cover of episode EPIC Flip-Flop! Chris Cuomo Says He’s Vaxx Injured!

EPIC Flip-Flop! Chris Cuomo Says He’s Vaxx Injured!

Publish Date: 2024/5/8
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Hey, come see us do a live show. We're going to be in Denver, Colorado, May 11th, Los Angeles, California, doing a live panel show with a celebrity panel and video. Ashland, Virginia, Athens, Georgia, Rutherford, New Jersey, with Max Blumenthal, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Ontario, California, Ohio,

Irvine, California, Chicago, Illinois, with another celebrity panel, live video show in Chicago, and Grand Rapids, Michigan. Go to for a link for tickets. for a link for tickets. Yeah.

Medium speeds and jumps to medium and hits them head on. It's the Jimmy Dore Show. Hey, we'll see you May 11th in Denver, Colorado. Go to for a link for tickets. Hey, guess what? Chris Cuomo is now making headlines because he got vaccine injured. Uh-oh. In his basement? Think about this. In a world of threats and tyrants and terror, you know what our biggest enemy is in America? Our fellow Americans.

This is before he got vaccine injured. Which ones? This is before. Which Americans? His brother. This is before. Think about this. In a world of threats and tyrants, terror, you know what our biggest enemy is in America? Our fellow Americans. The pandemic is dispositive proof of that. The number of new COVID cases going down. Deaths. Did you know that deaths this year already surpassed 2020s?

352,000. Now we're higher than that. And we have vaccines. How can we be dying more after we have what keeps you from dying? Good question, Chris. We have what can save us, but far too many are still in the anti-vax camp, digesting misinformation, literally making themselves sick. Hmm.

So here we see a narcissist sociopath in his natural habitat, a newsroom. It's just Fredo. Come on. He can't feel anyone else's pain or emphasize with their problems. He is docile, but he is not harmless, Kurt. His words have impact on everybody. So that's what he used to say. Yeah. That's what he used to say. Hey! Hey!


Highlighting the ongoing debate over the efficacy and potential side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine. Did it cause the amount of reactions that the vaccine potentially causes? A range? So, by the way, we follow what the CDC and the FDA say. And Chris Cuomo's nuts because they're super safe and effective, the vaccine. And they will keep you from serious illness. Here's what he has to say now.

Go in the way. Sean Barkovich joins us now. Sean, why do you believe it's the vaccine? And what has happened when you've tried to get clinical analysis of it or answers? So he brought this guy on who we who was highlighted in The New York Times article about being vaccine injured. And now Chris Cuomo is interviewing him. And he's not I guess this guy, he's not your enemy, your neighbor. He's not he's not your enemy anymore, Chris Cuomo.

I guess some Americans were your enemy, but they weren't the ones you thought were. Why do I believe this? It's not a belief. It's a fact. Hmm. Let's let's see. Eve, it's the vaccine. And what has happened when you've tried to get clinical analysis of it or answers?

So let me tell you, let me first thank you for having the courage to bring this out, this topic out. I've waited three years for this moment. So this is really important to me and thousands of other people just like me. Why do I believe this? It's not a belief, it's a fact. And as soon as I was injured within 15, 20 minutes of my first dose,

I had paresthesias, numbness tingling up and down my injected arm that over days spread to my face and my eyes. I went to see a neurologist. He ran some tests. He's like, "Well, this is all new. We don't know much about it, but the hospital is going to mandate it. You should get a second dose." And everything in my medical mind and in my bones was telling me, "No, if you have a reaction after something, don't do it again."

But the pressure was immense and then three weeks rolled around. I got a second dose and after that everything blew up. I went from being a healthy 100% healthy fully functioning nurse to in a complete downward spiral of health. I had a myriad of symptoms.

And in the succeeding years, have you gotten any clarity from doctors that, yeah, we are seeing this or from the drug manufacturer putting out any information about what could happen as a side effect? No, as a as a research nurse practitioner and somebody who worked on vaccine research, I I thought after I was injured, there would be people to help me. I'm like, I'm in New York City. I will have the there will be medical people ready to help me.

There must be interest to find out what happened or what went wrong with me. I reached out to my political representatives. I reached out to the NIH, the CDC, the FDA. I got no answers. No one wanted to touch it. I got token responses back or no response. And so I went on a mission to research myself and help others. What have you found out? And what do you see in your blood work?

So I sent, in the early days when I couldn't get answers here at home in America, I sent my blood over to Germany. And I had help with connecting with German scientists. They were more interested to help me than people here in my own country. It's less political there. And that testing showed I developed several autoantibodies, many of them that some people

theorists or some scientists believe are attributed to this POTS or positional tachycardia that you mentioned where every time I stand my heart zooms. So some of my autoantibodies look similar to people with long COVID and I never had COVID. So that was also my experience that I presented as if I had long COVID when I never had COVID.

So I've since gone on to have it three times, but this was before I ever had COVID. And so when people say they have long COVID, how do you know where you got it from?

Okay, and I've heard other people say, well, the vaccine protects you from long COVID. I just want to point out we all laughed at North Koreans for believing nonsense things. They were told to believe by their government, and they look like real idiots. And now I'm watching this idiot who's here, and I can't even tell. All I want to know is Chris Cuomo after I watch him do that other thing. Is anything going on in his head while he's hearing the story? I like how he goes, well, it's less political in Germany. And why do you think that is, Chris?

Is it because they don't allow big pharma to buy their media like they do in the United States? That most of the pay you got when you were at CNN came directly from Pfizer? Do you think that has anything to do with it? And that was proven through immunological studies of my blood. They could not find any viral antibodies. We don't even really have an official finding on long COVID.

And I know that's weird because I say that I have long COVID, but I only say that I have long COVID because the doctors who are treating me are calling it long COVID. And they say that they're not getting a whole lot of support from the government because even though we are spending a lot of money in the U.S. on a specific effort to research long COVID, they take a long time. And I think that's

there's really no incentive to get out in front of this because it's just bad PR. A caveman invents fire. Look at this caveman thinking of the wheel. Maybe if we all chip, you could go fast. Chris Cuomo feels he is just pawn in great game. Remember Blazing Saddles? Mongo? Chris Pawn feels like he is mere pawn.

I get patted on the back for saying, yeah, Sean's right. There's there are side effects on some of the vaccines or all of the vaccines that we should be talking about and figuring out a treat. And there is long covid and there's lots. Nobody wants to say that because it's all political now.

Right. And we're caught in the crosshairs. And you are one of the guys who made it political, Chris. Do you remember how you did that? Do you remember how you said that your neighbor was your enemy? No, does he maybe not remember? Honest to God, who could sit here and do this? Okay, without some kind of...

Hypnosis, mind control. How is it even possible to talk to this guy and not recall the thing that you said and that injured you and go, you know, I myself was saying this other stuff. Maybe there's a contract. He's not allowed to talk about anything that he said on CNN. Seriously. Is he under some kind of weird contract? I don't know. Let's go back to this. Politics.

We're, you know, I thought all my pro vaccine colleagues would, you know, that championed me on would be there to lift me up and help me. And in fact, they're the ones who turned around, dismissed, denied and tried to censor and bury me. What do they think you're chasing money? What's that? What do they think you're chasing money?

I think that it's just the taboo around, like you said, about vaccines. They're afraid that by showing my face, I'll drive vaccine hesitancy. But what they don't realize and what I have come to realize is that

The censorship and the hiding of it is actually fueling vaccine hesitancy. If the government had just said, hey, these are novel vaccines. We don't you know, there will be reactions. Let's just have a program in place to deal with them. Right. Set up a fund to obligate the manufacturers to provide help or research. I think people the citizens would have appreciated that. Hey, thank you for watching. You're welcome, buddy. Let's remember what he used to say.

The people who are not getting vaccines, who are believing the lies on the Internet instead of science, it's time to start shaming them. What else? Or leave them behind. He wants to leave them behind, not because he blames you for America's woes. He dislikes you're behind. He's a booty man. Yeah, it's a fine line between leaving someone behind and getting behind them. Because they are keeping the majority of Americans behind. The people who are not getting vaccines. Look at Chris paying attention to this idiot blathering.

I don't know. I'm sure a lot of people are not going to agree with this, but don't get the vaccine. You can't go to the supermarket. Don't have the vaccine. You don't should. Can't go to the ballgame. Don't have the vaccine. Can't go to work. You don't have the vaccine. Can't come here. No shirt, no shoes, no service. That's where I think we should be right now. Oh, that's perfect. Because we continue to waste our breath on people who are just...

Not going to change. They're, you know, circular logic. They just keep going back and saying. Talk about. Oh, my dear God. Talk about circular logic. That should be a show he has. You have to get a vaccine to protect me.

So if the vaccine protects you from giving it for someone who want to protect you from getting it, why wouldn't you just go get your vaccine? And why would you care what someone else did? This whole idea that someone else has to go get an experimental medical treatment to protect me. Talk about your circular logic. If you believe the vaccine worked, why would you need someone else to

to go get a medical treatment for you. Because it slows the spread. But you still have your vaccine. Okay, but the way it works... If I get a polio vaccine, I'm vaccinated. No, I got... My sister didn't get it, and I got polio because she didn't get it.

And stop holding his back. Here's what you're, the main thing he's saying. All the other stuff he's saying is stupid trash. No shirt, no shoes on service. I'm sick of these low class white Mago whatever's. And I can just see him now with their hillbilly jug with three X's blowing into it. Hearing rumors from Marjorie Taylor green. And we should just forget about these people. We,

We should leave them behind. I know I'm saying that they got to do this, but they're not going to change. They're almost like Hamas's. We should clear them out like Hamas's. I like what a non-medical expert shames other non-medical experts for having an opinion on something they're being forced to take. You get to have an opinion on it. Your opinion is it's fantastic. Your opinion was handed to you by big pharma and the government. If they had stelter on right now, they'd have a full clip of Stooges.

You have the exact three stooges. You could have Mo here. And I wouldn't shame somebody for having that opinion, but if you try to shame blame anyone else for having a different opinion, I say fuck you and the wet market bat you wrote in on.

I imagine a lot of Don's extracurricular time you could term as a big bowl of bat soup. Yeah. Well, it's my freedom. It's whatever. I'm free. My freedom. Well, your kid's not free to give other kids meningitis in schools. You got to take a vaccine to do that. You got to take vaccines in order to be employed. So what is the big deal? And all these people. I don't know. Maybe those other vaccines have 10 years of study before they're released to the general public.

This one didn't have phase two, didn't have phase three, didn't have the 10 years. It wasn't a secret. They said up front, we're going to rush this one. Yeah. It's called an emergency use. It was called warp speed.

They got you a new vaccine at warp speed. Hey, I don't want to sound conspiratorial, but it sounds like if you didn't take the time you would normally take, it might be a chance it's not that good. It's a chance. Am I talking crazy? Get Don Lemon on the phone. I want to know if I'm being crazy. He's acting like because they, and by the way, he doesn't tell you, yeah, they changed the definition of what a vaccine is. Literally changed it. He doesn't know. He doesn't know that.

He doesn't know shit. I know all the experts. I'm Don Lemon. So this is what Don Lemon is doing. This is called a received opinion. Someone else told him what to think, and he thought it without knowing anything about anything. And look at Chris Cuomo. Poor, sweet Chris Cuomo. His brain is like an innocent young Justin Bieber. And here comes Don Lemon, like Diddy, to bend that brain over and fuck nonsense into it.

Saying, I don't want to put this stuff in my body. They're out drinking on the weekend and putting other substances in their bodies. That's way worse for them than a vaccine. So come on, let's be real.

Come on, Chris. How do you know you're not gay? How do you know if you didn't try it? Ease up, Don Lemon. You're going to make Noam Chomsky have an orgasm over here. Oh, don't do that. No, he can't survive that level of physical exertion. No, Noam Chomsky, I believe, cannot survive. How is there not a class action lawsuit against that guy? Who? Don Lemon.

Oh, because we have robust free speech problems. We're trying to get around. We're working on getting around them, Jimmy. But until we do. Well, they're so busy trying to censor the rest of us. People are going to have. It's amazing. Do people not get how royalty works? Yeah.

So here's another, someone put this together, I don't know who, this is kind of fun to watch. Let's watch this. Someone juxtaposes old Chris Cuomo with new Chris Cuomo. I think we have to stop coddling people when it comes to this and the vaccine saying, oh, you can't shame them. You can't call them stupid. You can't call them silly. Yes, they are. The people who are not getting vaccine, who are believing the lies on the internet instead of science,

It's time to start shaming. We can't have dodgy lily mouth people like that. You have to be more direct as a more concerted effort to say, get vaccinated. You're going to kill other people. You can't come into this office or this place of business. It's nothing to do with freedom. There's nothing new with Liberty, but some rules in place that will demand that people get vaccinated. You cannot be that selfish and quite frankly, that ignorant. It's my freedom and I don't want to get vaccinated. I want to do that. Don't go to the hospital. Then people who don't want to get vaccinated,

are conservative Republican whites. Saying, do people really know what's in stuff that they inject in their bodies all the time? Stop it. We have to start doing things for the greater good of society and not for idiots who think that they can do their own research. We're going to look at the greater good of everyone in our society and you're not part of that. Don Lemon has been fired by CNN.

The better said patience runs out TV host rips it. Oh, really? Would you see what it said on the previous one? I didn't see that. No. Okay. He's on CNN. He's a CNN anchor. The big, what do they call it? Runner on the thing as if it's crawl, the crawl, the crawl patients runs out. TV host says he's sick of it. He's on your channel. Why are you reporting it? Like it's as big. That's insane. And then it's Don Lemon.

So again, the vaccine's safe and effective. FDA, CDCs say the side effects are rare. They're very rare. I am stunned. Don't worry about it. I am stunned. By the way, I do... Oh, shaming people. That concept of shaming people, number one, you can't shame me if I'm not ashamed, and number two, the idea you or anyone else would be in the position to tell me how the fuck I feel about shit...

They snuck that one in a few years ago too. That was a little, Oh, stop shaming me. My life depends on what you think. Aren't we all going to be this way now? So now we got a nice scaffolding in place of bullshit for when a vaccine comes in and Don had those lessons. So now when the vaccine comes, the next level of let's see how well you're programmed. Don's or it's been white people who know, think by the way, smarter than me, black people who didn't get the vaccine. That's right.

I, again, I can't say this enough. Godfrey, I haven't seen Godfrey yet. I'm going to apologize to him. Every black guy told me a conspiracy thing that I dismissed that I can remember. I personally apologize to.

They were laughing. He's like, I don't care. I knew a lot of Asians who didn't get the vaccine. A lot of smarter than me Asians that didn't get the vaccine. So, Todd Lemon, just again, he's allowed to be a racist because that's what that was. I don't like white conservatives and I get to hate white people. Identity. And that's what that is. When they brought Trotted Out Identity, remember they brought it out? That...

Just the very idea that you would think that's a big, we need representation in the propaganda films from our shitbag country makes to program us. I want someone who looks like me to be MKUltra'd for once. And so they put all that shit, they've laid the groundwork for this. And this is a big, big test. How far are we along in everybody being a cow? The people who, in New York City, we covered that story. The unvaccinated were young black people.

Yeah. They were suspicious. Right. Except for Don Lemon. But Don Lemon is never going to say that. He's just going to go, oh, it's a chance for me to be, I get a free pass for being racist. Well, here's the sad thing. And he was. That's what that is. That's amazing. Why do people like identity? It's amazing. Why do they like identity politics? Because it means I can be racist. That means they can be racist. What I think fair means is someone who,

resemble you as racist, and it makes me mad, so the only fair thing is I can take it out on you now. And that's what balance is about. Creating a cycle of vengeance. Too male, too pale, too stale. Remember that? Yeah, except for your president, Joe Biden, who's not even alive. That's right. You're still going to vote for the guy who's a literal white zombie, but you're going to blather that nonsense. Oh, and all the late night talk shows...

There could be pale male. The whole format's pale male and stale. The whole thing sucks. We're still, they're all white. Ain't no diversity. They're like Israel. Diversity is not their strength. Diversity is not their strength in Israel. Hey, you know, here's another great way you can help support the show is you become a premium member. We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week.

And it's a great way to help support the show. You can do it by going to, clicking on Join Premium. It's the most affordable premium program in the business. And it's a great way to help put your thumb back in the eye of the bastards. Thanks for everybody who was already a premium member. And if you haven't, you're missing out. We give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support.

Hey, we'll see you May 11th in Denver, Colorado. Go to for a link for tickets. So I just want to remind people, in 1976, the swine flu vaccine, one serious event per 100,000 vaccines, they withdrew the vaccine. I'm old enough to remember that. In 1999, there was a rotavirus vaccine. One in two serious events per 10,000 vaccines, vaccine withdrawn.

2022 COVID-19 vaccine, one serious event per 800 vaccines. Vaccines still officially promoted. Just keep that in mind. So it's a feature, not a bug, is what you're telling me? When I show you the headline from the New York Times, thousands believe COVID vaccines harm them. Is anyone listening? No. Shut up. So it's gotten so bad, Kurt.

What? That the New York Times has to now start acknowledging it. I was fine. I took it. I'm fine. What do I care about you? This is how much trouble they're actually incurring. The New York Times is forced to admit that there are vaccine injuries now. And I am so cynical at this point, but I wouldn't be surprised if Israel told them that it's okay to let stories like this out now just to take the heat off of Israel. It's crazy that you said, because I was going to say...

Is there problems? Because didn't Bibi experiment on all his entire country in exchange for free vaccine to give them back the data? So shouldn't we have known that from our best friends after they were medically experimented on? What are you wearing, a tinfoil yarmulke?

I want to make one and wear it. This is big, that the New York Times. There's a lot of garbage in this article, so I'm just going to give you the interesting parts. There's a lot of establishment garbage in there that tells you don't believe what you see or hear. Don't, you know...

Dr. Janet Woodcock, by the way, she was a longtime leader of the Food and Drug Administration who retired in February, said she believed that some recipients, recipients of the vax, had experienced uncommon but serious and life-changing reactions beyond those described by federal agencies. That's impossible.

Former Food and Drug Administration leader, Dr. Janet Woodcock, who surprisingly had nothing to do with Viagra.

But her family did, probably. The Woodcocks. She's probably from the Woodcock Viagra fortune. She has come forward to acknowledge life-changing reactions that are very serious involving that medical procedure. It sounds like she's getting into UFOs or something. Wow. You've actually seen this? Beyond those described by federal agencies, and they put it in the New York Times. So do you see how the tide is turning?

I like that this is like big news that something happened beyond what federal agencies told us. What? So it's only four years behind the Jimmy Dore show. Yeah, but you're like right for the wrong reasons. She says, I feel bad for those people, says Dr. That's worth something. She who became the FDA's acting commissioner in January 2021, just as the vaccines were rolling out.

Yeah. Look at that. I believe their suffering should be acknowledged that they have real problems and they should be taken seriously. Yeah, only three and a half freaking years later. Well, she means that's how she comes. Oh, God, they died.

Oh, this is just a marker point for you. You can tell how much trouble the FDA is in now. Now they are gaslighting the way they used to. They're just throwing sacrificial and disposable former employees under the bus as damage control because that's what that is. I am disappointed in myself. For what? Because you're filled with safe, effective vaccine? Boy, it takes a lot to disappoint people.

some for someone to disappoint someone who who greenlit a medicine that gives you anal leakage it takes a lot also zemper or whatever the fuck is it or limp what is it called i don't know what was the one oh yeah well estra oh she greenlit a less no i'm just making a joke kurt i don't know if she did oh well i took his misinformation it is she said i did a lot of things i feel very good about yeah

Like what? Name one. What is she talking about? She goes, but this is one of the few things I feel I just didn't bring it home. She's talking about acknowledging vaccine injuries. Oh, that's big of her. Oh, you just didn't bring it home. She just didn't bring it home. Oh, don't worry. A lot of people did, though, bring it home. You mean you didn't get the vaccine? It didn't happen to you?

She goes on to say, I mean, you're not going to find brain fog in the medical records or claims data. And so then you're not going to find a signal that it may be linked to the vaccination, Dr. Woodcock said. Well, you would if you, I don't know, I guess looked. You might, you might, maybe if you used your fancy doctor brain as the head of a major agency. So she sees how this is going to go down in history.

That's what this is. This is like the chick that with the rack and the yellow cake uranium from the New York Times. What's her head? Is it Judith? Oh, Judith Miller. Yeah, it's like a Judith Miller thing. Oh, Judith, you said there was a connection.

So it's amazing how many absolute abject pompous morons there are in the medical field who can't even figure this part out and to get on the right side of history. At least she knows that. I mean, in the medical industry, they're more dummies than at a ventriloquist convention. I thought she's faking this until we watched that other clip of the guy from the Council of Economics trying to explain. And I'm like, wait, do they not know anything? How do me and the economics guy know the same amount about economics? That's amazing.

So this is all from the New York Times.

Patients who believe they experience serious side effects say they have received little support or acknowledgement. Well, I would say downright hostility and attacks and attempts to make you lose your job. People hate me in Hollywood now. I would say 85% of my old friends in Hollywood and comedy hate me. In fairness, it's probably for other stuff. Because I told people... Was that? In fairness, it's probably for just other stuff.

Sean Barkovich, a 54-year-old nurse practitioner in New York City, has worked on clinical trials for HIV and COVID. And he said that he, ever since his first COVID shot, merely standing up sent his heart racing. A symptom suggestive of postural orthostatic tylocardia syndrome, a neurological disorder that some studies, some studies have linked to both COVID and COVID.

Much less often the vaccination. That's a New York Times talk. Okay, so some studies. So you're already hedging the language into nonsense. And have linked. I don't care how much your bullshit thing linked a thing. I want to know how much was caused by that. Yeah. And the serious examination of those numbers. Not just another expert. Some experts link something to do. Okay.

So just imagine what if they have to admit all this, imagine what it's with the real. He also experienced stinging pain in his eyes, mouth and genitals, which has which has abated and tinnitus, which has not. Some people say tinnitus. I say tinnitus. My tinnitus is going away, but my cock stopped hurting. But my tinnitus is acting up.

What's that? I can't hear you. You did this. I can't get the government to help me, he said of this fruitless pleas to federal agencies and elected representatives. I'm told I'm not real. I'm told I'm rare. I'm told I'm a coincidence. You know, my band was called Fruitless Pleas in high school, and that was one of our song lyrics. I'm told I'm not real. I'm told I'm not real.

Renee France, 49, a physical therapist in Seattle. She developed Bell's palsy, a form of facial paralysis, usually temporary, and a dramatic rash that neatly bisected her face. Oh, like Bieber. Bell's palsy is a known side effect of other vaccines, and it has been linked to COVID vaccination in some studies.

But Dr. France said doctors were dismissive of any connection to the COVID vaccines. I know. What? When I went in with my nerve damage in my neck, let's call it a syphilis neuralgia, I had to wait two months to see a neurologist. And I go in and I go, yeah, I got this from the back. He goes, that's not from the vaccine. Just like that. He just sat on hand.

Everything I've ever had where I had to go to multiple doctors to figure out what it was, it never took less than two or three doctors before. And the doctor goes, I know what that is. And wasn't smugly like, I don't know. That's why you have to go to various doctors. And that's why they call them second opinions. That's right. That's called doing your own research too, by the way. You're not supposed to do that. The rash about a bout of shingles debilitated her for three weeks.

Oh my God. And she reported it to a federal database twice.

I thought for sure someone would reach out, but no one ever did. But now I'm signed up to donate my organs. Similar sentiments were echoed in interviews conducted over more than a year with 30 people who said they had been harmed by COVID shots. They described a variety of symptoms following vaccination, some neurological, some autoimmune, some cardiovascular. Hey, is she going to break this to Stephen Colbert, this lady? Because he's going to be hurt by this.

This guy really believed. I mean, she dropped the ball. Apologize to Stephen Colbert because that guy gave it his all. All said, they had been turned away by physicians, told their symptoms were psychosomatic, or labeled anti-vaccine by family members.

and friends despite the fact that they supported vaccines so half my face as in your words is bisected with what shingles i go hey i just got the shot and now as you can see i'm paralyzed on one side of my face and covered in shingles like what are you an anti my family go what are you an anti-vaxxer or no i'm just saying that migraine you have it's all in your head

Oh my God, look at you making shit up. Are you a doctor? No, I'm just saying it's just weird. Do you think it's possible? Come on, that was a good joke. Your migraine's all in your head? Come on, that's a good joke. Oh, I just realized it. I mean, I've heard it before. Not only do you not laugh at it, then you fucking shit on it? No, I'm not shitting on it. Heard it. I have. Well, keep it to yourself.

But I was even out on not acknowledging it. Even leading experts in vaccine science have run up against disbelief and leading experts. Yeah, I noticed that we had to come some on the show. Didn't we? Yes, we did. They weren't leading no more, were they? Dr. Gregory Poland, 68, editor in chief of the journal vaccine. He said this is true.

What are you, the editor of Vaccine Journal? Yes. Oh. He said that a loud whooshing sound in his ears had accompanied every moment since his first shot, but that his entreaties to colleagues at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to explore the phenomenon tinnitus had led nowhere.

Simple explanation for this, Kurt. That loud wishing noise in your ear is the sound of all the good faith people had in the medical industry going right down the toilet. I hope for him, too. I hope his faith as editor of the journal Vaccine, I hope his faith has been shattered at least. Shouldn't it be at that point?

It's you would think he received a polite response to as many emails, but I just don't get any sense of movement. If they had if they have done studies, those studies should be published. Dr. Poland added in despair that he might never hear silence again. He has sought solace in meditation and his religious faith. Oh, my dear God.

Is everyone kidding? So it's like half of them are completely corrupt. The other half are too Pollyanna to go, hey, I think some fishy is going on. It couldn't be the whole thing's a scam, right? No. No, it's not. Shut up. It's not. Dad's sleeping. He's drunk. I have to say again that this vaccine is safe and effective, and these are rare.

Dr. Buddy Creech, 50, who led several COVID vaccine trials at Vanderbilt University, he said his tinnitus and racing heart lasted about a week after the shot. And I say each after. Oh, after each shot. How many did you get, buddy?

Well, I say that's what he gets for being in medicine and not going into the blues where his name belongs. That's very fair. Buddy Creech. Buddy Creech. Federal Health Department.

officials say they do not believe that the COVID vaccine caused the illness described by patients like Mr. Berkovich or Dr. Zimmerman and Dr. France. Oh, well, it's a matter of faith, I suppose. Well,

Federal health officials. So is that like a doctor? What does that fucking mean? Liar asked if liar is a liar. Liar emphatically stated, no, I'm not a liar. That's what that is. Well, we don't believe it. Will there be studies? No, we don't believe. Why do I do it? It's like Biden taking a brain test. Why do I do that for?

Come on, man. We asked the federal liars at the Federal Liar Agency if they are liars. They said no. Boy, they really still overestimate when you put federal in front of a thing. Now, in terms of striking fear in your heart with a great level of conviction rate, sure. With trusting you on any level, how do you still think anybody trusts you? Well, you said we haven't got that story yet, the January 6th. Hang on, hang on.

The vaccines may cause transient reactions such as swelling, fatigue and fever, according to the CDC. But the agency has documented only four serious but rare side effects. Oh, trans reactions. That's good. So there is good news. It's good news.

At least they're inclusive. Yeah. They're having trans reactions. Swelling. That's my breasts coming in. Two are associated with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which is no longer available in the United States. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

I like how the vaccine, they deny that. No problems with our shots. There's no problem. Oh, yeah, that one we got rid of. Hey, I'm a doctor in charge of Flu Shot Magazine, and I got sick from my flu shot. I don't believe you. The vaccine manufacturers, Kurt, they deny that their product has any negative side effects. And, you know, just the same people who said Oxycontin is not addictive.

Yeah. Yeah. Those same people said heroin was a non-addictive alternative to morphine. That's right. That's why we have heroin. That's why we have heroin. Heroin was a non-addictive substitute. And then I shit you not, Kurt, that

They said heroin was the cure for morphine addiction. And then when they figured out heroin was addictive, you know what they said with the cure for that was? Oxy. Cocaine. Oh, cocaine. That's right. Well, yeah. I mean, you'll try anything when you have an M withdrawals. Maybe. And I learned that because I went and saw cocaine, Freud on cocaine written by Howie score, a friend of the show. Hilarious play. Yeah. Oxycontin is an addictive curd. It's just for those rare occasions when someone wants the world to go away.

I called it buzz affirming care. The CDC also linked mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna to heart inflammation or myocarditis, especially in boys and young men. And the agency warns of anaphylaxis or severe allergic reaction,

Which can occur after any vaccination. But what about climate change? How does that figure in here? Hey, when did the CDC says this? Yeah. When did the CDC become anti-Semitic? After they tested, they let those tests run on all those Jews in Israel. Everybody knows it's perfectly natural for young men and women to suddenly have heart attacks for no reason. It's part of why we sign up to be an American. That's why you got to stop using gas-powered leaf blowers because you're giving these kids heart attacks with your carbon emissions.

So anyway, I'm not saying anything. I think the vaccine is safe and effective and everybody should be up. If you're keeping count, you should be on your ninth booster. And it's fantastic for you. And the CDC, the FDA still recommends it for babies and everybody. So it's fantastic. I don't even want to know this much that you said. I don't like the research. I can't believe New York Times. This is considered maybe doing my own research, which I shouldn't be doing. Just reading this article, I feel like I'm doing a bit of research. I think this is worse than doing your own research. This is like...

like how you shouldn't do psychedelics because it's a form of witchcraft. Yeah. I feel like I just participate in witchcraft. That's how I feel too. You got to stay away from that stuff. I hope I don't make anyone vaccine hesitant by reading this New York Times article.

Or you might have. I hope not because the vaccines are safe and effective and they certainly don't stop transmission or contraction of the virus, but they do slow it somehow. Ask Justin Bieber. Ask Justin Bieber. Kid's been through a lot. Over to Steph. Jimmy, how does your heart feel? Does your heart swell? My heart, come to me. That's Jimmy. Kurt, how does your heart feel? Like I understand the true meaning of Christmas. My heart swells with pride.

Every time I get a vaccine. I want to thank my dad, Joe Biden. And my mom. And Mamala. And Mamala. I want to thank my dad. Hey, by the way, don't run the economy like a household, but Joe Biden's your dad.

Hey, we'll see you May 11th in Denver, Colorado. Go to for a link for tickets. We have a special guest I want to get to right away. Professor Richard Wolff is with us. He's the host of the YouTube Economic Update Show, Democracy at Work. He's the author of many books.

including the most recent book, The System is the Sickness, When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself. That book has a very handsome blurb in it from yours truly. Please welcome back to the show, Professor Richard Wolff. Glad to be here, Jimmy. So I wanted you to, so you consider yourself a Marxist economist. And so I wanted to show you stuff. I keep seeing stuff like this.

And I wanted you to explain what are people. So there's a bit. Here's a tweet. It said, we're in big trouble if these Marxist psychopaths don't go to prison. There's Justin Trudeau, Bill Gates, and then Barack Obama. And then here's one more I'll show you. Make no mistake. These Hamas encampments are Marxist at their core. The same cast of characters as the BLM riots in 2020, except now they were

How do you say that? Instead of N95 masks. Both have the same goal, though, to abolish Western liberties, values, and capitalism. Now, I always thought that Marxism was just about workers owning the, it was a critique of capitalism, and it was about workers owning the means of production. What do you think people think it means when you see them tweet out a picture of those three guys and say that Marxist is Hamas? What are they getting wrong?

What they're getting wrong, which I kind of understand, is the fruit of the last 75 years of American history. After World War II, and let's remember during World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union were allies in the war against Germany, Italy, and Japan. You know, it was difficult in the immediate aftermath of that.

Everybody had to change uniform. The ally became the enemy and the enemy became the ally. It was very confusing. And in the course of the last 75 years, the bad guys, the Soviet Union, socialists, Marxists, communists, all those kinds of words, became the sum total of horrible, evil, and bad.

It's kind of embarrassing. In most other countries, Marxism is an understood point of view. There are magazines and parties and unions and all kinds of people with the label, until the population learns what it means.

but not here in the United States. I'll give you an example. I'm the product of elite education in this country. I went to Harvard, Stanford, and Yale. Those are the only schools I went to. Nobody taught us about Marxism at all. The occasional comments were dismissive. This is silly. Nobody learned what it was, and so it became one of those words you could attach to anything that was bad.

So you don't like something, you call it devilish, you call it evil, you call it awful, and then you add a few new words. Marxist, socialist, communist. Since most Americans didn't know mostly what that was all about, nobody had a big rule saying, well, that's a silly thing. And then you get the kind of picture you just showed. Justin Trudeau is a politician as far from Marxist as you can get.

Bill Gates? I'd be surprised if he can spell Marxist. And Barack Obama? Come on. No one should in a serious way do this. It's only in a peculiar part of the country where people really still get off of

throwing that label around. It's embarrassing because it shows that you don't know what that tradition is all about, and you're just using it in a way that shows that you're kind of ignorant about it. I don't want to call folks names, but this is not serious.

Marxism is a serious set of ideas. You don't have to agree with it. I find some of it interesting, others I don't. But I'm not going to run away from having learned about it because that just shows I'm ignorant or scared or both.

So how would you, in the briefest way possible, what would you define what a Marxist actually is? Because those three guys, so those two guys are just puppets of capitalists and the other guy is a monopolist, capitalist, authoritarian. So what would you say is Marxism authoritarianism?

No, Jimmy, I would start off with your definition. It's fine. It's a critique of capitalism. Let's go back to Karl Marx. By the way, his birthday was May 5th, so we're pretty close. Let's go back to Marx and say what he said. He said, look, Adam Smith, David Ricardo, the great economists of the world...

have been people who love capitalism and that's fine and they make a certain sense out of it which is a sense of somebody who loves what they're thinking about and what they're trying to understand and he said the only difference between them and me is i'm a critic

I think the human race can do better than capitalism, so I approach it from a critical perspective. And that's what Marxism has mostly been. That's certainly what I've learned from it. That's why I found it interesting. I needed to balance

the cheerleading for capitalism, which is what passes in our universities as science, I needed to balance that with a critical approach. And that's what Karl Marx and the Marxists do. They give you a critical approach. And you know something? If you're a normally intelligent person, you kind of listen to the people who like it. Listen to them by all means.

then listen to the people who criticize it and then make your own judgment that'd be kind of a reasonable way to go but if you're living in a country that's afraid of its own people well then you only give them a steady diet of the celebration and you demonize the critics I hope we're outgrowing that in this country because certainly that's long overdue so people are so I when I see people equate a

authoritarianism with Marxism I think they get it confused and because I was communism turned into again in its pure form is not that but it played out that way in Russia that it became authoritarianism certainly it is in China but Marxism isn't that Marxism is not anti-capitalism either in a sense right but Marxism is for the buying and selling of things

No, Marxism is anti-capitalism, but Marxism is not authoritarianism. You're right that people have taken it and used it in that direction. But come on, if you look at the history of Christianity, I'll pick an example, you can see lots of people who took

one form or another of Christianity and used it in an authoritarian way in their church, in their community, in the country, in the whole world. And we've had lots of history that shows us all of that. And if you're going to say Marxists have also experienced the use of their ways of thinking and their ideas to support authoritarianism of one kind or another, yeah, absolutely. And that has been an argument and a debate

of fight inside of Marxism. You don't need to go to the enemies of Marxism to find a critique of authoritarian. Within Marxism, that argument has been made over and over again, and anyone with a passing knowledge of that tradition would know that there have been authoritarian tendencies

and anti-authoritarian tendencies, just like those have existed in Christianity, Islam, or any other major global way of thinking. So Marxism is for, you say it's anti-capitalism, but it's for the buying and selling, it's for manufacturing things and selling them, right? Right.

Let me explain. It's mostly about how you organize production. It's not so much about how you organize distribution. Buying and selling is how we move things from where they were produced to where they're going to be consumed. That's what we have a market to do, right? A market, people come who have something to sell because it's been produced.

and they exchange it for money with the buyer, etc. Marxism is not that interested in that. Marx was critical of starting your understanding of economics by looking at exchange or markets. He wanted to get people to look elsewhere. Where? To production. And here comes the punchline.

The way capitalism organizes production is with a small group of people at the top whom we call employers and a vast army of people underneath them that we call employees. And Marx said that's not the only or the necessary way to organize production.

I think I have a better way. And that was his critique. We can do better than capitalism. And what was his idea? That you make the workplace a community, a democratic community. One person, one vote. Together, we produce democracy.

dividing the labor up amongst ourselves, acknowledging that some people have more skills in this area or aptitude in that one. But we do it as a community, not as a group of people at the top who, by the way, are authoritarian inside the enterprise. And he was against that. He wanted a democratic arrangement of the kind we can find here in the United States throughout our history under the name worker co-op.

It's just another way of thinking. That's what Marx's basic idea was. And it was an idea that said, look, in the old days of slavery, we had masters and slaves, and the human race got beyond that. And in the days of feudalism, after slavery, we had lords and serfs, and we got beyond that.

Nowadays in capitalism, we have something that ought to scare us. Once again, a small group of people at the top. They're not masters, they're not lords, but they're employers, and they preside over a vast...

group of people who have many fewer rights and privileges and end up coming up on the short end of the stick, those we call employees. We can do better than any. And just as we fought our way out of slavery and feudalism, it will come sooner or later that the employees will get up and say, we've had enough of this.

We're going to run our own enterprises in a democratic, one-person, one-vote way. We don't need to have new masters, new lords called employers. We can do better than that. That's Marx's idea. That's his basic push. So I have been...

I have been to worker co-ops. One that springs to mind, I was in Boise, Idaho. I went to a grocery store. It was a worker's co-op. It looked like capitalism to me. It looked like all the stuff that is made by General Mills and Kellogg's and all kind of stuff was there. And then I took the money I have and I took it to a cash register and they sold it to me. So...

Absolutely. That part is the same. But here's the different part. When they sat down after the door was closed at six o'clock on a weekday, when they sat down, they had their meeting. Guess what? All the workers together democratically decided, among other things, who gets paid how much money.

And guess what? They never gave three or four people an enormous amount of money so they could have a yacht and a mansion and everybody else is wondering how to pay for their kid's college or how to put food on the table. They wouldn't do that because in a community of people, everybody with one vote, that's not what happens.

That's where the difference comes. They run the business in a radically different way. But in the end, they want to give you your stalk of celery and get your money because they have to manage the business. But how they do it, what kind of community you have, how they relate to one another, that's what's different and that's what's better than capitalism, at least from Marx's point of view.

And so how does, so I think a lot of people, like, so like me, this is a small business I started, right? Right. And so I needed an editor. I needed an assistant. I needed, so what if they got together and they decided they wanted to fire me? Now, is that what Marxism means? That they could get together and take over the company and get rid of me?

No, but it does mean that you would have to give them a roughly equal position in your business at some point.

It doesn't have to be right away. Worker co-ops have developed a whole rich range of options. For example, if you start the business, that will give you, the worker co-op can decide, a certain importance, a certain power, a certain share of the output. All kinds of things have been arranged like that. You can have a trial period to see whether new people coming in understand and accept

what it means to be part of a democratic community. Look, when we first got beyond kings and queens and we democratized politics and we said we're giving everybody the vote, the first thing you heard was, well, some people are smart and they pay attention to what's going on. They're going to have the vote. And then all the stupid people who don't give a crap, they're not going to have a vote. And this can never work. Yeah,

Eh, guess what? It worked. There are a lot of arguments about this. I'm a professor of economics, and all my life studying this stuff, I haven't the slightest doubt that working people are just as smart as those folks at the top. They can figure out, give a job to a person

who loves that kind of work, who's good at it, who spent some time learning it. If you want more people doing that kind of thing and they have to have an education, offer them some more money. All of that can be done and worker co-ops do all of that. But what they have is a basic commitment. We don't allow the division of a core, a small core, that board of directors,

those 10 or 20 folks at the top who most of us don't even know, to have all the power to hire, to fire. No, no, no, no, no. The firing you asked about. Firing becomes a very important decision that has to be made by everybody together. No one person has in their hands the power to fire 10 other people at their whim. And that's been a bone of contention in capitalism to this day.

So the irony is, as the way I see it, is that when people call Marxists authoritarian, it's the exact opposite. Capitalism is actually authoritarian. You have a boss who decides for everything and everybody and what you get paid and when you come to work and when you go home and where you work. For instance, the boss decides, I want to move my company to Mexico. And he gets to do that at the snap of a finger. So to me, that's the irony. People who say Marxists...

they equate it with authoritarianism. It's exactly the opposite, right? Would you agree? Yeah, absolutely. And let me speak personally.

I'm a critic of authoritarianism. I've hated it all my life. I don't want other people telling me what to do unless I'm part of a community where we together can decide. I have my vote. I can live with it. I found my way to Marxism because I was anti-authoritarian. That's why for me Marxism was a very interesting set of ideas about how we can get the economy to

the production of goods and services we all depend on to be organized in a non-authoritarian way. When I teach my students, I say what you say. You walk into a workplace, a factory, an office, a store, and you're walking into an authoritarian arrangement in which a very few people at the top

can not only tell you where to stand and how to work and with what tool and for how long and when you can go to the toilet and all the rest, but can literally take the job away from you, depriving you, your family, your community of any... Why are we allowing... Let me end with this. The U.S. Census counts people as employers or employees.

You know what percent of our population in America is employers? Three. Three percent. The rest of us, this is not a system of equals and of democracy. This is an authoritarian system. Marxism is the critique of that, and it ought to interest people that are anti-authoritarianism, because they'll find useful insights there.

Do you think a lot of people, because whenever I hear the argument, you know what I find most people don't know what any of the words mean in the first place. But a lot of it has to do with, like let's say I have my own show, The Jimmy Dore Show. I would want to be the dictator of what happens in the end and not, you know, I would take into account stuff. This is a small thing. I don't think people are cognizant of the fact that all these companies are now bigger than countries.

So now when it things that size, you don't have no constitution in it. Right. You got, and there's no one to check them because they check your, your goddamn government now. Yes. And so why shouldn't the smartest people, what he just said is right. If you do a lot of smart people that could do, well, we don't want them. We want suck ups for the pyramid. We want suck ups. I don't want you cause you're smart.

And that's a criticism of communism you always hear. We got the same goddamn thing. It always becomes the same thing. Yeah, capitalism and communism. Look, we make the point with the airline travel. There's only two companies in the whole goddamn world that make airplanes now. And one of them is completely corrupted. China's is better. And so communism and capitalism seem to get to the same place. ♪

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Do not freak out.

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