cover of episode I Finally Met The Devil

I Finally Met The Devil

Publish Date: 2024/4/10
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Financial Audit


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LinkedIn, the place to be, to be. This was a joke. Okay, but- Okay, stop for a second. Let me finish my thoughts. It's not even that bad. It's like a quarter of some of the other people. The fact that you can't, after all that, you couldn't wake up to anything? Go. Hi, my name is Alex. I'm 26. I'm from Houston, and this is Financial Audit. Welcome over to Austin. So I want to know what you do for a living here in a second, but honestly-

This thing right in front of me, this document right here, it's one of the more like, what the f*** have I ever seen in my life? You made a decision, my dude. You made a decision. And I know I'm jumping in right away, but I mean, this blew my mind so much that I can't not talk about it. The car, the car that you have.

You had a what? You had a loan on it that was what? Like $10,000, something like that, $13,000. And then you refinanced it in order to try to take some cash out, leverage against the car, ended up getting a $21,560 loan at 29% interest rate. 29. That's like insane. That is one of the most insane interest rates I've ever seen on this show. Ever. You took that out.

amount due 938 dollars which is double because you're getting extra charges in here what is that late fees probably you're probably late on this and the car the car in tippity tappity condition with your vin number that you provided for us at the top at the top is worth 8 734 dollars

You're upside down, dude. Dramatically upside down in this car. And you took it out. And some of the money is just sitting in your checking account.

So I'm just, I'm sorry, I know, jumping in right away with this, but this, it legitimately, it blew our whole minds. We have one person who goes through all the documents, makes sure they're redacting things and putting everything in spreadsheets, and then we, another person that reviews everything, making sure redactions are good, and puts together your entire financial picture. Then we all sit down, we all look through it, and then we just try to fully understand the situation and come out with a plan. And every time we did this, every step of the way, we were like, what the f- So, what the f-

Um, yeah, it was a bad decision. Oh, oh. Um, I feel like immediately, like after I regretted the way it was done originally. Why did you do it? You went from 13% to 9%. Yeah, 13 to 29%. Yeah. And I was paying $430. And now, well, the starting rate is $6.

And then I called them because of my... Yeah, the 900 is... I don't know why it's like that. I already called them and asked them. And they said that it was wrong. But... I mean, it has other charges. I don't have the second page of this. I don't... Yeah. No, I don't. So, originally, the monthly charges are $6.92. But then I did... I called them asking them...

what the option or what the process is if I did a voluntary repossession. Well, I was considering it. And so, because they didn't want me to do it, they lowered my... Well, no, of course not. I mean, they're making more money off of this. Why would they want you to do it? Yeah. Why would you take their advice regardless of what you're doing? Well... They're the money people. They're the I want money from you people. They,

They lowered the monthly cost to $400. Oh, no. But what else did they do? I don't know if they modified the interest. So it's probably f***ing me with the interest. Oh, probably not even that. But maybe the term got extended. Probably. You don't know when the term extends to? You don't know like the loan length? It's probably like five years.

So it's probably back payments that you haven't paid is what brought it up to that $938. No, I don't know why it showed like that. Like when you look on the app, it says that the payment I owe, which is my second payment because I did this recently. It is at $400. It's not $900. I don't know why it's like that. What's your normal payment? $404.61 now? Now $402. Yes. How is that different than that?

How is it different than what? Than $900? No, 404.61. How are you at 402? Like, how is it different than the document I'm looking at? Well, because you said it said 900. No, look down at the payment. It says 404. Yeah. Is it the 404.61 or is it a different number? It's 404. What is the car? It's a Ford Fusion. Year? 2017. And it's really under. The negative equity is... It's not even close.

But why did you do it? Because I was unemployed for six months. And so originally, like in my folder, I save like loan offers that I get. And the loan offer was offering me $21,000. Why do you do that? Because I need money. Oh, just saving loan offers that come in the mail.

Those are the most predatory loans ever. Other than walking into a payday loan place. Is it a bigger than being like? Well, we can talk about that in a second. Well, sure. I mean, let's. OK, fine. What was your job before you lost your job? Before I lost my job, I was a remote call center. How'd you lose your job? They severance does. OK, how many weeks or months of severance did you get? So they gave me.

six months of time frame. I was applying the entire time. It was hard because... Six months severance? No, no, they didn't give me six months. So they paid me out, I think around like 6K. Okay. How many weeks of pay is that? They didn't frame it that way. How many weeks of pay is it though, based on what you were getting? Probably three months. Okay. Wow. So that's half the time you're unemployed. What happened during the six months you were unemployed?

Okay, so I just want to first say that I had found a job. The catch of it to get the severance payout was to stay until my end date. And so it was hard because I was trying to find a job, but I also didn't want to find a job too soon. And so I did find a job, but then we were incompatible and then I got laid off from that employer. Y'all, this is the time.

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But buddy, we're just we're just at that point. We're just trying to collect a paycheck and survive. I want you to get into the culture you want to get into. But if we're on the brink of you said the word homeless, if that is in the conversation, we don't go into a place. And the first thing we do is, you know, I think the company should be ran this way. That's not what I mean. Like.

Okay, for example, the trainer, he was making fun of the sexual harassment training. He's like, ah, like he wasn't taking it seriously. And then he like that character carried through in so many other areas. And so like he wanted to scare us in like with our tests. When we were doing tests, he would he would like make it seem like we were going to get fired if we lost the test.

Or like if we failed the test. And so I'm like, that's stupid. And the issue that I have... Who did you bring it up to? No, I didn't tell... Like that wasn't the issue. I kept that to myself. But the issue was, is that I have certain disabilities. So I had to shut off my camera. And so they said that I was shutting off my camera way too often. And they thought... Maybe it's in their...

It has to be on, but obviously, like, if I have a disability, I'm, like, I'm gonna go handle it, you know? So... Noah, take a look if that is covered by disability laws. Well, when they fired me...

They used different reasonings and they completely disregarded what the conversation. What were the reasons they said? Huh? So they had pulled me into a conversation and they were really aggressive and they were like, you keep shutting your camera off. So that was the reason. If you do this, you're going to get fired. But I told them, I'm like, I have a disability. What's your disability? Huh? I have overactive bladder. I have asthma.

And I have allergies that trigger my asthma. And that requires you to turn off your camera? When I go to the restroom. You're taking it into the bathroom. Huh? Okay, so...

- The way that a call center, like remote call center job works is they want you hardwired. They want you, like your headset to be hardwired to the computer. I don't follow those rules because I have a USB-C headset that is wireless. So I-- - But it's the rules. - I'm still meeting their requirements. - But you said it was the rules.

If you're not following the rules, you're not meeting the requirements. I'm not saying the rules make sense, but a company is allowed to choose their own rules. Okay. Well, they didn't know that, so it doesn't matter. But what's it called? You're the one that got fired, so maybe it does. Well, so they didn't know that I was still listening whenever I would go to the restroom. They didn't know that I had a disability either because I feel like it's hard to navigate.

That and being open about it. But that's... No offense. I'm sorry. I sympathize with your position. But for anyone to ever be upset for...

uh anyone ever to be upset as someone for not proactively doing something they didn't know about based on something they didn't know about that's kind of up if you didn't tell them how would they possibly ever know to cater to it well i did tell them in the meeting when they came at me like okay oh like you're if you do keep doing this you're gonna get fired and instead of having like what's going on

that's how stuff is supposed to go probably because at that point you just stacked up so much that they're just like we can get someone better in here they had never given me a warning or anything and so no offense but a call center job i mean i assume that has to be one of the higher turnover industries they can probably get someone to fill your seat relatively easy people are always looking for jobs even though our unemployment is still close to record lows like

Those... Low as in, like, there isn't a lot of unemployment? The unemployment rate, yes. The unemployment rate, yeah. Is low right now? It's ticked up recently, but yes. It is still very low, comparatively. Oh, well, I... Either way, all I'm saying, even with that statistic, wherever I'm at right now, I could Google it, but... Mm-hmm.

I don't get what is this attitude that you have? And first of all, to be clear, we are not lawyers or anything. But just from quick Googling from our producer, the employer has to provide reasonable accommodation if it doesn't harm the bottom line of the business. But but since you did not tell them about it beforehand, before the meeting came of letting you go.

it's hard to see you having any ground to stand on legally but we're not lawyers you might and then in that case you'd probably want to talk to an employment lawyer and if there is a case for you then you could probably get some money from it so two things i did put that i had a disability in my application i just didn't bring it up to the training people because they are my trainers okay we'll talk to a lawyer then and talk to a lawyer then because i don't know

Talk to you later then. But I will say this. You typed us up a whole paragraph and statement of things you want to talk about. And I mean, a lot of it read is just blaming everything on other people instead of taking any accountability, which immediately this conversation kind of strikes me as. Like, it doesn't shock me. It's talking about

Well, it seems like literally everyone in your life is a bad person and nothing is your fault. Just from what you typed up to us. I'm describing my financial, like how I got into a certain financial conflict. Everything else is someone else's fault. Everything is someone else's fault. Well, no. You're not going to walk away with anything and do anything beneficial if everything is always someone else's fault and you're not able to take accountability for anything. Well, I know that.

I needed. Okay, we're going to loop back to this. Let's get through your finances. One main financial immediately. Let's talk about this. Oh, late payment. I don't have a late payment. Read the document. The one that you sent us. Are you kidding me? Look all the way down at the bottom. It's highlighted. Late payment. I made the payment now and it was the first time. But it was late. No, I didn't make it late.

I don't know why it says that. I just got the loan. And like yesterday was the first day I had to make a payment. Okay. You know, it was my fault. From everything that we talked about and stuff, I was ready to just jump on the moment that I saw a late payment. And they just framed this in a weird way. What it was trying to say is the payment was due on the 12th and then a late payment would be the 22nd. Oh, okay. So, that's my fault. Happy, unlike some people at this table, to admit when I was wrong. I can admit when I'm wrong.

$198.31 a month. And this is on a $6,100 new loan balance. What is this? It looks like a personal loan, potentially? Yeah, so these two were supposed to be personal loans. I didn't want to do them. Wait, this is a 29%. They're both 29%. Oh, kill me. They both suck. What is this for? To pay my rent. Oh, okay.

Both of these were to pay my rent. If people are unemployed, people lose their job, and they literally cannot find any job to sustain themselves, you're right. I have sympathy in that, and there are support systems that they pay into through their work, and I want them to get assistance. You got a job. You had a job. I do have sympathy that you went through a hard thing, but in terms of sympathy for the consequences of your actions, that's a little hard. Well, at the end of the day, I was just kind of like...

that they're not compatible. Yeah, but you needed to pay bills. Yeah, so... It was simple as that. Now you're taking out 30%.

death and sanity debt just to survive. Exactly. So what I'm saying is... So you know what's not compatible? Your finances and your living. So we probably work there and apply like it's a full-time job on the side, especially since it's remote and you're just applying to jobs, applying to jobs, applying to jobs, and when you have something that fits your cultural needs, then you jump ship. We don't take out 30% loans to survive because we were a little less happy at the job. That was not immediate. So I... Because...

I knew I was not compatible with the way they ran things at that company. And they had like I was still getting calls about other people hiring and I turned them down.

That doesn't make sense. Because I should have said yes. Yeah. And I f***ed up. Because you said you realized you weren't a cultural fit at this job while you were getting these calls. So why did you turn them down? Well, I'm telling you I f***ed up. I know. I want to know why. Well, because I already had a job. And even though it was the wrong fit, I was looking for something that paid higher. The job that I got offered paid the same. Oh, franchise tax for what?

So because I took out my, because I dissolved my 401ks, I'm pretty sure that that is the taxes because I didn't submit a 1099 form. I didn't know how. There was no part for that.

What was your 401k through? What was the fidelity? The second one with the job I got severance was with fidelity. Fidelity. I use fidelity for my taxable accounts and then I do Moomoo for my individual stocks. And with fidelity, they send you a form at the end of the year.

or beginning of the next year for tax season. They sent me the 1099 forms, but when I was filing my taxes, I didn't see a part to submit it. Oh, if you did like, what did you do like TurboTax or something? Yeah. I've used TurboTax and they do, they ask you questions and then they only make you submit the right forms based on the questions that you answer. You just answer the questions wrong.

Now, don't get me wrong. Filing taxes for someone in your position is overly complicated than it needs to be. But even still, if you just went through the system and answered the questions correctly, and you knew you had to pay, right? Even if they didn't say submit the form, you knew you had to pay, right? Well, they taxed me when I withdrew. So I was like, okay, fine. Then maybe they taxed it when I withdrew it. Okay. So you owe $1,552.32. This came in December. Okay.

We are three months past that. We've not done anything. I haven't been able to get in contact with them. Okay, our penalty's accruing. Let us find out. Don't get me wrong, the Texas comptroller is, like, beyond outdated. People say Texas is business-friendly, man. Just to get a form from them, you have to physically mail in something and then wait another week for them to physically mail something out. So this office is a pain in the d*** deal. Trust me, I know.

Just trying to see, because this is a screenshot of a piece of paper. I have it if you want it. Yeah, I want to see if there's penalties. Oh, the account balance will increase periodically due to the additional addition of penalties and interest on tax due till paid in full. It just doesn't say how much. And that is this is this balance is probably higher and it's probably just getting higher and higher and higher and higher and higher and higher, higher, higher, higher.

Oh, she's looking for that. If you want your hammer financial score, check it out free in the description below. I have a feeling we're not going to get a great score here. You're organized. Like, I love it. It's so good. It would suggest that your finances are decent. And I'm glad you're getting here. You're here to start getting help. But this is. Yeah, I don't know where it is. There's no point of being organized if we can't get the things we need. Okay. Capital one. Oh, wait, it's right here.

I'm going to hide this so that things aren't. So it says penalties. It just doesn't say what the penalties will be. It's probably on their website. Okay. And Capital One. Balance of $34.07. So it's not really much. You paid off the balance. Oh, my gosh. What? Well, this one I did not f*** this time. This is the one. Past due fee. And I ain't f***ed one up this time.

Past due fee. Yeah, but I paid it in full. I know, but you missed the payment. And then you went and paid it. Because I hadn't gone in the loans yet. Oh, so the money from the 30% loans paid on this? Well, yeah, I was trying to consolidate everything. Oh, if you're taking out loans just to pay your debt, why in the possible, possible...

Are you spending $227.84 going out to eat or 4.1% of your overall spending? And you're misleading us both on things that don't matter. $229.58 or 4.1% of your spending. Why in the possible is a single cent being spent on that if you're borrowing a 30% loan to pay a past due thing on a card? Oh my gosh.

And also, as organized as you are, what concerns me is when you talk to us and you're like, I have $1,000 in credit card debt. You have like $2,500 in credit card debt. Okay. It's like you're organized to the T. You just don't know what's in your organization. No, I know. I didn't address that. So I have the closed accounts. We haven't talked about those. But the credit cards, most of the stuff I paid with the...

With the severance check and then with the 401k withdrawal. A lot of that stuff. But then the one main financial I took out... You've drained your 401k twice, by the way. Yes. In your life. Yes. You're 23 and you've drained your 401k. Sorry, 26 and you've drained your 401k twice already. That's exactly how I feel about it. I didn't want to do it, but I'm really grateful that I had it to withdraw. Yeah.

If I didn't, that would have ruined my credit. My family member would have ruined my credit because we didn't finish. I hadn't gone in there financially. Because, because, because let me guess when you had the job, when you had all that stuff, you probably didn't cut back down on all your desires before you built up a six month emergency fund, which is a requirement to get the baseline foundation of any personal financial decent position.

Well, I was not like... So you haven't gotten there yet. I wasn't living... And you probably didn't cut back on your bull... Because you haven't even cut back on your bull... Now. I wasn't living like a freaking monk or minimalist. Like... If you don't have an emergency fund... And look what happens if you don't. It's worth living like a monk or a minimalist for a second. Insulting people who sacrifice in order to get their emergency fund. Fuck off. Like... I'm not insulting them, but I'm just saying like the average person is not just going to live off like...

And guess what? The average person in the United States can't pay a $1,000 emergency. The average person in the United States is f***ed. You want to be the average person in the United States? You're going to use that the average person in the United States is f***ed as a reason for you being okay to be f***ed?

That doesn't make any sense. Don't be the average person. Sacrifice. Get the baseline requirement for a decent financial future and then you wouldn't be in the position where you're borrowing 30% on loans just to survive after you quit a job because you fell asleep at a job and you took another job and then you weren't culturally compatible. This is pissing me off. I'm sorry. Kind of. I don't know. I don't know how I feel. I have confusion. My emotions are testing with me.

I am episode two, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Anakin. Oh my gosh, I can't even make references. I can't even make references right now. I'm struggling so much. I'm about to go slaughter some younglings. I can't. I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, it's okay. Bank of America, $402.44.

Purchases, $600. Let's see what those are. $500 limit. We're at $402. We spent $603. Ruined my entire life now. $25 minimum monthly payment. Fantastic. Great. Interest is accruing. Lovely. Is that my credit card? Oh, good. We're going and getting some taquitos from the market. We're getting some Panda Express. Going to Ross stores. Going to show glow compete it. Competit? Competit? Competition. Competition? You're competing with glow? No.

Glowing? Whoever glows the most? No, it's for wellness competitions. They're posing clinics. Why'd you pay for that? It's a fitness thing. Yeah, that's about to be a whole thing. You and your fitness. I'm all about it. Do it. It was $10. Okay, stop for a second. Let me finish my thoughts. Let me finish. So what I'm saying is that

The people that are training you and teaching you there, usually you have to pay $300 for each individual. Congratulations. You can't afford $10 either way. So guess what?

As we go through the statements, you go to every gym that you've ever passed by. Every gym that you drive by. I bet you're on your way back to Houston. You're going to sign up for five Austin gyms before you leave the city. You have every gym subscription. Health and fitness. I'm all about it. I'll put it in your budget when you are someone who's not doing well and you're trying to get out of debt because that is important. You subscribe to every gym fitness thing ever. No. Well, we'll go through them. I might get a day pass here, but... We'll go through them.

Specs is glasses, right? Specs, no, it's liquor. Well, never mind. Apparently, since I don't drink, I just assume specs means spectacles. So great. Yeah. Glug, glug, glug all the time. I got well whiskey for $16 and then I got coffee. Cool. Can't afford that. I can't afford coffee. Like beans? Yeah. Okay, that's okay. Yeah. But you like went and got like some coffee from there. They ground it for me there. No, well, that kind of sucks. You'd want to grind it right before you start your brew. Just saying, you know.

I'm a combative little... I like a good bean. Okay, so, but we're not trying to spend money. Yeah, because if not, because I bought an espresso machine, but then now you have to buy like the grinder and the little thingies and all that stuff. And I'm not, I just got my beans ground. When did you buy your espresso machine? You're not going to like it. It's an investment. Oh, shut the f*** up. I bought it on Black Friday. Shut the f*** up.

And I got... You know what was an investment? Mr. Coffee for $40. That's an investment because you're paying off your debt. Mr. Coffee. I agree, but you can't afford to survive. No, no, no. No, I bought it on Black Friday. It was valued at $300 and I got it for $75. You can't afford $75. I got it for $75. You can't afford $75. And now you need to get the grinder. Now you need to get the beans. Now you need to get all this... I didn't get it. I didn't get it. I just got my beans ground. So now you go to a place that'll grind you.

Yeah, for $7. H-E-B will grind your beans for free. I love H-E-B. But Specs had whiskey coffee grounds. Oh, great. No, that's necessary. No, no. Whiskey coffee grounds. Like, it's a flavor. It tastes good. Verizon! That's a big one. $2,020.17 in terms of a payment. Why the f*** are they not using something like helium for $20 a month? I don't know. But what the f*** is this for? So...

I didn't, I had to discontinue my services and I had bought devices. And so that's the remainder of the service.

the cost you leveraged devices you took out debt for the devices you're not buying the difference well i was financing the devices what devices what did you get like the phone yeah you got a phone that's not two thousand dollars a month huh so i got the phone i had gotten my data phone and then he didn't he didn't like it so he broke it instead of letting me return it what is he

A child? That's what I say. Then why are you supporting him? Because he's living like a homeless person and I felt bad. I wanted him to be able to contact me. That's enabling. That's enabling. I like that pen. But that's enabling. And then the other thing is my watch. It fits your aesthetic. Thanks. Oh, the watch. Oh, pull that shit out. Pull that shit out. Look what you got. You got the fucking hiking, biking watch. You've never hiked and biked a day in your life. Excuse you? What the fuck?

What do you mean? Yes, I do gravel bike. I like to hike. I like to do all that outdoor stuff. That's why I was assuming you're all glammy with the gold pen. You look like a go inside, do the elliptical, girl. I'm taking assumptions. Hey, the elliptical is what I like. If I like to do any cardio. You should sprint. I don't like to do cardio.

I think you should sprint run. That's fun. Like, check this out. It lets you give you timers. And so you can do like 30 seconds at 12 and 45. I'll be honest. I don't give a. Okay. Okay. Oh, there's so much more to get through here. You're just your situation's wild. The notes we have your your life is like a interesting.

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It was at $690, but with the two loans, it dropped. Oh, and then also we haven't gone into like the other aspect of the vehicle is that I was trying to trade it and see if the negative equity would transfer over. Obviously, they're not going to transfer over like $17,000. Yeah, no. Um...

So when I was looking into doing the voluntary repossession, the guy ran my credit to get the truck on its own. I got approved. But he ran like six reports, like hard inquiries. So that's not my category. No, they all pull differently. Like they're all reported differently.

yeah separately well well for a car loan or what personal loan what kind of loan no for a car loan like with the dealership yeah typically it would it would only count i don't know let me see your report as he as he was running it i think what is it 30 or 90 i think uh days after you apply for credit you can apply within that certain category without it just stacking up against you like he was applying to different loan providers no i know

But it's like if you're shopping for a mortgage, you can apply for a different mortgage. It pulled like every time. Like it pulled all these hard inquiries. No, that's fine. But whether or not they're all counting is different. That's like something individual. This is also credit karma, though. So credit karma is going to just calculate things. Credit karma. No, I love credit karma. But they're guessing.

This isn't your actual credit report. You're guessing based on things that have happened. I mean, it's pretty accurate. Well, have you pulled a free credit report? No. How would you know if they're accurate? What are you? It was literally alerting me as he was pulling those inquiries. I know how credit karma works. Well, I'm just saying that sounds pretty accurate to me. No. Yes, but it's doing its guess. It's not getting the perfect credit score. Yeah. Yeah.

Either way, I agree. But pull your free credit report. Where? What is it? It's like Pull it. You'll get your actual credit report. Don't do it now. Do it when you have the time to sit down and go through the entire thing. Because it's a thing. But I have a job now, so... I know. We haven't talked about it yet. Because this is taking forever. $10,000 in student loans. For what? I studied multidisciplinary studies in...

business administration digital marketing and sculpture one of those is not like the other for curating you graduated no in college school uh so i transferred from one university um and to the university that i'm in the current city that i'm in uh but i didn't like how many semesters did you do the time frame's not accurate because i had to do how many credit hours have you completed

Probably like 90. Okay. Did you do like three years of school? Technically, I'm a junior. Yeah. But then COVID hit, so I stopped going to school.

because you didn't want to do remote well as an art student that's kind of stupid and then plus like i said if sure like educational value is not as good remote you're right um in the end personally i look at college as more of an investment get your piece of paper then get your job but you're right especially for the things like that uh in person is certainly better i like school plus i didn't like the university that i transferred to

Trade school's good. Certifications are good. I like tech ones. There's a lot of good ways you can go about education. There's a lot of good ways. Right now we have $10,272, which isn't crazy of 90 credit hours if I'm not mistaken. Are we thrilled? No. Especially at the 5% interest rate. Now I'm super excited. I thought that was good.

I want to see 5% or like less than 5% is what I try to go for student loans. My student loans are like 2%, so I refuse to pay them off more than the minimum monthly payment because, you know, my investment accounts are just like... But you're considering, if I'm not mistaken, from my notes, you're going to school. You're considering going to school... Going back. Going back. Okay. Okay.

Why? So to finish and also I was considering using personal loans. So up to now, I've used subsidized. So interest has not accrued, especially because of COVID. But with these loans that I had to take, I'm looking to transfer them to get a lower interest rate. And I don't know if that is a good idea.

just to make sure i'm understanding you're thinking of paying them off with student loans to transfer it over then i will pay the student loan what do you mean transfer it over i will use the the loan money that i get pay them and then find that out that could be like actual trouble for you because when they give you student loans it's qualifying for certain things student loans can qualify for things related to transportation and housing stuff like that well that went to my housing

these are their own individual loans whether or not they will accept in their agreement that you are using the student loans to pay off another debt i would doubt now that relies on you getting caught even still and then what how are you paying for school if you're using the loans to pay off the other well i get financial aid and then i would probably have to pay that financially you can meet a few different things

Pell Grants? Yeah. So why would you be getting... Why would they approve you for student loans? That's how I've always gone in. I've always gone and offered for the grants and then I've always gotten loan offers. How much do the Pell Grants cover? Because you have student loans right now. They cover... Like from when I was going to school, I used to...

Like out of pocket, I would probably have to pay like less than $3,000 out of pocket. Okay. How can you do that? You're taking out loans to pay your credit card minimums. So how are you paying $3,000? I would do both. I would probably get like... I would get offers for probably like $20,000. And I would only take the subsidized loans. Buddy, no offense, but I don't think you know...

what your plan is here with actually paying option with paying for the three thousand dollars because you literally drained your 401k the second time to pay off five thousand dollars and tickets i'm but i'm trying to buy time because if they would be deferred and well five thousand dollars worth of tickets and you drained your 401k for that

How are you paying for $3,000 out of pocket for school? With the loans, student loans. You said the student loans were paying off these loans. But I get more than that. So it's just debt for debt for debt for debt. But at 5% interest versus $29,000 in tickets. Huh? Oh, yeah. So like you said, when you were talking...

That I don't take responsibility. But also as a child, if my parents didn't set me up for success, how am I supposed to operate successfully? Are we about to have the excuse again where, oh, I don't learn anything from my parents, so I'm incapable of doing anything.

I didn't say I'm incapable. Trust me. My parents were financially the vast majority of my life. I'm very proud of them and happy that after I left to go to college, my dad's small business started to pick up and my mom's nursing career started to do well. And they actually live a good life now. But the vast majority of my life, no. It was a struggle. If we wanted to go out to eat, it was something special. It was something special. I didn't learn budgeting. Their first financial tip for me when I was 18 was take out a credit card to buy a piano that I wanted.

Good for you. At least you had that. At least you had that. Oh, shut up. What I am saying is that is not an excuse for my failures. I then went out of my way. No, no. I then went out of my way to learn what it took to fix my life, to get out of that. At 16, 17, 18? That's when you got these tickets? Yes.

Because no one taught me how to drive. My dad literally told me to go pick up a car and then he was like, go drive it back to the city. Why didn't you ask a counselor at school? They're supposed to teach you how to drive? No. Why didn't you ask a counselor at school? Hey, my parents will teach me how to drive. How can I learn how to drive? I didn't know to do that. Okay.

That's okay. But... That's okay. So it goes back to... I don't think enough people approach their counselors for things that they probably shouldn't need. I know I didn't. I should have. So that's fine. Obviously, I would have loved you to, you know, take a bus to driving school or something. That's what I would have preferred. So you ended up just picking up a car. Yeah, he gave me a car. He has a auto shop.

um but it had black plates and they're not supposed to drive them like 10 miles away from the dealership i didn't know that and then i kept getting stopped obviously okay well first of all what the f**k after one stop that's it they didn't tell me they were just giving me um no tickets for no insurance and then for the vehicle not being under my name and then did you get insurance to get the vehicle under your name

My dad wouldn't help me to get the vehicle under my name. Okay, so why'd you continue to drive it, though? You knew that was incorrect and you were facing penalties. Because I had school full-time and I had three jobs. So you know that I find it valid. Okay. You didn't know you could talk to the counselor.

Your parents are not helping you. And your dad said, hey, go do this. And you took the advice of your dad. That's great. You do that. But after the cop tells you, here is a ticket that you now owe. Congratulations. You're in trouble with the law because of this, that, and this. You don't then go do this, that, and that. And all of a sudden, the excuse is no longer valid because you learned your lesson and you chose to continue. So it wasn't until Marf, when I went to go to Marfa, that...

The border patrol agent that stopped me there told me about the black plates and made me aware of why I kept getting stopped. So

I had already gone in several tickets from that time. But it doesn't matter though because you still didn't take care of what was necessary that you're getting tickets for when you stopped. I didn't know how. My dad had the car under his name. No, no, no. You didn't know why you were getting pulled over. But they still told you you need insurance and it needs to be under your name. That's what I'm saying. I didn't have the ability to do that because of my dad's car. No, but you knew that you were getting in trouble for it. Yeah. So you don't... Regardless if you know how to then fix the situation, which by the way, Google, but regardless...

If you don't know how to fix the situation, you still knew that's why you were getting tickets. So stop! BOSS!

a major metro no no no no i was going to school in a border city and the transportation there the public i did have to take it in laredo okay well literate was one of the bigger ones no the buses okay because so the time chain on my on the car ended up busting well i'm not going to assume laredo i don't know their public transportation what i'm saying is a little better eventually i didn't have a car to drive and i didn't like arguing with my dad

So I just bought a bike from Walmart and I was riding it until literally like the seat fell off, the handlebars fell off and then I tied it up and then it got stolen. And I was literally like running 12 miles from my house to school. Listen, I feel sympathy, but this is, again, if you know you're breaking the law, it doesn't mean that you're allowed to just continue doing it. And the cop has to tell you why they are giving you a ticket.

They have to. They said they only described. They didn't tell me why they were stopping me. I didn't know the black plate. Again, that doesn't matter. It doesn't. I don't give a **** why they were stopping you. They told you why they were giving you a ticket. Yes. And yet you still did the thing. Because I didn't know how to fix it. Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. You still chose to do it. And also. Yes, I didn't need to drive. Click, click, click.

Oh, look, I just Googled it. Well, at that time, I was a completely different person. No, I mean, that's fair. To an extent, that is fair. You know, I am beating up your past a bit, a bit. And I have been very open and honest on this show that my past is filled with a lot of troubled things, a lot of, you know, f***ing up and just a lot of stupid things, not treating people well and just all this stuff. And...

That does not define me today. What happened a decade ago? What happened five years ago doesn't define me today. What happened 15 years ago doesn't define me today. Same with you. Same with you. So I will stop beating you up for this. What you are today is all that defines you. What you decide to do from here is all that defines you. My main purpose of bringing up the ticket thing is because since you had to drain your 401k to pay for the $5,000, that's why I'm concerned. Like, how are you going to in the future now pay $5,000?

for this $3,000 out of, uh, for school. And I guess you said for student loans, so we can move on. Yeah. You're under the PSFL program, PSLF program. I always say it wrong. Yeah. That that's how right now it is. The loans are deferred for 12 months. So basically I have 12 months to figure out. It should say it on there. Um,

But around January. But I have 12 months to figure out what to do with them. If I go back to school, they will continue to be deferred. So that's also another reason why I wanted to go back. Because before all of this, when I was in San Antonio... No, don't go back to school just because it continues to firm. That's stupid. Yeah, but it also goes... $10,000 isn't like an insane amount of money. It's like $100 a month. And if you are actually properly working...

That is not a make or break. What I was going to say is when I had the job and when I was in San Antonio, I was already getting ready to pay these back. Okay, you owe an energy company. Yes. It was $200 and then because I disconnected, they added a $200 disconnect fee. Why not paid it? And when was this? I don't know. $402.18. Let me just try to get through your finances, my guess.

Synchrony. Didn't we already do synchrony? No. Great. So. You have nothing available to spend. You're over the credit balance. No, those are closed. They closed because when I was unemployed. Not good. Those are my favorite. You know that's the stupidest thing you've ever said in your entire life. What do you mean? Your favorite credit card? Yeah. Buddy, they're taking advantage of you. You're not taking advantage of it. You are not a credit card person. I don't give a shit.

that's your favorite credit card is you're getting what do you mean you're getting what do you mean do you see that late fee that just happened one late fee okay calm down and i could have taken off late fee is one late fee is all it takes to not be a credit card person you failed it interest were accruing on two cards because your credit cards were closed you failed it i was unemployed yes because you didn't sacrifice previously in order to have a full and

Stop interrupting me. You didn't have an emergency fund. You had an emergency fund. You could have paid for that. If you didn't quit a job without a backup, you could have paid. Why are you slamming the table? Because that's what I do. That's why the

to me. No, you don't like when people slam on the table. Why are you slamming on it? My show, my rules. Navigating through retirement plans can feel like a maze. Believe me, I get it. That's where today's sponsor, Capitalize, comes in. A free concierge platform to find and transfer your old retirement accounts into an IRA of your choice. Capitalize stands alone as the retirement saving solution dedicated to making your money transitions as smooth as butter.

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Click the link in the description below and see if it makes sense to roll over your old 401ks and secure your financial future today. Then you're also fired from a job because you fell asleep, which is a very reasonable position for a company to fire someone. Synchrony! So those are emergency credit cards, and that's why I like them. But I wasn't paying on time, so they did close me out. Emergency fund.

$1,323.45. Where's Rosa? Huh? Where's Rosa? Hanging out with our video editors. Mika really likes dogs. So do I. I wish she was in here, but it's okay. Do you want to hear about that poor decision? Oh, sure. So that... So...

Prior to all of this, I was on track. I was paying everything. I was doing good. But I had made a lot of poor financial decisions. Rosa was one of them. She was $6,000. Really? Well, I love her. She's awesome. Selfishly, I'm glad you did it. Financially, for you, I'm sorry. Stupid, yeah. I don't regret it. I love her. No, it's... I wouldn't do it again. Sure. Yeah. Sure, sure, sure. But I mean...

thong man's best friend yeah wouldn't regret that you have pup insurance no i'd get dog insurance because something happens to rosa it's gonna cost thousands of dollars well that's what that card was for because that's not how that's no no no let me tell you the story because she bit my inhaler and then she got albuterol poisoning and that cost me two grand yeah get dog insurance it would cost you 200 who else would like to die right now just me oh calm down i'm not even the worst person on here

697 hours, 88 cents. And so those are on auto draft, but the interest is literally like half. Yes. Welcome to credit cards and why you should never use them. I am a credit card person. I pay them. I just got unemployed. You know what? I feel no desire to continue this conversation. You just said you're a credit card person. I think so. Yeah. I have auto...

I have all the other credit cards that I have that are paid off. Two of them were accruing interest and one had a late payment. So shut the f*** up. No, the ones that you didn't see. Those are at zero. There's a checking account here. There's a bunch of bulls*** spending. There's you getting kicked off a lift. Why are you kicked off a lift? There's all this extra stuff. You're spending $200 a month on various gyms. There's so much more we could go through. That's just absolutely ridiculous. The fact you just said that is a f***.

Look at you. What is that smirk? What is that smirk? You're being dramatic. You're being oblivious if you think you're a credit card person. Oblivious to your reality. And the fact that you consider yourself a credit card person, the fact that you made so many excuses for so many things and it sounds like you're going to make dumb decisions with your schooling, I have zero confidence in what can I do to help you going forward. I don't know.

This is upsetting. Going through getting some Thai market, suits by Jodi, taquitos, cash chapping out money, cash chapping out money, a vending machine. You don't want to know. Shut the fuck up.

Apple, taquitos. Cash, shut up! Apple, Cash App, Cash App, clarning in something, Starbucks, taquitos. Oh my gosh. What? What do you want? I'm just trying to read some documents. Good. Is this how any conversation with you is? I clarned she in. Thanks for interrupting me for that. That was necessary. What did you spend $1,384 on Walmart for? Rent. Rent.

From Walmart? Yeah, I get the money order. Starbucks, Church's Chicken. Very necessary when we can't afford our bills and have to take out 30% debt in order to make a $25 minimum monthly payment on our credit card. This is so smart, guys. Taquitos. Taquitos. You do keep the change transfers all the time, but guess what? Your balance is too low, so it didn't allow you to cash out money. Apple money out. Taquitos. Taquitos.

Some tostada. Tostada. Apple. Cash sent out. Keep the change transfer. We're transferring it, but it all comes back in. There's one of the gems. There's one of the gems. We had one of the gems on the last one. And Henderson Cain and Cash happened out. Henderson Cain. Cash happened out. That might just be a repeat from your screenshots.

Vietnam kitchen, Vietnam kitchen, Vietnam kitchen. Dumplings. Oh my gosh, I'm turning into George. That was a George sound. Kill me. What is my life? Street food, taquitos, another gym. Cash happened at $25, maintenance fee. Laughter is pissing me off. These are tough decisions and you're laughing about it?

Shut the f*** up. Oh my god. What? Have you ever had anyone in your life sit you down and actually give you any sense of reality? Ever? No. Yeah, that's apparent as f***. Well, I'm sorry. I didn't have that. But then come into this conversation and just f***ing take it in so that you can improve your life and then instead of just sitting there like a smug bad word. Well, you're just a little dramatic. Selling out money.

Keep the change. Couldn't be transferred because you had nothing in there. Cash, I have no money. Shut the f*** up. Let me get through the document for f*** sake. Little Caesars. Taquitos. Taquitos. People are going to think I'm being so mean in this episode. They just have no idea what it's like to sit right here. Oh, they have no idea. He is mean. I said he is mean.

Savings has a little bit of money. It was mostly from the thing that you did took out the loan So I was just sitting there and I have a thousand hours in this chase account great. They're taking out the loans Through my pen. No, don't pick up her pen. Yeah You pick up my pen you dropped it you're capable of doing anything, okay? That was funny

That was funny. Now you can pick up both of our pens. What? What the f*** did I do with you? What was that stare? I don't know what the f*** I did with this creature in front of me. Look. What kind of creature am I? I'm sorry. I'm just losing my mind in this conversation.

It's not even that bad. It's like a quarter of some of the other people. You know, it's not about that. It's about your actions and what you're doing. I had no choice. I giggled for a second. I was happy for a second. And you just. But I had no choice. Honestly. Okay. I'm sorry. I hate to do this. People think it's for drama. That. I can't get past that. I can't get past that.

And yes, this is a real f*cking human being. There are actually somehow people like you out in this world and it's insane. I don't know how we're even surviving as an economy and culture. This is crazy. I'm gonna pet your dog to calm myself down, but I would like you to leave this studio. I'm gonna go in the other room and just like get on my phone and like melt away from this insanity. This was a f*cking joke. You're being a f*cking joke.

And I'm being an insulting little p***y now because I'm pissed. The fact that you can't, after all that, you couldn't wake up to anything? Go. Okay. I'm done. Let's save it for the post show. Let's say, hi. Oh, you.

Today on the Financial Audit Post Show. You asked me a question. I'm trying to answer you. Okay, go. Absolute creature. She says, You know, I don't know how to use credit cards. Maybe, maybe just don't use the credit cards since you don't know how to use them. I'm going to use credit cards. I'm really good with credit cards. You're not. Huh? Well, there it is. There it is. To watch the Financial Audit Post Show, click the join button below.