cover of episode I Hate My BFF’s Boyfriend [VIDEO]

I Hate My BFF’s Boyfriend [VIDEO]

Publish Date: 2024/5/12
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Call Her Daddy


Shownotes Transcript

Sunday morning, Father's calling. Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do. Every Sunday's Father's Day. What the fuck? That was pretty good, right? Hello, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of Call Her Daddy. It is your father, Alex Cooper, back at it again. Oh my God, wait. That just reminded me. So this past weekend, I was at the Kentucky Derby and...

I'm sitting outside with Matt and Lauren and a couple other people and we're waiting for our car. And there's this girl walking through the parking lot and there's these two security guards. They're like older women and they're sitting there and this girl starts freaking out. She's like, father.

Like, father, I love you, father. And the security guard women turn around and they're staring at me. And they're like, do you think that girl like, like, who is she talking to? Like, there's no men over there. Because like Matt was off doing something, talking to someone else.

And the girl's like, no, that's my father. And then these two older women are like, damn, like people are so confused nowadays. And they had no concept of like what was going on. It's really funny to see out of context people in the daddy gang use the terminology that we have in the show, like daddy or dad or father and people that have no idea, like literally what the fuck is wrong with you guys? Nothing is wrong with us. We're fucking phenomenal. You should join the motherfucking club.

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So today I am going to answer questions because we need to talk things through right now. I feel like there's a lot of like emotions going on. It's right before summer. We're all trying to make some life decisions. We're all trying to check in with what's going on in our lives. And so I am here to answer all your questions. So daddy gang, it is just me and you on this Sunday, this lovely, lovely Sunday. Let's get into it. Okay. Question one. Hi, daddy. Hi, daddy.

Me and my boyfriend are at that stage where we know we will get married, but I would like to pick out my own ring rather than be surprised. He hasn't really brought up the subject, but talks about our future all the time. Should I trust him to know what to do or have the ring talk with him?

I personally, without a doubt, would say have the ring talk with him. You have to wear this thing for the rest of your life. I don't think you should leave it ever up to chance for a man to just know what you want. And not that I'm saying he has bad taste. I just think everyone has that like visual in their head of like the ring that they specifically want. Like,

I knew I wanted like a very very very very tiny simple band with a rock on top of it I didn't want like I don't know what you even call it like a crown or like any other diamonds around my diamond like I just wanted a big rock and a tiny like my band is so fucking so small every single person that tries my on my ring is like Alex your band is tiny and I was like I know I didn't I don't like to wear that much jewelry and I wanted it to be so thin but

And I knew I wanted I didn't want an oval, but I wanted something like an oval. And so Matt found this vintage. It's like oval circular and it's a vintage diamond that he found. But he had a vision because of me, because I was the vision and I handed him the vision. And I've said this before on the show, like I.

I think Matt has incredible taste, if not way better than mine sometimes. So I knew Matt wasn't going to get me an ugly ring, but was he going to pick me out the ring that I had envisioned? Probably not. So tell him. I also think sometimes we underestimate like people want direction. If someone is going to get you something, I bet he'd be surprised.

so elated to know like, oh, this is kind of what I want. Because then when he goes to the jewelry, think about this roles reverse. He goes to the jeweler and he's like, I'm picking out a ring. I'm so excited. I want this woman to marry me. She's the love of my life. And the jeweler at

I don't fucking know. Tiffany's looks at your man and goes, okay, well, there's so many rings. What do you think she wants? And then he, he loses all faith.

His face goes flush white and he answers, I don't know. So then if you really are honest with yourself, what's really happening is your man is picking the ring that the jeweler is suggesting. He probably doesn't even have an opinion, right? So like don't feel bad for giving instruction to someone on something that is going to be on your body essentially for the rest of your life. That sounds like really intense. But you know what I mean? Also, I would say, and this is like my last bit of advice is,

Yes, you can tell him and give him little hints. But again, just be mindful of the way that you tell him. Like, obviously, don't be like, I don't trust you to pick out my ring. So I want to tell you what I want. Like, no, Daddy Gang, we know better than that. We're going to be like, babe, I am so excited. Like, I know we're talking about things so much.

maybe I'm going to text you a few things that maybe is kind of in line with what I would want, but maybe obviously you pick though. Right. And so like, you can be cute and like fucking send him a couple pictures or like if you're ever shopping for something for someone, like maybe you're getting your friend like earrings for her birthday. Like when you're there, be like, Ooh, should I try on a couple of rings? Like make it fun and make it light. But obviously also at the same time, you can make a comment like,

I know you'll do such a good job, but like this is really like what in line with what I'm looking for. I've been hooking up with this guy and we said we were exclusive, but he's really weird about giving him hickeys. Should I be concerned? Should you be concerned more so? Not him. You shouldn't be concerned that he won't let you give you hickeys. Why do you want to give him a hickey? Why does anyone want to give anyone a hickey other than specifically

staking a claim and making a point to be like, I own this person or like, oh, this person's spoken for like, oh, this person. Like I just, hickeys can happen in the moment. But like when you're in, it seems like you're intentionally trying to latch on motherfucking vampire suck this shit and like stake a claim. I think that has more to do with like, are you insecure about the relationship? Are you guys going to parties?

where you're seeing girls and you want people to know like that's your man. Like I think I would reel it back because unless you have like a hickey fetish, which I don't know why the fuck you would like just go suck some dick.

Do you know what I mean? Like if you love to suck that skin, just go down south. So at least he can come. You know what I mean? But a hickey, it's just like gonna leave a mark that's not cute. It's going to be publicized and no one needs to know you're fucking. Like if you need to prove that you're fucking, then you probably shouldn't be fucking. You know what I mean? Okay. Oh my gosh. Would you say college era Alex has changed a lot up until now? Oh my God.

Hello. Is this from my therapist who I haven't spoken to in three weeks? Yes, of course. I've changed since college. I don't really know where you want me to go with this question, but I will try my best to answer it. I think college era Alex is one of my favorite eras in my life. I think I had some of the most challenging but formative years of my life. And I feel like

the years that I, my friends that I made, the life lessons that I learned, the career things I learned, like so many weird ones happening with like professors, like telling me I couldn't do something and that I shouldn't be in this industry. And like, I should go like change. You can go to business school. Like,

And now knowing where I'm at, like there were so many weird things, whether it was like overcoming adversity or just literally having fun and being a degenerate and like not even being a degenerate. Like that's exactly what I should have been doing in college. You know what I mean? But now I'm going to be 30 soon and I love to have fun and I love to go out my body. I'm just like I have to slow down a little bit because the hangover feels fucking different and I have different priorities. Like I love relaxing.

I'm like, I put in so much fucking work partying for so long that like I'm now like I literally enjoy sometimes on a Saturday night knowing that like my friends are going to a dinner and I'm like,

I can come but like I have to be home at least by 11 o'clock at night. Like I can't stay out till midnight because I have to get up tomorrow and work and I'm going to be exhausted. And back in the day, are you fucking kidding me? I would be out till 5am. I'd Uber home. I'd shower. I'd get ready and I'd go to practice. Like life was different and both are exactly where I would want them to be and both were amazing. So whatever phase of life you're in right now, like

I wouldn't compare yourself to your younger self because so much of growing is like embracing change and embracing where we're going and what feels good and what's new and like

Of course, I miss things about my college and those years, but I like reflecting on them. I'm not trying to stay in that phase of my life. I want to grow. I don't really want to be as toxic. I have a man that I love now. And if I hadn't found Matt, I think regardless of Matt and my relationship, and I want to say this for everyone listening, I've had a lot of people write in being like, I'm 31. I don't have a man. I really...

It is okay. Like, sure, I'm really fortunate that I found Matt, but like I would be making the same changes in my life at this stage with or without Matt. Of course, there's like specific changes I'm making because we're in a relationship, but like it was time for me to

just switch up my lifestyle a little bit. Like it was time for me where I was like, I'm so exhausted with playing games. Like I now just want to go on a date with a guy and like be dead ass and like tell him what I'm looking for. And like, I don't want to like not text him and then like blah, blah, blah. I'm like, fuck with his head. Like I had so much fun doing that in college, but like there's only so much that I could have done with that before I was like, okay, now let's write a new playbook. Now let's write the playbook of how to have a healthy, happy relationship and feel fulfilled and confident individually and also confident in a partnership. And so yeah,

It's okay if you're in your 30s or your 40s, ladies, and you're single and you're like freaking out. Like I get it, but I'm telling you like start just making decisions for yourself and then you'll find a partner. But like

make the effort to better yourself and look for what makes you happy and look for things that like genuinely fulfill you. And I understand it's hard if your friends are ahead or behind you. Like I remember someone wrote in the other day to my DMs being like, my friend's pregnant and I'm single and I'm in my thirties and obviously I'm happy for her, but I don't know, like it's kind of hard to be happy for her. And I'm trying to figure out like, how do I

show up for her when like, I'm a little jealous and like a little bitter. Like I want that. And it's like, I truly believe that if you were to force yourself just because you want to have a kid with someone like

You're not going to be happy. Like you have to genuinely let things happen organically. Like you have to let yourself go at your own pace. Like comparing yourself to someone else's timeline is not the fucking move. And don't throw yourself into something because the timeline's freaking you out. Fuck a timeline.

What do you feel is right for you in that moment? Don't just go on a third date with that guy because you're like, well, fuck, like all my friends are married. Like it's hey, it's OK. Guess what? Not to be a dick, but I'm sure there's a lot of your friends that are in married relationships that.

aren't that happy and maybe settled. And even if they're not, don't let yourself be the one then that settles. Fight for something that is worth your time and worth your energy and worth being with someone for the rest of your life. Like these small moments, I feel like I got so stressed. It was like right before I met Matt, I felt like I was really freaking out. And I definitely kind of slid back into like reaching back out to exes and thinking like, what if? Because

It was towards the end of the pandemic and I felt like I had grown up a lot from like just like work stuff and life stuff and family stuff. And I was just like seeing things differently. And I was like, oh my God, like I think I want a genuine relationship. But like, where am I going to find that? Like, I don't even know how to look for that. That was all just coming genuinely from a place of me feeling lost and anxious and stressed and unsure. And so I was trying to

be like tough and protect myself and act like I didn't want what I now have. All I just needed to do was be patient with myself though. When you open your phone and you see your friends posting that they're getting engaged or there's a pregnancy, these are amazing, gorgeous, beautiful, like

milestone moments. But underneath milestones, it took so much to get there. You don't know how long it took that person to get pregnant. You don't know how many fucked up relationships this person had before they were getting engaged and getting their happily ever after. You don't know what these people go, you know? So it's like, be easy on yourself that the things that you're struggling with, we're all fucking human. We're all fucking going through it. But sometimes we get two in our head that we're the only ones like,

fucking our shit up. We're all fucking up. Trust me. Like I fuck up so much and I go to my therapist and I talk to her about all my fuck ups and then I come on here and I try to help you guys with your stuff. But I hope you guys know like my life is not perfect and I have so many fucking things that I work on every single week and I'm

Matt and I have a beautiful relationship, but that doesn't mean that our relationship is perfect. And so just keep that in mind. Daddy gang, I love you. Where the fuck? What the fuck was that question? Oh, my God. Has college Alex era changed a lot? Yes. Yes, I have. And I'm going to still be changing. Like, I imagine like one day if I'm going to start a family or whatever, like I'm going to be a different version of myself someday.

in a couple years, like even in a year you change so much. And I think that's like exciting. I really feel excited about it. Okay, I need to shut the fuck up and answer another question. This episode is brought to you by Experian. Daddy gang, there's so much good TV these days. But the good shows are on all different streaming platforms. Who needs that many subscriptions? Okay, I'm constantly like, Matt, which show is it on? I forget which one.

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average estimated savings with one plus cancellation paid membership with connected payment accounts required see for details this episode is brought to you by stars adults of america listen up family fun has its time and place i get it there is time when you want to hang out with the kiddos but this isn't it

Stars has some of the best boundary-breaking entertainment you won't catch anywhere else. The characters are bolder, heat burns hotter, and thrillers are, well, thrilling. I am so obsessed with every season of Outlander. Obviously, the second half of the seventh season lands this fall just in time for me to binge before season eight.

the final season. It's released next year. And also the Power Universe. I don't know if you guys have ever seen the show Power. I am obsessed. I remember my brother introduced me to it. I was like, okay, I'm hooked. Here we go. Let's binge. It is time to forget about what you know and switch on to stars. Stars, we're all adults here. Watch and stream now. Next question.

I hate my best friend's boyfriend and it's making me not be able to be around her. Is this a me problem? How do we tell our girls that their boyfriend sucks and she's the only one who can't see it? Okay, well, you'd never tell your friend that her boyfriend sucks even if this is quite literally like the most extreme situation where it's like a toxic or abusive situation. Like we never do that because you guys have to understand like

if someone is in a romantic relationship with someone that is like their primary partner and as much as you're their best friend like that is now their primary partner and so they are going to defend that person even if they know you're right because there is like an instinctual thing where it's like don't come for my relationship so you have to be really careful about that listen if your best friend's boyfriend sucks this is what I would say I'm sure that your friend has really

that the vibes aren't great between you and her boyfriend. And if she hasn't, I think that you can make more of an intentional decision to be like,

if she invites you places when it's just the two of them, you can be, you can like politely decline and be like, Hey, like I, um, no worries. Like I think you guys can just go alone. Like, why don't you and I like grab dinner this week? Like just the two of us. And you can kind of start like that. And I don't think that's being passive aggressive. I think that's trying to like boundary set for her in like a loving way. Because then if she's like, Oh, like, why don't you want to hang out with us? I think you can then say like, listen, I think

I'm sure you've noticed it. Like, I don't really think let's pretend his name is like Jared. Like, I'm sure you can tell. Like, I don't think Jared and I really get along. And I obviously love you and I want to support you and I don't want to put you in an uncomfortable position. So I think we can just be more intentional about like finding time for the two of us. I think if it's a toxic situation, though, that's where it gets really difficult.

That's where it gets tough because if it's toxic then what's gonna happen is when the boyfriend finds out that you're trying to have a one-on-one with a friend He's gonna try to push back and yell and scream and be like, why are you going out with her alone? Because I feel like most of the time when it's toxic the boyfriend always knows to alienate the girlfriend from the best friend And that's like the toughest thing But if this is not toxic and your friend's boyfriend is just like kind of a dick sometimes then

I think you can have an honest conversation of like listen I know you love him and I am so happy that you're happy I definitely think I struggle because and then maybe you can give an example that's not like too aggressive like I think sometimes when we're out like whether like he makes just like inappropriate comments about you and like puts you down and obviously I love you so much and so it's hard for me as your best friend to be like hey like don't speak about her that way but like I don't want to get in the middle of things but because it's

he's doing it in front of all of us like it's hard to not get upset and get defensive over you and it's hard for me so like that's like I don't know if that's exactly obviously I'm making this up or maybe he's a dick to you specifically so you could again say like listen I

I love you so much and I just want you to be happy and so I first and foremost I just want to check in like are you happy and like how are you doing with this relationship and then listen and if she says she's happiest she's ever been and say okay and I truly hope you know that's all I want for you because I know that's what you want from me when I find someone but I have to be honest with you like I'm sure obviously I'm sure you've noticed like Jared is

makes like really aggressive comments towards me and I don't want it to get awkward I don't want it to get to the point where we can't all hang out and like I guess I just don't really know where to go from here because at the end of the day it then is kind of on your friend your friend who has this dick of a boyfriend needs to be like I am so sorry I'm gonna talk to him because like I did notice that the past couple times and maybe I was too drunk and I was like whatever it is um

If this person is like genuinely like a little piece of shit and it's coming between you and your best friend, you can voice this. I just think you need to be very, very, very delicate about how you do it because here's the way that you shouldn't do it.

If she's like, hey, I feel like you've been distant lately. It's like, yeah, can I be honest? Like, I don't know why you're dating Jared. Like, he's such a dick. All of our friend group thinks that we all talk about it. He's constantly putting you down. He makes you look dumb. And he's so rude to all of us. Like, I literally can't be around him.

You're basically giving your friend no way to go. You're pushing her actually more towards him. Because if you want your friend to eventually come back to you and break up with this person is basically what I'm thinking you want. You have to lovingly show her that you're the reasonable one and you're trying to come to her and let him keep being the asshole, you know? And maybe he will change. And maybe he's like, sorry, like sometimes she pisses me off. And maybe you can own something. Like maybe when you're drunk around him, like you're always like,

pushing him and making annoying jokes and so he's a dick to you like I don't know the dynamic but I think when we all know when it comes to friendships and relationships you have to tiptoe and be very cautious and this is not to say that you should like bite your tongue and never speak up for yourself because that's not what I'm saying it's just you have to be mindful of

That confrontation with friends and adult relationships, it needs to be thought out and you need to come with concrete examples that are like slightly diluted. The problem is, is when your friend's like, I don't know what you want me to do. Like, I feel like you're being really dramatic. Like I love him and I feel like you're just like jealous, blah, blah, blah. That's when a friendship probably is like,

going to be able to sustain because it's not fair to you then to just like again bite your tongue and not say anything and put up with someone being like literally so rude to you just to maintain a friendship that what isn't even real anymore because you're not even talking like your friend is dating this dick who's basically like

being so verbally aggressive towards you in moments and your friend won't stand up for you that's not a friend again I would need more context but I hope that gives some insight into like whenever you're talking about someone in their relationship ease into it like I know so many people in my life that have had friends say shit about their partner and it's like

that's just awkward and they're never going to forget that if you're really aggressive so think long game not short term how can you ease in speak about it in a way that's like smarter than just like attacking because that gets no one anywhere and makes everyone feel like shit

This episode is brought to you by Starz. Adults of America, listen up. Family fun has its time and place. I get it. There is time when you want to hang out with the kiddos, but this isn't it. Starz has some of the best boundary-breaking entertainment you won't catch anywhere else. The characters are bolder, heat burns hotter, and thrillers are...

Well, thrilling. I am so obsessed with every season of Outlander. Obviously, the second half of the seventh season lands this fall just in time for me to binge before season eight. The final season, it's released next year. And also the Power Universe. I don't know if you guys have ever seen the show Power. I am obsessed. I remember my brother introduced me to it. I was like, okay, I'm hooked. Here we go. Let's binge.

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Okay. Any advice for soon to be brides on wedding day? I get married in October. Oh my God. I'm so excited for you. Congratulations. Okay. So my advice. So I feel like I, in certain aspects of my life, am like very, very chill. But then on a day-to-day basis with like work and stuff, I am very,

I'm very type A. I need things down to like the millisecond to be perfect. Like if I am editing something and I see like a tiny linger of that, like this went too long, I like freak out and I'm like, that needs to be fixed. And everyone's like, we don't even see it. I'm like, no, I need to fix it. Like when I'm working, I'm like, I'm...

I wouldn't say I'm uptight. I'm just like very, very particular about my work. And then in other areas of my life, like I would say aside from work, I'm like very chill and relaxed. But when it came to my wedding, I, when Matt and I are like doing anything like throwing Thanksgiving or throwing a party or throwing an unwell event for our company, like we are perfectionists and we like everything to look perfect. We like everything to go perfectly. And

I really, really worked hard leading up to the wedding to mentally get myself in a place where I knew I was going to be able to be relaxed on my wedding. And how did I do that? I basically like wrote down a list of the most important things that I wanted at my wedding. And every single thing I would say in the top five was like Matt and I to have

like a good amount of alone time throughout the wedding weekend to really be present with each other. Matt and I too, before like the wedding ceremony, like that morning, Matt and I spent the entire morning by ourselves. Like, because on Thursday and Friday, we hung out with all of our friends in the morning, we had brunch and everything and the guys went and golfed.

But on the morning of Saturday, Matt and I saw no one basically. And we just sat on our balcony. We had like a brunch date together. And then we laid in bed together and we just like laughed and talked. And we both like silently were like in the corner writing our vows. And we had just such a peaceful, calm morning before the chaos. So we were very intentional about like

being focused on our feelings and being present rather than like, if the whole fucking tent collapses the morning of Saturday, it's okay. It's okay. And like, I know Matt and I were talking about like all these logistics because Matt was basically planning this whole wedding. And I was like, Matt, like once we get there, like who gives a fuck?

Who gives a fuck if someone gets too drunk, if someone's annoying us, if a speech is inappropriate, if the stuff for the wedding doesn't look as nice as we wanted it to look? Who cares? We are so in love and we are celebrating our love with the people we love so much and who have made us who we are today for a weekend in a beautiful tropical location. There's a beach, there's margaritas, there's tacos, and there's us. And so my advice to you is...

try to not stress about the little things. And I know I can actually say, I know it's possible because I just did it. And my friend, it was really sweet. My friend who is getting married, she's one of my best friends from childhood. We went to elementary school together and she was so sweet after the wedding. She texted me a picture of Matt and I, and we were sitting, I was like sitting on his lap and it was on Thursday night, like opening night.

And she texted me and said, this is one of my favorite pictures of you from your wedding weekend. And I was like, why? Because it was like kind of a random photo and it wasn't like either of our best photo. And I'm like, wait, why? And she was like, because...

You can tell how happy and relaxed and present you are, both of you. And I am envious because I want to make sure I channel this at my wedding. And she was like, you were the chillest bride. And my dear, you are my good friend. You are not the chillest when I know it comes to stuff like this, like planning and executing. And the fact that you were present and you were chill, like a chill bride. She was like, I genuinely know, like I have hope for myself and I think I can do this.

you're gonna have the most fun if you and your partner are connected. And then if a fucking mother-in-law or sister-in-law or cousin or whoever goes off the rails, you guys can turn to each other and crack up. Because let me be so clear, there was a couple weird ones that happened at my wedding.

And Matt and I just would turn to each other and like pinch each other's fingers and be like, this is this is fucking everything. This is everything. Like we were so present that even when something was going wrong, it was funny to us. Like there was something that happened right after our ceremony as we were walking out that we saw together. And Matt and I in the middle of everyone rushing out with us, we look at each other and we start cracking up. We're like, of course, of course. And so I know you guys saw my wedding on Vogue and it's like, oh, everything was perfect. It was perfect.

because I was happy, present and chill and so was Matt. It looked amazing. It felt amazing. But like, of course there were fucking problems. So be present and be chill and...

I know it's like a weird thing, but I think you can be really intentional and talk to your partner before this, but you're not going to enjoy it unless you almost act like you are the guest of honor. Like it's, you're not the host. And so everyone can take care of their own fucking shit because roles reverse what I always think about. It's like, no one really gives a shit when they're at someone's wedding. Like, obviously if like,

who gives a fuck if the food sucks? I also thought about that. I was anxious about the food and Matt and I were like, wait, when I don't go to a wedding and ever expect the food to be good or like, I don't, all I care about is alcohol. And like, if I have, whether my partner with me, or if you don't have a partner and you're a single, like finding a good group, like half the time, people don't even expect the bride and the groom to even like interact with them. So I think when Matt and I were like thinking, like working overtime to make sure everyone had time with us,

no one fucking really cared like they're like you guys go have fun like go make out like I think that's also important it's like recognizing how you feel when you go to someone else's wedding like not gonna be a dick but like half the time I'm at a wedding for someone else like I

I don't even notice fucking shit. Maybe now that I've gotten married, I'll like notice more details because now I know the process. But like no one gives a fuck when they're at someone's wedding. Like, oh, like this isn't well organized. Like, OK, like you kind of are just like mindlessly at a wedding when you're at a wedding. You know what I mean? So think in terms of that, your stress, you're probably the only person that cares about it. And that I think was helpful for Matt and I to be like,

Everyone is getting a gorgeous weekend at this gorgeous resort. Like who cares? And even if it's not a resort, even if it's in your backyard, like everyone's coming to chill and drink and hang and schmooze it up and talk and chill. So yeah. Okay. Daddy gang, that is it for this week's episode. I hope you enjoyed. I know I answered only a few questions cause I went on a lot of rants, but I hopefully feel like it was good. I feel like in a lot of the DMS that I'm getting recently, um,

I'm noticing and it feels nice because I'm going through it as well. I'm noticing that I feel like we've really just like grown up together. Obviously, if you're new here, maybe you don't feel that way. Hello. But I know there's a lot of OGs and I feel like we've grown up together from like the toxic days and being in college and

making decisions that are not maybe the best for us, but they feel right in the moment. And I feel like we've gone through a lot together. And I feel like now I'm at this place where a lot of you are writing in questions that feels very

synonymous with what I'm going through in my life and stresses and concerns and excitement over certain things. But I am really happy that we're at this point together. And I also, again, want to remind you, like, you can always write in questions that maybe aren't as in line with where I'm at in my life because I've lived it and I've

done it if you're in college if you're in high school if you're just out of college like that was my bread and butter for a while but now I'm entering this new phase and I think what's also fun is like I feel like in this new phase there's going to be questions that I have for you guys like I know there are so many daddies that are married and have had successful marriages for a while and I would love to know like what has worked in your relationship what hasn't I know a lot of the daddies are

and mothers, which is crazy to even think that that would be in this like his next chapter of my life to think about. So it's an exciting thing to have a show like this where I get to just talk about things and then also don't even think about it for a second. There are going to be some episodes where I regress because I think of a hilarious thing because I see a picture from college and like

I just love you guys and I thank you so much for the support. And yeah, we have a lot of good episodes coming up soon. So get ready. I love you. I'll see you next Wednesday. Goodbye.