cover of episode 718. Andy, Andrew Bailey & DJ CTI: Jury Resumes Deliberations In NY v. Trump Trial, Biden Tells Black Voters Trump Wanted To Tear Gas Them & Blinken Hints U.S. May Accept Ukrainian Strikes In Russia

718. Andy, Andrew Bailey & DJ CTI: Jury Resumes Deliberations In NY v. Trump Trial, Biden Tells Black Voters Trump Wanted To Tear Gas Them & Blinken Hints U.S. May Accept Ukrainian Strikes In Russia

Publish Date: 2024/5/31
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REAL AF with Andy Frisella


Shownotes Transcript

went from sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box froze a bowl stole counted millions in the cold bad booted swole got her own bankroll can't fold just a no headshot case closed what is up guys it's andy for selling this is the show for the realists say goodbye to the lies the fakeness and delusions of modern society and welcome to reality guys

Today we have Andy and DJ Cruz the motherfucking internet. That's what we're going to do. We have a very special Cruz the internet today. And if you don't know what Cruz the internet's about, it's about that. We put up topics on the screen. We talk about what's true, what's not true. We speculate on what we think is going on. And then we talk about how we the people have to be the solution to these problems going on. Now today, I'm just going to get right into it. We are joined again by our good friend,

Mr. Andrew Bailey, the Attorney General of Missouri. What's happening, bro? Hey, thanks for having me on, guys. Appreciate you having me back. It's great to see you. Good to see you all. How's everything going? It's good, man. Staying busy, fighting the good fight. Yeah, I see that. I see that. A.G. Bailey's my homie. Yeah, is he? Yeah. He's putting in work, man. It just makes me proud to be a Missourian. Trying to keep up with you all.

We got some Patriots here in Missouri, man. We do, man. We do. Eric Schmidt, now Andrew Bailey, you know, DJ. DJ. Yeah. You know, first black Patriot in Missouri.

You'll play that cricket sound right there. No, man. A.G. Bailey, Mr. A.G., you've been putting in work, man. Man, I just like – I appreciate the opportunity to get to serve and appreciate getting lumped in with you and Senator Eric Schmidt, man. That's good company. I feel like I've made it. That's like the all-star of Patriots. You know what's funny, though, man? There's been a few times, and I'm still going to knock on wood that we don't have to do this, but I ride my bike.

And down on 55, riding 55 south on my bike, I might press the speed a little bit.

And every time it plays in my head, man, it's like, man, I pray I never have to call Andrew Bailey to help me out out of this situation. Bro, because in my highway patrolman, man. Listen, there's levels to this. They don't play. You don't go straight to the AG. I'm saying I'm just like, I don't know what to do. Like, I'm going to call Andrew. No, you work up the chain. So I just hope you never get a call from me, man. Hey, man, I'm there for you, brother. I appreciate it. You hear that? Don't pull me over. Don't tell him that.

He called you at three in the morning. Yeah, man. I said to call. I said to call. No, but man, you've been putting in some work, man. We got a few things happening right now. I saw you on the Harrison Bucker stuff. Yeah. Happening on that. How's that going? Yeah, man. Look, this was an instance in which Harrison Bucker expressed his sincerely held Christian beliefs at a Christian college in

to an audience that applauded at a commencement ceremony for graduation. And the left lost their minds. Lost their mind. But the problem here is that the city of Kansas City had an ex-account, a Twitter account, where they essentially doxed Harrison Butker. Wow.

Why would they do that if not to retaliate against him for his expression of his religious beliefs? Well, thank God we have the First Amendment to the United States Constitution that says we are allowed to express ourselves and allowed to exercise religion as we see fit absent government intrusion. And so that was an egregious example of, again, government retaliating against an individual for their sincerely held religious beliefs. We have a Missouri Human Rights Act that provides the Attorney General Enforcement Authority, and we've demanded certain records from the city of Kansas City to determine whether

Who manages a social media account? What kind of safeguards are in place to prevent this from happening again? Did they fire that? I think I saw somebody fired the guy who did it or something like that. But like, yeah, you're not, you're still not safe, bro. Well, that's right. I mean, it's accountability, but not transparency, right? We still don't know who it was or what control measures are in place to prevent it from happening again. Yeah, dude. I feel like a lot of times that we see these things happen. It's just, we see, cause social media is still new, right? Like it's not like,

it's been around for a hundred years. And I feel like a lot of companies are still adjusting to who has the power to say and speak on behalf of the company. Because I could tell you this, there's been a number of times where I've seen

stuff put out of here and i'm like calling back i'm like what the fuck are you guys doing take that shit down not very often but i mean it happens and i wonder if that was the case there yeah i think so because i you know somebody with their own beliefs sure just expressing them through the company channel yeah you know i think there's a distinction here when it's the government and i think that's really when it became problematic oh yeah and i and i also think that uh

you know, but to your point, I mean, the very next day, the mayor of Kansas City went on a talk radio show and said he apologized. Now, what he apologized for was not the content of the retaliation. He apologized that it was on the wrong medium of communication. We just used the wrong Twitter account, essentially. So kind of a hollow. How are we to this point? Like legitimately, it feels like we're at this point. Well, I do feel like culture is changing. So I'll say that first. I know it is. But

It's so bizarre to me that the dynamic between the left and the right, when it comes to culture, that the left has no problem attacking, insulting, doxing. And the right, like they're always like, we'll take the high road. We don't do those kinds of things. It's like, dude, like,

We're it's like this double standard where like if we say anybody with common sense that centrist or to the right says anything that they don't like, they throw a fit. But the minute they get it back, dude, they can't handle it at all. It's a weird thing. Yeah.

- That high road stuff is weird, man. Because it's like, you know, we're trying to still play this nice game where we feel like there's rules and it's like, that's not the game they're playing. - Listen, man, if you're a veteran, if you're in a battle and people are shooting at you and you look at the guys and be like, you know, I feel bad for these guys. I don't really want to shoot them back. What happens?

You get killed. And we have to get to a point where the people who are center and center right and right are speaking up and say, hey, fuck off. You know, this isn't cool because, dude, he did nothing wrong. He did nothing. He's a Benedictine. It's a Christian. It's a Catholic school.

This is the beliefs. If you don't like those beliefs, don't go to the Catholic school. You know, why is that? Why is this so hard for people to understand? Well, if you listen to it's like a 19 minute commencement speech. That's awesome. Yeah. The first part of his speech, you know what he said was that the left wants to drive Christian thought expression of Christian belief from the public domain, from public discourse. They don't want to hear it. They want to silence any voice. And then what happened?

Yeah, exactly. They proved the point. They proved the point. It was prophetic. Yeah, it's crazy, man. You've been putting in some work, though, man. So you're on the campaign trail now. Yeah. How's that going? It's good, man. It's good. We're in a good spot. You know, people have seen the work we've done fighting and winning for Missourians for the past 18 months, and they're excited about it. You know, between removing the Soros-backed prosecutor in the city of St. Louis that was unlawfully refusing to do her job to –

Shutting down the transgender child mutilation industry in the state of Missouri to increasing criminal prosecution across the state by 133 percent just to clean up some of the criminal behavior and hold wrongdoers accountable and find justice for victims. You know, those are signature wins that we've scored in a short period of time. This is show me state results matter. Yeah. Where is Kim? She's still playing. Where's Waldo? She's in the wind, man. Disappeared.

she's laying low i like playing how to go see i mean if you guys need some help just call me i you know i can help out a little bit you know she's playing fucking where's waldo man they still still no no kim gardner no no none she's probably in like aruba or something showing yeah you probably pay for it too oh man that's wild well me too um well sweet man well uh

I'm happy he's here, man. It's good to see you. Hey, good to see you guys. Good to see you, man. Well, I want to bring something up before we get to our headlines. I'm not sure if you guys saw this, but we talk about this temperature change and we talk about

you know, lifelong Democrats saying like, Hey, we're done with this stuff. Right. And this is an interesting story coming right out of California. This headline reads Democrat, California Senator blast party over pedophile jail sentence fight. I'm done with us. Did you guys see this? I did.

It's amazing. It's amazing. So let's dive into this a little bit. A California state senator fighting to throw pedophiles into prison for longer has blasted progressive members of her own party for trying to water down the new law, declaring, quote, I'm done with us. Democratic Senator Susan Eggman, who reps part of the San Juan. Joaquin. Joaquin. Yeah. I should have known that. I

That sounds... You should have. I should have known that. Who reps part of San Joaquin County, just outside of San Francisco, gave the fiery speech on the Senate floor last Thursday when lawmakers were weighing legislation that could make it a felony to purchase or solicit a minor for commercial sex in the Golden State. Let's watch the video. Let's see what she has to say. Thank you, Mr. President and members. I'd like to say as a progressive proud member

of this body for the last 12 years, I'm done. I'm done with us protecting people who would buy and abuse our children. I'm done. I don't want to send more black and brown men to prison. I don't want more people in prison, but I don't want people buying girls. I don't want people buying little girls anymore. And I'm tired of saying it's okay and that we have to protect the men who do it. As a mental health professional and as a social worker, I can tell you I've spent my entire career

Working with people who have been wounded. I'm not going to say beyond repair, but they have been wounded to their core by the abuse that's been heaped on them, oftentimes by those that they love and look to protect them. And if their parents won't do it, then by God, we should. I think she let a little cat out the bag there, a little Freudian slip up there. You mean like where she said, I've been protecting them? I don't want to send more black and brown people to jail.

- So who's doing it? You know what I'm saying? She made a little slip up there. - I didn't think that. - You didn't take it that way? - No, I thought the slip up was she basically said, "We've been protecting these people." - Yeah. - Like out in the open. - Yeah. - Why is that? Why are...

Are these people like what? Where does like you've been around these people? Like, where does this come from that they want to protect or like minimize like sex crimes and molestation and abuse? Like what? Yeah. Because like we out here, we all just think they're pedophiles, too. Right. This is what they're into. You're in a conspiracy to assist these people in the target offense of pedophilia. Yeah. And it's crazy.

And to your point earlier, you know, as a country, we used to elevate the rules of the game above the players and the outcomes and the rules mattered. And, you know, the left and the right might disagree. We all agreed that we wanted a safer streets, better economy, jobs for folks, you know, simple things. How we got there, we would have policy disagreement over that. Now, the left has completely jettisoned. The woke left has completely abandoned any pretense of attempting to achieve success.

pragmatic good, practical good. They don't care. Like they no longer would even acknowledge that there is good and bad in a moral sense. In other words, they're okay with child sex trafficking. They don't want to stiffen penalties to punish child sex traffickers. That's insanity. I mean, I don't know how you, you're no longer playing by the same set of the rules or, you know, when you can't even agree that there's practical good from protecting kids from sexual assault.

How do you even begin a conversation? - Dude, it's common sense, man. And it's very common ground that people can be united on. Nobody that, no normal person I've ever met could sit back and say, somebody who abuses kids or molest kids or is a pedophile or a map or whatever they call them deserves lighter treatment, like deserves a break. Like we're, to me,

Where we come from here, we put, you know, we don't put, but we would like to put those people in wood chippers.

That's where they belong, man. Yeah. The only thing that's worse to the pedophile is somebody that protects them. That's just my stance, man. I think you're just as guilty. You're just as guilty. I have a hard time figuring out where the fuck this comes a position. How is this a position? How do we come up? How do these guys think, hey, you know what we should do? We should stand up and protect these people that do this shit to kids. Where is the virtue in that?

Like, who does that appeal to? Well, and it's completely ignoring the actual victim of the crime. Yeah. The kid. And dismissing it like it's nothing. Yeah, and to her point, I mean, look, you may send an adult sex offender to prison for a term of years. That kid's going to live with that the rest of their lives. Yeah. I mean, they're serving a life sentence. All right. I think, dude, I think there is a very...

a loud stench of evil undertone with people like that that support stuff like that. To me, there is no other explanation for it, man. That's evil stuff. So what do you think? Whatchippers? That's what I'm saying. Yeah, I mean, look, there's no punishment too stiff for those who would... We need harsher punishments, man. We need harsher punishments in this country. I got it, dude. We're going to next...

Andrew Bailey campaign commercial. Let's do it. He's driving a tank with a wood chipper all behind him. In tow. I love it. I love it. With the helmet on and everything. I love it, man. Well, guys, let's get into these headlines. Remember, if you want to see any of these articles, pictures, links, videos, go to and you guys can find that link there. With that being said, headline number one. Let's talk about it. It's the talk of the town, talk of the country. Headline reads, Jury resumes deliberations in New York v. Trump trial.

This is I've never seen anything like this. This is this is crazy. So let's let's get through some of the fast facts here. We got the jury enters its second day of deliberations and former President Trump's New York criminal trial on Thursday. At the time of the recording, they're still in deliberations. There is no timeline for how long deliberations will last. But a verdict could come down as soon as Thursday afternoon.

This is Fox News reporting. And the third fast fact here is that Trump and his defense team are required to be present for the deliberations so they can hear any potential notes from the juries. Now, a couple of interesting things that's been going on. There's been a poll that came out. CNN had their own version of this as well. The new poll reveals how Trump trial verdict will impact the 2024 election, where they found that

that two thirds of registered voters nationwide that were questioned in this NPR, PBS, NewsHour, Marist national poll that was released, two thirds of people said a guilty verdict in the trial would make no difference to their vote in the presidential election.

And then 17% said a conviction of Trump would make them less likely to vote for him. And 15% said they'd be more inclined to support the former president at the ballot box. So it doesn't, doesn't, you know,

It doesn't say explicitly what the two thirds, if they're voting for or against, it just said that they're not changing their minds. So whatever that may be. And of course, there's been a monopoly on this stuff. You go to any of the MSM heads, they have spent a collective of 10 hours.

That's 10 consecutive hours of nonstop talk about this case just in the last week. So you think of all the primetime air show air hours and watch time they're getting, they're spent to average about a 10 hours or 640 minutes consecutively talking about this trial. But here's the weird thing. Not once in any of those times, they mentioned the, the angle of political prosecution. They don't even mention that Alvin Bragg is a registered Democrat who ran under the Democrat campaign.

and solely ran to get Trump in this exact situation. They don't even mention it. Now, the most interesting thing here, which let's open this up for discussion, is the fact that with this, the jury trial and the jury rules, right, and how there is no, you know, unanimous decision that has to be made. We have an attorney in the room who is very well versed in this stuff. Can you explain to us what they're trying to do and what's the problem with it?

Yeah, a lot of problems going on here. I mean, this is an illicit witch hunt prosecution. It is not intended to obtain a legally valid conviction of a criminal defendant. It is solely designed to take President Trump off the campaign trail.

And to the extent they obtain a conviction, the Court of Appeals will have to overturn it. But that could take years. It'll undermine the first few years of a second Trump administration. I mean, they're going to poison a well that we'll be drawing water from for a very long time. We should all be concerned because this is what a banana republic looks like. When you bend the rules to go after political opponents,

Crime is rampant in New York, in Manhattan, and yet they're going to expend these resources on a made up crime that is not supported by the facts or the law. But but within the context of the closing sequence of the trial, a few things going on here. Number one, the president is charged with 34 different counts and they all some of them require a predicate offense. Like he interfered with the election by committing this crime and the doing X, Y, Z.

The problem is the judge has declared and read to the jury and the jury instructions that they don't have to have unanimity. They don't have to be unanimous. All 12 of them don't have to agree on what the predicate crime is. That creates a roving commission. I mean, at that point, it's like,

Throw everything against the wall. See what sticks. Whatever you guys come up with is fine. That violates not only the president's Sixth Amendment right to a fair trial, it violates due process. How can he prepare for trial and defend himself when it's like anything could be a crime? You know, when the jury instructions or when the law is provided by the judge in this context is so abstract that the jury is free to roam through the evidence as it sees fit and pick any old thing to have

to hinge liability upon, that becomes really unfair. And so that's a significant legal problem. Since 2020, the United States Supreme Court in the case of Ramos v. Louisiana has held that

uh, juries in criminal trials must be unanimous. That wasn't always the case prior to 2020. There were two States that still didn't have a requirement for jury unanimity in criminal trials, Louisiana, and then Oregon for some lower level offenses. And in 2020, that all changed when the court handed down Ramos fee, Louisiana. So this is a, a, an illegal error of enormous magnitude. That'll have to be corrected at the court of appeals, but it's one more piece of evidence that this was an illicit witch hunt prosecution. So what does, so,

forgive my ignorance on this but if they don't all have to agree and there's 12 right yeah so does that mean three can think he was guilty of one thing three can think he was guilty of something else three can think he was guilty of something else and three can think he was guilty of even something else and because they all think he's guilty of something he's guilty that that's right and that's what i'm saying that's a roving commission that's insane

Yeah, that is completely violates. So you could have three people that agree he did this and nine that say he didn't. But then because you have three that agree he did something else. Dude, that's crazy. It's an enormous problem. Has that ever happened? Ever? So the actual the basis for the so in the federal rules, it's always required jury unanimity.

Louisiana and Oregon in the late 1800s changed their state laws to eliminate the requirement for jury unanimity because of Jim Crow. They realized they had to allow people of every ethnicity, every skin color on juries. So they wanted to silence certain voices. So that's why they created this lack of jury unanimity at the state level in those two states. That was well outlined by Justice Neil Gorsuch in his opinion in Ramos v. Louisiana.

And so, again, the historical context here is terrible for the Democrats. Right. I mean, there's a black prosecutor using a racist technique to silence black people off of a jury to get a conviction on somebody doesn't like that's fucking insane. Yep. Yep. That's insane. Well, let's check in with with Trump because he had a statement on this.

This was earlier when he came out from break. Dude, that's insane. That's insane. Yeah. It absolutely is insane. When you're not going to read about that in the media. Yeah, I know. They refused to. They can't talk about it. Exactly. Well, bro, I couldn't. This is why I wanted to ask you because the information that's coming out of both sides has been very unclear of what that actually means and how that affects what's going on. I think that most people don't understand what we just talked about.

talked about at all. And I think if they did, they would be more outright. They would be appalled. People from both sides should be appalled. Yeah. This is what Trump had to say. Thank you very much. I would say in listening to the charges from the judges, as you know, very conflicted and corrupt because of the confliction, very, very corrupt. Mother Teresa could not beat these charges. These charges are rigged. The whole thing is rigged.

The whole country's a mess between the borders and fake elections and you have a trial like this where the judge is so conflicted he can't breathe. He's got to do his job and it's not for me that I can tell you. It's a disgrace and I mean that Mother Teresa could not beat those judges but we'll see. We'll see how we do. It's a very disgraceful situation. Every single legal scholar and expert said this is no case.

It shouldn't be brought. And it certainly could have been brought seven years ago, not in the middle of a presidential election. It was all done by Joe Biden. This judge contributed to Joe Biden and far worse than that. But I'm not allowed to talk about it because I have a gag order. Far worse than that, by a thousand times worse than that. The worst I've ever heard. But I can't talk about it. It'll be talked about, but I'm not allowed to talk about it. But it'll be talked about in the history books.

What's happening here is weaponization at a level that nobody's seen before ever. And it shouldn't be allowed to happen. So I'll stay around here. This is five weeks. And five weeks of really essentially not campaigning, although I took a big lead in the polls over the last few weeks. Something's going on. Because I think the people of this country see that this is a rigged deal. It's a weaponized deal for the Democrats to hit their political opponent.

For Joe Biden, the worst president in the history of the United States. He's destroying our country. He's letting millions of people from jails, from prisons, from insane asylums, from mental institutions, drug dealers, pour in. Venezuela, if you look at their crime statistics, they've gone down 72% in crime because they're releasing all their criminals into our country because of this horrible president that we have.

And then they have a protest of Robert De Niro yesterday. He's a fool. He's a broken down fool standing out there. He got he got maggoty. But I just want to say it's a very unfair trial. It should have never happened. If it was going to happen, it should have happened seven years ago. As you know, Greg didn't want to bring it.

The Southern District didn't bring it. The FEC didn't bring it. This judge didn't even let us use the number one election attorney. He's making the rules. He doesn't know anything about elections. He doesn't know anything about voting and vote counts. He doesn't know anything about this stuff. That's not his profession. We had the leading election expert in the country, Brad Smith, ready to testify. I wouldn't let him do it. They wouldn't let another gentleman who represented

And you know very well, you saw it, it was the worst I think I've ever seen anyone treated on a stand. Bob Costello, wouldn't let him talk about all of the hundreds of emails that he was sent by a gentleman, another gentleman, who I can't mention because I'm gagged. Every time I speak to you, you ask me simple questions. I'm not allowed to give you the answer because I'm gagged by this judge. We have a very, very serious problem here. I mean, our country's going bad.

And remember, and let me just leave you with this. This is all because of Joe Biden and his, and I don't even think it's him. I don't think he's smart enough to think about it. But it's the people that surround him in the office. They're smart. They're fascist, they're communist, but they're smart. And they're ruining our country. But we're going to win this election. November 5th is going to be the most important day in the history of our country. We're going to take back our country from these fascists and these thugs.

that are destroying us with inflation and with everything they do, how stupid they are, allowing 15, 16, 17 million people into our country, totally unvetted, totally unchecked. We're going to bring back our nation November 5th. Remember, most important day in the history of our country. In the meantime, this trial is rigged. Thank you.

I'm glad he said communists. It's very specific. Yeah. Because that's exactly what they are, man. I think they just want this stuff right here. You remember those AI pictures came out about Trump getting locked up and stuff? That's what they want. That's what they want the people to see. Anything else on this topic, guys?

The gag order, I think, is really important. There's a presumption against gag orders because they violate the First Amendment right to free speech. And a gag order is intended to protect, at least in part, the defendant's right to a fair trial.

Well, then why would you gag the defendant? It's his right. If he wants to waive it in the same way you can waive your other rights, if he wants to be out there talking about it. And so that presumption against a gag order as violative of the First Amendment should be especially true when

when you've got a presidential candidate in the heat of a campaign. I mean, the gag order alone in my mind is like one of the most egregious things that's happened. And again, just one more piece of evidence that this is an illicit witch hunt prosecution. What do you think he's talking about when he says a thousand times worse? You know, I think that...

Again, there was a period of time where we used to elevate the rules of the game above the players and the outcomes. And instead of Alvin Bragg, if you go to his website, the Manhattan District Attorney, it says one standard of justice for all. How does that guy keep a straight face and say that? When crime is rampant in New York City and they're not locking up the drug dealers or the people assaulting innocent victims on the subways and stabbings and murders, they're not doing anything about that.

But yet they're going to use the third ranking official from Biden's Department of Justice and bring them in to assist at the trial court level prosecution of a presidential candidate on made up charges and then not allow the president to campaign or talk about it and not give the jury the actual physical copy of the jury instructions and not require unanimity on the predicate offense. I mean, it's like.

item after item after item after item that you line up here. And it, it, it, even if you don't like president Trump, which personally, I think he's great, but if you don't like president Trump, how can you possibly say that this, this system is fair or that this system was intended or designed to protect the defendants individual rights to a free trial? Well, fair trial. Yeah. I mean, look, what's the repercussions of this going to be? Because

Clearly they're operating outside the boundaries of normal courtroom procedure.

So you have Trump talking about, you know, presidents get immunity, they get immunity, they get immunity, and clearly he's not getting it. So what is that going to mean for these guys if he gets back in power? Well, to your point, yeah, I think this boomerangs. If the left is going to commit lawfare and we're going to undermine the rule of law, they should be prepared to experience that as well. And I think that that's why there are certain people who may, like, for instance, in today's

Supreme Court decision. It was a 9-0 decision in favor of the NRA against the state of New York on a First Amendment claim. And, you know, even Sotomayor, who I believe wrote the opinion, probably looked at it and said, well, she may not be aligned with the NRA, but she doesn't want that happening to her advocacy political groups either. And so there's some people that can at least kind of pierce through that and see that for what it is. So you think they're starting, these people are potentially starting to realize that he might win and that if they, if

if they behave in this manner, that there could be repercussions on their stuff? I hope so. Yeah. I mean, look, the deep state has been out to get Donald Trump since before 2016. Remember Lisa Page and Peter Strzok and the text messages? The deep state of the DOJ was already plotting to undermine his presidency. And,

That same DOJ refused to prosecute Hillary Clinton for destroying government property that had classified information, refused to prosecute President Biden, who had classified information in his garage, but then throws everything they got after President Trump at both the federal and state level on, again, this illicit witch hunt prosecution. It's fundamentally unfair. It offends our basic sense of fairness. It offends the law. It's enormously problematic. I think the best thing about this is the precedence has been set.

I agree. That's the best thing about it. This is communist shit, dude. Like this is show me the man and I'll find the crime. Yes. That is not what the United States is built around. No, no, no. So, I mean, that's the best thing about it. And I think people should really be concerned about this because like Trump says, and this doesn't matter if you're left or right or in between, if they can do that to him, that means they could do it to you.

And they will. Yeah. They absolutely will. Guys, jump in on this conversation down in the comments. Let us know what you guys think down there. And speaking of comments, that's Crusoe. All right. How about that? We got some interesting stuff here. 69 Andy Stewart. He says Biden has done more on infrastructure than any other president in living memory. Pay attention.

I think he left out destroying infrastructure. Done more to destroy infrastructure. He must have left that out there. Yeah. You're right. He has done more to fuck it all up. Dude, you know what's funny? Because this guy writes this because they signed the fucking infrastructure bill, and he doesn't realize that infrastructure bill had nothing to do with infrastructure. Yeah. What was the thing? They spent like $12 billion that was budgeted for EV stations.

but they only built- - And they got like six built? - They built like seven, like six or seven. - Yeah. - But they're supposed to have like 500,000.

It's been a few years. Dude, it's weird to me how many people like believe so strongly that they understand what's going on. They don't understand. What was that bill? Three thousand pages or some crazy shit. And they introduced it at the middle of the night. It was like in the middle of the night. And then they had 12 hours. There's not a single human on the planet that could have read it. No. And yeah, I mean, who knows what's in it?

Who knows what they're voting on? I mean, the process there is so flawed. And I think special interest ends up winning and the people lose on stuff like that. Yeah, dude. And then we're looking at the infrastructure. Go look at Japan. Go look at China. Go look at Dubai. And then look at our shit. Okay. And you're telling me this, dude, that anybody's been doing anything good for infrastructure? I mean, and dude, we can say that for Trump, too. We can say that for the last seven presidents. Our country looks like shit. We're way behind.

So this isn't even a Democrat-Republican thing. This is a corrupt politician thing. Like, they take the money and they don't do what they say they're going to do. It's just an honesty thing, man. So, Andy, you know, your comment was pretty fucking stupid. Good name. Yeah. Stupid-ass comment. Yeah. This next one comes from Harris Jeff Too Bad. Someone reads to need.

No, someone needs to read. I think he's talking about you. Yeah, surely he's talking about me. I mean, fuck you, Harris. Hey, you didn't want to say who it was because you didn't want to be called racist. That's what it was. Someone. It's fine. Those people. I didn't even worry about it. That guy. I didn't even worry about it. That one guy. What's his name? What does he look like? What's the description? What does he look like? He's a young man.

Oh, man. He's got dark hair. You know, we're, you know, assholes, man. This last comment. I mean, the motherfucker's not wrong. Well, listen, man. Here's Jeff. Reading's hard. I mean, you know, you are learning. Reading's hard. Listen, reading is fucking hard. Yeah, I know. All right. No comment. If you say something, I'll say this, Jeff Harris.

We should just play that. We should play the episodes uncut. Guys, this third and final comment comes from at Sarah Beck, 69, 72. She says schools out for summer, which means this teacher will be listening to the podcast on blast while working in my yard. Hope the neighbors like it too. Yeah. Yeah. You know, she's not trying to convince any kids to do weird shit. That's a fact.

She's sneaking into the rooms to tear down the pride flags. Yeah, she is. Undercover ninja right there. That's what we like. She's part of the team. Hell yeah. Appreciate you, Sarah. Spread the word. Yeah, guys, we appreciate all of you guys. Thank you guys for being real ass fans. Yeah, except for the first guy. Except for, yeah, that first guy can fuck off. Harris, you can too, bro. I ain't gonna lie. But,

But with that being said, let's get to headline number two. Headline number two reads, Biden tells black voters Trump wanted to tear gas them during peaceful George Floyd protest. This is my favorite. This might be my like legitimately my favorite time of the year is like every four years the election cycle. When they start pantering.

I love the pandering. I love it. And this is great. This is great. I think this might almost top the fried chicken that Biden did. Really? Did you see that fried chicken stuff? No. Oh, bro. He did a commercial where he was going to have dinner with a black family and brought food.

fried chicken in a black family. Yeah. Like this guy really thinks this is how he's going to connect with the black community. I mean, listen, I'll eat it. All right. Like, I appreciate you bringing it. I'm going to eat it. But that's fucked up, man. I know. But like, here's the thing. Okay. Look, dude, I'll eat it too. I like fried chicken, man. You like fried chicken? Love it. Yeah. Fried chicken is the shit. Everybody likes it. But here's the thing. By the way, I'm tired of black people claiming it like it's theirs. I like fried chicken. It is. No, it isn't.

It is not. You can eat it. Okay. You can eat it. All right. But we all know what Colonel Sanders did. What'd he do? I'm just saying. I'm just saying. You're saying he stole? He stole them 11 spices and herbs. Hell yeah, he did. That's a pretty serious accusation. Just saying. Well, I don't want to talk shit on the man. Do you have any information to back that up? Well, I mean, I don't want to talk about it. He's not here to defend himself, but that's fair. He stole their fucking chicken recipe, bro. Does

This is very like in keeping with Biden's explanations during his initial presidential campaign about being like the lifeguard at the pool. Oh, man. Conflict with corn pop. Yeah. Yeah. They make up these stories. And he's so out of touch like that.

It's insanely. But think about the meeting. Like, okay, we're all having a meeting and we're like, hey, all right, Joe, fucking black people hate you. We got to fix this. Someone says, I got an idea. Here's what we'll do. We'll bring a fried chicken.

I'll go on the morning. What's that show with the morning club? Morning Joe? No, no, no. Where he said you ain't black. Oh, the Charlemagne show. Charlemagne to God. He goes on Charlemagne show and he's like, I got an idea. I'll go tell them all they ain't black unless they vote for me. Like, what the fuck, dude?

Where's this dude getting his advisement from? Bro, I don't know, man. But this is bad. This is. I got an idea. Seeds or no seeds. I got an idea. Seedless. All right. We get more black audience. I'm going to come to your house with some fried chicken. Let's do it, bro. Let's do it. Popeyes, baby. I'm a little surprised that Biden can still eat solid foods. I mean, he's usually like gum and oatmeal before nap time. He is on a smooth diet for sure. Ice cream. For sure. Oh.

Yeah, but this is crazy. So while he was doing a, I guess you can call it a rally of 52 people in Philadelphia, he said, let's just watch the clip. Let's watch the clip. Here's the clip. Running again, and he's clearly unhinged. He calls insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol, patriots, patriots. If reelected, he wants to pardon, quote, every one of them. Let me ask you.

What do you think he would have done on January 6th if black Americans had stormed? Think about this. What do you think would have happened if black Americans had stormed the Capitol? I don't think he'd be talking about pardons. It's the same guy who wanted to tear gas you as you peacefully protested George Floyd's murder. The same guy who still calls the Central Park Five guilty, even though they were exonerated. Whatever.

He's that landlord who denies housing applications because of the color of your skin. He's that guy who won't say black lives matter and invokes neo-Nazi third right terms. We all remember Trump is the same guy who unleashed birthism, the birth of the lie against Barack. And then Trump tells you he's the greatest president. I love this one. He says he's the greatest president for black people in the history of America, including more than Abraham Lincoln.

I mean, can you fathom that? Where in the hell? Like I said, I think he injected too much of that bleach in his skin. I think it affected his brain. What happened to his brain? Somebody's brain is affected. That's for sure. But it's funny, man. Hold on. So...

Trump wanted to tear gas black people when he was in power, when they were peacefully protesting. Right. Which wasn't peaceful. And it was far more not peaceful than what happened to J6 by statistics alone. Yeah. Okay. But he wanted to tear gas them when he had the power to tear gas them, but didn't tear gas them. Hmm. Hmm. So.

That's bullshit. Fried chicken, anybody? Yeah. How incredibly offensive that Joe Biden thinks if everyone with a certain skin color thinks and behaves exactly the same way. Yeah. That is insanely offensive. I mean, and across the board. It's messed up, man. I think what's also messed up, too, is like how they get on these campaign trails, these Democrats, bro. And like they just completely shit on 70 percent of the population.

You know what I'm saying? Like that's messed up. That's messed up. Like they are so strongly trying to get this black vote this year, which I believe it's gone. Like they have lost it completely. I don't think they even have it anymore. But, you know, it doesn't stop them from from continued a lot of people. This is another headline. Biden campaign co-chair. Americans have too many struggles right now to understand Biden's incredible achievements. How does. Well, that's the point.

That's actually the point. The point is to make things so hard, to make things so oppressive financially, to make time so hard, to make the division so strong that people can't see his incredible destruction of America. That's the point. That's the exact point. That's insane. Let's watch this clip real quick. That's the game, bro. The game is a bunch of elite people, quote unquote elite, who believe they're elite, go to Washington, D.C.,

And they get us to fight. They get us to argue. They make policy that make it hard for us to be prosperous. If we had prosperity at a wide scale, if we weren't destroyed by taxes and the middle class was able to comfortably live and not panic and not be frustrated and not scrape together to pay their bills.

we would notice the shit going on in society a lot easier and they know that. So their goal is to create an environment of division and hardship so that they can get away with more shit

That affects us in a negative way and benefits them. That is the entire game. That's the game that's being played. And until black people and white people and gay people and straight people and the people on the left and the people on the right start realizing that we're all seen the same way by those people,

we're not gonna get anywhere. There has to be unity. And I'm talking common sense unity. Like I'm not saying unity with the, you know, pedophiles that are dancing at kids' schools and teaching them to do ridiculous shit. I'm talking about common sense people, common sense Democrats, common sense Republicans, common sense black people, white people, Asian people, Latino people, fucking, we need unity because if we're united,

They have no power. And that's why they make it hard. So like when I read this, because I actually saw this last night, I was like, yeah, that's exactly correct. His incredible achievements in the destruction of this country. Because no one's destroyed more of this country in a shorter amount of time than Joe Biden. He's breaking records. Yeah. He's breaking records. And that's statistical reality. That's not.

Just bias or because you know, I don't like them. That's we could go down the statistics of this Yeah, that's dominant to what she said cuz I actually got some some some fun fact checks on this lady Let's see what she had to say

Then I think the question is, if the campaign was in such good shape with black voters as President Biden has done in the past so many times, why would it be using its most valuable resource, the president to hold so many events, five events targeting black voters in May of an election year?

You know, I think part of it is to show that we see how important that vote is. A lot of times people feel like their vote doesn't matter. A lot of people are going through a lot of struggles right now coming out of the pandemic. And they are not even aware of the things that this administration has done to really uplift our communities. So is that evidence of why we're seeing some I'm sorry to interrupt. Is that evidence of why we are seeing some of the erosion right now? The need to sort of better communicate that so they can bring those black voters back?

You know, again, I think a lot of people have their own pains and things that they're dealing with. And so we want to make sure that we highlight the different investments that he has made, whether it is in our infrastructure and creating jobs, the lowest black unemployment rate in 50 years and probably ever for us.

investments in our black small businesses which is why he was visiting small businesses today when you look at the investment in education you know the the 16 billion dollars for hbcus and also student debt relief which is one of the top issues that i hear about from black voters i had a capitol police officer stop me on my way into the capitol asked me to roll down my window and he said my wife is a school teacher she's been working for decades

We were able to get that debt relief, and it's the first time that we've been able to get out from under, and I feel like I hit the lottery. I want you to tell Joe thank you. We want to make sure that people see and hear those stories, and we're making those investments now because it is a priority.

Yeah. The HBCU stuff? You mean the HBCU that Trump said, hey, we'll fund you forever and you don't even have to come back and ask? And then Biden said, hey, you got to come back every year and ask. Yeah, it's funny. And the numbers, you know. So basically, you got to come back every year and beg us for money. Trump.

Trump said, just so you guys, I'm being sarcastic. When Trump was in office, the HBCU that came into office, Trump said, hey, we got you. You don't have to come back every single year like you've had to do forever. And then Biden changes that when he gets in office. And so now-

They're trying to play it like they're doing something great for HBCU when actually it's worse than what was happening during Trump. Not only that, the $16 billion she's touting is completely off base. What's the actual facts is Trump funded them and gave them $45 billion. Biden dropped that to two. Okay, this is a actual fact. Let's dive in a little bit to that unemployment rate she's talking about, right? Biden has the lowest unemployment rate for black people.

There's some little fuckery around there. That was actually Trump, and he set that record in 2019, which Biden was able to manage and scrape together to get to. However, it has since already been back up.

They're lying. They're completely lying, man. Dude, the problem is, DJ, is this goes in what? Yes, they're lying. But the reason they're able to lie is because shit is so hard. Yeah. Yeah. Like, dude, who's worried about this shit when they can't pay their bills or they can't buy groceries or they can't pay for living expenses?

Like, it's hard to pay attention to things like, I mean, have you ever been in financial distress? Yeah, I have to, bro. And when you're fucking feeling that kind of weight on your shoulders, it's fight or flight. Yeah, dude, you don't have to worry about nothing else. Andrew, because you've been on the campaign trail, you've been able you've been in front of real people. What's it been like out there?

And people are tired of it. People are tired of the left telling them things are going well when they're feeling it, when they go to the grocery store, the gas pump. And yeah, I mean, look, I've got four kids and like, you know, in September, we're trying to buy new shoes and backpacks for school and get kids on the school bus. And the president's touting this the strongest economy. And it's like, you got to be kidding me, man. Like, are there some things going well? Of course there are. But the

the average working family is hurting because of the Biden inflation. And at the same time that's happening, like you said, he flings open the border. You have 10 million people have come across the border illegally and are given work permits and everything else. And they're now taking jobs that working Missouri families need and using up resources that are

we pay into for working Missourians. And so you're right. The left creates and President Biden is directly responsible. They create his greatest achievement is creating chaos and disaster. That's the achievement. And yeah, you're right. It's kind of hard to focus on anything else he's done because he's been so effective at destroying so much. Dude, how do you feel like

talking to these people when they when these guys get on TV and they brag about the economy being so great. How do you you know, when you're talking to these people, I mean, don't they aren't people tired of feeling like they're just getting gaslighted? Yeah. I mean, and again, this is the show me state like people. Politics is different in Missouri. Yeah. Results matter. Yeah. I mean, people

People that just get up and talk, Missourians don't want to hear it, man. They want to see results. And so if all you're doing is chirping, people aren't paying attention. And that's the problem with so many of these talking heads on the left. They're not able to point to results. That stuff might fly in New York and California, but here in the Midwest and specifically in Missouri, it's the show me state. Results are going to matter. It's one of the things I'm most grateful for is being from Missouri and

Because it really doesn't matter if you're Democrat or Republican or in, of course, we got crazy people on the right and crazy people on the left, you know, the 2% of the polar opposites. But the reality is, is people do appreciate actual statistical reality. And it seems like

In other places, that's not the case. It's like, you know, like one thing she said when she was talking, she said, you know, Biden's taking care of small business. That's why he was visiting small businesses. Well, it doesn't matter if he's visiting small businesses. What matters is, is are they helping small businesses?

And so they say these things to make people believe that they're actually doing something when in reality, I could go down and visit 100 small businesses today. It doesn't mean they're going to be better. Right. How many small businesses could he not visit because they're closed permanently? Right.

Well, they blame that on Trump. Everything that happened during the pandemic for that two years, they blame on Trump because he was in power when it happened. And I think, like we've said on the show, I think that's going to get worse and worse and worse as we go because now we're starting, this is a different topic, but now we're starting to see vaccine injuries. We're starting to see all cause death go up. We're seeing, you know, 40 fucking percent in some places, dude, we're seeing crazy statistics.

Dude, the MP from UK who was the first guy in UK to get the vaccine. Did you see this? Bro, first guy in the UK, the MP that had to get the vaccine, had to have all four limbs amputated for sepsis.

Yeah, dude, he had it in 2021. Now he had all four of his limbs amputated. Like we're seeing. And by the way, that's horrible shit. Terrible. I'm not like sitting here gloating and saying, oh, I'm not one of those people. Still got my hand. Dude, listen, I actually look at those people and think they're victims.

I don't look at those people like, yes, they were ignorant. Yes, they were mean. Yes, they were aggressive, but they're the ones walking around worried and fucking dealing with this shit. And I think that they're starting to, they're starting to admit a lot of these things so that they can turn it on Trump and be like, Trump rushed the vaccine. And now look at all this stuff.

And I think that's going to get worse and worse as the election. I think that's their October play. Their October play is to turn all of that onto him. But when they say, getting back to your point, you know, like you said, the closed businesses, they blame that on Trump.

You know, the student loan thing real quick. I think that's really telling. So they're saying that, hey, one of the things, one of his greatest accomplishments is helping pay off people's student loans. Now, he's doing that illegally, unconstitutionally in an attempt to buy votes. Let's not be mistaken. Congress has twice, 2019 and 2021, rejected bills that would have canceled student loan debt. And he's using the Higher Education Act of 1965 that allows for amendment to repayment terms. Well, the words amendment to repayment terms are different than the word repayment.

cancel. There's no such thing as canceling any working family or small business. I'll tell you, there's no such thing as canceling debt. Somebody pays it. That's going to cost the American taxpayers a half trillion dollars in Missouri. It'll cost us north of 44 million dollars. That's why we filed suit against it. So the same people that are sitting here telling you we're going to fix your kitchen table issues are exacerbating the Biden inflation that's hurting all of us.

So it's a gimmick. Again, it's creating crisis and catastrophe that ultimately inflicts more pain so then they can promise a remedy that is empty at best. Well, and that's their MO. They come in every two years, every four years. They say all this shit they're going to do. Then they do the opposite and they walk out with millions of dollars. Or right at the end, they can promise to fix it or do small things, make it appear as if they're fixing issues just to get the votes. Well, you know what I was thinking about is like,

How do all these blue collar Americans feel? Like how do all these plumbers, these construction workers, these concrete guys, these roofers, these people who didn't go to college necessarily but then went into the trades, how do they feel that they're paying the debt off for people that went to school for four or six years for liberal arts or really for anything? Like how is it now – how are we now –

saddling the blue collar salt of the earth backbone of our country with the debt of a bunch of privileged fucking assholes. Starbucks baristas. Like, dude, I wonder how they feel about that because I'll tell you this. I'm not a blue collar guy, but that pisses me the fuck off. It pisses me off. I've got friends that didn't come home from Iraq that paid for their school in blood, sweat and tears. And now there's a widow who grieves every Memorial Day.

because that soldier needed a way to pay for school. And you're right, I mean, we cannot let Joe Biden saddle working Missouri families with Ivy League debt. That's what the lawsuit against it is all about. And at the end of the day, even if you think it's a good idea for the federal government to pay off student loans, surely we can all agree Congress has the power of the purse, not the president. And when we've seen Congress reject those bills twice,

And you can look at the plain text of the law and see that the president does not have the authority to do what he's doing. Surely we can agree this is not the proper way to achieve that policy objective. Well, so how so so let's say you sue him and you win. Yeah. What happens to those people who got their debt wiped? Well, I mean, that's the problem. We've already beaten you once before we put it back in there. Well, I the problem.

Federal government's going to have some explaining to do for sure. And look, we've won this case once before. Eric Schmidt filed it. I took it. I moved it forward. I sat at council table representing the state of Missouri in February of 2023. And we won this time last year. We got the decision that struck down his first attempt to, quote unquote, cancel it again. I would tell you there's no such thing as canceling that. But his attempt to saddle working Missourians with with Ivy League debt.

Well, what's scary is that now he's doing again and he's on the stump on the campaign trail flaunting it, saying the Supreme Court told me, no, I'm going to do it anyway. At what point do we call this a constitutional crisis? Like if Donald Trump had done that and said, I don't care what the Supreme Court says, I'm going to do whatever I want. I don't care that Congress hasn't empowered me to do it. I'm going to do whatever I want. He's fucking Hitler, bro. Right. Yes. Biden gets a pass on all of that. Yeah. But dude.

He's doing Biden. These people are doing all the shit that they accused Trump of doing. And Trump did none of this stuff. What, you know, Trump's going to take us to World War Three. Oh, really? There wasn't a war the entire time he's in office. Now look at what's going on. You know, Trump's going to ruin the economy. Oh, really? You know, I mean, look, dude, this is insane shit. And I really, really.

I'm really concerned about what the lengths they're willing to go to sabotage the election and maintain power because, dude, these people very clearly understand and what they're afraid of. The reason they're trying so hard, like with this court case and all these things, is because they are very worried that Trump is going to weaponize the same way that they did. And they know that they're guilty.

And so, dude, he should... Yeah. Which he should. Or the people should. Again, like, I mean, we can't just keep sitting back and allowing these people to run and do whatever. I don't think that's going to happen, dude. I think they've pushed people to... We're getting close to a boiling point where this is not going to be accepted. And I don't think people are going to sit around and just tweet about it either. And I don't think it's going to be...

I don't see the local sheriffs and police departments getting in the way of people being pissed about this because it's hurting them too. You think all these police officers, these guys out here, that they're being ordered to do this and that and they're getting hurt by these policies? You think they support this clown? No. They're afraid to lose their job because shit is so hard. They don't know what to do. So by creating this environment where things are exceptionally hard on everybody, you

It forces everybody to sort of comply because it's like, well, shit, if I don't comply, dude, I'm going to starve. And so that's the play of what's going on. But I don't think, I mean, dude, I just, I don't know. I feel like people are getting to a boiling point for real. Like culture is to a point where,

These people are exposing themselves. You know, people are starting to realize what's going on and I don't think they're going to be able. The only thing I think that they can do that I think they might do is flip the table over somehow create such a crisis, you know, like flip the power grid off or something for two weeks or something. I don't know, man. Shake it up. Yeah. Yeah. Guys jumping on this conversation down in the comments. Let us know what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our third and final headline headline. Number three, um,

Speaking of flipping the game board over, we're on a World War III watch. This headline reads, Blinken hints U.S. may accept Ukrainian strikes in Russia with American arms. This is hot off the press. This just came out. And this could have some very significant implications if it goes through.

So Secretary of State Anthony J. Blinken suggested on Wednesday that the Biden administration could be open to tolerating strikes by the Ukrainian military inside Russia using American made weapons, saying that the United States would, quote, adapt and adjust its stance based on changing conditions on the battlefield.

Mr. Blinken said that the United States had neither encouraged nor enabled such attacks, but he said that the Ukrainians needed to make their own decisions on how to best defend themselves, a position he has stated before, and that the United States government had, quote, adapted and adjusted as necessary as the war evolves.

When asked by a reporter whether his words, quote, adapt and adjust means the United States could support attacks by Ukraine with American made weapons inside Russia. He said, quote, adapt and adjust means exactly that, meaning those words signaling flexibility from Washington. Now, would they do that? That's interesting because we already did. U.S. made munitions were just used in deadly strike on Rafa Tinkham.

over in Palestine. Oh yeah, let's not forget Nikki Haley signed those bombs. She did sign those bombs. I saw that. I saw that. Saying finish them. It's insane. And this is coming from CNN, our favorite people. Munitions made in the United States were used in the deadly Israeli strike on a despotic

placement camp in Rafah on Sunday. A CNN analysis of video from the scene and a review by explosive weapons expert has found at least 45 people were killed and more than 200 others injured after a fire broke out following the Israeli military strike on the outskirts of Gaza's southernmost city, most of them women and children, according to the Gaza Health Ministry and Palestinian medics. Footage attained

by CNN showed swaths of the camp in Rafa in flames with scores of men, women and children frantically trying to find cover from the nighttime assault. Burned bodies, including those of children, could be seen being pulled by rescuers from the wreckage.

Israel's escalating assault in Rafah, where some 1.3 million Palestinians were taking shelter before Israel began its operation there, has drawn swift international condemnation with United Nations agencies, aid groups, and multiple governments calling on Israel to immediately halt its offensive. So we have a precedence already being set. They're already doing that. Do we see Ukraine following similar actions here?

You know, I think what's scary is the point that you made earlier, and that is when Donald Trump was in office, bad actors on the international stage were afraid to commit bad acts because they didn't know what he would do. And when he did have to take action like he did in Syria, it was surgical. It was swift. It was proportional. And so there was there was a methodology to the foreign policy. It made sense from like an objective, logical standpoint.

what are we doing like what is going on out you've got north korea saber rattling you've got china saber rattling at the taiwan straits you've got uh russia invades ukraine doesn't show any signs of letting up i don't know that i don't see any end to that that's a that's a never-ending war well i mean he's making russia's making 400 million dollars a month for that war they're making right so they spend like 100 million dollars depending on who you ask ukraine's

Obliterated anyway. Yeah. So they can't. The numbers are done. Numbers are done, which is probably why they're talking about the strikes now, you know, and escalating to strikes inside of Russia. Dude, if that happens and it comes out that it's U.S. made missiles.

That's going to be a problem. It's going to be a major problem. But were this concerned about the border between Ukraine and Russia and doing nothing? About ours. About the southern border of the United States of America? I mean, that's shameful. That's my argument too, bro. How is it that we're not putting Americans first? Yeah. That is the most shameful, deplorable aspect of the Biden administration today.

- It's, yeah, I don't do that. Listen, I don't care about any one of these four countries, Israel, Russia, Palestine, Ukraine, they can all go get fucked. We have too many problems inside of our own country right now that are being abandoned intentionally.

And like, I could care less for any one of them. - I agree with you. And I also, it makes me super annoyed at how passionate people get about these conflicts that are, you know, on the other side of the globe. And they don't say shit about what's going on here. It's like, dude, what are you, you're falling into the trap.

The trap is to get you concerned about these things going on over there. So you ignore all the things going on over here. And if you ignore all the things going on over here and you allow them to fund all these things going on over there, you're also allowing them to whittle the money back to their own fucking pockets. So like it's, it's part of the game. Get riled up about Ukraine, get riled up about Israel,

Don't look over here, though. Don't look over here in your own neighborhood. It's all a big shell game for them, in my opinion, to fleece the Americans with their tax dollars. Dude, there's not another country on this fucking planet that works like we do only to send our money other places. That doesn't exist.

Like we're the biggest slaves in the entire world. Why are we paying more than half of our total income? And people always love to argue this. It's not half of my income. Oh, really? Well, do the math. It's not just income tax. What about all the other tax? Okay. And if you do all the other tax, you work for the government and you work for the government to take that money and send over to these other places that will never benefit you.

What is it about America? How is that free? How is that free? Oh, the land of the free. How? Yeah, I agree completely. I think philosophically, humans are designed and intended to be an end unto ourselves, not a means to another's end. And to your point, the system of tax and spend has made us

a means to someone else's end, a means to the government's end. And that never ends. And it never ends. And you know what I think about, man? I think in the summers when I was in high school, I did concrete work. All right. And I did form setting. All right. And that's hard. That's a hard job, dude, especially in the summertime. And dude, I would, I never really acclimated to that job. And I'm not sure anybody does. Like when you go home at night, you're sore, you're tired. Like, you know, you worked.

And it was the best thing that ever happened to me. And not out of disrespect, but what it did was taught me that I better figure something out. Otherwise, I'm going to do that my whole life. No disrespect to the guys that do it. I have the utmost respect to the guys that do it.

But that's a hard life. And what I think about is those guys going out, working 8, 12 hours a day to try to get some overtime, take care of their families, and then them being taxed in this way for the money to be sent over there and their kids to get fucked in our school system. And to this guy's point, our infrastructure is terrible. We have these homeless veterans. We can't afford groceries. There's all this stuff going on. And we're paying for that.

How is that okay? That's not okay. That's not okay for a grown American man to go to work and sacrifice his mind, his health, and his body to pay for his family only for that money to be sent to fucking Ukraine or anywhere else. That's not okay, bro. And that's a fundamental problem with our government system that we need to fix. There's so much more that needs to be fixed than just electing Trump. Like there's...

There is fundamental realignment of this country that needs to happen. And dude, you know, I guarantee you, dude, there's tons of blue collar guys right now. And they're like fucking right, bro, because that shit's hard. Yeah.

It's not just the taxes themselves, the income tax, personal property tax, sales tax. It's the ghost taxes, regulations where to get a market to product, a corporation has to jump through so many hoops that it drives the cost up to where average folks can't afford it or the inflation where Biden prints money so fast that the dollars we do have in our pockets are worth nothing.

Half as much as they should be. 25% less than they were in 2020. The tax code is bad enough, but when you couple with that the ghost taxes, it's probably more than 50%. It's well over 50%. Bro, especially for entrepreneurs, and people don't think that. People think as an entrepreneur, I buy this energy drink for one penny and I sell it for $4. That's not the case.

Like you guys need to go look into it. And then you got Biden on TV, blaming it on the CEOs of these companies saying they're gouging you, dude, do you not, did you not take a basic economics course? If things cost more, they cost more. Right.

You know, and that's, and it comes down to the consumer. Because otherwise, if it doesn't, there's no profit margin. We're not the government. I can't just go turn on my money machine over there to keep the company going. Like, this is a real thing. And it doesn't just affect one or two businesses. It affects all of them, which affects every person in this country that consumes anything. So, like, dude, there's so many problems here that people just don't want to...

I just don't think they're in a place to really understand because they're struggling so hard. I think they've got us in the perfect place. They know exactly how much money they can take from us with us not going under. And they keep us right in that spot of extreme struggle where we're always swimming, but we don't really get anywhere. And what's interesting to me is, you know, you have all these socialist people that believe in this, but they don't understand that concept. It's like, dude, you are,

in exactly what you want yeah you got what you wanted yeah you're living in what you want and you don't like it you think you guys think that socialism or communism brings you a utopia no never in the history of communism has it worked and well that's not real communism no real communism you starve yeah because the producer stopped producing because it becomes

a lost cause. You get taxed to the point where you can't make any money. And then you have to come into work every day and bust ass and sacrifice your life, your mental sanity, everything for nothing. And those people eventually just say, fuck it. And then everybody starts. That's

That's what happens. And that's what there's a book about it called The Red Famine. Or you could read Atlas Shrugged, but you won't because it's a thousand pages long. Great book. Yeah, great book. It describes exactly what's going on. It does. It does. The producers stop producing, you know, at the point in which people are not an end unto themselves or a means to another's end. What's the point in doing anything? You know, I agree with one of the central tenets that every human interaction should be by mutual consent to mutual benefit. When you get to a socialist state or communist state,

everything is coerced and compelled. There is no free will. There is no choice. It's all tyranny. And that's, again, the reason we have a constitution is to protect us from the government. The reason we have a government is to protect our rights. That's the conversation we need to be having

in this country is what is the purpose of our what is our national identity? In my mind, it's the Constitution. What is the purpose of our government? It's to protect our rights and give us a forum to adjudicate disputes over those rights. And if we can unify around that, we can restore the health and welfare of this nation until we can come to common consensus there. And we're arguing over, you know, people that want lighter sentences for child molesters. Yeah, it's hard to even start the conversation. Yeah. Well, and also, dude, let's be honest.

The financial literacy of our country is one of the lowest in the world. And that's intentional. They don't teach us when we're in high school to balance checkbooks and balance personal finance or what simple interest does or what compounding interest does or how to invest or how to be successful. They don't want you to be successful because the poorer that you are, the easier you are to manipulate and control. And this is why they teach you that making money and becoming successful is some sort of

morally inferior position in life, right? What better way to keep people in poverty than to get them to believe that it's bad from a moral standpoint, right? Like, bro, this is manipulation. You've all been manipulated your whole life about these things so that you can be a controlled, easy, non-disruptive little peasant that they get to do whatever they want. And you go to work and they take 60% of your shit and fuck you. And that's our government, dude. Yeah, don't pay it.

Yeah, yeah, that's right. Taxation is theft. No, it's not. It's extortion because you go to jail if you don't fucking pay it.

Exactly. Guys, jumping on this conversation, down in the comments, let us know what you guys think. With that being said, man, we got our last segment of the show, guys. We got thumbs up or dumb as fuck. This is where we bring a headline in, we talk about it, and it'll get one of those two options. So with that being said, our thumbs up or dumb as fuck headline reads, Judge dumbfounded when man with suspended license joins court Zoom call while driving a car. Yeah.

First of all, I love this judge. I watch this shit on YouTube all the time. He's awesome. His name is Cedric Simpson, Judge Simpson. He's hilarious. Let's dive into this a little bit. So this is a New York Post article reading, his legal defense was a total car crash.

I love when they put those little puns. They get me sometimes. They make you laugh? Yeah, because that's like your level of humor. Yeah, they deserve some trophies. They're like terrible. It's fine. Yeah. It's fine. It's all right.

If we had a paper, that would be your responsibility to write the jokes that aren't funny. The leading headline. A Michigan judge was astonished when a man busted for driving with a suspended license appeared before him in a courtroom Zoom call while driving a car. Corey Harris, 44, popped up on screen behind the wheel as Washington County Judge J. Cedric Simpson said,

flashed a dumbfounded facial expression on May 15th. Mr. Harris, what are you, are you driving? He's so great. He says, quote, Mr. Harris, are you driving? Simpson asked. According to footage posted by, Simpson casually confesses that he is. Here's the clip. Mr. Harris, are you driving?

Ashley, I'm pulling into my doctor's office, actually. So just give me one second. I'm parking right now. All right. What are we doing? Your Honor, we are respectfully requesting an adjournment in this matter, possibly two to four weeks if the court would allow. This is his defense attorney. Okay. So maybe I don't understand something. This is a driving while license suspended?

That is correct, Your Honor. And he was just driving. And look at the dude's face. He's like, oh, shit. He didn't have a license. That's what the charge is, Your Honor. Yes. No, I'm looking at his record. He doesn't have a license. He's suspended and he's just driving. That is correct, Your Honor. I don't even know why he would do that.

So defendant's bond is revoked in this matter. Defendant is turning himself into the Washtenaw County Jail by 6 p.m. today. Failure to turn himself in will result in a bench warrant with no bond. Dumbass, man. Dude. You could have blurred your screen or something. Dude. Are you driving? Yeah, let me just pull into this parking lot real quick.

No, he tried to play it off. He's like, actually, actually, I'm parking. That's like the key term when people are full of shit. Well, actually, I was driving. I love this judge, man. Judge Simpson's awesome. Damn, dude. That guy's heart sunk. He's like, I got to go to jail. 6 p.m. today. And if he goes to jail at 6 p.m., he knows he's not getting out that day. It is hard to go to jail on a driving while suspended case.

That might be the one thing that'll land you there. It's just like complete and open defiance. Yeah. Like, you know, ignorance of your own defiance. He doesn't even know. Wow. Dude, what? What is he thinking? Nothing. I wonder I would have if I was just I would. Where are you going? I would have wanted to know where he's pulling up to. Oh, he said doctor's office. Now he ain't pulling up to the doctor's office. Look, man.

Why would you not just like step outside the car and just like be like, I'm at the park. Yeah. I'm taking a walk in the park. Not definitely not driving. Yeah.

Fuck, man. I don't know, man. You can't think like, oh, shit. Just having a bad day. Man, that is a bad day. It's just a really awful day. Now he gets to have some bologna sandwiches. Yep. On the state that you paid for. Where are we giving this, guys? I mean, this is thumbs down. Okay. Thumbs down. What do we got? Yeah, man. This guy. I mean, he's too dumb to...

Could you defend him as a client? No, no. I mean, that's what that. But honestly, from a legal perspective, look, I've spent a lot of my professional life in courtrooms and I've seen some dumb stuff. This takes cake. But his attorney, like throwing him under the bus and like, wasn't he driving just now? Yes, your honor. I mean, that's a judicial admission. That statement is now attributed to the defendant. She's an

admitting that he's currently committing a new crime for which he could face additional criminal charges. I mean, he probably has a great civil suit against his attorney for making that admission without consulting him first. I mean, what was she supposed to say? She couldn't lie to the judge. Dude, she was caught too. She can't plead the fifth. Yeah, I mean, she should. I believe she probably should have said something like,

We'll have to check on that, Your Honor. I'm not with my client right now. I'm not sure what he's doing right now. I can neither confirm nor deny what he's doing right now, Your Honor. We'll have to get back to you on that. Your Honor, I would ask that my client not answer any questions related to investigation of other criminal matters until I have a time to consult with him. I would have held you at the tip, dude. You're going to jail too, bro. It's a greed screen. Yeah, that's right. Look, there's a reasonable explanation here. Let's find one. Judge Simpson don't play, bro. He does not play. I would say he was

I would, dude, listen, put me up there. Man, I'd be a good judge. I think I would be a pretty good judge. Yeah. The only problem is I don't know the law. That's fine. They don't know it either. They don't know it either. I mean, I think you're guilty, dude. You're going to jail, bro. It's just that simple. Yeah, he's done. Look at his face says it all. He's like, oh, shit. Well, guys, Andy, Attorney General Bailey, that's all I got. Yeah. Thanks so much for coming in, man. Thanks for having me on, guys. It's always good to see you and chat and talk.

Bro, you're doing great work. Just one thing before we go. What do we have going on with the free speech stuff? Yeah, so we're waiting on a decision from the United States Supreme Court. We argued the case back in March, the same day that the case NRAV Vulo was argued. Today, the court handed down in a 9-0 decision in favor of the First Amendment right to free speech, the decision in NRAV Vulo. So we could be within a few days, few weeks. We should be within the next, you know,

30 days, the court should hand down the decision in Missouri v. Biden. We're kind of anxiously waiting. I think it's, you know, at the end of the day, this is a ruling on a preliminary injunction at a preliminary stage of the proceedings. And the court, regardless of what happens, we should end up back down at the trial court getting into the merits of the case. But I think it's a good sign that, again, 9-0 ruling in favor of the First Amendment today.

And the court in the Vulo decision actually in a footnote referenced Missouri v. Biden's, the ruling from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. So kind of an interesting, you know, lineage. A little foreshadowing a little bit. Do you, what's, so what would be the result if they rule in your favor for that?

Well, they'll if they a complete victory would be upholding the trial court's preliminary injunction against government collusion to silence American voices on big tech. Yeah, I mean, that that would be, you know, Biden appealed this. That's what this is. Yeah. The Department of Justice wants to be able to silence you on on on social media. And they do. And they do. Yeah, they absolutely do. Yeah. So.

Is that a first step? I'm just curious about this because I don't know. I didn't know. Did you know that they took down my page for like two weeks? Yeah. And I got it back, but we had to go to Jim Jordan to get it back. So the...

Is this a first step towards amending or changing Section 230 and their ability to censor us? It should. Yeah. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is the fount of the problem here. And it's created a government-controlled cartel of these big tech social media corporations that are free from the normal open market impulses that would protect against censorship. That being said,

You know, it also gives the government enormous leverage to to coerce these big tech social media corporations into conducting their censorship regime for them because they can always threaten to amend or repeal Section 230. So it's problematic for those those two reasons. It's both a sword and a shield for for big tech. But yeah.

- So do what we say or we'll change this and you can't do anything. - You'll lose your cash cow. You'll have open market competition and you may not survive. If you have open market competition, then you and I could say, well, I'm not using the censoring platform, I'm using the freedom platform. But beyond that, I think in this country, 230 notwithstanding, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act notwithstanding, we've got to build a wall of separation between tech and state.

that we would not tolerate that level of collusion and coercion in any other marketplace. In other words, if we were talking on our cell phones and we started talking about a topic that the government didn't like and the government started muting us on that cell phone, we wouldn't tolerate that. Or if all of a sudden we were getting newspapers, which I realize print media is largely dead, but that were large sections were redacted at the government's demand, no one would tolerate that. Why is it that we tolerate that on big tech? Why is that marketplace different? And it's because the censorship goes on in the shadows.

where we can't see it and don't know about it. And that's the problem. And that's why you've got to have that wall of separation between tech and state long-term to protect our right to free speech on social media platforms. So you would say that

If we win this case, this first case, the next one we're going to try to do is fix that. Yeah, I think that the preliminary injunction we obtained on the 4th of July last year is the first brick in the wall of separation between tech and state. And we can use this lawsuit to continue building upon that wall. Eventually, Congress is going to have a role to play here. I mean, not only with Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, but withholding officials in the government who are participating in the censorship regime accountable, eliminating those portions. Let's just cut the fat, get rid of that.

part of the government altogether, but to the extent that you still need those entities, how about appointing an ombudsman or an inspector general to monitor compliance with the court order that we've obtained? I mean, things like that can help us. We can use marriage discovery to root out the vast censorship enterprise, but Congress has a role to play here as well. We've got to work together to build that wall. Well,

We got to get that done, man. Because that's creating a situation of uneven playing field even in business. Yeah. Because of that. Market manipulation. Yeah, dude. 100%. Well, hey, brother. Look.

We really appreciate you coming on. I know DJ and I and the team here and our audience really appreciate the work that you're doing. It's a big deal. It's historically relevant. And if there's anything that we can do to support that, just let us know. Hey, I appreciate you guys. Thank you so much for having me on. Thank you for covering these important stories. Yeah, thanks. All right, guys, that's the show. Don't be a hoe. Share the show.

Went from sleeping on the floor Now my jewelry box froze Fuck a bowl, fuck a stove Counted millions in a cold Bad bitch, booty swole Got her on bankroll Can't fold, just a note Headshot, case closed