cover of episode How the US Government Subsidizes Modern-Day Nazis | Guests: Dennis Prager & Mark Levin | 10/7/24

How the US Government Subsidizes Modern-Day Nazis | Guests: Dennis Prager & Mark Levin | 10/7/24

Publish Date: 2024/10/7
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The Glenn Beck Program


Shownotes Transcript

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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment

and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program.

Well, hello America. Welcome to the Glenn Beck program from the beautiful studios of KMBZ in Kansas City today. We welcome you. We've got a couple of things we need to talk about. First of all, I'm going to bring you up to speed on what's been happening with the hurricane. The new hurricane coming to a Florida city near you soon, coming in a Wednesday.

Also, FBI, DHS warning today that there are possible terrorist attacks here in the U.S. because it's October 7th, the one-year anniversary. We'll get into all of this in 60 seconds. First, let me tell you about our sponsor this half hour. It's Relief Factor Sleep.

Finally, the end of the day, no more cares, no more worries, nothing left for you to do. And everybody's in bed. The lights have finally got out all over the house and you're laying your head on the pillow, maybe even a little bit early. And you're like, ah, blissful sleep. And then you can't sleep. I know it.

I've lived it. In fact, I lived it this weekend. Good thing I had Relief Factor Sleep with me. It's Z-Factor from Relief Factor. It's a 100% drug-free way to help you fall asleep faster, sleep better, and stay asleep longer. Z-Factor uses a formula of all four natural ingredients to calm your mind, relax your body, so you can ease into sleep faster, stay asleep all the way through the night.

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Mr. Beck, how are you, sir? I'm really good. Really good. Kind of living your life of dreams, you know, meeting big celebrities. My life of dreams is meeting big celebrities? Well, you know, sports celebrities. I know it always pisses you off when I get to do things that you don't get to do and you know that I'm only doing them just because you can't and I know it makes you miserable.

Okay, well, this has definitely been true throughout the past 20 plus years, but what is our latest example? I'm always meeting sports people and I'm like, I have no idea who that is. Sports people, oh God. I'm meeting sports people. Just the way you say it is just embarrassing. Right? Yes. Oh, I love this. I love this. So that sets you off a little bit? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm in Kansas City. Yeah.

Going to the Chiefs game today in

Yesterday, kind of, you know, just hanging out in the locker room. Can't show you any pictures of it until after the game. Saw some secret stuff. You saw secret stuff with the secret plans? I have no idea what I saw, but they just said, you can take pictures, but you can't post them until after the game. And I'm like, okay. Because, you know, people will see, you know. The plans. They'll see. And I'm like...

Right. They'll see whatever I am looking at right now. It's probably very important. I have no idea. But you would have. You would have. Too bad you're not here. Too bad. Yeah, too bad. You're not here. You're very irritating in every possible way. Yeah, yeah. So Tanya and I just took a, you know, it's a holiday for the two of us. We just took Saturday night first, you know, date that I've had with my wife and I don't know how long.

So we just took kind of a date weekend, and we saw King and Country last night. Have you ever seen them? No. Do you know who they are? No. Oh, geez, really? I really like, who do you like?

You have to go see Fiona Apple. Gosh, darn it. King and country. They are fantastic in concert. Even if you don't know who they are, you should see their concert. They're in there halfway through their tour right now. It's, it's fantastic. You actually probably know a few of their songs. You just don't know who they are, but they're, they're just fantastic. And what's so crazy is, uh,

I went backstage with Fiona Apple to say hi to the guys. And I knew I knew them, but I didn't remember that we had worked with them before. When they first came from Australia, there's that new movie that's out about them, you know, where the dad is trying to become a record promoter or a concert promoter.

Over in Australia, he goes broke because of a deal with Amy Grant. And so they move here to the United States and he doesn't have a job. You know, it's it's rough for this family.

And so the two boys, when they first came over, I knew one of them because he worked with us on some book stuff really early on, I think the Christmas sweater. And I met his brothers, and his brothers actually did like a little mini doc for us because they had those skills. And, you know, kind of felt bad, you know, hey, gee, they're struggling.

I didn't even remember that until I went backstage and they're like, you don't remember. But we held a microphone for a documentary and my brother filmed and now they're this huge success and they are so nice. They are so nice. And their concert was unbelievable.

King and country. Make sure you see them. Okay. I went to a new Chinese restaurant that opened this weekend. It's actually a soft opening, so kind of like a preview. So only special people that happen to walk in right before they open are able to go. So, I mean, we all had our big weekends. I had dinner with the voice of the Chiefs last night, so I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the...

Chinese restaurant opening. Let me give... I apologize to the audience. This is just to antagonize each other. That's, you know... But we're in the Hall of Fame, so I guess it doesn't really matter because there's nothing really to strive for anymore. Let me...

Let me give you the warning from the FBI and DHS. Now, I don't know how this could possibly happen here because we are so buttoned up. But the FBI and DHS, looking at the one-year anniversary today of October 7th, they say that there is a pretty good shot, significant shot, that we'll be hit by a terrorist attack sometime today. So...

That's great. Love that. Violent extremists who are here in the United States. Now, Stu, how do you think those violent extremists got here in the United States? I would think through a long, arduous legal immigration process. I mean, that's the only thing I can come up with. How else could they be here? I don't know. And they certainly wouldn't be here on our dime. No, I mean, there's no way we were providing, you know, hotel rooms or apartments or food.

I would kind of guess like they started their own small business in whatever country they came from, built up some equity, maybe took out some business loans, was able to, were able to travel here, go through the entire immigration process, hire a bunch of lawyers, get through that. And then...

Right. Because those are always the people responsible for crimes in our country. And that must be what happened, right? So it's got to be something like that. Or we have open borders. I can't – I really – it's hard for me to figure it all out at this point. By the way, there's a couple of things. There was a threat that came in and – oh, we will be pursuing it. But –

There was a threat that came in from somebody online. I've been recruited by a local company to join a group of veterans on Monday to help guard a supply convoy because degenerate MAGA chodes like Glenn Beck, who aren't from here, have interfered with prior runs. Absolutely, positively untrue.

Glenn Beck better have a dentist on speed dial if any of his scumbags get in our way. I take that as a threat, don't you, Stu? I take that as a threat. And we take all threats, Sergeant Joker, to be real. So we'll call you. Anyway, untrue. And anybody who is – I mean I prayed about this a lot this weekend –

Please, please, I know how angry people are, but we can't take it out on the FEMA people. The FEMA people, I don't – I mean I think they really think they're doing the right thing. I really do. I even think Kamala Harris thinks she's doing the right thing because after all, this will help her get elected.

Or no, wait, not. Not help her get elected. But I really do. I think the FEMA people think they're doing the right thing because they're all about equity.

And, you know, so they're giving that $750 out to, you know, white people who live in this area. And, you know, we've got to spread the wealth a little bit, you know, make sure that the people who really need it get it. And that is the illegal aliens. You know, they keep saying that, no, no, no, no, we're not getting – we didn't take the FEMA money. Yes, you did.

Yes, you did. Do we happen to have, Sarah, the audio? I asked Bowie to put it in here at the last minute, so I don't know if we have it. But the audio between of just KJP in 2022 and then 2024 and in 2022, she was saying that.

Yeah, FEMA is meeting with these towns. They're overwhelmed. We're giving them money. They're getting all the money they need to take care of their town so they don't go bankrupt, blah, blah, blah. That was in 2022. We have it? Yep. Here it is. It's just categorically false. No, Biden did not take FEMA relief money to use on migrants.

FEMA regional administrators have been meeting with city officials on site to coordinate available federal support from FEMA and other federal agencies. Funding is also available through FEMA's emergency food and shelter program to eligible local governments and non-for-profit organizations upon request to support humanitarian relief for migrants.

Okay, so there it is. Now let me be fair with Mayorkas, who, oh man, he was out shopping this weekend. Did you see that?

Uh, he was out shopping and it was real. I'm glad he went to. Yeah. Yeah. He, he went to one of my favorite stores. Uh, it's a little pricey. It's a little pricey. Like, uh, you know, I don't, I don't have jackets, uh, from that store. Is there like $4,000 a piece, but he was out shopping this weekend and I think he got some really good deals. I'm happy for him. Or maybe he didn't get deals. I don't know if they were running a sale or not, but, uh, he was out shopping. Now, let me give you some, uh,

some truth. I'm going to play something that you might have heard that our side has been using to say, you know, see, they said they were ready to help and now they don't have enough funds. Here's cut four. This is July or June.

FEMA is tremendously prepared. This is what we do. This is what they do. And the key here, Rebecca, is also to make sure that the communities who are potentially impacted are prepared as well. And it's not just hurricanes and wildfires, also extreme heat, which certainly some parts of the United States are already experiencing.

Okay, now our side will take that and then play Cut 5. Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas sounding the alarm on FEMA funding right after the devastation of Hurricane Helene. Listen.

are meeting the immediate needs with the money that we have. We are expecting another hurricane hitting. We do not have the funds. FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season. This all comes as the Biden-Harris administration. Okay, so that's what you're hearing on social media. But I think there is something else that you need to hear, and it goes beyond

With the first sound bite here of Mayorkas saying that FEMA is being ready to help. So in the interest of being fair, being open, being completely transparent and honest, we need to play the rest of that cut so we don't have selective editing. Do we have the rest of that cut, Sarah? Not yet. Okay. We'll play it for you in a little while. But here's what he says.

He says, you know, we're standing ready. We're tremendously prepared for the upcoming hurricane season and fire season. But then they stop it.

Our side does. Then they go on and say, well, he goes on to say, but I'm tremendously concerned because we are getting low on funds and we need more funds to make it to the end of the season. So he did warn at that time he needed more funds. Now, why wouldn't Congress or the Senate or anybody give them more funds?

Well, for one reason, they used all of their funds to help bail these cities out because they were shipping all of these new, you know, wannabe citizens or soon to be citizens. If you're probably more accurate, they were they were focused on the need of the people who had just arrived here from the boats and went through Liberty Island. And and God bless them. They're so American.

That's why they were out of funds. But he did warn we're going to run out of funds. But the other problem with that is, is he said we have you know, we're taking care of their immediate needs. No, no, you're not. No, you're not. Now, they might be kind of now maybe 10 days late.

And Mercury One is already preparing to also add Tampa or wherever the new one, I think it's Milton, hits ground. And that's supposed to happen on Wednesday. Let me just give you a couple of things that M1 has been doing. We have raised now, I think...

$8 million for the hurricane relief. We're going to need a lot more if this one comes ashore and is devastating, which it looks like it might be. This may be the one that Tampa has been worried about for 20, 25 years. But hopefully, let's just be ready.

Most of that money is going right out to local churches for supplies. There is a small Christian college at black mountain with a hundred students. They're now focused on feeding and taking care of the thousands in that County. We're supporting them. A group of anonymous donors approached us with another matching grant of a hundred thousand dollars that starts today. So anything that you give up to a hundred thousand dollars will be matched today. Um, also, uh,

We have a big need. We are starting to deliver heaters and supplies all across North Carolina because this is up in the mountains, and soon it's going to start getting very, very cold. So we're going to need heaters and blankets and jackets and hand warmers and everything else. You can go, again, to That's Thank you.

Our sponsor this half hour is Rough Greens. So do you get up every morning, boil some chicken, cut it up, put it with rice and maybe some vegetables, then serve it to your dog? Yeah. Yeah. No, I'm not. Life's a little busy for that. But in the meantime, does that mean that the only nutrition your dog is getting is whatever tiny amount of food that didn't get cooked out of his kibble food? And I guarantee you all of it's been cooked out. Because...

The kibble food is dead food, brown food. It can last on the shelf. In fact, by government standards, it must be able to last on the shelf for over two years. Well, there's nothing alive in that. There's nothing good in that. So a doctor, naturopathic doctor, Dennis Black, came up with this idea of put a supplement you sprinkle on your dog's food that will put all of the good things back in like probiotics, antioxidants,

and it also tastes good to the dogs. The folks at Rough Greens would love for you to have a trial bag for free. You just pay for shipping. Make sure your dog really, really likes it. But if you give this to your dog, I guarantee you, you will see a difference immediately.

in, well, at least a month. I saw it within a couple of days. Get your free trial bag, Rough Greens. The Jumpstart Trial Bag, Rough Greens. slash Beck or call 833-GLEN-33. slash Beck. 833-GLEN-33. 10 seconds. Station ID.

Oh man alive. So, uh, Hey Glenn, can I give you one aside from your monologue here so far? Yeah. I've realized something and I've never noticed this about any human being in my entire life. I was watching that Corinne Jean-Pierre clip. Yeah. And I realized for the first time in my entire life, I noticed eyelid makeup.

And I've noticed that I've seen this, the makeup she puts on her eyelids is really like noticeable. It's like, you know, stunning. It kind of stands out. Wait a minute. You mean like eye shadow? No, like you would put on, help me describe this, Sarah. The makeup you would put up on your eyelid when your eyelids are closed so that people can see.

It is called eyeshadow. Okay. Eyeshadow. Okay. I never noticed that on a human being in my entire life, yet I have noticed it. I think multiple times on Corinne Jean-Pierre and I noticed it twice in that clip. Do you know why I noticed it?

Because she's reading every single word of those clips. And she's reading so often, she's looking down. And when she's looking down, you can see her eyelids. She has the only eyelids I've ever noticed in my entire life. May I suggest that she just tattoos eyeballs on her eyelids?

So it always looks like she's looking at you. You know what I mean? It's weird. That is incredible. See, this is why you should be working in government, Glenn. Thank you. You can fix so many of these problems. Thank you. I think those are tattoos on our... Oh, stop the conspiracy. I can do it. I can do it. Misinformation. You're banned from social media. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Have you seen, again, the attack on... Oh, I have to tell you. I went to a church.

I don't have time to tell you now. I'll tell you after the break. I went to a church this weekend. First time, I think, pretty sure, first time I've ever been to a Methodist church. But I went to this Methodist church here in Kansas City yesterday. And I didn't get it. I didn't get it. There are people that just don't see...

the trouble America is in. It's fascinating. I'll tell you about it next. Glenn Beck. All right. Let me tell you about our sponsor this half hour.

I'm telling you, we could make money with her on the eyelid thing. Real estate agents. I trust dot com. If you're getting ready to sell or to buy, especially, I mean, if you're selling across the street, get one agent you're selling across the country. How do you even find the real estate agent in the other part of the country?

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All right, head over to blaze slash Glenn and get on board. You can subscribe. You can save 40 bucks right now. If you use the code fight, fight, fight. Welcome to the Glenn Beck program today from Kansas city. Um, going to the, uh, chiefs game tonight for Monday night football. Uh, I, I, I will tell you that I, I went to a church yesterday. It was a Methodist church. I had to look up what Methodists believe on the way. Uh,

And I went for a specific reason to this church, but I don't want to say what it is because I don't want to identify this church because I don't know enough. I only went one time and I listened to the pastor and everybody there was very, very nice. And the pastor was great, but he was talking about the election and he was trying to be

neutral and it that kinda failed but uh... you know he was trying to be neutral and he was saying you know both sides say that you know it's going to be the end of the republic uh... and is that he went on you know it is very neutral way to say in fact there was a billionaire that spoke this weekend

and he said it might be the last election. I see absolutely no evidence of that. And I thought to myself, could I testify about that for a second here, Pastor? But no is the answer. I didn't raise my hand. The problem with that is you're not looking. You're not engaging with

There was another thing that my faith came out. Well, I can't say my faith. People of my faith came out. The Salt Lake Tribune found four Latter-day Saints that are urging members to vote against Trump for religious reasons.

Now, they've got four people that are very prominent. In fact, all four of them I've never heard of. Have you heard of Christine Durham or Brent Ward or Richard Lampert or...

James W. McConkie II? No. McConkie I, I'm all about, but II, I've never heard of him. Yeah, I used to call him Jim. You know, we were that close. Jimmy I, yeah. Jimmy I. Hey, Jimmy I, welcome. Anyway, so I've never heard of them, but apparently they're local politicians. And, you know, everybody has a right to their own opinion. I just happen to disagree with them. They say that you have a responsibility...

as a Christian, as a member of the Latter-day Saints, that you have to oppose Donald Trump, that you must vote for Kamala Harris because of religious reasons. Really? Because, yeah, because they say we are commanded to find honest men and wise men and women and women.

we should observe them, they should observe to uphold those kinds of people.

and that we should forsake all evil and cleave unto good. And so that means we can't vote for Donald Trump. And I find this amazing, Stu, Pat. Me too. Yeah. Have they not seen the multiple lies that have come from Kamala Harris and Tim Walz? People always say, yeah, well, Donald Trump exaggerates too. He lies too.

Yeah. But that doesn't fit what they're saying. Even if that were true, it still doesn't fit what they're trying to sell. That dismisses both of them. Yeah. If a person, regardless of their ideology, fails the character test, then I think we have the affirmative responsibility to oppose that person. And the Lord gives us the reasons when the wicked rule, the people mourn. Well, you know, a lot of people are mourning right now, which is weird. But...

I have such a problem with this because if you're going to use scriptures, you have to look at all of them. Choose life would be one. Now, you could say, well, Donald Trump, he's really not standing up against abortion. Well, in comparison, yeah. In comparison, one is drenched in blood. No matter what they say, Tim Walz...

has a law in Minnesota that you can let the child die if they tried to abort in a partial birth abortion.

I mean, first of all, partial birth abortion. That means the woman is giving labor and they keep the baby in the birth canal and then stick something in the back of its head to scramble the brains and kill the child. Are you out of your mind? Just that. But if they survive, then you can just leave them off to the side and let them die quietly.

That's one side. The other side is like, well, I don't know if it's 12 weeks or 16 weeks, but I'm not going to decide. The states have to. Just based on that. How? How? You know, and shame on, I shouldn't say this, in my opinion.

That's just an outside observer right now. This is hilarious. I love watching you both try to restrain yourself. Well, we just had a huge conference over the weekend. And let's see, who did they side with? Oh, that's right. Nobody. Because they never take a position politically.

They, you know, we're taught what we're taught. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. We listen to the doctrine of the church and then we decide. They never, they never try to sway us. However, however, these are individuals. Yeah. That are, are members of the church. But they're speaking for the religion, which is, you shouldn't be trying to do that.

Well, no, they're speaking their interpretation of the scriptures. And there's nothing wrong with that. I mean, you have a right. I believe we have a right to use scriptures and to talk about what God says. This was my problem yesterday. I walked out of that church and I said, honey, I have no problem saying,

hearing a pastor's point of view if he's using scriptures but he you can't pick and choose the scriptures you you have to look at that when you're looking at let's just say too bad choices I think you're looking at one disaster over choice and one that you may not like because you don't like the guy's personality or whatever I'm but you're looking at two choices that neither one of them is pure is the driven snow

So then you've got to go deeper into scriptures and say, okay, which one violates the scriptures that the whole thing is based on? And the whole thing is based on choose life. That's the most egregious out of every—if you're a Christian, that's the most egregious is killing children.

How do you get past that? How do you get past the fact that one side is saying, I mean, over the weekend, over and over and over again, you know, we've got to silence people. We have to, you know, freedom of speech isn't absolute. Yes, it is. It is absolute.

Absolute. As long as you're not inciting people to violence. And when I say that, it has to be imminent and your incitement has to result in imminent reaction. So if it's not imminent, according to the Supreme Court, you can say it.

OK, so, you know, I just I just have a problem with people. I think you're evil as well. If you want to take the rights away from people to be in charge of their own decisions and their own voice. Maybe it's just me.

I mean, though your criticism of this group is not their right to be able to speak their mind. No, not at all. That's not criticism at all. None of us would be saying that. What we're saying is when they speak their mind, they're wrong. That's kind of more of the criticism, right? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. I think they're blind, right?

But I support their right to say it. I support their right to make it as a religious decision. But they're wrong. I just really think they're wrong. And I just I think the LDS community needs to know there's more. They found for the Salt Lake Tribune found for. And, you know, I could find, you know, Jeff Flake as well in that and Mitt Romney as well.

But I think those guys are wrong. And tomorrow, the Trump campaign is announcing something that has more than six people or four officially that are. Yeah, I will say, I mean, Mitt Romney, to my knowledge, at least at this point, hasn't even endorsed Kamala Harris. So he hasn't even done that yet, which I would not be shocked is right around the corner. But even he hasn't done that yet. So.

I mean, Dick Cheney has, which, I mean, that one I don't even understand. Dick Cheney, wait a minute, you said he was the most evil of evil, okay? When we have Dick Cheney, we have Elon Musk. You know, I'm trying to get my arms around, you know, Dick Cheney, who is the most evil person they told us in the world, and Elon Musk, who they told us was the greatest hero of the world.

Until he disagreed with them. Now he's supposed to be the most evil. And Dick Cheney's supposed to be good. Yeah, he's a hero now. It's crazy. And I mean, the Liz Cheney thing, I would argue, is possibly even worse. Just because this is, you know, obviously people are...

surfacing her tweets from 2019 and 2020 where she called her you know radically liberal said that she would defund the police dismantle our freedom destroy our history abandon our founding values now look you can have a switch and say hey and by the way we should also point out

voted for Donald Trump in 2020. Not like she was 2016 and she was turned off by his presidency. In 2020, the previous election, she voted for him. She

She called Kamala Harris all these things. She said she was going to take your Second Amendment rights away. I mean, she was a passionate critic of this person. And like, look, you can have problems with the way Trump handled certain things. You could have major problems with them. You can maybe even come up with a reason to say, I'm just not going to vote for him. But to go there and passionately campaign and endorse Kamala Harris shows anything you've ever said means zero. Right.

You have absolutely no credibility. She just loves the attention she's getting from the mainstream media. Adores it. She loves it. She also says that she changed because of January 6th.

That's impossible if you look at the facts. I was pissed on January 6th. We all were pissed on January 6th. But when you look at the facts, which have now been unveiled because they were hidden by the January 6th committee, a committee she was a part of, Donald Trump said two days before that.

I think you should have 10,000 troops on the ground in Washington because this group is coming. They're going to be angry and we ought to make sure everybody is safe, including them. So he made available 10,000 troops. It was the Democrats that said no. How do you blame him for that, Liz?

All right. Back in a minute. Pat, thank you so much. I think his Kexi cookies, you got the Halloween box. Oh, indeed. It's out today. Indeed. Where would I get such a thing? You might try I'll have to charge you now for that. All right. Now, let me tell you about our sponsor this half hour. Our sponsor is American Giant.

American Giant wasn't created just to make some clothing in America. American Giant was created to make clothing here and make it exceptional. American Giant wanted to show that when Americans put their mind to it, no other country can produce better products than Americans. And they're doing it every day. This started 13 years ago with a hoodie that was the best hoodie you'll ever own. It's like...

Well, if you're my age, you might remember them growing up or your dad had one. He probably wore it and wore it and wore it and probably gave it to his daughters or something, and they're still wearing it. Hoodies and sweatshirts like they used to be made. We can't make them that way anymore because the machines change.

were American machines and we sold them overseas. Well, American giant went back and bought those machines, brought them back to America, then educated Americans on how to make that great hoodie again. And that's what you get at American giant. I mean, the best of the best by American quality today, create jobs here in America and reward companies for coming back to America and doing it right. slash Glenn. slash Glenn. Use my name, get 20% off your first order at slash Glenn. The previous content identified as a rant. You're welcome, or we're sorry. The Glenn Beck Program will be right back.

Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. So David Axelrod came out this weekend and said those voters I'm quoting in the Asheville area are, you know, the kind of voters that will figure out how a way to vote. You know, they're upscale kind of liberal votes and they're probably going to figure out a way to vote.

I'm not sure, I'm still quoting, I'm not sure that these folks who have had their homes and lives destroyed elsewhere in western North Carolina, in the mountains, that it's going to be easy to wrangle for the Trump campaign. I know because we're so stupid. All of us are so stupid we don't vote. Vote, vote, vote for what? What's that mean? I'm going to get into my...

well, my car, but I don't know how to start it. I learned how to start it when I bought it, but I no longer know how to do it because I'm not clever enough to figure it out. Oh my gosh, how insulting is that? And is it possible that that's what they really believe? And

And that's why they're not helping people in the rural areas. I'm just saying. And by the way, who is on the front line helping those liberals in Asheville? Who is? I didn't ask them if they were liberal or conservative. So Axelrod is now admitting that, yeah, so the right is in Asheville and they're helping the really super smart liberals. Oh, okay.

Well, I'm trying to figure out how I hate them then. Can you figure that out? My head hurts trying to think like a liberal. It just, ow. Well, how about the fact that apparently, you know, liberals are super on top of things and clever, but can't seem to find their way to get the ID to vote during these elections. Yeah.

Which is... So true. They're so clever. But I don't know how to get no ID. How do I... You know, it stopped me. I don't buy beer. I can't get my driver's license because I have no ID. I make my own moonshine. I can't even get onto an airplane.

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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program. Hello, America, and welcome to the Glenn Beck Program live from Kansas City.

Oh, wow. There's a picture of me with the Super Bowl rings I was wearing yesterday. Oh, God. Yeah. Oh, and that's me coming out of the tunnel going right onto the field. You're the worst. For tonight's game. That doesn't irritate you at all, does it, Stu? No, yeah, it does. Oh, there I am sitting right there. Yeah. I hate when good things happen to you. Oh, you know what? Look at it. Speaking of that.

I got this from Aaron Norris. He's an artist. This is actually a painting of Mahomes. And he had Mahomes sign it for me. You know, so... You're the worst person that's ever existed. I'm really only here because I am a Chiefs fan, but...

I'm mainly here to annoy Stu. So let me tell you about our sponsor this half hour. Mark Levin is coming up in just a second. Everybody knows that I'm a huge sports fan, right? I mean, right?

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Mr. Mark Levin. How are you, sir? I'm good. I didn't know you played for the Chiefs. Very cool. You ever bring it? Yeah, yeah. Well, three of them. Three of them I had yesterday. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, first of all, how are you feeling? How's your leg?

It's dragging behind me, but we're getting there finally. I don't recommend tearing your tendon on your quad and your knee. I don't recommend it. Yeah. The damn thing tore right in half. Did it really?

Yeah, anyway, nothing new. Well, you're going to be probably on the sidelines. Yeah. Let's talk about Israel. 365 days ago. In fact, do we still have the counter up? Yeah, there it is. We put a counter up counting the number of days there have been hostages. We're at 365 today, 366 if you're counting by Israel time.

And still nothing, absolutely nothing. And today is the anniversary. What are your thoughts?

you know my thoughts are um leading up to october 7th our government not only appeased iran but subsidized iran sent a iran special pleader this guy mali who you're familiar with to negotiate with the iranians they saw this they saw the most pathetic weak american administration ever

and we were giving them money for our hostages, $6 billion. We were not enforcing the restrictions that Trump had placed on, so money was pouring into that country. They built up their military. They built up their economy, which was teetering. And I think they figured, you know what? What the hell is Biden going to do?

if we unleash Hamas. And they really unleashed Hamas and Hezbollah. Hamas attacked on the 7th, Hezbollah started filing this on the 8th. And they were right in many respects. This administration has a ton of blood on its hands, it still does.

And the reason why the hostages aren't out in many respects, I think, is first of all, Hamas is a bloodlust terrorist operation. They don't care about these hostages. That's number one. Number two,

They've had any comfort from this administration from day one where Blinken put out a tweet and then pulled it back demanding that Israel enter into a ceasefire. They have tied the Israelis' arms behind their back. They have cut off arms. They have cut off funds. They've actually allowed more funds to flow into Iran by far than into Israel. They're still cutting off arms. They publicly...

privately trash Netanyahu. They leak against the Israelis. They tried a coup against Netanyahu when they were bringing Gantz and these other reprobates that he had in his national security cabinet into the United States to try and figure out how to topple him.

This is a very evil, diabolical administration, and they want to do to Israel what they did to Afghanistan. Let's just get out. Let's call it a victory. And Israel can't call it a victory because it won't survive and its people will be wiped out. And even now, they're trying to bribe Israel or blackmail Israel into not hitting Iran's nuclear sites, which need to be eliminated. Yeah, why would you do that? Why would you do that?

I'll tell you why. There was a piece written in the tablet,, about a year ago, by Michael Duran and another gentleman, and they said the Obama—remember, Blinken was his deputy secretary of state—Obama, Biden, Blinken, and yes, Harris. Their ideology is that Israel cannot be the most powerful military in the Middle East, that we can work with Iran—

so that iran can balance off israel they are sympathetic to randley they're not anyway because they with the shah of iran that we installed him and that it's american imperialism colonialism and

Khomeini, the first one, he was a reaction to American colonialism and imperialism, and we just need to work with these people. And, you know, it is so perverse. It is so outrageous. And so they want to weaken Israel.

strengthen Iran, and I'm sitting here thinking, three-fourths of the people of Iran want to overthrow that government. It's Iran that overthrew the Lebanese government. It's Iran that helped Syria slaughter half a million of its people to stay in power. It's Iran that is taking over Iraq after all the blood that we shed there. It's Iran that's destroying Yemen. Are these people out of their minds and they're trying to assassinate Donald Trump? And do you know yesterday, Glenn Beck, yesterday,

We gave the okay for South Korea to release the funds to another country, $6 billion to Iran. So Iran sees this. They hear Biden say, Israel, don't, you know, don't do the death blow against, uh,

Iran. And so they feel they can do things that they'd never get away with under a Trump or for that matter, under a Reagan or for that matter, under a Clinton even. It's just unbelievable. You know, the idea that we caused all this in 79, okay, let's just give you that. In the same way,

that I'll give you or you should give me that the United States under Woodrow Wilson created the conditions in Germany that brought us to World War II. It was the Paris Peace Treaty that was just a nightmare. Okay.

We didn't then cozy up to the Nazis and say, well, you know what? We kind of caused this. So let's just let's just prop him up. That would have been insanity. And it is exactly the same insanity.

You know, it's very interesting. Neville Chamberlain, peace in our time of appeasement. Neville Chamberlain never subsidized the Nazis. We are subsidizing the modern day Nazis. A hundred billion dollars had floated into that country because we won't enforce the sanctions because we give them money for hostages. We're trying to buy our way, subsidize our way in. Joe Biden is an absolute buffoon, but Harris is.

is an idiot. Harris is under Obama's wing and Harris despises the state of Israel and is constantly trashing their elected leader Netanyahu. Yeah, listen to this. This is from CBS Face the Nation, cut 18. Here's Kamala yesterday. Do we have a real close ally in Prime Minister Netanyahu?

I think, with all due respect, the better question is do we have an important alliance between the American people and the Israeli people? And the answer to that question is yes. Well, wait a minute. Hang on just a second because I think we had an important alliance in the Cold War between the American people and the Russian people. What she's saying is the government of Israel we don't have an alliance with.

Didn't she? Think about this. This is a representative government. That is a coalition government. Netanyahu today is the most popular figure in the state of Israel because what he's done to Hezbollah and what he's about to do to Iran.

You can't say to a democracy, "We have a relationship with the people, but not the people that they choose as their leaders." As I said, they tried to take him out several times through a coup, through his cabinet. That is a disgusting statement. She doesn't talk about Xi that way. She doesn't talk about Putin that way. She doesn't talk about UN that way. She doesn't talk about the Islamo-Nazi who runs Tehran that way. She talks about Netanyahu that way. Why?

Because the fact is, and I'll say it, she's evil and she's an anti-Semite. Her father was a Marxist. Her pastor's a Marxist. Anti-Israel. You know, I've said it many times, Glenn. If you hate America, you hate Israel. If you hate Israel, you hate America. Why? Because we share this Judeo-Christian belief system. Because the Holy Land is the Holy Land for the Jews and the Christians. And what Israel's trying to do is defend itself, right?

It was attacked by Hamas, it attacks Hamas. It was attacked by Hezbollah, it attacks Hezbollah. It was attacked by Iran, it attacks Iran. And people say,

They're really under attack on seven sides. They're under attack on eight sides. We're withholding weapons from them. They're running out of bombs to take on Iran. The reason they're withholding 2,000-pound bombs, they don't use those in Gaza because we don't want them to take out those nuclear sites, and they need 2,000-pound bombs to do that. Just think about this.

Biden told the Iranians today that he's advising the Israelis not to hit the nuclear sites and not to hit the oil sites. Well, those are the sites they need to hit. Yeah. In order to... And by the way, the people there, they're just waiting to rise up again. I know they are. Obama did nothing when they rose up the first time. Biden did nothing when they rose up the second time. And now they're strengthening this genocidal regime that...

that brutalized its own people, and we're giving $157 million to Lebanon. Lebanon is controlled by Hezbollah. The Lebanese people hate Hezbollah. The Syrian people hate Hezbollah because they went in there to help Assad retain his power there. So think about this. Iran's taking over Iraq. Iran has destroyed Yemen. Iran...

And Russia controls Syria. Iran controls Lebanon. And all our pressure is on the state of Israel. 30% of our Navy is sitting around the Mediterranean there. Rather than tell Israel, we have your back, do what you need to do. I don't know why they're sitting there, to be perfectly honest, at this point.

All right, Mark, hang on for just one minute. I want to come back and talk to you about what this means in the future. And also, you know, Trump and the election. We'll do that in 60 seconds. By the way, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security issued a warning today that, quote, highlights the potential threats in the United States from a variety of actors in response to the one year anniversary of the Hamas attacks, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

wait, foreign terrorists from a variety of actors here in the United States? Gee, I wonder how they might have gotten into the United States.

Let me tell you about our sponsor, and then we'll get right back to Mark Levin. Our sponsor this half hour is CarShield. It would be great if you could take one item off your plate, wouldn't it? Just get rid of one of the many worries that you have all day, every day, if you're like me. Car repairs is one of them. CarShield is America's most trusted vehicle protection companies, and for almost two decades, they've been helping people just like you protect vehicles.

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So, Mark, I happen to believe that anything could happen between here and the election and anything could happen after the election. I think we are a country that seems to be itching for World War Three. Do you agree with me or not?

I don't know if we're itching for World War III, but I know other countries are, and we're not prepared for it. They've been slashing the United States military. They've been prioritizing wokeism over preparedness. I've talked to a number of people inside, real people, real generals, and they said, look, we

We don't have what we need for a two-front war. If China invades Taiwan, there's very little we can do about it. Our own inventory of weapons has been depleted significantly. Our troop levels, other than the Marines, are way underneath what they're supposed to be. So if we're itching for World War III, we sure as hell are not prepared for it. I think what we have here is a leadership that is diabolical,

if not evil. We have a leadership that is ideological. We have a leadership that is incompetent and lazy. And if you look not just at our defense posture, but all around us, we have a government now that is destroying the institutions that have been built up over hundreds of years. Our military, our domestic police forces, our economic system, our border, our

We have revolution by immigration. We have all kinds of things that are taking place, and I would argue to empower the Democrat Party, where the Democrat Party becomes an autocratic, monopolistic party. Every aspect of our Constitution is under attack, separation of powers.

the independence of the Supreme Court, the Electoral College, the filibuster, which isn't in the Constitution but protects us from factions like this current one. They don't believe in our country. They don't believe in our Constitution.

They don't believe in our people, which is why they're trying to, as the New York Times said, quote-unquote, reshape the electorate. They don't believe in the electoral system. They don't mind us going through an electoral system as long as they win. And so they don't believe in our military either. So what they're doing is they're creating provocations, I would argue, where Xi looks at this and Putin looks at this and UN looks at it and all the other genocidal monsters look at it and say, you know what?

We pretty much can do whatever the hell we want to do, even in Ukraine. You and I may have a little difference of opinion on this. What we're doing in Ukraine is horrendous. It's horrendous. I'll tell you why. We don't really want Ukraine to win. And so people are dying by the tens of thousands. They're getting just enough arms to put up a defense, but not enough arms to actually protect their country. But isn't that the way we fight wars now?

It is. And that's the way they want Israel to fight their war. And Netanyahu is saying, no damn way. We've got to take these guys out. And so you're 100 percent right. These forever wars are intentional.

intentional and this this thing with Ukraine and Russia if Trump doesn't get elected you're either going to be a forever war or Russia will wind up winning anyway yeah because now they've created an axis between Russia and China which for half a century we've prevented I know at North Korea and Iran this is very serious you're right I don't

I don't know if they're itching for World War III, but there's certainly the conditions exist. Yeah. And it is a five alarm right now. Yeah. So tell me a couple of things because I only have a couple of minutes left with you. The thought of the hurricane relief, what's happening on that? What do you know is happening on the ground? And how is this going to affect the election? What are your thoughts on the election?

First of all, thank you for what you and your group is doing. You're really a great patriot, Glenn. You really are. That's kind of you to say. Thank you, Mark. I'm very concerned because you're talking about nearly half a million people who've been affected in a horrendous way by this hurricane. It just turns out, particularly in North Carolina, you know, it's like 80, 90 percent Republican voters.

So this is a big problem. In terms of FEMA, I read a report that, you know, Trump and Pence, before hurricanes, they used to have these pre-hurricane meetings, which is what every administration has done. Kamala Harris didn't attend a single one. And now we have this massive hurricane, another one. It's going to cut right through the heart of Florida, which is also pretty much a Republican state. I see no urgency. Do you see an urgency here? No, no.

If I were if this were nothing, I mean, look at what happened with George Bush and Katrina, how they just slaughtered him on that. Here's a second hurricane. We now know that the Helene is is as much damage as as Katrina is.

Nobody is even reporting it really in the mainstream media about what's really going on in the ground and how things need to change. And now you've got a second one coming in on shore on Wednesday. And they're not, they don't seem to be prepared. No, and Harris announces 157 million to Lebanon. Yeah, I know. What?

I know. And people aren't noticing yesterday, we gave the okay for South Korea to release the $6 billion, which is going to flow to Iran. I'm going, what the hell is going on here? It's just stunning. It's amazing. Thank you so much, Mark, for everything that you do every day. I appreciate it. It's an honor to work on the same network with you. God bless you. God bless you, brother. All right. Bye-bye. Glenn Beck.

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Welcome to the Glenn Beck program from Kansas City today. We're sitting here on day 365. Stu, do you remember Nightline was started because of the Iranian hostages in 1979, and they used to do a countdown. And I'm trying to remember, was it 344? How many days was that?

Can you look that up? Sure. Yeah, he'll look it up. I don't know off the top of my head, though. Yeah. We're at 365 or 366 if you're counting with Israeli time. But, I mean, this is not new for the Jewish people. They've been under attack. My theory is...

As soon as, if you believe in evil as an entity, as soon as Satan heard, you know, you're my people, I'm going to protect you, you'll number more than the stars in heaven, Satan had to be looking at this little tribe going, you got to be kidding me. If he breaks his promise, he ceases to be God. All I have to do is kill this little tribe?

And I think he's been trying over and over and over again. So it's not anything that, you know, is new to the Jewish people. But hopefully what is new to the Jewish people is that we stand with them. The United States seems to be faltering, but I hope they hear our voices here in the United States. We're not going to abandon the Jewish people like everyone has always abandoned the Jewish people. At least I'm not. I made my choice long ago. Yeah.

Just so you know, 444 days, of course, notably were the days that the Iran hostage crisis lasted, but notably ending on January 20th, 1981. What happened on January 20th? Yeah, inauguration day of Ronald Reagan. Just in case you're wondering, January 20th, 2025 would be 471 days ago.

if Donald Trump is elected and put in office. And I would imagine that maybe the same thing could happen because the world will change if Donald Trump is, you know, don't mess with that guy. Just don't mess with him. Or better yet, don't mess with America when he's in charge. Let me go to Rabbi Shore. Rabbi Shore, he's a filmmaker, director.

the author of Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Jew. And he's really studied the roots of anti-Semitism. And he's with us now. Rabbi, how are you, sir? Very good, Glenn. Great to be on your show. Thank you. Thank you. So, you know, I just was talking about

I think that this is, you know, something that keeps appearing because evil, every time the world goes really, really dark and evil, the Jews are the first to go. Every time. It's the canary in the coal mine. What do you think that is from? Well, the first thing I want to tell you is I agree with you. The second thing I want to tell you

You'll remember that I've been saying this for a long time because I'm the producer of the film Obsession, Radical Islam's War Against the West. Oh, man. So I've been on your show a couple of times, right? Yes, yes.

You you obsession is what we obsession is special. We did at CNN headline news that Bill O'Reilly told me he watched and everybody at Fox watched because it beat the ratings at Fox and that never happened. And that was an eye opening documentary. Wow. Thank you for reminding me of that.

Yes, yes. So that's the amazing thing of what you're saying, Glenn. I think I've done it again. This film and this book, Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Jew?,

goes exactly into what you just said, the nature of anti-Semitism. And you mentioned, just as I was listening in, that when evil comes into the world, it finds the Jew. And that's actually my thesis, because the Jewish people, and I'm one of them, I live in Jerusalem, originally from Canada, but we've been beaten up. Our psyche has been so beaten up from 2,000 years of

of constant persecution. So it's hard for us to appreciate how wonderful we actually are and the contributions that we've made. But it actually says in the Torah that at Mount Sinai, Sinai, the play on word that Mount Sinai hatred came into the world. So it's actually a Torah source for exactly what you just said, that when the Jewish people were assigned this role to be messengers to the world,

that we became a lightning rod for evil. And that has been our story. But what I point out in my book is that that should be a source of tremendous pride and empowerment for the Jewish people. Antisemitism should be the source of pride, yes. I'll tell you, Rabbi, I was just talking to a group of Christians last night in Kansas City, and I was out with a group, and we were talking about

The times that we live in, and I think the return of the Messiah is coming myself. I don't know. Everybody said that forever. But, you know, with everything that is going wrong in the world today and evil, I do know we have a clear choice of choose life or choose death.

And what an honor it is to be alive at this time, to be able to serve and to be able to stand up for what's right. It's not going to make us comfortable. It's not going to be it's not going to be fun. But we should view this as an honor to be able to stand up and be awake at this time.

Yes, and I'm in complete agreement. And that's why my message is also in the book is what an honor it is to be a member of the Jewish people, to be that people that are bringing this positive message and the light into the world. And for that reason, evil tries to snuff us out every time. And what an honor it is for everybody who wants to be on the right side of history to

to stand with us. And I can just thank you, Glenn, not only for the support you've given me in my films, but for your support of the Jewish people in Israel. I'm deeply, deeply appreciative. And your voice is heard. We don't have a lot of friends around the world, sadly. So your friendship is deeply appreciated. Oh, it's it's sincere and it will not go away, Rabbi. So tell me about the film. Where can I see it?

Well, the film is called Tragic Awakening. We're just starting to do screenings. We're working on a couple of broadcast deals. We'd love to show it on your broadcast platform. And I'll send it to you, though, so you can watch it. It's a 50-minute film, and it does exactly what we've been talking about. It explores the nature of anti-Semitism, and it kind of exposes anti-Semitism.

the weaknesses in the usual fairly superficial explanations for anti-Semitism. It's because we have too much money. It's because we're poor. It's because we're capitalists. We're communists. We go deeper into the moral and spiritual reason. But what's really fascinating is that Adolf Hitler himself articulated that

that he understood that the Jewish people were bringing light into the world and morality into the world. He was very clear. And in the film and in the book, we outline his ideology in his words. And it's been quite unknown. What did he say? Do you remember? Oh, sure. There's an entire chapter in the book. But he basically said World War II,

is a is a war between germans and jews everything else is facade and illusions so he's on the surface he said we're fighting england we're fighting russia but really deep down it's a fight between the ideology of the jews which is the idea of humanitarianism love peace equality human rights

versus the ideas of barbarism, the jungle, might makes right, social Darwinism. And it was those two ideologies. And Hitler saw that the Jewish ideology, through Christianity and through Bolshevism, communism, had basically taken over the hearts and minds of the world

And he wanted to reverse it, reverse engineer it to bring it back to the jungle, to the paganistic jungle where might makes right and conquers it. And he knew that if he was going to accomplish the job of bringing the world back, he needed to wipe out every single Jew from the planet because every Jew represented that light. He was also going to destroy Christianity.

He said these things over and over again, and I outlined them in the book and the film. Yeah. Amazing, huh? It is. We're talking to Rabbi Shore about the roots of anti-Semitism, and I have to tell you, for those who think that they need to vote, as they should, according to what God is looking at, may I just suggest to you...

that you may not like Donald Trump and how he deals with people or whatever, but forget about the two figures, Kamala and Donald. Forget about them.

Ask yourself which side is on the side of the Ten Commandments and Western civilization. If you're trying to take Western civilization down, then you are not on the side of the Ten Commandments because Western civilization is all built around

around the Torah and the New Testament. You cannot separate the Old Testament from the New Testament. This is the stock, and as we erode all of these pillars that come from our Judeo-Christian belief, you're destroying the Western civilization.

That is why the world has made progress. That's why we don't live in the jungle anymore. It's why we don't have eye for an eye. It's why we seek justice, real justice, not throwing homosexuals off of a rooftop like they do in Islam. You need to look at which side is saying we uphold this

And which side is saying, we're taking it down? Rabbi, thank you so much. I really appreciate it. And if you're ever in town, please look me up. We've got to get together. And send me the film, because I would like to see it. I can't speak for the Blaze, but I'd like to have the Blaze cover it. Yeah, but I'll share it with you. And you mentioned where you can see it. You can go to, the Blaze.

The book is at, and of course you can also see it at Raphael Shore with a You can find out about how to see the film, and I appreciate being on the show. And I can tell you, Glenn, that you are going to love the film and the book because it is just a lot of research that supports science.

the kind of material that you just mentioned. Yeah, in the film we talk about the Ten Commandments just like you did. So thank you for your support and your clarity, and I appreciate being on your show. Thank you very much. Rabbi Shore, we'll talk again. is the location for that film. Back in just a second. ♪

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Subscribe to the Glenn Beck Podcast anywhere podcasts are found. This is the Glenn Beck Program. If you're a homeowner and you're looking to protect your home, you probably have a bunch of stuff in mind, you know, locking the doors and getting an alarm and, you know, making sure your insurance is all buttoned up. But you might not be thinking about your home's title. A home and its title are really important because if you don't have your home's title in your name, in a way, you don't even own it. You might still live there.

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So over the weekend, I don't know, Stu, if you saw the rally with Elon Musk and Donald Trump. That was amazing, I thought. Incredible. That was absolutely amazing. I mean, standard procedure says that rallies don't affect elections, but if it's possible for a rally to affect an election in Pennsylvania, I would say that had to be it. Yeah. Incredible. Here, play Cut 11 for me, will you? I think this election...

I think it's the most important election of our lifetime. This is no ordinary election. The other side wants to take away your freedom of speech. They want to take away your right to bear arms. They want to take away your right to vote effectively. You've got 14 states now that don't require voter ID. California, where I used to live, just passed a law banning voter ID for voting.

I still can't believe that's real. So look at look at the people we have that have come from the other side that don't necessarily agree with Donald Trump on everything. And they were Democrats. Elon Musk. Why is he doing this? Not for any personal gain. He's getting hammered by everybody. He's doing it because he really, truly believes we're about to lose the freedom of speech.

R.F.K., he believes that we are killing the pharmaceutical companies are so in bed with the government that it's just killing all of us. Tulsi Gabbard, she's she's speaking out and standing with Donald Trump because she's like the endless wars have to stop. These are all three things that Democrats used to be for. And.

Donald Trump isn't bringing him in just to say, yeah, I got some Democrats. He's actually talking about making them part of his cabinet. How much more reach over the aisle do you need, America? It's crazy.

It is, and it's an interesting strategy you're seeing on both sides. I guess the answer to this from Kamala is Liz Cheney and Jeff Flake. Oh, wow, those are good. I guess that's what they're doing. She's also reaching out now to audiences like the Call Her Daddy podcast audience, which we have some clips of that maybe we can play later. What is the Call You Daddy? It is...

I don't know where it started. I want to see... It was part of Barstool for a while, but it was... It's basically like a, you know, sex talk podcast. Oh. Yeah. Okay, good. Well, that's great. I don't even know where to go with that. I don't even... I mean...

Ha. Yeah. That's a good place to go. Religious people. No, that's where you're going to get your information. That's where she's going to do an interview. Good heavens. The Glenn Beck Program. Let me tell you about American Giant.

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All right, just a few seconds away from the last hour of the national radio program. Hang on.

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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment.

This is the Glenn Beck Program. Hello America, welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. You know, people will ask me all the time, "Glenn, who do you trust?" I mean, who do you trust to tell you the truth?

I used to say, nobody. Trust yourself, trust God. You do your own homework. I still say that. But if I had to pick somebody in the media I trusted, let me just say this. I would trust Dennis Prager to, if I was, you know...

If I was in trouble and, you know, my wife and I were going to die on an airplane crash, I would trust Dennis Prager with my children. Now, I wouldn't leave him my children because I like Dennis Prager, but...

That's how much I trust him. He's next. We're going to talk a little bit about Western civilization and where we are today. First, let me tell you about Tunnel to Towers Foundation. This is another great trust thing I have. Tunnel to Towers is this unbelievable, unbelievable charity. Really, it's more of a movement that started after 9-11.

After 9/11, these guys got together and said, "Somebody has to take care of our heroes, the firemen, the police that die in the line of duty, but also all of the veterans that come back from war and they're wounded or they come back from war, or sorry, they come back from war, unfortunately, in a coffin. Who's going to take care of their kids and their families?"

Well, that's Tunnel to Towers. They've taken this on and you've seen. The government's not much of a help nowadays. We're putting immigrants up. I can't even say immigrants. Illegals up in hotel rooms, giving them food, phones, apartments, whatever they need. And yet we have homeless veterans.

Tunnel to Towers Foundation has a homeless veterans program. Donate $11 a month to Tunnel to Towers at T2T. 95 cents on every dollar goes directly to the veterans. It is a great organization. Tunnel to Towers, T, the number 2T, .org. The one, the only, the legend, Dennis Prager. Hi, Dennis.

I have to say, I've been introduced for 40 years. That was the best. And I want you to know further, my wife would like your children now. Really? Good, because they're in their college years. You can have them. That's really sweet. Dennis?

Today is kind of a hard day, especially if you're Jewish. October 7th, a year ago, 365 days later, we still have hostages. God, I pray to God that they're, in some ways, that they're not alive. I can't imagine what they've gone through in the last year. But here we are. So...

What does it mean? What does it mean? I want to react to one part of what you said, the words, especially if you're Jewish. So this has been, I've never really verbalized this. It's been a thought in my mind all of my life. Because I have met non-Jews, and most of my time is spent with non-Jews. I have met non-Jews.

for whom the Holocaust is as powerful an evil as it is to a Jew, and probably more so than to many Jews. I'm not sure you're absolutely right, especially to Jews, but I don't think it's only Jews. There are people who understand Jews,

the grandiosity of the evil that we have, and I never used this term, I never thought I would use this term. We have Nazis today, not what the left calls Nazi to anyone they differ with, real Nazis, people who wish to exterminate the Jewish state and its Jews, and for that matter, all Jews, and that's been said by their leaders. Remember, the raison d'etre, this is an amazing thing, people...

People don't get it. And I understand because it's so beyond reason and beyond good and evil. It's beyond good. It's evil. The raison d'etre of the Iranian regime and Hezbollah and Hamas is to destroy Israel.

They have no desire to create anything, and they don't create anything. Hezbollah has made nothing. It's destroyed Lebanon. Hamas has made nothing except tunnels. Or they exist to kill Jews. And it sounds crazy, and maybe it is, but it's true.

I don't think it is crazy at all, especially if you know the history of Hamas and how that was started. And, you know, the – what was it? The guy who was the – I can't think of the name now. The head guy. Yeah, the – no, the –

Shoot, the imam of Jerusalem back during Hitler. Oh, oh, oh. Khaj Amin al-Husseini. Yeah. Who, I mean, that German...

hatred of the Jews. I mean, I think it was just just souped up right at the end of the war and planted deeply inside of Iran. I mean, it doesn't it makes sense to me that, of course, the next Holocaust would be coming from Iran because that's where it kind of went right after the war.

Well, Husseini was in Jerusalem. Right, right. And remember, the Shah was pro-Israel. I am old enough to remember an unbelievable thing now. I flew El Al Airlines from Tehran to Los Angeles. Yeah.

I mean, that's how close El Al flew into Tehran. I didn't mean that the Shah was. I mean that that evil was planted inside of the Islamic movement that now we are seeing from the revolutionaries. I mean, when they say they want to burn Israel in the Islamic fury...

They mean that. They mean that. Yeah. You know what? I have a rule in life that will help people understand what is happening. Those who do not fight evil...

Fight those who do fight evil. It's a very important rule in life. I learned it in high school when I saw all these people in the West, including the United States, who didn't hate communism. They hated anti-communists. So if you don't fight evil, it's an amazing thing. You do fight those who fight evil. And today's evil is...

is overwhelmingly coming from the radical Islamist world, which Israel is in the midst of, and the people who don't fight that fight Israel, which does fight that. So, you know, I've been saying for a long time, Dennis, that there are no sidelines. There's nobody in the stands on this one. You're on the field whether you know it or not.

if you're not fighting evil, you fight those who are fighting evil, doesn't that in the end put you on the exact same side? That's correct. I mean, the choices... The judgment of history on those who don't fight evil... Look, my favorite verse in the Bible...

is those of you who love God must hate evil. It's a command. The Hebrew has a command form in the verb. If you don't hate evil, you don't love God. And it's the only thing that we are actually commanded to hate, isn't it? That's right. Well said. That's correct.

Yep, ohave Adonai sin ura, for those who need it from the Hebrew. There you have it. The translation is not at all ambiguous. How does a God of love teach to hate? That's what Christians would say. No, God is a God of love. Well, no, he's also a stern corrector. You know, I know I hate...

If you don't hate evil, what does your love mean? I often think that people have a view of love like an air conditioner. It blows cold air no matter what happens. But that's not the way it works. There is an opposite of love, and it exists. There's an opposite of good, and it exists. God is good and merciful, so what does he think of the cruel and the sadistic?

You can be the most loving. You know that the Israelis liberated a Yazidi girl from Hamas? Yes. Who's been raped for the last 10 years or so. Two children from her rapist. It's beyond understanding to me that, you know, those who know those things, especially at the highest levels of our administration, that they can't.

see that or they choose not to? What is it? What's happening to our administration and our government, Dennis?

There is a, in the Democratic Party, there are two nefarious forces at work, and they are deeply influential, and they will be even more so if Kamala Harris and Tim Walz win. And that is the radical Islamists who came over in this big wave from the Middle East and the left.

And so you end up with queers for Palestine. As morally absurd an idea as one can imagine, but the left so hates Israel, and

and the United States, but it's just like, as Khomeini says, America is the big Satan, and Israel is the little Satan. But those two are very, very dark influences in a party that had always been a liberal pro-Israel. It is now left-wing and anti-Israel. It's a little like Jews for Hitler.

And I don't think that ever happened. But that's what that is. No, that's exactly what it is. That's right. Yes. Dennis, go ahead. No, go ahead.

No, no, I was just going to note, this week I'll be speaking at MIT in Brown, and I'm going to be so curious who shows up, what they will say. I hope it's videoed, because what's happening in our quote-unquote elite campuses, I have warned literally all of my adult life, I have warned people that

that the preoccupation with getting your kid into a quote-unquote good college is the idol worship of our day. It is. It is. Dennis, the Western civilization, I was at a church, I'm in Kansas City, and I went to this Methodist church. I like to go to other people's services. I don't think I've ever been to a Methodist.

And I don't think, you know, I'm not saying that this is typical of all Methodist churches, but the pastor talked politics, and he was trying to be fair, but I don't think he hit that mark. But he was talking about how Western civilization in the United States of America is not going to collapse. It's not in danger. We've been here before. Can you give your thoughts on that idea? Yeah.

Well, we've not been here before. That's not so. And I'll give one example, but of course I could give many. And that is the single most important freedom is the First Amendment. That's why it's the First Amendment. But I have no doubt at all. I'm not one to make predictions, but this is not a matter of prediction. This is a matter of certitude.

There will be a clamping down on free speech. There already is. But there will be a governmental clampdown on free speech, the likes of which we have never seen in the United States. There was one freedom that whatever side you were on, you took for granted. Hey, it's a free country. It's like a line people would use. I can say whatever I want. It's a free country. No, you can't.

And Kamala Harris has announced it, and Tim Walz has announced it. They haven't hit it. Hillary Clinton? They all have. That's right. And Hillary Clinton. We have not been here. We have not been taking healthy girls' breasts off because they say they're boys. That pastor's living in a cocoon. What do you think that, selfishly, let me ask this question, what do you think that means for us, Dennis?

Us meaning us who believe in the Western... Oh, you mean the freedom of speech issue. Yeah. Well, I don't know what it will mean. I know that it even transcends those of us who are broadcasting, but they hate us. There's no question. And what they do is...

My field of study was communism. I learned Russian to read the Soviet papers. What they did since Lenin is declare all dissent misinformation. This is a 100-year policy of the left. Not of liberals. I always make a distinction. Liberals tragically vote left, but liberalism and leftism have nothing in common.

The liberals think they do, but liberalism doesn't. And in any event, that's what you do. You declare what you differ with misinformation. And you end up with the New Zealand prime minister during COVID. I play it on my radio show regularly. If you don't hear it from the government, it is not true. She is now, by the way, she is now teaching at Harvard.

Unbelievable. Dennis, can you hang on for just one minute, literally a minute? Even 90 seconds. Thank you. All right. It's actually 70. You caught me. More in just a second with the one and the only Dennis Prager. Let me talk to you a little bit about MantisX.

This is something where you can improve if you're a shooter. You can prove your aim without having to go all the way to the shooting range, let alone having to drop a ton of money on ammunition. It sounds too good to be true. I have good news. It is true. I want you to imagine what it would be like to have a gun instructor in your pocket at all times. It's exactly what it feels like. I've done it. Mantis X is fantastic.

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Be responsible as a gun owner. Go to and increase your competence and confidence with MantisX. Get yours now. Ten seconds. Station ID. So, Dennis, I saw an article today coming out of the Salt Lake Tribune for people of my faith.

there's four people that say you've got to vote. They're, you know, of my faith. They say it's the moral imperative that you don't vote for Donald Trump, that you vote for Kamala Harris. And I'm trying to get my arms around that. I can't think of, I can't imagine how somebody of faith looks at the Kamala Harris choice as the moral and decent one.

Can you help me out on that? It's, it's so ironic. I, I, this is the 17th year in a row that I'm conducting Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. Uh, and I, hundreds of people come each year. It's also streamed. And, uh, I give, uh,

On Yom Kippur, I give two big sermons, at night and during the day, and I speak the whole time, but I give two. Like, the most important things I could think of offering people on the High Holy Days. One of my topics on Yom Kippur will be, why doesn't religion always produce decent people? Hmm.

It is the most painful, probably the single most painful thing in my life, because I know that without God and the Bible, it is the end of goodness on earth. The Judeo-Christian world has produced a lot of problems, but it has produced freedom. It has produced democracy. It has produced the end of slavery. It has produced...

the equality of men and women. I mean, you can go on and on. So how is it possible? How can you be a fool if you study the Bible? I mean, God chose King David. King David killed a man to sleep with his wife, or had a man killed, to be more precise. And God chose a prostitute.

to enable the Israelites to get into Canaan. Isn't there some lesson here that the personal sinner may in fact be doing God's work in some way? Isn't that obvious? How could you read the Bible and not know that? These people are moral idiots. They actually give religion a bad name. Hmm.

Dennis, as always, I love you. Thank you so much for everything that you do. I am a big fan of your honor, integrity, and intelligence. Thank you so much, Dennis. God bless you. Thank you. Yeah, you bet. All right.

Final half hour of the broadcast. If you missed any of it today, get the podcast available wherever you get your podcast, wherever it's available. It'll be downloadable just shortly after the broadcast today. The podcast. Glenn Beck.

My gosh, that's me. Let me tell you about my patriot supply. You're seeing things that are happening in our country with the hurricane. We're going to talk a little bit more about that and the election. But you're seeing things happen now that I've never seen before in my life. I've never seen the government. I mean, let's just let's take them at their word that they're not obstructing. OK, they're not responding either.

This is the United States government. How many Blackhawks now have they moved and are sitting on the tarmac all day yesterday? It is incredible. I've never seen that. The government is not coming to save you. If there's a problem, I mean, unless you live, quite frankly, in Florida or maybe Texas, good luck. Good luck. What is the government doing?

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From KMBZ in Kansas City, this is the Glenn Beck Program. I don't know how to even bring this story to you in a way that shows you how unbelievably stupid the person has to be or unplugged the person has to be. Kamala was speaking and her teleprompter went out.

Now, I've had teleprompters go out on me before. I've had teleprompters walk up and the teleprompter just didn't even start. Well, you go. You just go anywhere. Anyway, now, what you do if a teleprompter just stops...

If you are hoping there's not a glitch, it's just the person running the teleprompter, I don't know, fell asleep. What you would do is you would say the last line on the teleprompter or the last word over and over and over again. Like, I'm there. I'm at that. I don't have another word. But see, somebody who's...

knows what they're talking about would never do that because teleprompter is stuck. And so they would just continue to talk and the teleprompter would catch up to them or whatever. I know I've used teleprompters for almost two decades. This is what happened when Kamala's teleprompter went off this weekend.

That's funny. That's a funny joke about the days until the election. She's waiting. Do what? Yeah.

And... In how long? And this is going to be a very tight race until the very end. This is going to be a very tight race until the very end. We are the underdog, and we know we have some hard work ahead. But how many days do you have? 32! Oh my gosh. Remember when that guy said 32? Ha ha ha!

Oh, man. And you could see her face, the fear, the utter fear that enters her.

Oh, yeah. Her life when that proctor goes out. I mean, she is a zilch. She's got not she is a vapid zilch and heels. She's got nothing behind the first two sentences. It's really scary. Really terrifying. Yeah, it really is. And you see her, you know, try to get through these moments. She's having these moments in all of these interviews that she's doing.

She has a moment where she just, whenever she's questioned, this is happening in the 60 Minutes interview, she's lightly questioned by 60 Minutes and she has really nowhere to go. Again, just sort of scrambles. Glenn, I was thinking about this because we've done documentaries before. And when you're doing a documentary and you're one of the interviewees,

You sit there and usually the person who's doing the documentary many times is not in the documentary, right? They're asking questions from behind the camera and that footage is not included. So when you're answering questions, you're sitting in that chair.

The person behind the camera says, hey, what do you think about this? What they advise you to do is to use part of the question in your answer. Because if you do that... Let's demonstrate it. You go ahead and ask me a question. Glenn, you say you love lower taxes, but are you worried about what that might do to the poor? So...

Everybody knows I'm for lower taxes. I love lower taxes. And how it affects the poor is really important. So that's how you do it. That's how you do it, right? You do that so then they don't have to set it up again in the documentary. They don't have to have some narrator come in. They can just have you do it. Correct. This is how Kamala Harris operates during interviews. When she doesn't know what to say, she just starts repeating pieces of the questions. And she'll use the exact words

words that were asked in the questions and repeat them over and over again. And it's really interesting because she can't even come up with like, she doesn't even go to the mental thesaurus, right? She just will use the exact phrases over and over again because the woman has nothing. The tank is empty. She's got zero. She's afraid to say anything she actually believes.

Because if she does that, she'll lose.

If people understand who she actually is, she'll lose. So outside of that, she doesn't have anything. So she does this stuff all the time. Let me give you, though, the other thing she does is she goes on and she does these puff piece interviews, right? She'll go on these, you know, easy interviews with very friendly people who ask her only about things that she can talk about. And you'll notice, Glenn, the one time typically she does not have these issues in interviews is when she's talking about abortion.

Because that's the one time she can be herself mostly, right? She can say what she actually believes when she's talking about abortion. She went on the Call Her Daddy. Yeah, most of the time. That's right. She still won't admit she wants nine-month abortions. Neither will Tim Walls, who doesn't apparently know even what the laws are in the state that he signed. But she went on the Call Her Daddy podcast, which...

is a massive podcast. I believe currently on Apple Podcasts it's number one overall. So this is, now Joe Rogan, most of his listens come from Spotify. So, but typically she's in the top 10 typically. And that's why she's on the show and a very friendly show. It's basically a sex talk podcast, or at least that's what it was. I'm not sure what it is these days, but all they did was talk about abortion. And here's why Kamala said she came on the podcast. Clip two.

I'm curious, like you don't do too many long form interviews. What made you want to do Call Her Daddy today? Well, I think you and your listeners have really got this thing right, which is one of the best ways to communicate with people is to be real, you know, and to talk about the things that people really care about. What I love about what you do is that your voice in your show is really about your listeners, right?

And I think especially now, this is a moment in the country and in life where people really want to know they're seen and heard and that they're part of a community, that they're not out there alone. Like the people in North Carolina? I'm so glad to be with you.

It's a great point. It's a great point. First of all, she's done none of these style of interviews. And if she thinks this is the best way, they really got it down because they're being real in long form interviews. She has not been real at any moment during this campaign at all. I know. I know. She has done not only no long form interviews, but almost no end of interviews of any kind since she got into the race, which is fascinating. And, and then in very revealing, uh,

And she went on with this to talk about abortions. Now, that was basically the topic from what I understood. I did not hear the entire thing, but my understanding is 90% of the material was about abortion. You might understand that coming from a female-hosted show that mostly talks about sex, right? Promiscuous sex. Abortion, probably on your mind if that's your lifestyle. So here they are talking about abortion.

In the debate, former President Trump claimed that some states are executing babies after birth. True. Can you just clarify? That is not happening anywhere in the United States. False. It is not happening and it's a lie. Just it's a bold faced lie.

Now, she is completely lying here, as usual. Now, she knows that the word executing is the one thing you might be able to quibble with. Right? Like, executing is a... We don't strap the babies to an electric chair. Right. There's no firing squad, as far as I know. Though, that's happening. I mean, you know, certainly gangs are coming across the border and murdering children in this way. So I don't know if you want to go that way. But when you're talking about infants right after they're being born, what they're talking about...

is something that Tim Walz, for example, put into law in Minnesota for years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years. The standard of care was you had to do everything you could to keep a baby alive if they are born after a botched abortion. If the baby gets born alive, you have to do everything in your power medically to keep that child alive. Tim Walz

changed the law in Minnesota to say you just had to provide care.

And what that means in this particular context is keep them comfortable. If the mother and the doctor decide, you'll hear them say that that's the way they get out of this. The mother and the doctor decide, you know what? We don't think this baby's going to make it. Don't bother with life-saving measures. They just don't try. And they'll try to make them comfortable, maybe give them some drugs to take some of the pain away and then watch them fade away in front of their eyes. This is a different standard.

You might like that standard. You might think it's the right standard. But it absolutely is a change in our society from keeping infants alive to letting them die on the table and just making them comfortable like you might your 103-year-old grandma. That is what we're doing now. Is that the right thing to do? The left thinks it is.

And I think it even gets darker than this when you can certainly go to Kermit Gosnell and find things that are even darker versions of this. So it absolutely is happening in this country, even when you talk about execution level stuff. But by the way, this is what the law is. I want you to understand that.

they know that you think it's wrong, that their own voters think it's wrong. Otherwise, they wouldn't be lying about it. They would say yes, and they'd be proud of it. But they know that the average person, including their voters, are not for anything like this. You know, there's another story that's, well, it's exactly the same story. You, as doctors...

had to abort children if they were born and they had any kind of problems or anything like that. And people really got upset about it. And so then Hitler came in and said, that can't be happening. I'm going to do an investigation. And then he found out it was happening. And so he's going to go out and stop it. And this is an outrage. And what did he do to stop it? He told the hospitals and the doctors this is

cannot get out. You need to be better at hiding it, but go forward. That's exactly what we're doing here in America. We're going to take a quick break back in a second.

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Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. I have to tell you, there is a great charity. We're going to, we're going to have to have these guys on at some point. I've talked about them before. The, the enemy This is a charity based out of Kansas city that helps veterans. First responders get past PTSD. And it, it's a five day program and it really starts of just creating a safe space for people to be vulnerable. Um,

and talk about what's going in find their strengths uh it's the enemy we'll tell you more about it um later on and in upcoming programs uh you can go to i'm sorry the battle within sorry the battle she's what a moron the battle okay stew

Pulse cast. Are we hearing good things about the poll numbers? Because I'm hearing it, but I'm not seeing the polls. Yes, some improvement for Donald Trump. I mean, we are really in a pure toss up race at this point. Forty five point four one percent chance that's up.

A couple of percentage points over the past week for Donald Trump, certainly trending in the right direction. We've seen movements now that he is the favorite in the betting markets. The betting markets, it depends on how you look at this, right? The Pulsecast looks at polling averages, election models, full election models built by data experts, and the prediction markets. The group that likes Trump the most are the prediction markets.

About 6% or 7% chance higher for prediction markets than you see from the election models and the polling averages, which is interesting. I mean, I don't know if that means people are just kind of looking at it and say, well, Trump always does better than the polls tell us, and we're factoring that in in their betting. Do you buy that?

That what that is that that this time around, it's going to be that he always polls. I don't know, really, because I don't know the stigma has gone away. Yeah, I that my just based completely on vibes. My sense is there are far fewer shy Trump voters this time around than previously. I mean, I think people are much, much more outspoken.

And not, you know, not scared of admitting it, if you will. Back in 2016, I think that was a real thing. 2020, maybe yes, but to maybe a lesser extent. 2024, it feels like the opposite to me. But that being said, I mean, we've seen this in particularly in that Rust Belt area when Trump has been on the ballot, you know, two times in a row. In fact, the poll people, you know, think about the 2016 polls as this big miss. And there was a pretty big.

big miss in that way toward the Democrats back in 2016. But 2020 was actually worse than

It's just that the polling averages had Biden far enough ahead he could withstand the miss by the polls, if you will. If any of those types of errors happen in 2024, you're going to see Donald Trump winning pretty easily. One thing to keep into perspective here, as intense as this feels, this is the best position Donald Trump has ever been in in the polls ever.

compared to his other two election runs. He's in a much better position, says the mainstream media, says the typical pollster, than he was in 2016 or 2020. Well, I don't think we are finished with our October surprises either, so let's keep our fingers crossed, keep praying, save the republic.