cover of episode BROOKE LEACH | How to be a healthy, strong, bad b*tch post breakup

BROOKE LEACH | How to be a healthy, strong, bad b*tch post breakup

Publish Date: 2021/11/5
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There's magic that happens when you get together in a Vrbo vacation home. It's the magic of spilled drinks and twirling hugs. It's inside jokes and loud shower singing and life advice and big sister real talk and laughing till you can't breathe. It's the feeling of relief because no matter who you are, there's nothing like spending time with the people you love. Vrbo, a place for together. Download the app to find yours.

What's up, guys? It's Sam and Taylor. And we want you to put your shoes on. Pop open that energy drink. And go. Hey, guys. Welcome back to another episode. Welcome back. We're so excited for this second episode of the week. Yes. Second episode. It's definitely a little bit weird. We have to get used to how we're going to schedule these because...

As we go into the episode, you'll notice that we kind of go backwards a little bit, but we're going to start off, obviously, with our weekly updates, bulk updates, lots of big updates. Yeah. I mean, the bulk has been doing really well. My food is high. Yeah. I'm eating, dude. Daily bagel. I literally posted on my story. I was like, daily bagel. Yeah. I think that's another thing, too, with bulks. It's like people think right away you're instantly just going to be, like, uncomfortable. Mm-hmm.

because you increase 100, not 100, I mean, 100 calories, you instantly think like you're going to be super uncomfortable. We are definitely now at that point finally in about almost like two months in, a month and a half in, whatever it is. And we can definitely say we're like feeling that uncomfortableness,

but it's not anything unnormal. Like, you know, we got to suffer through. We got to do it for the gains. And I'm a little bit uncomfortable, a little bit, but my focus, I haven't been looking at how I look really because my focus is so much like the gains and the strength. Like I used to go to the bathroom and like body check. I used to go into the bathroom and always like look how my stomach looked if I passed a mirror. Any mirror I passed,

um, I was looking at my stomach. I don't do that anymore ever, ever, which is like,

to me because I used to, I would have to try. I'd have to go to the bathroom and be like, don't check in the mirror. And I would, and I don't do that anymore. So it hasn't really gotten to me. I think I don't do it as much. One of the biggest things for me that has been like a struggle is my like upper back. Like my back is where I store like my fat and like it's going there immediately in my ass. Like I'm thankful that it's going to my ass too. It is going to your ass. I've already commented this on your pictures before because people were like, oh my God, gains. I was like, it's better in person.

in person. It's bigger in person. I'm like, it literally looks like that in real life. Yeah, no, it's definitely going like I store my fat and all the back section of my body, but my upper back, it's like frustrating. Cause like, like I said, the, I think it was last episode, two episodes ago, I had one day where I felt super amazing, super great. And I took my pump cover off. I've been like very rarely taking my shirt off in the gym just because like

I'm a little insecure about my upper back, but hey, whatever. It's going to be so shredded and gains are going to be crazy, so I'm powering through that aspect. But other than that, in terms of my stomach and stuff, I'm not too worried about it. Yeah, I'm literally so... I still sometimes feel like my butt is disappearing. I don't really understand that because it's just not adding up to me.

But sometimes I'm just like, where's my butt? Which I don't get because I'm shoving food in my face. But I have my good days. But that's honestly my focus is I get... I've been a little more like... Like I said, my mindset is solely just like gains. Yeah, gains. Like I literally couldn't care less. I couldn't care less if my stomach is a little puffy. Couldn't care less. It's addicting. Like I...

Like, okay, this is another thing. I saw this on TikTok, I think this morning or yesterday. Can't remember. But this poor girl posted this... I don't even think she would have, like, a big social media platform. And to this girl, if you're listening to our podcast, like, I have mad respect for you because the video you posted after the response was so funny. But she posted a video, and it was her...

Like, wearing a belt or something, and, like, the belt was, like... You know when you obviously put the belt on and, like... It makes... Yeah. Yeah. Like, exactly. And that's something that's been, like... I've noticed, like, a lot more with wearing a belt, which...

Anyway, so this girl posted it and some guy responds back and goes, oh my God, that's disgusting. Like, why would you put that belt on? Like, you can see like all your stomach rolls. And the girl like responded back with like a video of being like, she like pulled down her like pants and was like, yeah, I got stomach fat. What about it? And like slapped her stomach. I was like, oh my God. Like that is just some like confidence right there. Dude, but even when I was like not bulking, if I put on a belt...

My stomach on top. Like, the belt is literally, like, four sizes too small. Like, it's sucking you, and that's going to happen even if you have, like, abs. Yeah. So where I was going with that is that the belt that I have right now, I've noticed I cannot get to the buckle, like, to the holes. Really? They used to? Like, the same hole that I used to get to. And I'm like, oh, fuck. Like, okay. Like, this belt's a little bit, like, smaller on me now, which...

Obviously, the belt, like, I have so many fucking holes. Like, I'm never going to throw out of it. But, like, I noticed, I was like, damn. I was like, we're a whole figure. Oh, today, today, I wore a sports bra that I wear all the time. I'm always wearing the same TLF bras in different colors. I'm just walking on the treadmill, and I was like, what is digging into my shoulders? And I was like, oh, my God, this bra's tight on me. I was like, like, a little bit uncomfortably tight, not just, like,

like snug like I was like this kind of hurts yeah and I was like oh okay yeah okay we're getting there you know this this top is not fitting it's also to us females like the boobs get a little bit bigger I'm not gonna lie like I don't have boobs but they're getting a little bit bigger it's also the time of the month for both of us so like that's why also I just increased food but it's also the time of the month so I'm like I'm not is it bloat is it like I yeah

It's hard to tell. So also, too, plugging both our YouTubes, like, we obviously talk so much about, like, our bulk updates and everything with this. But even if in our YouTube videos there are some things you kind of need, like, a visual reference with. So every time I do a bulk increase, I do a full day of eating. So this coming Monday, I'm going to be filming a full day of eating, and it's going to go up on Wednesday. So...

Just keep looking at those bulk updates with full days of eating because that will kind of give you an idea of how my food is basically not changing. Yeah, and I've posted a lot of like workout related bulk stuff. Like I did like my back day that's very like heavy and strength focused. I posted how I got my bench better and then I'm doing a booty routine, like my bulking booty routine because I've just gone like heavy glute days recently. I'm posting that not next week, but the week after, but I'm filming it next week.

But yeah, so I'm doing a lot of workout stuff too. I also have the cutting versus bulking grocery haul one. That's a good one. That's a good video. We got all the resources. Yes, no, we literally have all the resources. I literally like pat on the back for both of us. Like we give it all. We put it out there. We give it all. But other than, I'm trying to think of other than like body image stuff.

Food-wise, I finally have my appetite back almost too much. I'm so hungry, which I don't get because my carbs... I actually said what my carbs were on my full day of eating on TikTok. Only my carbs. I didn't say anything else because it's a high number of carbs. No one's going to feel restricted with 350 carb. Don't think anyone cares. So I was like, 350 carb, baby. Shoving food in my face, okay? And I'm still hungry. Yeah.

And I'm drinking so much water, too, like, more than normal. And, like, I'm just hungry. And we've definitely cut back on our steps, too. That's another thing, too, guys, that I kind of wanted to update on. My steps at the beginning, like, I don't know why. I think it's maybe... Are we just, like, more busy? Like, I can't tell why my steps have been just slacking. I...

My morning walks are a bit shorter, and then at Lyft we don't get treadmills. Yeah, that's facts. Yeah, because we've been going to Lyft way more than normal. But what I was going to say is my steps have been anywhere from like 6,000 to like 8,000, and then obviously on a good day I get 10,000, but it's very rare where I'm getting 10,000 like nowadays. Yeah, we're also really busy. I literally called it this morning. I was like, today's going to be a day where it's going to be 3 p.m., and the day's –

just gonna fly and that's what happened and I'm filming it I'm vlogging it right now actually another YouTube plug but like my work from home stuff I'd even put it on my story like my routine is go to the gym and then sit here from like 11 to 5 yeah and that's like dead ass what it is like I sit here on my computer all day and like it's 3 30 and it's like yep I called it like all of a sudden it's just 3 30 like gone immediately snack time

Yeah. Eat a snack and then get back to work a little bit. Yeah. No, it's nuts. I think that's a thing too though. Like very much sitting here. Yeah. A lot. And on weekends, weekends too, I feel like we used to try to like, like, I don't know, like last weekend, like we worked on the weekend. Yeah. And I feel like that's going to be this weekend too. Yeah.

Yeah, because we... I feel like... So much content. I feel like our trip is not going to get canceled. Yeah, it's not going to get canceled. Like, we're going. Okay, yeah. Say it. Okay, we're going to L.A. on Tuesday. It brought up in a live and Sam didn't say it because last time we went to L.A., we ended up not going. But, like, we're going. Yeah, we literally canceled our trip to L.A. 12 hours before we were supposed to get on the flight. Yeah. And this time, we're not going to cancel it. Yeah, we're not canceling it. We are going. So, like, we are going to L.A. We're not going. Fuck. We're not going.

We're just going to be Tuesday. We're like, guys, I'm out of here. No, we are going to LA on Tuesday, which should be fun. And then I'm going to Nashville straight from LA. So it's going to be a lot of traveling. So the content like needs to get done this whole week. This whole week has just been like grinding out the YouTube videos because it's really hard to, well, I mean, I'll film in LA, but I can't make like.

gym video like I can't make the videos that I make here yeah exactly because yeah I'm just vlogging my trips but I can't be out here like good point doing a full day of eating yeah that's not I know for a fact the stories are gonna be slacking next week every time I travel or I'm in LA I'm just not on my phone as much the day it's like overwhelming yeah I like I'm more worried about like YouTube and TikTok

And then, like, the stories just, like, go away. Well, I feel like we were just in L.A., but that we haven't been. We haven't been. My stories when we were there were so bad. I barely posted. It's so overwhelming. It is. I'm like, I just know it's going to be so draining. Yeah. Do you guys... Should we ask them? Do you guys want Bryce Hall on the pod? Because we're going to try our hardest to get him on the pod. Yeah. Well, a lot of people are going to say no because a lot of people hate Bryce Hall. If anyone has a plug for Bryce Hall... Dude, we're literally going to... What? Like...

We have a plug for Bryce Hall. That'd be so funny. I want it to happen. What if he's listening? I know. He's not. Do you listen to these? Do you listen to these? Yeah, that'd be, like, super funny. Or other people that live in L.A. That would be cool. I don't know. Noah Beck. Leave... Oh, my God, yeah. Actually leave some suggestions on people that live in L.A. that we should reach out to for next week. Okay? Yeah, that'd be, like, super fun. We're only there for a little bit. So it's honestly probably going to be hard to, like...

and take an hour of someone's day. But hey, he never knew who people will suggest. I know. But in LA, we're going to try to like stay on track with food because you'd be surprised. It's very easy to not eat enough.

Very easy. It's so easy to not eat enough. So we're going to be packing snacks. We're going to be packing food. We're literally packing up a whole sleeve of Dave's Killer bagels. Yeah. No, we're bringing it all because I will be eating bagels in the gym. Just plain. Straight to the face. You'll just see Taylor in the corner of the gym just nibbling on a bagel. Other LA girls, they're like, I haven't eaten in days for this, like, wearing this set at Zoot Culture, like, haven't eaten all day. Me. Bagel. That's so dark.

But it's real. It happens. We've seen it firsthand. I'm just not trying to like...

feel weak when I come back because in Nashville I'm gonna be off that's how it was when I traveled home like I under eight came back and I was weak as fuck exactly and I literally know now I'm going to like a college I'm going to like Vanderbilt so I'm going to like a college town drop the address while you're at it oh well I mean that's what I'm not I was like in school I'm like I'm going to a school it feels like a school in Nashville people would be like Vanderbilt going to school in Nashville college girls don't eat

They literally don't eat. So I'm like, that's really not going to fly. Meanwhile, the girls that are listening to this are like, I eat. Yeah, okay, probably you because you listen to the podcast. A few of them actually listen to the podcast, actually. Oh, fuck. Probably. Sailor causing drama. No, but college girls just don't eat, really. And I'm going to have, like, I'm going to bring a purse to, like, a...

like a tailgate with like six protein bars oh yeah we ship my brains out though and like a bagel in my purse a bagel a dried mango i'm like don't mind me i just have to eat my snack what is in your purse oh nips oh what's in your purse oh wait do you use that word nips nobody i know it from yeah okay yeah for anyone that doesn't know nips are like the little alcohol like alcohol shots

Yeah, everyone... They're going to have nips in their bag, and then you're just going to have protein bars. Protein bars. I throw them out in the crowd. I'm like, yeah. They're like, what is this? What is it? Candy? I looked at it. Protein bar. What the fuck? I threw it back at you. When we were in Houston...

at a party the whole table was protein bars oh yeah i was like this is so fitness influencer so fitness influencer it was literally just a table of rice krispies and protein bars and there was like protein chips i was like people were walking around with their jugs yeah i wish i made a tiktok about it i should have you really should have that would have popped off dang okay imagine like a house party for like everyone has a

gallon of water in there. We're literally going backwards right now because like when we go into Oh yeah this episode you're gonna hear we're like about to go to Houston. Yeah. But in this section right now we got back. Yeah we already went. I think I mentioned that in the beginning. Yeah. I'm like sorry timeline off but it doesn't really matter. It doesn't affect the content. Yeah. I like this part of the episode. I can keep talking. Yeah I can keep talking for a while. But we do have we literally have to film again in two days for Monday's episode so the catch up is gonna be so long.

Oh, shit. Taylor, did you forget? Yes. You forgot about that? I was like, what are you talking about? Taylor already forgot that we're doing twice a week. Okay, you're right. Maybe we should just get into the episode. So with that, enjoy this episode with Brooke. Hey guys, welcome back to another episode. Do we talk? Do we talk? Do we talk?

I don't know why I did. Yeah. Hi, guys. Welcome back. We have a special guest today. You obviously saw it in the title. We're super excited. We are here with Brooke. Do you want to introduce yourself and who you are? Yes. So my name is Brooke, BBL Fit on Instagram and TikTok. But I'm an online personal trainer and I post Instagram videos, like workout videos on Instagram and TikTok. Hell yeah. And she's our first guest that's actually like in person.

The presence with us. And in this series. Oh, yes. And the series. Because, yeah, I guess we can talk about that now. Because it's, like, official. Yeah, yeah. Because we would have talked about it on Monday. Because this is going out on Friday. Facts. It's a little hard, guys. Because we're recording these. Now that you guys know, like, that we're doing all these pre-recorded episodes...

Pre-recording them is so hard because these are going up a month from now. Not a month. This one's next week, but some of them are going up three weeks from now. And we're like, okay, now we're saving this for weeks. Yeah, we're like, what can and can't we talk about? What do they know? Yeah, and then we also wanted to... Okay, we're going to Houston this weekend, all of us, which is fun.

But, like, you'll probably hear us talk about that in another time. So the timeline might get confusing. Don't pay... Like, just don't worry. Yeah. You'll see it all on social media. But, yeah, we're here with Brooke. We literally paid to go from the airport a few hours ago, did a workout, and now we're going to sit here and pod and talk about how to just, like, be a bad bitch after a breakup. Yes, facts. Because we've all gone through it, some of us publicly, kind of, you know? And it could be hard and stressful, but we're going to talk about just, like...

Literally being a bad bitch post-breakup. Yeah. Yeah. Because, I mean, obviously I feel like a lot of people know if they follow you. Like, that was kind of public for you. Oh, no, for sure. Yeah, and it's hard. And I've gone through the same thing of, like, people, like, we talked about it in the car, like, just asking and asking. And it feels like even more pressure. But don't worry. We got you. We got you. Like...

You are not alone in any shape or form. So do you want to get started? Do you want to list a topic? Yeah, no, of course. And keep in mind, guys, I have not been in a relationship in a very long time. So I'm not as fresh with this, but these two are. So they definitely have a little bit more advice on it. But...

Like Taylor said, being a bad bitch post-breakup, super important. The first thing is keeping up with your shit. Do not allow yourself to just go into a funk because that's probably what the other person is wanting out of that. They want you to seem miserable. They want to see that you're not having fun.

And what other better way than to just like completely do the opposite and they see that you're thriving without them. Okay. So did you feel like that was hard? Like going back into the gym, keeping your stuff like, like in the routine that it was? No. Yeah. Um, for sure. Like the first couple of weeks. And I think it's okay to give yourself like a little bit of time, like maybe a few days a week.

Like where you're not into your like normal routine. But after that, you kind of have to snap yourself out of it because at the end of the day, like life doesn't stop for anyone. So if you're not on top of your stuff, like you really only have you at the end of the day. Like, yeah, you have family and friends, but it's kind of a different dynamic. Like you really have yourself. So like you have to take care of yourself. Yeah, that's what it is. You only have yourself. And I feel like you have to use that as like motivation to do better.

Like, you, like, need to go... You have to use the motivation. Like you said, they just want to see you. Whether you broke up on, like, good terms or bad terms. Yeah. Everyone, I feel like, low-key... Has that little slight. It's like... Even if it was, like, great terms, I feel like some people are just like, you don't want them to be, like... Super happy. Living their best life without you. Of course. Of course. Like, that's not what you want to see. Yeah, I know. So it's like, you got to just, like, do you. But I agree with what you said. Like, you can be sad for a little bit. Like, but then...

get it. And you can still be sad and do your, do your shit. Yeah. Like you can do your shit. I don't know. For all three of us, we can definitely say that the gym is therapeutic to us. Like, so like going to the gym, like helps. Like if we like neglect the gym a little bit, like that's totally okay. But then like, if two weeks go by, three weeks go by and you just kind of like stop at the gym, like get yourself back into that because it's,

Like, I grind my ass off in the gym when I'm, like, super pissed off or, like, sad. I was eating. So many girls lose, like... Oh, yeah. ...lose weight after a breakup. Yeah. No, I was eating. I was eating.

You're like, no, not me. No, no, no. Like, I love my food. I've seen TikToks that are, like, want to know how to lose, like, 15 pounds in, like, a week, like, break up with your long-term boyfriend. Oh, yeah. And I'm like, oh, no, sis. I'm like, no. But, no, that's good. Yeah, I love that you're, like, not eating. And I feel like just having a routine in general, like, if you're just, like, sitting around, like, moping around, like...

The time is going to drag. Like, you're going to be sadder. Just have your routine and, like, staying busy. And you know what it is, too? You need to make sure you have that routine established while you're in the relationship. Because if you're not doing shit like that while you're together, like, if you're just, like, moping around all day with your boyfriend, like, you don't stay on top of your grind while you're dating, you're not going to start when you break up. That's a thing. Like, you're already, like, on your grind to...

Yeah, like building those habits. Yeah, like building, like, a career, building your habits, building, like, getting, like, good in the gym, like, while you were with him. Yeah. It's, like, definitely way harder to be like, oh, I'm out of a breakup, so now I'm gonna start. Yeah, way harder to do it then. That's hard. Like, that's why you gotta, like, have your own, like, and if your boyfriend doesn't want you going to the gym, ew. Ew. Big ick. That's the one I had

I had with my ex-boyfriend. He'd be like, why are you going to the gym? I'm like, come on, just stay in bed, lay with me. I'm like, uh, no. Get to the gym with me. Sam got the ick because someone said, why are you bulking? Why would you do that? And Sam got icked out. She was literally like, no, I like him, but he told me that I shouldn't bulk and why am I doing that? And I was like, ew. Nope. Nope. The word bulk just sometimes gets to people's head. Like,

Like, they just don't know what it is. You said I'm literally freaked out. I literally, like, I texted her. And then I showed... Oh, my God. This was so bad. He was, like... We were, like, laying in my room. And I pulled up my conversation with you to text you. And he saw the screenshot that I sent to you of our conversation of me and him. And he goes, what was that? I go, uh, uh, nothing. It was, uh, just me laughing. I was, like, I didn't know what to say. But I don't think he saw it. But you need to be on your shit end of the day and have someone, like, if...

If they weren't letting you go to the gym and do that while you were together, I mean, good thing you're not together anymore. Yeah. It's like it's not the end of the world. And like we said, all you have is you. I feel like I felt that. Like during college and after high school, I was like, dang, it's me. It's me and no one else. No, but that's what also makes it much harder because when we talked about the fuck boyfriends episode, when we were saying like if you realize you don't have friends inside of your relationship, if you're like going out of that relationship and you just feel like,

post, like, breakup and, like, you don't have anyone to, like, lean on, like, that's another factor, too. Like, it makes it really hard. So, like, just remember, too, like, if you don't have those friends to lean on, like, it is okay, but, like, make sure during your relationship you do kind of continue with other friendships. Yeah. Do you feel like you got more into, like, social media and, like, work because, like, when, like,

being single? So at first I would probably say no, just because like I was getting those questions and like, I just didn't want to like check my DMS or like people like asking. So at first, like the couple, the first couple of weeks, probably not, but I was in the gym a lot, like just kind of like to myself and it was like a good zone.

But now more so, yeah, like I'm ready to work, ready to grind. Like it's kind of like a different type of motivation that you don't have previously, even if you're a motivated person as it is. Something like about a breakup, I feel like it just makes you a little bit more motivated. Exactly. You don't want them to see you doing like worse without them. Yeah. And you can get a little bit distracted, I feel like. Like I would like when I was in my relationships, keep in mind this was like four years ago, five years ago. Like I would just get so like in the high of like a relationship that like,

I want to do every waking moment with that guy. Whereas like I would get so sidetracked on work. And it's like important to realize like, hey, you're a bad bitch. Grind post breakup because... Yeah. And I was going to say like how you said like making friends, like in socializing. Because I feel like during a relationship, that's not something you're doing very often. Even in the healthiest of relationships, you're just not. Yeah. Because you're focused on your boyfriend. Like I was going to say, do you think flying here and like staying here is something you would have done?

if you were still like together see I don't know I was actually like that thought did come across my mind and stuff you know what I'm saying and I feel like I wouldn't be as prone to not saying it wouldn't happen but it probably I feel like it would have had that exactly exactly it would probably would have had more thought more planning involved in it not just like spur of the moment like okay I'm booking my ticket yeah because it would have been like oh are you doing that weekend like oh do you do you want to come

Like, do we'll get a hotel? But instead it's just like, no, let's go. It's just me. Like, let's just go. That's some bad bitch energy. I thought about that when we said like the socializing and making friends. Like you need to take those little. Yeah. Opportunities. Yeah. And just, just take them. I feel like, yeah, as you get older too, you don't have like whatever, not everyone's going to college or, and

Not everybody has, like, that friendship dynamic. So if you don't really, like, put yourself out there to meet new people and to, like, keep, like, a different friend group outside of your relationship, you're going to feel alone. Yeah, especially when, like, this is, like, our entire, like, not life revolves around the gym, but, like, we're not, like, going out partying, drinking at this age, like, trying to find friends. Like, that's not how we're finding friends. So, like, getting it through, like, this opportunity, you got to run with it. We also work on our phones. Yeah.

It's just us and like a phone and a laptop. It's not like you go every day and like all your coworkers. Like it's just you. We're just hibernating. We were like, where were we the other day when we went outside? And I was like, oh my God, Taylor. Like we haven't been outside in like weeks. No. Like we have not been out in weeks. Because we don't go outside in the afternoon really. Because it's like we go to the gym and then we're working. And then maybe we'll go at night to get like ice cream or whatever. But like normally during the afternoon, we're working like on the weekday. Where did we go? I can't remember. I think it was just the grocery store. I think the grocery store.

So bad. But we like went out in the middle of like a Tuesday and we're like, whoa. We got to get out more. That's so sad. That is so sad. My parents are going to be like, don't do that. Go outside. Yeah, work. Yeah. No, but that's because you guys. OK, Brooke is 24. Sam is 23. And I'm a child. So they're definitely older. And I feel like some of our audience is older and relates to that like generation.

Like, very post-grad and not even, like, post-grad, like, right out of post-grad. Like, I'm talking, like, a year or two. Yeah. Like, outside of college. I can't even imagine. I feel like I'm living post-grad because, like, I don't go to college anymore. And you hang around older people, too. I know. So I feel like I'm, like, post-grad. I did not graduate. But I'm not in college. Yeah. But it's hard. It is hard. And, like, taking these little...

random trips or random things to do. Things are so fun. Well, even when I had a boyfriend, like I went to LA with you randomly. Wicked random. But that's something that was even kind of hard because I just had to like spring that on my boyfriend. Yeah. And like, you normally don't do that. Like you normally don't just like take a trip, like spur them on with people you just met on the internet. Like that's not like very normal, but I mean, it's good to do. And I don't know why I just like thought of that like earlier. I was like, Oh my God, I wonder if she would have come.

Yeah, that is a good, like, thought. Yeah. I wouldn't have, like, thought of that. Because there's such, like, a big thing. Like, you just, like, never know, like, the things you could do on your own. Like, we're literally going to Houston. Like, you can meet so many cool people. Exactly. You never know. Yeah. You never freaking know. Now, we also do social media. And relationships on social media get, like...

Complicated. Yeah. Very messy. Especially if like the person you're dating was also on social media. Because it's like you're both trying. Like we said, they don't want to see you like thriving. Like you're just both posting about everything you're

Exactly. And I think a lot of the times, like people might have found you when you were together or like they might have found one of you and then followed the other person. And yeah, that's just tough because you're getting those questions. And then, yeah. Do you like be petty at all on social media? I know. I think I had like one drawing point where I was like a little petty on my story. And then after that, I was like, you know what? Like, no, like I'm not going to bring anything to social media. Yeah. Were you ever like, I'm going to post this to make him mad?

I did. Yeah. I never went through with it, but yeah, like when you get into like those, like you kind of get a little bit angry, but like once you actually like think about it to yourself, like, you know, it's something you wouldn't do. Yeah. Yeah. In the moment. But that's also like girl maturity. Like he's probably doing it. Oh, a hundred percent. Like boys are just like, and it's so easy to tell because I mean, I guess not like,

Influencer boys. But like normal boys don't really post a lot. So if all of a sudden they're posting. It's like you don't use your phone. Like you're not an Instagram person. Like you're just like a random boy. While you're posting. And even people who aren't like influencers. Or don't have like a huge following. Like even the people they know. Like breakups are harder nowadays in general. Just because of social media. Like you could constantly find your ex. Or see what your ex is up to. Regardless of their platform.

Yeah, but, like, you can't look. Oh, not gonna lie, like, when I was, like, way more immature and, like, when I went through my breakup with my ex, blocked him on everything. Legit everything. Oh, I love the block button. No. Me and my ex are, like, okay, like, I, people are probably confused, like, when, I'm talking about, like, my most recent, like,

relationship, whatever it is. He's not blocked, but like, you know how following used to be in like chronological order? Or yeah. Okay, I hate that. And then it went away and I was like, thank God. I don't need to see who you're following. And then it went back.

And I saw a TikTok saying he was back. And I literally commented. I was like, Bestie, I did not need to know this. And you just ruined my day. Because, like, now I have to go look. Now you're just curious. And I wish it didn't happen. But my, like, XX, like, from high school is blocked on everything. I love the block button. Honestly, like... I do. I do block. I love it. Yeah. Because it's, like... What do you prefer now? Like, right now with your situation, do you prefer him seeing your stuff? Or would you prefer him blocked? Um...

I think I would prefer him not seeing my stuff. I feel like that's the best way to move on. You can still wish somebody the best, but seeing it...

Me seeing his stuff isn't going to benefit me whatsoever, even though it's hard. And I think same vice versa. And you think about it less. Yeah. If you see it all the time, you're going to want to keep seeing it. But if you haven't seen it in weeks... Yeah, you forget about it. That's another thing, too. The block button doesn't necessarily have to be just for them not to see your stuff. It can be for you not wanting to creep onto their things. It's also... It doesn't have to be out of hatred. Yeah, no. It's just like you're looking at your social media for hours out of your day and, sorry, I don't want...

I don't want you to be a part of it. Yeah. And it's like, it could, I mean, I like really don't like my like other ex-boyfriends. So that one is like, please stay away from me. But like, you know, so, and especially with our social media being our job, I block people, not even exes related as a tangent about blocking that like were friends of mine in my hometown, but don't really talk greatly about my social media or what I do. And I'm like, look, no hard feelings, but if you're going to like talk down on what I do, you don't need to see it. Oh yeah. And I'm like,

Like, no hard feelings. I just, like, this is, like, my space. Yeah. And you just don't need to be in it. And I feel like those are honestly, like, the people that end up making fake accounts and still end up watching your stuff. Oh, yeah. Like, I wish you could search who viewed your Instagram stories because obviously we get, like, a lot of views. So you can't, like... You can't search it. You can't scroll. Oh, I would love to see who views my things that don't follow me. Oh, my God. Because we've all done the, like, posting shit for someone to see. And you're like, did they see it? Did they see it? Oh, I do it on Snapchat all the time. Oh, yeah. All right.

I'll, like, search. I'm like, oh, did they see it yet? I'm like, ha-ha, ha-ha, they saw it. Oh, on Snapchat you can search? Yeah. I didn't know that. I don't really actually use it. But, like, I'm not doing it, like, out of pettiness. I'm just doing it for, like, the laugh. Like, you know, like, there's no one, like, I have hard feelings with where I'm like, I don't want you to, like, I, like, purposely. I used to do it for pettiness. But, like, I don't know. I just get, like, a really good laugh out of, like, ah-ha, they're looking at my stuff. We definitely did do it for pettiness for, like, a moment. We were always, like. Oh, yeah, with that specific person. We were, like, ah.

Like, they looked. Or like, why haven't they looked? Forever. Are they too busy? I'm like... Twitching. Why aren't you, like, bored home alone, like, looking at my stories? What are you doing? Yeah, literally. You should be looking at my stories as soon as they come up. But it's obviously hard, like...

I mean, like, you just know he's sitting around, like, crying, dude. Like, you're literally, like, hot on Instagram. Like, that's, like, a guy's worst nightmare. Yeah. I feel like a girl who's, like, hot on Instagram. Stop. Yeah, you're so right. No, yeah, you're so right. Like, especially, like, the stuff that we post, too. Like, I don't know. Like, we're not, like, a normal, like... That's such a downgrade. Like...

Oh, God. Okay, also... Okay, but, like, this is, like, also, like, tangent. Do you, like... Because I talked about, like, seeing girls they follow. Are either of you, like, liking other girls' pictures? It's, like, not okay. Are you, like, that...

Honestly, it depends. I feel like if the picture's not super revealing, I don't really care. But it's a bikini picture, and probably not. If it's your close friend, it's her and her family. That's fine, too. Okay, that's your parents. But if it's a whole thirst trap, I'm like... Yeah. Yeah.

It's honestly, like, kind of hard for me to answer these questions because I haven't been in a relationship in so long. But when I was in my relationships, it was very toxic, so I was very insecure. So, like, anything he would like, I was, like, miserable. Like, why would he, like, why would he like that? Like, if I was secure in my relationship, I probably wouldn't care. Mm-hmm.

But like, I can't compare it to anything because I'm not. No, I'm not. Like, I think it's just because, and it's weird, it's like I'll post like stuff like that, but I'm like, I don't, one, I don't even post for guys. Like my following is 90% female. Same. Like I don't post for dudes. I post for girls. Like if I post a thing of like my butt, it's not for dudes. It's for girls to be like, oh, I want like gains. Like it's not for dudes. Yeah.

But, like, so I feel like that guys are going to be like, double standard. Like, if you can post that, like, why can't I like it? And, like, because those random girls posted it for you to like if you liked it. Another thing, another topic with the whole, like, social media aspect is if a guy gets pissed off about the type of content you're putting out. Oh, yeah. Like, did that ever happen? Yeah, was that ever an issue? Honestly, that was never an issue. Yeah. Yeah, I think, exactly. But, like, yeah.

If a guy were to get mad about clothing or anything, oh my God, biggest red flag. I don't think I would be able to do it.

No. Like I'm an independent bad bitch. I'm sorry, but like I'm going to wear and post whatever the hell I want. You cannot tell me otherwise. No, I really don't care. If anyone tells me anything about what I post, I'm like, yeah. Even random guys, you could see it like in the comments. They're just like they have so much energy towards like what you're posting and stuff. Yeah. So much to say. So I think, yeah, that is a red flag. Someone told me on one of my comments, they were like, this is a gym, not a Hooters. And I was like,

so I can't wear sports bra and shorts where else oh my god remember the like where else am I supposed to wear that remember the dm I got about like the the t-shirts why are you wearing like the t-shirt like boys are like one like one side or the other someone said she was dressing like too like manly like man's t-shirt someone was like they were so mad that I was wearing like a guy's t-shirt they're like leave the t-shirt to the men and I'm like okay so we get the men that like hate us in t-shirts but then they also have the men that like hate us just as a sports bra so I'm like can you guys

make up your mind on like what we should wear to the gym? And it was also just a t-shirt and they were like leave the man's clothes and I responded I was like okay so t-shirts boys only. Girls no t-shirts for girls. Yeah no t-shirts for girls. We'll just go naked. I was like what does he mean by that like since when are the t-shirts...

But it was so weird. That's the weirdest DM. I was trying to understand it, but I just, no. And that's exactly why you just wear what you want, because somebody's going to have something to say regardless of what you're wearing. Literally. But that's also post-breakup, wear whatever the hell you want. Yeah. Like, flaunt on social media. Like, even if it's, like, a little bit to be petty, I feel like it's okay to do it, like, a little bit. Yeah, like, honestly. Because if you have confidence in yourself, post it. Yeah.

Like, especially if, like, you were in that point in your relationship where you were not posting specific things because of the relationship. Because you thought they would get mad. Post it now. Because who cares? You have no one telling you you can or cannot post it.

Yeah. I feel like a lot of this, I just relate to myself in high school. Oh, same. Because that's how like I was. Like I couldn't talk to people or like go out and do things. Then we broke up and I like went to a party and I could like follow people on Instagram. Like not even guys, like guys that were like my friends. Like I never would like follow them on Instagram.

I can, like, follow you on Instagram now. Like, my little, like, friend from, like, second period. It's like, I could follow you back. Like, what a normal person would do. It's nice. Because you only have your own opinion to think about. You only have to answer to yourself. Yeah. You're solely making all the decisions that you want to make. Not anybody else's, like, influence or... Damn, this sounds, like, good. Because I'm like, now I never want to get into a relationship ever. Because I'm like... My parents are going to be pissed. Oh, no, my parents. Yeah, guys. Actually, it's funny. We...

Right before we were getting home from this podcast, my parents had called me or my dad FaceTimed me and he goes, so Sam, we were just sitting here having a conversation. When are you going to have kids? Like freaking out because they want me to have kids so badly. But yeah, no, mom and daddy, if you're listening to this, I just don't think I want to get in a relationship.

I feel like if it's the right person, though, they'll, like, make you a better person. Oh, 100%. So, like, that's the thing. You will, like, get uplifted. Exactly. Yeah. And you're going to have to sacrifice a little bit. Like, it's not like I'm... Like, we're sitting here saying, like, if you ever have to, like, listen to a boy for anything, like, that's toxic. Like, obviously, you're going to have to, like, communicate about when you take trips. Like, obviously. Yeah. But, like...

But if he says no, then I'm like, yeah. But you also have just like to know like the bright side of being gay.

Yeah. Like it's not a bad thing to walk around and be like, Hey, I don't, I just don't miss the, I just don't miss the toxicity of it. Cause like I've only ever had shitty relationships and that's why I don't want to get into another one. Cause I'm so scared. It's going to be just like therapy session. It really is. Yeah. Like tell me my trauma. I know. Like my trauma is so bad. No, like it sounds so dramatic because it was so long ago, but like literally I have nothing else to compare it to. And I, the most recent guy that I talked to,

just fucking got up and left. Shit, that's the worst. Literally just got up and left. So I'm like, what is going on with these men? Like, I don't get it. I'm trying. Was there anything, this is like back to another random point, that like specifically you did that you think made you feel better? Like a specific thing? Or just like, Jim? I'm trying to think. Because I know some people like journal or like delete everything, get rid of everything. Like was, I feel like some, like, I don't know, like people have that like one moment when they're like, I'm

Over it. Sorry, I didn't get rid of my photos or anything like that, but was that something you did? I actually didn't, no, because at the end of the day, there's still memories. It's a big chunk of my life, so I don't think... Obviously, I'm not going to go back and look at them. They're going to stay back in my folder, but I don't really feel the need to delete them. I'm not huge into journaling, so I wasn't really doing a lot of that, but I was reading self-development books, trying to get back into reading.

the gym, and then, yeah, just, like, staying busy, like, hanging out with friends more, like, just a different, like, circle than what I was, like, accustomed to. Yeah, of course. Reading. Reading is it. Guys, I'm back into reading. Love it. Reading is it. And the thing you said about deleting stuff, in my old relationship, it was so bad and so toxic that I did delete stuff. My mom told me not to because she was like, at the end of the day, that's still a relationship you had when you were a teenager in high school and, like,

Like one day when you're old, you're going to be like, look at me. I was 16, but like, I literally hate him. So I'm like, I don't think I'll ever want to talk about that to anyone. So I don't really care. I did the whole dramatic. I wish this was like on video for me to watch. Drove to his house with all his stuff. You know, stop. Honeybecks.

through it in his driveway. I'm literally picturing you listening to this wicked sad music just on the way. You're listening to sad music, but you're pissed off. You're holding onto the steering wheel for dear life. You're like, sad music, but you're like, through it in the driveway.

I got in trouble with my parents. Did you call for him to, like, come outside? He was already... I was gonna leave it there, but he was already outside. Oh, my God. And then we fought in the middle of the road. I used to do that so much with my ex-boyfriend. Like, I'd drive to his house, and, like, we would, like, have a... Like, he'd just come into my car, and we'd, like, sit in his driveway and just, like, talk for, like, three hours. Oh, I did that, too. I'm like, this is the most toxic thing ever, but, like, every time we had a... Is that a sign of a toxic relationship, talking in your car for a long time? Because I did that...

Yeah, it might be. I think after an argument, kind of. Yeah, like if it takes like that to go back to normal. Yeah, and you don't want people in the house to hear you. Yeah. Because you fight so much. No, like seriously. Oh my God. This should have gone in the other episode. Oh my God, we just had a realization. So many girls are probably like, wait, I do this. Shit. Damn. And that's another good point. I feel like you don't notice like certain habits or like maybe this isn't like the healthiest until after.

Oh, yeah. You're brainwashed in your relationship. And you kind of have to... I tell a lot of friends this. You have to focus on what was negative. Yeah. Like... A hundred percent. I feel like...

break up with somebody regardless of who broke up with who like you want to play like the highlight reel or like the good moments and like that's all you remember but like you literally have to play the documentary like the entire thing like the good the bad and like another thing I do wish I kind of like had like when I went through my breakups was like listening to my friends more of like the red flags during the relationships because I would like if someone were to say something and be like oh like he did this like when you weren't there like something like I would like let it go over my head and be like no no no like this didn't happen like it's it

it's not like a big deal. But then after the post breakup, you're like, damn, I really wish I listened to my friend on this. But were there certain things, like I feel like a lot of girls, like were there certain times where you didn't tell your friends? Cause you were like, you didn't want them to like see everything that's going on because you knew like, well, I might stay in the relationship, so I don't want them to know. So then you're kind of just going through it by yourself. A hundred percent. Did you ever feel like that with like the, like the pressure of social media making you feel like,

Oh, but we can't break up? A little bit, to an extent, yeah. Like, yeah, for sure. I wouldn't say, like, the entirety, but kind of just even once it was over, like, just the thought of bringing it to social media, I was like, wow. Yeah. I just don't want to face that. Like, I just want to get past that point, and then I'll be good. Yeah. Agreed. Yeah, because I can't even imagine, like, my, like, similar but not similar, because, like, my...

Like he doesn't have social media. Like it's not like we were known on social media like together. So it's like that's like totally like worse. But like people didn't know. So it's like that was also a thing for me. It's like, my God, I can't like just like everyone's going to be like, like we already said, like the asking. And it seems like you're like letting people down. Yeah. A hundred percent. Because then when people are like, oh, my God, like if this doesn't work out, I don't believe in love. It's like, yo, don't be putting that on me.

Or like the just like social media is so fake. But I don't know anyone who puts like every single bad part of a relationship on social media. Yeah. That's healthy either. So I feel like people only see like 10 percent of our lives and they think they know our entire lives. Like you only see a small glimpse and it's exactly what we want to show you. It's not like being fake. Those are true like moments, but it's only a glimpse. Yeah. You're not going to be like, guys, we fought today. Right. Yeah. Yeah.

Because then, like, even too, if you talk about it on social media, that will drag out that, like, small little drama that happened, you know? So it's like, you might as well just keep it to yourself. Yeah, there's couples that do that, though. It's like, oh, they unfollowed each other and fucked each other. Oh, my God. And they're just, they're, like, in one fight. I'm like, you're really going to unfollow each other after every part of it? But it's like, it's like,

massive influencers. Like, okay, we'll put out a freaking like Kay and like Olivia Ponton as an example. They unfollow and follow each other all the time. I'm like, you guys clearly know your fan base is going to see that. So why are you doing that? I was going to throw out like a fitness influencer that would have been so funny. Yeah, no, don't do that. Throw something random ass like...

literally gonna throw out like don't why would i thought you were to say it stop stop before you speak i wasn't gonna say it but that was just funny because i was gonna be like yeah like so and so yeah no like but like seriously like i don't understand that pettiness in like social media like small little fight oh my goodness like you're hanging out with someone i don't like i'm gonna unfollow you like no yeah because people notice dude even like i said my like current like

Whatever you want to call it. He deleted some pictures of us, like, just, like, off his Instagram. Like, I think he just archived them, probably. Like, whatever. Like, make your own decision about how you want to... I don't care. I didn't even notice. I didn't notice. People were in my comments, did they break up? And someone put, he deleted their pictures, so I think so. This guy doesn't even have, like, a following, okay? Like, there's just... And I'm like...

Like, how do you... Yeah, you... So then I had to address it because I'm like, oh my God. Like, I was like, I didn't know you guys were over here, like, checking his Instagram, like his normal Instagram. And kind of like the point we had earlier, like, until you really know what's going on, there's no point in bringing it to social media. Like, you will tell people as soon as you're ready to...

Exactly, yeah. And that applies to everything. I was going to say social media or not social media. You don't owe people explanations. Yeah, you don't. And you also don't take that shit from anyone. I hate this when people are like, I told you so. Or like, yeah, I knew it. Or like, make it seem like you're stupid, especially if like the dude fucked up. Yeah. Like, I told you so. Like, yeah, you're stupid. Like, get the F off. Like, you don't need to be hearing like you're stupid or that like...

Oh, yeah, like, they knew it. Or, like, yeah, like, oh, my God. Yeah. It's the worst. That does... That happens a lot. That's, like, very common, I feel like. Yeah, everyone wants to blame the girl. Yeah. Always blaming the girl. Mm-hmm. Dude, and I feel like... Oh, my God, I'd be so angry. Do any, like... Does his followers try to, like, come at you or say stupid things to you? I feel like that would happen. Oh, my God, I would hate that. Not really. I think there was, like, a heartbreak and, like, a heart, like...

I'm heartbroken. Like TikTok, the gains in the gym are about to be insane. And that one before people actually kind of knew like the reasoning behind the breakup, they were like thinking that it was like on me. So I was kind of getting a little heat then other than that, not really, but there were like a lot of people that like followed both of us. And then you see like girls like going to shoot their shot right away and

Oh, my God. And, like, oh, you supported our relationship. But, I mean, it is what it is. Like, obviously, everybody's going to have, like, a person that they gravitate towards more. Like, maybe it was me. Maybe it was him. Maybe they could support both of us still. Yeah. But there's always, like, that bias. Dude, that's so fake. They're going to go out there and play it to bro. Yeah, that's weird. There was actually a girl that was, like, in my area. And she wanted to meet up. She was a longtime follower of, like, both of us. But she actually, like, shot...

her shot at him and then like she's still in my DMs to this day like wanting to hang out and she doesn't know I know but oh my that's so bad no that's bad energy

But even with, like, all that, like, nonsense, like, we kind of, like, briefly talked about this, how, like, hating someone is just not worth it at all for your own mental headspace. Like, obviously, we're seeing this little stuff about, like, being petty or, like, think about the negative. But think about the negative to get over it to the fact that you can, like...

not want to hate them. Like, so that you can be at peace. Exactly. Yeah, because obviously you're going to feel some type of way at first, but until you get past that point, I'm not saying you have to wish them, like, the best and, like, still, like, I don't know. Like, you have the right to feel how you want to feel. Yeah.

But I don't think hating somebody is going to do anything, like, in the long run. I still wish him the best. Yeah. Yeah. And it's not even, like you said, you don't have to, like... You don't even have to, like, wish them. That would probably take a long time. Like, that could take you a long time to even want to say that. I think more so for me, it's being neutral. Right. Like, don't really care what happens to you. Like, I say... I joke, like, I hate my, like, high school boyfriend. But it's like, okay, realistically, I don't, like, actively... I don't care. Exactly. Like, I actually don't care. Like, it...

I couldn't care less about what you're doing. Like if you have a great life, I literally don't care. Like don't want to hear about it. This can literally apply to everything. Like old friendships, like boyfriends, girlfriends, whatever it is. And then if you're the first person that like acts that way toward the other person, it just makes you feel so much better. You know, like I had a situation when I went home like last week, whenever for my alumni weekend, someone like that I was on bad terms with and like I went up to her at the bar and I was like, I just want to let you know, like,

You're still like a sister to me. Like, I love you. Like first time I talked to her since like our little falling out. And I just felt so good, like doing that and like putting it on neutral terms and

I don't know what her thoughts are on it, but like it just makes you feel better when you can finally just say like we're cool. Yeah. I feel that way about a lot of things like holding grudges and starting arguments for me just isn't it. Yeah. There's so many things, even if people do me wrong, like a friend or something, some people are like, are you going to say something? I'm like, no. It feels so much better to be the bigger person. It's so hard in some situations. And it's literally for your own mental health.

Like, you... What good if someone... They already fucked you over. So, like, what are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? Try to fuck them over back? Like, that's just gonna make the situation worse. That's gonna make it worse and then you're on their level. Yeah. You're literally on... Like, if someone were to, like, cheat on you and you think, like, oh, so I'm gonna do this to be petty, like, you're literally on their level. Yeah. Like, you just need to be like, okay, wish you the best. Like, I'm...

It's okay. Didn't even bother me that much. Yeah. And then it gets in their head probably and they're like, why is it okay? But hating someone is the worst. Like you need to put that energy into like bettering yourself. Like get your nails done. Do your eyelashes. Like get your hair done. I wouldn't recommend bleaching your hair. I did that and it was the biggest regret in my life. Oh yeah. Don't like my hair was dead for so long. People like, did you, did you want to cut your hair?

Honestly, no. I had no desire. I did get, like, some, like, lowlights. That's crazy. I did want to cut my hair. I feel like everyone does their hair. Some people do crazy things. Like, even, like, not only, like, dying your hair, but, like, moving across the country or, like, just, like, what is that face for? I was like, I've moved across the country, but I wasn't prepared. Yeah, that's not, like...

But it's like still like people do some crazy things post breakup and like, hey, do whatever works for you. Like if it's going to make you feel better, go for it. I wanted to cut my hair because my high school boyfriend always said he would hate if I had short hair. So I was like, hmm, I will cut it off. I would love to see what you look like with short hair. I was like, you would hate me with short hair? Looks like it's.

I was like, I'm cutting it all. He did the same thing though. He was like, I'm going to get a buzz cut. I was like, ew. Literally like a week later, came and pulled the buzz cut. And I was like, I was looking out for you by telling you not to do it to your head. It sucks for you. Like that does not seem like the best choice. Damn. My hands are like clammy right now. I don't know why. I think it's just because it's like hot in here. I'm wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants. I don't know.

Just thought you guys should all know that. Yeah, no, that's fine. But we're, like, it's literally, like, the best time in your life to just freaking go thrive. That's it. And I also feel like in order to move on, like, you have to let go of that idea that you're going to get back together with that person. Even, like, for some situations, maybe they're different than mine. Even if they were to get back together in the future, if you're not, like, solely focusing on yourself in the moment, you're always going to wait for that to happen. And, like, you shouldn't be. You should never put your life on.

pause for anybody. Oh my god, I totally feel that. That's how I was in high school and there were situations like let's say maybe like talking to other people or whatever that it'd be like oh but if we got together this would probably like make him mad and like we'd fight about that and it's like okay but you're not together right now. You can't think about that stuff. Like you're not together right now so what does it matter? Yeah. That's

No, that's a really good point. Because I think a lot of people think that, especially after a long relationship, you're like, oh, but, like, maybe again. And then it's like, no, if he actually, like, fucked you over, like, no. And then if he fucked you over and wants to be back in your life, he needs to be on that energy no matter what. Like, no matter what happened. Like, if you're broken up, you're not together. Yeah.

Like live your best life. As I said, all you said is all you have is you, especially at this age. Like if you're like high school to like early twenties, what the hell are you doing? Yeah. Like if you just got out of a relationship, especially if you're in high school and you're like, but I'm going to marry him. It's like you're 15. Probably not. Yeah. Probably not. Been there. I thought that.

Probably not. Go get your nails done. Do your hair. Do something fun for yourself. Make a friend. And if you don't, I feel like you'll regret all that time that you wasted just being, like, sad or whatever, like, in that in-between stage. Like, these are literally the best years of your life. Maybe not the best years of your life, but they're very, like, pivotal, like, growth.

Oh, yeah. 100%. That make you like who you are. Yeah. No, agreed. So like when you feel like you can't like, like, I feel like some people just think like, like life is over. Like the world ends. Like, oh my God, you can't function. Okay. Like you can still like drink water and eat and go work out and like read a book. There's nothing stopping you from doing that. You don't need to scroll on TikTok or like look back at pictures all day. Yeah. Especially your TikTok caters to you. So I feel like if you're texting about a breakup, everything...

Everything you're going to see on your For You page is, like, stuff about, like, relationships. I don't know. Did that happen to you? Yeah, like, the first, like, week. Now it's not, honestly. Now it's, like, back to, like, the fitness, like, niche of things. But at first it definitely was. And you honestly just have to click, like, not interested. Because the reason it's showing it to you is because you're watching it. And, like, you might be liking some stuff. So you just have to click not interested. Yeah, one of my friends had the same thing. She was like, all my TikToks are about, like,

Like, literally her situation. And I'm like, because it's reading your phone. Yeah. I'm like, it literally knows that you're in, like, a situation and is showing you these TikToks. Which is crazy. And then it's like, if you're on Instagram, you see other people with their boyfriends or, like, cute relationship stuff. Like, then you have, like, one day, like, at one time you were that and you didn't work out. So...

But who's to say that it's not them? Like at one time you were posting that. Yeah, that's so facts. You know what I'm saying? Like you see it and you're like, oh my God, but they're so happy. It's like, okay, and so are you. Yeah. And like, look where you are. Like, like they could be like, like first of all, they could be fighting at, because you have to think about like all the times you posted stuff, but really like it looks like, oh my God, best day ever. But really you were like fighting in the car. Yeah. That's so. They could be fighting in their car. That's so crazy to think about. Like they could have like, like a couple, like that's like, maybe they went viral for a video on TikTok. Yeah.

maybe that day they were in a massive fight. Like, they're not as happy as that video looks. Yeah. That's, like, super viral. Yeah. I wanted to, like, kind of end on the topic of, like, jealousy. Like, if they move on. Or, like, just moving on in general. Mm-hmm. Like, getting over that.

I don't know. That's hard. Yeah, it is hard. It's easy to move on. Again, another feature, block. Block. Helps so much. Block their number. Block their Snapchat. Block their Instagram. Also, the new girl in that guy's life. Block them, too, because they also don't really... If they're now in the guy's life and maybe he talks... I don't know. Just block both of them, I feel like. Because you never know. She may be stalking you. She may be talking shit about you to...

The boyfriend, like, you don't know. I just think blocking both, no problem with that. Facts. That's what I would do. And even if you're not, like... Okay, obviously, if it's, like, a year situation where someone that follows you tried to hit up, like, your ex-boyfriend and then also wants to hang out with you, F that. Yeah. That's so shady. But if it's just a random girl that has zero relation to you, you can't hate her. Yeah. Right. Like, you know, like...

Like, she did nothing. No, 100%. Yeah. Like, she is totally just, like, not even involved. I get, like, blocking them, and maybe you're like, but then she'll be mad at me. Okay, mute.

Mute is a great, great feature. Also, if she's so unrelated, you shouldn't even follow her on Instagram. Yeah. Like, if she's not even your friend, you probably don't follow her on Instagram, so that's good, but don't check her stuff. Don't check her stuff. I had a hard time doing that. It's taken a lot out of me to not go back to, like, girls' profiles to see, like, what they post and, like, if they've liked it and, like, if they got, like, that's taken a lot of willpower, but you can't do it.

Do you do, like, the look at the following or no? You, like, do a little check? Sometimes, yeah, I do a little peek. You gotta check, dude. It's right there. Oh, my God. You gotta. You gotta check. But eventually, yeah, you just can't. You can't do it. Like, you need to rip off the band-aid and be like, this whole week I'm not gonna do it. And then you stop the habit. If you check it every day...

you're gonna keep doing it exactly and I feel like sometimes people even like speak things into existence they're like I don't want this to happen and then they're just like watching every single move and then you can't control if that happens at the end of the day so you just can't like focus your attention on that you're also looking for the bad stuff like maybe they like someone's picture like literally just not even thinking about it and in your head they're like oh that's that's his new girlfriend like they're dating yeah like you're literally together or

like, Oh my God, he followed that girl on Instagram. They must've like, they must've went on a date. It's like, Nope, she sits next to him in class. Like, no, but all of that, like all of that little energy, like it just seems like a few minutes, like here and there, you waste so much time doing that when you can just be like diverting that energy back and working on yourself. Like literally you're giving them so much energy. They're not in your life anymore. Why are you giving them energy? This is literally your time to be the baddest bitch of life, which totally, I feel like some people might be like, this wasn't fitness related. Yeah.

Yes, it is. Because you don't know how many people fall off their grind or lose motivation once this happens. So many. It's like two types of people. It's either like they have only motivation to go to the gym and do nothing else or they don't do like anything. But even if you're only going to the gym and you're like, no, but I go to the gym. Okay. Like you got to go make friends. You got to like eat right. Like you can't only go to the gym. Yeah. You got to like do more than that.

Yeah, that... I really wanted to do this episode after I got a question in my Q&A just about this. That they, like, fell off their healthy routine. Oh, 100%. They were like, I fell off my healthy routine because of a breakup and I feel like I'll never get back on it. And I was like, oh, no, girl. Yeah. Uh-uh. Not around here. That cannot happen. But I think... Are we... Are we good? What did you just say? Are we good? Yeah, but you just, like, paused and, like, looked at me for a second expecting me to, like, say something. Sorry.

But yeah, I think we are. We did definitely talk for a while. Yeah, that was kind of long. Yeah. But I hope, I feel like someone, I picture when we record these, someone like on the treadmill being like,

Yeah. Yeah. Like, fuck it. They're on their phone right now listening. It's either they're getting their 10K steps right now or they're, like, at the gym listening. Yeah, a lot of people are working out or on the treadmill. I don't get how you guys are listening to this mid-workout. How do you do that? I have my concentration. Like, I can't. I can't do both. I'm trying to think one, two, three, four. How many reps am I doing?

Oh, wait, there's a podcast going. No. I could do it during like cardio and lifting. Yeah, cardio. Yeah, cardio. Yeah. But so many people are like, yay, perfect timing for my workout. You're just going to squat and it's just going to be us like, yeah, block him. Yeah, block him. Do it. Block him. Okay. Well, all of Brooke's stuff is going to be in the description so you can like tag her. And then we always do for our people, whatever your most recent post is, when this episode goes live, which is the 5th.

they'll just go comment on it that they're from the podcast. Yeah, they just spam. So, like, we'll repost it on our story, and then they'll go comment on it. Because then, like, they can show you a little bit of support, but then we can also get to see, like, who saw it, you know? Like, who is, like, from the podcast. So, they'll go to that and do that stuff. So, look on the podcast story if you're watching this on Friday.

I mean, if you're not watching this on Friday, it's not on our story, but you can still go do it. Yeah, you'll probably see the post. Even if you're like three weeks late, you'll probably still see the post that like everyone was like commenting, F word podcast. So, yeah, this was fun. And now we're ready to go to Houston for the weekend. Yeah. That's when we just booked a hotel. See, spur of the moment. We booked a hotel. See, living life. And we're driving two and a half hours. Single, living life, road trips, flights. Let's do it, baby. All right, guys. Bye. Love y'all. Bye.

See you on Friday.