tip is do fun things. And have no other friends. Yeah, literally. No, I'm kidding. No, that way...

If you have no choice. Yeah, right. I have no other choice but to hang out with her. That's why we're so close. I know. We didn't answer this one yesterday. What's your favorite memory together? I don't even know. We've had so many. Hmm.

You know what I'm going to say? The day when we, me, my family and your family was on the pontoon boats together. Oh, that was fun. That was so much fun. Cause like our fans, like our parents, our parents literally clicked it off. Like they literally are, our parents are the same people. It was just like, I was like, there were a few times where I like just sit back and reflect. I was like, holy shit. Like,

why don't our family, our parents retire somewhere together? Literally. I, um, we were, you know, we're thinking our parents are here. They're just dying to hang out with their just beloved daughters. Hey guys, like, what do you guys do? They were staying in the same hotel. And we're like, what do you guys do? And you guys want to like, you know, do something. They're like, Oh yeah, we're at the pool. Yeah. And it's like, okay,

You didn't like do you want us to go? Yeah, they're like you can come if you want. We're like oh you're here for like five days to see us. Okay, I thought we were like why are you guys right here but have fun at the pool. I know. That pond during the day was so much fun. Yeah, that was honestly really fun. Stupid memory, honestly laughing at that Christmas PJ video was like

Oh yeah. Those were like top tier laughs. They were. I literally. With tears in my eyes. I love that video. I'm going to be watching that next Christmas. It's going to be so fun. Please hold intermission. We're trying to find questions. Biggest pet peeve the other person does. Mine's the fucking sponge. I don't understand how she can't just put the sponge in the sponge holder. Mine. I'm trying to think.

me sitting here waiting like what the fuck is it I've never mentioned this ever but sometimes I'm like annoyed when we make oatmeal and you do it in the corner and then you can't open where the bowls are or where the food is I'm like I'm like I'm like

Now I know. It's not that big of a deal. No, now I'm doing it in the fucking bathroom. I'm leaving. Yeah, no. It would just be like the setup of the... Yeah, we do have a really bad setup in the kitchen, don't we? Yeah, the kitchen kind of sucks. It's huge, yet somehow...

everything is in the corner yeah so i think it's also the setup of the cabinets yeah because that cabinet's massive and we need it yeah so it's it's like a big part of it is just the setup of the cabinets but yeah you're gonna come back and the kitchen's gonna be completely rearranged oh that's so annoying um

It's so hard redoing it because I'm like, which ones did we answer last time? I know. Oh, favorite colors. Oh, favorite colors, pink. Mine's blue. How do you deal with people from your past judging your fitness post before quote unquote fame? Okay, we're not famous. I know. Also, I don't think anyone judges it. Also, if you post a lot, they're like, oh yeah, there's one person that judges it.

Really? Yeah, they think that I got too like famous for them. Oh no, but judging like judging your fitness post. Oh wait, I think they mean okay. I was like confused. I thought they meant like judging our old post, but they mean like judging your account before it had followers. Yeah. Um, don't care. Yeah, it's whatever like

Everyone, like it's not even like social media. I think it's just like everyone grows and like outgrows things and people like it's, it's totally okay. Like you're just, you're doing, you know, better for yourself and that's good. Like that's awesome. Congrats to like anybody like that. This can be for like a job with getting like a raise in your job, like literally for anything. And like, if you're bettering yourself and someone's going to bring you down for that,

or say that you're too better now, like, or anything like that. It's just, it's their own insecurity. Also, people are judging you for the fact that you decided to start a page. That's definitely just people that would be way too embarrassed or, like, insecure to do it themselves. I feel like people are very jealous of confidence, like,

Yeah. They probably wish that they can do something like that. Speaking of confidence, someone said confidence tips. You both give off bad bitch vibes. Yeah. I mean, I just want to answer the one we just had, like, again, like, real quick is another thing, too. People think that, like, just because your social media following goes up, the person, the individual changes, right?

Like, and I don't think that's true because like we are literally posting our lives 24 seven, a podcast, a YouTube, Instagram stories. Like if I were to change or if I were to be faking it, that would be really fucking hard to do. So hell yeah. Like so hard to do. And if that one individual who is maybe in your life, like back then is now like in your life or trying to,

Like if they were to see you now, you're probably this individual, maybe just like a little bit different just because of like your work that you have to be doing, but that's it. I think we're kind of like going on a whole tangent of this, but I think people like, let's say someone told me like I've changed. Yeah. All that's happened is I have confidence in myself. I used to be someone that would let people kind of walk all over me. And now like,

understand my self-worth and have a bit more self-confidence and to some people they might see that as like now I'm a bitch and I've changed no I just have a little bit more like pride in myself and I'm not gonna let you walk all over me yeah we take an advantage of and now I actually have a voice

And especially if you do this for years, most people change through years of their life. I know. That is so true. If someone from that was like my friend, my sophomore year of high school was like, she's changed. Yeah. Cause I'm 21 years old. Like you have changed. Do you still act 16? Cause I don't. The amount of people that will make comments that will be like, like I'm from the hometown next to her. And like, I've never heard good things about her. I'm like,

So you're talking about the girl that had an eating disorder that was under eating and it caused her to be like emotionally distraught and like a huge fucking bitch to everyone surrounding her in her life. Yeah, that's a different person. You're talking about someone completely different than the person that she is now today. So if anyone's ever going to hold a grudge on you or anything like that from like past, past, present, whatever it is, just brush it off the shoulder. Yeah.

That's their own issue. Okay. So going to the next thing, the confidence tips that I had said before we got back on our tangent. So I think there's like two things like that are the biggest ones. One, you just got to believe it. You got to believe it and fake it till you make it. But you also got to put an effort to make sure that you're

feeling good about yourself looking good feeling good doing things that make you feel good yeah just like honestly like reassure yourself obviously when confidence doesn't go up and down like we have our days we both do but like on the days where you're feeling like eh or like you're feeling fully confident just remind yourself like literally look in the mirror and be like holy shit like my ass looks good or holy shit my shoulders are wow I'm looking good just like verbally say those things and it goes a long way

Yeah, and you don't have to be always feeling like you're just the best person ever. There's times we go in places. Like when we go to LA, I've had times where I'm like, why am I here? Kind of like imposter syndrome. I'm not confident in, like, why do I even have a following? Like, why am I here? I don't have as good of a body as these girls or whatever, you know? Whatever it is, you don't always need to be the most confident in yourself, but I think it's you can't let it totally...

like ruin you all the time. Yeah. Do our cycles sync together? Yeah, they did. Well, we're just on birth control so it happens to be the same. I think though that mine changed a little bit because I used to get mine on like Sundays and now I don't get mine until like later in the week. Really? Yeah. Interesting. But they're always on the same week because birth control. Yeah.

So how did y'all accounts grow? Honestly, guys, I think I think they think that there's like this like whole mathematical equations like growing your account. And there is not. You just need to be yourself, be authentic, document your journey because your journey is going to relate to.

to somebody else who wants to follow you. And they're probably going to be learning from you. So give value to your information that you're putting out there and they are going to enjoy that. And that is just how you're going to grow. And if you're faking it to make it, it's not going to work out. I think you can tell those accounts. If you ever see the TikTok videos that are like, here is how I'm structuring my post to grow in 22. I'm posting every single day at 2.30 PM and I'm posting two reels and I'm posting them like this and I'm making

Like trying to like beat the algorithm. Yeah. Only goal is to hack the algorithm for clout. Yeah. I just feel like you can see right through that.

Yeah, no, it's unnecessary. Like one algorithm is basically TikTok basically locked. All that you could do to help it is post all the freaking time. Yeah, we didn't like sit there and think of like times to be posted or anything like that. Like I honestly was just throwing it like I still do it today. I guess I'll just throw up Instagram around the same time every day.

Just be authentic and be consistent. And if you're trying too hard, I, those accounts are honestly just my biggest pet peeve because yes, it's amazing. Everyone can make money from social media. That's great. Um, one, I don't think people realize it's not for everyone. It's very, very difficult and mentally draining. So it might seem like the best thing ever from the outside, but,

But there's been times I tell Sam, I'm like, dang, working a normal job kind of seems a little bit nice. Like a little bit. So it's just not for everyone. And I don't see the point of just trying to make an account for the sole purpose. Yeah. Growing it. And like making it a full time job. I don't really understand that. I don't really understand just having it and being normal.

like, trying to hack the algorithm. I don't understand. And if you're really into that, I would say be a social media manager for, like, a company or something. Like, if you're really into making, like, really good... I don't know. But you don't have to think that hard about it. Yeah, I agree. It definitely be like that. But definitely make sure you're on, like, all platforms, too. Like, I feel like that helps a lot. Yeah, everything. So...

Oh, do you see any other questions? The supplements and the lifting gear. We talked a lot about that in our first time. Yeah, we get a lot of questions about that. And that's that's another thing, too, is you guys ask for like a specific episode or

supplements, about lifting gear. And I don't think we could ever talk for maybe longer than 10 minutes about supplements or lifting gear. So we're just going to put it into this one right now. Hopefully this can help you guys out. Creatine was the biggest asked question of supplements. And I think people overcomplicate it or scare, like make it seem like a scary supplement, but it is literally one of the most beneficial supplements, especially for females. So we, Taylor and I have both taken it before. I'm not currently taking it, but yeah,

Um, you're going to want to look for a monohydrate and you can literally get creatine from anywhere, any company. Like, I don't think either of the companies we work with have creatine, but, um, basically you just want to take it every single day, even on your rest days, five grams. It just needs to be in your system 24 seven. Um,

Think of it this way. It's a supplement where you don't notice anything really happening to you. If you can get down and do 10 pushups right now, maybe in two weeks, you can do 12 pushups. It's just small increments of strength that you are building through the supplement that you are not going to notice like in a very short period of time, you may notice it over a very long period of time. So that is why it's important to make sure you are consistent with it and you're constantly taking it. Um, and make sure you're just drinking a gallon of water every day.

Yeah, I don't take it either. I might start in a little bit. The first time I took it, I noticed strength actually like like like the next week I got into the gym and I feel like all my numbers went up. Could have been coincidence. Never know. But I was like, what the hell? Like, I just felt like an animal like the next week by nothing too big, but just everything felt good.

Um, but then I had one day of like looking so bloated, like I was like pregnant and it was also the time of my period. So it's unclear the true cause, but it was like really bothering me. So I just stopped taking the creatine. So maybe we'll try again. Yeah. And in terms of pump and pre-workout pump is a product that has no caffeine in it. It literally just, um,

As it is gives you a pump in the gym. I don't, we don't both don't take it right now just because we are in a bulk and you aren't going to see a pump like at all from our workouts, but basically it just allows better blood flow to your muscles, allowing for, you know, the pump, like I said, and you can honestly get a pump to through food, but obviously a pump product helps you out a little bit more. I'm going to probably start taking it again soon. And then pre-workout is just obviously, um,

caffeine, you know, like you can do the same thing with an energy drink. Obviously it's depends on the formula, whether there's beta-adylene in it. Did I say that right? Oh my God, I can't speak. Or I don't even know. Like L-thincomine is definitely something that I am now going to start looking for in pre-workouts. Cause that helps with anxiety and just the heart rate or the heart rate.

But it depends on the formula of the pre-workout. Everybody can be different. It's what you like. Do you like the tingle? Do you like a lot of caffeine? Do you like... Like, it depends on what you like, so... Yeah. And all the little ingredients of it, I don't really know much about that. That's, like, a gym bro thing. Yeah, definitely a gym bro thing. All the, like...

all the ingredients and how much of it should be. I don't know that. So you can go to grow tick tock and probably find it. Um, as far as lifting gear, belts, straps, knee sleeves, um, not really necessary right away. I mean, knee sleeves, I guess if you have like an, like if your knees are like messed up or something, I don't know. I don't use them.

But you don't really need anything like that right away at all. For a belt and straps and stuff, if you're not lifting at least over your body weight and more, honestly, but as like the lowest, lowest possible like benchmark, your squat, your deadlift isn't even coming close to your body weight. You do not need it. Yeah. You don't need it at all. And even more than that, pushing,

One point something. I don't know. No, I agree. You got to think of it as like a bandaid with your lifts. Like you don't want to become dependent on these things. So it's definitely important to make sure you have your form in lock and everything like that before you jump into those things. Yeah, exactly.

if you do want them and you're like at the stage where you think you want them we both get ours from like raw gear so yeah I thoroughly enjoy my belt from there it's definitely pretty sturdy I've used to use like other brands I'm not gonna say the brands because I don't want to bash the brands but like I've used other brands that are like kind of thin and didn't give me the most support but

But yeah, so in protein, I guess we can talk about protein. I guess protein is pretty much an obvious one. And that is literally just to help you hit your protein goal throughout the day. You there's vegan protein powders. There's whey protein powders. Do whatever you think you want. Does not matter. Find a brand, a company that you thoroughly enjoy the taste of or maybe like the story behind the company. I don't know.

Just helps you with your protein goal. There's nothing crazy about it. It doesn't make you lose weight. Doesn't make you gain weight. Lean muscle or bulky muscle. Like, no, no, no. It doesn't do anything except help you hit your protein goal. Yeah. What other supplements are there?

That's all BCAs. People always ask about BCAs too. And I'm like, BCAs, honestly, guys, if they're, if you're getting a BCAs and it doesn't have a mix of an electrolyte inside of the BCAs, that BCA is completely pointless. The only reason I take BCAs is because of the electrolytes that are in it for hydration. I like to mix it with other things. I'm not just having it alone. Like if I'm going to be having greens, I'm,

and say the greens have no flavor to them, I'll add the BCAs because the BCAs probably have like a nice, like mixed berry flavor to it. And then those two together taste amazing. And it kind of gets rid of the greens flavor. But again, like I said, I'm only taking it if it has the electrolytes. Right. I would just use mine, like you said, honestly, for the taste. It was nice to mix with like another supplement. Let's say you're taking like creatine. Yeah. BCAs, they taste good. You could just mix it with that.

Yeah. It's literally as if you were mixing it with, like, crystal light powder. Yeah. It's really nothing crazy. I genuinely, when we were using the ones that we used to use, I just loved the taste of it, like, would crave it. Yeah, me too. And that's why, like, guys, like, it's honestly, like, a learning curve. It's, like, an experience that you need to just go through, like, if you want to find –

like people will always be like, but like, what's your favorite flavor from like this company? I'm like, my favorite flavor can be completely different than your favorite flavor. Like you need to just try them, experiment them. I know you're looking for like recommendations, but like at the end of the day, like my favorite flavor changes all the time of like a flavor of a protein powder. So like, just go with what you think is going to taste good. If someone's overcome overcomplicating a supplement to you, it's probably because they're trying to sell it to you. Like if,

If they're saying it's like you need this exact one for this recipe or you need this exact one for muscle growth, like they're trying to sell you that supplement. Like they're not trying to do anything other than that. Literally. Cough, cough, first form. They're literally trying to sell you the supplement. And that is just that. Obviously,

you know we recommend the one we recommend the ones that we use because we like them and you can support us but just definitely don't make a break yeah agreed so do whatever you want everyone has different taste buds yeah and like that's another thing too people are always like like for instance people are like why did you leave like this company i'm not gonna say the companies but i don't like it's not that big of a deal but like

It's like, are you always going to be a fan, like 100% dived into this one brand forever for the rest of your life? No. Like everyone, like no matter if you're like an influencer and like an athlete for the company or not, like you're going to enjoy other companies. Like let's be real here. Like you're not like, if you go into any like gym rats kitchen, is their entire pantry just one company? No, no. So-

Taste, test the waters. Yeah. It's also, you might not use a supplement all the time. Yeah. You might go in phases of using a certain thing. Yeah. That's definitely how I am, especially with my protein flavors. I could like, like be obsessed with like a specific flavor for like three weeks and then it just dies down and then like, okay, now this other one's like amazing. I love it. Yeah. Um, is there any other questions we want to answer?

I don't know, man. Let me take one last look. Oh, okay. Unapologetic Queen K had some really funny ones. But one of them that I think is on more of a serious note, five-year plan for ourself. Okay, I saw that one too. So in five years, I will be 26 years old. Jesus. I know. I would like to be engaged.

Well, that's crazy. I know. I would like to be engaged. I would like to own a home either that I'm already living in or some type of just like property that maybe I rent. I don't know because maybe I haven't found like my house yet. So I could still be living in a cool apartment. That's fine. But I want to own some type of property.

I want to be engaged. I want us to have just our businesses that are in the works, our things that we're doing. All the plans we want to do up and running. And I want to be on the verge of just like, you know, like owning all my own companies and being able to kind of sit back. Not sit back, but...

Just do social media. And I'll work as hard as we are. Yeah, just, like, do social media. Of course we'll be working hard, but, like, in a different way. In a different way, yeah. Like, it won't be, like, the grind anymore. Yeah. It'll be, like, just work because we love it. So I'm doing that and still hitting the gym. I won't be tracking macros. Yeah, no. No, I won't be doing that. And that's that. Yeah. I'm going to be 28. 28.

at five, you're only 28. Ah!

But yeah, no, I would, mine is pretty similar to Taylor's. I want to hopefully be married though. I don't want to be engaged. I want to be married. Hopefully that can happen in five years. I need somebody first. But yeah, no, I want to have my own house. I want it to be like, I have like this vision. I like want it to be, if it's not on the water, I want it to be relatively near some body of water. I want to have a pool in it. I want it to be gated off and,

And like Taylor said, our businesses and brands and stuff like that, I just want to be a business owner and I want to be able to give jobs to other people. Like I think like we're pretty close to like being able to do that. And I think it's just so cool that I can like give like opportunities to other people and just like create like not like a family, like a family, like create like a family of like, like,

work people. I don't know. I think that would be really cool. That's such a good point. Yeah. Like that makes me so happy. I talk about it with Sam all the time. Sarah shout out our like podcast girly. Like what I talk to Sam all the time about like once we can get for like a full-time job, just the fact that we could give someone like,

a full-time like that and like cool work because you know like we're cool people we're not gonna be also it's one of those things too it's like we it's kind of sucks because like we literally just work for ourself and we have no like like nobody to work with it's like people get to go like on like work dinners after work and I'm like we don't get to do that and I want to be able to like do that like I want to have like a good crew of like people that like we work with that we vibe with and like after work like

Let's go get like a drink. Let's go get dinner. Like let's do something and like have a group. I don't know. I think it'll be so cool. And so that is that in terms of work. And then I want to have my own dog. Like I want to have like two dogs. So I'm going to have one dog within hopefully this year, but then hopefully in five years, I'll have like two dogs and I'm going to get myself another car and yeah, not tracking macros or anything like that. Yeah. Yeah.

So that's my plan. Hope you guys like it. You guys are the ones that are going to get us to that plan. So keep the support, keep the love coming our way and don't worry. It will be reciprocated back towards you guys. We're already starting to plan our little F word retreat for you guys so that we can all get to meet each other. Oh, also I think I'll be living in Austin. Yeah, me too. I should have said that. I kind of figured that was just like a, I think I'll be living in Austin, but I do want some type of property in Miami. Yeah.

as like a vacation-ish like place. Yeah. An apartment, like just something cool in the city.

I think I would need to like not in five years. I would say that would be like my like maybe like. Yeah, maybe not in five years. That's like a 10 years. Maybe five. Like a little bit more than five. Just because like. Yeah, I'm like big dreaming right now. Yeah, no, not five. Because like if you're if we have kids, like are you going to be wanting to travel back and forth with those like newborn babies? Probably not. But maybe though, because like my parents will be there. Oh, that's true. That's true. So maybe. And then if you go visit them, you have your own life.

Yeah. I don't know. We'll see. Yeah. Hard to tell. Hard to tell with, like, this weird, like, it's a weird industry, you know? Yeah. You never know. Yeah, I don't know. A girl can only dream. A girl can dream. Cool. Well, I think that's, like, it. Yeah. We had a lot of questions over and over again. So I think that's...

I think that's like all of them. Yep. So just make sure to join the Facebook group guys, because our little story of how we got to meet each other and become best friends is pretty much how you guys can get that through the Facebook group. So yeah, that's about it. Oh, I meant to say this in the beginning. I am finally in a place. There's like a little icicles.

Oh, in Georgia. Oh my god. It's only four degrees. No way. Nah. If you guys, if you know, you know, okay? I'm not gonna explain. Yeah. No, you know. I mentioned, what, a YouTube video podcast? I don't know. What is a podcast? I think, yeah, it was something, but. I don't fucking know. It's so cold here. Someone will know. Someone will be there. Yeah. So cold here. I have to tell you that. I feel like you. I know. The worst. Hey, cold weather. Okay, well.

Thank you for listening to the end. We appreciate it so much because we don't really get anything different if you listen to the end, but we sit here and record it. So I just think that we're speaking to somebody and not to nobody. Yeah, I know. So thanks for listening to the end. I appreciate you. Yep. Love you guys. Goodbye.

See you on Friday.