cover of episode #FFOMO | Enjoying alone time, being "off track" in life

#FFOMO | Enjoying alone time, being "off track" in life

Publish Date: 2021/12/6
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One Thing About Us

Shownotes Transcript

What's up guys, it's Sam and Taylor, and we want you to put your shoes on, pop open that energy drink, and go. Hello guys, welcome back to another episode, happy Monday. Yes, well, I was just gonna say it's Sunday for us, and I just sat down, cracked open a Celsius, and I'm vibing. Yeah, I'm gonna go get a coffee, but I may, I don't know, I'm debating what I'm gonna do because that just sounds so good, but I also like...

It's always the crack of the can. It always gets us. It really is. Like you do it or if like I grabbed maybe, I don't even know, or I just haven't opened my net and every time we're in the car together, you open yours with the crack of the can and I'm driving. I'm like, I want that really bad right now. We should start the podcast with. Oh yeah, we should. Next time. That means we would have to drink a Celsius.

Or just drink something, even if we've already drank one. Could we get, like, a package of, like, on just empty cans that are, like... Or we can just add a sound effect. Oh, such a nice sound. It's so boring. I want the real thing. Yeah. Okay, so for this, catch up. I mean, first things first, merch is still for sale. Vlogmas is still happening. Follow the Instagram. Yes. Yes.

Yeah, subs to the YouTube. Subs to the YouTube. Bye, merch. Merch is so cute. One thing I do want to say, though, too, is, like, during the holidays, like, it's very important for you guys to, like, obviously continue to engage with us. Like, obviously, through the holidays, you probably aren't on your phone as much.

but we still have to be putting in that work, posting things for brands and stuff like that. So engaging with our content, it helps us a lot. Even if you just see it, maybe you didn't actually read it or anything, just like, throw a little comment, I don't know, do whatever you want to do, but it definitely helps us a lot through the holidays because we obviously notice not as many people are on their phones. Yeah, and if you guys want, obviously we love being able to do so many YouTube videos, and do it consistently, but I mean, moral of the story, if we don't get

the engagement and brand deals we want, we couldn't do this our whole life. That's what I'm saying. So even if it's like a branded feed post or a branded TikTok, like giving it a like would really be like helpful to us because branded stuff normally does bad, obviously. Yeah. Like I'm not expecting it to be like the best content I've ever put out. But if you really like, if you really fuck with us being like, this looks cool.

Like, that literally does, like, the most. It does truly the most. Like, you don't understand. It's so helpful. Like, if you guys do that on anything we, like, post, I'm so grateful. I had one girl DM me the other day. She, like, stalked my page and, like, went back to, like, some, like, workout video or something. And she was like, oh, my God, I realized it didn't like this. And she goes, I just went through your entire page and, like, every photo. I was like, girl, I love you. Like, that was so sweet. Yeah.

But especially, like, even if it's, like, a fully branded YouTube video where if it's just, like, like a haul that's, like, start to finish an ad, those, like, don't do as good. Yeah. But I'm like, if you watch my videos anyways, just watch it. Yeah. Like,

Yeah. Like just watch it. Like give it the view. Helps like an insane amount. Yeah. Anyways. And I guess that could also be like another topic for us. Cause I know when we talked about like the fitness, like how to start a fitness page, like we talked about like the beginning aspect, but like down the road we could all obviously to like maybe do like a part two where it's like now like,

It's more like the stuff we're doing rather than like the stuff we were doing when we first started. Because like I said, guys, this is how we make a living is through these brand deals and stuff like that. So like she said, just engaging with it. But maybe one day we'll do like another episode where we kind of talk about that stuff. We should because I'd love to talk about those girls on TikTok. Yeah, because they make...

fucking bread, dude. And it's just not true. Yeah. Like, you'll see those TikToks online. It will be like, I made this amount of money from brand deals. And sometimes it's some of the same brands we work with and we're like, uh, girly, like, I don't know if you're telling the truth. Because, I'm sorry, like, just so realistic because I feel like people see those and they're like, what am I doing wrong? Because they have like, the girl has 50k on TikTok.

less than 10k on instagram and she's like i made 20k a month on brand deals because she didn't yeah like and another thing you have to keep in mind is if you go to that girl's profile and you stalk her a little bit she's a mentor for influencers so she's trying to like finesse you into her like mentoring like program you know what i think they do i think they add up the value of free product too

You think? Mm-hmm. God, that's a lot of work. Okay, but tangent. I know. Honestly, let's save it for another episode. But we get really annoyed about that. If you're interested in what we just said and you're like, keep talking about it, DM the podcast page if you're interested in this topic. Let us know. But we wanted to catch up. It's so hard. We were like, what do we even say? Because we podcast so much that we're like, they already know. They're like, no.

Not only do we podcast so much, we YouTube. They see our day-to-day life. We are on their Instagram stories. Like they see everything. Maybe there are some things that they don't see. Like there are definitely things they don't see. Barely, bro. Right now, right now, like December vlogmas, you guys literally know every single thing I'm doing. Yeah.

Well, I haven't touched base on – and I don't know. I'm a little nervous to talk about it because my mom listens to this. But, Mama, sorry. I mean, why does she care? She knows my whole life, I guess, because she listens to the podcast. But when I was at the bar the other night – or last week before Thanksgiving –

My ex-boyfriend told me he listened to the Ex-Boyfriend podcast, and I was like, oh, shit. So I felt so bad, because me and him have been broken up for four years. So, like, obviously when I'm talking about these things, like, on a podcast, like, I'm more or less doing it for, like, the relatable end of it. Like, I don't have hard feelings for him.

as much as like you would think I did because of like the podcast but but it's like you're tapping into the hard feelings you had like in the moment yeah yeah like I'm not like I'm not like ending the podcast and like I fucking hate this kid like I like I hate his guts

But, no. So, I guess he, like, listened to the podcast. He was a little upset about it. So, me and him had, like, a heart-to-heart, literally in, like, the corner of the bar. If you watch my YouTube video, I put, like, a clip of me and him talking into it. And we're literally just sitting in the corner of the bar for, like, 30 minutes just, like, talking it out. And now we're on good terms. So, yay. Talk it out with your ex-boyfriend of four years. That's good.

That's hilarious. Okay, should I address my current situation because people are confused? I mean, yeah. I mean, you have no reason not to just because you're posting with them. You have nothing to hide. Yeah, I know. Okay, so basically everyone was like, what the fuck? Because posting a lot. Well, not even. A lot of people were just really excited. Yeah, people were hyped. All the people were like,

And I was like, okay. Seems like no one even wants me to explain. They're just like, that's cool. They don't even question it anymore. Huh? They don't even question it anymore. Yeah, no, they're like, yay. We're, like, back together, but it's still weird because the thought of legit labels gives me anxiety. Yeah. But we, like, are together, but...

Something about a really legit label that literally puts too much stress on it. Yeah. For some reason, it just changes things. It's like now there's more pressure. I'm like, can we just leave it exactly as is? Yeah. Like we're together. So it's like our own thing. So that's why it's hard to explain because it's like I barely even know exactly what to say that it is. But yeah, we're together. So there'll be a lot of videos when I go home. Yeah. Yeah.

I know, I was going to say that too. It's like, it's also that time of year where like you are traveling back and forth home a lot. So you are seeing him. So you are hanging out with him. So like those feelings are never going to go away. Yeah, and it's like, we're so busy and like doing our own thing that I'm like, why? And like, sometimes I'm so stressed and like, we're just so busy. I'm like, why make it another stressful issue of like feeling like we can't be together or like having it be an issue. Like if we really talk all the time, it's fine. And it's like, why are we going to make that another issue in my life?

But anyway, that's that. Hi, David. He is listening. Probably. Maybe not. I don't know. Imagine I talk shit about David. Nah, you shouldn't be with him. Fuck him. He thinks that. No, David, I love you. I know David does think I don't like him and I don't know why.

Anyways. Anyways. Anyways, that's that. That's the only things you guys like have never heard on the mic, but you guys have definitely probably, well, not yours, but mine. You guys obviously know I made a whole video with him, but we wanted to catch up. I realized when we were like, what do we even say? I was like, we don't really talk about our workouts often. Yeah, no, we don't. Considering this is a fitness podcast. Yeah, we don't. And we don't really talk about it.

But I feel like we should. Okay, so one, my back squat is horrendous. I hate it. It's horrible and it makes me sad and I might not do it. Yeah, I'm not doing it anymore. I already told Taylor the other day. You said you're going to deadlift instead.

It's just hard to do it both. Like if you are like bulking and you are putting like a lot of effort into like one of those lifts, it's kind of hard to do both. Especially because we do a quad focus day and you can't do a sumo deadlift or a back squat on a really heavy quad focus day. Yeah. I mean, it's just so like my back squats so horrendously terrible that

And my deadlift is skyrocketing. My bench is skyrocketing. Back squat went backwards. Like, it completely went backwards. I can't get the form correct for the life of me. Like, I just feel so uncomfortable. It's mobility, too. Like, we have been slacking like no other with that, I feel like. Yeah, but the thing is, like, I feel like I'm, like, still really flexible. Like, you know what I'm saying? I am not. Yeah, but, like, I, like...

like stretched like three times a day for the last like 10 years going into like like I'm I'm not like not that mobile I am my fucking my hips and my it's just my hips and my like my hip flexors are just shit that's what I would say is so I need to work on that more I just suck at it so bad and then I saw a TikTok that um I felt like I was like this is a sign do you know that guy that makes like

He makes fitness content, like a guy that duets videos, but he's not like an asshole. He's like nice. Oh, does he have a beard? He's British. Does he have a beard? No, he's British. Because there's a guy with a beard. I think he dueted you, maybe? No, he's dueting one of us. The bald guy? He's bald with a beard. Yeah. Well, I like him. Wait, are we talking about the guy you're trying to talk about or the guy I'm talking about? No, the guy I'm talking about, the British guy. Oh.

Yeah, he's bald with a beard. No. Okay, I don't know. Okay, well, this guy's, like, British, and he makes videos, and someone was basically saying, like, or what? Did he respond to someone? I don't even know. But basically, the moral of the story was, like, if you don't want a barbell back squat, you literally don't have to because for leg growth, machine squats are better because, like, you can progress better. Dude.

than a barbell back squat so if you if you have no desire to do a barbell back squat there's literally no reason the only reason I get scared of not doing it is like I'm people are gonna be like what's your numbers I'm gonna be like squat 135 you're okay so this is where I think me and you have our differences is like you care so like in a good way like you love going for the numbers I don't care as much going for the numbers which is so weird like no I love them like I just like don't so like

When I, if I were to neglect back squat, I would not give up. Because, like, I'm, like, I haven't gone for a one rep max on, like, anything. Well, my bench, like, recently. But, like, deadlift or any of that in so fucking long. Most of my things, though, I care about, like, the rep. Like, I care about, like, damn, like, I could really do, like. Yeah. Like, the other day I did 245 for two on, like, deadlift. Like, I don't know if I could sit there and try to one rep max on a deadlift because I think I'd hurt myself.

Yeah. Like, you know, like, pulling to ultimate failure. And I think also if I were to do a one rep max, I don't think I would actually go for a one rep max. Like, I think I would get, like, 95% of my one rep max. I want to be able to deadlift 315. Yeah, that would be sick. Which I think the way I have in my plan to progress my deadlift, I think wouldn't take that long. Because, like, I'm, like, I talk about it actually. I'm posting, like, the full deadlift day. Like,

My workout from Saturday when I deadlifted, I'm posting that on YouTube and I talk about it. Yeah, I'm not going to talk about it again. But I think that could happen. And my bench is really strong. And I'm not happy with my lower body growth. So shouldn't I...

Just focus on lower body growth rather than fucking back squat. Because then I back squat and I'm so beat. Yeah. Like, workout done. Like, I push myself into back squat over with. Circling back to, like, the growing your glutes and not needing a back squat, I 100% agree because, like, when I, like, first started with, like, working out and stuff, I didn't do back squat, like, as, like, heavy as, like,

Like, all of summer. Like, when I first started, like, getting back into the gym post-COVID, like, I would say, when did the gyms open? Like, July to, like, September. I wasn't focusing on, like, heavy-ass back squats. I was focusing on, like, form, like, that shit, and, like, your...

glute growth is not going to come from that. And, like, I feel like it definitely has come from, like, my deadlift, hip thrusts, and, like, anything that's, like, a hinge variation. Yeah, and other squats. Like, I feel like I would rather grab a 120-pound dumbbell. Me too. And crank it out. You know what I'm saying? Like, it's still squat. Like, a hack squat is freaking great. Like...

Even, like, leg presses. I haven't done leg press in forever. Yeah. Which, actually, this is, like, perfect timing because this comes out today and my, um... Oh, sorry. Sorry. My laptop just told me that my iCloud storage is full and...

I don't know what to do about it, but we can keep talking. Maybe I can figure it out. Okay. Well, I mean, as I was saying, this is perfect timing because this episode comes out and today on YouTube, my YouTube video for today is how I structure my leg days and why I'm incorporating core. So if you want to see how we structure our leg days, go watch that YouTube video. Yeah. I'm going to do a leg day warmup as well. Cool. We got it all. You got it all. Like, holy shit. You guys are not going to like know what the hell to be doing in the gym or outside the gym.

um so that's legs um my bench is like still kind of good when i went home when i went home my overhead press was so garbage trash garbage if you keep up with us you know we were like focusing on that we do that together all the time my overhead press was so garbage it was pathetic and i was like i lost all my strength it's all gone i didn't track my food for three days and it's just i failed

I literally rep IPR. I put more weight on it. So like there's your lesson to not be dramatic. Also, can we talk about what you said the other day when we were like cooking our dinner? I don't know. I'm going to stop my camera from recording us talking. Okay. Yeah, that's fine. But what Taylor said the other day is that given the amount of food we're eating right now and like what we were eating last week during Thanksgiving, if during last week of Thanksgiving when we weren't tracking, like I was not tracking, like,

But in my head, I probably thought, like, maybe this day I overate. No, girl. Like, when we track, it's like we are actually meeting the amount of food we need to be getting in during the day. Not even. And if we don't track, we're under-eating, like, tremendously. Even that includes, like, going out to a restaurant or, like, something like that. Like, we are still under-eating. Yeah. Like, I'd say unless you're going to, like, Cheesecake Factory that has, like, just absolutely absurd calories on their menu. Yeah.

If you're just, like, eating food at home and eat out once a day, you're no shocker. Obviously being, like, quote-unquote, mindful of the food. Like, if you're eating, like, shit, then maybe you're probably going to overeat. But, like... No, I'm just saying, like...

Yeah, like, you're eating average. You're eating a few things out of your routine, but you're not sitting there, like, just shoving food. Like, if you're just eating normal, I swear to God you're under eating. Like, even if you're like, oh, my God, like, I didn't check my dinner, and I had, like, this drink, and, like, oh, my God, I went so over my calories, and I didn't. Yeah. And then, like, another thing, too, that I said, like, I feel like we're reliving this conversation we had, but I also said, like,

When I'm home or, like, when I was home or when I was hanging out with my friends, like, I was going out and just, like, hanging out with my friends every night. So, like, I wasn't having, like, a nighttime snack like I usually do. And, like, those nighttime snacks sometimes can be anywhere from, like, 300 to 500 calories. And, like, that's a big chunk of food that I'm, like, neglecting. Guys, like, 3,000 calories is a fuck ton. Yeah. Like, it's hard to put in your body. Yeah. Like, it's tough to...

really shovel 3 000 calories and actually people are like what no it's not not for me okay you might not track your food yeah see how much you're actually eating because it's difficult and but that's the thing when i stress about not tracking at home i'm under eating yeah and i just don't have like the my workouts i know are gonna suck if i under eat yeah so i i don't want to under eat because then my workouts are gonna suck like i'd rather overeat and feel a little puffy

And grind. Yeah, me too. I'd rather do that because the puffy is going to go away. If I have a shitty workout, like that's kind of like ruins my day. I'm like that. Right. I literally had a shitty overhead press and I was like, this is the worst workout I've ever done in my whole entire life. I don't know. It's just like some people maybe not relating are probably like, wow, you guys are fucking psychotic. People that listen to us. But I don't know. Like it's just like Jim is life. Jim has gotten me out of so many like hard times and there's just like. Right. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah.

And then, what was I going to say? Oh, so me and Taylor, like, I'm so sad about this, but me and Taylor are not going to be together for, like, three weeks. Yeah. Like, I'm going to be so sad. I'm being mad bored. Well, it's just, it's so hard. I'm going to really, really, really try to grind the content, like, really bad. Like, I need to be on my A-game.

Obviously, everything's going to decrease because we're not going to be together. In terms of podcasts, decrease. YouTube videos, decrease because one, we're not doing Vlogmas. We're not doing two episodes a week of podcasts. It's going to decrease a little bit, but the quality is going to be maybe a little bit better. I feel like with Vlogmas, the quality of my videos are maybe not as good as what they could be because I'm grinding to get stuff out. I feel like the quality, it's going to go up.

And I'm excited for it. Yeah, I'm excited. It's going to be fun. But we have, what, like two weeks here still? Yeah, we have two weeks. But, I mean, in terms of, like, another, like, solo episode together, we only have... It's weird because it's kind of like one week. Because we have, like, this whole week and the next. Like, I don't know, isn't it? I just don't. Yeah, no, we have, like, two weeks here. But yeah. Oh my god, so long.

Dude, someone literally commented when we went home for Thanksgiving last week or two weeks ago. How long have we been back? I don't even know. I've only been home back a week. Someone commented on one of my videos and was like, where's Taylor? When I was like doing my video with all my like hometown girls. And I was like, I was like in her hometown? Dot dot dot question mark. Like, what do you mean? Like literally the caption said me and my hometown girls. And then someone was like, press was like, where's Taylor? I was like...

So please, guys, understand, we are on other parts of the country. She's in Florida. I'm in Boston. We're not going to be able to be in videos together. The first day I was back here, I went live. People were like, where's Sam? Where's Sam? I was like, boom. Oh my god. It reminds me. I was like, I'm going to be by myself for like two days. Yeah. But, I don't know. Things have been good. I like...

I thought my workouts were kind of slacking because work was so much and I was really trying to focus on my food that I feel like my workouts were trash. But now my main focus, which sucks because it makes it harder to post workouts, is doing like the same workouts every day. Yeah. And another thing too is like...

I don't know. I really like putting, like, recently with my YouTube videos, I like putting montages of my workouts into my YouTube videos. Like, I don't know. I just think it's, like, with the music, the edits, like, it just looks badass. Yeah, I'm going to do that, too. I just ordered a camera, the same one Sam just got. It was supposed to come, like, two days ago, and then FedEx said the address I put, thought they couldn't deliver it there for God knows what reason because Sam ordered a camera, the same exact camera from the same place to the same address, and it did go.

But mine, nope, can't go. And then our apartment complex, it's like weird. We don't deliver it to the apartment complex. And then they brought half the package and the lady was like, but we can't accept packages. I was like, I know, but they told me I couldn't deliver it to the other one and I really need it and I really need it. So I just put it to this address. And they're like, that's weird. I'm like, yeah, I know, but don't get mad at me that I put it to this address. They wouldn't let me. They wouldn't let me put it to the other address. I don't know what to tell you.

Yeah. But I guess... Oh, another thing I want to touch on. Sorry, we're, like, kind of ranting for a while, but I feel like you guys like this. I like it, so I don't care. Me and Taylor have different sides to, like, our ideas of how much longer we want to bulk. I think...

Like, mentally, it's been kind of a struggle in terms of, like, obviously putting on, you know, weight. Like, Taylor made a good point the other day when we were at the gym. It's like, I'm two years older than Taylor, so, like, in terms of, like, weight gain, it's a little bit different. Like, I know it's only two years, whatever, but, like, my body just responds differently to bulk than hers does. Like, I feel like I'm obviously putting on weight more.

strength is not like increasing like crazy like yours is but it's like increasing and I going home I feel like it's gonna be really hard for me to like stay on top of like tracking and stuff so I'm gonna go into Christmas break or it's not really Christmas break because we're literally home for like three weeks but um I'm gonna go into going home of the mindset of like wanting to track and then like if I fall off of it I'm gonna just kind of like maintain but like

I don't know. Like, I'm just very nervous to, like, fall off of it. I mean, you can do whatever you want. I know. No, I know. Yeah, like, there's no one telling you that I can or can't do it. Exactly. There's no one telling you literally anything. I'm going to try to track and eat enough. And I kind of want to meal prep when I go home because sometimes if I'm out and about doing things, that's when, like...

Oh, let's just pick up Chipotle. Oh, let's just do this. Or, like, that's when it's like, oh, maybe I'll just get food. But if I meal prep, then it's just I just have the food there. One, also saving money. I don't need to eat out, like, every single day. That's stupid. So I think I'm just going to meal prep so I can have, at minimum, like, a lunch in the fridge. You and I can relate to on this, too, is, like, our family. Actually, everyone can really relate on this. It's like we eat way different than our family does. So it's, like, really hard for, like,

Say, like, I didn't meal prep or, like, I didn't go to the grocery store for my own well-being. Like, there would not be a single thing that I could actually make in my kitchen that I could actually eat. There's no food in my house. I don't know how my parents survive. I'm telling you guys out on this podcast right now. Like, my brothers, it's, like, Doritos, frozen mozzarella sticks, like, frozen chicken fingers, pizza. I'm like, I just need to make, like, a burrito, please. I went grocery shopping last time and I got an insane amount of groceries for, like, five days. But, like, I needed...

like food options, but now I still have stuff probably there that I can make, but yeah, I'm going to try to stay on it because I just feel like I might as well. The numbers on the scale are freaking me out a little bit. I haven't weighed myself in a month and I know it's not, they're not bad by any means. Um, but thinking of like, well, if I gain more weight, I'll be like this weight, like the number I know that it would be in my head. I'm like, that's scary. That's,

Definitely the heaviest I've been in my entire life. Even though sometimes I look at myself. Sam's taking a break. I was like, I look at myself and I'm like, I could put on a bit more weight. I would really like my butt to look bigger, my legs to look bigger. I'm a little uncomfortable in my stomach, but I still have definition in my stomach. Like I can gain a bit more. But even though I know that looking at myself, the thought of the number freaks me out a little bit.

Which, you know, whatever. And I could just not weigh myself. I feel like people are just going to be like, yo, just don't weigh yourself. But I think it's easier to track progress when you weigh yourself in terms of food. Like, I know, do I need to eat more? Do I need to eat less? Am I gaining weight too fast? So...

I probably am going to still weigh myself, but I don't know. Or maybe from here on out, I just don't. I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow and see, like, where I am with that. Because I think the biggest thing for me, like, mentally has been, like, my body, like, composition. So, like, if I weigh myself and I'm, like, at, like, a weight where I, like...

Like, where am I trying to go with this? Like, I feel like I'm so much heavier than, like, my brain. Like, what I'm telling myself I actually am. So if I weigh myself tomorrow and I'm, like, at, like, a good weight, then I'll keep going. But it's just, like, it's mentally hard. It is. It's mental. It is a little hard. Like, sometimes I'm out of breath from running back and forth to the bathroom. I'm trying to catch my breath. Sometimes I'm, like, dang. If I got...

diced right now, that'd be sick. That's what I'm saying. But I just feel like I'm missing out on so much, like, growth potential. Like, I think if I got diced right now, my butt would disappear. I don't think I'm going to cut, though. After this book, I'm not going into a cut, I don't think. I think I'm going to maintain. Yeah. I'm... I wouldn't go into a cut. I just think I can have a bit more growth potential before I decide to cut. Yeah. I wouldn't go into a cut until, like,

two months before summer. Yeah, because I want to be able to maintain it. Yeah, like I don't want to like go into a cut and then still have like three weeks until summer. Like, you know what I mean? Like, I'm just like, alright, I'm diced for what? Yeah, so I think I'm going to keep trying to go and shove my face with food while I can. Yay! Because I also want to

I want my 135 on bench to be clean. It was clean, dude. No, but, like, no. You literally were struggling, like, right here. I want to be able to know that any time of any goddamn day you put a plate on the bar, it's going up. Yeah. And right now, it's not like that. Right now, it's, like, sometimes I get under, like, 110, and I'm like, ooh, heavy. And, like, sometimes. You should go for it again this week. Because you know now it is technically your, like,

It's your one rep max, but it's technically probably like, let's say like 95% of your one rep max. So last time I benched, I rep PR'd like crazy. I did 95 for 15 and 105 for 12.

And I put those into, like, a calculator that basically tells you, like, the reps I will weight, like, what would be your one rep max. Yeah. I mean, accurate, who freaking knows? Obviously, our bodies are not a calculator. Like, it doesn't know. But for a rough idea, sometimes I like to use that to kind of give myself a, like, how does this stand? And it basically told me that my one rep max would be, like, 142. Yeah. I would say definitely go for it again soon. Because then, like...

You never know, like, all of a sudden, like, two reps coming out of nowhere. At least 130, like, even if I can do 130 for, like, two. Yeah. We'll see. Maybe I will. Maybe I'll go, like, really heavy on Monday. Also, I've been loving, like, when I was working out at Lift ATX was using the Kilo plates. Like, I think those are so fun. Oh, those are so heavy. No, I think... I don't know why I think those fly, like...

I think it's just because they're smaller and there's, like, less wind. Like, if that makes sense. Like, there's less wind that the plate hits. I don't know. I think they're kind of heavy. I don't know, man. But I like them a lot better. I want to bring a scale to the gym and weigh the plates. Have you seen the guys doing that on TikTok right now? I think there is a scale in the corner of the gym. Well, there's people that bring, like, the scale to the gym and they weigh the plates. And, like, they're all freaking off. And it's, like, you might be PRing by, like, three more pounds than you think. Yeah. So, I would like to know that. But, anyways, is that, like, it?

Yeah. Okay. We're going to talk about ranting though. Yeah. Hold on. I'm going to hold on. Give me one second. Okay. We're back. Sorry. I was just making sure that this like saved properly because I, yeah, whatever. Anyways. Um, we're going to talk about FOMO. Yeah. Cause I feel like that was a big subject, like across the board, no matter what, like FOMO can be in so many different forms, but I did have one of you guys, um, suggest this about two weeks ago and I've just left it in my phone notes and

And I was like, let's talk about it today because I feel like we still even to experience this a little bit. But I could ramble on this forever. This is quite literally like why I got into the gym. Like this is the source of my like mental health. Like I can go on about this for a while. So obviously there are so many different types of FOMO. It's not necessarily just like the going out aspect and like hanging out with friends. It can literally be like...

I experienced this a little bit, or I thought I was going to experience this a little bit, is, like, the FOMO of also moving across the country or just, like, completely giving up your, like, younger life and just, like, ditching that and, like, moving somewhere and, like, feeling like, oh, my God, like, my friend group is all still together, like, across the country, and, like, I am not going to be with them anymore. So, like, there are just so many other aspects to it. Even, like, your later 20s, like, Taylor had mentioned this, like,

Feeling like you have to follow the path of what society tells you to follow where I'm at the age of like, okay, I should probably find somebody. Settle down. Hell no, I ain't doing that right now. So there's a lot that we can touch base on and I'm sure a lot of you guys will relate on at least one of these topics. Yeah, right, because my FOMO, let's say, is not necessarily like all my friends are going out on a Saturday and I'm home. That's not...

That's not the same vibe. My FOMO is more so like all these other people my age are doing this and I'm not. That's where mine comes from because I used to deal with the everyone's going out and I'm not.

If like I had work and there was a party or like, but I think there's such an easy way to combat that. That's such a short topic. I always, one, every single time I've missed something, it's literally never that big of a deal. Oh my God. Never. You'll see something on like Snapchat and you think it like looks,

so much fun and then you actually the next weekend you attend that exact thing that you saw on snapchat and you're like this was fucking stupid why why do people hype this up so much on snapchat making it look so fun the next day you're like oh guys how's the party it looks so fun they're like oh my god it was so bad like yeah and you're like oh okay okay or even if it was fun like one time i'm just random memory in high school i missed a party i was working

It was a fun party. They did have a good time. It still literally didn't matter. Yeah. Like, it didn't affect my life in any way. I was like, these people had a good time on Saturday. I was working. Yeah. It...

Nothing happened after that. We went out the next weekend. Like, literally had no, like, thing. And then people talk about it. I'm like, oh, I wasn't there. I was working. Doesn't matter. Yeah. Literally doesn't matter. Like, I remember when I was in, like, college, too. It was like, I played sports, like, literally throughout the entire year. Like, field hockey to lacrosse. So, like, as you guys know, when you're playing a sport, like, you might have, like, the dry 48-hour rule. So, like...

lacrosse we had 48 hours and field hockey we had 24 hours but like I couldn't go out on a Friday night or like I couldn't go out on a Thursday night so I remember like when I first like my freshman sophomore year like there were so many nights that I just could not go out to and obviously at that time like you're probably like oh my god like I'm younger I need to go out I need to do these things but like looking back like

I was, like, upset about it, but I'm like, did it affect my life in any way? No. Like, am I, like, still upset that I couldn't go to that random ass party? No. Like, it's fine. It's just one of those things, like, where you have to, like, find your, like, own self and, like, being comfortable with being alone. But...

I don't know. We'll touch more on that at the end. Yeah. And then, so that's, like, one of just, like, people are going out and you're missing it, which, I mean, like I said, it's a pretty easy moral of the story. It's not that big of a deal. Yeah. And then, like, I feel like a big part is just, like, doing what everyone else should be doing, which I think people, especially that get into, like, fitness, like, do a lot. Yeah. Because they're, like, I don't like to go out and drink, like, because, like,

workout grind. And this can, like, also still have to do with, like, finding yourself because I even remember when I was, like, first starting to get into the gym, I'm like, what did I care more about? Going to the gym and feeling good for my workout or did I feel better going out and socializing with my friends? And, like, there's, like, those two in-betweens and I, like, I can, I remember, like, really struggling to figure out, like, which one I wanted more over the other. Yeah, but, and I think that's where people make it so complicated. You don't really need to want more and more than the other. Yeah. Like,

You can just figure out how to make it fit. Like, you can easily just figure out how to make it fit. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Yeah. But for me, like, let's say right now, like, we...

Like, right now, like, I look at myself and say, I'm like, I don't have the time or mental energy to be like, let's go out. Yeah. Which, I mean, normally I want to. I'm young. Like, younger than Sam. Sam's already lived, like, done the, like, party at, like, 2020, 21. Yeah. I'm... I haven't. Because I have just been, like, on my freaking grind, whatever. Like, dropped out of school. But...

I was like, I'm literally so busy, I don't have the mental energy to be like, let's go freaking out. And she's like, glad we're on the same page. But that's, like, where we have, like, our own balance. Because, like, right now, don't really want to. Other weeks, a Saturday works for us. Yeah. Sunday's a rest day. Like, a Saturday works. Yeah. And, like, we have our own balance. And then there's also knowing the times that, like, you should go. Like, if you're missing out because you, like,

I'm into the gym and my workouts and like my grind, but like, I can't go out ever. Okay. But like the other weekend it was like my birthday and it was my friend's birthday and I was off and I went out a lot, but like,

It was my best friend and my 21st birthday. Like, that's once in a lifetime. Do it. Like, I went to Nashville, and I went out a lot. And, like, drank more those two weeks than I probably have in months. But, like, who cares? Yeah. And, like, to kind of, like, touch base on what you were saying, because I feel like people will get confused, like, in terms of, like,

The two betweens of, like, going to the gym in the morning, feeling 100%, and, like, going out. You need to discover, like, if your mindset of wanting to go to the gym is a little bit disordered or if you genuinely, like, just don't enjoy going out. Because, like...

There can obviously be those times maybe in your life where you're like, oh, I can't go to the gym or I can't go out. I can't go out. Like those all the alcohol, all the calories, like all that, like it's going to throw me off or like I can't do that. Like blah, blah, blah. And you're just like it's a constant cycle in your head, whereas like that's the excuse why you're going out. Maybe reevaluate your relationship with food, alcohol, going out, the party scene, the balance aspect of it, because it's

One or two, like Taylor said, a week of just going out and being off your routine is not going to kill you. Especially if you're young. Think about it. Think about our age gap. Obviously, like I said, if I was doing that more so than you, when you were my age, you weren't as like you are now. And you're still only 23. You have so much time to get back on your grind. You can take...

like the early part of your 20s to do that it's not that big of a deal at all like i think it's really really important to understand that you can go out and have a little bit of fun you can go to dinner like it doesn't have to be like a club like you can go to dinner and get like one or two drinks and survive like yeah it's not a big deal at all and i think that's like a toxic problem that a lot of people post and don't realize that it's toxic yeah and then like

Like, too. Like, you'll see people, like, quote, unquote, influencers. I fucking hate that word. But, like, you'll see people, like, talking about, like, oh, I did cardio the next morning. Like, I ate too much or I had too much of a late night snack because I was drunk or something like that. No, don't fucking do that. Well, that's, like, another whole rant. Yeah, that's another whole rant.

Kind of going back, though, with what we were just talking about and talking about, like, the healthy reasons as to why you don't want to go out. Maybe it's not your party scene, your group of people. Like, you genuinely just, like, don't enjoy it. And you want to spend the night inside. Like, you want to be alone, maybe watch a movie with, like, a friend or boyfriend or something. I don't know. Yeah. That is totally okay. Like, as long as you know that, like, you're not staying in for, like, a toxic reason and, like, you just don't enjoy the party scene, that's...

That's fine. Exactly. Because let's say right now, me being like, I...

going out, not something I want to do. Let's say something I can kind of like find like equivalent to it is let's say it was like my final season and you're like, Hey, right now I can't go out because like I have too much to do. Okay. Right now I have a lot of work to do. Yeah. I have a lot of work to do. And my work is the gym and filming myself and being on camera and showing my lifestyle. I physically don't have the time to waste a whole night and a whole day being like hung over. Yeah. I don't have time to do that because my, my,

It just doesn't fit my schedule right now. I can't. Like, think about it. It's Sunday morning at 9 a.m. At 9 a.m. We have two podcasts to do today. Like, going out yesterday and waking up like zombies. Like, we couldn't. Yeah. It's not going to be a thing. Like, I have to vlog. Like, it's not going to happen. Yeah. So, that's, like, the, like...

okay, this month I'm busy. Same thing as like maybe you had a great time in college and you're like, hey guys, like it's final season. I'm not going to go out. I want to like make sure I take care of myself, get my workouts in, eat good, study, like, okay, valid. Like that's healthy. That's a healthy reason, which that's how I can think of because obviously not everyone works like how we work. That's the way I could kind of be like equivalent. No, yeah. Totally agree. And then there's like going into like the track of like society of life

getting later maybe around my age maybe even a little bit older because I feel like I'm still like on the younger I'm like in between like the whole like younger end and like the settling down and like getting married and having kids then like there's 25 I know I'm like but no um there is like that side to it where you feel like oh my god like I'm getting older like I have to settle down I have to like like find a husband I have to have a kid or like something like that along those lines of like

following that, like, you don't have to. Like, who is telling you these things that, like, there is, like, this certain rule book of age to, like, get married, have a kid, and do all these things? If you're living life...

and you are just content with everything, don't feel like you need to, like, stop that for any reason. It's also because everyone, this is going to be kind of hard to explain, but let's say you're like, oh, my God, like, let's say you're, like, Sam's age, and you're like, oh, my God, but my friend has, like, this long-term boyfriend, and, like, she just got engaged, and she, not to be Debbie Downer, maybe you get married later, and then, like, they get a divorce. Yeah.

Yeah. And then she's on a different track than you. Yeah. Because now she's dating and she's 35. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Just because someone's doing something right now doesn't mean that in the next other phase of life, like, you're not going to have it and they're not going to have it. Like, you can't judge that all, like, just right now. Same thing with, like, college for me. I didn't do the normal college. That sometimes it sucks. It sucks. It, like, eats at my mental health sometimes. Yesterday, it was, like, a bad mental health day. Whatever. Whatever.

But I think about it and I'm like, okay, the people having fun in college right now, when it comes to being like...

and being able to settle down and being successful and having a secure job, maybe I'll be that one in that phase of life. And they won't. Do you know what I'm saying? And it's not wishing anything bad on them. It's just the truth. Just because someone's doing something now, it's just going to go back and forth. Yeah, it is. So that's another thing. Don't ever feel the pressure of society to feel like you have to do one thing or the other. Sorry to my parents, but they always say this to me. They're always like,

Like, when are you going to find a husband? Or like, when are you going to find a boyfriend? Like, I need grandkids. I need grandkids. I'm like...

Don't listen to that. You are your own timeline. Go with the flow of things. If you're happy with how you are or how things are going, maintain that. Don't think that, oh, my friends from college are settling down and I need to do that now. No. You're thriving your own life and you can do whatever the heck you want. And even if, because I know you said if you're happy with it, okay, if you're not happy with it,

I think that's when it comes to terms with being comfortable on your own and really working on yourself and your own mental health. Because obviously, like, if you're happy with it, then don't overthink any of this. Like, if you're happy with it, you need to just be secure in the fact that you're happy with it and not let other people's, like, talk get to you. But if you're not happy with it, you need to learn how to be comfortable with yourself, which is like me. I'm not really that happy with how...

The fact that like my college life and like my early 20s life didn't go as like planned doesn't bring like obviously I can look at like the good stuff like I get to sit here and do this like that's pretty sick. Yeah. But like I had to really work on like being okay with being alone and like thinking about like end goals and thinking about other things that make me happy and like finding my own version. Yeah. Like do like and taking a big risk like I moved across the country. Yeah. Like you got to

I don't know. Like, you gotta try to do something else. Even if it's not, like, yeah, this isn't the same situation. Like, I didn't get back anything I lost, but I had to, like, do something new and do something on my own. I moved away on my own. Yeah. That's, like, kind of touching based on, like, finding yourself and finding your happiness alone. Like, one of those things for me when I, like, went through that was, like, I went through that breakup with my boyfriend, like, four years ago. And, like, the entire time I was in that relationship and the relationship before that, like, I relied off of, like,

And like, so I never really experienced that, like, oh, like, I can do all these things on my own. I can go sit at a restaurant by myself. Like, that time in my life, I would have never been able to go sit at a restaurant by myself or, like, do something on my own or go on a car ride by myself. So if you're relying on somebody else to, like, not have, like, FOMO, like, you feel like you're really just stuck to, like, a friend group or stuck to a boyfriend, like, that's not going to happen.

maybe take a step back and like find that enjoyment of like doing things on your own because that's I think that's another part like that will really help you not experience FOMO as much because like I like say for instance like with my ex like he would go out to parties and I would feel like I had to go too so I wouldn't have like quote unquote FOMO nowadays like I'm like I've been alone like by myself doing things moved across the country for like three months by myself now Taylor's with me but like

You need to be on your own to find yourself and find, like, your true happiness. Yeah, like, you should be able to, like... For example, obviously, now we live together, but let's say you weren't coming with me grocery shopping. I could go get a coffee and go grocery shopping and go... And, like, have a good day. Yeah. And then I come back and, like... I could have a good day doing that. That's fine. Like, I would have a good time listening to music in the bar. Like, not a big deal. I don't know. Something about, like...

Being in my, like, the thought of, like, being in my bed, like, just, like, alone, like, late at night where, like, other people are doing things. I'm just like, I don't know. I just, like, love this so much. Like, I just, I find enjoyment of just, like, watching, like, a TV show by myself where, like, it's a Saturday night. Like, everyone else is doing something. And that's, you have to find the things you enjoy doing by yourself. Yeah.

Because not every, like, you just got to find things you like doing by yourself. Maybe that's, like, your workout. Yeah. Because some people need someone for everything. Yeah. Like, if they're going to go grocery shopping, it's like texting a friend. Yeah. Hey, do you want to go to the store with me? Like, go by yourself. Yeah. Like, I loved putting in my AirPods, listening to a podcast, and going grocery shopping. Yeah. It's so nice, so therapeutic. Like, getting your nails done. Like, do it by yourself. Yeah. You don't need someone to, like...

Do every single thing with you. And that'll make you a little bit more comfortable. Yeah. I agree. And like too. Like I don't go to Sweet Greens as much as I used to. But I used to go to Sweet Greens probably like once a week. Like through the summer. Like yeah. Through the summer. And I would just like go to Sweet Greens. Sit there by myself. Like once a week. And it's the vibe. Like if you're comfortable enough knowing that you can like sit at a restaurant by yourself. I challenge all of you. Like go to a restaurant this week. It doesn't necessarily have to be like a full on restaurant. But like somewhere. Like maybe Chipotle or something. Go sit by yourself.

And, like, just reflect on that exact moment of you being by yourself, ordering food, being okay with people staring at you with the fact that you're sitting by yourself. Because it can be a little mentally hard, but, like, if you just actually do it,

I promise you, like, it helps so much with finding, like, that, like, loneliness. No, yeah, it does. But, like, a good loneliness. It just reminds you that, like, you're okay. Yeah. Like, I don't know how to explain it, because sometimes it makes me, like, oh, my God, like, you're just spiraling, like, in your own head. But you can realize, like, life is okay. Yeah. Like, you can go, like, get some food by yourself, like, go shopping. Yeah. Like... There's this... I don't... I can't remember who it is. There's this, like...

TikTok vlogger. She's from New York, but she always does things by herself. And she's always like, like, go get that coffee by yourself or like, go get that dinner, like that Italian, nice Italian dinner, like by yourself. And like, seriously, like take up that advice, like do something on your own.

freaking ice cream by yourself i have made a decision that so i am freaking in love with like phineas if you guys listen to phineas whatever i have made the decision that if that man is in a concert in a city i am in i will go alone yeah i mean hey if you want to do a concert that's like a whole nother level of like i will go i are secure with yourself like i would not

miss being so sad that I didn't go to that concert because like no one like I had no one to go with I don't like really like that's a very me thing like it's not like you listen to that music or like David listen to that music like that's very like I would go I

I generally, I made a decision that I would go. Like, if he was here, I'd be like, Sam, I'm going to a concert. Okay. I'm going to hold your word with that. I want to, I was literally looking up, like, freaking concert dates before. Like, maybe if I was home, I could just get David to come with me. But, like, I wouldn't miss that opportunity because someone couldn't go with me. Next vlog topic.

I go to concert by myself. Now, the only thing that scares me about that is the safety. Yeah, that's facts. But he's like a small... I think it would be like a smaller concert. Yeah. Which is why I'm not that scared. I'll drop you off and pick you up. Like, don't go to a goddamn... Like, don't be like...

I'm going to like Rolling Loud alone. No, don't do that. But like this is going to be like definitely like a smaller venue concert. It's not going to be like a rager. I'm not out here saying to go to like a rave alone. I'm picturing you like at a concert by yourself like fist pumping in the air. There's no one around you. You're just like, let's go.

Just me. By yourself. And then like you have no one to like turn to and like laugh at or just be like, this is awesome. What's lucky about our situation is I can go by myself and maybe someone's like, oh my God, I follow you on TikTok. I'd be like, can I hang out with you? I'd be like, I'm alone right now. Please hang out with me. Can I sit with you and your friends? That would be so funny. Yeah, no, that's a decision I made for myself because I want to go. But yeah, please don't take that advice to go to like a big rager by yourself. Please don't do that. Yeah, no, don't do that.

um first i was gonna this like isn't something written down but um i thought about and i wanted to talk about it so doing things alone is one thing but i think another thing that has helped me is leaning in to like the close people you do have like i don't have like the biggest friend group in the world yeah that's fact but i have you and i have a family that like loves me so much and is so close and like i have david and i don't need to be focusing on like

everything I don't have. Yeah. Which is part of why, like, in the beginning, I was like, you know, I'm so stressed and why make it a big deal and be like, oh, no, we can't, like, we can't be together because I need to go out and, like, find and meet all these people. It's like... Yeah. Like, I get, like, why I'd want to do that, but, like, at the same time, like, I tried, didn't really...

in my favor, didn't have the best experiences, like, why run away from the things I do have that, like, make me happy? Yeah, that is, that's a good point. Like, you, it's not always about having the biggest friend group or the most popular friend group or, like, the, like, most fun friend group that, like, goes out together. Like, it's not always about that. So that's a good point. I'm happy to bring that up. Yeah, because I see people, especially in high school, oh, my God, and probably college, too, but obviously I didn't really, like, experience a lot of that. I could imagine it's exactly the same in high school, if not worse. Yeah.

But I saw people that, oh my God, they're friends with everybody. Friends with everybody. Everyone knows their friend. Guess what? They all hated each other. Yeah.

They all literally hated each other. Like, if they were separate, I'd be like, oh my god, those girls are like best friends. Someone would be like, no, she hates her. Like, she literally told me the other day, like, she literally hates her. I'm like, but they hang out, like, everywhere. And it's like, they hate each other. Sorry to break it to you, me and Sam are friends. Like, real friends. And then we even see other fitness people that, like, maybe are always together online. And it's like, it's kind of fake. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like,

Sorry, we just like actually like I'm not going to sit out here and be people are surprised when we say that to like people will be like, oh my God, are you guys like actually like best friends? And I'm like, I'm like, yeah, like we live together. Yeah, I know. Some people don't realize that we live together. I get questions all the time, like on my either on TikTok or like in my DMs like we do Taylor live together and like.

Yeah? Where have you been? I think my audience knows. I get them here and there. That's funny, but I just realized I have to lean into, I don't know what I do have. For me, I enjoy being home with my family. My parents are probably surprised because I feel like they think I don't want to be there. I like being home with my family. The day I hung out with my siblings, it was so fun. So fun. I don't need so much more than that.

I agree. Especially if you're, like, forcing friendships, you know? Like, forcing friendships is a really big thing. And, like, if you start to realize that maybe, like, we talked about this before in another episode. I can't remember which one it was. Where, like, you're just going out with these people and that's all you're doing. Yeah. Like, that's not really a friendship. Or, like, we've had experiences with, like, people we've met here and they're just terrible. Yeah. Horrible. Like, horrendous. No, horrible. Like, I don't even know how to explain to you guys. Like, not horrible.

I don't know if we should talk dirt on these people's names. No, no, no, no, no, no. There's some serious dirt I can talk on. Yeah, no, we definitely could. But, like, I don't know if we should. No.

Dude, the experiences are so bad. Like, they're so horrible. And it's like, dude, we would have had more fun if we just went to dinner. Yeah. Me and Taylor have so much fucking fun when we go to Tequila Muchos and we get- Oh, yeah. Catch us at the bar at Tequila Muchos. Like, I have more fun doing, like, the whole, like, sitting at a bar, getting drinks, hanging out, than, like, going to, like, a big club. I'm sorry. We did go to a big club, but me and Sam went out, just me and her. Alone. On my birthday. Oh, my God. It was so fun.

It was so funny. We were literally just like... I know, if you ever watched that vlog on my YouTube, you definitely should, because we were just taking shots left and right with, like, random people. But, like, it was just so fun. When I went to Nashville for, like, my friend's birthday, we did the same thing, because, like, her birthday was on a Monday. Like, her friends couldn't go, so it was just me and her. Oh, my God, we had the best time. Yeah. We had the literally best time. It was just me and her. And that's another thing, too, we should talk about, too, is, like, finding your, like, comfort place. Because, like...

If you're going somewhere, like, new or just, like, something that, like, makes you uncomfortable or something like that, maybe you're not going to have the best time. But, like, if you're going somewhere, like, we found Takeru Mucho's. And, like, we love going there. It's our comfort place. Like, we know the vibes. Like, find something that you, like, genuinely like doing. If you're not, like, a club person or, like...

nightlife person where there's like music lights and you can't really hear people and I can't socialize then don't do that but like if you can sit at a bar with good friends and drink and like have conversations then maybe that's your nightlife it doesn't have to always be like going to a big party scene dude we went to Takira Mocho in okay I feel like I just made this it's like a restaurant it's just a restaurant but they have like really good drinks yeah that's like all it is there's just a restaurant it's really cute everything look it up on Instagram there's

Yeah, look at their Instagram. Everything's pink, super cute. We don't get food there, though. We only get drinks. We went there in straight up Raw Gear giant hoodies and slacks. Yeah.

Dude, so fun. Yeah. Like, so fun. Meanwhile, everyone else is, like, dressed up, but we're just, like, Yeah, we were, like, dressed up because people, like, pregame there and stuff, or it's, like, their 21st or bachelorette, so, like, getting dinner before they go out. Yeah. We're, like, straight up in pajamas, and it's like, hey, guys, can I get a pink margarita? Yeah. No, those, that spicy mango one was so good. It was. It was really good. But if I had, like, three of those, oh, my God, the hangover would be this.

Oh, horrible. Horrible. So bad. Go to Takeru Mucho's, guys, if you live in Austin or are going to Austin. But beware, don't get more than, like, three drinks because they're...

They'll do it to you. Oh, yeah. I guess I should also say, too, because I still always get questions about this on, like, recommendations for Austin, Texas. Guys, I have a highlight that's ATX Eats highlight on my page. It's every restaurant I've ever been to. Every time I go out, I do take a picture of my food, and I will tag the place if I've never been there before. And then inside that highlight, I have a post. And that post, inside that post, has, like, recommended hotels, recommended, like,

nightlife recommended um like just other things like other things to do so any of your awesome questions can be answered in that yeah i'm like your new tour guide um okay back to your regular regularly scheduled programming i think a big thing whether you're having huh is it programming yeah like you know on the tv it's like back to your regular like oh no i had no idea what the hell you're talking about i don't know what are we talking about fitness stuff now no like back to what we were talking about

Whether you're happy with your stage of life or not happy being alone or happy being alone or whatever you're doing, I think, like, it's such a short period of time. It is. Like, everyone that's listening to this, we know our demographic. Even if you're, like, hitting 30. You're so young. Yeah. You have, like, so much life to live. Yeah. Like, this is such a short period of time. And I know, even on my, like...

oh like life is so boring days I know like one day I'll look back at this and be like this was so cool yeah like I have such amazing opportunities in front of me like that's so cool but like sometimes in the moment it's just hard to see that yeah I was gonna say like with the whole FOMO thing with like overcoming it is like the more you experience like the missing out aspects the more you start to realize that it's not that big of a deal like I remember like the more I wasn't going to like

maybe that college party or, like, that, like, social event or whatever it is, the more you miss out on it, the more you start to realize it's not that big of a deal. And it's, like, you're not missing out on something that's, like, insanely fun. Yeah. But, I mean, I would say you do need, like...

a small group or, like, your one or two people. Like, if one of you is like, yeah, like, I'm okay. Like, when I was in college, I didn't see anyone. Anyone. Okay, guys? I saw zero people. That's bad, okay? Like, try to do something about that. Try to switch up your life. I totally changed my whole life around. Like, I moved to Texas with Sam because I was working even in Miami just alone on my laptop. Like, and that was just not healthy. So as long as you have, like, your one or two people...

You're okay. Yeah. You don't need that like big, big friend group. No, you really don't. Like, like, is it good to have like sometimes? Yeah. Like even the times we got like totally fucked over by people. Yeah. Okay. Now it's kind of like a memory. But at the end of the day, it's like, it's not at all. Cause life is just going to like, I always say like my prime of my life is going to be like when I'm like a mom. Yeah. And I'm going to have like my little mom friends.

Okay, this is so random, so off topic, but, like, I honestly, like, enjoy going out more, like, in the summertime. Like, because you can be outside, we can be on the river, and then you can go out out. Like, I like that better. So it's, like, finding, like, what you like to do. Because, like, going out at, like, in the winter, like, it starts at 5 o'clock.

It's cold. Well, not cold here, but, like, back in Boston, it's fucking freezing. Like, waiting in the line in the bars, like, for, like, 30 minutes to get inside. Like, I hated that. But, like, finding what you really like to do. Because over the summer, like, I can, like, this past summer, when I was, like, drinking, like, I was drinking. I was drinking, like, three times a week.

Like, more than normal. Like, so find what you like to do. Yeah, and be honest. Like we said about the, like, is it what you actually like to do or are you, like, leaning into, like, some disordered, unhealthy habits? Yeah. Be honest with what you like to do. Yeah. Facts. And what actually makes you happy. Because for me, it's, like, it's not even the drinking for me. Like, it's just socializing. Yeah. Like, it's just socializing.

And obviously some things, a lot of social events do involve drinking, so it kind of goes hand in hand. But for me, it's honestly just socializing. I don't really care that much for it to be a club. I could literally socialize all day and go to a club for like 30 minutes and then be like, let's sleep. Yeah. Yeah, that's facts. It's not what I'd prefer. I just like socializing. It could be anything. Literally anything. Or even just when we have our fun days of like,

Let's, like, kind of get dressed cute and, like, go to the domain. That's fun. Yeah. Like. I love that. I don't think I spend, like, an aggressive amount of money I shouldn't on, like, clothes and accessories. Oh, so much money. All the money. That's another point is, like, would you rather, like, go out to a club and spend, like, hundreds of dollars on drinks? Or would you rather take that money and go shopping? See? I don't know. So. True. True.

I'd rather go shopping. Me too. And I think another point, people that are going out all the time, like, that's what you're like, but all these people are going out drinking all the time. Those people might be so, so unhappy. Yeah. Because that's not what they want to do. Yeah. And they're like, I'm jealous of the people that can actually stay in and, like, get a workout in and, like, do good in school. And not have the FOMO. Like, I guarantee those people that are going out are the ones that have the FOMO, so they feel like they need to go out. Yeah.

Bam. Hot take. We discovered it. That's all. And a lot of people are just so... That's what's been my struggle so much. It's so hard to find like-minded people. It's so freaking hard. They don't exist. I know. I existed.

It's so funny because every time we meet someone that's so like-minded to us, we're like, move to Austin. We're like, do it. Move here. Like, have you ever thought of moving here? We're like, do it. You should. Literally us after our last guest episode. No, I know. Megan. Literally. Megan and Rachel. Are you listening to this? We were like, I feel like we'd have so much fun with them. They should move to Texas. We should make them. We should make them move to Austin right now. So if you're listening to this, they're probably not listening. If they did listen, we're like at the end now. Yeah, I know. They're probably not listening. Please move here. When Brooke came, we were like, have you ever...

ever thought about moving to austin yeah and the brook was like i actually just signed my new lease at this new apartment we're like right we're like fuck how much is the cancellation fee we'll pay it yeah i know jordan too jordan said she wanted to move to houston i don't know if that's still in her in her mind but i was like jordan move here you know people are like i'm gonna move to texas we're like where they're like houston no wrong imagine we just have like a big neighborhood of just like all of us that'd be sick everyone's like this courtyard

We all just, like, go out there, like, midday. Like, just to do something, like, that we all, like, enjoy doing. I don't know. Imagine it's all, like, our podcast listeners and we just go and we're like, hey, guys. That'd be so funny. Yelling in the courtyard. That'd be so funny. It would. But, yeah. I think that's...

Is that it? I feel just rambled. Yeah. Moral of the story is we challenge you this week to go to a restaurant, go get Chipotle sweet greens, and sit by yourself. Yes, that. And just know that you're not alone in the fact that sometimes the shit kind of sucks. Yeah. Like, it's okay for it to, like, suck being lonely sometimes. Yeah. You just can't let it truly happen.

in. Yeah, like you can't let it eat away at you. No. Even if it eats away at you for like one day, you need to get back up the next day. Yeah. Because you're not alone. Like it does suck sometimes. We're not saying that it's just so easy to stop it, but you just gotta look at the shit you do have in the bright side of things. So, that's it my friends. We're gonna have to record another episode in about a few hours. But we do it for you because we love you. So, have a great freaking rest of your week and we'll see you in the next episode. Yep.

Adios. Bye. See you on Friday. Very, very sorry.