cover of episode Ethan Nestor Talks Creator Clash & His Big Rat Problem

Ethan Nestor Talks Creator Clash & His Big Rat Problem

Publish Date: 2023/4/18
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- You know what I think is cool? - Speaking of diving, is that when you are diving underwater and the light is no longer hitting you and stuff, the colors drop off in the order of the rainbow. - Oh. - Isn't that kinda cool?

What do you mean? So, like, when you are diving down in the water, in the ocean. Right. No, I got it. Scuba diving. So, as the light... Yeah, it's, like, not on land. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Swimming. But you're under it. You got it. As you dive deeper and deeper, the light obviously is not...

The sun can't go all the way down. So the colors drop off in order. What does that mean, the colors drop off? Is that the same reason why the sky is blue? It's like a similar kind of concept? So, like, longer wavelengths, such as red, orange, and yellow, they're absorbed within about the first 50 meters of the ocean. Yes. Flat. And the shorter wavelengths, like green, blue,

Violet. They're absorbed less and are able to reach deeper into the water. This is like first grade SpongeBob. Come on. How does that help me make more bombs? Welcome to Chuckle Sandwich. We've got Ethan Nestor today. Hey, guys. How's it going?

I'm doing a podcast soon. Really? Yep. Tell me about that. Tell us about this podcast. Yeah. It's not Chuckle Sandwich, but I'll talk about it on Chuckle Sandwich. You've had enough of those. It's with Jack Septic Eye. Really? Mm-hmm. It is. You guys can come on. We'll have a set just like this. Same set, actually. Like in person? So he doesn't live in Ireland? He, well, no, he doesn't live in Ireland. He lives in Brighton. He hasn't lived in Ireland for like...

A very long time. It's always Brighton. Yeah. It's always Brighton. It is always Brighton. Yeah. He and Tommy in it live together. They don't. You could have had me, like, for a good five minutes. You could have strung me along for so long. You did me a service by admitting a lie immediately after you said it. No.

What do you guys think about Tommy in it? I think that he's too nice and too charming for his own good. And it makes me a little upset. Because he's very nice. Super nice to be around. He's very funny. And every time I hang out with him, I'm like, I like you a lot. You're great. And I kind of hate it. You haven't seen him roll the curtains back. Because I've seen a side of him that is...

Only what I can describe is dastardly. Yeah? Oh, yeah. He becomes a real nuisance. A rapt scallion? Once the mask gets... I think my thing about Tommy is that I find it shocking how with it he is at the age that he was when he first started becoming successful. That has always... You know, that has always...

Shaken me to my core. Shook me? Oh, it shook me to my core? Yeah. Either of those, I think. Yeah. It has bothered me in an ancient and ancestral way. Ancestral? Like as in my ancestors were shaking when they learned of this. Ancestral. You said incestual. Did I say incestual? Yes, you did. I think so, yeah. I thought I said ancestral. You're kind of mixing them a little bit. Nuclear. Uh-huh. Nope.

Yeah. Yeah, he's mature. Yeah. He's not involving himself in incest just to clarify audio listeners. Well, we don't know that. They grow up. I mean, they grow up so fast. Yeah.

- Well, I had this theory on a podcast we recorded with Daily Dose and you start seeing these-- - A Chuckle Sandwich or a Slat Dose? - Oh, a Chuckle Sandwich, not my-- - Chuckle Sandwich starring Daily Dose. - Where all these new wave of YouTubers that are like 16, 17 and they're coming out of the womb already knowing, "Hey everybody, like today we're doing this."

They grew up from like five years old. That's what they watched is that era. And we didn't have access to that. There was, we weren't sitting down as kids watching, uh, you know, Mr. Beast style videos. We didn't have it. You know, what I think is weird is that over specifically over the last few years with the pandemic, because so many people started streaming and like blew up over the pandemic. It's so weird now. Cause how long have you guys been making videos? A while. Yeah.

What do you mean when you ask that question? Like, what is as like legitimate as like, oh, you're making money off of this or like how long have you been trying to do this? How long have you been trying to do this? I've been trying to do this since 2011. Okay.

That's pretty much the same year. Yeah. So I think this also specifically is because we started making videos first and then streaming later. But it's so weird seeing people start streaming and then transition to more YouTube stuff. And then they're already successful, but nobody knows how to make stuff for themselves anymore. Like no one knows how to edit.

anymore. Yeah. Or like make their own thumbnails. I know so many people who have YouTube channels and they're like oh I want to do this video but it needs to be edited first. And in my mind I'm like why don't you just edit it yourself. And they're like I don't know how to edit. I don't know how to use Premiere. People are useless. Yeah. People can't do shit nowadays. I bet Tommy ended it. Wait how did they get to that point then?

Because they just got successful quicker probably streaming first. Oh, and then it... Oh, okay. I see what you're saying. It's so much easier to blow up now than it has ever been. Right. It used to be like a... Like TikTok? Yeah, exactly. So many people see everything. That's how Rambo...

came like grew and eventually ended up on Dream of Some People was because he had TikTok? Yeah he grew through TikTok and then he had his transition onto like Twitch through there and he was promoting his clips via

via that i didn't know that yeah i mean you you hit it like that and then all of a sudden everyone knows tiktokers have to go on to something else because you can't monetize that platform and then you you're just already you can monetize tiktok you get 500 million views and you get like 16 and a snickers bar that's true which is or if you're in the uk a mars bar wait is that true

I thought a Mars bar was a different thing. Well, it is a different thing, but I don't know. I just didn't, I was in Ireland recently. I didn't see a Snickers, but I did see a lot of Mars bars. Were you in Ireland for business or pleasure? I was on a trip with my mom, so I would probably, pleasure is a weird word. It was a, it was a, it was a, it was a family, fun family trip with, with my mom. It was like a present. I was, I told her in 2021 for Christmas, I was like, Hey, you,

let me know a spot that you would want to go just the two of us because I'd done a road trip moving out to LA with my dad so it was like it was already like a dad son trip under the under the belt so I wanted to I got to keep things equal I got to make sure that the you know the kids don't get jealous of each other are your parents still together yeah they are oh that's great yeah are your parents still together no what happened oh man it was rough I assume divorce well yeah divorce happened for sure yeah I remember my uh

They obviously were living together for a very long time when they still loved each other. And then my dad lived above the garage for a bit. Was it when you were younger? I was 15 when they separated. But he lived above the garage for a bit.

And he had like a futon up there and like a TV. And I remember going up there and being like, dad, is this, is this like a dream apartment? Cause I was 15 and I was like, wow, this is sick. You got a TV up here and like an office and a futon. I was like, is this your dream apartment? And he went, nope. And then he walked away.

Yeah, the way you talked about that, it sounded like, yeah, my dad lived above the garage. For some reason, the way you phrased that sounded like he was doing experiments up there or something while he had a bunch of chemistry. There was a big weatherproof door up there. It was like a big heavy door up there. What type of a garage was this? Yeah, let's talk about that. It was just the room above the garage. It was where the laundry...

Machine was I'm creating such an insane schematic of what your this household was like you grew up in Massachusetts I did I feel like It would be described when I was younger as a playroom. Okay? Mm-hmm familiar with the playroom. No, I'm gonna have to be real with New York. No

This hasn't made things easier for me. This has made things more fantastical. It's starting to, because I'm only hearing about the garage and I'm hearing additional rooms and purposes above it, so it's starting to kind of like emerge as like this sort of like Harry Potter Weasley house in my head. So the garage is attached to the house. Okay. So you can get to the room above the garage from the second floor of the house. You just have to go through the mess hall. Yeah.

In the ballroom. Yeah. In the south-east wind. Yes. In the room of a thousand doors. I don't know. It was a playroom for a while. Okay. And then it was an office and then my dad's dream apartment. So, and there was dreams floating around and you could catch them with your hands and then, man. Yeah. So, how did you get to Narnia?

Ooh, well that was a different, uh, that was a different door because there was a door under the staircase in the basement. I'm so sorry. You had a Harry Potter door? I'm so sorry. Is that a real thing? Did you have a Harry Potter door in the staircase? Yes. That's cool. Yeah, it was just where my parents put like paint and stuff. Okay, cool. So you had the playroom, you had the paint room. Mm-hmm. Um...

Wow. Had the... Is your sushi here? Yeah, my sushi's here. Okay, we can pause for a second. I'm so sorry. Well, no, I don't... We don't need to pause. Just keep going. Yeah, you're right. I'll be right back. Well, we can pause until you get back. No, no, no, no, no. Tucker, can you make an official announcement that Schlatt is leaving to get his sushi? Can you just say that into your microphone just to make it official? Schlatt is leaving to get his sushi. Thank you, Tucker.

You want other rooms that were there? I'd like to learn about these rooms. So what was your favorite room in this house? So this was my childhood home that I grew up in. And then when my parents stopped loving each other, we sold that house. Okay. This was in Maine. Okay. This was in Maine.

There was my room. There was my brother's room. There was my parents' room. There was the playroom slash office slash dad's dream apartment. Okay. Okay. Yeah. And then downstairs there was the living room and the dining room and the kitchen.

And then there was a basement because it's the northeastern way of basements. That's something that I've noticed about being out here that sort of disappoints me in an ancestral way as opposed to incestual. That

Because there's a certain level of charm that comes from a basement. Because you've got two types of basements growing up in the northeast. You've got your friends' houses who you're like, oh, let's go down to your basement. And they're like, oh, no. Because then you open the door to their basement and it's just like a descent into like Blair Witch Project. It's a dungeon. Like chaos dust. I'm back, everybody. I'm back, everybody. Are these me? Yeah.

No, I thought we could split it. Oh, we can split it. Okay, um and then on the other side of it You've got people what have you eaten today? Have you had any peanuts today? He's like deathly allergic to peanuts. I'll have to eat this one. I'm sorry I wish I could have done it for the bit you look at him so long as you're eating that Awesome That's beautiful

That was $20. Really? What? Yeah. Was that the only thing you ordered? Yeah. I thought you got crispy rice. Was it actually? I thought you got a whole thing of crispy rice. I thought you got four things of crispy rice. I just wanted to buy you sushi. Oh. So we could split it, man. I thought the whole thing was you were like, I really want crispy rice. No, man. And then you added four of them to your cart. Oh. Thank you so much. That's so kind of you.

To finish my thought before we move on though, and then the other side, you've got the unfinished basement folks, but then you've got the people who are like, oh.

I've got a Finnish basement. And down there is like a wonderland for some of the kids who had the big houses, you know? They got the ping pong table. They got like the... And that's where all the best sleepovers ever happened was like... Because then you could go down there and they've got like their little plastic box of Nerf guns and you're doing Nerf battles and stuff. And the basement for sleepovers was great because then... They're like insulated too. Yeah. And noise never escapes. And...

The parents usually, because a lot of the houses in the northeast I feel like are two-story. Yeah. And so there were two floors of separation between the sleepover and the parents supervising the sleepover. So not a lot of noise could come out of there. Mm-mm. Okay. Mm-mm. It was great. Yeah. I miss it. I think we can't have basements in California because of earthquakes. Is that an earthquake thing?

Yeah. Is that confirmed, Tucker? Yeah, that's confirmed. You got to bring that microphone up to your face. You're not getting any... Yeah, you got to have it in your mouth to show us what's happening. Oh, man. Yeah, it's because of earthquakes. Thank you. We don't have them in Texas because it's all sand. We live in the desert. You have a lot of guns there, Texas. Yeah. Yeah, there's enough. If I come to Texas, will you take me to shoot cool guns? Of course. What do you want to shoot? Anything. Anything.

People or well I was thinking more targets targets. Well, there is a special thing you could take on Tanks, or I would love to thank I was thinking more like a production of bacon at all Shit, we're talking about that Oh, so look I've been trying to find a buddy to do this with for a while But every youtuber I speak to yeah is like oh

the optics, the optics of the situation. There's a company called Heli Bacon out in College Station, Texas. Oh, there we go. Basically, Ethan, you go up in a helicopter with all your buddies and you shoot feral hogs with machine guns. Look at them go. Oh my God. Are they invasive? Yes.

Very. Oh my god, there they are running. They've got like drone footage. On the website. Cinematic drone footage of hogs running for their fucking lives. You can go to the FAQs and they're like, yeah, the governor says you can do whatever you want to these fucking things. Can we read through these FAQs here? So we've got about helicopter hog hunting. Can we read that one? How expensive is this? This seems like a lavish experience. They...

They can take care of you as much as you want, I assume. They do like a weekend of hog hunting if you want to pay that much. I don't know how much it is. Okay, so Texas state law allows for the targeting of feral hogs and coyotes by a paying hunter from the aircraft. All other species are prohibited. Okay. They do night crawls too. Whoa. They put night vision goggles on you and thermal optics and shit. It's like Modern Warfare 2 versus pigs. Yeah.

Jeez. How many hogs can I shoot? There is no... Can you read that? There's no bag limit. That's like the term for hunting. There's no bag limit. They're only limited by their available flight time and being able to

to find hogs. Yeah. So you can kill as many as you want as long as you don't run out of ammunition and you can find them. Um, so I will say as a person who currently has a rat problem in my house, which is unfortunate, um, I can't even really kill rats without feeling bad. Um,

And so I don't think that I'll take you up on the hog trip, unfortunately. It's always the same speech I get. One of these days, someone's going to bite. Perhaps I could make an argument for it in the sense of a baptism by fire. You know? Like, would you...

Maybe you wouldn't choose it of your own volition, but perhaps you could give Shlatt permission to kidnap you at some point and then you show up and it's like you're in a helicopter. Where am I? Take this gun. Those hogs, they're going to kill your dog. And then it's like, okay, you've got motivation. You're a little bit delirious because you've been chloro-filled or chloroformed or whatever. And so you then kill those hogs and then sort of that bloodlust is opened up.

I also imagine that maybe you'll be feeling a little bit more like a killer after you have finished your fight in Creator Clash. That's good. Because by the time this episode comes out, you will have either fallen or risen in victory in Creator Clash 2. How's that been going? It's been going. It is so much training. I train six days a week, two to three times a day.

What? Are you training today? Did you train before this? No, Sunday's my only day off. Wow. Because of the church. And you've chosen to hang out with us fucking assholes. I know. There I am. Wow. The one in the green on the side. That's me. There you go. What is this website? Is this a betting website that you've got up here? Oh, are these odds? Ooh. Wait, yeah. What are the odds? What do we got here?

I don't think I'm- woah. I am not favored to win at all. Look at that. Wow. You see that? 88% of people think you're gonna lose. But for the 12%, if you bet on me and I win, then you will win way more money. That's true. Isn't this true? This is true. Jarvis was favored against- people thought he was gonna lose too. I was on the same website yesterday. Oh, okay. What website is this? I can't read it. This is, uh, Topology? What is it called?

Tapology. Tapology. Oh, it's probably like a fight website with the tap. I don't know. So who is your opponent? Who is this guy? This is Leon Hart. He's a Pokemon YouTuber. So you're going to let yourself lose to a Pokemon YouTuber? Surely not. No, surely not. So a lot of people have seen this man from, well, obviously his videos, but his like...

His big video. He did a bunch of stuff with Logan Paul. Back in the Pokemon days. But also he was there. Do you guys remember where there was that like $400,000 box opening? Oh, like that where Logan Paul got like scammed for that amount of money? He was there to like confirm if they were real or not. And he was like, nah, those are fake.

But yeah, he makes a bunch of Pokemon videos. I bought a bunch of Pokemon cards from him. Wow, okay. He's a great dude. He's very awesome. How do you currently, I mean, obviously you want to be positive going into this. How do you feel about, like, how did you feel at the beginning in terms of, because when you chose to agree to the fight, surely there was a certain level of you.

of you thinking, oh, you know, yeah, I could get to a point or wherever where I would have a chance. I was very nervous when Ina Nisa pitched Lee to me initially because I was...

supposed to be in Creator Clash 1. Right. But then I had to drop out because I was on tour and I wasn't going to be able to train. And so I was like, if you guys do Creator Clash 2, I'll definitely do it. And so from the get-go, I was already in Creator Clash 2 and they were like, what about Leonhart? And I was like, ooh. Can you look up... Can you see if there's a photo of Lee with his arms? He has very big arms. Show us his juicy...

Pectoral too. He does have big pectoral muscles. Okay. Perhaps, yeah, one with both juicy arm pectoral. Does he do Ninja Warrior? He did do Ninja Warrior. Oh. He fell on the first obstacle. Okay. So at least there's no obstacle course that you have to navigate through.

No, just flurries of punches or whatever, you know? Right. Flurries, that's a great description. Do you think that he's learning anything from the Pokemon that wear boxing gloves? Like their moves and like, what is it, Nutchamp? I think there's only one, yeah. Yeah. Wait, no, Nutchamp doesn't have boxing gloves on. Hitmonchan does. Who am I thinking of right now, Tucker? The Pokemon? The boxing glove ones.

It's not Hitman. Hitman Chan. Hitman Chan? Yeah. Hitman Lee and Hitman Chan. These aren't real. Well, I mean, but. Yeah. Wow. You're talking about this guy who opens little pieces of cardboard for a living and really gets really happy when one has some sparkles on it. You think you can't eat the shit out of this pipsqueak?

No, I feel good now. Okay. I was afraid in the beginning because his arms... See if he has fitness photos. Or a thing where it really shows his... Or like look up his username in like... What's his name? Leonhart? Leonhart Hot. L-E-O-N-H-A-R-T Leonhart Shirtless Sexy Beastman. Beastman.

nipples nipples Mm-Hmm areolas areola Yeah, okay. Oh yeah, here. We go. Yeah, all right. Yeah here We go so he used to he used to lift a lot Wow he had to tone down the lifting because he had to lose weight for this Wow okay, cuz he had to lose I think about 15 pounds or something like that. We're fighting at 155 and

So he brought a Pokemon ball to the gym and he's wow okay. Yeah, but you have your shirtless with an urn Shirtless celebs calm. I thought it was an urn. I seen you on there. Oh, yeah Why are you on there?

Just move on. Okay. You're on it? Apparently, according to Tucker. Oh, yeah. He's on there. Can we pull up that clip?

Come on, guys. I guess we're looking into it. Click into that website. No, okay. So, let me... Oh! Whoa! Wow. I thought that would only be for guys. Yeah, we don't need to see that. What? Ray Chattel Legends, are you over 18 years old? Damn. Okay. Wow. Anyway, we don't need to go to the shirtless. I can imagine. Yeah. What would...

The fight. The fight. Yeah, he's got big arms. So he's coming in. He's had to malnourish himself. He's all weak. He also just had a baby, which I'm really hoping works in my favor.

Right, so his body's still recovering from that. Yeah. Right, and he maybe will hold back a little bit. Maybe he'll even quit performing because he's like, I have a child. Yeah, he is. I need to be home. But he now, he has something to fight for. Fight for, yeah. Shit. You're not going to, like, kill the kid. Are you killing, you have the kid in your possession? Hostage? No, not yet. What?

Perhaps we could add a little bit of a flare to the fight if we maybe put the child in a cage floating above the ring. Yeah, and slowly like dangled it. Yeah! Oh, and then we could take Spencer, my dog, and we could do the same thing so we both have something to look up and be like, "I know." Yeah. Maybe we could like even get them on like some sort of motor so the cages are like swinging. Oh! You know, to make it look a little more dangerous or something. Um.

Or, I mean, we don't even need to have them right above the thing. We could have it like on one side, we have one over a pit of lava and the other side of the pit of lava or something like that. But like, and then whoever wins, the other, they just cut it and then they fall into the lava. Yeah.

Would you be more upset if Spencer died or if your opponent's child died? Spencer. I have no attachment to this child. I knew it was an impossible question, but it's so funny that you did. You've gotten really freaking ripped, though, over the course of this. You have gotten shredded. Thank you. How are you feeling? Do you feel like... Because I know that whenever people get in really good shape, they're like, what are you doing? What are you doing?

What are you looking at? He's like looking at your back like he's trying to see your traps or lats. I don't know the names of any of them. Yeah. I know the traps are here. Bicep. I know a lot of people when they get really ripped, they're like, I got so much more energy and stuff like that. Is that true? Or were they lying? And by that, I mean big fitness. I don't feel like I have any more energy. It's very flattering, by the way. Thank you, Ted.

Hey man, you posted them? I posted a little thirst trap. On Twitter, I'm saying eight. When? A little bit ago. The energy thing I don't feel like is real at all. Because I train every day and then I feel exhausted and I can't do anything. Right. Other than just the noticeable change in your body, has there been any sort of positive changes?

Results, has anything gone well in your life since you started working out? Is it all just a scam? It's all kind of just a scam. I just feel tired all the time is what I feel. Will you pull up Ethan Nestor's thirst trap? Ethan Nestor's shirtless sexy. Oh, that's me as a child. That's you as a child, Tucker. So that's not the thirst trap. That is not the thirst trap. No. A little strange, you need clarification.

Look at that. Yeah, there I am. Yeah.

Make my nipples bigger, though, in post, because I am self-conscious about it. Enhance on the nipples. Can we make those nipples areolas? Areolas. Why would you want your nipples to be bigger? Well, I feel very self-conscious about my nipples. I feel like I have very small nipples. I don't think that there's anything wrong with small nipples. No? I don't think so at all. I think that... Shit it. I think, personally, I've got little tiny baby nipples, too, and I think that, you know, when people have pepperoni nips, it's like...

I don't think that's preferable. How big are your nipples? What? Are we talking about your nipples? How big are your nipples? Totally zoned out. Big? Medium? Oh, they're huge. Pepperoni. Oh, yeah. Can you whip those out when you're hog killing? So what are you looking at in this photo, by the way? What am I looking at? Everybody keeps asking me. I don't know. Are you looking at... Because I don't know how to pose. Uh-huh. And I also was like, I don't know. And I also...

Feel wildly uncomfortable. You look great, though. Thanks. I'm sorry, we can move on from this. Did you, so have you ever had abs before?

Yeah, I was a gymnast for oh right. Yeah, we saw the ears okay So you so you knew you had the you knew you had it in you when you when you started you could just get to this point of physique No, you there's two wolves everyone has two wolves inside of them yes, what's the deal with the wolves one's gay or something what um

Both could be gay. Both could be gay. One could be gay. The other could also be gay. One could be... I don't know. Yeah. So, sorry, to get back on track, both of you in this fight have an athletic background. We do. Yeah. Yeah, because he lifted a lot and he did Ninja Warrior. But neither of us have ever fought before. Right. It's the first time. So you both got endurance, probably. Yeah. He's...

He's ten years older than I am. Wow. So I hope that that'll be a... Plumb down a little bit? Yeah, for me. But he's bigger than I am. As you saw before, he's got those big, big beaver arms. And he's a little taller. Do you think you're smarter than him, though? Surely. He's a lawyer. He's a lawyer? Yeah, he was an attorney at one point for something. I can't remember what kind of...

Since the fight will have been over by the time this is out, what's your secret sauce you think that's going to... Honestly, actually, that's something we could definitely talk about. Yeah. Because the fight will have been over by the time... So, like, do you have, like, a plan going into this? Yeah. I was talking to my coach about this the other day because my coach has been boxing for...

35 years and we were talking about it and I was like, what do I what should I do? So he thinks that Lee is gonna come out swinging. He's gonna come out pretty aggressive Okay, and just do a lot of volume immediately. And so he wants me to just kind of Bounce around a little bit move out of the way. Let him tire himself out Yeah, let him tire himself out throw a couple of like defensive punches throw some shots to the body and then in like third fourth round

Start bringing in the heat. So you guys must have been focusing on like endurance based stuff. Yeah, a lot of endurance a lot of me pushing his car

Whoa. What? Yes, terrible. Does he have what you do in suicides? Yeah, sometimes. I hate them so much. I remember that was a big thing when I was doing basketball, because basketball is a lot of just running from one side of the court and back to the other, which I feel like is one of the more similar types of exercise that you could have with... Can you dunk? No, I don't have the jump skill for that. Yeah, I'm jumping and it's like...

It's like looking like a little tiny man who's trying to jump. I don't think I've jumped in five years. You don't think you've even attempted to jump in five years? What do I need to jump for? I've got everything at my eye level. Would you jump at a hog?

No. Yeah, would you jump out of a hog? What kind of guns do they have in the hog ship? They have a lot of... Ship? A lot of rifles. It's an alien vessel. I think they have... Do they have like a mounted gun on the side? I think they have a Browning mounted gun that they bolted onto the hog. So you can literally take the weaponry that we...

that we used in Vietnam and just use it against a bunch of other people. Do they have that Vietnam song playing on the helicopter the whole time? I'm sure they can. That would be cool. It's not like they're using it anymore. We play some Creedence. Yeah. We play some Cod. We record it and we put it on YouTube. Fortunate Sun by Creedence Clearwater Revival. Yes. Yep. Yep. I just, I wouldn't want to kill a pig.

It would make me sad. That's like not high on my list of things I'd be unhappy killing. So riddle me this. Surely there's a moral aspect here, right? With the hog killing. Surely if...

you knew the reasons why killing these hogs is important that you would be morally obligated to go and kill these hogs. It would be sort of like a mission of, Tug, what's wrong? Why are we killing these hogs? What's wrong with these hogs? They're invasive. Yeah, they're like hyper-invasive. They kill other animals. They eat through crops. Yeah, they decimate the local ecosystem. Decimate. He's an environmental science major. What do you think?

I'd do it. I told Schlatt I'd do it, but he didn't give a shit. He was in the Marines, too. I'd like to do it. Literally two parts of the equation, or both parts of the equation, which is an environmental science major and a Marine. I don't think I could think of someone that is more in the demographic of that service than Tucker here is. Does that sound like a super fun time? Yeah.

Yeah, I've wanted to do that for a while. He looks like, look at his eyes. Like, he looks so... They're sparkling. They're sparkling with desire right now. Like, I don't think that you could... Yeah. I would pay to do that. You wouldn't feel bad about those hogs? Pop one bullet in and it kind of stumbles around. See, that's the thing. I think if I could wear... You got a big earmuff. Big earmuffs so I don't have to...

I was at home the other day because I've been trying to humanely deal with these rats in my house. And then the man said, listen, we're not getting enough rats. I need to put out some snap traps. And I was like, oh, okay. And so he put out two. And then in the night I heard and then like a squeak, squeak.

I heard him in the wall and I felt so bad so I donated $500 to the Humane Society and I took the traps away. Did you feel like you did a war crime? I did! And so then I replaced the traps with humane traps. Here's a question I have for you. First question, do you think that a rat is worth $500? How much do you think a rat is worth? I mean like a dollar. Okay. So you now,

Have the moral karma Backlog to kill up to 100 rats if you so choose yeah, you're got it. You got blank check, baby Yeah, you could go through there with an electric rod check then just electrocute them, but that's watching them Oh sad, so I I have trapped two adults three adults now okay, and then

How big are these rats by the way? Sorry to interrupt. They're like this big probably. So body wise like this big and they got long tails. They're tree rats. So had the exterminator man come in. They were crawling in through some vent thing. And so he covered the vent in mesh and stuff. And they got into my attic.

So the adults got to got to plow in a little bit so now there's a bunch of babies so I have a bunch of babies and I've been releasing them into my neighborhood. Okay, do you are you considering that maybe releasing the the offspring of these original problem rats are then spreading them amongst your neighbors?

That's not mine. You're causing misery perhaps more so than you ever intended perhaps more deaths will come maybe Maybe I mean if I'm honest there's a lot of owls in my neighborhood okay, so they're probably getting killed They didn't get those original rats. No, so maybe they're not as good as you think I'll take care of them You give me a call. What is a humane trap?

Because you said you were using humane traps. So it's just, uh, it's a cage with a door on it. And then there's, uh, bait in the back on a pressure plate. And they go and walk onto it and then it closes the door. Pressure plate. Yeah, it's a pressure plate. It's like a real- a real life pressure plate like Minecraft. Wow. It's crazy. Nah, dude, I fuck with glue traps. Oh, that's fucked! That's as funny as hell. What a- That's fucked! Jesus Christ. Are they just stuck?

So my... my dad has a big... *Screams* Oh no, I got it! *Laughs* That's so awful! I got it, yeah. Imagine a human glue trap! That's MrBeast's next video. Incredibly visceral, the demonstration you're giving us right now. That's MrBeast's next video. If you can survive ten weeks on this human glue trap, you get a million dollars. *Laughs* And it's like... Is it just glue on a little pad? Yeah, and you get stuck to it. And it's not even like the high budget MrBeast's video, so you only get Nolan coming around. *Laughs*

It's like, hey, it's me, Nolan. You're like, I don't even get, like, Chandler. I don't know who Nolan is. So a glue trap is just like a piece of glue on a little pad and they just starve there. Yeah, they walk onto it and then they can't move and then they starve and die. Wow. So I would say that the snap traps are more humane than that. Because it, like, breaks their neck? Yeah, depending. Okay. Yeah. Have you tried reasoning with these rats? No. No.

I haven't, but how would I reason with them? Killing their leader first and then saying, oh, listen guys, I've cut off the head of the snake, scurry along now, maybe, your leader is gone, Rat Trapacus has been killed. So I think I have killed the leader, but... Really? So what about him told you that he was the leader? Well, just because of how large he was. Oh, yeah.

That is standard in rat society. The bigger the boy, the more power. Do you guys know what a rat king is? It's fucked. No. Tucker, will you look up a rat king and just show the worst photo? Can I get a paper towel as well? A rat king is terrible. This is like an animal. No, it's a series of animals. What the fuck is that? So a rat king is... Do the second photo from the top.

Yeah, that one. Huh? So this is when a... I don't know what a group of mice or a group of rats is called. What is a group of rats called? Oh, wait, no, that's for moose. It's also not for moose. Moose is already plural if you want it to be. It's moose. A group of rats is referred to as a mischief. A mischief of rats? So it's a bunch of rats. Their tails get... If they're all on top of each other, their tails get tangled together and then...

They are just like one hive mind. They're not a hive mind. Wait, this is something that happens to rats? This happens in nature, yeah. So there's a bunch of rats that are all in the same area, a small space. Their tails get tangled together and then they just die like that. It's awful. Oh, they don't like become stronger? No, no. So why call that a rat king? I don't know. It's fucked up though.

That looks like a rat accident. I know. It's awful. This is like... Rats sometimes get their tails intertwined. I feel like this visual right here that we're looking at is like... Wait, they do move together as one. Wow. What? These foul creatures. This foul creature is called the Rat King. Like it became one thing. Jeez. Damn. It is real. No, you're showing a video?

Oh, Rat King video. Oh no. Oh, come on. This is like a rat lord. Yeah, rat prince. That sucks. That sucks. But there they go. Yeah, there they go. That looks like a squirrel. That's a squirrel king. That's a squirrel king.

That literally is a squirrel king. Squirrel king in Banger, Maine. Hey! Oh, that's awful. That's up by Ball Harbor. Oh, that's such a bummer. Yeah. I don't know what else to think, but like, Tucker, if you go back to that visual we were seeing before of that like sort of really grotesque one, yeah, that one right there. I don't, I feel like this right here is the entire like,

visual inspiration for the entire Dark Souls series. Yeah, right? It's very much like that. Looking at that, I'm like, yeah, so that reminds me of any level in Dark Souls. Oh, that would be a sick Dark Souls boss. The Rat King. I'm surprised, honestly, it hasn't been made yet. I mean, in a lot of ways, there's... I may be thinking of...

Oh, I mean, well, there's in Demon's Souls, there's the sort of corruption. Am I thinking of Demon's Souls? Oh, no. In Dark Souls 3, there's like that first boss that you fight. He's got like sort of like corruption that happens to him where he like explodes and there's that big hammer thing he's swinging around. You know what? Time out. Dark Souls 2 wiki, the Rat King. Mm-hmm.

But is it... It's not like a bunch of them. See, that would be cool if it was a bunch of them. I'm not surprised that they had a rat king. Yeah, it sounded familiar. Yeah, it sounded familiar. Can I rant for a second? You absolutely can. It really pisses me off when I see people who like rats.

They're fucking vermin. That's a beast right there. They don't normally look like that, though. People set these things as their profile pictures with stars and heart emojis around it. But they're different. It's cute. There's different types of vermin. Possum, too. Never understand that. Never understand that. Possum, too. You're getting dangerously close to start shitting on Fern and Mochi right now. No, because hamsters are... They're not hamsters. What are they? They're guinea pigs.

Charlie's close. It's not a possum, though, and it's not a raccoon, and it's not a rat. That's the axis of evil right there. I love raccoons. No, no. Those are scavengers. They're bottom feeders. They have little hands. That's terrible. It's awesome. They're grotesque. I don't think that you should keep raccoons as pets because they're wild animals. Yeah. William Osmond did a video where he kept one as his child for a bit. It's awful.

I don't even know if Ian's still here. They dig through your trash at night? How long did he do that for? Was there for like hours? Was there for 12? Oh, only 12 hours? Where did he get it? He got it from someone who owned one, I think. It was like a... Arizona. There you go. What, did he sell it to him on like a bill of sale? What the fuck? Yeah, wait, did he sell him the raccoon? Just pull one.

Rented. Rented. Okay. Wow. There you go. Lease agreement for the raccoon. No, these things are beasts. They're awful, despicable creatures. The hand aspect is definitely something like, I always, my mind immediately goes to that video of the raccoon coming in and picking up the handful of dog food and walking away in the driveway. Like, that's a real, like, they have hands. Yeah.

Or maybe they just... Terrible. I don't know, they're just more able to rotate their paws so they can do that kind of thing. No, they have hands. Well, 'cause cats could do that if they tried. No. What are they... Are they called something different? Because they're double... They don't have opposable paws. They kind of double as hands and legs. Are they called something different? I think that's called a paw. Isn't that... Wouldn't that be a paw? I have no idea. Those fuckers have hands, okay? I love 'em. It's fucked up. They shouldn't have hands. Tucker, do raccoons have hands?

Sounds like they have hands. But they don't have thumbs. There's a difference between wild rats and domesticated rats. Well, the opposable thumb was a big deal. They're just... There's a difference between wild rats and... They can grab with them. Domesticated rats. Yeah, that's what I think we need to like. Here's a picture of it. Because I know where you're going with this and I feel like... You don't like that guy?

No. Why? That shouldn't exist. Why? That is a beast. It looks like that is a beast. I mean, with the photo that you're showing right now, it looks like he's casting a spell. So I think that this is probably the least convincing pro raccoon photo you can be showing. You cannot show me a picture of a raccoon and I will say, oh, okay, I kind of understand. It's kind of cute. No. Raccoons, I feel like, are kind of close to cats.

No. No? No. One is cute and lovable and will be your best friend, and the other is a fucking beast that I will swerve and go out of my way to run over on the street. I feel like you just described a cat from two different perspectives. Let me read this description, Tucker. So raccoons have remarkably sensitive hands with five long tapered fingers and long nails. They lack thumbs, so can't grasp objects with one hand the way we can. Oh.

But they use both four paws together to lift and then acutely manipulate objects. That's pretty close, but... Yeah, they can't... A raccoon couldn't do this. But a raccoon could do this. Yeah, like maybe if a raccoon went like that, they could do that, I suppose. Because that's like... Yeah, no, thumbs are important. Well, no, it's got five. It has five. There's just no opposable nature of the fifth one. So they all... They all bend like this. Yeah. Yeah.

So it could grab a ball probably with one hand. No, no, it's saying that it can't grab objects with one hand. No, I bet that thing could. Target, can we get a photo of a raccoon grasping a ball with one hand?

And please don't use AI to generate it from nothing. I could probably train one of these things real good. Yeah, exactly. Which is so funny. No, it's terrifying. You can have it do deeds. It's terrifying. It sounds like you're like, I could train it, but I'm not going to like it. Like, you sound like you're going to do it even though you don't want to. It's terrifying that these things roam our streets. I love them. That shouldn't be allowed. I love them. Are you calling for an execution of records? We get bobcats.

roaming around Austin. I feel like bobcats are everywhere. Leopards and coyotes. I don't know about leopards. Coyotes, too. There's coyotes. There was a coyote in my driveway the other day. Look at that guy. That looks like a Photoshop of that raccoon carrying the peanut butter. But he's not. Go to the third one. So he's holding that with one hand. That doesn't seem like a realistic...

photo of a raccoon I mean I swear that I look at that one the person grabbing it yeah that one

That one's but a child. Are you saying that if one of these was in your house, you would kill it? Yes, 100%. At the very least, I would grab it and squeeze it and try and pop it. That's the least that you would do? And if that didn't work, I would just throw it out. I don't want to bash its skull in. It seems like your conception of least to most is kind of flipped. It's just a shame they don't make the glue traps for that.

I mean, I don't think there's really a limit to how... Jesus Christ.

I caught a lizard in one one time. You're gonna hurt yourself. You're gonna have like an aneurysm. I've never seen a human move that fast. See, that's got me a little bit worried about the concept of doing a creator clash with Shlap because that was some explosive movement as they say in sports. You got to dump like olive oil on it to get the adhesive off. Oh, you can't just use like WD-40? No, no, and it's still stuck as you're kind of like massaging it trying to get the lizard off the trap and it's like...

Why- wait- It just wriggles more as you release it, and it's kind of uneasy. It seems like you're taking VHS videos of these things happening, and you have a weird collection in your playroom. I was trying to- I was trying to catch camel crickets. Can we pull up a camel cricket, please? Camel crickets? Terrifying beast. Terrifying beast. Look up camel cricket.

Feel like these so audio listeners love you to death I encourage you to watch this episode in the video version because of how many visuals we are showing on screen at this point, but You know about camel spiders of course I know about camels spiders. You know about camel spiders. I've never seen one of these things before

- Oh, easings, easings. - Audio listeners love you to death. This looks like a cricket if you took it, if you took the free transform tool on, or the last thing that we saw was a free transform tool and then you made it like reduce its width on the horizontal scale, like you squeezed it inwards. - Yeah, it does look like you like content aware scaled. - Yeah, or it kinda reminds me of like

early 20th century depiction of a fat capitalist like union busting fucking business owner but as an insect. Crazy beast. Crazy beast. There's so much muscle mass in those two rear legs. They jump at you.

That thing's got some horsepower. There's some horses in that thing. They come out of the womb knowing that if they see a human, they will jump out. It's not a mammal. Jump out at you. Do they just... They're in your house? All over. I feel like if you're using glue traps, you should just accept the fact that whatever gets stuck in there, you will probably have to kill. Do you know what's one insect that had...

Cursed me haunted me my whole and you probably had to deal with this too. My whole childhood was stink bugs stink bugs Yeah, yeah, there's these there are these small little bugs that they come inside in the winter and They're almost impossible to get rid of like like like as in my parents would try to get exterminators and then to be like you just kind of have to like deal with it because they like you just can't get rid of them and they will

The reason why they stink is when you kill them, they release this sort of smell, and then that technically attracts more of them, so you don't even want to kill them. You just want to flush them down the toilet. But the reason why they sucked when I was a kid is that I'd be trying to fall asleep, and the lights would be off in my room, and I would hear this sound, and I would hear... It would be basically the sound of them flying from one wall to the other, and they would go... And I'd be like, there's a fucking stink bug in this room. And then I would hear it like...

Now you hear it get closer to me. There have been times that I have had a stink bug crawling up my shirt when I'm trying to fall asleep and it is the worst thing to-- - Brush the fucking thing off, oh my god. - I want a two hour-- - What are you, you just standing in horror? I can't kill it, I can't kill it. - No, no, no, no. - You're not supposed to do it as it crawls up. - I brush it off but I would rather it never have the chance to get there in the first place. - Glue trap. - Glue trap? - Glue trap.

So, such an effective killer. I feel so bad for the audio list. This is why you get so- you tie yourself out is because you do these explosive movement bits and you use like- you take away like 10% of your power every time you do one. Sly, I think you need to make a human glue trap video or a human glue trap stream. You do a subathon from a glue trap.

You just- you should set out thousands of glue traps and purchase thousands of trail cams just around various houses and just be switching in between them and commentating the glue trapping. Thanks for the- thanks for the 50 gifted subs! Alright, 10 more hours in the glue tra- And then the final part of the stream is just somebody coming in and pouring olive oil on you.

Awful that's like some fucking oh Jesus Christ dude you see half the time when he does this stuff I'm never sure if it's actual alcohol, but I purchased this and I opened it for him, and it's it's real alcohol It's real alcohol real this time

But yeah, rats, raccoons, possums. If you currently have or have ever had a profile picture as one of those awful beasts, disgusting creatures, varmints, as your profile picture with hearts and emojis, you need help. You probably have some other issues going on. So here's a question. If you had to choose one to keep alive. Well, hold on.

Hold on. Someone with a Twitter profile picture of a rat or a raccoon or other vermin or Minecraft YouTuber icon. Goge profile pic. Might as well put him in like a Greek robe because he's acting like this is the deepest philosophical question that he's ever received. Thinking men. I would pick the Minecraft one to keep alive because there's a chance that

They won't. They will heal. They won't reproduce like the rats will. Okay, well that's implying that the rat profile picture is because it's an actual rat on Twitter. If a rat was on Twitter, it would be disguising this rat. Like someone who likes rats also reproduces like a rat. They take their shirt off and they've got nipples all down their chest. Ugh.

Yeah. No, I'd save the Minecraft one because there's a chance that they'd be a fan of me and would buy my merchandise. There you go. And listen to my new podcast, Did Schlatt Win? Which is a podcast about me arguing with people. Yeah. Yeah.

And you've got a podcast coming up. I do. You want to dish some info on that? I know it's with the Irish guy. It's with the Irish guy. He no longer is an Irishman. This entire podcast, since the moment that we talked about your podcast, I think everything from there had been a tangent. We have not stayed on a single thing. And I wanted clarification actually on this. So is he coming out to L.A. to film this stuff with you? Or are you guys doing it on Discord?

So for the most part, it'll happen on Discord and then every once in a while. I feel like it'll kind of be like the two of you. For the most part, it'll take place over Discord and then every once in a while, we'll get together and do 10 episodes a day for a week. What is the name of this podcast? It's going to be called Brain Leak. Brain Leak. Which means that when you guys come out to shoot it in person, you can call it Brain Week. Oh! Oh!

Now that's nice! It's like when you shoot a hog from Exactly! And then it kind of goes in one end and then *huff* out the other. Puddle of- So, here's a question. With the hogs that you're killing,

And I would like to reiterate, so don't get canceled on Twitter. You're not going to get canceled on Twitter for killing an invasive species. No, the last time I was on a podcast, I got canceled on Twitter because of Matt and Ryan from Super Mega. What did you say? I didn't say anything. I laughed at a joke that they made. And you're uncancelable, and no one's ever canceled you. Yeah, I'm an unproblematic king. Yes. Eef. Eef. That's actually something that, I'm sorry, you had something to say. No, no, no. Keep going. I don't remember what I was going to say.

And that's my fault because I was going on multiple tangents there. A bit of a brain leak right there. A little bit of a brain leak as well. I wanted to... Have you ever spoken about that, the EVE thing? Or do you ever have any plans to? And we can cut this out if you don't want it to talk about. Just like what your opinion is on the EVE stuff. Oh, so I don't remember where it came from. People just started calling me that. And then...

That's whatever. Yeah. People want to call me that they can I guess. I think I think that sometimes I get a little annoyed with my audience because I have always been for the most part in the friend groups that I have one of the younger people and I have a little bit of a baby face and so my audience is very protective of me and they baby me a lot. Right even though they're probably. Yes like 15. Far yeah. Yeah.

And I'm 26. Yeah, so the 15-year-olds are infantilizing. That is a little strange. Yeah, so sometimes I... What if we gave them an alternative that was less infantilizing? Me? Yeah. What? What? Me? A nickname. I was just thinking not just transfer them over. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. What's the E-version? Like a Preachy Friday thing? No, no, like...

Start infantilizing me. I think that's a good idea. Yeah, I like that. Uh-huh. Yeah, what would they call you? Hog Prince? Okay, yeah, I like that. Rat King. Well, yeah, I'm thinking something like... No, don't. Actually, don't. Let's not do that. Why? Why not? I think something like badass, like... Like... Killer. Killer? Ravager. Killer.

Rage man. How about this? Gunner. Gunner. Gunner. Shooting guy. Bullet boy. Oh, you're an adult. Bullet adult. Bullet adult. Bullet gunpowder plus. That's your... Ooh. You like that? Yeah. I like gunpowder plus. Wow. Yeah. Gunpowder plus. I guess I'm about to be in my gun era.

as the kids would call it well dude you come down to texas we've got flamethrowers we've got tanks we've got 50 cal snipers we've got uh mp40s from like like world war ii have you gone and shot a bunch of guns in texas uh i've been to texas and i've shot guns in texas i haven't done with the schlatt though so i've been in texas i've shot you know i've shot an ak-47 or something it was i think it was when tucker and i were in texas what did we shoot

We shot a lever action .44 mag. We shot an AK. No, that was in Nashville. We did that. Oh, yeah, you're right. We shot an AK. We shot a couple handguns. Yeah, I think it was a couple handguns and then just the AK or something. Now, what's your opinion on the whole Sneeko clip versus mag dilemma? Oh, it's clearly a magazine.

Tucker actually had brought up a point to me, though, when, because, you know, Critical had shown his expertise with a gun, but he made one fatal mistake. Tucker, take it away. Well, he pulled the slide back and locked it without pulling the mag out first, which is kind of weird. I would never do that. Because if it was... I thought the same thing. I was like, that's kind of weird. Yeah. It's a little strange. I did notice that as well, actually. I, too, noticed that. I didn't fucking notice that. In the back of my head, I was going, oh, he pulled the slide out. Why is it...

Well, if it had a round in it and you didn't lock it back, it would load it. Like, it would chamber it. So then it would be, like, a hot weapon. Like, sexy? Yeah. Yeah, so you're on Sneeko's side. No. I don't know who Sneeko is. Boom. That's probably the best roast you could have given him. Yeah. I've been subscribed to Charlie for, like, a decade. I don't know. Since he started. Back when he was making just, like, the 18 FPS...

Battlefield find like a random game that you've never even seen before and it's like it's like falling apart like the game is like the code is breaking down as he's playing it. Have we all been watching Charlie since before we knew he was hot? Yeah. Yeah. Oh. Yeah. I remember when the internet freaked out about that they were like oh man. Oh he's hot? I do wish he would do his intro. You know? What was his original intro? Just hey everybody it's Critical. Hey everybody it's Critical here. Yeah. Yeah.

Uh-huh. Yeah. Do you think he'll come on the sandwich show? Well, we've had him on online. We've never had him on in person because he's in Tampa, and I don't think that there's any... You could do it during Creator Clash weekend. Well, he's probably not doing Creator Clash. What?

He doesn't like to travel. Why aren't you going? Why? I'm not going to go. I DM'd you about it and you said, I'd rather die. I'd rather be a little hog running around in a field and you shoot me down. I won't be going to creative class. I will always choose an option in which he is not perceived rather than one in which he is. Other than in person, perception is...

Not preferable. No. Online perception. Online perception is everything. That's money right there, baby. That's everything.

We've gone on like six tangents since reintroducing the podcast topic. I want you to be able to talk about it because you were very excited about it. I was just excited about it because... Your podcast! Yeah, not in a way that I was excited to be like, I wanted to promote my podcast, but I was thinking about the two of you because you've been doing it for a while. And I am, as a person who's starting one, I'm like, what if I run out of things to talk about every week? How do you keep that up? So...

- That's a good question. - Easy question. - And it is a consistent one that we ask ourselves very often. A lot of time, I mean, it's solved by like this, like having a guest that is also a pal of ours that we like enjoy talking to 'cause you know, if it's just the two of us, we're fucking miserable. That's not a fully real answer.

Sometimes we do run out of things to talk about I think some of it is like so I and I don't live in the same place all the time So sometimes we were just two of us are just working throughout the whole week No, yeah, this place fucking sucks. You don't like it. No you like, Texas. I love Texas I Actually really like Texas. I'll get heaven live hog heaven. It's crazy. It's like probably more like hog hell Well, no, they'll go to heaven

They're invasive. Do they... Back to the hogs real quick. Do they do... What's... Is it sustainable? Oh, yeah. They fuck like no tomorrow. I've seen it happen. But do they go back? The second half of the hog trip, do you have to go back and... Oh, you can leave them there and the vultures pick at them or you can take them. So they enter into the cycle of life. Is that true, actually? Can you go back and get them? Do whatever you want to them.

They're yours. You can't do anything you want to them. Don't, no, don't nod at me with like a twinkle in your eye. I don't want you doing that. You're holding a machine gun when you hunt them. You can do anything you want to that thing. But how big are these hogs and how do you transport them? Big beasts, big beasts. You have to sling them around your back and carry them like a little thule backpack. Okay. A little Jansport. Yeah. Yeah.

But back to your question. Yeah, sometimes we run out of things to talk about because there are a lot of times where it's like we're both just working in our respective offices at our homes for a week and we haven't done anything. So when the next podcast comes along, we're like, what?

That sounds like any time I talk to my mom. She's always like, what's new? What are you doing? And I'm like, same thing I'm always doing. Yeah. And I don't really have anything to say. Yeah, so that's why sometimes we like to do, like, we bring in, as the podcast has aged, we've started bringing in, like, topics like the,

Like we enjoy doing the would you rather. That's always really fun to do. Or like the tier list. Like we'll choose stuff like that. And that's like, because that's a, and also the chuckle mail stuff we do as well where we have people asking questions. So that kind of adds like more stuff there when it's like we haven't really done any. But, you know, sometimes someone will have like a bunch of chicken on like when I went to Ireland or something like that. I got to talk about my whole island trip or something. Or if, you know, Schlatt went to the moon or something like that. Is that soon?

No. It's going to happen eventually. I need some more money first. Yeah. But then I would consider that. Yeah. You could sell the monkey guy. The monkey statue? Yeah. I haven't even set him up yet. He's still in a box. I need to enjoy him first. It's been literally years. I haven't enjoyed him yet. He's in a storage container.

So your podcast though is it's gonna be you and Jacksepticeye, it's called Brain Leak. It's gonna be two cheeky boyos hanging out having a good time. Is there any sort of like, or is it kind of like similar with Chuckle Sandwiches where it's just like whatever the fuck. - Yeah, just kind of hanging out. - That's the way to do it. - Yeah! - This got the Mustang power.

Ted raised a good point, though, where we have a couple of mainstays because we don't do much else and we don't talk to each other outside of the podcast. Well, I try to get you to. So, yeah, but I don't. And so it only really we only really like talk.

like Monday at 4 p.m. And sometimes, you know when you don't have a lot of rapport with someone it's tough So you need to fall back on the main stage. This is the point. This is what I'm saying. Let me clarify something here. If you want Grainleaf to be a successful podcast, you need to come up with some episodes with Jack where even if you don't like each other even if there's some nothing not much going on

Your audience can still consume this format. This is rely on it. So we do tier lists. Chuckle Sandwich was originally started so I could stay in contact with those two motherfuckers. We have a bad advice segment where people ask us advice and then we give them purposely bad advice. So I would turn that into a whole episode.

And only do that every now and then. Because if it's every week, then you still need to fill the air for the rest of the 90 other percentiles of the podcast. If you do that once a month, hell, and that audience could really start loving that. And then, oh, we don't have anything to talk about. Let's do that again. Or come up with some other ideas that your audience really likes that is easy for you to do without feeling like you need to experience stuff because everyone knows we just stay inside. Yeah.

I'm very opinionated. I like ranking things. And you like winning and arguing. You're very good at arguing. I do, and that's why I started my Digital Eye Win podcast, which I'd love for you to come on at some point. I would love to. Is that on Spotify? Oh, it's on Spotify right now and YouTube. Do you feel strongly about anything?

Do you have any opinions that when you say them out loud, people are like, wow. You should just continue the kill all raccoons conversation. I think they should be. I think they should be killed. Do raccoons deserve to live? No. Yes. No, no. There you go. You literally just set up the...

Ding ding ding! I did really like the... My name is Schlatt, and I think that raccoons should die. And I'm joined here today by Ethan Nestor, who thinks that raccoons should live. Ethan, why are you dumb?

That was a pretty good impersonation. You want to come on that? Yeah, yeah. I'm always down. I feel like that would be a spicy episode. Well, because I know this guy's entire strategies. Like, I've got them worked in and out right now. I literally know every pathway that this man will follow in order to...

illustrate a point you're also very good at arguing uh not only arguing but like going off on one thing for a really long time like when we were doing porncore party and you were talking about the food yeah that honestly so so that's funny that you say that because that was like almost like in a like a like

like an alien event for me where I was so absolutely moved and changed emotionally like a character in a movie by the by the swath the plethora the cornucopia of options that I was presented upon this upon my plate by this studio the empanadas with the lime aioli how could I fucking forget about the empanadas they were

- They were fried so delicately, so beautifully. The crispness, the flavor of the meat inside was like entering a dreamland of wonder and delight. And the lime aioli, they had so much available to you, it was like an unreasonable amount, and I put an unreasonable amount on my plate. And I had

I'll admit I had 14 empanadas. They were not like very... I mean, they were this big. Okay. So they're, you know... I think I had three. That's a human size portion. Like, I would not be surprised if each of those empanadas were probably 200 calories. So I probably consumed...

- Roughly, I mean, you know, I'm bad at math, but at least almost 3000 calories worth of empanadas in a single sitting. And I could have eaten more, but it was starting to get embarrassing. - Yeah. - It was starting, I was starting to get, feel looks upon me of worry.

So that, like, it was just a big event, and, you know. What were we talking about? We were talking about, okay, so I'm trying to walk us back, and I've been trying to do this for the past, like, half hour at this point. You, on a podcast with two ADHDers. We were on Hitchlap. We medicated? Yeah, right now. I have new medication. Really? Yes. Is it a stimulant, or is it like a...

Yeah, I think so. I don't know. I was told recently about like that you can get non-stimulant ADHD stuff that like... It's a stimulant. Yeah, it's a stimulant. We were talking about how Ted knows exactly what it is. It's similar to Vyvanse. I don't know. Oh, interesting. But it's new. So...

- Where can people find your podcast that you are going to be releasing? Because at this point, I think around when this podcast release, your podcast will be available online with Jacksepticeye. - I think so. Or at least it'll be, it's slimy.

Oh, we know a thing or two about slimy usernames. God, we took care of him a while ago. And green. Yeah, green boys. Green, slimy. Next time Sean is in town, you should have him on the old sandwich. We'd love to have him on. I mean, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.

It's called Brain Leak. Brain Leak. Weekly episodes. Weekly episodes. Leak as in falling out of a normally enclosed surface rather than a onion? Yes. Okay. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Cool, cool. Because it's just all coming out of her brain and stuff. It's hard to come up with a podcast name.

- Oh yeah, no, Chuckle Sandwich is literally named after my high school improv group. - I think that's great. Did you start it, the improv group? - No, I didn't. I was just a part of it. I was just a part of it and it was,

My thought behind it was it's a high school improv group. The name isn't going anywhere besides a high school. And also it doesn't actually exist anymore. I think they stopped doing auditions and it just kind of fell apart. But I remember it being such an important, had such an important impact on my development of my comedy. And like it

it just was being a part of that group was like so important to me that, and I also love the name so much. I was like, I can't let this just die. Like I want this to still be a part of, I don't know. It's a very special, like named me and yeah, I'm still friends with all the people that were in the group. So yeah, for me it was, um,

arguing with people, did I win the argument? Did Schlatt win? I wanted to call it versus. Yeah. But we did a little look up of the trademark and in that space there's a bunch. I like did Schlatt win. I think it's fine. Yeah, I think it works. It gets the point across and there's no other Schlatts that are going to serve me a cease and desist like Gwyneth Paltrow did years ago. With goop. Yeah. Did she?

Yeah, she literally did. Legal letter. That was a literal legal letter we received from Gwyneth Paltrow. I mean, I don't think that she wrote it. No. It would have been very funny if she did. But she loves lawsuits because she just won another one for a dollar. A ski one. Yeah. What was it? What did you do with Goop? It was called Goop Podcast. Yeah, Goopcast. Yeah. And then she has a brand name. It was what ended up being Lunch Club.

And then she had a podcast for Goop called Goop Podcast or something. Something about skin care. Yeah, she made the vagina candle or whatever. Yeah, I have that and I light it frequently. And it doesn't smell. I mean, maybe it does. I wouldn't know. But I feel like it doesn't. Compared to? The real thing. Yeah, I mean, it was very flowery. It's like flowers and dirt.

That's what that thing smells like. So like a garden? No, but like mud, like swamp. Not like fresh dirt, not like sod. No, like mud. Okay. That would be wild if... If that was what a vagina smelled like. Yeah, like mulch. Like mulch. Mulch would be a tough...

That'd be a tough sell. Tough sell, yeah. Tough sell. I like the smell of mulch. You guys don't like the smell? Well, mulch comes in different smells. I mean, I did some landscaping with, you know, Tucker's dad's a landscaper, and I did some work for him growing up, and, you know, there's, like, sweet mulches, and there's some stinky mulches. So, I mean... So, is there anything else you want? So, you've been on this podcast before, and I'm wondering...

You know, Shad has a question you usually ask people, but, and we could be, your answer could have changed, but I mean, I'll let him just take it away. We can do it again. Yeah, hit it with me again because maybe my opinion has changed and it's been so long, I can't even remember, when was that? It's been over a year, it was February of last year when we did that whole shebang, and I mean- Do you still do it every episode with every guest? Oh, every episode with every guest, every guest, and I usually find some kind of like funny segue, but honestly that, I'm drunk now.

So I didn't even think about it. So you stopped at... You didn't ask... Yeah, pitch it to me like I'm a first time... I'm going to pitch it to you? Yes. Like, would you rather have unlimited bacon, but no more video games, or games, games, unlimited games, but no games? Crystal. What's the first one again? Unlimited bacon... Okay, well, I feel like he was being very clear when he said that. Unlimited bacon, no games. So... So I'll say it one more time, because...

You have no idea what's going on. Yeah. Ethan, would you rather have bacon in the unlimited variety? Unlimited bacon. Okay, we're getting a little bit avant-garde with this one now. But no more games. Or games. Unlimited games. But no games. Yeah. So I'm just kind of thinking about what we were talking about before with the hogs. And I feel like that would be kind of... That is kind of a real-life scenario of unlimited bacon. Wow, holy shit. But in some ways...

That activity would be considered to some who delight in the process to be a game. Oh my god. Shit. But also, at the same time, with that, if you were to swap the things, that is kind of an unlimited bacon but no bacon scenario. But that's not an option. And that's never been an option in the two years we've been running this podcast. Hasn't been on the roster. I mean...

Did I stutter when I was saying that? I don't think you stuttered and I don't think that you... You were clear. You were straight to the point. Crystal clear. I think it was pretty, as they say, cut and dry. I think due to what we have talked about in this podcast, I will have to go with the unlimited bacon but no games scenario. Okay. Why? Well, you know...

When you think about what a game is, what is a game? Because you could... Are we getting into game theory right now? Well, we could talk about if the unlimited bacon, shooting the bacon, unlimited bacon, no games. You don't have to necessarily think of that as a game. It could be a hobby. It could also be, what's it called, a community service. Okay, I'm following.

It could be a community service. So an act of charity of which would not be considered to be a game for it is... It's not a game. Charity. Okay. But it's no game. It's not a game. Hmm.

But you get unlimited bacon, but no games. There's always unlimited bacon in that first one. I think that's the uncontested part of the whole question. That's the one thing that no one has any questions about. The bacon does expand. Yeah, but no games. I mean, I don't want to influence this one bit. I feel like I should kind of distance myself from discussing the nuances. Yeah, because it's one of those things where this question has so many...

little corners in which you can enter into and frolic in and sort of delight in their... In many ways the question itself is the question of all of this. Where we are now, this life we live in. Is there a more popular answer between the two? Oh.

A more popular answer? I don't think we've actually been keeping track. No, I don't... I think we just kind of throw it out there. I'm sure there's a subreddit. I feel like in many ways people answering this question is sort of like when you spread ashes. Yeah, and in Japan they do the thing with the chopsticks. They do... And they hand it over like a piece of sushi. But you can't do that in Japan or else people will think...

He's handing over ashes. Okay. Which is why you need to take the chopsticks and put it on a plate and then present the plate with two hands. Yes. I didn't know that. What part of the sandwich did you answer you were last time? We got a lot of sandwich parts, but... I don't remember. I think... What are the options? Anything. I mean, really, I... It's sort of... The scope has sort of expanded over the years, but...

Ever since we had Danny Gonzalez on, it sort of expanded from... Damn, motherfucker. It sort of expanded because I told him anything and then he went and he told us... He was a farmer. The visual of a farmer using a scythe to cut grass at sunset, which was essentially the notion of a visual of an idea. So there is precedent there.

legal precedent for many which ways you could go and and I think that that's appropriate because we'd probably end up running out of condiments. Well then going off of that then and going off of the hog theme that we have made here I think that I would like to be one of the hogs running through the field and

Trying to escape from the... What's the experience called again? Heli-bacon. Heli-bacon. We're giving them so much free press. I should really start... Yeah, start reeling it in a little bit. I need a creator code or something. Yeah. Or just a free weekend on them. Or a free weekend, yeah. Just a whole weekend. Which would still promote them more. Ammo's so expensive. Ammo's so expensive. Oh, yeah. If they could provide that, I would...

I would free Texas of this hog problem once and for all. Can we look up, is it one of those things where they have a price or do you have to get a quote from them? I hate that. I hate it when you're trying to figure out a price and they're just like, email us and we'll send you a quote. Just tell me more or less how much it's going to cost or tell me how much it starts at. We got them right there. We got them right there. Helicopter hog hunting starting at $5,495 per person. No, no, that's the whole person. That's the whole package.

These are the biggest packages. They go down. That's three grand a person to take you up in a heli and rain lead on a bunch of feral hogs. Wow. Reasonable, I'd say. You don't want to use lead.

because then the scavengers that eat them are going to get lead and it trickles down. Well how do you? With steel core or something. Steel core bullets right. You just don't want to use lead. What uh oh you don't use lead okay. Do they still use lead? That's why we got an environmentalist on there. They try not to. Yeah. For hunting you're not supposed to these days. Well excellent. I'm glad we have Tucker man. Well thank you so much Ethan for coming on this podcast.

Thank you guys so much for having us. We love you so much. We hope that by the time this podcast comes out that you have won your fight victoriously and gloriously. Yeah, we didn't really predict. But that's okay. I think you're going to win. Thank you. Because I don't know the other guy. Thank you. The drinking? Yeah. That's like a hefty pour. It is. I don't even have a chaser this time. I know. It's like, honestly. How many more episodes are you guys doing today?

We got another, and then that's it for today, I think. No, we're on another podcast. Oh, and then we're going on for your end. Damn, dude. All right, well. Well, have fun out there, fellas. Thanks, man. And I'll see you at Creator Clash. I won't see you. You won't see me. Next time I'm in Austin for whatever reason. Yeah, all right. Do a flamethrower. Do a little tank action. Hell yeah.

Thanks so much Chucklers for listening. Thank you. Catch you later. Check out Brain Leak on Spotify, YouTube, and other everywhere. It's coming out soon or it's already out and it just came out and everyone's so hyped. It just came out or it's coming out tomorrow or something like that. Thanks guys. All right. Catch you around. Bye. Bye.