cover of episode Dani Williamson: Radical Healing and Health

Dani Williamson: Radical Healing and Health

Publish Date: 2023/8/30
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Dumb Blonde


Shownotes Transcript

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When I think of summer smells, I think of sunscreen, salty beach air, barbecue on the grill, and...

Unfortunately, body odor. Well, not this summer. Thanks to Lume, whole body deodorant, BO will no longer be an unwelcome guest at my summer plans. Their pH optimized formula is clinically proven to block odor automatically.

all day and it's not just for underarms it's for everywhere we get odor pits privates feet under boobs you name it so no matter how hot it gets you can still smell fresh and feel confident from head to freaking toe baby ready to make this your freshest summer ever as a special offer new customers get 15% off

all Lume products with our exclusive code and link. Use code bunnyxo at That's You guys already know I'm a Lume girl. I have to have it, especially when we're on tour, high paced shows, back to back, running around, armpits, sweating,

butthole marinating, just piddle juice pouring from all the holes. You guys already know that Lume is my go-to. Lume's starter pack is perfection for new customers. It comes with a solid stick deodorant, cream tube deodorant, two free products of your choice like mini body wash and deodorant wipes, and free shipping. Again, as a special offer for listeners, new customers get 15% off all

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What's up guys? Don't forget to sub to Patreon so that you can see the visuals because not only do we have episodes of the podcast, we have exclusive content that nobody else sees on any other apps, behind the scenes, photo shoots, and we're dropping a whole bunch of surprising stuff this year. So if you guys don't want to miss out and you want to be the first to know, go over to our Patreon, Love ya!

Is this thing on? Bonnie, who used to be a former sex worker, now hosts the podcast, Dumb Blonde. Most little girls grow up wanting to be doctors and lawyers and shit, and I was like, I want to be super hot, make a lot of fucking money, and be a rock star's wife. That was my goal as a child, and here we are. What's up, you sexy motherfuckers? Welcome to another episode of Dumb Blonde. Today, I have a real treat, and this woman is...

So freaking amazing. You guys are going to fall in love with her just like I did the first time I met her. This is a woman who helps people daily and has been helping me along my health journey for the past two years. My sweet, dear friend. And would I would I call you a holistic practitioner?

or what is the title? I'm a traditionally trained family nurse practitioner and nurse midwife, but I stepped out of the boat 13 years ago to practice integrative medicine. Ms. Dani Williamson. Aw, thank you. How are you doing, baby? I'm doing great. Feeling good. Doing great. So we have been talking about having you on the podcast for years now. Mm-hmm.

And I want to apologize for not bringing you on sooner, but I have to tell you why I didn't do it. And this is just me keeping it real. When I first went to you, I...

was still learning about, you know, the holistic practices and I was not willing to budge on my diet. Like I wanted to eat what I wanted to eat and I wanted to just do my own thing. And I was just like, I'm not, you know, cause the first thing that you look for and we'll talk about that is like, what's in your diet. And I was just like, I'm not doing it. I'm so set in my ways. And then when these health issues hit me in January, I was like, okay, I got to do it the Danny way. And like, now I'm actually seeing results.

real results. And now I can actually be like, okay, yes, this is the, there is a method to this madness. Cause I don't like preaching to my people without actually having gone through it and to have actual changes. So I just want to apologize for being so fucking stubborn. It's okay. I deal with it every single day when you're ready, you'll do it. Yeah. You know, and it took me years. I mean, I was 44 years old before I, before I even knew,

So you doing it now at your age is 43. Yeah, I know. Yeah. So, and by the time you're my age at 57, you're going, I mean, you're going to feel better at 57 than you ever felt at 44, 36. I know it's incredible. I'll never go back. There's not enough gluten and dairy in the world to make me go back to how I felt before.

20 years ago, 10 years ago, 15 years ago. I'm not doing it. 40 years ago. I'm so excited to deep dive with you into all of this because the human body to me is fascinating. Like, it's like we talk about, like we are science projects and the body really does heal itself. There's,

so much like medication out there and it's really just a band-aid for a bullet wound you bet we're treating symptoms I was taught to treat symptoms traditionally trained great school Vanderbilt have a great education two hundred thousand dollars in student loans it's taken me 13 years to unlearn

the bandaid portion of what I was taught, right? So we need medications for certain things. We need medications and traditional medicine is incredible for emergencies and things, but our bodies are designed to heal themselves. I am living proof. If you were born healthy, you do not have to live sick.

Yeah. I mean, it's as simple as that. The majority of us are born healthy, happy and whole. Not everyone, but most of us are. And we turn on these chronic lifestyle diseases like me, lupus and fibromyalgia. And, you know, you could have high blood pressure, diabetes, all of that.

Alzheimer's disease like my mom. Those are chronic lifestyle diseases turned on by your lifestyle, turned off by your lifestyle. Yeah. I've been reading your book, which we'll get into wild and well. It's amazing. She has it on audio and she also has it available to purchase everywhere. Yes. And it's just really crazy learning about just

how trauma alone can affect your body, you know, which a lot of people don't realize. And you actually went through some traumas as a child. Bunny.

I grew up in a complete shithole of chaos, right? My grandfather, he died by suicide in the driveway of the house that I grew up in. My mom attempted suicide multiple times, institutionalized twice before I was born, and then was institutionalized when I was six weeks old for postpartum psychosis. My first stepfather was a child molester. Hmm.

The second one almost choked me unconscious my senior year in high school. And I started in high school with chronic diarrhea. I mean, just horrible diarrhea. Was that from living in fight or flight all the time? You bet. Stress. You bet. Chronic diarrhea. I had the first...

of four colonoscopies at age 20. I had four colonoscopies before I was 44 years old. I was diagnosed with chronic itching, like urticaria, chronic itching. I was diagnosed with lupus, fibro. I

I was depressed. I was on every medicine known to man. And then, of course, diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome. And every single bit of that was caused from childhood trauma, the majority of it, and my diet. So I spent 44 years seeing doctors, 10 doctors. But I was 38 years old.

And I remember the morning that I was going to die by suicide. I had it planned. I was going to drive off the foot of Broadway. And I talk about it in the book, you know, and it's hard to talk about. But I was going to die that morning and I literally was laying in bed crying.

Jackson and Ella are her children. Right.

And they saved my life that day. I got up and I was in a verbally and emotionally abusive marriage. I was not physically abusive, but I filed for divorce less than a year later. I was on food stamps, a medical card. We packed up a 26 foot U-Haul to, I got accepted to nurse practitioner school down here. I already had a degree in fashion design, made a 180 turn to go to nursing school and

And a hermit crab, a cat, an English bulldog, Harlan Howard, two kids. And we started over 17 years ago. And...

Let's rewind it. Let's rewind it a little bit. Cause there's a lot of people that listen to my podcast that have grown up with fucked up childhood and are so traumatized. So, you know, I want people that to stay with people that actually are dealing with a lot of like health issues that one trauma causes a lot of them. Do you think it causes most of them? I believe so. Yes. And you know, the body keeps score. You've read the book and Dr. Vessel, um, Vandercock.

um, that book is one of the best books I ever read. And the body does keep score. What happens to you before the age of 18 can set you up for a lifetime of chronic disease. And it takes a lot of work to unwind that. Yeah, for sure. I actually read a book, I forget the name of it, but I've promoted it on this podcast a million times. Um,

where they say that trauma can start at the moment of conception. You bet. Even before. Yeah. Even before. Like how your, just how your mom felt while she was pregnant with you. If your mom and dad argued, if your mom did drugs, what she ate, like there's just like, we are just doomed. Yeah.

from the start. You know, it's really interesting. And it didn't dawn on me writing the book. But since then, as I've learned more about some things, I was born with a cord wrapped around my neck three times. I was literally the color of this microphone right here, just as black. My mom said, well, she saw me briefly, black as could be from the neck up. I was taken away. Didn't see her for three days. They told her I wouldn't live. Trauma, trauma.

And then literally six weeks later, my mom is whisked away in a mental hospital. Right. And I've got somebody taking care of me. But the trauma before that, my mom's mom, her dad dying by suicide six years before I was born. And I was born on the exact day he died by suicide, January the 18th, six years later.

I think. So yeah, it's generational, but I am telling you, I have done the hard work. And the thing is, I didn't know about therapy when I was molested the night the police came and, and, you know, the whole thing was over and, and, and they took it. Well, they didn't take him away. They didn't arrest him. And nobody ever said a word about it. They swept it under that rug forever.

right there, never said a word. I was 13 years old and my mom looked me square in the eye, Bunny, and she said, "Danielle, you caused me to lose the only man I've ever loved." - Oh, that's disgusting. - And it's just over. - I got goosebumps. - And it's not unlike so many people. Millions of children have grown up like this. - Yeah. - And it's never addressed. And we wonder why we have autoimmune disease.

Why women lose their thyroid. You know, thyroids are my specialty. Hashimoto's thyroiditis is the majority of the patients that I see. Well, that's your voice. That's your third chakra right there, right? And so it's no wonder that women have autoimmune disease eight to ten times more than men do. Yeah, absolutely. And if there's trauma involved, you know, oftentimes...

it's the throat that's affected the thyroid and the pelvis area. Right. We closed down. Yeah. No, it's crazy that you say that. I actually went through a similar situation whenever I was younger, I was molested, but I didn't tell my parents about it until I was 12. And when I did tell them about it, they told me I was lying.

And I think that's the worst feeling that you can ever feel is whenever you go through something like that and your parents don't believe you. It's like you don't trust anybody for the rest of your life. You're like, oh, okay, you don't got me. Well, then I've got me. And then that creates more trauma because, you know, you're going through life just not trusting anybody because you don't feel like you were heard. You know? That's exactly right. So...

The night that that happened, did you start having symptoms as a child with IBS? Yeah. Like, oh, yeah. Yeah. And and and I don't know, I would must have been in third grade, maybe third. I think it was probably third grade. Yeah. And it was wasn't long after that. But then she married another man fast after that. And they were married for that. He's the one who was who was physically physically.

abusive. And yeah, it started great. Middle school. Yeah. So you started having issues. Absolutely. Every time I would eat, every time I would eat, you know, I called it the mad shitters. I didn't call it then the mad shitters, but I do now. And I have patient after patient with the mad shitters. Right. And it's not normal to eat.

and have to run to the bathroom. That's how my husband is. That's not normal. No one's born like that. So we always have to go back upstream, right? I used to always be so jealous of him. What happened? Well, yeah, because you, yeah. Because I couldn't shit. I know. I was like a stan. No, no, I talk about it all the time. I caught myself. I was like,

Oh no, Danny, there's nothing you don't know that they don't know. I am so honest. Because you don't poop. So as well. I do now though. I do now though. We'll talk about that. Yeah. I've never had that problem. I poop like a goose. So like, I mean, on command, I can do that. But yeah, it started early, but you know, I didn't know. I didn't have anxiety that I was aware of. I wasn't depressed as a kid. I didn't know.

You know, but the joint pain started in high school. No high schoolers should have joint pain. But you know what? I ate all the processed, packaged, bagged, canned, fake food out there, right? Gluten, dairy, so all that, all the inflammatory foods. And then I was living in complete chaos.

Yeah. And I didn't leave home like, like you, but I worked three jobs so that I never had to be at that house. Yeah. Randomly was I at home. Was I home? Yeah. I would have rather slept on the street than slept in my parents' house. That's where I was at with it. I was just like, fuck this. I'm breaking generational curses as a child. Let's go. Isn't that something? And you,

But I didn't know that I was doing that. You know, like it's just so weird that you're we're just natural born warriors. And when you're you have to survive, it's what you do. You bet you do. That's what you did, too. Yeah. And since then, you know, I've been divorced 20 years. So I've been a single mom for 20 years and raised those kids. And yeah, we're natural born warriors. You do what you have to do. But the thing is, when you're living in that constant state of fight or flight, even as an adult. Right. I mean, I spent years living like that as an adult, just trying to survive, you

I mean, I was humiliated. I got divorced and just had an affair. Just the whole thing was a shit show in Paducah. Well, you had to learn how to love. You bet. Because you weren't taught. No, I wasn't. And you didn't love yourself. No. So it was like we've all been there. Like we've all, trust me, I've had some real doozies of relationships. And even my marriage to Jay has been a completely...

a complete learning lesson. And, you know, we've had to unlearn childhood traumas together. Yes. You know, so that you can't blame yourself for the things that you did in the past. Well, that's true. That's true. But I, but I love that you take accountability. I do take accountability for it, you know, and I don't have many regrets cheating on my ex-husband. I regret that. You know, I never,

you don't get married thinking you're going to cheat. And so that I tell people every day, man, if you're that unhappy, get out, take the high road and just get out because you know, you can't undo that. Once you do it, you can't undo it. And it's very hard to work through. Some people can do it, but it's not a lot and it's not for the week. That's for sure. No, no. So, so, you know, that right there, I would, I would never do again. But all that being said, um,

once I got out of that, once I got out of school, once I had a doctor lean into me at 44 years old, and he said, Danny, what are you eating? Don't you know your diet controls your disease? Let's rewind it back really quick, though, because I do want people to know you were diagnosed with lupus as well as IBS. You bet. And you did take medication. I did. Yeah, I sure did. Because I had a

I read the book. Okay. Yeah. I had a rheumatologist at Vandy, the best one ever. And I was living in Paducah and I came down here for, to see the best. She had her hand on that door and she looked at me. I was about 35 and she said, Danielle, there is no cure for lupus. Hmm.

It kills women every day. Oh, my gosh. Here's your pain medicine. Here's your anti-inflammatory. And I was looking at her. I was like, what the heck? I've got two little kids. I can't stand my husband. What am I going to do? And I just don't want to be... I just don't want to die. So I took it for like three days. Well, come to find out it's Vioxx. Well, Vioxx will kill you. I mean, it was taken off the market for sudden cardiac death. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. And isn't that crazy that they prescribe all these medications and literally...

They come with so many fucking warning signs. Like you watch a commercial and they're like, take this to cure your diabetes. But...

you know, risk of stroke, fucking heart palpitations, your mom's going to call and want to move in. Like there's so many like side effects that come with taking these pills. Yeah. And actually I was talking to somebody I haven't seen since high school this weekend. He was at the house. He literally is taking, he started taking gabapentin for something which is for neuropathy, right? Something in his back. Well, that caused blood pressure issues.

And he's on blood pressure medicine now, which actually caused heartburn. And now he's on a proton pump inhibitor for the acid. I mean, and he's rattling all this off to me, has no idea, you know, what I do for a living. He doesn't know. And he has no clue that he's just piling on pill after pill, treating symptom after symptom that was created. And never once has a doctor or a nurse practitioner looked at him.

and said, what are you eating? Yeah. What's your childhood like? Did you have any trauma? And you know, this, every patient who comes in has that adverse childhood experience questionnaire now and one through 10, you know, and it gets deep too. I remember the first time I had to see you, I was like, good Lord, does this woman write in a book? Literally. But I was like, this is crazy, but there's a method to the madness. You bet there is. Yeah. You bet. So after

taking these medications, you were on it for three days, you were still feeling like shit. What led you on this path that you're on now to...

Well, I wasn't on that path at all until the age of 44 when I got out of school, right? You know, I left everything, got out of school. Oldest one in my class at the time. Got out of school, 44 years old. That's so inspiring, though. Oh, Lord, thank you. It was the hardest thing I ever did. My son's in medical school now, and he's finishing his second year, getting ready to start his third year, which is...

just over the top complicated. But he said to me one day, he said, "Mom, I don't know how you did it with two little kids."

And going through an accelerated program and doing it, I mean, it was the hardest thing I've ever done. But I did it. You were determined. So there we go. Yeah, you were determined. Yes. And I was 44 years old, first job out. Actually, second job. I got fired from the first job in the emergency room because I wasn't learning fast enough, which is in the book. But basically, my second job out. And Dr. Kalb looked at me that day and he said, Danny, what are you eating?

I was working in an integrative medicine clinic. I had no idea what integrative medicine was. I didn't know what ashwagandha was and holy basil and glutathione and glutamine and all of that. I was way over my head. And I said, what are you talking about? He said, Dany, your diet controls your disease. Your diet controls your symptoms.

Don't you know that? And I was like, no, I don't know that. You shouldn't hurt Danny. You should not have diarrhea when you eat. And I was like, what in the world have I got myself into? He said, do you know your food sensitivities? Do you know your food sensitivities? Well, no, I don't know my food sensitivities. Oh my gosh. So that's what started me. And I start, I worked for Dr. Kalb for five years here before I opened my own clinic.

And that's what started me. He stepped out of the boat 20 years before me as a family practice doc. And I'm a family practice nurse practitioner when he realized we're not helping people. We're only treating symptoms. You know, we're treat, treat and street. That's all we do. Treat and street and send them on their way. And that he changed single-handedly changed the entire trajectory of my life.

And my children's lives and I hope generationally and now thousands of patients lives. Yeah, no, it's amazing. And it's not easy, is it? It's not. It's not easy, but it's very, it's very simple, but it's not easy. There's a difference. So I don't know if it's simple either. It's, it is, but it isn't. And we'll get into that a little bit because I think your book is perfect for somebody who wants to start on this journey because you literally break it down into

chapter by chapter and explain to people like, this is what this is. This is what that is. I am obsessed with the chapter that you did on inflammation because the devil exactly. And so what led me on this, this health journey, and this is where it comes all full circle is I got sober in 2017 off pills, 2018 off alcohol. And, um,

You guys know I always say sobriety fucking sucks. It is the worst. You told me that. Yes. I am so I'm brutally honest with my with my audience. You know, it's not easy and it's not for the weak because one, you have to start feeling all the trauma that you've gone through. And then you have to start feeling all the symptoms that you fucking never felt before. And it's like there's no guide there.

on how to fix this. So listening to your book, I think is a perfect start for people. And again, the book is called Wild and Well and tell them where they can buy it.

everywhere. Barnes and Noble books, a million Amazon's on Amazon. I would love for you to go to your local bookstore though. Cause I'm a local business owner, you know, and I would love for you to support your local bookstore, but anywhere. And it's all on audible and I read it. Good Lord. 20 hours in a booth reading this and this redneck accent. My publisher was like, no, you're reading the book. We're not paying for somebody to read the book. I had to say so many things over and over and over because I,

I'm just a country girl. Yeah. You know, I mean, I'm pretty smart. So circling back to the inflammation chapter, you know, got sober, whatever, been on this health journey, been trying to do the supplements. I tried to do the supplement thing. I ended up overdosing on fucking vitamins because I just, my body is crazy sensitive. Um, and yeah,

you know, after that happened, I kind of went cold Turkey. And then that's when I kind of fell away from you. Cause I had gone and seen you and when 2020 or 2021, I think I don't know in between that. Yeah. 2020 or 2021. Um,

Yeah, I think it was 2021. I had gone to see you. I wasn't ready to change my diet and stuff like that. Well, I went cold turkey. I was feeling great. Everything was fine. And then we are in Vegas on a trip filming for like two weeks, the reality show. And all of a sudden my heart starts tripping out. And it's just so many issues after issues. I had to wear a heart monitor. You know all this. I'm just walking it through to say that...

By the end of testing... When I think of summer smells, I think of sunscreen, salty beach air, barbecue on the grill, and, unfortunately, body odor. Well, not this summer. Thanks to Lume, whole body deodorant, BO will no longer be an unwelcome guest at my summer plans. Their pH-optimized formula is clinically proven to block odor automatically.

all day and it's not just for underarms it's for everywhere we get odor pits privates feet under boobs you name it so no matter how hot it gets you can still smell fresh and feel confident from head to freaking toe baby ready to make this your freshest summer ever as a special offer new customers get 15% off

all Lume products with our exclusive code and link. Use code bunnyxo at That's You guys already know I'm a Lume girl. I have to have it, especially when we're on tour, high paced shows, back to back, running around, armpits, sweating,

butthole marinating, just piddle juice pouring from all the holes. You guys already know that Lume is my go-to. Lume's starter pack is perfection for new customers. It comes with a solid stick deodorant, cream tube deodorant, two free products of your choice like mini body wash and deodorant wipes, and free shipping. Again, as a special offer for listeners, new customers get 15% off all

all Lume products with our exclusive code. And if you combine the 15% off with the already discounted starter pack, that equals 40% off their starter pack. Use code BUNNYXO for 15% off your first purchase at That's code BUNNYXO at

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appointments. You guys know I absolutely hate going to the doctor. So if I can get a tele doctor, I'm all for it. I use them. You should too. You guys know I have anxiety. So I absolutely love the comfort of being able to be in my own home and do it from an app. It's absolutely seamless.

So stop putting off those doctor's appointments and go to slash bunny, B-U-N-N-I-E, to find and instantly book a top rated doctor today. That's slash bunny. slash bunny. And we still have more tests coming, but the ones that I got the last round that I did, it all boiled down to inflammation. Yep.


I want you guys to know something. If you are having health issues, keep a journal. You bet. Because it will help you so much, especially when you go to somebody like Danny, because you can be like, hey, this is what's going on. But...

said all that because inflammation is the devil. And can we kind of like dive into that a little bit about inflammation? Yeah, you bet. Inflammation is what it's very rare in medicine to be able to say always or a hundred percent, which you don't say that we're taught, never say always. Right. 100% of all chronic lifestyle diseases, right. Have an underlying cause.

of inflammation. An inflammatory process is the reason for that high blood pressure, that high cholesterol, that autoimmune disease, which we now have 88, 100, 120 or something autoimmune diseases, right? Alzheimer's disease, which we could talk about for days because of my experience now with Alzheimer's, dementia, Parkinson's disease, lupus, you name it.

Joint pain. Joint pain is all inflammation, yet they never say a word, do they? Heart palpitations. That too. And another thing you said. Migraines, depression, anxiety. Sorry, I can just rattle it off on and on. It's an inflammatory process. But another thing that you also said in the book was anything that ends in itis. You bet. That means inflammation, right? Thyroiditis, gastritis, colitis, sinusitis, vasculitis, diverticulitis,

That is an inflammatory response. Itis means inflammation. So then you have to say, what's creating the inflammation? Where's the inflammation coming from? You have to be curious, Bonnie. And this is, Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie. No, I know your name. Good Lord, I know your name. Bonnie, in the beauty of you,

is you are so curious about your body. And so I was telling Jackson the other day, I said, dude, let me tell you something. No doctor is curious. It's well, I can't say that. It's the random doctor that's curious or the nurse practitioner. Right. Always stay curious when you stop being curious about your health or your relationships, or it doesn't matter what your children. I mean, anything you need to get out of whatever it is you're doing. Absolutely. You're burned out.

Curiosity is what's going to help you heal because you got to go back and say, man, what happened? Right. When did I feel the best in my life? Right. You know, and I have patients every day say, well, before kids. I'm like, yeah, I hear that. Amen to that. But not me. I felt worse. Right. You know, I felt terrible before children. So always go back upstream. Right.

What happened? Where'd the inflammatory response come from? Most of the time, you know where it comes from. The big part of it is what's at the end of your fork. It will heal you or kill you. Simple as that. There's no in between. You can't sugarcoat it. And you don't want to sugarcoat it. No, never. Because sugar is for sure the root of so much inflammation. And now we know Alzheimer's disease is

They call it type 3 diabetes. Type 3 diabetes. Because sugar has such an inflammatory response in the brain. Creating diabetes.

contributing to dementia and Alzheimer's. And of course, joint pain and cancer. Cancer feeds on sugar. On sugar, yeah. We know that. But yet we continue to drink soda or eat the sugar, whatever. You know, 152 pounds of sugar a year is the average the American eats. And actually, it's probably a little bit more than that now. Could be closer to 200 pounds. That's the average amount of sugar an American eats. That's crazy.

That's insane. Yeah. Per person. And that's included in everything, right? Everything processed. And that's not your strawberries and your apples and those things, the natural sugar. This is processed, packaged, fake food. Chick-fil-A, and you know who doesn't like Chick-fil-A? 53 ingredients in one sandwich.

53. I never got that. 5-3. Count it. It's on their website. Wow. 53 ingredients. Nobody's chicken sandwich should have 53 ingredients in it. No, not at all. Right? Since I've been on this journey and had to cut things out. Yes.

I have cut out because everybody's always asking me this. And now that I have you here, we can, you know, double down on it. I have cut out sugar was the first thing to go because I was eating fucking brownies. I was using my period week as an excuse to pretty much like binge and purge. That's right. Yeah. And it was, you know, I had an eating disorder. So, yeah.

I've always eaten two less of calories. So I ended up getting a health coach that I've been working with, a nutritionist for two years, and she, you know, up my macros and I'm finally up to almost 2000 calories a day. Is that not crazy that I've had to fight from 1000 calories a day to almost 2000 calories a day and I still need to do more.

But the first thing I cut out and she's got me eating more carbs than ever. And my body looks the best it's ever looked like you don't realize that that eating more helps your body and like gets the metabolism revving. So cut out sugar, cut out seed oils. A lot of people do not realize that the the

fury and havoc that seed oils cause on your body. That's right. It's insane. And when we say seed oils, what are we talking about here? Like canola oil, sunflower oil, what is it? Safflower. Safflower. Like there's just so many of anything that's not like avocado, coconut. And what's another one? Olive. Olive. Yep. Love olive oil. Love me an olive oil. And I love olive oil. Avocado though. I love. Yeah. I, I,

That's probably my favorite oil. - Yeah. Cut out that, cut out gluten. - That's right. - Gluten has been a game changer. - Yes. - Being out of my life. - And it's in everything, packaged, processed, bagged, cans in your soy sauce, your salad dressings, your soups. It's in everything. - Yeah. - It's highly addictive. A drug addict.

An alcoholic will have a very difficult time staying clean and sober if they continue to eat gluten. Did you know that gluten and morphine work on the same receptors in the brain, right? They both light up the same receptors. That's why you can eat so many...

three biscuits before you ever knew what happened at Cracker Barrel, right? Or, or, you know, your Chick-fil-A sandwich before you ever knew. And I'm not ragging on Chick-fil-A or Cracker Barrel, but they have a very high gluten content. So when, and we have decades of research on this and, and,

And every rehab center, they should all be gluten-free. Yeah. 100% because they literally work on the same receptors. Gluten is addictive, highly addictive. That's why it's added to everything.

That is crazy. It literally means glue in Latin. Gluten. Glue means glue in Latin. And it makes breads and cakes and crackers and cookies and everything fatter, fluffier and softer. Right. And more addictive. I just don't understand. I feel like the government is trying to kill us all.

I feel that way as well. Like, good Lord. Because in other countries, they don't have this shit. No, they don't. I went to Italy seven years ago for my 50th birthday. I ate everything I wanted for the first time in 10 years. I ate a pizza. I mean, I ate everything. I ate the gelato, the cappuccino, the pizza, the cannoli, the pasta.

Not one problem. I took my gluten enzymes. I still took them. You know, I didn't want to risk it, but took my gluten blocking enzymes. Literally no joint pain, no diarrhea, no bloating, bloating, gas, gurgling. That's all an inflammatory response. If you're bloated after you eat, that's an inflammatory response to something. Right. Yeah.

I've heard that from so many people who have said that they've traveled overseas and that they can eat whatever they want, but could never eat like that in America. No, you can't. So you ate, you cut out gluten and sugar and,

And dairy? And white dairy. I've never been a real dairy fan. I cut out dairy probably about, I'd have to say six years ago. Like I'm not a dairy person. I don't know why I cut it out. I think Jay and I decided to go vegan at one time and we had, is that what happened? Yeah. And we decided to cut it out and I just never got back. Yeah. The kid, the kid,

She loves, Bailey's here, you guys. She loves milk. And I'm always like, stop drinking it. And she's like, no, bitch. I'm telling you, though, it's inflammatory. It's so bad. And I say this all the time to people. Daniel knew this 2,000 years ago in the Bible. He gave it up 2,000 years ago. What did he do? So Daniel said, we're not eating that, man. We are not eating the food of the king's palace. You're going to feed me and my warriors food?

pulse, which is basically beans are not beans, seeds and vegetables and things like that. They gave up. Do you know what they gave up 2000 years ago in the day in the Bible, the Daniel fast, red meat. Wow. Dairy and red wine. Wow. For 10 days. And they came out the strongest warriors. Dairy is so inflammatory. Uh,

I mean, we're the only mammals, right? Who drank another mammal's milk after we've been weaned. And cheese is nothing but cow pus. It's cow pus and cow snot. I don't care how you look at it. You can, you can, and every time, and I love it. It's my favorite.

- Bailey's covered her ears. - Bailey's like, I liked you until this. - Bailey's like, fa la la la la. She's like, I don't wanna hear this. - Well, think about what it is. It's gunky and thick and mucousy. So Jay, right, if he eats dairy-- - No, he doesn't. - My patients that I see who are in the music industry,

the ones who are amazing don't eat any dairy because it's thick and gunky. It's going to clog up the mucus. You bet it is. The bronchial tubes, the sinuses. It's terrible for you. It's horrible for you, but it's my favorite. I love cheese. I could eat that whole table full of cheese. I did too. I used to. I've tried to eat cheese now after I just have a sprinkle or a quesadilla or something. I can't do it. I can't do it. My hands hurt so badly when I eat cheese. My hands and feet swell

now you bet if I look like a little sausage I got little hands you've got these beautiful hands I've got these square hands they're actually little too but the nails give them some inches I got sausage links too no but if I eat anything bad now I swell up like my body is just like no but you're not eating this um and then I also gave up white flowers and stuff like that so I just do almond flour now and like cassava flour which I'm not a huge fan of but I'm still trying to figure it out

So if somebody wants to start on a holistic journey, like if they wanted to come see you, I hear a lot of people cause I'm always talking about this on my Tik TOK and they're like, well, we can't afford that. We can't afford to eat whole foods. We can't afford to do that. Like what do you say to people who say stuff like that? And you know, how could they start their journey? Well, if you,

If you can't afford to go see a provider like me, you can afford to eat healthy. I'm telling you right now, literally driving in here, excuse me, half a mile up here is an Aldi's, which is one of my all time. Have you ever shopped at Aldi's? Have you ever walked into an Aldi? Listen, I used to be an Aldi snob because my mom never had any money. So we had to shop at Aldi. And they're a part of the Trader Joe's corporation. Many people don't know that.

but they have the most inexpensive organic food. You don't have to eat all organic, but what you need to eat is one ingredient food. That's how you get started, right? Nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken, lamb, turkey.

No, it doesn't have to be all organic, but I have in the book listed the Dirty Dozen and the Clean 15, right? The most toxic 10 foods that are sprayed with glyphosate, which we could talk about two hours on the danger of glyphosate, and then the cleanest. But Walmart, Walmart is the number one buyer and seller of organic food in the world. Most people don't know that. Right. They're loaded with it. So you can get started.

but it's going to take you changing. It's going to take you going shopping around the edges of the grocery, not going down that aisle, because I am telling you, if it's a bag, a box, a can, a tube, a roll, it's, it's killing you. It's killing you.

literally a list that long on the back of most, you know, it's eight or nine lines long on there. So I would start that way. I would start, if you can't afford food sensitivity testing, right? Do an elimination. I talk in here about it. Cut out the top seven inflammatory foods. That's free.

Gluten, dairy, soy, corn, sugar, eggs, and peanuts. Those are the top seven foods. Many people, if they just do that one thing, which is very simple, not easy. Right. Right. For sure. That's right. It's not easy because we're so emotionally connected to food, man. Everything we do revolves around food. Oh yeah. Everything. Everything. Any sort of like, you know,

Meeting people, let's go meet for lunch, let's meet for dinner. That's right. It's just everything is a celebration with food. But I would do that elimination first. And I am telling you, for 21 days, if you can do that and eat real food for 21 days. But I mean, it's a mindset. Oh, for sure. It's the hardest thing you're ever going to do. It's the hardest thing you'll ever do is change your diet. You have spent decades...

creating this dysfunction in your body and this inflammation. It's just like therapy, right? You've spent decades messing this stuff up. It's not, it's going to take longer than three weeks to unravel all of this. But I, you know, this, the second within a week,

Within a week of eating clean, right? Giving up Diet Coke. Diet Coke could kill you. Straight up kill you, right? And it's designed for that. It's designed for addiction. The food industry is about addiction. And again, I'm ragging on that chicken restaurant. I don't even know what time it is, but I think it's probably around 2.30. I guarantee you there's a line around that chicken restaurant. It is. It's right at 2.30. Is it? Oh!

I was like, good guess, Dani. There is a line around that Chick-fil-A on Mallory Lane right now. There's a line around Chick-fil-A in New York City, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Salt Lake City, Utah, even Paducah, Kentucky. Listen, I love me some Chick-fil-A. I used to love me some Chick-fil-A. Because it's about addiction. Mm-hmm.

It took four years to create their grilled chicken sandwich. Four years to create the formula. It's a chemistry experiment. Well, I knew there was something wrong though because every time I eat their chicken nuggets, my face gets like a red mask.

Yeah. It's the weirdest thing, but I loved it. I was just like, fuck it. I'll just deal with the red mask. Fuck it. I could eat two chicken sandwiches right now and those waffle fries. I mean, but I would be so sick. Yeah. But it's about addiction. So always know that the end of the food industry has shareholders and all that.

to pay. There's no shareholders over an apple somewhere or a pear. But I start the 10-day detox tomorrow that I always do. I started with a whole group of people. We're doing a parasite detox together for four months. Four months? It's a four-month on the full moon every month. Now, the 10 days for the detox and then the parasite cleanse is four months, but you're not changing your diet on that. Just not eating sugar because parasites love sugar.

You know, I mean, they feed on sugar. But start with an elimination. Start with an elimination. Start reading and listening. I

I put out so much free health content. You do. You need to get on TikTok. Every single day. You need to get on TikTok. I don't even know how to do TikTok, what to do. Exactly what you're doing on Instagram. I need a TikTok coach. I got you. But everything you're doing on Instagram, you need to put on TikTok because it would go viral and you'll reach so many people, which before this podcast drops, I would like to get you to start your own TikTok so I can shoot people over there. Okay, I'll do it. Because here's the thing, I am proof as a 57-year-old country girl, single mom, let

me tell you if I can do it anybody can do it I am the most hard headed stubborn human in the world and I love

Like, you're not going to tell me what I need to do and I'm going to do it when I want to, you know? Oh, Lord. I know. Which is the bulk of my patients that come in and it's so funny because, I mean, often I've had patients I've had for the full time ever since I started 13, 14, 15 years ago. Other ones that will drop off and then they want to get back in, right? Because...

They've seen the light. They're like, okay, I tried it my way. Not that I'm so smart. And it's not that. That's why this says six common sense steps to radical healing. The tagline of this book's book. I'm not the smartest one, but I've got more common sense than anybody. What I love about you, Dani, is you're just like me. You're, you are.

are not going to preach to people unless you've been through it. I've been through it. I've been through hell and back. And you're still putting yourself through classes. Like every time I talk to you, you're doing a new class, learning something new. I'm like, how does this woman have this much energy? I'm fucking 10, you know, 14,

13 years younger than you and I fucking am exhausted by your schedule and it's just crazy that the passion. - Yeah, but I love it. - The passion you have. - If you've ever been sick, I was sick, I mean not sick for four decades, but I felt terrible for three decades, right?

But you just keep going. And once your body, once you give your body what it needs and the body's designed to heal itself, it will definitely reverse whatever you've turned on. It really will. Or at least get it so far under the radar that you don't, you know, I'm not on medicine anymore.

And so you want to share it with the world, right? You do. Look what you've overcome. You are sharing it with the world, with your tribe. And that's what I do. And anybody who does what I do wants to share that. And that's what I was getting to. If you had no money, listen to me. Listen to Dr. Mark Hyman. Listen to JJ Virgil. I mean, there's so many people. Dr. Mindy Pelz. You bet, Dr. Mindy. There are so many people out there who give out free education. And all of us who are doing what we do have written a book.

Yeah. There's so much knowledge available to you. I have the shit I've learned. I've had to teach myself. Of course you have helped tremendously, but I've had to read. I've had to study. I've had the kid pulling up stuff, diagnosing me, like studying stuff like January. I really thought I was either one going to have an autoimmune disease or that I really had heart issues. Like I was convinced something was wrong. And I, when you get that scared and you get that low to a certain point, like,

Okay, mental health. My mental health has been screwed since I got sober, but it's like you almost kind of get used to it, and we'll deal with that later. But physical health, if you don't have physical health either, like you can't be fucked up mentally and physically. So I was like, I got to pick a battle here. So I literally zeroed in on my physical health and –

started changing my diet. You know, I scrolled back on weightlifting because I felt like it was causing my blood pressure to get high and stuff like that. And I'm telling you from January to July, um,

And I had a mini episode last night. And when I say a mini episode, so what was happening was my blood pressure would raise, my blood sugar would spike, and it would feel like almost like a tea kettle. Like my head was about to explode. My heart would go up to 160 beats per minute. Like, and this would happen at three or four in the morning. And it was happening so much. I was having probably like, I don't know, Bailey, how many would you say? Four to five episodes a week.

Yeah, it was terrible. And now I had the tiniest, miniest episode last night. I could feel my cortisol levels raising. And I literally just took a little dabble of my Benadryl that I do. It's like the tiniest drop of children's Benadryl under my tongue. And boom, done. Blood pressure didn't raise much.

blood sugar didn't raise. Like it's just crazy what happens when you zero in and you actually make yourself a priority and try to heal yourself. Well, you're in tune with your body and most people, and I went through this for decades. Most people are not in tune. They're not,

They just go balls to the wall, a hundred miles an hour, and they're not in tune with it. I wish I could be like that. They don't get it. But that migraine headache is a red flag, right? That heart palpitation is a red flag. And it's just like marriages or relationships. Yeah, you gotta work. Oftentimes we don't pay any attention at all. It's just like whack-a-mole. You're just whacking things down and something else is coming up. But you personally, and I've told you this

many times are more in tune. Is she not more in tune with her body than anyone you've ever met? Anyone, even me. And I know my body. Well, this one literally knows that she could feel the, probably the blood pulsing through her cells. I mean, it's unbelievable. I'm like, yeah, I'm an alien. I mean, I've never seen anything like it. So you, you're an inspiration. You are. I appreciate that. But I just want people to know, like,

If you go back to in the Meet the D-Fords episodes, you see me going to a heart doctor. Like I've documented the entire thing from then till now is literally 98%. I just need that 2%. But another thing that baffles me about you is I go ahead. Protein. Look, we need to get into that. Oh, yeah. We're going to talk about all of it. Yeah, we're not. You're here for a minute. We're not. We're not rushing you.

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So what baffles me, I think baffles in a good way, I don't know if that's the word, is how you, okay, you have an entire supplement store in your practice. And ever since I overdosed on vitamins, I refuse to take any store-bought supplements.

supplements. And finally, Danny was like, girl, you need to integrate magnesium back into your diet. And I was like, I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it. And then finally I was just like, okay, she has this thing called relax max and it's like a mixture of chillax max. Sorry. I always pronounce it wrong. Um, and

she, you know, she gave it to me. So I did the muscle testing, which we should talk about muscle testing too. Muscle testing is when you take a product and you pretty much ask yourself, like, is this good for me? That's right. Do I need this today? Do I need this today? Yep. But you're standing, you could be standing. There's, you can Google, there's different ways that you can do it, but you're standing. You say, do I need this today? And your body will lean forward if you do, and then fall backwards if you don't. And it's

crazy because it really works. Yeah. So we muscle tested her to lax max and my body was like, like yanked me forward. And I was like, okay, I really need this. Yet she was still skeptical by the way. But I went home and I was just like, you know what? Danny hasn't steered me wrong yet. So I put the tiniest bit in. And when I tell you my heart palpitations completely stopped that night and stopped for months after of just, I had like

I treat it. I did like semi, like what do they call it? Microdose. I microdosed magnesium and I've been great until the past couple of days, which is why I had you bring me another thing of it. And I'm going to do it again tonight because it really did help. But your supplements, you study them so much that you've kind of like, you're like a chemist. I try to be. Yeah. Well, you know,

If you buy your supplements on Amazon, you have no idea or offline of some things, what you're getting. And there's been multiple lawsuits on things being, you know, things in supplements thinking you're getting a magnesium. You're actually just getting rice powder or Viagra, which is what happened in February with several companies out there. It was Viagra in it and not, which is a big deal. The FDA got involved. Yeah. Now brand, N-O-W brand.

It had nothing to do with them. It was an adulterous. So they ordered, you order your supplements off of there, you get it. It looks like it's now brand, but it was actually Viagra in it, which could kill someone.

Right? Yeah, that would raise their blood pressure, their heart rate. So the FDA got involved on that one. But, you know, and many of them were rice. So there's been account after account of fake supplements. Fake and adulterated supplements on Amazon. You don't ever want to buy... You can buy my book all day on Amazon if you're going to do that. Or toilet paper. Or your baby wipes. Well, you're not ingesting it. Right? That's right. So...

but anything you're going to put in your body, do not, do not, do not. So yes, I do a tremendous amount of research and they're nutraceuticals, but magnesium itself has over 600 enzymatic pathways in your body. It, your body needs magnesium desperately. We're so deficient in magnesium. We don't have it in the soil anymore, but it,

It will calm your heart down, your heart palpitations, your high blood pressure, anxiety. 80% of depressed patients, the research shows, may have a magnesium deficiency, constipation, restless legs. I mean, the list goes on and on and on.

on for the beauty of the power of magnesium. But the night you took that Chilax Max, you texted me. It was so funny because I think I was out with the kids or something. I'm always bothering. And I got this message from you and I was laughing so hard because you were like, literally, I can't remember. I mean, I'd have to go back and find it, but it was, it was, it does work. And it's one of those things that works in about five minutes. Right. And so when you can bring that anxiety level down or that

that fight or flight level down, then your body starts to, you know, calm down. Yeah. Absolutely. And you're not in that, you're not in that parasympathetic or sympathetic. I'm sorry. If people wanted to check out your supplements, where would they go? Absolutely. Well, they can come to, come to the store, which is fabulous. Wild and well on Mallory station road, or they can go online, and it's 24 seven. We have our own Shopify. Yeah. We now fulfill out of the store. Yeah.

which is a big financial decision for me and so we ship out all over the country i don't know how people find out about us but i'm growing that business and that's that's great she's worth it though guys i promise you check out her supplements i mean oh thank you i hand pick every single item in there and i have a great team with me i've got great girls who also come in and say hey you know

know what? Bunny was, or I mean, not, you've never done this, but you know, Bunny came in and she had this product and she wants to see if we could get something that we know, whatever. So we do a lot of research and we bring in a lot of things that patients or just customers bring in and say, Hey, would you get this for us? We want to support local and we want to support a woman owned business. And I'm all for it. I'm for all of it. And I don't take that for granted, right? When people come to that store and spend out of their left hip pocket.

because you can go anywhere. Yeah. You know that. Absolutely. Protein. You wanted to touch on protein. I have been starting my day. I missed the boat on protein. Wow. I'm 57 years old. I didn't hop on. I didn't hop on until two years ago. I did not realize until just not too long ago how important starting your day with protein is. And I'm all about fasting. I think fasting is fantastic. We eat way too much. I've been starting my day. We'll talk about fasting next for sure. With our...

With our pure paleo protein shake. It's got, anyway, the whole thing put together is 40 grams of protein. Wow. I need this. Girl. I, I, I,

Now, it's a beef protein. Can you eat beef? It's a collagen protein. So it's a... I'm sorry. It's a bone broth protein. Does it taste beefy? No. Oh, if it doesn't taste beefy, then maybe... Unbelievable. Yeah. Then I put a scoop of collagen in it. Anyway, I've got a whole recipe for it. I just shared it on Instagram. But it's 40 grams of protein. I cannot tell you the last month how much better I feel. And I felt good anyway. But just sustained energy. I think...

as we age, especially we, we lose protein. I mean, our muscle mass decreases every year. You need protein and I need about 130 grams of protein a day. Well, that's not easy. Yep. I eat 135 grams of

protein. And I don't know how you do it, quite frankly. Lots of chicken and fish. Yeah. And you have to. And it is the key. And so that may be something easy for patients or for people who are listening to say, well, increase your protein level. You can get a free protein calculator online. You can also calculate online how much you need. And it's key. It's key for muscle

right? For sarcopenia, muscle wasting. It's key for energy. It's key for depression. It's key for proper weight control. I mean, protein, I'm, I, I'm sad that I missed the boat on that. I can honestly say since I have improved my macros and I've upped my protein and I've also upped my fats and my carbs, my depression, like when I first came to you, remember I would had gone through the, I had just gone through that suicidal ideation thing and, um,

I was just so depressed and it was so bad. And so now my depression is, you know, at bay. I never want to say that it's gone because we always know that at the flip of a switch, it can come. Um, but you know, I, I do still suffer from anxiety, but since I have been eating better, my depression has definitely been at bay and it really truly does work like protein, carbs, fats, good fats. When I say fats, I mean like avocados, you know, coconut oil, like good fats.

The gut and the brain are 100% connected. Yes. The gut brain axis. If the gut is on fire, the brain is on fire. I always say the gut is your first brain. You bet it is. Yeah, because if you're not eating good, you're...

body's not going to feel good. Your brain's not going to feel good. No. And up to 80% of all the serotonin in the entire body is in the gut. It's in the small intestine. So it's not in the brain. So when the gut's on fire, so are the symptoms of anxiety, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, ADD, ADHD, OCD, trichotillomania, where you pull your eyelashes out and pull your eyebrows out,

and all that. Every single bit of that is worse when the gut is on fire. Leaky gut, right? Leaky gut, leaky brain. You heal the gut, you begin to heal those symptoms. I'm proof of it. So are you. Healing the gut is easily, is as easy as changing your diet too, correct? Yes. Or is there so many other things that you would need to do to heal your gut? Well,

Well, you have to change. Depends on, is it per person? You have to start with the diet, right? So you got a leaky gut. This is one big tube from the mouth to the anus, right? Mm-hmm.

right? One big tube, mouth to anus, and it should be tight. And then the older we get and all the things and stress causes it and trauma and bad diet and all of that, you start to weaken those tight junctions and it's called leaky gut. So then you get inflammation, you get gluten and things into the bloodstream and that creates the inflammation, right? The joint pain, the anxiety, the depression. So

You have to change the diet, but then you may need a couple supplements, right? Some L-glutamine, which literally spackles the gut back together. Maybe a probiotic, some digestive enzymes. So yes, changing the gut will help about, I don't know, 80, 90% of it. But then you have to manage the stress. Then you have to...

deal with the trauma, right? You also have to sleep well. If you're not sleeping at night, you'll never get the body healed, right? I mean, I think sleep and diet are literally side by side. Hand in hand. How many hours of sleep should somebody get? Everybody's different, but I need about seven to eight hours of sleep a night. And I don't think anybody can make it on less than six. Yeah, I can only do six. I can get five or six a night. It's crazy because my body is just timed to wake up like at six hours.

But do you sleep solid or do you wake up in the night? Sometimes. It depends. It depends, like, you know, what's going on. There are some nights that I sleep super solid and there's some nights that, like, I'll wake up if I turn, but then I go right back to sleep. Yeah, I go right back to sleep as well. A lot of times not enough protein during the day.

excuse me, will create that waking up in the night because your blood sugar is going to drop. It's protein that keeps your blood sugar stable during the day. What about cortisol though? Oh, absolutely. Well, when your blood sugar drops at night, when your blood sugar drops at night between two and four in the morning, your cortisol levels have to raise. Every time I have my episodes is in between two and four a.m. Yes, it is. And most of the time that's not enough protein closer to bedtime or during the day. How much more do I need?

I don't know. A little something, a little handful of nuts or something. I mean, it could be any, any little protein. Son of a bitch. I feel like all I do is eat. I know. I know. But look at you. I mean, you're burning it. You're doing it, but you're, you're balancing out the macros and you're getting everything in order. Yeah.

But again, you will have less and less symptoms. People expect to feel better right now. Right now. Yeah. No, it's a process. Anybody who's listening, just know this is a journey. This is a lifestyle. This is a marathon. Absolutely. It's not a sprint. I am almost 90 days in on changing my diet. Yes.

I'm still not fully back to where I was in December, but I'm on my way. So I don't know if that can help people gauge like what's going on. Like you have to have patience. You have to have grace with yourself. Grace. Like literally. The grace that you would give Bailey, right? The grace that you would give Mimi over something or Jay. Yeah.

give yourself the same grace. We don't do that. We're so hard on ourselves for sure. For sure. So moving on, I just read a book called how to fast like a girl, Dr. Mindy Pels. I talked about it on my Tik TOK. Um, fat I'm obsessed with fasting right now. Like it is like a new discovery for me. Like I've always known about intermittent fasting, but after I read that book, I, you know, the body can heal so much just from fasting. What are your thoughts on fasting? I,

I'm not a fasting expert, so I'm just going to tell you right now, you probably know more about fasting than me. But what I do know is we probably don't fast enough. We eat too much. And I have the book, remember? Because you sent me a picture. No, you told me you were reading it. And I said, look right here. It's on my nightstand, but I haven't even started it yet. But...

It's a great read. Breakfast means break the fast. Right. So I don't know. What does she say in there? Does she say, I mean, I generally naturally fast anyway, about 14 hours. It just, yeah. That's how I do that too. Yeah. I try to do that too. I try to stop eating at like six or seven at night and then I won't eat again until like 10, 11 or 12. That's right. Um, the next day, it just depends on how long I want to fast. But then she also has these, um,

like, uh, protocols that you can follow that. Like if you want to do like a dopamine, uh, fast, you can fast for 48 hours and she tells you how to do that. And like, you can literally start your body hits autophagy after 17 hours, I believe. It's so fascinating. You guys have to read this book, but your body starts healing cells. Like I've been preaching this to, to Mimi.

I'm like, you got to read, you got to do this. You got to start fasting. But like you can literally heal yourself from PCOS. You can heal yourself from autoimmune diseases. You can heal yourself from so many things just from fasting. So are you ready to answer some questions? Oh my gosh. Yes. Let me get a drink. Okay. So I asked everybody that was on my Patreon to write in some questions and boy, you guys delivered, um,

So we're going to try to answer as many as we can without taxing Danny out. The first one is, how do I get my libido back? I had my daughter five years ago and I haven't had a libido since, haven't had a libido since like I don't want it or feel like I could live without it. Okay, hold on. Let me read that again. Well, I understand it. I don't even think you have to read it again. Okay.

Yeah. I listened to this all day. Yeah. Every day. And of course here I am wanting a man, right? It's like, I've never had a problem with the libido. Um, but I hear it every day. I don't know how old this person is. Do they have ages on there? No, they didn't put an age. Yeah. I hear it all the time. When was your sex drive the best? Cause I always ask every single patient, how's your, how's your libido? Um, most people say before it's terrible and it was great before I had children. Oftentimes, um,

Well, here's the thing. I mean, you know...

you have to date your partner again. If you're, if it's a woman or a man or whatever, you've got to date them again. Yeah. It's key, right? You may love them, but you don't like them. And if a woman doesn't like her partner, she's not going to have sex with him. I mean, a man will, will screw you all day long down the hallway, all the way to the bedroom fighting, right? In the kitchen and then still want to have sex. But women are different. We're, we're emotionally wired differently. Right.

So you do need to date them. If you've got a five-year-old daughter, now I'm a big believer in God first,

husband partner first children third right most of the time we put these kids in front of our spouse in front of our god and that's not how it should be so we got to get that order right um you know and you got to spend time together and you got to date him again you've got to date him again you need to sext him right you need to tell him you know come home unzip your pants

dude, I'm going to rock your world tonight or whatever. And if he's working at home, get up there and do whatever you need to do while he's on his Zoom call and rock his world. I mean, go back to how it was when you were dating. It's key. And we don't do that. We get involved. I know I've had two little kids and I know what it's like to be crazy, but I am telling you, you've got to put them, but men are real simple. They want good food.

good sex and they want to protect you. Right. That's it. Yeah. And you give them that and they want to feel needed. That's, that's exactly right. But you can also take some horny goat weed. Now here's, here's the thing. If you're nursing, breastfeeding or nursing, you're not going to do any of this.

Could it be hormonal also? It could be hormonal. So you can get your hormones checked. Now we can't give you testosterone, right? If you can get pregnant, I'm not going to give you testosterone because God forbid, you know, we don't give testosterone to a woman as a rule who could get pregnant. It could hurt the baby and things like that. But you could take DHEA, you could take horny goat weed, you could take, um, um,

I mean, there's a million different things that you can take to help your hormones work better. We can look at your hormones. We can give you some progesterone. Maybe you need a little bit of estrogen. I mean, it depends on your age. But the bottom line is you got to reconnect with him and you got to talk. I know what it's like to be in a marriage to where nobody's talking. Right.

Right? Yeah. And you married him for a reason. And that happens all the time because, you know, people are busy, people are working. So it's like, you know, like you said, people have got to make time for each other. They've got to make time for each other. And I am telling you, I know I had an affair on my husband. If you're not getting what you need at home...

They're going to get it somewhere. Oh, yeah. And I mean, both ways. It works both ways. It works both ways. And women look at me every day and they're like, and then they start crying, right? And I don't feel like myself. My body doesn't look like it used to. He doesn't care. If he's wanting to have sex with you and spend time with you. And I'm telling you, I...

I challenge my patients and say, give me 15 to 30 days of sex every day. I don't care if it's a blowjob. I don't care if it's a quickie. I don't care what it is. Give me 30 days of having sex with your man. Hmm.

And they do it. And just kind of like re-sparking that. They re-spark it and they love it. Nobody has ever complained about an orgasm. Ever. Ever. Has anyone ever said, I wish I hadn't had that orgasm? No. No. Nope. And so, you know, it just, get back to where you were. Work on it. It takes work. It's just like healing your body, Bunny. Just like healing your gut. Absolutely. All right. Next question. Her name is Candice. She said, hi, I'm Candice. I'm 31. Yeah.

Look younger, but feel older. However, I'm getting spider veins on part of my legs. My maternal grandmother has them bad. So I was curious as to what can I use, if anything, to help those bad boys be gone? And are there any methods to work on your thyroid? Mine fluctuates so bad.

Oh, okay. So that's two questions. That's two questions, Candice. That's two questions. So the spider vein one, I don't know enough about. I think butcher's broom. What the heck is the name of that supplement? She's like, I don't know enough about it, but butcher's broom. I don't know if that's even the name of it, but something butcher's broom. Whatever.

see a vascular surgeon if you have spider veins can't they laser them now they can laser them so you can have it and doesn't even have to be a vascular maybe a plastic surgeon but a vascular surgeon with veins right always right vascular veins is who I would go to before I'd go to just some anybody let anybody start lasering away because you want to make sure nothing's wrong I mean there's a lot today if you've had children I've got spider veins as well if you worked on your feet for decades and things like that um

Inflammation. Yeah. Inflammation is the root of all of that. So I can't remember. There is a supplement. I'm sorry. I can't remember that, Candice. Thyroid. What'd she say? Her thyroid's not working right. She said...

My thyroid fluctuates so bad. Now that I'm getting older, I am starting to see a lot of body changes that are more permanent. Physically, it takes a toll most days. I'm feeling like I'm reaching early menopause. Heart flashes galore. Oh, Lord. Okay, that's like 42 questions all in one. But that's my patient, right, that comes in with every list. So the thyroid...

ladies and gentlemen, is the master gland in the body, the master organ. It controls 100% of the metabolic function in your body. 100%. How fast you gain weight, how fast you lose weight, your cholesterol, your fertility, your hair loss, your hair growth, all of it, your weight gain, your weight loss, it controls everything. So you have to protect it.

It needs to be optimal. I don't know what that means. It's fluctuating. I don't know if it's going between hypo and hyper. So too little thyroid hormones or you're sluggish. You just want to lay back and sleep all the time. Gained weight, all that. Can't poop or hyper, right? So again, you want to protect your thyroid. Don't put anything on your thyroid. No perfume.

No, you know, anything like that. No lotion, no makeup, anything down here. And things that help the thyroid function better. But again, you have to ask your provider because I don't know your own health history. Things like ashwagandha helps the thyroid function better. I took ashwagandha one time and it fucking made me, it put me in a spiral. See, but for me, it's amazing for me. I love ashwagandha. It's an amazing adaptogen. But that's why you always got to do your research and ask your provider. Although your provider is going to go, what?

So the thyroid, again, is tricky and you want your thyroid levels to be optimal. If you're taking thyroid medicine, and maybe she is, you have to take it the same time every day, four hours away from food like calcium, magnesium, iron, soy. That's key right there. If she's on thyroid medicine and taking it, she may be taking it wrong.

And that's why it's doing this. So look up how to take your thyroid medicine. But the thyroid is the master gland, but also controls your hormones. Right. So if she's feeling like she's having changes that are permanent. Right. Nothing's permanent, by the way. What death and tax. Can you go through early menopause that early in the 30s?

You can. It's premature. Premature menopause. A premature ovarian failure. I'm trying my hardest to stay away from that guy. Oh, let me tell you. Menopause is a whole other journey. It took two years for me to get through it. I was a raging lunatic. And I was pretty well balanced going through menopause. But I feel like the women who go through menopause...

the best and with the least trauma in their life are the ones who have less inflammation in their body. An inflamed woman going through menopause is going to be one mad woman. Mad cow disease. You bet. Yeah. Yes. Yes. And, and hot flashes and all of that. So it's all connected. Your hormones, your thyroid, your adrenals, all of that is connected. I'm just so thankful to be a woman.

We all have to go through this shit. Like it's just so crazy. And I'm going to tell you something. Menopause is a rite of passage. It is an honor and it is a privilege to go through menopause. It is denied by many women. They die first. Wow. They die before they ever live long enough to transition to this whole next season of life that is unbearable.

unbelievable. You get to be the crazy post-menopausal woman who doesn't care what she says, doesn't care what she does, nothing. So it is an honor and a privilege to go through menopause. Always remember that. It's hard to remember that when you're in the throes of hot flashes and you're taking your clothes off and your hair's falling out and your skin is getting dry and your vagina's drying up.

Oh, not the vagina. All the things. Vaginas dry up during menopause. So that's estrogen that keeps your vagina. Do they get wet again? It will if you find a good hormone person who can help you get your estrogen back in your vagina. Get your mojo. Estrogen and hormones do not cause cancer. Always know that, ladies. They don't cause cancer. Now, there are estrogen-based cancers and there are progesterone-based cancers.

But if hormones cause cancer, then Bailey right there, Mimi would all have cancer. They're young women. They're pregnant women. Well, they're not pregnant now, but I mean, you know what I mean? Better not be. Pregnant women, the hormones are through the roof, right? Young girls, hormones are through the roof. Well, that's when their estrogen and progesterone levels are the highest. Their skin looks great. Their boobs are up to here, right? Their bones are strong. Their brain's on fire. Who gets cancer?

My age women with no hormones. That's who gets your breast cancer for the most part, right? And your ovarian cancer. That's profound. I never thought of it that way. Well, think of it that way. That's why I'm here, right? I love that. No, seriously. And so, but, so go through, use your hormones when you're going through menopause and perimenopause. Oh, you're going to be helping me, Dani, so...

I said, you're going to be helping me. So it's a journey. That's the hardest thing to treat. I text you a lot now. Wait till I'm going through menopause. Lord, I'll be an old lady then. Cause you'll be, I'll be about 68, 69. I'll be 69 and still rock. There you go, baby. You're still looking beautiful. All right. Next question. Um, she said, hi, love you by the way.

I had neck surgery a year and a half ago. Since then, I cannot come. I can get there just before it locks my neck up. It's so painful. I don't know how else to describe it. I'm having two more neck surgeries in August. They're going to remove a vertebrae from the front that's compressed my spinal cord and nerve damage. And two days later, they're going...

through the back and fix to fix an existing fusion and fuse everything and put a cage around it. Oh dear. Any tips or advice on sexy time or what you think would help would be appreciated. Only thing that helped is mushrooms, but unfortunately they are very hard to come by. That sounds more like trauma. If mushrooms, that's, that's a hard one. Yeah. Yeah.

yeah i feel like it might be trauma though if the mushrooms helped her on that yeah yeah well and and see there's every there's some um in the um on patreon so just start screenshotting those for me those nerves run down from that neck all the way down the spinal cord right so that's going to control part of the pelvis area now i am no neurosurgeon you're like me you're like what in

what in the world? But you got to think about that, the inflammation around the neck, right? Where she's had the surgery. Right. So something's probably, some of those pathways must be blocked up. I mean, it also could be fear, right? Yeah. Fear from, I mean, it's like,

people who have a heart attack from surgery who don't ever uh-huh who have a heart attack and don't want to have sex again because when they do have an orgasm right they're scared to death they're gonna have a heart attack again so it could I mean I don't know that answer but I would work

I would go back to common sense and inflammation. Yeah. Do everything in your power to decrease the inflammatory response in your body because now she's getting ready to have more surgeries that next year. Yeah. I think it sounds to me like it might be PTSD and trauma because the mushrooms did help her and we can keep this question. Yeah. And so I think a counselor, a therapist, and I don't know enough about mushrooms. Yeah. I've always wanted to do, I've never done it. I don't either. They didn't do good with me. I heard you talk about that on your podcast. I can't preach about it.

I've never done that. Mimi loves them. Mimi likes to feel like her face is melting off. And I'm like, I just say I'm too much of a control freak. And I want to get off the ride when I want to get off of it, you know, and yeah, those you and me both. I don't I don't know. I don't know if I'd like it or not. Hi, I'm diabetic.

and an ex-junkie i was just told i have stage three kidney disease i know it's not curable but is there any way to slow it down yeah sure okay so if she if you drink any sort of soda anything diet coke coke anything does not matter that's got a high sugar content in it or that you got to stop that immediately i would stop all alcohol i would increase the i would drink water

and that's pretty much it right with kidneys I mean caffeine is going to be hard on the kidneys my mom is stage 3 kidney as well so it's you've got to push the water every day um

And you don't really take much magnesium either. Magnesium affects the kidney. That's about the only thing, the only contraindication with magnesium would be kidneys. Kidney disease. Wow. Just in case you know. Did not know that. Didn't know that. But really, honestly, pushing the water, exercise, eating well, changing your diet, decreasing the inflammatory response. I mean, it's key for that. And

I've got several patients with chronic kidney disease and no, you don't reverse it so much, but you can keep it at bay. Right. You can live with it for the rest of your life without getting worse, but you've got to clean the diet up and you have to drink water. I think that's literally the root of everything. Like the beginning of any of these questions, the first thing is, is diet change. It's exactly right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

And again, it's real simple, but it's not easy. I mean, and it's hard. It's hard when you go to the grocery and you buy the same thing every week, right? And we are designed to eat hundreds of foods. Do you know that the average American only eats about, I think it's 12 to 15 different foods. That's it. And we cook our kids the same five or six meals their entire life. We'd

We are designed for diversity. There are hundreds of foods out there. - Absolutely. - Go eat a rutabaga. - Yeah. - A daikon radish, right? A parsnip, a fennel. I mean, people look at me now, artichoke, I am fine if you never ever cook an artichoke again. I cooked one my entire life. No, I love artichokes.

No, I love artichokes. I cooked one. It took me half a damn day to cook an artichoke. And I'm like, I'm not ever going to... I'll pay Brick Tops $15. Boil it. I'll teach you how to make them. Yeah, I boil them. You boil your artichoke? Oh, so good. You boil it and just put a lid on it. Boil it for like 20 minutes. And then...

Oh, it's so good. What? Yeah. I just learned something new. Oh, it's so good. Okay, I'm going to buy the artichokes. You use like a vegan mayo and like garlic and mix it all together and just dip it in there. You just boil it and pull it off like you would a normal. Boil it and pull it apart. No, you have to do all this crazy stuff to it. It's always ready when that leaves.

Yep. Now you might be wanting a roasted one. I roasted it. So I boiled it, then had to roast it. You cut it. No, that's too much. You do all the mess all of a sudden. No. All right, fine. I would think that boiling it and then putting it in the broiler maybe would probably speed it up and give you that crispiness that you're looking for. But I love them boiled because they're meatier. Whereas when they're roasted, it's like a little bit drier. Yeah, we totally got off subject here. Okay, all right. But again...

But again, that's a one ingredient food. So back to the kidney disease. Bring it on home to the basics. One ingredient food, nothing processed, packaged, bagged, canned, fake food. Man, your kidneys are big deal. You got to have your kidneys to filter out all the toxins. Is there a correlation between blood sugar and kidneys?

Because sometimes when my blood sugar feels like it's spiking, my back hurts. It feels like my kidneys hurt sometimes. Well, maybe. But you also know what's in your back back there. You're on top of your kidneys sit two little walnut glands, the adrenal glands. They literally sit on top of it. And that's your cortisol. Wow. So I wonder if it's your adrenals. They literally sit right on top. I love it. I love lipomucous.

I turn into an old Jewish man when I figure something out. That's amazing. I don't think it's your kidneys. I think it's your adrenals. Well, we're going to... I heard you say a second ago clean water. Well, not tap water for the most part. Even here in Williamson County, right? Our water is...

I had the water that had the electrolytes in it. I forget the name. Essential water. Yeah. And it, it was that, but that's what I was going through all my shit in January. It might be fine now, but I would thought it was the water at first. Yeah.

Well, I like just clean water and putting like I personally have a whole house filter that was a Christmas gift from my office for me one year. And so that has been a game changer for me. And then you just put some trace minerals in it. Like literally a bottle of trace of minerals like selenium and iodine and all the magnesium and all the things, potassium and all that in it and put your minerals back in it.

You shower in that water too? Oh yeah. So see, that's the beauty of having a whole house filter, which is not crazy. I could have never afforded this before, but it has a couple thousand dollars. It's not like 10,000 or anything like that, but it's not cheap. Yes, you shower in it. So it's interesting that you said that.

We drink this clean water. We try to buy clean water, right? And then yet we shower in this toxic water. We bathe in toxic water. We wash our clothes in toxic water. Our dishes and all that in toxic water. And I'm telling you, water's a big deal. We could talk about water for hours. There's birth control pills in water. You bet I do. There's Xanax in water. There's antidepressants in water. All in this water system here. I mean, it's...

And we took the lithium out of the water, right? And the lithium's the best part of the water and that's part of your trace minerals. Lithium, the cities who have lithium in their water have less suicide, less homicide, less murder, all the things. Because lithium is an incredible mineral that is phenomenal for mental health. 7-Up had a high content of lithium in it when it first came out. When I was going through that suicidal ideation, I had found there was a...

supplement. It's lithium. Yeah. But it's not like the lithium that they give you in the middle of low dose lithium. It's like I forget the name of it, but

so many just wonderful reviews about this supplement. It works. I have my daughter on it. My mother should have been on it the whole time I was growing up. Start slipping her some of it now. I'm just kidding. Oh, yeah. Next question. How can I reduce cortisol so I don't wake up at 3 a.m.? Well, there you go. Hey, Prime members. Have you heard? You can listen to your favorite podcast ad-free. Good.

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Sign up today. First thing you're going to do is you're going to start off eating some protein. More protein. Start counting your protein grams. See how much you need and eat some protein right before bed at night. So you don't wake up between 2 and 4 in the morning, right? Because remember, when protein drops, I mean, I'm sorry, when your blood sugar drops in the night, your cortisol has to rise, you're going to wake up or you're going to be in a diabetic coma. But...

You have to change your diet, right? You have to get enough sleep. You need gentle exercise, not crazy hardcore exercise because that's going to raise your cortisol and then drop it back down. This is why we're trying to heal our adrenals. And then you're going to take some supplements like...

Well, ideally, ashwagandha and holy basil. And everybody's body. And rhodiola. And everyone's different. Yeah, everybody's body's different. So an adrenal support, right? So don't listen to me because I'm like a fucking just a one-off. Like if anything can go wrong, I'm that 0.5%. That's right. Yeah. So adrenal support is like ashwagandha, holy basil, rhodiola, eleutherococcus, ginseng. Those are adrenal adaptogens that help your adrenals and your body adapt to situations. And B5 and B6...

a B complex. Methylated? You bet, methylated because people, I assume everyone has an MTHFR mutation which is a methylation mutation in your body, MTHFR where you don't process B vitamins properly and

They make me feel like I'm going to have a stroke. B12 and folate. If they're not methylated and I take like B12 and an IV, I literally feel like I'm going to have a stroke. Like my blood pressure skyrockets. Yeah, you can't process just the plain O, cyanocobalamin, just the regular O, B12 or folic acid. You need methylfolate, methyl B12. So B vitamins, a B complex, B5 and 6, those are the B's of the adrenals, vitamin C. We are the only mammals who don't make vitamin C, but we store it.

right there in those adrenal glands. And when you're under a lot of stress, you're going to burn through vitamin C like crazy. So vitamin C is also a major antioxidant. It mops up all the free radicals in your body. It also helps you poop, but it helps your adrenals. It's a very inexpensive supplement to take. So B5, B6, vitamin C, B complex, and some adrenal adaptogens. But you also have to manage the stress.

in your life. Stress will kill you, right? You have to have a nighttime routine. The bed is for sleep and sex only. She said she's waking up at night, right? If you've got a TV, a computer, a cell phone, a wireless router in there, you've got the HVAC unit in there, you've got lights everywhere, your circadian rhythm is going to be messed up. You're not going to be able to sleep deep

in the night so get all that out of the bed and again the bed is for sleeping sex only do you suggest not having like um electronics in your room or yeah i don't have a tv in my room my my phone is in there and now it's not on airplane mode anymore because my mom

you know, things happen in the middle of the night and I have to be able to answer the phone. But as a rule, the phone should be on airplane mode, six feet away from you. Distance is your friend when it comes to electronic, electromagnetic fields. You also don't need to be sleeping on a sleep number bed. I hate to tell you that, but you're sleeping on a minefield. Oh my God, that's what we have. It's nothing but electricity. Girl.

Then I have failed. I should have asked you that because, and I talk about it in the book, right? Yeah.

when that's plugged into that wall, that electrical current's coming out. It's going straight through your body. Right. So I have a lot of patients, if they'll set the bed where they need it and then unplug it. Now you're still got a current in there because there's all that going on, but you're not going to have the electrical current from that wall. Wow. Right. I'd try it. I try, I would try unplugging it and see what happens. See if it makes a difference. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I just sleep on a straight up organic mattress. Wow. Um,

That's mind blowing. I need to definitely, my husband has to have a sleep number cause he sleeps tilted. Sure. So we thought we were doing a good thing. Well, and people do. And I have a, I have a pedic beds as well. Yeah. They move. Yeah. I have two videos on YouTube with a, uh,

very a brilliant electrical engineer who all her entire career has been around making home safe from electromagnetic fields she's electrical engineer she's not funny there's nothing funny about her she's very serious like an engineer but I have those two YouTube videos on there if you scroll back that are fascinating to watch

And she talks about 5G and she talks about the home. Making your bedroom has got to be a sanctuary. It has to be. When you cross that threshold at night to get into your bedroom, it's got to be calming and peaceful. Can it cause health problems also? You bet it can. God, I wonder if that's what's wrong with me now. No, hush. Don't say that. I'm like, shit. Oh, God. What do we do?

son of a no don't no i don't don't but no but you know where so you can't control this stuff like we're sitting in front of all these electromagnetic fields right now right lights right these microphones these computers and cell phones and all that you can't control that right that's where you have to make sure your body's detoxing properly how would you detox well you get your liver your liver is your major detoxification organ in your body well you eat clean food that's going to be the first thing right maybe do it a 10-day detox

or a couple times a year, things like milk thistle.

The liver, you just control it by not eating a lot of sugar, right? Fatty liver. Apple cider vinegar, right? Apple cider vinegar is great as well. Milk thistle, calcium D-glucate, things that help the liver function better. But again, it all boils down to inflammation. Right. Okay? So you can't control the electromagnetic fields that you're in all day, every day, but your bedroom has got to...

To be a sanctuary so you can heal at night. When you sleep is when your entire body recharges. Right. Right. And you should wake up feeling good. Doesn't mean you don't wake up tired, but good Lord, you just slept all night. I mean, you don't just pop out of bed most people, but you know, you should feel good when you get up in the morning. If you don't feel rested, then that's something going on in your, in your house or in your bedroom, something going on with stress. Yeah. Maybe it's your adrenals. Hmm.

Well, I'm going to go home and fucking throw everything away. Oh, good Lord. Do you feel like answering any more questions? I can answer questions all day if I don't. This is a good one because I heard you talk about this in your book too because I listened to the audio book. Thoughts or recommendations on prebiotics and probiotics? Oh, absolutely. Well, I've got lots of thoughts on that. Of course, I sell prebiotics and probiotics, you know, and there are a ton of fantastic ones out there that I don't sell. But yes, prebiotics.

Now, if you're going to, if you want to eat your prebiotics and your probiotics, that's always going to be better than anything that I could sell you, right? Right. Because it's coming from food. Prebiotics, artichokes, green bananas, onions, anything that's, the cabbage, things like that. Those are prebiotic foods that are going to prepare the gut, right?

for the probiotics, right? And they have to go hand in hand? You can't just take one without the other? Yeah, you can take one or the other. I mean, I started a lot of people just on prebiotics initially that are really inflamed and really full of inflammation. And I'm like, I don't even know if they could handle a probiotic. Right. Because what we know is that we have

Hundreds of billions of trillions of bacteria in our gut. There's more bacteria, probiotics basically, in our gut than there are stars in the Milky Way. Controls 80% of your immune system. Your gut. Your gut. So...

We have to diversify what's in our gut. So your probiotic things, you know, like your kimchi, right? How many people eat kimchi every day? Not many. I love it. I love it too, but I don't eat it every day and I should. I got a big thing of it in the refrigerator. I don't eat it. I love that. What is it? Wild?

Wild brine, that kimchi, the one in the big thing. Kimchi, sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar, anything fermented. Fermented. Yes. Right. Those are going to be your probiotics that you're putting in. But a lot of people think yogurt's going to do the trick. Yogurt, not so much, right? Because it's dairy. Right. And it's inflammatory. So prebiotics, yes. We sell great. We have it on our website. You actually brought up a great point about probiotics.

pre and probiotics in your book, you said that, um, you know, you can go and buy these really expensive ones that have to be refrigerated, but if you can't swallow it and guarantee that, that, that, what were the exact words that you said? The exact words are, um,

If you go into the place and you say, give me the best probiotic you got, where are they going to take you? 90% of the time, they're going to take you to the refrigerated section. Well, what the research shows, and it's clear on that, if your probiotic is so fragile that it can't handle the ambient air, right?

meaning just the regular air, that it is dead the second it hits your gut, right? Because it's 98.6 in here, at least in there. It is dead. You simply have expensive poop. That's all there is to it. So you've got to make sure that your probiotic has a capsule on it, a patented capsule that...

that last the transit time from the mouth to the anus, wherever it's supposed to release. Some probiotics release in the small intestine, some release in the colon, like bifidobacteria, which is one that I love, true bifido, and it releases in the colon. So you've got to make sure. Otherwise, you just have, again, you're just wasting your money. Yeah. You know, and the supplement industry is like, I mean, it's literally...

billions and billions, tens of billions of dollars. And there's a lot of, um, there's a lot of scam out there. You got to have a lot of integrity if you're going to sell supplements because people are desperate. They'll buy any probiotic that I asked them to. Right. Um,

And again, there's not one probiotic that works for everyone. So I have probably 20 probiotics in my office. Not everyone works for every person. But one big key that people may not know, you need to rotate your probiotics a couple of times a year.

So because we're designed for diversity, you don't want the same lactobacillus or the same bifidobacteria in there over and over. You want to mix it up. Yeah. I love that. All right. You want to do one more question? I feel like we're just getting so much knowledge. Yeah. Where's that one at? There's just one that says help with PCOS. Literally. Yeah.

Yeah. So there's a lot of people. So there's a lot of people who have written in about PCOS. Sure. Um, what are your thoughts on beginning to try to even heal your body from PCOS?

Is it curable? Can you heal your body from it? I think so. Because I don't think you're born with it. Yeah. You know, I think it's an insulin issue, which the studies are clear. Yeah. It's an insulin resistance issue. Right. Which also affects your hormones drastically. Right. So a lot of PCOS patients, some people you can tell immediately they have PCOS. The standard old school PCOS profile was a little heavier, overweight, most likely, thicker. Yeah.

Maybe hair on the chin, thicker neck, back hair, a little hump on it, sometimes losing hair. I think the kid's feeling her neck right now. I don't even have to look. The hump? The death?

But then now you have also the skinny girl PCOS that we don't even pick up on, right? Unless we do labs on them. So PCOS, yes. So we start with diet, right? We got to get the insulin. We got to get the blood sugar in order over here. Again, with the protein, cutting out the sugar, things like that.

Um, supplement wise. And again, you got to eat well, sleep well, move well, poop well, de-stress well, commune well. Those are all things that contribute to, to PCOS markers. But things like inositol, one of my all time favorites for it. Does it, I don't know. Does anybody have PCOS? You don't have PCOS. Mimi does. Do you take inositol, Mimi? I think I have inositol.

It's one of my favorite things for PCOS. B vitamin, but it helps regulate your hormones, but also helps with anxiety. It's in the Chilax Max. Is it? Yeah. Tiny little bit. You need to start taking some of those Chilax Max. You'll love it. Chilax Max is incredible. I'll give you some of it tonight. Chasteberry. Vitex Chasteberry is, again, are you familiar with Chasteberry?

it's it's an herb it's a berry it's been around for thousands of years phenomenal for pcos for regulating periods for pms irritability and sex drive pc uh chaseberry takes about two or three months to kick in two or three cycles it helps regulate your period because many women with pcos have random periods yeah four and two months every other week i started to

we need to get you started on Chase Berry and some Anastata and then a peony also works well. Lemon balm works great. Um, I have a whole PCOS, PCOS protocol actually on Instagram. Um, but again, it boils down to inflammation. A lot of women with PCOS have a hard time losing weight and they don't realize, you know, they cut their calories, they do this, but,

but we've got to balance the insulin. Now, if I had PCOS, I would have a blood sugar monitor right here on my arm every day, like a continuous glucose monitor. I would have my doctor order one, and I would think that insurance would probably pay for it. And I would be monitoring my blood sugar every day. I'd be knowing what's causing those spikes because that's going to affect your hormones.

And maybe you need a little bit of progesterone. Diet for sure. Diet is key with PCOS. It's got to be an anti-inflammatory. Sugar, gluten, dairy are going to be big ones for PCOS that you need to eliminate. But I watch women every day.

get their periods back in track. I had a patient just two weeks ago. She, she's now had 10 periods in a year. She has not had 10 periods. She has gone years without periods. You really? Yeah, I just went, well, that's right. Before I started, I went a year without a period. I hadn't had a period since last May. And then it started and our beginning of April and I had one every other week.

How old are you? 31. So we got to work on that. That's an inflammation. I've been trying to get her into Udany for months now. That's an inflammation. Well, I'm going to tell you, you know, I take very few new patients now. And so, and here's the thing. You just got to be willing to do the work. But she knows this. Yeah. That's why I didn't come back until I was ready to do the work. It's not easy. So PCOS, I mean, again, you know, there are women who have five babies and never know they had PCOS. There are women who have PCOS and can't get pregnant at all. You have two, right? I think I have five.

Took you five years. Yeah, and then the minute I had her, we waited a little bit because I was like, that's a lot. Amen. When we tried with the second one, it was two months, and we had her.

Wow. Okay, so your body's doing something. Yeah. Right? I feel like she kicked it in gear. Yeah. Yeah, but PCOS, man, we can work with that. It's a clean diet, decreasing the inflammation, taking a few supplements. You don't need a ton. Things that are going to regulate your hormones and help bring down the inflammation. And I'm telling you, it works. It works. But again, we have an epidemic of PCOS right now because...

If fake processed foods are not helping any of us, but for sure, if you have something like PCOS going on or an autoimmune disease and man, the quicker you clean it up, the, the, the better you're going to feel. Yeah. Yeah. And I am living proof, ladies and gentlemen, whoever's listening that you can turn around anything that you've turned on living proof. And I mean, I, I,

I had a traumatic childhood. I didn't have the worst childhood. I certainly didn't have the best. You know, you've got to address the trauma. You've got to find a therapist. And there are ways to do that without costing an arm and a leg. Although that's a real problem for me with mental health. I mean, a lot of it is so expensive.

and access is so limited. I know. But there are lots of sliding scale places. You've got to handle the trauma. You've got to clean up the diet, you know, and if you could just do one thing, just cut out those, those foods, even if you cut one food out, I'd say start with sugar. Yeah. Start with sugar. And that was the hardest one for me. Yeah. Sugar is way harder than gluten for me. And,

But I think sugar would be even harder. Cane sugar. Cane sugar. That's what I... I will not eat anything with cane sugar in it. No. Like coconut sugar, there's different... So that you can easily...

wean off of it like they have um siete brand has these chips that are amazing they're like cinnamon and they're like they have like coconut sugar on them yeah those they're grain free yeah mexican or hispanic yeah um yeah sure those things are so good amazing and they're made here's the thing mm-hmm

It's still processed, right? But there's few ingredients and I've eaten them. But I have a hard time stopping. So, man, it's all about control. Right. And consistency. One foot in front of the other. Yeah. You're going to start feeling better. You are very...

Very quickly. And everyone falls off the wagon. I mean, you're not perfect. Nobody's perfect. There was one perfect human and it's damn sure not you or me or anybody listening. Right? So, and to get right back on track. And then what you'll do is you'll cheat. You'll go out and eat a pizza, which has everything in it. The gluten, the dairy, the crap in it, all the things. And then you're going to be sick as a dog.

Right? No, I did that. I actually ordered a pizza, I think, last month. And it was like just a margarita pizza with no marinara, just cheese and bread. But it was gluten-free. And I still felt gross. Yes, that's right. Like I was like, oh, I just felt so heavy. And I was just like, it's not worth it to eat. It's not worth it. And you know, you do like to cook.

Yeah, I am a huge I love to cook. Cooking is self care. Yeah, anybody who's listening and you think that you can out supplement a bad diet, you are sadly mistaken. And I'm gonna tell you, if you're letting someone else cook for you, like fast food and restaurants, you will never get to where you need to be. And it's in keep it real simple. I talk about this all the time. And I do a lot of cooking videos on Instagram Wednesdays or dinners with Danny. So

It's just one ingredient food. Olive oil, salt and pepper will make most everything taste great. You can chop up a Brussels sprout, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, roast it. I mean, it's so stinking simple. It's,

don't overcomplicate it but always remember cooking is self-care absolutely right and you can reverse anything and man when you do I mean you change the entire trajectory do you know this you're changing Bailey's trajectory of her life you don't want to listen to it I get it you know and all but

She hates when I tell her what to eat. Everything that you're learning, everything that you're doing, she's picking up on. Yeah. And we have the chance to change the entire trajectory of the next generation. Right. And the next generation. And that...

is humbling to me. Yeah. And it's necessary because our grandparents didn't feel this badly. Right? No. They ate real food. They worked hard. They slept like logs. They didn't have electromagnetic fields and sleep number beds. Yeah. Right? No, absolutely.

Danny, you're just a wealth of information. I'm so happy. You got to start coming by once a year. Let's do it. And like, we'll just have a sit down and Q&A and just talk about whatever new book you wrote. Well, your people may say, absolutely not. Oh, no. She's impossible to deal with. No, they ask me every day about stuff like this. Whatever you want. I'm here. Yeah, I love that. Why don't you let people know where they can find you? Danny, excuse me, is the website. Mm-hmm.

Everything is on there. Every link to everything, the online store and all that. But Danny Williamson Wellness, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Yeah. And then we have a brick and mortar. So we have anybody who comes to Nashville or Franklin, just come in the store. And oftentimes I'm in there. Generally, I'm always in the clinics and, you know, patients. But I run through there, you know, all day, every day. But come see us. Come stop in and tell us. Yeah, absolutely. Hello.

Thank you so much for coming by. Appreciate you. You're doing it. Keep it up. Keep up the hard work. No, I love you so much. I'm just so blessed to have, uh, you know, good women like you on my corner. So we need it. I feel like we're like a bunch. I feel like we're a coven of witches that are just trying to figure it out. You bet. Thank you guys for tuning in to another episode of dumb blonde. I will see you guys next week. Bye.