cover of episode #FRESOLUTIONS | 2021 Goals recep, 2022 goal list, tips for goals to succeed

#FRESOLUTIONS | 2021 Goals recep, 2022 goal list, tips for goals to succeed

Publish Date: 2021/12/31
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There's magic that happens when you get together in a Vrbo vacation home. It's the magic of spilled drinks and twirling hugs. It's inside jokes and loud shower singing and life advice and big sister real talk and laughing till you can't breathe. It's the feeling of relief because no matter who you are, there's nothing like spending time with the people you love. Vrbo, a place for together. Download the app to find yours.

What's up guys, it's Sam and Taylor, and we want you to put your shoes on, pop open that energy drink, and go. Hello guys, welcome back to another episode. Sorry you had to wait a whole week for this one because we're back to just Friday. I know, it's definitely really weird that we're not doing it twice a week, but it was good. It was good rest, not as much content. Yeah, and I'm also so excited to talk.

I know I am too we have so much to catch up on I know we like have barely talked um we're both still home happy new year's eve to you guys listening to this sort of the day before which is insane but I know I feel like these last two weeks of being home have flown by oh yeah I've done like nothing oh I've done nothing but the time has gone so quickly like I go to the gym around like 11 every morning and then like my day's half over when I get home I'm like I'm so lazy I'm

Me too, but then I actually can stay up kind of late, but then I sleep in. Yeah, me too. Honestly, because I just don't have much to do. So, like, kind of nice. Yeah. I'm not really doing anything. I went to the Patriots this past weekend, which was so much fun, but I literally hated standing in the freezing cold for, like, I want to say, like, 12 hours. I walked that day, like, six miles. Okay, no, no, I'd rather die. I want to just walk.

We were doing Miami Heat game and it was really fun. We were all the way up. Like we were all the way up, like in the standing room, by the way, we were like all the way up, but we don't really care about basketball that much. So we're like, let's just buy these tickets. They were so cheap and it was very fun.

Yeah, no, it was so much fun because I'm not going to lie. Like, I love the Pats, huge Pats fan, but I'm more of a Tom Brady fan. And that game, I hardly watched it because all of my friends, I would say there was like, we tailgated and I would say there was probably about like 20, 30 of us and none of our seats, no one had seats near each other. So we were like, fuck it. We're not going to go to our seats. So we were all just standing over near like the deck, which if you guys are from Boston, if you've been to Boston,

um the stadium before there's like a deck where like the Bud Light stands are and we were all just standing there like not even watching the game which is like bad because I paid mad money for the tickets but like I don't know it was fun no yeah it is fun it was a good time and other than that I really haven't been doing like anything literally anything it's yeah I've I've like I think I had like a good time like at the beginning of my time here and now I'm kind of laying low

My nutrition has been shit. And I complained about that on my story the other day. I've been under eating so bad. So bad. And you know what? It's funny because usually...

This is what's been happening with me. I've been drinking a lot. Yes, too. So like I've been drinking a lot and eating a lot. But when I say eating a lot, I just mean I'm eating out a lot. Like I'm not eating a lot. Like my calories are still probably really low compared to like what my bulking calories should be. But I'm so dry because of all the drinking. Like the drinking is just making me dry and depleted. And like I'm eating out and I'm not eating foods that my body's used to.

Whereas like if I was home and I was like on track, on schedule and I was drinking, I'd be probably retaining water and bloated just because like the drinking. But just because I'm under eating and like drinking, I'm just dry. I don't know. Yeah, I'm definitely not eating enough. Like pretty, pretty bad. Like I need freaking eat more. It's also waking up later. I'm not really eating snacks. I'm not eating snacks either. I'm just having breakfast, lunch and dinner.

And it's... I've been having the weirdest meals. Like, the weirdest combos. I've been eating a lot of, like... Like, I've been eating out a lot, like, for lunch. We got free... At the Heat game, we got free Pollo Tropical, which, like, is a Miami thing. It's, like, fast food, Cuban food. So I got that, too. It was, like, free. Chipotle. I'm having Chipotle for dinner today. Ooh. I'm, like,

I said I wanted to go get sweet greens I had a smoothie today after the gym yeah I've been having smoothie every smoothies every day like ten dollars it's adding up I'm like Sam you gotta stop yeah my smoothie was 8.50 I don't have a blender at my house which is really unfortunate because I went to the grocery store bought stuff to make smoothies came home realized I didn't have a blender can't make smoothies so these at home just don't taste good to me I like me they don't

I think I'm going to start trying to do them when I do get home, though. I'm going to buy, like, all, like, the bougie stuff, like spirulina, like, the frozen kale and, like, spinach mix. Oh, it's going to be good. Yeah. Well, that's actually – I'm going to talk about that when we talk about, like, our goals for the new year. Yeah. That's the one I'm going to go into. But other than that, I'm like, what have I –

Right now I kind of feel like shit because I didn't have my medication for like two days and I'm having really bad fucking withdrawal and my head is going crazy and I'm not having a great time and I took it this morning and it's still not working. So I literally, I'm probably going to take a nap after I sleep all day because I don't feel well, but I'm pulling it together. I'm probably going to go get a freaking smoothie. That's what I'm doing every day around like three, four o'clock. Am I right? Let's go get a smoothie.

Oh, I had a great workout today. It wasn't just like sad music all the time though, but like such like, like, oh my God, I had the best workout. Best workout of all time. It was so good. Wait, speaking of music. Oh yeah. Yeah. We can like tell them and announce that now. Oh yeah. Drum roll. Can you guys hear that? I'm literally banging on my computer. We have a Spotify. Yes, we do. Taylor made it.

We will link it on the Instagram story for you guys. Easiest way to find it, go to the Instagram story. Just find it there.

I might let me know if you guys want like the sad, like the music I listened to today. I was going to ask, did you put that on there? Cause there's like four different playlists. No, but I think I will. I need to ask them like, cause some of them I need like more inspo. The gym one has a lot. The gym one is like, it's very long. Yeah. I'll add some to the car one you had with the Taylor Swift. Those were, I was like, Oh, I got some good choices for that one. Okay. Yeah. There's like barely any in there. There's a gym one right now. An old school one. Cause sometimes we drive around listening to like Snoop Dogg.

And another car one with like Taylor Swift and I'll make the sad one. And Oh, when I made a pregame one, but I haven't put anything in it, but I'm going to put, I have to do that. Like add more songs that like we listened to. By the time they listen to it, there will probably be a good amount of songs. Yeah. And like the gym one is done, but like other playlists will be like coming and being like,

added and if there's a song maybe we could do a post we can be like comment a song that like yeah needs to be in like a place i mean we can do i like that they can like tell us what songs because sometimes it's hard to think but yeah we did that and we also did something else yes

do we talk about that now yeah are we okay yeah yeah i'm so excited about this guys this has been a long time coming a facebook group okay it's called fitness uncensored the link like we said with the um spotify playlist it will just be linked in the podcast instagram bio make sure you're following the podcast instagram by the way because that's where all the updates for literally anything that we talk about right now or just in general it's on the podcast it's not on our separate pages but

But it's Facebook page, all of our, we're going to do a lot of posts in there, accountability. And then inside that if you go into the bout section, and you scroll down, you'll find groups, and we have made groups for you guys, where based on where you live, whether it's where you live at home or where you go to school, you're

Join those groups because you are going to be able to find like minded individuals, and maybe have new friends that want to work out with go to Chipotle with, you know, get post workout smoothies with, you know, the deal. I just think it's really important that we start to like, make this more of a community rather than just like me and Taylor constantly talking and just being just us like going to have you guys more involved.

Yeah, like, we just want you guys to know, like, we're, like, we do what we do so that you guys can have, like, a safe space. Yeah. Safe space. Yeah, I can't speak. I told you guys, my brain is, like, going crazy, okay? So, like, yeah, it'd be a little hard. Yeah.

like you know like what we didn't have like we we did this all kind of like on our own and like and if we had you know I followed a lot of people and it's also just I mean different times like now it's way more common to do these types of things but influencers before like did YouTube and that's it that's just how it how it was like no all that yes I was just on my own

So what I was going to say too is we only have like, I have the five regions of the United States in there. So we've got like obviously Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, West, Southwest. And then we have Canada, Europe, and Australia. If there are big groups of you guys that are not included in this, because we weren't really too sure with like our demographics of where people are located, please DM us on the podcast page and let us know if you want a group to be made. If it's not a lot of you guys, we'll probably just have it be like

I don't know, we'll have to figure it out. But when you do go into the groups, literally just make your own post in the group saying, hey, my name is whatever your name is. Leave your Instagram handle and then say, I live in this area. Who else lives in this area? And then try to start like a chain and people will comment on your thing.

And you all, I don't know, you guys will find some good friends. I already know it. I'm excited to see because if we can see like, you know, Instagram posts of you guys like coming together and like meeting up and working out together and tagging us in it. Oh, that that will literally make my freaking day my whole year. I feel like with the region, something that will be really easy is like colleges.

like yeah northeast girls okay like who goes to be you like yeah exactly everyone's like me yeah instant friends like exactly hey oh you listen to sam and taylor's podcast yeah i do okay let's go to the gym together let's get chipotle after you already know they're into like

all the stuff you're probably into that's just amazing you could like listen to a podcast with them whether it's us or like someone else that like does where you can like they probably do the same type of workouts as you you probably have the same type of gym club like oh my god perfect yeah perfect and you've probably honestly too if you look in the group I guarantee you've probably seen maybe one of those girls like at your gym before and then like you see them in the group chat and you're like holy crap they're looking for friends too I would have never known that and then you can finally go up to her yeah

Like, and people are starting to go to the gym. Like maybe you've never really been in your college gym because you're like kind of scared. Like you're not that confident in it yet, but you can like make a group of friends. Like, I just think it would be so good. And I'd be so happy if I saw a bunch of girls at their freaking school that were like, we literally got together and met up because we met each other in Facebook group. Oh, that makes me so excited. That's just insane. So that's really fun. It'll just be another place for you guys to stay updated and get to talk with each other.

Yeah, because we do have a lot of, which we'll get into, we do have a lot of big goals for this coming year. So a lot of updates will be in that and on the podcast page. Right, exactly. So just make sure you keep up because you don't want to miss anything. And things can happen with social media platforms. You never know. That whole thing with TikTok getting deleted or whatever, you just never know. So if you want to make sure that you don't miss anything,

make sure you get on it and I don't even use Facebook I don't really understand how to use Facebook but you don't have to either just like get on the page and do nothing else yeah literally because if you're like me I do not use Facebook I don't know how to use it figure out how to get on the page and you're fine yeah no I agree

All right, well, so should we get into it? Should we get into the episode? Yeah, today, since it's New Year's Eve, if you're listening to this when it came out, we're going to talk about all things, you know, New Year's goals, things we've learned, resolutions, all that fun, fun stuff.

Yeah, no. And it, I think it was like two weeks ago or like a week ago, or no yeah because I haven't been home since then but I like, I sat down with Taylor and I was like holy shit like I looked into my phone notes and I was like, I have accomplished like 90, 95% of the goals that I told myself to achieve by the end of the year. And I'm like, there's no better feeling than that. So,

We're just going to chat with you guys about goals that we, you know, set up for ourselves this year, the ones that we accomplished, the ones that we didn't accomplish and why we didn't accomplish them. And then our goals that we have for ourselves going into this next year and how we are going to accomplish those goals. Right, exactly. So,

Do you want to kick it off? Do you want to? Sure. I got to find my little list I have on my phone. Mine's written in a bullet journal thing that I did all through lockdown. Because mine wasn't really, like, it wasn't, like, New Year's resolutions I did. I did a list of things I wanted to do before I turned 21. Yeah. So, like, it wasn't, like, January 1st resolutions. It was, like, I wrote it in lockdown, so it was, like, March. And I wanted to do it, like, before I turned 21. So...

I'm like nervous. I can't find it. So many, you could just tell that my like priorities just shifted because a lot of these I didn't do solely because they don't matter to me at all anymore. Yeah. Want me to say one and then like you can say one, we'll just like switch off. Okay. So my first one, like this was just like, it had to happen was move out. And I accomplished that. I accomplished that real quick. I had no plans on like moving out

At all like January 1 I actually sat down on January 1 and wrote this entire list out and I had no plans no idea where the hell I wanted to go or what I wanted to do. But you know once.

That one opportunity I had to move out, I leeched onto it and I just went for it. I moved across the country, not really knowing anyone, starting a new job, which I've talked about previous times. I no longer work for that job that, you know, I moved for, but I was just living on a limb. I had no other reason to just go for it.

than just my own well-being holding me back and coming up with excuses. So I just went for it. You know, it's more self-explanatory than it is, but that was my biggest goal was moving out. And I did that. Sick. Yep. So mine I have on here, I'm just going to say these all together because they're basically the same. I had on here hit 10K on my fitness Instagram, hit 5K on YouTube and hit 500K on TikTok. Wow.

Done and dusted. Yeah, no, I have similar goals with that too, which obviously, you know, like numbers at this point is not like an –

I hate like bragging about numbers. Like that's not something we ever thought like a year ago, whatever happened, like we were so like down there with the numbers. Like for instance, like my goals were like, I wanted to hit 50 K on Instagram. And I actually did that within like two weeks of like that goal. And then 200 K on my TikTok following and 20 K on YouTube, which I never hit, but like,

You know, this kind of goes with like our episode that we did about like social media and like making a fitness page, which I think we can do like a part two on that. Just being consistent and stuff like that. I didn't hit my YouTube 20K subscribers because I

I didn't start a YouTube channel until like halfway through the year, which I think was my biggest mistake on not accomplishing my goals is because I was waiting, waiting, waiting to even start that goal. Like if you are waiting and waiting and waiting, coming up with excuses as to why you don't want to do it, you're never going to achieve that goal. So for me,

YouTube, my excuses were constantly like, I don't want to be in front of a camera. I don't know how to edit like all this stuff. I was just coming up with excuses left and right. But Hey, how are you going to be able to get good at those certain things? If you don't just jump into it and just start doing it, this is applied to legit everything and everything we're ever going to talk about, especially with hitting goals is if you're not setting your goals and just diving right into it, you're not going to accomplish them. So

I know like the numbers thing, that's just like numbers, but like, that's a prime example of like, I'm not going to hit that goal if I don't just jump right into it. Yeah. Especially because a year seems like a long time, but before you know it, it's like September. Yeah. Especially when you're. Yeah. Especially when you're just constantly coming up with different excuses each time. Like.

for me with the YouTube channel, like I'm sure there are so many out there that are listening to this right now that want to start a YouTube channel and just don't want to do it because they're either nervous, like embarrassed, whatever. Just go to fucking Best Buy. Buy that goddamn

camera and just start going for it yeah or honestly you don't even need a camera you can use your iphone if you have an iphone that records and has imovie on your iphone you can literally start a youtube channel no literally you can look up there is endless tutorials on freaking youtube

on how to probably make good quality YouTube videos from a phone. No, yeah, there definitely is. How to make good quality YouTube video from iPhone. And I bet...

I think the biggest thing with YouTube or even just social media in general is getting comfortable behind the camera first and foremost. So like the editing quality and the quality of it doesn't need to be the best. What's most important is how like you're portrayed in front of the camera. And if you're not being yourself, then it's just not going to work out. So you need to get comfortable in front of the camera in order for it to be successful. Right. And also with like the numbers on social media, we said this in the social media one.

I wanted these numbers because my goal on here, another thing I'd written was like become a CPT, teach fitness classes. I didn't expect my career to be quote unquote influencer. I thought I wanted to build a social media following to get credibility in the sense of being a trainer. I wanted a 10K following for clients to teach. That's what I thought my job was going to be. I thought I was going to do that type of work, not do training.

social media for a living so like that's why I wanted the followers and I think the goals also have to come from like a good place yeah definitely has to come from a good place why why you're having those goals I don't just want 10k followers to like get 10k followers and be famous like that's not that was not yeah it was like I want to build credibility to build you know a client base and get my business out there that's yeah that's what I wanted

No, that's literally exactly it. Because as like most of you OG listeners know, like I started off like not exactly the new year. I started my first official job and I think it was like February or no, May. No, no, April around there. I don't know. But it was a personal training job and all of my clients came from social media.

So that was like going off of what Taylor said, that was a really big deal for me. I'm getting like clientele from social media, but like, not only that, like, I don't know why, but I've been so emotional the last like few weeks of just like,

actually like realizing that holy shit this is what I do like I can just sit here on a podcast and be like I'm impacting thousands of lives like the amount of DMs I've gotten like over the holiday season probably season I always say that um over Christmas I don't know um it's just crazy the amount of like I don't know I'll just get random like paragraphs or just little messages where I'm just like holy

holy shit this is actually what I'm doing and it's so crazy that's why I said on TikTok the other day I was like you know what I'm gonna do a full like my journey YouTube video going into the new year so it can help motivate more of you guys I need to start that went off way way off topic it's all right it's it's our podcast we yeah I know we run this we can say whatever we want right okay but um

Yeah, so kind of going like in another direction. My biggest dream. I had never been to California so I had like a lot of different like places that I wanted to visit going into the new year. And my biggest one that I put onto the list was visit California. And I just freaking went for it with Taylor and a few other people like there was a big group of us that went out to LA and what was it February.

No. No? No, yeah, because we didn't even meet until April. No, it was, like, April. Yeah, okay. Yeah, I think you're right, because we didn't meet until, like, March or April. March. Yeah, well, either way, we did that. We went to California. I was, like, not even for, like, the social media aspect. I really just wanted to get out there anyway. But we did go to, like, Zoo Culture. We stayed in, like, downtown L.A., and it was so much fun. Like, I'm so happy I did it. Yeah.

It really had changed our life, like honestly, completely because we met so many great people, you know, higher up in the industry,

And we would just like learn so much from like people like Bradley, like we had like sit down conversations with Bradley for like hours on end, just like him educating us on like social media, basically telling like the haters to like fuck off. Because I remember having a conversation with him and being like, I just cannot deal with like all the hate that I constantly get. And he's like, fuck it. Like he like ranted for like 20 minutes. I'm like,

I needed that. And like, I literally, that conversation I had with him sticks with me every single day. I just listened to like what he said to me. I'm like, fuck that. Yeah. He also just like really reassured like our potential. Yeah. Like how we're actually doing really well with this. Cause it's easy to be like, yeah, we're doing good, but not as good as other people. Yeah. Like that trip we actually got told like,

you know you're actually doing a really good job and what you're doing is impressive and it's like worth something and that was like oh yeah that was also if I didn't go on that trip like if we didn't go together who knows if we would have like been as good of friends friends yeah we would have saw each other you know yeah because the first time I ever which people still always ask this how did Taylor and Sam meet um I literally met because I was on you know

Full set. You just sent it. No, full set. I was literally just like in Florida with my family. And I told my parents that I was going to go on a day trip across the state. So I drove like two and a half hours to Miami. And I spent just the day with her. Like, I think we spent like six, seven hours together. And then I drove home. From like 9 a.m. to like after dinner. Yeah. And we clicked it off right away. So we just knew like, wow, like,

be potentially be really good friends but like we lived so far away from each other so it was like not one of those things where we really thought that like this type of friendship would come from it but we moved in together so now it's stuck with me yeah and I was so nervous because I had like no freaking friends that's something you know if you've had literally no friends literally my life was like going to the gym and posting it on the internet that's all I fucking did and I was so freaking nervous because I don't

didn't have a good record of making good girlfriends and I was so nervous I was like I haven't like made a friend in forever like it's gonna be so weird like I'm gonna be like the worst I was so no you weren't but like looking back on it though you were so quiet like so quiet yeah but I'm quiet to everyone when I first meet them no I know I'm like I feel like I don't know am I the opposite I don't know I can't judge myself

I'm so quiet. My family still to this day, when like they see what I'm doing, they're like, this is the same thing.

person like you talk to thousands of people every day on the internet like that same little girl that didn't speak to anyone I'm like I still don't speak to anyone in real life I can do it on a zoom meeting that's recorded but yeah don't put me in real life in front of people they're like the same girl that could barely order at a restaurant I'm like I still can't do that I guess I still can't that is so funny yeah no the day we did meet though

We clicked it off. We talked about so much random things like, like mental health, like, yeah, like literally everything you can imagine. Like we just had so many like similarities in ways that we just knew that we would be really good friends. So if you guys have like friendships or anything like that, that's another thing going into the new year, like fucking send it like fly across the country to meet that person. Right. Girls only. I'm not saying fly across the country to meet a guy. No. Yeah.

um but yeah no if it's a girl like having social media at your fingertips to like make a friend and like that's great like you have so much connection to people yeah especially like if you want if you're not really into like the going out scene and like stuff like that it's definitely gonna be harder for you to find friends like going out and being social like if you're like life is pretty much going to the gym meal prepping like

I don't know, hanging out, but like in a sober aspect, like maybe it's a little bit harder for you to make friends. So there's no problem with reaching out to someone on social media. Even if you are into going out, like it's, you don't talk to people when you're out. You don't have like actual, like, let me get to know you conversations. It's loud. Like you don't, like I feel like people I met at college that I went out with, I'm literally never going to speak to again because I don't,

Is that a real, genuine friendship? I don't know anything about me. But yeah, whatever. Speaking of college, a lot of my goals were about college, like to join. Hit me with it. Join at least three clubs, get an internship. And it was just like crazy because that totally just went out the window. Yeah, no, it did. Let's blame Bradley Martin on that one. Yeah, true. Big facts. Big facts.

um but it's just like my priorities just shifted and no wrong with setting a goal like yeah it's cool to have goals and stick to them obviously but there's also nothing wrong within a whole freaking year to change as a person and be like actually what I wrote in January doesn't doesn't matter to me anymore there's nothing wrong with that yeah I have I had some um like gym goals that I had put down too as well and I would say like a majority of them but like

Putting like, so I there's my perspective on like lifting in working out has definitely changed. I don't necessarily chase like the one rep PR anymore as much as I like used to when I first started working out because when you first start working out those like one rep PR is like come like that like they come really quick, because you know you have the new begins and stuff like that. But if you are like one of those persons I love chasing one rep maxes and stuff like that.

Putting PRs and like those types of things down in your goals for the new year, there's no problem with that at all. I'm just saying from on my end like I just haven't had the desire to like go for like those type of things anymore but I did put like I put 10 pull ups down didn't get there over the summer when I was really good at it, I got eight.

And then like stuff like 20 pushups, which was now super easy. Deadlift 250, didn't get there. But yeah, no, it's just a lot of number things that I put down for my like goals of the end of the year. Did you put any of those down? This is, I wrote this before I even like did shit like that.

Yeah, no. Like, I did not deadlift when I wrote this. Like, I wrote run a 5k was on here and holding a handstand. I really wanted to get good at holding a handstand. I wanted to so bad. I did run a 5k. I didn't do like a legit 5k, like an organized one. But distance wise, I did run that and I ran that because I freaking grinded. I think it was like Sundays or the days I did. I don't know. I ran every single time and I pushed myself beyond freaking belief. Like,

I'm actually like, even though obviously it's not a goal of mine anymore, the mental toughness of running is like, like run and being like, I'm going to run like three to five miles right now and not stopping and doing it. That was some of the most like fulfilling workouts freaking sucked hurt. So it was brutal, but it was so fulfilling. Like it really brought me like a lot of like joy doing that. Cause I just felt so proud of myself. Yeah.

Yeah. Being like, I did three miles. I like the day I ran five miles. I was, and then I stopped after that. I was like, I don't think I'm ever going to get any better than this. I think I did it. I have no desire. Like it was so brutal. I'm like, I'm never doing that again. I don't think I'm ever going to try to do more than that. So I think we did it. We're done. You know what's something kind of off topic, but really funny is last week I posted a TikTok and I was like,

I was like, you're a sick, it was like, you're a sick motherfucker if you think, like, you can work out in the gym without headphones. And, like, I'm coughing because, like, I can work out without headphones. And so one of the comments goes,

haha so funny I know right like I can I can run a marathon without headphones and I go a lot of people do that and I go no you're a sick motherfucker I was like that is like on another level like I did not I was listening to um Tori D Simone's podcast and this girl she just ran a half marathon she was saying like you need to run without headphones that running without headphones is so much easier yeah no I'm sorry but like not do that apparently I just hate running if I can

If I can get into runner's high, like if I can reach that climax of runner's high, then maybe. But if you're someone that's struggling with getting that runner's high, there's no way. Yeah, I had a good time with it. But I also had on here to hold the handstand for five seconds.

I literally just didn't practice it enough. I might go back into trying to do that. I really want to learn how to freaking do handstands. I want to so bad. And I know I have like the strength capabilities to do a handstand. When I tell people, I'm like, no, I can't do a handstand. Like I can't hold it. You're like, why? I don't know. Like you can, like you have the upper body strength. You definitely can balance, like just do it. And I can't. And I know if I looked up again, a freaking YouTube video of like

step-by-step how to learn how to do a handstand and followed like friggin Morgan Rose teaching me how to do a handstand. Oh, she'd teach you in two seconds. I could probably do it. Like there's no reason that I can't do it. I'm just lazy. So that's why I didn't learn how to do it. Cause over quarantine, I could have every single day done handstands. How many times did I do it? Maybe five. Yeah. Were they like quality practice sections? No. Yeah.

I used to do headstands in COVID. When I was bored, I'd like record myself and put it on my like private Snapchat story. Like, look guys, I'm practicing my headstands. Bro, me too. My Snapchat memories have so many headstand videos. I have hold an elbow stand on here too because I wanted to do that as well. Big into yoga. Yoga was really my jam. Yoga with Adrian on YouTube. That was my shit. I was really into it. You know what I'm realizing now when I'm

Are you done with your list? Because I'm kind of done. I have one more. Okay, say it. Stop body checking. I did do that. There you go. See, I was going to say... Every time I walked into a bathroom or somewhere with a mirror, I would literally pull up my shirt and look at myself. Every single time, I kid you not. Yeah, I know. I'm not... I was the same way. When I tell you every single time I went to the bathroom, I stopped. I did stop. And people ask me how when I just...

one day fought the urge and kept doing it until I didn't think about it anymore. Yeah. What I was going to say is that we didn't really put any like financial goals for ourselves last year, because honestly, for myself, that was so unrealistic. Like I did not picture myself by being financially stable. Oh no. Where I am now. Like I didn't even put that as a goal because I didn't even think about that. Didn't even believe in myself.

And I can now proudly say that like I've bought my own car, my own apartment. Right. If I wanted to, like I could buy my own house, but I'm not going to do that right now. But like, it's just amazing. Like what you put your mind to and you set yourself to these goals, you can accomplish them.

And like, obviously I would say I put like these goals for myself, like mid year, because at the beginning of the year, I did not believe in myself at all for a, for a financial goal. But yeah. So. Yeah. I had no idea. I was gonna, I thought I'd still be in college. I didn't think I'd have a job. I thought I was going to be being in at least three clubs, getting an internship. Like that was my idea of like your year. Yeah. Yeah. Like I didn't think I'd even be having a job.

Yeah, I wanted to. I wanted to teach a fitness class for fun. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like, I didn't think it was actually going to be a career. Yeah. Now, obviously, guys, we were just talking about our goals. I believe Taylor, did you put it on a piece of paper? Yeah. Yeah. So she put hers on a piece of paper. I honestly just put mine on my phone notes in that.

And you can like if you go into your phone notes you can pin your notes. So this note section was pinned to the top of my notes. So every time I went to my phone notes I could see it so it was just like a little motivator and like refresher for my brain knowing that I had these goals for myself for the year. So if that's something you want to do or you want to write it down do whatever works for you.

But yeah, it is definitely really important to set goals for yourself, whether they're realistic, not realistic. If you don't hit them at the end of the year, it's not that big of a deal. Like it really isn't, but there really is no excuse not to be hitting them, you know, because if you set really realistic ones, then yeah. But if you're saying ones like, I don't freaking know what's something like really an unrealistic, but like you guys get the point. Yeah.

Do you already set yourself ones for this year? So I'm actually going to write it in my notes right now. I have ideas, but I haven't. So yeah, I was hoping that we could just do it. Yeah, so I'm going to write it right now. I just wrote two. Okay.

And I think, I mean, I kind of want to share the thought process of how to go about this because I think it can be confusing on what's realistic and what's like you want to dream big, but you also want to be realistic. You know, I think it's a hard boundary to cross of like, yeah, you want to put a goal that's realistic, but you also want to like not play it safe. So just...

Like, for example, two things I just wrote. I really want to bench 140 and I want to have a million podcast downloads on this podcast. Yeah. That's very realistic. Why? My bench is 135 right now. I could probably bench 140. It's not going to be that difficult. But adding five pounds to a bench once you're already at a very intense max for your body, that's probably going to take me a little bit. Yeah. That's going to take me a little bit. Especially if we do go into a...

deficit phase it's gonna take me a little bit one million podcast downloads is very realistic we're at like 400,000 overall downloads right now which is like that's wild like insanity like it is so crazy that's crazy like that's so I I don't know that's that's so freaking crazy and like just to be able to be like our podcast has a million downloads

Yeah. What? I don't know. Literally insane. But that's reasonable. But that's also a really big goal. You know, I'm not going to put like 500,000. Obviously, we're already like four. But it's also knowing that if your goal is big, knowing the steps that it's going to take to get there, because I can't put a million podcast downloads if we're not being consistent with posting, if we're not being consistent on the Instagram. Yeah.

If we're not doing all those things. Yeah. If I put in podcast downloads and we've taken a month off and we haven't posted in two months, that's, that's not going to happen. So you have to know that you're taking the steps, steps to get there. Yeah. I'm going to put down right now, never skip a podcast episode. Oh yeah. That's a good one. I'm writing that too. Yeah. Also, I want to make a YouTube goal.

I would like to hit 100K. What are you at? 43. Oh, attainable. Attainable. Right? I think it's attainable. I think it's very attainable. Because if I'm not, like, 40K in, like, a year, based on the quality of videos only going up and my knowledge of YouTube going up, if I get another, like, 50... You know, I think that's... I agree. I think that's pretty reasonable. And also, I'm not...

What I like to get them, yes, but not hitting it isn't going to mentally kill me. Yeah. If I know I did all the steps, you know what I'm saying? Like the handstand thing. That's kind of disappointing because I just didn't do it. Yeah. I wanted to do it and I just didn't. That's my bad. But, you know, if I don't hit it because I took four months off of YouTube, yeah, then I should be kind of pissed at myself.

But if I upload twice a week like I want to, then, you know, it just didn't happen and I tried my best. Want to know a good one that I put? I need to hear your opinion on this one. Eat intuitive for three months or more. That's a good one. I don't think that I want to do that right now, but I think over the summer –

I, I, it is something that my body just needs. It's something that my like mental health just needs. Like, I mean, I'm saying this now because my mental health has been fucking shit. Like so much has been going on where my mental health is just horrible. And like tracking with bulking has just been not helping. So I just think I need like a, I need a time in my life this year of just refreshing and just like mindfulness and just less. Right. And then that will be over the summer.

Nice. That sounds good. Yeah, I'm excited. Just to be overall more health conscious and to define that can mean so many things. So if you have a broad health goal like that, like if you're like, I'm going to eat better, you need to define what that means to you because eat better to someone that's been under eating could be eating more. It could just mean tracking and being in a deficit to lose weight regardless of what you're eating. It could be anything for me that is being just

more conscious of ingredients and incorporating mostly whole foods into my diet. I want to lean into that this year. That's why you were saying with the smoothies, like, you know, like I want to be way more health conscious this year because like we talked, like we said in the episode with Cass, the nutritionist, you should go listen to it. Pretty informative. Just I'm because I'm in the position that my relationship with food is good enough to

care a little bit more and I'm so freaking lucky to be in a financial situation where I can like have the resources to like buy the group I want um I should take advantage yeah no I definitely agree I'll be doing that one as well um my other one too was this is much needed for both of us and

Honestly, in a way, I will feel so proud of myself if I can do this. And that is just to go on a tropical vacation, fully paid, by myself, outside of the country. I've never gone on a vacation in that realm. When I say I'm not going to fucking Florida, I'm going somewhere real bougie. And it's fully paid through myself. And it's non-work related. No work is going to be done. Yes, we will be doing that. Yeah. I want to...

So a set yearly money goal for me is not something I have, like I don't have, like I want to make X amount of money. But something I do want to do this year is in some way help my parents financially by either getting, helping them pay off this house, help buying my mom a new car, or

If I am in the place that I can afford to invest in property, buying like a vacation house they've always wanted. Like I really want to do something like that in this next year. And I think it's feasible in the next year. And that would be like a massive goal of mine. Like some realized with like being in a point where you're like financially independent, like nothing makes me more fulfilled than like help like

Helping other people or like, I don't know. Like I was able to give my mom like a really nice Christmas present and like about a hundred percent, a million times would rather have like

gotten her the really nice bag and gotten myself the bag yeah and I'm not saying that to be like I'm a good person tell me I'm a good person like look at me I'm so nice it's just the truth like I just and I just really want to do that I would love to do that this year that would like make my year yeah that's another thing too with our like job and our income is like it's so unpredictable right so it's like one of those things where like I don't even like putting a like a money goal on things just because you never freaking know what like can happen and like our our

like the things we have invested into that you know we're gonna keep a little low key because we have do have plans for ourselves this year but um you're like you never know where what what will happen with it so I don't necessarily have like a money goal too but something like that like Taylor said is always always good right and I also don't want to put a money goal to make me feel like I failed because I feel like that would make me feel like I failed yeah you know and I don't

I don't want to feel like that. It's also like, like I said, the money for myself, as long as I'm like comfortably living, I'm all right. And if I can do something to like help my parents, that's great to me. That's like success. Like me, that's, that's like more than I can ever ask her. I'm also like so young, like I'm so fricking young. I'm literally just turned 21 fricking years old. So yeah.

Like, I'm like, that just doesn't, it's not a goal of mine. I also, we're so new to learning the freaking income as doing this full time that I feel like we literally still don't even know what would be a correct income.

Yeah, no, neither do I. We literally just started to like, like I said, we want to do a part two with like how to work with brands and like that type of stuff. But we literally just got a manager for that two months ago. So we're still learning with that type of stuff. So like,

I know y'all keep asking for like advice on that stuff, but like, I think definitely we will definitely do like a part two coming up, but it's like one of those things where we're still learning. So if we were to make that a podcast episode and then like listen to it back, then we'd still be like, oh damn, like we should have added this. Like, oh, we just learned this, like, you know, but it's just one of those things where it's constantly changing. But I had another one. I just forgot what the heck it was. What the heck was it?

Oh, I did also put Dak down because I didn't accomplish this from like last, like last year was the 10 pull-ups. I'm going to put that back on there. You know, once the bulk's over, hopefully I can do it. Currently put an on weight, making it a little bit hard. I am going to put hold a handstand back on my list because I don't have no freaking reason why that's not something I could literally just practice to do. Yeah, definitely. Follow, um,

Tamara like Tamara Fitness you guys probably follow her she would like literally do it where'd she work like Orange Theory and like on her break she'd just be in the like freaking lobby doing a handstand and recording it and I'm like you see like it's not hard like she's just like I have literally time now so I'm going to do handstands in the lobby and I'd see her do it and I'm like and she would get better at it I'd literally watch her go from like

immediately falling to getting like 10 second freaking handstand holds. And I was like, look like she's doing it, but I still just never did it. And I want to do it. I just want to do it so bad. Goal of mine that I didn't write down, but I did put for myself. I don't know if anyone can remember the gym shark six, six challenge at the beginning of the year, where it's like 66 days or something. My goal, my goal was flexibility into like stretch every day.

I kind of did it, kind of not. But like I want to get back into like the habit because I am getting older and my body definitely like my body definitely reacts very quickly to just like not maintaining like good mobility and stuff like that. So I want to my goal is to, you know, obviously just stretch more often. But I guess like a physical goal with it, I could say is like when I go to touch my toes, I want my whole fucking palm to touch the ground. And I can't do that yet. So that's a goal of mine.

Yeah, of course you can Taylor, okay? Get out of my face, dancer. Yeah, probably not for long. Give me like this year of not stretching and you'll be able to do it and I can't. Yes, you can do a split guys. Yeah, but now it hurts. It used to like not hurt and now it's like it hurts. I have on here to read 10 books.

This year was five. I did read five last year. Last year, I did read five. And you're probably like, five, if you read a lot of books, that's nothing. Okay, if you went from being like, I hate books, books are stupid, I'm never reading. I don't think I ever finished a book in my life. And this year, I read books. So I don't know how many I read, but it was definitely like more than five. To me, A plus killed it. This year, I want to do 10. I would say a book a month. But I feel like that's because sometimes...

Obviously me saying I'm busy I'm making excuses, I know, but sometimes if we're really busy and work is a lot like sometimes I just want to watch frickin reality TV and not read at night and just not do it. And you know what, that's fine with me. So I'm not going to say one every month I'm going to say 10.

I think this is so funny though because like we're saying our goals and stuff but like I'm gonna bounce off of your goal and it's gonna be the complete opposite of your goal but it's just like funny because we're not like keeping them relevant like related my goal is to have a freaking dog nice yeah we're gonna get that dog I'm gonna reach out to the company um where's the company what am I saying the litter I'm in about two weeks on Austin Pets Alive which is like

animal rescue dog things. They found like, I think it was like eight. It was like a lot of freaking puppies that they rescued out of like some building. And I was like, do it. Yeah, but the thing is like I need to like know how big the dog's going to be. That's true. Like I can't get like I can't grow up to be a big dog. I'm like we're not in a big enough apartment to have a big dog. Yeah, no, not at all. So that's like the only issue. But when they posted that post, I was like, God damn it. I was like, I am this close to being like me.

but yeah that has to be a small dog um that's just not gonna work for us to have a big dog i'd feel really bad yeah no as much as i love big dogs it's just yeah we travel we're in an apartment yeah so it'd have to be a big dog soon

I would love a pet. My brother has a cat in the house, like, at home right now. We have a cat, but my brother's moving out, actually, like, today. So, the cat's going to be gone. But I like the cat here. It makes me so happy to have an animal because, like, it'll save me the couch. And I'm like, why? I'm like, this is really making me want, like, a freaking cat. I love it. Yeah, no, literally. I'm trying to think of more goals because those are, like, the ones I, like, know I really wanted to do. I think it's always too important to put down, like, A, like,

Like, in terms of like us with our like niche and like the type of stuff we're into it's important to put down like a physical goal like a number goal, a mental goal, and like, like, what's the word I'm looking for not like a, like a goal. I don't even know the word I'm looking for.

Like, in different areas of your life? Yeah, like, there should always be, like, all different types of goals for yourself. It shouldn't all be just, like, the same thing. Right, like, all of my books, I just read books. All of my goals can be, like, bench 140, deadlift 315, squat. Yeah, no. 30, run a marathon. Like, that...

No, like you need to have goals that are like I have physical goals. I have work goals. I have kind of financial goals like the thing with my parents. I have health conscious goals. A handstand and a book have nothing to do with what I do for work. Like those are like for fun. Yeah. Like not all of them have to be so serious too. Yeah. They don't all have to be some like holding a handstand literally nothing but for my own enjoyment and my own pride in my life.

Yeah, no, I agree. With all this stuff being like, did you practice your handstand today? Yeah. I have no idea.

I say we end here with like the goals that we've built up and kind of talk about how like we can like accomplish these goals, not necessarily like the individual goals, but just like in general, how to accomplish them. I also wanted to go into how to accomplish the kind of general goal, because I know a lot of people go into new year with like, I'm going to start going to the gym and be healthier. And that's kind of like their overall goal and how to like, yeah, like that actually work.

for some yeah because I feel like people don't understand the steps to make it actually last yeah because like I hate to break it to you and I hate to be the fucking Grinch but like just because it's the new year doesn't mean because it's a new year things are going to change like it's just not going to be handed to you like you're not going to just like wake up one morning and wow

I'm going to do this or I'm going to accomplish this. It's like your own actions are what is going to bring you these new goals. Like we said earlier, like my YouTube one, I didn't accomplish that because I didn't get myself a camera or I didn't just start filming. So like, if it's to get into the gym, we have like a whole episode on this, like 10 ways to get your shit together. Like if you want to listen to that, it goes into more detail and like the little small steps it takes to get your shit together. Um,

Definitely recommend listening to that, but you just need to like start doing these things and getting out of your comfort zone in order to grow. Right. And if your goal, let's say, is like you want to go to the gym five times a week and you go none. It's OK to understand that you're going to build up to that goal just because it's your goal. Yeah. First, you're going to go five times a week. That's that's totally unrealistic to go five days a week from zero. Say you're going to go. You can go once the first week.

once. That's a start. Like then you can add more and you also need to be on, you need to actually make choices in doing it that are going to last for you. For example, what gym are you going to? Do you like the gym? Is it close enough to your house? Is it, does it fit with your financial budget? Is it too expensive? Like actually think when you're getting a gym membership, is this a gym I'm going to like to go to? Do I like it here? Do a free trial every now and then at a few gyms around and find one you like.

Because you're going to set yourself up for failure if you're like, yeah, I wanted to go, but I hate the gym and now I'm just never going again because I don't like it. You should put the time and effort to finding a gym you like to buying workout clothes that you're going to need clothes and shoes to go to the gym. Buy that for yourself. Get yourself a gym bag. Do all that stuff so that way you're ready to do it. Because if from nothing you're going to go five times a week, no, you're not.

Yeah, I can guarantee you right now if you have no workout clothes, you hate the gym, or someone told you go to the gym and it's 30 minutes away from your house and you don't want to drive like that's none of that's gonna work for you, literally. And then like, I know like the gym is like a big one, but like another one also is going to be like the physical goal I know so many people.

will like put a physical goal for themselves, especially with like a weight loss journey. And like, say you have like a body weight number, like the same shit applies with like getting yourself into the gym. Like

You can't just expect this like weight loss number to come if you're not really doing anything about it, because like there are so many things that come into this doesn't even have to be just weight loss. It's me like a healthy weight gain journey or like something like that. It's like you can't expect like these things to come because so many different aspects are attained to the weight loss, like going to the gym, getting the right amount of sleep, eating right, like

So many different things. So you just need to remember that when you are making those bigger goals for yourself, that you need to accomplish the small things inside of those first. Yeah. And you can't fall for all the things that are going to be advertised to you for like quick fixes to reach those goals. Like the reason you're setting in January 1st is use the whole freaking year to do it. Yeah. There will be trial and error as well. Exactly. You don't have to check it off January 2nd.

Yeah. Literally the whole year. I would only recommend putting a weight goal if you are severely overweight or underweight. And it is like a very, very, very important thing to you to lower your body weight. If it's five pounds, 10 pounds, you think you look a little fat. No, no, no fricking weight goals. I, I, I really truly believe that.

that is not going to get you anywhere. I have no, I, I have no reason to put a body weight goal on. Oh dude, I could literally not do that because like what my goal physique looks like, I don't even know what that weight would be. Exactly. Because like, because like what in 2019, when I had my binge eating disorder and I was like a little bit on the bigger side compared to like my 2018 version where I was like in my restricting eating disorder,

I weighed 140. I weigh 140, like one, I wake up every day, like 141, 142. Like I weigh more now than I did like in 2019 when I looked bigger than I do now. Right. And it's like, the number on the scale is not a dictator whatsoever on your goals and your physique. Right. Bodywork comp is just like, we could go on to fucking ever with that. But it's just like, don't be putting like a number goal. If that's just like, like, if you don't know what your physique is,

is going to look like, or I'm sorry, what I just said is if you have a physique goal, you're not going to know what the weight number is going to look like, you know? So. And if you put all those steps of,

Lifting consistently, meal prepping, getting good sleep, drinking your gallon of water a day. The right body weight for you will come. And it doesn't matter if it's 120, 130, 140, 150. It doesn't matter what the number is. Your body will be where it's supposed to be. Unless it is a severe need for you to gain a lot of weight, lose a lot of weight, and that's a big...

like very important thing then yeah have a weight loss goal I see no I see nothing wrong with that but for the average like you know person that's like oh I need to lose 10 pounds that that weight loss goal is not there there's no point because you're probably just going to fall into like an up and down cycle of being stuck in the number especially when you wake up two pounds heavier for no reason other than like

You haven't peed yet and you throw it, you know, like, like, and you're going to drive yourself crazy because you're so focused on the number. So that's one of my biggest advice is don't put a weight goal. I don't think I'll ever do that in my life. Yeah. I mean, I used to, when I was like, like, from now on, I don't think, I don't think I'll ever do that. Like my biggest fear. I remember my biggest fear being like getting over like the one 10 mark. Like I liked being like,

the 1-0 something like when I hit like one time I hit like 1-11 and I fucking freaked out like it was it was so bad like 10 years meanwhile I'm over here like 30 pounds heavier like let's go there's some like I think like 10 year old kids weigh like 1-0 something yeah it was like my my field hockey season so for field hockey we used to have to weigh ourself before every single practice

because we were working out in like 100 degree weather for like six hours a day. So we had to weigh ourself because if we were under eating and like it was showing through our weight, they wouldn't let us practice. But like we would weigh ourself every day and I'd see that fucking number. And it's like sometimes you'd go up and I'd be like, OK, I can't eat. Like it is just crazy. Like that that number during my field hockey season like would dictate whether or not I ate a meal after my practice or not. That's insane. Yeah. Yeah.

I wanted to say another thing that I think is really a good tactic when setting goals. This is something I talked about her earlier with the marathon and the headphones, Tori Simone. She was like the manifest podcast. I really like it. I actually really want her on this podcast, spam her Instagram, tell her to be a guest. She gives really good advice, but what she says, which I think is so like, really, I try to do this. She says,

So imagine the highest version of yourself, like the best version of yourself, the person that you're like, this is how I want to be. And she says to like the detail, like what time does that person wake up? What does she what perfume does she use? When does she get to the gym? What kind of car does she drive? Like the literal person you want to be. And then you have to start with like the small, sustainable steps that's going to take you to get there.

You have to really know like who you want to be. You can't just randomly throw out goals just because you like kind of heard they're the right thing to do. You have to really think about where you want to be in the person you want to become and like try to be that person. And I think that's an interesting way to look at it.

Yeah. And like, I feel like we could definitely do more topics about this, especially with like developing a better relationship with food. But like, I know a lot of people are probably going to go into the new year, like with like that goal of like wanting to develop a better relationship with food and like wanting to develop a better like

overall just like mindset like I guarantee there are so many girls listening to this right now they're probably like eating disorders or just like not the best relationship with the food or like the my fitness pal or just stuff like that we will have an episode down the road for that but you just need to remember kind of like going off what Taylor just said like you can't just wake up one day and expect like

the relationship with the food or numbers or anything like that just happened, you need to start doing very, very small things that are going to help you hit those goals. For instance, if, um, you know, tracking food is disordered for you or like the number on the scale is disordered for you, get rid of the MyFitnessPal or get rid of like the body weight scale. Okay. Um,

Yeah. So like, those are two things that could help you lead into the right direction of like those goals that you want to set for yourself. Yeah. Which you're following. Maybe right now you follow Instagram models. Yeah. Accounts come up on my phone of girls like,

eating disorder recovery journeys where they're posting what I eat in a day in recovery and they're eating probably most people's like like like fear foods you know like yeah like pizza and ice cream like things like that and they're eating that every day and it's their recovery journey follow those accounts yeah follow the accounts that are going to give you the motivation to do like redo your phone I feel like people underestimate that what's on your phone is such a big part of your

Yeah, we're easily influenced. Like clear out your phone and your following. Some people, I got a DM one time saying like they were, they had an eating disorder and not that, not that they said they thought what I posted was like toxic or anything, but for them at that time, fitness accounts in general were not something they could have on their phone for their personal triggers. Yeah.

I take no freaking offense. Yeah. For your own personal mental triggers, any type of fitness page is not good for you personally for like a month, a week. I delete TikTok. That doesn't mean I think everyone on TikTok is bad. I just can't. Yeah.

I just can't like and that's it like you are like your phone is such a big part of your freaking environment like that is in your brain always take control of what's on it I agree apps the people everything like get rid it's funny I thought of you because I was listening to the skinny confidential and she said she got a new phone number

Oh, dude, I need to do that. I went to AT&T three times. I've had the same phone number since like sixth grade and I cleared it out and now no one has my phone number. And I was like, well, it sounds like Sam. Yeah. I went to AT&T three times this week and I was waiting in line for 20 minutes plus. And I was like, you know what? I'll wait until after the new year because everyone's in fucking AT&T right now.

Something I also recommend doing, which like you might be like, why? Trust me, it just literally revamps your whole mind. Get rid of everything in your room that you don't need or want. Clothes, random things. Yeah. Clear out your shit. Go in your kitchen and make sure you're like clean out your fridge, clean out your clothes, start fresh.

I like, it sounds like cliche and stupid, but I'm just like a big believer. If you're trying to have like a fresh start, your plate, like your environment needs to be fresh too. I agree with that. Another reason why I moved out. Yeah, that's why I moved out too. Like I needed to, I needed to go. I'm home and I've been sleeping until 10 p.m. every day. I wouldn't do that if I was in my own, if we were in Texas. Yeah. Yeah.

No, I would not either. Right now. I mean, I've committed to it. Like it's like basically break. Like I'm loving it and I know I'm going to go back to normal. It's not like stressing me out. Yeah. Kind of. We go, we go to LA and then after that, it's a little normal. Yeah. But I mean, yeah, whatever. That's a little bit stressing me out. I'm like, Oh my God, I'm going to be so tired. Yeah, I know.

But I think overall, it's just like you need to understand that you need like the steps that it's going to take to get to the goal. If you can't write a goal and think like how you're going to get there, you're never going to get there. Like everything I wrote down, bench 140. Okay, I have bench programmed in my workouts, but I'm going to get there. 1 million podcast downloads. We're basically going to get that kind of from the other goal by never skipping an upload.


basically planning for a book a month and having some leeway when it happens and making sure I'm always getting them like on Amazon in time because I have a bad habit of finishing a book and then never ordering another one because I forget. So I also kind of want to start a book club on like Discord or something. I think that'd be fun and it would keep me accountable. And then you guys could read the same book as me. And then I'd have to read the book. Yeah, you were mentioning that you should do it. Yeah, right. Because then we could like

chat and read the same book but then in turn of like having you like you guys would be motivated to read a book because like we're all reading it and I'd be motivated to read a book because you guys would be like relying on me to like be leading it so I'd have to read it. I like that. Right? That'd be kind of fun. I don't know. I don't like books but I like that for you. Yeah, I think it'd be fun. I got a book I felt like a real smart girl when I opened a present and it was a book. Yeah, I love that. Wait, did I tell you

I don't think I told you what I got for Christmas, dude. Oh, yeah, no. My mom bought me one of the anthropology candles. The massive one. Oh, my God. No, like the huge one? The huge one. Like the one that's like...

Yeah. Really? Yeah. That's so funny. It's literally like this big. Yeah, I know. I've seen those. It's the white one. Does it smell good? It smells so good. Wow. So our place is going to smell so good. That's so nice. We got, well, I got a paddleboard. Yeah, we got matching paddleboards. Yeah, we got paddleboards. That's literally so fun. I got...

Oh, the Bluetooth tripod for my camera because you know how mine didn't get my mom to buy it. So I got that. I got a new perfume. What else did I get? I'm like blaming you. I got an electric toothbrush. I got a new white converse. I really needed those. I didn't ask for a lot. Neither did I. Someone asked me to do like an unboxing of my Christmas gifts and I was just like, I think I got like four things. Yeah. There's no problem with getting that like little things. It's just like, I don't, I'm at that age where it's like Christmas isn't like,

one of those things where I'm like racking up a list of things that like I need other people to buy me. Yeah, it's also like I just didn't couldn't think of much stuff that I need. Like when I was home, I was getting rid of things. So I'm like, yeah, I feel like I don't need that many things. I'm like blanking on things I got for Christmas. So my mom bought me and you matching earrings. Oh, so cute. Yeah, horrible.

I know. They're a little hand with the middle finger. Yeah, they're, like, the middle finger. They're so cute. My mom was like, fuck the haters. I'm like, yeah, mom, you right. Yeah, no, but literally, because it's literally fuck the haters. I mean, it's mentally hard to, like, say that, but it's people that don't know us. No, literally. Or they met us, like, maybe once, maybe twice, and they think that they have, like, they're entitled to, like, say all this stuff. Like, whatever. Yeah.

Whatever. Yeah, that was our Christmas presents. Are you doing anything for New Year's Eve? Probably not. COVID in Boston is super intense, and I don't really want to risk that, especially with flying home next week. So I'm laying low. I just don't have plans. I don't really have plans to do anything. I'm going to probably hang out with my close friends in a small group, but nothing where I'm going into the city or anything. Yeah, I...

I don't think I have plans. Going to the city. I think Bradley's here, actually. Yeah, he is. I saw it on his story and I was like, oh. I asked David, I was like, do you want to maybe see what fucking Bradley and Steve were doing? But Miami in holidays with big crowds is kind of sketchy. Yeah, I can imagine. Just in the sense that it's a lot of people, a lot of drunk people, the driving home, that...

like yeah like you should it seems like dangerous like I feel like I'd be stressed out of it being just dangerous and very chaotic so I kind of would like to just not go out into the city yeah um seems like a lot I don't know if I want to do it I think I'll just drink wine and watch the ball drop yeah I agree I'll be chilling I think I'm gonna go into Boston though tonight and get a cannoli

That sounds so fire. Yeah, I'm going to do that tonight. That sounds so fire. I'm literally just going to stay home and do absolutely nothing, which is honestly amazing. Really ready. I've been vlogging, though. I've been vlogging the last, like, two days, and I haven't been doing anything. But I'm, like, I need to vlog something. Go get Bollé. Get Bollé for me. Oh, my God. What? Dude, every time, like, you go home, I'm like, get Bollé. I forgot about it.

Literally the best thing in the world. I'm getting into it. All right. I'm obsessed with it. No way. I'm getting into it. 100%. Wow. That sounds so good. And you actually. Right now. I got a shake and my under eating self would have just like had the shake and not eating, eating until dinner, but I need to eat. Yeah. I need to eat so bad. Oh, yeah. All right. Well, I hope you guys listening were able to kind of really take that with like some, you know, motivations, like write your list.

and then accomplish them slowly but surely yeah and um yeah i hope you guys all enjoy your new year stay safe out there please yeah um don't do anything too crazy and i like this episode i like that we just chat like it was not make make our goals with us like yeah literally that was that was a good i hope you guys like wrote your list with us like we're like also writing notes in your phone

Yeah, that's a good idea. And don't forget to join the Facebook group, okay? And then, you know, add the Spotify playlist. Yeah, follow the Spotify. All jammed to the same songs. Yes. Let me know if you want a sad girl, Jimi.

I'm sure they're going to want it. You guys are like, no, you're just depressed and weird. And I'm like, oh, okay. Sometimes I like just getting in my car and listening to that and crying. No, bro. I was jamming to fucking Adele doing lateral raises. I was so in it.

I was so freaking happier than ever by Billie. Oh my God, I was so in it. I was like really freaking jamming. It was a great workout. Love that for you. Also, merch is still available. I'm wearing it right now. You guys can't see me, but I'm wearing it right now and you should get merch. Agreed. You literally need to get it. Sorry, I said it. It's so cute. Make your face. This is your, this is a plan for New Year's. Ready? Facebook group, make friends, go to the gym in matching hoodies. Done.

Done. And whatever other small goals you have for yourself, accomplish them. And then if you make a friend and their birthday is coming up and you're like, oh my God, what do I get them? Merch.

You both listen to the same podcast. Get them merch. Or get them matching blazers. That'd be sick. Taylor and I don't even have that, but you guys can have that. We should have that. Yeah, we should have that. Why don't we have that? We need custom shoes. Yeah, we do. Alright, we're going to do that. Yeah, we're going to do that. We're going to end this podcast and go on Yeah, really. Nike, sponsor us. Yeah, please. Alright, bye guys. Bye.

See you on Friday.