cover of episode #FHIPTHRUSTS | Do we think these fitness things are overrated or underrated !

#FHIPTHRUSTS | Do we think these fitness things are overrated or underrated !

Publish Date: 2021/12/13
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One Thing About Us


Shownotes Transcript

What's up guys, it's Sam and Taylor. And we want you to put your shoes on, pop open that energy drink, and go. Yeah, baby. What is that show, the old show where it's like the guy, like the little minion is like, oh baby. Do you know what I'm talking about? This is Steve Irwin or something. Do you know what I'm talking about? Oh my God. Taylor's gonna throw up. Taylor, breathe. Do you know what I'm talking about? Make a response. Oh my God, guys.

Dude, she's literally at the sink. She just spilled her drink. Steve Irwin, isn't it? Are you talking about Austin Powers? Alright, Austin... No, who's the guy in Austin Powers? Mini-me. Yeah, what is he? What is his name? Wait, who's the... Oh, so Austin Powers is the one that always goes, Yeah, baby. Did I say it right? Oh, yeah, baby. Oh my god, we're so funny. Yeah, I know. Fuck. Steve Irwin.

Is the alligator, like... Why did I say that? Why did I say Steve Irwin? I love Steve Irwin. Yeah, because you love Australia. Dude, I went to his zoo. Really? Yeah. And I, well, I didn't meet his son, but I saw his son. Did you see Bindi? What? Bindi? What? Bindi, his daughter. No, I didn't see, I saw, well, I forget what his son's name is, but he was doing, like, an alligator show, and I watched it. Yeah, I know.

I don't know why, like in my brain, I thought Steve Irwin was Austin Powers. No, it's like, yeah, Austin Powers. It's just so random. I know, because I said, oh, baby. Okay, anyway. Anyway, it is. You get just DMs that are like,

Guys, no, it's so funny because there's always one or two things that I'll say during a podcast that people will quote me on. And then they'll DM me and be like, I've never laughed harder in my life. Last episode, it was Sam thinking that you guys believe in Sam. Dude, I was so nervous. I genuinely thought we had little girls listening to this. I don't know. I don't remember when I stopped believing. We have an explicit rating.

Yeah, that's facts. And there's a middle finger on, like, the cover page. Okay, if I ruined anyone's, like, dreams, I'm so sorry. I literally ruined it on the spot on the podcast. But yeah, no. Hi, guys. I'm Sam.

Um, we, um, it's Sunday, a beautiful Sunday morning. For some reason on Sunday, regardless, did I drink yesterday, go out yesterday? No. So tired. Every Sunday morning, like I just feel as if. Yeah, it's because our bodies like work so hard, like not only in and out of the gym all week, but then like Sunday comes around and we don't have anything to do and it's just like, like a train hits us. Yeah, I stayed up kind of late. I did. Yeah. I was watching JoJo Siwa.

dance it's really freaking good it's literally like Dance Moms but obviously it's just not Dance Moms it's like Jojo Siwa runs the whole thing I love it I love watching little girls dance in this fight it's amazing

We can't speak. Taylor FaceTimed me. What time was it at? Like 11 last night or 10, 1030. She just FaceTimed me like middle of the night. We don't usually do that. Like we don't usually like FaceTime like late at night like that. But it was just funny because like sometimes I hate texting. Yeah, no, I hate texting too. And like we never do voice memos anymore because we're always like together. So it's like if I'm missing a voice memo, I might as well go into the other room and just say it.

But yeah, no, we stayed up kind of late, so that's why. I woke up immediately, took a shower. Now we're sitting here podcasting. We had breakfast, obviously, but Sundays are always busy for me, I feel, with just catching up. Yeah, I love a Sunday. I love a chill Sunday. This week, what do we do? What do we do? Oh, we went out on Friday, which was weird. Yeah, we never go out on Fridays. But we are the life of the party by ourselves. Yeah, we are. I just would like to say that we just are.

Oh my god, wait, let's talk about the girl that saw us in Target. Oh, that was awesome. That was so awesome. Guys, I already forgot what her name was, but she was so sweet. She saw us and she was like, I knew it was you guys from an aisle away because of your voices. Like, she literally just knew it was us because our voices were like, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but I'm going to take it as a compliment. I thought it was so cool. I was like, oh my god, we really host a podcast. Yeah, right? It's like a really known podcast. Like, they know our voice. They know our voice. I thought it was sick.

Sorry. I thought it was so cool. Yeah, we went out. We looked really fucking good. Oh my God, my ass in my dress. I don't know. I'm going to have to get that dress in like three more colors. We took so many TikToks and pictures. I was like, we look so good. We're so hot. Yeah. You know what we need to do next time we go out though? Because I've, I never ever like to use that massive ring light that we have ever. And now I'm like a huge fan of it. So I want to know for like going out and stuff and like pictures and

I use it for, like, food. But, like, we got to get ready a little bit earlier so we have more time to, like, do that stuff because, like, we were cutting it close. We didn't really have anywhere to be. We stood at Buford's at the bar. It was really empty. We're just friends with the staff. Yeah. Yeah, the staff, like, loves us but hates us. And then we left. No, they love us. They were definitely the most interesting part of the night. Yeah. And then...

we left and we had to walk down dirty six and it was so scary yeah i hated it gave me such bad anxiety all the people from the bars come up to you and they're like hey want to come in here for a free drink it's on us and they're so close to you and so in your personal space and it doesn't stop like you know at the mall when the perfume people are yeah it's like that except you're on like a sketchy road it's like like literally like you said it's like it feels like sex trafficking because like even like women know it's

No, it's scary. Like, women that are, like, partially naked are, like, on the streets with, like, these little flyer cards, and they are, like, coming up to you, and, like, oh my god, gorgeous, like, you should totally meet us here, like, later tonight, like, free drinks on us. And they're, like, handing us a card. I'm like, that is just, like, the scariest thing ever. It also seems like the perfect environment where someone could easily disguise themselves as, like,

Yeah. Come with me, free drinks. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? I don't know. We should also put, like, a visual in for this, guys. So, 6th Street in Austin is, like, there's two sides to it. So, there's, like, where Buford's is, the ranch, like, where we typically go, and the street isn't blocked off, so cars are allowed to, like, drive through the road. But then when you get to Dirty 6, it's blocked off by, like, police, like,

Like, literally, like, there's barricades, like, everywhere. And you can just walk the street, like, in the middle of the road. So me and Taylor are literally in the middle of the road. I would say how many blocks is it? Like, four or five? We walked a decent amount of blocks. Like, it's a lot of, it's, like, long. And people will just, like, come up to you. And, like, the whole time, I'm just, I'm tunnel vision, just, like, looking straight. And people are just coming from your left side, your right side. We got, I would say, like, maybe, like, four or five people.

four or five people that, like, tried to stop us. And we just had to be like... Taylor was the one speaking. She was like, we have a party we have to get to. We have a party to get to. But it's scary as fuck. It's just... It is very scary. And there's been, like, instances that, like, happened there. Obviously, bad things can happen anywhere. But it's just a little sketchy. Yeah. Like, if you're a visitor...

Coming to Austin, I do not recommend Dirty Stakes. Like, go to, like, Buford's. Go to either Rainy Street. The domains. We've never really gone out at the domains, but I hear good things about it. Yeah, but it was not fun. What else happened? Wait. Oh, my God. Should we ask them if they would be interested, like, down the road doing something like that with us?

Guys, if you guys are interested in flying out to Austin for a weekend event, we would schedule a lot of different events, whether it was gym-related, going out-related, stuff like that. DM us. Let us know if you're interested because the more people that are interested, the more likely we are to do it. Yeah, we want to do a weekend-long F-word retreat. Yeah.

It'd be worth it. You can bring, like, I mean, obviously you want to come with, like, a parent, like, a friend. Like, they could, Austin's a really cool place. Like, you can make a weekend out of it. They can do what they want to do. Yeah. And you can come hang with us. Like, go to the gym. We can have a little post-workout meal. We can, like, go out. Yeah. Of course. It'd be so fun. It'd be so fun. So, we want to do that with you guys so bad. So, we would really love to...

Yeah. And if we get like a good response from it the first time, Oh my God, we would do it so many more times. And like, it would be like, yeah, I never know what long weekends are because like neither of us are in school or have like real jobs. And people are like, yeah, it's a long weekend. Like Monday's a holiday. I'm like, it is. Yeah. We'll be at the gym on like Monday and it's super packed. I'm like, why is it packed? And then like, I'll find out that it was like, obviously I'm like, Oh,

Yeah, so we'll obviously try to plan it for that so you guys can have the time to come. But I think that'd be really freaking sick. That'd be fun. What else is going on? I don't know. Bulking has been a little hard. I'm not going to lie. I love oatmeal so much. But I've had to cut back on the grams of oats I'm using because my bowl is so big. Taylor and I both have been doing 80 grams of oats, which is like 300 calories just from the oats.

And like that's a lot. It's a lot. Like it overflows the bowl. So I've had to cut back my oats cause I don't want to end up like hating oats because of a bulk. So I've cut back on like my oat grams and like, I'm hoping that like some of my meals like during the day I can like

Make a little bit more like carb dense. That makes sense. But I don't know, like mentally it's been kind of a struggle with like obviously other things going on. It doesn't help with like the body image and like the mental state to be eating, like surpass like what you're supposed to be eating.

So I'm going to go into going home, like continuing to bulk. But if I like mentally just can't do it and maybe I need like a break from like literally everything, like social media, fucking tracking, like everything, I'm going to do it. Yeah. On my end, I kind of, oh, it's making me kind of sick right now. The first bite, I'm like, yeah, the last like three. Yeah, it is the last three. It's just so, I used to scrape the bowl.

I put that bowl back in the sink. There's like a spoonful of oats in there. Like I can't do it. So I bought juice at Trader Joe's because juice in a cup is like 30 carb for like a glass of juice. So I'm like, okay, I'm literally before the gym. I'm going to cut back on the oats a little bit and have a big glass of juice. Yeah. Like carb up on like juice. Yeah. So that's my plan right now. The bulk is hard just because like

I'm going through a lot recently. So it's hard. Like yesterday, like yesterday I was like, I don't want to track my food. I don't want to uncomfortably shove my face. Like I just want to not. I had the worst, not the worst day of eating yesterday, but I literally had like a Pop-Tart for dinner. Like that's just like how, like I went to Sweet Greens though. Yeah. I had, I had a big bowl of pineapple, but. That's healthy. Yeah.

Yeah, but just, like, I don't know. Like, I didn't really have, like, a scheduled day of eating. Yeah, so that's why it's hard. And I've, like, lost a bit of weight. Not a bit. Like, I did, like, lose weight, so I'm like, okay, damn it. Like, I don't know. It's hard. Like, I feel like people think, like, that gaining weight is so easy. Yeah. Dude, it's hard. Like, doing it, obviously, in a, like, scheduled way is so hard. Yeah. Yeah.

I was gonna say I just started following like this girl on Instagram she's kind of big on Instagram so I definitely recommend her if you're like struggling to eat like a lot of food she does like a full day of eating like maybe

Maybe three times a week. And, like, she's eating, like, over 3,000 calories. Like, almost, like, 4,000 calories someday. Her Instagram handle is gljfitnessuk. You can follow her and the people I follow. But she's pretty helpful, at least, like, for me. Like, I've been, like, watching her full days of eating. It's been giving me, like, ideas. So give it a go. I'm going to do that.

I might take a look. No, they're literally like, and it's different too because she lives in the UK, so her meals are a little bit different, but she's been having like this lasagna like every night, and I'm like, I want to make that so badly. I made, when I was eating cheese, I made the lasagna one time. It was so good. Yeah. My strength has been fine. Yeah, strength has been good. Like. Oh, that's another thing is my split. I need to change it, but you can. Yeah, you are. My strength has been good. I like PR'd on bench.

I PR on deadlift like all the time. So that's, that's nice. Yeah. Um, I'm going to restart my back squat. So I was going to take back squat, back squat out totally. I think I might've said that in the last episode, but I just thought if I'm bad at it and I take it out, I'm only just going to get worse at it. Yeah. So I'm going to restart. I'm not going to do it for like,

I'm not going to do it to push crazy weight. Like, I think I'm literally going to start with, like, 95 pounds. Obviously, not do it for, like, all four of my sets. But, like, and literally just, like, not really exert a lot of energy. Just restart on, like...

finding a form that feels right for me and like literally just doing it solely for the technique. So right now my focus is strength focus for deadlift and bench and totally starting from day one with squatting and trying to progress like that. Cause I think I actually might make kind of fast progress if I like really narrow in on technique and just restart. But yeah, I'm not really doing it for like

Like, that one – like, I'll probably do more exercises even on that day because, like, that first one won't be too, like, intense on me. Like, I might do another squat variation for strength, like, with a dumbbell or, like, a hack squat or whatever. Yeah. But I want to just restart, like, technique-wise. So at least, like, even though I'm taking a step back from doing it heavy, I won't be, like, forgetting how to, like, do the movement. Yeah. So that's my plan. And –

So I'm going to be changing my split, but like one of the big reasons as to why I'm changing it is because my quad days, I have been so freaking sore for like three days. Like, like it's been happening for like a month now and I'm like, okay, I'm like getting sick of this, but yeah,

I've been super sore. My quad days have been on Thursdays. So my workouts on like Fridays and Saturdays have been like so bad because I'm so sore in my lower body. You need your lower body in like a bench press. And like, I cannot bench because I get butt cramps and just like super sore and all that. So, um,

because Taylor and I are going to be gone for like almost three weeks, it's kind of okay that we're not going to be on the same split this week because I'm going into like a whole month of just not even being with her. Um, but what I'm going to be doing is a pull, push legs, pull, push legs,

So that way, my last leg day is on a Saturday, and then I get to rest Sunday, and hopefully that whole day of resting can really get me good for my start of the week. But because I'm doing pull push leg rather than push pull legs, my push day is still going to be with tailors. Yeah, and it's the same split. You're just switching the days of it. Like you're doing the same...

The same where you're just switching what day you do it on. Yeah. I just need more rest on my leg day. So by doing pull, push legs, I have, you know, another three days before, technically like two and a half days. But two workouts in between the next leg day. And then I have like four days in between the next leg day. So...

it'll be good and then um as far as like back squat I know I said also that I'm gonna be taking it out but I decided on my quad day I'm gonna be doing that just as like a light like thing because what I'm doing yeah so like my quad day I've been just doing like

like, a very high rep, like, front load variation. But I might as well just do my squat because the only reason I'm really doing that first exercise is just to wake myself up. Yeah. And, like, get the blood flowing and everything. And so if I can just, like, keep the motion of, like, the squat in my programming, I think it'll be good. But I'm going to continue with my lunge, my two lunges. Like, I'm not going to split them up. I'm, um...

I think I'm going to split mine up. I think I'm going to split up the Bulgarians and the reverse lunges. I don't think I can do both because on my quad day, I've been training front squat five by five. Last time I did like four by five. But regardless, I'm doing five reps. I'm doing it very strength-based, and it takes me. Yeah. It's hard. Like doing something solo rep, the lunges I can get through. I just need time to breathe. Yeah. Like I need a –

rest but i need to like after that not do another thing that i push heavy because i really just can't do it like it's it's so taxing she was like literally so mad at herself the other day you were you were pissed i was like do you forget about the five by five front squats you were doing earlier like because i i was like grabbing like the 50s for like the bulgarians and like come on like do it third thing i was like you're not grabbing 50s right now like i can't

Yeah, and I was like, you realize you just did a 5x5. Like, my first thing was literally, like, a high-volume, like, thing, not really big exertion. I was like, girl, take a deep breath. Like, it'll be okay. I was like, no, I can't do that right now. But that's what's also, I realized, so there's a few things I know I want to focus progressive overload on. I know I want to do my, like, 5-rep front squat. I want a front squat heavy. Cool. My bench, my deadlift, uh.

Oh, overhead press. Yeah. And, like, dumbbell shoulder press and flat branch. That sucks, though. I do that same thing. The bench, dumbbell press, dumbbell flat branch. I do that every push day. So I have my few things I want to progressive overload on, and I've been trying this whole bulk, like, do the same routine because, you know, like, progress on everything, like, blah, blah. But I've been getting, like we said, like, it's hard mentally balancing, like,

okay eat a certain way make sure all your lifts are like progressing in the same sort of way and like i just want to like what i do at the gym yeah and i was like really focused on barbell rdls i love barbell rdl like i was going heavy with them i was progressing on them but i was just getting bored yeah i was like you know like the shoulder shrug like machine thingy shoulder shrug like the bench with the things that you like this you can like do rdls on it oh shit okay yeah i was i'm

during one of my rests. I've never used that machine before. That's over on the turf, right? It used to be on the turf. Now it's on that little black pad. Yeah, yeah, the black pad. So in my rest, when I was using the row thing, I was testing it out. I was like, I think I'm going to do my RDLs on this. I'm just going to do for other stuff, like fun variations, because I need to do stuff that's going to keep me...

Yeah. Interested. Yeah. And like excited to like go to the gym. Yeah. I'm like a little bit of the opposite way around. I don't know. Like I like sticking to like the basics and like doing the same things. Like I can literally do that quad day every single day for the rest of like. Yes. Eternity. That's how I feel with like my push day. Like some workouts I can. Yeah. Some workouts I can. But. Back is always different though. Like with the accessories. Because there's so much you can do for back. Yeah. I guess. Yeah.

Yeah, I'm just trying to get back into having really good workouts all the time. And I honestly like what I was doing. Like I said, not everything random. I have just certain things that I know I'm doing on certain days and progressing on. But I don't think it's bad or going to hinder results if you change your accessories. Oh, yeah. No, not at all. Because I'd rather change my accessories and put more effort into them because I'm enjoying it than do the same workout and do it bad. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, no, I totally agree. So that's where I'm at right now.

Yeah. Yeah. I'm excited to work out tomorrow and like do my squat and like start from square one. Really focus on it. It's weird because I'm doing back. I did back day yesterday. Now I'm doing back day again tomorrow, which is like fine. I don't care. You have to. I'm going to have to do it at some point to be able to start my new split. But weird. Also, I'm not even going to be like I feel like before I'd be kind of like

I don't know if embarrassed is the right word to, like, squat so light or, like, post. Because, you know, I'm, like, supposed to be good at fitness. Like, I have an account and, like, start back squat, like, again. Yeah. I mean, I can do more weight. But, like, you know what I'm saying? I'm trying to focus on, like, my form and technique because that's been feeling too hot. So it's, like, actually before I would be, like, embarrassed. Yeah. I'm going to start with, like, working my way back up to a nice clean 135. Like, and...

I feel like that before would have been like, oh my god, I'm really going to rep 115. Yeah, just to feel it out. It's not because that's the most I can do. It's just I want to restart. Yeah, exactly. Someone actually commented that on my reel. They were like, I'm restarting my back squat because I posted my deadlift transformation and they were basically saying they're restarting their back squat and they hoped to have the transformation I did. I was like, I'm doing the same thing on my back squat. Funny you said that. Yeah, that's that.

We love our little bulk. It has been going good, though. Like, it really has. Yeah, it's really not bad. I feel like we just come on here to, like, rant. And, like, the truth is, it's just hard to eat. Yeah. It's more relatable if we do, like, talk about our lows in, like, the bulk. Because, like, not everyone is, like, just like, happy day, awesome day, like, bulking, love this, everything. So, it is good to share, like, the lows. Yeah, of course. So, today... Is that what I want to talk about? Yeah, I guess so. Okay, so today...

um we are doing a overrated or underrated yeah so we had you guys send in i worded it as name anything health and fitness related example food and exercise clothes etc we're doing overrated underrated and we got so many responses so many i'm like looking at them right now i'm really really um should we just get into it yeah and basically what oh my god there's so many people are gonna know what we're talking basically like

Is it hyped up too much in the industry? Is it not hyped up enough? Yeah. That's like basically what we're doing. It's just our, it's just our opinion. Obviously a lot of fitness things.

They like, there's so much that goes into them and people might like, not saying that they're like terrible or the worst. Just like, don't take it too deep. Yeah. Right. I just want to put it like, don't take it too deep. Like if we say something's overrated, that doesn't mean we hate it. Yeah. It just, you know, I just, I feel like it needs to like clarify. And everyone has their own opinion too. Like everyone's entitled to their own opinion. Yeah. Like we're not like bashing anything. Yeah. It's like literally this is for fun.

This is just for fun. Okay. Yeah. Big one. On here a lot. Gymshark. Yeah. Tough one. I'm the answer. I think it truly depends on the collection. I'm going to say it's overrated. I think I'm going to go. It really depends on the collection.

I, you, like, I, obviously, that's what I'm going to say too, is, like, it depends on the collection. Like, I love the simple pieces. That's why I love Alphalete, because it's simple. Like, the V-neck training sports bra. Love that one. Best sports bra. Love that one. Best sports bra. This new stuff we just got, the Paws collection, these little, like, crop top shorts and this really cool jacket. 10 out of 10. Love it. Adapt Camo shorts.

I love them. On myself, you know, they might fit you differently. Yeah. That's what I was going to say, too, is, like, things fit people differently in all ways, in all shapes, in all sizes. So it's, like, it's totally up to you. Like, you may not like the way, like, this fits on you, but you might like the way, like, that fits on you. So it's, like, it's totally up to you. Everything I post in Gymshark, like, the ombre shorts I have, like, the outfits I post in and, like, I like them. I really like the ombre shorts. I think they fit really nice.

My answer is I really don't know. I think it depends on the collection. Because I'm going to say V-neck training sports bra, underrated. Everyone should know that's the best sports bra ever. I don't know. I really think it depends on the collection because some of their stuff is so good and some of their stuff I can't wear. Yeah. And it just...

that's just true but obviously i mean like we've worked with them the stuff i post like i said yeah the outfits i wear i do i like if i've posted in it and i'm like i like this i do like it yeah that goes for legit everything across the board like literally supplements clothing like anything if we post it we like it but if we don't post like a certain piece from like a collection maybe we don't like it yeah okay

yeah overrated we have a whole damn podcast episode about that and why i hate those things you just don't need them yeah no that's that um converse for lifting overrated overrated i just think like i have a really like flat foot slash like not like yeah like i have a flat foot so

obviously flat shoes are better for me too in that instance but they're just so narrow like i can't get my feet to like no i have narrow feet but like like when i'm squatting or when i'm dead lifting i like when my toes can like move around see i don't really like notice that oh my god i notice it i just have perfect feet like blazers amazing yeah i do like my blazers are actually when i got them i was like these are too big on me but then i realized i like that they're

Yeah, exactly. Because you probably don't notice it now, but like your feet are moving around in it, which helps. Yeah.

Lululemon. Overrated. Overrated. No, I love their lines, but I could never wear their stuff to the gym. I've never owned it solely because why is it so goddamn expensive? The lines fall down on you. I don't even wear those to the gym, and when I'm wearing them to the grocery store or something like that, I'm constantly pulling those things up. But they're so comfy. I hate all leggings, so for leggings to be $100, I have to hide.

standards. I don't care if they're made for yoga, but I don't care. They better be the best. They better not fall because I can't stand leggings. Yeah. Pre-workout, overrated. Overrated. Yeah. We don't even really use it anymore. I want to eventually go back into it because I just want to see like, I feel like I've been like raw dog in my workouts. Like guys, the energy drinks I drink, I rarely finish them. I'm so slow at drinking them. Like I barely finish them. I feel like I've been going into my workouts like

The energy for me is more of a mental thing. Like, you know, like, does it really do anything? Not really. It's more so, like, it puts me in a vibe. It also depends on the formula of the pre-workout. Like, if there's a pump powder inside of that, oh, my God. Like, I will pre-workout with pump. Awesome. Love that. Pre-workout, overrated. Pump, underrated. Yeah, underrated. Pump is underrated. We haven't even been taking pump because...

They're a little fluffy, so... You can't really notice it that much. I'm not going to notice any veins, and I don't really want to take something that's going to make me feel bigger. Yeah. Even bigger. You know, sometimes I look at my biceps in the mirror, and I'm like, oh, God. They're huge. Not in a bad way, but I'm like, yo, I could knock someone out. And I think if I did pump and I looked even bigger, I'd be like... Here's a controversial one between me and you. Peanut butter. Peanut butter? Yeah.

Overrated. Really? But you like peanut butter. Yeah, but it's not like my favorite thing ever. I hate peanut butter. Hate it. So gross. I hate the texture to it. I hate like the flavor to it. It's not my favorite thing ever. Like it doesn't... That's why I have bulmar butter because it doesn't taste like nuts. Like it really doesn't... Like I don't really care. Like recently on my oats, I've been doing two tablespoons in one.

Oh my god. I could never do that. It's just like sticky. I just, it's so much peanut butter. And I might have to cut, like get fat somewhere else in the day because. Yeah. I don't know. It's a lot eating two full spoons, like two tablespoons. We're reading these as we go. First form supplements. Yeah.

Overrated. Guys, First Forum was the first company I really worked with. So at the time, I was so like, oh my god, this is amazing. But that's because I never tried any other brands. And then I tried other brands and I was like, okay, wait a second. First Forum is not all the hype it actually is. And I'm embarrassed to even say I worked with First Forum. I was so brainwashed. Brainwashed. But no, okay, don't get me wrong. Their greens are really good. I like their greens. But they taste like shit.

But they work well. But other than that, like, the protein... I've never used the product. Like, I hate, like, the freaking post-workout stack with, like, the ignition. Like, the glycogen... It's so... That's just unnecessary. Yeah, so unnecessary. Okay. Gloves for lifting. I'm going to say correctly rated. No one does that. I used to do that, dude. I used to. I used to do that. I used to.

I literally did my videos from, like, a year ago today. Like, I was wearing, like, I was wearing, like, the gloves that had, like, the finger holes. Oh, my God. I don't know why I did that. But, like, no one actually does that, like, who knows anything about the gym. When I did it, I literally did it for, like, the calluses because I didn't want calluses. Me too. And I'm, like, looking back on it, I'm like, if myself a year ago were to look at my hands now. Mine was your, my grip was.

My grip was so bad too. And I didn't know how to use straps either. Doing lat pulldowns. Yep. Oh my God. I have the same ones. The Nike ones? Yeah. Because I... I got them at T.G. Maxx, I think, for like $7. I had no grip strength. Yeah. So holding the lat pulldown bar, my God, it hurts so bad.

Let's also keep in mind, guys, those don't help or, like, benefit you in any way. Like, I promise they're not going to make your grip any better. They're just going to, like, protect, like, you're not going to get a calluses, but, like, what's the big deal? Yeah, like, it's not going to make your grip better, so. But, like, no one really uses, like, not a lot of, like, no one's using those, like, lipsticks. Yeah, I mean, some people listening, maybe. Throw them out. Mm-hmm.

Same energy as a barbell pad on the squat. Yeah. So many people said Gymshark. Guys, geez. Y'all were really, really curious about that one. Back squat. Unapologetic Queen K said back squat. I love her. But I'm going to say it's overrated. Me too. Because I hate it. But at the same time, I was going to say even too when we were talking about programming our workouts, like you don't need to like do back squats to grow a dumpy. Like you don't.

Like, to lift heavy on a back squat, you don't... You should do some type of squat. No, you should definitely do it, but, like... You should do some type of squat. It doesn't have to be a barbell back squat. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, like, people, like, think you need to, like, lift, like, a heavy, absurd amount of weight, like, on your back squat in order to, like, grow any muscle. You can still do, like, reps of 12 to 15, like, with no bell, just, like, going for it. Yeah, like, you don't need to fucking hit one or max it. Yeah. Stomach vacuums.

underrated. Yeah. Like I wish I could do those. I've said I'm going to start doing those so many times and I don't do it. I need to start doing abs though, bro. Like my, my core is so weak. My core is so weak. I've neglected it. How many times I've neglected abs all this week when I said I was going to do it twice a week. It's because I get so distracted. Like when I was home, I was doing it twice a week. Maybe I'll get back into it next week. Dead hangz.

Underrated. Dead hangs are so good for you. I love them. Anyone else relate? Dead hangs immediately make me nauseous and want to pass out. And I thought I was alone. And I was like, what the hell? Because I go to dead hang and immediately I just start seeing stars. And then like,

Tamara Fitness, she posted, she was like, am I the only one that literally feels like I'm going to pass out when I do a dead hang? And I was like, I'm not alone. I was like, other people feel this way too. Like, I don't know what the hell it is, but I go to dead hang and I'm not a person that feels like that often. And that's the only thing. I dead hang, I close my eyes, I open them and I think I'm going down.

Yeah. There's a lot of good benefits, though, to dead hanging. It helps, guys, if you're struggling with your grip. Grip strength is so good for that. It depresses your spine. So that way, like, before you're about to back squat or, like, do any compound lift, like, it helps you release any tension from your spine. And obviously, it's just, like, a really good full-body stretch. So definitely recommend doing it for, like, I don't know. I kind of just hang until I can't anymore, and then I'll do it, like, two to three times. It feels really good. I wish I could do it. I just...

Oh, like the scapula, like when you're doing like the scapula pulls too, like if you're dead hanging and you want to like wake up your like shoulders slash your like lats, if you do scapula pulls with the dead hangs, oh, it feels amazing. Yeah, but if you're like me, you're not alone. If you're like, what the hell? I don't know the explanation. Those were also really good for when I first was trying to learn how to do pull-ups, like those helped so much with like my progress for pull-ups. And then, do-do-do. I have one.

What is it? Lifting straps for deadlifts, barbell rows. Okay, unpopular opinion. I've told Sam this. The only thing I like to use straps for are back machines where I have to like pull on something, either lat pull down or just like the chest supported row machines. I really like straps for those. And sometimes like dumbbell rows. I hate straps for barbell row. I hate straps for deadlift. I find them harder to grip the barbell. I'm chalk all the way.

That's just, like, so strange to me. But, like, I love them pretty much for, like, everything. Like, every, like, compound lift. I don't use it on, like, machines, though. Like...

Lap pulldown, like, I sometimes will. I've kind of, like, tried avoiding to do it just because, like, I want to get better at my pull-ups now. So, like, that's why I stopped doing it with that. But what else? I just will use, like, I hate that, like, I can feel my forearms get on fire so fast. And my forearms will, like, hurt and give out first. And, like, if I want, like, to train for, like, my back, like, hypertrophy, like, I don't want my fucking forearms to give out.

That's so strange. You know what I'm saying? Maybe you just need different straps. Because they have the other ones, like the U-hook ones. You know what I'm talking about? I don't know what they're called, but like, they're the ones that Chris gave me when we were at, um. Yeah. Those ones are nice. I just, I like chalk for deadlifts. Yeah. Hey, we all have our own preferences. Yeah. What works for you, works for you. Oh my god, I was getting chalk. Yesterday at lift, it was so windy. And I was getting chalk, and a girl bent down to get a plate, and I touched it, it literally just like blew.

Oh, no. And I was like, oh, my God. Like, I'm so sorry. Like, I had no idea the wind was going to, like, take all of us. I was like, no, it's okay. And I just felt so bad. Like, I just had no idea that the wind was, like, I didn't know it was a little windy, but I didn't know it was going to, like, that. And then my phone was being held up by Celsius taking a video, and it fell. Yeah, my phone kept falling. It was pissing me off. Another one, 10K step goal every day. I'm going to say underrated.

It makes you feel so fucking good hitting your 10K steps every day. And if you are struggling with like if weight loss is something that's like a goal of yours, dude, and you're not getting steps. Yeah, like if you have a weight loss goal and you're going to the gym and you're doing like sprints every day, but you're not trying to go for 10K steps a day, switch it up. Go for the 10K steps, I promise you. Low, steady state, like cardio, okay?

So good for you. Yeah, or, like, if you're doing, like, 10 minutes on the Stairmaster but nothing else, like, try to get 10K steps a day rather than, like, 10 minutes on the stairs. Yeah. Like, do that. I think 10K steps if you are trying to lose weight – I mean, or if you're not, but, like, specifically if, like, that's a goal of yours and you don't do 10K steps –

Yeah, we're also bulking right now. So we're not doing 10k steps. So like once I'm not bulking anymore I'm going back to it because I miss it so much. It just makes me feel so much more energized You know, my digestion is a little bit better I've better hunger cues throughout the day like it just you feel overall just ten times better So definitely recommend if you're not doing it, but if you're bulking don't do it. Don't don't waste the time. Oh

A lot of people are saying like exercises. Yeah, like, okay, we can do some exercises. I got one really good, controversial one, Chipotle. Chipotle? Overrated. What did you say? I think it's correctly rated. Correctly, what does that mean? Like, I don't think it's underrated or overrated. I think it's overrated. I think it's overrated now that we live in Texas. I love Chipotle. But, like, you're not going to have it here. There's so many better options.

As a vegan, no, there's not. Have you had Free Bird? Yeah. Do you like it? I think Chipotle is better than Free Bird. Really? Oh, I love Free Bird. As a vegan, like, it's hard for me to find places that I can get good, like, like in a bowl like that, like a good, like, protein. That's facts. Yeah. I don't know. I like Chipotle. All right. She says underrated or overrated. Hamstring curls. That's random. Underrated. Hamstring curls. I love hamstring curls.

That's one of my favorite exercises. Oh my God. I don't even know what my favorite exercise is. Bulgarian split squats. Oh my God. They're like, like obviously like very popular to do, but like. I'm going to say overrated. I'm going to say underrated just because like I am not. That was the Grozarf.

I know. I just have not been able to get sore on a leg day, like a quad day especially, in so fucking long. And now that I started programming those and like been doing those for like really heavy, like really going to like near failure, I get sore. So I love them. I mean, I think they're good. I just think they're so like everyone's just like hardest things ever. Like, yeah, I think my heavy front squats are harder than Bulgarians. Yeah.

Like, you know, like, I just, I think in the sense that every single person tries to make a joke on TikTok about Bulgarians being hard. Yeah. It's just not funny anymore. Yeah, that is true. It's not funny. Jump squats. Overrated. I just could not. Except I do, um, some people that are really, like, really science-based people.

I've seen these things that it's like, okay, go like really heavy on the thing. And then if you combine it with directly after doing an expletive, people that really fucking know their science, if you're doing it in a program for like a specific athletic reason. Okay. But like doing them in like your gym workout without like trying to be like, like just doing them. Yeah. Ready? Here's a good one. Cauliflower rice. Overrated. Sometimes I have to think about what we mean.

Overrated because no one should ever go that low into like a deficit of low carbs to have cauliflower rice, in my opinion. You can have rice. You can have normal rice. Yeah, or like if you want more volume, like you need to eat any vegetable that's like turned into rice or pasta. You should only think of it as a convenient way to eat the vegetable. Mm-hmm. Not as... Punishing yourself from like eating carbs. Right, like let's say you eat rice, but you're...

but you want to, like, build up your bowl a little bit, mix in cauliflower rice with the rice to get in your veggies, not to, like, take away from the rice. You know what I'm saying? Like, the only people that ever should be having cauliflower rice because of, like, the low amount of carbs they're eating is, like, someone who's competing. Like, that's the only time anyone should really. Yeah. Like, I just don't really see the point. Like, it should solely be a convenient way for you to get in a vegetable, not anything else.

Oh my god, some girl goes, Chloe Ting, laugh my ass off. I think all fitness YouTubers that are really big on home workouts, they're all big because they started it early. Yeah. They're all the same in combinations of burpees and squats. They're all the same. Here's my opinion on this. Yes, it's awesome that she's getting people to move their bodies at home, but the way she clickbaits her workouts and the stuff like that,

I don't like. Yeah, and people have said, like, well, if you watch all her videos, you know she actually, like, stands for really good things, which, like, I haven't watched all her videos, so I'm not gonna, like... But that's why she got so popular is because she would be, like, abs in three weeks. Right. Follow this. A lot of people are like, hey, well, Chloe Ting, like, now I go to, like, I go to the gym now, like, because in quarantine I did Chloe Ting, and I got, like, really in love with exercises. That's great. Like, whatever, but I'm just...

all those girls that are really really big like millions of followers because they do home workouts they are big because they started early yeah like that's literally what it is they're all the same yeah i agree it's just like the like all of those girls like the way they blew up so quickly is one because everyone and their mother is working out at home and they're they're probably typing in because they're not like super educated on it oh how can i get abs and like

three weeks and like her video is gonna be the first one to pop up which I used to do that like I literally used to do that there's a lot of um girls that do home workouts that do that yeah but but I mean like they're in their bag they're so successful all right here's a good one that like I know your answer is going to be for and like I'm going to stick up for the answer it's tofu

Oh, underrated. Yeah. Like someone goes tofu dot, dot, dot, dot. And I was, if you think tofu tastes bad, you're being a child. That's what I'm saying. Like I, so as someone who's not a vegan and like literally start, like I tried tofu for like the first time. Wasn't the biggest fan cause I didn't really know how to cook it. But like once you know how to cook it and you know how to like season it and you know how to put it with the dish, it is so freaking good. Here's another thing people need to get out of their head. And I think changes people's opinion a lot. People think,

It's a meat replacement. It's supposed to taste like meat. It's not. It's its own food. Yeah. Like, tofu is its own food. Also, meat, like, things that are supposed to taste like meat, aren't they labeled as, like, meatless, like, blah, blah, blah. Like, meatless burger. Meatless...


Yeah. I think everyone should at some point try it because you never freaking know. But obviously, you know, it may take a few times to be able to cook it right, but it's really good. I got a lot of recipes in my recipe highlight of the tofu I've made, so go check that out. Go make some tofu for yourself. My biggest pet peeve in life is picky eaters. Biggest pet peeve in life. I used to be the pickiest eater. If you sit here and tell me you don't like tofu, you're being childish. What if I told you right now I hate it? Would you be able to live with me?

I would just be like, like every time you said it, I'd be like a child. We're going to start a fight. Oh, all right. BCAs. Overrated. Overrated. I agree. The only time you should ever really like consider BCAs is like if there's like another like supplement like in the BCAs. Like I used to use like the Rise BCAs all the time because there was electrolytes in it.

Only time I'd ever really have it is like if I needed more hydration. Yeah. But like I also like mixing it with my greens. Yes. Like the way it tastes. Yeah. Like if you enjoy the taste of it. So I like mixing it with my greens because it wasn't going to hurt me. Yeah. And it tasted good. That's literally why I used it. Yeah. And then, yeah, I guess you kind of cover that Celsius.

underrated underrated Celsius give me a sponsor please god Celsius god fucking damn it I've been emailing you a million times sponsor get back to me also on the real though sorry love you sorry for being mean we need to restock yeah we need to restock like three more oh so yeah guys every time we reach out to them they're just like sorry not right now but we'll send you a package and I'm just like

No, we want to work with you. I'm like, no, we want, like, you don't understand we will sell our soul. Oh, my God. I think that's, like, my goal for next year. Pre-workout Rice Krispies.

I'm going to say overrated. I think overrated too. I don't think. It's not going to enhance your workout. Here's the thing. People that were like, oh, it works. Are you just unaware of the fact that quick digesting carbs before a workout is good for you? Literally, you can do it in so many different ways. Guess what I have in the morning? Oatmeal and a shit ton of honey on top. Yeah. Because guess what that is? That's basically a Rice Krispie cheat. Like molecular makeup. Like the same food. I think that's just weird to me that people don't.

understand. Like, they don't get why. They're like, rice scoop shimmy is not a rice scoop shimmy. It's just the fact that it's sugar. Yeah, I know. Here's a good one. Dry scooping pre. Overrated. Yeah, I think people are out of it now. But I'm gonna...

I think people think it's worse for you than it is. Yeah. Like, I've seen so many people. I'm not no scientist, no, like, doctor. But I have seen videos by people who are more educated than me. And they're like, as long as you're drinking a lot of water and, like, doing it, like, it's really not bad for you. Like, you're getting the caffeine either way. I hate pre-workout.

And I also take a long time to drink energy drinks. Yeah. So I will not be opposed one day getting out of my routine and dry scooping a pre-workout. What is overrated as fuck is thinking you should be having so many, like 400, 500, 600 milligrams. Oh my God, I can't. And that's a misconception about us because we say we drink energy drinks. Guys, I don't even finish my Celsius sometimes. Celsius is 200 milligrams caffeine. Most energy drinks we have...

I can't have more than 300 a day. No, we literally don't have more than 300 a day. Not even. Sometimes it's like 200. Rarely more than 200. Guys, your venti Starbucks coffee probably has more than what we have. Like, venti cold brew, more than what we have. So I think that's a misconception that people think we're just like overdosing on caffeine. Yeah.

Like also I want to keep in mind too, I know I said overrated for the dry scoop. We both were like in that, like we trended that we did that. And looking back on my videos, I'm like, I was such a fucking tool. But I might, I hate pre-workout. So if I go back to pre-workout, I might do it. Yeah. But not because it's like cool.

It tastes better. Because I don't like how it tastes and I don't want to sip on it so I want it to be gone. I would do that with my pump powder because I don't like the taste. Yeah, you're crazy for doing that with a pump. I could never do that. Well, I don't like how it tastes so I just want it gone. Like, I don't think it's like to be cool. I'm going pee, guys. Yeah, I don't think it's to be cool. I think it's just because if you're like me and you hate it,

You should do that. Oh, this one's funny. We both agree. So I'll answer for both of us. The sports bra inserts. Just the worst. Worst ever. If you keep the inserts in your sports bra, you're weird. Sorry. I don't want to like answer these without you. Hurry. I wonder if we should start editing the pod. We're never going to edit the pod. Ooh, this is funny actually. And I got a lot of these. Well, we got a lot of these. Sam's answer is different. She feels very strongly about

And I actually feel less strongly. So let's fight. Cable kickbacks. Oh, don't get me started. I know you're going to say you like them. I think they're a useful accessory when they're done correctly. I don't think there's anything wrong with a kickback movement for your glutes. I think it's just there's a difference between a cable kickback booty band influencer and using them correctly as an accessory. Yeah, that's a good point. Like if you're doing it in the very beginning of your workout, like stop. Like if you do a swipe workout and the swipe workout is just like

Cable kickback, banded glute bridge. Okay, that's not the same thing as like, here's my workout of the day. Squat, RDL, hip thrust, kickback. Those are two different workouts. Yeah. And I like the way they feel. I think I would get a pump of a lifetime from them. I don't think they're a bad exercise. I just think that that's very blatantly two different types of workouts. Oh, yeah. 100%.

So I really don't think they're bad. I think they actually can be underrated because they're lumped in so heavy with the booty band influencers that people forget that, like, you could do them, like,

Like, I feel like I went into that, I liked them, and then I was big, like, that's stupid. And then I was like, okay, but I did like those. Like, it wasn't the only thing I was doing. It wasn't, like, the first thing I was doing. But I did like them as a finisher. Like, they really burned out my glutes. I felt it, like, really well. Gave me a nice pump. Like, I almost might like them better than, like, an abductor. I fucking love an abductor. Doing, like, a triple drop on that. Oh, my God. So good. I got a goodie. Can we say this one? Maybe toward the end. We'll see. Okay, because I actually have, like...

I feel like people think, like, can we save it? We've already started talking about it. Huh? I'm scared. Let go. No, I'm going to be nice. Okay. Okay. There was a few, I think, JPG coaching. Here's, I think, the misconception that people think some of us girl influencers think about him.

People think that we are like anti his knowledge. Not true. Like some people are like, but he's knowledgeable. I never said he wasn't like, yeah, it also didn't. He knows way more about the science of your body than me. Like, I'm not saying I don't care about his knowledge because people would come at me and be like, why can't you just be open to educating yourself?

I am. If he didn't, like, use my video, like, I don't think he does it anymore. I think he's... I was going to say, it didn't help when he first started and all he was doing was girls. Girls, girls, girls, girls. So his following wasn't understanding that what I was trying to say wasn't that the knowledge he was giving was wrong. Because I watch a lot of science-based workout stuff. I'd love to learn from him and things I could, like, find out.

find new exercises and do better. But I don't think you have to say your knowledge by stitching a video of a girl and being like, she's wrong. You know? So I think that's where there was the misconception of people thinking that like, I hate the guy or I think what he says is wrong and stupid. No, not at all. Yeah, also I think...

like from a beginner's perspective or like point of view with watching those, like it's honestly going to be a little bit more confusing when he's like throwing those like big words out there too. Like he'll be like talking about something that's like super scientific and like body anatomy, like talking about like the muscles or like anything and like,

someone's gonna be like i have no idea what you're talking about like just because i think in the beginning two heat stitch videos like us were like i was doing a lifting workout focusing on the basics but maybe it wasn't the most optimal of all time but i think it's just gonna confuse people because like okay maybe it's not the most optimal of all time but it's a decent enough workout yeah so i think that's where it got confusing but um i was gonna say burn the bridge but that's like the wrong thing that means like hate the person i meant like

I don't hate the guy. I don't think his content's like bad. I think he's switched it up. I don't think he does that as more. I don't know. I blocked every single dude that stitches girls videos about being in the gym. Sorry. Yeah, me too. For my own mental.

mental health not so much it's just because it's because the guys like the people the people in like his following will come over and be like you're stupid you're uneducated like come on like listen to ggp i'm like i'm like what are you talking about like it's not so much them it's it's truly the people in the comment section so i haven't seen his content recently but i do think it has switched so just in case um jpg coaching or anyone that's his fan like i don't hate his knowledge i think his stuff would be cool

I just block every single dude that makes those kind of videos. There's definitely better ways to go about educating people than trying to also tear someone else down. Say your own knowledge without stitching your own mink. You can make your own workout video and be like, here's what you should do. And it's not just him. There's a lot of guys on the platform that's like that. Agreed. I think his stuff is decently knowledgeable. I think he's a smart dude. My next one was going to be gym couples.

I think, like, overrated? No, underrated. I don't know. I don't know either. Because... I don't really have an answer. Don't you want to be, like, in the gym? Like, I think that's... I think it's kind of, like, how me and you are. Like, say if we were dating, like, that's how I would want it. Like, you just go to the gym at the same time. Like, I don't need, like, my man, like, up at my ass, like, my entire workout. True. I think there's just... You have your days. Yeah. Sometimes we do the first half of our workout together, then we dip. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Sometimes randomly in the gym, I'm like, hey, can I hop in this with you? Like... Yeah. Yeah.

I think also it could cause, like, if you're a dude in the relationship, don't be giving your girlfriend, like, unsolicited advice. Advice, yeah. Oh, my God, yeah. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Don't do that. But, like, yeah, I don't know. That's, like, a weird one to answer, honestly. I don't really know. Yeah. Smith machine. Underrated.

Yeah, definitely underrated. I love my RDLs on that. I think when you first get into the gym, here's your stages. Use the Smith machine because you're scared of everything else. And then because you think that's, like, just the beginner thing to use, you think it's, like, that. Like, there's, like, Planet Fitness Energy Smith machine. And then there's, like, just using the Smith machine is fantastic. Yeah. It's amazing. Like...

over i'd press on the smith machine would i be going for prs on the smith machine probably not that's the thing that's what like planet fitness smith machine like sumo deadlift on the smith obviously if you go to like planet fitness and your only option is like the smith machine and you want to go for pr then fucking do it but like yeah but here's the thing well i don't think you should like deadlift on it i think it's weird i i had to when i went was at planet fitness it was like very unfortunate sumo deadlift on it i've done it too but i don't

I think it's weird. Yeah, it is definitely weird. You can be like, squat PR. It's a personal record for you and, like, your Smith, like, but, like, don't be saying it's, like. Because it's so much different. Like, if you were to take, like, the weight that's on the Smith machine and bring it over to a barbell, it's going to feel so different. Right, because you have to stabilize the whole time. Yeah. Which is a whole other thing. Like, the bar's already there, which that's why it's good for some exercises because you can really, like,

isolate what you're doing without having to worry about yeah that's why I love the RDLs bro like I love the RDLs on a Smith machine I like incline benching on a Smith machine too yeah that is nice I like doing that too um Smith machine is a great a great or like a massive sumo stance squat on the Smith machine oh my god I haven't done those in forever so good for sure fasted cardio overrated overrated

You're not truly fasted, guys. If you ate the night before, the food is in your stomach. Fasted cardio would be if you haven't eaten in three days. Fit jeans. This is a good one. Underrated. Fit jeans. Underrated. I love their jeans. Hear me out, though. I don't like the look of them. Okay, I only like the skinny ones. I have a lot of, because I like flared, looser jeans.

Like, the skinny, ripped-hold ones, love. But, like, the mom jeans or, like, the flare jeans, not the biggest fan. I like them because I like that style. But, like, my Zara flare jeans are so much cuter. Yeah. But they make your butt...

Oh, my God. Yeah. You turn into... They're expensive, though. They are expensive. But definitely getting, like, a one pair is, like, nice. Because, like, if you're going out and you want to feel comfortable, like, you might want to resort to those jeans, you know? Because, like, some jeans are not the most comfortable, but those ones, oh, my God, it feels like you're wearing leggings. And for some people, finding jeans that, like, are going to fit someone who has... Small waist, big ass. Yeah. And not even, like...

Huge. But like, you know, you got like some thighs, a little bit of buzz, small waist. Like you lift and you have trouble finding jeans. Yeah. They're good. We wear extra small and almost everyone wears extra small. That's the only thing I'm an extra small in. Yeah, same. They stretch. Crazy amount. Oh, rice cakes.

Overrated. Overrated. I cannot stand when I see people putting rice cakes as cereal. Oh, let's spill the tea. Rice cakes aren't even low calorie. There's bread with the same macros as rice cakes. And I'd much rather eat the bread. Yeah, me too. Like the Nature's Own Honey Wheat bread is the same exact macros as rice cakes. Guys, a rice cake is like 45 calories. No, they're like 60.

I think like a plain one's like 45. Yeah. Who's having a plain one? Let's say rice cakes are 45 to 60 calories. Yeah. Do you know how many breads you can find that are 60 calories a slice? So many. So many. Yeah. And you're all eating a rice cake? Eat bread. And also like the rice cake cereal, I cannot stand that because it's the same exact macros slash volume as like Rice Krispies or Cheerios. Rice Krispies, underrated. Underrated. Such a good cereal. Okay.

Oh, this one's pre-workout rice krispies. Yeah, okay, underrated. Egg whites. Overrated. Yeah, overrated. I don't really ever have them. This community has such a... Especially guys. Guys, like, chug the cartons.

Oh my God, remember when we were at Bradley's house in Marshall? Oh my God, yeah, Marshall. Marshall? Someone please send this to Marshall because we were fully disgusted. I was sitting next to him at the kitchen counter and Taylor's giving him like a nasty look like, oh my God, and I look over and he's cracking eggs into a shaker cup and I was like... That is the most bro science thing I've ever heard in my life.

with protein powder and I think peanut butter and eggs. And I was like, there's no way. Oh my God. The protein shake was like yellow. No hate Marshall. Love you Marshall. Yeah. We love Marshall. Um, we stand Marshall. Stan Marshall. Um,

That's just so bro sciencey. I'm sure he's not the only one. Oh, not at all. Not at all. I think also... I know Patty does it. Patty makes his protein shakes in the blender. With eggs? No, egg whites. He'll take a full carton of egg whites and then he blends it and it gets frothy and he drinks it. Ew. It's so gross. I'm deleting this. We do gotta get Patty back on here. Yeah, we do. No, but not anymore. Yeah, no, no. We heard he does egg whites. Never mind.

I just like, I can't. I don't know. I only use egg whites, honestly, with my like French toast. That's like it. It like sits in the fridge for a very long time when I buy it. I've not seen you buy a carton of egg whites and you've had that small one for like. No, I just bought that one. Okay. When I got back. First one you bought since we flipped. Fitness trackers. Overrated. What's fitness trackers? Like Apple watches? Oh yeah. I thought you were saying like fit tracker because the scale I have in my bathroom is called fit tracker. I think you have to know how to use it.

them yeah it's like you need to know how to use them like plain and simple yeah the calories burned is completely inaccurate for steps i also like my apple watch sometimes because if i'm doing something and all of a sudden like my watch is going through the roof i'm like yo maybe i'm like

I'm really going today. But then also, here's a prime example. I thought of this actually in the gym and I was like, this is such a good example of why these are like are not a good measurement of like anything. So I was at the gym. It's actually you can watch it on YouTube. It's like the boyfriend does my leg day. There was no AC in that gym. We live in Miami. It's hot as balls in there. So hot.

I wasn't really PRing on much. I did good front squats, but nothing else was like the most weight I've ever done in my life. You know why? Because it was so hot that like exerting weight on leg, like going heavy was so hard because it was hot in there. I was sweating. My heart rate was through the roof. My watch went like bonkers.

So many calories on that thing. Why? Did I probably burn a lot of calories? Yeah, probably. My heart rate was through the roof. I was sweating my butt off in there. But guess what? Coming back here, I was at lift, cool outside, wasn't really breaking a sweat, rep PR-ing things, really pushing myself, really sore the next day. Probably on my watch burned like 300 calories less. The workout at lift was way more effective because I actually...

Let's focus on my progressive overload really rep PR things, but the watch was like 300 calories less You know why because I wasn't so hot And that's literally what like so like the the less calorie workout I lift was more effective than the really the one that my watch was going crazy because I was sweating my ass off That's just like a good example. Like they don't mean anything They're really nice to track your steps If you have an Apple watch highly recommend turning your notifications off. You don't need social media coming social media notifications and

I like getting my text messages on it. Yeah, text. Yeah, but like you don't need Instagram. Oh, hell no. Hell no. Turn off your social media notifications on your Apple Watch. You don't need that. I don't even have my social media notifications on my phone. Yeah, no. Brooke K underscore fit. Brooke K is so funny. She said bicycles, which I think is like the most random thing ever. Bicycle?

Bikes. Like, a bike. Yeah, but, like, for Spinner, like, real bikes. I don't know. She just said bicycle, and it made me kind of, like, laugh a little bit. Because, like, it just goes, like, so... Like, imagine me and you just, like, on a bike ride. Like, imagine if we had bikes. I used to do that in quarantine. But imagine me and you just, like, going through downtown on a bike. Yeah, no, I have no answer for that. Because, like, I mean... I don't know. I don't know either. Alani Nu. Yeah, I saw that one a lot. I saw that one a lot. Alani Nu energy drinks? Yes.

So good. Underrated. Underrated. But I don't like their protein powder just because it doesn't mix very well. I've never had it. With oats. Sorry. I should have clarified on what it is. Never had their protein. Can't give you. Their stuff tastes yummy. Yeah. That's what I'll say.

do that's the thing also with like any supplement company is like realistically no one is ever gonna like every single supplement that a supplement company supplies like no one's gonna like everything you know like what yeah like when we were with rise like i didn't like everything that they had like there were select things that i liked and that i used so it's that's like another thing when people are like oh my god why do you slip switch supplement companies it's like realistically like

what i'm not gonna like everything i don't know it's also hard a lot of these like if it's like a brand like how we're like gymshark yeah million collections like yeah alani new has so many products alani new energy drinks gas yeah so good hip thrust i think barbell hip thrust oh here let me going heavy low rep on hip thrust is so goddamn stupid

I can't stand like the one rep max on the hip thrust. People are like finally got like 450 for two. Why? Hip thrusts to me are so more beneficial controlled at a lighter weight. Yeah. Like and not light, but just not a low rep. Yeah, I agree. I think low rep hip thrusts are so dumb.

Sorry. I stand. I've gone for a 100 max hip thrust before out of curiosity. Never done it again. And then that was also before I was like super educated. But after that, I was kind of like. Yeah. I felt it. Because some girls. I'm sorry. Like when people are like, you're not even strong. And then like their proof is like a 100 max hip thrust. Yeah. Because you're probably armed.

freaking strong like draw something else that's cooler yeah don't run right max a hip thrust agreed like show your show your true strength i just don't think for glute growth it's like beneficial to do low rep yeah exactly and like everyone should be going into the gym wanting to like build muscle you know like not like constantly hit a pr every time you go in

Yeah, I just think if you're like, I want to build a dump truck, so people told me hip thrust, but then you're also caught up in like, oh, but I thought low rep heavyweight was better. I think for hip thrust, lighter weight, more reps of hold at the top, you know, I think that's way better. Dude, we've covered so many of these. Yeah, we really did. Navigate.

We both have never owned anything from them, so I'm going to say. No, but I've owned a lot of dupes, and I love them. Yeah. And I love the dupes. So if I love the dupes, the real brand must be pretty freaking good. Yeah, I'm going to say I have no answer. I'm actually going to say, though, I'm going to say underrated because I don't really see it on a lot of fitness creators. Yeah. I see it a lot of girls I know just in real life who go to the gym. I don't see it a lot on real fitness girls that I've owned. Yeah, agreed. Yeah.

I just finished an energy drink and I just yawned. What is wrong with me? Food combining, LOL. Overrated. Get out of here. Don't get me started on that subject. Oh, I see a bicycle. Yeah. Halo Top Ice Cream. Overrated. Overrated. Arctic Zero Vegan Ice Cream is the best low-calorie ice cream of all time. The one from Target. I can't remember the name of it. It's like a protein ice cream. It's Archer Farms.

No, they changed the name of it. I can't remember the name. I have it in my freezer. Okay, well, I'm a vegan, so Arctic Zero is good. Yeah. There's a lot of good low-calorie ice creams that are not vegan. Yeah. Apple cider vinegar shots in the morning. Overrated. Why would you do that? What are you doing that for? I don't know. I think that's, like, it. We covered a lot. Yeah, we covered, like, most, like, all of them. Yeah, literally. Calf raises. Calf raises.

underrated I want to do calves more so when I wear heels dude when we were out the other night and I was wearing those boots guys I wore like boots like booties out the other night I woke up the next morning my calves were sore like that's pathetic yeah we did

That was crazy. Crazy fun. I loved that. If you guys want us to do like another version of that, like with like something else, like another like concept, let us know because that was fun. And it was like more of like a relaxing podcast. Like when we do like the educational ones, it gets like tiring, like toward the end. Cause I'm like, Oh,

Like, my brain is just, like, working so hard right now. So that one was relaxing. Today we're filming just stupid things. We have to film a YouTube video. Yeah. Ooh, guys. Oh, my God. Today when this is live, our Christmas PJs YouTube video is up. So go to my channel and watch the Christmas PJs video. Watch it. It's so funny. It's the funniest video I've put up thus far. So definitely engage with it, interact, and if it does really well, I promise you we will be doing more videos like that. All right. We have...

We're going to do a YouTube video right now. Film it right now. It's going to be on my channel this week that this podcast comes up. We're going to build gingerbread houses and answer funny questions. Not to toot our own horns. We're so funny, and a lot of it doesn't go on our channels. But if you guys like these two videos of us not really doing fitness, I mean, we went to the gym in the Christmas few days, but we were just acting like a fool. If we...

If you guys really like the ones of us just, like, being ourselves and, like, being stupid, we would love to make our content on YouTube way more like that. And it will only, only, only work if you guys interact with the stuff. Because if it does bad, if the video does bad, we're not going to keep doing it. So, like, just please interact with it because it will show that you guys are really interested in it. And also, thank you so much for submitting stuff in, like, the question thing. It...

It like helps us a lot. Like the fact that you guys actually like interact with the question box and like send things like thank you so much if you guys sent things in. Also next time we should ask if they want us instead of just saying what it was we should say like who sent it in. Like next time if we were to do this again. Yeah I mean if they want to. Because I think it would be cool if they're like oh my god she sent my name. You know? Yeah if they want to but then obviously if you want to you can write in the box like

Yeah, don't do me. But yeah, thank you so much for sending in things. If you guys want to be a part of it, especially if we start saying who sent it, make sure to follow F Word Podcast on Instagram, F Word underscore podcast. But if you look up F Word Podcast, it's also linked in both of our bios.

Definitely go to the Instagram so you can be a part of it. I also put my Q&A for my YouTube up there. We feel safe with our podcast Instagram, so that's where we're always on live. Yeah. We're always doing questions. That's where the fun is, so make sure you follow the Instagram. Make sure you give the podcast a good review. Follow it. Yeah, and that's it. We'll see you guys on Friday. See you on Friday, fuckers. Yeah, bye. Friday, fuckers. Friday, fuckers.