Publish Date: 2024/7/8
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- Because you don't want to see the level of ferocity. - You'd render me unconscious straight away. - Yeah, yeah, 100%. You better hope you're concussed.

- Guys, welcome back. - Girls, welcome back indeed. - So Fwaggs has said that we're not doing question of the week this time and we're gonna do something called an abbreviation game. - Yes, so like James said, no question this week guys, but for today, I'm gonna need you guys to get your whiteboards and markers. Obviously guys, girls listening, watching at home, you can obviously play along for those that aren't from the UK, soz, but play along as well.

- You might- - What's UK got to do with it? - You'll see. - Okay, fair. - You might learn a few things and you might know a few things. So I saw this on an Instagram page called Love of Huns and I saved it immediately. It is British abbreviations and I'm going to say the abbreviation. I want you to guess if you can guess what the full word is or words are. - Okay. - Does that make sense? - Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Simple, straightforward. Simple, straightforward. The first one. What do you think Jenny Leck stands for or means? Jenny Leck. Write it down and then you show. Jenny Leck. Sorry. So the abbreviation is what I'm saying. You're going to write what the full meaning of Jenny Leck is. Okay. Does that make sense? Yes. Okay. Jenny Leck. Jenny Leck.

- Jenny Leck. - I think it will slowly start to make sense as I start going through how these abbreviations are done. - I think I'm gonna charge this one and see how it. - All right, you're gonna charge? - 'Cause I need to like. - All right, cool. Rem, since you locked first, what is your answer? - General elections. - General elections. - Okay. - Damn. - James, what's your answer? - Can't remember. - You wrote science, let me see. - Let me see. I wrote, I was thinking of the electric.

- You know the- - The top up ting? - Top up ting. - Oh, okay. - Nevermind. - It's general election. - Yeah. - So we're here, we understand now, yeah? - I get some of it. - I get like. - It's general elections. - Fair play. - So the next one is Cozy Lives. - Oh, obviously. - Cozy Lives. - Apparently I'm not good at this. - This one's big. - You charging this one as well? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - All right, Jimmy since you looked first. - I put Cost of Living Crisis. - Yep. - Cost of Living Crisis. - Yep, Cost of Living Crisis indeed.

- This one you should get. It should be a lot easier. - Okay. - We're here now. Ellis, I believe in you. Next one, Savvy B. - Savvy B. - Spelling doesn't matter. - Thank God. - Thank God. - I saw your eyes do mental maths. Spelling doesn't matter. - That's so funny. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Savvy B. - Cool. - No, I don't have that one. - You don't have that one? - No. I have the others though.

- No, I don't. - It's cool, man. - All right, so two of you charged? - Two immature Jones over there. Sauvignon Blanc. - Sauvignon Blanc. - Sauvignon Blanc. - You don't have to show the camera. - Close. - Yeah? - Ish. - Sauvignon Blanc. - Savvy B. - Like a Pinot Grige. - Savvy B, Sauvignon Blanc. Next one, Menti B. Menti, one word, B. - He's about to have one.

- Savvy B, Menti B, sorry. - You need to get numbers on the board. - No, I know, I know, I know. - This one you should know. - You should know from what I just said, if anything. - Menti. - Menti B. - Menti B.

and the clue from Rem said James is about to have one or James is gonna have one that doesn't make sense what I'm thinking alright I'll just stick to anyway just write what you think it's fine careful of that pen G on your yeah yeah yeah alright cool cool since Rem I think you lost first go for it mental breakdown James mental breakdown what did you write? nevermind what did you write? what did you write? alright menopause

- No, I didn't get that. - James was about to have a menopause. - That's what I mean, it doesn't make any sense. But the first thing I thought of- - Say less bro. - I said mental, fuck it. - Say less. Mental breakdown. All right, this one you should get. - I'll stick to rhyme time. - You should get this one. You should get this one. Obviously the last one I just said is menti B, which is mental breakdown. The next one is nervy B.

- I'm like right in that bar. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Go on, Ellis, what is it? - Nervous breakdown. - Cool. - Come on, there we go. - Okay, cool, cool, cool. - Cool, cool, we're here, yeah? - GG's. - Next one. Obviously, I'm assuming you both would have said nervous breakdown. - Yeah, yeah. - Obviously. Next one. Pari-C. Pari-C. - Pari-C? - Pari-C. - Pari-C! - I'm gonna spell it for you. P-A-R-Y space C. - Charging, eh? - Mm. - I don't know what that is. - Don't know what it is, bro. - Ellis? - First of all, I'm just gonna say parasite.

Not bad. Paracetamol. Oh. Paracetamol. God damn. It makes you feel stupid when it gets to you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Paracetamol. Paracetamol. You know in America they don't have paracetamol? What do they have? What's the equivalent? Aspirin. We have aspirin though. That's a blood thinner, right? It can, yeah. So what's that got to do with paracetamol? Pain killing. Well, aspirin is to relieve headaches.

- Oh, okay. - But it does make your blood thinner. - I thought it was just used for like stroke system. - It's not used as a blood thinner. It's used as a pain relief. - Oh, all right, fair. - I was watching, I was listening to episode Joe Rogan like a year ago. And then he was like reading something about medicine in the UK or whatever. And he couldn't even read. It was like, paracetamol. - Yeah, tamol. - And I was like, fuck, this is kinda right. - Yeah, how do you not know this? - Yeah. - Fair.

- Fair. - All right, next one. So Paris C, Paris Settlement. Next one, everyone should get. Vity D. - Okay. - Vitamin D, come on. - Yeah, vitamin D. - Cool. Next one, V Spenny. - V Spenny? - V Spenny. - All right. - Okay. - The next one, you're not getting. You'll be surprised if you get it. - I think I'm locked. I'm locked. - V Spenny.

Ellis. I don't know that one. All right, Jimmy. Very expensive. Very expensive. Yay! We're a bit British. Next one. Gazza B. Gazza B. Gazza B. I'll give you... Well, it is two words and it's munch. Gazza B is munch. Gazza B is munch. I was going to say Gary Barlow. Charge, you know.

Yeah? Nah. Ellis? Yeah, I feel like the Gaza's like gammon or something, but other than that, I don't know. Rem? Nah, it's not coming to me. Charge? Yeah. Gaza B, wait for it, is garlic bread. Oh, fuck off. Literally, fuck off.

- I don't make the rules. Well, I don't make these rules anyway. Next one, peppy tea. - Peppermint. - Charged? Okay, James. - I put peppermint tea. - I was gonna say that. - That's literally what I wrote down, peppermint tea. - Peppermint tea. - Peppermint tea. - Oh, so. - Fair, I didn't think it would be. - Fair. - Peppy tea is peppermint tea. Next one, botty bee. - Botty bee. - Botty bee. Did you write something? - I wrote something brunch. - What's the something? You just wrote- - I just wrote question mark brunch. I don't know. - Okay, what have you written? - A bottle of beer.

- Bottle of beer. - Yeah. - Bottle of beer, fair play. - I put bottomless brunch. - It's bottomless brunch. - Bottomless brunch. - Bottomless brunch, yeah. - Obviously bottomless. - Fair, fair, fair. - The fact that you wrote brunch from the B and didn't write bottomless from botty is mental, Rob. - That's a something brunch. - I didn't, honestly, I was thinking food. I was thinking food, I don't know.

I didn't write bottomless, obviously. Don't ever associate, unless I say, don't associate the previous to the next. Yeah. All right. Next one is Totti C. Are you charging, James? I think I have to. Rem, are you charging? Yeah. Ellis, what did you write? I wrote Tottenham City. Tottenham City. I know it's not an actual city, but I was thinking it's like an abbreviation. It's Tottenham Court Road.

- Oh, fair. - Close. - Fair. - I knew it was Tottenham, but I was like, the C's not making sense to me. - Yeah. - Tottenham Court Road. - All right. - Next one everyone should get, Holly Jobs. Holly Jobs, one word. - Mm. - Holly Jobs. - Yeah. - Holly Jobs. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah, I've got it, I think, but they switched it up a bit. - You've switched it up a bit? - No, that abbreviation. - Oh, okay. - I think. Just chatting. - Holly Jobs.

I say everyone should get it, because I'm seeing it. It's obvious to me. Hollyjobs. I know people go like Hollybobs. Yeah, I know what Hollybobs is. Hollyjobs. Yeah, if you know what Hollybobs is. Oh. Hollyjobs. Yeah, go on then. Locked. I hope it's the same thing, fam. That's what I'm saying. Alright, Rem, you wrote one. Oh wait, Ellis, are you locked? Yeah, sure, why not? Alright, Remski. I wrote Holiday.

- Yeah, I've just brought holiday as well. - I brought holiday. - I don't get the job bit. - Holly Bob's is holiday. - Holly Bob's is, I thought that's why I said this. - So if you said, I said Holly jobs, yeah. - Yeah, you said Holly jobs and I said I know what Holly Bob's is. So you was like, yeah, Holly Bob's, Holly jobs. Holly Bob's is holiday. You're looking like you're not about to say holiday. - Holiday job. - What's a holiday job? - I thought that, but I was like, what is a holiday job? - There's no such thing as a holiday job. - That's what he says, bro. - That doesn't make any sense. - That's not a thing. - Fair, fair, fair. - But you could work abroad job, working abroad.

- I've done it. - Holly Bob's is holiday, man. You let us on. - It's not a holiday then, is it? If you want- - Yeah, it's literally- - That's crazy. - Bro, it's oxymoronic. - I can't make these rules. - Wow. - Next one. Paza P. - Paza P. - Paza? - Paza P. P-A-Z-A. We all have done this in our lives. - Okay, maybe not, but yeah. - I've done it today, but you've not done it today.

You may have done it today Lawrence, but you two haven't. I don't think three of you have done it today. - I definitely know what I've wrote down. - I'm not getting it if I'm, well, I can't think of anything else. - Confusing me more. - Charge? - Yeah, charge. - Parallel park. - Oh. - Oh.

- I want pepperoni pizza. - I knew you were gonna write pepperoni pizza. I knew you were gonna write pepperoni pizza. - Why? - I was thinking pepperoni pizza. - It's like a peppy pee more than anything. - I was thinking pepperoni pizza as well. - Fair play. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Parallel park. - Parallel park. All right, next one. Sally C. Rem, you wrote you all, you were starting to write something. - No, I've started writing the word to see if I can visualize something from looking at it, but no, I've not got anything. - Charge? - Charge. - Salad cream.

That's my favourite fucking condiment, bro. What the fuck? Favourite condiment? Salad cream's your favourite condiment, bro? Yeah, bro. Don't you dare fucking judge me. What the fuck is that? It's disgusting. Shut the fuck up, is it? It really is. Not disgusting. To be fair, I like it with spinach. I can't eat spinach on its own because it tastes like... It tastes like nothing. So spinach is good for you. So you put a little bit of salad cream with spinach. It's nice. Salad cream's grim, bro.

Salad cream with spinach. - Yeah. What do you have it with? - I put it on typically my carbs, my rice. - Rice and salad cream? - Fair, fair. - It's not fair. - Everyone has their own taste. - I can't make eye contact. It's not fair. - What's not fair? - Salad cream and rice. - Yeah. - Speak up.

- That's our boy in it, he can eat what he wants to eat. - Thank you, bro. - He can eat what he wants to eat. - Don't judge me. - He can eat what he wants to eat. - I concur salad cream, I like salad cream. - Thank you. - But I've not had salad cream in fucking ages to pair it with anything. - Okay, cool. - I just know salad cream as a condiment is nice. - Salad cream slaps. - Yeah, that's just my- - You're being too diplomatic and it's bullshit. Salad cream and rice. - That's his preference.

- That's his preference. - You know for a fact if I said the same thing you'd tell me, you'd say something different. - That's his preference. - I don't know who you're trying to be. - That's his preference. - This is bullshit bro. - Let him have his salad, cream and rice. - He can have it all he wants. He doesn't have to sit here silent.

- Pause by the way. - What, what did I say? - You can have it all you want. - Fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair,

- Closyphobes. - Closyphobes. - Clostrophobic. - Yeah, I was literally about to say that. - Sorry, I tried to disappoint. - There we go. - I'm so upset. - That was the British abbreviation game. - Okay. - Wow. - Difficult, man. - That was difficult. - That was, yeah, more difficult than I thought it was gonna be. - Yeah. - For the first like two or three,

- I had no idea. - Yeah, you blanked. - I literally had no idea what it was. - First two or three hours, I was like, yeah, this is me. - I didn't get it. - It's not getting harder and harder for us. - Crumbled. - Crumbled. - All right, cool. Right, Ellis came in today and said he'd like to contribute a "Would You Rather." I'm very excited. - Yeah. So you've said before that you wouldn't, I've said to you like, oh, like, would you go on this show? Would you go on that show? Would you do that? And you're always like, no, no, no, no, no. You always reject it. You always reject it, right?

So this would you rather is would you rather do a boxing match or go on I'm a celebrity? YouTube boxing match. That is a very good would you rather. A YouTube boxing match or go on I'm a celebrity get me out of here. It has to be a boxing match. Boxing match. Yeah.

- These man eat spiders and us. - You don't have to do it. You can just say no, not getting any stars. - Kangaroo testicles. - Oh, I've never watched some of them. I'm gonna be upfront with you. - So with the tasks, so you do not really know much about it. - I know they ask you to do tasks and then you do it and then they'll give you like fucking pancakes to bring back to the crew. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that you'll get, it's basically for better food because you're living off literally plain rice, salad cream and plain beans as well.

That's what you're living off. That's your basic meal every night. - What could they give me if I do something crazy? - Anything, you get steak. - You get a treat, bro. - You get good stuff. - Yeah. - But you got a scran of spider. - I'm a scran of spider. - No one's doing that. The whole camp will starve.

- I'm not doing any, I wouldn't do one of the challenges I've seen them do. - You'd be voted out quick. - Oh come then. - Yeah. - There's a win-win. - Yeah. - So then in that case. - Actually no, you have to stay the whole time. - Oh okay. - That's too easy. - Boxing match, yeah. - That's too easy. - Boxing match. - Boxing match. - 'Cause I was going to like find the loophole and say, I would do, I'm a celebrity, not do any challenges and leave in like the first couple of days.

- No, no, no. - That's just too easy, bro. - So that's the thing, like you're living off rice and beans and sleeping in a hammock in the jungle. - No. - That's crazy. - No.

- It's in Australia though, so I don't think it's particularly get that cold. - It's not about the cold. - It's not about the cold bro. - It's about what's around you. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's about what's in that jungle. I would have to unfortunately do the boxing match. I'll be livid about it. - I'll be so upset about it. - Would you take it seriously? - 100%. - I have to 'cause I- - Train like for, or just go down to it. - I couldn't let the internet get any negative part of me. - I'll be training six hours a day every single day. - Yeah, it would piss me off though. - I would take it seriously. - Fair, yeah, fair. - Just to save face. - Face, yeah.

As soon as it's over The sigh of relief Yeah Oh my If I win Yeah yeah If I get dumped Yeah It's hell But yeah I'd be training six hours a day Every day Could you stay on the internet If you're lost Like could you actually Continue doing the pod If you lost I have no choice Yeah Fair Can't keep doing it I guess But I would just literally like I think I would just I wouldn't delete social media Because I can't But like

I would just give an onion my logins. Just give them my logins bro. I'm like, deal with it. I'm not seeing anything. I'm getting all my day. - Yeah, fair. - What would you do? - Do I get to choose who I fight against? - Good question. - I'm surprised neither of you asked that. - Good question. - 'Cause I assumed it's a no.

'Cause then I could just pick a pussy. - No, you obviously wouldn't be a pussy. - Yeah, it's not an easy opponent. - I'm heavy. - Yeah, it's not an easy opponent. - Similar weight class. - I'm a heavy boy. - Similar weight class. I think I would still choose boxing match, yeah. But I would have to, yeah, give it literally, put my life into this fight. - Fair. - Pretty much, yeah. - Fair, makes sense. - What would you choose? - I think I'd do Arma Celebrity. The boxing match would be,

I just think it'd be way too much. I wouldn't let you box. I just think the pressure would be- I genuinely believe I would- The pressure. I genuinely believe if I saw Ellis in the ring get punched one time, I'd jump in like, I'm your mum. I would jump in, throw the towel and separate the whole thing. I'd see the fear in your eyes during the ring walk.

and I would charge the whole thing. - That's what I mean, the pressure would get to me. - The whole thing, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, there's no way. - I couldn't go and get knocked the fuck out. - Nah, bro, I couldn't see you that scared. I couldn't see it. - You know that meme of, is it Terrence Howard getting handcuffed, going to prison or whatever, but he's getting dragged by three or four different people?

That's how they bring James E to the ring. Bro, I couldn't see that level of fear in your face. And it's all charged the whole dance. - I'd have to do "I'm a Celebrity". - It's Cuba Gooding Jr. - I didn't recognize the name, but now you say Cuba, yeah, I know. - Wow, okay, yeah, 100%. - It's too much pressure, dude. - It's the most pressure in the world. - It's not just like a little, you do it in a gym. It's like KSI and...

No, it's like Usyk and... Yeah, Tyson Fury. Tyson Fury level. Like, it's a massive arena. In an arena? Yeah, it's crazy. It's not like...

- This isn't a little. - That's pressure. - That's kind of nose would shape me into something I don't want to see. - That's pressure. - That's, oh God. - That's a lot. - I'd give it all in the first round, pause. - So would you? - Yeah, I think so. I think so. - You're gonna gas out. - If he survives, you're tapped. - I'm exhausted. - Yay! - If he survives, I'm exhausted. - Yeah, I couldn't see that. - Yeah, 'cause the second round.

- The trainer best throw in that towel. - Yeah, second round he's coming out fresh. - Yeah, best throw in that towel. - Oh, you'll be knackered bro. - I'll be livid.

Six months for one round, I'd be livid. - Yeah. - To me it's a time management thing. It's time versus time. What's the boxing match? 12 rounds. - 12 rounds, three rounds. - Three minutes. - Yeah. - Versus how long I got to stay in the jungle? - A month, I believe. Is it a month? - I think, yeah, I think it's four, three, four weeks. - That's a decision there for me. - True. - Yeah. - 'Cause you know it's over tonight. - Yeah. - If you're boxing. - I'm done. - Respective of the- - One evening, that's it done.

- Fair. - The jungle's just taking my soul every single day, bro. - Before you've landed, I finished my fight. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, fair. - You ain't even. - Fair. - Yeah. - You're still in the air, bro. - You finished the fight before you probably even hit altitude. - Fam. - Yeah. - Before you've hit cruising altitude, the fight's done. - Yeah, facts. - You've not even changed over. - Yeah. - Yeah, that's, I don't know. - I was thinking it'd be a good challenge. Like it'd be hell, don't get me wrong, but it'd be sick like after.

- I'm a celeb? - Yeah. - Nella did say so though. - Yeah, she did. - Yeah, she was like saying that, yeah, after it's like her fear of anything is just done. - Yeah, 'cause I'm like massively scared of spiders. Like hugely, like it's ridiculous. So like, I would probably wanna go in there and be like, it'd be terrifying, but let's do it. - Do you think you'd be able to scare a spider? If that's your first challenge. - I wouldn't eat, I'd reject that.

I wouldn't eat a spider. That is, was it fern or whatever? When she ate that spider, that's fucking crazy. That, John, was big. And it balled up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And the glass was moving. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You could hear it clinking in the glass, bro. That's ridiculous. I'm not doing that. No, no, no, no, no. I do like, they do, one of the challenges, do like a massive fish bowl. I'm not doing that one either. And they just put like critters and spiders and shit. I'd do that. Genuinely, I don't think I'd be afraid of anything once I'm out of that.

If I feel one cockroach like push my eyelid up like that. - I'm breaking the whole ball. I'm smacking my head on stuff so it cracks. Wow. Pushing my eyelid up. It wants to get inside me. That bitch wants to get inside me. Now I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. I'm cracking that whole bitch. Fuck the cameras. I'm breaking character.

- Completely. Literally I'm a celebrity, get me the fuck out of here. - No, no, no, no, bro. I'm not doing it. I'm not doing it. And I couldn't give them my fucking safe word either 'cause I'm not opening my mouth. - Oh yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Just filter the, bro, just feel like here. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - As soon as you open your mouth, creepy crawlies, bro. - Nope. Nope, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm not doing any of them. None of it, bro. - I couldn't go on that show. - No, no, no, no way. - Couldn't go on that show. - How much? - Here we go. That and Fear Factor, fuck.

- Hugh Grant is a different beast. - Before I answer that question, do you remember Fort Boyard?

- Fam, what a show. - What a show. - I never heard of that show. - You never heard of Fort Boyard? - My childhood. - Oh, Fort Boyard. - Yeah, they were doing stuff on an island. - Do you remember Crystal Maze? - Yeah, of course. It was post Crystal Maze. - Post Crystal Maze was some bullshit, man. - Wasn't Fort Boyard like the final tingle, like you have to face them like lions and shit? Am I capping? - I think you might be capping. - No, no, type in Fort Boyard. But anyway, how much would you say? How much for "I'm a Celeb"? - "I'm a Celeb", yeah.

- The whole four weeks? - Yeah, yeah. - I would do it for minimum of 10Ms. Is this new school or old school? - This is. - I'm sure there was lions in this bitch. Yeah, it was, yeah. Yes, I'm 100% sure there's lions in this thing. - Is that Alcatraz, bro? Where are they? - Yeah, they're like in the middle of nowhere. Yeah, fam, this show used to be sick. - Oh God. - Maybe tigers, not lions. - Fair. - But yeah, high five figures, yeah.

Ten ems minimum. Five figures. Sorry. Six. Seven. Seven figures. Seven. Seven, sorry. Seven. Maths. High five. Or eight, rather. 9K. No, no, no. Fucking whatever it is. 99K, sorry. No, I'll do it for ten ems. Minimum. Minimum. Fuck. Fair, man. Fair play. Right, you got a thread for us now. The tweet was, I have a boyfriend.

and they said respond as a nigger from the gas station. So the chick is saying I have a boyfriend and all the responses are from the gas station. - Yeah, respond as a nigger from the gas station. Jesus, all right. - All right. Why he got you out here by yourself. - That's the number one. That's the number one bar. - Next one. How long you had that problem? - Okay. - How long you had that problem? If I was your man, you wouldn't be pumping your own gas.

- Right, he doesn't let you have friends? - That little bar there is so stupid, bro. - He doesn't let you have friends? - Nah. - I ain't ask you all that queen. Do you want a husband? That's the real question. Me, I got a pet goldfish. Her, what? Me, I thought we were talking about shit that doesn't matter. - Fair, yo, fair. All right, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. Sorry to cut you off.

Where does the mentality come from? Where does the mentality come from for guys not giving a fuck that a girl has a man and girls solely giving a fuck that a guy has a girlfriend? Where does that mentality come from? I don't know. I feel like it's just innate for men to be blissfully ignorant. Like when it comes to...

For that, for example, when it comes to like the boundaries being broken, I'm not breaking the boundary, she's breaking that boundary. So it's got nothing to do with me. - Yeah, of course. - So it's the mind of that business thing. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - The way it stems from, no idea. No idea. 'Cause what you say is facts. - Yeah. - It's facts. - It's food for thought, for sure. - Right. I have a boyfriend replies a guy from the gas station. Can he fight?

- That's a techy response. - It's also just like, why as the boyfriend, why am I catching these straights? But just because I exist. And also what's mad is, man I'm never willing to back up these bars that I'm saying. This whole, I didn't ask, I asked like, oh, I've got a boyfriend.

- Yeah, but do you want a husband or whatever? - You just wanna clap and dance. - Yeah, fam. - What are you talking about husband? - I'm not trying to marry you. Let's be real. Unless he's a Jordanese. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I'm not trying to marry you. - A Jordanese. - I'm not trying to marry you. - Oh my God. - Why does he make you pump the gas? I will never let you pump the gas. While he's looking at me pump the gas.

Bro, facts. While he's looking at me, pump the gas. Oh, bro. Yeah. Mandem will say whatever. It must be an American thing because in my personal experience, I've never seen a girl get moved to a petrol station in my entire life. Neither have I. Neither have I. But that being said, I know enough Mandem that would move to a ting.

in a petrol station or in a toilet or in a dungeon, wherever she's at. - Yeah, fair. - Yeah. It's not up to him where the Jones is at. - Yeah, the environment doesn't dictate his actions. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. If I'm at the petrol station, she's at the petrol station. She's getting churps at the petrol station. - Fair play. - But yeah, this whole, I wouldn't let you pump your own. - She wants to put the petrol in there. - Yeah, facts. - I bought a car, didn't I?

True. Yeah. True. Come on, I can't do that. What you gonna do with a little petrol in there? What are you crying about? Yeah, that's fucking... I've never seen a brea trying to chup the ting at a petrol station. Yeah, nah. Definitely an American thing. It must be an American thing. I think they just chup things anyway. Regardless, yeah. Because the yallies entertain it in America. They do. They do. They entertain it. Because here, no one's spitting game. Where is a sensible place to spit game?

That being said, I was walking behind a ting in through London the other day. I say through London. It was like for 30 seconds. I saw two guys move to a separate occasions. Say that again. I was in London. Yeah. A few, probably like a month ago. Yeah. Walking down the road. Yeah. There was a girl in front of me, like 10 meters. And I watched one bray,

give her like a whistle and her chirps the whistle's crazy she aired it and then i saw another bray give her like a little chip or just drop a bar on her and i'm thinking this is great like i know they say this shit happens but i don't like i must have such i don't see it ever so to watch that happen i was like that was like 10 seconds apart and she hasn't even made it to the end of the road frustrating must be frustrating can you actually imagine i couldn't

- I couldn't. - Being a banging girl is just the most, the longest situation of your life. - You can't even go shops on like a raggedy thing 'cause you're gonna get moved to. - Of course. And if you manage to still look pain looking raggedy, it's even longer for you. - Only God knows what you look like. Only God knows. 'Cause I'm trying to see that. - Yeah, of course. It's just worse. - Fuck. - Yeah, it's horrible stuff, bro. Dilemma? - Dilemma, right.

Again, favorite ghost writers. A very small group of friends and I dabble in sex work when we travel abroad. It's safe. We spend a weekend with execs and rented a yacht. In brackets, it's... This is a paid advertisement for BetterHelp. Bro. Talk to me. Real quick, ask me what my self-care non-negotiables are. What? Grounding. Grounding.

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on Instagram and then a broski is going to slide in like one a free trip to San Tropez and she's like yeah yeah so then she gets paid to go out there and just look paying on the yacht with all the mandem and then the extra bucks are made below deck below deck is the one below deck is the one fair play fair play bro I'm not I'm not

trying to romanticize this line of work but it seems easy but no one yeah but when you actually see the exec yeah no one's doing it no one's yeah that yeah that takes a lot of money and a lot of bravery and a strong stomach when you see the captain yeah god that's nuts bro i can't

I can't imagine, like who's sourcing the things? Because if I'm a rich guy with a yacht, I'm not DMing girls. - Yeah, definitely not. It's probably like whoever, like let's say, whoever works for me. - Yeah, I've got like my PA, my EA and just like my yacht guy. - There you go. - Yeah, I want a yacht in Monaco on Thursday

- Thanks. - Thanks. - Yeah. - Get 20 and then I'll wait until that's 10. - Yeah, show me 20 and I'm gonna pick the best 10. - Yeah, and then we're gonna have a time. - But also I'll be terrible at this thing. I would be terrible at it because I don't talk to strangers. - Also true. - Especially pretty girls. I'll sit there nervous. - I know what you mean. - Yeah, I'll just sit there nervous. It's a waste of money.

- You'll get used to it. - Couple of drinks. - Yeah, facts bro. - Couple of drinks bro. - Couple of drinks you're in the middle of the ocean. - Yeah, you'll be fine. You got no choice. - Yeah, you got no choice bro. - Yeah. - You better climatize. - Combo's flowing. You ain't got no choice bro. - Better climatize my boy.

- We're here for three hours. - Yeah. - It's been 20 minutes. - Oh, that's mental bro. - All right, let me run it back. Let me run it back. - Sorry, sorry, sorry. - It's all good, it's all good. All right, it's safe. We spend the weekend with execs and rented a yacht. It's called yachting and many models do it. No big deal, except my cousin's husband was one of the men on board.

I didn't service him, my friend did. Mental. And a few weeks later, she confided to me that she's HIV positive. Oh, stop it. My friend is super nasty. Also, she gets paid more than us because she offers the girlfriend experience and she never uses a condom. No one in my family knows I go yachting. They think I model for work for Spirit Airlines. So...

How do I tell my cousin that her husband cheated and may expose her to HIV? Because she doesn't want anyone to know she's a yacht girl. Yeah, because this implicates her. Yeah, it does. Well, that's what Finsters are for, no? Yeah. That's what fake Instagram accounts are for. That is true. That's a sign sealed and delivered. That's done. Just a...

- Girl to girl? - Test your piss immediately. - Immediately. - You didn't hear it from me? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But shushy shush. - Test it. - Test your piss. - Immediately. - And blood. - Yeah. - Yes. And keep testing monthly. - Yeah, until further notice. - Until further. - Until I give you the all clear. And then I'll delete the account.

- Oh, I couldn't receive that message bro. - Do you think I could? - I couldn't receive that message Dave. - Do you think I could? An anonymous account saying test your piss immediately. And then it goes off into the ether. My blood will run so cold, bro, I'd get pain in my back. I'd shoot up like the undertaker. I wouldn't be able to fathom my next reality.

I wouldn't be able to piss. The nerves, bro, when I say the nerves will make my tool this big. Oh,

- You ever had that? That nervous dick? - Yes, I have. - Yeah, there's not a drop coming out of that. There's not a drop coming out of that. I remember the first time I ever did like an STI test. I couldn't piss. I was so nervous when they gave me the cup, bro. - I don't remember the first time. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. My tool was shriveled. I couldn't piss and my bladder locked up, bro. I was in that toilet for ages, ages. Yeah, if someone anonymously messaged me, "Test your piss immediately."

- Fuck, I'll be so scared. - I'll be, I'll be, I'll be, I'll be terrified. It's jarring 'cause I know once this episode comes out every day for two weeks, I'm gonna get anonymous, test your piss immediately.

- Oh, livid. - Because you won't remember this man. - Oh, well, the first thing is this episode is actually not gonna come out for a few weeks. So by the time this episode drops, I will forgotten if we ever had this conversation and I'm gonna get zero followers, zero pictures following three. And it's gonna be SNG me and you. And then it's gonna be like test your piss immediately.

- You wouldn't understand the context. You wouldn't. - I wouldn't remember. - Yeah, facts. Neither would I. Neither would I. - And it's only once I get the fourth message that I'll be like, oh, this is a joke. - Yeah, this is from the show. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But for the first two, I'll be like, they're warning me. And then I get the second one, I'll be like, they're warning me again. It's imperative.

It's imperative. Everyone else wants to be gay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow. That's hilarious. That's too scary. It is. Scariest thing, bro. But yeah, fake account. Drop it in there like, yo, test your piss and blood. You didn't hear it from me. Has to be. Has to be a fake account. Jesus. Yeah, that's great. That's horrible. Yacht girls, though. Is that what it is? Apparently so, bro. There's so many layers. I was watching an interview with, it was on TikTok. I was watching this porn star the other day.

doing like a podcast or an interview or some shit like that. And she was like, bro, like girls who are sex workers like to judge other girls who are different types of sex workers. So girls create their own hierarchy of what's okay and what's not. So then- Do you know what this hierarchy is? Yeah, so it would be like, I don't know the exact order of things. Yeah, but like- But there's like, okay, let's just say on one end of it, you've got,

Girl who sells feet pics. Okay. And then on the other end of it, you've got like on the corner. Okay. And then basically this porn star was like, I've done the feet pic stuff, the OnlyFans stuff, the stripper, on the corner, like charge you 10K just to take me out, dominate tricks. Okay. She was like, yacht girl, bro. She was like, it's all the same shit. Okay. It's all the same shit. So there's this judgment thing, but like,

hearing stuff like this is like, oh, like you can sub categorize everything. So it's like home going there is like, I'm not an escort or anything like that. I'm just a yacht girl. Okay. I'm just a yacht girl. I see what you're saying. I see what you're saying. And you're like, the fuck is a yacht girl? And then I'm sure there's yacht girl. I bet there's fucking, obviously, you know, there's like the Dubai girls now shit on the chest type thing. Yeah.

then you've got like, bro, there's probably, I wouldn't be surprised. Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if there's even like Formula One girl just panicking for the Grand Prix. Because every time I'm watching the races, you man, there's Johns on the screen. Yeah. That's factual. That's factual. It's probably Formula One girl. Yeah, there probably is. Because that's, that's an, what's, what's the word I'm looking for? It's, um,

I can't even think of the word, but it's an elite thing to go to. - Wherever there's a rich man market, there's probably an IG baddie market for the same. - Adjacent. - Yeah, adjacent. Yeah, combined. Perfect match. - That's a good shout. That's a good shout. - Monaco. - In Monaco? - Why is that my fucking mouth, sir? Monaco? - Monaco?

- Baddies. - Scary stuff. Monaco's old money as well. - Yeah. - Monaco's old money. - Yeah. - Yeah, bro. You got Monaco, you got Singapore. - Singapore would be crazy. - Dubai at the end of the season. - Dubai would be crazy. I think Monaco takes it because there'll be yachting in Monaco as well. - Yeah, it's all combined, bro. - Yeah, the two groups of ladies interlink. - All combined. And then you've even got like house party girls, bro.

There's like, obviously you always hear about like, oh, Drake parties and all this kind of thing. Who's invite, where's the guest list? - Yeah, true. - Who has these girls on the list, bro? - True, true, true. - Me and Phil have been to at least two parties where someone's got a secret list. I'm just gonna put it out there. We've been to a couple of parties, yeah, where I'm telling you now, someone has a secret list of just tings.

The ratio didn't make sense. - Yeah, very true. Very true. Yeah. - And no one knows who these girls are. They're just party girls. - They're just here. - Not gonna lie, they weren't given top in the toilet as far as I was aware. - As far as I was aware too. - They were actually there just to party. - Just to vibe, yeah. - But still, I was like, what the fuck? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's crazy. That's a fact, that's crazy, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Damn. - Damn indeed.

Damn indeed. This is getting out of hand. Some of these aren't York girls, surely. I just saw Naomi Campbell on the list. She can't be a York girl, could she? Kate Moss was up there earlier as well. Nah. They could be the OG York girls. I'm not trying to... Maybe. I'm not trying to sully anyone's... Kendall's here. Kendall's not a York girl. Come on.

- Let's not get into this. - Stop, stop. - How much money would that cost? Look how rich she is. - Probably Dubai money, I don't know. - I refuse to believe. - I don't. - Am I just talking up my ass about shit I don't know about? - But Naomi Campbell can be. - No, I'm saying, obviously, okay, first of all, let's- - I'll just be playing devil's advocate. - Yeah, you are playing devil's advocate. It's actually not fair because-

It's just going to be a whispers ting and people will complain about I'm saying, I'm not trying to smear anyone's legacy here. I'm just saying Kendall Jenner's got

Different bags. - Yeah. - She's got like two billionaire sisters. Who are we kidding here? She don't need exec yacht money. - Yeah. But like Ananya said, there's kings out there in the UAE. - Those shaky shakes. - Yeah, there's kings abroad. - Them man have got, oh dear. - Oil money. - Yeah, they've got, oh dear money. - Crude oil money.

That's money. They got that fossil money. Yeah, hair facts. Wow. So what's a billion to a fucking nearly trillionaire? That's the sexiest sentence I've literally heard. What's a billion to a nearly trillionaire, bro? What's a billy to a trilly? I couldn't hear that. What is? What is, bro? Yeah, I couldn't stand chest to chest with another man and be like, come on, bro. For him to be like...

My yacht goes at next level. You ever heard of Kendall Jenner? I'm like, shut up, bro. She's part of a billionaire. If a man to look at me, glasses down, I'm like, what's a billy to a trilly? Ain't tricking if you got it. What's a billy to a trilly is crazy. What's a billy to a trilly is a bar. It happens, man. But hey, we're not saying anyone is and anyone isn't.

We can't even speculate. We can't. We literally can't. Yeah, we just said names, bro. So if you're listening, you man, I didn't mean it. Yeah, we're just saying stuff. We were just saying names that were on the screen. I've got a question for you. Hit. Let's...

cast our memories back to the '02. We've gone from the B stage to the main stage. We've done our like gas, gas, gas, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, spud, spud, spud. - Yeah, yeah. - We've silenced the crowd. We've taken our seats. You've taken the lead. You started talking like intro this and that and the other.

And then it's like pantomime. Now my face is on the screen and I've fucking froze in front of 15,000 people. And I just like break out into song because I'm so nervous. What do you do? What song? It doesn't matter, bro. It does if he wants to join. True. I wouldn't join. I know he wouldn't. I wouldn't join. With Sarah in my ear? Because it's so out of context and it's obviously so clear that

I am spiraling. I'm having a mentee bee and a nervy bee and I need a parasy right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You need a nerve agent. Yeah, and he's soft. Wow. Okay. What do you do? It's actually a good question because I can only address the elephant in the room to a point. Okay. I can only...

I feel nervous or you're breaking out a song and I'll be like, oh, swear we're doing like off the cuff, say less. It only works for like 15 seconds. And then I'm stumped and you just keep going. - Or you try and take the lead again and it pans back to me. I freeze again. - That's okay. I would,

The first freeze, you'd never see a performer like it. - Okay. - The first freeze, the song thing, I don't know how I'd manage. But let's just say you didn't break into song. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - We've done the introduction, we've panned to you and you're just frozen. I can see it on your face, you're frozen and shaking and sweating. And you're just, uh, uh, uh. - Yeah. - You'd see the rise of a phoenix.

And I would perform to these man. They wouldn't even know you're frozen. They wouldn't know you're there. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - The second time, I don't know what I'd do. Damn. - Yeah. - I actually don't know what I'd do. - Fair, fair. - Because I would be doing ping pong in my head of, I can either roll the dice

and turn to the crowd and be like, "Fuck you, man. "Fuya's nervous. "Let's help him out." And just, I don't know, a little chant or a cheer, or we can all do some Wim Hof breathing together or everything like that. But that could escalate matters drastically. And what I can't have happen is someone come up on this stage and escort you off. That's what can't be allowed to happen because I don't know what I would do. 'Cause this Phoenix thing is a facade.

It's a facade, I'm a one trick pony. - If they escort me off, would change the internet. It would change the internet. 'Cause that's never happened in the history of the O2, to my knowledge. - Change the internet is right. And no one's doing it, no, like they wouldn't let a podcaster in there again. - Again! - Yeah. - Again! - You've ruined it for everyone moving forward. Singers only.

Don't come in here again. With your podcast shit. Yeah, yeah, with this fucking bullshit. Go back to your little chair. Yeah. That can't be allowed to happen. So I don't know what I'd do. I think for me, if it was Vice V, I would, I would again engage. I would do what you do and try and take the reins and like take all the attention off you. Put it all on me, pause and just try and

get the audience involved by again, chanting, cheering, saying your name, or like I would try and instigate a game where you will naturally just get involved in. - As you're talking out in my head, I would mix up the order. - Order will be charged. - And immediately I'll be like cool. - Rhyme time. - We'll go into like story time or something. But I knew it was just me. And I'm like, he's got half an hour to fix the fuck up.

And then after that, if you're still not there, okay, cool, rhyme time. Harry's on, Darkus is on, and I'll just be like, first, just gonna ref it. - Yeah. - After that. - You don't know. - We're wrapping up. - Yeah. - Looks like we're wrapping up. - Bro, well, obviously it's never gonna happen. - Jeez, what made you even think of that? - It came to mind the other day, so I just wrote it down. - Froze! - Yeah, that would- - 100%. - That would ruin us. - 100%. - Because it's,

because obviously we've said this before, like neither of us were that nervous, anxious on stage, pre-stage, post-stage as well. Like we were just absolutely calm. And the amount of people that came up to us pre and post and obviously not during, but like the amount of people that are nervous right now and that you guys are just like having general conversation is mad to me. And I'm thinking, first of all, you don't need to say that because that's going to put more pressure on me. Yeah, it makes me feel nervous because that makes me feel like I'm missing something. Facts, like let me just be calm as I am. But-

How like what is the procedure? What's the protocol if for example that does happen? Do you know I mean like people have paid 15,000 people are paid to come and see you best part of 20,000 and it's like you're just doing the opening act of your show and it's all charged all charged There's nothing like there's nothing I can or I get like worse or I get I

so nervous that I try and do something so dramatic. Like I stand up and try and do a back flip. - Oh, okay. I knew you were going to say back flip. - Like I stand on the chair and try and do a back flip and it, it done's my whole dance and they have to escort me off. They have to, they can't even pick me up. They draped me from my jacket and I'm sliding across the O2. - Oh scream! Why is this happening? Why is this happening?

- I can't believe this is happening. We're on screen for five minutes. I said, "Why is this happening?" - Do you think you would be... Okay, I'm charged and I'm done. - Yeah, obviously. - Yeah, I'm done, I'm worked. I'm worked. Do you think you will be able to hold the show? Because they've paid to see some. - I think I could, but like, I would be so inside my own head of people being like, "I'm not watching the rest of this."

And because I can't see at the back, I'm assuming people are moving on mass. - Yeah, yeah. - They're leaving bro. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So I think I would try again, I would go to Rhyme Time, bring Harry and Darkest out and see how we're feeling after that. I would address what the fuck just happened. - You can play on that for a bit as well. - Yeah, I'll play on it for a few minutes, pause. And like,

make out like you're coming back. Make out like you're gonna come back. And just be like, raw boy, that was, I didn't expect that. Or did I? Anyway, segment. And just build it up as if you're coming back. And then rhyme time, gang, gang, gang, gang, gang, cool. See if the crowd's still engaged. If I'm hearing... Then I'd be like, you know what? Actually, let me go check if he's all right because my boy could be dead. And then... You won't come back out? Yeah, 86 the whole time.

- You couldn't be awake when I get back there though. - Just chilling watching you. - Yeah, you couldn't, Anderson. - You couldn't be conscious when I get back in there because you don't want to see the level of ferocity. - You'd render me unconscious straight away. - Yeah, yeah, 100%. You better hope you're concussed, bro, because when I get my hands on you, bro, bro. - Oh, God. - Nah, you'll never see violence like it. - Oh, God. - Flit. - You were- - I back-flit again. - What were you thinking? - You did, bro.

I would put so many paws on your face, bro. Fuck!

- Oh God. - Fuck bro, I'd be angry. - I know, I know. I don't even know why that question came to mind. - There's not an apology in the world. - There isn't. - 'Cause you're not making sense. - Yeah, I'd have to apologize to the nation. I'd have to go on live stream like an hour later and be like, I'm sorry guys. I fumbled the bag and I fumbled everyone's time. - Yeah, it's nuts. Right, I have a game. - Oh nice. - That I want to try. So we're just gonna call it roll the dice. - Okay.

So we're going to go for 10, please, Rem. We're going to do roll the dice. Best friend edition, okay? Okay. So what that means is, is the dice is going to get rolled. Once Fu had, for example, whoever's turn is it, I am not allowed to see what number it lands on, okay? Okay. So for example, if it lands on seven, I can't see it landed on seven. And then there's going to be a subcategory called

that food had all pick. So it could be, we'll write a list actually before we write a list. And then I want you to, we'll come up with things and it could be, let's say chicken tenders. So that's the subcategory. It could be. Yeah. Subcategory chicken tenders. And then I don't know what landed and you'll tell me what the subcategory is.

And I have to guess what number came up on my face. - So I would say chicken tenders. - I'd say chicken tenders and I'd be like, ooh, Fuhad, how does Fuhad feel about chicken tenders? - I see, okay. - And I say, I'm gonna give it a seven. - I see, okay, okay, cool. Yeah, I'm down to play. - Yeah? - I'm down to play. - All right, ready? - Yep. - Right, guys, we're gonna play roll the dice. - Right, so I'm gonna close my eyes. Fuhad's gonna go first. - Right, so it's stopped. - Right, I'm gonna open my eyes. Can you take it off the screen? - Yeah, it's off the screen. - It's off the screen. - Nottingham Forest FC.

Nottingham Forest Football Club. Oh my word. How does Fuhad feel about Nottingham Forest? I'm gonna say this dice came... So for context, I've never heard you speak about Nottingham Forest. Or have I? From what I can remember, I've never heard you speak about Nottingham Forest. Okay. Now, there are certain teams that are low in the table that you said have had seasoned. Seasons, sorry.

Off the top of my head, I don't ever remember you mentioning Nottingham Forest. Okay. Based on that, I'm gonna say it landed like two or three. Would you like to reveal the number? Well played. Gang! Gang! Gang gang gang gang gang gang gang. Cool cool. We're cooking. We're cooking. We're cooking. We're cooking. We're cooking. Alright. Roll the dice. Roll the dice. Roll the dice. Interesting. Let me know when I could. You can look now. Yep. Yep.

Well played. Yeah? Well played. Yeah, man. Yeah, man. Yeah, man. Mmm. Right. This is a very tricky number. Okay. I will say... I'm going to say Reebok. Reebok. The only thing I know about you and Reebok is that you have one... Well, you've got... You've had...

Two pairs of the same crepes, which are Reebok. The white pair with the brown trim. And at the time you wore it semi-consistently because it was drips, but it's out of pocket now, it doesn't really matter. Reebok! I'm just gonna say it, my brain's telling me four. - Reveal the answer. - Oh! Wow, yes you got it! On the spot! That means spit, I just spat.

- Four on the spot, well fucking played. - Let's go. - Well fucking played. - Let's go. - Wow. We're really batting. - We're cooking. - Jesus. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Fucking hell. Yeah, man.

- What a start. - What a start. - Right, I'm covering my eyes. - Cool, cool, cool. - Jesus Christ, I can't believe that. - I can do the canine. - I can't believe that. - I was trying to see once I said the name, if like you do any micro expressions on your face, but you stayed stationary. - Do you know what it was? I even forgot about those trainers as well. So the fact that you implemented them in as the only Reebok thing I've ever owned, I was like, gang, he actually might land this. - Fair play. - Wow, well done. - Fair play.

Interesting. Okay. You can look now. All right, cool. Mauam strips. Mauam strips. Okay. Mauam strips. You obviously have a disgusting sweet tooth. Mauam strips as an overall, even among the Mauam family, are pretty top tier.

And just so I'm clarifying, you mean the thin strips versus the sticks? Yes. Yes. Because the other ones are called joysticks. These are strips. Yes. The fact that you have an in-depth knowledge about the titles of different subcategories of Mauam means that Mauam is already past seven. So the strips, they're also very malleable.

So you can either bite it off or you can tootsie roll it and dash the whole thing in there. I'm going to say eight or nine. - If you could pick out one number, what would you say? - From Mauan Strip, I think it's the best Mauan there is. The sticks are really good though. - I love this game. - If I had, again, I'm going to say eight or nine. I'm going to lean into eight. - Reveal the number please. - Oh!

- This game is so sick. - Wow. - Yes. - Yes. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Wow, yeah, you locked in. You locked in. I love it. I love it. - Let's fucking go bro. Nice man. - Right. - All right. - Close your eyes. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - We'll do this as the last one in charge here. - Cool, cool, cool. We're three for three. - Mm-hmm. - Oof. - Okay. - Yeah, I can look? - Mm-hmm. - Baki Hanma, the anime. - Off the cuff I have a number, but let me speculate a little. I have two numbers in my head.

Because we both know Baki Hanma as an anime, the storyline is trash. The arms is decent, but as an overall anime, it's mid. And the two numbers that come into my head, even before you even said the subcategory, I had a feeling it was either going to land on three or five. And Baki is a three or five anime, depending on who you ask. And I'd like to believe it's not a... The dice isn't... Or the number isn't...

a repeat number of what we've done. And I think Rayna's five is a bit too high. So I'm gonna go with my gut and say three. - Reveal the number, five. - Damn, I knew I was saying three or five. - You did say three or five. - It's three or five. - You did say three or five. - Fuck, I mean, literally before you even said the sub character, I was thinking to myself, what are you gonna say? It's gonna be a three or five. Fair play, this is a good game though. - It is a good game. - This is really, I'm livid, I'm livid I'm gonna say five. - As soon as you said, "Baki Hanma storyline is fucking trash."

Arms are good. The show's mid. I was thinking go with it and say five. - Yeah. - 'Cause that's exactly where my head was at. - Yeah, fair. - Storlines fucking ass. Arms is pretty decent. Five. - Yeah. - As soon as you said it's mid, I was thinking say five, say five, say five. Well done though. - Fair. - Well done. - Good game. - Fucking good game. - Good game. I like this game. - Very good game. - We're gonna run it back. - All right, guys, we're gonna charge it there. - Zero. - Thank you very, very, very much. As always, love of love. - Gang gang gang.

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