cover of episode 180: Olympics Child Rapist, Teen Puts Baby in Dumpster to Save Relationship, Taylor Swift Mass Stabbing, Missing 12 Year Old Found with 34 Year Old

180: Olympics Child Rapist, Teen Puts Baby in Dumpster to Save Relationship, Taylor Swift Mass Stabbing, Missing 12 Year Old Found with 34 Year Old

Publish Date: 2024/8/1
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Serialously with Annie Elise


Shownotes Transcript

Today's episode of Serialistly is brought to you by Progressive Insurance. Now, most of you listening right now are probably multitasking. Yes, I know you are. While you're listening to me talk, you're probably also driving, cleaning, exercising, or maybe even grocery shopping. But if you are not in some kind of moving vehicle, there is something else you can be doing right now, getting an auto quote from Progressive Insurance.

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Hey everybody, welcome back to an all new episode of Serialistly with me, Annie Elise, Headline Highlights Edition.

We have got a lot to talk about because there have been not only some brand new breaking cases this week, but there's a lot of like viral cases and conversations happening that I want to touch on. One of them isn't true crime related, but I feel like I just want to talk about it because so many people have been asking my opinion about it and what's really going on with it. It's the ballerina farm thing on TikTok. You might have seen it. It basically stemmed from an article that was published, I believe, in the Post or the Times online.

I'll get to all of that. Then now a podcast episode has come out regarding it, and it's basically a lot of people are saying that this man is stifling his talented wife who was accepted into Juilliard, and now he's hiding her from the world, and...

We're going to just kind of talk about all of it, but I want to start with this story coming out of the Olympics. Now, I'll be honest, I've never been somebody who's been like a huge Olympics fan where I like sit and watch hours and hours of it. However, maybe it's because I'm getting old now or maybe it's because it is kind of becoming this pop culture phenomenon in a way, but I have been glued to everything Olympic related and

I also watched the Simone Biles documentary on Netflix before the Olympics started and then I was like oh my gosh how am I going to watch her compete it's going to be like two in the morning my time like trying to figure it out I'm like how why am I this invested I've literally never even kicked a ball in my life I'm like the least athletic person in the world but in any event.

I have been following all things Olympics, and there is a very unnerving situation at the Olympics right now. So let me start with a little bit of background because, as you know, the 2024 Olympics are well underway and they're being talked about everywhere. They did have a little bit of a rocky start, though, when right before opening ceremonies, a group of arsonists set fire to multiple train rails. Now, thankfully, nobody was injured, but this severely affected trains going to and from Paris.

That's just a little like one of the tiny hiccups that has happened in addition to like the opening ceremony performance, which I'm not even going to go near. But here's what the most concerning is surrounding the Olympics.

Many people are calling for the withdrawal of 29-year-old Dutch athlete Steven van de Velde. And that's because Steven isn't just an athlete. He is also a convicted child rapist. Back in 2014, just 10 years ago, Steven flew to England to meet a 12-year-old girl that he met on Facebook.

Stephen flew there, fully knowing how old this young girl was. He then gave her alcohol, drank with her, and then he raped her. She even told this disgusting creep that he was hurting her, but he did not stop. Then they had to sleep on a piece of cardboard in a hotel stairway, all because they couldn't get a hotel room. Now, as a reminder, she was 12 years old at the time he was 19 years old.

So definitely an adult, definitely old enough to know he was doing something wrong. Now the day after this assault, Stephen told the girl that she needed to get the morning after pill because he didn't use any protection and there was this risk of her being pregnant. So she went to this nearby family planning clinic and the clinic ended up calling her family to tell them what happened, which good on them, like thank goodness.

Now, because of her age, they also called the police, which led to Stephen getting arrested. Stephen pled guilty to three counts of raping a child, and he was sentenced to four years in prison. He served one year in British prison before being transferred to a prison in the Netherlands, but there, he served only one more month and was eventually released in 2017. And apparently, this is because the Netherlands have very lenient laws when it comes to sex crimes involving minors,

Why that is, I have no idea. But since then, Stephen has had now numerous interviews where he claims that he isn't a pedophile, that all he did was, quote, make a big mistake. Um, I'm sorry. How do you meet a 12-year-old online on Facebook, fly all the way to her home,

rape her, and then say that it was a mistake. It seems like it requires a lot of planning on Stephen's part. He was 19 years old. He was an adult. She was 12. And that this couldn't possibly be explained away as a mistake. A mistake is something like misspelling a word, forgetting a friend's birthday. Not what Stephen did. Not calculatingly planning this.

giving this 12-year-old alcohol, not stopping when she's begging you to stop. It is disgusting. So now, fast forward to the Olympics, and when it was announced that Stephen would be going to the Olympics, a concerned citizen emailed the Dutch Olympic Committee, wondering, you know, why a child rapist would be allowed to compete in the Olympics in something that is held in such high regard, something that is, you know, for all these talented, hardworking people, not somebody who raped a child and was convicted of it.

So the Dutch Olympic Committee released a statement which read, Experts have stated that there is no risk of recidivism. He has consistently remained transparent about the case, which he refers to as the most significant misstep of his life. He deeply regrets the consequences of his actions for those involved. He has been open about the personal transformation that he has undergone as a result.

Which I just have to say, I don't care how you're explaining this away. A significant misstep in your life? I mean, yes, it was. But how are you explaining it away as though it's something that wouldn't impact this little child, this little girl for the rest of her life?

And again, how are you able to then compete in something that has such high regard and honor? It just blows my mind. Now, Stephen is currently now married, and he has a young son. Many people close to him, like his beach volleyball teammate, defend him, saying that he has completely changed. He's a successful athlete. He should be allowed to move on with his life. Which...

I just gotta say, not trying to draw parallels here, but the whole thing feels very reminiscent of the Brock Turner case from a few years ago. So many people, as you can imagine, are completely just outraged that he's even allowed to compete. And he was loudly booed during his first match of the Olympics, where he eventually lost to an Italian team. The Brave Movement, which is a global organization that is working to end child sexual violence,

wrote a letter to the Dutch Olympic Committee saying,

We need a world centered around survivors, not perpetrators. Which I feel like that is such a powerful statement. Again, and I'm just going to read the first part. I feel like that encapsulates so many of the cases that we talk about today.

Great. They are able to say it was a misstep in their life. They're able to move on. They're able to now compete in the Olympics. What about that 12-year-old girl that thought she was meeting somebody that she cared about, that she liked online, only to then realize that it was a predator who was feeding her alcohol, who took advantage of her all while she was crying out saying no, and then made her go get the morning after pill because the asshole didn't use protection? What about her? And what about the marks and...

you know, trauma that is going to be left behind on her. It just makes me sick. So the Brave movement goes on to say that removing Stephen from the Olympic Games is really the only appropriate action. And I'm curious to know what you guys think about that because I agree. And he is getting so much heat right now. And the Olympics have kind of already been under fire the last few days because of their opening ceremony and people who didn't agree with that, different things going on. And so a lot of people are getting vocal about this

So I'm curious to know what's going to happen. If there will be something, if there's going to be another statement made. I don't know. We'll see what happens. But now going into another viral conversation on the internet, and I talked about it a little bit at the start of this episode. It's Ballerina Farm. So I know that sounds crazy.

Now, if you spend any time on TikTok or Instagram, you probably now have heard of Ballerina Farm and all of the news surrounding her this past week, which that's the name of their farm. It's Hannah, who is the wife. But Hannah Nealman is known as, quote, Ballerina Farm. That's the handle on TikTok and Instagram. And over the past few years, she really gained this huge following from posting about her life on this 328-acre farm in Utah. She lives there with her husband and their eight children.

She'll post videos about, you know, her quaint farm life, often making food from scratch for her large family, and people have loved her content for years, and many people have applauded Hannah for doing so much while being a full-time mom to eight children, and seemingly maintaining a very calm demeanor through all of the chaos.

It's also been said she doesn't have any outside help, such as nannies, that, again, she does a lot of this cooking from scratch. I think that the, I want to say moniker, but that's not the right word. I think the term is a tradwife, which, and correct me if I'm wrong, from when I was researching, I believe it's called a tradwife and or trad, yeah, a tradwife.

And what that is short for is traditional wife. This is, again, just what I have discovered in my research. So come for me if I'm wrong. But it's this new kind of new age movement where people are trying to go back to, I don't want to say the stone ages, but you know, like grassroots type situation of where things are more simple. You're on a farm, you're collecting your own milk, your eggs, your

cooking sourdough bread, which we know is all the rage. And it seems like that's kind of very in line with what she was posting and people followed her for this.

However, with this rise in fame, many people who have labeled Hannah as a trad wife are saying that she's basically a married woman who practices and embraces these traditional gender roles. But some critics have said that she portrays this idealistic and unrealistic picture of motherhood. Now, it all came to a head on Saturday, July 20th, because the Times of London published an article about Hannah, and it was titled, Then in parentheses, it says,

This article went instantly viral, and it brought into question the dynamics between Hannah and her husband Daniel, who, not for nothing, happens to be the son of the CEO for JetBlue Airlines. A lot of money, right? So the article talked about how Hannah was this accomplished Juilliard ballerina, and really painted the picture that her life and personal identity was seemingly stripped away from her after she married Daniel.

And I don't want to go into every detail of the article because you can read it for yourself. But the article basically painted a picture that Daniel rushed her into this marriage and into having children, then took her away from her dream of being a professional dancer in New York City and secluded her to this like rural farm in Utah where he expected her to be a stay-at-home mom and the primary caretaker of all of their children. And I mentioned earlier how they don't have nannies.

Well, the article mentioned that they don't have any nannies for the kids because Daniel doesn't want them. And also that sometimes Hannah gets so exhausted that she is bedridden for an entire week. The article also mentions that Hannah only had an epidural one time during all eight births, and it insinuates that it's because it was the only birth that Daniel wasn't present for.

And it kind of made it sound as though he wouldn't allow her to get epidurals. And he wants this natural way of life so much. And so when she finally was able to birth without him around, she did get the epidural. The author also made it seem like during this interview, she couldn't get any time alone with Hannah.

and that Daniel was seemingly answering all of the questions for her, not allowing Hannah to truly speak her mind, and not giving her a chance to be alone with this reporter. So like I said, when this article came out, people were angry. It sparked a lot of discussions surrounding controlling husbands, mental abuse, emotional abuse, and people began to question, was this a life that Hannah wanted, or is it a life that she has now been forced to endure?

So people started hyper-examining various videos of Hannah, all online, that were pointing out different instances where she seemed extremely exhausted, almost maybe trying to disassociate from it all. And one video that caught a lot of attention was a recent one from her birthday. In this video, Daniel hands Hannah a package saying it's her birthday gift.

Now, many have noticed that Daniel didn't even take the time to wrap this gift, and it was still in the same packaging that it was mailed in, which, okay. So while opening the box, Hannah makes a comment that she hopes that the gift is plane tickets to Greece, which, being the son of an airline CEO, it shouldn't be that hard for Daniel to obtain, right? And I think during the course of this, like, little 50-second video, she mentions Greece tickets three different times, really hopeful that that's what the gift is.

However, when she opens the package, instead it's this crocheted apron for gathering eggs, something where think of it as like an apron that you tie around your waist that is handmade, hand crocheted or knit. And then it has all these little kangaroo type pockets in the front for different eggs so that when you're outside on the farm picking up eggs, you're just putting them in their own little individual pockets.

So in this video, when she discovers that this is the gift, she looks pretty disappointed. Meanwhile, Daniel, who's on the other side of the camera filming this, says, you're welcome, before she can even say thank you. Almost in like a passive-aggressive way, people are saying. Okay, that's my birthday present from Daniel. I'm holding their tickets to Greece. Where's it from? I don't know, the boys took it off. I took it off. It's from Ukraine. So, plane tickets? Ha ha!

Ooh, a hat I can wear in Greece. What's that hat? It's not. Oh, my egg apron. It's great. I can gather eggs. It's really cute. It's a cute one. Yeah, it's the best. You're welcome. Thanks, honey. Not for a long time.

So like I said, that article caused a lot of chaos and people were now dissecting every single video and it seems like everybody is making videos commenting on how seemingly controlling this relationship is between the two of them. People are saying that when she is dancing on the farm because she does post videos like that back to her ballerina days,

that she has more light in her eyes, that he's stifling her. Almost the edit that I have seen probably a hundred times now is to that song. Is it Girls Just Want to Have Fun? I think it is, but it's only clipped at the part where it says like they want to hide her away from the rest of the world. And it's,

It's almost like as I was seeing these, I was like, I feel like the public is making this woman more tortured than she is. What if she chose this life? What if she wanted to be a trad wife? What if this she didn't mind giving up ballet and she still does it for a hobby. But for her, the most important thing is raising children and being on the farm and being a wife like that.

why is the public now speaking for her in a way and making it feel as though she's more tortured than she is? And I get it. That article was very one-sided. But what's interesting is literally like,

A couple days after all of these videos started going viral, audio recordings from the actual interview surfaced. And it makes people wonder if the author painted a very inaccurate picture of this couple just to push a certain narrative. Take a listen. The thing I just discovered is there's a literal...

podcast episode where there are clipped recordings of Hannah and Daniel answering her questions where you can absolutely see that she twisted everything out of context in that first article. I'm going to play you some clips of the recording and you can go watch it yourself, but just some important parts that you should see. And

one last thing to all the haters trying to attack me now for exposing her. They're saying she was paid off to write a second article. If you really think that little of her integrity, then you probably shouldn't listen to her in her first article anyway. Oh, and just look her up. It's very telling. You give up a piece of yourself. I don't think I would take it. Daniel was like, if you want to dance, you know, like go dance, you know, like you, you know, we were open to anything, but I knew deep down that I wanted to raise my babies. You know, she,


We really carry the mantle together. There's also podcast episodes that have come out where Hannah herself is saying point blank, like, look, no, I chose this life. I am completely happy. And I know a lot of the time people who are brainwashed will say that or they don't, if they're being in a controlled relationship, they'll say that because they don't want to, you know, ruffle any feathers.

But I think it could also be as simple as she did choose this life. And why is everybody trying to make a problem out of it and make her a victim in this if she truly is not one? Maybe she is. Maybe I'm wrong. But again, like, why is everybody jumping to conclusions?

So I want to know what you guys think. Do these clips paint a different picture than what was presented in the article? I mean, if you had strong feelings about the article before, does this change your mind? Now we're going to take a hard left back into true, true, true, true crime. And this case takes us to Texas. On July 23rd, 18-year-old Everilda Kooks-Eilisham was arrested after wrapping her newborn baby in a plastic bag and throwing the baby in the dumpster. How many times have we seen this play out, right guys?

Now, Everilda lives in Houston and she was working at a food truck on July 21st. Allegedly, she gave birth during her shift on the ground behind the truck.

After giving birth, she put the baby, the umbilical cord, and the placenta in a trash bag and then threw the bag in a nearby dumpster. Thankfully, somebody who was passing by the area heard a baby crying. They called 911 and authorities were able to save this infant. Miraculously, the baby was still alive and brought to a hospital nearby. Thankfully, the baby survived and is currently doing well. But the entire incident was captured on a nearby surveillance camera.

and Everilda was arrested just days later. After her arrest, she told the police that she wasn't planning on returning to the dumpster to retrieve the child. She told them that throwing the baby in the trash was her only option, and the reason why was because she was worried that her boyfriend would break up with her if she kept the baby.

Which, okay, if you don't want your baby for whatever reason, even if it's something, in my opinion, as stupid as your boyfriend breaking up with you, if you don't want your baby, there are so many other options. Fire station, hospital, anything. Not wrapping them in a bag to kill them and throw them in a dumpster. So, Everilda has yet to enter a plea, but her bond was set at $200,000. A protective order has also been put in place that prohibits her from coming within 200 feet of this baby.

She's charged with abandoning a child with no intent to return, and she faces up to 10 years in prison. Now, I don't know why she isn't charged with attempted murder, because I believe throwing a baby in a trash can and putting them in a trash bag beforehand...


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Now, in another horrible case with very sad news, this Monday on July 29th, a mass stabbing occurred at a dance studio in Southport, United Kingdom. The studio was holding a Taylor Swift-themed class for children ages 6 to 10. A 17-year-old boy then entered the building, and he started attacking these children with a knife. A nearby shop owner originally noticed this 17-year-old boy because he took a taxi to the dance studio and was wearing a green hoodie and a face mask.

Plus, he was refusing to pay the driver, so he stood out. A short while later, the shop owner noticed kids running out of the studio, completely covered in blood. The commotion pulled the attention of numerous neighbors, who then helped bring these children to safety. Police were called at 11.47 a.m., and emergency services quickly arrived on the scene. But unfortunately, two children died, seven were injured, and two adults are currently in critical condition. In

It's believed that the adults were injured while trying to protect these children. The 17-year-old boy was found and arrested on suspicion of murder and attempted murder, and as of now, the motive for the attack is unclear. However, the police do say that there isn't a future threat to the community, but I just want to know, what...

Kind of feels like a school shooting, but in a different way. Like what 17-year-old is going and committing a mass stabbing at something as innocent as a Taylor Swift dance class for kids who are 6 to 10 years old?

It's so incredibly scary, the world that we're living in. Now, speaking of scary and predators, 12-year-old Maria Gomez Perez from Gainesville, Georgia, was missing for two months before she was finally found this last Thursday on July 25th. Thankfully, Maria was found alive, but where she was found and who she was with is beyond concerning to say the least.

Maria was last seen in the driveway of her home on May 29th, and she was officially reported missing on the 30th.

The Gainesville police immediately got involved, and initially they believed that Maria left on her own. But after a while, investigators started to believe that she was in a lot of danger. By talking to her teachers, friends, and searching through cell phone data, investigators found that Maria had been talking to a lot of people online. She was telling them that she was depressed, that she didn't want to be at home. But what was extremely concerning about these messages was that Maria was not talking to people her own age. She was talking to adult men online.

on Facebook, and a lot of them. So investigators started to think that one of these people came and picked her up from her home and then left with her, but they had no idea where she went. So by the end of June, investigators still had no indication of her location, and they were offering a $50,000 reward for any information about her disappearance.

Then, just days before Maria was eventually found, her father received a Facebook message from somebody who was claiming to be his daughter. The message stated that Maria was okay, but she didn't want to come home, and it said that people needed to stop looking for her. Now, unfortunately, the person in this message didn't state where Maria was, and Maria's father initially didn't believe that it was really her, but investigators did track down the IP address of that Facebook account.

and they tracked it to a home in Dover, Ohio. Georgia police contacted authorities in Dover, and they started surveilling the home that was linked to the IP address. They quickly identified that Maria was not only at this home, but she was with an adult man that they quickly identified as 34-year-old Antonio Augustin. They found that the two of them had been talking on Facebook and had made plans to meet one another.

Investigators discovered that on May 29th, Antonio left his home in Dover and drove over nine hours to pick up Maria from her home in Gainesville. So as they were surveilling, on July 25th, Dover police followed Maria and Antonio as they left his house and traveled to a nearby mall. Officers confronted the two of them at the mall. Antonio was arrested while Maria was taken to a nearby hospital.

There are very few details surrounding Antonio's arrest and charges, but authorities in Georgia have stated that he will be charged with multiple felonies, including traveling across state lines with a minor. However, the investigation is still ongoing at this time, but I am so thankful that she was found and reunited with her family so that she can get the help that she needs. Because can you imagine if her dad just believed this Facebook message and thought that it was her or if they couldn't track the IP

this guy, assuming it was him who wrote that message, was trying to make it so nobody would look for her anymore. What would he have done to this girl? It's disgusting and sick and so beyond twisted. So...

I'm so happy that she was found because what business does a 30-something-year-old man have with a 12-year-old? It is disgusting, disgusting, disgusting. Other than that, I was going to talk briefly about the Allison Chow case today. She was the missing girl from Glendale, California. She was missing for a week, but then she was found.

I decided not to because I've been doing some digging on my end, guys, and I have found a lot of different court records from different civil suits, different restraining orders, things that are dating years back with a lot of very invasive allegations in them, the mother and the father both against each other. And it's my opinion at this moment that this is something that probably is more in line with a really bad custody dispute and probably a little bit of parental alienation. And

There's a lot of medical things disclosed in those documents too, and I just don't feel like this little girl needs her information blasted out there, especially when it's not known what the true situation is. So I'm going to just kind of hold back on that for a while until we either get concrete information or if we even feel like it needs to be talked about. But I want to at least address it because I know a lot of you have been asking for the deep dive into that case. But first and foremost, I don't think that I would be doing anything any justice because...

It's so he said, she said, and the details of the he said, she said are very disrespectful to Allison and her privacy. If you know, you know. So I'm going to table that for a little bit. But we did do a brand new deep dive just this last Monday, if you have not listened to it, on Kat Torres. Kat Torres was an Instagram model and influencer who had this huge rise to fame where she was like gallivanting in Europe with Leonardo DiCaprio. She had all these followers. She started her own coaching business.

And she turned into a cult leader. And she started human trafficking and enslaving different women. And I actually joined News Nation live last Friday night to talk about this case and tee it up because they hadn't heard about it either. And so I did the deep dive this last Monday. Go listen to it if you haven't already. And in other exciting news, Apple reached out to us and they said that the episode that we did on Ali Aboulaban has been doing so well, which, you know,

If you're familiar, that's the TikTok star who murdered his wife and her friend. But we did a deep dive on that and uncovered a lot of things that weren't even featured in the Peacock documentary and that people didn't really know about that weren't even featured on the network television during the trial. So Apple had said that that episode was receiving a lot of great feedback, and so they have featured it. And so you might see it on your browse page.

page if you are on Apple Podcasts this week and I know we have some new people who are listening to that so if you feel like you need a couple things to binge and if you haven't listened to those yet go check both of those episodes out otherwise you know I'm always dropping the bonus episodes every single Friday they are ad free they are exclusive on the podcast you can get access over on Apple Podcasts or you can get access through Patreon but that is our ad free bonus episodes that you will only find there and what else do I have for you

I'm a little sick, so I apologize that my voice has been so raspy today, but I will be back on the mic with you first thing Monday morning with a new deep dive case.

It's a wild one. It's a roller coaster. So when you think you know, I'm going to give you a little jolt because there's a lot of twists and turns. But that will be Monday. And other than that, if you've got an extra 30 seconds, please take that time to leave us a rating and a review. It helps the algorithm. It's a free way to support the podcast. And I would appreciate it so, so much. All right, guys. Thank you so much for tuning in today. And I will talk with you very, very soon. Until the next one, be nice. Don't kill people. Don't join a cult.

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