cover of episode Controlling Karen Resents Her Deadbeat Husband

Controlling Karen Resents Her Deadbeat Husband

Publish Date: 2024/6/10
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Financial Audit


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To watch episodes of Financial Audit a week earlier, check us out on YouTube. Hi, my name is Athena and I'm 32 years old. Hi, my name is Carter and I'm 35 years old. We're based out of Oklahoma. And this is Financial Audit. So this has already been interesting because they don't know we just started filming, but the tension's a little high here. It's been a little testy here. So we're married, right? Yes. Okay. Okay.

So what's going on in general? I guess I may as well just ask that out of the gate so we can get the picture here. So I love my husband dearly. We've been together almost seven years. We met in May one year, started dating June, got married in November. We're two months pregnant on purpose. It was now or never for me. Wow.

When you know, you just kind of know. And he was a very different person back then. But I don't know if life's gotten good and he's self-sabotaging, but we've had very big conversations on the fact that if we don't start to rope this in as a couple and not me just saving us financially, figuratively, then I'm kind of got to make decisions on is this marriage. And to me, marriage is everything, but

I can't continue on this path. Are you talking about divorce? I hate to say that word, but it's either looking at that or just a long separation so he can get right. Long separation. That's some heavy...

Not specific accusations, but saying going down the wrong path or taking some bad things. What have you... So I'm sober nine years. Congratulations. I'm AA, strictly alcohol. I didn't even drink all the time. I just, when I did, you never knew. You went hard. Yeah. And I'm military and all that. So, you know, I...

Most people will say I don't need AA. I love AA. I love the community. I love sharing my story with other women. I love men who come in and change their lives around. I love to see women grow. Like I'm a big, very big in the AA community. Sure. As my. But you're blaming. Yeah. He was sober for about almost a year. And we met like two weeks.

Well, we met when he was two weeks sober. I didn't want to start this relationship throughout the time frame of us falling in love through church and through guided people. He asked me to marry him three times and I was like, you know what? This is the path. Sober with what? So he's strictly a addict. Yeah. So mainly at the end it was. At the end of what? At the end of all my addictions because I went through different phases with different stuff.

So it's finished? Yeah. No. Well, I mean, I was messing around with psychedelics. It's not that he messes around. Like when our daughter was six months old, I found him dead on the floor. And the last thing the ambulance told me is, I don't know if he will live or die, but you can follow me. How long ago was this?

About now four and a half years. It was right at the start of COVID. Right at the start of COVID. When I had my third baby, we were in the hospital. I was having a very hard delivery and needed him. And he said he was coming off of a big binge of weed and couldn't, he was sick to his stomach, couldn't really be there for me. There's been multiple times where we've had these

I love you conversations, but we got to change. We got to be better for our family. We got to give our children, you know, the best lives. Like, I love you no matter what. And it's not like I'm telling you what you can and cannot do. But it's to the point where, like, you need to make a decision if you just want to around with these kids.

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Oh, he's never done... So the last time I've done any opiate was that time she told me. I guess the time... So four and a half years ago. That was the time I was like... So now it's mostly Kratom, wh***ing binges. It could be anything. It could be a Jamba Juice and he's addicted for that week and nothing is going to stop him. Nobody's going to get in his way, not his children. I have no idea what the f***ing Jamba Juice is. I've never heard of it. Never heard of that? Well, we're originally from California, but it's like a smoothie place. It doesn't matter. With him, it's... She's just saying I have an addictive personality. To anything. I thought that was a new drug.

Oh, yeah. That's been invented. No, but... So addictive personality. I have an addictive personality, which is why I honestly don't allow myself to do a lot of things that fall quickly into addictions. So for you right now, it tends to be, like you said, psychedelics and Kratom. You don't think any of that's going to accidentally lead you to spiral again with these past addictions? No.

Have you had relapses of any kind on any drugs or anything? Well, yeah. When you're in sobriety, you're supposed to be sober. Yeah, anything counts. So anything counts. If you go in there with the mindset to get messed up, then that is a relapse. It doesn't matter. How he went off on the four and a half years ago was because I brought a bottle of alcohol into the house for ear infections. My Indian client, she recommended it and it worked great. And he...

Didn't think he was an alcoholic, but only a f*** addict. He ended up drinking that whole bottle and that's when he was blacked out. Yeah, then I made the other bad decisions. But like we've had this heartfelt conversation two weeks ago. I don't think you love me anymore the same as you did and that's okay. What do you do? Don't you smoke something? I do hoppe.

- What's that? - So, hape is unprocessed tobacco, ash, and different plants from the Amazon jungle. Now, two years ago, about two years ago, I had a massive stroke. And then I had a mini one after that, and they told me I was gonna die. There was nothing they could do. We went to the emergency room. We've done all these testings. They gave up on me. They said,

plan your burial plan your life insurance you're gonna do this whatever we both do this but not the same see it's a spiritual plant medicine i actually work for the kuntanawa tribe in the amazon jungle i've been there i've made hape with them um i spiritually distribute i'm one of their guardians in the world are you guys even connected you seem so apart well it's we got in a huge fight um

Two days ago. Two days ago? I think even yesterday we had a very... You decided to come on the show well before that.

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This is a finance show, but my little T-curious brain, what was it? What was the fight?

It's just everything for him. I think it's a lot of stuff built up over time. He says it's the stress of the kids. So little things will make us blow up, Hannah. I mean, she called you a c**thead in the pre-show interview, essentially. Yeah. What are you going to say when they say, like, your $3 drinks are not a necessity? And he's like, well, crack is cheaper, but I won't be a present father and you won't have a paycheck coming in. When was the last time you smoked c**t? I've never smoked crack. No, it's hair. But I don't do those. Okay.

I don't know the difference. I've never taken... She just calls it. Two? He didn't become an adult until two weeks before he met me.

When I was like 22 or something. I'm 35 now, so it's been a minute. Okay, good, good, good, good, good, good. That's what's important. You made it sound like via the interviews and stuff that we had that literally he potentially has smoked crack recently. No, he didn't. Okay, well, that's how it was taken via us. No, I said his choice, I don't know if you record the calls, was he's been sober, but he did die on me.

One time. Yeah. Then I almost died because of health reasons. I scary stuff. I fixed that by going to an eye treatment, going into my own body.

And I don't believe in any of that stuff. I'm very black and white. I'm very in sobriety, like no CBD, no nothing like that. Sure. All. And now I can't sit here and say that I can't help somebody because it healed me. But I know that if I die tomorrow and there is five hundred thousand dollars because of my life insurance that I pay. Sure. I don't trust him with the kids and doing the right making the right decision. How many kids do we have? We have three, two together, one previous.

Previous. Who? Me. Okay. But three. But three times. Okay. Wonderful. Ages? Three, four, seven. I mean eight. Sorry. She's going up. Pretty young. One going to that middle school life, right? Pretty soon. If not already. Okay. No, pretty soon. So. She's only in second grade. At eight? Yeah.

Isn't first grade five? I don't know. They're stinky and smelly. So I'm not. Kindergarten is five. Well, this is obviously a financial, but it is good to get the background stuff that we've already received on you. So finances in general. Well, first, I'm going to get a finance score for the household because we're still married. Wait. Is like the base of this conversation.

Like how close are we to divorce? Could this like send it towards that edge? For him, it's never. And for me, it was always never until like I had this, like I said, I don't think you love me like you used to love me and that's okay. Maybe there's a woman for you out there. I love you too much. That I don't love her? Like you used to. I probably don't show it like I used to. Why do you think you don't? Maybe...

Because we're just together all the time with the kids and I feel like I never get time alone. I'm more introverted and she's more extroverted. But you also don't want time alone. You'd rather sit there and play video games. That's my time alone though. That's like where I get to do what I want for me that makes me happy and fun. And I don't go out and do things for my own. The only thing I go out and do is help other women stay sober. Go to meetings. Go to meetings and every time I walk out the door try and make money.

Yeah. So we're both in a stage where we decided to have these kids together. We said it was going to be hard. We knew that we weren't going to have much help. And you signed on for that. And then we had this huge conversation. He cries two weeks ago and then says, I know what I need to do. I need to take something, something. And I need to go with him. I need to take. Oh, the kid to CB to CB. So whatever psychedelic. I don't know.

it's not new it's just uh no i like for you no but he needed to go inside himself and then the next morning he tells me oh it told me i just need to love you more and but i also need to not quit my games because i'll resent you well no you ask you set your intention and you go into it and then during the trip you as your mind is wandering these different directions you realize like what it is you need and i can't say that it like have you guys seen a

therapist together i have tried for years to go to counseling why have you not he doesn't want somebody to tell him he's wrong it's not it's not that you said that it's gonna be we have kids so we we don't get a babysitter to have fun how are we gonna get it to do other stuff we can't even get babysitters right now for both of us to have jobs at the same time it's very hard so i just don't see how it's gonna work in-house maybe well i i also someone who could come to you

I also suggested that we can go one-on-one, but again, too expensive. We don't have money for that. I would rather you guys go together. World of Warcraft. We have money for stupid shit. Like I've tried all this for my wife.

I got one massage this year. No, we're going to go into this because he can't seem to let it go. I got one massage this year. Okay. And every birthday, every Christmas, every Mother's Day, I'm gifted gifts from other people because he never gives me anything. Okay. He goes, oh, I didn't have any money or I couldn't or I couldn't write you something. I didn't have any money. You guys, are you not combined? We are combined, but he just spends.

He just spent. She makes it sound like I spend way more. If you look since we moved to Oklahoma, I've only spent stuff on food. Maybe like I spent 25 bucks on the game one time. So we spent about $8,000 to move here. That buried us, the move. But why did we move? When was the move? Two and a half months ago. February. Oh, wow. And why was the move? Why was the move? Why are we not going to our original plan to go see my daughter in Florida and be with my daughter?

Is this another one or is that... My daughter, the eight-year-old, she lives with her dad right now. Oh, okay, okay. She has dyslexia and they're trying to get her extra help that we can't afford. Yeah, her dad makes more money. And we were supposed to go straight to Florida. We agreed on this as a family, like, you know, us. Like, how do you call it? The initial family. And then he went on a binge with my wife.

saying he was going to go within himself and he never uses it spiritually. Lots of going inside ourselves. That's very interesting. He never uses anything like it's meant to be done. I can't sit here and say it doesn't work for some people. The people out there getting help with it, I've seen it cure PTSD. I've seen it do a lot of things. It saved my freaking life. I'm not going to sit here and judge you if you need to go do it. But all I've seen is he went into a bitch for 20 something hours. He fried his brain and his grandma was like, you need to go to your dad in Oklahoma and you need to, he's got a job for you, which he didn't have a job for him, but he got him a job. Well,

And that's where we're at. So now I'm screwed. My hair license hasn't transferred. And I don't have a job right now. So I'm making money. I have a little book. I've made almost $2,000 this month with my kids in my hands. So I don't want to hear you don't make money, you don't try, and you don't have a job. Because even on the sidelines. Do you not have a job? What do we do right now? She does a bunch of random stuff. I do healing. I do floors. And I don't like to say I'm a healer. I'm not that. I do healing with the Hoppe.

Um, I go, I've the tobacco. I've helped a lot of women and men. Okay. And you do floors. Yeah. Like flooring. It's not epoxy. It's a different polyurea, I think, but it's the flakes in the garage. Yes. How much do you make a month? Uh,

what was it like 2600 he yeah he dropped his pay from 3000 but after the taxes and stuff it's like 2600 paid $35 an hour it's gonna happen California's cost of living but he's also so good and as a wife you know you want to you want the best for your spouse and you could you you commit them and you push them to do better and he even started his own little company in California and then it kind of seemed like he why Oklahoma

Because his dad's here and his dad is supposed to set him straight. So the main reason was I came straight into your job. That's not the main reason. The main reason was everybody was worried that you're going to go out and use again. But that's why Oklahoma was we needed to work. If we went to Florida, you had no guarantee of work. I would have my hair license right away because you don't need that. Are you not afraid that the stress of this back and forth, this fighting is going to lead to any... Because you just said the fear is that he would go back into using something.

But at this point, that's your choice. At this point, you have an obligation to your wife and to your kids just like I have an obligation to you. And even if you're not stressed out, he needed a reason to do it. So what's your excuse now? Well, I'm not going to do it this time because I've learned a lot from all my past times. You know how many times I've heard that? I don't know. It just makes me a little nervous because I think the successful rate of people getting off of opiates is about 1%.

So I've seen it happen over and over. I've seen successes. I've been one of the successes through alcohol. I get it's not the same as but it's not it's it's it's harder. I get that. And that's why I don't alcohol doesn't work for opiates. Well, there's any. Yeah. And a is part of any. And actually, a lot of people that go and they don't have a success rate. So they go to AA and they were able to quit because AA is stricter and AA has a different guidelines.

And all I'm saying is I love you dearly. And we don't usually bicker this much about it, but it's all been coming out. And I'm very happy in Oklahoma.

I can make it work. Like I just, I was crying about it, but then I'm like, you know what? My life's here. My husband's here. I will find a way to provide, bring my daughter here. If she wants to come over here, her dad said she's going to leave it to her as you know, when she gets to a reasonable age, like 11, if she wants to be with mom. Still trying to loop us back to finance. What do you bring in normally? Averagely? It sounds like maybe we've had a good month, but normally what's your average monthly bring in? The month before that was 1500 with no job too. Okay. So let's say 15 then.

But yeah, I was setting anything aside for taxes. Not yet. Um, well, cause I have no spare money because I gave the finance. Well, that's not spare money regardless. Okay. So that's money you owe. I gave the finances back to him after my stroke. After I filed for bankruptcy, we tried, uh, bankruptcy. Yeah. I filed for bankruptcy. When did you file for bankruptcy? 2000, the beginning of 2023. We, um, after I got a year ago, a year and a half, maybe it's maybe almost two years now. Um,

Explain why the majority of the debt's in your name and not yours. Well, no. I paid off most of his debt. We put everything onto mine. We were going to pay it off. We started a bigger hair salon. I had a business. Bigger hair salon. I had a successful business for seven years. She wanted to move to her own suite out of one of the mini ones. Kind of fucked up.

this over he said he doesn't work with women have your husband pausing us a ton of money the roof started leaking there was no hot water we were buying into this but luckily i fought for it we got out of it but initially my biggest regret which still it's a learning lesson it's not a regret is i didn't hire an like a lawyer to look at the contract so it said i was responsible for roof and everything even though it's his responsibility okay how many hours a week do you work right now i don't well like on the side yeah well yeah that's your income

I usually make about $100 an hour, so $15. How's it going? You? Me? I get paid for $40, but I usually work about...

30 maybe now one thing that did concern me a little i don't i just have to call this out of just like a high horse thing we talk about what we do in each other's free times and you say well you play video games while i go and volunteer like if you're choosing a volunteer that's great but i don't i don't think i don't think it's fair to say okay because i'm doing this high and mighty thing it's bad that the other person's playing video games in their free time um no so volunteering like for my sobriety going to meetings does not count as fun time it's it's for our sobriety

It is essential. You have to go. You guys made it sound like that's what you do when you have free time, though. Well, because... And also, there are... When we're talking about seeing therapists and stuff, I mean, since COVID, everything has remote options on a webcam. Our kids are very wild, so it's very hard to get in a conversation. If you don't watch them, they destroy our entire house. Something tells me a marriage therapist will be okay with you having to get up every once in a while and be like, yo, what's the joke?

Yeah. I don't think he's not our guest. They are pretty. They're wild and free. I'm very fine never meeting them as well. Yeah. But... No, they'll just... We almost had to bring him because we got canceled on like seven times for babysitters. Like... Really? Yeah.

So you got babysitters this time. We got a babysitter. Bless her heart. You said you wanted to be close for your parents. Can they not help at all? His dad just had a baby. Yeah. So he's in his own little world right now. He made it sound like he would and then he doesn't so much. What's preventing us from getting to Florida if that's the main goal? He relapsed. It'd be moving costs again. Relapsed? He relapsed. But you said you didn't relapse. No, that was my grandma's the last time. Well,

It's not a relapse. He relapsed on a bunch of money and psychedelics and fried his brain. I moved out. I said, I'm not staying here. I'm not watching this. I'll take my kids. This is insane. Okay. When's the last time you did that? That time? Psychedelics. When was that? A couple weeks ago. Okay.

household score I want you to say it at the same time I'm gonna go three two one go at go you are gonna give me what you think the household financial score is zero being the worst possible score ten being the best possible score so I'm gonna count down and I want you to give it to me at the same time three two one three I'd say one maybe

Okay. It's different than his first seven when we came here. Yeah, that's because I watched the show and I saw... You prepared. Yeah, I was like, no. Why do you think it's worse? Why do you think it's better? I only think it's a three because I've been on my own since I was 17. What? You guys have been married for like a long time. But I've been on my own without my parents. Yeah, she moved out of her parents' house early and then... At 17 you said? Yeah. At 17. Okay, so one year more than most people. I raised a baby as a single mother. Her dad separated. Yeah.

I've always paid my bills on time before the bankruptcy went through. How does this make you a three? Because I survived and I still, I find ways to go out and make it. So I know financially we're screwed. I get that. Yeah, but it's literally a score of where you're at, not how powerful you are or whatever. No, it's not that I'm powerful. I'm just saying like I've managed to not miss a payment. Like I've always paid everything. Well, that's the bare minimum. That's why they're called minimum monthly payments. Well, when he adds debt and then I don't see it and then I have to pay. Okay.

What? You go out and add debt that she doesn't know? I don't even add debt, though. She keeps... If you look... You see through our stuff. Go through it. We both don't spend... You can see what I've spent maybe like... We both don't spend any more. $200 frivolously since we moved to Oklahoma. If you want your Hammer Financial Score, it's free. Description below. And if you want to come on and also not bring your children, make sure you apply at slash apply. Okay.

Okay, let's go into this. So we're going to go through yours first and hers and then some of the combined accounts. Okay. And just clarify if we've just gone slightly wrong about who's on what account. Just feel free. We're on both. We both use everything. Yeah, we both use both. So they're on both your credits. Yeah.

Well, sleep for mine is for, you know, hair stuff and business, which again, I usually pay off right away. But then when I started taking the finances back, when I started watching this show and I started looking in, he didn't even know when his payments were. And there was some deferred interest that he signed up for. Have you ever taken care of your finances ever? Slightly. I set up auto pay. Why did you take care of it? Well, why did you take? So you took over because of the stroke.

Yeah. Before that, I was managing everything. When was the stroke one more time? About two years ago. Okay. When were you just back to, I mean, to now? I just took him back like around six months ago when I found out he had this deferred interest for PayPal, deferred interest for Best Buy. So what were you doing? Well, some of that was her purchases all by account. I get it. Some of them were mine, but...

- It's like six months, some of them were a year later, so you forget about them. - But you have to take responsibility, like I told you, and I tell you this, I warned you. - And then she said, "Why didn't I pay more than the minimum?" I'm like, "We had no money to pay more than the minimum." - Why do you guys have no money?

Why do you guys have no money? Every time we do have money, he thinks it's like, okay, we can go out and eat. We can go get on my Red Bulls. Especially in California. My Yerba Montes every single day. Like I used to drink, what do you call it? Starbies a lot. And I stopped because my family is more important. Okay. Okay. City Diamond.

City Diamond, let's get into the money. City Diamond, $1,687. - This is tough love guys, just so you know. I love him to death. I know I sound, but I just, it's like a heartache. - I don't know, we talked to her. - She makes me look so bad. It's so funny. - It's not that great. Like would you, I've never lied to you. I've never cheated on you. - Well, to be very clear, being bad with finances doesn't necessarily make you a bad person. - You're not. - Unless you're putting yourself over someone else or other people.

uh so well it's not like considering each other bad people no yeah in this uh 1687 dollars and 82 cents minimum monthly payment 56 dollars and 31 cents but again yes if we're putting over like our children and stuff yes that would make you a bad person like we had assistance for food and he would spend a lot of it on energy drinks and to me that's that's like you have to make a sacrifice of not drinking that and providing for your family well i do something a lot of work and

Maybe. Energy drinks? So I said, I told her, I said, it's cheaper than. Oh, great. And at least he'll be present and have a paycheck. But that's his humor. That's wonderful. It's humorous to most people. Well, it's funny to me because that's not, I'm not addicted to it anymore. But if I said that years ago, it wouldn't have been as funny. But you are addicted to yerba mates and you have to have them. Okay.

Hey, $43 of purchases, only making the minimum monthly payment, and $40 of interest accrued. Amazon Prime, Amazon Prime, Apple Bill, and Chick-fil-A. Why are we still going to Chick-fil-A if we don't have money? Why are we shopping on Amazon if we don't have money? Why are we getting things on Apple in-app purchases?

If we don't have money. We don't go to Chick-fil-A anymore. Oh, yeah? Amazon. Really? Because that's the most recent statement. That's literally within the most recent statement. Chick-fil-A is where he went. Where do you think he went? It's Chick-fil-A. That's you. Okay. Take a chill pill.

Bring it down. I love you. But Amazon Prime. So I've never ordered anything, but he says we pay something because of... There's two things on there. It's like an ad for you, stupid. Two things? I told you to delete that. Watch your ads. I watch the show. Takedos, Takedos, Takedos. Yeah. I did put that one on there. This is all you. And then Apple Music. That's probably what that is. What the... I will say, though...

I will say. Open up your subscriptions. It's on your phone. I know. I'm not. He wanted. It might be her extra space on her phone because she fills it up. Discover. That might be what that is. Discover it. Discover was all the move. I actually paid off that card. We had it paid off and then we moved and it's max. Moving truck alone was $5,000. But it wasn't even just that because then you went $2,238 of purchases right now. Right now. We didn't have a place to live for the first four days. So. $7,000.

And then you guys weren't ready to move. You had to move that urgently? That second? Our LA apartment was infested with cockroaches. They deemed it unlivable. We came back from a healing convention. There's no legal requirement for them to find you an alternative? They did. They were supposed to, but they were shady as... Well, then you... That's not how that works. You get in contact with the court. That's not the only thing. I tried to. I tried to contact the... What do you call it? The... This is starting to sound like the... The people upstairs contacted them. So I was like, I will with you. And they got him out.

And they screwed him over and our water was off every other day. And having, they did that for four years. This conversation immediately already sounds like the, okay, well, here's the thing. Oh, that doesn't work because of this. Oh, here's the thing. Oh, that doesn't work because of this. So it's like the immediate, nothing ever works. So when you put, I put in the paperwork, right? Yeah. With the people, I told them it is infested with cockroaches. They said they have no choice but to wait 30 more days. All of our stuff got ruined.

If we would have stayed there 30 more days with cockroaches running around in daylight. But you still spent hotel money and this stuff. Could you not spend hotel money at that area in that area for the 30 days? I would have loved to stay. I would have loved to stay if we were supposed to meet. But we made a decision for my daughter who's eight years old and needs her mother. You didn't make it to Florida. We didn't make it to Florida.

because I'll say why because I didn't want to move there with no job nowhere to live and not even my dad at least with my dad we could stay there a little bit if Florida we have we can only stay three days and then he was gone yeah

Oh, geez. $142 a month in payment on this. Again, $2,238 of purchases, $113.89 of interest rate. Guys, use the f***ing Fizz card if you're going to use a card. You are not credit card people. It's not even close. This is an absolute disaster. Oh, this is just for real because we needed somewhere to stay. We go and we get Thai cuisine. And then, yes, there he spent $117 staying somewhere. But then Chick-fil-A, and Coles, and Whataburger, and Amazon. More Amazon restaurants.

remember the last one it was just one amazon ad free thing well there's more amazon mattress clinic did we go and get a new mattress yeah we had to because it was cockroachy every even our couch but we saved we could have got a cheaper mattress though it was on me um we i told him we could get the blow up one for like 400 um but we had already been sleeping on the floor for four months at his grandma's so so sacrifice for another four you you just did it i did say that but he said listen it

okay well you said it was on you and now you're saying it's on him no i wanted i wanted a nicer bed because i think i enable him like i just want him to live the best life well best life including sushi and hibachi and buffy ink 251 dollars comforter comforter oh yeah his grandma paid for that she paid us back great because he had to have his blankie b wasn't that you what are you guys

I'm pretty sure you said I don't want my blankie that's in California. I do like it, but Deb, I didn't care that much. And then one of two within your statement salon visits that over are $100, even though you know how to do things. Salon? Yeah, $124. Honey, that's...

I own a business. That's me buying products and selling them. That's where you buy all those dyes. I have never paid for my nails, hair, anything. I do everything myself. Well, good. That's what I was about to be on you about. Excuse me. I lied. I got my nails done one time because she did them for free for two and a half years. I paid her one time when I went to LA. That's pretty cool. And she only gave me, she made me pay $40 and I was happy to pay it. Two years of free nails. Okay.

What do we have this car? A 2020 Kia Telluride. Telluride? Yes. I don't know the Telluride. Telluride? I gotta look up a picture of this. It's a very good car. Our car got totaled. He got smashed into and pushed into a semi. I'm glad you're okay. It totaled our car. We waited a long time to find a new car.

But eventually it came to the day where grandma said, you got to find your guys' car. And I went to a dealership and... Wait, why does grandma... Because we were using her... She lent us her extra van. We had it for a few weeks and she wanted it back. Expensive car. Actually, we got a really great deal on it. Yes, the interest is a little high. I've heard a lot of people say that. And we're at 72 months. I lowered it like $4,000 from what they wanted. And they were the only person... Actually, in LA... Oh, you lowered it by $4,000. Girl, they're not going to take a loss on it.

I know buddy that was baked in no the guy who was trying to sell it to me was like my boss would never go for that you're crazy so I walked right up to your boss and said which is what every car salesman says in the history of the world no he was very angry I walked right up to the back office and I said hey dude and he's like you know what I like you because you have the balls to do that buddy I've worked in sales I've played that game a thousand times I'm sure I'm sure there's a game to it but I'm just saying oh my goodness my boss would never allow this please don't talk to my boss please don't talk to my boss over there who will definitely not do this how angry was that guy

- I don't really remember. I don't know which one there's like five of them. Oh my gosh, my boss has helped me close this sale. Gosh, I can't believe you just got this deal. Oh man. That's how he was. And I mean, we're guessing interest rates like 16%. What is it? - No, 12. I think there were less than that. - Was it? - It was, I had to be under his credit 'cause I filed for bankruptcy. - Okay, we know for sure? - Yes. - I can tell. - I'm pretty certain it's 12. - It's not on this paper.

We did have a smaller car before it got totaled, but our car seats wouldn't actually close on the door because we had three car seats. So it was actually. Well, yeah, not even an option. Well, back then we had less debt, too. So back then. Back when? What year? 2020. After I filed for the bank. Right before. No, after I filed for the bankruptcy. Yeah. So you just declared bankruptcy and you thought you were good with finances? Yeah.

Well, again, it was all for business. But before that, I had 32 credit cards. I paid them all on time. Never had interest on any of them. You went through bankruptcy. Yes. Yes.

And I'm not ashamed of it because... It's not about a shame thing, but it's just like saying we were good. How good was I with the finances before we went through bankruptcy? Before we got to that point. Before we went through bankruptcy. Well, the thing that bankrupted her was the sludge. Yeah, so it sounds like we weren't a good business owner. No, it was the building. They literally put heads in. So it's always someone else's fault. No, they smoked out the building. From everything I've heard, it's always someone else's fault. They collapsed the roof with water. Shit.

out on us okay where was your insurance i had insurance i called my insurance so again everything's always someone else's fault we called our insurance and they said you are not covered for this building and i said but i have it under this then you didn't do your insurance correctly you're gonna do due diligence they refunded me though they refunded me said so sorry we don't know what happened there was a glitch you did it online when we called you something happened but we are not responsible because you have like a business attorney look over it what can you do have a business attorney look over you have to pay money

when you did before you signed your insurance to make sure you're good to go i just went through the actual insurance i just signed up that day remember the day i got this loan i signed up for it yeah and they told me okay we're gonna refund you all the stuff that just happened and then they called us and said sorry you're not covered well they're always trying to get out of it it says they do insurance is always a battle it's a fight and i was 12 on the car 12 okay yeah

So this is our good deal car. 12%, $739 minimum monthly payment at 72 months with a balance of $33,440. Good deal. Okay. Do we have a VIN? Do we have anything? Have you given us the VIN? Can you get us the VIN? We have the VIN? I sent it to them. Would you like me to just look it up again?

Yep. Nope. They're calculating right now. We're going to get what you think. How is the condition of the car? How are we looking? Pretty good. Besides, he used to park on top of my motorcycle handle, so there's a few scratches in the front. Oh, the kids have...

the inside how are we doing making these payments because this is a large chunky payment it is um so we are doing good making that we actually try to make an extra payment and then when we called them and said how do you make the extra payment on just the principal they said just um pay it we did and then they took they just kept if you have to send them an actual physical check otherwise they just keep putting it through there and taking their interest out interesting

So, yeah, if you don't set it in, then they're getting their money. Now, I hate saying this is my fault, but when I got sick, I upped my life insurance because... You hate saying something's your fault? No, I just hate saying that, like, it's my fault that I got sick. Oh, okay. Because you can't control that, right? Okay, sure. You can't control having a stroke, whatever. But I upped my life insurance because... Were you doing anything that was, like, physically unhealthy, like smoking, anything like that? I don't drink. I don't smoke at all. You did for a while, though.

Right? Well, yeah, she used to drink. Very rarely, though. I never... I do tend to agree with you. I just... I always play devil's advocate. I mean, there are lifestyle things that we can do that make it less likely. They actually couldn't figure out why. They even said it was really rare after. Again, I'm not saying that in your situation, but just because you said we can never control getting sick, it's like, okay. No, no, you can. I mean, I can control me having less chance of having heart disease, but I'm a fat...

He's like, can't stop shoving McFries down his throat. So like, yes, I do have more control on that. No, no, of course. I'm talking about like a seizure or like, you know, things like that. I'm just a natural. It's okay. If you're a business owner, I have something for you that could impact

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Head over to slash hammer to get details. That's slash hammer. Start cutting costs and boosting business performance today. Trust me, your future self will thank you. I upped my life insurance, and so I'm still trying to understand it. I pay a lot a month, but also my daughter, when she went with her dad, I needed life insurance on them because she's on planes, a lot of planes, going back and forth. She was.

And so I just want to say his travel method. He's just lazy. He would rather. Now it's about him, not plans.

I actually were going to go pick her up and he was like, no, that's not a good idea. You should just have me fly her out. Like, why would you drive? He's saying planes are the safest travel method. So why did she leave? Oh, why are they the safest? Oh, I don't know. Statistically, they are. Oh, well, that's great. But as a mother and you want to, if anything ever happened to your children, be able to bury them without donations. No, of course. But you did that because she's on planes. Well, I upped her insurance. She worries about planes a lot. No, no.

Not really, but I upped her insurance when she started going on planes. Okay. I upped it from $50,000 to, I think, $100,000. Now, where did we get the money to pay off this PayPal credit? Because it was a chunky thing and then it just got paid off. We got a tax return and when I saw the deferred interest, he said, let's just let it slide and I said, absolutely not. We'll just, we'll

make tax return probably with decent child tax credits and they're actually missed they missed i just got a letter they're gonna send me like three thousand yeah they messed up we didn't get a lot back this year i thought did you fully claim all your taxes though because i know you're not setting anything aside for taxes right now

Yes. I don't. I didn't. Yeah. I claimed all mine. Yeah. I claim everything. My Venmo. Everything. You're going to be claiming this year? Because. I do. I don't cheat the system. I just don't. I don't like to. She has a good tax. I hope not. I have a really good tax lady though. And I do put a lot of my own. Like as a business owner. Also you're underwater in your car by $8,000. It's worth $25,000. Yeah. Okay. That's what I looked up all the way here. We love our car and we're willing to work harder to pay it off faster. And yeah.

Nothing like an engine surrounded by some pieces of metal to fall in love with. That is the American way, ladies and gentlemen. It's comfortable to drive, though. We're absolutely grateful we have a car. Good. I would take that. That makes sense. Why did you decide to throw the...

the tax credits and everything, the refund you got. The deferred interest was like $300 something dollars if we didn't pay it. Okay. So I said, I said, let's make a sacrifice. Then here comes his best buy bill. And he said, there's more deferred interest. And so I just paid 300 something on that. So our checking account for like the last week has been $22 and 33 cents. And I'm willing to make sacrifices. It's no problem for me, but here we are. I needed a Red Bull today. I love you.

So it's paid off, right? And she said buy the three for eight. No, I just said I know you're going to buy one on the way home. So please just buy the deal. Is there a balance on this card right now? On which one? PayPal. Credit.

I don't think I think the deferred interest was 2000. You got to tell me. I think we paid it all off and then I may have used it a couple times for like. That was the that. Can I see it? Can you pull it up? It might have been like food or something. So he thinks Brahms is nine dollars for a bag of burgers. And it is true. It's cheaper. I've gotten hot dogs. I've gotten sandwiches. You guys go to Brahms all the time. Not not until we moved. But I don't eat meat, actually. So I'm not eating any of that. Just so you know, I just I'm a vegan. Oh, wow.

okay and i love that's the most vegan thing you've ever said like every vegan has to somehow announce in the conversation that they're vegan like that had nothing to do with this entire conversation no but you said you guys keep going to brahms and you like brahms i don't like brahms only meat yeah it's like only chicken burgers and chicken that's all it is that's all it is unless you want ice cream i don't do dairy either so stairs

Maybe it's the one time a vegan calling themselves out being a vegan made sense then. Well, she eats Chick-fil-A too. Well, I used to. Not anymore. They actually changed their meat company. Listen, if I'm starving and...

and I could eat rice and beans. I've done it in the Amazon jungle for two weeks. I've done it in Peru. My mom lived in a third world country. I've been to that country. I've lived out there. I could eat beans and rice every day. I can make my family beans and rice every day. He thinks that I am punishing our family by making rice and beans. It will not feed him. When did you go to the jungle? Last year. I'm a guardian. How did you afford to go to the jungle? Obviously credit cards. Okay, so you couldn't afford to go to the jungle.

well no i paid most of the 78 dollars i've we still have a lot of credit card debt so no we couldn't afford it that's what can i see what the purchases were on yeah i could tell you it was world of warcraft it auto renewed without me knowing i swear to god and you see my hobbies are free i don't pay attention to it and i noticed it like a couple weeks after an auto review i don't mind

play without spending is this the online service is that yeah you just it's a monthly service fee that you have to pay and it's cheaper if you pay i paid six months in advance because it's 12 instead of 15 i don't mind hobbies when we have money i i get it um and i don't mind alone time but he has alone time ends up being 3 30 in the morning he has to go to work or this last night he played till what time only 3 30.

And we had to leave. I couldn't sleep, though. Well, you move my thing. Well, I mean, I mean, what was the impact on you in that situation? Well, the fact that I have to deal with the kids and I have to get up and I do the stuff that I'm supposed to do. I go to bed with them. If he if he does wake up and I put them to bed last night. I put him to bed. What are you talking about? Oh, my gosh. Oh, you put one of them. But all I'm saying is, like, who gives a like, I mean, I give a. She gets up. She gets up. Nope.

If he still does what he needs to do, who cares? But he does it when he starts. He starts. Well, he just said he did, though. He starts. And then the next day. Okay, well. He literally just said he did. So I don't know what I'm doing. You'll start something, right? And then it'll be like, oh, it's just today and today, right? And then it slowly goes. And then it's all of a sudden, I'm tired. I don't want to do this. I don't want to do that. Like, you guys are stressing me out. Well, you played video games all night. You weren't responsible. Now I have to take care of it. I only do that once or twice a week. I don't do that every day. Why?

What are you doing? I have a gift. What are you, an X-Men? What is this? So... I am not of this earth. I am in human form. Oh my gosh, okay. Moving on. Listen, listen. One second, okay? I know you hate the whole healing things. I'm not pretending to be a shaman. I'm not pretending to be anything.

I am helping the Amazon jungle be restored. I am a guardian for them. I believe in indigenous helping. I believe in the people. I use their medicine and I have healed and helped over 60 people so far in the eight months that I have done this. I didn't ask for this. It is just part of me. She was against it when I first. You can ask some stories. I see dead people now. I don't choose to see it. Stop. Be a mental health specialist or something. If you see dead people.

Why? If it's helping somebody and I pass on a message to somebody. Why is that wrong? Because you can't understand it. But one day when you need me, I'll be here. Girl, if you're seeing objects, that's a sign of like... You don't see them. They pass you a message. You give it to the person and they heal. Oh, my. I charge $111 for what I do. It's not fake. Trust me. I didn't say you couldn't make any money off of spreading that. Everyone can make money off of anything. No.

You want to tell? No, I've seen her hill people with it. You think I chose that? You think I chose to? Chose what? She snows that you couldn't really know. And the person's like, how the hell did you know that? That's what I've seen. And how have I helped them really? Fine, tell me something about myself. Oh, it doesn't really work like that.

work like that. It doesn't work like that. Oh, it has to be the convenience stuff, yes. Only when it works. No, it's not the convenience. It's only when it comes to her randomly. She can't make it come to her. And it's not randomly. It's usually when I do hoppe. My higher self will talk to your higher self. I can serve you right now, buddy, and you're going to regret it. Okay. Do you want to get served? Wait, wait, what do you mean? How does it work?

I blow it through your nose. No, I don't want that. I don't want to get cancer. I don't want that. I pooped twice today. We do not need to go. I don't need to go to the jungle. I don't need to do this. I'm going to live in the world.

I'm going to exist here. And you know why you're doing that though? Noah told me he's willing to let you blow it through his nose in the post show. So make sure you guys stick around for the post show and I'll abuse my position of power. I love you from a distance but one day if you do need me please call upon me. I will see someone who studies human psychology and the world of science and I will leave the jungle but you can bingo bongo bongo stick there if you want.

I'm just saying I help people through seizures and everything. So, okay. I brought you a crystal and I forgot it, but I know how much you hate crystals. I don't know what the I do with a crystal. I don't know anything about crystals either. It just had a pretty sun on it. My mom taught me never to go anywhere without a gift. So, well, that's nice. Let,

I appreciate you. That's a nice heart. I have a very nice heart. It may sound really right now, but I'm the most loving person in the world. Like, I love people. I love helping people. I came on this earth. I joined the military on a dare at 18 because somebody dared me. I couldn't do it. And I ended up saving a lot of people and helping a lot of people. Okay. Oh, okay. Sure. Priceline.

That's something. That's basically paid off, so it's nothing. But you have a Priceline Visa Rewards card. But that's, again, basically nothing. Yeah, that's what she flew, I think, to Amazon. Amazon, Amazon, Amazon. Not the jungle. Like, literal three Amazon purchases. I'm confused.

We don't buy anything on Amazon. Someone is because we've had multiple purchases now. We're at six Amazon purchases across the board. I think you're looking at every month when they just charge us. What are you talking about? This is all in one month. It says the date on them. What are we buying? I don't know. I'll go to Amazon and find out. I remember I bought this stuff to kill any cockroaches in our couch. Some powder. You bought anti-fungus and then you bought the cockroach stuff and...

you bought batteries well were those bought recently february february march there's only been two things purchased so in the month in the month of march there were six things through amazon as a company that's what i'm saying it's i don't know which what we're we got are they renting movies are they oh we did buy a movie remember amazon's a large thing in general no we just bought one we donate to twitch no we don't yeah i think one's probably the prime cost

same forget and prime but it's like seven the last thing i bought was three dollars and then seven if you don't want ads or some like so all they do it all separately he's a gamer yeah and i enjoy that when we have money i like i know you might hate this but live like no other so one day you can live like no other why would i because it's dave ramsey and i know you don't agree with him

I like Dave. Oh, you do? Okay. I just don't... I saw one episode where you're like, I don't agree with him. Well, on the $1,000 specifically. Oh, okay. And one size fits all. I like to be more nuanced. But no, I mean, he's helped literally millions of people. He helped me through... I went through a church program and like I said, I got out of debt and I've done it multiple times over and over. And obviously we're...

When we get money, we're being responsible. We're not just wasting most of it. But I don't understand anything past after you get out of debt what to do because I was never taught. But in the next Crater Clash, Dave Ramsey and I are going to fight in the ring. Good luck to both of you. Yeah, good luck to Dave. I'd fight George, but he's short. That'd be unfair. Okay, freedom. His specifically? You're not on this at all? No, no. That's under his name, yeah.

Okay, you're not on this? No, we probably both, again, we just use whatever card. Oh, boy. $961. We are not organized at all, are we? No. $961.94. This is nice. Okay, I've improved a lot. Our dead body is going to fly out of the book when you open it?

I've improved a lot when I first became on my own because I was not allowed to control the finances with my last, with the father of my first child. He was the breeder, whatever, manly man of all men. The breeder? Breadwinner, I think she is. What do you call it?

So I had a fun bucket money, which was all ones, fives, tens and twenties and hundreds once a bill. So since then, again, I write a list of all the bills we have that I understand and know of besides subscriptions or anything he has. I put the minimum payment. Can you lift that up for a second for the camera? That, this is the organization? Right.

That's the minimum payments, the interest, if they're interest free, when we have to pay them off, how much we're paying. And after you listen, it's a step. It's a step. And I actually am glad that you did that. I feel like that's very hard to track behind the kind of like a torn up piece of paper. But that does. No, this is just a copy of it. I didn't bring the legit one. Oh, OK. I was going to say, but that does show like actual effort. And I am happy. And he hates it every month. I go, can we sit down? He hates it. No. Why? We got to sit down. Why aren't you sitting down? You got to sit down.

Doesn't want to do it. You got to just be a dog. Be a man. Be a big boy. I'm not responsible. I know I'm not. He literally became a man when he met me because he was... Dangle some World of Warcraft over his head. That would actually work. I've offered him incentives. Blow his during World of Warcraft if he can just... Like, I am an incentive person.

I am all for my husband. I cannot give him any more love than I've already given him. He's got to either do this on his own or he's not going to want to do it. He's just going to fall back into a pattern of sabotaging and nobody will help you besides yourself and maybe a therapist. I kind of just feel like it's so impossible sometimes. I'm just like, f*** this. I do it. I watch the kids. I work with them in my hands. I come home. I help you. We both do it, but you got to just put in a little more effort. We got to do it together. We're supposed to be a team. We're on the same team. I know.

All right. First time we've talked about under desk on this show. It's a new one. You should try it. World of Warcraft. Who says I have? How you keep them, ladies. Not that I have them.

Not that people think of. Yeah, because we're talking about divorce. Okay, $21.76 of interest accrued on this one. Minimum monthly payment was made. No purchases. Thank the first time ever. $961.94 is the balance. You just said on two of them ago there was no purchases. First purchase ever. No, he said no purchases, but then there was. But then there was. We pulled up the PayPal app. But there was one before that you said no purchases.

Dude, I don't know. This conversation is throwing me. I feel like I've already inhaled your essence of whatever toxins you want to put in the air. Okay. Best Buy. That one's probably not very good right now. What? I said that one's probably not very good. It's not very good. Somebody broke his headphones.

$1,863 with the headphones? No. That was $150. $0.40. Okay. They were buying food, the TV. The narrator of the TV bought a few years ago is out there. Minimum monthly payment was made, but then we purchased $348.97. What are we doing with $17.61 interest of grain? The only thing I approved of was the iPad because the kid's broken. We only under warranty for so long, so we had to get it fixed before. Yeah.

the screen but um so that was like 50 bucks of the 50 bucks for a screen and i'm fighting them on the screen protector because they told me that was life guarantee and i fought that man the store she tried and he was so mean i just said hey man this is covered and he ripped off you don't want it then don't get it and i was like bro i just was asking you a question it's supposed to be lifetime guaranteed and he's like oh the actual screen protector is and i'm like then can i get it you were pleasant

I'm a very pleasant person. Okay, but you're a little aggressive. Sometimes. You come at me? Yes. I know, but I'm... I'm literally taught. She starts off pleasant. I'm having a hard time seeing a random NPC out there being such a dick like that without you being a little something first. You came in hot. You came in hot. Yeah, I asked him a question. I know, but if someone comes at me that I've never met hot, I'm immediately defensive. Okay, and exactly why I'm defensive with you.

Well, you signed up to be on here. Of course. Of course. Come at me. But you do have to understand a little bit. Okay. You had a couple of military people on the show. We are trained to shoot first, ask questions later. We do not go good in a corner. I will never become a police officer. I've been offered that job millions of times. Please don't. I will not become one because I shoot first and ask questions later and I cannot rewire my brain. So.

You're putting me to be like this evil person and I'm not. I don't think so. I'm not really assigning anything. I'm just like sitting here. I think I've talked less in this episode than almost any episode. I told you I'm a talker. Yeah. Shooting them words first. I want to learn as much as I can. I want to understand as much as I can because if anybody's going to take the knowledge home, it's going to be me and try and change. So far, I'm learning that everyone else's fault. Yes. High five. Best Buy Total. Why do we have a yearly subscription to Best Buy right now?

Oh, because our TV broke and actually... We just can't afford everything. They've replaced it every time. Extended warranty. I should get rid of it, but I have used it. I got a whole new TV. They keep replacing our TV because something keeps going out. And so we couldn't... We were going to cancel this year, but what if it goes out again? Then it goes our TV. Gosh, it just really sucks because we just don't have money. I can get rid of it. And you know what? If we don't have a TV, we don't have a TV. Yeah, I mean, go work instead of... We have another TV. I did apply to a lot of jobs and I'm waiting to hear back. How many jobs?

I know you think this is not good because it's not a lot, a lot of jobs. But you said a lot. So, yeah, five. Well, for her, that's not a lot. No, because I can only work at certain hours. Okay. And the evenings. Okay. And there's only five places. Well, no. On top of that, I tried to get a job that would help us get out of debt. So I guess it's called Texas Roadhouse.

And they wanted military personnel, but they asked me if I could wait a week so that their training thing... And they'll let me know in a week. So I stopped the process with everybody else. So this happened a week ago? Yeah. So I stopped. Because in the beginning...

We came here and I said, hey, I could be a bus driver. He said, that's not going to work with my schedule. Who's going to take him to kids? Who's going to take him? So then I worked DoorDash. You know what's my choice instead of all the herbal stuff? What? That honey cinnamon butter from Texas Roadhouse. I've never been there, so I don't. I'm happy to serve you steaks. That owns this world.

You can conquer nations. Really? So I wanted to apply at like four different jobs and it weren't convenient for him. And then last week he finally was like, yeah, you're right. Go get a job. So Mission Lane, yep. $81.74 minimum monthly payment. It's close to maxed out. $56.74 of interest. $172 of purchases more than the minimum monthly payment. What are we doing? The balance went up on our costs of growing interest. What is this? Oh, T and above a place. And then the...

So that's getting supplies. Yes. But we're purchasing that on two cards that we can't pay off. Why does that make sense? That doesn't make sense. Well, I need the products to be able to do the hair. So it's a big investment. But then you start making money. I've only been here two and a half months. I've taken five clients on the side. Yeah, but why on the credit cards, though?

Why do I have the credit card? No, why on the credit cards versus like in our checking account? We didn't have the cash. We don't have $2,000. It's big purchases you have to buy in bulk. It's like $150. It's usually a lot more. I've been trying to like wait till the deals go. She's found some sales, so she bought extra. And I do have a lot of product that I am from LA getting rid of from my salon. So we didn't technically lose out, but it's going to take a while for me to sell off all these products. If we sold all this, I would have a lot of money.

- Just keeps going, ally card. - I think that is not the battery. - That's my chip. - $800.78. - And that went down, I paid a good chunk. - $27. - These were the cards I was gonna pay off until we had your deferred interest. - You put a little more towards the end, yeah, it's that. Good, okay. When does the interest kick in for this? - It just started to kick in. - Yes, it did. Literally a couple days ago. Okay, that sucks.

Oh, we made it through the debts. No more debts? That's it? No more debts. Oh, we do have one that I did not bring up. It's not really a debt. Okay, so his grandma has given us money and... Whenever we're short, Liddy, she'll let us borrow. She's always just come in and save the day for him or buys him something he needs or for the kids if she feels like they're not... Like, she'll send a lot of stuff. But the thing is, we did borrow...

borrow so this is a debt no she it's weird she gave the gift i want to pay it back okay i don't how much like owing people so i paid her twenty dollars out of every week of my account so i don't know where we're at but it was four thousand for how long

i just put it to infinity no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

She doesn't want it back, but I don't feel right. It's probably $3,664. Like that's our only go-to if we needed help is his 80-year-old grandma who's awesome. And she outdoes me at 80. Can I say something? Yeah, she does because you only have $23.22 in your checking account. Now we have like $100. But your poor bitch needs some light.

Dude, this... What are you talking about? It's dying. You're talking about that little piece of brown? That was on this plant since we've bought the plant. Okay, but do you keep it only indoors? Buddy, we have these sunlights that are on it all night. Oh, okay. Look at the whole plant. The whole plant, except for the parts that have been brown since the day we bought it, are doing great. All this new growth, this is luscious green. Yes! In a lot of your videos, I see that. I'm like, does it ever? It's... I don't know. I think that part came dead. Have you ever told it how...

Like, I know it's a plant, but have you ever thanked it for like the oxygen it gives you? No, because I'm not a freak. There's a sun lamp right there. There's sun lamps over there. We take care of the plants. I was going to say, maybe these lights help. This plant is beautiful, growing. Pothos, they can just survive anything, right? I don't know. I put basil outside and killed it. Oh, yeah, she killed a lot of plants. I cannot save plants, but I can save people. You can burn them and inhale them.

It doesn't work like that. You don't burn them at all. Okay. That's pretty much nothing. Oh, good. Here we go.

- Yeah, 800 bucks in this one. And there was a place to stay at some lodge and then Starbucks, Starbucks, Starbucks. - That was yeah, way back then when we were drinking Starbucks, we don't do it anymore. - Yeah, way back then, like a month ago. - No, it's been two and a half months. I did buy somebody a Starbucks 'cause they were supposed to babysit for us. And then somebody took over because she couldn't do the night shift, so. - Expensive T-Mobile, I'd switch to helium if it's $171. - So, okay, question. We took in a kind man.

One of his co-workers. He came from Turkey. Great dude. His family is trying to come over here. Somebody like stole his money. How do you say it? So he was trying to rent a place. They showed him a house and he paid him a down payment and they stole his money and it wasn't their house. And so he wasn't used to the culture of California. So we took him in.

After two months of him being really good and he was just sleeping on our couch, our cockroach infested couch, poor man. He started smoking weed and started stumbling. And so we're like, hey, we love you, but we're going to release you with love and you have to go figure things out because if you stay here, you're just going to stop wanting to work and everything. And we gave him, we connected a phone line. So he has his own phone. He's paying it every month. He pays 35 every month. Okay.

it's hella what but we don't we can't think i think we can't cancel it until his phone is paid off which i think it was two years and it's already been like a year but he said he'll do whatever he said my friend whatever you need let me know you've always been there for me you guys are the kindest people i've ever met yeah i mean i would just try to get him to do it on his own i would try he could probably pay the balance i can ask him well pay the balance

But he paid $35. His actual total is $25. We charged him an extra $10 just in case he did run off. We'd have that back thing. Starbucks. City Bites. Taco Bell. Coffee.

Hibachi. Whole Foods is an expensive way to eat for people who do not have money. So... Especially since it kind of tastes like... We have a lot of... No, we have a lot of restrictions. I cook a lot. I cook a lot, but we have a lot of restrictions. My daughter can't have basically sugar, like white sugar. My son's allergic to cinnamon. Refined sugar. Like refined sugar. She gets very...

And only Whole Foods doesn't have sugar? No, but... They just have better options. They have better options when we cook. Like, or we just... Everything's organic. I don't drink... Like, I don't drink Starbucks. I get really ill if I drink Starbucks now since the stroke, so...

um sometimes sometimes it's not coffee sometimes she buys sometimes i buy the kids food if we're traveling around because like i said at the first time we didn't have a place to cook we didn't everything had to be eating out starbucks is the food place they like the um the the impossible sandwich but we don't like again we found out the ingredients and cake pops well they usually get free cake pops everywhere they go they get kava going inside a gas station getting some taco bell

uh liquor store might not be liquor though i know i i buy wine for the food my mom's proven we cooked with a little bit of wine just kava taco bell so once every eight months chick-fil-a so going out spinning the bowl oh yeah did you put the mattress thing down huh is the mattress thing on there the synchrony i just barely filled out how to get access to that card i can tell you what it is it's 1500 dollars

And I made $100 payment. There's no interest if we do it in 12 months. 12 months from when? So I paid $100. Last month? So 11 months, okay. He couldn't somehow. So we need to pay $136 towards an hour on a monthly basis. They put our old address or something because they said that we wouldn't get approved if we put a new address. This is another bid? No, it's the only one. So I put partial payment on one card. What was that $1,000 we saw for our mattress? That's the partial payment. It was $2,100. Oh, f***.

And then they opened that car and that was the rest of it. Last time I bought a mattress was 15 years ago. I don't give a shit. You can get a cheap mattress. Where? Where? In literally any mattress store. When I went and got a mattress, I got a $300 queen size mattress. Oh, I think it's because maybe we have a king bed frame. But...

I would find sleeping on the floor. I've said. Oh, you say that. Noah just got a $300. You say that. His dad did say he got a $400 nectar or something that we should have done. He said he got one off the internet. It's like a type of. Yes, nectar. Why didn't we do that? Nectar is what I have now once I upgraded. Yes. Oh, guys, we're just beyond unorganized, beyond irresponsible. It's just. Okay. Okay. What calls sleeping necessary?

And I'm saying it has to be that expensive. I'm not saying. Get all our kids sleeping. Yeah, they all sleep better than us. It's big enough for everybody to sleep in. Total progress made on debt overall net was $502, where really $3,624 with new charges and new interest on all the debts is what we saw. Is that in this last month or? It's within the statements that we have, which is only a month's time. Most recent statements.

Are we going to budget together as a couple? Are we staying together? What are we even doing? I never said, like, I want a divorce. Like, I said those, I don't like to say those words. But where are we? Where are we actually headed, Jordan? So I can know, like, what I think you should do. My goal is to be together forever and to get through the hard times. You know, when you marry somebody. Multiple few hundred dollar king size mattresses. When you marry somebody, you say through sickness and through health. He's sick right now. Yeah, a lot of people say it and 50% of them go back. So what are we doing?

Well, it's up to... I'm through sickness and health. It sounds like up to you because it sounds like he wants to stay together forever. Yeah, but then he's like... Is what you said. Yeah, but then he's also going to be like, but I won't be here for you. I'll just be in my own little world. So that's not really... Are we staying together? Of course. I want to. Okay. But we got to put in the work together. Like, can't do everything. I'm stressed the f*** out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm stressed the f*** out. Oh my gosh. Ground yourself, man.

Girl, I'm as grounded as I could be. I am right here. No, your shoes are on. You're not grounded. Go hug a tree. It will make you feel better. It sucks, but it does. Actually, one time she told me that and I said, shut the up. And then I went and did it. Shut the up. I did it and I actually felt better. I was like.

Probably because you went outside. Yeah. We were outside when she told me that already. He was already outside. We were walking. She's like, fuck that tree. I don't like to hug the tree either, bro. But God given earth.

- Also, what is this MetaZoo thing that you guys spent thousands of dollars on? - It's a fricking card game. - I hate you MetaZoo, you . - At the start it was great. We bought a box of a hundred bucks. - So someone else is faulting. - It was selling for like 900. So at first we were like, oh dude, like,

We just made nine times our money, but now the price dropped. - So he bought, he went in a rampage of buying a lot of them. And so if you can't beat him, you outsmart him. So whatever he bought, I bought when we had this money, this free money come in from COVID or whatever, 'cause we didn't get a payout for nine months or something. Then we had some money. All our cars were paid.

And I said, okay, if you want to do this investment, but he was opening them. So whatever he bought, I made sure he put one away that he didn't open. So we'd actually have $10,000 worth of Pokemon we're selling right now. I'm selling them now. The MetaZoo. I brought in 1100. Where we got over is they have this Kickstarter where you buy a $5,000...

painting one of the original 25 characters and some of them are going to be valued at like a hundred thousand if you get mothman or something so i told him if you think it's right is this okay i said if you think it's right and it's like i'm i'm behind you i'm your wife whatever you do i do let's go and then they didn't send it till this year do you guys have any investment accounts i do i had a roth ira i do but i i okay how do i say this um i have a roth ira

I put $600 when my daughter was young. When I separated, I used the $600. They said there was no penalty because I never took out more than I put in. And I have not been able to put anything. I did have a Marcus Goldman Sachs account where I had a little bit of emergency fund. It's not a lot. It was like $300, but...

when his debts came up. So just to be very clear, instead of putting anything towards a Roth IRA or a 401k or even individual stocks in Moomoo, what we're doing instead is we're getting some gambling. I'm hoping that a $5,000 we're putting into a painting or something like that turns into $100,000. I'm so confused. What? This zoo whatever thing. I've never been to a zoo. It's Pokemon, but it uses things around you, I guess, like

If it's your birthday, you can use this card. If there's a mirror in the room, you can use this card. It actually went viral. It was crazy. The Kickstarter box went for $10,000. We now have one of those Kickstarter boxes. I don't know what they're worth. About a thousand. Interesting. We didn't get it. They gifted it to us because they f***ed up and didn't send out the pictures and we never got our gift. Someone else's fault again? They never. Well, you buy something, you expect to get it, right? Sure. But like just everything in this world. No. I haven't heard anything.

have you taken responsibility for one thing yes I think one thing you were like I hate that I'm taking responsibility for this right now that's true yeah I can't control that oh yes correct so that's the one thing you've taken responsibility for in this entire conversation what do you mean I've taken care of my kids responsibility like yeah I've taken responsibility for like anything going wrong ever the one thing no yeah life got I supported him okay I did the wrong thing but I I stand by it what wrong thing I supported him through the metazoo

And I know that probably wasn't the right decision, but you choose to be in a relationship. What that matters is it was your choice? Yeah, because I saw it blow up. I was like, oh, I said, I don't believe in that. I don't understand. I don't understand 401k and all that. Quinceanera? Chingadera. Junk. Stupid. But I support my husband. And if you think that's a good call, and if we back up and we fall out, we'll find a way out. That's my responsibleness. Okay, we're out. We're under. Let's find a way.

Okay. So now we're selling all those Pokemon. But do you not recognize that throughout this entire conversation, just constantly, throughout every single piece of paper, every story we went in, it was just like, it was a deflection and a blame on what someone else did that was beyond our control. Every single time. This entire conversation, you're going to have to watch it back. It's very interesting. Sometimes it is beyond our control. Sure, but everything has been here.

Well, we've had a rough few years that we didn't plan it. It happened. But we're dealing with it. We're living through it. We're not giving up. Yeah, that's not at all what I'm saying. I'm just literally you've blamed it all on outside factors outside of you. Things are going to happen. I'm not going to say that nothing's ever going to happen. But literally everything throughout this conversation has been it is something. It is the world's fault outside of us. Well, because when you brought up the fast food, I said we could be better. Like I said, we could eat rice and beans at home.

And I will eat it. If he doesn't want to eat it, I'll eat it. You said he went to Chick-fil-A. That's what you said when I brought up the fast food. Well, I think we went to the same car for our kids, though. It was for our kids. So it wasn't just because my mom wants to go. Yeah, but that's not what you just said. You didn't say, let's get rice and beans. You said he went to Chick-fil-A. Well, that's why I asked, did you go to Chick-fil-A? Because I didn't realize that purchase. I mean, it is. I mean, I get it. I am taking responsibility. Where? Where?

This is all me and him together, right? This is us. What are the actions? I go get a job. I work harder. No, no, no, no, no. What are the actions that you took that ended up to the place that were irresponsible decisions of yours? What were the actions? What are we able to acknowledge that got us into this place to begin with? You didn't make the choice to have a fully funded emergency fund. Having a fully funded emergency fund would protect us from a lot of things that are outside of our control. That is an active choice because you were not sacrificing things in order to have a fully funded emergency fund.

Okay. So that's a part of it. Of course. Of course. What are the actions? When I save, when I start to... When you're willing to take responsibility as you say you are, what was irresponsible that you've messed up that you are willing to take responsibility for? Like when he purchases something, right? And I save, I get angry and I go, well, why am I the only one saving? Why am I the only one sacrificing? And I go out. No, I go out and spend. It's my problem. I have a problem where I'm like, why do I let that get to me? And then I go spend.

Why do I give my children what they want rather than what like, hey, rice and beans is just as good. Soup's just as good. Listen, like, you know, you guys are young and you don't understand yet, which I've been trying. I've been, you know, learning more of.

But there was a period where I was sick. I couldn't cook for my family. I couldn't do these things. I was very ill. I was in and out of the hospital. They told me I was going to die. Yeah, and no one's ever going to say you were bad for that part when you're in sickness. Like, let's not go to the... So now I'm getting better and I'm working on myself, of course. What I am asking for is taking specific responsibility. You started going down that path for a second and then you were immediately like, and then I was in the hospital.

hospital like there's been there was so much more life before what happened no of course and so i started charging things a card we we all the americans do it right we all do it and then that's stupid we should not charge it we should not spend money that we don't have other than child tax credits which is good wait what

Your lack of paying them off other than the child tax credits. And then you went through bankruptcy as well for the business. The business. Yeah, that's all me. That's all me. That was my mistake. Wow. You said I didn't take it. That was my mistake. The business was my mistake. Oh, good. That's fine. Earlier you said it was because of the landlord. It is, but it's still my responsibility. It shouldn't be under him. He shouldn't take a bankruptcy. He wanted to take a bankruptcy from me. Absolutely not. I'm not saying it's either you or him. So it was my responsibility. I have to do the actions. Why the f*** would it be under him? Who would ever suggest it would be under him?

because he wanted well he wanted well it's our business together I mean oh you were in the business well I didn't help a little bit I was supposed to read the he has offered to like go to accounting classes and stuff because again I'm not the best with numbers I'm trying my best and I'm working up to it um I

I would love to take an account. I just can't afford it. But he's promised me for years he would take it and help. We do it together. But most of the time when he offers to help with something, he just kind of dwindles away and I figure it out myself. We didn't spend $442.60 a month on going out to eat or 5.5% of our spending. I think we could take a budgeting program online. Again, I'm willing to give things. I don't know what Course Careers has in terms of that. Usually it's tech certifications, but I'll give you one if there's one for 5%.

Budgeting. Miscellaneous things that do not improve your life in any way whatsoever. They're just miscellaneous bullshit. $1,749.19. 21.8% of our spending. Unknown shopping. Typically, Amazon is about 2.2% of your spending. Again, net. Only 6%.

Of your spending went towards debt. So it's a no, it's not a we can't afford it. It's your money's going everywhere and you guys just don't know what's going on. No, of course. I don't know. That's why I came here. You need to sit down with each other on a monthly basis and

Go through the budgeting program together and take the quizzes together. But let's create you just like a high level budget. You applied for government benefits last week? Yes, I had to. What? Because I can't. Food. Food. Okay. Food assistance. Yeah.

What do you guys got? But you're not reporting your income. Yeah, I did. But you're not paying taxes, though. Why would I? I report everything. My tax lady does whatever she does and puts it and she says you're under. Okay, probably because you don't make enough. Yeah, she doesn't make enough for the business. And then with the three children. Yeah.

Okay, yeah. Y'all gotta use my favorite high-yield savings account where you can get up to 4.6% on your money, plus FDIC insurance up to $2 million. You can also get up to $300 for signing up today. It's the personal high-yield savings account that I use for my money, so don't let your money be losing money while it's just sitting there. Click on the link in the description below and get those bonuses. Okay, have you heard back?

Yes, they approved me for $622 next month, which we discussed that that will be our only spending together. We're going to try to do it together. On food? Yes. Okay. Only spending on food. You think that's going to stretch for four of you?

It's very hard. It could, I think. But I make bigger meals that are like, again, I'm not taking responsibility. But a lot of the time, I want to be the one to cook. I want to be the one to not go out. I kind of yell up, like, let them know, like, hey, if we go spend this, it's more debt we go in. I don't care. I'm happy. Let's go.

Oh, I don't care. I'm happy. Let's go. And what do you do? You're sad. You know, you don't want to. You meal prep and then you reheat. Is that what we're talking? No, I cook that day and then usually leftovers the next day. Think about some potential meal prepping as well. Meal prepping can be a really good way to save money because we're buying in bulk. Now, the reason I asked if that's going to stretch, that could stretch for normal, but there's a lot of dietary restrictions here. Yeah. Across the board. So what do you legitimately think?

Grocery bill we could do on a monthly basis. Well, we had 900 in California and that barely got us by. But like I said, I will make whatever work my mom made it work when she was alive for my dad. Please a number. What do you think? Whatever the number is for the. So $622. Okay. I'm going to try and make. That's what I said in the beginning. Yeah, but you can add more cash on top of that with your own. Yeah. Yeah, if we need to. But that's what I'm trying to stick to. I'm trying to stick with it. So we're going to try that. Yes. Okay.

622. Health, medical, anything ongoing? We just got Sooner. I just had kidney stones two weeks ago. Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah. So the VA covers the first two emergency rooms and then they signed me up for something called Sooner. And they said, yeah, you need that. And so we just got signed up and then we're trying to get child services where they will help us watch our kids and

so that we can go get better. Sure. I can go get a better job. Okay. What do I need to put for medical on a monthly basis? I don't think there is anything. Nothing? There's nothing ongoing? Okay. We don't take... Gyms? Gym subscriptions? Our apartment comes with one. Oh, yeah. Good. That's great.

tp fun anything else you need to survive uh this could be school stuff as well it's really going to vary on a monthly basis we're just trying to get just an average i'm thinking about 200 bucks it's everything else you need in life toothpaste blah blah blah because the diapers he's almost out of them we're trying our best phone bill what was that 171 what's your rent 1540 utilities water gas electric so uh water is like 50 a month electricity is like 100 a month

And then internet right now is 90, but I could drop it down to 70. Let's drop it down to 70. It's World of Warcraft. I don't think it needs to be the highest. It doesn't need 500 megabytes. Well, didn't you like, you tried to put lower. No, I think no. So they, I tried to get my router installed and then it didn't work. And then they said I was going to have to pay $15 a month to use theirs. So they made me upgrade the plan to get the deal back. It's just a big. Have renters insurance. Yes. Yeah, we do. We have two renters insurance right now because we're trying. 20 bucks a month then?

It's like 30 something. And then we have the other one that we cannot cancel until our insurance goes through here. Well, how much is that on top of the 30 then? Another 20 something. So 50. Okay, 55. Let's call it.

Gas. Vroom vroom. Drive drive. We do drive a lot. We go to parks every day. We just go to do free things. It's between 50 and 60 bucks to fill up and we fill up at least once a week. Oh yeah because the DoorDash doesn't do that anymore. Oh we were doing some DoorDash? Yeah without the DoorDash I think it'd be a lot better. What do I budget for gas? I think 200? Can we do? I'd say 250. Because you have

He has a car, but he owns it. It's a 1992 Taylor Camry. I only drive it to my dad's down the street. One tank of gas last two weeks. Car insurances. One car insurance is two something. Oh, that's for both of us. Two what? There's a lot between two and three. I think it's like 270. We're trying to get it. And the other one? Motorcycle insurance is 27. There's a motorcycle? I have a motorcycle. Sell it. I will not sell it.

Should I even continue this? I will lose a lot of money. It's not even mine. It's my daughter's. Wait, what do you mean lose a lot of money? Is there debt on it? No. So you just mean in terms of what you bought? It's not worth anything compared to what it's worth. What could you sell for, realistically? Because of the special seat I have, because I tore everything in my right arm in the military, or my left arm in the military.

um probably not even much but maybe less than 4 000 but it's not mine it's i promised it to my daughter harley that's her name uh that's the bike from her dad yeah it's from her dad and it's also essential to me because when he takes the kids in the car that we can actually take the kids in the car we can't take the kids in the toyota camry um i ride that that's my like transportation to work but it's not here you can't drive his whatever car

Don't we have two cards you said? Yeah. He has his 1990. It's barely working. So we try not to use it. It's a 92 Toyota Cabri. It was gifted to us for our wedding because he had like a boat. It's pretty much just. All I'm saying is $4,000 could pay off some debt. And I'm willing to work extra hard to keep that. Okay. It's actually what got me sober. So it is very, very important to me. It may not be to you. And I understand that. No, it's not that. It's just. It's a bad answer for everything. Okay.

$297 for car insurance. A motorcycle got you sober? That's interesting. It actually got me back to civilianhood. Like, I couldn't come out of the military. Like, I would pass Coke cans and they would look like IEDs and all this. And I sat on a motorcycle for the first time and I do a bunch of 9-11 rides for veterans. I support a bunch of those things. So, yeah. $297 for car insurance, nothing in subscriptions. Anything else you need to survive that I do not know other than your minimum monthly debt payments? What else is there? Anything else that needs to be in the budget?

no we pretty much do everything ourselves um i cut their own hair i i am beyond excited for you to reach into noah's soul in the post show just whatever this is i need this oh me the demon of the payments are insane one thousand three hundred thirty nine dollars and sixty seven cents i think you guys more than anything need to have a big conversation where you want to be like literally physically where you guys want to live

And, like, figure that shit. Because if we're going to put down roots and shit, like... Yeah. First of all, $2,600 comes in net for you. Yeah. And that's nothing, dude. Like, you need another job immediately. And then you make even less than that. You need $4,000. Like, this is a minimum survival amount. $4,694.67. Yeah. Now... No reason to set anything aside for taxes because you guys don't really make enough. I mean, it's just more of a safety thing. But it's like...

So would you recommend, like I watch a lot of your shows, do you get the emergency fund first or we start paying the things before the deferred interest comes in? Because you guys have kids, I would love to see like a two-month emergency fund before throwing things. I've gotten up to like $1,000. $8,000. $9,000 you guys would need to hit that two months. And right now, again. Yeah.

You guys are literally, with the food stamps even included in the income, you guys are still... Oh, I also get $338 from the VA. I'm 20% disabled. $238? $338.

OK. I forgot about that. With that total coming in $5,060 with all the benefits, so you actually do walk out with an extra $300 on a monthly basis if you budget down to the most basic thing. But again, just getting a two-month emergency fund, my dudes, takes 30 months. 30 months or 2 and 1/2 years. 30? Yeah. 30 months. So it's basically this-- I mean, this is not an answer. That's not an answer. Cutting back spending is hardly an answer.

The very clear thing right now is obviously you need to cut back spending. What I need you guys to do after this, on your long ride home, we're talking, where do we want to... Maybe we need to talk to the virtual therapist about this. Let me pay for one session, okay? Let me pay for a session of...

couples therapy, just see if maybe you guys vibe with it. Let me pay for an intro session. You just send me the invoice. I'll pay for it. Just go through that. And through that...

Hopefully, you know, you do a couple sessions. Decide where you guys want to be. Is it Florida? Is it back in California? Where do we need to be that we can put down roots? Because, you know, if you go on and try to go get like a better paying job and you try to establish something and then we're moving in a month, it's like everything's chaos. Everything's chaos right now. The world's on fire in your life. I need you guys to be established somewhere. I need you to start focusing on your career.

I need you to start focusing on your career. Take advantage of the services in the area to hopefully have the kids covered. You know, they're going to be headed into grade school soon. That'll be helping. You know, one of them is still a couple years away. But, you know, kindergarten at least. Well, yeah. One's still away and one got kicked out of kindergarten. Why? She hits. She hits. The teacher. She hits the teacher. The teacher told her something about you have to be good to be good and she just threw a chair at her. Listen, I...

Love a good Waffle House 3 a.m. fight, but I don't think we need to be doing that in a kindergarten class, but what the f*** do I know? I don't have a three-year-old, nor do I want one, so... Or four, whatever. Yeah. A lot, yeah. If you guys don't decide where you're gonna be, what, even a year...

down the road of your life looks like, there's no conversation to be had. So you guys need to determine that. Then you really need to stick to the budget. Figure out what your real budget is. This is a high-level thing. Maybe you're breaking even. Maybe there's an extra $100 to be found. Maybe you're actually negative. You know, we need to figure that out.

When you're moving, benefits might be affected. We're hoping to stay here until we pay off debt and save up. Okay. Well, to be very clear... That's going to take forever. Like I said, I haven't told you this yet, but my dad has offered to help us get a house. He'll pay the down payment and everything. I don't know if I want you guys to be in a house because...

I mean, right now, to be clear. Because... Well, we have no storm shelter. Yeah, but... And there's been... We're in the city of tornadoes. And there's been a couple... Yeah, you're in the tornado alley. I know. And so my... But we're literally going to buy a house for that purpose? I don't know. My dad... It's my dad's thing. Okay, well, either way. Fine. If your dad's going to do that, then he better agree to pay for anything that breaks. Because that's the concern. No, that's what I mean. Once you guys get in a home... Mm-hmm. The...

So whatever breaks and it's all of a sudden tens of thousands of dollars on your plate. Need a new roof. Insurance doesn't cover it. It's all this extra stuff. Maybe you get a massive property tax increase for whatever reason. Yeah, we talked about that. It's all this shit that is beyond out of your control where even right now renting is more affordable nationwide on average right now than home ownership. Home ownership is something I want you to have overall because I want you to be without a minimum monthly payment in terms of living by the time you retire. But again, this is...

It's a very rare thing for my dad to come through, but he is very well off. What's well off? Multi-millionaire. What's multi? I don't know. He goes around the world fixing Apple stores. He doesn't need to tell you, but I was more curious than anything. Good for him. Maybe you guys can be there. He didn't get until his late 40s. Sacrifice. Instead, not have to wait for our mid-40s.

Let's start doing that shit in our late 30s, yeah? Yeah. We're already in our early 30s. You're almost mid-30s next month. Does your dad know you have magical powers? Yes. Oh, yeah. You should see him. Would she tell stories? He's like, this is his face, guys. It's my face. That's the audience's face. And then all his friends are like, oh, my God, you do. And it gets really upsetting. My daughter's good at something? Oh, no. I don't think that's the issue. You don't know my dad.

He's trying his best. Okay. Plus the one month emergency fund paying off your debt. And at this pace, and this is even if it's accurate, it takes 203 months. So again, I don't think that's the conversation. You got to just figure out some basic. The job I applied for that I'm waiting for in a week. They said they on average makes 1200 a week. So that's why. What was it again? Oh, Texas. She makes 1200 a week.

Part time. I'm going to go. I don't care if it's two in the morning. Yeah, that would be. I mean, let's be candid here. I mean, well, never mind. Let's not be candid. There are people. People take things the wrong way out there. So no candidness. Some people make more money for certain reasons in the serving job.

I mean, you think that I'm this negative person, but like, if you want him to, like, he was just telling me, he's like, you walk in somewhere and people give you things and people, you're so kind to people, you're always telling them how they're a good person. It's a magical aura, so they just give you things. No, it's just you're a good person and you really want to reach out to the next person, but you don't bullshit. You don't say that, like, hey, if I'm not having a great day, like, hey, I'm not having a great day, and you're honest. I'm about to have a great day after this because you're going to blow Noah's mind. Yeah.

Spending on a budget is ridiculous. We're outspending everything. It's stupid. Zero out of ten. Not even in consideration. Luckily, we don't have collections or IRS debt, but it's still pretty bad. I think it's going to be about a two out of ten emergency fund.

There's nothing in savings. Not anymore. Okay. Zero out of 10. Retirement, zero out of 10. Real estate, zero out of 10. Being generous, Hammer Financial score 0.5 out of 10. Make sure to check out all the resources linked in the description below as they are what I use or would use in specific situations, including the best budgeting program in the history of the internet. Now stick around for the post show. Noah's about to get... Today on the Financial Audit Post Show. for you how you want it. Call it by guides. Call it by yourself. ...

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