cover of episode Anitta: Secrets to Great Sex, Twerking, and Blow Jobs (FBF) (Portuguese Subtitles) [VIDEO]

Anitta: Secrets to Great Sex, Twerking, and Blow Jobs (FBF) (Portuguese Subtitles) [VIDEO]

Publish Date: 2024/3/15
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Hello, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of Call Her Daddy. It is Alex, your father, back at it again. I'm really, really, really excited to flashback to this episode. As you guys know, we're doing a little flashback Friday from the past three years of my episodes on Spotify. Okay, so Daddy Gang. Anita may have been one of my all-time favorites in

Ever. I remember her walking into the studio and the energy was absolutely insane. We had met at an event the prior week and we hit it off. We were talking about all these sexual things together and I was like, wait, why are you literally the best person ever? She is an absolute icon, pop star. She knows how to twerk. She knows how to talk. She talks about all the sex.

everything you need to know. You want to know how to give a good blowjob? Anita. You want to know how to be good in bed? Anita. You want to know how to sing? Anita. You want to know how to twerk? Anita. You want to know how to be a girl's girl? Anita. Like every single thing, this woman just embodies confidence in a way that I really,

I just was enamored with her. So Daddy Gang, get ready. Anita is a sexual, fun, insane episode. And yes, she does teach us how to twerk. So prepare, get ready, sit back, relax. This is a perfect episode to kick off a Friday with a little sexy time with my girl, Anita. What is up, Daddy Gang? It is your founding father, Alex Cooper, with Call Her Daddy.

Anita, welcome to Call Her Daddy. Thank you. Daddy gang, we are in the presence of truly someone that is just doing it all and I'm honored to be sitting with you today. Anita is the most successful Brazilian artist to ever come out of the country. Billboard magazine has called her more influential than Beyonce, Rihanna, and Lady Gaga. What the fuck? No big fucking deal, Anita. Okay.

In Brazil, maybe. I don't know. International. I don't know. You also are nominated for a Grammy this year for Best New Artist. Congratulations. Thank you. It is like your career is incredible and watching you grow has just been so fucking cool. But I know you.

From when we met at the baby to baby gala. Yeah. I need to hear what your favorite moment is from that event because I know we met like briefly, but we were sitting next to each other. I was dying. You are so funny. You're so charismatic. You have such a personality. What do you remember from that event? I think our table was so fun. We had like very fun people with us.

And we had fun just talking about things that people would never talk in a fancy table of auction, you know? Dinner? I don't think. Yes. Anita and I are like, we meet and two seconds later, Anita's like, so like, how does your vagina smell? And I was like, oh, hey girl, what's up? And we're like, let's talk about our buttholes and our vaginas as like a corporate Spotify person is sitting directly to our left. My favorite was also when

Not that like everyone knows the baby to baby gala, but so there's like angels that work at the event. So, oh my God.

Anita is like chilling and like now it's like towards the end of the night like people have left but like people are saying so Anita's like no girl like I got an early morning like I'm gonna dip out and I'm like totally get it I'll be leaving soon so everyone in the crowd is sitting and they're like hey can all the angels stand up to give people context it's about 11 women in a crowd of 300 and they go everyone all the angels stand up Anita just starts standing up she's like bye

everyone I gotta go and it's dead silent room and she was like wait and I'm like Anita it's only the angels worse than that it's worse than that tell us in my mind I thought he was she was telling she was calling all the women angels stand up all the women and I thought all the women was gonna stand up

And you're like, this is the perfect moment for me to like sneak out the back door. Only 11 people of like 300. And Anita literally sits back down. She's like, mother fuck. That was terrible. It was, it was a great moment.

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Let's kind of go back through like your life a little bit to get to know you better. What was life like where you grew up outside of Rio de Janeiro? So people don't think when they see me or they see like my songs and whatever, they don't imagine that I come from like the communities. It could be called the ghetto a little bit. It's

It's like the favelas when you go to Brazil. There's like communities, places that like the houses are really close to each other. It's a really like humble place, simple. I come from a place like that. I was born and raised in a place like that. My mom used to do the best she could to fake the danger and the bad sides of it for me and my brother. So we all see everything with like this beauty and playing in the streets, things like that. Very like...

very like in the hood, you know? And, uh, and, but she always told us that a way for us to leave there, it's not that we don't like there, but we all want to leave because we want a better life. So she always said that the only way to get out would be studying. And we always did the best we could like studying and doing like all we could. And, um, I always loved music. So I started doing music, but also like studying everything. I was my own manager for like

10 years me and my brother we were partners so it was a whole job not only from arts but also like business when and at what age did you realize your love for performing oh no since since I was a little kid I was already like singing and when I was three years old like four or five I was already singing and my family used to ask me like

these questions, like, what are you going to be when you grow up, whatever. And I always used to be like, I'm going to be famous. I'm going to be an artist. I'm going to have a pool in my house. Blah, blah, blah, blah. That was literally me. So you kind of always knew? Always. I would pass by some places that I knew it was like TV places, like studios or whatever. And I used to open the window or go to the bus window and say like,

You guys are going to see me. I'm going to work here. Blah, blah, blah. Nine years old. I was always like this personality kind of crazy. I love that so much though because I think sometimes you have to have that energy in order to get to where you need to get. But I was like, sure. I was...

Sure. It was not that I said like, oh, I want to be... I was sure. I would tell my family where I was going to live, how my house would be, the TV shows I was going to be, the people I was going to meet. I would be like that when I was a kid. I could literally like see and dream about this. And like my family was like, okay, because it was a very humble life. So they would never...

that in my life. Totally. So they would be like, okay. And I was like, you guys don't understand. I'm not saying I want to. I'm going to be there. There's no option. It's happening. Do you guys want to come along for the ride or not? Exactly. Who were some artists that you admired growing up?

Mariah Carey was my first one. She's my first diva. And I had the opportunity to tell her that. And it was crazy. And to be on the phone with her for hours, that was also crazy. For me, she was the number one forever. Yeah.

And then Rihanna. And now I'm sponsored by Fenty. I did their Fenty show. I do like photo shoots for Fenty. It's crazy. Even when you're saying that, like, does it still feel surreal? Like how much success you've had? I think we should always remember because...

Sometimes, and I think the industry does this to us, they push us to think that we need always more, more and more and more. And I think nowadays with the internet, it's kind of impossible for you to reach everything, everyone, every time. You got to be happy also. You got to take time for yourself also. So I think that this speech that I used to have for my life for many years, like, you

You can be more. You can do more. Never stop. Never give up. I was like that. And when I was like that, I couldn't see those things that happened in my life. I would be like, okay, yeah, I met Mariah. Okay, yeah. I loved it, but I couldn't like look and be like, wow. Nowadays, for me, it's like, yeah, we can definitely give up. We can definitely go rest now.

take a nap, go to sleep. We don't need all the money in the world. You know, a person, the money doesn't mean happiness. And the many, as many number ones you get in your life, that's not going to make you happier or not. So for me, it's like every single thing that happened, that happened in my life, I learned how to stop and be like, wow,

Look at what I did. This is so... And then live that moment again. I got to this reflection when... Because last year I got super sick, right? Super sick. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't go upstairs at my house. I couldn't do anything. Literally for three months I was like... And I thought literally that I was going to die. It was a whole thing. And then I was in the hospital for so long. And then I was like, you know what?

I was just working, working, working to reach everything and thinking I still didn't have enough. And now I'm here. And what did I get from life? Like, right. Did I enjoy it? Did I have fun? Did I do nothing? And the thing that I wanted the most was like to travel, to have more free time. But today is too much. For you to be successful, you got to be on Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Spotify. It's so many things.

It's a lot.

I just want to rest. If I get more success, amazing. If no, amazing. It's okay. Your birth name is actually Larissa. Yeah. Do you mind sharing why and when you started going by Anita? So my name, Larissa, is very common in Brazil. Anita is a name that there was just one character from a series called Anita. And I wanted to be...

this girl because she used to say that she was like an 18 year old character in this series she used to say that she didn't like to be just one girl she liked to wake up and decide which girl she wanted to be today i want to be crazy tomorrow i want to be sexy and then i want to be pretty and then i want to be princess and i was like that's so cool because i don't want i don't like to define myself and be like okay i'm this yep i'm so many things i'm

I like to discover every day a new me, you know? And I think people have the necessity of defining. You'll be like, oh, she is that.

And I like to be all. What is the difference between Larissa and Anita? Oh my God, it's huge. It's huge. I started my career 12 years ago. Here in America, I am a Best New Artist. I'm joking. But I am nominated as Best New Artist for the Grammys because it's a new career. I started from the zero. You know, I left everything and I came to start here again. But 12 years ago when I started there,

I created this character because me, Larissa, I'm very shy, to be honest. I'm very insecure. I'm very like, I don't like going out. I don't like socializing. I don't like doing anything, you know? I'm so the opposite of who I am when I'm in this character. And when I created this character, Anita, I wanted a...

a person a persona that would be completely against hypocrisy you know people that are hypocrites that say one thing and do the other you know and uh that's what i wanted to do how many languages can you sing in

I can sing in five languages. It's because I sing in Portuguese, Spanish, English, Italian, and French. But French, just a little bit. I speak just a little bit. And Italian, a little bit. How the fuck did you learn all these languages?

So I'm gonna give a very good example right now of Larissa and Anita, right? Okay. So when I go to interview as Anita, you gotta deliver entertainment, right? Yeah. So people ask me, how did you learn so many languages? I say with boyfriends. Whenever I wanted to have a know a new language, I would date a different guy and like different accents.

But in reality, I had, which is kind of boring, the reality. Larissa, I hired different teachers from different places of the world and I used to leave them in my dress room for whatever commitments I had. So I used to like get two hours of Glam every day. I would be studying during those two hours. The teacher would be telling me and I would be like studying for these two hours. Wow.

I fucking love your honesty of like, let me be so clear. Anita is like, bitch, if I wanted to learn Italian, I'm going to date an Italian man. I'm going to fuck an Italian guy. Oh,

Like actually I was just hiring people and they were just teaching me. Do you ever worry that like now being so honest about like the two characters that people will be like, wait, why? What the fuck? Like this isn't the real you. No, because I think it's so important for me to have this clear and to understand that I use my character differently.

to break rules, to break boundaries, and things that limit us women to do. All women, women that wants to be free in sex, women that wants to be free in work, whatever. I like this character. It brings to us...

self-esteem confident and something to look at even i do when i'm myself larissa nowadays i look at me as a character and i'd be like okay i think i can get that from anita and be a little bit more confident about myself you know it's so much easier for people to watch a movie

And see that character and be like, okay. And understand the actor is another thing. But they don't understand that musicians, singers, they do the same thing. We do the same thing. There's no way we're bringing the on self, the person that we are at home, the person that we are in family, and bring this person on stage. It's not entertainable. It's not...

It's not different enough for people to look and be like, oh, this is special. Who is your favorite person that you've collaborated with on a song? Snoop Dogg. That is. For sure. Because I think him and Cardi B. Because they are so funny. And Snoop Dogg is very like simple, humble. And he's like.

Everything for him is a vibe. It's all about if he likes you, if he likes your energy. If he... He has something kind of... I don't know. He sees someone and he feels the energy and then he decides if he likes or not. I feel. I think so. That's what I think from him. Because I just feel like I can hug him and be there safe forever. I think he's one of the coolest guys. And Cardi B, she just...

funny but good energy like best energy like high level i love that i was reading the list i'm like pharrell missy elliott snoop dogg rita aura cardi b suiti becky g i'm like back is one of my best friends missy elliott was great energy too it was so good so good okay anita

You're also known for your dancing. Okay. Yeah. The Anita challenge went viral on TikTok, which I remember just watching these videos and being like, one, how is this not getting censored on TikTok? I can't even like fucking curse in my TikTok. Meanwhile, people are like doing the challenge and like it's incredible watching it. Can you explain how twerking in Brazil is different than twerking in America? Yeah.

Because it's not even only twerking, it's partying in general. I think here in America, people in the parties, they're more concerned about who they're with, where they're going, what they're wearing. And, you know, it's like the table situation. In Brazil, there's no table situation. You go to the party, there's no table. Everyone is just one place.

Mass together. Find out, you know? And we love dancing. We love dancing. Sometimes we don't even understand whether you're singing. We just want to dance. Sometimes it's just the same lyrics over and over. They just...

saying a different melody just same words always and we love it we just want to dance we just want to listen and dance what is it like being known for like the way that you dance though are you like so proud of yourself it's crazy because in brazil it started this fever of like oh we're gonna do anita moves anita moves okay now we need you to twerk okay okay so this is gonna be iconic i think people will fucking love it is this the wrong surface oh

Oh my god. Okay. Okay. So... Do you want music? We have music. No, it doesn't need to. Okay. So you just go like you're going to do a push-up, right? Okay. And then you just do a circle. Basically, you're doing this with your knees. Okay. And then you focus here in your hips. What? So it's like a push-up. That means a lot of upper body... You're doing this, but in this position. Anita! Yeah.

I feel so creepy I'm literally like holy shit dude that was so good I am like inspired now to go home and like secretly practice it but like not letting anyone know I'm practicing

it but like I will be working on it and next time I see you maybe I'll have a little move to bust out and do you incorporate these into your sex no no it's just a dance when the guy asks me to dance I go like dance first he's never gonna fucking dance so I'm like what the fucking question is that right you're like I'm not I'm not performing like exactly I get silly it's so annoying like dance first you you dance I dance

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are you currently single or in a relationship i'm single completely single and not looking for anything and so happy with myself and i don't have sex in months so many months i don't even remember the last time i had sex to be honest with you are you just masturbating no like i'm so listen i didn't find anyone special enough that i would think like okay this one deserves to come here and

I didn't find it yet. You're spending time alone. But I was crazy before. I used to like fuck even like one person that would cross me on the street. I'll be like, you come here. Stop. I would be like that. How did you get that confidence? Just like go up to people. Because I was living Anita 24-7 of the time. Do you have a type of guy? No. Girl? Breathing and alive. Okay.

I don't know. There's something inside that comes and this something for some reason I can feel it. And then I'm like, so there's no type. I can literally show you three different ex-boyfriends and you'll be like, what's the sense between these people? I love that though. What do you think is like something that you're most attracted to in a person? I think when they're funny, I love when they're funny. You make me laugh. I'm like,

And when they are confident, a little aggressive, but in a good way. I like when they are aggressive in a good way. Not like abusive relations. Have you found yourself in any like abusive relationships? Oh, yeah. Terrible. But I needed just once and then never again. Like in two months after this one guy I had like for a year and something. Wow.

I can look if I'm starting with someone in one month, I can feel it's abusive and I'm like,

Can you try to give like if people are listening, they're like, fuck, like I think I may be in one. Like, do you have any like signs or things to look for? Yeah, because in the beginning they let you feel very comfortable, you know, and then they start to make you feel insecure about yourself without saying they don't say you are insecure.

or not, you know? Yeah. They just make, they point, it's like they point things at other people that they are actually talking about you, but they pretend they're not. And then, oh honey, I'm almost a psychologist. I look and I'm like...

Okay, and then I start bringing shit over for themselves to think. So you mean like they'll point something out in someone in a room? Yeah, for sure. That like relates to you or is like what you don't have? Or just say like, you see that's so bad. Oh my God. Kind of like to guide you how to not be. Are you usually the one breaking up with people or they...

I am. I need that to change though. I think that's why I'm waiting so much. I want things to be different. Got it. What is like a deal breaker for you in a relationship? When I feel suffocated. I don't like that. Or when...

I think when I feel suffocated is the number one thing. Like when the guy doesn't let you breathe and like jealousy for no reason, you know, like too much. Come on. Or needy. Like I miss you. I want to talk to you like 24 seven. Come on. Give me a break. Give me a time to breathe. Right. There's nothing more like unattractive, which I get it. We're all insecure, but being in a relationship with someone that's

So insecure about you in the relationship. It's like such a turn off. You're like, can you just like get into therapy, muster the courage. When the guy tries, he's selfish. He tries to say he's doing things for you, but he's actually doing for him. He doesn't want to be alone. He is needy. He doesn't want to...

stand with himself alone. But he says that, oh no, I'm doing this for you. Come on, you're not. I want to be fucking alone. Yeah. For a little time. Can you give advice to women listening that are like, okay, wait, Anita, you have not been with someone. You're not hooking up with people. Like, how are you so comfortable being alone? So everything started and I hope people don't need that to change lives when I got sick.

That was like when I wasn't bad thinking I was going to die, I started to look over all the things in my life. And I started to see all the things that I didn't want to repeat again. It's not that I don't want to have sex with people anymore. Please, God, I'm down. I'm open. I'm free tonight. I'm just saying that...

I'm rethinking the reason why I used to do things and how I was doing things. And I want to do differently. I don't want to have sex with a guy because I want him to fall in love for me or because I don't want to lose him. I want to have sex because I feel like doing it because I feel like this guy deserves my attention.

this queen going to you know i don't know and before i didn't used to like staying by myself i used to just like need friends every time in my house friends every time i needed people yeah and now i don't need no but i can be alone like this for days you know cook my own food and be like life is beautiful i'm just here chilling and i i feel like

We need to ask ourselves, why are we scared of the silence? What is inside of us that we don't want to listen to?

You know, what we don't like about ourselves that we don't want to face it. I'm not saying I regret the thousands of people I fucked. I'm just saying right now I don't feel like. Maybe next month I feel like fucking thousands of people again. Just now I just feel like. Not right now. Is it worth it?

I remember I went through almost this is I've never said that. I almost went an entire year in my 20s where I did not have sex. And I was like totally happy. I'm so happy. Like it was like just like a reclaiming moment for myself of like I need to just figure my own shit out. And I don't need any penis getting in the vicinity of me while I try to. I kind of want but it needs to be a great penis. It needs to be a penis plus a

A brain plus a tongue plus so many things, you know? It needs to be like a mix. Because it's a lot of work to have sex. For me, it's a lot of work. I like to put a show on. Oh, you do? Can you give us some tips, Anita? Like if the girls are like, what do you mean put a show on? Like give us some tips. Like what's your go-to? Because I like to enjoy myself. I like to feel like I'm like...

and performing. Is it a deal breaker for you if a guy is not good at like eating you out? I teach. I love you. I would teach. I would say, come on, let me say something. Do this, do that. I don't like when they go like this. Like they put the tongue very hard and they go like, and it's like, you go like, ah!

Oh my God, I don't like that. Wait, it's just like a little like slithering and you're like... It's so bad. These days... Oh, by the way, I didn't have sex with guys this whole time. With girls, I did have. So I was teaching this friend of mine how to...

how to eat a pussy these days. And she was like, oh, it's that easy? And I was like, yeah. I came in three minutes. She came in two. Wait, you were practicing on each other? Yeah. And you're just friends? Yeah. There was no, like, sexual connection? Oh, no. I was just teaching her. You just, like, took off your pants, like, here's my vagina. Let me teach you. Uh-huh. Fuck. Okay, like, we need some tips. Without taking off your pants and us doing it. Do you?

Do you have any like one specific thing that you can adjust for the men or women listening that could maybe just like help achieve more orgasm? I will say first of all for girls, for whatever guys, girls to eat girls. Personally, I think it's kind of different for each girl. I don't know. The things I like can be different from the things other girls like. Me personally, when I'm doing that with a girl,

I go nice and slow. I do circles and then I just do up and down and I do side by side, but like slow and wet and not like you're eating a pasta. It's just like you are an ice cream that is cold and you cannot freeze your tongue. If you're going to freeze your tongue, you're going to feel like, ah!

ice cold and yeah I just go nice and slow and then I put a finger on it and I don't put the finger on it like you know I just put it like nice and slow small movements and like just smooth you know and then like I don't go in the crazy side by side I just go in a smooth

Keep going with the flow, you know, and the girl is kind of gonna get guide you and then you can just put the finger in the beginning of the entry of the vagina. You don't need to go all the way down there. And it's not because the woman squirt that she came. There was this time this guy made me squirt like 20 times and I was not coming. I was like, this doesn't mean something is happening.

Men that are obsessed with getting a woman to squirt. Let me look at me in the eyes of this camera. Stop. The next day it hurts. Oh, it hurts so bad. Come on. I think sometimes men forget like, would you want us like jackhammering your dick?

Yeah. No. You like when it's like very wet and like you don't need it to be like, let's fucking go. Imagine we did that also dry. You would have rug burn. Same for us. Okay. Same for us. There is also like with guys, what I do. My.

Let me try to give an example. I always use oil when I can, when the guy is not full of like, some guys are like, oh, you're using the, I love, I love using lubricant. Love it. And some guys think it's because they're not doing a good job. Shut the fuck up. It's just more fleeting. Yes. You use lubricant. I put the lubricant. I'm going to teach you in this bottle. Okay. Okay. Here we go. I put the lubricant and then I go like this. First of all,

I go like this. And then, this is one movement. And then you're going to do something. There's something you can do that they are not going to understand what you're doing. You could tell him to close his eyes. You're going to do this. You're going to hold here in the bottom. And you're going to do this. With the hands like this, you go down and...

Circle, down, circle, down, circle. And then you go up and down, up. And you do this, but up and down, up and down. And you do this. He's going to be like, what is happening? But you should put lubricant on it. But you go like this. Don't do this. It's like go up and down. Don't let it go. Just open up and down. And you do this, open and close, open and close. Because then you're going to switch the pressure on it.

And they're going to be like, what is she doing though? But you got to put lubricant on it. Right. So you're kind of like massaging down past their tip and then around their shaft while you're holding the base. Yeah, like this. Oh, that's magical. And then they get super confused because it feels like a blowjob, but it's not.

And then you, for the blowjob, I like using things that you put in your teeth to fix it. Plastic. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Invisalign. Kind of. Yeah. There's a bunch of brands. Yeah. If you use the one down, just the one down, life changing. Really? Because it feels like you don't have teeth.

I need a... It feels like you don't have teeth. Yeah, you can try. I just added that to my Amazon cart while you were speaking. You can ask them. Wow. They're going to feel like you don't have teeth. And just on the bottom. Because it's going to touch the... Yeah, because it's on the up too. It's going to look weird. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But if you use only on the bottom, they're going to feel like you don't have teeth because you can touch as much as you want with this teeth here because it's not like aggressive. It's like...

smooth as a plastic. This is an educational podcast.

okay we are educating but this is bad they don't like it like the brand of the dentists they they will try to kill me and they're gonna say i'm built bullshit because i try to say that in brazil wow they all they wanted to kill me we i feel like they would love it you're the sales are gonna rock you me no no no that's not the purpose this is health for people for people to take right while you're sucking dick you're also aligning your teeth you're

But people don't want to know about that. They don't do blowjobs. They just were born from sand spirit that came and so everyone is virgin. Today...

I am claiming that this is a great technique and you can be fixing your teeth while sucking dick. Nothing better. I wouldn't say that. I'm not a dentist. I'm just saying if you want to try, you try. If no, it's okay. Totally. If you already have one, pop it in. See how it works. Yeah, dentists hate me because I said that in Brazil. They hate me. Dentists?

They do. Because I said it's good when you use it, but they hate it. They don't like that I said that. They're the virgin dentists. They need to fucking relax.

This episode is brought to you by Starz. Adults of America, listen up. Family fun has its time and place. I get it. There is time when you want to hang out with the kiddos, but this isn't it. Starz has some of the best boundary-breaking entertainment you won't catch anywhere else. The characters are bolder, heat burns hotter, and thrillers are...

Well, thrilling. I am so obsessed with every season of Outlander. Obviously, the second half of the seventh season lands this fall just in time for me to binge before season eight. The final season, it's released next year. And also the Power Universe. I don't know if you guys have ever seen the show Power. I am obsessed. I remember my brother introduced me to it. I was like, okay, I'm hooked. Here we go. Let's binge.

It is time to forget about what you know and switch on to stars. Stars, we're all adults here. Watch and stream now. This episode is brought to you by stars. Adults of America, listen up. Family fun has its time and place. I get it. There is time when you want to hang out with the kiddos, but this isn't it.

Stars has some of the best boundary-breaking entertainment you won't catch anywhere else. The characters are bolder, heat burns hotter, and thrillers are, well, thrilling. I am so obsessed with every season of Outlander. Obviously, the second half of the seventh season lands this fall just in time for me to binge before season eight.

the final season. It's released next year. And also the Power Universe. I don't know if you guys have ever seen the show Power. I am obsessed. I remember my brother introduced me to it. I was like, okay, I'm hooked. Here we go. Let's binge. It is time to forget about what you know and switch on to stars. Stars, we're all adults here. Watch and stream now. Have you ever been cheated on? Once when I was 19, 18. How did you find out?

Oh my God, online. A fan, a fan told me. No. Oh, twice. I was, twice. Once was a fan told me. Second one, I pretended it was a fan because I actually dreamed about it. I dream about a lot of things that actually happened. So there was this one time I went to sleep. This boy, I landed my car to him. He didn't have a car. I landed my car to him. I was already a singer. I was performing somewhere else.

He went to the place and he, when I went to sleep, I literally went to, like in my dream, I went to the club he was. I saw him kissing the girl. He was wearing blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. The girl was wearing ta-da-da-da-da. And it was so clear to me. And I know I have these type of dreams.

So I didn't tell him I dreamed. I said, hi, a fan took a picture and sent me. You were with this girl. You were wearing blah, blah, blah. She was wearing blah, blah, blah. And then he was desperate saying, yeah, I'm sorry. After months, I told him I dreamed it. Have you ever got caught cheating? No, I'm so smart. I am so smart. How do you feel about sex on the first date?

I don't care if I feel like I do. You just be yourself. And if he likes you, amazing. If he doesn't, it's because he's an asshole. Not that he's an asshole. He doesn't match you. And you just want him because of...

you think you need him for something but you don't I love that advice it's like if you're good with yourself who gives a fuck if they you don't care it doesn't matter there was this one time this one guy I went on a date after it did not it ended up not happening anymore I was like he doesn't want me blah blah blah and

And then after two weeks when I was like better with my therapy on point and I was like, what the fuck I was doing with that guy? He has, he makes no sense. He kisses terribly. His kiss. I was like, where the fuck did this guy learn to kiss? It was like, it was a terrible kiss. The sex would be even worse.

Why I was caring so much. It's just our fear of being rejected has nothing to do with the guy. We don't even care about the fucking guy. So true. Has nothing to do with the fucking person. The person sometimes is shitty. Yes. And we are concerned just because we don't want to feel rejected. I also think a good bit of advice is pretend in your head. Imagine if they were obsessed with you and they wouldn't stop hitting you up. Then.

then now assess would you actually like them like if you're coming from a place of like they don't like me i want them to like that's just the chase and we get addicted no and then he texted me and i was like no thank you like you kiss like a frog i was like no today i have my mind so on point no thanks some people you just go with them because your mind is not on point right and then you wake up one day and it's like hallelujah what the fuck what i was doing with that

It's so crazy too when you look back and you're like, I can't believe I was fucking obsessed with that guy. He fucking sucked. Yeah, sometimes you just need to like step away from it. How do you feel about sharing nudes? I don't do that. You don't? No. Is it just because you're nervous because like you're a celebrity? Before, yes. Nowadays, I just think it's nudes.

it's more sexy when you're wearing like panties or something that is almost showing but it doesn't show i think it's more sexy it plays more with the imagination to be honest i love that we're like having a hand on it you know it's more even a picture of a dick it's not beautiful come on getting a picture of a dick let's be honest it's not let's be honest it's not great you're like oh there it is when you see the guy naked like

not hot that's not hot what are you responding if a guy sends you a dick pic i'd be like i sent an emoji or something i don't know i'm like that's not it i don't know i don't feel anything with that what emoji um the eyes you know these two eyes that look like

that's it it kind of doesn't say anything it's just not to leave the guy in red i kind of love it though because then it could make him a little insecure of like wait hello and you're like that's all you get that's all you get do you like sexting sex what sexting like texting sexting no no me all these things for me are just not i like the real thing come on come here let's

Yes. Not the sex sex. I like the little horny talk. Uh-huh. But not the sex like, I'm going to put my dick, put it in your pussy and bang it 20 times. I don't like that. I like the little horny thing, you know? What intimidates you in the bedroom? What intimidates me? A huge, insanely huge dick trying to put it on my ass. That's very intimidating. Okay.

When a dick is like huge. It's so scary. And it's trying to go in your butthole. It's kind of not good. Because you're so scared. This one guy I saw, I was like, okay, I think I'm going to try here. And then his dick was so big. So big. And I was like, listen, I'm scared. And then he said, why? And then he said, this is something I don't think I can handle right now.

At this moment of my life, I cannot handle this, I think. Check back with me in a couple months. And then we just talked and cuddled and it was it. Have you ever had a threesome? Oh, so many times. Do you enjoy them? I do. I think it's cool. I like it. I think it's...

But you have to be very aligned with everyone. And yeah, I have threesomes, four, sixomes. Sixomes? I had a boyfriend that used to like to switch couples and all. Do you like the swapping thing? Yeah. Did you like it? Yeah. He was very comfortable. And the people, he always let me pick...

And it was just fun. It was very cool and respectful and fun. Did you ever get jealous? Oh, no. No. I'm not a jealous person. I'm jealous if I don't feel respected. If I don't feel respected, I'm very... I get...

Not even jealous, I get angry. I think that people that want to potentially do threesomes or foursomes or orgies or whatever, like, I think you need to know yourself before you do that. Of like, if you're a jealous person, don't fucking do it. Yeah, you can't do that, yeah. Know yourself. Sometimes people, I think, do it for their partner.

And it's like, if you know your relationship, don't do it just because you think he or she wants to do it. Yeah, that's a big issue, to be honest. I don't... Yeah, I think you need to be very friends with your partner to make sure. Also, there was this one time...

And threesomes also with guys, but he wouldn't be with a guy, just me. And he was super comfortable with that. He picked it and it was cool. I liked it, to be honest. But he let me feel free with that. Do you like to use toys in the bedroom? I do. The guy got to be confident, though. I know. But I do. Me too. And that's why I did my line of perfume, like...

When I did that, it was more about like I was doing concerts and obviously I'm performing for like two hours and carnivals like four hours performing nonstop, even seven hours I've done. And when you finish, you don't smell good. Let's just have a real talk. A butthole smells like butthole. If you go in the end of the day, you put your finger in a butthole and you smell it.

It smells like butthole. It's a place that is there inside, locked in the dark, warm, hot, doing this the whole day. This is going to sweat. It's like under your arms. There's no way. You're going to sweat. You're going to smell. It's there inside of your whole clothes. So I was like, I don't like, I'm obsessed with smell, right? I was like, I don't like smelling like sweat in my butthole.

And then a friend of mine told me, oh, I'm going to do something for you. And she did this perfume and I used it. And it was like, I was smelling great. Even if I went to the Sahara desert and I did a music video there, it was like 42 degrees Celsius. And it was so hot. I was wearing like a jumpsuit of plastic. I was sweating like crazy and I was still smelling good. I was like, you know what?

I'm going to make this like professional. And then I did it and you just smell amazing. Your pussy and your butthole smell great the whole time. And then I give it to the guys that I'm with and they put in their balls and the dick and the butts too. They smell great. For me, it's such a like a turn on. I love it. After I got this product, something I always done is

was like to forget oh my god by accident my panties at the place so they smell so good and smells insanely good like strawberry or whatever cotton candy and this guy obviously when you leave guys pay attention he will smell the panties he will smell the panties he wants to know

And then he will smell the part that your butthole is on it. And it's not going to smell like butthole. And it's just heaven. They always come back.

Anita, you're giving us everything we need today. Okay. There's so few people that you can just like have an open conversation like this. Talk about your sexuality, your sex life. What do you want people to know about you as an artist and an individual if they're watching today and they're like new fans? Like what would you want to say? I would say definitely what I said here. Like I think I'm an artist that fights against hypocrisy, you know?

that's the artist I like to be. About everything. Not only sex, but I bring up subjects which is like, talk about my plastic surgeries, talk about sex, talk about poop, talk about things that we all do. And for some reason, we live our lives pretending we don't. And I don't understand what's the type of

or I don't know, that make people live in this fake world that just pretend life is this 24-7 glam. Knowing more about you now and knowing how hands-on you are with your craft, like you are running the show. You're your own manager. You do everything. I really respect you and I cannot wait to see what you do next and I can't wait for the new album and all the things. You deserve all of it. So thank you so much for coming on. Thank you.

Thank you. I loved it. I felt really at home. I hope people like it. And I loved meeting you. You have great energy. You do too. Love you.