cover of episode S3 EP11. Bringing Your Requests To God

S3 EP11. Bringing Your Requests To God

Publish Date: 2024/6/21
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Christ With Coffee On Ice


Shownotes Transcript

Hello, everybody. Welcome to another episode of Christ with Coffee on Ice. I am your host, Allie Yost. Happy Friday, everybody. How are we doing this morning? How's everybody doing? Yeah, I'm really grateful to be here today. And I'm very expectant for what the Lord is going to do in this episode. I do believe that he's going to show up just like he always does. And I'm going to be

And so I pray that your hearts are ready to receive what it is that the Father has for us today. And I want to thank you guys for being here. Thank you for being so loyal to the podcast too. I haven't really like given this type of shout out to y'all, but to the people who are simply just tuning in every single week and loving this podcast, thank you.

I just want to thank you. Thank you for supporting it. Thank you for listening to it. And thank you for showing up every week. And I'm really grateful that this podcast is...

something that's bringing value to your faith journey and bringing value to your relationship with the Lord. And I'm, yeah, I'm just so grateful for the way that you guys are tuning in. And I'm really grateful for the way that the Lord is using me in this podcast. And so thank you, Jesus, for using me as such a vessel. Yeah, it's really cool. It's really cool. And I've been meeting a lot of you guys in person too. I feel like one of the main things that's said to me

When I meet you guys is I listen to the podcast and I love it. And that's just so cool. That's just so cool that the podcast is impacting so many people. And so, yeah, I love y'all. Praise God. Thank you, Jesus.

for just using this podcast in such a way. It's crazy. We haven't even had it for a whole year yet. And it's really cool to see the way that it's impacted so many people. So God bless you. Thank you for being here. What a family we have. What a family we have here at Christ with Coffee and Ice. Okay, so today I'm really excited about this specific topic. I feel like we've actually already kind of touched on this before. There might be an episode in season one that was titled something like, you're not a burden to God.

Or something like that, where we've talked about being a burden to the Lord.

And I kind of want to touch on that topic because even though we've talked about it here on the pod, I'm gonna be so for real with y'all. I have been struggling. I didn't realize that I was, but apparently I have been struggling with still feeling like a burden to the Lord. And so with that, he's really been walking me through it. And I want to bring it here to the pod because I feel like it's such an easy trap to fall into in our journey with the Lord. And I think it's a really easy lie from the enemy. It's just a classic of his.

that obviously we're here to praise our dad and love him and tell him how grateful we are for him. But there's also another side of that relationship where he also wants to give, you know, I feel like, and I don't know if anyone relates to this. I'll just speak from my point of view, but I love loving the Lord. Like I'm,

I love praising him. I love showing up for him. I love telling him how incredible he is. I love thanking him. Like gratitude is my favorite thing to do to the Lord. Like I love telling him how grateful I am for him and for the way that he saved me and the way that he speaks to me and just simply having a relationship with him. And I love to thank him for the things he's already given me, you know? And I just love showing him gratitude and gratitude.

If anyone relates to that, same Z's, girly or boy, brother, sister, same. Okay, I love sharing my love to the Lord, but something that I've been struggling with, I guess I didn't realize. Isn't that funny how we don't even realize it sometimes?

But I didn't realize that I don't ask the Lord for things like often. Obviously, if I'm in a really desperate situation where maybe I'm having a pounding headache or I'm in a lot of pain, I guess I'll be like, Lord, help me. But I don't just ask him for stuff throughout my day. I don't ask him for little things often, I guess. I don't think I do it enough. And I felt the Lord reveal that to me where he was like, I love how much you love me, Al.

But I want to love you too. Like I want to show my love at least. Do you know what I mean? Like I show my love to the Lord through gratitude and like honoring him and just, you know, wanting to be more like him. But then I don't give him an opportunity. Oof. I don't give him the opportunity to give anything back, you know? And I think sometimes...

And that looks like I use this excuse with myself in my mind where I'm like, well, the Lord has a plan. Like he has a plan. He knows all, he knows what's best for me. So who am I to ask for the things that I want? When honestly, I probably don't even know the things that I truly like want or need. Do you know what I mean? That's not the truth though. That's a big fat lie. But I've told myself that where I'm like, well, the Lord knows more than I do. So who am I to ask him for anything? Like I'm probably wrong. I'm

I'm probably wrong anyway. So Lord, I trust you. I love you. I praise you. You do whatever you want with my life, which is like giving humble, but I almost think it's abusing the humility. Like the enemy is abusing it. Like he's getting in my mind and he's like, this is being humble, like not asking for anything and just letting the Lord do whatever you want with your life. But I think there's a point where it goes too far in that humility where now I'm just not asking for anything. And I'm

I'm not giving the Lord an opportunity to receive true glory for like praying for specific things and asking him for things and then he delivers it. And then it's like, and then I get to praise him, you know? But yeah, is that making sense to anyone? So I really want to talk through that. I want to talk through what it means to ask the Lord for things and whether we're asking him for too much or too little, like what does that look like? And yeah,

I feel like sometimes we feel like we need to be asking the Lord for like the really big stuff, like whoever our future spouse is or whatever career path we're supposed to go down or our living situation or relationships, you know, like those are big things.

But we forget that he actually really finds such joy in delivering all the things, no matter how big and small they are. And it's not a burden to the Lord because it actually literally makes him feel fulfilled. Like he felt fulfilled just simply creating us and making us. And the other part that he loves and feels so fulfilled in and it brings him joy is delivering things for us. Like the things that we specifically pray for, no matter how big or small it is,

He literally actually feels such joy. Like the same way that we feel joy with praising him and telling him how grateful we are for him. Like I feel such joy doing that. Like I love giving to the Lord because it also brings me joy to do that.

But it's like, why is that any different than when the Lord delivers things for us? Like, why is that any different? It actually does bring him joy to be able to deliver things when we ask, when we ask. Because the thing is, is he knows the desires of our hearts, but he wants us to also ask for it.

Like he wants us to step out in such faith and confidence in him that, yeah, sure. He knows the innermost thoughts of our minds and our thoughts. So he, he knows the things we're going to ask for before we ask them. But it's the fact that we're stepping out in faith and verbalizing it and saying, okay, Lord, do this. I need this. God, I'm asking you. And again,

It's really cool because there's plenty of examples in the Bible where Jesus so clearly knew what people needed, but he still asked them to say it, you know? And that's such a clear reflection of like how our relationship should be with him now, where it's obvious that he knows the things we need, but he wants us to ask for it too. There's a specific piece of scripture that comes to mind as I said that, where the Lord

Clearly knows what we need, but he asks us to say it like he wants us to actually ask him for it this is in mark 10 and We're gonna start in mark 10 46 and I'm reading the New International Version and This is when Jesus gives sight to a blind man, but the interaction is really interesting and I think it's worth kind of dissecting and going through together Okay

Then they came to Jericho, as Jesus and his disciples, together with a large crowd, were leaving the city, a blind man, Bartimaeus, which means son of Timmas, was sitting by the roadside begging. When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me. Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, son of David, have mercy on me.

Jesus stopped and said, "Call him." So they called to the blind man, "Cheer up, on your feet, he's calling you." Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus. "What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus asked him. The blind man said, "Rabbi, I want to see." "Go," said Jesus, "your faith has healed you." Immediately, he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.

I love that. It sounds so simple, but I want to backtrack to the part where it said that many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more. I love that. I feel like this blind man

It's very clear that he really believed in Jesus. He heard that Jesus of Nazareth was coming and he knew the miracles that Jesus had been performing and could perform. And so right from the get-go, this man is like, I know Jesus can bring me sight. I know it. And so he immediately starts shouting and said, Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me, right? He's trying to get the Lord's attention.

And he's like, Jesus, have mercy on me. Like, help me. And it's cool because it says many rebuked him and told him to be quiet. But he shouted,

even more. And so I just feel like that really can encourage a lot of our journeys and just having faith in the Lord is that no matter how much other people are telling us that we're too loud or we're having faith in the wrong thing or it's silly, right? They rebuke us and they're like, ew, stop, stop freaking out. Like stop shouting. What is this faith that you have in Jesus of Nazareth? Like, who are you? Like, stop.

Like he's not going to heal you. You're not worth healing. Also, this man was poor. He was, I assume, homeless because he was sitting by the roadside begging. And so maybe another assumption that these people made was that he was just some crazy blind, like homeless man and that Jesus wouldn't maybe waste his time or bother healing him, that he was just crazy and too far gone.

And what's cool about this is all that man needed was faith and unwavering faith. His faith was unwavering. No matter the people who rebuked him, he still called out to Jesus and shouted all the more, son of David, have mercy on me.

I just think that's so inspiring. That's so cool. Like nobody is ever too far gone for the Lord to heal them. And we have to have that kind of faith. So I love that. And I feel like that actually ties in beautifully with last week's episode where we were talking about having just unwavering faith, like on fire for the Lord, right? So the other part that's really cool about this is that Jesus obviously stopped and asked him, what do you want me to do for you?

And when you think about this interaction between Jesus and this blind man, I think it's very clear to Jesus that this man can't see, right? Jesus is not stupid, but also he is God. So it's very clear that this man who's blind is so desperate that

for the Lord, calling out to him, shouting out to him because he needs sight. And instead of Jesus just immediately healing him in that moment, he asked him and said, what do you want me to do? And that's what the Lord asks us every day. He says, what do you want me to do for you today? Like we're here to serve the Lord, but the Lord also loves to serve us. It's love. He doesn't have to, but he wants to, you know, but he also wants us to ask him.

And so he says, what do you want me to do for you? And the blind man said, Rabbi, I want to see. Like that probably seemed kind of obvious, right? But for some reason, there's a reason Jesus said, what do you want me to do for you? And so Jesus said, go, your faith has healed you. And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road. So because of not only his faith,

believing that the Lord would, would heal him. He's like, no, Jesus is going to make me see again. He then had the faith, the faith to ask Jesus, I want to see again. And that's exactly what Jesus said. He said, your faith has healed you. Your faith.

And I feel like this man showed his faith in multiple ways. It was believing the Lord would do it and then asking him. And I think that's truly as simple as it is sometimes, but we complicate it. It's not just believing that the Lord will do it. It's also asking him because I've had no problem believing that the Lord is going to deliver everything he has planned for me in my life. I know it. I know that my future is set in stone and he has planned for me all of the hopes and dreams of my heart. But

But I haven't had faith enough or confidence, I guess, to actually physically ask him. Hey guys, how's it going? Are we loving this pod episode? Is it our favorite? Is it absolutely blessing us? Thank you.

Thanks, God. You're the best. So this is going to kind of give a commercial moment, y'all. But I really just wanted to let you know that there is a way to give to the podcast and help support it financially. We've already been doing this, but we've considered and taken in some of your guys' feedback. And we believe that this is going to be the easiest and simplest way to give to the pod if it is something that you feel led to do. So we're going to do it through PayPal. And you guys can give at

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This one is a classic, but this is another piece of scripture that's an example of how the Lord tells us to ask him. It's Matthew 7-7, and it reads, Now I want us to turn to John 11.

16, 16. It reads, Jesus went on to say, in a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me. At this, some of his disciples said to one another, what does he mean by saying, in a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me? And because I am going to the Father. They kept asking, what does he mean by a little while? We don't understand what he's saying.

Jesus saw that they wanted to ask him about this. So he said to them, Are you asking one another what I meant when I said, In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me? Very truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come.

But when her baby is born, she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world. So with you, now is your time of grief. But I will see you again and you will rejoice and no one will take away your joy. In that day, you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly, I tell you, my father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now, you have not asked for anything in my name.

Ask and you will receive and your joy will be complete.

So obviously this is Jesus trying to explain to his disciples, which they're obviously not really getting just yet, but he's explaining to them how he will be crucified and then resurrected again. Right. But what's cool is he's again, explaining to them that very truly, I tell you, my father will give you whatever you ask in my name until now. You have not asked for anything in my name, ask and you will receive and your joy will be complete. So he's reminding us again to ask, um,

in his name and the father will deliver it. A couple more examples. John 5, 14 through 15 says, and we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him. Luke 11, nine through 10, keep on asking and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking and you will find, keep on knocking and the door will be open to you.

Jeremiah 33, 3, call to me and I will answer you and tell you and even show you great and mighty things, things which have been confined and hidden, which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish. Just one more example, Philippians 4, 6, do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Oh,

Like what the heck? The Lord has made it so clear and yet I've still fallen to this where I haven't been asking.

So I guess moving on from here, right now we know that this is what we're supposed to be doing is we're supposed to be asking the Lord for things, right? That that's another part of our relationship with him. And I guess the next question could be, how do we just moving forward, make sure that we don't fall into this weird trap of guilt maybe, or maybe it's a feeling of like, I can do it. I don't want to bring this to the Lord. I don't want to make him do this. And it can be rooted from your

Your past like I'll speak for myself. I've realized that it's actually rooted in a lot of my past of Feeling like a burden to other people which is now kind of leaked over into my relationship with the Lord where I don't want to ask him for anything Because I've felt that from people in my past. So here are some possibilities as to why we don't ask God for things

Maybe sometimes our requests seem too trivial to bother him with. Like maybe it also feels like they're too complex. We're protecting ourselves from disappointment and doubt. Whoa, that's a big one. I feel like the thing that I don't love to pray for is my future husband. Not because I don't believe that the Lord is going to deliver it. I do believe that that is in my future and I'm going to be able to be a mom and, you

You know, my relationship with my husband and my family is all going to be opportunities for the Lord to be glorified and to set an example of what it's like to just have a family that's centered in Jesus. So I know he's going to deliver that. But I think the thing that I don't love, why I don't love praying about it is because of the disappointment. Like, I don't want to pray anything too specific where I'm like, hey, Lord, I'd love for you to deliver this.

soon and then it doesn't happen soon and then you're disappointed. Do you know what I mean? So I do think that it's a way of protecting ourselves from disappointment and maybe doubting. Like maybe you don't doubt that the Lord is going to deliver it, but you don't know when it's going to happen. And so sometimes

simply praying about it you're like well I don't want to get my hopes up about this that it's going to happen anytime soon because what if the Lord doesn't have it planned for me for another three years you know so I do think there's an underlying sense of protection with not bringing things to the Lord because you don't want to get your hopes up for it we may feel like we're being disconnected selfish or greedy whoa I feel that I feel that someone just felt that that maybe it's selfish or

to ask the Lord for things or it's greedy, especially maybe when it comes to little things, you know, you're like, oh, that just feels like too much. Like that feels like I'm being too greedy. Like I'm being too much by asking the Lord for all of these things. I'm only going to ask him for a couple of things because I don't want to come across as greedy. Oh, this one hits guys. We assume our prayers can't affect his sovereign plan.

Is that not what I was just leading this episode in saying, oh, well, the Lord has a greater plan for me. So like, who am I to know? Who am I to know what's planned for my life? I could pray for things, but the Lord knows better. So I might as well not pray because we're like prayers won't affect his sovereign plan. Anyway, we think we can handle it ourselves. I'm sure a lot of us do that.

especially if it's not anything super major you're like i'll figure it out i'm not gonna pray for a parking spot that's so silly like i'll just keep circling and find one you know like little things like that where you're like okay now i'm just being greedy now i'm being needy like i'm not gonna ask the lord for simple things like that i can just do it myself we assume that he's unwilling or unable to help

That's another lie from the enemy that our dad is not willing to actually help us or he's not able to help us in whatever that thing is. So why do we ask God for things, even trivial things, even things we're uncertain he even wants us to have? Asking is a step towards relationship, not a step away from it.

It's better to ask and deal with our disappointment and doubt. If God says no, then to never ask anything at all. At least we're dealing with God, not ignoring him. Asking is an expression of dependence. When we ask, we rely on God rather than ourselves. That's flames. And y'all, I'm actually getting this from a source because I was Googling this. I wanted to see what else would pop up when it comes to this topic. Um,

And this is straight off of And I love that. I love that. I think that's fire. That's honestly just explaining the true reason to why we need to ask God for things, which is just simply having a relationship with him and showing that we're dependent on him and that we rely on him and we trust him. And it is better to just deal with our disappointment and doubt if that means that we're doing it with the Lord rather than ignoring him and trying to do it all on our own.

And it is deepening our relationship with him. It's bringing him into everything, you know? As we grow, our prayers will grow bigger too. But God wants us to come as we are, trusting he will hear us like children to their father, bringing both our big and small concerns to him.

We have to remember we serve a God who can do infinitely more than we could ask or imagine. We just have to stop limiting him and give ourselves the freedom to ask for those big things. After all, he's told us to do this.

So I love that too, because I feel like the other downside of not being honest with the Lord and asking him for the things that we desire, whether they are big or small, is limiting him, but also not allowing ourselves to have true freedom.

And I think that that's ultimately the plan of the enemy. When we are not asking our dad for things, one, we're not fully depending on him. We're not fully trusting him because that is a form of showing dependence and trust on him. We are not allowing a deepening of relationship with him because through asking and having that dependency on him means that you're rooting deeper in him and having more of a deeper relationship with him.

And you're not allowing yourself to have true freedom, you know, like feeling like we have to deal with these things on our own instead of just bringing every concern and everything we ever need to him. That's not allowing ourselves to have true freedom. So the enemy is robbing us of our connection with our father and our freedom. So yeah, we're supposed to ask the Lord for everything.

even if it happens or not, because even if it doesn't happen, we still have the Lord. And the plus of it is that we got to bond with him deeper in that, you know, and having a deeper relationship with him. That's the thing that we got to take away from it is practicing, having deep radical faith in him, even if it doesn't happen the way that we asked for it to happen, or if it doesn't happen at all. I think that that's just something we have to have peace in

And that's when the thought of like, okay, he's sovereign comes into play. You know, like we're going to bring everything to him and then say, okay, God, these are all my requests. These are all the things I would love. I've, I have faith in you and I've asked you. And so now you just let me know what is actually meant to happen and not. And I'm never going to stop asking you for things because this is our relationship. I love you. I praise you. These are the things I depend on you with, which is everything.

everything, even the little things, even the big things. And then he does his sovereign thing from there. And we can have confidence in that because that's what he literally has told us to do. He has told us to do. Our heavenly father has told us multiple times that this is what we're supposed to be doing. We are supposed to be asking him for things, whether we know if it's going to happen or not.

And so if we're going to walk in full faith with our father, we're also going to, we're going to take seriously everything he says in the Bible, not just some things. So from today on, I vow that I am going to start asking my father for more and all sorts of stuff.

no matter how big or small it is, because it's not silly. And he loves you. He loves you so much that he wants to deliver all the things, even a parking spot. And no, you're not spoiled. You're not greedy. You're not silly for praying for things like that. He loves it because it makes him giggle. It literally like makes him giggle. He's like, oh my goodness, she's praying for a parking spot. I'm going to give her the perfect parking spot.

I'm going to give him front row to wherever he is that's going. And he's going to know, she's going to know that it was from her dad. And it like deepens our relationship. It just, it's cute. It's like telling the Lord that you need something. And then he's like, okay.

I can give you that. I'm literally sovereign. That's so easy. I don't even have to bat an eye. Like it's anything, no matter how big or small, like he is the creator of the universe. We say that a lot here. Okay. But he is, he is the creator of everything we're looking at. And so no matter what you ask him, it's not too hard for him. It's not, I mean, your situation is no bigger than creating the moon in the sky, right?

So if he can do that, he can definitely help you with whatever requests you have. Nothing is too hard for the Lord. Nothing is too big and nothing is too small. And it makes him so happy to do these things for you. Like it brings him so much joy and it does make him giggle. He loves it because you know what he also loves? He loves seeing the way that we like freak out and reoccur.

rejoice. Like that actually is probably the Lord's favorite part of it all is not only being able to provide for you and the thing that you've asked, but then seeing your reaction when you've received it. Like he loves seeing us run in circles, freaking out, being like, oh my gosh, this was the Lord. Like he did this because I

I asked specifically, I asked him, I said, God, I need this thing. And then immediately it was delivered. Then he answers my prayer. And now you get to run in circles and do cartwheels about it, bro. He loves that. He loves that. It brings him joy to do those things because it also brings you joy. And it's this infinite circle of joy between dad and child. And it's,

It's fun for him. It's like actually fun for him. So that's the other thing we need to remember is it's never like this big job. He doesn't huff and puff about it. No matter what, like no matter who in your life has huffed and puffed about having to do things for you, it doesn't matter because that's not our father. He will never huff and puff and make it feel like it's a big job or burden to deliver these things for you. He knew that when he created you. He knew that he was...

going to deliver things and bless you and give you the things that you wanted. And so if that was too much of a burden for him, he wouldn't have created you. He knew that when he made you. So he'll never huff and puff. If anything, he's like, yes, finally, they asked for the thing. They asked for it. Now I can do my job and be their dad and provide.

And then there's Thanksgiving and then there's love and Thanksgiving and love. It's just honestly simple. We complicate it. We complicate it by listening to the enemy. Okay. So we just got to remember to rebuke him every day because he really be scheming and he tries. He does. But we revealed the truth today, didn't we? And we shed light on it. So thank you, Jesus, for being the light. Thank you for reminding us so many times in this book that

what we need to be believing in, which is his word, nothing else. If the Lord doesn't say that we're a burden in the Bible, then we ain't a burden. It brings him joy to deliver the things that we ask for. Well, I love you guys. Thank you for tuning in for another episode. I pray that this blessed you.

I'm grateful that we get to just walk through this together, that obviously there are things that I am still continuously learning from the Lord. And I'm grateful that he allows me to walk through it because not only does it grow me and affect, you know, maybe even the people in my personal life, but I get to bring it to y'all too. And it's just a rippling effect and a domino effect. And so that's a blessing.

So I'm, yeah, I'm really grateful that we get to walk through this together. And we're all learning from the Lord. Even me, even me, all of us are. He's such a dad, isn't he? He really is. Like, we're just a bunch of kids trying to figure it out. And he's such a dad. He's like, honey, this is gonna hurt, but that's not right. I'm gonna show you this way, you know?

Well, I hope you guys have a great rest of your week. Have a beautiful weekend. Hey, can we do something kind of cool? Can we do something cool like we always say? Show somebody how cool Jesus is today. Please do that. Let's not just leave this here at the podcast. Let's not just leave it in your car or on your walk or on your lunch break. Don't leave it there. Pick this up and bring it to someone else. Let's spread his goodness, his compassion, his love. And yeah.

Let's just do that. I love y'all. I'm proud of you guys and I will see you in the next episode. Bye.

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