cover of episode Kristi Howard: The Spicy Queen of Getting Banned

Kristi Howard: The Spicy Queen of Getting Banned

Publish Date: 2023/3/1
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Dumb Blonde


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This season, Instacart has your back to school. As in, they've got your back to school lunch favorites, like snack packs and fresh fruit. And they've got your back to school supplies, like backpacks, binders, and pencils. And they've got your back when your kid casually tells you they have a huge school project due tomorrow.

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All right, gentlemen, coming to main stage next. This is Bunny. Get up there. She's got a tornado of titties coming your way. Get those dollar bills ready. She's got an ass that shakes like Michael J. Fox. So get up there and throw, throw, throw them dollars. Dude, that is fucking iconic. What's up, you sexy motherfuckers? Welcome to another episode of Dumb Blonde. Today, I have the ultimate TikTok sensation, Christy Howard, in the house. What's up, baby? How are you? Hi. Hi.

that i had to get that out of the way so iconic i love that because i do that too we were doing that last year with the why is it spicy like we were so that was like our jam yeah uh so when i heard when i stumbled upon one of your tick tocks and i heard you do it i was like this is my people right here i really feel like i don't do it that much in person i think i just like did it one time like in a video and people were like do that again and so then i would do it again and now it's like if i post a vlog or something and i don't do it people are like where's the high it was good and they're like i don't like it and i'm like

Okay fine. That is so funny. You know who you remind me a lot of? I don't know if anybody's ever told you this but you remind me a lot of a younger Jenna Marbles. I get that all the time. Yeah. I've got that even before social media. Yeah. Like I when I was like 14 no matter what hair color no matter what I've always got that and then I personally don't really see it. I mean I'm flattered like I love that because I watched her. She's a genius. But I never like watched her in like

where it was where I would like want to like get her mannerisms and like that like that right you know I don't I think it's more your vibe I think it's more your vibe where you're just like funny you'll talk about whatever fucking tampons yeah yeast infections whatever and yeah so like I think it's just your openness and your vibe that people are you know comparing that to but it's definitely she's a fucking icon yeah we wish I wish Jenna would come out of fucking hiding man I know what I feel like

She will eventually. I hope so. She's going to pop up on these hoes. Well, let's... I want to get to know you because, you know, we get to see the person on the camera that's on TikTok all the time. And, you know, I know as well as you know that...

There's always a person behind that, you know, and I want to get to know that person. So where did you grow up at? I'm from right outside of Atlanta. Okay. Georgia. You're a Georgia peach. I am. Yes. My parents are very Southern. Where's your accent? I don't know. I went to college in Arizona and everybody met my parents and they're like, why don't you sound like them? And I was like, my theory is truly because I feel like we were grown up with social media. So like I've, I talk the way of the people I watch and the people I talk

you know, I don't know. My mom, like my OIs, I say like old vinegar, like toilet, like certain stuff like that. I don't know. I have words, but I don't really have the like twang that they do. I love it. I'm from Houston. I don't have an accent because I grew up in Vegas. So if I do have an accent, it's a valley girl accent. Yeah. I always tell everybody I'm a valley girl because Vegas isn't a valley. So you grew up in outside of Atlanta. What brought you to Nashville? Literally not


I don't know. How old were you when you moved? This was two years ago. Oh, okay. So recently you didn't move with your parents here. It was COVID like 2020. Uh-uh. Okay. Gotcha. And I wanted somewhere that was like driving distance because I am very close to my family. Yeah. So I was like Charleston or Nashville. I don't know. And so I just like got a really shitty hotel and I drove and I toured two apartments and then I brought my mom back with me and I like convinced them and I told them, you know, they said, we'll support you as long as you have a job. Like, you know what you're going to do.

And I bartended before COVID. So my idea was, oh, Nashville, like I'll bartend there when things open back up. And that's so touristy. Like I'll make so much money. But then social media started taking off for me. So I never, obviously never ended up bartending. And I just started doing that. Well, let's rewind because we'll get into the social media thing. So growing up, how was your relationship with your parents? Really good. I feel like I've taken it for granted until recently. Like I realize now I'm saying how like,

a lot of my friends and stuff don't have like my parents are still together and they're both the best parents ever they've given me such a great life and i feel like i was never grateful for it until recently and like now i can really appreciate it and see it and see i just consider myself very lucky and i just i don't know i love my parents they're great i love that so there's no trauma no not yeah no not with my parents gotcha how long have they been together um

should I know that? Like, I don't know. She's like, bitch, I don't know. Just as fucking as long as I've been alive. Yeah. My mom always says, cause my dad is like literally a sweetheart. Like I love my dad so much. And my mom always says, well, he was a player before. Like they dated for nine years before they got married. She's like, I, it took him a while to finally settle down with me, but now he loves me. He must be a Sagittarius. Is he a Sagittarius? He's a Taurus. Oh, okay. There's my whole team over here. Yeah. All the Tauruses are hooting and hollering over here. And then my mom's a Libra. So she's like a peacemaker, I guess. Oh,

Balance. Me pretending I like know about it. I know one thing about each sign. I love that. So what about siblings? Yeah. Are you the only child or is there other... Was there other siblings? No, I have a brother and...

Well, I had a sister. So my brother and I are 14 years apart. My sister and I were 14 months apart. So that's like a huge age gap. But my mom had my brother when she was 18 and he never knew his dad. So my dad basically like raised him. I don't know when my parents exactly met, but...

For the most part, my dad is his dad. Yeah. I don't think he calls him dad, but, like, he is. And, yeah. And then my sister, Kat, we were 14 months apart. So she was always, like, the one grade older than me, you know? And she passed away two years ago. She actually passed away five days after I moved here to Nashville. So... So growing up, were you pretty close with Kat? Because you guys were, like... We were literally, like...

like kindle and kylie like we have the same age difference as them that's what i always and we're the same age as them so i always would say like oh my god we're like the kindle and kylie of the south like um and we just i don't know we were you know always really close especially when we're younger you know like i wore pink she wore blue but we were in the matching outfits we weren't twins but we always you know we're on every sports team together did everything like went into i

you know, hung out with all the same friends, stuff like that. Growing up, did you ever get into like substance abuse or drinking or like what were your high school years? Were you like were you like the cheerleader or like described to me what Christy was like in high school? So I like my sister was like my role model, like what she did, I would do. But she would also never make me do something really fucked up. You know, she was 14 months older. Yeah. Older. OK. And, you know, she told me to do something. OK, yeah.

Sure. Like, she does it. It's fine. And so she kind of, like...

got me into stuff but never anything bad like she never wanted me to do anything past like she you know she wanted me to smoke weed with her when I was really little and like she didn't even drink I don't know but she never would want me to go past that or anything it was always very motherly and protective over me but um I never realized how I guess like wild my life was growing up until now I talk about it to my friends and they're like that's fucking crazy like I smoked weed with her when I was like 11 and 12 like holy shit literally 12 years old and I was probably like oregano but I

You know, I didn't know, but we would just get like high and be like weird little 12 year olds and smoke out of the Sprite can and stuff like that. How would you guys know to even smoke weed that young? I was still fucking making my Barbie dolls hump. So no. Okay. We did that too. We really did do that. Playing house with the neighborhood boys in the forts. Like that's what I was doing. Well, she always looked like.

30 when she was you know like 14 15. wow she always looked so grown just an old soul she got double d's when she was in fourth grade holy and so i like whenever i was like in fourth grade i hadn't had my period yet and so i was like where are mine when are they coming you know they're gonna be one day i'm gonna have big boobs they never came in so

Never got boobs, but it's okay. Well, you're still hot. But she always had like, you know, perfect teeth and huge boobs and like long hair. And it was just like, I don't know. So she always hung out with like older people and stuff like that, I guess. I don't know. She was just so cool. I was always Kat Howard's little sister. Like no one knew my name. Like I was her little sister. She like ran shit and she was like known. Everyone knew her. She was like very popular around Gwinnett County, I guess.

Oh, I love that, though. And I just tagged along. Seems like you idolized her a lot. So did you... So smoking weed, did that turn into anything else? Or was it just always partying? Like, you know, like partying. I never... Even to this day, I still try and get myself into it. And I...

I can't and I like people always suggest it for me with my anxiety and stuff I'm like y'all don't understand like it makes it worse and I'll try like gummies I'll try everything it doesn't mean I don't do it I still do but like yeah I can't get into it but um I became more of I'm like the drinker and she's never she never really liked drinking like she just got to did other things but I only would drink but even when I think back about all the parties that like I'd be a freshman at and there'd be all seniors like I don't even think that like what was I doing like was

was I even drinking or was I just weird and talkative? Like I was so outgoing when I was around her and growing up and now it's like such the opposite. It's weird. She was your safe space. Yeah. I feel like I have to have a drink in my hand to like be in public or be anywhere, which might be a problem, but like I just don't go anywhere, you know? Yeah. So do you struggle with anxiety or, or let's, we'll reel it back. But you said that, um, so Kat was 14 months older than you. So you guys both graduated in,

Or she graduated, then you graduated, and then you moved here? Or what happens after graduation? So she actually didn't do high school the way I did. So this was like when we were young. And when she was a freshman in high school, no, I was a freshman and she was a sophomore. She, I think, got kicked out.

I don't know. She got kicked out of a lot of places we went. I was always moving schools, but lived in the same house because I would just follow wherever she went. My mom would pick me up and say, we're going to somewhere else. So the next day I'd be the new girl. Was she just like fighting or? It was like, it started as in like her having a pink strip in her hair. And then it started as in her calling a teacher a bitch. Like it wasn't ever anything that was like crazy. Yeah, that warranted the punishment. But like we first started at a private school. So like the things we were doing were insane. Yeah. Like.

people, I don't know, and it wasn't even bad. And I just get picked up from Carpool and be like, "Okay, where are we going? Time to meet new friends here and here." And like, you know, she'd walk in somewhere and make friends by the end of the day where I was quiet and was like, I don't know, but she would just introduce me to people and stuff like that. But yeah, so anyways, high school, we were in a new high school and she didn't last very long. I don't remember exactly why this time, but she always went to like alternative schools at that point.

She would be, like, in and out of rehabs and behavioral places. And since she was under 18, she would, like, have to stay in them. Rehabs just for her behavior or for substances? So that's probably when, like, all the substance started. Gotcha. So how I said she was really pretty and, like, looked, you know, whatever. So when she was 14, she dated an 18-year-old. And his dad was, like, a doctor. What is that?

but his dad was like really like a sketchy doctor like was prescribing people things they shouldn't like he like one of those doctors he did it like in his house it was something really weird like i know his license is taken away now oh my gosh so he the son the most dangerous doctors it literally blows my mind to this day yeah no it's crazy and so the son would like get stuff like i literally i'm gonna sound stupid but like triple c's like cough syrup okay yeah yeah skittles or

I don't know. Yeah. So I remember that's what he would take and he'd give them to her and he would just, you know, she was just 14. Like I can't even remember my brain when I was 14. Like I was weird. I was a different person. And she said yes one time and then like, you know, it led to other things and like,

Then eventually, you know, her body would start hurting and she'd move on to more hardcore stuff. Right. And it was always... So she did develop a habit. Yeah. And it was weird because I personally never knew anyone that did any of that stuff or I just didn't understand it. So to me, I just didn't get why, like, what are you doing? Like, you have everything handed. You're beautiful. You have everything handed to you. You're watching your idol. We have great parents. We had a great upbringing. Yeah.

Why are you doing this gross stuff? That's my head what I was thinking. Well, it's got to be hard as a child too just to watch your idol go through that. You really cherished your sister. So to see that and not be able to help her...

probably was took a pretty big toll on you yeah for sure yeah and she'd just be like embarrassed she'd be like you think i want to do this my like i'm in pain she would wake up with like nightmares and i'd be you know like 15 and i'd be hear her screaming and getting sick like dope sick and i just go wake her up i'd be like what are you doing and she'd be like i'm hurting christy i'm hurting i'm hurting but i don't want to use like sweat

And I did not know what was going on because I wasn't educated about this at all. And I don't think my parents really understood what was happening either. It was just so... It just developed into this huge thing that no one could ever, you know. And that was when she was like 14. And...

She battled that, never went away for, I mean, it's the rest of your life. When you're an addict, you're always gonna fight that even when you're clean, you're always every day. Like it's just from then on, it just kind of went not downhill. She always was the same bright, full person, but it went from me,

live like looking up to this person I idolized watching her be so confident and cool and like so popular to being the person I've never met anyone but her who's hated themselves so much she just like was so insecure and just like

it just wasn't herself. It was so weird. Yeah. And I felt like she just started then envying me and being jealous of me because I was going to proms and I was doing foot, going to football games and having friend groups. And she was, we were the same age and she was just having to fight every day and just get sick. And it was like, it flipped and it was probably like, you know, really hard for her and sad. Did they ever find out like if maybe she was battling like bipolar disorder or our whole family has like mental illness. Like we're all like,

Same sister. All of us. Every single, my mom, my brother. I'm a huge advocate for speaking about mental health because I have battled suicidal depression and anxiety to the point where I couldn't even, what's up? No, he's snoring. He's sleeping. His name's Trash. What is it? Chachi. Chachi. That is so funny. Really?

Trash. Is it really loud? Baby, you gotta wake up. Sorry, he's asleep in my lap. Get over here, trash. Me as a dog.

That is funny. I think we need to name our next animal trash. That would be awesome. I like that. I actually don't mind it. It doesn't bother me at all. No, we're huge advocates about mental health on this podcast because, you know, I have battled it for a long fucking time. My mom was fucking diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic. So I get it. You know, mental health is...

A topic that really needs to be talked about way more than it is, you know? So do you battle with anxiety and stuff like that? Yeah. I have terrible anxiety. Was this before or after your sister's death, which we'll get to that. A lot of people ask me that, but it was before. Um, I think a lot of people think that it didn't start till after. No,

No, I would think that it would start before when you saw her start crumbling and felt helpless. Yeah. And it made me, I feel like I always had her with me going places. She wasn't ever present anymore. She was always off places. So it made me just like go from kind of being enabled by her literally. Like she was like a mom to me. Um,

To you being her caretaker almost. Yeah. And then I just like didn't know how to speak to people and didn't know how to like, I don't know. I just started getting nervous about going places without having someone next to me when I was, grew up only having someone next to me. I didn't know anything else. So it just made me like a really like,

socially awkward person and very like just anxious about everything I do. And I used to not be like that at all. So yeah, it's trauma. It's just, you know, what you went through is trauma. Yeah. So do you think that you moving to Nashville was you kind of trying to get away and separate yourself from your sister? Yes. Which makes me feel like shit because the last year of her life was out of every single year ever.

um was the least close we've ever been and i hate that because even when we like had each other blocked or in fights didn't speak for weeks whatever i still you know we'd still come back whatever and it was like the longest period of time we'd gone not being okay yeah and i really hated that and we resolved things before she passed which thank god but

she was begging me to come visit her and I kept saying I don't have time because she was in a rehab in South Florida and I was like I don't have time to visit you like I'm trying to move I just like don't have time for all that when you're clean like we can talk I was just like annoyed and I was I get it and so you know I carry that guilt with me but at the same time like I I don't know she always like had this thought that she thought that I hated her

all the time even I go through all her journals and obviously I went through like her texts and stuff I had to delete all her nudes before my parents got her phone that's like shit people don't think about yeah my mom was like can you get in my mom like doesn't know how to work a phone and like any technology and she's like can you find her passcode passcode's my name first thing I guessed and then I was like I went straight to the camera roll and I deleted all her

videos of all her pictures because I hoped someone would do that for me yeah absolutely and that's just something you don't think about but like yeah because my mom's like trying to snoop through stuff I'm like uh-uh you don't she doesn't need to see that yeah yeah you saved your mom a lot of extra heartache yeah

So you moved here for two days and then what are five days you had been in Nashville for five days. And then what happens? Walk me through that. So I was here for five days and I agreed that my parents agreed that agreed that I could, they'd help me out moving here if I was in school. So I was still doing online college trying for like the hundredth time. Um,

and then I got a nanny job and it was my first day ever on the job and I finished by 11 30 a.m like I started like 6 a.m to 11 it was just like a trial thing and my right when I finished my dad that's when my dad called me and gave me the phone call that she passed away and it was literally so five days I hadn't even been there a full week the first day of my job in this place and my dad's like you need to get on a plane and come home and I'm like

How am I supposed to get there by myself? I, how do I, what, what do I pack? What do I do? Yeah. I like, I just, it was traumatizing. And I sat for like 12 hours straight in my room in Nashville and finally.

Finally. You froze. Yeah. And I had no one come, you know, I didn't want them to come to me, but it's like, if she were alive, she'd be the one that'd come to me and help me get my stuff together to go. So it was just so weird. What did she pass away from? Was it an overdose? She overdosed. I'm fentanyl, but like that bitch was strong. Like she literally could take a lot. And I just, you know, she did heroin. Hmm.

So when someone does heroin, you know, and they're active, you know there's a chance. - Yeah. - All the time. But in my head, my sister Cat Howard was never gonna die. Like I knew, I wasn't stupid. I knew that that's what happened, but you just really don't actually think it's gonna happen to like you and your family. So I was just convinced like, dude, stop because she'd be like, I'm so and so days clean.

And you just believe that. And then it's just never, it really never ends. But then she passed away in the rehab facility or would the day already release? Oh, it was a whole thing. She was in a detox center. Wow. And I had girls reach out to me and tell me the full story after she passed because we only knew.

Nobody was helping us at all. And my mom was like batshit crazy, like getting a detective. Like we need to get to the bottom of this. Why did the deaths in South Florida? They just kind of walk over them like they're nothing. Right. Especially like having to do with drugs. I hate that because I feel like people who are addicts don't deserve justice. We're like, well, what? Where was she? What was the... Did anybody do save her? What...

nobody was telling us anything it was so weird and so what happens was the detox center kicked her out but didn't like tell my parents which I guess when she's 24 they don't or yeah 24 I guess you don't have to notify the parents but my parents were the ones like paying for her to be there so it's like wow you know whatever so they apparently this this place she got caught using um I think she like went out like to buy Halloween decorations and got some stuff and um

She got caught and one of the girls in there who called me after she died and explained I'd never met this girl before she told me like Christy I knew something wasn't right like her lips were purple and they sent her out of there they bought her a lift and they sent her to

from a rehab to a detox center and they bought it for her and put her in that car with her lips blue and everything she died in the car on the way to a new place oh my gosh in a lift and the lift driver i even tried to like get in contact with my mom couldn't find this person on facebook she couldn't find him like just to ask what happened i found the lift driver on tick tock and he doesn't speak english but he followed me back and messaged me and it just

I mean, there wasn't much he could tell me clearly, but. Oh, yeah. Because he didn't speak English. Yeah. But still, just like I went on detective shit. Like I was able to find out so much stuff and like get into all her eye clouds and literally like detective this shit. Yeah. Because nobody helped us. Literally no one. That's a good sister, though. Yeah. I'm sorry that happened to you. Like, I'm sorry that happened to your family. That's just all around hurtful and.

I'm just glad that now you're using your platform for awareness. Yeah. Let's start talking about that. So what happens after her death and you coming back to Nashville? How's Christy feeling? Um, I'm okay. Yeah.

I don't know. I guess I just try and be normal. I really didn't. Like I was doing social media before she passed away. Right. So it's not like I was trying to like use that to build. No, not at all. No, I'm just saying like that's not why whatever. Like so people I was vlogging that day because I do daily vlogs. Were you vlogging on like YouTube or were you still doing TikTok? Well, both. But this was I just set my camera up the day of my first day of my nanny job and I do my daily vlog. So I vlogged me that morning waking up.

and I wasn't expecting that to happen. So people were like, you know, whenever I first posted a video of the day, whatever, people were like, who like records themselves doing this? And I was like, I didn't know I was going to get that phone call. I recorded myself because I do every day. I love that though. That's your real life. Yeah. And you see how I'm literally happy. Like I moved into a new city. It's my first Friday night. It was the first weekend I ever had. I was like,

Am I going to go out with new friends? Like, what am I going to do? And then literally my whole entire world flipped over just like that. And it's... Honestly, people don't realize it's fucking therapeutic. Yeah. When I was going through this journey with my mom, I vlogged pretty much all of it, you know, that I could put on TikTok. And people would be like, why are you vlogging your mom in this vulnerable state? First of all, my mom loved it and wanted to be on it. And secondly...

It was me trying to not only help people, but to help myself in processing all of the fucking emotions that I was going through. I don't even care if no one watches it or listens. I wanted for my timestamp, my fucking collection of memories. And my sister hated being on camera, like didn't ever let me because I always was vlogging on YouTube and stuff. Didn't barely ever let me put her in anything just because she was so self-conscious about

the way she looked and stuff like that and she just hated social media. We were total opposites in that aspect. And there's some vlogs and some clips and little things I have of her and I'm just so thankful that I was annoying and it would cause fights of me pulling the camera out and her be like,

put that down or I'm gonna leave. Like, I swear to God, if you were recording right now. Just being able to hear her voice. Yeah, and I'm so glad I have all those clips and that I was annoying because now that's all I have left. So that's why I literally record everything at all times of what I'm doing. And even people that have like shit on what I've done or what I do in the past, they're all like, that's really cool that you made that video. Like, I recorded my whole senior year of high school and carried my camera around to parties and stuff. And at the end of the year. Wow, that's awesome.

Yeah, I always like to go with the camera. Were you doing this for, you weren't doing it for TikTok, it was for YouTube? No, TikTok wasn't out then. I was just always doing, like I did Vines, I did social media. I don't ever remember not like recording myself in my life. Like even when I had just like,

like on my space like that's how far like do you remember xanga i was never on it i always did like i see i well it's i'm like always late to the fucking party ask her it took me forever to get on tiktok but once i figured that motherfucker out here i am you know like that's how i am with social media like i love it but it's like i i'm

I think it's the Aquarius in me. I just don't ever jump on every trend. I wait to see what it's going to do. And then if I can monetize off of it, I will. So I never got into the Zynga or whatever it was. Was it Zynga? I don't know. I was way too young to be on it, though. I shouldn't have been on it.

I love that, though, that you've always had that vlogger mentality, though. Always. I was just determined. Was your break on YouTube or did your following blow up whenever you got on TikTok? It was TikTok, but on YouTube... TikTok's life-changing. It is. Yeah, it really is. But on YouTube, I was, like, posting for years and it wasn't growing. I grew a lot on Vine, but then Vine died, so... Yeah.

Thanks. There goes that. But I never stopped. It's crazy because Vine like blew the fuck up. Yes, I loved Vine. And was insane. And then as fast as it came, it was gone. Yeah. And I still don't really know why it was gone. Yeah, me either. I thought it was so weird because I was on Vine too, but I never, I got on Vine very late. And then fucking as soon as I got on there, it fucking went to shit. So I was like, God, all right, well. You scared it away. Back to Facebook, you know, and fucking whatever I was doing. So, yeah.

you know, you came back here, you are moving on and picking up the pieces of your life and TikTok starts blowing up. What is, what, paint that picture for me of when TikTok starts blowing up for you. Well, it actually blew up

Kind of before I moved to Nashville. Okay, cool. So I'd say like in 2019. God, you were on it. You were like one of the first people on it. Early. Like when there was, I was like the oldest person on it. Okay, gotcha. It was only little kids. And it was when it was just dancing. And I used to be a dancer. So that's all. I was just a dancing page. I just danced. And I think that's so funny to think about now. But I loved that.

And then that's why I wouldn't get on TikTok. Yeah. I was like, motherfucker, I'm 40 years old. And now people still think it's like that. And I'm like, no, no, no, no, no. It's completely different. Yeah. But I loved I was like a dancing app. Oh, my God, I'm on it. So I was doing that. And then I got banned. And this was, you know, before when I was complaining about getting banned on TikTok, you know, my friends are like, why do you even have that app? That's literally a little kid app. Yeah. And this was like even before COVID. And then COVID happened and everybody got the app.

And then I, you know, but I was still the only person from like my town or whatever that had TikTok. So people like knew I had like grown a following on the second account. And then as soon as, you know, COVID, everybody started getting it.

my second account got banned and I was just so annoyed because now everyone has it and now like I finally built a following. Yeah. And so that's why I was like, I got banned a few times too. It's so dumb. And I was like, I'm just going to give up on this and I wasn't going to make another one, but it's like what I like to do. So I made a third account and I just made my username queen of getting banned. And I think that's so dumb. I didn't put any thought into it. And then of course that account blew up and now it's like, I'm stuck with that.

username like if I change it I just I mean you're able to change it but I feel like it's just like who I am now like yeah you can't once you start branding yourself you have to keep that and I made it as a joke so that's why I just I just don't have this connection to it I see a lot of other people who have kind of bit off the name too yeah you started a trend with that and it actually got my attention too whenever I first stumbled upon you I was like queen of getting banned like why is she getting banned you know yeah I like went on your page and stuff and I was like oh she's cute and I haven't been banned in like a while so people are like what like raunchy shit do you do and I'm like it would

It's not bad. I just used to dance and get banned. Oh, no. I literally do nothing. I breathe and exist on that app and I can get banned. I've been banned. I have account warnings on both. Oh, me too. My main account. I think we're at what? Two point seven now. I've been banned three times. Like completely taken away on that same account. Yes.

I haven't gotten banned on my backup account yet. And we just hit a million over there. But yeah. Yeah. I have a backup or spam account too. Yeah. You just put whatever on there. Yeah. And that account gets better views than my fucking main account. Because people like I put hours into my vlogs and stuff. And then my backup one is just me like literally talking on the toilet. Same. So stupid. And people are like, we like this better. Yeah. Why?

no it's crazy the same fucking shit happens to me so what has TikTok done for your life like as far as changing it you don't have to obviously be a bartender no and I'm glad because now I'm so like I just can't even imagine doing that um because it's a lot of socializing literally like my job when I was bartending was to like talk to people now I do cocktails I don't even know how I did that for that long yeah I don't I hate talking to people but

besides having like one-on-one conversations like this, being in a fucking bar now, like I'm sober. Are you sober or do you drink? I drink. Yeah. What are you drinking right now? This is like an Alani seltzer. They sent it to me. No, I love it. I don't drink like alone. I only drink when I go out and I only go out with my boyfriend. I don't like ever drink.

go out other than that but are you in love yes i am i think i saw a video that popped up on my fyp and you said that you guys are um in a long distance relationship yeah so walt's been my best friend since high school walt i love walt that is awesome you look like you would be with a walt

What? No, it just fits the aesthetic, I think. No, I always roast him for his name. I love it. But he's like literally this, like, he's like happy to be alive. Like he's like happy. I don't know. He has like no like mental illness and like no. Who are those people? Who doesn't have like family drama, like family trauma or like

fucked up like nothing I don't know and I know that like everyone says everyone has secrets but he literally is clean has nothing and it's so weird to me and we're like polar opposites but it works we were best friends since we were like in middle school when I was new to my high school or well I moved to middle school and we were just friends I dated someone else for seven years and he was still my best friend

And then after my sister passed away, we started dating because I was dating someone else. And just the way he was there at my house, just as my friend more than like my actual boyfriend was, I just started looking at him in a different light. And like, I've always loved him. But like, I, I just I don't know, I fell in love with him. And I, I don't know if it was like my sister bringing us together or what. But we Yeah, I don't know. We were friends first. But

Now we're dating. I love that. So where does Walt live? He lives, our parents' houses are like five minutes away. Okay, gotcha. So he's from Georgia also. Yeah, but he just interviewed last week for jobs here in Nashville. So excited. Are you guys ready to take that next step and like live together? Yeah, I've always said like, I want babies. I want to get married and like stuff like that. Yeah. But now that I like hear it, I'm like, ew, no way. No. You're like, no, let's wait. Give me 10 more years, please. Okay.

I love that. But you never know when you guys move in, you might get the bug, the baby bug. Yeah, no, I just have, I just got a pet cat and I can't. Soy sauce, right? Yes. I can't. One of my followers named her. I love the name. I think that's awesome. I did see you hanging out with our dear sweet friend Demps. How was that? Yes. Isn't she fucking hilarious? She's,

I mean, but like in a good way. She's the same as she is online. Oh, no, definitely. She has just a little drop of golden sun. Yeah. And she has this whole community that just like hates her. Do you have one of those? No, I don't either.

I just learned this year, a few months ago, and people were so upset at me for hanging out with her, which I think is like... Oh, they were talking about trying to cancel me for having her on the podcast. And I was just like... And I just still can't figure out why. I hung out with her and she's just a normal person.

These people are sick. And it's like I tell everybody, I won't even say the website's name on my podcast. Oh, sorry. No, we'll bleep it. Because I don't ever give them any clout. It's literally a place of people who don't belong anywhere. So they fucking have, they just see them swim in toxicity. And they literally just have found their beehive of just toxic.

toxic bullshit of just tearing people down. And it's just disgusting. It's literally just, I don't even go on that website. I can't. It's crazy because none of that hate reaches me unless I go and I look for it. That's how not powerful that site is. It's literally a bunch of people that are just bound to that one place because nobody wants to deal with their fucking bullshit, you know, but it's like, they're pretty scary, you know, like,

A lot of them have really came after a lot of creators and it's just sad. Why is it so personal to them? I don't know. And I don't know how it's legal. Yeah. I don't know how it's legal or how that site is even available to be up. I think it's going to take them really hurting somebody before they'll even look at that website to get it taken down. Yeah, because it's... Unfortunately. I haven't even had that bad stuff that I saw about me before.

But one little thing like drove me into because, you know, TikTok kind of like doesn't people can be mean, but it kind of limits out things that people say. Yeah. So I don't really get that much hate and hate that I do. I live in my nice little pink bubble. I don't laugh with it. I'm like, like, people, please roast me because I feel that it's like a good like, you know, yeah, you're right. Whatever. It's nothing like actually deep. And on that thing, like I saw it because people were emailing me my business email like

Oh, no, they sent it to me, too. And they were like, hey, I love you, and I just want you to know that people are saying this, and sent me the link, and I was like, what? And then it's like, they know everything. Everything, or think they do about my family and stuff. That's the scary thing. That's the scary thing, is that these people can say whatever they want, and it's solid. And if you try to defend yourself against them,

then you're the bad person. You're the bully. Like you're supposed to let these people just punk you. Like, I don't care the way I have. Every time I do a podcast drop or I announce who's coming, I do it just to stir it up because literally their hate gets me so many views and downloads that it's like, I just use it to monetize off of. I'm like, keep talking about me, baby. Yeah. You know, like, I don't care what you say about me. The more shit you talk about me, the more it's going to make people curious. So bring it on.

I luckily don't have a page yet. I do not want a page. So if any of you fucking shitbags are listening, I don't want one. Okay. But I mean, but

But I mean, if you guys do make one, just know I'm still going to make money off of it. Yeah. Even more money than I already have. Get my name out there. Yeah, exactly. So what can we expect from you for the next year? Like going into this brand new year, you know, 2023, what do you have any goals that you want to reach? Anything exciting? I don't know.

She's like bitch i'm taking it day by day. Leave me alone. Yeah, I don't know I just this is all so cool to me It's what i've always wanted to do um and like even when It was like weird that I made youtube videos like no one did like I never stopped It just became the thing where like I was the girl that carried the camera I never that was just my thing. That was like my comfort thing I loved editing videos and then I started doing weddings and then I started doing you know sports videos and I never do you think maybe because you were so socially awkward that

having that camera in between you and other people I love telling stories through my camera I never spoke about my sister's addiction or her story ever when she was alive but when I was in like eighth grade was the first time I did my project on her and it was when she was in a rehab and I made like a whole video and I did a voiceover to it it was in eighth grade and my language arts project and I shared her story and I wrote like a letter to her like a letter to my sister and it was like

that and I presented it to the class and then I would just you know start doing like visual stuff and I just loved that and I loved

even for like birthdays just making montages and I cinematic I would you know take out a loan to get a camera and I would just I just love telling stories through video and I love video creation and stuff well you're amazing at it well thank you but then I would do weddings and stuff and I realized like this is I want to be in the camera yeah I like you're like I'm the star bitch okay I love being in the camera but I love

editing and stuff like that too but that's why I was like I'm just gonna keep doing YouTube and try this and that's why when TikTok went off it was like the best thing that could ever happen to me because I got to do a little bit of both like I could edit and make you know cinematic shit but I could also just talk and be myself because I

you know, I am a personnel or whatever. Right. But also I, I like to do the other cool like vlogs and stuff like that. No, I love it. I love your content. It's always fucking entertaining. So I think, I think you definitely are onto something and you've found your niche and you have your hardcore, uh,

you know, cult fan base. I think all of us, TikTokers have like a cult fan base that loves just us. It's still shocking to me. It's so cute. Isn't it amazing? They will literally go to war for me. So much love. I don't have to do anything, but if I get one hate comment, I would just pin it and I don't say anything. Why did they take the pin away? I don't know.

I thought that was just my phone. No, they did it to me too because I used to do the pin of shame too. Yeah, and now you want to talk to everyone else like eat them. But that's why now I just respond to hate like with like positive messages and then I just let everybody else fucking handle the person because it's like the love outweighs the hate no matter what. You know, like it's always...

there's always going to be more people who love you than don't. And the people who don't like you always end up probably fucking loving you. And they're your number one fans because they watch everything you fucking do. Yeah. So it's like, either way, it's like, motherfucker, you love me. You just want to hug. Come here. Yeah. Like hug a hater. Like our t-shirt that we had.

So Walt's moving in. You're just going to kick it next year. You don't have any plans. You're just like, fuck it. I'm just going to fucking keep riding this wave. I just want to keep, I guess, growing. Like I just never, even when I didn't have views and stuff and never,

you know, really grew a platform. Before I was doing this full time, I never stopped doing it. - Right. - Like when people ask me for advice and stuff, I'm like, I just in my head, even though I wasn't seeing any growth and I was just doing YouTube or whatever, and even when Vine went away, I never stopped doing it. Even if I was posting Facebook videos or whatever, and no one was watching and people talking, I never stopped because in my head, I wasn't going to let myself, this was the only career path I wanted to do. - Right. - And even though no one around me, I didn't know anyone personally who had like, was an influencer or did any of that.

I wasn't going to do anything else. I was so determined, even if I was bartending and blogging, vlogging myself, bartending, I wasn't going to stop. Like I was only going to do that. And so I'm still, yes, I'm finally like doing it full time, but I don't think I'm ever going to stop wanting to grow. Like I'm very hungry at wanting to do more and build, just be bigger and bigger and whatever that is. But yeah, as far as your brand goes, the sky's the limit. You can do whatever you want. Yeah. Unless I get banned again.

But I always come back. It doesn't matter. You'll come back, baby. I know. They always find me. Don't speak it into the earth. You just return to sender. You're not going to get banned again. Well, I'm so happy that you came on the podcast. And I can't wait to have you back. Why don't you tell people where they can find you? Name out all your socials. OK. You can find me. What about OnlyFans? Do you got an OnlyFans? No, I don't. Damn it. I was hoping to see that hootenanny.

Is that my tootie? My cookie? Yes. Yes. For sure. I've never been on OnlyFans. Really? Yes. Oh, well, I have. For years. Am I missing out a lot? I mean, we'll talk about it whenever we get off. My dad is just so like sweet and I just don't want somebody like going up to him. Okay. No.

like that I don't want somebody going up to him at work and being like I saw your daughter on blah blah blah and I'm like oh god yeah I mean don't do it if if you have a great I see I don't have a good family so I've got I'm doing fatherless activities because I have a terrible fucking family so if you have a good family and you have I didn't mean it like that now I feel like shit no no no listen no I'm always calling myself out I just picture my dad my sweet like curiosity like scrolling and being like oh my god

No, but it's definitely a bag you could get mama for sure. I'm sure people would definitely see you. Stop tempting me. I know. I'm the devil. I'm the devil on your shoulder right now. Why don't you go ahead and shout out your social so people can find you. Okay. My TikTok is, do I look at the camera or am I looking at you? You're looking everywhere. Okay. We never know where anything is. Oh, my camera's right there. Yeah. Right here. My TikTok is queen of getting banned.

And then my Instagram is Christy Howard and my YouTube is Christy Howard. And then I have Spicy Christy. I also have merch I just dropped. My social security number is... We need to know what your blood type is, all that jazz. I don't know it, but I want to know it. Well, thank you for coming on. I really appreciate you being here. Thanks for having me. Yeah, can't wait to have you back. And thank you guys for tuning in to another episode of Dumb Blonde. I will see you guys next week. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.

I love that. I love it. She's painless, right? I know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Stop. I feel bad. I didn't mean like that. No. No, no, no.

What's up, guys? Don't forget to sub to Patreon so that you can see the visuals because not only do we have episodes of the podcast, we have exclusive content that nobody else sees on any other apps, behind the scenes, photo shoots, and we're dropping a whole bunch of surprising stuff this year. So if you guys don't want to miss out and you want to be the first to know, go over to our Patreon, Love ya.