cover of episode #FTONING | Weights don't make you bulking, and holistic eating isn't for everyone

#FTONING | Weights don't make you bulking, and holistic eating isn't for everyone

Publish Date: 2021/11/1
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One Thing About Us


Shownotes Transcript

What's up, guys? It's Sam and Taylor. And we want you to put your shoes on. Pop open that energy drink. And go.

What is up, guys? Welcome back. We are super excited this week because it's the start to eight weeks of F-mas. Yes, it's a Monday. If you're listening to this when it's out, it is Monday, which is crazy because until Christmas, November 1st to Christmas, Christmas Eve to be exact, because Christmas Eve is a Friday.

We're doing two episodes a week. Hell yeah. Oh my God. Like the amount of work. Now we can finally kind of say like last week we did like five pod, including this one, five. Yeah. Five podcast.

Guys, that's five hours. And you have to also keep in mind, we are traveling for the holidays, so we're not going to be together. So, like, we have to get all of these episodes done before, like, we travel for holidays. Yeah, we're pre-recording everything, which is why on the last Friday episode that went up, we had an issue getting it up. Minor technical problems, whatever. People were like, oh, no, no, no.

episode? I'm like, guys, you don't understand. There are episodes. I'm like, we haven't missed an episode and we have a million saved. Like, trust me, we're not short an episode. I promise. And if you're like, wait, what the heck is going on? If you're confused, it's probably because you're not following the podcast page. And we announced this on the podcast page that we were doing two episodes a week. So this Monday is just going to be all like

Just us. And then on Friday, every Friday, a new guest. Yes, we're having really special guests every Friday. I think people you guys are going to like, like a lot. Yeah. Like, I'm really excited about them. We did a few of them already and they were amazing. They were so good, so valuable. We're so lucky to have the people that, I mean, that we've been in contact with that want to work with us. It's just really...

Really, really cool. But that's the plan. Every Friday we're having a special guest and every Monday you get just us. Yep. Definitely.

No, I'm kidding. You can't escape. We are definitely really excited for this. And then also, we announced this too, as well as every Wednesday is like a little give back Wednesday. Yeah. But what y'all are going to have to do is help us out and keep the engagement good on our Instagram. And every Wednesday on the Wednesday post, literally just comment your Venmo and we will be picking one lucky winner. One or multiple? Multiple.

I feel like we should do like two or three. Yeah, maybe. Maybe we could just... Yeah, spread it. We'll see how we're feeling that day when we wake up. Yeah, maybe we're like, you know what? Ten. You know what? One. You never know. And it's just going to be random. We're just going to pick you and then we'll Venmo you. Five bucks. You can buy an energy drink. I guess you can use it for whatever you want. But we want you to like...

Go get like a Celsius to stay like on brand, you know, go get yourself an energy drink. You know, at the gym, sometimes they're expensive, but it's on us. So you can get yourself a little energy drink midweek.

Yeah, just as a little thanks. Yeah, of course. So that's what's new on our end on the podcast page. And I can't wait to do two episodes a week. You guys wanted it so bad. And I think we can definitely say, I don't think we can ever commit to doing this year round, but we are definitely totally open to the idea that I think little times of the year, it's fun and it's cool. So yeah, just stay tuned for whatever other times we do this. But right now it's just now.

Yeah, so with that being said, last week was crazy busy. And even going into this weekend, it was crazy busy because we had Brooke here. And we all obviously can assume we know who's going to be the first guest. But the topic with that is going to be really fun. But we had a lot of fun this past weekend. Met a lot of cool people. Met Tori. Yes, we went to Houston, which you'll hear us say on Friday. It's funny. We're like, we're going to Houston. Yeah. But we're already back from Houston. Now it's Sunday. Yeah.

We just got back from grocery shopping. I am a zombie. A zombie. Okay? I'm so tired.

I was drinking a Celsius grocery shopping, but it was kind of making me anxious, so I stopped. But I'm rallying. Yeah. We're here. Our nutrition was not the best this weekend. We literally only like three meals. It was only one day. So Friday night we ate out. Then Saturday lunch and dinner was out. But like, oh my goodness, guys. The food we were eating was so good. Mod pizza. Guys, if you have a mod pizza near you, you need to go. Yeah, they have vegan cheese. Oh, it was amazing. I got like, I'm actually meal prepping it this week. And like a barbecue. Yeah.

pineapple like pizza I'm so excited we ate a lot of sour strips a lot of sour strips

I actually got a lot of DMs, which I'm sorry, guys. When we're super busy and we're not on our phones, there is no chance that now I'm sitting down and getting back to DMs. It's so hard. But a lot of you guys were asking the sour strips, why we use them. And it's just intracarbs. There's no special pre-workout, anything inside of it. It's literally just fast-adjusting carbs. So we were traveling. We had breakfast. We had oats. And we just need a little bit more energy for our workout. So sour strips was it.

Yeah, it doesn't have to be... Because it's what a lot of fitness people use, but you can use gummy bears. Rice Krispie Treats. Rice Krispie Treats. It's all the same. It's just candy. And candy is actually...

pretty like low calorie like because it's just sugar and it's like small yeah so like you can have like three four pieces of candy mid-workout and you'd be surprised like that like 20 gram of carb yeah can like really like even if it's mental yeah like I feel like I'm like oh I'm strong I ate candy yeah that's another thing too is like you can have it before your workout you can have it during the day like it really just doesn't matter it's just there's

This that we're talking about right now is actually something... A topic that we're going to cover. That we're going to go into. Yeah. Yeah. Might as well. Might as well go into it. And then if anything else pops up, we can continue to talk. What else? Yeah, this weekend...

It was kind of like we went to Alfleet, by the way. Let's talk about the fact that we literally because we rented our rented. We literally booked our hotel room Friday. Yeah. Got there Saturday. We stayed in a hotel that had all of the competitors at it. Yeah. We walk in. There's just a line of extremely tan bodybuilders waiting for their second round of spray tans. And we were like, what the? We were like, oh.

Where are we? And then someone actually gave Taylor the compliment of asking her what she's eating post-show. And Taylor was like, I'm actually not competing. Yeah, literally this guy was talking about donuts. I was like, oh, is that your post-show meal? He was like, yeah, what's yours? I was like, oh, sir. I am on a bowl. And then at first I was like, damn it. It's not working. He's like, dang, you look skinny as hell. I'm like, crap.

So yeah, no, that was really cool. Tori did freaking amazing. Yeah, it was really cool. It was really cool to watch. Yeah. And she like, guys, like I know this is just funny. Like I know bikini competitors. It's like, obviously they look skinny.

Dude, but in person? So skinny. They're so small. So small. You can like pick them up and throw them. She's like five foot anyway, so it's like... No, but all of them. Like they're just like, they don't exist. Craziness. It is crazy. And we obviously met Jordan too. She was two weeks out as of like...

this weekend two weeks out from her show and she's itsy bitsy but she's still in prs we were like watching yeah we were literally fantasizing over her in the gym we were like sitting down on the turf at alfleet um like kind of making tiktoks she had showed up like an hour later so she had to get a workout in and we're just staring at her we're like she's literally incline pressing 60s right now and she comes over and she goes i just did a pr i'm like she's eating mind you less than half the calories that like no not less than half no i lied i can't do math i cannot do math scratch that

Almost half. Yes. Like, her... It's crazy. We're obviously not going to say numbers, but... It's just...

It amazes me. It's insanity. Yeah, she's a beast. Beast. She's a beast. It was cool being with like... She listens to these podcasts. Holy shit. Oh yeah, she does. Hey, Jordan. Hey, Jordan. What's up, queen? But it was cool seeing everyone in person. We were all like, wow. Yeah. It was cool. It's all the people we talked to online. I was even sitting in the parking lot and I told Tori too when we were going into the show. I was like, yeah, so excited to see Tori. I know we're going to cheer for Tori. And then I was like, I've never...

Like, I don't know her. I know. I was like, I literally just know her from social media, but it's just funny because I'm showing up like, yay, like so excited to see my friend. And it's like, I don't know her. Yeah, we don't know her. It's weird. We know of her. We know what she likes to eat. We know like where she works out, but we don't know her personally. No, social media is weird. So weird.

Also, should we... I was going to mention if people see us. Yeah, oh yeah. That's like a... We definitely kind of... Okay. We love when you guys come up and say hi. We love when you guys come up and say hi more than anything in the world. Be mindful that we don't know who you are. Yeah. I feel like you're better at explaining it than I am. Yeah. We had a few situations this weekend where y'all would come up to us and it would be like,

Like, it's so good to see you. But then we get caught in like an awkward position where we're like, like, we don't know your name. We don't know who you are. Like,

It's just... It's very... Sometimes... I don't know how to, like, say it, but... Well, it's also weird because you don't want to assume, like, maybe one, maybe you're, like, forgetting meeting someone. Yeah. And then how awkward would it be if you just assume they're, like, a follower. Yeah. And they're like, oh, no, I just met you at that one thing. And then you're like, oh, awkward. But it's just... I don't know. Like, being acting... And mind you, I love talking to you guys. Like, we're very open when you see us. Like, we'll talk to you. And it's, like, totally cool to see you. But, like, being...

I don't know, coming off like, oh, like, I know you. Yeah. And, like, I can just be all up, like, hey, bestie, like, you're my best friend. It's just, like, I've never met you. Yeah. So I'd, like, hey. It's very, like, what's your name? It's very hard. Like, don't get us wrong. Like, like Taylor said, we love when you guys come up to us. It's just remember that we don't know you. And, yes, if we did have a short conversation in our DMs, like,

That's it, too. We don't look at everyone's profile. Yeah, we don't look at your profiles and, like, stalk you guys and, like, remember names to faces. Like, I wish I could. I wish I could totally remember every single name and face, but it's just, it's very hard. So, we don't want you guys to, like, feel awkward if we feel awkward, maybe, like, from, like, the approach that happened, but...

Because just think about it. Like, think about you being somewhere where you're just kind of, like, doing your thing. And if someone out of nowhere just, like, assumed that, like, you know them. Yeah. And you were just, like, doing nothing, minding your business. Like, kind of caught off guard. It's just, like...

A tad bit uncomfortable. Yeah. Like, and I just say that for, like, anyone that, like, creates content. Just, like, introduce yourself and why you're saying hello. Yeah. Like, I still say, like, when someone comes up, I say, I'm saying. Like, I still say my name. I say I'm Taylor, too. Because I don't know, like, if they actually know me from social media or it's, like...

I don't know. I say that too. I say... And, like, most of the time people say hi to one of us if we're, like, alone in that moment or they see us first. But even though, obviously, if one of us... Like, if you follow one of us, you've, like, seen the other person. Yeah. Like, duh. But I still, like, if someone just comes up to you and, like, I still introduce myself to them, like, they might not know who I am, but, like, they probably do. But I say... I still say, like, the girl we saw outside the hotel, like, I was like, oh, Taylor. Yeah. Like, hi. I was like, oh, that's Taylor over there. She's like, yeah. That's Taylor.

But I always say my name because that just feels right. Because then I feel weird. I'm like, what if you don't know? Like, I don't know. But yeah, it's fun meeting you guys. It's just sometimes. It's not all the time. Yeah, no, it's definitely not all the time. It's not all the time. It's a few scenarios. And that goes out to like anyone that's like...

makes content or like even like celebrities I guess just like be mindful that they don't know you another thing I want to point out is like we love it though that like you guys feel so comfortable approaching us like that because it clearly shows that we can show our personality so well to the point where you feel comfortable enough to come up to us yeah and like start a conversation we love that so yeah I guess that's the end of this conversation I don't really want to continue yeah yeah no me neither I'm like I have nothing else to say yeah so okay so that was like our weekend um

Yeah. I feel like there was like random other stuff, but not, yeah, I don't know. That was all we did really. There were some creators that we influenced or whatever the fuck the word is, but this is kind of a subject where we want to talk about because there was someone that we saw in the presence that I had to block on social media because of how much I did not like or agree with their content. And that is just the whole holistic side to nutrition and,

Keep in mind, if you're holistic and you are not, like, so strict on it, totally okay. But there are, like, the certain people out there that, like, are so against, like... Anything processed. Yeah. Something processed. And they degrade you for eating something processed. Something processed. And, like, I feel like it goes hand in hand with lifting heavy because those same type of people are very, like, Pilates, like, low impact, like...

Choning workouts, the title of the episode. It's very, there's a lot of influencers that do that kind of lifestyle, which again, I don't care, but it's like you said, they're very like what you're doing is totally unhealthy. Yeah. And it's like, we live life once, enjoy the food you're eating. If it doesn't bother you, if you're not getting horrible acne, you're not getting like horrible fucking digestion issues, constipation, like whatever.

throwing up like anything trust your body trust your body if you're not noticing like a trigger to your day-to-day life enjoy those semi-processed things like you're it's not the end of the world yeah and you know what bothers me when people hate on like the fact that I drink an energy drink or eat protein bars the amount of times I've told Sam this

I don't want to be like this, this like very gym rat phase of my life is kind of right now. I've told Sam that when I'm like a mom, oh my God, I want to be whole foods. I want to be organic snacks. I want to be, I,

I want to be that bitch. Because I've done this whole thing already. I'm not going to be tracking my macros. I literally want to be vegan, organic, cute mom, bringing the cute organic snacks to school, and drinking a green juice. That's how I want to be when I'm grown and a mom, because I think that sounds fun. So when people hate on me for it, I'm like, look, I'm not hating on you. I literally see myself...

Being like that in the future. Like, when I take a break from, like, tracking macros. And when, like, when I'm older. So why are you hating on me? And, like, there's such a divide in, like, that type of, like, mindset. You can think that way about fucking Doritos. Fucking Cheetos. Like, you can think that way about those things. Yeah, maybe there's a better choice than something like that. But a protein bar or protein chips or, like...

A Celsius. Yeah, a Celsius. Like, those are the healthier options than, like, said, like, a sugared monster. Like, or, yes, a Coke. Like...

Trying to get someone who is trying to eat healthier that maybe is a little bit overweight and they see that holistic stuff, they're going to think that they need to jump to just like that completely healthy mindset of like eating all the whole foods and like all this stuff. It's going to be okay. You can enjoy your energy drink. You can enjoy your protein bar that has maybe some...

not so great ingredients in it. You should not want to go into a grocery store and be so fixated on the ingredients on the back. Yeah. Not to mention when I was struggling with food a lot, obviously the calories and the numbers were a part, but a big part for me was the ingredients stuff. I felt like added sugar or too many ingredients was too processed and too bad, which we talked about this in the, like the tracking macros episode. Yeah.

tracking macros and being just like, hey, actually, I can eat the processed stuff and I don't need to care about my sugar intake for the day if I'm not noticing a problem. Because to me, it was kind of like orthorexic tendencies of feeling like, oh my God, like added sugar bad. And obviously we do get sugar. I'm not eating added sugar galore, but like I'll eat added sugar. Like I don't like not buy something because it has four grams, which other times I might have been like, oh no, but nine grams.

Or like, oh my God, xanthan gum. And it's like, how am I going to do that to myself? And it's so, you wouldn't, if someone ever, let's say someone was overweight and eating typical unhealthy food like McDonald's, right? If people commented, oh my God, you shouldn't eat that. That's so bad for you. Like you're so unhealthy. Oh my God, that's so rude. But if a fit person, that's what they're eating. Why can you comment on what they're eating just because they have like a...

like the idea I don't think ideal body but you know what I mean just because they're like socially like an accepted body yeah it seems like oh I can just shit on what you eat and the another thing too is maybe an underweight girl eats a donut they're gonna say oh wow you're finally eating it's just such a fucked up mindset it is it's going back to what you said about like you're eating like you're you know restricted eating past like I would have never had like

Rice Krispie cereal because there's like 13 grams of sugar in there. I would have never done that. I would have eaten like freaking spinach with nothing on it. Like going into a grocery store and moving or transitioning from looking at the ingredients list and more focusing on the macronutrient end is

It makes the biggest difference. And that's what you should want to focus on because, I don't know, did we do a topic or a episode where we were talking about like the labeling of foods? Like you can go in and it says like, oh, low fat. No. It's like,

We can talk. Yeah, but that's like a good point. Yeah, like if you go into a grocery store and you're trying to get something that's like healthy and maybe you just look at it and it says, oh, low fat cheese or something. I don't know. Like low fat. No, we'll say something like. Yeah.

Yeah, I actually have a direct example that happened to me. Do you want to say it? Okay, so one time I was with my parents and we were looking for ice cream because I really liked ice cream, but they wanted something lower calorie. So they looked, and this, I had no idea. I took a guess and I was correct. It was labeled like CarbSmart or something. And I was like, I bet you. I pulled out Oreo ice cream bars. They looked kind of similar shape. I was like, I bet you these have the same calories. I looked and they did. They had the same frills.

macros. And one just said like CarbSmart and one was Oreo. And I was like, they're the same. Like these are the same food. We're just going to go grab the CarbSmart because it says CarbSmart. Yeah. And they're just going to automatically fixate Oreos as being bad just because they're Oreos. And I saw a post from a like more like holistic, like natural girl being like, instead of eating these snacks that are so bad for you, example, let's say Celsius, a fiber one brownie, a

protein, whatever, like those kinds of foods. It was like basically if you ever looked at the healthy snacks of a whole food section, those type of snacks, if you know what I'm talking about. If you look at the nutrition facts on those snacks versus more fit people snacks like that you'd find in like a GNC, they're the same. They're literally the same. And it's who it's marketed to. Just because like...

They're marketed to certain populations. That's why one... Sometimes you guys ever notice like kind of Trader Joe's. Everything from Trader Joe's looks healthy. Yeah. Like the way it's...

Oh, 100%. It looks healthy. It's not. You would just think, for example, the pumpkin bagels. They're packaged pretty cute. You go grab one, oh, probably way higher in carbs than Dave's. And sugar. Yeah, and sugar than the Dave's Killer ones. It's the packaging. Oh, but even a good example, Dave's Killer bread and normal bread is...

It's like not that different sometimes. Like depending on which kind of Dave's bread, it's like that Dave's killer bread and that normal bagel are the same. And I think a lot of people are brainwashed by packaging. Like you think those like cute chocolate bars in the front of Whole Foods don't have like the same macros as a Fiber One brownie? Like they do. Like you can, we should literally go take pictures. Oh yeah, no seriously. For this episode.

But we see that all over TikTok, bro. And it's like the fit shaming. And people, I've made the video. You guys probably saw it. I was like, oh, you live with two gym rats. And it was all our supplements. Guys, we have a fridge full of vegetables. We go shopping. It's mostly... It was literally the same video. Someone, I think they took inspiration from mine. It was the same sound and everything. They might have just chickened out from using mine. Because I have like...

Yes, yes. They might have chose a random person because they're easy to pick on. I don't know. But when we go shopping, guess what we get? Produce. Guess what's sitting on our counter? Big bowl of fruit. Yeah. It's balanced. I feel like they think we only just dry scoop protein powder. Yeah. And we're like, help. I'm literally vegan. And one thing we do say a lot is try not to have so much processed protein. I notice my body can only...

like have around like two servings of processed protein during the day. Cause if I have a third thing of processed protein, no offense, I'm going to be fucking shitting my brains out. Okay. That's it. Sorry. And even if I'm not going to necessarily feel bad right away,

Unlike these, you know, people think I am conscious of my health and well-being that I'd rather have like a bowl of tofu with like veggies than just like a bunch of protein shakes. Even though they think all we drink is protein shakes. We have a title called F protein shakes. Like what? Like that's what they think in their head. And you might be like, what does this have to do with the episode? It's like we said, it's very similar idea because a lot of girls...

Very specific girls that talk about it openly on podcast that there's like that divide in your head between like, I want to be thick girl, strong muscles, and I want to look like Kendall Jenner. Yeah. And it's just like, you don't have to not eat and never consume protein because you think you're going to bulk. Yeah. That's so... And another thing too is like thinking, you said this earlier too, like...

you hate this a lot thinking that you are going to lift up a weight once or twice or maybe for like a month straight and all of a sudden you have all of this muscle on your body yeah bitch if you fucking could do that go compete like if you can put on that much money go compete literally i knew someone that would say that and how like oh my god their muscles like oh my god no you're telling me a protein shake and a dumbbell i will blow up i'm like go

girl, you have a gift. Yeah. I'm like, you have a gift. Sign up for your bodybuilding show. Like, like you were given a talent. Like you're telling me like, and I will tell people I've told them in real life. I'm like, look, do my work. I would like split with me two months. I will bet you $100. I will Venmo you the $100. If you, if you come out of it, if you genuinely, if I look at you and I'm like, oh shit, your biceps, the size of my head, I'll give you $100. I'll give you $100.

But I don't, I like. And you know what makes me so mad too is like even creators out there in this fitness industry will tell you. That's what I just said. It was on a podcast, bro. Yeah, it was on a podcast. The fact that people with big platforms think that that is possible. Yeah. Why are you labeled in the fitness industry? I feel like, okay, I'm going to like, I feel like people might, I feel like we like jumped really fast because we got like heated. So we wanted to talk about the food, but we also want to now transport like

To the workout side. I just want to say we're transitioning to workouts, okay? Because like...

same people that think the food is like bad for you they're like lifting weights is so inflammatory it makes you so bulky and like it's so much cortisol shut up yeah like literally shut up I don't know how to I don't know how to say it any other way another thing that also like I don't understand is like people saying that if you're only working out for aesthetics it's unhealthy and I'm like

If you also enjoy working out, that's great. But if you're only working out for aesthetics, for like the body aspect, there's nothing wrong with that because what else? Like, I don't know. I'm also a firm believer in...

Everyone that gets into weights, even if it's for the aesthetic, gets mental benefit. And if you're doing weights, you do want to be stronger. No matter for what reason you started, you do want to be stronger. Yeah, don't get me wrong. When I first started lifting weights, I didn't want to get bigger. I didn't want to. And then I just honestly just wanted to be like...

Like I wanted to look lean. Like I never thought in a million years, like when I very first started, when I was doing the fucking booty bands and all that stuff that I would be in the mindset that I am today with wanting to continue to grow, having defining muscles, like all of this stuff. But it's like, take that, take that thought that you're currently having now that you think that you're going to go to the gym and you are going to get muscular, bulky or anything. Yeah.

Get rid of it. Try to just... I don't even know where I'm rambling with this because it's so much easier than just being able to go into the gym and just say, like, all right, no, I'm not going to get bulky from this anymore. But honestly, once you start to work out and you start to get stronger from, like, if you jump from bicep curling 10 pounds and going up to the 15 pounds, like, it's empowering. And, like, you get addicted to that. Yeah, exactly. And it's the people. So...

The lifting weights doesn't get you bulky, obviously. I know a lot of you know that because you follow us, but it's still probably in your brain. I know some of you still probably think it. And there are people out there that still like to preach that two different types of exercise give you two different types of bodies, right? Like weights give you bulky strong girl and lying on your floor and doing leg circles make you Kendall Jenner.

I was even realizing a good example of how we just said we were at the bikini show. Okay? And so many of you want to be lean and toned. Okay? Like the Kendall Jenner model. I'm doing air quotes for everything. Tori. Okay? Tori was so lean and toned. And if she was Kendall Jenner's height, would have looked literally like Kendall Jenner. Okay? Do you know what Tori does? Lift weights. Yeah. But you know what she switched? Her eating. It literally has nothing to do with the workouts. It's food. Okay?

Yeah. Like, if you, like, I don't even know. I'm trying to, like, quote myself. We talked about this in the road, on the road trip. Yeah, we had talked about this for so long in the car ride, so I'm, like, trying to. I have, like, a lot of, I feel like I have so many points. Yeah, I know. But, like, another thing, too, is, like, you can't expect yourself to just start lifting weights. And then get bold.

No, no, no, not even like the other aspect of like losing weight. Oh, yeah. It's the food aspect. And I know we've preached it enough even in like the macro one, the calorie deficit one, the bulk episode. Like, yes, that happens. But there are still people out there that think, oh, it's wrong to preach that lifting weights is the only way to lose weight, which, yes, it is. But you also have to put into the food aspect of it. Yeah. But I think – okay. Okay.

And I might get a lot of people are big proponents of do whatever exercise you want. Yes, because if you're going to do nothing, I'd rather pick you do the thing you like. OK, if you're going to do nothing, do something. But if you really. So here's the thing. A lot of people are very I like lean and toning workouts and I quit lifting weights and do 12, 330. When you hit 30, 35, your metabolism slows down.

scientific fact like it's harder for older people to lose weight that's just how it is muscle mass increases your metabolism if you lose all your muscle mass because you cut out all that processed food i would be eating no calories if i was eating trying to eat all healthy because that's what i was doing before and i was under eating when i was scared of processed food

under eating you stop resistance training like you stop using any type of weight training on your body you're going to lose muscle mass and eventually your metabolism is going to drop yeah and then you're going to gain weight and some girl even on tiktok duetted a girl and was like i thought i did the same thing and now look at me now i gained weight yeah because she lost her metabolism you're just starting over like say it's that person that you know they started they were maybe just a little bit overweight they started lifting weights eating right and

And they start to lose the weight, but then they get to a point where they like start to think like, oh my God, maybe like now I'm at that point where I lost the weight. I should stop lifting weights because I don't want to get bulky at this point. Like I've lost the weight, great, but now I don't want to get bulky. And then they stop weight training. And like you said, they do a full U-turn and go back right to that start one point. Mm-hmm.

Exactly. And resistance training, like I said, you don't have to like bro split like us six days a week. Maybe you freaking love spin. Okay, spin three days a week. You can still resistance train. Like you still do it. You can still try to keep muscle mass. If you like freaking Pilates and you go to Pilates class, maybe you can add in at the end of your session a little bit of dumbbell work. You know what I'm saying? Like I'm not saying you need a bro split like us because like we are training for like

To be yoked, okay? Like, and we eat to be yoked. We're in a bulk. Yeah. So it's not like everyone needs to bulk and cut and hit bench PRs. Like, you don't need to do that. Yeah, another thing I also want to kind of speak on in terms of, like, the eating aspect for that is just because you're intuitively eating and you think, like, you see my full day of eating and I'm in a bulk and you eat those same things, but you're intuitively eating...

And you're eating the same things I'm eating, and I'm in a bulk, and I label that full day of eating in a bulk. If you say out loud – like, I had a comment on my video, and they were like, oh, my God, I must be eating in a bulk. Like, no, you're not. You're probably not eating in a bulk. If you're fine, you're intuitively eating. You've been intuitively eating for, like, months and months and months, and you have not gained any weight, you're just –

to your hunger cues, you're probably eating at maintenance. Yes, maybe someday you're eating around like maybe 1800 calories and the next day maybe it's like 2400. That's totally fine. That's another aspect that bothers me so much is like,

if someone's intuitively eating and they compare someone's bulking, full day of eating to theirs, they assume that they're bulking. And they get all worried. They're like, oh my God, should I start tracking? Like, am I going to gain weight because I'm intuitively eating? I think it's because there's a disconnect. And when people say like, everyone's different, not everything works for everyone, people either take that, like they take it too strong. So when we say like,

Because we'll say, people aren't that different. Okay? Like, to an extent, but not really. Like, weight training with progressive overload is going to put on muscle for you and everyone's body knows surplus and deficit. In that sense, everyone's the same. But everyone's different and your numbers are going to be different in your food. Your activity level during the day is different. The times you can work out during the day are different because we all have different lifestyles. That kind of stuff is different. But...

The basic science of your body is the same. And I feel like people don't get when people say, no, you should just do this. Or no, everybody's different. They don't know where to go with that. And I think that's where a lot of those...

toning workouts come in is they're like well just because you lift weights and that works for you like that doesn't work for me yeah I'm like what does that even mean I hear that way too much like about like oh like it's not gonna make you bulky then they'll be like oh maybe it doesn't make you bulky but it makes me bulky like oh I need to cut back on my shoulders because now my my shoulders look bulky I'm like it's not like that like it's literally not like that at all and

I mean, once you get in tune with weight training, yeah, there are things like, for example, Sam was like, I kind of want to start doing shoulder shrugs. Yeah. I was like, girl, my traps are huge. I was like, I'm not doing that. And like, okay, that's an example of I would not like to do that because I think I have huge traps. But she's like, I feel like my traps aren't that I could do. Like, okay, yeah, I don't want to extra build muscle on my traps. Like that's such minor things that you'd be like,

I don't really want to train that body part as much as you. That doesn't mean weightlifting doesn't work for you. And, like, also, like I said, that doesn't mean you have to, like, be going for the heaviest bench of your life. Oh, yeah. Like... Like, just go for, like, the fun of it. And you can do everything 8 to 12 reps. Yeah. You don't have to strength train to resistance train. Yeah. Like, you don't have to do hypertrophy. I mean...

You can do hypertrophy and training for aesthetics and, you know, just training to keep muscle mass on without training for, like, huge strength. Yeah, like, you don't have to be walking into the gym, like, trying to get a new PR every day. No. Like... And you don't even have to train low rep at all, though. Yeah. Like, that's what I'm saying. You don't need to train low rep. Like, if you're hypertrophy focused and you're like, I actually have no desire to, like, ever back squat, like, 225...

I literally couldn't care less. Like maybe you just do always high rep. That's fine. Yeah. Like that's literally okay. That's what those bikini competitors and that's what they do. Like because you're losing weight and you're trying to cut down some body fat.

So you're not going to be super strong. Yeah, that's another thing to keep in mind too. Like when Tori and Jordan, when they are in prep, they are not training the way like me or Taylor would train. Like we were even talking to Jordan about this. Except for Jordan because she had a PR. Yeah, I know. Jordan's a rare breed. But like for example, it was like they train a little bit different because –

not only are they under eating a little bit, but also like they're not looking to like put on like this drastic like

They're trying to just stay, quote unquote. Keep it. Yes, keep it. Keep it. Exactly. Like maintain it. Maintain it. That's another thing is like you can train like that. But they've been working out for years. No, I know. Yeah. And you don't have to think that far into like, am I keeping it? Am I growing it? Is it hypertrophy? If you just started. Yeah. That literally is only coming into play because it's been years and they're on prep and they're working with a professional. You know what the funny thing is though is I guarantee...

So many girls that have the mindset of I'm going to get bulky or anything like that, or I don't desire to hit 225 on back squat, guarantee. Give them six months in the gym. Yeah. They are going to fucking want to hit 225 on back squat and look aesthetically better.

and have ripped fucking shoulders and butt types. And that's the thing. When I say that, it's okay to not want to do that. Oh, I very much think in my head you're going to want to do it. 110%, you are going to be the biggest gym rat with protein bars. All the things that we're talking about that are anti, you are going to be the complete opposite once you start enjoying the gym. Yeah, and you can do a balance of...

Both. Like, maybe you don't want to be, like, gym rat. Like I said, maybe you like your spin and your Pilates and your, like, Whole Foods. Yeah. That doesn't mean you can't pick up a dumbbell. Like, I don't understand why you can't do that. And I follow some people that do that. I don't know if you guys...

Her at is like Nats Eats. Shout out, Nat. She listens to this. She listens to this. She always posts this. This is one of her favorite podcasts. She does listen to this. Hi, Nat. She's very like natural girl, goes to Whole Foods. But like she'd be in the gym. I see her. She'll like post like her gym. Like she's trying to get strong. Like...

I'm like, and I'm like, yes, Matt, like going to the weights. And I think it's hard for people in that community of like, kind of like the like holistic, like lean and tone to be like actually gym. Yeah. Cause I feel like they think they like can't go together, you know? Yeah. Like this is another thing too, is like,

Yeah, like, you get, like, Pilates or yoga or spin or all those things. Especially, like, if you are not grown up around it, but, like, you're brought up maybe watching it or, like, friends that do it, family that does it. It's so much easier for you to just, like, want to hop into those things for comfort. Yeah. Like, so I can get, like, those girls that are, like, the Pilates, like, all those girls, like...

They're terrified of the gym because they probably don't even know how to step into it either. Yeah, that's a good point. Like, they're just brought up around it. Like, you know, like, I have a lot of good friends, like, back home that, like, they enjoy that type of stuff. Nothing wrong with it, but it's just, I guarantee if they were maybe brought up around, like...

or just around like growing up more like weight training stuff, then yeah. I think for me, sorry, I'm rambling a little bit. No, ramble. But for me a little bit, it like helped me with my brothers. Like my brothers would weight train all the time. Like I don't think I would have been as like, I'm hopping into the gym now.

If it wasn't for my brothers, like I probably would have like maybe gone to soul cycling with my friends and like done that type of stuff first. So, yeah. And I think it all depends. Obviously, it's also why you start to work out. Right. Like for me, I started working out as like a mental health thing. So I was into any type of exercise for anything. Yeah, I didn't get I just wanted to move. So that's why I mean, like I see the side of like I work out for joy and like, you know, I did a spin class like twice.

That's just fun. It was like a nightclub. Like, you know, like you are moving and lights and music. And I see how for someone that could be a big like escape. I see how that could work for you because it is dark. It is you like it's a vibe.

So like I said, I don't see why you can't do both for health. Like literally for your health. I'm sorry, the little arm thing and spin with the dumbbells and you go like this, you know what I'm talking about? That's not enough. You're like, no, but we use a dumbbell. I'm like, homegirl, not enough because one of you is thinking that right now. It's not enough. I don't see why you can't do both. I really don't.

And that's the thing. I think a lot of these people that are like, toning workout only, weightlifting didn't work. Again, I'm over here being like, do both. Do you. And they're like, no. No gym. So unhealthy. Honestly, I don't know why, but I feel like the girls listening to this, though, are 100% gym rats. Yeah.

Yeah, but I know, like I said, I think I know some of them are still like... Yeah, still like, yeah. I can definitely see that. Because it takes a long time to get to the point where me and you are at that we're so freaking comfortable in the way we work out, the way we eat in our bodies. Yeah. I have never been like this in my life. Aside from being a child. I'd say from high school to now, I've never been so confident in how I work out and how I eat. And I know a lot of people listening probably...

aren't aren't there yet but um another thing this is kind of another like pivot i guess so obviously the title is like f toning and when you see toning people think like low weight tones high weight bulks yeah that literally makes no sense toning is having muscle mass and losing body fat

Like we just explained with the girls on bikini prep, they have a lot of muscle mass. They lose all their body fat. Guess what they look? Lean and toned. You can see every tone of muscle because they have muscle that they built with weights and they lost the body fat. Obviously, you're not going to lose body fat that dramatically. I'm not saying do bikini prep, okay? I'm saying you just do a healthy calorie deficit. Yeah. Like you do a healthy calorie deficit like a normal human, not like prep. That's the other thing I want to say is like,

Even Tori said this to us yesterday. If you are walking around looking like you are in prep 24-7, it's not healthy. No. Like, it's not healthy. It's not maintainable. Like, it's not something that can just be your lifestyle. It's not healthy at all. Which is... Yeah, no, sorry. No, you're good. If you're walking around like Vasco or like someone that can just like pop onto a show, please revamp your nutrition because that is where you're going wrong. And I promise you...

Maintaining like that is just... It's unhealthy. And when people are like, but I don't want to lift weights. I want to look skinny, right? Because that's what a lot of people want to look skinny. I literally hate to break it to you, but I'm literally speaking all of this in terms of health. I went through the phase of, but I want to look like a Victoria's Secret model too. And I tried the not eating and Pilates style workouts. It didn't work. I was starving. I don't know how else to explain it to you.

I get, would it be dope to naturally look like Kendall Jenner? Yeah. But guess what? That's how, what percent of the population? Yeah. Not a lot. Like for your own health, dude, like you can't dream to look like something that's going to like deteriorate your insides. Yeah. And I'm not saying Kendall Jenner's unhealthy. I'm saying that's like a percent of the population whose genetics are

are tall and thin. Yeah. And another thing too is you got to keep in mind literally everyone in their motherfucking struggles. I'm not swearing so much today. I'm so sorry. But everyone struggles with some sort of like body dysmorphia. It's so normal. But like even you got to think like, like Taylor said, like the small percentage of girls that do look like Kendall Jenner, they probably don't even think that they look like that. Like they don't even probably, like you're probably looking at like that girl that looks like Kendall Jenner and they probably don't even like think that they look like that. Exactly.

Exactly. And because that was me. Okay. Like I said, like a small percent is taller, tall and skinny. Okay. Like I'm tall and thin. Like, and people look at me like the, the perception I'm not Kendall Jenner thin, but like I'm tall and thin relatively. I'm like, I just got to be a size two jeans. Okay. Like I'm small. I've been, I'm bulking now. So maybe, maybe it might go to a four, but like I'm small. Right. But some girls see me. Oh my God. They think I'm huge.

Because like I, first of all, I'm flexing in the pictures that I look massive. Like you should see me without a pump. I don't look like that. But the perception of thin, I feel like because of probably social media, I guess, maybe TikTok. I don't know. Is so warped because they think like someone like me or you is like bulkier. Yeah. And I'm like, girl, no.

Like, like I just said, I'm a size two jeans. You think I'm big? Like I'm small. Like I could be a size zero. Some brands probably still.

So it's just like, what do you, I think the perception is so warped. It is so warped. That lifting weights is going to make you huge as if we are like so big and bulky. If you were to see us in person, honestly, like even when we were with Tori, like standing with Tori or we took that photo with Tori and I put it on my Instagram story. It's like, we look like normal human beings. Yeah. Next to Tori. Obviously Tori's on prep. Like she should look. Very small. Very small.

Yeah. But like we're sitting next to her. We look like normal people. Normal. So that's another thing too. And like quads. A lot of people are like, but I want toned legs, not big legs. Okay. And you might see me. Guess what? When I post my flexing quads, they look the biggest they ever looked. I just did the heaviest front squats in my life.

I have normal looking legs. I don't have legs that you see me walking down the street and you're like, Oh, Holy crap. Like that girl has like quads. Cause I mean, I was gonna say like, like quads, like there's some girls that like work hard at their legs and that's what's big. And like, that's dope for them. I'm literally still trying to grow my legs, but like,

I feel like some people think that because I squat and post my legs flexing that I'm walking around with these like thunder thighs. And it's like, not yet. I'm trying, but it's like, that's not how I look. We're small. Yeah. Another thing too, like that also doesn't help. And I feel like even like when I was super uneducated on like the whole, like being bulky versus being like toned or just like skinny or anything is like comparing to like

Like, competition girls. Like, not even, like, bikini. Like... Like, bodybuilders. Yes. Like, bodybuilders. Like, you look at that and you think, oh my god, like, I don't want to look like that. Well, guess what? Majority of them are probably on steroids or some soy. Any girl that has that very boxy waist... If you see those really, really strong CrossFit girls, their waist is very boxy. They are on steroids. They are...

Just huge muscles. One, they're not training for your opinion, first of all, on how you think their waist or body looks. They're training because they're badass. One. Two, they're on something. Okay? They're literally on something. And to think that because you're going to pick up a barbell... I saw one TikTok one time that was like, if you load your spine with the barbell, that's going to make your waist bigger. Then, like, do... And I'm like...

Where does that stem from? And to an extent, I get what they're saying. But this is the thing that they're saying. If you're a powerlifter or an Olympic weightlifter, where the only thing you're doing is eating a lot and putting the heaviest weight you can on a barbell, you're probably going to get thick in the stomach. You're going to have really strong core.

And you're going to be thick because you're not training for looks. If you're squatting for like your butt and eating normal, that's not going to happen to you. You know what I'm saying? Like, yeah, those people, you know, have not like the tiniest little waist. They don't want that. Like, that's not their goal. Like, which is, I just don't get it. I'm like, that's literally, if those people know about exercise, give them a few months to be like, you had a tiny waist, they'd do it because they understand science. That's just not their goal at all.

I really hope that, like, anybody that's still having these thoughts of, like,

accomplishing toning or accomplishing staying away from being bulky or any of those thoughts. Just that divide in your mental headspace that like, protein powder and like, I can't tell if I want to be protein powder gym girl or like Whole Foods Kendall Jenner. Yes. Like, it's literally like that divide. Yeah. Like the, we hope you can walk away with this episode and realize that like that divide is very non-existent and you can like legit eat what you want, do what you want and you can like

to maintain whatever physique or goal that you want. It's nearly impossible to snap your fingers and just like wake up one day and be bulky. Literally. Or wake up and snap your fingers and be skinny as fuck. Like, I'm sorry, like...

It's not going to happen. And train for your health. Yes, train for health. Like you need to build, like, yeah, you're young right now and you might be like, I like my naturally skinny self with no muscle mass. Think about yourself in the future. Think about being strong is good for you. You want to be in shape. You want a high metabolism. You want...

To like be athletic, you know, like you need to do what's good for your health. And like, that's strictly where I'm coming. Like, that's strictly where we're coming from. And you need to choose the version. I mean, you don't need to choose a body image. You love the body that you freaking have, but yeah.

You don't have to sacrifice your health in either way, really. If you think you're going to kill yourself in the gym to get really buff looking, like let's say, I mean, who's something people look up to because they're really like built, like KK Fit Twins. Yes. It's the two extremes. You don't have to kill yourself in the gym to look like them. And you also don't have to starve yourself to look like Kendall Jenner. You need to be happy with like the realistic look.

This is how I look when I'm healthy. Yeah. Do we have, I'm like looking at the podcast episodes right now. Do we have inside one of the podcast episodes, the benefits of weight training or do we not?

I mean kind of I feel like we like we cover it mostly but I don't think we have like I feel like we cover it do we want to like say that like I feel like we could like cover a few yeah like really big factors on it I like this episode because I think this episode I'm like down to go into that I feel like there's just like a wake-up call because I know a lot of girls struggle with like what I just like what we're saying like the the two different sides of like fitness and health and I think giving weight training just like that yeah

Like, obviously, the biggest thing with weight training, opposed to every other form of exercise, is you are going to be building up muscle mass. And, like, that is the biggest...

thing that could benefit you like no other. And when you have more muscle mass on your body, like there are so many other benefits to that. One of them being obviously your metabolism. We've talked about this in the metabolism episode. So if you want to go into more detail on that, definitely listen to that episode if you haven't already. But like, even like Taylor said, like when you're older, your metabolism slows down. It

It's going to be easier for you if you don't have as much muscle mass on your body to put on weight. Yeah. Do you know how many times I tell people I weight train to be a hot mom? Yeah. It's fast. I literally weight train to be a hot mom. Sorry. It's true. And yeah, so when you are weight training, you are getting so many more benefits out of it compared to if you did spin, Pilates, whatever. Yes, it's all fun, but like look at the health outlooks on it because it's

You're going to benefit so much more from the weight training. I know maybe you don't like it as much, but just incorporate it. Like I said, incorporate, exactly. Incorporate it because no one, no one likes pressure, right? I'm not saying to change every single thing, you know, in love. I'm not saying that like where that'd be stupid and unrealistic. The same way with diet. I don't tell someone like cut out every single unhealthy food from the jump. That'd be ridiculous. Like you can just do everything.

You can literally, let's say you freaking love, like let's say you listen to F Booty Bands and you were like, guys, I love my booty band. I'm never letting it go. Okay. After your heavy hip thrust band list and your squats and a heavy RDL, you can go in the corner. Okay. I'll give you permission. But wait, like if you're not going to part with those things, just like do it for your health. Do it for your health. Like I don't know how another way to explain it because training is

Another benefit of weight training, I think more than any other exercise, cause I've done them all, done them all. I'm so not focused on how I look. I'm focused on how I look after when I get a good pump and you know, like when I feel good, but like for that hour, it's like, holy shit, like I'm strong. And like the mental feeling of being strong and not just being strong, but overcoming the days where you don't feel as strong. Dude, it makes you such a, like such a strong person, like mentally. Yeah.

Like putting up with that discipline in yourself. And when you like have a weight and it's like, okay, you're either going to get it up or you're not. It's so rewarding. It's so rewarding. Like in no other way, like more than anything I've ever done. Anything. And I like to run and I liked...

There's just something fun about like. Like no other exercise form has done that to me. None. Because it's just not the same. It's not the same as being like, but that. Because you run, it's like, well, how fast was it? How long was it? Like there's all these different ways. So you're like 50 pounds is 50 pounds. Like there's no like debating it. It's like you got it up and you did it.

So it's just fun. Like, oh, it's so fun. I want to lift tomorrow. Oh, God. I hate rest days. I hate rest days too, but girl, I'm going to fall asleep tonight. Oh, me too. But is there any... I feel like that's like... I mean, obviously, there's so many benefits of weight training. Also, just like, hello, carrying in the groceries. Oh, yeah. Being able to carry things. It sounds so stupid. But being, like, strong, dude. Like, when you can just...

Like other things would be like, can a guy come and move this box? And you can be like, no, I can move the box. Yeah. Like I'm strong. Like I am capable. That feels so good. Being able to like do pushups. Yeah. So nice. I promise you guys, once you start doing it, it's addicting. That's what I'm saying. Exactly. And I know, like I'm telling you, like I'm not going to be like I told you so, but like when you, first of all, those workout classes are expensive as shit.

Okay? Those workout classes are so fucking expensive. If you do like spin and Pilates, good for you and your bank account. Couldn't be me. Gym membership is so cheap. You can literally go to UFit, Planet Fitness. Those are $10. Okay? What's UFit? You don't have UFit where you live? No. Oh, Miami, we have UFit. It's like the purple and...

Green one. You've never seen people in a gym that's like purple and green? Nope. Okay. Well, maybe you have a U-Fit where you live. Maybe they're only in South Florida. That's so, I've seen people in Florida. Maybe. Wow. Let me know. Is it only in South Florida? Let me know. I think it might be. I don't know. I've seen other people go, but I guess now that I'm thinking about it, they do live in Florida. Yep. Hmm. Well, maybe you have other $10 gyms near you. Yeah. That's so funny. I didn't know that.

those classes are expensive and you don't need to be doing super expensive workout classes either because that healthy stuff, that holistic stuff, it's expensive. It's so expensive. How did I not even

for that bro the hu like chocolate bars or is it any no hu yeah like hue literally like seven dollars for a bar where are you literally getting like a regular hershey's bar for like a dollar i'm sorry you can literally we have in the cabinet right now oh my god this will be perfect example we have rice krispies and we have thrive market organic cocoa krispies they're the same macros yeah they're the same and one of them is more expensive the

Thrive Organic Chocolate... No offense, Thrive Market. Yeah. They're gonna be like, oh, dang, not sponsoring that podcast. No offense, Thrive. Okay? The Rice Krispies are the same. And, like, my Rice Krispies are Randall's store brand, and they were a dollar. Yeah. Like...

I don't you can shop healthy like air quotes healthy for cheap like it doesn't have to be all that expensive like like like emily mariko farmer's market like it doesn't need to be that and I think that's such the misconception with things being cheap or like it's oh it's so expensive to yeah whole foods is freaking expensive we don't do our full grocery shopping at whole foods we

We don't. We go for a few things that are at Whole Foods only because it's expensive as hell. It's so expensive and it's not, you don't need to get stuff like that. Like another example is like almond milks. The almond breeze, almond milks. Guess what the ingredients are? Like almonds. There's other almond milks that are like triple the price that literally just like look fancier.

And I'm like, why? Like, for what? Same thing was happening with the frigging water at the Whole Foods. Yes. There were two gallons of water, two different brand gallons of water. It's fucking water. The pH and the alkaline. Shut up. One of them was, a gallon of water was $6. The other one was $1. It's literally. What are you going to pick? The bougie ass one that's $6 or the $1 one? It's water. Sorry. I see a girl on my For You page all the time that's like, your water's not actually hydrating you. Okay.

I was like, and it was like, she was showing some like bougie water versus like normal water. I was like, give me a break. Now we're going to start confusing people that different type of water, that there's good and bad water. Are you kidding me? Water. It's the influence people try to have on people. It's crazy. It's literally the, it really is. It's insanity.

But I just think pressure, like, saying that being, like, into the gym is so unhealthy, like, is so sad. Because, like, we were making such good progress into getting girls being like, hey, you know what? Being strong is okay. And, like, I'm going to eat more protein and, like, get in my calories. And now it's like we're almost going backwards. Yeah.

I see it on TikTok too much. Way too much. And it makes me sad. Yep. Send this podcast episode to any girl or any friends that you think is struggling with this mindset right now. I promise you, if they give it a listen, it will change their entire outlook. Yeah. And just know we're like...

We're here for you because we've been through it. Like, that's what I'm saying. It's not like, I feel like a lot of people, like, I don't know, they like to give the excuse for like, oh, like, you don't know or you've never been through it or like, yeah, it works for you. No, like, I've like went through the cycle. I'm trying to save you time. That's like literally what it is. I'm trying to save you time.

I have never felt leaner and more quote unquote toned. Not right now because I'm bulking. But when I was maintaining weightlifting, I've never felt leaner. Yeah. Never. Agreed. And that's just fact. Like, I don't know. Who doesn't want a fat ass? Yeah. You get to be skinny. And have a fat ass. And a fat ass. You want a pancake and small waist? No. You want that fucking dong. Like, I'm sorry. And wait, skinny, fat ass, eat more. Yeah.

Wait, you're lying. For real? Yeah. Dude, like seriously. Oh my God. It's like we're handing it to you on a silver platter, guys. Like...

We're giving you all you need. And you get to be a MILF. Yeah, MILF. I can eat a lot of food. All your friends are like, oh, how can you eat all that? And you're like, because Sam and Taylor told me to weight train when I was 17, bitch. Yeah, totally. And look at me now. You're going to be that mom that's also eating the same amount of food as your high school son. Seriously. Yeah.

God, like, I just want so badly, guys, skip the cycle we went through. Skip it. Like, I don't know how to, like, I want to grab you guys if you're, like, struggling right now. Just shake you. Yeah. And be like, stop it. It's literally, the only thing is the mindset. It's literally the mindset. It's so much easier. Like, if you could just, like, snap your fingers and, like, switch that mindset, it's so much easier. But...

The best way, if you feel like you're in this situation and you're more motivated to get out of that situation, the one thing that we can say to you is just to start weight training. Yeah. And getting out of that funk of feeling like it's going to affect me with your physique. Literally. It really is not. I want you. Get in.

four by ten of a few things a few dumbbells and just do something give it two months you start to notice you're hitting quote-unquote prs in the gym it's going to be addicting and you're not going to want to stop exactly and but i'm just giving you a little suggestion you know three days a week a little four by ten maybe two leg days one upper body day i know you might be scared of upper body let's do one yeah and just let me know how it goes yeah

Seriously. No, like literally, if you listen to this podcast episode right now, please update us in the DMs like two months from now on how you feel. Because I'm not kidding. I'd love to know. Yeah. Is that... Are we good? Yeah, no. But I do want to kind of close things off with saying...

you know, shout out to the OGs that are like listening, not OGs because all y'all are OGs, but like shout out to the girls that are listening to these episodes like week by week and you're not like trying to catch up. Like you're listening to them when they come out and stuff because that is where you're going to notice like

our giveaways on Wednesdays, like, for instance, like, we'll notice who those OGs are that are going to be post, like, are going to be commenting on the Wednesday episode because they clearly have been, like, listening to this one that dropped Monday and then the, um, giveaways on Wednesday. Um, so yeah. Yeah. We loved all of that. Um,

Yeah, and make sure, give us a five-star review and write something sweet about the podcast. It could be short. Giving a review just helps. It's a really great way to support and make sure you're following the Instagram.

Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channels. If you love the podcast and you're like, we want more, even though we're doing two episodes a week, we each do two YouTube videos a week. Post a 30-minute vlog on Friday. We have content on content on the content. So if you want to hear us talk, go there. Go there. We both do it twice a week. You are not short of content. Make sure you're following the podcast as well on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Yep. Exactly. And, yeah, I think that's it. Yeah. I'm so tired. Me too. I drove for, like, almost three hours today. We were in the car for probably five. Because we were sitting in the car all day. That's another, whatever. I don't even want to talk about it. It's been a long day. It has been a long day. We're going to go eat some dinner and get this up to you guys for our first one of the eight weeks of FMS. Oh, my God. It's going to be so fun. Yeah.

Can't wait to see y'all's reaction to it. So we're excited. We love you guys. Love you guys so much. Thank you for listening. Bye. Bye. See you on Friday.