cover of episode Heidi Lavon and James Ramsey: Trauma, TikTok and Tattoos

Heidi Lavon and James Ramsey: Trauma, TikTok and Tattoos

Publish Date: 2023/8/2
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Is this thing on? Bonnie, who used to be a former sex worker, now hosts the podcast Dunblom. Most little girls grow up wanting to be doctors and lawyers and shit. And I was like, I want to be super hot, make a lot of fucking money and be a rock star's wife. That was my goal as a child. And here we are. Let's do this.


Yeah, I don't want to... That's fancy. I don't want to mispronounce it. So is it... It's Heidi LaVon? Heidi LaVon. Heidi LaVon and James Ramsey. Yes, how you doing? What's up? Hi. I'm so happy to have you guys here. I know. It's been so long, man. I feel like we've been talking forever. Dude, well, so I've...

been following you on Instagram for years. I mean, like we've all we all all of us IG thoughts have migrated over to TikTok. And we've kind of taken it over, though. We have. We have. I'm proud of us. We figured out a way. We figured out a way. You know what I mean? We're like roaches. We just fucking get in the cracks and figure out how to make it work and multiply.

There's one, there's a bunch of them. We team up. There's a way to do it on TikTok, you know? Absolutely. Some girls can figure it out and some girls can't. The transition's been kind of hard, but I'm happy to see you thriving over there. I've tried to explain. Same for you. You're just, dude, we've been talking for a while and I just love seeing from then till now, there's a lot happening. It's happening really fast. Especially for you. I see it. I appreciate it so much. So, okay.

There's so much about you guys and your story individually and together that I want to know. So let's just kind of like dive in. Okay. I want to start with you and then we'll kind of bounce back and forth in between. So where did you grow up, Heidi? I grew up in Fairbanks, Alaska.

So I was born in Arizona, raised in Alaska, moved back and forth from Alaska to Arizona. And then I ended up in Oregon. I actually followed my best friends. Shout out to Noelle. I followed my best friends I grew up with in Fairbanks, went to Salem, Oregon, went to Portland, stayed there for probably about 13, 14 years. And during that time, I met James. Aww. I love that.

I love that. It was like, we're going to get, we're going to get, we're going to get it. Yeah. We're going to get to that. Is growing up in Salem as spooky as it sounds? Oh, I didn't know. Not Salem. No, she's like, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. Groping in Fairbanks. Fairbanks, Alaska. You said you migrated over to, I migrated over there. I followed my besties over there and I was just there for probably, I don't know, like six months. And I was like, I can't be there. I actually, oddly enough, uh, I mean, it's a long, a long story, but the long short is, uh,

let's see, born in Arizona, raised in Alaska, went to Arizona, went to back to Alaska. And then I met this guy on tour. This is like,

Just a very random fact here. I met a guy and then I moved to New York with him. And then from New York, we moved to Oregon. Yeah. So there's that. And you sound like a kind of like a wild child. What was your childhood like growing up? Very wild. With your parents? Yeah. I'm still very close with my parents. Yeah. They're about to hit their 45th anniversary. They're still married. That's wild, right? I love that.

Most parents today, they just aren't married. Bro, my dad's been married like eight times. Oh my gosh. Eight times. No, he's a fucking ho bag. Lucky number eight. Yeah, I'm very close with my family. I have three older sisters. I'm the youngest of four. Definitely the black sheep. It sounds super cliche, but I mean, it's true. It's real. You know what I mean? They're all very clean cut, wonderful, beautiful kids.

We're just, we're very alike, but very different. Right. Very different. How did that feel growing up to know that you were so different from your siblings? It was very accepting. They were very accepting. So I felt, I felt, I embraced it very easily. Yeah. You know, I got into trouble quite a bit. I feel like as soon as my mom had the first, first of us girls and then got to the last of us, which was me, she was just like, fuck it, a little bit.

little bit like fuck it you know was it a strict I feel like the youngest gets away with everything we get away with everything she she set some rules but I of course broke them yeah of course I feel like a lot of the rules are I don't know they're meant to be broken they're definitely meant to be bent absolutely you know what I mean we can get away with yep as kids you know by nature you're a Gemini right yeah yeah for sure I mean I

know. It's like, do I believe in astrology? I don't really know, but I feel like some of the things I've read about it and have been told about it, I'm like, that just oddly makes sense. It just kind of... No, it does. It's a love language. I tell everybody astrology is a love language. If you take the time to really get to know it, it's kind of like psychology. It's really crazy, but that's a whole nother podcast we'll get into. Jay,

about you where'd you grow up uh so i grew up in oregon uh pretty much my whole life i enlisted in the army in uh

Was served in the army for six years, deployed Iraq and Afghanistan. Well, fucking happy Memorial Day. Thank you. I appreciate it. God. But Memorial Day is to remember the soldiers that have fallen. Oh, okay. I'm sorry. No, no, no, no apologies. I'm sorry. I'm like, how dare you? Death wish over here. I admit I asked the same thing, but it's not because I didn't know. It's like, I kind of didn't know. I didn't know. I thought it was for everybody. It's for everyone. I feel, I feel,

feels like it it feels like you it wants to be for everyone yeah but i didn't know that that's really good to know to like let people know that memorial day is for the fallen soldiers you never knew that uh yeah enlisted in the army uh was uh deployed to iraq and afghanistan uh i was deployed to iraq in 03 and i deployed to afghanistan in like 2005 something like that i got out

and lost my leg the day after I got out in a motorcycle accident. The day of? The day of, yeah. It's the day of, okay. Well, I was coming from Italy, so it was like the day after. Okay, so much, so much here. Skipped over a lot. Yeah, I'm like, wait a second. So let's rewind. Okay, so you grew up in Oregon. Yeah. What was childhood like for you? You know, my childhood was less than ideal for a lot of it. You know, like, you know, like, ex-

you know, bad father figures and, and stuff like that. And, uh, so for me, I just needed to get out from where I was at, you know, like my mom is great. My grandparents, amazing. Everybody's awesome. It's just that it didn't really, my mom didn't just choose like the best dudes sometimes. Right. And you know, my mom wasn't even in a good spot then. So you can't really blame her for it. Cause she's just doing the best she could, you know? But, uh,

Yeah, so I decided to enlist in the Army. I enlisted like a year before I could go in. I was like, I got to go out. Two weeks after I graduated high school, I was in basic training.

And then a severe amount of homesickness. The second I get to basic training, I'm just like, what did I do? This is stupid. What is that like coming straight out of high school, getting pretty much your ass whooped every day? It's an awakening, an eyeopening experience. He said I couldn't make it. He said I couldn't get through. I don't think I could make it. Thinking about it is exhausting. Well, Heidi's be like, do you think I could do it? I was like, I

I mean, anybody can do it. You know, you just got to want to do it. It's the tear gas thing that I ask about that all the time. I'm like, so people are just like crying and puking. Like, that's just what it is. Yes. So barbaric. Yeah. Well, you got to go through the CS chamber. Right. And it's just like basically to show you what CS gas feels like and give you confidence in your pro mask. Oh, my God. So you put your pro mask on. They pop the CS canister in the building.

You're like, oh, this ain't bad. And then you take the mask off and it's like immediate evacuation of everything in your sinuses. Your eyes just are watering. You can't see anything. You're like trying to get out. The drill sergeant is laughing. You know, the way my anxiety is set up. There's no way. There's no way. Just take me on a gurney right now. I'm out. So, um,

We're going to get to your leg, but I want to circle back. Heidi, you growing up, you are very vocal about like your drug use and stuff like that. When did that start? Oh, yeah. Oh, at a very young age. And like, I'm going to say it right now. I literally...

I it's like I extremely I'm extremely empathetic and feel and relate to people who are addicts. We are still addicts. We just chose something else to replace it with. You know, you work. Yeah. Work the hustle just better in your life. I got I got addicted to just a better, healthier lifestyle in general. It feels amazing.

You never really think that you can get past that when you're so deep in your addiction and using. You just feel like you're drowning. Right. You're drowning. You know what I mean? Yeah. And it was everything. I've tried everything. I've done everything. When did you start? How old were you? I was 12. Wow. Yeah. In Fairbanks, Alaska, it's dark. It's desolate. There's nothing to do. I mean, it's literally nine months out of the year. The sun comes up at like 1030.

maybe sets at 2.15. Did you go to Fairbanks? Or Anchorage? Yeah, I think we went to Anchorage. Was it Anchorage? But it was dark as fuck there. Oh, yeah. And I was like, it was like twilight 24-7. And it's warmer in Anchorage than Fairbanks. In Anchorage, it's like, you know, maybe like 10, 15.

maybe zero or so. I've been to Fairbanks. They have the hot springs, right? Yeah, Chino Hot Springs. Chino Hot Springs, yeah. Okay, yeah, I've been there too. Thank God you've been there. I tell everybody, I'm like, if you can just make it past the cold, like the 30, 40 below and go in the wintertime, it's magical. Oh, it's magical. It's magical. So beautiful. I have video footage from it. It's so dope. I have to see that. I'll have to see that sometime. I'll send it to you on TikTok. It brings memories back. Oh, but yeah, there's...

years old 12 years old I you know you know you start smoking weed that's just like the gateway thing and you know most people don't start smoking weed at 12 she's like you know just the gateway drug at 12 I just feel like it was I don't know I feel like it was normal like it and and it's a joke it's a running joke for people in Alaska everything in Alaska is 10 years behind wow so uh I just felt like that was normal I felt like every 12 year old was just smoking weed and just fucking off and right you know

But they weren't. They were not actually, in fact. Was it friends that introduced you or older siblings? Yeah, it was like friends with older siblings. Okay. Like, you know. Yeah, friends with older siblings. And that just seemed to be the thing to do. And then I...

Man, yeah, yep, that. So you started smoking weed. Started doing all of that. And then what happens after weed? What do you progress to? Oh, you know, it was like ecstasy and mushrooms and all that kind of stuff. Drinking, obviously. There was some weird little underaged...

dance club. Yeah. I forgot what it was called. What was it called? I feel like Vegas had those too. It was like, what were we doing with those? What were we doing, man? Like, how did they let us in there? Who ran those? Yeah, who let us in? Pedophiles. Yeah, yeah, who let us in? I have no idea. It's funny though, some of those same friends that I like used to get in trouble with, I'm still best friends with them to this day. Same. And we all like

drugs bring people together they do okay they do um we all flipped our lives around of course they both of them got married and had kids and i was like nah i never want a kid never i still don't and i still feel like i'm a big kid yeah i don't know if that will ever leave me yeah i still feel like i'm so how deep did your addiction get just so that people pretty damn deep uh pretty

deep. I got really... Not that I want to focus on it, but I'd like to paint a picture of survival and just show people how far you've come in life. Sure, sure. I appreciate it. I appreciate it. Definitely all the way into... I had a really, really bad problem with meth. Super.

Super. Me too. I almost lost my hand because I was smoking it. I definitely lost my tooth to that. I'm pretty sure that I lost my tooth to that. Thankfully, later on, my teeth are off. We're good to go. Yeah. We're good to go. I braced this twice. I got my veneers done. I just wanted to set my mouth up for the future. Yeah. Yeah, set that mouth up for the future. After you fucked it up so much, you're like, let's fix this. Let's fix what I did. Let's fix this. Exactly. So you're in your addiction. Hey, Prime members. Have you heard? You can listen to your favorite podcast ad-free.

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Sign up today. And you're on meth. Where, where's the turnaround? Where, where do you see the light and decide that you want to get sober? I was 18 and I was like, I was like, I'm going to move to Phoenix. My two sisters had already gone there and it, I just, I just wanted to, I wanted a new life. I wanted a new chance at life. I got there, uh,

Little did I know that in Phoenix, meth is just runs rampant. Oh, no. Flagstaff especially. It's horrendous. Yeah. And then I was like, oh. And then I was like a functioning addict at that point, which is horrendous. You also don't think, you think you can handle it. And you're like, everything's great. I was working my job. Da, da, da, da. And then it just got really bad. I met this guy there, of course. And it just got really bad. Then I wasn't showing up to my job. And I was like homeless in my car. And it was just, it was horrendous, you know. And it just got to the- Well, it was an addiction. It was an addiction.

an addiction you

Yeah. And my parents never lost sight of us. Me, none of us. Yeah. Calling us all the time or I would call them from a pay phone when pay phones were still a thing. I don't know. Kids will never know. They'll never know the struggle. Kids will never know. The beeper getting a beeper and then having to go use a pay phone to call somebody. You get that 911 beep. Oh my God, there's an emergency. Let's go to bed. Yeah, I never had a pager but I always, there was always a collect call and it would be like, it would be like my mom just in tears like come back to us.

Come back to us. Like, you're safe over here. And I did. I was like, okay. So I went back. I got clean. I got clean. I love that you had the parental support because a lot of people don't have that. They're not lucky enough to have that. That's amazing. Some parents just feel lost themselves and they feel like they just can't handle it.

Right. You know, or they don't know what to do. You know, I never went to rehab, which is really shocking because a lot of my friends either died, went to prison or went to rehab. I never went to rehab to get sober either. Yeah. It's, it's, it's, it's a gift from God. No strength within like it's crazy from God, man. Oh,

So you went home. You got sober. Got sober. I slept. I ate. I gained some weight. That's just how it is. I say that so casually. But like when you're talking to somebody else who's used, you just know how to sleep. You eat. You gain the weight back. And then you just kind of because it's like drug and psychosis. You heal. Yeah. It's like you have to heal your mind from the inside out. And then I admit I did it a few more times. And when I say a few, it's probably like a handful, maybe like three times. And I remember the very last time I did it.

I just, I waited. It was like going around in a circle and I was like, I don't think I'm going to, I think this is, I don't think I'm going to do it. And then it went around a few more times. I was like, I think I'm going to do it one more. And it was,

It was that last hit I took and I was like, it was instant regret. I was like, I'm never doing it again. And I never did. Yeah. And then I just stopped. I know that feeling. You know that feeling. Yep. That's what I did. Whatever. I stopped. I had pills. I had a problem with Lortab and Xanax. That was my shit. You've never gone to the pills, man. Yep. And I just fucking remember the day that I just looked at my husband. This was fucking 2017. And I was like, I don't want these in my blood. I don't want to do this. I don't want it anymore. And like you literally just once you make your mind up, it's that's that. Yeah.

Yeah, it's that's that and nothing will stop you. I love that. I'm so proud of you. Thank you.

It feels like I've clawed and teared my way to where I am now. And I definitely source that back. I relate it way back. I had a billboard in Times Square last year, and I made a post. I said, from Twigger to Times Square. And I really mean that, too. Absolutely. That's what it is. That's hard work, determination, and I chose to live. You want to live. I want to live. You deserve to be prideful. Yeah, absolutely.

And people are shocked by that. They said, are you sure you said tweaker? Did you say that? And I was like, I sure damn did. Yeah, absolutely. I'm going to source it back to my old life, you know? Yeah.

you know if i had a conversation with my younger self would be like listen dude it's gonna get better if you let it no you know i love that so i don't like it when people sometimes be like you know if they see you're doing well they'll be like oh it must be nice you know whatever i hate them i hate the must be nice people passive aggressive kills me it's like dude we have worked so hard yeah like you guys you've worked so hard to get where you're at and for someone just to tear it all down to be like oh must be nice to do that like you just negated like everything years and years and years of work took to get here must be nice to be so complacent behind your fucking

whatever. Yeah, yeah. Your phone just talking shit. Yeah. So James, let's bring it back to you. So you are fresh out of high school, getting straight into the army. Oh my God. Did you have any addictions? Did you battle addiction at any, at any point in your life or were you just kind of headstrong and just like, I'm going to put my nose to the grind and do this military thing and you know, the military thing, I think it, cause I went in like, you know, right after high school and it was like, I didn't really have time to get into a bunch of stuff really, you know, cause I

I moved out of my mom's house into my grandparents house. I think my junior year, something like that. And then finished high school out, went in the army. Yeah, dude. Like I thought the army was great. I don't have any bad, like everybody has bad experiences in the army. Right. But like, I, I liked the army. I thought it was great. It was good for you at the time. After six years, I decided to get out. I was like, I'm going to get out and be a civilian and make real money.

I did not know how big of a joke that was going to be. I feel so bad for the people that do serve our country because you guys come home to literally nothing. No help. Nobody fucking like, it's just crazy. You guys come back with a shit ton of trauma, especially if you go into war and stuff like that. Like, and nobody, you guys don't have any tools or anything in place to like lift you guys up. Like I just, I've always, that has never sat right with me. Yeah. You know, and, uh,

the term PTSD gets thrown out a lot. And I think a lot of people probably use the term a little loosely, especially in the veteran community, you know, but, um, it is a real thing, you know, PTSD is real and it is to be taken serious. And there's a serious problem with veterans like committing suicide, you know, and all that stuff. And it is like, it is really heartbreaking. You know, it would be nice to have more resources and stuff available. Uh,

For me personally speaking though, my personal experiences, I've always had good experiences with the VA. Haven't had any problems like anytime I needed stuff for my prosthetics or anything like that. It's been real easy. But I do know a lot of people have a lot of issues with it. So let's talk about this. So you get out of the military. A day later, you get into a motorcycle accident. Yeah.

Talk about how to love. So I had a motorcycle before I went in, you know, or not before I went in, but before I went to Italy. And it parked at my grandma's house the whole time I was in Italy.

Came home first thing I did jump on my bike drive it like a mile down the road and wreck it into a guardrail You know, it's like And you weren't drunk you were no, no, it was just you know I think it's lack of experience with my motorcycle for so long, you know Just setting like, you know dumb kid, you know doing stuff and I actually lost it from mid calf, but I

I had a break all the way up to mid-thigh, so they had to take it at mid-thigh. Oh, goodness. And that was rough, you know, because I got out of the Army, and then I lost my leg, and then I was like, what the hell am I going to do? Right. Like, where are you at mentally right now? I was not in a good spot. But I didn't really show it. You know, I tried to, you know, just kind of get through it. Sounds like you grew up in a household where you weren't allowed to show emotion. Yes.

Oh, you could say that. Yeah. You could say that. Yeah. But, uh, you know, it was like six months before I could get my prosthetic. So, cause I also shattered my pelvis and had to get a bunch of reconstructive surgery for it. And I got my right hip replaced. So it took a while to get back on it. But, um, once I got in my prosthetic, I was like, I got to do stuff. I, cause you see, you see too many, uh,

People, especially in losing a limb, you get real depressed. You can get addicted to pills really easy, like the pain pills and stuff. When I was recovering, I could feel myself starting to want the oxys and not needing them. So I was like, I got to stop. I got to stop. I'm glad I had the forethought and I didn't get too deep into it. So

I don't think I really had a problem with addiction, but I could feel it. Yeah, you can feel how easy it is to get... To slip into it. Absolutely. I'm glad that my brother was real supportive. My mom was real supportive. My grandparents, everybody was real supportive of me in my recovery. So...

big shout out to them and how old were you when you lost your leg again you were uh 26 26 42 yeah so it's been a long time since i lost it so if there's new amputees out there i know a lot of new amputees will follow my instagram and stuff like that don't compare your chapter one to my chapter like 40. you know what i mean like it's say that again that just gave me goosebumps yeah it's you gotta it it takes and that goes to anybody starting up anything you know or getting through anything

uh, comparison is the thief of joy, you know? Um, so it was really like important for me to get back going again. And, uh, so first year advice of somebody who's going through something traumatic like this, losing a limb, what would you, what would your advice be for that first year for them? Uh, get through the recovery, you know, um, get used to wearing your prosthetic. It's easy to not want to wear it cause it's uncomfortable. Um, obviously don't wear it if you're

limb or whatever's getting injured but you got to expect to be uncomfortable you know so get comfortable being uncomfortable and then you know listen to your doctors or don't i didn't you know right oh that's brutal but so inspiring at the same time to see just how far you've come um you know just in everything so let's circle back to heidi so you're sober now baby um yeah

Yeah. Yeah. When I when I say that, I've said it a lot. Like I'm I'm sober now. And and and I do preface it with I stopped doing all the hard stuff. I used to not know how to just have to enjoy a drink. Let's just say that like at dinner. I was like, yeah, the goal was to get blacked out. It was like, let's get blacked out. We're going to a keg or blacked out. That was like my high school. I'm surprised I graduated. I just there's a lot of surprises there.

I'm surprised I'm alive. In fact, I'm alive. Yeah. Thank praise God I'm alive. But yeah, I, I, I, I was like, I gotta go. I gotta go do something. Now that I'm sober, I've got this new lease at life, whatever. And I had always, I'm artistic. I'm left-handed. I, I'm, I've always drawn drew as a kid. My mom's artistic and I,

I was like, I need to do hair. I need to do something. I need to choose a career path. So I became a barber and then I became a hairstylist and I did that for years and years and years. But all the while I was doing all of that, I was actually modeling too. So...

There was a lot of things happening at once. Let's just say that. How old are you again? I just turned 36. OK, so I feel like girls in our age group, we're all hairdressers. I feel like-- I went to cosmetology-- were you a hairdresser too? Well, I went and got my nail license. There you go. And I was like a few hundred hours short from getting my hair license. But yeah, I feel like we just all did that around this age. Yeah, we're beauty industry girls, right? So when people are like-- We didn't want to work for the man. Exactly. We were just like, fuck that. Exactly. And I did. I totally worked for the man.

I mean my barbering school I went to barbering school in Anchorage Alaska and my two barbers had passed rest in peace but they were amazing they taught me a lot and I'm still best friends with my best friend that I went to barbering school with and she's now a master barber and

and has her own barbershop. I love that. Shout out to Kelly. So you were modeling while, is it, was this Instagram time too? It was, yeah, it was, well, it was so funny. MySpace. Yeah, like it was MySpace. MySpace. I was like, where the fuck is Tom? I miss him. I miss Tom. He was everybody's friend. I love Tom. These Gen Z kids can't relate to us with the MySpace. At all. At all. You know, remember that you get to choose your music on the MySpace page.

I feel like this generation is a bunch of titty babies. We were just talking about that. I know, man. You choose, you know, I was like writing all the HTML code for my MySpace. Oh, same. I'm going to change the background color. I can program this shit. Like it was crazy. Didn't never take a class on it, but fucking MySpace taught me how to program a fucking. Yeah. Was it the top eight or was the top four?

Was it top eight? It was top five, top eight, and then top 10. Okay. Yeah. And, and that, this is, this is totally random. That's when I started following Jeffree Star. I love Jeff. I love Jeff. He's coming on the podcast. Oh, that's awesome. I can't wait. I cannot wait to listen. Yeah. So it's funny too. Like, uh,

on TikTok too and it sounded like Jeffree Star and like you know the new kids they just they don't know they you know they don't know it's forbidden it is it's forbidden but I well no remember forbidden on my space oh yes yes I was like that's let's take it all the way back yeah with the makeup and the hair the whole thing yeah I can't believe that was the whole thing so when the head come up I was like oh my gosh forbidden and people the kids now they don't know they don't know who forbidden is they don't know who she was yeah Christine Dolce rest in peace yes girl and yeah I feel like Jeffree Star and forbidden were like the top

top myspace yeah they were like at the top of the whole thing yeah i cap on d i just i i respect then and still and all through this time that jeffrey's like come up of just like i've just seen him be do do his thing and he started from the bottom and he's just all self-made i just i respect that he's amazing what was your myspace name oh oh god oh god uh it was heidi the hippie

I love that. What about you? What was your MySpace name? I think it was just something awesome like James Ramsey. Yeah. I love that name. That was in my super stonery era and I would always play the doors and all that shit. I love it. So you're modeling, you're sober. You're California sober. Yeah.

California sober. So they call California sober like people who still drink but just don't do the hard stuff. Right. Yes. The California sober. Exactly. Oh, and I smoked cigarettes forever. Thank God I quit smoking cigarettes. Me too. I did Newport. Oh, yeah. And all I smoked, all I smoked were menthol. So I smoked Newports. I smoked all of them. Yes. The last, the last though was American Spirit. It was like the heavy menthol. Never got into those. No, they were too natural for me, man.

I just was like as much menthol as possible. But yeah, so like at the same time, so I had moved from all the places and then I eventually got into like the Portland area and I think I was like 21, 22. I was going to hair... I was doing hair. I worked for the man. I worked at Ulta, Regis. I was an assistant. I was a shampoo girl. I was a shampoo girl in New York. There was...

I've done everything in a hair salon setting, you can imagine. But while all that was happening, I was getting tattooed. And while I was getting tattooed, there was people...

Was it on Facebook? It was right before Instagram blew up on Facebook. Like these photographers were like, I want to shoot you. And I was like, awesome. This is crazy. So we started doing all of that. And then the more I shot, the more tattooed I got. And then it just quickly escalated into like tattoo magazines hitting me up. Tattoo photographers hitting me up. Tattoo apparel lines hitting me up. Tattoo product lines. There was a big boom for that. I think that's why we all ended up getting tatted because nobody was tatted back then.

No, now everybody's fucking tatted. I faced the whole thing. I was like, yeah, I was like, I'm going to, I did the whole, what is it? The soul and angels rock star, whatever. Suicide girls, all that, that whole fucking. Yeah, dude. I was never a suicide girl, but my, but my friend Sonny, I appreciate it. Yeah, totally. Totally. My, my friend Sonny shoots for them, I think still. And she was like, do you want to shoot a set? And I was like, I did shoot a set, but it was never submitted. Cause I was like, no, no,

No, I don't want to. I don't want to. I then and I still now, which it'll circle back to as we like combine forces. I want I want to own all my content. I want my own. I don't want to wait for my content to come back. I don't want my content in somebody else's

hand no i'm the same way i'm controlling it and exactly it's a good thing yeah it's a good thing you have to look at it in a good way because you're just covering your ass period you know what i mean when you have control absolutely control yeah you you fucking direct how it goes you know exactly and i never had people can twist shit nowadays and make shit look crazy and no i never liked authority i got biggest rebel in high school i never listened to and yeah blah blah

I never had an agent. Never had any of that stuff. Yeah, I've never understood the whole thing. Blah, blah, blah. And there's nothing wrong with that. Sometimes there's like brand agents or like a team that helps you. Right. But you're still the maestro. I finally signed with a huge agency in January. Good for you, girl. Good for you, girl. Who are we signed with? William Morris.

Sorry, Sloan. But that was after years of putting in work and just finally saying like, okay, to go to the next level, I need this. But I understand what you're saying. When you get to that, you need a team. You need somebody to help coordinate some things. It still doesn't mean you're not in control at all. No, no, no. Absolutely not. I understand exactly what you're saying. So...

How did you guys meet? Oh boy. Oh boy. Yeah. Oh boy. Oh boy. Common question. Go ahead. Okay. No, we'll jump back and forth because I feel like the answer changes. The answer is a little different depending on who's asking. Okay. Yeah. Yeah.

So after I lost my leg, you know, and I was recovering, I started working out again. And then on Facebook, someone tagged me in a post that says it was a Michael Stokes post. I don't know if you heard of Michael Stokes. He's a photographer. This is where it all begins. And he was...

shooting veterans that had missing limbs for coffee table books. And we're talking like it was like, but how is the photographer would describe it? It was like a very high end. It was like he made his models look like sculptures, you know, just like very just think really jacked, hot men, really good photography. Yeah. Where do we go? I should have brought one of my books. Sold.

But yeah, so I was tagged in this post for Michael Stokes. He was shooting. Oh, a naked, a naked veterans that were,

You got your Clark bar hanging out in these pictures? Yeah. I love this. It's like high end. I don't want to say it's like male boudoir. I don't know how to describe it. It's like male playboy almost. Basically, yeah. Okay. Yes. Upscale. Love. Very nice. But big coffee table books. Love that. Someone tagged me in a post and I just wrote, hey,

Love your work. I love what you're doing. You know, this is awesome because I never seen anything like that before, you know? Yeah. Um,

So I was surprised when he hit me up and asked me if I wanted to shoot with him because I had lost my leg and I was a veteran, but I didn't lose my leg, you know, overseas. I lost when I come home. So I was like, like, here's my situation. He's like, yeah, I don't care. You look great. And I just like to shoot you. I was like, sure. Yeah, that'd be great. He's like, sweet. I'll fly you to L.A. I was like, oh, my God. Because I've never done anything like that before. Right. So I was talking to my friend Ryder.

And she was like, hey, you should shoot with my friend who is a photographer. Just kind of get your foot wet.

So I was like, yeah, that'd be great. So I messaged this person and they messaged me back and they were like, how would you feel about shooting with another model? Heidi LaVon. I was like, well, cause I'd known about Heidi in Portland. Cause she's kind of Portland famous at the time, you know, Portland famous. I love that. You need a hat that says Portland famous. So I'd seen her like on Facebook or Instagram or whatever.

And I was like, I mean, yeah, sure, whatever. And I it was kind of insinuated that was going to be kind of like a sexy shoot. Yeah. So I messaged Heidi. I was like, hey, would you like to like meet up first to kind of like I've never shot before. Would you like to like meet up first? Because I don't know what the hell I'm doing. And I don't want to just show up on site and be like.

Now we're shooting sexy. Did you do that because you were really nervous or did you just want to feel her energy before you shot with her? I was nervous. Probably both. Probably both. Well, and I wanted to see, you know, cause you don't know, you know, you don't know. So, and I had no idea about anything. This was, how long ago was this? This was eight, nine years ago. Nine. Yeah. So, um, I was just like, yeah, we've been together almost a decade. Yeah. Yeah. That's wild. But yeah. So I was like, yeah, sure. Message Heidi. She's like, yeah, that sounds great.

So we met up. And then... What were your first impressions? I... So I got there late. She was there first. No, no, no. It all started in the messenger. Oh, it did. I do tell. He sent me a message. And I was like, oh. And I opened it up. And of course, his profile... She's rubbing her titties right now. For anybody who's not watching this, she's getting all hot and bothered over here already. James is blushing and her nipples are hard. Perfect. Because

It has nothing to do with me. I admit it was 100% lust at first sight. 100, 100. I admit it. How can I not? And it was like. No, he's handsome. Very handsome. Very, very. But he looked so. You guys are a hot couple. Oh, thanks, girl. Yeah, totally. Thanks, girl.

But no, James was never my type. He had this huge beard and long, crazy hair. Long? Long and curly. Like a lion's mane. Like this long, super textured. He's got like coarse curly hair. It was like down to here probably. What look were we going for, Fabio? I was in a band. No, he was in a metal band. Yeah, we love metal. I just wanted long hair so I could hair whip. So his profile photo was like him sweating on stage, like ripping a guitar. And it was just like, ugh.

And I was like, oh, just like that. And this was after the accident happened that you were years and years. I love that for you that you, you know, just kind of fucking took this and was like, you know what? I'm not going to let this define me. Oh, dude, it gets better. I do jujitsu. Oh, yeah. I can run. I can shoot and run. Yeah, it's a whole thing. Wow. Yeah. It's a complete package. It's a complete package. No, I love it.

I love that mind frame. I'm protected. I am protected. Yeah. But no, he hit me up and I was just like, I like clicked his photo and I was looking through it. I was like, this is not my traditional man, but he was so fine. And I was like, how could I not? So we met each other at this little pub. He's blushing. Putters. Oh, putters. Is this in Vegas? No, this is in Portland. Wow, I didn't know you guys had putters in Portland too. Is it? Is there one in Vegas? Yep, there is. Oh, it's like this dive bar. It's like a dive bar. Is it a little dive bar?

They're kind of shitty. Yeah. Yeah. Totally shitty. It was like iceberg lettuce salads. Yeah. With a cockroach on the side. There's a thousand Island. Yeah. So he showed up. And I, the first thing I noticed was he was tall. It's very handsome. I'm very nervous and awkward.

Oh, kind of like what I'm like right now. He's like, my butt cheeks are clenched together right now. He's like, I'm getting my Kegels in. No, I could totally see how, you know, yeah, for sure. And we sat down and I was like, would you like to share a salad? Yeah.

Took my jacket off. And it was all over from there. He took his jacket off and his arms came forward on the table. And I was like, I'm so glad I shaved my leg. She's like, I shaved my vagina. I did. I did. I totally admit it. It was all downhill. And it was that was it. And then we didn't really get around to the photo. There's one photo. There was one photo. And it's buried somewhere on my Instagram. I'm not even in the photo. She like oiled me up for it. And then that was it. It was over, man. And we went back to my house. Yeah.

Yeah. So it was pretty much like love at first sight. Lust plus love. She basically didn't leave after that. For like three days. I love that. That's the story, man. That's like amazing though because that's how my husband and I were too. Like as soon as we got together, he was not my type. I'm not his type. And literally we just fucking... How did you guys even meet? Where? Um...

Well, this is your guys' podcast. But I don't know the story. So I want to know. Well, long story short, my ex was in the music industry also before he went to prison. We went to... I love felons. We went to...

Don't go to felony class in Portland. My ex was also in a band. He was a roadie for Shiny Toy Guns. Yeah. And then he passed away from an overdose. Oh, God. That is who I went from New York to. Yeah. It was a whole thing. God rest his soul. I love his family. But, you know. It's unfortunate. He left too soon. Yeah. He was an amazing. He really was. He treated me great. Aw.

But, you know, life led me in this direction. And now you got a James. Now I'm James. Yeah. But I met him whenever he was performing to like 20 people. He was opening up for the Moonshine Bandits at Las Vegas Country Club. And when I met him, I just, like I tell everybody, I fell in love with the saddest eyes in the room. Oh.

There was just something about him that like my soul recognized him. And it took a year later, my ex ended up going to prison. And then Jay and I kind of started sniffing around each other. And then like he would call me all the time and I would like get out of bed with my cabana boys like to answer his calls. I'd have a dude in the bedroom and I'd be like, hey, what's up? How you doing?

But yeah, and then he came and I tried to rape him one night and he wanted a five-year plan. I gave him a five-year plan and we finished that five-year plan last year. Well, the year before. I'm so happy for you guys. It's so nice when you see

People come from nothing and they just overcome all the bullshit and they're just, you know, they're doing so well. And you rep it. And you rep that shit. Oh, you have to. You got to, man, because people just, they just. Well, we live in a world where everybody tries to expose everybody. Yeah. So it's like you can't expose what I've already told you. Exactly. And the only reason you know anything about me is because I was so gangster. You can't find anything about me on the internet like that.

I did the same thing. So I've had two DUIs. After I've had those two DUIs, I was afraid that my mugshot would just circulate. And I was like, what? Wear it on a t-shirt. True. Could. But instead, I took the power back and I just posted it. I posted my selfers. Absolutely. You have to. You just have to. We just live in a time where people just think that they can out you at any time. It's like, no, sorry, I've already done that.

Sorry. Yeah. I got there first. I'm proud of you guys also. So, okay. So you guys did this first photo shoot. Take me on the journey from there. See, so we hung out for a few days and then I had to go to LA for my photo shoot and I came back and then we just left each other. We never left each other. I admit that I was like fighting so hard to be, I don't know.

Yeah. I don't even have that strong independence. She'd come and bring me around her friends and her friends were like, listen, if you don't jump that, I'm going to jump that. And I was like, well, that's not going to happen. They were like salivating. Cultures. Yeah, they were cultures. And I was like, I can't have that. It was my man. Because I didn't live in Portland either. Portland's real small. Yeah. So like. You live down in the country. I got myself a country boy. Yeah, like everybody in Portland knows everybody. So.

me not living in Portland I didn't know it's very attractive for me it's very attractive for me yeah he was like he was like untouched earth yeah you know no I trust me I had to I had to fucking get me a Nashville boy outside of Vegas so I totally know what that's like so moving on you guys have built this empire together it's like take me on this journey like what how dude where do we start I gotta say when

I don't want to take over, but I got to say. No, please. Going on. Take it. When we first got together, I wouldn't shoot with her all the time, like as another model. I would just go with her to her photo shoots while she would shoot. I'd help her with anything she needed or whatever. And I remember going to these photo shoots and these photographers taking like naps.

like 900 or 4,000 photos. I can't do that. Six months later, we get like three photos back. Yeah. And they weren't even edited well, you know, most of the time. Yeah, no, no, no. When you're super tattooed, I'm going to say this. Photographers will tend to bump up the clarification. To try to make your color pop. Yeah, to do this. But then they don't, they're not, they don't know how to do beauty retouching on the face. So then it would also pull my lines and things out. And I'm like,

And you're beautiful. Bless your heart. No, you're gorgeous. Thank you. So were you. I appreciate that. You don't listen. You need to learn how to accept compliments without giving them back. I do it too. I hate it. But you are. You're gorgeous and you're stunning. So and I know how that is. We went through the same thing with the fucking. That's why we do everything ourselves. Exactly. You exactly have your own team. And that's the thing is just.

James was like, fuck this. And so I think... I took a whole paycheck that I had from my crap job. Yeah. It was like $1,500, right? My whole month's worth of paycheck. And I was like, we just bought a camera and we started doing our own photography. And I taught myself Lightroom, Photoshop, exporting, importing, all that stuff. Yeah. And then we just...

did it all together. And then it just, it just was easier. We had all the content, we were in control. Then we were able to like build more, shoot more, have more content. And then it just reached more people than people are reaching us. And it was, it just blossomed into this.

Yeah. Like when we first got together, I was living in my mom's house. Yeah. You know, I was like. Oh, and I was living in a garage apartment. Yeah. Yeah. It was like this. My best friend had got me this garage. Shout out to Tiffany. I love you. You're the best. You're the best. Still my best friend. We worked, I think, at four different salons together and she found me an apartment. She has found me all kinds of things. You know, you know, those just besties. That's a friend. They're like your sister, your family, you know. Yep.

I got two of them right there. Yes, yes, yes, girl. Shout out to y'all. Okay. And yeah, I was living in this garage apartment. Yeah, dude. I was living in my mom's house. Yeah. And this is while you guys were together? Yeah. We just started. Just about. Okay. Like hanging out. Like seriously, seriously. Early on, you were like, I'm going to take control of this. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. After I went to a few photo shoots with her.

And, you know, sometimes, especially before it got to the point it is now where everybody just kind of does... I feel like photographers are kind of like almost...

Not a thing of the past, but you don't really need photographers no more. Nope. You know what I mean? Cause like before you need a photographer that had hookups with like magazines and stuff like that. So you could get on a good cover, do whatever. But now like social media is just so big magazines themselves. Physical copies are not even really important that much anymore. So, um, I think that, yeah, when I remember going to a few photo shoots with her, I was just like, this is lame.

you know, how long have you been doing this? She's like, I've been doing this for years. And I was like, has it been like this the whole time? She's like, basically the goals, the goals were goals. And then the goal shifted into other goals. Like, like, uh, like I'm like people, people knew slash know me from Instagram as like a tattoo industry model. So I was like, just tattoo industry model. And I was like doing all the tattoo shows and I was traveling and working for all these brands and magazines and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And so like my goal back then, like in my young twenties, I was like, I want to get on as many tattoo covers as possible. That was just like the thing.

I don't know. That's what all the tattoo models wanted, you know? It was like Queen Esther and like you and like, yeah, there was a few other girls that were like known for doing tattoo magazines. Yeah. And then, and then it's, but I don't just want that. Like I wanted to do, I want to do everything.

everything you know what I mean I feel like that's kind of how we all have gotten you don't have to evolve you have to evolve yeah because you don't once you put yourself inside a box it's that's all hard to get out of it so it's like you have to dip your toe in many other adventures exactly so

Okay. I know you guys probably get this question a lot because I get it all the time too. But how cool is it that you had a man that looked at you and was like, you know what? I can do this and I can take half naked pictures of my wife. Oh yeah. And you know, because I know a lot of people are like, how does your husband feel about you being naked on the internet? I get that all the time too. Like, how do you let your girl do that? I don't let her do anything. I don't control her. Yeah. I say it's exactly. And I'm like, I'm

I won't. I always have and I always will. But isn't it nice to have somebody that believes in you? And supports. Yeah. Supports. My husband is the same way. Like he is like baby go. It's a security thing. If the man himself is secure with himself, he doesn't need no reason. There is no reason to fear because he knows me. He gets model and day and crackhead by night and crackhead bun in the glasses. I

I look like a vagabond all the time. Yeah, the muumuu. Yeah, the muumuu. So that's literally what it is. I hate wearing makeup. Yeah. I didn't even put lashes on right now, believe it or not. You don't need it. I have a little dead shark eyes. What's your ethnicity? I need them a little. What's your ethnicity? Oh, I just found out last year that I am Russian and Ukrainian. I can see the Russian. I knew I was Jewish. My mom has always been like, don't forget you're Jewish. I was like, okay, mom. But she was like, yeah, I was like, okay.

okay. But, uh, I don't know. I don't know why. Uh, but I knew I had a little bit of, I knew I was Polish. So I'm, I'm super Slavic. I,

I love that. I'm super evil. I can see that though. You're very Viking-ish. Thank you. Yeah, I love it. I got that strong nose. I got that strong big nose. But you know what? You're tiny. Your presence online, like when she walked in, the first thing she said to me was, you're so tall. And I'm like, everybody says that. You're tall. You're tiny. You have sandals on. Yeah, no, I thought you were going to be as tall, like taller than me. What is your height? I'm 5'6". 5'5", 5'6". But I'm 5'7". That's crazy. No, you are not. If she's 5'6". Is there no way I'm 5'7"? I think you're about 5'4".

There's no, no, no, dude. No, I'm fine. Last time I know my doctor, I literally met the doctor, but I always say five, six, cause I'm not going to sit here and say five, five and a half. Yeah. I need a tape measure. One,

Because you're when she walked in, I was like, Oh my God, she's tiny because you have this huge, you all your ass. So if you guys don't follow Heidi, you need to, because she's got pretty much the most famous ass on Tik TOK.

Literally. So let's talk about TikTok. How has this like changed? You have like 11 million over there. No, not quite. But what is it? Bro, 10.4. We're in the tens. I mean, you're almost 11. I'm just going to say like. Change our lives, bro. I'm going to say this first and foremost. Shout out to anyone who has ever.

ever followed me not just on TikTok but long there are OGs from all the way back from the Facebook to the MySpace to the Facebook to the Instagram to the TikTok but shout out to just anybody who's ever followed me supported me left comments left love like I wouldn't be here without you I mean I would be somewhere I'd be somewhere but like support is everything so

I just, I just like, what can you say? It's like, there's not enough I could say and how grateful I am. The gratitude, the older I get, the gratitude is just like,

I'm sure that translates over into OnlyFans too. It does. Yeah. It really does. Thank you. When that first video she had on TikTok went viral, we were going to Colorado. Dude, I was at my family cabin in the mountains in Colorado and we were just like hanging out, doing family stuff. And I had just, I was just, I had like ratty braids I took out and no makeup and I put my glasses on. We were in a hotel room when you did that TikTok video. Yeah, this little lodge thing or whatever. And everything was going fine regardless. Like, you know, modeling and OnlyFans. Everything was going fine.

like totally great and awesome but i had just it was right before the the what the the slow pan yeah that slow pan effect y'all on tiktok that came out they love you yeah but you have to do it in post-production so i've already been i love post-production i love photoshop like no you're amazing you guys are amazing at what you guys do like all the like the editing and stuff like that is phenomenal i geek out on that man and i'm a little controlling i admit

But no, I had just posted that video and I threw it to you. It's the inner crackhead in us. We like to zero in on things. It's like fine details. Yeah, the fine details. No, I just like threw it up and then I just closed my phone. I just closed my phone and like two hours later, it was like 5 million likes, not views. That's crazy. It likes. And I was like, what is going on here? And I was like,

what's going on here? What's happening? You know? And then it just, and then everything started. Everything was like crazy. It's like a fucking slot machine. I tell everybody that TikTok is kind of like gambling and you get addicted to not even the clout. It's a prize. Not what it is. You get addicted to the numbers because you just like to watch them grow. And that's like what it is. Whenever you're gambling, you hit those sevens boy. And

And that adrenaline rush. I can do it again. Yeah. I can do it again. So like you're just constantly chasing this high. But I mean, you guys are fucking crushing it. And I'm really like so excited to see all the shit you guys are doing over there. Likewise. I mean, come on. Look at you. Look at you. She's doing it. She's doing it again. I'm sorry. She's doing it again. So what are you guys going to do while you're out here in Nashville?

Uh, well, have you guys tried hot chicken yet? No, but, but I saw your, I saw your text. I actually referred back to the tech and I looked at the dinner dinner. Uh, was it, what is the word? Uh, uh, suggestions. I'm like, I looked at the dinner suggestions. I looked at them. They were either full. I think they were just like full. Cause yesterday was wild. Yeah. Yeah. But I was not expecting that at all. Uh, we're next to where we ate too. There's some like, uh, Latino, um,

concert party thing oh yeah it was like yeah it was like yeah well we asked the guy what's going on it's like some latino thing i was like okay cool like a festival tractors driving down the street i love that big john deere tractors i was like that's right oh and then i brought you out here i think he said a game but oh and maybe a game or something or something i don't know i don't know yeah i don't know but uh are you guys gonna go down on broadway tonight

I don't know. I mean, wherever the food is. I mean, listen, I don't care about partying. I want food. I'm not a big party guy. No, not me either. I'm sorry, y'all. But I just like sport unless it's like, you know, martial arts or boxing. Yeah. You know, James, too. We're like his mom is like huge football, like, you know, and it's just no.

We're an MMA household too. Yeah. We love like UFC fighting and stuff like that. It's great. It's fun. It's exciting. I think that's like, it's just where it's at, man. I don't know. I don't know. But as far as like in Nashville, what are we going to do? Probably eat. We leave early tomorrow. I mean, unless we stay, but...

You guys should stay because Jay would love to meet you guys. I'm going to try to talk Heidi into seeing you. Talk her into it. I know she's a type A. No, I know she's type A and I get it. I totally understand. Listen, if we do, we do. If we don't, we don't. But if we don't, this will be happening again. This is, we're doing, yeah, we're going to. We're coming to AZ. Come to Phoenix. Can you check the dates really quick and see whenever we're going to go through. Phoenix is the fifth largest city in the US. So if you're going to hit Arizona, you want to hit Phoenix. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The tour's already. Well, I know.

I know. Run a tour. Listen, I will always. Hunter, you better fucking tour us through Phoenix. Where's Jelly? I need to talk to him about his tour schedule. I'll.

Oh, then there it is. Yeah, I'll always jack up people to come to Phoenix. I'm like, yo, dude, no humidity. It's hot as fuck, though. Mexican food is amazing. You said the West is hot as fuck. It's been over 100 since we got here. Yeah, but people are pressed. Road's dry. There's no humidity. Central air and a pool. What's up? Girl, I grew up in Vegas. I get it. Well, then you get it. But this shit's fucking hot as shit. It does get hot out there. So what do you guys have planned for the future? We're actually talking about getting some Airbnbs or something. You know, branching out a little bit more just to have some more like

- I want a cool, fun, passive thing to do. - Absolutely. - I think an Airbnb would be cool. I don't know. I mean, everything and anything, I guess you could say is the right answer. I started putting some merch out. I'd like to put out more merch. Sometimes you just have to-- - Continue what we're doing and branch out. - Never jump off a winning horse. That's what I always say. - No, no. - And you guys just bought a house in Arizona, dude. And you got fucking horses.

well for the neighbors the neighbors yeah they're yours i don't care i don't have to take care of them exactly they're yours if they were my neighbors i'd be like these are mine i only have to feed them every now and then and the neighbors take care of them exactly and they're so sweet there's this big there's this one i mean they all come over but there's one that comes over he's got a big white face and he always pushes all the horses out of the way to get to me and he's like oh

he loves you he chose you he chose me he chose me and then and then uh i honestly it's like we up until when we met till this we had all these all these goals and we crushed all these goals and and i'm like oh my gosh every goal that we set out we've just been crushing it to accomplish together since we got together like we want to you know i wanted to move out of my mom's house because you know living with your parents sucks when you're in your 30s but you know i fucking i wanted to make i was like i simply just want to make five grand a month

Yeah. I remember just, can I please just make enough money to pay my bills? I want to pay off my student loans. I want to pay off my debt. I had credit, when I say credit card debt, it wasn't. That's kind of a form of manifesting what you guys have done. It's totally, a thousand percent. Yeah. And we're about to pay off his student loans and I don't know, just like, I want to just take care of the responsibility stuff. Yeah. Which we pretty much have done. My pool, I'm like,

Our pool's almost done. I got to choose all this stuff. I can't wait to see that content. It's going to be awesome. It's going to be awesome. I can't wait. I always say the telltale sign of a healthy relationship is how much you guys grow together. And you guys have grown so much and just accomplished so much. I mean, you guys have been together for fucking 10 years. That's an accomplishment in itself. It's a long time. It makes me feel like, not old, but like, damn.

Yeah. Dude, I was her age. I was younger than she is now when we met. Yeah. And I was just like, wow, I can't believe it's been... Oh, and I always refer back to, remember when you had that chocolate, rich chocolate brown hair and now it's... No, she's gray. No, but I was like...

when it was rich chocolate so lush like luscious charcoal silvery sparkly hair he's getting like grays in his beard and it's hot it's so hot i never thought i would think it was hot because i like younger dudes obviously jay's five years younger than me but how old are you i'm 43 that's that's not even believable that's not even believable for me

I love you. That's no, you told, I think you told me, I don't know, last year. And I was like, no, no, no. The internet fights with me when I tell them that they think I'm lying. And I'm like, motherfucker, I would pick any other. I mean, I love being 43. Don't get me wrong. I love being the woman that I am, but I would pick like, you know, 36. I was going to lie. I've said like my body stay in the thirties forever. And then my mentality, I wish I had the mentality that I have now.

in my 20s we would have been fucking bosses but the wisdom yes but fighting through fighting through all of that we wouldn't be here either we wouldn't appreciate it as much so i think that's the gratitude is is just where it shines in in my in my with my older age quote unquote but you know what i mean yeah i love it i love it you know i wouldn't change anything uh

you know, even like, even though this is like a huge thing or, and all the things that we've been through together, I wouldn't change anything. Cause we wouldn't be where we are now. We wouldn't be who we are. It just brings you so much closer together. Yeah. I love that. It's been a hell of a ride, but I'm excited for the next 10, you know, and the 10 after that. Are you guys married or no marriage? Yeah. I mean, not yet. Jay made me get married or I would have never gotten married either.

He was like, but you're going to marry me. We're so like low key on that. A lot of years ago, people were like, you're going to get married. I was like, let's get our house first. We have the house and we're like, well, let's get, let's get our cars paid off. Let's get this done. We are engaged. And like, that's good enough for me. And I, I, I feel like, um, you know, especially like in the now it's just a piece of paper, but I will say the, the, the responsible part of me is like, I would, if something happened medically, um,

Yeah. That kind of stuff. Yeah. We'll figure it out. That will not happen. Yeah. We'll, we'll get there. Thank you guys so much for coming on the podcast. Why don't you guys shout out your socials where everybody can find you if they don't follow you guys already.

You go first. Thanks so much for having me. Seriously, you're an angel. Dude, come back anytime. I can't wait to see you again. You guys both come back anytime. Bless your heart. Thank you so much. I'm Heidi LeVon on every platform. H-E-I-D-I-L-O-V-O-N. Literally, just everywhere. There's no different spelling. Say it with a French accent. It's the C. Oh. Heidi LeVon. Heidi LeVon. I don't know if that was French.

I don't know if that was French. Is that French? I don't know. Yeah. Or Heidi Levon. I don't know. Where's your only fans, Heidi Levon? Heidi Levon. Okay, gotcha. Ba-bam. Yeah. Yeah. It's easy. James, do you have your own only fans? I do. Nice. So I can shoot stuff with her or whatever. But same, James M. Ramsey.

Or on Instagram, it's James underscore M underscore Ramsey. Or James Marshall Ramsey dot com. And that'll take you to all of the stuff. I love that. Again, thank you guys so much for coming on. And I cannot wait to see what the next 10 years brings you guys. But I need you guys to come back like once a year and give me an update. Of course. Okay. Of course. Promise? Yes. I promise. All right. Awesome. Thank you guys for tuning in to another episode of Dumb Blonde. I will see you guys next week. Bye.