cover of episode Episode 11: Kash Patel on Working for Trump, Counterterrorism, and Who Killed JFK

Episode 11: Kash Patel on Working for Trump, Counterterrorism, and Who Killed JFK

Publish Date: 2024/7/8
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Try That in a Small Town Podcast


Shownotes Transcript

i honestly i was proud of the way my boss handled himself and i was saddened for america they're gonna yank him i don't know the exact maneuver maybe at the convention or whatever i have a question for you who killed kennedy i know you know all right guys welcome to another episode of the try that podcast yeah i'm kurt we got toly neil calo

And I just want to inform our viewers, we are severely underqualified for our guest tonight. Severely underqualified. That's an understatement. He is the former senior advisor of counterterrorism under President Trump.

also the chief of staff to the u.s secretary of defense what cash patel let's go yeah what's up guys that's like the greatest intro i've ever done i'm just gonna get off the program now and leave it at the top yeah leave on a high note hey i got two questions for you right off the bat are we the first songwriters you have ever sat down with and what are you thinking

First songwriters I've ever sat down for a podcast for sure. And I got to say how awesome it is. I've seen y'all in action. I've been listening to your music before you ever even knew who I was, screaming and jumping around about this. So for me, this is a really cool thing, extremely special. And I'm psyched that you guys are involved in this type of format because you can reach such a far audience with who you all know. So super appreciative.

Oh, absolutely. Awesome. Let's give the people a little bit of background on cash. You let me see. I got a written down here. I didn't even know this cash. Tell me now we're talking. We're like cash is just some cool dude that comes and hangs out at the show. I have to tell you something. I tell you. So you started coming out a few years ago, hanging out. Right. And, and, and we're like, God, cash is so cool. And every time you come out with like cash is so cool, but

you know in my mind i'm like i never really knew all that you did you're just cool we got talking music and whatever i told because he would have to kill you if you knew all i told kurt today i'm like i am very intimidated like i don't even look at you i can't look at you in the eye because i'm so i was just trying to not get kicked out of y'all show my god dude it's so it's so impressive it it's uh

Kurt, I'll let you take it away. Well, no, I was just going to say, as I'm starting to Google Cash Patel, which, by the way, actually don't Google. Go to DuckDuckGo or something, right? The smear job is on. But the former Justice Department official, you were there in the Obama years, right? And then, of course, when President Trump came in, you were the lead investigator in Russiagate. Russia, Russia, Russia. Yeah.

Right? That was you. Yeah, that was nuts. Yeah, that was crazy. Is that when you kind of met Trump or got in that circle? Well, it's kind of, I mean, best laid plans. I probably drank like a thousand PBRs and didn't know what I was going to do. And I met this guy, Devin Nunes, who I didn't know who that was back then. Neither did the rest of the world. I was like, I was running...

Jay Sox special forces operations as a civilian. And I wanted to get back into like the white house and try to do some cool stuff and,

I met this guy, Devin, randomly. And he was like, look, we got this Russiagate thing. Nobody knows. Nobody knew what it was back then. I was like, this sounds like a terrible idea. I want nothing to do with this. And then two months later, I was like, you know what? Let's take it on because he made me a deal. He goes, you run this investigation because you used to be a terrorism prosecutor. You got an intel background, all that stuff. And I'll help you get to the White House to run counterterrorism. So I was like, deal. But neither of us knew it was going to blow up the way like not even close.

We had no idea. You know, why do you hang out with us? Like, that's a legit question. Why are you talking to me? No, no, no. It's a legit question for those listening. You know, we write songs and I play a piece of wood with strings on it. And you're like, talk about counterterrorism. And it's so, it's impressive. And thank you. Like I said, I told Kurt, like, I just can't believe all these years. I'm like, oh, cool, cash is coming. I'm like, what the hell am I doing? Yeah.

You're like a legit badass at everything. Anyway, Kurt, take it away. Neil, what did you have? I know, Neil, you said you wanted to ask. Well, wait, I want to say, I got one quick thing to say on Tully's thing. Listen, you didn't know me back then, but I can tell you I've been in every theater of war that we've ever had. I've operated with our Special Forces Community or Conventional Ground Forces in every theater of war we've ever had.

And every single place plays your music. Every freaking place I went. So for you guys to say you weren't helping and providing in the cause, you have no idea what it means to be stranded at some fob and having good music and a dip and nothing else. Come on. Hanging out. So you saved our asses more times than you'll ever know.

That's amazing. Yeah. I mean, I think like one of the things that, you know, we kind of bond over is the fact that, you know, a lot of people hate you too. So welcome my friend. Welcome. Yeah.

Come along. Come along. Yeah. I'm in. I'm in for the hate train. Yeah. One of the most hated men in America today, ladies and gentlemen. That's true. Yeah. I was talking to Steely, to Jeff Steele the other day, and he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, I would ask him who the most famous country artist in Turkmenistan is. Is that how you pronounce it? Turkmenistan? Is that right? Did I pronounce it right? Oh, yeah.

You did. You nailed it. This is a wild story. Not bad for an Alabama kid. Yeah. Y'all know Jeff longer than I have, but obviously, dear friend, brilliant songwriter, extremely talented guy, and just loves America as much as you guys do. So we hit it off right away when I started hanging out with my buddy John Rich and company. And then, long story short, we became buddies. And last summer...

the U S opened up our largest embassy in the world, right? Largest. And I, and I called Jeff and I'm like, Hey, do you know where Turkmenistan is? He goes, you're punking me. Is that a real place? Like show him a map and do all this stuff. And I go, listen, I need somebody to play a two day show out there. And he goes, where is it? And I like, you know, I was like, it's like, it's a good 20 hour plane right away in the middle of the caucuses. He's like, I'm in bro.

we went out there and I got to tell you, there's probably like 500 embassy people at the event. And then the next night we did like a local event at the opera house. And dude, the Turkmenis knew this guy's music. They were all sitting at home. They didn't know. It was unbelievable. Yeah.

It was a really cool trip, but it's one of those ways we bring out culture to folks that don't get it. He played in front of children, and it was really cool. It was really cool of him to do that. He basically did it for free. It was really awesome. He texted me this, and then we can move on, but he texted me this. He goes, Operation Turkmenistan. We were in Azkabat.

An hour from Tehran, Iran, just over the mountain. We were going to connect to Jerusalem, and I asked Cash why we had to fly all the way back to Istanbul, and we couldn't just fly direct to Jerusalem. And Cash said, fly direct? We have to fly over Iran, and if anything happens to the plane, we have to land there. If we have to land in Iran, we won't come home. Is that true? Yeah.

Yeah, we're not allowed over running airspace. So if, you know, it's a bad idea to do that. I mean, we got close enough by the mountains as it was. I was like, Steely, you ain't getting any closer. So we sent him a roundabout way. I think his missus was none too pleased, but it all worked out in the end. And they got to see some wild stuff. They call it the White Marble Kingdom because they took all the white marble from Italy and used it to build Turkmenistan. There's none left.

Every single building, like the Lowe's, is made out of white marble. It's hilarious. Wow. Well, Cash, listen, you know, we tell people on this podcast, we sometimes will have a musical guest. Sometimes we'll have, we have a Navy SEAL on. We had Riley Gaines on. So we kind of spread our wings a little bit.

and we do talk politics sometimes, and we try to tell people, listen, we're just average people talking about politics. But we got to ask, we just had a debate, or I don't know if I should say we had a debate. Let's go! What did you take away from it, that Biden has a sixth handicap, or did you take... That's bullshit. Actually, the question I actually really want to ask

Are they going to pull him? Yeah. So look, full disclosure, I'm currently Donald Trump's senior advisor for national security and defense. So I have a bias. Nobody's going to see this. Yeah. Yeah. Between us. Yeah. Just between us. Feel pretty confident about that. No, no, it's going out there. I'm telling you, I'm going to tell the boss I did this. Oh, yes. But, you know, honestly, yeah.

I was proud of the way my boss handled himself, and I was saddened for America. And Donald Trump's, I thought, best line of the night was, Joe, I want you to succeed. You're a commander in chief, but you're failing. And that's the right answer for a guy like me who cares about national security. I don't know anything about the economy or health care or what have you, but I'm

You want any president, Republican or Democrat, to succeed. You don't want the narco traffickers to take over the southern border. You don't want fentanyl to kill our kids. You don't want illegals coming in and murdering and raping children. And you don't want three more forever wars overseas, just to name a few things, while the CCP and Russia are having a field day, thanks to Joe Biden, after that performance that he put on. They're probably sitting around calling each other and saying, we got eight months of free road here.

And so I thought it was a sad day for America to see any president perform the way Joe Biden did. And yeah, I've always said this for a long time. They're going to yank him. I don't know the exact maneuver, maybe at the convention or whatever, but they're going to pull him. And when they do, I just want to highlight that the Democratic Party will remove the democratic process from the U.S. Constitutional Republic that is America and say, even though all these states voted to put Joe Biden in place, we're going to hijack that from y'all.

It's kind of the hypocrisy of hypocrisies when they call us, you know, the conspiratorial right-wing, you know, lunatics. But I also don't think there's going to be another debate after that. Yeah. Yeah. And if there is another debate, I would say at a minimum that Biden and his team would have camera off of Biden while Trump is talking because that was the most devastating part, not the fact that he couldn't remember a lot of things and he stumbled. It was that...

That look on his face as Trump was talking. This look? And he was very much like, that's actually very good. So a little inside baseball on that. That lost look. But CNN didn't want to play the split screen. They actually said, we're not going to do that. And I think the campaign was smart enough to say, if you don't do a split screen, we're out. So America almost never saw that split screen that you're talking about. That's how much CNN wanted to rig it for Joe Biden.

Wow. Wow. But Cash, I'm kind of with you and I'm sorry to interrupt, but it was the same thing. The takeaway that I had was like, I'm sad that that's the leader of our country. And I'm frightened because what's now going to happen over the next six months as he's in charge or is he in charge? Like who's running the country is what I'm thinking to myself. Well, it hasn't been very good. He might be doing it. Yeah.

I mean, he actually might be running it. Yeah. It's a good question and a scary one. And what I refer to it is it's going to be a pretty heavy national security crisis from now until whoever's inaugurated come January 20th of next year. Because if I were the CCP, if I were Putin, if I was Hamas, if I was the fat man in North Korea, I'd be calling all my buddies and being like, how are we going to take it to America? I mean, they've already joined forces, Iran, the mullahs and everyone over there.

have smartly, from their perspective, joined forces and have been seeding known terrorists into our country through our southern border, not for tomorrow or next month, but for next year or three years down the road. They play the long game. They don't play the immediate impact game. And that's what scares me the most is because they have so much runway to install that long game together. And I think we don't have a mechanism. God knows Congress can't do it. We don't have a mechanism to take on

what these guys are scheming about because their hatred of America is the one thing that unifies them. I mean, they probably hate each other too, but they're like, we'll put that aside if we can go and take it to America. And they have for the last three and a half years. And I think it'll just go on sort of steroid overdrive for these next six months. And that's, it's not, it's not a good answer, but if I said anything else, I'd be lying. Yeah.

Well, and simply like the border thing from you being on the inside, like us, we would say, hey, it's votes. You know, you get enough people over here. And is it strictly votes? And if so, you know, me just being a common man, it's just such a ludicrous, scary thought that if it's just for votes and winning –

You don't win if you've got a bunch of people over here trying to kill us, and you just bring as many as possible to inflict harm on us. I mean, what do you think? Dude, you guys should do this for a living. These are way better questions than I get when I do this. No, we're going to stick to songwriting. Thank you. Yeah, well, actually, please do that because I have more fun with that. But honestly, that's a great freaking question. Look, the...

It's not a win for America, and the Democrats don't care. And for the audience out there saying that, oh, that'll never happen in the United States of America, they would never just bus in 10 million votes, I remind you, you all – not you guys, but half of America wasn't paying attention –

eight years ago when the Democratic Party illegally used campaign dollars to go overseas and hire some British guy to make up a whole batch of dirty fake information on her opponent and then took the FBI to federal court and said lie to this federal court so I can get a surveillance warrant I mean that was rushing it it took me two years to put that 60 seconds together but I remind people these are the same people that rigged the last presidential election

when it comes to things like the 51 Intel letter. We now know it's totally, totally bogus that Hunter Biden's laptop was absolutely real. And our FBI and DOJ hid it from us a week before the last presidential election.

And same thing with the Jan 6 narrative. So anyone that says these guys aren't in it or don't have the capability, they've done it multiple times over. And the only thing I really care about, I'm not even a political guy, which is kind of funny. Everybody thinks I am. I don't campaign. I don't know how to do that stuff. My job, and I told the boss the same thing. I was like, if we put out the truth, I think you went in a landslide.

But the fight is putting out the truth because every time we put out the truth, we get face punched by the fake news media. And then the irony thing is like they'll call me a racist, which I kind of find funny since I'm a first generation brown guy. But Trump's a racist, you know, because I was like, do they know you hired me? We have this back and forth, which is pretty comedic. But you got to you got to find ways to get the truth out there. And that's what's so fascinating.

The everyday political podcasts, they serve a purpose, but they don't reach the audience you guys get to. Getting to your audience is critical to taking this thing home. Well, I think an interesting – in our landscape and our fan base and what we do, I don't think they can hide the truth anymore because people that we relate to, it's glaring. They can't afford things anymore. We talk about the economy. They know –

When Trump was in, it was better. They know when Biden, they can't afford food and everything's twice as expensive. So that's their truth, is the reality of it. They're living it. So I hope that it translates in November because I feel like it has to. People are just fed up with how hard it is to just live on a daily basis, even dealing with the border and watching that and knowing what's going on, but also just providing food.

their families well i'm with you i'm like an economic again i'm not the economics guy the financial wizard the wall street guy but i went to the grocery store the other day and it was five dollars for a jar of peanut butter what the hell and it was six bucks for eggs no i'm still like what

Like, you know, what the F? You know, and if everyday families, you know, I'm blessed. I'm doing pretty good. So, you know, I can take that swing on. But what about everyday Americans when the cost of living is up 35 percent, when mortgages are up 27 percent, when interest rates on your homes are up 17 percent? And when we're in a inflationary period that we've never seen before and then there's gas prices and everything else.

How is the average American family affording that economic facelift? And the reality is, I think your point's right, Tully. They're not, and they're starting to ask the hard questions. They're like, okay, we voted for Biden, and we're not better off three and a half, four years down the road. The question is, can we get them to vote for Trump? And now that's the battle. Well, they try to spin it. And the Dems will try to spin that back to Trump somehow or whatever. But the reality is,

I think people look at it like, okay, my life was better when Trump was in office. This guy's in office. Now it's worse. That's just the reality of it for them. It was better. Now it's not. Here's what's happened. I'm thinking, I'm hoping. Yeah, it feels like it's that simple. It feels like, and I think it is for most people. I think people that do have to live on a budget and do trying to provide for family and send kids to college and pay for stuff, it's very much a reality.

Hey, let me ask you this. Do you think the debate swayed any liberals to switch their vote? I don't think it swayed liberals to switch their vote. So the thing those guys do better than the Republicans ever do is get their marching orders out to their people, and they marshal their resources and say, you're on our island or we're kicking you off. Mm-hmm.

And it's impressive to watch how vicious they can be when it comes to the political side of things. So I don't think we swayed any liberals. I do think the president swayed a lot of independents. Ben Schreier, yes, absolutely. The one thing I learned from him and Devin Nunes about politics, one of the few lessons I got in there, I was like, oh, we proved Russiagate, we're going to win it all. And they were like, you're an idiot. I was like, all right, I get it. But I was like –

America is 40-40 on the left and right. That 40-40 ain't changing. Either those guys show up to vote or they don't, but they're not changing how they vote. If you can get the middle 7% to 9%, you win every election, every single one. And I think what the president did brilliantly, Trump, was talk to that specific 7% to 9% in the middle with the majority of his debate performance. So I don't think that

convinced any liberals to leave, but I think Trump convinced a lot of independents to say, I think we're coming over to your side, which is all you need to do. What I thought was really interesting, I'm not sure if you guys caught it, but the next day Biden had a rally. He had like a 22-minute speech, and I actually was watching that. You mean Jill had a rally. Yeah.

And I was watching it, and I was thinking, wow, if he had done that last night, it would be a whole different deal, right? But one is 22 minutes. Two, somebody else wrote it. Three, there's prompters there. He's reading it. So it's a whole different ballgame. But the thing that was the most shocking to me

is that you have people so aligned with their party that over and over again, the crowd was saying four more years. And I was thinking, did you guys not see last night? You know, it's like, I just can't put it in my head, you know, I mean, four more months, you know? Yeah, no, they don't care. I mean, that's just it, right? Those people that show up to those things,

They're in no matter what. Look, he leaves the debate and he goes to the Hamptons or Hollywood or wherever to have fundraisers, right? Because that's what he's got left. Trump leaves and he goes to Chesapeake, Virginia in the middle of nowhere and has 10,000 people show up. I mean, the difference is who you're campaigning to. And the left is left with Hollywood and the elitist in New York City and the media. And Trump's game is I'm going after everyone else

and the folks in the financial and tech industries that four years ago said Biden was the best. And he's had a monumental reversal in people like guys like David Sachs and other rich billionaires, like trillionaires, who have come around and said, you know what? You're killing our economy, Biden. I'm coming over to Trump. And so if you can combine

And again, you don't have to target the Biden set of followers, but if you can go after those people that have been traditional Democrats and get them to come over like Trump has, then I think you got a real shot at a big victory. Yeah. And I'll say just real quickly just on that and, you know, send some love back to Trump on, to me, one of the most brilliant new policies that he has and just talking about it is no tax on tips.

And so I waited tables, you know, all enough for 10 years. And it's a big freaking deal. And that touches everybody on the right, left, no matter what. It's just working and not taxing. You know, that should be a huge decider for a lot of independents, I would think, too.

Yeah, look, it's a, it's a, so we actually announced it here in my hometown of Las Vegas, where we have a service industry that is basically a large chunk of the state with all the hotels and casinos. And when he was out here two weeks ago, we thought that would be a good idea to, you know, start, start taking that out as a policy decision because no president has ever done that before. And the president of course, astutely was like, yeah, I love that idea. He's all in on it. And then you got, you get guys like kid rock writing on receipts and,

Like $5,000 receipts, vote Trump, no tax on tips. And it started this like social media campaign that people were like, wait, he's serious. He's actually going to do that. And as a guy who bus tables myself and bartended back in the day, man, we lived on tips. The hourly wage was meaningless. But if the government's going to come in and take 35, 40% of that, I think you're now between that.

And his message to the Bitcoin crypto community a couple of weeks ago at the Libertarian Convention, which was not a pleasant reception for Donald Trump. I was there with him, but he went in there and he battled.

battled. And he said, I'm going to make Bitcoin self-custody. You guys have control over Bitcoin. I mean, he's talking to millions of people that have never participated in the political process. And same with the tips thing. And they're like, OK, this guy's for real. That policy is legit. I'm all in. And it's it's that style of differentiating politics that he runs with Trump. That's original versus Biden just saying everything's great. Vote for me. Right. Right.

Cash, what is it about Trump that scares the left? Or maybe it's the deep state or, you know, without getting in the weeds too deep because we're dummies, right? Yeah. He knows that, Kurt. It's very clear to him. But I mean, seriously, what is it that scares him so much? Is it that he exposes himself?

What all of that is. And, you know, like I think back to even eight years ago, you know, you'd never heard fake news. That was never a thing. Yeah. But like the average American thought that they could watch CNN and get the truth. And then Trump comes out. Fake news.

We got a buzzer. Anyway, Trump comes out and there's all of a sudden you start realizing, oh, my gosh, maybe I'm not getting the right information or correct information. And so he's exposing a lot of things. And you were there kind of spearheading some of that stuff. Is that what scares them so much is that he doesn't play by old school Washington rules?

Dude, you nailed it. You nailed it. Seriously, just hit rewind. I'm going to tape that for the boss. And then I'm serious. It's it's such a it's such a perfect way. Because when when a guy like me or Trump says deep state or fake news, it causes a knee jerk reaction in the media. They're like, Oh, these guys are right wing conspirators. I don't even know what that means. But that's the label.

And if you rewind the tape and look at the arc of this thing from Russiagate to 51 Intel letter, Joe Biden's classified documents, Hunter Biden's laptop, the January 6th quote unquote insurrection. And you look at what we call disinformation campaigns.

That is the perfect weapon of the mainstream media. They'll take it out no matter what, as long as it kneecaps Donald Trump. When you combine that effort with the folks in D.C. and I'm not talking Republicans or Democrats. To me, that's not that's not how they identify the movement in the swamp.

These are folks that care more about their name in the Hollywood headlights and their careers in the revolving door in the swamp. They want the head position at this agency or department. Then they want their $10 million golden parachute in the defense industrial complex. Then they want to come back in and do another job at another higher position. That's the unit party. That's the deep state. Whatever you want to call it, it totally exists.

And what Donald Trump did was he annihilated that thing. I mean, they had never seen a guy come in like that and say, wait a second, he's going to take away Washington, D.C. and the swamp we live in. And they were terrified of that. On top of that, he came in and accomplished what all these politicians ran on and said they were going to do but never did. He was the only guy not to start a war and end three of them. I mean, every politician campaigned on that. Not one of them did it.

He was the only guy to go down there and secure our border. He was the only guy to take the fight to Iran and the terrorists and to the CCP in terms of tariffs. He would go over there and say, fine, you don't want to work with us? We're going to tariff you 300 percent. Every other politician said they would do that. Donald Trump did it. So what he did was not only expose their corruption and sort of their relationship with the mainstream media, but

He basically shook up their entire way of existence. And that's why the next five months they're going to come at him full bore. We, you know, we haven't even seen anything yet. You've seen all the, the, the talking heads on TV go crazy. Like you have to vote Joe Biden. If you want to save democracy in America, no, they want to vote Joe Biden. So their illegal activities are never exposed. We get back in there and, you know, there might be a house cleaning that Washington DC has never seen before. Yeah.

Yikes. Wow. And I've personally been happy lately. I have some, not to change the subject, but it kind of pertains, good golf news for me. Oh, what are you talking about? New outfit? I make, look, you know me. I'm very clear and honest about my golf game, which there isn't one. But between Rory McIlroy missing two easy putts. We can't throw him under the bus. What do you mean? He's Irish, I'm Irish. We can do that.

putts i feel like i could make and that which is very very rare but even better than that since the debate happened which which is this is amazing the whole golf thing on the debate which which was i can't i can't believe it happened but it did a lot of joe biden swings are popping up on social media it's amazing i feel like i can take them yeah forget trump and biden kennedy biden kennedy biden

We're going to do it. No, dude, listen. We're doing it at RTJ at my club right before your Bristow show. Y'all are coming out. We're going to have some fun. We're going to take what Bryson said, and we're going to put it into motion. Bryson's our guy. We love him. And we're going to have a little golf challenge. We're going to have 47 two-putts. And we're going to just go around, and every time you miss, we're going to drink a beer. Oh, my gosh. I won't be able to play. All right.

I mean, really, I'm the worst. Are you a golfer, Cash? Yeah, I caddied for eight years growing up, and then I just started to play. Are you serious? We just had DeChambeau out here. Yeah, the live tour is right here. Oh, yeah, he's the man. You know he's a big Trump guy. Oh, yeah, I live on number six on the Grove. They just left last week. Dude. And...

We hung a sign up. I'll send you the picture of the sign that we hung up. It said Trump DeChambeau 2024, and it was hanging off the back of my house. It was not modest. It was huge. For all three days. And we got a big thumbs up from DeChambeau.

On the first day. Yeah. I'll send you a picture of it when we're, when, uh, a few things are more terrifying for me. Then I go out and play golf with Aldine and Kurt and these guys are, you know, they can play, they can play and I can't play. And they know, by the way, is our resident scratch golfer. He is he's scratched. So I won't play. You're not, you're not allowed to come then. No, I'm taking your money cash. When there was a caddy with us though, that was one of the more terrifying things I've ever had to do is I'm

Try to hit this ball with this. And caddies, they're always good. These guys play, and I'm sitting there spraying the ball into the woods and hitting it 10 feet.

You know, like I'm caddying for this guy. Yeah. It's not good. You want a funny story? I've never told publicly about golf just to make. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. So 45 is in office. We're playing down at Palm beach. He's like cash, grab your stuff for golfing. So we get out there and this is back in the day when, you know, when he's president, he's got a convoy, right? He doesn't have like 15 dudes. He's got like 60, the suburbans they're following around the clubs, following around. So we get to this part four and,

And I dropped my ball on the tee box. He's like, Cash, go out, lead us out. And I just crank it left into the woods. And he looks at me and he goes, oh, Cash, my caddy was talking. He wasn't. But Trump was being nice, throws out another ball. He goes, all right, let's just go again. And we got the whole right side of the fairway lined up. Trucks, Secret Service, the

The golf club people, everybody's there. So I tee it up again and I'm just like, just put it out there like a hundred yards. You know, just like, don't F this thing up. I snap hook this thing over the forest and into the freaking road. And he looks at me and he goes, I can't help you.

But you kept your job. That is so good. I got, yeah, he was like, you're so bad at golf, we're going to keep you employed. It's an impossible game. It was made for failure. No, it's not. No, it's not. It is for me. It's not. We're going to work. Yeah, well, we'll see. It's not. It's fake news. We're not going to do that. We're going to practice in Virginia. I do have hope for my putting, though, with Rory doing that. I feel really good about myself.

You got to make, if you're, if you're Rory, I'll say it. You, you, I mean, come on, you got to make this. You got to make that putt. You have to make the putt. You're a professional golfer. It's for the US. No, no, no. It's golf. Okay. Nerves. No, I've never seen part of golf. No, it's, uh, I'm just going to say it. He's got to make that putt. You got to make the putt. I agree. He's got to make the putt. Well, he does for a living. Well, cash since we're on lighter topics, this would be a good time because at

At some point, you were up for like bachelor, like in Florida, like a most eligible bachelor or something like that. Hold on, you were on the bachelor? Wait a minute. Hang on. I don't know about this. But here's the thing. And what I was reading, because I spent last night, I was up for two hours. Oh, my God. And I was just, just all the stuff you've done. I'm like, oh, my God, this guy is such an amazing badass. Like, how do you have time in the day to do all the things that you do? And then you had to ask...

out of the competition, even though you would have won it because you failed to renew your law license. What are you talking about? Right? That's what it said. Is that a true story? It's fake news. That's fake news. That's fake news. This is when I was a federal public defender way back in the day. I can't believe you guys did all your homework. So one of my judges asked me, she said, hey, we're doing a fundraiser for an HIV foundation down in Miami.

They raise money by selling dates. Would you participate? I'm like, yeah, of course. No problem. You know, whatever you want to do. I was like, I'm going to I'm going to bring in a whopping seven dollars. But sure. And then what actually happened was that the cool part about the story was that's when I after I committed to it. The next month, the Department of Justice's National Security Division hired me to become a terrorism prosecutor. And they were like, get your ass to D.C. next week.

So I had to not do the competition. And my bar license has never been suspended. It's hilarious. I have bar licenses in New York and Florida. But that's what these goobers, you know, like lean on to when they try to hit me like eight years later. They were like, oh, you were in a male dating competition. I was like, yeah, it wasn't what I thought.

I was raising money for HIV. I'll do it yesterday. I'll do it today and I'll do it tomorrow. You know, but that's a perfect example of, I was like, if that's the best you got, by the way, the AP just called me, they've been working on a three month hit piece on me. It's coming out tomorrow. So this should be good. We'll have some new stuff. Nice. Wow. This is good training. Well, speaking of being a lawyer and trials, I think I texted you a month or so back and

I was like, hey, dude, what's up? And you were literally walking into the trial in New York. And I was like, oh, yeah, of course you are. But so so many questions with this. So many questions. The sentencing is coming up July 15th, I think. First of all, well, I don't want to get into the trial and the sham that was. Maybe I do. But what do you think's going to happen on July 15th? What do you think's going to happen?

So that's like the next consequential step, in my opinion, in terms of just what's coming up. We got that. Then we got the RNC convention right after that. And this judge, as anybody who watched it or read about it or me who saw it there in person, he doesn't like hate Trump. He thinks Trump's like the mega devil.

And I don't think he's going to hesitate to impose a prison sentence after his rigged trial. Now, the reality of that effect is if they sentence Donald Trump to one day in prison, he wins. He wins by a landslide. He's Nelson Mandela. Now, what I think will happen is.

is the judge will issue a prison sentence. He'll probably be like, you're going to jail for five years, but I'm going to delay that sentence and allow you to appeal and campaign so he doesn't come off as... Because...

putting a pin in that, what I think the radical left, the Democrats, the judge, and the mainstream media wanted was they thought that conviction of Donald Trump would take him out of the election cycle. And what happened was the complete opposite. His polls have never been better. The fundraising after that conviction has never been that high. And so I think they've learned that if they keep going down that path, they're actually helping Donald Trump. So I think they'll

kind of split it and say, you're going to prison, but we're going to let the appeals process and the election play out. And so they can say Donald Trump convicted felon sentenced to five years in prison. And they'll use that headline over and over again. Yeah, we've talked about that a lot. That's that was the goal, right? Convicted felon. That was the goal to make that. It doesn't matter. It'll get overturned on appeals, however far down the road that is. But that was the title they wanted. Would you say that's true?

100% and they got it. And they'll use that. But I always believe, look, as a former lawyer, I'm a due process guy. I used to represent the cartel when I was a public defender. I was like, give me the worst of the worst. If you can't represent the worst of the worst, then the innocent man doesn't deserve the protection of the Constitution. And you'd be amazed how many liberals I used to work with would say, oh, I don't want to defend that guy or that person. He's too icky. And so I think

You know, their hypocrisy always shows. It's showing now in the sentencing of this man. It's showing now in the trial of that man.

And it just backfired on them. It completely backfired on them. And they probably are regretting, honestly, taking him to trial in New York. Hey, thank you everybody for listening. And we are so thankful for our sponsor. Original Brands is starting a new era in American domestic premium beer. American made, American owned, original glory.

Original Glory not only tastes great, but it's under 90 calories and only two carbs. Easy drinker and perfect for the active lifestyle. Bring it. Original Glory. It's a veteran founded company with a deep love of country. Original Glory. Freedom is worth drinking too. Hey, talking about cash being a badass, let's go to this. So rewind, whatever, seven years ago,

when Trump got in office, one of the things that I was scared about the most, and I think most Americans were scared about was ISIS. ISIS was, I mean, it put the fear, it was a global fear, right? And if I'm being honest, when Trump was running, I was like, okay, how's he going to be at foreign affairs? How is he going to be on this thing? Cause that was, you know, you don't know. Right. But, um,

Part of what you did under Trump's administration, you took down Baghdadi. Is that like, I mean, I'm, Hey, this is, this is legit. Is that like one of your career highlights or is that something that you just look back on and go, damn, we did that. That was pretty cool.

No, that was some pretty righteous shit. I mean, it doesn't get much better than that. It was, I'll give you the short story and you can read the longer, boring story in my book, but we were, I mean, we do reps and sets, you know, we get ready for that type of event.

every week right we're like this week go this week go this week go so it's another saturday at the white house i was dressed like a bum it's saturday and i got my hoodie on whatever i got my sneakers on and then we finally get the word and we're like we're getting you know we go brief the boss we're like we think we should go today based on all the intel and all this other stuff

And he's like, today's the day. He's like, all right, lock it down. So we kick all the tours out of the White House, lock down West Exec and the whole building. So people are furious. We get the VP, the SEC DEF and everyone into the situation room. And we're like, you know, and I saw the boss and the first lady was with him the entire time masterfully handle everything.

All this incoming intelligence and information and ultimately it's up to him. Are our boys going to be safe? Can we get them out of there? Can we do that infill? Can we do the exfil? And all these variations, people are going to get hurt. And he was calling balls and strikes and it was pretty impressive to see.

And then we, you know, then we kill Baghdadi. And so it was a it was a pretty surreal experience in the situation room. But we my guys had a three hour exfil out of there. So we have to wait till they got off the X because of their route in and out over over Russian airspace. And Syria was a little complicated. There may have been some bad weather. So once they got the all clear, this is a story everybody doesn't know. Yeah, we killed the worst terrorist on Earth because President Trump had the gall to take him out.

But as soon as it was over, he goes, Cash, I want the names of every ground force commander because I want to call them and congratulate them in person. On top of that, I want the names of every parent who lost a son or daughter as a result of an ISIS beheading, like Kayla Mueller, Foloff, Sotley. We took that down to him in the East Wing at like, you know, 11 p.m. at night. He just started making phone calls.

He was the first people before he told the media was he want to tell the families and the service members how much he appreciated them. And that's the thing the media never covers. The next day they call Baghdadi like a saint. Literally, they called him a saint. And I was like, this guy's not a saint. He literally butchered and raped American citizens, not to mention the 10,000 other people he killed. And you guys don't want to give Trump the credit. But once he did that and at the time I was running, I was head of his counterterrorism

stuff in the White House. I was like, it's just, it was on. I mean, it was game on from there. Like Donkey Kong, we just kept going and it was fun.

Wow. You're like Jack Ryan. Well, yeah. I mean, I'm so in awe. You're like Jack Ryan, bro. The thing about it is that he's such a badass in doing all that stuff. And while you're waiting on go time and all that, is that when you had the time to think about writing your children's book and everything? It's like you have this huge dynamic back, you know, I mean,

It's pretty wild. I mean, to have that much of a that much of a scale to your life and your mind. Well, listen, I got like like y'all, you surround yourself with some great people. After we got out, we were like, what are we going to do? And my publicist was like, I think you should write a children's series on Russiagate. And I was like, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. And then we did it and it was the number one children's book. And then we wrote another one and we got the third one of the trilogy coming out this summer, The Return of the Maga King.

And then in between all that, the last couple of years, the guys that worked in the White House were like,

You know, you got to get the story out, not your story, but Trump's, you know, Trump's story, the swamp story, the deep state story. You're 16 years in and put it out for the American people. So we wrote Government Gangsters, which went to a bestseller. And by the way, it's sad that my buddy Steve Bannon went to prison today, but he made it into a movie, which we're playing at the RNC. We're premiering it there over there. So we're pretty excited about all of that. But all of that doesn't happen unless you have a guy like President Trump

who's willing to take it in the face every single day, despite what the media says. And we're just going to win for America. Like I keep asking him that I'm like, why are you running? What are you doing? You're a billionaire. Your family's amazing. You got these properties around the world. You've done it. You served once. Like if you ride out into the sunset and

You know, I would not blame you one second. And every time he looks at me, he goes, Cash, I will not leave this country. Worse off than it was while I was alive. I will go fight for it. And to me, he goes, it doesn't matter what the cost is. And I was like, damn. I was like, all right, I'm all in. Yeah. When we met. Absolutely. I know you'll, you'll, we met him a couple of times. Both times. It was like, I was pumped up after talking to him. He's the real deal, man. He loves this country. Yeah. It's.

Very evident. Like it was, it was inspiring. 100%. I still have that photo of all of us at Palm beach. Dude, it's amazing. Of course it was pretty bad-ass. Yeah. Very bad-ass. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like, like to, like when we talk about, you know, he's transparent in the sense that, you know, by listening to him and watching him talk that, that he loves America and he cares about America. And just like, it's interesting how country fans and what we do,

If there's a poser or somebody singing about something that they don't really believe,

somehow people know about it. They just know if that's not your life, if it's not sincere. And like the artists that make it in this industry or others, it's not an accident. You know, it's who they are. And the same with Trump. I mean, I know just as a viewer, I don't know him. I've never met him, but I can see it in his face and I hear about what he says. He loves America. He wants good things for us. I do know that. No, the intersection, I mean, that's the really cool thing

about what y'all do, what we do. We'd never have met if there wasn't that shared intersection along the way of what you guys do at day in and day out and your massive fan base and the amount of people you can reach. And I think it took a few years to stitch that thing together. But once it came together, I mean, when you go out to shows like y'all show or, or some other, you know, very, very popular artists who are out there, every single one in that crowd, every single one in that band, every single one, um,

relates to what President Trump believes in in this country. And it's a pretty powerful movement to see, man. So hopefully one of these days we'll get him back out on stage with y'all. I think that's doable in the fall. Let's go. Let's go. Hey, Cash, so much of what we've talked about is like,

way up here like i've got six strings toly's got five i mean to try to compute some of the stuff is hard let's break it way down let's let's break it way down what are you watching on netflix i'm watching house of the dragon okay and mayor of kingstown and i don't know if they're on netflix i don't think they are but

So is that one good? Mayor of Kingstown? I haven't seen that yet. It's the best show out there. Alvin's raving about it. He's like, yeah, hands down, hands down. Jeremy Renner. I like that. And when I'm not watching that, I'm watching myself lose money on every sporting competition in Los Angeles. Okay. So who are you a fan of? Who are you a fan of? Who do you watch?

I mean, I'm a hockey guy, so I'm from New York. The New York Islanders are my favorite team. I still play. To me, it's the greatest sport on earth. I was kind of pulling for the Islanders. I'm a Bruins guy. It's been a rough go of it dealing with Florida the last couple of years. I'm not going to lie. Pretty pissed, actually. But the Islanders always had this weird – I'm from way upstate New York originally, but I had this weird soft spot for the Islanders.

That's because we sucked for so long. It's just you're close, right? It's close. It's getting closer. Can I show you something? This is the coolest thing I own. Oh, no. I was born the day after the 1980 Miracle on Ice, right? And then this guy, Kenny Morrow, was on the team, and he would go on to win four Stanley Cups with the New York Islanders after the gold medal. Kenny Morrow sends me this. Oh.

Wow. Signed USA hockey jersey that says, to cash, keep making America great again. 1980 gold, Stanley Cups, 81, 2, 3, and 4. Kenny Mara. Like, how badass is that? Why isn't that thing in a frame? You just got to lane around? You put it on? Don't tell him that, but Kenny's a big Trump guy, so that was kind of fun too. You know, I'm from 20 minutes from Lake Placid. So, growing up there, just surrounded by that, the fact that you have that is...

That's amazing. It's all special. And it's all just due to the uncharted path. All I wanted to do was be rich. Like, honestly, I was like, I'm going to law school. I'm going to be that guy in suits. I'm going to make a million dollars every other month. I was broke as a public defender. I was poor as another public defender. And then I kept going. But you know what? Best laid plans. And I wouldn't change it for the world. So what position do you play in hockey when you play? Defense. Always defense. Dude.

You got the shot? You got the slapper from the point? Yeah, I got a clapper. I got a clapper, yeah. It takes me forever to wind it up, but, you know. Oh, man. And so just going back, just to have you here is awesome. And just going back to the last election, because everybody talks about the election interference and ballot harvesting and things like that.

And you, you know, and, and we can, we can watch and there, there are certain, you know, places where they're putting up cardboard on the windows and so nobody can see and stuff. So like thinking if everybody's watching this, that, I mean, obviously something's happening there. Why would you cover up, you know, things like that? One,

Do you believe that happened? That would be the first thing. And then in the debate, the other thing, talking about Biden saying that Trump wants his revenge, of which it wasn't revenge. He's saying, hey, it's going to be success. That retribution is success. So just on those two things, if you'd preach for a minute, it would be great. Yeah, look, I think he's laid it out brilliantly.

I can't go. You know, the one thing I tell people is I can't go back in time. I'm not the election integrity fraud guy. That's not my wheelhouse. But even if it were, I can't go back in time and put them in there. Right. That's just not going to happen. So the reality is we can complain about it for three and a half, four years, or we could do what the president is doing and put out what he's called and the statement too big to rig.

And I firmly believe this. I said, sir, if you put your policies out, if you put your policies on the border, on the narco traffickers, on the terrorists, on China, on Russia, on the never ending wars, on the economy, on diplomacy and protecting our troops and putting our frontline workers first, there isn't a policy they have that's better. If there was, we would have adjusted to it. So many more Americans are tuned in now.

that my message to them when I go talk to them around the country is simple. We have to win so big that none of that other stuff matters. We have to go out to our communities

and get people educated and get people out to vote and do the ballot thing if it's legal in your community and simply tell them the truth that they've been denied. And I know it's maybe naive, but I believe that President Trump's on the right path by going out there and saying, we're going to make this thing too big to rig and people are bolting onto it. So I think it's working and I think that's the right move.

Too big to rig. I like it. It almost sounds like Johnny Cochran. If the glove don't fit, you must acquit. Too big to rig. I'm seeing merch there. Yeah. I love it. I have a question for you.

Who killed Kennedy? I know, you know, I know, you know, if you don't tell us now, maybe, maybe I'll get you liquored up at a show or something. And if you tell us, we'll write it. Hey, we'll write a song. And I've definitely read all the Kennedy files. That blows my mind. Okay. Mind blown. I mean, but here's, here's, here's a cool part about that, that we can put out to your audience. That's for real.

The one thing I told the president was, I believe in the classification system of classified intelligence. It serves a purpose. But I also told him I'm the guy that exposed the most corruption and abuse of the classification system. So what's the solution to that?

So we talked about standing up an office of declassification should he win again. So 24-7, America can say, hey, I want JFK. I want 9-11. I want this. I want that. And I firmly believe that we could put out 50% of the classified information because most of it just sits there to make people feel cool and to hide corrupt government activities. So the JFK thing, and the president said this publicly, so I'm not getting ahead of him. He's literally said if he wins, he's going to put out almost the entirety of the JFK files.

And I think America should see them. And so it's a great example of us taking a construct that we kind of joke about and saying, not just that, we're going to let it all out through a classified declassification office. And I think it's a brilliant idea. And either that, or you get me really drunk at your next show. You can be at least sit and then have Costner read it. Yeah. That's just, no, I'll get you liquored up though. Yeah.

We'll get deep. On original glory beer. Yeah, I like it. Well, listen, Cash, this has been a pleasure. Yeah, amazing. And we can't thank you enough. You're an American patriot. You're a great friend. Thank you so much for doing this. It means a lot to us, brother. It really does. Absolutely. I want to come out to Vegas and play golf.

Anytime you want. We'll have some two putts out in the backyard. Well, there's no mulligans and there's no, there's none of that. I'll be your caddy. I'll be like, yeah, cash. But honestly, listen, guys, I do, man, I probably do like 45 media interviews a month. Right.

And this one's the best one I've done in a long time because we are trying to get the truth out to people who don't dial in normally. And the everyday junkies are always going to listen to the mainstream media, the cable news and the big time networks and podcasts.

But what you guys are doing, in spite of your monster touring schedule and writing schedule and singing schedule and recording schedule, is getting out there and punching at it for the American people. I wish there was like 10 more groups like you

And doing this kind of work and taking the amount of time it is to do the research and put it out there, I was extremely humbled to be invited on the program. And, you know, obviously I value our friendship more than anything, more than anything else we're doing. But what you guys do on stage, I think you guys have surpassed that offstage here. And it really needs to be out there with what Americans are watching because what you have access to, no billionaire can buy.

And that's how we get out and win for America. So I thank you for having me on. Cash, love you, brother. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for coming on. All right, thank you, my man. Thank you, brother. We'll see you soon. Guys, I mean, Cash Patel has been to how many shows? He's been to a few. A lot. And y'all hung out backstage with him.

You're toasting before you go on stage. And you really had no idea who he was. And they say, what a cool guy. What a great, nice fellow. What a cool guy. It speaks to how dumb we are. No, I get it. You have a job to do. I get it. I really, there's no excuse other than it's just like,

We knew he was Trump's guy, and we're like, oh, he's one of Trump's guys. Cool. Nice to meet you, Cash. But you were in show clothes. Get him in my whiskey. But as I started to dig, I'm astounded. I'm looking back at all the years and all the things I should have said. Yeah, right. What I didn't say. That only makes you more money. He's probably thinking, wow, this is...

Getting no respect from these guys. Man, these musicians don't know anything. I'm with Tully. When I started doing a little bit of the research, I'm like, okay, let's get a little more information. I was like, oh, wow. Oh, wow. Intimidating. Oh, wow. Yeah. No doubt. It was so much. And I know Kurt's up late. So last night I'm starting, you know, get the baby down, you know.

Rachel's down, everything. And I was like, we're laying there. We're watching a thing on, you mentioned Netflix. We're watching Your Honor. Oh, good one. Is it good? It's good. It's freaking amazing. And so we're watching that. And I'd already thought of what I needed to do after, but I totally forgot. And we're just laying there. And she goes, hey, it's been a good day. I said, yeah, it's been a lot. We had in-laws in and everything. And she goes, yeah. I said, hey, love you, babe. Love you, too. Just kind of laying there and thinking,

Oh, well, I've totally forgot. We have a podcast tomorrow. You know, we're interviewing this guy. I know nothing about him whatsoever. So I get him. She goes, you're getting up now? I said, yes, I must. And so I did. And I knew Kurt would be up. And I said, it's 1133. I'm like, hey, just now starting my research. How about you?

He goes, I've got a couple things. Call me tomorrow. But anyway, as I was doing that, and I thought I was going to do it for like 30 minutes just to get a little bit of a heads up so you can go to sleep thinking about it and get to know who he is and wake up thinking about it. But as I went through there and just thing after thing of amazing thing that he's done, I'm like, first off, how are you in control of all those things in a given day? And I was like, okay, I'm

I don't know how to prepare for this guy. I'm like, why is he our friend? It's too much. That's what came to my mind. It's because he's one of us. Why is he... Well, you're right. Truly, he's one of us. He really is. Yeah, you're right. An amazing guy. And we always had so much fun hanging out. I never thought to talk about, hey, what are you...

What do you do? So what do you do? I can tell you, but I have to kill you if I told you. It's really impressive. He was the guy, apparently, and we didn't talk about this, that uncovered the Hillary email scandal as well. Yes. Right? Yes. We didn't get into that. Hillary who? What are we talking about here?

No, but everything that we're interested in, I mean, he was involved in everything. I know. Mind-blowing. It's like some Zero Dark Thirty stuff. Yeah. It is. It's like Harrison Ford in an action film. Well, dude, and you asked about it. It's like I've heard on some other interview he gave, like he's read all of the JFK files. I know. He knows all of that stuff. I know he knows. The 9-11 stuff, like he knows all that stuff. And it's like, oh, my God.

But part of what they're trying to do, which is awesome, right? They're trying to declassify a lot of that information because I think the American people should know, which we should, right? Yes. Or is it Jack Nicholson, you can't handle the truth? I don't know. But, I mean, I think it's pretty cool that they're trying to declassify. I think it's great. I'm still kind of taken aback. I'm still just...

mostly embarrassed for myself for not like... You're going to act a little different. Oh, you're all right. I see him. You're all right. How many shows, actually? At least six. I mean, he's been to quite a few. At least five or six, but you know, Hang Out Before. He hung out. No, Hang Out Before. He came to one. You didn't know who he was the whole time. He was here in Nashville. We did something at Aldean's Bar and he showed up there. He was just hanging out in this crowded bar and...

He's like, have fun, man. I'm like, yeah, you too. Cash on the wire, you're at the bar. He's that cool, though. We've hung out, and I just never, I guess, thought to...

really dig in on what he and i started digging into it and i'm like wow this is how that's what's so cool about this about what we're doing though we get to we get to actually research some of these guys and it makes you do that it does and then once you do and he's a fan of the music which is always so cool like he's a big fan of the music and you find out that right there and which is that he said it's that common thread that you know

I'm kind of in awe. I want me to look at him in the eye for a minute. It's going to take a minute. Everywhere he's been, in every conflict possible, in our lifetime, he's been there, and he's listened to Al Dean's music. He's heard Kenny Chesney music or Brad Pavey music. Toby Keith music, whatever. We've all been with Toby Keith.

Listen, that was fun, guys. As always, we're asking you to like, subscribe. If you're watching on YouTube, please do that stuff. Follow us on all the socials.

at Try That Podcast, even though we're the Try That in a Small Town podcast. Yes, it's all of it. That's all of it. We're on Facebook. We're on Insta. We're on TikTok. We'll probably be on True Social now. We'll be on all, but thank you for watching as always. We appreciate you guys. Until next time, we're going to be writing songs. Download, download, download. We're going to be writing songs. Cheers, everybody. That's what we do. Still in hunt for an RV. We'll end with that. Thanks, guys.