cover of episode #FEXCUSES | 10 Easy ways to get your shit together

#FEXCUSES | 10 Easy ways to get your shit together

Publish Date: 2021/11/8
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Hey guys, happy Monday. Welcome back. We are on our week two of two episodes a week. Yes, going strong. I'm really excited about this week. I like this episode and I really like Friday's episode. So it's going to be a good week of podcast. I'm really excited about it. Um,

It is Sunday for us, you know, getting things ready for the week ahead. Still just doing work this week. We got a long week ahead of us. Yeah, in this week, like in the period, the next seven days, I'll be in three states. Yeah. That's like... Lots of flying. Yeah. And I hate... I hate it. I'm going to be taking all kind of calm down, anxiety stuff. Yeah. All of it.

Yeah, no, we obviously go to LA from Tuesday to Friday and then she goes, she travels off and I come home. So I'm going to be alone, but I kind of like it. Like after a long week, like I just get to have the apartment to myself and just like chill. Yeah, when you were gone, not gonna lie, it was weird though. Yeah, no, it was definitely weird. It was like, there's really just no one here. Like lunch, it was just like...

sitting by yourself like alone and then it's like at night like i'm like are all the doors locked like yeah that's scary like i just i'm like not like okay if one of us was here like if someone was gonna come kill us like what would you being here like do yeah like like you know like we're probably going down either way my mom's listening to this like yeah i know my my friends but yeah it was more just like weird just like it being empty yeah and like going to the gym yeah driving to the gym i was like

I guess I'll leave now. Like, I don't... You have, like, no one telling you, like, do something. Like, yeah, there's no, like, like, oh, are you ready? Like, oh, like... Yeah. Like, ready to go? Just like...

I guess I'll leave. Yeah. It was weird. Very weird. That was also my first time being here without you. I'd never been in Austin, Texas without you. That's so fact because... Because you lived here. I lived here by myself. And I was like, I was driving. I was like, oh, I live here by myself. I'm stuck here. Yeah. Nowhere to go. But yeah, she'll be alone for like a few days and I'll be...

So off my grind, but it's okay. We'll definitely talk about that in like another episode of how that whole thing goes because...

Definitely going to be off my grind. But we've been pretty on our grind this whole time. We said we weren't going to eat out all week, and we didn't. We didn't. I didn't have the urge to either. Guys, if you guys are making good-ass fucking food, you're not going to have the urge to want to eat out. Oh, my God. These bagels. Oh, my God. Our breakfast sandwiches. Here's my thing, too. If you are like us with pretty high macros—

Eating out doesn't fill you. Yeah. It doesn't, like, it doesn't fill me good. Yeah. Like, if you go, like, so, for example, you go to Cava, like, because we were just talking about Cava. You get a bowl, probably around, like, 500, 600, 700 calories. It's dense, yeah, but it doesn't fill me. It doesn't fill you, and that's the thing. It's so high calorie for, like, to be hungry in 30 minutes. That's probably just us, though, because we, like... You can go to Chipotle, and, like, I get full from Chipotle. I guess it just, like, depends. Sometimes Chipotle just makes me feel bloated, but I'm not, like...

full like i feel puffy of like sodium but i don't feel full that's how i felt like last week when we were with brooke and we went to the chipotle i know my boundaries with chipotle at least like i know if i get the guac oh my god bloating like no other i can my body cannot handle high fats and then i blow it like a motherfucker so that's one thing if i get beans at chipotle over yeah it's

Over with. I don't know. I haven't been craving going out, so we did a good job with that, and we're saving money with it. We did go to the grocery store three times last week, though, because we just, like, we're, like, oh, we need something. But I feel like we'll get better at it. I feel like... But the thing is, you, like, we both did full days of eating this week. I did one for my Instagram that I'm going to post today when this is up, and, like, you're doing one for, like, your YouTube. Like, we need to have food. Yeah. Like, we need to have things to make...

decent meals because I want to do a full day of eating and I'm like here's my full day of eating we got nothing in the fridge half of this is just frozen meals don't like that yeah it wouldn't really do so well if you guys want to like know the behind the scenes of like a full day of eating for us like we make sure when we film a new full day of eating we're not eating the same thing we've already had in a full day of eating because we want to bring to you guys a new recipe yeah so it stresses us out so much I'll be like I literally will try to plan out my whole full day of eating because I'm like okay like

I already had this, like, this lunch in that full day of eating, so I have to do a different full, like, it just, like, it's so stressful. I have had protein cereal every single day after my workout, and yesterday I had a protein bar and, like, dried mango as, like, two, like, snacks, and, like, I mean, it was fine. I ate it. That's actually what I ate that day, but I tried to make it different, and I'm, like, it just, like, messed up my macros for the rest of the day, and I was, like, what do I eat now? That's not a snack I eat. Like, now I don't know how many carbs I need. Like, it totally, like...

threw me off and I'm like I miss my the same meals I eat I like I eat the same thing every single day for like a week dude someone said this oh my god to me shout out to whoever said this because you probably know who you are because not many other people have said this to me but they literally swiped up on my story of my like I think it was my pizza or something that I posted last week and they were like genuinely like I want to thank you because if it wasn't for you with your fun recipes and like macro friendly meals I would be eating chicken and rice every freaking day and I like literally sat back for a second I was like

Holy shit. Like, I can't even imagine the amount of girls that I'm, like, helping, like, be able to actually, like, eat, like, fun foods and not chicken and rice. Because I remember when I, like, first started, like, I was eating chicken and rice with a Jiu-Jitsu sauce, tofu and rice, Jiu-Jitsu sauce, like, and not making it fun. Yeah. And, like, now I enjoy it. Tofu, rice, and, like, Jiu-Jitsu sauce is still, like, honestly, like, my... But, like, today for lunch, dude, I had a bagel and french fries. Yeah. And, like, I feel like before, that's, like...

that would never fit like healthy lifestyle. And it's like, no, lunch was a bagel and french fries. Like, and it was so good. And like, you can also eat a bagel and freaking french fries. I feel like, I feel like our content and our full days of eating do two things. So like, you do like cooler shit. Yeah. And then I kind of show people like, you can be vegan and like hyper and not have everything be like complicated.

complicated as hell because if you look up like vegan recipes yeah people make it real I've noticed oh my god they're like so crazy the ingredients are like so expensive like I don't know like they're like everything from scratch yeah it's like I don't know they're just so intense or like everything is like so many vegetables which is like so expensive like getting so much produce and I'm like

I don't eat like that. So I feel like I do the opposite and I'm like, look how simple. Like, look how simple your meals can be. I need, this is so, like you said vegetables, but I was like for next, well not next week because we're not going to be together. The next time we all meal prep together on Sunday, I'm not doing Brussels sprouts. I'm not. They make a meat so gassy. I might do cauliflower. Dude. Guys, if you realize you're having like Brussels sprouts during the day or you just think you're like super like gassy, whatever.

Play around with, like, not having Brussels sprouts during the day and see what happens. Well, it's really any, like, if you think you're gassy, like, I'm telling you, for me, it's baby carrots. I'm not even kidding. My stomach, I don't think you understand. I've never heard anyone say that. Okay, well, my stomach, I don't think you understand, like, every single night, the painful bloating I would feel. And it wasn't like, oh, food baby, like, I've eaten all day, now I'm bloated. Like, it was like...

in pain i was eating baby carrots as a snack like every single day then i was kind of experimenting and then like realized one day i didn't have them and it didn't happen and i was like holy crap and then i looked it up and a lot of people have carrot slight carrot allergies that's crazy right it's like a common thing so if you eat baby carrots every single day and you're like i'm so bloated maybe maybe stop the baby carrots it might be that yeah i used to eat those like every single day and like raw chickpeas

Dude, I've had raw chickpeas in a really fucking long time. That used to be like, I'd have a salad with like chickpeas. The Buffalo Ranch ones? Other than food, that's what's, we get to sit here and talk about what we're going to eat all week for like an hour. Oh yeah. One podcast episode is like us talking about our meals of the week. Literally. Hey, do you guys want, we literally could post this on like a Monday and be like planning out what we're going to have for the week. And then like that could be like their full weekend. Just us sitting down writing a grocery list. Yeah. That's not a bad idea. Yeah.

Okay. Anyways, the other thing that's been going on is dealing with so much hate on TikTok about the most just stupidest things. Honestly, there's still a war on a video from like a month ago of me dumbbell benching and I just called it benching. There is a war in the comments about if it's benching or not. I mean, the video has like a million views. So like go off, I guess, like in the comments, but like,

So crazy. And then about my arch, because I respond... Oh, my God, so many comments. And then I posted that, isn't it... Kind of like me, like, when you can press the same as the guy next to you, in no way calling the dude weak, but just calling myself strong. I had to turn off the comments. They were so mean. Like, people... It's just crazy, because...

It's random people that, one, probably don't follow you. And if they do follow you, they're literally only following you. A lot of them do. No, what I'm saying is, like, if they are following you, they're literally only following you so that they can make those comments. Yeah. Constantly. And for both of us this week, guys, like, we're not, like, trying to, like, be, like, pity party. Like, meh, feel bad for us. But, like, there's a lot of hate that we have to deal with 24-7. And sometimes it really affects our mental health. So when we see you guys literally going at the hate comments for us... Yeah, it, like... Like, if there's a hate comment on our page...

And we already see that like 10 of you have like stuck up for us. You guys don't understand how much that like helps us. So keep doing you. We love you. It's like a massive like family. Like, I don't know. Yeah, no, it does really help. Because if you see a comment, let's say it's a hate comment. It has like 100 likes. Yeah. It makes you feel in your head like everyone agrees with this person. But even if it gets two replies of like someone like clapping back at them. Yeah. It like makes me feel better. Yeah. So I'm like, oh, wait.

Like, I'm not just dumb. Yeah. I don't know. Like, TikTok is just ridiculous. It is. I've been getting a lot of comments about my body. Like, which is so fucked up. Like, literally guys. It's not even girls. Guys are commenting on my body. Like, saying as if I'm not enough or, like, my legs are too small. Like, I have no quads. Like, all this stuff. Which, keep in mind, like, those comments don't necessarily bother me. It's just, like...

Why is a guy making comments about my body? They definitely... Well, one, I was telling Sam, I got another comment too about...

my body and a lot of you are going after it a lot of you probably saw it because a lot of you are attacking but it's a guy just saying like no thanks you got no boobs and no waist like and then he was like what's my problem with just stating my standards I'm like okay you're an ass but whatever but like you guys were all like clapping back and I just told Sam like those guys like the truth is like if you ever were to like

Show interest in them. They're 100% gonna be so excited about it. They clearly just, like, got rejected from a girl and are trying to be, like... No. No, one of them... Like, you're ugly. Like, hello. Like... One of them, he was, like... Oh, I was, like, arching. Oh, it was my arch video. And I was, like, oh, like, wow, like, the...

Me doing my arch, like, setting up for my bench press, knowing some guy is going to, like, be pressed in the comments. And he literally was pressed in the comments. I was like, I was a toxic person and, like, all this shit. I'm like, I just am not looking for feedback on my arch. That's what it is. When I made that video, like, when you're using the same weight to shoulder press as the guy next to you, guys are so fragile. So fragile. They are, like, no way, like, just so mad. And I'm like, okay, one...

Like, why are you taking this to heart? I'm like, were you sitting next to me at the gym? I don't think you were. So I don't know why you're like so pressed.

And then my favorites when you're using a weight are like they say, a lot of people say I can only lift a certain amount. They're like, yeah, strong. You can only bench 90 pounds. And I'm like, where did you get that from? Yeah, right. I'm like, you just made that up. Or like if it's like a staged like video too. Oh, my God. And they're like, oh, my God. Like you are so weak. I'm like, it's literally staged. Like –

Like, they sometimes have done a staged video and, like, they literally are so impressed in the comments saying I'm weak as fuck. I'm like... I even got comments saying I'm the worst spotter ever. And I said, that was fake. All right, enough of the fucking TikTok, like... Yeah, but it's just really annoying. But thank you, like, to make it not very complain-y. Just thank you if you... Because I know, like, it's like, don't give attention to it. But, like, it does make us feel good, you know? Like, to just be like, okay, someone...

Someone has our back and not everyone is thinking I'm the worst person to ever walk the earth. Yeah. Because I posted a video of me shoulder pressing. It's just so confusing too because all we're ever trying to do with our content is like make you laugh, make you feel empowered, motivate you, and educate you. So it's like why? Like that video, people are like, you're such a hypocrite. You want to bring others up or you're putting down the guy. I'm like, I'm not putting down anyone. I'm saying it's really cool when you're a strong girl and can finally use like the big boy weights. Yeah, totally. That's all I'm saying. I'm saying like –

It's a cool feeling to finally feel strong. Like, you're the one trying to say that the dude is, like, weak as hell. Like, I don't know. While in the video, there was no guy next to you. There was literally none. I had one in mind, though. Yeah. I have seen guys shoulder press 40s, and I'm like, I shoulder press 40s. Do better. Gym boy. I don't think he listens to this. They probably do.

That was so funny. That was really funny. Okay. So, um, what do you want to like, is that all we have? I kind of, that's kind of all like, honestly, cause like we literally have to podcast again in a few days about another catch up. Counting this one. I like to do just cause we're doing choice week. Counting this one this week, we're doing five podcasts. Yeah. Fuck. We are. We are podcasting five times this week. Counting this one. Oh,

I love it though. I think it's fun. It is fun, but it's so stressful. It's just a lot of brain energy. Yeah. Cause you have to get energy. It's not just talking. It's talking with like energy and a purpose and you have to like be engaged in the conversation. You can't just like zone out. Yeah.

But today, we're going to be talking about 10 things you can do, like, today, right now, to get your shit together. Get that fucking shit together. Because last week was the first of the month. And people always have good, you know, first of the month plans. But maybe they didn't happen, right? You, like, didn't do it. Well, today is the second Monday of the month, if you're listening to it right now. If you're not, it's still a day that you can get started, whenever you're listening to this. But...

Now we're giving the real things to get your shit together. Better fucking do it. Right now. But we're not being too crazy with it. Not crazy at all. Yes, these are so simple. So simple and so adjusted to your lifestyle and realistic. That's the key. These are so realistic. Which I kind of want to touch on too is like,

The unrealistic and the realistic, what we're sharing with you, like Taylor said, is like realistic, but then there are like the unrealistic goals and like things to jump right into. And one of those things, in my personal opinion, is going to be 75 hard. I find that to be like the most toxic thing ever. Taylor obviously has her other opinions on it, which she can touch base on. But like for me, I think like all the rules for it are just nonsense. Like,

No cheat meal. Like I hate the idea of like the word even the word cheat meal. Like I just don't like that. And like there are like I would say what seven or eight really like tough rules to follow. And especially if you're someone that's just starting off in the gym or just starting off trying to get like on the healthier sides. I'm putting air quotes.

It's not something that's realistic to jump right into. And if you're trying to do it for weight loss, that's another thing too. You can't go into 75 hard doing it for weight loss. If you're doing it, it has to be a mental thing. It's not something that you should be doing thinking, okay, 75 days, no cheat meal, workout twice a week, waking up at 5 a.m. I'm losing 25 pounds from this. Yeah, because you're going to go right back. Yeah, exactly. I just think...

That perspective of it is very toxic. But if you're somebody that's been in the gym for three plus years and you have a good routine down, you really want to challenge yourself. Then that's when I think it's like a good time to do it. Yeah. And that's what my perspective is. Cause I, I say this a lot. I mean like to Sam, when we're having our own conversations about maybe content to put out or, Oh, this could be taken this way or that way. I don't think it's everyone's fault. Like you can't put out some type of idea and like,

It doesn't work for everyone. And if this is something super toxic to you, I think at that point it's your responsibility to know what's good for your stage in your journey. And I don't think it's something if you want to lose a bunch of weight to just do 75 hard, you're going to crash period. Or if your relationship with exercise is very toxic. And if you do one day off, you're going to, I mean, just spiral rest days. If you just go twice a week, like if you, yeah, but you can like walk.

They're in the gym. One of them's in gym. I just think like, okay, but I'm saying if you're, if your mindset is too strict, where if you do something wrong, you're going to spiral. Don't do it. For example, the diet, it just says a diet. My diet would be this vegan. No, no alcohol or no cheat meals. Okay. No cheat meal.

But like your diet, a cheat meal depends on what you say your diet is. My diet could be vegan with allowing one free meal a week. Yeah. But then so a cheat meal...

I'm allowing a meal into my diet. You see what I'm saying? Like, my diet... Someone like us understands that, but somebody who doesn't understand that thinks it's going to be a fucking slice of cake, a big-ass motherfucking indulgent pancake. Yeah. Calories. And that's why I think I could do it now for the purpose of it being a mental toughness challenge, but I really think if you think it's quick weight loss or that if you try and you fail, you are just...

Done. Incapable. Yeah. That's totally incorrect. I just think you need to know if it's okay for you. Because I've seen a lot of people do 75 hard that have amazing relationships with their, like, food and exercise. And all it did was really now they read. Now they go on long walks. You know, they get healthy habits from it. And it was totally a good thing for them. Yeah. So you just have to know your...

Yeah. I guess. In your journey. And you also, you can be totally cool with modifying it. You don't have to put a label. You could be like, I'm doing 75 hard. But maybe your 75 hard is only one 45 minute workout. Yeah. You know? Like, you don't, it's not like you say you're going to do it and you're signing like,

your life away. And if you don't do it, like you die, like you can make it whatever you want. Totally agree on that. We did me and Taylor didn't talk about this before the podcast because she said she had a different perspective on it. But now I'm happy that we did talk about, cause I feel like we definitely can agree on it. Like, so what I'm going to say is like to take away from the whole 75 aspect is if you're going in it with weight loss goals, like

That should not be what you should be going in for. Like if you're going in for weight loss goals, it has to be a long-term goal. Like weight loss is not something that's like an easy fix and can be done like something strict. Or just like a health goal, but you think the only way to be healthy is to be the most strict you've ever been on yourself. Because if you think that, that's also not true. Yes. So this is more so things that you can do

Every single week and day of your life from the day you listen to this till you just, you know, you have great, great kids. And I guarantee you, once you start these things, you will adapt these habits perfectly.

snap of your fingers and you will not even notice three months from now that you're even doing these yeah and i just want to say these are gonna sound simple right it's probably things you've heard but like take it in and do it because i feel like it takes like people hear it they're like like well whatever the things you say they're like yeah like i know but like do it okay i'm just gonna say i know it sounds simple but really take it in and hold yourself accountable i we

We want you to post a snap of it on your Instagram story and put the, like, whatever our hashtag is going to be. F excuses. F excuses, okay? Because there's no excuses. Hold yourself accountable. Every single one of these things, like we said, could be adjusted to your lifestyle, your time, your diet. Like, there's zero excuses. So...

Number one, so we said 10 ways to get your shit together. You have to define what get your shit together means for you. Because is it being more productive with your work? Is it losing weight? Is it gaining weight? Is it gaining strength? Better relationship with food? Better relationship with food. Is it mental health? Is it anything? Whatever. You have to pick what does getting your shit together mean. Which...

I feel like a lot of people wouldn't start there. Yeah. And they just think they have to do everything. Yeah. But like really like define what that like means to you. Yeah. And then from there, number two would be to set your short and long-term goals. It is very important that you don't have goals

a bunch of short-term goals. Like, okay, in two weeks, I want to have lost two, three pounds or something like that. That is just very unrealistic. And if you have a very big long-term goal, say, like, by the end of the year, or the year's about to end, but say, by summertime, like, you have... Or a year from now. Yes, a year from now, you want to not let, like, the...

the number on the scale dictate your happiness. Like that is a really good, like long-term goal to have. And there's even longer term goals. Like I've said on this podcast a million times, I want to look and feel good when I'm in my forties and fifties. Yeah. That's a super long-term goal, but that's also what part, something that keeps me going when I go to the gym and that's so many years from now, but I'm like, I would like to look at exactly. Yeah.

We should make like t-shirts that say like future MILF. Yes, dude. 100%. Let us know. That's so funny. Okay. But like that's, and like you want to be able to be like older and like play with your grandkids. Yeah. You know, like anything like that, but that's more health and fitness related. But like I said, this could be work. Maybe you want a promotion in X amount of time, anything like that. And then short-term goals. Yeah.

If you're going to the gym, what do you want to squat that day? Yeah. You know, they could be short as like in the next hour. Yeah. Like, what do you want to do? Yeah. Or in the week. I want to go to the gym four times this week. Mm-hmm. Or I want to hit 10K steps twice.

six days out of the week, like short goals for the week, because then when you allow yourself some type of success short term, it motivates you to want to keep pushing and pushing and pushing. And at that point, when you start to hit all these goals, that's when you start to get more into it. But also you want to challenge yourself even more. So then your goals for yourself become a little bit more advanced. Yeah. And I think the gym, obviously, I feel like I say this a lot, how like the advice pertains to everything, but we're obviously going to be talking about the gym because that's what this podcast is about.

If I don't feel like going to the gym that day, I just set myself easy. Well, you know what? It's back squat day. I'm going to make sure I get my four by 10 and I do it. Well, now I'm wired to go because I had a goal. I did it. Now you're going to keep going. Yes. Like if I just had nothing in mind, I'd probably just like give up, not get into it. But it truly is like a psychological thing. Like you do one good thing and you just want to want to keep working. So I'll just do stuff like that. Like

If I'm not feeling it, hey, the first exercise, I at least want to do good at this. And then it puts me forward. Yeah, agreed. Okay, so now that you did that, you can write them down. Maybe write it on a little sticky note on your wall. I don't know. Then number three. So you did all of that. If it's the night before you're about to start these goals, you need to prepare.

You need to do something the night before. You can't just be like, I'll do it in the morning. Yeah. You need to do stuff the night before. So put your workout clothes out. Put your cute little work outfit out. If you work, you know, you have to wear a cute outfit to your job. I don't know. Put it out and clean. Wake up to a clean room. Yep. That is something huge for me. If I know I want to be productive the next day, waking up and your room is clean.

Yeah. And these little things the night before can be literally anything. Like some other examples would be track out your food for the day the night before. Have your meal prep ready to go, like all packaged so you can just throw it into your lunchbox so you can bring it to work.

small things like that that just prepare you for the day before so you're not just waking up like in, not like shambles, but like a little bit flustered, like, oh my goodness, like I have a big day ahead of myself. Yeah. Another thing, filling up a glass of water or a bottle of water so that way it's already filled because if you have a big water bottle, sometimes like filling it up, like the thought of standing at the fridge and filling it up

Kind of annoying. Glass of water, leave it on your bedside table, your water, whatever it is. Do something the night before because no one likes to start something like, like be realistic. At 6.30, 7 in the morning, you're not going to be like wanting to do all that. You're just not, like you got to be realistic. Taylor and I fill up our hydro jugs the night before because it's just so nice because I like to try to get like at least like half my hydro jug like early in the morning. So even small things like that. Yes.

I just, I'm a big fan of just the night before. Like pack your gym bag, all the things. Was that a separate one or was that? Okay, so like put your gym bag in your car.

If you... Yeah. That was part of this one, right? Because we had talked about that. Yeah. Okay. I wasn't sure if that was a separate bullet point. So like, let's say you're like, after work, I'm going to the gym. Yeah. Make sure all your gym stuff is in your car. Put it in your back seat, whatever. Like set everything up so all you have to do in the morning is just... Yeah.

Yeah. Go. Because then, like, if the end of work comes and your bag's not with you and you kind of don't want to go, you're going to make the excuse when you get home to get your bag, air quotes, get the bag, and then maybe you don't go. Whereas if you have your gym bag with you, hey, you kind of got to go. Or you sleep in and you were going to bring it in the car with you and you're like, oh, I'm in a rush. Oh, I forgot my gym bag. Yeah. Oh, dang it. Start tomorrow. Or, like, literally prepare the night before. Okay. Yeah.

And then let's go into the morning. So now it's the morning. You woke up, all your shit's prepared everywhere, right? I'm picturing someone's house with like water bottle, meal prep container, like stuff everywhere. So you need to have everyone's morning routine, morning routine, morning routine. I like a morning routine, but all you really need is one thing in the morning and you can slowly add on to it. It could be making your bed. It could be skincare. It could be a shower.

I don't know. Anything. Journal. I don't know. Walk. And I'm sure they all know what ours is, and ours is obviously our walk. Obviously washing our face, brushing our teeth, going down, going on a walk, drinking lots of water before breakfast. And we do this all before 8 a.m., so...

But you only need to start with what you might be like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Drink a half a thing of water and doing a walk. No, yours could just be drink a half a thing of water. Yeah, that's another thing we've built up to that. Like we have definitely built up to it. Like even if you just want to start off with a five minute walk in the morning.

Okay. And then week after that, you feel like you've been comfortable. You've done the five minute walk, build it up to a 10 minute walk and then just keep progressing it and getting it. Your start, your morning routine. I'm going to get back. I like, I'm going into the mind of someone who like starting from zero, your morning routine could literally be, Hey, today when my alarm goes off, I'm not snoozing it and I'm getting out of bed. Yeah. And that could be like,

You're one success in the morning. You didn't snooze the alarm and you got out of bed. That's literally what I have to do. You could sit on your couch on your phone, but you got out of bed. I'm trying to get all in your mind. I'm telling you there's no excuses. That could be it. You might be like, I don't have time for a morning routine. Okay, so get out of bed quicker. Do some things. The only person stopping them from any of these is yourself. Literally your own mental...

Like the little voice in your head that's telling you, I don't want to. I don't want to do this. Coming up with excuses, tell them to fuck off, okay? Because it's only you. It is. I can go on about things you can do. Let's say you make a coffee every morning, right? Maybe you can tell yourself you're not going to check your phone until you get up, make your coffee, and sit down with your coffee. Maybe that's a whole five minutes in the morning without your phone. That can change your whole day if you're used to getting up.

And just sitting on TikTok. Yeah. That'll, I kid you not, will change your whole entire day if you just give yourself five minutes of getting up, making coffee, and not checking your phone. So to do one morning task, it's the same thing like I said about setting the goal for the gym, and you do the one exercise, so then I kind of want to do the whole workout. If you do one thing, you're setting it up productive. So just pick one thing and then add on to it. Yeah.

And then the next one is going to be the obvious, the most important. Getting a hydro jug. It doesn't even have to be a hydro jug. It just can be any big water bottle because getting your water in day to day makes the biggest difference. Yeah. Not only in just like everyday like energy, but like

all like the health benefits, which we've obviously talked about in other episodes, but getting your water super important. And obviously it doesn't have to be a gallon a day. It can be like literally like half a gallon working up to that. But a hydro dug does make a big difference. Yeah. Hydro jugs are just honestly like the most common big thing of water. It's obviously what we use, but drinking more water, like Sam said, just is great. Like

drink more water and there's no excuse if you have your giant bottle of water with you all times. That's another thing. You need to get the water bottle, but you also need to bring it with you places. Yeah. Because the water bottle will do no good sitting around. Yeah. And then, like,

Like when you have your water, like at least for me, when I have my, my bottle, when I first started like challenging myself to like drink more water, it was just like a kind of a fun game. Like having my hydro jug and like seeing like it like slowly go down. Like it was just such an accomplishment. And I was just like, hell yeah. Like I like this. That's how I felt too. I didn't, it wasn't a hydro jug, but there was one summer. I like really remember this of the time of me deciding I was going to drink more water. There was one summer where I was home a lot. So I took a refillable water and

And I refilled that thing so many times a day. Like, I was forcing it down. But I made, now drinking water is a habit. I did it. Like, that summer, I was like, I am chugging water at every second. Oh, my parents used to hate me for it because we would get, like, the water jugs delivered to our house. Oh, you'd kill it? Oh, I would kill it. My parents would get so, they'd be like, you need to refill it because you have to, like, take the big, like...

gallon i don't even know what they're not gallons no they're huge they're massive and they'd be like go get that and refill it right now because that'd be the reason it'd go so quick and we were just when i started drinking water it was like quarantine time so obviously everybody had nothing better to do so i'm drink water my pants but you can drink water anywhere like there is no schedule that can't drink water

water. Yeah. Like I can't think of something where you can't drink water. The only thing that I've had is like clients that are literally like either like nurses just like constantly like going on the move or like a waitress or just like something where you're constantly moving around but just don't forget okay like put it somewhere where you know like between shifts where you're just like running around like grab it chug. Before you go? Yeah before you go. Like try

try to be like, I'm going to finish this amount before breakfast. Yeah. I don't know. There's ways. And I'm not trying to be, I hate talking about schedules because people are like, you're just make TikToks. So like, I hate like, but I've seen, it's not like I've never been in a situation where I have obligations and we still work. Like, it's not like we're not busy, but like, obviously I'll never relate to being like a nurse and being on my feet every day. But I think, I think you can do it. Yeah. I have faith in you.

If you're out there saving people in the hospital, I think you can get yourself some water. Yeah. For sure. That's another thing, too, is, like...

Another thing that, like, I've noticed, too, with a lot of my clients is that they have jobs where they got to put other people first. And I'm just like, girl, like, don't forget about yourself. Like, I fucking love that you're, like, putting yourself out there to help others, but do not ever forget about yourself. Like, you are the most important thing, and you need to take care of yourself. So hopefully that can, like, run as eight with anybody that's, like, going through that right now. That's even, like, people that, like, have kids and feel like they, like...

don't even take a second for themselves anymore. Like I feel like some people might have kids and be like, oh my God, I haven't had water in days. Like you can take one minute and drink water. Yeah. Like I know you can. This can apply to everything. It can apply to anything. Yeah. But like the water is just like so easy and it's just another one of those things, a simple task that's going to make you feel just a little bit healthier and better and just feeling like, you know what, you're hydrated, which is, it's just a good feeling to know that.

That is one thing under your belt. There's something in my throat. Drink your water. All right. Well, she's sipping on her water, so I'll go into number six. Number six, guys, is going to be meal prepping and going to the store with a list so that you have it planned out for the week. There is nothing worse than, like, going to the grocery store and, like, getting things, but then, like, not having enough for the week. Yeah. So, like, really planning out your week with what you're going to have. Yes. Yes.

If you don't go with the list, you'll end up, one, spending too much money because you just buy random crap. And then it won't even, like, go together. Yeah. Like, you just buy a bunch of stuff and you're like, wait, what?

What am I making? Like, for example, because I can only like when I talk about these things, I need like examples. But like, for example, I will kind of pick what I'm having for like lunch for the week. And it's pretty much the same thing. So like, for example, chicken salad sandwich, I will write down I need some bread. I will write down I need something like if I'm running out like mayonnaise and mustard, like I'll write down these things. So that way I have it all in bulk for the week. I'm not just writing down my list. OK, I need bananas. I need chicken. I need vegetables.

I'm like basing it off meals by meals. So yeah. And then that's something that everyone is going to the grocery store and buying groceries. You can just everyone's doing it. You can write down a little bit of a list. If you're bored sitting somewhere and you're just scrolling on your phone, be like, hey,

Make a grocery list. You can just do that. Super easy. And then it gets to the point where right now, if there's things I need to like not forget, I'll write them down. But once you get going, I feel like I don't necessarily always need to like have a list. Yeah. Because if I know like if I'm going to make like tacos and like tofu rice bowls, I know like, yeah, like I know what I need for that. Obviously, at first it was like, OK, let's actually see like

how much lasts me for each meal because it might take a second to be like okay if I buy one package of this how many meals am I going to get out of it like that might take a little bit to learn but now I know exactly like okay there's two servings like I know that that's two servings for me by the way I'm not talking serving size I'm saying because sometimes you want like yeah two servings a serving and a half so once you get going you won't always need to write it down and you'll get more efficient with it yeah and then another thing talking about the meal prep too is like

We designate our day to go to the grocery store with our grocery list on Sundays. So that way we come back from the grocery store after shopping and we are able to meal prep everything for the week so that we are ready to go. We are planned out. We got easy access to food if we're super busy. And this can obviously, we work from home, but this can relate to girls that need to pack something up because this is very easy to do. Or if you need to run back home between like school and practice or something and you just need to make a quick meal.

is what we'll do is we'll make all our food in bulk. So like my Brussels sprouts are just in one massive container together. And then my tofu is like in another massive container together. And then...

Taylor's been doing this more often than me, is rice is another thing to put into a big container. Yeah, like if you... Nothing's worse. Obviously, there's minute rice packets. You used to be big on those. You can obviously use those. But like, let's say you don't have those. Oh my God, if you are hungry and you have to make rice... Oh, hell no. Oh my God, that sounds horrible. So make everything in...

In bulk, you don't have to make individual meals. Some people are like, oh, but I don't want to eat the same thing every single day. Like, you know, some people think the idea of like seven of the same meals sitting in their fridge is gross. You could just make, like I said, the vegetable, a protein, and a carb. Yeah. And switch things up. So, for example, the rice too is like we have the rice and bread because that's a great carb source. But I can use it for so many different reasons. Like tofu, rice, Brussels sprout bowl. But then I can use it for a burrito. I can use it for...

I don't even freaking know. There's so many different things I can eat. A salmon bowl. What? Emily Marie. Oh, yes. The salmon bowl. Like, anything. So, like, the options are endless. You can make fried rice. If you're just making, like, the basics, if you're meal prepping the basics, you can do whatever. Like, especially with the Brussels sprouts, I have the Brussels sprouts probably, like,

With, like, so many different meals during the week. It's a vegetable. It goes on the side. Yeah, it just goes on the side. And the reason we don't have to meal prep every single thing is because don't sleep on, like, frozen foods. Okay? Don't sleep on, like, frozen foods and easily, like, prepared foods. You don't need to be making some crazy freaking meal prep. Okay? You don't need to be making some crazy meals. Don't be, like...

feel free to eat some frozen food, some like packaged food from the, whatever. And this day, this part's really important. How Sam said, we designate a day. Don't be that person that runs out of groceries and is like, Oh, I haven't gone to the grocery store in two weeks. And you're eating out every single day and you're Uber eating every single day. What you're setting yourself up for failure. Realistically, you could be back in the grocery store. If you go prepared 30 minutes.

You can do a 30-minute grocery store trip. If you go with the list prepared, you have 30 minutes. Like, you have 30 minutes to spare. Everyone does. Go to the grocery store. Go every Sunday. Doesn't even have to be Sunday. Whatever day you have time. And go because you're setting yourself up for failure at that point. Like, it just doesn't feel good, even if it's not a health thing. No one wants to be spending all their money on Uber Eats. Especially when they, like, thought they bought groceries for themselves for the week and then...

The food they eat out ends up adding up to the amount of stuff they spend on groceries. And then it's just like you don't want to be like, oh, fridge is empty. Uber Eats. Oh, fridge is empty. Going out for dinner. Like it's literally expensive and not good for you. So just have a day you go grocery shopping. So like I said, that also helps your list because you know exactly how many days your meals are for.

which is just very helpful. I can easily know how much a package of a certain thing is going to last me. Like I know how many packs of tofu last me the week and whatnot. So having a certain day to go grocery shopping is extremely helpful. Number seven, I'm a big fan of this one recently. And obviously this is more of a, I want to say like a privilege, but because I know some people are probably going to say like, like you can't afford it.

But invest in clothes and accessories you feel good in. Doesn't even have to be expensive, though. Yeah. Like, it literally can be a baggy t-shirt. Like, I... You know? Like, it literally doesn't have to be, like, something you see at Lululemon or... Exactly. No, like, we like going to the gym in a baggy t-shirt and shorts. You know what? Marshalls? Such cute baggy t-shirts. Oh, yeah. Such cute graphic tees. Like, for example, the...

The Whitney one. I got it at Marshalls. Sam got it at PacSun. So I spent like $50 on that t-shirt and she spent probably like seven, like $7 on it. But I mean, that's just, if you go to Marshalls, you can get baggy t-shirts. I mean, I'm, I buy expensive. I've bought urban outfitters bag, baggy t-shirts. I'm not sitting here saying like, I'm like thrifting queen. I,

I probably have a shirt from Urban that one of you like got at TJ Maxx. Like I'll buy them at Urban too, but go to Marshall's, go to TJ Maxx, get like cute t-shirts for your workout. Or if you, I think it's worth it. Like if you can save up a bit of money and buy yourself maybe jewelry, that's not going to like tarnish. I like having the necklace I always wear and the bracelet I always wear to the gym.

Some people might think needing jewelry in the gym is stupid, but I like how I feel with jewelry on. So I like wearing my bracelet and I like wearing my necklace. Your own confidence is like the most important part because if you're not going to feel confident in your outfit, this basically applies for the gym. It's like you're just not going to have the best workout. Like if you say, God forbid, it's your period and you just want to feel comfortable but you still want to get to the gym, a nice oversized t-shirt with some shorts...

Is going to go a long way. Exactly. If you feel confident in it, wear it. It's also the same lines of like... Let's say you don't want to buy something new. Do your hair. Yeah. Put a little bit of makeup on. Some people hate on girls being like, why do you wear makeup to the gym? Because they want to. Yeah. If you are like, I would rather walk into the gym and feel confident that way, wear makeup to the gym. Like I said, obviously, we work from home.

I like putting in like, I like other earrings that I don't wear to the gym. I like putting in my earrings. Even I'm just sitting here, but I would just rather have my earrings on that I didn't wear to the gym. I like maybe doing my hair, things like that. I just think having things that make you feel good, like feel good and look good, do good, look good. Yeah. What is it? Look good, feel good. I don't know. You're just going to,

better if you like what you do. I think, I mean, a lot of people that work from home right now, you don't have to change. I'm not telling you to sit around your apartment in jeans. I've never understood people that do that. But you can still... I put a poll in my story the other day and I asked, I was like, genuine question. Like, if you work from home, like, do you dress up? And like 90% of people said no, like they're wearing the sweatpants, like sweatshirts. But I still think you should wear like...

You could wear like a cute sweatshirt, sweatpants. You know what I'm saying? Like you don't have to... Don't stay in your same clothes from like bed, you know? Like put on like a cute...

a cute sweatsuit so you can get you can literally get these on like sheen like not to support sheen but you know some balling on a budget okay some you know you gotta do what you gotta do you can get a cute sweatsuit like and just wear that around or like if you're going to class in college don't go looking like a bum I know sometimes you want to and every once in a while but you just feel so much better you feel so much better even if you're gonna dress like a bum like I said do your hair like something yeah

It makes you feel so much better. And you look like you have your shit together. Everyone, I like, I don't know, it's just so good to feel like you look nice. Getting your nails done, like you said. What's up? Getting your nails done. Yeah, getting your nails done. Getting your nails done is huge. Like, I just, I'll pay for my nails and my eyelashes. I don't care. Yeah. Like, some people, like, I feel like boys are like, well, that's so expensive. I'm like, I don't care. Like, I will pay for it.

It's worth it to me. It must be nice being a boy not really needing to spend that much money on themselves. But it's also... Whatever. I still like it. I would rather get my eyelashes done than Uber Eats a few times a week. Yeah. That's freaking expensive. So expensive. And I'd rather get my eyelashes done. I agree. So just making sure you invest time or money or whatever into feeling good in how you look. Exactly. Exactly.

my like earrings are like digging into my headphone headset right now but um number what are we on eight number eight now this one is kind of like basing off of like the morning thing too because like we walk in the morning but like

Getting a steps goal. A steps goal holds you accountable. Like we right now, our goals right like around like I would say like 7 to 10K. But like having a goal for yourself to like hit at the end of the day just feels so good. Yeah. To cross another thing off your list. Like a daily thing because it doesn't necessarily have to be like week to week. Like, oh, I got seven for seven like on my day. But just like once a day. Exactly. And notice how we didn't say 10K steps. Yeah. Okay. Okay.

I get it. Some of you, like, I've had clients where they're like, look, I was at a desk all day. Okay, I get it. Like, sometimes that happens. But it's nice to have a step goal. Make it short. You always go over it. So you can start small. But...

Another reason I wanted to put this in here when we were planning out this episode was it gives you a little bit of time to maybe get off your phone. Like, we went for, like, a midday outdoor walk, which we were a big fan of. The weather's really nice in Texas, so catch us on the downtown streets in the afternoons because it was really fun. But it's like you get to walk and put your phone away because you're walking outside. Obviously, if I'm on a treadmill...

I honestly try not to, like, scroll as much. I'll listen to a podcast or watch something, even though I'm watching something on my phone. I'm not scrolling on social media. But it gives you a little second to, like, take a break from your phone, which is a huge thing, I think. And I think it also gets you outside. Yeah. You know, if you work from home or an office, right? If you're, like, at an office job or at home. Or just, like, another thing, too, is, like, even if you were at work all day, but then you come home and you decide to just sit on your couch...

and like scroll on your phone, that's a great opportunity for you to get outside. You can scroll on your phone. Great. If you want, take a slow walk, scroll on your phone while you're walking. But like just getting your body moving will make the biggest difference. I've even told people that have office jobs that if they have like a lunch break, they

Let's say they're not like eating the whole time. Do laps. Yeah. If you have like hallways, just get up, walk around, like get your blood flowing, get yourself moving. So you're not just feeling like, I feel like once, you know, when people are like, Oh, like a body in motion stays in motion. Like once you're just sitting so easy to just not get up. Yeah. So you got to get up and get moving. And that's such an easy way to get moving. All you need is a sidewalk or a hallway, sidewalk, sidewalk, hallway, sidewalk,

We've done laps around our apartment. We've literally walked around our apartment. So like our neighbors, if any of them have ever seen us, they're probably like, or whoever's watching, I don't know, like a camera. They're probably like, that girl has circled this apartment. Oh yeah. They're probably like sketched out. They're probably like. Yeah. Like we're going to rob an apartment. Is she plotting something? Yeah. No, we're just, we're just getting our steps. But a step goal is key no matter what it is.

Number nine, this is like a deep one. Yeah. But put your mental health first. And this can mean so many things for every different person. So you have to be in tune with what makes your mental health good or what makes it really shitty. For me, one.

This one's kind of a little bit more like, I don't know, severe is not the right word. But like if you are someone who like is like psychologically like diagnosed and you have medication and you don't take it when you're supposed to, stop doing that. Stop doing that. Like wake up every day and take your medication. You're setting yourself up. You're literally setting yourself up. And I just used to do it where I'm like,

You can go two days without it. No, you probably can't. So take your medication and whatever your doctor told you to do, don't just sit there and pretend that like you don't need to. Just tough love to people that literally have to take medication because I just noticed a difference, I think, when I started taking it every single day. So you should do that too. Don't let yourself run out.

I've done that where I let my prescription run out and I'm without it for a week and it's actually like hell on earth. So just be mindful of stuff if you are like clinically like diagnosed, but then there's also just like the minor day to day things. Yeah. Like one for me is going to be when I know my anxiety is like really, really bad. Like maybe the day before it was or something happened and I'm just feeling super anxious. It's going to be the caffeine, the pre-workout, like

I know that if I do have something like that that day and I've already been super anxious and I do have it, it's 10 times worse. So just know your body, listen to yourself. And if you need to take a step back from the caffeine as well, like do it. Obviously this doesn't go for everyone. Maybe you're totally fine with like having caffeine when you're anxious and

You rock. I'm jealous. But caffeine has been one thing for me that I've been like kind of like just kind of watching if I am anxious. Yeah. And there's like I said, there's so many different things and you have to know your own like triggers, if you will, for whatever your mental health is.

Because obviously it could be so many things. It's not just anxiety and depression. It's whatever. That's just the only things we can kind of speak on. But there's so many different things it could be. But like getting your sleep. If we've had a whole episode about like alcohol. Alcohol makes us both really freaking anxious. So sometimes not the greatest. So you have to know what's good for you mentally. Because I mean if your mental health is bad, I...

Like, that really sucks. For me, reading before bed...

so good for me. So good for me. I'm so sorry. I started reading again before bed. I don't know what it is. It's so good for my brain. Like, but that was me. Like I stopped reading. And then like, when I thought about it, I was like, I felt so much better when I read before bed. I don't know what it is. If someone's a doctor and wants to give me some reason that that happens, I'd love to hear it. Maybe it's just like the blue light before bed. I don't know, but it works. Yeah.

And doing all the things we just listed. Duh. But, I mean, there's just specific things that are going to be specific to you that you need to focus in on and do good for what's meant to you. What's good for your mental health. Go to therapy if you need to go to therapy. See a doctor if you need to see a doctor. Don't pretend that that's not a problem. Yeah. I'm just a big proponent of that. I mean...

I did not want to go to therapy at all, but like, I'm glad I did. And if that's an issue for you, you should just probably do it and put your ego away a little bit.

Yeah, don't be embarrassed about it either. No, that's why I like to talk about it. Like, I like to put in, like, if I make a YouTube video, I'm like, then I take my medication because I was really scared to start medication. Yeah. And there's a guy on TikTok right now. He's on my free page a lot. He's, like, a med student, and he just started taking the same antidepressant I take. And he's, like, documenting it and, like, every week how he's feeling, and all the comments are, like,

I was supposed to start taking this like this and make me feel so much better because like they were really scared to take it. Cause the thing is here was the double edged sword when I got these pills.

Any type of like pill or like anything that like alters your body makes me so anxious. But it was anxiety medication. So I didn't want to take it because that makes me anxious. So it really sucked because I was like, see, like pill taking, like any sort of like medicine and like sometimes even caffeine, like something that's going to alter my body makes me anxious.

But this is to help my anxiety. That sounds like a mind fuck. And I'm like, it's making it worse. But do you get what I'm saying? Like the thought of taking the pill makes me anxious. So it was horrible. So I just like to talk about it so you guys don't feel like, I don't know, like ashamed by it or weird or like scared to take it. I don't know. Like it's really okay. And you should do it. And I went to therapy. Like it's not weird to go to therapy. I went to therapy. I see a psychologist every month. Like it's not weird. And I want you guys to know that.

And it's also because if you can't, if you feel like you can't do this stuff and like if it's a mental health thing, like get the, like, like it's okay to get help and ask for help. So don't be scared to do that. Agreed. That's my rant. Yeah. You can definitely touch good on that one. I can talk about that forever. Okay. This is the last thing. It's so, it's like cheesy. Like it's like cute, but it's like real. It's like, so I stand by this.

You have to think what you can add to your lifestyle, not take it away, which if you think of what we just told you, all of them are things you can add. You can't think in terms of things you have to take away from your lifestyle. Yeah. Because that's negative. You can't be thinking negative. I'm trying to think of an example. Like, you can't be like, I'm never having pizza again. You could just be like, no, I'm going to, like, try to eat more vegetables. You see? You see where we're going? Yeah.

Like, you don't have to cut out soda. Just more water. Yeah. Yeah. That's the vibe. Yeah. I'm trying to think of more examples, but I don't really know. I know. I can't either. But, I mean, everything we said, it's all... You have to think of things that you're adding to your life, not that you're taking away. Yeah, like restricting. Like, stop the restricting aspect. Exactly. Because...

But really, I mean, if you say more water, that's in turn going to be less soda. Like it's going to happen. But if you just think no soda, no soda, you're going to want soda because we're like our little monkey brains. Here's soda and they want soda. Like you've got to like think in terms of what you want. It's like that manifestation thing.

Like you've got to think of what you want. And it sounds so cheesy, but like it helps. It does help. Like you just can't think of in terms of restriction. Like you said, I totally forgot about that word. That's totally the right word. You can't think in terms of restriction. Like you can have bagels, but you can also have broccoli. Yeah. Broccoli? Did you just do bees or something? No, I just thought of the first vegetable I can think of.

I thought of, I was like, what's something I ate today that's like, quote unquote, like bad for you? And then what's a vegetable? So I was like, bagel, broccoli, french fries, broccoli. I don't freaking know. It's like, I don't know. You just have to think in terms of like abundance and what you can add to your lifestyle. And then that's basically how you get your shit together. Yeah.

Day by day, baby. And then once you start to add like even like a few of these in, say you're probably already like there are definitely people that are already doing like most of these. Yeah. But like if you want to like

do better than you're already doing like adding in just slowly and slowly like I promise you your life like lifestyle is going to change and you're going to be really happy you're going to look back on like things that you did maybe like a year ago and you're like wow like I'm a whole new person so yeah it feels good and I feel like I even suck at giving myself credit like I'll do all of these things in the day yeah and then somehow at the end of the day I'm like oh I did nothing I'm like no you did a lot yeah like you really like

Like you did it for yourself today. You really worked hard for yourself. Sometimes I don't give myself credit. Yeah. But you should. And hopefully now, if you're watching this when it comes out, it's a new start. Tonight you can like pack your little things. I like literally envisioning someone doing it. Oh, 100%. Like someone being like, tomorrow I'm laying out my shorts and my t-shirt. Make a trip to Marshalls. Damn.

They also probably sell meal prep containers at Marshall's. Oh, yeah. So you could do like. That's where I. Well, I didn't get mine at Marshall's. I got mine at Home Goods or something. Right? No, I got mine at T.J. Mac. Or yeah, Home Goods. Home Goods. Because you were with me, yeah. Yeah. But like those are all the same stores. Yeah. So you can go get t-shirts and meal prep containers. Hell yeah. They probably have cute big water bottles too. Yep. Marshall's, run us a check. Yeah, maybe. I'm like, this is not a Marshall's ad. Imagine we're like, this is sponsored by Home Goods. Yeah. Oh my gosh. That would be a dream come true.

One day we'll have ads on here. But imagine just like free furniture. Yeah. Wow.

A girl can dream. I know. Anyways, that's that for the first episode of this week. Yeah. We'd love to hear your feedback and see those photos go up. All right, guys. As of today, Sunday, we are number 20 on fitness and health on Spotify. Yeah. Craziness 20. The way you guys can help with that. Follow us on Instagram so you know when the episodes go up.

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Yes, ma'am. So, yeah. Thank you for listening. Love y'all. Bye. Bye. See you on Friday. When everyone is on the same page, getting things done is easy. Make a bigger impact at work with Grammarly. Grammarly is your secure AI writing partner that enables your team to make their point and move faster. You can even save time by going from spending hours editing drafts to just seconds.

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