cover of episode Obese To Beast | Why weightloss is simple, toxic fitness pages, and more

Obese To Beast | Why weightloss is simple, toxic fitness pages, and more

Publish Date: 2021/11/19
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One Thing About Us


Shownotes Transcript

What's up, guys? It's Sam and Taylor. And we want you to put your shoes on. Pop open that energy drink. And go. Hey, guys. Welcome back to another episode.

We're super excited because this is a good one. Although the last one was too, but I mean, come on. I mean, all these guest episodes are really amazing, but I really like this one. I think it was really nice to sit down with someone who you share a lot of the same viewpoints with. Oh, well, yeah. It was very nice. This episode is very, very no bullshit. No bullshit at all. Very no bullshit. Just really straight into the point. I really like...

I really liked how it turned out. We are sitting down on this episode with John from Obese to Beast. He's the freaking coolest. I've loved his content for so long because I've always loved what he stood for. So I was so excited to get him on the podcast because I just knew that we'd vibe and we'd share a lot of the same views. So yeah, it's a really good episode. And we also just wanted to tell you guys, like we say every episode, you better be keeping up with our podcast Instagram. Yes, that is for sure.

Thank you. Sorry. Thank you to you guys. We are now ranked top eight and we've been consistent with that number. And like, like we said, like the reviews, the likes, the comments, like just the full engagement on every platform helps us so much. Yes. And we are number 128 overall on Spotify out of 3 million, which is so crazy.

And I think this is like a good kind of like lesson not to get like cheesy or whatever, but I feel like at first, you know, we could be kind of hard on ourselves with like comparing and like, oh, but other people are doing this and doing this. And, you know, right away, our podcast wasn't doing amazing. I mean, it did decent, but like, it's not like we started and we were blowing up all the charts. Yeah, no. And, you know, that at first I feel like can get hard on you, but you don't know where you're going to like end up, you know, like we've had the steady climb and I just feel like,

If that like help, if you feel like you're in a situation where you're comparing yourself to people, like you just got to know like your journey with what you're doing, like,

You're doing all right. And you're on the right track. Cause I just feel proud of us, you know? Yeah, definitely really proud. And that can like relate to every aspect and it doesn't necessarily obviously have to be just like podcasts or like anything, but if you guys have me on Snapchat, I'm going to plug my Snapchat real quick. Sam, Sammy T 7 1 1 Taylor, what's yours? Um, Taylor Olson with three N's. They are always linked in the description. Cool. Yeah. So go down and add them. But I did a little bit of a rant this morning and I was like,

I, the last like month or so every single day in my like snap memories has been me dry scooping pre-workout, which don't fucking do that. Such a trend. And I'm biggest regret. I look like an idiot doing it in my videos, but I, I,

was looking at it i'm like holy crap like why did i waste a full month of my life going on to my private snapchat story dry scooping and posting my workouts and stuff like that just make the damn fitness page okay guys if you're like trying to like post fitness content because you like it but you're too scared to like post it like for everyone to see just go for it because you don't know where it's gonna bring you i actually was gonna um because i actually saw your story and i had an idea maybe you guys leave a comment on the post of this episode maybe um

we can maybe talk about that. Yeah. And how to go into it with the right mindset, because I know some people go into it with the wrong ideas and wrong mindset. So maybe that could be, oh yeah, maybe that could be a topic we touch on. Comment on the, on the picture for this episode. Do you want to know? Yeah. I could rant for 20 hours on this exact topic right this second, but I'm not going to, we'll save it for another episode. People do a whole

A whole thing on it. Anyways, maybe we will. Who knows? But yeah, this is going to be a really great episode. There's lots of things coming in store for the podcast on the Instagram and all that. Also, quick plug, subscribe to our YouTube channels.

If you like the podcast and you don't subscribe to our YouTube channels, you're missing out on a lot of content. We really grind out the content and the vlogs, lots of fun stuff coming. So I literally got emotional because I, someone on my YouTube video, I think her name was Grace. So if I'm wrong, if you're not, it wasn't Grace, I'm sorry, but I think that's what your name was.

She commented, she was like, I cannot believe this, Sam, but like, I am just like blown away at the content that you and Taylor produce. Like two YouTube videos a week, two podcasts a week and Instagram every day, TikToks every day. I'm like, she was like, I can't even keep up. And I'm like, then I had like a moment to myself and I sat back and reflected. I was like, holy shit.

I don't ever think I'm doing enough. And that comment really put it into perspective for me that like I am doing the mostest and I should give myself some credit for how much content that I put out there for you guys. And to maybe chill because I'm constantly going crazy. So I feel like on this trip I've been traveling. I'm like, Oh my God, I'm so off. I haven't worked at all. Mind you, I've podcasted twice.

I'm putting some B-roll for my blog. I've posted on Instagram three times now, posted about two TikToks. I've been on my Snap story and my Instagram story.

um, I did all my client work. I answered emails, but still in my head, I'm like, Oh my God, didn't, didn't work this week. Yeah. And it's just because we live together and we really push each other to our absolute limits, which is a really good thing. Like I would say most of our like success with like where we are now is because now we live together and we really push each other, but we do need to like take steps back sometimes and be like, wow, like

enjoy life and don't work so crazy I I love it though I love I'm addicted to it I I am why we literally were like really quick intro we're not going to talk about much this intro five minutes and we were literally like ranting about like we just like I know you

The people love to hear us speak. They love to know what's on our mind. It's just such a perfect explanation of us being like, just really quick. And then we're like, actually, do you want to talk for 20 minutes? No. Whoopsie. Okay. Anyways, I think let's just get into the episode. Agreed.

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Thank you so much to Manscaped for sponsoring this podcast episode. The link to shop is in the description. So we are now here with Obese to Beast, John from Obese to Beast. I feel like I refer to you as Obese to Beast and not John. No, it's all good. Yeah, we are so excited to have him on the podcast today. It's going to be a really, I think, interesting conversation on topics that I feel like a lot of people don't want to talk about.

But if you want to go ahead really quick, just introduce yourself, who you are, how you started doing this and like how you got here. Yeah. So my name is John. I am 28 years old. I live in San Diego, California, but I have obviously an Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok account.

I don't know. Every freaking social media obesity. So I used to be – I was close to like 400 pounds when I was 20 years old. Started losing weight then. So, you know, I've lost weight and I've kept it off for almost nine years, 29 here in a few weeks. So, yeah, I mean, basically what I do is when I first started my –

my Instagram and stuff started the Instagram first. It was just sharing my journey. I had started it when I had lost most of the weight just because Instagram wasn't really big when I first started. And, uh, then I started a YouTube channel and the YouTube channel was kind of just an extension of that, making videos about what I'm eating and trying to help other people and do all this stuff. And, um,

now as I have been doing this for eight years, um, it has morphed into a lot of, uh, like my YouTube channel is a lot of commentary based stuff. So talking about fitness industry, the weight loss industry and the fitness industry, um, and kind of sharing my thoughts on things that I disagree with, things that I agree with, um, sharing my not so hot takes. I feel like a lot of time I think the hot takes, but most people actually are, it's not really that hard to take whatever. All right. Uh,

But, you know, I just share my opinions and kind of talk about that and try and help someone like, you know, like me if I was just starting out and they were to watch my videos. I always hope that they watch my video and hopefully come away with something that is of value. And so, yeah, I guess that's what I do. Very, very, very condensed version of who I am and what I do.

Yeah. Yeah. I like, I totally agree. I mean, the commentary videos you do, I think are really valuable and you do them in a way that I think a lot of guys on the internet critique people doing fitness. And a lot of time happens to be women because girls post a lot and they are just mean and cruel and like tearing you apart for no reason. And I think you only talk about things that need to be talked about and

in a polite way, you don't just, it's not like you're just out here calling people out on the internet for attention. Like it's cool, informative topics. I appreciate you saying that. Obviously there's, there's,

another side to every coin. So, you know, there are some people that would disagree and say that if you're talking about anyone, it's negative and it's bad. And I mean, I disagree with that. I think that the fitness in any industry, but obviously I'm in the fitness industry, but any industry needs people to call out the BS, right? And so that's kind of what I try and do. I don't try and, you know, I never attack someone's like looks and ever attack the way, you know, things like that, but I do attack their ideas and the information they share, whether that good or bad.

Right. And I think that that's a good thing. And I don't think that is a bad thing. If that's something you're worried about, that says more about you, I think, than anything in my opinion. That is very true. Yeah. I love how like,

Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. I appreciate that. That's definitely something I've worked on and it's still something that I struggle with. Um,

because I struggle with like pasta syndrome. And I think a lot of people kind of deal with that, that are in this space. You know, I struggle with like, why do people care about what I'm saying? Why do, why would they listen to what I have to say? And I always try and go about it and never saying like my, my thoughts and what I'm saying is the gospel and you have to listen to me and I know everything, but I, you know, I think that I can assess the situation and maybe share my opinion and my, my point of view. But yeah, definitely,

it's it's an interesting uh brand of content because I think the more you do it the more you feel like okay I know what I'm talking about and it's very easy to get very full of yourself and you feel like you are the end all be all you know you know everything and I definitely like it's it's the the type of content I make now if you would have told me I was gonna make it back in the day I would have said there's absolutely no way because I would have been like I

I would have, I wouldn't, I would be way too scared. I would be afraid to hurt someone's feelings. I would be afraid to do X, Y, Z thing. Now I'm just like, you know, I, I go by my, you know, my gut instinct, but I also go by trying to be as kind as possible. And I, I,

I stand behind, you know, everything I say. And if I make a mistake, I'll, I'll correct that, you know? Uh, but yeah, I appreciate that. Sorry. Yeah, no. And we also, um, we talked about this right before we reported, but, um, a big reason I wanted John on the podcast was because, so the BS being called out, even though like me and Sam came from a, we gained a lot of weight, you know, we were under eating, we were very thin. The

We came from that side of the spectrum. Whereas John has lost almost 200 pounds, but the principles that we agree on are the same. And I think a lot of people get confused on, Oh, well, what do you do to gain weight? What do you do to lose weight? What do you do to get fit? And it's all the same. Yeah. It's all the same principles. Yeah.

Yeah, I mean, I put out a tweet recently where I said, like, I don't remember exactly what it was, but it was something along the lines of weight loss and fitness are very simple. And the moment that someone starts really overcomplicating it and then trying to sell you something, run away, you know, because like it is very simple. Weight loss is simple. That doesn't mean that it's easy. Those are two different things, right? Weight loss is simple. Calories in, calories out for the vast majority of people. There are obviously outliers.

But calories in, calories out, understanding total daily energy expenditure, understanding all those things, it's a very simple concept, right? So the second that someone starts making it less simple and making you feel like you have to know all of this stuff and you have to buy this program and you have to trust this guru and you have to blah, blah, blah, like just run away. I'm telling you right now, like I am someone that –

I knew nothing about weight loss when I was 400 pounds. Obviously, I knew nothing about weight loss, right? I knew nothing when I first started losing weight. How did I learn? I went on YouTube and I read articles. How much did I pay? Zero dollars, okay? Like, I want to make that very clear. And so for me...

That's why I make the content that I make because I want to give people the information that they need to do what I did for how much? Zero dollars, right? Just watch the ads on the YouTube video and we're good. You know what I'm saying? That's it. Like, I don't want you to have to pay anything because there shouldn't be that barrier for losing weight, right? Or for even just getting fit in general, like that.

I've talked about my past a lot. Like I was, we, I grew up very, very poor. Like we were broke, broke, broke, broke. And so for a lot of times I remember I used to think that I can't lose weight because I can't afford these foods. I can't afford organic food. I can't afford this. I can't afford that. When in reality, I just needed to eat less food. Right? Like, again, it was hard, but it was very simple.

And so I just get really freaking frustrated with people that overcomplicate it on purpose. Like, I know what this industry is like, and I know it's on purpose because if someone is confused, they're more likely to pay you to help them get unconfused. I don't know if that's a word. We totally can agree with you on that because –

a few episodes earlier, we dropped an episode all about the do's and don'ts of like how to grow your glutes. Cause that's the biggest thing in the, like the women's side of fitness. If you're trying to put on, um, sizes, your booty, like we want to grow it. And the biggest thing for us is the booty bands, like purchase,

Purchasing a booty band. So like we literally just had a whole entire topic about this on how you can actually effectively and simply grow your glutes without having to do all of these like crazy guides and...

All this crazy stuff. It's always the influencer booty bands. Yes, always the booty bands. But no, we totally understand what you're saying. Like the simplicity of everything. That's why we have our podcast episodes because we can cover so much. Yeah. But it's even been hard for us to podcast sometimes because people are like, oh, can you cover this? And we're like, guys, we could cover that in two sentences. Yeah. Like, I feel like you think we're going to sit here and give you this two hour ramble of like the perfect way. And we're just like,

So like maybe just like be consistent with how you eat and like exercise consistently. And like that's all we have to say. We're like, there's nothing. Like what do you expect us to say for an hour? Because it's so-

Yeah, 100%. That's such a good point. And the other thing that I struggle a lot with is I do a lot of like Q&As on Instagram. Why? Because I'm freaking boring and my life is boring. And so I do Q&As to give myself something to do on stories, right? That's really what it is. Because I'm like, I'm not someone that likes to share everything. I know a lot of influencers love doing that. I don't like that.

I don't want people to know everything about what I do in the day. It's just, it's none of your business, you know? So I do a lot of the Q&As and a lot of times people ask me questions and because I'm the way that I am, a lot of times I just don't even answer them because they'll ask a question and the answer, which is, this is the answer for, in my opinion, 95% of weight loss, fitness, all of those questions.

questions the answer is almost always it depends right so if someone asks me should i do squats um it hurts my knees i'm like well it depends like why is it hurting your knee blah blah blah right like but to give them the answer i would have to know so much more about the person or someone's like how many calories should i eat to lose weight it depends it could be 1200 or it could be 3000

Like it really depends or it could be more like most people, 1200 is a little low, but like there are some people, if you're a really small female and you're not very active, like that might be the number for you. Right. And so it's just, it's really frustrating. I don't want to say that it's frustrating, but a lot of people, they expect to get an answer because so many people have gotten used to giving answers that end up leading to maybe them making some money in the, in the end of the, that period.

transaction right and i'm just not comfortable with it so i'm always like i don't like it just depends like i can't give you an answer right it's the same thing like i do i do live streams and people will come in and be like i need like i need to be consistent i need to do this i need to do that and i'm like i don't know what to tell you like it's like when people struggle with one of the questions i get is like oh i hit a plateau what should i do right and

And I'm like, well, it depends. Like, why are you in the plateau? Is it actually a plateau? Are you just freaking out? Cause it's been three days and you haven't lost weight. Right. That's not a plateau. Like, and then like, Oh, I fell off the wagon. What do I do? And I'm always like, get back on it. I don't know what to tell you. Like the,

One thing I've been saying a lot recently is a lot of people like, cause obviously I deal a lot with people that are trying to lose weight and a lot of people, they struggle with consistency and they fall off the wagon. So what I tell people is the wagon is being driven by you. So when you fall off, the wagon is still there. All

All you have to do is get back on the wagon. It's not going to keep moving without you. So if you're freaked out about falling off the wagon, just turn around and look, it's still there, right? Get back on it and continue going. Like if you slipped up for a little bit, it's not the end of the world. Get back on and keep going. Right. But so many people, I think,

we struggle with this is something that social media has done is that everyone sees so many influencers and not just influencers, but just people they follow in general. They feel like everyone is perfect and everyone's doing everything right. And everyone isn't struggling when I'm like, dude, everyone, everyone that has lost a significant amount of weight has had days where they struggle or meals that they eat that aren't quote unquote healthy or good or whatever word you want to use. Everyone does. It's just get back on and keep going.

Yeah. And that's, I mean, that's everything. Like, like you said, with weight loss and fitness, but even us, like we talk a lot about like mental health. Like I like to say I'm a lot better now, but I have some weekends where like, it sucks and I fall out of routines, but like, what do I do? Like you start again on Monday. Like you, like you just start again. That literally goes for anything. Like it's,

outside of the gym that are supposed for anything i feel like we say that all the time especially with the clients we work with yeah it's just like they're like i don't know what to do this week like i went over this amount of food i'm like tomorrow you do exactly what you're supposed to do every other day yeah like you don't like don't torture yourself for it like don't punish yourself do what you're supposed to do that that wagon like analogy yeah i hope everyone really took visualizes that because i really like yeah i like i like to envision it like it's like

I don't know why this is the vision I have is like you're traveling across America and like...

And you're having like a horse drawn carriage. I'm not going to, I saw like a, like a rail, like a, like a train. Yeah. That's what I saw. Whatever works. Maybe that makes more sense because I mean, technically if the horses are on the wagon, they might move without you. But like, I like to think that they're, they're good horses and they listen to you. And so if you fall off, they're going to wait for you. I did see the horses. I'm with you. I saw a horse drawn. I think one thing just like speaking on that analogy is, um,

One thing a lot of people do that I have noticed is they fall off the wagon and they get so freaked out and upset with themselves that instead of getting back on, they literally get in front of the wagon and start pushing it backwards. Like this is something that happens a lot. It's like, well, you know what? I messed up on Friday night. So Saturday, Sunday, a bust. Why even continue? Right? So I'm just going to have fun Saturday, Sunday, you wake up Monday, you're mad at what you did on Saturday, Sunday. And then you're like, well,

obviously I can't do it. Right. So now you're pushing the wagon backwards instead of just like, you should have just hopped back on and kept moving. Right. That's something that happens a lot is it something that I did not make up this quote, but it's don't let perfection get in the way of good enough. That's something that I love, especially when it comes to fitness and weight loss, particularly is that no one is perfect. So like, if you are mad at yourself for not being perfect,

you're just going to waste your time, right? Like you, you're never going to reach that goal. So just allow yourself to be good enough. And that trust me will be good enough. Like you will reach those goals that you have for yourself. Exactly. Yeah. That's, that's such great advice. And like I said, you said weight loss specifically, but I really think a lot of girls listening to this, that might be

more on our side. I mean, we have listeners that do want more weight loss. Like we have a different audience that I feel like we don't cater to that as much because that's not what we've been through. So we can't give much advice on like the, um, overeating, um, side of things. And we do have a lot of listeners that feel like, I think they can't relate to what we say because they needed to lose weight. And it's like, do you guys like hear that? Like, that's the same stuff that you say, the same exact stuff. It just still applies. Yeah.

I wanted to get into some specific topics, maybe a bit like, I wouldn't say these are controversial, but I think to some sides of the wellness community, they're a little controversial. Because I think something we all three of us agree on is how like intuitive eating isn't for everyone. And that's something you talk about a lot. And we talk about a lot. We have whole episodes on how like

stop shaming people who need to track their food, who need to track macros, anything like that. Cause, um, tracking macros taught us how to eat enough. Yeah. And someone like you tracking macros taught you how to lose weight in a healthy way. Tracking your food helped you. You didn't know. And I think that that's a point that like, if you wanted to talk about your opinion on that. Oh dude. Uh, so here we go. Intuitive eating is great. Like I genuinely think that it is awesome, but

It's not awesome for everybody, right? And it is silly. That's the word I'm going to use. It is silly to expect everyone to be able to eat intuitively

right away. It doesn't work like that. Like I eat intuitively right now. I haven't tracked for five years, six years. I did a physique show in 2016 and I stopped tracking after that because, oh my God, I hated it. So I was done. So I haven't tracked since then. But what I do, what I call what I do now is mindful eating. Why do I call it that? Because

The things, what I learned from tracking, I still apply now, right? So that's why I call it mindful eating because I'm still mindful of what I am putting in my mouth. I'm still mindful of the amount of calories that are in this thing or that thing, but I don't feel the need to track it as far as bringing out a scale, laying it all out, but I'm

For me, it is so frustrating because it seems like a lot of the proponents that are very anti-tracking, that we'll call any sort of tracking an eating disorder, we'll call it literally anything other than eating whatever you want, eating disorder, are people that have degrees or have backgrounds in nutrition that know a lot about nutrition, that have went to school for nutrition, so they know a lot, and so they can eat intuitively because they've learned nutrition.

What's the amount of calories in certain things? And all of these things that I learned through tracking that a lot of other people learn through tracking, right? So it's incredibly frustrating to,

when these people go on these long diatribes talking about how tracking in any capacity is an eating disorder. I think that is silly. It is, it's super judgmental in my opinion. And it's, it's expecting everyone to, I've, another analogy is it is, it's expecting everyone that's like, you're on the top of this mountain, right? And you're like, look what I conquered. I freaking,

climb to the top of this mountain. And it's like, there's people on the bottom of the mountain being like, yo, let me get some help. It's like, nah, figure it out. But like, it's great up here. It's awesome. Like you should come up here. It's like, yeah, help me. Nah, figure it out. Just track or like, just eat intuitively. It's like, how? Just do it. It's like, I need help. Ah, sucks for you, right? Like, I just, I really think that when, I just really hate the, the way that it has been

has kind of been like brought out like intuitive eating i think at the start it was just in general intuitive eating um i think it was an answer it was like a yin and yang or almost like a pendulum effect right because for a long time especially like on instagram and youtube um tracking became like a really big thing and for a lot of for some people tracking can be dangerous right like you can end up getting very attached to it you can end up really developing some serious stuff um

a genuine eating disorders, whether that's orthorexia or whatever it might be. So like there are people that were struggling with that. So then the pendulum swung the other way where it's like, just eat intuitively, eat whatever you want, follow your gut or whatever you want to call it. Right.

And then it left all these people that were like, well, like I can track and it's not this huge detrimental thing. And it actually helps me. But now I feel like I'm getting judged by these people that are saying any sort of tracking is bad. Right. And so for me, it's like, I, again, always try and find the middle ground of if tracking is dangerous for you and you feel like you can't handle it, then obviously I'm not going to say you should track don't, don't do it. Right. But if you, if, but at the same time, I think,

Maybe this is a hot take, but I think everyone's goal with tracking should eventually be not to track anymore. Right. Because like, I don't want to be going to say that I was like, I don't, I don't want to be 70 years old, you know, weighing out my peanut butter. Right. Yeah. Good. You know, or my jello or whatever I'm going to be eating at that time. Like, I don't want to do that. And I don't want anyone else to do that. I mean, maybe there's people that love tracking and they'll be like, oh, it's fine. I'm totally down with that. I hated it.

Right. I'm not a numbers guy in general, like really bad at math. I just did not like it. But it was I want to call it a necessary evil. But it was something that in the moment maybe wasn't super enjoyable. But the the the value that I have gained from it has genuinely changed my life.

Like, and it is something that I did for a year or two that now I will be able to use that knowledge for the rest of my life. And it is invaluable. Right. So I am a fan of tracking, not a fan of tracking for the rest of your life.

I am also a fan of intuitive eating, but not a fan of saying you're doing intuitive eating and that therefore makes you better than someone that might be tracking, I guess is a way to sum that up. Yeah, I definitely agree with that. Like a hundred percent. Like I feel like everyone should eventually at some point go through the whole tracking process so they can,

do like how you said, not intuitively, but have the mindfulness of like eating and being able to like go into the kitchen and create like a well-balanced dish rather than somebody who has never tracked before. And they're just probably going to go into the kitchen and create something that just maybe is not necessarily the best for you. Right. Like I'm, I'm vegan and I started tracking for the sole purpose of making sure I was eating enough and enough like protein. Cause if I'd never tracked, I probably would have just been eating carbs and

Yeah. Oh, dude, like 100%. Like I remember when I first started losing weight, there was this like fruit place. Like they made, it was like a Mexican place. So they had like these fruit salad things and they also sold like tortas and sandwiches and stuff like that, right? I would go there and I would get this huge fruit bowl. And in my head, I'm like, oh, I'm being like really healthy.

but like literally only eating carbs, right? Like that's all it was. Nothing wrong with carbs. I eat a ton of carbs, but like that's all it was. Or how people will be like, oh, I'm eating healthy, but they'll get an acai bowl, which is fine. But just understand the macros in that are mainly sugar and mainly carbs. Again, nothing wrong with carbs. I eat like 500 grams of carbs a day, right? But if you think that that is the pinnacle of health,

then maybe, maybe there's some learning that can be done there, right? Maybe add some protein to that. Maybe add some fat to that. You know, a lot of them come with almond butter. There you go, right? Like,

tracking has helped me understand that maybe these things that I thought were like the healthiest things, maybe not. Okay. I don't even like the word health. The most well-balanced meal actually wasn't right. And I'm not demonizing those foods. I eat those foods all the time, but to like, think like, Oh, this is all I need.

Then it's good, especially if you're trying to gain muscle or whatever, that's not going to be the best thing for those goals. Right. So it taught me those things. Yeah. I feel like it also taught me in the way that you kind of the opposite, like

Yes, that may be something you thought was healthy isn't the most healthy, but it also taught me things I feel like I thought were really bad actually weren't bad at all and perfect. A hundred percent. I was going to say that. We talk about this all the time. Shout out to our parents because I can always use my parents as a reference, but like

My mom will have like a salad and she's like, oh, I'm being healthy. But I'm like, but you could also have a burger and fries. Like you don't need to have the salad to be healthy. Like a burger fries. Like you can still enjoy that. But you can make that. So we have burgers. We've been like, how often? All the time. Like way off. Burgers.

Burgers are my favorite example. Like, because for the longest time when I was losing weight, I would eat a lot of sandwiches. Right. And like, there are people that think those aren't healthy, but like, there are a lot of people that will go and get a sandwich at a deli and they're like, Oh, this is healthy.

but a burger is unhealthy. I'm like, literally it's basically the same thing. Just one is hot and one is cold. I would argue a lot of times you can get a healthier burger because it's like, they, they're like always about like a hundred percent grass fed. I think all that stuff is for me, I think it's a little ridiculous, but like a lot of times it'll be like grass fed beef and, and all this stuff and like really lean beef that they use. And then the sandwich is just regular sandwich meat. You know, it's like,

I, for a lot, the longest time, I always felt like burgers were like the worst thing in the world. But in reality, it was very similar to the sandwiches I was having literally every day. Right. So yeah, a hundred percent. And I was very ingredient focused. Like I was very following the path of, cause like I said, I'm vegan. So I watched a lot of content from very like

I'm doing air quotes. It's like healthy creators, like very wholesome. And I was like, this has so many ingredients and it has xanthan gum and it has this, like this is so unhealthy in the added sugar. And that for me is more toxic than being like, Oh, perfect. This perfectly fits into my day of macro. So I'm going to eat it. I don't care if it has aspartame. I don't care. Like that to me is way more food freedom and way more freeing. Cause if I didn't track, I,

I'd be like, oh, but this has added stuff. And the healthy vegan girls said that that's bad. Like, who cares? Yeah, dude. I mean, I get a lot of flack because I'm not a hater of artificial sweeteners. Like I use Splenda. I drink diet sodas. And a lot of people will message me and be like, I thought like diet sodas were literally worse than regular soda for losing weight. And I'm like,

I don't know what to tell you, man. I've lost as much weight and I drink diet soda every day. So maybe that's not correct, right? Like I...

Again, I'm not saying everyone has to drink diet soda, but to demonize one certain thing is just silly when it's always the majority. It's everything, right? It's everything that you're doing. Everything that you're doing makes up who you are, not just this one specific thing. And so many people get hung up on that one specific thing. And then...

Creators or influencers come in and they make money off of you being afraid of that one certain thing, right? Like that's something that we've seen so much. And so, again, like I just try and make content and share stuff. Like I want people to understand, like, again, it's simple. You don't have to make it harder than it needs to be.

Like it's already hard enough, especially if you are someone that is really trying to change your habits and you're someone that whether you're trying to lose weight or even gain weight, you're not used to going to the gym. And all of these things are like super weird and different for you to then try and add all this extra stuff onto it. It's just not necessary. And it makes it harder than it already is. Right. Yeah.

Yeah, 100% because people even tell us like I'll do a full day of eating. I eat a lot of vegetables at lunch, a lot of vegetables, a lot of fruit, but then he'd be like, that's so much processed protein because I process protein like twice. And I'm like, are you like disregard? Like, sorry, I don't care. Like, like you're missing like the vegetables and the fruit, like all of that goes out the window. It's just like,

but you think that like energy drinks good for you. I'm like, quite frankly, I don't care because I work hard and I'd rather enjoy my life. Yeah. Like that's how we get hate for energy drinks. A lot. A lot. And we're like, look, it's a simple pleasure in our morning. Yeah. Yeah. Dude, I, I, I used to do a lot of full day beings. I almost never do them anymore because one, what I eat is the same all the time. Right. So that's freaking boring. And I'm not going, like, I'm not going to change how I'm eating.

Because I'm making a YouTube video. Like, screw that, dude. Like, I just don't care that much, right? So I just don't make full-day meetings anymore. Like, and so, oh, dude, I mean, that's a big thing that you see a lot of. Like, I have gone, I've said this many times, but 80% of the full-day meetings y'all are watching, listen, all right? 80% of the full-day meetings y'all are watching are completely fake.

All right. Listeners, they're fake. I'm telling you right now. I believe that too much. The core of my being, whether they're eating more. I promise we're the 20%. Yeah, we're the 20%. I promise. I don't, I don't know. I didn't know you guys made them, but like the, so, so many people will eat more than they're leading on. This is something I used to do. And I did it not because I was, not because I was trying to be like,

I was trying to lie. I made a whole video on my YouTube channel about this, but it was because I knew that my audience is people that are trying to lose weight, right? And so I felt bad eating the amount that I was eating and showing them this much food because I was like –

afraid that they were going to think that they needed to eat more. Right. So then I would like not show everything that I was actually eating. Cause like for a long time when I was training, I did a marathon. I trained for a triathlon. Like I was eating 4,000 calories a day. Right. But I didn't want to show people that because they're all trying to lose weight. So I would like not show everything, but then there are people that are eating less than they actually show on, um, on video or they're eating different things or they're actually having some diet sodas, but they're not showing you right. Like all of this, it's just,

very important. If you watch a full day of eating and like what you get out of it is like, Oh, ideas for meals and stuff. That's great. But if you are watching it and you think that this is how this person eats all the time, and that's the most important thing, I promise you they're not eating like that. Like if someone is cooking every meal and it's beautiful and it looks like an Instagram photo and every, all the time, I highly doubt. I'm sure there are some people that love doing that, but I highly doubt that.

that that is the way that most people live. And so my full day of meetings, whenever I do do them, I show the microwave meals that I have. I show the sandwiches that I eat. I show the chips that I have. I show the diet soda that I'm drinking. I like, I don't care. And if someone wants to judge me, I can just be like, you can judge me all you want, but my results speak for themselves. And that sounds like douchey maybe, but I'm not trying to sound douchey. I'm just trying to show people you do not need to be perfect.

Like you can be so not perfect and still see results. Like that's, that is like the basis of what I try and do. Yeah. That's definitely our full days of eating. Are we are big microwave. We are big, like rarely are we like using the oven.

No. Oh, I can't remember the last museum. But I wanted to say, like, I wish the listeners could literally see me because I was fist pumping when you said that a lot of them are fake because we have seen that firsthand in the fitness industry that the...

full days of eating and what people say they're actually eating is complete and utter bullshit. And it affects younger girls so much when they go out there and they say a specific amount of food that they're eating. And then they think that, okay, I'm going to eat exactly what they're eating because it's attainable for that body figure that she has when she's completely lying about the amount of food she's eating. And we've...

I mean, there was instances, girls, guys, whoever, it's been pretty much everything. We don't share the amount of food that we eat at all. Like there's never any measurements in the amount of food we eat, but we've been social media friends with people and we think, Oh, you know, they promote this really healthy lifestyle, whatever. We meet up with them in person and we're like, it's the opposite. Where did all that go? Like, wait, hold on a second. Like I've watched all your full day of meetings and you say you eat this many carbs and this many calories and I,

I don't see that going on. And then we had to like break, like, like it broke relationships. We were like, I don't support that. I can't respect somebody enough where they're a computer screen and it's just completely fake compared to like what is actually going on in real life.

Yeah, dude. I mean, the amount of people I've met that their whole Instagram is fitness and all this stuff. And then I work out with them and they don't know what they're doing. I'm like, have you ever lifted? Like, what are you, what is happening right now? Like it has happened many times or they're like not interested in, but working out. And I'm like, do you ever work out? Like what is happening? Like it has happened many,

so many times to me where I'm just like, so crazy. I, I literally, this is, I'm like literally going through this right now, but I've, I've, I'm unfollowing, I've unfollowed almost like all the fitness accounts that I used to follow. Cause I'm just like, I'm at a point right now where I'm just like over it. Like the amount of just, just like the amount of like BS and stuff that I see, it's just like, it's gotten me to a point where I'm just like,

I don't even want to deal with it anymore. Like I see it and I just, I just roll my eyes and I'm like, you know what? Like there's no reason for me to see this anymore because all it does is piss me off. So I'm just going to unfollow them. I feel like we're living the same life. We literally just like, we just went through this conversation. There's so many people who I feel like, you know, when we're kind of, I mean, not that we've like made it by now by any means, but like when we were really grinding our, like, you know, getting a following. The doggie. Sorry, I'm getting the delivery. Yeah.

It's all right. But when we were really grinding, getting a following, you know, you got to like follow a lot of people back and interact with other people's content. And then now that we see some people's stuff, like we're trying to like clear the name of fitness influencers for females, because I feel like they get such a bad reputation because so many of them are so bad. Yeah. So we're trying to like really just.

like honesty. And we see a lot of these people that we used to follow. We're like, yeah, you don't need to be on my feed. Like actually we don't need to be like commenting on each other's stuff. I don't really agree with what you post. And yeah, it's, it's, I don't know. It's just like gotten to a point where it's almost like, it almost feels like parody. Like sometimes I look at people's posts and I'm like, are you being like serious now? Like I've literally, like I, I go through,

Like I'm at a point right now where it's like I've literally considered and I still might do it. Like almost like turning my Instagram into just literally parroting other people because I'm at a point now where it's like I don't even care to post fitness stuff because it's like point like, I don't know. I'm pretty like black-filled, doomer-pilled on all of this right now. So like maybe it's not the best time to talk about it. But like I am so over it to a point where it's like I almost want to just turn my account into –

making fun of what fitness has become on the internet, you know? And like, I've like thought about doing like full day of eatings where it's like, I'm not even trying to be realistic about what I'm eating. And I'm literally just being like, now I'm going to make organic whole grain, like just being over the top, you know? But I think that maybe I just need to pull it back a little bit, but it's, it's just gotten to a point where it's just,

Again, it's just, it's not real life. Like, and that's the thing that I try and share the most is like,

Again, the thing that's the most important to me is I want people to see results because results are addicting, right? Like when you see results, it's like in weight loss, I'm sure even in gaining weight and strength goals, right? When you see results, it motivates you to want to go back and do more. Right now, I've been like, I just got back into skateboarding. I used to skateboard when I was younger. And like when I go to the skate park and I learn a new trick or I do something better, that motivates me to want to

go back tomorrow and all this stuff right it's the same in losing weight it's the same in gaining strength and so many people they end up quitting because they felt like they couldn't measure up to this standard that they're seeing on instagram that and that standard isn't one real a lot of the times and two necessary anyways to make progress anyways you know so it's just like

It just fires me up. I'm sorry. I've been ranting so much this episode. No, this is like rantable topics. No, we appreciate it. We have another rantable topic that I want. We've been like flying through this episode, but I love it. Yeah. It is nice. So in a way that people also make things look extremely perfect on the internet. Yeah.

Do you know those people? I think you've made videos about them. The girls that realistically look great. And then they post these trends, like these, like, look, but I also look like this. And they're like,

literally making the most unrealistic like they never look either one of the either the good picture is photoshopped or the second one's how you look but you definitely don't look like both yeah and I feel like that's even an unrealistic expectation I think some people think it's helping yeah I don't think it's helping by being yeah contradictory

It's interesting because it seems like a lot of, this might be a hot take, but a lot of the people that went really hard on fitness and became really, really into fitness and then maybe got, maybe dealt with some issues from that, whether that's like

They became addicted to exercise. A lot of them have, it seems, shifted to the other extreme of being like body positive. And I put that in air quotes because it seems like a lot of people are like, oh, yeah, I'm body positive. And they –

Their body is like a normal body and then they make it seem like it's more than it might be, right? Like the way that they're posing or the way that they're sitting. I'm just like, dude, I mean, like it's great to be like happy in your skin and stuff, right? But why are we –

intentionally making it like, who is sitting there like this? Like I, who does that? Right. Like nobody. And so it's like, I just, I think that people that were really, really,

really went really, really hard into fitness and stuff. A few years ago, a lot of them have shifted to, again, there's nothing wrong with being positive, positive. Like, I mean, I talk about it all the time. I have new skin from losing a lot of weight. I post pictures of that stuff all the time. Right. But I don't like post a picture where I'm like, or I'm going to stand up, bend over, make my loose skin look as bad as humanly possible, take a photo and then share with people how they should love themselves regardless. Right. Like,

I don't know. Like, I don't, I just, I get really, again, it just, it makes me feel, she's about to bark again. There's someone else dropping something off, but it makes me feel like it's just people wanting, like seeing a way that they can latch onto something. And it seems like that's what's happened. It's like at first they latched onto fitness and then now they're latching onto something else, body positivity or whatever it might be. Right.

Exactly. And I think it's mostly, I think people think they're doing it for like relatability, but it's like truly just a marketing tactic. And it's almost like, look, I'm better than these other fitness influencers or whatever influencers for that matter, any type of person that posts themselves because I can sit and have roles. And it's like, what? Like they try to, they almost first, they got a following because they look good, but then maybe they were kind of dying down. So like, now let me get the following of people who are going to like that. I also sometimes don't.

not even sometimes, never, unless I'm extremely posed, look bad. Yeah. And it's like, I think it's also kind of offensive to people that look like maybe the quote bad photo and can never get them. They don't also look like the good photo. You know what I'm saying? Like, it's like, not everyone can just easily do both in a matter of two minutes. Yeah. And I think. Yeah, it's, it's definitely, it's, it's tough because like,

Like I said before, when it comes to like body positivity, right. I think that everyone deserves to feel positive about their body and all of that stuff. Right. But like,

I do think that there is something to be said about people that are just getting into that because they feel like it can get them followers because they feel like it can get them street cred or it can get them exposure. Right. Like there's something to be said for that. You know, like there are people like, you know, like, I don't know, like someone like me, I just use loose skin because it's what I actually have. Right. Like, I can't just like,

snap my fingers or stand up and then whoop it's all gone you know like it's always there like I always have it right and the only way I could get rid of it is getting surgery right and so it I can understand like for for me personally like I see that and it's just kind of like I guess the best way to just gets kind of cringy like I see it and like I see it a lot now thank you um I see it a lot now and it's like literally I'm just like you can just place it right there it's fine um I uh

I see it and it just, I just like cringe. Like I'm like, oh, but like, it doesn't really affect me that much, but I know that it definitely affects other people a lot more. Like, especially like the, obviously yours to women affects women a lot more. Like I talk about body positivity, health at every size a lot. And one of the biggest criticisms I get is that I'm always talking negatively about women. Right. Which is,

From an outside perspective, I can understand that because whenever I am talking negatively about someone, a lot of times it is women. Now, why is that? And I feel like the reason that is is because there are tons more women in body positivity slash health at every size in that sphere. There's a reason for it, though, I believe, is because women have been – their bodies have been policed far more than men's. So it's – again, it's the pendulum effect. So –

Getting policed, feeling like you have to have the perfect hourglass figure, feeling like you have to have this.

it swung to a lot of women being like, screw that right. Body positivity, health at every size. And then it's gotten, in my opinion, it's gotten maybe a little bit too far. And so that's what I talk about. Right. And so I don't, that was a huge ramble, but I'm sorry, but yeah. I agree. And it's something like that too. Like when this whole train kind of started, I was like, even like a few months ago, I've seen it like more rapidly on social media. It made me think to myself first thing. I'm like, wait, should I like be posting like this? And then I'm like thinking to myself, I'm like,

if I were to post like a before and after it's like, I would legit have to like work myself in order to get that after or the bad photo. And it's just not realistic to me. And I, yeah. And it's not even in like a, like a, a way like, Oh, but we look like good all the time. It's not even that we look, we look and like, we don't think we're posting these highly exaggerated photos of ourselves. Like, are we posed? Yeah. But not like,

Like, I don't think I'm putting lies on the internet. I feel like that's how I look if I flex my bicep. Like, clearly I'm flexing my bicep, but you could probably envision what it looks like

flat against my body. Um, I think it's also people are trying to pull up people's just like emotions when, like we said, fitness is so simple. So why even try to get people so wrapped up in body image when we could just keep it? Yes. Simple facts. Why try to get in people's heads and get with people's emotions? Cause body image is a sensitive subject.

It's a hundred percent. Something that I've actually been like learning more about and like reading into is the concept of body positivity versus like body neutrality. Right. And so the, one of the issues a lot of people have with body positivity is that you still are like

it's, we've all heard the term toxic, toxic positivity, right? Like, Oh, always being happy, no matter what's going on. But then it's like, that's what a lot of people feel body positivity has turned into. It's like toxic body positivity. It's like, no matter what, you always should be happy about your body when in,

The other way to look at it is in body neutrality is like I might not be happy with how my body looks or whatever, but it's like my body is still my body and I'm happy with how it performs, how it's able to get me out of bed in the morning, how I'm able to run or whatever it might be. Like,

how I feel about how I look is the least important thing about what my body can do. Right. And I really like that way of thinking like, yes, I have loose skin, but like, I might not love how that looks, but it doesn't change the fact that I appreciate my body for being able to skateboard, for being able to, um,

be able to do a triathlon, be able to run a marathon, all of these things that my body is able to do, like has nothing to do with how it looks. Right. And I really like that kind of line of thinking. Cause you don't always feel, cause then with body positivity, if you feel like you have a bad body image day, you feel like you're failed. And again, that's like, why are we putting that on ourselves? Why are we making it seem like we have to,

It's like this unattainable goal. Nobody, most people, I should say, are not always happy with how they look. Regardless of how perfect my body might seem to you or imperfect it might be, no one's always happy. So to expect that of yourself, I think, is just to expect too much. Yeah.

Yeah, sorry. Again, another ramble. You don't have to apologize at all. I do it all the time. People get mad at me in my YouTube videos. For a long time when I used to make videos, I would do interviews and I would interrupt a lot. And people got really, really mad. Like really mad at me because I get like so – as you've seen, I get very intense and very excited. And so a lot of times I'll be doing like watching a video

And then I'll be reacting to that video. So I'll pause the video. And I feel like it's like, I'm interrupting this person. So that's why I say it for anyone that might be listening. That's like, he says, sorry too much. I promise there's a reason. And I'm sorry about doing it. I actually,

I actually, I mean, I'm like a fan of your content. I like, I watch it. I like have read the comments and it's funny because I've seen that. Like I've seen people saying like, why are you apologizing for talking? Like we're on your channel because we want to hear what you have to say. Like that's why we're here. And that's like why you're on it to ramble. Like,

It's true. An hour long of talking to ramble. I know. And if you're rambling, you never know where it could end up leading to. Like another whole topic. I mean, and that's why we never plan our podcast. We just come up with a topic and don't even talk about it to each other. We just turn the mics on and talk. And that's why. But even like I knew we'd like have a lot to talk about with you. That's why I didn't even give you like detailed bullet points because I was like, I think this will just...

bounce off because I think we'll get into good conversation. I was like, I think it'll just work. But anyways, with the back to like the post we were talking about, I was going to say how you said it's more important what your body can do. I feel like my version of wanting to show realistic is like me failing something in the gym.

like failing a lift to me that's more realistic okay instagram versus reality like look you probably think i know what i'm doing in the gym but here's me like literally falling doing something like he like that to me is realistic because that to me matters more than like body image yeah i feel like i'd rather promote like i actually don't sit there and stare at my body in the mirror that much like i like you probably shouldn't do that either

Yeah, I agree. And like, I think a lot of people think I do that with my loose skin. Like they think I'm like standing there, like pulling at it, be like, it's just not how I am. Like, I don't really think about it very much. I think like going back to kind of what you were saying, like, I think there is something to be said about those, you know, the pose versus unposed. And I think again, at the start, they were pretty cool, but then it turned into how ridiculous can I make this photo?

And it's like, it always turns into that because it's social media and the crazier it is, the more eyes you're going to get on it. Right. It's like, really? So unposed your 400 pounds and posed your 190 shredded. I highly doubt it, you know, like, but I think like for a lot of people, especially like for like a lot of women, like they're, people have gotten very good at posing for their Instagram photos. So I think a very normal pose and unposed can be helpful.

Right. But I think it was that for maybe a day. And then people saw how well it did. And then they're like, let me make myself look as ridiculous as I possibly can and be unposed. And then in the pose, I'm like actually editing it and doing all of this extra stuff to make myself look extra good. Right. That's where it's like not helpful. But the idea of pose versus unposed or whatever, like in and of itself, I think that that's can be helpful.

it doesn't ever stay the actual, you know, it always goes further, right? Which is, I'm assuming what you guys are talking about.

We've definitely seen that happen too. Like it was very normal and now it's like ridiculous. Like, cause at first it didn't help me when it was normal. Like when it was like very basic, like very, very basic. But now when I just see it too much, I see it as just straight up. Like this is a marketing tactic and you're trying to get people who are insecure about their bodies right now to come to you.

that's exactly how I see it now are they like a little bit trying to help probably but it's always like people with big followings that are already like skinny and pretty so I'm like yeah are you trying yeah unposed is them in front of a freaking fridge open with syrup all over themselves and then poses and perfect and I'm like bro come

Come on. Like this is so, again, that's why I think sometimes half of these pages aren't even being real and they're just satire on the rest of the fitness industry. But I think that's just my thoughts. Yeah, I see a lot of, mainly on TikTok, I feel like a lot of stuff. I'm like, is this real? Or did they post it in the comments? Yeah. Oh yeah. Like I can't tell if this is like legit fitness advice because the fitness advice on TikTok is, we have a whole episode on that, guys. That's a whole different.

Another beast, dude. We have a whole episode on that. But I was going to like end this off with saying like,

Um, if you wanted to go into like just some like weight loss tips, but I believe we've already addressed that. It's literally simple and it's calories in calories out and like move. Yep. Yeah. I mean, it's, it's calories in calories out. Like my advice to anyone that might be starting is keep it simple. You don't have to cut everything out right at the start. Right. So my, my advice, if you're struggling and usually this is helpful if you're struggling with

like to lose a good amount of weight. But even if it's just a little bit and you haven't implemented this, this might help. So my advice first thing is cut out liquid calories. So that might be soda that you're drinking, like full calorie sodas, juices, maybe it's smoothies. Maybe you're not realizing how many calories are in those things.

Avoid those. Look at the amount of calories that are in the sauces that you're using. And then, you know, kind of go from there. And then as far as like movement, I always say that weight loss happens in the kitchen and fitness happens in the gym. Right. And so they complement each other very well.

But thinking that you are going to get your weight loss results from what you're doing in the gym, I think is a little backwards. I think you should focus on what you're eating or what you're not eating or whatever it might be before you really start like killing yourself in the gym to see those results. I think that's usually a good way to go about it.

And then another thing is like, as you get maybe closer to your, I don't, I don't like even using goal weight, but you know, as you now, I only have five pounds, 10 pounds lose, whatever it might be. Like at the start, it might be your diet is up here. Like that's the most important thing. And like what you're doing in the gym really doesn't matter. But as you get closer, I think they do even out a little bit, but even then I think diet is always going to be the more important thing because you know, it's very easy to eat a thousand calories. It's very freaking hard to burn a thousand calories. Right.

And so that's the example that I like to use. But yeah, just focus on that. If weight loss is a goal, just focus on the diet, focus on what you're eating. Go to the gym, definitely, or just find something that works for you fitness wise. But yeah, that's my advice for that, I guess. And everything is the gym, really. Even like putting on muscle, like, yeah, you have to like lift weights, but I mean, you have to eat properly. You gotta eat properly. Like every single fitness goal is food. A million, million percent.

And I agree. I mean, when people like I know maybe in real life that like that, not really that I share to my followers, because like I said, that's not our life.

forte on the internet but in real life when people want weight loss advice i'm just like literally just food and like if someone's drinking liquid calories every day like soda if you took out the soda you're probably in a deficit yeah if you like were drinking a lot of soda have the soda you might be in a 500 calorie deficit in like 500 from soda oh yeah like a venti like white chocolate starbucks don't drink it might be in a deficit already from the 400 calorie coffee and like go on a walk

yeah easy easy I'm a big fan of I'm a big fan of walking I think walking is probably the most underrated exercise form of exercise there is we're big walkers we're big walkers too yeah but I think that's I mean I feel like I could sit here and talk about other random topics for like actually another hour because I feel like I have so much to say and so much to like pick your brain on but we've been talking for like an hour yeah

So I think this is where we will cut this off. Do you want to like plug yourself? We'll like make sure again, everyone knows what you're, what you're on on social media.

Yeah. I mean, if you want still to follow me after all that, it's just obese to be really anywhere you type that name, it should pop up. So yeah, I think they'll want to follow you. I mean, that's just what we talk about a million percent. So I think that they will definitely be into it, especially our followers that may be in the demographic that are in more like need to lose weight. Maybe came from your starting point. I think following your like YouTube would be really helpful for them. Cause I think, like I said, I think people think that because we're like

smaller girls. We don't know, or advice doesn't apply because we've never done it. So it's like, look, someone has done it. The advice stays the same. Yeah. No, I, I definitely, um, understand where you're coming from there. A lot of people will, they'll listen to anything. Someone that has the weight lost weight says, and a lot of times, uh, the advice that you get from someone that's lost a lot of weight is wrong. It can be actually dangerous. And so, uh, I, I,

I totally understand that it can probably be frustrating when people are like, you don't know what it's like. It's like, I mean, I don't, but also just because someone's lost 50 pounds and what they did was, you know, cut out all carbs and they only eat one time a day. And maybe that's not the best advice either, you know? So, yeah. Okay, well, this was such a great episode. I really hope you guys like it and we will see you guys in our next episode. So, bye guys. Bye.

See you on Friday.