cover of episode Entitled Brat Is “Too Good For Work” | Financial Audit

Entitled Brat Is “Too Good For Work” | Financial Audit

Publish Date: 2024/6/28
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Financial Audit


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To watch episodes of Financial Audit a week earlier, check us out on YouTube. It could be worse. I'm trying my best. Are you? As best as I can. How many hours a week are you working? So I'm working 36. You're not trying your best. That's exhausting though. You're kind of acting like a child. Like an entitled child when it comes to this work. You do have to work to make money. Who are you going to live off of? Not my parents because they're not supporting me right now. Why should they? You're 23.

Hi, my name's Olivia. I'm 23 years old, based out of Austin, Texas, and this is Financial Audit. What do you do here in Austin for a living? So I'm a medical receptionist for a surgeon's office. Cool. What are we making? About pre-tax $29,000 a year. Okay. Under 30 in Austin. $30,000, not age. Mm-hmm. Oh, wow.

How do you feel living in Austin? It's okay. I know compared to like New York or Boston or Seattle, San Francisco, LA. Yes, it is cheaper. But compared to the majority of cities in the United States, Austin is a pretty expensive city. Wow. Is that salary? No, it's hourly. What's your hourly? Hourly is I just got a raise to 18, 18 an hour.

You know, Austin, that's actually – this was not like full concrete hardcore research that I did, but I compiled a list of job openings of the lowest income level job openings. I really pay in like fast food, service, box of jellies, just to get an idea of where things were at. And when putting that all together, the median lowest paid openings in Austin is $18 an hour. You just got to raise to that. Yes, absolutely.

I have considered switching careers to food service because, to be honest, it does pay more than what I'm making now. And that's what you want to do as a career? Food service? Mm-hmm. I don't mind it. Okay. I work my share of food service jobs, and I like it. What are your goals and ambitions? What do you want to do? Okay, nothing wrong with working in food service. It's not even close. Typically, you don't hear someone saying they want to go –

fry nuggies for the rest of their life. - Yeah, if you're bad at math, frying nuggies isn't too bad. But I am actually in the process of getting my real estate license online. - Oh, no, okay. - Yeah, which is not, also not really what I wanna do.

- It's not the best time for it specifically. - Yeah. - 'Cause everyone was making money during the pandemic when rates were low, people were selling and buying, selling and buying. And now things are a little slower. Austin area is up 1% year over year and year to date it's up like three, 4%. So it's like, we're starting to work, you know, we hit our, what looks like the bottom and things are getting a little, and rate cuts, there might be one rate cut this year.

Even still, it's definitely harder to get into. Do you have a lot of knowledge in the real estate space? Well, that's why I'm working towards this license. I'm hoping for, you know, a turnaround in the real estate world. So I'm doing what I can to try to get ahead without. Yeah, but what do you know about it?

Do you know anything about it? About real estate? That's what I'm learning. Okay. So, but what makes you interested in it? Because a lot of people, they're interested in real estate. They get into real estate because they've learned about real estate and they like it. Why are you choosing to get into that? I mean, I've done kind of like general looking around as far as the career itself. You know, like entry-based salary seems livable. Yeah.

- As a realtor? - Yeah. - Okay. - The stress, like stress level, as far as working as well as the flexibility. - You know this is a heavy commission job. Oftentimes that means you have to move inventory to win. You gotta sell. - Yeah. - Either on the buyer or seller's end. That is stress. I'm in the real estate world, not as a realtor, but you know, I have a large real estate portfolio in terms of rentals.

That is stress, the real estate world in general. I think you're looking at it a little bright and starry-eyed. Either way, okay, so $30,000, that's pretty hard in Austin. It looks like, in general, you bring in on average $2,000 a month. Yes. That's hard. Is this a single household income? Yeah. I live by myself. What's your rent? So it's $919 right now.

- Well, that's basically half your income. - It is. And it's going up when I renew my lease in a few months. Which is why, you know, real estate is one of, you know, kind of the easier courses you can get into to try

try to do something to make more money well is that literally the only intention because again going into something that is so commission-based usually if you don't have at least a bit of a passion for it you're not gonna make i can gift you a tech certification to course careers i can gift you that to add to your resume and stuff i've checked

- I checked out course careers. I wasn't as interested and it's not that I'm not interested in real estate. I am interested and it's something that I can see myself being successful in. - But you just made it sound like that's one of the easiest certifications to get. So that's what I'm doing. One of the courses. - Not that it's easy, but as far as accessibility, because I don't have extra money to put towards school right now or anything. - Community college, Austin Community College. It's like almost, it costs almost no money. Then again, then again, for the Austin area, you basically make almost no money. - Yeah.

uh so i'm trying to austin community college i think they have programs for people in your income situation i was going um fresh out of high school i went to acc and uh it's 85 a credit hour at acc yeah i mean that's pretty i had buddy that's a thousand bucks a semester if you take 12 credit hours which in my situation isn't

super doable for me i know but that's like a thousand bucks twice a year i think we could do that and even if you had to borrow for that like just if that really increased your income situation like a federal student loan doing that for two years four thousand dollars that's not the deepest end of the world if that doubles your income yeah and then there's also the issue of i work full-time

I work all day, so it's hard for me to take time out of my day. Of course, no, it would be evening classes or it would be online classes. Like, I mean, you're not the only person in the world that would have done it. Like a lot of people that my mom did that. She worked full time and then did college at night to try to improve her situation so we could live a better life. A lot of people do it.

I mean, do you have a kid? I don't. Okay, so you have some time. I've got a dog. Okay, I have too. I know you have time. Expensive. Oh, okay. Have you ever Googled yourself? I did. And man, the amount of personal info floating around is just mind boggling.

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Okay, so what would you self-assess your financial situation? Zero being the absolute worst, 10 being the absolute best. Where do you think you are right now? I'm going to give myself about a three. Why are you three? I don't think it's the worst that it could be, but it's- It's what everyone f***ing does on the show and then they think their situation's okay because of that and it's-

it's definitely not the worst it could be a lot worse it can always be worse it could be worse how does that mean it can be better or how does that does that does that mean it's okay though it could be worse yes it could be worse it could be a zero it could always be worse you're shooting under the bridge it could be worse it's not that bad that doesn't mean your situation's okay it's i'm trying my best

Are you? As best as I can. How many hours a week are you working? So I'm working 36. Okay. You're not trying to pass. Yeah. As far as like I work full time. Hardly. Barely.

What else do I do? Because then... Work full-time again after that shift. That's exhausting, though. I've held two jobs before, and it's exhausting. It's a lot on your mental health. Welcome to the world, though. Welcome to the world, though. I mean, that's kind of what we have to sometimes do when we're sacrificing, right? Like, if we can't afford to live, what does math tell us? You have to be able to afford to live. What do you do? As an able-bodied human...

You work. Yeah, it's a lot though. Unless there's like no legs. Are there legs up there? Oh, there's legs. Okay. There's legs down here. So, okay. I think you can get there. It's a lot though. Like mentally. It is. Mentally, physically. And we've all done it. And we've all done it though. And I've done it too. And I've held two jobs. I'm 23. I've done it. I've held two jobs. You have like more energy right now than you'll ever have. That's concerning too. Because...

It's exhausting. It is. No one says it's not. I didn't say go do it in order to survive and it's not going to be exhausting. No one ever said that. Sacrifice usually is called sacrifice because there is something you're sacrificing. In that case, your energy.

You're a little more tired picking up a couple shifts a week. Imagine you work 36 and you said you're trying your hardest. You're trying your best. You're doing your best. 36 hours a week is not your best. What else do I do in that situation? Oh my gosh, are you kidding me? No, I'm listening. As far as like working. What time do you get to work? 7.50. What time do you leave work? 5 p.m. Cool. Then what?

Well, are there more hours in the day after five? Yes. Cool. I think we just figured it out. I actually have tried. I've applied to a few places recently in the past couple months. What's a few? I applied to... No, what's a few? Just number.

Sorry. Two, three. Okay. You didn't try. I'm sorry. I've gone to interviews. I have. That's great. It's a numbers game. It's a numbers game. It's also about availability and hours. Of course. Some people don't want to hire you just to work. Absolutely. After 5 p.m. Absolutely. Correct. It's a numbers game. On the weekends. Absolutely. It's a numbers game. You have to apply to 100. You have to apply to 200. It's a numbers game. And you go until you get the one that works for you. It's a numbers game. We don't apply to three and say, we tried. We tried.

We tried. Oh, let me just go. Things are just not going to work out. We tried. If you can't afford to go to school in order to increase your income, which is kind of what you want to do. Yeah. And I do. I do want to go back to school. Okay. But because you don't make enough money, I mean, that's a you situation. That's for you that you could if you wanted to. I know for a fact in Austin, again, there's a coffee place I like going to. One of the summer moons near the office. The manager tells me constantly,

Please get any of your guests to just apply to work here. They pay $18 an hour. They need people to make some coffee. And is that what time do they close? Dude, Summer Moon closes at 8, I think. So that's a few hour shift. Yeah, a few hour shift. Congratulations, by the way. It's more than no extra hours.

What are you talking about? It's hard to find somebody that wants to hire you working so few hours. It is, but if they're literally begging for people, they didn't tell me what times of the day. Maybe it's random. Maybe that one wouldn't work for you, but that's an example of something that exists. You're kind of acting like a child, like an entitled child when it comes to this work. You do have to work to make money. I do work. 36 hours and you're not trying your best.

I've been working since I was 16. Cool. Again, most of us do. I go to work. Like most of us. Okay. I do my thing. I work and 36 hours. Yep. That should be enough. Unfortunately, I know there's nothing we can do about the cost of living. Should be is a completely different conversation. Should be is not going to have you walk out of this door and live a better life.

That does nothing for you. We can have a different show where we talk about should-be's. The reality of the economic structure we're in is you need to work in order to make money in order to get the things that you need to survive. That is our structure. Let's have the I wish conversation somewhere else. That does not help you here. That does not. It benefits you. You know what? I wish you didn't have to make as much money in order to survive.

Cool. End of conversation. Did that just help you? Did that just actually get you out of a situation? Did that actually make it so that you're going to be good now? No. Unfortunately not. So how it works? As far as working, extra shifts. Okay. Now you need to factor in

you know trying to save money and meal prepping and doing all the things that it takes to try to save more money which is what you do anyway yeah sure yeah and then trying to fit that in somewhere else on top of meal prepping takes a couple hours a week like two times a week and you have to shop for it too yeah you can get a pickup order that's free but that costs more no I said it's free 30 cents more per item at H-E-B

Hold on. Literally 30 cents more per item. One second. When I was doing it, it was free. What are you talking about? There's no curbside fee, but they do charge you an extra 30 cents per item that's already added into the total, like the cost of the item. So if you go and store the item, it's going to be 30 cents cheaper. Okay. I could have been wrong, but I had no idea. I must have just not known that. I try to go into the store as much as possible.

To avoid curbside. Walmart. I mean, most grocery bills are over $35. Walmart, as long as it's over $35, it's free. Okay. That's good to know. There you go. Solves your problem. Okay. Cool. Any other excuses you want to try? I think that's it. Okay. So meal prep, a couple hours a week. If you work a couple extra shifts, you still have a couple hours a week. We can pick up groceries on the way home that we scheduled for pickup. Okay. For free. Energy. Energy.

it's the energy thing we're gonna be a little bit tired because we put in a little bit of work it's hard it's oh it is it is you know it's gonna be harder staying in debt for the rest of your life and trying to retire at any point but you're not able to because who knows if you're gonna be able to rely on social security at that time by the time we're at retirement age and you saved up nothing to retire so who the how are you gonna live how are you gonna survive who are you gonna live off of that's gonna be hard

not my parents because they're not supporting me right now why should they you're 23 so i'm supporting what do you feel like you should be supported by them no okay why did you bring that up i just know that a lot of people do have that support i don't have that support sometimes i didn't yeah okay my train of thought went off the rails that's okay it's okay i'm scared to get into that

producer man no over there looked into the into the thing for the heb pickup and it's like in in the fine print they have like a three to four percent markup on the hev prices but there's no pickup fee whereas walmart there's a fee if it's under thirty dollars for the pickup from what i just saw online could be a hidden thing i don't know if there is

have your grocery list and zoom through the aisles we all do it like my goodness come on it's a mental barrier it's a mental a mental thing let's see if purpose i'm sorry but like what you can't go into a grocery store like you're not gonna be able to survive in this world so far like there's like no one can help you with anything if you can't literally step foot inside of a grocery store

I do, man. I shop for my groceries, but it is. It's mentally, everything feels a little mentally draining sometimes. It is. No, absolutely. Everything is mentally draining, but the rest of us, we just deal with it because it's what we have to do.

Because there's like no other choice. And that's what it feels like I'm doing already. So I'm afraid to- You're working 36 hours a week. I'm afraid to add in more- Most people work 40 hours a week. You're already under that. That's four hours though. That's a- I know, but you're already under that. And you specifically said you're doing your best. You're not. I can't. My job closes at noon. I know, but you're still not doing your- I don't know how you don't get that. How did I not get that across to you?

whatever discover it everyone's favorite like first little credit card that actually wasn't the first one the first one was the apple card really that one came second that's interesting um okay two thousand five hundred two thousand five hundred twenty three dollars and fifty nine cents at your income is scary because again rent is about to be over fifty percent of your net so i don't even know how this doesn't make sense with the 73 dollar minimum monthly payment purchased

Probably because you have no money in your checking account. So you add it to a credit card. See, it's unsustainable. See, this is what I'm talking about where you said it's hard and it's going to be harder in the future. When I was saying it's going to be harder in the future, it starts to look like this. It starts to look like this. And you can do this for a while because your credit line is absolutely huge for your income. It's $7,200. That's wild.

You purchased $626.73 on here when $52.84 of interest accrued, $164. You made double the minimum monthly payment, but it doesn't make sense. It doesn't matter because you then spent five times what you put towards the payment. So what was even the point? Why are you spending money on a car that you can't pay off, that is accruing interest, and you added the balance by $500? I really don't know where that $500 came from. I...

I don't know how I spent that within the last month. What? You don't even know where your money goes to? Sometimes I don't. Okay. I mean, that's fine. It's also like a- It's not fine, but that is where people start typically. So that's like, I accept that. It hurts, but I accept that. It's awesome. Like, I guess it is part of like just mentally blocking it out and just doing my thing without-

paying too much attention to it um okay i'm obviously you've never budgeted in your life go through a budgeting class go through our investing class if you want to as well because at least you get a free 100 for that but go through the budgeting class for sure you get it for free because you're a guest you can get it for free if you want to be a guest as well you can apply to be on the show apply that's crazy though that is wild you don't know where this went

Not with that amount. I'll tell you. You went inside a store and got like a drink. $2. Like what else would you be getting for $2 walking into Central Market for $2? Or did you go in there and just buy an herb? I don't even remember. Yeah, you probably went in there and got some bull. Five Below. Tipi Yoka. Going inside getting some bull s***. Chick-fil-A. Firehouse Subs. Going inside getting some bull s***. Ross Stores. McDonald's.

A restaurant, some tea place, and going inside and getting some bullshit. Bullshit purchases. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Reminder, you didn't even come close to paying off this card. You added it by $500 under your balance, and it's accruing interest, and you only spent money on this card because you don't have any money in your checking account because you don't make enough money because you only work 36 hours a week, and your rent is more than 50% of your income. So you spend it all on a credit card that is increasing the balance and adding more and more interest on it. But where did it go? Oh, it went to bullshit.

That's not a smart way to live. I think in my brain it's little things that are obviously adding up. That's how it works. Was that last month? Yeah, your most recent statement. So, I mean, let me just be very clear. And I know, again, a lot of people, they're going to be like, someone deserves to be able to go do this. Okay, sure. Different conversation, different show, different show. In the reality of your mathematical literal life,

You simply cannot afford to go out to eat. Like, that's just a mathematical reality. And you're going and getting boba? You can't afford a single boba ball. Not a single ball. That was my first boba in like six months. Okay, well, it should have... Six months ago should have been your last boba until you're out of debt. You just can't afford this. And going inside, getting some bullshit from Chick-fil-A and Firehouse and McDonald's. We just... We can't do this, dude. You simply cannot afford it. And you are...

You want to go to school and you're like, I can't pay for school. But what do you do instead? Remember what we said? It costs a semester, $1,000. You spent $500. Most of it was on bullshit. I think a lot of those purchases were like... Well, okay. There was a big thing. Diversified Health was a big purchase on here. That was $200. So that did a big thing towards it. Yeah. That was a medical debt collection that I didn't want to end up on my credit. Sure. Whatever. But that wasn't even half of it. I mean, again...

There's also vet bills on there. My dog has been having to go to the vet more often lately. He's turned eight years old, so he's now like a senior dog. He's having a little more help. Already? Yeah. That's so sad. What kind of dog? I don't know. I'd have to show you a picture of him. He's a rescue. Okay. Big? He's about medium, like 25 pounds. Okay. But...

We're having to go to the vet like a lot more often lately. What's been going on anything that's like they can so he needed a dental procedure Like a cleaning and then something was going on with his gums and his teeth and that went on that card $1,000 at the vet. Okay, that wasn't this month though, and you still So that was really big and then we had to go again something was going on was I and

So I took him in, they tested it. That was like a hundred and something dollars. And then they gave me eye drops, which was another $50. - Sure. And it's your responsibility, you adopted. So it's what you have to take care of. So does it make sense if we can't afford to take care of a dog?

to be going to chick-fil-a and that does that make sense you can't you literally cannot afford it and it's like the food purchases are usually small they're not huge meals doesn't matter you can't afford it and it's all adding up and it's usually lunch and it continues to not matter pack a sandwich pack a soup yeah i've been there you got chick-fil-a meal prep a chicken sammy it's the energy thing it's it's

Energy sometimes is just not there. That is not ever going to be considered a valid excuse. Everyone deals with that. Unless you have, like, a chronically diagnosed, like...

thing where your energy is like 10% of the normal person, that's different. But everyone gets tired. I get tired. This has nothing to do with you. It has nothing to do with anything. It has nothing to do with the finances in here. But I had a car appointment this morning. I got some bad news about some real estate that I wanted to do, some potential bad news. We'll see. I was tired. I was drained. It's been an unpleasant day. I didn't want to walk in here and film this episode.

I walked in here and filmed this episode because one, I owed you. You came here to do this. So I owed you. I wasn't going to walk away. And two, it's the business, you know, that wasn't a choice because I had a bad day because I was feeling a little energy. Also, I'm on a diet. I barely even had a lunch and I'm hungry. I'm a little cranky. And yet I still walked in here like an adult and I'm older and fatter. So I have less energy. Okay. You're skinny. You're young. You got it.

Enjoy it while you have it. App card, your first card. Yeah, first card. And this one had been paid down and then it ended up with more crap on it. Why? That's a good question. Give me a good answer. I don't have a good answer. Give me an answer. Crap spending. Okay. So you came on the show for a reason. You applied for the reason. What do you want? Where do you see yourself? Where are you trying to get to so I can help you navigate this?

Trying to get to where I guess stop this balance from going up still. I don't know if I just need. You don't want this to continue. Your debt, your balances, you don't want it to go up. Why? Because I can't pay for it. Mm hmm.

with my income what are you trying to do with your money though what are some aspirations more financially literate sure but what are some goals you like have like like yeah you want to get to a healthy place yeah what do you want to do what do you want to do that involves pretty much everything involves needing to use money in some way so yeah what are you trying to do buy 30

where do you want to be career wise where do you want to be living wise where do you want to be debt wise where do you want to be in all of that by 30 i hope maybe i can have my certificate or degree for whatever i'm wanting to go back to school for what do you want to go back to school for i want to go back to school for like nutrition why are you wasting time on this real estate thing it doesn't make sense

That has nothing to do with nutrition. Because like I said, as far as like the resources that I see available to me. You really think that's going to be so much more of a winner. You could go like the first year without seeing a penny. And I do. And you can't survive off of $2,000 a month right now. I do want to, of course, you know, make stable income. So I don't have to worry about.

I can't take my dog to the vet because I can't afford it. So I want to be in a spot where I'm not having to have such anxiety over buying or spending and doing what I do. So, I mean, that stuff is pretty basic then, which is okay. That's totally okay. But since it's so basic, why haven't you done anything?

Like this is the most recent statement. You said it last night. I was just told. So this is like this. They literally just ended. So these are the most recent statement. You're doing this right now. You've done. That's your goal.

You've done nothing to even come close to trying to achieve that goal. I have been trying. Cutting, spending, like here and there. If this is considered cutting spending, then... No, I understand it's still high. There's still a lot of like crap spending that shouldn't be going on. Is this the new version of you're trying your best when you're talking about work? Because I don't see much trying here. I'm just trying to explain myself that, you know, it's gotten better, but it's still not where it should be. It was worse.

But I'm kind of at a place where I feel stuck. But it's self-inflicted. Nobody teaches you. That's not going to be a valid excuse. No one ever learns. No, exactly. So I'm learning. I'm figuring it out. Like, okay, that obviously doesn't work. I need to stop doing ABC. So I'm learning. I'm asking for help, you know, realizing what's wrong. Yeah. What's going on so that I can fix it.

Good. And it's a great first step. But in terms of just why. OK, let me let me try to ask this a different way then. When did you start learning? When did you decide you wanted to start learning? I guess maybe like six months ago when I started. It's a long time. So then that brings me back to my initial question. If you were going to say last month, that's a different thing.

six months and this is what i'm looking at your balance goes up by five hundred dollars on the most recent card like what are we doing you're you're throwing yourself into a terrible situation that that's not trying that's not of those dollars okay so 300 and vet so 300 was okay cool so hearing i'm trying that's is that i'm trying is that i'm learning after six months

Listen, I'm good with learning and I'm good with walking through those different things, but I'm also not going to allow someone to sit in bullshit. It's not intended to offend you. It's not at all. It's not even intended to make these people get all excited.

Literally, if you sit there and spend that much money on bullshit and you say that's I'm trying and that's me learning after six months, I need to call you out and let you know that that is unacceptable. And that is you cannot be considered if it was worse before and this is better. OK, but I cannot allow you to consider this a win.

Because you're getting in a dark situation that is going to be so hard for someone like you and your income situation to take out of. And you're only making it worse. I know. And I'm having the conversation that happens when you're here. So this is how it goes. Welcome. Yes, that's...

why i'm here is to get help and to go through it and figure out what do you think's happening why do people say that why do people say i call them out on what they say and then i'm like oh well that's why i'm here no that's what i'm that's what i'm doing the thing that happens when you're here saying it over and over again and it's yes yes that's how many times have you seen the show like seven okay so you know it goes what what am i doing what that's why i'm here oh my gosh you said it again

That is why everybody is here. Huh? That is why everybody is here. Exactly. So why did you think I would not call you out differently than anyone else? $25 minimum monthly payment. We went inside Target and we got some bullshit. Okay, Target is only ever like household stuff, like laundry soap, kitchen stuff. What did you get for 93 cents? Oh, it's because I had a gift card and I spent the gift card and then there was like a little bit of amount that wasn't covered by the gift card. Okay. Okay.

$10 of interest accrued on here. 27.24% interest rate. So interest will continue to accrue. Discover... Wait a second. Okay. You don't have two discoverers. I do. Oh, you do? So, okay. This one, the one with the... The one we just went over, that was initially supposed to be a balance transfer card. Wait, which one? The first one? Yes. The one that you spent all the bullshit that you think is making progress. Okay. Okay.

And I was going to transfer the Apple card balance onto that one because it was you paid off in 18 months, whatever, no interest. And I called them a couple weeks after I got the card to initiate a balance transfer and they said I can't. I don't know why. What was the reason they gave you? You must have asked why. Something about I waited too long. Can you not transfer balances? No, I tried and I've gone online and it says it's not eligible for

for transfers whatever even mattered i mean that's accruing interest anyway so it's like what was your intent there maybe it was zero percent for a second but okay either way i mean you're putting more on it anyway so yeah that that also became the i'm gonna have fun money one thousand three hundred four dollars sitting on here on the second discovery that one i don't think i've touched that one yeah there's no new purchases you only made the minimum

Wait, there's a $3 purchase. A $3 purchase? Yeah, and then $3 of interest. Maybe it's a subscription. Let's check it out. $50 minimum monthly payment. These minimum monthly payments definitely for you scare me when they start to stack up like this., you probably have a subscription. Yes. Okay, cancel that. Okay.

If you're not using it, I mean, you maybe should use it and try to get a better job. I do like update it every now and then. And it helps you write cover letters too. Yeah, because they are paying you the bottom of the barrel in the Austin area. So you could probably honestly just get a better job as well. Like a $25 hour job that is like customer service. Which maybe I needed to hear because I've been feeling kind of bad about wanting to leave this job. Why?

just because it's like a small family vibe so you know how like the credit card companies like in that part of capitalism you're getting a little boned with the interest rate of course there's lots of personal choices that you're doing well it's also the part of capitalism that can help you they're not paying you enough so you can leave and you can go to somewhere that is paying you enough and if they're if they don't want to see you leave they'll pay you more okay at

It's a market. Find out what you're worth in the market and go get that. Well, maybe I needed to hear that because I mean, I look and then I'll apply and then... Yeah. And we're not applying to three jobs, by the way. We're applying to 300 jobs. Yeah. If it's a full-time job, then... Well, yeah. I mean, you need to work more or get a better job. And I do kind of want to work somewhere else where I can just easily get more hours at one job instead of having to get a second job where I can maybe get overtime at...

- Oh, what is this? - Oh, they're said job. - We are basically halfway through the year and I need to make sure you guys are saving your money in the right place. In my resources section in the description below, you can sign up for one of the best high yield savings accounts there are, but you can also get $300 for free with qualifying deposits. You can also get FDIC insurance up to

$2 million on your money and get 4.6% on the money that's just sitting there. It's exactly where I put my money. Why let your money lose money when it could be making money? It's the biggest no-brainer in the world. Open up a SoFi high yield savings account now and get that $300 for free. Oh, what's your car? What is your car? What is it? - You're gonna be mad at me about this one. - Great. - This is a 2018 Mazda 3.

touring it's a nice one oh 20,000 hours a year net so I bought this kind of at the I think we're like in the peak of the car chip crisis issue okay I think I know what you're saying but the car that I had it was a 1998 Toyota which it was still running good but I thought the transmission um was slipping was it so it's apparently it's just having like a shifting issue mostly like from first to second like the car doesn't want to shift

And I mistook it as like a slip. But it sounds like you ended up finding out what was actually wrong. Recently. What do you mean recently? My dad still has the car. Why? Is it his car technically? I mean, he bought it. It was like a thousand dollar cash car from Craigslist. How many miles around that car? Like 220,000.

I mean, I have an idea. I just don't know if it's the right idea because I do not know enough about that car and the longevity of that car and what maintenance has been done on that car and what needs to be done. By the way, there's transmission places all over Austin. They'll try to upsell you on a bunch of shit. You can go and you can get a free transmission check.

and they can tell you the health of the transmission. I did that and realized that my Nissan 2013 Nissan Altima when I first moved here was going to shit literally when I got here like the transmission just started. Yeah exactly and 2013 it's like the worst period for those and so I immediately got rid of it and got my Jeep. So I want to check that out first but either way we're here but okay so either way you owe $18,054 on it. Okay. Okay.

With a minimum payment. And this is... Okay, because first of all, that's insane. Because that's almost as much as you make a year in that. But the $358, like with where your rent is, and now your $358 14 cent minimum payment, I do not know how you're even paying the rent. Yeah, so when I bought this car, I was still living with my mom. So I could comfortably make that payment, no problem. Wait, where are your parents? What do you mean? Are they in Austin? Yes. Why do you...

You're not like ancient. There's plenty of cultures where you don't have to move out. I don't think we have enough time for this. We move out. Well, one second. We move out so quick in American culture and that's fine and there's a lot to gain from it. There's a lot negative. It's whatever. But a lot of other cultures you can stay at home longer and it's more of a family thing and that's okay. You could stay at home if you wanted to. And honestly, in your financial situation, I don't know if I'd want you to not be at home yet because, again, you're putting money on credit cards because you can't afford to live.

Why did you move out? I don't know. It was not better as far as mental health for living at home. There was a lot going on that led to me moving out. Okay, that's vague. Give me something. So my mom, she has a house that she's renting. Well, it's a duplex. And my brother moved back in, but my brother's got four kids. So there's a lot of people in that house.

Not enough space. So it was just like a really...

Okay, that immediately becomes... Okay. No, there was a lot of things that led up to... Well, then you can tell me because I want to give you my assessment before you tell me. Yeah. And this is okay. This is a big generational thing. I'm right on the cusp of Z and millennial. I share more in common with older Gen Z and less with older millennial. One thing that's definitely happening more towards the age range of you is...

The internet has deeply enabled this because it's really made everyone's feelings. What's the word I'm going for? Like feelings are justified in the real, but they've made it so that they, there's a word that's on the top of my tongue. I think I get what you're trying to say. Well, either way, from the language you've used from just, oh, I might be tired to mental health because there's,

kids living there and stuff like that very victim mentality where you are the victim no matter what and that makes me a little nervous because i don't know how you're gonna well i just don't know how you're gonna operate in life in general with that like you can have that and that is fine do you but that just makes me afraid for how you're gonna operate in the real world in general for the rest of your life what else though what else there because maybe there's an actual reason

there was just so much going on. It's not as simple as what it sounds like. - What else was going on than kids?

fighting a lot of fighting what kind of fighting disagreements hollering matches okay um the kids are not little kids they're older so they're all living individual like lives so that it's like clashing in a small oh sure space sure it was annoying with everything but to the point where the frustration was literally like taking a toll on my mental health okay like crying out of like frustration you were getting your arguments with them

We would. And like, what were you talking about? There was like financial fights because my mother was the one paying for. Why were you a part of this? Because my brother also lives there, too, but was not. Yeah, but why were you a part of the fight? Because he thought that I should be paying more.

to live there we were both contributing sounds stressful but it wasn't like it wasn't just that though it was like every day something something something tension every single day my relationships with my family members were at a low to where like we couldn't even like

be in the same room you know and make eye contact because we're just at our wits end with each other no it doesn't sound like uh the healthiest place to live it really doesn't it really wasn't and i would if you were to tell me that i would want you to get on your own but before you went and got on your own we would try to figure out your income situation because now you've put yourself where you're about to be paying more than half of your income and rent and you literally can't afford to live and i don't think in the end that you not being able to

pay for bills and getting in a more dire financial situation than you've ever been in your life is going to be any less stressful than being around people that were in arguments. So trust me, I'm not sitting here and saying like, oh, deal with it. Don't be a that's totally OK. Like that's a perfect environment to live in. I'm not saying that I would want you to move out, but we would do it in a smart way. You put yourself in what is going to be just as stressful situation, if not even more.

It's a different kind of stressful. It's different. Yeah. It's different. And you haven't felt it yet, though, because a lot of it's going on debt and debt comes to get you. You're kicking the can down the road more. And trust me, if I could live with my mom or my dad right now and then go to school, save up and do everything like that, I would. I so want that for myself. But it just... Why does the brother have to live there?

his financial situation is also he is not anywhere where he needs to be to be able to like financially support himself and then the four kids okay again i'm not i'm not against it you know i play devil's advocate to a lot of different things it's not like i'm just saying you're a piece of anything like that i'm not even close i want you to do really well you deserve to do well as a human being you just have to put work into it um

We would have done it in a very different way, but now you're in this way anyway. But then you only work 36 hours a week at the lowest type of wage you can get in Austin. So it's just like, I don't know, there's so many options you can have. Whether that's live at home or whether that's make more money, get a second job or get a better job. But you're doing none of it. You're just sitting and accepting. And that is not good. I needed to have this conversation because, okay, my next step can be finding a better job, one that pays better. But yeah, as far as the...

moving out that I think that was something that kind of had to be done I felt like I was at when did you move out almost a year ago okay so you're 22 have you done school at all

When I was fresh out of high school, I didn't have any goals as far as what I wanted in a degree, more so going just because my mom wants me to go. But I know if I were to go back now, I have some ambition and I know what I want to do.

Okay. But... In that field, food nutritionist, nutritionist specialist, whatever, $59,000 is the median income for that in the Austin, Texas area. Mm-hmm. And I like... Which is certainly better than you make now. Double. I really would love to go and be like a dietician, but they just raised the requirements for that. You need a master's degree. Okay. $1,000 a semester for two years. Yeah.

You could do that if we literally just put any effort into just working a bit more. Okay. It's... This card's ridiculous. What do you think it's worth? Credit Karma valued it at like $12,000. Yeah.

Yeah, we've seen about 14 private sale. So what I'm considering, and this I'm not going to say for certain whether or not you should. I would actually want you to get some little outside advice here on this one. But one thing I'm considering is, dude, maybe you sell this and you owe $4,000 on it and drive that car that's sitting at your dad's place. If it's still working and it's in good condition, it's going to last for a while, even though I'm sure it takes forever to cool down, even though, yeah, it might not last for another. Actually, the AC works perfectly.

pretty good. Even though it might not last for another 100,000 miles. It sounds like you're chilling in the Austin area anyway. So you're just driving around town. Like my reasoning behind that was so the car that I had, you know, it needed some repairs. It needs like maintenance things that need to be done that are going to cost

A few thousand. And then I didn't know how long the car was going to last after, you know, I do those things. So my thinking here was like I was financially stable. So doing this, you know, it's got the warranty. It's got everything. Stable though. You still have the same job, right? At this? No, no. How much are you making at this point?

A year? No, $16,000 an hour. Okay, so worse than you thought you could get a $20,000 car. That doesn't make sense. Just because you have minimal overhead doesn't mean that this makes sense for that income anyway. So I want to correct that logic as well. Yeah, it did at the time. No, but it doesn't make sense. I need to correct that logic because I don't want you to be in a place at some point where for whatever reason your overhead's small, but you're making $30,000 a year and you think you can get a $40,000 car. That doesn't make sense. There is an income to car, you know,

that actually makes sense in terms of what is the payment period on this? 72 months? 84 months? I think 84. No, actually? It's rare to get one of those. I'm two years in. Wow. Incredible. Yeah, and that's why the payments were where they're at. You did that so you could afford it. Yeah, and that was my first big purchase. That's a terrible idea. Well, now I know and...

You didn't know before this conversation? Actually? Not at the time of purchase. No, but before this conversation. Of course I know now. Oh, okay. Oh, there's another credit card. That was my first. Walmart. See? You like Walmart. You can do the pickup there. Yeah. Easy. $699.19 with a $28 minimum monthly payment. Transactions are blacked out for some reason. Which card?

Oh, it was $59 of transactions, though, and they were all at Walmart. One looks like a bullsh** purchase, potentially, though. Okay. Trying to remember. So, I mean, you went and spent more, of course, than the minimum monthly payment.

And then 18 hours of interest. So again, we're spending on a card that we can't pay off and is a growing interest and we put more towards it than a minimum monthly payment in terms of adding to the balance. Not very smart, even if it is groceries. Is it groceries? Walmart? Walmart is usually groceries. I don't mind going into Walmart for groceries. I prefer Walmart as opposed to HEB as far as environment. Environment. Yeah. HEB's stressful.

you're delicate it should be stressful but i also i'm a grocery store i worked there for for a while too so maybe it's a work atmosphere maybe i need to i mean i i i i i have empathy for a lot of things but i just and i do have empathy of someone like has a panic disorder about like leaving their place or something you know uh and going out in public but i'm just like there is a part of me that is worried just like if we cannot handle going to a grocery store

How are we going to survive for the other, hopefully, 70 years you have? Okay. 31.99% interest on this card. F*** me. I didn't know that. I didn't know that it was that high. You're not a credit card person. You're young enough to take advantage of the rewards that Fizz offers anyway, so just use the Fizz card. Fizz? Fizz. Fizz. I'll get you set up with it after the show. It's a charge card, though, so you can't...

like like a secured credit kind of thing yeah pretty similar okay but you can't do this the way you're doing it payless cotton white is this what you already paid or is this another one that's what i paid they said they accepted my insurance when i went and then apparently i mean did you make your copay yes i paid my copay deductible did you meet it yeah it was the end of the year

and so i don't know why i got stuck with that did you talk to your insurance bill no i tried to call them and calling insurance is like a whole don't do this again whole thing don't do this again they said they accepted it i don't know why you're acting like you can't do anything they're out of network you can't you can't call insurance now i know it's a pain in the sit on the phone with an operator computer for a while

If you want an outcome, sometimes you have to do things. But I did go online and apparently it says online that they don't accept it, even though they told me that they did. You said it was on a network? Yeah, they're not in network. If Baylor Scott and White isn't in network, you should change the insurances immediately because Baylor Scott and White is like half the hospitals in Austin. So like I would switch providers if that's an option. I don't know. Well, maybe if I get a better job. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Okay. Well, I made it to checking. $2,000. Was $2,000 in your checking? Not right now. My rent came out. Rent, car, insurance. PayPal, education, $20. What's that? That's Air One radio station. It's a Christian radio station. You can't afford that. You can't afford that.

And there's something else on there. I have no idea what it is. Dude, don't go to any fire pit in the country. Someone's going to be singing Christian songs with an acoustic guitar. Okay? Just do that instead of $20 a month subscription.

It's not a subscription. It's a donation. Then you really can't do it. Donate to your future. Then you can give more. That's the fun part. The quicker you get out of debt, the quicker you have an emergency fund, the quicker you start contributing to your retirement, the better off you are in that actually you end up having more to be able to give. It's really cool. It doesn't make sense to give when you can't even afford to live. I like the giving spirit. I like the giving spirit. I love donating. That was another thing that I had started when I was still at home.

um donations it's a like a monthly thing so it's a subscription okay i want to say against the bull and uh go fund me we're going funding something instead of funding your existence okay great that's great we're getting some frozen yogurt recurring play pay something on paypal oh are those the glasses glasses okay how much were those things

So I get them from They're pretty affordable. Cool. But once you get the lenses and everything. Yeah. So my question is, how much are they? $80. Okay. And you finance that? For now. You know, if you didn't GoFundMe or do the donations, you may have been able to actually just buy them. What's SmugMug? So that's my photo account. I used to do photography.

So that's like my portfolio. And then if to unsubscribe from it, it deletes your entire like... Download them first. I've got a Chromebook. You can't download things on Chromebook? Chromebooks are weird. What? Are you telling me you literally cannot download images on a Chromebook? I've never used one. Are you going to make me Google this? You can download things. The process is a little... What about like a flash drive?

That's a good idea. A USB-A flash drive. Yeah, Chromebooks are... And that's also... Yeah, they're pieces of shit. I don't know when anyone gets them, but you can open and save many types of files on your Chromebook, like documents, PDFs, images, and media. Okay. Good. Just saved you $10.66 a month. Went inside, got some bulls**t. Went inside, got some bulls**t. Went inside, got some bulls**t. Went inside, got some bulls**t. That's pretty much it. You stop in stores and just get some bulls**t. Also, just go to a library. For what?

The computer? Yes, it's free. You live in Austin. You can download the images and send them to yourself and upload them to a drive. I've never thought of that. There's so many things. Again, all you have to do is literally put in effort. That is the moral of your story. Put in a single ounce of effort more than you're already doing and magical things can happen. All right. It's crazy how that works. I know I'm dogging on you and I'm sure there's going to be some upset commenters.

especially on certain platforms, but it's, I have empathy for so many things for so many people on the show. One thing that I struggle to have empathy for is when someone's in a situation they can get out of, if they put a little bit of effort into it and then they don't want to because they get tired. That's hard for me now. That's hard for me to have empathy for something that you can easily fix if you want it to.

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then you're better because it is reality. If I told you that, of course, payroll in was 2059 as we talked, but money that went out net was 2736, including debts going up. Oof.

So because of that spending number, now this isn't your percentage of income or percentage of spending. 36.5 went to housing or $998. $589 or 20.8% went to transportation. Necessary food, 325 and 11.9% include all the miscellaneous bullshit, bullshit food, unknown shopping, an additional 10%.

ish rounded and medical health care probably the vet stuff the pill you had 9.7 7.2 percent of the large purchases 13.2 percent let's see if they're necessary uh yes there's that was one of the vet things the health thing was you paying back your debt the pharmacy fine paypal we know where that went to that was bad uh zelen who knows who you zelled and then the rest was yeah for animals do you have anything in retirement

No. No. Literally, that extra $300 that you spent on bulls**t or whatever, buy the S&P 500 low-cost index fund through MooMoo, and what would that do? You can open that account. You throw that in there. I don't know. $300 a month. Retirement, is that something that you set up yourself? I don't know a lot about retirement plans. Well, it sounds like your workplace is small, so they might not offer... I don't think we have...

They could save some tax money on it if they actually did. But either way, you could open a Roth IRA through most investment platforms. And that contribution limit is $6,500 a year right now. And with that,

With your Roth IRA, your money is taxed on the way in, but all the growth that happens over the compounding years, you're able to withdraw 59.5 tax and penalty free. Oh, okay. Yeah. That's a different conversation. Again, you are going to go through our investing class. You'll have the option to. You really should take it because we teach about all that stuff. I do have half of an emergency fund. Noah has an update for...

Oh, it's a tea update, a drama update. Noah has an update in the post show and a mean-spirited gift he could give me if you'd like to do that bit. Sure, I will do that bit. I don't care. I've been a little mean to you, I think, for okay reasons. Do you want to see Noah be mean to me? Sure. We'll do that in a few minutes. Let's do your budget, though. We already know we're going to be negative, but it's good to get eyes on it. So $2,000 is what comes in.

When's your rent going up? Beginning of August, end of July. Okay. What is that going to be? May as well write that in now. $1,005. I reached out. Is that including utilities and internet? I don't have internet. Okay. But utilities. What do you do for fun? I mean, I've got. You go to McDonald's. There was one McDonald's purchase on there. And that was a smoothie and a biscuit. Because you barely work. So what do you do for fun? You have a lot of extra time.

i'm usually at home they have doing what then with no internet they have you can buy an antenna for the tv and you have an antenna channels yeah it's free how many channels do you get with that cable tv is horrid you get like 20 channels but it's everything you need you got like news entertainment that's what you watch is news i like the local news sometimes well like k view channel like abc they have shows and like everything is on there okay yeah

Nowhere near trying to afford internet right now. Well, it's not even that. It's more like...

Have you ever watched Game of Thrones? No. Yeah, I feel like ABC and stuff would be ruined for you if you watched a good show. So stay away from it. Stay away from it and you won't know what you're missing. Good thing I can't afford Netflix or HBO or anything else. Correct. What about utilities? Utilities, water's included in my rent. I just pay for electric, which runs about like $72 a month. What about gas driving around? That's about...

$534. A month? A week? Not a week. Maybe like every two weeks. I'm going to say $100. Car insurance? $145. Your debt minimum payments? $534.14. That's a killer. What about your phone bill?

um thankfully i'm still on my dad's plan good so i don't have to worry about that a low-cost way you can do it do helium that's usually what we set our people up with when they're trying to save money it's 20 bucks t-mobile towers which is the best oh i am uh in the austin area at least um tp fund 100 for tp fund anything else you need to exist for life 300 for food okay you get a meal plan in the budgeting program and then you can

wait around what you need a meal plan like well we made one yeah based off of hgb stuff um what you can do for 250 dollars but we gave a little extra pet insurance you don't have which is why it's costing you a lot of money and you probably have a hard time getting it for an eight-year-old dog i i looked into it it's about 89 a month for him and i don't

know if that fits in probably not i'm putting in parentheses might save you a lot of money for what you're starting to go through medical for yourself um so thankfully um i'm still insured through my mom's work okay um but that ends at 26 yep so hopefully i can eventually get a job where i can have my own well honestly your health insurance would be almost free through the

uh exchange right now government subsidized okay with your income situation almost uh and gym uh i canceled my gym membership okay my apartment has a gym prescriptions co-pays um prescriptions only when like i need to renew like certain that's like a yearly thing at like 80 anything else that needs to be in your budget that i haven't taken account for no

And we're $300 in the home. Which makes sense for what we looked on. I mean, we knew the solution from the beginning. We got your full financial picture so that you now have no other choice but to do it. Unless you want to live like this forever, which I hope you don't. I hope you have more care about yourself than I care about you. Like, that would be terrible if you don't. So...

At a very minimum, you need to get an extra $300 a month by working. Minimum. What I would do is try to get to $3,000 a month as your real minimum after getting a better job or a second job. Because if you do that, you can actually start paying down your debts. I would look at and talk to people who are more knowledgeable about the car that is sitting at your dad's place. I would look at selling this car for private sale. Throw that all towards...

that debt and then you know put it in the debt snowball i would debt snowball 699 walmart card first then a thousand three hundred four dollar discover card then two thousand five hundred twenty three discovery card then the apple card and then the remainder of the car that's how i would do it okay you could probably do it in about three years with that three thousand dollar thing then you need to fully fund emergency fund but you you could go make more money you could work off and with a

Even if you get a better job, honestly, I would encourage you to work two jobs anyway. Just literally make as much money as you can. Your rent costs as much as a semester at ACC. So literally make a little bit more money and put yourself through school and look to invest your time that way. And look to, as long as you're making minimum payments, it kind of sucks. But then you could make more money through that degree and working in the nutrition field. Hopefully working your way up to $60,000 a year. And then pay off the...

the debt, you know, at that point. So there's a lot of different ways to go about it and we can help you with that. Okay. First things first though, because you don't do any of that if you don't make more money. You need to go apply to a million, bajillion, quadrillion jobs today. Low, high, mid, anything. Do all the interviews. Okay.

Anything and everything you can do to bring home more money is what you need to do. Because without that, you're going to continue going to debt. You cannot spend any money on fun, unfortunately. You just can't afford it. Go to parks. Roll around in the grass. Oh, we do that sometimes. Swim in the free part of Barnes Springs. You know, lots of things you can still do. Blues on the Green is free. Blues on the Green is free. And you get a contact high at the same time.

So you get that for free. It's a lot of things. A lot of things. People hate when I make the joke, but I'm going to joke about it anyway because I fuck those people. Get a dude to take you to dinner. That's a free dinner. I do have a boyfriend, and whenever we go to eat... Whoa, that's perfect. He buys the food. Get him to take you out every night. He's amazing. Whenever I want food, he buys it. Oh. Then... Yeah, you...

use that wallet girl go out to eat he makes a little bit more money than i do a lot a bit more yeah you just need to make more money i mean that's what this comes down to so that's your first step okay and then uh you know we can continue doing follow-ups down the road but that is your first step um hammer financial score let's figure it out you said a three spending a budget well you spent seven hundred dollars more than you make zero ten that's an obvious

Don't have anything in collections. You actually paid your collection. So I'd say with where your debt is now, when it comes to your income, it's really bad, but your debt is not the worst debt ever created in history of the world. Three out of 10. There might be a little generous emergency fund. There's nothing in retirement. There's nothing real estate. There's nothing. It's going to be a hammer financial bit of an emergency fund. There's like $500 in there. Okay. I'll say you start with a one.

Hammer Financial Score, one out of 10. Make sure you stick around for the post show and check out all the resources linked in the description below. Is there what I use or would use in specific situations? Like the best budgeting and investing programs that can be found anywhere online. Stick around for the post show. Today on the Financial Audit Post Show. Well, you know, I want to support your weight loss and do everything that I can. I've said, hey, let's go to the gym. You're like, I don't really want to go to the gym. So I did find, you know, something. Do we have one of these? That's sick. That's sick.

I'm burning the links. To watch the financial audit post show, click the join button below.