cover of episode 31: Skinwalker Ranch | Red Thread

31: Skinwalker Ranch | Red Thread

Publish Date: 2024/8/17
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He's the most terrifying serial killer you've never heard of. Haddon Clark has confessed to several murders, but investigators say he could have over 100 victims. At the center of the mayhem, a cellmate of Haddon's that was able to get key evidence into Haddon's murder spree across America,

because hadn't thought he was Jesus Christ. Born Evil, the Serial Killer and the Savior, an ID true crime event. Premieres Monday, September 2nd at 9. Watch on ID or stream on Max. Set your DVR. ♪♪

Dark and desolate, cold and alone, the wind blows listlessly across the ranch front. Timber boards creak with each gust. Nestled on a large swath of untamed land, the house sits as the only evidence of life. This is Skinwalker Ranch, and with it comes an endless amount of stories that lead to an unlimited amount of questions that themselves lead to the unknown and unanswered.

Aliens, ghosts, and skinwalkers all called Skinwalker Ranch home, alongside the unlucky few of us who have visited the ranch and returned to tell the tales. It's been called the most paranormal place in America, and for good reason. Let's find out why in this week's episode of Red Thread. No twist this week, boys. Wow, I was about to say, that seemed pretty...

straight no big reveal yeah i man i couldn't come up with anything i don't know i just my brain was wrestling with it for ages i feel like there has to be some kind of twist to each of these intros but we're like 31 episodes in at this point and i am running i am i'm creatively tapped on it you're running low on twists yeah i mean think of it this way like you know

Charlie became Oompa, right? Charlie became Caleb. So you could just like, you know, that's the skinwalker. He's a skinwalker. Yeah, but we did it last week. This is all Caleb's fault for showing up one week early. You could do it every week. Every week, that's the joke, yeah. How many people are going to be disappointed? They're like, oh, he's the new host. They thought I was a guest.

No, no. There are a bunch of people who said he's a good pick for a host, but I did see a lot of people who also are like, yeah, good guest. Great guest to have on. I was like,

Hey guys, that's cool. Did we not make it obvious that he's permanent? No, we did. People just don't pay attention. But yeah, there were a bunch of people who were like, oh, what a great host, a good pick. And then other people were like, what a great guest, good pick. I think it was overwhelmingly positive in favor of Caleb, honestly. Every single comment I saw was very positive about your inclusion, Caleb. I didn't see anyone say anything bad about him.

No, and if they were there, I deleted them. No bad mouthers. Good, good. Exactly, yeah. Keep those guys out of here. We don't tolerate that. Everyone seemed to love it. So, you know, if they didn't, we were going to fire him on the spot. So thanks to you all, Caleb, for taking this job. I would have loved to do that. It would be less of firing more of like finishing out the osmosis from Charlie to me to who else would be. Yeah, we'd find a new vessel. Yeah.

Some kind of make him go through another generation cycle. Yes. Exactly. Yeah. Regenerate my, my shell. Exactly. Exactly. I think, I think too, uh, it's important that similar to how this intro should have started with Charlie becoming Caleb, we have to remind, um,

Caleb every single episode that he's not Charlie. We have to keep... That can't go away. Until he's completed 29 episodes like Charlie did. He has to be. No, I really... I think it would be really cool if we progressively actually did gaslight Caleb into believing that he is Charlie. He just takes on all of Charlie's mannerisms in real life. He just starts the next episode and he's like, Hey guys, uh...

That's pretty good. See, look at that. I had a dream actually last night that I was doing a really good rip-roaring Charlie impression. Ha ha!

I was like, every time I would talk, I was Charlie, basically. It was so strange. Wait, the night before you recorded the red thread, you had a dream that you were being Charlie? Exactly. How often do you dream about Charlie? I'm a mimic. Let's get that on the table. Dude, I dream about Charlie. I dream about mostly YouTube. My dreams are horrible, abstract, YouTube. Whatever I'm doing throughout the day, I just redo that at night, but it's just weird and horrible.

So these erotic Charlie dreams are kind of like saving grace. You get them once in a while and it's like a palate cleanser. But he's, he doesn't have a face. His hair is always down over his face. Like that bitch in the ring, the movie, the ring. Ever seen that? Yeah. Who hasn't seen the ring? What do you mean? You're talking like it's some indie indie movie. It's an indie. It's an indie film. Early two thousands indie film called the ring. It's got a green filter over it. The whole movie is green. Oh,

All right. Before we start this episode brought to you by HelloFresh, more from them in a bit. We're also on Spotify and iTunes and the show document, which is what we read from in these episodes, expertly compiled by the team over at the Red Thread HQ. That is available in the description below, along with everything really. So just go down to the description. You can find like links to the iTunes and the Spotify and stuff like that down there.

And also a quick note, last week we released an animation on the channel with the outro song music from the show. A lot of people have been asking for that. So there's the full release of the outro song music

on the channel as well as on Spotify so there's links to that as well really cool stuff that was canonically I think Charlie's last appearance by the way because he's in that animated music video he's kind of like he's on a couch asleep which is pretty fitting so that's how he went out he's still on the couch sleeping basically if you want to go by red thread lore yeah so you've got that you can listen to it while you cram some study sessions in

It's cool for that. So it's all linked below. But yeah, other than that, let's just start talking about Skinwalker Ranch, guys. How do you feel about Skinwalker Ranch? I have a feeling you both love it. I love it. I would go there if I was allowed. I was invited out there by someone and this person's particularly busy.

a lot online, but they were like, dude, I've been out there so many times, you have to come out there. Apparently guys shoot a lot out there, which is well, but from my understanding, it's like a weird kind of anomalous area where tech doesn't work right and stuff like that. People call it the Bermuda Triangle of the desert, which means I would love to go out there. Pretty much every anomalous conspiracy or theory or mystery that you've heard online, like Skinwalker's Ghosts,

um uh ufos everything like that there's been at least like one reported incident of that happening at the ranch so it's just kind of like a hot spot for everything who were you like when you were invited out there did they say that like stuff happened

Apart from shooting? Just that it's kind of creepy. I didn't get any specific things like, oh, our tech quit working or this quit working. Just that it's a really cool kind of haunted location. Same kind of aura to it. Were they going out there to shoot ghosts? Why was there shooting there?

people just like go out there and shoot stuff like long range shooting and things like that uh i assume because there's a lot of land and a lot of the guys who like to go monster hunting like to shoot stuff so i mean judging by the uh a survey of this podcast i would say that the overlap's pretty big that's a good point yeah

Yeah, I would absolutely go there, though. It seems like a lot of fun in general to go to a haunted location like that. I wonder if it's like a... If there's anything you can do to make your ranch like that. Like, if you had a ranch, how could you just...

some kind of ethereal cosmic horror. Yeah. Is that possible? Yeah, just commit a lot of atrocities against Native Americans on your property and it'll probably work out. No, no, don't feel bad about it. We can probably get started on that this evening if you want. I know a few. We could bring them out. Oh my god.

I like how Caleb was into it until you brought in the Native American part. And that was... Oh, shit. Just the general atrocities were fine. Stuff doesn't get haunted and cursed because you were nice to everyone involved. That's true. You can't be friendly. You can't be friendly about it. I didn't think about that. That's really funny. I have such a whimsical, like...

attachment to haunted and cursed things but it's all horrible that's what's so funny that's what's so funny it's like um if like a ghost was haunting an old restaurant it's like why are you here it's like oh well they have the best crepes the food was great definitely not because the owner murdered me and left my body to rot in a dumpster out back yeah yeah

Yeah, because the implication usually in ghost stories or other things is the summoning is caused by some kind of negative emotion, right? Yeah, yeah. Generally speaking. So the best way to do that is, well, through atrocities, like Isaiah said. So good luck with that, Caleb. I hope you enjoy doing that. But for now, we'll have to...

settle for Skinwalker Ranch. So who wants to take it? Sherman Ranch, more widely known as Skinwalker Ranch, is nestled in northeastern Utah. It has, since it was first founded, become a hotspot for paranormal activity. The Skinwalker name originates from the Native American legend of the shapeshifting walkers. The ranch became popular in the 1990s when the Sherman family, the owners of the property at the time, started to talk publicly about the weird things they had experienced on the ranch at the time.

Skinwalker Ranch is an apparent hotspot for UFOs, unexplainable animals, or otherworldly beings, and paranormal activity. It's been extensively researched for years, but still remains largely unexplained. What mysteries lay within Skinwalker Ranch, and why is the unknown seemingly drawn to it? Do any of the sightings and claims made about Skinwalker Ranch hold water under scrutiny? Let's find out.

First of all, Sherman, sorry, the name Sherman is such a stereotypical American name, like last name. Isn't that a kind of like military tank as well or something? Yeah, because it was named after the general. So there was General Sherman during the Civil War who was famous for his scorched earth armor.

uh what's the word tactic yeah thank you tactic when he just killed everyone well what he did is he did like not only would they the union make progress into southern territory they would destroy a lot of the land as they went um and the idea was it starves them of resources uh which probably did have a big hand in winning the war because what eventually caused the confederacy to lose was a lack of resources

And it probably also led to a lot of paranormal events taking place due to the sadness from these scorched campaigns. Yeah, absolutely. That's what the real result of the Civil War was. Ghosts. Yeah, a lot of ghosts. A lot of ghosts.

Shaman is responsible for at least 50% of the ghosts in America at any given time. But Sherman had the tank named after him, the M1. I think it's an M1. Sherman, which was like a big tank during, you know. Yeah, pretty cool to have a tank named after you. Yeah, most tanks are named after generals like the Abrams tank, the Sherman tank, stuff like that. Yeah. All right. Um...

Yeah, you want to continue? First, we need to learn about skinwalkers, all right? Because it's obviously named... The ranch itself is named after skinwalkers. We need to do a bit of digging into what skinwalkers are. 100%. So...


Ye Nald Lushi Ye Nald Lushi Which translates to By means of it, it goes on all fours Oh that's such a cool name That's hard What does the meaning actually mean though? By means of it, it goes on all fours It runs around on all legs, that's all it means It's medium of movement It's transportation Yeah but a lot of things do that Yeah but things that are human-like normally don't Ah, okay

This is just one of the many types of skinwalkers that exist in stories and tales, with skinwalkers themselves being called anti-juni. The tales themselves consist usually of a witch or shaman who has the ability to shapeshift into an animal or take the form of another person. Skinwalkers gain the powers by performing dark rituals, such as killing a close relative.

They move swiftly and quietly, often taking the form of wolves or coyotes. Many believe skinwalkers use their powers for personal gain to create chaos and hurt others.

They're deeply feared in Native American cultures, and their tales are of large cultural significance to those communities. Skinwalkers are said to be almost entirely animalistic in terms of behavior and physicality, and they are reportedly near impossible to kill except with a bullet or knife dipped in white ash. White ash is believed to have protective and purifying properties in Native American culture.

How do you make white ash? You just burn things, right? Burn things, yeah. Yeah, but that seems pretty easy. Real hot fire. Yeah, I guess if you don't always have a knife with you dipped in white ash, then it might be a bit difficult being chased by a skinwalker and then burning some ash. Yeah, well, you have to go in prepared. It's not like an immediate... Yeah, that's fair.

Very little else is known about skinwalkers, as the Navajo and other tribes are highly reluctant to discuss it with outsiders, and often even among themselves. According to their traditional beliefs, talking about these entities is not only considered bad luck, but also increases the likelihood of their appearance in general.

Yeah, but kind of impossible to talk about this situation without mentioning the skinwalkers. So yeah, do it sadly. Also, most most legends around skinwalkers start with them being like a human who like gives themselves to dark rituals and then they'll take the skin by like killing the thing. So if they kill a wolf or coyote, they could like mimic its form. And the same a lot of people have adapted that to say the same applies to people, you know, voices, stuff like that.

I find Native American culture really fascinating how like their stories of like their folklore and stuff are all like mostly a lot of dark and scary stories that they actually can't

tell without invoking the thing that they're talking about. I find it super interesting and there's nothing really like that in my culture for white Australian culture. There's nothing like that cool. I guess cool is not the right word, but that serious, I guess. So I kind of find it extremely interesting. I think the closest thing we have in Western society is like

boulders gate 3 shape shifting druids into like a bear it's not even real yeah it's not even real it's like shit we've just made up to like for people to play romance games to basically dragons yeah they win that one sadly we don't have anything like that Caleb would you like to learn about the sherman family by talking about them yeah sure also Jackson you guys have penal colony lore which is pretty cool

Well, yeah, true, but that's like... He's pulling out the prisoner parties. Get him. There's no real stories there. It's just people chained up for decades of their lives. You guys have penal colony lore. That's so funny. Penal colony lore. Yeah, we do. The year is 1994, and Gwyn and Terry Sherman are out looking for somewhere to relocate their family of four to in beautiful Utah.

Don't know if it's beautiful, by the way. That's an assumption on my part. It is beautiful. It is beautiful. Okay, sweet. Yeah. I'm not sure if the Skinwalker Ranch area is beautiful, but it's a little deserty. But Terry, a cattle rancher with extensive experience in livestock management, had an image in mind of the type of property that he wanted.

This would be quickly realized when the couple would come across what they deemed to be the perfect place to set up shop. The ranch in Uinta Basin was 512 large acres, acres large,

And all things considered, holy shit. Is that not how you say that? Acres large? Acres large. Sorry, guys. My dog just farted and it's like a fucking bomb. No way. You guys smell like shit. That dog weighs like one pound. What do you mean? Oh, my Lord. I've never smelled something like that. It smells like that. That's a new smell. The ranch and Uinta Basin was 512 acres large and all things considered was admittedly a bit run down.

It had been owned by Kenneth and Edith Meyer since 1934, but hadn't actually been occupied for years, hence the apparent disarray of the land. Gwen and Terry, however, saw this as their dream home, a place for them to raise their family away from the hustle and bustle of the quickly changing modern world while having the room for Terry to continue his livestock operations. Terry Sherman. This is like the plot of Red Dead 1. Yeah.

Imagine if he goes one to one with that. Like he fucking fights the lore in a barn at the end of it. Gets shot to pieces. Yeah. Damn, that'd be so fucking cool. The skinwalkers in the tall trees.

Yeah. Let's see. The sale itself went through normally with no real hiccups in the transfer of ownership. Gwyn and Terry would, however, notice that there was one strange clause in the contract. That being that the Shermans had to get Kenneth and Edith's permission to do any digging on the property. That's weird. I didn't think people could enforce rules on property they didn't own anymore. Once you've passed on ownership,

Yeah, make sure you don't dig. First of all, I'm going to assume you've got a dead body on the land somewhere. Yeah, you're up to no good. That's the only implication. Yeah, clearly. So I don't trust Kenneth and Edith. You can take this land, just don't look under the ground. Don't look under the ground. Don't dig here, don't dig here, don't dig here. Especially don't dig here. Do not dig anywhere. You can dig a little bit, but nothing under like three feet in depth. Approximately, I guess.

We're assuming the worst. Maybe he's just buried his treasure out there or something that he's going to come back for. If I buried a body, I would refer to it as my treasure. That's pretty funny. It looks like Utah Oak Island. There's just something buried down there. They got to figure out what the hell. And they got to make 15 seasons of one shitty show about it. We don't know for sure that this clause existed in this contract. By the way, this is just what the Sherman said. So I don't know for sure.

Are the Shermans to be trusted, Jackson? Let's find out. I want to hear your thoughts on if you guys trust them or not. All right. All right. When the family arrived at the home, they noticed immediately that things were odd. They discovered that there were deadbolts on practically every door and the windows themselves were barred up, almost like the previous owners were keeping something out. Or in? Maybe Kenneth was stuck in there. They were trapped in there. Stop.

Sting. I like the way that's formatted. Parentheses dot dot dot space or space in question mark in parentheses. Exactly. Yeah. Asterisk sting. Asterisk music plays. Frankie, go lay down.

Sorry, I had to tell my dog to shut the hell up. Terry and Gwen tried to shug off this immediate weirdness, chalking it up to being a quirk from the previous elderly couple. Plus, they had just bought the house, so they decided that there was no turning back now. However, the strange experiences were just getting started.

Okay, so they bought the house and in the contract or the discussions with the previous owners, they've said no digging and then they get that. But by the way, they bought the house before even going and inspecting it because surely they would have noticed the dead bolts and the shuttered windows before they got there. Sight unseen. 512 acres. They bought it sight unseen. That's crazy. Do people do that? Do people buy property without inspecting it or going there? Investors do and stuff like that. But if you're going to live there with a family, that's kind of weird.

Yeah, I'm assuming since they're a family, this is like a significant portion of their wealth being moved into this property. If you're financing it, you 100% have to get somebody to look at it. I assume they bought it with cash. We've got Caleb talking business. Here it goes. I bet it was a good interest rate too. I bet it was great. There it is. I was waiting for him to say interest rates.

Do you just rant about interest rates endlessly? I love it. I'm business. I have a pinhead business head. Yeah.

He's very much like business oriented stuff. And if someone's like, hey, Caleb, can I get advice on this mortgage or whatever? It's just like, and we'll see him in an hour. I love yapping. I yap. In a good way. He's good at it. I do enjoy the yapping. And he's very business minded. But the moment he said, like he reads all this about like there's bars on the windows and there's deadbolts on every door. That's a liability. It's going to be difficult.

Did they purchase this property sight unseen? That is not a good idea for an investment. Plus you can't dig. What about mineral rights? What the fuck? See. Not long after they moved in, the family allegedly came face to face with a wolf-like creature.

The Shermans were outside tending to their cattle when they noticed the animal approaching them from a distance. The animal, they noticed, was unusually large and much larger than a typical wolf.

So they said. So they said. According to them, it was the dog man. However, much to their collective confusement, uh, confusement? Confusion? Is confusement a word? Confusion, yes. That's probably better. I don't know. Confusement a word? Can we leave confusement, please? I really like that word. Confusement's good.

Confusement's good. It does exist. According to linguistic definitions, it means the active state of being confused. Put it back. I like confusement. That's awesome. It appeared calm and non-threatening.

The wolf creature walked right up to them, allowing them to pet it. However, within moments, the situation quickly turned when the wolf suddenly attacked one of their calves, clamping down on the animal's leg. Okay, we got to talk about that. That's crazy. This is a weird... They pet it. Okay. Yeah, a giant wolf walks up to you, some creature that you've never seen before in your life. And you pet it? You let it... You pet it? Yeah, that's... That's wild.

But then it attacks. And what do they... Can we get more descriptors than wolf-like? What do you mean it was wolf-like? You mean a wolf? Or do you mean it was like some weird hybrid thing? What are you talking about? They said it was a wolf, but much bigger than a typical wolf. Was it a naked man with wolf body paint on him? Like, bark, bark. Like crawling around. Yeah, they just sit there petting him for 30 minutes before he starts attacking their calf. And then that guy just bit a calf's leg.

It was a Utah wild man. Okay, so it walks up, they pet it, and then it bites a calf's leg. To be fair, that is what wolves would do. They'd probably attack the calf. But the element of it walking up calmly and letting them pet it? That's insane. Yeah, that doesn't happen. That did not happen. Also, what a lack of good judgment by the Sherman family so far. This is terrible. I feel bad for them a little bit.

Also, so a wolf wouldn't let them pet them, but I also doubt a skinwalker would let them pet them as well, just to make that important, that note there important. I don't think a skinwalker would do that either. So something's clearly wrong here already with the story. Terry, alarmed, tried to fend off the wolf man by striking it with a stick, but the defense had no effect. Desperate and without other options, he retrieved a gun and shot the creature multiple times at close range. Despite being hit, the wolf... What's that?

Just, okay, I don't believe anything he's saying. Continue. This is crazy. Yeah, this is crazy. This is insane. Yeah, yeah. Despite being hit, the wolf showed no signs of injury or pain. Bizarrely, however, it finally released the calf and walked away. Afterwards, Terry and his son attempted to track it, but the animal seemed to vanish into thin air with the tracks ending abruptly.

shaken terry and gwen sherman reported the incident to their local wildlife authority not the police where they learned that it had been over 70 years since the area they lived in had any wolf population what about the creature population what about naked men yeah what about men dressed as well what about furries what's the furry population of the town utah's first furry

That'd be so funny if it was just like a wolf fursuit. Yeah, that would be funny. Most people have never actually seen wolves, though, in their lives. And many people expect them to be close in size to large dogs.

This is not the case as wolves are genuinely enormous. Yeah, so they said it was a lot larger than, you know, they said it was a larger than normal wolf size in their description. But I like, have you guys seen a wolf before? Yeah, they're huge. They're gigantic. Like in person, in person. Yeah, yeah. Like zoos and stuff like that. I saw, I think I saw one on a roadway when I was a kid before. But yeah, they look, they're like, like maybe Great Dane size, but even then they're way more muscular and heavy.

But maybe Great Dane size as far as height. I don't know how common they are in America, like how often you would actually see them. But my, especially since they hadn't been sighted in this area for 70 years or whatever. So my assumption would be that Terry and Gwen Sherman had never seen a wolf before and maybe they did see a wolf this time and it was just that much larger than what they expected wolves to be since they are like enormous, like way bigger than normal dogs, even large dogs. It could be that it was a rabid coyote and they're just liars.

True. Yeah. The whole thing about like, it came up to them and then did they say that they petted it or that it was close enough to pet? No, they petted it. Okay. That's insane. Yeah.

A wild wolf does not let you pet it. Yeah, imagine an enormous wolf walking up to you and your first, like, your first fucking thing that you do is pet it. That's not how those animals work. That's like going, that's like those kids who go to the ocean and they're like, a group of dolphins came and let me ride them and we went out to the ocean and they showed me a wonderful world. Like, it's like, no, that didn't happen. Shut up. That's not how wolves work. Yeah, you're so cool. You're right. Nature loves you more than it loves anyone else. You're so right, King.

Yeah, why wouldn't it maul them to death? Why did it go straight for the calf? The calf. The calf. Yeah. The calf.

Just the series of events. Like a wolf walks up and you pet it and then it bites an animal. So then you shoot it a bunch and you hit all the shots at close range, quote unquote, and then the animal takes off. By the way, if it was a normal wolf, the gunshots would have killed it. So I think the implication... Yeah. And plus, like you shoot it a bunch and it runs into the woods and then you're following... Like these guys who are not from the countryside...

Because they do stuff like pet wolves. These guys are now all of a sudden expert trackers. And like, we have to go get it. Like, scaring it off wouldn't be enough. Yeah, they're like crawling through the woods looking for it. Like, yeah, no. Absolutely not. That's back when men were men. Back in the 90s, everyone had a track. Back in 94.

Yeah. Before the internet. Everyone knew how to track. Everyone knew how to hunt giant wolf-like creatures. Take on me was like topping the billboard charts. And then it's like, yeah, everyone knew how to wolf track. It's just easy. Everyone knew how to wolf track. And back then, wolves were made out of Kevlar. You can't wolf track anymore because of woke. Have you guys seen the McKenzie River Valley wolves? Those like big seven foot timber wolves? No, I thought that might have been a band or something. Seven foot? What the heck? Seven foot tip to tip.

mackenzie river what was that uh mackenzie river valley wolf mackenzie he's just like wolves yeah but we need a nice comparison oh my gosh the one of it next to a guy yeah they're gigantic a few pictures down what the heck can you can you put the picture in the discord chat so the editor can add it yeah yeah yeah hold on and also so that you can see it um yeah

Real quick, while we're doing all this, while we're looking at wolves, just a quick word from our sponsors. Here's the sitch. You get home from work, you have no energy to make dinner, but you're hungry. What do you do? I've been there. It's a stressful situation, but there's only one solution. HelloFresh. HelloFresh takes all the stress out of annoying things like coming up with dinner ideas, getting the groceries.

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hellofresh america's number one meal kit thank you so much for supporting red thread by checking out hellofresh it would really mean the world if you do so uh it really does help out the show but speaking of the show now we head on back in okay let's see let's see these wolves show me the wolves what the no way that's real that's photoshopped easy that's photoshopped i have a pug no i've seen pictures of them they're like bigger than people way bigger than people

God, Caleb, you think your dog's farts are bad? Imagine that. My dog's farts are bad probably because they're like rotting, melting mutant freaks. This dog's farts probably don't smell that bad. They probably smell good. They probably smell like nature. Nature and grass. They smell like petrichor. Right, Isaiah?

Yeah, I'm sure their farts smell like petrichor, Caleb. Petrichor, that's the smell of rain, right? Dirt. Dirt after rain. Yeah, that smells good. Yeah, that's a big fucking wolf.

That's a big wolf. What were we saying? So this story's fake? Yeah, clearly. Every element, like, we petted it, but then it attacked our calf, so we shot it and we tracked it through the woods. And it was invincible. You lied about everything you just said. The strongest wolf known to mankind, yeah. Either A, they missed, or B, that's all fake.

Or it was some kind of weird robo-wolf from the future. That might send back in time to kill John Connor. To kill Terry Sherman. Terry Sherman does sound like a name for the Terminator, to be fair. It does, yeah. Terry Sherman is a very 90s action movie, secondary supporting character name. Okay, I want everyone to know, I'm looking at pictures of these giant wolves. And yes, they are huge.

but i am now getting pictures of furries at the moment i am now getting vor fetish content yeah there we go knew it it's a natural cycle wolves are a gateway drug to a bunch of weird shit yeah you start with wolves and then you start wearing wolf clothes yeah what's with is it werewolf why are so many furries wolves why not like a dog or something why is it always wolves well

Well, you want to be the strongest version of... If you're going to pretend to be something, you want to be the strongest version of that thing, right? No one wants to be... I mean, I guess, but... I've never associated, like, people's fursonas with, like, strength, you know? It's always been... Maybe they want to be, like... It's like wanting to be a knight or something. I'm a whoop.

I'm sick of the whole sticking to like canine animals like I want to see like a toucan Sam kind of thing going on like maybe some birds. They're lame. They're lame. What? No, what? Birds suck, dude. Birds suck. What do you mean birds suck? I'm anti-bird. I'm insanely anti-bird. Why are you anti-bird? Why? My gosh, these walls are big. Give me one bird positive. Give me one good thing birds do. They can fly. What do you mean? That's so lame. You know who else? You know what else can fly?

Us, to our indomitable human spirit of creation, curiosity, and technology. Okay. Are you telling me you don't think stuff like eagles are cool? Well, no, of course I think eagles are cool. That's one species. Raptors are cool, but chickens are not. Hawks.

Hawks are cool. Yeah, raptors are cool. You have chickens. What are you talking about? Yeah, chickens are cool. Chickens are cool. You have chickens. I have chickens. I don't like them. That's kind of fucked up that you don't like them. Because I eat stuff from them. I use them as vessels to hold my food. Okay, then ergo, you like them.

What is this? This is an ungrateful attitude. This is a ridiculously. I'm incredibly grateful for them. I'm incredibly grateful for them. But I acknowledge that they are less than me in every single measurable way. Oh, my God. So are like a wolf or any other animal. But at least wolves are cool to have on your shirt.

- You're right. - We're obviously forgetting the t-shirt appeal of a chicken. You're right. Why didn't I take it? - I feel like all this negative energy towards your chickens is probably gonna cause a chicken poltergeist in your house at some point. So you will probably get that ghost that you've been wanting. - I would love if Caleb was haunted by a chicken. That would be the funniest thing I think that's ever happened.

I would love to be haunted by a chicken. That sounds harmless. It just goes, I just get woken up in the middle of the night to disembodied calling. No, I don't know about that. Being haunted by any kind of bird would suck because you just get like pecked all the time. You'd feel the sensation of being pecked and you wouldn't know where from. That would suck.

Interesting. Anyway. Should I keep reading? That idiot. Yeah, just keep reading. I'm just throwing pictures of giant wolves in the chat. Continue. Then came the strange circular dead grass spots out on the land. When walking across the land, Terry would find three large circles forming a triangle. The grass was pushed flat in the ground as if it were an intentional act intending to create a pattern of some type.

These circles were each about eight feet across and about 30 feet from each other. They also, they had also at this time and as, as a family, okay, hold on. I just get really confused.

They had also, at this time and as a family, begun to see UFOs. UFOs that would fly quietly and slowly down over their land. Over time, the Shermans, including their teenage son and 10-year-old daughter, would repeatedly witness three distinct types of UFOs. A small box-shaped craft with a white light, a 40-foot long object, and a massive ship the size of several football fields. Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on. A fucking airship.

I need to put this together. So this is right after they're tracking the wolf thing, right? Yeah, so the wolf thing is the very first thing that happened to the family. Okay, so this is like in the same moment, right? Because it's like they then came to a strange circle. All these events took place over the course of like a year and a half. They were only at Skinwalker Ranch for a year and a half. Oh, okay. So hold on, Terry, they tracked it...

Okay, so this isn't at the same time. No, it's not like at the same night. This is a different event. Okay, so there's grass spots, and then they walk out, and there's like the triangle thing. And then these circles were about 8 by 30 feet from each other. They were 8 feet across and 30 feet from each other. And they said that they saw...

Let's see this. Three, they saw a small box-shaped craft with a white light, a 40-foot long object, a massive ship the size of several football fields. Yeah, I believe them. All right, I'm just making sure we're all on the same point.

Because I zoned out for a second and every single word I was hearing was imperceivable. And now I realize I didn't zone out. That's just the words that were said. Yeah, that's so far. I'm going to be honest. The Sherman family is not a reliable source of reality, realistic information, I'd say. Well, I think the burden of proof is on you to disprove them. How about that?

The burden of proof is on me to disprove them? Yeah. Prove a negative. Prove a negative. Well, the strange circular dead grass spots could easily be caused by fairy rings. You guys know what that is?

Yeah, I continue. Please continue. Fairy rings? Dude, the place where I used to live, there is these black circles that appeared in the lawn and it freaked me out. You walk through them and it's like smoke coming up. It's like the black stuff on the grass lifts off the grass. It kills the grass. It's just fungus. Fungus grows in circles. Fungus is awesome. You guys know about fungus? Why is it called...

Yes, we know about fungus. Why is it called fairy rings? I don't know. I think that's probably a name some unfortunate British people gave to the circle shapes that they were seeing in their lawns. So is it just the phenomenon of the circles, like the circles themselves, or is it the type of fungus? I think it's a phenomenon of fungal circles in general. They happen to grow in these shapes, yeah.

I literally thought you were just making a RuneScape reference initially when I said yes to knowing what fairy rings are. Nope. What's RuneScape?

Okay, don't. No more tangents. Let's move ahead. Fungus better than birds. Anyways, let's go ahead. Where are we? Another internal story. They even observed one craft emitting a wavy red beam of light, a tractor beam, as it moved through the sky. Additionally, they had seen various airborne lights, some of which emerged from orange circular portals that appeared suddenly in midair.

They allegedly were able to videotape two of these sightings, though these have not been made publicly available as far as I know. The tapes are buried somewhere on the land. We just don't have the permission to dig them up. Oh my gosh. I love these people. This is great. I love it.

that caleb caleb be honest if you met these people in real life you would be like do you want you want to live with me do you want to like this is your people this is your kind of people they're probably lying but they're clearly creative and inspired so they'd be interesting to be around i could do a much better job of lying and making shit up that's what i'm going to start saying uh if i lie to people i'm going to be like i'm just creative creative i'm just creative for the facts i just have a big imagination creative

Judge, counterpoint creativity. Imagination, whimsy. Come on, judge. Don't crush my innocence. Lackadaisical wonderlust, perhaps. Ever heard of it? You wouldn't jail a man for being creative. Judge, I'll have you know these explosives were not improvised. I spent a very long time making them, okay? Yeah, that's funny.

Another anecdotal story. There was an instance where an orb appeared in front of the family before flying off. The dog began to chase it. The dog quickly escaped the Shermans and when they went looking for their lost pup, they stumbled across a burn mark in the group shaped like a perfect circle. In the ground. Okay. In the ground, shaped like a perfect circle. Again, very similar to crop circles. One thing that's interesting is most crop circles are explained

and done by humans. By drunk farmers. Yeah, exactly. There was a study, I think in the early 2000s or 90s, where certain crop circles, the way that the plants, the vegetation was folded and braided, it was only possible for microwaves to have done it, to be able to heat up the stalk and then they fold over with heat. So it's unlikely that drunk farmers did it.

Anyways, side point. Drug farmers can own microwaves, but not probably to the degree that you're talking about. No, probably not to... Yeah, go ahead. No, no, no, go ahead. I was just going to say, so they're saying that it took their dog. No, the dog was recovered eventually. Oh, well, what did it take them for?

It just led them to the crop circles. I don't think we're getting invited to the fucking Skinwalker Ranch, to be honest. I'm kind of upset. I thought you guys would be way into believing this, honestly. Crop circles and orange lights? Who do you take me for? I'm a man of dignity, thank you. I have principles. I am a man of science, okay? I have my reasons, and I don't appreciate people that make the true supernatural stories look discredited.

Caleb just literally gave you a scientific explanation for this. Microwaves. No, listen, Jackson, that's like being like, oh, you think JFK was killed by the CIA? Well, you must believe in flat Earth. Like, dude, these are two different things we're talking about. True. I mean, I want to believe this, though, so I will. Yeah, I want to go there and I want to just feel it. I just want to get out there and I just want to feel it, see how it is. See an orb, some shit like that.

I would love to get blasted into oblivion by an alien spaceship. That would make me feel great. Me too. If I could get killed by anything paranormal supernatural, I wish it would happen ASAP, as soon as possible. Like, that would be so cool. But it won't happen, though.

You know, do you, do you hope that it would happen? Cause it'd be great for your career. No, no, no. I just hope that it would happen. So there would be some kind of actual proof of something. Oh, right. You want to be like the martyr that proves that these things exist. Exactly. Right. Yeah. Makes sense. But you won't be around to really notice the effect of it. Well, yeah, I won't be around eventually anyways. So might as well go out with a damn bang. Yeah. True. I guess.

similar to crop circles, Terry would also hear strange male voices talking to him from above out of nowhere in an unknown language. It was just like Japanese or something. It wasn't like a demon tongue or something. It's just a Japanese ghost.

His dogs would go berserk when this would happen, barking and growling before running away to the safety of their home. It was around this time that they started to find their cattle dead and mutilated. I do think that's the most compelling part of all this is the cattle mutilations because that happens a lot. Not the giant dogs. Oh, I mean, wolf. Well, that's just nonsense.

But if the cows are getting mutilated to the degree that we're going to find out that they were mutilated to, surely this kind of adds credit to the idea that there's a giant wolf out there mutilating these cattle. The way that they're mutilated, though, isn't it strange? Isn't their skin removed from their bodies and stuff? Yeah, you'll find out. It's pretty gross. The first mutilated cow that the family found was very peculiar. It had no blood.

but was otherwise normal except for a hole in one of its eyes. Okay, so a hole in its eye, but no blood. Wait, what? Yeah, why is the phrase that way? It's like it had no blood. Other than that, pretty normal. What do you mean no blood?

I don't know what it meant by no blood either. I think it was like drained of blood, I guess. Yeah, yeah. Is the implication that all the blood left through the hole in one of its eyes as well? Leave my normal bloodless cow alone, okay? It's had a hard day. Wants to get through it. So they put a hole in the eye of this poor cow and then like you just sort of slurp out all of the fucking blood? Ew. Exactly. Sucked it. Yeah.

Dude, aliens are weird. It permeated a strange smell described as a sort of chemical smell. There was no evidence surrounding it and that there was no evidence surrounding it that there had been any other animal or individual around at the time of the mutilation. Then there was another with the same hole in the same eye, but also another one down by its rectum.

I couldn't determine if it was his asshole or if it was an additional hole. The previous one had a... This cow has a weird hole in its butt. What could it mean? That's such a funny thought. Why does this thing have a hole in its butt? Why does it have a hole in the back end of it? That's so weird. What is this? That's so weird. Crazy. What's that even for? Let's see.

The smell again was present. There was a sort of precision about these mutilations and they weren't as gruesome as other reported cow mutilations through time, where the cows would be found gutted and torn apart. Several cows would also simply disappear with no one in the family knowing where they went. Trying to track them, the Shermans would follow the hoof prints until they just stopped. Like the cow had been lifted up and carried away by some airborne vessel.

Which if we remember right, that's what happened with the wolf too. Tractor beam. Tractor beam, potentially, yeah. And that's maybe what the crop circles before, they were showing. Hold on, are we under the impression then that the wolf is unrelated to alien sightings? These things are just happening at the same time? Uh...

Because if the wolf was just randomly picked up by a tractor beam, that means the cow is too. So that means this one property coincidentally is having an alien invasion and skinwalker attack at the same time. Well, okay. What if... Okay. Just working with what the information that we have currently, what if the wolf was a skinwalker, but it's aliens that have the ability to skin change or skinwalk basically?

And so aliens are skinwalkers. And so that was an alien that came down, skinwalked into the wolf and attacked the cow. I know this is kind of like the lame question to ask with UFOs, alien entities. But what does a multi-dimensional, not sorry, not multi-dimensional, multi-galactic capable being that's able to travel the universe and stuff like that, why does it want to dress as a wolf and kill cows?

Yeah, well, I don't understand, like, throughout all of history, all of the fucking alien stories that people have are like, oh, it kidnapped me in the middle of the night and probed my butt. Like, why are all the aliens so, like, ass-hungry? I'm, you know, almost convinced that all of those people was just, like, the CIA. That they were just probing people or something, rather. Yeah, I would absolutely believe that the CIA was kidnapping people in the middle of the night and probing their asses. I'd do that if I had an unlimited budget. Alright, okay. If I was Mr. Beast.

Anyways If Caleb has infinite money He's immediately going to start Redacting people Oh but if I have infinite money I'm going to be doing some experimentation

all right i got you let's just that's good i guess we know where uh where it comes from you always hear people who like do evil things like you know epstein and whatnot and it's like i wonder if um i wonder when that happened and then i think from what caleb just told us it's just always there it's a matter of resources that's holding them back so at least caleb's up front about it though that's what i appreciate about caleb he's i'm gonna do my i'm gonna do my experimentation with birds though

No, you leave those chickens alone, man. On the note of the mutilations, cow mutilations were a phenomenon that exploded in popularity in the 70s, with cows across the country mysteriously being harvested in similar ways to what the Shermans had experienced. As this was a popular activity that was widely discussed, it's possible that the work was that of a copycat, or the Shermans were inspired by the discussions at the time when doctoring the story itself.

That makes a lot of sense. They just lied. Is there any pictures? No, there's no pictures. Of course there's no fucking pictures. What do you mean? What do you mean other pictures? Of course not. I mean, I don't know. Throughout their entire story. Remember, this is the 90s. Cameras were pretty common in the 90s. So it's not like with all these weird things happening, they wouldn't have had a camera available to take pictures of the things that were happening. Kodak. And yet...

I mean, they themselves said they have footage of the UFOs or whatever. They just haven't publicly released them. So obviously they have a camera if they're taking videos of UFOs. Yeah. But for some reason they're not releasing it. So what does that tell you? They're not technophobes. It certainly leads me to believe that there are lying people.

Yeah, I think it means, I realize I'm being too much of a realist here. I think it means that what they've seen is too great for those who aren't willing to believe. It's too scary to release that public. I like that. That's a good, yeah, that's true. That's a good. They're not worthy. They're not worthy of the revelation. Yeah. There you go. So I think that's what happened, actually.

It's hard to know for certain as no evidence of much of the story is available publicly. It does seem quite unlikely that the family would have collectively concocted the story in such explicit detail, however. For example, the third cow was said to have a 6-inch wide, 18-inch deep hole cored out of its rectum and extending into the body cavity. Holy shit. That is graphic. That's a big, yeah, that's a deep hole. That's a lot of detail, right, for this family to come up with.

Also six inches wide. Six inches in diameter? That's huge, yeah. That is massive. That's a giant gaping cavern. Ouch. Yeah. In this cow's ass. Ouch. But...

It's like it got hit with a giant apple core. Yeah, wait, wait. Why was this glossed over, by the way? They're like, oh, this cow's quite interesting. It's got a hole in its eye. Don't mine the giant fucking cavern in its ass that's been, like, cored out. Like, what do you mean? That's way more, like, wild. Damn hole in this thing's ass. Six inches in diameter, 18 inch deep. What the fuck? Did they get a tape measure out for that, by the way? Those are very specific numbers. This cow got cored like an apple. Yeah.

Yeah, but no pictures of it somehow. No pictures. Dude, first thing I do is start snapping photos of that shit. That's crazy. It's becoming a vlog. You don't even need a picture. It's not like this cow would have disappeared. Bring some friends over and have a look at it so you've got secondhand testimony. Or just drag it into town and be like, hey, look at this cow's ass. Pretty wild, eh? Check us out, fellas. Yeah.

check this out people utah next time i go to caleb's property you you want to see this cow's butt holding up ripped out by an alien i think god sent an angel to pull this cow's rectum out of its head you're probably gonna get a bad reputation if you do that to be fair i just like to imagine that they did it themselves they're just out there coring cows out like apples

Yeah, they're pretending like it's an alien invasion. We like to have some cow rectum just like Mama used to make. Like the way the Lord intended.

We all know aliens enjoy a bit of anal, but that seems a bit much even for the extraterrestrials. What a wild sentence in the middle of a document. They do. I just want to say before, they love anal. Anal exploration. Everyone knows that about aliens. I love how aliens already have that stigma coming. They haven't even shown up officially yet. They love anal. But we all know they love anal. Yeah, they love anal. Anal sex. Love it.

A potential explanation I've seen thrown around by ranchers in the area as a potential

A potential explanation I've seen thrown around by ranchers in the areas at the time is that there were helicopters flying around during times when they would lose their cattle. This led to the belief that the United States military was involved in experimental biological weapons tests on the cattle, which could explain the odd condition the cows were left in. What were they experimenting with? Like de-anus technology? Apple coring? Yeah.

I know that there was a cow farm outside of Area 51 outside Groom Lake in the early 50s that I think tried to sue the United States government because all their cattle died from radiation. I've heard of that one, yeah. That makes sense, though. Yeah, that's just government not caring about side effects of their experimentation. They probably didn't intend for the cows to die, right? They just didn't care.

No. Yeah. I think it was during their studies of like fallout to like their studies of how radiation is carried by the wind and like they didn't know like that. Oh, OK. So they weren't like actually using the cows as a part of the experiment. No, it's just the total accident of the experiment. Yeah. Right.

Counterpoint, however, is that I don't think the United States military would have left behind evidence to their cow shenanigans if that were the case. Additionally, it's the United States military. I think they can probably afford to buy some cows of their own to torture if that's what they want. Very valid points. Why would they be flying around killing cows? Cows aren't exactly... Well, the idea of them just stealing a bunch of or killing a bunch of locals' cows for really no reason is very nefarious, right? That's insane.

I believe it. Terry Sherman had this to say about the situation in an article from 1996. We've seen the UFOs enough and we pretty much know what the craft looked like. And I think it's definitely associated with the cattle mutilations. When we see the crafts and then the cattle, we have problems. It appeared that there was a connection between the mysterious lights in the sky and the so-called cow mutilations with the lights themselves being a precursor to the murders.

It's also important to note that there wasn't a sentiment that was rare at the time in that area. It's also important to note that it wasn't a sentiment that was rare at the time in the area. So people were used to getting their cows cored by apples. Well, not the coring, but the cow mutilations themselves. Oh, stuff killing them. Sure, sure. Plus people in the area have seen UFOs and they were discussing UFOs at the time as well, which may have added to...

the families, you know, using this as a backdrop for their stories, basically. Like, all these discussions generally were popular in the community. Yeah. There were certainly a lot of people in the surrounding towns that shared similar stories, especially among cattle wantles. This is an apparent UFO at Skinwalker Ranch. I hear this is not observed. This is clearly a UFO. I see this every day. It's unidentified. It's a flying object. It's unidentified.

The family were also plagued with nightmares. Their dreams filled with weird alien-like beings. Terry has said that in his dreams, he felt a strange sensation like he was in two places at once. On top of this... I have those dreams. I have those dreams and I'm not being haunted. Dude, I have dreams where I'm fucking flying through space and time. Like, what? Of course dreams are insane.

On top of this, the family was dealing with poltergeist activity in their home. Objects would move on their own. This is the most cursed family of all time. They've got everything happening to them. Yeah, let's count this up. They have an alien attack. They have skinwalker attacks. They have government attacks. They have ghost attacks. And no proof of any of it. And they have taken zero pictures or even considered telling someone else to come look at it. Supernatural Munchausens is what it is. I think...

Supernatural Munchausen is good. Yeah, I actually feel like it probably is that. They've just seen all these stories and they're just like, yeah, we can add that to Skinwalker Ranch. Sure, yeah. I'm surprised there's not like a home invasion added in here. Maybe a couple of vampires, you know? Yeah, there was a limit to their creativity. They're getting attention for all this stuff too. My very basic mindset when it comes to all this is do the people make money off of it?

Yeah, find who's benefiting from it. Yeah, like all the haunted house shit. If someone's making money from it, it's just so hard for me to believe that it's real. So hard. Well, if they're making money from it, they're inherently motivated by financial reasons. To perpetuate it. It's their business. They become biased, yeah. Yeah, they add layers to it. I wouldn't kill a mutilated cow for money, but if it's part of your haunted house...

And you're trying to make that, like, you know, it just makes more sense. That's the path of loose resistance. You said you wouldn't, so you wouldn't mutilate a cow for money. No. But you would mutilate a cow if it led to your haunted house making money? That's the same thing. Well, I personally wouldn't, but if I, I'm saying hypothetically, if I was them. Oh, like someone would, yeah. Yeah. I personally, myself, I wouldn't in real life, but hypothetically, if I'm at the Skinwalker Ranch, my name is Caleb Sherman and I'm like the rotten cousin. Yeah.

So you wouldn't do it to cows, but chickens on the other hand? I wouldn't mutilate chickens either. No, I wouldn't. I would pop their heads off. No, not you. Chickens are cool. Their heads pop off real easy, guys.

The Shermans, understandably... That's not where I was. I just tried to immediately start. I thought it'd be funny. Let's see. Objects would move on their own. Okay. Yeah. I apologize. I'm a fool. Objects would move on their own and everyday household items would just disappear and be found in the most unlikely of places. That's not where I was.

The Shermans, understandably, became increasingly uneasy and tense. They would feel like someone was always watching and following them, seeing shadows move out of the corners of their eyes. In addition to that, their livelihood was negatively impacted by a large number of their cows and livestock mysteriously disappearing or being mutilated over the course of the year. Stop killing them if that's what you're doing. Terry Sherbert's taking the cow out each night and fucking ripping out its anus. I gotta fit! He's

He's out there pulling his cow's buttholes out and he's like, with this ass to end, it must stop. We're going into the red. This has to stop. This all took a huge toll on the family and deep down they knew they couldn't live there anymore and needed to get out. I can take the next part. I can take it. I haven't read much. You haven't read much. Trying to leave me out, trying to cut me out. What, you think you and...

Caleb, we're going to run this podcast. Is that what you want, Jackson? No, no, no. I bow to you. My liege, please. It's more like it. That is the kind of attitude we need on Whittington Project number eight. After only 18 months of ownership, the Sherman family decided to move out. They did an interview with local newspaper Desert News published on June 30, 1996, detailing their terrifying experience living on the ranch. The immediate reaction from the public was mixed.

What the Shermans were claiming was happening on the property was pretty crazy, and many were skeptical or thought they were misinterpreting natural events or were overanalyzing and dramatizing mundane events for attention, especially those who lived locally to them. As the news article gained traction, it began to snowball, bringing in even more attention to the topic. So people who knew the Shermans were like, this is fake. That's pretty telling.

Well, not knew them, but like just people in the local town, basically like the local city or whatever, wherever Deseret News is, like people were like collectively being like, this, this story is whack. Yeah. All the other, all the other farmers are like, what, what do you mean?

No, there were definitely people supporting them. And even in the article, like the writer, the journalist of the article, you know, spoke to other farms and stuff who kind of corroborated the stories of like cow mutilations and seeing UFOs and stuff. And I think there was a part of the article where the journalist was talking to like a high school teacher who was also like an avid UFO watcher. And he was like, yeah, I completely believe everyone here has been abducted at least once in their life, basically. What? Yeah, that's what he said. That's what he said.

That is crazy. Yeah, I believe him. I don't believe shit these people are saying. I think he's got a good heart, Caleb. Skinwalker Ranch also...

Skinwalker Ranch also made its way into the media with books and movies about the paranormal experiences being made. The book Hunt for the Skinwalker by Colm Keller and George Schnapp was released in 2005 and it is the first time the ranch would be called by its modern moniker of Skinwalker Ranch. The book itself went into the Sherman's life for the 18 months they lived on the ranch and followed the investigations led after by the National Institute for Discovery and Science.

It explored the mysterious activities at the ranch, equating the wolf event with that of a skinwalker, thus the name. Yeah, so before that it wasn't really known as Skinwalker Ranch, it was just like this family has a weird ranch basically. Didn't really have a name. Sherman Ranch, I guess. And George Knapp, I know he's a journalist, right? He's the guy who helped publish... Shit, who's the guy who left Area 51 and is like a whistleblower?

Oh, I know who you're talking about. He went on Joe Rogan. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Bubba's all right.

Bob Lazar, yeah. Bob Lazer. Yeah, Lazer. Yeah, George Knapp helped him with that. So I would like to see... I'm sure he probably interviewed them and then wrote the book, and that's where all this information is coming from. I would like to see his opinion on this, because I don't know a lot about George Knapp, but for some reason in my mind, he seems... He's like a reputable guy. But at the same time, I don't know. The comments will tell you. Yeah.

The comments. I mean, there's definitely a lot of people out there that do believe in the stories told by the family. Like, I'm sure we're going to get a lot of comments of people being like, you guys didn't take this serious enough. They were honest, hardworking American folk. True. People do believe them, so we'll see. I blame you then, Jackson. Hey, I'm just relaying the information as unbiased as I can. You know, you're right. I also think it was Jackson's fault if you think about it. Fuck, not again. I'm back on Skinwalker's side. I'm

I'm back on skinwalker side too. Whatever side Jackson is on, I count me the other side. I was collectively, I was, I started this on the side of the family. You can't, you can't join my side. Are you still on the side of the family? Cause I'm actually moving over to the side. You're no longer on actually. Yes. This is confusing me. These double negatives are hurting my brain. I'm here. I'm, I'm here forever. Whatever we're doing.

is where i'm that's really you're actually being so negative right now jackson that if you think about you're the double negative yeah what the fuck i'm gonna walk i'm gonna walk already jackson buy me out right now buy me out the show i'm gonna walk right now buy me out 60 dollars go ahead we can fix this guys come on we can meet in the middle the wolf was real the aliens weren't

No, I want the aliens to be real. You can keep... I don't believe in wolves. That's what I was going to say. Wolves sounds like bullshit. The aliens? I believe in wolves. I can't compromise any further. I'm sorry. That was my final... I guess we've arrived at an impasse, cowboy. Red thread is over. Red thread is over. Thank you all for watching the show. It only took two episodes after Charlie left. He was really the glue. He was really the glue. And if you want to blame someone, it's probably Caleb's fault, so...

No. I feel sad now. The book itself went into the sheriff's life for 18 months. They lived on the ranch and followed the investigations led after by the National Institute for Discovery and Science. Explored the mysterious activities at the ranch equating the yes, Nitsky. It explored the mysterious activities at the ranch equating the wolf event with that of a skim walker. That's the name.

So, still to this day, the interest in Skinwalker Ranch is undeniable. It's inspired movies like Skinwalkers, released in 2006, and Skinwalker Ranch, released in 2013.

Popular TV shows like The X-Files and Supernatural had episodes about the ranch. Plus, there have been so many books about it, the interest itself has never gone away. Plus, there may... Plus, there have been so... You're typing and I can't... I'm scared. I'm getting scared. I'm about to throw up. I'm moving my cursor. You're fine. I'm afraid. I'm going to beat you up. I can't work under these conditions. Buy me out. I'm leaving. I walk.

So many people asked for this episode of Red Thread, showing that the mysterious nature of the ranch is still just as ever enticing. And the view count better show that. Thank you, Jackson. Thank you, Jackson, for that added parentheses. Appreciate it. Even Post Malone visited the ranch in 2021. Post Malone was planning on staying overnight in one of the homesteads with some of his team, but actually left abruptly in the night due to, quote, unexplained disturbing paranormal activity. Hmm. Interesting. Interesting.

Uh, quote post Malone and I were introduced through mutual friends and business associates and became friends as he is extremely interested in the paranormal with the dream to visit the ranch. And this is Brandon Fugle talking about post Malone. Yeah. Brandon Fugle, who eventually would come to own. Oh, I gotcha.

While many are and were unsure about these bizarre stories, it did bring a lot of interest from paranormal researchers. As mentioned before, there were investigations from Nitsky into Skimwalker Ranch. The founder of Nitsky, Robert Bigelow, actually bought the property from the Sherman family in 1996 when they were desperate to get out.

To be honest, while the Skinwalker Ranch itself appears to be benefiting from the stories that have been told and it's been used as a source of inspiration and canvas for properties that have benefited financially from it, the original storytellers, the Shermans, have not themselves seemed to have benefited significantly from the events in terms of the books and movies. In fact, their encounters were more of a source of distress and disruption to their lives.

Additionally, when they sold the ranch, they did so at a price that reportedly did not reflect any financial gain from the notoriety of the stories, but rather just a standard real estate transaction. At least, that's what they claim.

Let me take this next part. I did the math on this. I'm proud of this. I did a lot of research into fucking real estate sales and shit like that. Oh, look at you. However, looking at real estate prices in the area at the time they first purchased the land was between $200 and $400 per acre. This is real land in Utah. Utah? Utah? I don't fucking know. Utah. Utah.

On average, depending on things like the quality of the land and the infrastructure of the surrounding area. So it really depended on how far away from city centers it was, basically. So Skinwalker Ranch was located in a remote and sparsely populated area of northeastern Utah in the Uintah Basin. The nearest town in 1994 was Ballard, which is approximately 15 miles or 24 kilometers away. And Ballard itself is a small town with limited development.

So I don't know how long does it take to like drive 15 miles probably like 30 minutes. I don't know About 15 minutes, okay, if you go I guess it depends on hold on you drive 30 miles 15 minutes 50 miles in 15 minutes if yeah, that would be you'd be going what 90 miles an hour. Oh, he's at 30 miles. What any I

Did you say 30 miles or 15 minutes? Miles. You're confusing me. It's 15 miles away. Ballard is 15 miles away. Yeah, that'd be 15 mile drive more than 60 miles per hour. Yeah, at 60 miles per hour, that's 15 minutes. 60 miles per hour is a mile a minute. So, okay. There we go. So, yeah, about 15 minutes away. And that was a small town. It still had, like, very limited development back in 1994. So, like...

Not what you would call really a town worth going to. The closest developed town at the time was Vernal, which was around 30 miles away. This would take about 45 minutes to drive to from the ranch. And therefore, it's fair to say that Skinwalker Ranch was at least 40 minutes or an hour away from developed infrastructure and would be considered quite remote in 1994. Therefore, it's likely that the family purchased the land in 1994 for closer to the $200 average per acre, which would be around $100

About $102,000 for 512 acres. So that's probably how much they spent on the land at the time when they first bought it. Maybe even a bit less if the sellers were desperate. The fact that they would then go on to sell the land to a billionaire a mere 18 months later for $200,000, a doubling of growth in under two years, does not seem to me like they didn't benefit from the stories financially. So they've doubled the price. They doubled the price of it. Yeah.

Man, I appreciate you. You smelled something on these guys and you're like, I'm going to dig into it. And sure enough, they doubled the price on the land. Look at you. Yeah, so they said that they didn't financially benefit from it, but they sold it to a billionaire for double the profit. How about the drip of this guy, Robert Bigelow, in this next picture here? Yeah, he's... You like that pic? That's how I dress. He's hitting it hard. You do kind of dress...

We all need to start dressing like that. That is amazing. What a beautiful man. He's got it on. He's got that on.

Another note, another thing I noticed, to be completely fair, the previous owners before the Shermans owned the ranch for 60 years before and they didn't report anything to the degree that the Shermans experienced beyond some UFO sightings which weren't uncommon in the area, which does make the situation a whole lot more weighted against the Shermans as well. So yeah, this nice elderly couple that was there first, they lived there for 60 years. Never saw anything. Yeah, they enjoyed their life there. No cow mutilations or anything like that. And then as soon as the Shermans showed up for a year and a half, shit went, you know,

Well, as we've established, Jackson, the Shermans are the most haunted family that's ever existed, ever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Munchausen's by haunting. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Do you still believe them now? Are you flip-flopping again? Where do you sit?

No, I 100%. But you don't believe them, right? Yeah. Now I don't believe them. Yeah. So I 100% believe them. I believe them so much that I'm going to be trying to support them financially from this.

I'm going to find their books. I think I'm going to find them and then I'm going to be like, oh, you sold that house for $200,000? Well, here's $400,000. I don't want the house. Just proverbially, I want you to know I would have bought it for this much because I love you. It's the meaning. It's the purpose. I'm going to start a 501c non-profit.

What did I say about the business stuff? And it's just going to be a tax write-off for me, but it's going to help the Sherman family. That's how much I'm on their side. Caleb's just going to give them free business advice, free bank advice. Promotional support. They own Sour Boys now, don't they? I did. I gave them 100% of Sour Boys. Yeah, I did.

Yeah, that's what I thought. Caleb even took percentages from other owners and passed it off to them. Yeah, that's how much he liked it. Yes, exactly. Congratulations to the Sherman family. You deserve it.

Yeah. Now let's tackle the Nidsky. Robert Bigelow founded Nidsky in 1995, a year before he bought Skinwalker Ranch. Robert himself was a billionaire, having amassed his wealth primarily through real estate and the hospitality industry. He founded Budget Suites of America, a change of extended stay apartment hotels in 1987.

He would then use the money to fund his interests in space explorations in the paranormal. He liked me for real. Let's go! He just liked me for real. Let's go. He becomes a billionaire and he doesn't go to an island with children. He funds paranormal investigation. We don't know that he... He may have still gone to Epstein's Island. No, no, no. If you're that obsessed with aliens and skinwalkers, you're not even thinking about sexual relations. You've got morals.

You've got morals and you have better things to do. Okay? This guy's the GOAT. I love him. The GOAT. The idea for the acquisition of Skinwalker Ranch was to fund research and study projects delving into strange paranormal topics, weird phenomena, and the UFOs said to frequent the ranch. Robert had heard about all the strange happenings at the ranch from the article in the Deseret News,

and knew that he wanted to investigate more. When Nitsky took over the ranch, they immediately established a secure perimeter, set up multiple observation points, and set up instruments to monitor and record any weird activity. That is so cool. This guy's living the dream. That is so cool. And he was able to operate all this machinery remotely from Epstein Island. Caleb, you and I need to get our game up.

Dude, we need to get into the billions. We need to get into the billions. Because we could do stuff like this. We could set up companies of paranormal investigate stuff. That would be really cool, actually. Non-ironically. This was even before YouTube where he could vlog or get Twitter notoriety from it. This was love of the game. Passion Project. Yeah. He was about it. Oh, where are we at? Rancho Toronto, San Antonio, and Ikea.

On board, there were scientists such as physicists, biologists, engineers, and also people who were previously in the military. They utilized high-resolution night vision and infrared cameras around the property along with motion detectors, magnetic field detectors, radiation detectors, and more to capture any visual evidence and also environmental changes to detect anomalies or paranormal activity. Occasionally, they would use helicopters to monitor the property from above.

They tirelessly kept track of the property and any strange happenings that occurred, also conducting experiments to try and provoke unusual activity.

What did they find? The NIDS team did report incidents of UFO sightings, electromagnetic and radiation anomalies, poltergeist activity, animal mutilations, and creatures and apparitions. But in the end, their research into Skinwalker Ranch ended up not being very conclusive. Anything they did allegedly look into, they couldn't find the origins of the phenomena. Money, sadly, could not buy them the answers.

Also, they didn't release any of the data, by the way. I think that's important to clarify. Or show pictures. Yeah. They just said it happened. Yeah, they just said... They all keep saying this, even though we have an infinite amount of ways to capture photos and videos now, super easily, especially at the time, and without billionaires funding, and still they don't have any concrete proof of things happening.

That's nonsense. That's why I need to get into the billions. Isaiah, me and you are going to get into the billions and we're going to go redo this. Depart Dukes. I think that needs to be our goal. Me and you need to go really hard for a few. I mean, you already are, but I need to up my game, go really hard for a few years so that we can buy a bunch of haunted properties and then pay people to monitor them.

under some collective web of like supernatural research i i would be thrilled i would say i would say we could invite jackson on board for it but jackson's a hater and doubting us right now so i don't think that's the kind of thing we need in the team please i can get hard too we can do this together you have no culture i don't think you can get hard i don't think you can jackson you have penal lore and that makes you worse than us lesser

Yeah, us Australians have penal issues. Hey, let me ask you a question, Jackson. As an Australian, what do you consider a long drive? So much longer than you guys. I need to drive like two hours to get anywhere from where I am. Hmm.

I hear Europeans all the time be like, oh, my girlfriend lives 45 minutes away. It's so far. I can't see her or whatever. Were you seriously expecting that to be the case with Australia? Come on. I guess. You're a smart man. You know Australia is large. Come on. It's as big as the continent of the United States. Yeah, but most of it is just wasteland. No one lives in the center of it.

Like, I mean, okay, big property owners are without a house. We predominantly live on the East Coast, like 90% of the country. Yeah, you're all on the coast, I understand that. So I thought that whatever city you live near, that's where you're at, right? No, I'm not near, I'm not near, well, I'm two hours away from the city. No, I'm not giving the address, but two hours away from the city. It takes me a while.

I've seen a lot of images of people... There's a lot of suburbs in Australia outside of Sydney and stuff. It's very Australian-looking. It's weird. It's still consolidated on the East Coast, a lot of those places. But yeah, not everyone lives in the city. Hold on. You're two hours from what? Sydney? Brisbane. Brisbane. Okay. So...

To do stuff, you drive two hours to... Okay, that's a reasonable city drive. Alright, alright. You know what? I was not familiar with your game. I was thinking you were going to be like Europeans and be like, 30 minutes? That's like a whole day. No, 30 minutes would be nice. I'd kill for that. Meanwhile, if I were to drive to Louisiana, that'd be like going from the United Kingdom to fucking France or some shit like that. Yeah. Just to see me, him best friend.

They were also a very private group, and the investigation was kept fairly secret. Nidsky closed in 2004, but research into the property did keep going until 2016, which it was sold. And now this guy owns it. Banden Fugler. Yeah, this guy. Look at this guy. This guy is way, way cooler. I want to see them wrestle. Resident bad boy.

Alright, I wanna read about this guy. Alright, so, Skinwalker Ranch now. So, in 2016, Skinwalker Ranch made headlines when it was sold to a mysterious shell corporation known as Adamantium Holdings LLC. It's like a Resident Evil plotline. No, well, Adamantium's the name of the metal from the Marvel movies. I thought it was like Lord of... Wait, no, it's outside of that as well. It's like Lord of the Rings, isn't it? No, it's just...

Wait, are you thinking of vibranium? No, vibranium. No, adamantium is refined vibranium. No.

Know your lord. Okay, just Google. Adamantium is a virtually indestructible steel alloy named after the fabled metal adamantine of Greek mythology. The metal has its origins in the work of American metallurgist Dr. McClain during World War II when the U.S. government assigned him to military research and development. Yeah, so they took vibranium and made it an adamantium, and that's what Wolverine's claws are made of. What about unobtainium? His bones. Unobtainium? No, that's...

Wait, Unobtainium is Avatar, right? Unobtainium's a joke. Unobtainium is a joke of something you can't get. What's the one in fucking Avatar called? I think that is Unobtainium, isn't it? No, there's no way. It's so dumb that I think it is Avatar. I think Unobtainium is James Cameron. I just loosely read it a little bit.

Oh my gosh, you're right. It's unobtainium. That's so dumb. That's a joke. People used to be like, oh, yeah, where do you find this? Like, oh, it's made of unobtainium, meaning like you can't get a hold of it. Rare. They called the metal in there unobtainium. That's so stupid. What's the green metal called in RuneScape? Does anyone know that? Because that's what I'm thinking of.

Green metal. Adamant. I guess that's kind of the same. You're runescape pilled, bro. I haven't played since I was a teenager. That's all he's got. The important thing to take away from this

all right hold on stuff made of stuff made of adamantium wolverine skeleton and claws ultron shell um saber-toothed skeleton and claws in a later storyline most of bullseye skeleton lady death strike skeleton x-23's claws and uh the russian's body interesting

Yeah, Wolverine's the famous thing. How much of a Marvel fan are you, Isaiah? As a kid, I was a huge fan. I read a lot of superhero comics and stuff, so I would read Marvel, and I'd read a few DC, like Batman and stuff. But as a kid, I was really into it. And when the Marvel movies first started coming out, I was really into it, but not anymore. I kind of lost interest.

That's why I didn't expect that from you. I thought you were cool. When I was younger, superheroes were the coolest thing ever. I love Spider-Man. Anything Spider-Man related, I couldn't get enough of. I don't think superheroes were cool when I was growing up. I thought Iron Man was fucking awesome.

Yeah, Iron Man was cool. I remember going to see the first movie I ever saw in theaters was Spider-Man 2. But then I remember like one of my first core memories was watching, I think I was nine years old when my dad took me to see the first Iron Man movie when it came out. And I remember like just being like, this is the peak of civilization. This is as cool as it gets.

Yeah, it was good. I think the Batman trilogy is still my favorite. Batman was always my favorite. Well, okay, Spider-Man was my favorite as a kid. When I was in high school, like a teenager and stuff, I thought Batman was way cooler. Yeah. I like Guardians of the Galaxy. Okay, let's move on. Let's move on. Yeah, I don't know anything about Marvel. This guy's a super nerd. He named his LLC after Adamantium.

It's kind of cute. To me, that's cute. I like that. It's fun. The Shell Corporation, Adamantium Holdings, bought the property for $4.5 million. Holy shit. This nerd has stacks, by the way. At this point, the lore of it was so popular. We could buy that, Caleb. Me and you, we could go in on that. Yeah, let's go in on it. We could 100% own it.

It would take another four years before the mysterious owner would reveal himself. The man is Brandon Fugle. Brandon's a businessman, entrepreneur, and real estate developer who has always had an interest in the unusual and mysterious. And he purchased the property to continue investigating the paranormal sightings at the ranch. When he purchased the ranch, he took a new scientific approach into investigating the property, building a team with astrophysics, engineers, environmental scientists, and more to study and research the ranch.

The paranormal activity at the ranch has allegedly not stopped.

Brandon and his team have continuously monitored increasing paranormal and strange activity from unidentified aerial phenomena, electromagnetic anomalies, and unexplained health effects on humans and animals where they would experience things like nausea, headaches, and disorientation at certain areas of the property. Kind of like that microwave. You know the Havana... Was it Havana? Yeah, Havana incident. Yeah, where everyone got headaches from a CIA...

microwave device it was like this giant uh it was like a infrasound ray yeah yeah so there's like theories around skinwalker ranch that a lot of these things are caused by maybe like a nearby military base operating that same kind of you know mechanism that's causing like hallucinations and stuff and that's why the family experience what they experience and why people

you know, at Skinwalker Ranch experience that. And that's why there would be no actual proof of like pictures and stuff because they think it's real from, you know, CIA machinery, but it's not actually real. Yeah. Interesting. I think, um,

I think there's something to like the concept of like spontaneous headaches with like government stuff, whatever. I'm sure stuff goes down. I don't know how much I believe that specifically for Skinwalker Ranch. But at this point, it's become such a popular thing. I won't be surprised if like, you know, some billionaire buys the property and then sets up some infrasound beacons, you know. I would. That's what we need to do, Isaiah. We need to actually make it happen.

Make it real. I think we need to get a property like this and then open it to the public, but we have booby-trapped it to no end. It's covered in this kind of stuff. Poltergeists, etc. Other pihina-mina. I think that's a great idea. Desert News, the ones who originally broke the story of the Sherman's experience at the ranch, released an article in October of 2023 where they toured Skinwalker Ranch with Brandon Fugel and some of his team.

they flew in by helicopter and allegedly the pilot was so scared that he led the plane in a collective prayer oh man uh the participants were required to say amen before the pilot would land what the heck say it say it say it do the word say it what did that go like were they up there and he's like you best start believing in ghost stories basically he's

He's like, I'm too scared to land. There's too much going on down there. Too much activity. Please, we all need to pray. The journalist attending the trip, Meg Walter, met members of the team at the ranch who told of their experiences with, quote, malevolent forces. Brandon Fugel also claims that not long after he bought the property, he saw a UFO in the sky. He described it as being silver, 15 meters long, and hovering above in the daylight. But everyone said that at this point. I mean, yeah, like you're out west, someone saw a UFO, big whoop.

Yeah, show me. Actually show me a photo that doesn't look like a fucking bird flying by. They experienced technological malfunctions. A lot of them. For example, one time the security camera broke down. Camera feed stopped entirely. The team was dispatched to investigate immediately, but they found nothing besides strange noises at the source of the interruption. Suddenly, the team heard a voice that demanded that they leave immediately. Upon complying, they realized their phones were frozen until they were far away from the ranch.

While the journalist was there, they experienced pinging from the motion detectors around the property, but no one could actually see any movement. It went on for five hours until the principal investigator, Eric Bard, yelled out for whatever was there to show them something if they had something to say. The camera feed they were all watching then began to, quote, melt as Eric took a screenshot, which shows something very interesting.

Down in the bottom right corner where it had previously said camera one living room, it now said I living. That goes hard, dude. The ghost is fucking stupid. I living. I living. I am a ghost. I'm a wop. Have you guys ever had a UFO experience? You ever seen a Pahina Mina? UFO Pahina Mina? No, I haven't seen anything. What about you?

No. Nothing. I think I was tripping balls one day. I was sitting at my desk in my old house just last year. And I think I talked about this before online, but I was sitting at my desk and I was really tired. It was pretty late at night. And I can't remember if it was really late at night or if it was early in the morning.

Um, either or I was like near my desk and I went to go lay down in my bed, turn my lights off. And the end of my room is like this big sort of like circular area with a bunch of windows. And you can see out into my backyard and there was just a crazy blue light that shined in the window.

and like a loud sound and like a crazy blue light coming in. And it freaked me out so bad that I got up and like went outside and looked around and I didn't know what was going on. But

Yeah, I think I was asleep. I'm pretty sure that I was asleep. All I remember is the blue light coming in the sound and then the feeling of waking up as if I was asleep or like, you know, sometimes whenever you get really tired, you can kind of just shock yourself awake, even if you're sitting upright. Mm hmm.

It felt like that. It was very strange. And there was a very bright blue light. And that's all that happened. So all you saw was the light? Just light, yeah. Like a sound and a light. A bright blue light. Are you saying that the UFO shocked you awake or was just the act of seeing the light enough to alert you? I

I really don't know. I don't know what it was or if it was anything at all. It could have just been my neighbor shining a blue light, but it was extremely bright and there was a noise. I don't know if I dreamed it and then I like happened to be waking up as it was like happening because I have had that happen before like where I'm fucking kind of like associating. Yeah, I don't make reliable testimonies, but it was really weird. Like that feeling when you're falling asleep and then like you jump awake basically. Yes, exactly. That type of like shocking awake.

I've had that happen a lot. Same. I hate that feeling. So the new team investigating managed to narrow down where to investigate to quote the triangle. This has appeared to be the paranormal hotspot in the ranch. They have conducted experiments here that have been shown on the TV show, the secret of skin Walker ranch, which began in early 2020 around the time it was announced that Brandon Fugel was the owner.

It's very much unknown what, if anything, lies in the triangle, but the team there have been putting effort into measuring every little change or thing that happens in the environment. And then there's a poster of The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch, which is a TV show that's been going on for like four years and it chronicles all the experiments they do. It's on the Discovery... No, the History Channel, sorry. And basically, nothing has come from it in terms of actual... They haven't discovered anything. They haven't like...

There's a lot of exciting moments where they think they've discovered something during the show, but then it's like they don't know. They still haven't figured it out or have any kind of actual evidence. And it's a produced show. It's entertainment, so it's very clearly played up. As you can see from this poster here of what looks to be one of Brandon Fugle's spaceships leaving. ICBM. ICBM.

This is actually just a picture of Caleb seeing those blue lights, like how he had it all. And this is his ICBM he's using to attack. This is Brandon Fugle waging war against the aliens. He's launching missiles against them. Yeah, what is, even in the context of the show, what is the rocket about? He doesn't have rockets. The aliens don't have, well, the aliens might have rockets. But it's coming from the ground. Yeah. It's like going up. Yeah.

It's also a rocket. Isn't that like the whole point of alien phenomena? It's very clearly a rocket, yeah. They don't use rockets. They have like element 115 and they can defy gravity. They got like beams they shoot stuff with and whatever. This is conventional warfare. He's using ballistic missiles. And occasionally they launch a JDAM.

The aliens are really throwing him off his game by firing a missile at themselves from the ground. The missile is launching up towards three glowing blue lights in the sky, so he's clearly... Was he standing out there with a fucking flashlight watching this happen, by the way? I'm assuming that's him. He's not in any kind of protective bunker or anything, he's watching this missile strike from the ground.

This kind of reminds me of Oppenheimer a little bit. I don't know why. Yeah, that's why now I become death. So Brandon has said he will continue to investigate the ranch, not just out of his own curiosity, but also for possible groundbreaking scientific discoveries, believing that Skinwalker Ranch is an important focus area for looking into paranormal phenomena.

He does admit that he tries to look into the unusual activity with a healthy dose of skepticism, which fuels him to look into the evidence-based research to find verifiable answers to what is happening at Skimwalker Ranch. That's what he says anyway. That's what he says. It also doesn't hurt that he is profiting from the television show being filmed on the property that shows on the History Channel.

Wait, it also doesn't hurt... Oh, yeah, he's profiting. Yeah, duh. The show has succeeded at bringing significant attention to the ranch, which has increased its value and Fugle's ability to monetize the property through things like merchandise. So, let's not pretend like there isn't an incentive for some Brandon Fugle tomfoolery. He is an entrepreneur, after all. Yeah, you guys admitted that you'd do it, too. What? You're on the same page. No, no. You put an R in that guy's name. We would...

We would never make a dollar. I think Caleb and I can definitively say we would never make a dollar off of the supernatural. We are purely here for the moral crusade. Proof. That's my northern star. My Polaris is to prove and in the end die violently through supernatural means. Anyone out there? Prove that we've made a dollar. Okay.

Okay, off of Supernatural. You can. You can't. There's no way to find that out. It's unprovable. Absolutely not. It's never happened. Never happened. Pure fiction. All right, Jackson, would you like the last paragraph? I'll close it out.

So what is really happening at Sherman slash Skinwalker Ranch? A lot of people believe that Skinwalker Ranch is truly inundated with interdimensional beings, paranormal activities, aliens, the whole nine yards. We can't forget about those portals. Remember they talked about portals as well? Yeah, stink portals. It could be any dimension. I mean, the Avengers could show up from the multiverse. We don't know. Stories from multiple people. Did you say Deadpool? Yeah, why?

i don't know that just threw me for a loop i don't know why that threw me for a loop but it did the stories from multiple people in groups over a large period of time is quite compelling i mean there's just so many there's so much evidence and proof here it's got to be it's

It's going to be right. So maybe the ranch is home to strange portals or unusual energy fields that bring in these unknown creatures that seem to haunt anyone who lives on the ranch. Or perhaps it's an alien meeting spot where transgalactic aliens come to hook up outside their own solar systems and, you know, perform weird anal stuff. Yeah. Sex. Yeah. Have you ever thought about how like maybe earth is just like the sex hookup spot for aliens and that's why they come here. They're like,

They know that we won't bother them? No, because my mind is often filled with thoughts of praying and going to church and thinking of God instead of how...

Well, you're missing out on the alien sex. Earth is a hot destination for that. But it's not just the paranormal and the spooky ghost stuff. There's also the Skinwalkers, who can forget, whom the ranch gained its nickname from. Could Skinwalker Ranch be cursed by entities from a Native American tribe? Strange beings like Skinwalkers have been seen around the ranch, but...

by the Shermans, only by the Shermans, which is located 400 miles north of the Navajo Nation. They are also close to the Ute territory, and apparently the Utes and Navajo were not friendly with each other. Is it possible that the paranormal activity is born from this feud? You said earlier in the show, Isaiah, that that could be a possibility with a lot of ghost stories, right? Like it's born from that kind of feud, negative energy. Right.

so maybe maybe they were warring and stuff and that's what caused the skinwalker to show i think what my i think okay let me clarify it could be haunted now but if it is it's because of the ghost of all the cows who got their buttholes ripped out by the original family trying to prove something yeah the sociopathic family that's yeah now it's haunted but it's their fault the sherman's not some previous thing

Maybe the skinwalker was trying to save the land initially from these... The skinwalker... The alien skinwalker thing saw the Shermans and were like, this is pretty messed up. We should stop this. I know what they're doing to the cows. I need to stop this. He was trying... When he latched onto the calf, he was trying to drag it away to stay... He was trying to help him. Yeah, yeah. Clearly. Could it all be a very...

He's trying to drag it to his little skinwalker UFO to get him the fuck out of there, basically. Could it all be a very long, extensive hoax or misinterpretation? Some think it could come down to natural events like weather patterns, animal behavior, and environmental anomalies which have been mistaken for supernatural activity, especially in an area already rich with mystery and legend. If you ask me, Jackson Clark, I would say

I think the most likely answer is that Skinwalker Ranch started by a family who enjoyed telling stories and exaggerated events for their own entertainment, influenced by common stories at the time. I mean, they had like every single possible story, right? They like hit all of them. Every beat. They had cow nappings, cow slaughterings, UFOs, Skinwalker tales from local tribes, paranormal ghost stories. They had the whole nine yards. Every curse you can imagine.

Yeah, I mean, if there was a horror movie popular at the time, I'm sure they would have worked that into their stories as well. When did The Ring come out? You mentioned The Ring earlier. When did The Ring come out? 2003. Okay, well then it was a few... The story was a few years away from that Ring woman showing up through their TV set. They alluded to it. They planted the seeds, though. They said no digging.

True. Yeah. So yeah, that is true. Maybe they did genuinely believe they saw some creepy things though. I mean, we got to give them some credit maybe. With them being hours from the nearest elements of civilization, it's not crazy to assume the mind would play tricks on you late at night. So I can at least give them that. Maybe like they thought they saw things and then that just kept building. The paranoia kept building on it and they kept seeing things that they thought existed but didn't actually because they were just so fucking loony at the time. I don't know. I don't know.

I want to give them like slight wiggle room. I don't want to paint them out to be like maliciously evil people making stories to sell property. Just, you know, regardless after that, sorry.

It could just be like a good bit of fun. I mean, like really, how big did they think it was going to go 20 years later? Like that's, that's kind of where I'm at with the whole thing. It's, it's a good, cool story. I would love to go there and like experience stuff in real life, but you know, with all the money and all this stuff, it just put into it to try and extrapolate some kind of result. And there's still no result. Ah, it's so disappointing. And so just disheartening.

Yeah, I mean, I hate that trope in a lot of modern ghost stories and paranormal investigation shows. There's no excuse for not having proof anymore. We have so much technology in our pockets, basically, everywhere we go, and we still haven't captured anything compelling. It's sad. Yeah, it's convenient. I mean, there is some compelling stuff out there for UFOs, definitely, especially now with the whistleblowers from the government and stuff. But I would still like to see far more proof, obviously. Yeah.

um what was i gonna say though i was gonna say like um yeah i i think that i think it's probably likely that they were just having fun and then they realized that they could just flip the property due to the fun that they were having so they still did that i don't think that makes them evil really if they did if someone wanted to buy the property life is more fun and better and has more meaning if all the stuff is true so that's where i believe that's where i'm at

Yeah, I like having fun with this stuff, so I want to believe that it's true anyway. Regardless, after that, I think the family used the perception of the area to sell to an interest in an eccentric businessman who probably wasted a lot of time and money before passing on the bag to another eccentric businessman who smelled the opportunity for a successful TV show around the concept.

Which is what happened, basically. So I think the first businessman who bought it from the family for $200,000, I think he genuinely did believe it and probably did waste a lot of money trying to prove it. Because there was no real benefit to him with the whole Nitsky thing. It definitely seemed more like a passion project. Whereas the second time around with this new billionaire, whatever his name is, Brandon Fugel, when he bought it...

Like that's when the whole like commercialization of the whole ranch came into effect with like the TV show and stuff like that. Yeah. Where he benefited, obviously. So I don't think he believes it. I think he's having a lot of financial success with it. So he's probably like just playing off it. But yeah, I think the only innocent person in this is probably the Nitsky guy who actually probably believed in and got scammed by the family a little bit, maybe. But yeah, that's where I'm at. How about you guys?

I think that by the time it comes along to Brandon, I think Brandon knew what he was getting into, knew he could make money off of it, talk about it. And I think it's a lot of fun. I like the legend of Skinwalker Ranch. I like the idea that it's kept alive. Like Caleb said, it's more fun if it's real, right? So...

I like that the legend continues. Like people tell stories about, I would love to visit. I would love to go out there and kind of have a creepy time, talk about stories and stuff. I think it would be awesome. Um, is it real? Probably not. Um, I definitely think the Sherman family was being kind of, you know, like, um,

uh what's the word for it uh dishonest in their behavior and stuff but but i think guys are just yeah i think they're just having a good time with it and i'm all about that i mean look we're on the red thread so so basically i think all of it's real and uh you should fear the ghosts that are out there yeah same yeah i would like to make a red thread like mystery as selves like an actual red thread ranch maybe

Hey, well, we already, I had like, I, uh, I just, for those who don't know, I just got back from, uh, the first couple of links of a movie tour I did. And I had like several people be like, so is it true that, uh, Charlie is a serial killer? Uh, and I'm like, absolutely. A hundred percent. You know, I hope the authorities catch up with him. Uh,

But, you know, it's sad, you know, because he was my friend and all that. But I can't just support, you know, murdering people like that. He's evil. Of course. I love the idea of spreading misinformation for the purpose of having fun. I think that's a great idea. Yeah, and it's even better now that Charlie's not here to defend himself as well. Exactly. Now we can say whatever we want about him. Someone also came up to me, Jackson, and said, did you two kick Charlie off because of the rule of two? Yeah.

Yeah, for Caleb, you wouldn't know about the rule of two yet. Yeah, it's a reference in the show. Well, it was Charlie, really, right? He's the one that always brought up the references. And now we've got no references, Caleb. There's no references. I'm going to have to do the references now. I'm going to have to do the reference guy. Actually, you did good, Isaiah. You brought up Marvel or whatever. You're right, I did. Yeah, that was good. I'm pulling the slack. Adamantium. That was good. Who's going to carry the boats if not me? Okay.

Charlie would have been proud. He's smiling down on me from serial killer heaven with a big thumbs up. I'm the chicken guy now. He's the chicken guy now. He's the chicken and business guy. The guy that rips out the anuses from chickens or whatever it is you do. They come out really easy. That's so nasty. Leave the chickens alone, Caleb. I can't endorse this. They're delicious.

Did you say what your theory was, Caleb? Do you have anything to add or are you done? I mean, yeah, I think it's right in there. I love this stuff and I will always hope that it's true, but I will once again try to always approach it from a reasonable perspective. I don't really get scared about any of this stuff because I'm coming at it. It's more of just like, oh, I wish that'd be true. It would be so cool. It would be so cool if the world was this interesting place.

Dude, I, it would be so bad-ass. I want it all to be real. Um, everything, all of it. I want to see a wolf like creature. I want to pet it. I want to attack my, one of my cow. Like if, if any of this stuff, if 1% of anything we just talked about happened to me on my ranch, my life would be a hundred times better if 1% of it happened.

Yeah, agreed. I'm in. I'm boss deep. It sucks. It sucks. I wish I could like forgo all like need for logic and, you know, proof and stuff and just willingly like fully believe and buy into this stuff because it would be so fun. It would be so fun, man. I think in my opinion, that thing that Caleb just said is true. You know, I try to approach it reasonably with facts and logic. So because of that, I can definitively say this is all real and true.

There you go. We've seen enough. We saw enough. We saw enough by seeing nothing at all. Exactly. Exactly. Hey, if it's good enough for Post Malone, it's good enough for me. Exactly. That's what I like to say. Words to live by. All right. That's going to do it for this week's episode of Red Thread. Thank you very much for joining us. Really appreciate it. Thanks to the sponsors of this episode for supporting the show. It really does mean a lot to all of us. You guys got anything else? Shout out your stuff. Caleb? Isaiah?

Take turns, though. Not all at once, please. Isaiah, you just went on a movie tour. I did just go on a movie tour. Well, don't shout out his stuff. You shout out your stuff. Yeah, you shout out your stuff. You go first. I'll talk about the movie tour and stuff. Sour Boys, man. Yeah, Sour Boys, candy. Candy, go to Buy candy. That's all I give a shit about. Buy some candy, dude. It's awesome.

Buy some candy. It is good candy. I do enjoy this candy. It's not made out of sourness. I just did the first couple shows of a movie tour. We hit New York and Tampa. It was a great time. Got to meet several hundred of you all. It was awesome. Assigned some posters, showed the movie. Everyone seemed to like the movie. Both theaters got full credit approval.

applause, everyone clapping and sharing and stuff. So it means a lot to work on a project for so long and have that kind of reaction to it means the world. There's two more legs of the show left. There is one in LA, which I think sold out. I'm pretty sure there may be like four seats left. And then there's Dallas on September 8th that still has, I think like 50 seats or something like that. So if you're interested, you can still get in on those at X1 slash stalker tour. And,

But yeah, the support for it's been great. The full thing will be out on YouTube. We're actually doing a promo where you can watch it early if you buy one of the posters that's going to be dropped through Invis. But if you just want to wait and watch it on YouTube when it comes out, it'll come out around Halloween. Will it be on its own channel or will it be on yours? It'll be on Evan Royalty's channel. So it'll be on Evan's channel and...

And then otherwise, this shirt that I'm wearing right now, the Do With That What You Will shirt, I think it's got like a few days left to buy. So if you want this shirt, get it at before it's gone forever. Yeah, that's all the stuff I have to show.

Yeah, how exciting was it actually showing off the movie? Oh my gosh, dude. You work on something for two and a half years and then you get up. Because at both shows I would give a speech on stage about this was a labor of love. Thank you who supported the Kickstarter. And then people are watching the movie and they're oohing and aahing and they're into it. And the gore scenes and the fear scenes make people jump and stuff like that. And then when the credits hit and everyone's clapping and wooing and stuff, oh man, it's like a drug war.

It must be super humbling to see all the people show up as well, like come out and actually support. Yeah, that's so badass. Incredible. Each show had 200 people who bought VIP tickets just to like get a picture with me and sign stuff. And everyone was so kind and they were so awesome. And they were showing up in Wendigoon merch. So it was like, you know, people who like have been supporting me for so long and up till now. So if it is, it is more than I deserve for sure. You all are a blessing. But yeah, it's crazy. Yeah.

It was a ton of fun. What about when...

Wait, I shouldn't say that. I don't want to spoil any of the movie. Yeah, cut that line. Yeah, cut that out. I will say, so you can censor what he said, and I can leave this. At the New York show, when that happened, everyone cheered and clapped and stuff. That's awesome, dude. That's exactly what I was going for. What was the reaction to that? That's really cool. Yeah, everyone was like, let's go, whatever. Like clapping and stuff. It was great. That's cool. That's so cute.

It's awesome. All right. I'm proud of you. That's super awesome. Thank you. Thank you. That's going to do it for this episode of Red Thread. Thank you very much for being here and listening to Red Thread, making it what it is. Really do appreciate it. You guys are the best. Thank you very much. We'll see you next time. Bye. Thank you all for watching. Bye-bye.