cover of episode #FDIRTYBULKS | Bulking 101

#FDIRTYBULKS | Bulking 101

Publish Date: 2021/10/22
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One Thing About Us


Shownotes Transcript

What's up guys, it's Sam and Taylor, and we want you to put your shoes on, pop open that energy drink, and go. Hi guys, what's up? Welcome to another episode. Uh, we kind of, I kind of threw the balls to talk about something specific today. Yeah, we'll get, do we want to like, do we want to just go right off the bat? I kind of want to. Okay.

I feel like I have to. Okay, so I'm just... Guys, we've been, like, hinting at this thing. Sam posted random stuff holding hands with a boy, and then it just ended, and we talk about it on the pod, and so many of you were like, what is going on? We need an explanation. So we'll explain. Yeah, but we're... Okay, so...

Basically, if you guys saw my TikTok, that went absolutely viral. This was a real situation, okay, guys? Like, I genuinely was recording myself in a workout, and I was distracted by this man who was at the gym. And then come to find out, he ended up coming up to me when we were re-rocking our weights. He was like,

He went about it the right way. We were re-racking our weights, and we were both at the rack, and he was like, oh, are you guys using these? And then from there, that's when our conversation started with him. Whatever. Vibes were great. We exchanged phone contacts. Super excited. Literally, me and Taylor came back giddy. You guys know. They know we were super giddy about it because we were talking about it all the time on the podcast. Yeah, but it's also... Yeah, yeah. But they don't...

What? This is funny. Yeah. It's funny to be like on the internet. Well, it's more than on the internet. It's way more than on the internet. Okay. Anyways. So we hang out. We're like, you should come out with us tonight. Yeah. This was on the same day. On the same day. Because, you know, we just want to make friends. All of our friends want to make friends. He said he just moved here. So we're like...

The more the merrier. Come over. We're going out. We had like a pregame at our place. He met some of our friends. He was alone, by the way. He came out alone with us, which I was like, all right, well, this guy, this guy's got balls. Red flag. Actually at this point, red flag. No, not really. I'm just kidding. But yeah. So me, but then there was like a bomb drop. Yeah. So we asked him at the gym what he does for a living and he was a little skeptical. He was like,

He's like, oh, I do acting. And we're like, oh, weird. So then I thought to myself... Or no, he does film. He said he does film. And we were actually kind of happy because we always need people to film us. So I thought this guy was like a cameraman. Yeah. So I was like, oh my God, he works in film. Like he can literally help us record. But no, he's an actor. Yeah, no, he's an actor. Air quotes around actor. I was like, oh, that's cool. Maybe he...

There's new gigs in Austin. Like, whatever. I thought, like, actors were in L.A. But we really didn't think much. We were just like, okay. Like, we also do TikTok. Like, whatever. Yeah. So, whatever. Pre-game at our place. And then all of a sudden, I don't know how this conversation started, but he ended up admitting to us. Drum roll, please. Taylor, do you want to say it? He's not an actor. He's on a reality TV show airing on Netflix, we think, right now as you're listening to this. Dun, dun, dun.

Yep, so if you guys were on Netflix, you got a Netflix subscription, you may see us on there. Now, if you're listening on Friday, we were told it'd be out now. Yeah. Now we're unsure, but we still wanted to say something because we hyped it up. We hyped it up so much. I mean, you can, like, it's not that hard to find. We can't give, like, specific names, but...

If you tried, I bet you could figure it out. So it may or may not be out. We really don't know, but it'll probably be coming soon. And so, yeah, we were like, wait. He basically also hit us with, if we want to keep hanging out...

We might gotta be on the show. Yep. And I draw to the motherfucking floor. I was like, you're telling me. I was like skeeved out because he was out with us. And I was like, are you mic'd up right now? Like, what is going on? I was like, am I being filmed? Is there a camera in our apartment? Like, is there a camera in our apartment? No. There's nothing, thank God. But...

As of right now, I don't know if this is all we should share with you because we're not sure if the show is out yet. But don't worry, guys. We haven't even watched the show. Like, the show's going to drop. We don't know how, like, we're going to be portrayed as people. We might. What if they cut us? Yeah, like, what if we're not even in it? Like, what if we, like. Because just, just spoiler, it didn't end as planned. Yeah. Right? So we don't really know if.

If they're going to keep it? I mean... I'm sure they will. I think they will, too. But, I mean, I guess we don't really know. We're trying to bite our tongues so much right now, but there's so much...

That we cannot wait to explain to you. It was tea. It was drama. It's like died down now. Now we're just kind of anxious to see because we also know that like, you know, in reality TV, they do those little confessionals like where they sit in a room. They talked about. I say they, there was another one. He had a friend. That's why I'm saying they. Should we also say like their situation too? Well, they, what? Like how they're in a house. They're in a house living in Austin, Texas. There's four girls, four guys. And it's, it's kind of like, what's another TV show we can relate it to?

I would say, like, Summer House on Bravo, but you don't really watch Summer House. But I'd say Summer House on Bravo, kind of like that. Like any reality TV show, dude. I would say it's kind of like Jersey Shore, but not because it's not the same concept. Like, it's not getting drunk, like, shit-faced. I feel like people know what I'm saying. It's a bunch of people in a house and they fight with each other. And they're being filmed. Yeah, whatever. But...

Yeah, so, like, we met roommates, some people, we had a great time, and then it kind of went south, but we are totally unsure of what this would do. We're like, maybe the show will flop, no one will see it. But also, sometimes Netflix reality shows become the biggest thing ever, like, too hot to handle. Yeah. Love Island. Yeah, like, some reality TV shows get huge, so it may flop, it may be like... We may be like, oh my god, you're the girls from that show. So...

Yeah, you may or may not, which I'm sure you're gonna. You're gonna see me on a one-on-one date with this man. And guys, I don't even want to watch it back. We're literally gonna have like a... I don't want to watch it either. I don't want to watch it back. I'm so nervous. That's basically the team. Obviously, we met them at the gym. We promised.

They went to our gym. We'll get into details. It was very random, very weird. We were shook for like a week. Yeah. Like when we found out, we were like, what? What do we do? I literally couldn't trust them. I was like, there's no way this is real. Yeah. We were like really in our heads for good reason. Yeah. For a really good reason. For a good reason. But if someone ever tells you they're on reality TV, don't.

Don't trust them. Don't do it. Because you don't know where their head is at. But, I mean, we'll see. Maybe it's out while you're listening to this. Maybe it's not. We don't know because...

We don't really have the inside scoop anymore, so we don't really know. Hey, on articles online, it says it is airing. But from our sources from within the house, they're saying that it got backed up a week. So we don't know. We don't know, yeah. So we were kind of mad when we heard it might not be because we knew we already told you guys on the pod. So we were like, oh, shoot. So we're just spilling tea. Anyways, that was honestly, what, a month ago? Yeah. That was a while. We hung out with them for a month, though. We hung out with them for three weeks. A while, yeah.

So that was our situation. Yeah. Anyways, that's kind of irrelevant in our lives. Yeah, you can kind of tell where the show ends up just by like the sounds of us saying like, yeah, we don't hang out with them anymore. Yeah. Like, it's not really a big part of our life anyway. We just had to bite our tongue.

For like, like, yeah, we didn't know we're like allowed to say. Yeah. But I mean, hey, Netflix, we're giving you free publicity. You can feel free to pay us. But yeah, anyways, let's talk about current life. Sam left me. I did leave her. It was okay. I mean, no, I actually wasn't okay. Not because you left, but I didn't have as much distraction. So I like would have been in a bad mood anyways. Yeah. And then it was like.

oh wait I don't even have like a distraction like it wasn't like let me just push through this workout you know like we're going together I was like I don't want to go yeah I was surprised to see you went to the gym Saturday like mid afternoon because I went in I talked about this actually in a YouTube video I did a whole like mental health chat I went in the morning sat in the parking lot and I was like I don't want to I don't want to and I came back and took a nap and went in the afternoon and you know what

It was fine. I had a great workout. I got it done. I had the best deadlifts that I've had in a long time. So I'm not mad about it at all. Honestly, like I deadlifted pretty heavy. I was like, it's the, it's like, you know, when you're just like sad, just fueled by, fueled by straight pain. Yeah. Just cranked him out. Cause I saw your story. You put something on your story. Like,

horrible day, blah, blah, blah. So then I FaceTimed her, and I'm like, what's going on? Where are you? Why are you? She's like, I'm just down. Bad day. I'm like, okay, well, at least you're at the gym right now. No, yeah. If you didn't go to the gym, I'd be like, all right, I'm flying home. Like, what's wrong? No, yeah, I did go. It just was one of those things that, like, when you're left with, like, less, like, distraction, it's like, whoa. Now it's just me and my thoughts. But, I mean, like, we lived, and now we're back to normal, so. Yeah. We're all good. We are doing just fine, but...

That was pretty much the last week of my life. We were saying it feels like forever since we recorded. It does. But at the same time, nothing has happened. It's because I've gone all over the place. I went to freaking Boston back to here within a week, which is crazy. But shout out to anyone from home. You guys were freaking amazing. I loved seeing you guys. Some people that I didn't even talk to in college were coming up to me telling me that I've changed their lives. One of the girls said she lost 60 pounds.

I was like, let's freaking go. And then I was like, do you guys listen to the pod? They're like, yes. I'm like, okay. That's me. Give it a shout out. I always, today at Gold's, we met two girls in the gym. They said they listened to the pod. Hi, if it was you. But I always, if we meet people, I put them on the spot. Yeah. I listen to the podcast. And if they say no, I'm like, oh, you should start listening. Yeah, they're like,

I'm like, why? Yeah. What's wrong? Why? I'm like twitching. You should try. I'm like, you should listen. That's what, I mean, obviously, obviously all of you listen. Yeah. Because you're hearing this. You're here. Yeah. Gang. Like when we meet someone and they say to listen to the pod, it's really another. Yeah. Another special type of connection. So that was fun. Yeah. Workouts have been good though. As far as I feel like they were bad and now they're back to being good.

yeah I was like having a rough time with workouts and now yeah I think I'm doing good too mentally physically all good like today guys I was saying last week I was even saying on my Instagram I had not felt confident enough to take off my pump cover and just like walk around the gym like without a shirt on in probably like two weeks and today was my first time doing that in a very long time and I felt so good I was like can we

keep this momentum going? I was like, why do I, like, why did that have to happen? That was two weeks of me just feeling like absolute dog trash. I feel like I today saw when I showed you that picture of like, it was just how I was standing. My legs and my butt actually look like big and full. And I feel like every single time I like tried to take a picture of like my leg pump or my butt, it was like a wall. And I was getting so frustrated. I was like, where did my butt go? And then today I was like, yay. She's there.

But, again, I was so excited. So, I mean, the body image, it's up there. It's crazy, yeah. It's up there. I also really like our new workout split. Yeah. I guess it's like a few weeks old, but.

Yeah, it is a few until, but, you know, for the new people that are listening and maybe don't listen to every episode, we are now doing a legs push-pull, legs push-pull. So we're hitting each muscle group twice a week. We were doing legs three times a week, but that was just, like, a little bit too much. And I think with the bulk, too, we're getting more food in our system and allowing ourselves more recovery and allowing that food to go straight to, like, the recovery process, like, will help so much with –

you know, building the booty, building the lats. And as I get stronger, my leg days get harder. Yeah. Because like you would think maybe you're, Oh, you're stronger. So it's just, you know, it feels the same. You just do more weight and you're stronger. But like when you're stronger and capable of pushing more, it murders you. Also mobility has been really good too. Because like,

If we were doing three a week, sometimes it would be, like, more sore. And then I would be going into the workout and I'm like, oh, I'm so sore still. Like, I can't open up my hips as much. But now that we're only doing it twice a week, my squat, like, mobility, my deadlift mobility is, like, really good. Yeah. I feel like leg days also really intense burn a lot of calories. Mm-hmm. So, like, doing an extra one and, like, both, like...

I can work out. Working out for over an hour and hitting legs three times, that's a lot of movement when we're trying to eat more and conserve our energy. You increased this week, right?

Yeah, you increased. I didn't increase this week because when I was traveling from Thursday to Monday, I didn't track a full day once. Didn't hit my steps. I think I hit my steps on Saturday. That was because I was walking all over my college campus going out. But every single one of those days was trash. So I'm going to increase next week. And then I'm excited to do that increase because I think I'm going to do a big increase. I think I'm going to stay where I am for a little.

I'm like force feeding myself sometimes right now you gotta change up the foods which we'll talk about toward the end of this I know yeah we're gonna talk like but sometimes I don't know my hunger's just been weird I don't know why like that bread I'm gonna fucking throw that bread away you shouldn't be eating that bread no my bread is not really low calorie then the sandwiches get rid of the sandwiches yeah but I had two and it was good yeah but you could've had one that was super dense yeah but like those were really good okay says the one that's struggling to get food in

Yeah, but like I wanted that, you know? Okay, okay. I also put hella butter on the outside and didn't even track it. If I tracked it, I could probably hit my magazine. Actually, not even butter, but speaking of just like food in general, I was so mad. My one intention with going home was to have a freaking cannoli from Mike's Pastries and I didn't get to do that. Oh, that really sucks. I know. I think I'd break being vegan for a cannoli from Mike's Pastries. I wonder if they have a vegan one at Mike's. They might. I feel like they might. That's like such a... They might. They have like...

Like, I wouldn't say, like, 15 different flavors. They... Somewhere in Boston, they have to. Yeah. Like...

Thanksgiving, I told my mom, I was like, we're going to have cannoli sitting at Thanksgiving dinner because I'm taking advantage of those extra calories. Thanksgiving is so close. I know. One month. I was telling my family when I was leaving, I was like, I'll see you in one month. I'm like, that's crazy. I'm going to Nashville right before Thanksgiving, and in my head I'm thinking, that trip is far. I booked an eyelash appointment to go. It's just my eyelash appointment after the one I have next week. It's not my next one, it's just the one after. And I'm thinking I'm booking an eyelash appointment for...

Just like so far in the future. I'm like, oh, that's... Next week. Literally. I have one tomorrow. I have one next week. I'm a little bit bald. But... I have to do my nails too. I broke a nail. So high maintenance. I did them at home. I love going to the lady back at home. She's so sweet. Anyways, how's... We're obviously... The title of this episode is all about bulking. Because this has been long awaited. But we wanted to give ourselves a bit of bulking to...

speak about it yeah because we've never done an actual book before so it's like why talk about if we've never done it yeah that's so but we would have way less to talk about but do you want i mean do you want to talk about like how we've been right now with our book yeah like before we get into the like boring stuff yeah the scientific stuff no the informative stuff yeah um

I feel like I've been feeling, like, shocked. My bench is, like, through the roof. Yeah, your bench is really good. Like, my bench, if you look on my TikTok, there's a pinned video. That was at the first day of the bulk, basically. Like, around the first day of the bulk. 115 for two was, like, literally near impossible. And I did it for five by three. Like, it was nothing. Like, I don't really understand. Like, it's, like, really all at that. And my deadlift got better, too. But that's just from programming it. Yeah. But, like, my bench literally just got better. It's probably just from my body weight going up. Yeah. Yeah.

I think my bench definitely got better, too. Oh, it has. I don't think it's where I want it to be yet because I'm still kind of playing around with form a little bit. And, like, I'm still in my head. This week was my first good day or first week of having a good bench. So that's when I was like, okay, I don't have to be so in my head because being in your head with, like, a heavy lift plays such a role. Oh, yeah. It's, like, so bad. So now that I'm, like, really, like, good in my head with it, I think –

Maybe in the next week or two, I do want to go for a PR on it just to see where my strength is with it. Oh, I'm down. Yeah. I'm down. I love a bench PR. I'm like, let's do it. I feel like almost bulking, I get more in my head because I'm like, if I'm eating more, why isn't my squat better? I'm like, why is this not as good if I'm eating more? I don't have an excuse. I'm not like, oh, but at least I look cut. I'm like...

you are literally eating more. Like you feel a little fluffy. Why can't you lift that? I feel like I get more in my head in a weird way, but my squat is definitely better because I can go deeper now. So even though the weight in the reps isn't increasing a lot, I'm going deeper, which I feel like is more, it's like strength. Yeah. Um, and then just like mentally I've been liking eating. I still haven't, I haven't gotten the bad body image.

Yeah, no, neither have I. I'm excited for the end of this book, though, when, like, our maintenance will be, like, so much higher. Yeah. Because I was, like, thinking about it, and I'm like, oh, the thought of, like, having to, like, decrease this again. I'm like, I'm really enjoying the amount of food I'm eating. And I'm like, no, wait a second, Sam. Your maintenance is just going to be higher. Yeah. Yeah.

Which is something we'll talk about and explain. Because, I mean, it's fun to eat a lot, dude. It's super fun to eat a lot. It's so fun when you think you're done for the day and you still have like 50 carb. And you're like, what do we do? Pancake bowl? Donuts? Honey on everything. Literally. It's a good time. I really like it. I've been enjoying it. I really like it. And I just know we're going to be pros at cutting. Yeah. Yeah.

There's so many things where I'm like, oh my God, could easily be cutting right now. Easy. But we will give you a whole just rundown on why to bulk because it's probably all in our DMs. Yeah. I'd say that's the only thing we get. So we're bringing it to the pod. Do you want to kick us off? Yes, of course. So anybody that doesn't know, we talked about this on one of the podcast episodes. I can't remember what it was. I think it was just tracking macros one-on-one, like the gist of...

um, bulking, but basically what bulking is and what you're going to want to be doing during it is you are going to be optimizing muscle mass. So you're going to be wanting to grow stronger, grow strength, um,

basically bigger muscles, but you're also going to be putting on body fat at the same time. And what the difference is, is there's a lean bulk and then there's a dirty bulk. We right now are doing a lean bulk. So we're trying to, um, reduce the amount of body fat we are putting on our body while we're also growing muscle. And then that also comes with, you know, if you were to dirty bulk, maybe our day is we're going to go out for brunch and then we're going to get Chipotle burritos and then we're going to go get

get whatever for dinner, order a pizza and go to voodoo donuts, like a dirty book. Like you just, like you don't care what you're putting into your body. You just shove food in your face. Like F macros. Like, like you just eat and you eat anything. And sometimes dirty bulk is honestly beneficial for someone that struggles to put on weight. If you struggle to put on weight and you find you're doing a lean book and you're like, I'm just not putting on weight whatsoever. Um,

Then maybe a dirty bulk is for you. For us, we want to do a lean bulk. This is our first time ever doing a bulk, so we didn't really know how our body would respond to it. And we're doing 10K steps with our training. So we're training six days a week. So we're also doing 10K steps daily.

Every day. And this honestly helps me personally with like my hunger cues throughout the day, like boosting the metabolism, getting that shit running through my body. But we're going to keep doing the 10K steps through the ball, through the maintenance, through 10K steps. It just makes us feel good. Yeah, especially I've kind of explained this on like other platforms before, but I found like the maintenance I was after.

was my maintenance while doing 10K. Yeah. So I already felt like where I started was the maintenance and that included the 10K steps. So I was still putting in a surplus. Yeah. I just was still doing the 10K steps. It's really just, I mean, it's personal preference. Like I said, if you struggle to put on weight-

You might have to take that out. And if you're not already doing 10K steps, like say you're just at maintenance and you're just, you're at maintenance. You don't already do 10K steps. You just go to the gym. Don't add the 10K steps to your bulk. Don't do that because now you're just adding in extra activity and you're now forcing your body to eat even more beyond your maintenance than you were like currently, if that makes sense.

And it's just a lot of change at once. I feel like it's hard to do so many new things at once. Like you don't need to be switching your food and switching your, like that's, that's a lot, but that's, so what else about like,

I feel like that's kind of just how we do it. But we wanted to also touch base on the difference between reversing and bulking too. Yes, that's a big question in my DMs because we talk about reverse dieting a lot. And actually, before I knew, I thought it meant bulking. Yes. Like, because that just makes sense. Yeah. If a diet is lose weight, reverse diet should be like gain weight. But that's actually not exactly true. Yeah. So if you...

Straight up reverse dieting, you are still basically in a deficit. So anytime someone's reverse dieting, say we'll use a client for reference. A client will come to us, say they're eating 1200 calories. We reverse diet them.

They think because they don't know the difference between cutting, reversing, bulking. They're probably thinking in their head, oh my God, I'm bulking because I'm eating more food, which is not the case. What we're doing with the reverse diet process is we are boosting your metabolism, creating a higher maintenance calories for yourself, and we're working our way up to maintenance. We're not working our way above maintenance. So you're still eating under maintenance while we're trying to get you up there.

Yeah, and you're not putting on a lot of body fat. Some people lose weight. Some people stay the same. You're probably not going to gain weight by anything significant at all. I mean, I've increased clients' calories for three months and –

The scale is the same. Yeah. And they're just putting on some muscle, losing some body fat, add a healthy maintenance. They went from 1300 to 1800 calories. Like, and that's reverse diet. Yeah. Whereas bulking isn't hitting maintenance. It's going well above maintenance to put on weight. And you would have already gone through a reverse diet before bulking. You can't start, like I couldn't start bulking at the 1200 calories. Yeah. Because the first months I wouldn't have been bulking. I would have been.

Reverse dieting.

see how that makes your body respond, and then go through a bulk. And you know what? I feel like those girls that think that way, and it's probably a lot of you listening, I think you're kind of screwing yourself over by getting so technical about it. Should I bulk? You should eat more. Yeah, eat more. Don't worry about what it's scientifically called. If you're trying to lift and you eat 1,300 calories, eat more. It's fine. We're explaining to you the terms, but you don't need to...

Like, I don't know, think of it so complicated. Eat more. If you're under eating and you're eating more, don't think of it as a bulk. It's not. You're just trying to feed yourself. I promise you. It sounds scary eating more. And when we say it, reverse dieting, like eat more. But you're not bulking.

And that's another thing too. I don't know. Let's want to plug our coaching because I have spots open. I do have spots open. Yeah. You know, we both have spots open, you know, spots are obviously limited. So if you guys are interested in working with either of us to go through either a bulk process, reverse diet process, definitely DM both of us, right? Yeah. DM both of us on Instagram. I'm specifically looking for people right now that want to bulk or reverse diet and

Um, not really weight loss at the moment. If you're under eating, like almost all of my clients come from under eating. I don't really have clients that are overeating. So that's just what we are looking for. Especially it'll also help. I feel like with guidance going, how to approach like the holidays, you know? Yes. So,

If you need that, DM us on Instagram. We can help you with all of this personally. This is just a really basic rundown because I know a lot of you are still going to be kind of confused. Yes, exactly. Feel free to reach out to us. Yeah, so that can kind of get us into how long to bulk. How long do you bulk? People ask us this all the freaking time. And you know what? With everything that we're going to say right now, it completely depends person to person with your body comp, how much body fat you have, how much lean muscle you have. Literally everything. Age, everything. Everything.

And what I'll say is it could be anywhere from three months to 12 months. Like it could be at any point. We don't know. So yeah, do you want to kind of base on that? I mean, yeah, exactly. Like us, for example, some people would bulk way longer than we're bulking. We want to put on more muscle. We want some strength grains. Do we want to put on 20 pounds? We want to drastically change our physique? No.

Not really. Not really. So we're not going to bulk for like six, eight months. Yeah. Or how many months? I'm like, wait, is it six? No, it's not six. No, we're bulking for three months. Okay. I was like, wait, I actually didn't count. Okay. You know, some people do more than that. That's not, you know, there's no right or wrong. It's just your specific goal. Some people are training for competitions where they need to like drastically improve

their amount of muscle mass and gain weight, you got to bulk for a year. Like you got to eat for a whole year. It, it really depends, but there's no set time, but you also can't give up too early. You can't be like, Oh, I bulked in a month. A minimum of three months. Yeah. And that's another thing too, is you got to remember too, if you are bulking and then you want to get back to your maintenance, you

You have to think of the time where you're reversing back down to maintenance. You have to add that in because if you want to bulk, I highly recommend starting now if you haven't already because if you want to get to like a good point by summertime, what we're doing is we're bulking for three months all the way until December. We'll work our way back down to maintenance. That will probably take like a month, month max to get back down to maintenance. And then from maintenance, that's when we're going to cut. And then by the time that comes, drop.

it's summer yeah and then you'll just feel ready and awesome for summer it's also the reason a lot of people bulk now in this time of year one you're it's cold you're probably showing less skin so i mean just for body image reasons a lot of people don't want to be you know bikini season bull gang yeah and it's the holidays you who wants to be on a cut on thanksgiving that sucks

I mean, if you are in a cut, you can totally take the day of Thanksgiving and eat to your whatever. Like, whatever. But I'm, I don't want to do that. Yeah. I'd rather be like, this Thanksgiving is going straight to my book. Yeah. Right to it. Hell yeah. And then, like, working out the next day, oh my.

god there's no better feeling oh my god I'm like PR dude when you go when you surpass your macros and go to the gym next day strength gains are like no other anytime we need to we haven't gotten voodoo in a while we haven't we need to do that soon

We're both filming full days of eating. I was like, let's go today. I would put it in my video. I know what I heard, tell Kelsey. Yeah, no, no, no, not today. But like we should go. Like every time we do that, it's literally just like, dang, this is going straight to the workout. So that's also why bulking at this time is just great. And we even say, oh, we're stopping in January. Yeah, we're pretty set on it. But maybe in January, you asked me and I'm like, I'm not happy with that.

how it ended yet. Yeah. Like maybe I had strength goals and PR goals and I'm like, I am not there. Yeah. And maybe I'll keep going. You get addicted to the strength. That's like, maybe I still can't bench 135. I can't do 225 deadlift or squat too easy. I didn't improve that much. And I'm like, nah, I'm going to go to a February. Like you can do that. Like I said, you don't have to make it some complicated, like you're on like prep. Yeah. Like it's not that serious. You can take it

you know, day by day. It's, it's really not, I mean, like you said, you need at least a minimum of three months. You can't bulk for two weeks and be like, Oh, I got a little, I got a little puffy now. Now I'm cutting. No, you getting a little puffy after one day of overeating and then doing cardio is not, it's not bulking. You got to do it slow for three months minimum. Agreed. And then like I kind of was saying to like three months minimum. And then if you guys are going to go into a reverse process, um,

Stick at maintenance. Those like, or not meet your maintenance. Stick at your highest calories at the end of your bulk for like two weeks. See how your body is kind of responding to that.

And then that's when you can work your way back down. But then you guys are probably thinking, you're like, well, Sam, how the heck do I know how to bulk? How the heck do I know what to increase? What do I increase? When do I increase it? And again, like I mentioned, everybody's going to be different. It's based on how your body responds, but there are obviously like a few things that you should be looking out for. Do you do progress photos each week? I don't.

Me, personally? No. I took one at the beginning and I weigh myself when I feel like it. Yeah, so Taylor and I, we base it off of our body weights. And that is what we do on an empty stomach. The day, I do it every Monday morning. I don't know, what do you do? I've just been doing it randomly. I didn't do it this Monday. Because sometimes, let's say if we went out a lot on the weekend, let's say...

When David came to visit, we went out alone. I'm like, I'm going to weigh myself on Monday if I know I was off Friday and Saturday. Then I'm like, the Monday number's probably not right. I'd rather get back on track for a few more days.

And then weigh myself or let's say I got my period and then I'm like, eh, this Monday, don't feel like I should weigh myself because I'm literally on my period and it's going to be like... So I honestly just do it when I feel like it to be honest. Of course in the morning, like she said, but I'm not like every single Monday because I feel like I can kind of tell like...

Scale's not really going to be right right now. I just kind of know. That's why I didn't weigh myself this Monday. Exactly, because you were traveling. Why were you going to weigh yourself when you were traveling? That doesn't make that big of a difference. But the goal with bulking week to week when you do increase is you want to be putting on weight. You want to be putting on weight. So if you are weighing yourself... So say you... First weekend, you just started out and you have your macros. And...

The next time you're increasing or the next time you want to increase, say it's like two Mondays from then, and you step on the scale and you see that you've gained half a pound, one pound, you're doing what you need to be doing. Like, that's good. That's awesome. That means you can increase again. Yeah. And then keep pushing and really aim for every time you're increasing your macros for at least like half a pound, like one pound, two pounds, like within that range. That's...

And if you guys notice, you might be like, this sounds very familiar. Yeah. Losing weight follows the same thing. Just as your weight shouldn't just shoot down 10 pounds in two weeks, you also shouldn't gain 10 pounds in two weeks. Any slow gain is good enough. Now, if you're just stuck within the same two pounds for like a month, you might need more. It's simple. It's really, it's almost like hard to explain. Yeah. Because it's like, weigh yourself. It's going up.

If not, eat more. Exactly. And then you're probably thinking too, you're like, oh my goodness, like two pounds every time you increase. That's not a lot. We're not increasing every week. We're increasing like every other week. So like if you're increasing every other week and you got 10 weeks, that's five increases. That's maybe like five pushing it at 10 pounds. But like that's like a good amount of weight you're going to want to be putting on within like,

What is 10 weeks? Is that almost three months? Yeah. Like three months. So, and two pounds is also your body weight can fluctuate two pounds like day to day. Like two pounds is nothing. Two pounds could be, you drank a lot of water. Like that's truly nothing, which is why weighing yourself kind of consistently helps because it's good to have a graph because it's not going to go straight up. It's going to go up and down and up and down and up and down. But you'll see at the end,

It's up. Yeah. Just like... I feel like I'm like a math teacher talking about a graph. It's so... I really hope you guys can understand what we're saying because like it's definitely more of a visual thing. Like we have clients. So like we have on our clients, we have like...

where you can literally see a chart of their body weight, like going up or going down, depending on what it is. We can literally see like their macros they're eating day to day. So if you're like somebody that thinks that like maybe I have a scale, like I have the Fit Tracker scale. So inside that map, it's a graph of my body weight. So it helps me so much with like being able to track that stuff. If you don't have something like that, I would recommend like,

tracking your weight somehow maybe it's in just like your phone notes or something but keeping that logged it will definitely help you yeah I really like those scales I mean are they 100% accurate I don't freaking know I mean the numbers to me though

They don't seem too off. Like when it gives me the person, like the body fat and the muscle mass, I'm like, that doesn't really seem wrong. Like I believe that's what I thought. Yeah. Um, and I feel like it'd be like proportionally wrong. So I mean, I don't know. I like it for the graph. I love the graph. Me too. I love the graph so much. I literally would recommend getting one of those solely for the purpose of the fact that it connects to your phone. Yeah. Yeah.

Game changer. Me too. So good. So good. So yeah, that is that. Did we cover everything? We have two different scales. We should like see what... Oh, I know. You have to make a profile on mine though. Like you can't just like step onto it. Oh, I think maybe you can like add a person because that'd be kind of cool to see like... If it's different. If they were the same, I'd be like...

Oh, that's facts. I do want to try the, what's the thing in the gyms called? Oh yeah. Body scan. Yeah. Yeah. I want it. You can go to like legit, like they have legit like tests to do that. So if you really want to know, I recommend doing that. Yeah. I want to do that really bad. What the hell is those called? I don't know. Maybe there's a place in Austin that does like stuff like that.

Yeah, they do. I looked into it. I saw it. I'm like, but now mid book, I'm like, I don't even know if I want to know. We should have done it at the beginning of the book and then compared it. But that's, that's a good point though, because sometimes it's hard to weigh yourself. Like guys, if you remember saying I was kind of mad, I didn't feel like I was putting on weight. But even then, even though I'm like, I want to put on weight, seeing the scale be higher than it's ever been is for a split second. It's like, oh,

Like, it's hard. It's a mental game. It is. Even if you're like, I want to put on weight, you're not alone in the fact that it's not just, like, smooth sailing. Like, it's gonna be... It's a mental game, because we've just been conditioned to think gaining weight's bad. Mm-hmm. So it does take a while to get rid of it, but... And maybe feel like clothes aren't fitting the best either. It's definitely weird, but hey...

That's why... This will be another whole topic, like, the whole cutting process, but that's why it's just a lot of fun. I don't know. People's transformations, though, I've seen so many people right now because a lot of people are bulking right now. So I've seen a few, like, last year... Like, start of last year's bulk versus how I'm going into this year's bulk. Yeah. And they're gay, like...

They look insane. Like Jordan posted like a few and I'm like, Oh my God. Like Jordan looks fricking great. Or like just a bunch of other accounts that keep posting like, this is how I look like. Look how the bulk like changed my muscle mass. And I'm like, Holy, like it's worth it. So worth it. Like all my favorite, like bikini girls. I won't point data bulk. Like they had to bulk and put on that muscle mass. Like you got to do it.

It's not, like, for no reason. Not for no reason at all. It makes it so much easier for you. Like, if you start comparing yourself to somebody else and you're like, oh, well, they have so much more muscle. They're so much stronger. Guarantee they probably did the whole bulk cup process and probably have been doing it for a few years now. If you just think you can just get away with eating at maintenance and get to the point that your favorite, you know, person is at, it's going to take you way longer. Yeah. And it's like, you don't need to bulk and cup. If you are...

where you are. I mean, do you eat at maintenance? But if you see like KK fit or like hopefully us after this bowl, like anyone and you're like, dang, I want to look like that. Then you got to do it. You got to, I mean like pick your battles. Like you either want to look like those girls or you don't. So you just got to pick.

I also wanted to talk, because I got this comment on a video, and I wanted to bring it up before I forget, because I know it's going to leave my mind. Yeah, go. Someone was like, why bulk when you can just eat good all year round? And I was like, you still eat good. Yeah. There's just more. And I was like, do people think you have to eat shit? I feel like there's still a misconception that cutting is eating healthy and bulking is eating bad. Yeah, what? What?

I don't, like, I was like, no. I'm trying to understand where, like, how they could. Because, like, dirty book. But, yeah, I just got that comment, and I was like, lady, no. Because people think it's some toxic cycle. Which we have a whole episode on that, too, that tracking your macros isn't toxic, which is trending on TikTok right now. Yeah, that girl that reposted it and being like, this is an eating disorder about that poor guy. No, but the guy is, like, living with it. He's like, sorry, I don't want to be average. Yeah. And I'm like,

Go you, dude. Yeah. Whatever. I was like, tracking food and tracking your weight, that's... What? It just shouldn't be such a taboo thing. Like, us saying you should bulk and weigh yourself every week, some people, us telling girls you should weigh yourself every week, they think...

Oh my God. And it's like, why is body weight so bad? Like it's your body. Why can't you weigh yourself? I'm not saying it has to be a small number. I know. I'm saying, I don't care if it says like 160, 170, 110. I don't care what it says. I'm telling you, weigh yourself. Like, and I just don't like that. People hear that, like weigh yourself, track your food. And they're like, huh? Yeah. That's like bulking, cutting. Yeah. Like, no, it's just efficient. Yeah.

Did we touch on how to actually increase? Like what to increase? No, we didn't. We can touch on that. Okay. So the first thing you should do is your carbs. Yes. 100% your carbs. Carbs, carbs, carbs. And mostly your carbs. Your carbs are going to be your highest. Always. I mean, that'd be super weird. I'm not saying like keto. Yeah. Don't do that. But your carbs are going to be high. I personally, this bulk, I'm not really touching my protein. I touch my protein a little bit because I have...

put on size and I know, or I've put on weight. So I know that even my like low that I was eating for protein is never going to be my low again. Like I really hope that like my new, my new low for my body weight is where my protein is. Cause I'm eating like a gram per pound. So that's why I increased my protein. Yeah. Which makes total sense. I feel like toward the end I'll increase my protein and I've been kind of

I didn't really increase it in terms of like the number goal. I think I'm going to hit, but almost every single day I go over. Yeah. So that's another reason why. So in a way I did increase because if you actually look at what I tracked, you're probably like, girl, you're literally over what you say your goal is, but it's not in my head. Cause if I had a higher goal, I'd probably go over that. Yeah. So I tried to keep it a bit lower just cause I feel like I feel better eating more carbs and fats.

It's also because I'm vegan, so other foods, like, it's hard for me to get a source that's only protein. It's going to be a carb and a fat as well. Yeah. So, but that's why I'm probably not going to increase my protein until the last...

Because eventually just eating more calories, my proteins can go up. Yeah. So that's that. Yeah. Another thing too is like when we do increase, you're anywhere from like 50 calories to like 200 calories. Like the range is very big. But typically we've been doing like about like 100, like 20 grams of protein or protein, 20 grams of carbs like each time we're increasing because 20 grams of carbs is like almost like 100 calories per day.

So that's what we've been doing. Fats pretty much stays the same unless you find yourself struggling. I increase my fat. Yeah. So if you're struggling to like,

stay at your fast. Like if you're still eating over fast, because fast is in carbs, fats is in protein. And if you're increasing those things and you feel like you're still like you're struggling to stay below your fats, increase your fats. Like that's a big deal. Yeah, exactly. That's kind of, I mean kind of the opposite switch and that's just kind of the difference in our diets is that like I increase my fat because like I said, I'm vegan. So I,

I I eat more I need higher fat foods to get in my calories I I need it like tofu is very high fat and that's how I get most of my protein whatever things like that so I need to increase my fat so I actually increase my fat before I increase my protein because that just works better for me and then as a vegan I don't want to be eating if I only increase my protein a lot for me personally that would result in me probably eating a lot of protein powder and I'm

I don't really want to do that. I really like the amount of protein powder I eat. I don't want to have to eat more if I increase my protein rather than my fat. And that's just, I mean, we've said this before and I've said it a million times. We don't have the same macros. So you shouldn't want the same macros as us because we live almost the same lifestyle and we don't have the same macros. Exactly. And we don't increase every week.

The same times. Like, our bodies will respond week to week differently based on our increases. We're just doing the process together. Like, mentally together. Like, we're not, oh, Taylor, I'm increasing by 20 grams of carbs. You should do it too. No, that's not how it works. Exactly, no. And exactly, like we touched on, you were traveling. You didn't increase. I increased. Because, like, every little factor goes into how you feel about how much to increase and what to do about it.

Your workouts, your food, all of that. Like, no one's going to be just like someone else because there's so many factors. Yeah, exactly.

So I guess our last topic going into this is going to be your food alternatives. There are those people out there, like I said earlier, with the lean bulk, dirty bulk, struggling to put on weight. Try different food alternatives first, okay? If you feel like you are struggling to get your carbs in, which Taylor felt like she struggled a little bit, I feel like you're doing better now, right? Yeah, I'm doing better now. I mean, it's more just surprising. Like, I'm just eating a lot of rice, which I love.

Rice is good. My rice serving has gone up like 30 grams. You meal prep that rice and you keep that in the fridge. I got to start doing that though. It's so much cheaper. And it's cheaper. I have a whole box of the brown rice like up there. It's so much cheaper, dude. But yeah. So just, I mean, one, just increasing all your portions. Kind of like I just said, I have trouble hitting my carbs. So guess what? My bowl of oatmeal is massive and my rice bowl is massive. Yeah. Like for our clients too. So our clients were like, I'm struggling to hit my carbs. Yeah.

Okay, make your bowl of oatmeal a little bit bigger. Make your plate of rice a little bit bigger. Because rice is almost like a pure carb. Is rice zero protein, zero fat? Yeah. Okay, yeah, like rice is a pure carb. Yeah, you don't need to make it all complicated and add in an extra snack if you're just not hungry during the day. Just make the volume of your meal a little bit bigger. An extra 10 grams of rice could go a long way. Other little things that are good carbs. Fruit. Life hack, I don't have these on hand a lot, but...

When I saw the macros on them, when I had them once, I may end up actually buying them for when I can't hit my carbs anymore. Like those fruit popsicles that are fruit only, like that are like 100% fruit juice, little tiny popsicles, they don't fill you up. They're like 50 carb because they're like straight fruit. So I'm not saying they're bad. I feel like someone's going to freak out. They're going to be like, hey, carbs, that doesn't mean they're bad for you. Okay. But if you're trying to hit your carbs, I might end up buying those because I'm

They're literally just little popsicles. Yeah. And they're high carb because they're all fruit juice.

Another thing is honey. Honey, guys. I said it. Did I say it in my live? People freaked out. I was like, yeah, like one tablespoon of honey is like 17, 18 carb. Everyone on the live was like, no way. I use honey all the time. I'm like, it's not that if it hasn't affected you and you've been using it, it's not a big deal. It's more so like if you're trying to cut and you don't know why you're not losing weight and you haven't tracked your honey, then look into it. Yeah. Look into the honey. So I've been adding honey onto my post for a snack. Just like.

tablespoon right there easy like I've been doing half a tablespoon because one tablespoon is actually surprisingly a lot of honey and right there like 10 gram of carb love that another thing too that I realized when I was home is nuts and like dried cranberries dried fruit trail mix like yeah that's basically what trail mix so yeah

So dense, or like, I'm sorry, so yes, dense. The amount of carbs you can get from those, I just made a chicken salad sandwich and I added dried cranberries into it right there, 20 grams of carbs. No, now you're making me excited because I love dried mango. Oh, yes, dried mango. And dried fruit is very high carb. That's just a known thing. Very high calorie.

That's good bulking food. Yeah, good bulking food. Oh my god, I'm gonna get dried mango at Trader Joe's. Trader Joe's has a big dried fruit section. I saw it there and I was like, do I really want this or do I... So I got the dried cranberries for the chicken salad sandwich.

And then another thing, too, is going to be your bread. Your sources of bread. There are so many breads out there that are so low-calorie. If you're struggling to get your food in, don't go for the low-calorie bread. Go for literally the dense, like, high-calorie, high-carb bread. That will help you out so much. Making a sandwich and say that sandwich you just made is now 50 carb compared to the low-calorie bread that was, like, 30 carb. Yeah, like, if I see something, like, I can't hit my carbs. What do you have for lunch? A wrap and a carb-balanced tortilla. No! No!

Yeah. Don't have the car balance. Go for something thick. Go for something. Like we use lavish bread a lot. I think it's called lavash. Yeah. Someone's going to read me. It definitely is. And I just don't care. People always tell me. I'm sorry if that bothers you, but whatever. That bread is so low calorie. So, I mean, when we're cutting, we're going to be great, but sometimes we make a giant wrap and we wonder why we didn't get 200 calories. And it's like, why isn't this bread good?

Yeah. Anything. I'm like, oh, I didn't get my carbs for the day. Oh, it was that lavish bread. Because you can get, like, the tortillas at Trader Joe's that are, like, 50 carb, whereas I think the lavish one is, like, what? 20? No, it's, like, no, it's not that. Not even. No, like, 17, maybe? I don't even know. It's somewhere within, like, the 20-minute gram. It's something that if I eat it for lunch without another carb on the side, I'm...

Very low. I would have when I had a burrito bowl, I'd put chips in my burrito bowl. Yeah. And a large bread. Oh, yeah, we put rice in the burritos. Yeah. No, if you have that bread on its own, if you have a low-calorie bread, you've got to read nutrition labels. Yeah. Because you might just be like, bread, it's a carb. No. Hey, but you've got to look. Are you getting the most out of money? Is that slice of bread, is it trying to be healthy, low-carb bread? Don't ditch it. Yeah. Get the high-calorie bread.

Mm-hmm. Especially if you're someone who's not snacking a lot. Like we said, if you are, like, busy, you work, like, you don't just have snacks all the time. If you pack a sandwich, you can eat the same sandwich, but literally substitute the bread, the sauces, the, like, whatever, and literally get your meal, like, 200 calories higher. Yeah. Yeah.

And same with like olive oil. We don't usually use olive oil that much, but like if you're struggling to like get like extra like fat into you for the day, olive oil. But then when you're cutting, Pam. Yeah, just like use Pam. It's...

Like the alternative. Exactly. If I'm low on fat, which is like kind of rare for me, sometimes, sometimes I am. I just, I won't measure it out because that just seems too much work, but I'll just know that if my fats are a little low, it's okay. Cause I had pasta and I put olive oil on it. Yeah. Like, and I ate it. So it doesn't matter if they're low cause I didn't track it. That's super easy. Avocado. So easy. That's so easy. Almost like pure fat, just avocado. Um, also I told this to a client with fat cause I think a lot of people think it's hard to get in fat.

A lot of healthier things might be like low fat. I say health. I'm like literally doing air quotes. Things labeled as healthier might be low fat. Get the ones that are higher in fat. For example, protein bars. You know, some protein bars might, cause they might be all protein, like really low fat and like, okay, but maybe you don't need that. Yeah. Maybe you need like, pretty sure go macro bars are probably high fat. Misfits bars have like nine grams. Like,

Even the Owen protein drinks, those have high fat. Like, so just because something you might just go to the stuff kind of labeled more healthy and not even dude, cause like even go macro bars are labeled healthy. Just read labels, read labels. Are you choosing the bar that has like two grams of fat when there's another bar that has 10? Are you choosing yogurts that are low fat yogurt? Why? Why?

You don't need low fat yogurt. You need high fat. Are you buying low fat cheese? Just things like that. You need to be aware of your nutrition labels. It's going to help you a lot. It's really key. Like we buy stuff and we read, I pick up something, I read the nutrition label because I just need to know how it's going to fit into my day because I'm not going to buy something that's either an, I like fat. Me personally, I'm going to hit my fat goal. So I don't want to buy something crazy high in fat because I like my fat elsewhere.

But someone like, you don't need as much fat or you don't hit your fat as much. So something being a little higher fat is like, whatever. I'm like, I gotta take my fats for something else. Or like with protein. I don't eat meat. So if I find a bread that's high protein, I kind of need that because I don't eat meat. But then Sam eats meat. So she's like, I don't want that. Yeah.

So you just got to know what nutrition and it takes practice. It does. Is it especially like, even with like meals when we switch our meals for the week, like, Oh, I'm way thrown off this week. Yeah. Like when you change, like, so we'll eat like consistently, like when we go shop, go grocery shopping, like the same thing every single day. And then if we change our meals, like say we change our lunch for the week, it may throw off our dinner. Like we may not even be able to have that dinner. So we like align it. So that way, like,

It kind of fits like based on like what our macros are for the day. Yeah. And even when I change, it's still roughly the same variations of foods. So you get into a cycle if you like to eat similar things and you'll kind of know what fits and what doesn't in terms of snacks and foods. But it's really just reading nutrition labels and being aware of like

After you eat that lunch, how many macros do you have left? After you eat that breakfast, how much do you have left? Things like that. Just being aware, looking at it. When you first are doing it, just kind of look at everything. Try to be aware of how much you're eating and how it's affecting your day. Yeah. Damn. I hope we really fucking helped a lot of you guys. Like, seriously. I think that was detailed as crap. They don't even need a coach. Oh, I was going to say, like, one thing. Yeah. Yeah.

Um, when, obviously we've talked a lot about eating. Obviously we work out too. A lot of people think workout splits slash how you work out cutting and bulking is different. Yeah. That when you bulk, you do low rep and when you cut, you do high rep. Yeah. Not really. No. Like you stay the same. It should stay the same. Of course you're going to do cardio when you cut. Yeah. But you're lifting. Yeah.

Is the same. I've just gotten that question. Yeah. You just may not be as strong. And that's the only difference. You might not be as strong. Like your weight for the exercises. May be a little bit different. But that's.

Totally fine. And maybe when I'm cutting, like you may not do as many like low rep squat days, low rep bench days, but that doesn't mean that you're trained. Like you're still weaker. So you're not going to like go for PRs. Like then that's, that's the only difference. But I still, we train the same. We literally changed our split just for personal preference. Not because we're working. Yeah. Yeah.

But that's a very common misconception. I think that there's like different ways to lift for bulking and cutting. Yeah, no. Because lifting doesn't make you bulky. Yeah, literally. Heard that one too many times. Get skinny and lift and bulk and... Yeah, pretty much, ladies. Hopefully we helped you out. And then when we do go through the cut process, which will be a few months from now, we will do a cut episode. Think about how many episodes from now that is. Yeah.

Can we get a round of applause that we have not missed an episode? Yes. Seriously. Like, looking at other people that have podcasts, they, like, skip weeks or, like, don't, they'll go, like, a month without podcasting. We're like, how? How can you leave your girls hanging like that? We have not missed an episode. I'm just saying. I mean, I, it makes me happy. So much shit has happened in our lives, too, where we're just, like, not mentally, like, there that day when we're recording. Yeah. But we still do it. Yeah. Yeah. So many. So, so much.

But I really like this episode. Me too. It's been a minute since we talked very like. Oh, I already know the outcome on this one is going to be really good. You guys are going to like it. Yeah, I hope you guys liked it and I hoped it helped. Either if you're going to bulk now, if you're bulking next winter, bulking in the summer, I don't know. But yeah, follow us on Instagram. Of course. Big plug. Follow that podcast on Instagram. Follow the podcast on Instagram. I mean, I would say I would be really hard on you guys, but we have like.

listens to followers. Yeah. So...

God damn. Look at that. So I feel like you guys are actually doing really good. Yeah, we love you guys. I'm like, I kind of want to pressure you to follow the Instagram, but I feel like you probably already are. Yeah, and then shout out to Sarah, of course, always. Shout out, Sarah, yes. And if you guys follow our stuff, just interact with it. I know some of it, it's graphics, it's cute, it's more for a cute feed and overall brand, so you might not see it and think to like it because it's not a photo of us. Interact, just to support us, interact with the post.

Goes a long way. Like, save, comment. Like, save, comment, all the things. You could be like, if you think your graphic's really cute, be like, good job, Sarah. Yeah. Yeah, give Sarah some love, too. Yeah, be like, this is cute, Sarah. We also have some special guests lined up for next episodes, so you want to make sure you are following and, like, I think you can turn on notifications. Yeah, you should do that. Yeah, you should definitely do that. And leave a five-star review, and we'll see you guys next Friday. Love y'all. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.

See you on Friday.