cover of episode Ep 52: Rusty Nails w/ Godfrey

Ep 52: Rusty Nails w/ Godfrey

Publish Date: 2021/12/6
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We Might Be Drunk


Shownotes Transcript

We might be drunk We might be drunk As long as we are hanging out You know we might be drunk Raise a glass, let's talk shit Pep heaps, wrecks and a bit Maybe drunk We might be drunk Yeah

Hey, hey, folks. Here we are. We might be drunk. We're here. We're queer. Are we in the holidays still? Yeah, it's the holidays. Christmas time is here. Hanukkah time. Kwanzaa time. Whatever you want to call it. What the hell is going on? We got Godfrey here on the ones and twos. The beer Jew. The real Jew. Godfrey, do you drink? What do you guys got? I mean, I'm not a drinker like you guys. I don't know my liquor that well. Parents...

We're big drinkers, but we always had liquor in the house, but they did it usually for company. But my father drank beer. My father drank beer. Yeah. Yeah.

- Yeah. - Drank beer, wines, and we always had liquor in the house, but we never, my father was always like, "Don't do, that's not good." - Yeah. - So we never, but then, like my sister and my brothers, that's when they started drinking. - But we're not good. - No. - No, no, no. I didn't even drink in college, man. - Really? - What? - Well, you were an athlete.

Yeah, but still, athletes drink. That's true. You were a baseball player, right? Football, baseball, track and field. Shortstop in baseball. What? Until high school. Just from like Little League to high school. I was...

Like, serious, like, shortstop. Damn. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And, yeah, baseball then got into, merged into football and track and field. Just on some, like, oh, let me try that. Right, right. You know what I'm saying? So, yeah. I was a big baseball head. Holy shit. Oh, yeah? Oh, my God. Greer Barnes, me, yeah. Greer's in For Love of the Game, the Kevin Costner movie. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's a big baseball guy. Like, yeah. Wow, great actor as well. He can act. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Baseball was my thing, like,

Growing up in the north side of Chicago, down the street, not too far from Wrigley Field. White Sox or Cubs? Cubs, yeah. What's the difference between White Sox and Cubs fans? One's on the north side, the other's on the south side. Is there a beef? Eh, not like Yankees and Mets. Not as intense, but there is like... But I watched the White Sox. I was like, the Sox are Chicago. I didn't give a fuck, you know? Yeah. And we had Harry Carey. Oh, yeah. But Harry Carey was with the White Sox first. Ah.

- Uh-huh. - Harry Carey was, well Harry Carey was in St. Louis, he's from St. Louis, then he came to the White Sox with Hawk Harrelson, and then he came to the Cubs. That's when he got really famous, when it was like with the Cubs, we were like, oh shit, 'cause he'd be drunk,

Cubs would lose. No one gave a fuck. Everybody was waiting for Harry Carey's seventh inning stretch to come and sing Take Me Out to the Ballgame because he'd be fucked up. Yeah. They'd be like, Harry! Take me out to the ball! Harry! Take me out! And we're all like this, yeah! Fuck it! We're getting smoked, 11 to nothing. We're like, Harry! Take me out!

That's the thing about Chicago. You stood out. We had a lot of horrible teams for a while, but there's always somebody that stood out. If it's Sammy Sosa, you know what I mean? Sosa was so likable, and then you hear behind the scenes, you're like, this dude's like a sociopath. Really? You see him in the interview, and I think it's Jeremy Shamp, and the doc is incredible, the ESPN thing, and he's like, just admit you cheated. And he's like, I don't know what you're talking about. No, no, no.

He's got like bleach white skin now. He's like everything about him. He looks, yeah, he bleached his skin. He's like the Joker now. It's crazy. He looks so bad. Did you see that summer documentary?

What are we drinking, by the way, here? The summer, the long, is it called Long Summer? It's the Mark McGuire and that summer where they were going against each other. Have you seen the doc? The home run record. You've seen the doc? No. I didn't see that one. It's fantastic. Baseball is so fun. Oh, yeah. It's fantastic. Oh, wait, wait. Let's get a full description here, Beer Jew. This is per Mark's request. Today we're drinking the classic old man's drink, the Rusty Nail. Ooh.

baby. Rusty nail, huh? So, it smells good. Scotch and Drambuie and a little What booty? The Isle of Sky booty.

Oh, the Isle of Skye. This is what Sinatra drank, right? Yeah, this was made popular by the Rat Pack. I love the Rat Pack. I read all the books on the Rat Pack. Came out in the 60s. It was pioneered by the 21 Club. Be the lady tonight.

He's already hammered. Never get out of my sight. Let's get together. I'm the guy you came in with. Luck be the lady tonight. All right.

Wait, who's going to be Sammy Davis? We've got Frank, Dean, Sammy. Sammy, that's it, man. Dude, Dean's the fun one. He'd be Lawford. Yeah, yeah, definitely. This is a pretty good drink. It's great. It's just subtle. It's nice. It's good. Sweet. But see, you guys are drinkers. You know drinks. This thing's burning my chest. What?

You see how he doesn't even feel it? It goes down easy. Yeah, I like it. This is nice. It's really nice. I guess it's easier for you after a few.

You have easier? Because I feel the heat. I'll drink that one if you want. We gave you the little lady glass, too. I like this. I like the ice cubes, man. Oh, yeah. Good rapper. This looks like one of those commercial shots with the ice. Yes, it does. It's perfect. You know how you have food experts that put fake ice? This is... You make it look like... He's a pro. Carboned myself. Did you? Yeah.

You're big enough for me to believe it. That means I'm genuine. You know what's good are those DeSaronno on the rocks with Michael Imperioli. Those ads? No, he was doing the 1800 ads. Oh, he was doing the 1800. That was good. I like those. They look so good. I like that, dude. That's a horrible liquor, by the way, DeSaronno. Imperioli. I saw him, my buddy Babs.

was he's a uh nigerian actor he just moved he moved to london a few years ago he's a uh one of the he's the highest ranked he's the highest ranked jujitsu master you know in on the eastern seaboard it was my buddy he used to hang with us me and arty and all well you got to be able to fight if your name is babs yeah this is his friend leslie he's a fantastic actor

And he did a one, it was a three-person show, play with Imperioli. Oh, wow. It was really good. It was like a taxi cab stand thing. It was like an off-Broadway play. Oh, man. Yeah. That's the real actor. I love that guy. He's so New York. I love that dude. Yeah, he's a cool-ass dude, too, man. It was cool to meet him. I was like, oh, shit. You used to live with Viola Davis. What? Isn't that crazy? Wow. How about that? My first...

My first roommate, like when I got here, gosh, it's so funny because my managers have passed away. It's like when you're getting, you're like, life is tripping. Mine managed me as if they passed away. But they didn't.

It's like my two... Okay, when I was in Chicago, I got this guy named T.K. Kirkland. I know T.J. T.K. Kirkland. Man, that guy. He don't like that guy. That act. He'll turn a room. Yeah, he's gangster, hardcore, but he's the one that influenced me to come to New York. Really? And people, when he talks, they go, oh, he's fucking like...

He doesn't lie. He sounds... You ever heard somebody that's telling truth but sounds like they're lying? He goes, yeah. He goes, he stole Eddie Murphy's watch. What? Yeah, he took... I think, whose credit? Russell Simmons' credit card.

When he was 18, 19, he was stealing. I love this guy. Because Charlie Murphy. You just love people who steal. Norman is a kleptomaniac. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Not with jokes or anything. No, definitely not. But he'll steal like a candy bar. I do that. Oh, it's a rush. Because I was a big kleptomaniac in college. Same. I stole a lot of shit in college because we had no dough.

You're broke as fuck. I went away for school, University of Illinois, fighting Illini. I went to University of Illinois. I was a pre-med psych major. So this is what happened. Our books were super expensive. Oh, yeah. And you're like, what the fuck is this? College is expensive. It's unnecessarily expensive. So I'm like, fuck. So what we did was my friends were working at the bookstore.

And, you know, you have people who would work study. I did library work study. My friends did. One worked as a snack shop. We're in bookstores. So my buddy would be like, listen, man, these books are expensive as fuck. This is what we're going to do. My shift is between blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Yeah. And you know, it's cold out. So he said, yo, bring your coats. It's going to be a heist. And yeah, so we would just take books. National Lampoon presents Ocean's Eleven right here. We would take books, especially the most expensive ones, the texts that we didn't want to, and then buy it and then pay for the smaller, the cheaper ones. Right. In the other classes. But the science ones, we took a bunch of books because you can sell them back.

Yeah, exactly. And you sell them back for decent money. You're fucking 18 and you're getting $300 at the end of the fucking year. You're like, word. So we would steal. And then here's another thing, got to admit.

What we did too was we was like operation finals. It'd be great if this got darker and darker. Yeah, it's getting creepier and creepier. That's what I love about podcasting. Fuck it, let me go for it. Let it all out. Operation finals exams, we would go to like certain dorms or certain engineering spots and start taking everybody's books. Ha ha.

especially some fuckers we didn't like we go alright and we like calculus the calculus book was always the best catch so we'd go yo we're gonna you know we come to certain like study areas and we start snatching people's shit everybody was doing it yeah we would go to the to the

uh to the merch like you know you got sweatshirts sure fighting and my friend worked there and they had no cameras oh yeah they never had a different time so we'd be like yo he and he'd go to the back yo i'm gonna go find that that size for you yeah just start right and he'd make sure we get stuff for them oh we were everybody was doing it yeah steal it the snack shop we had a snack shop we would go to

Now there's cameras. Now they got to go like Pulp Fiction. They're like, if any of you cocksuckers move, I'll shoot every last one of you. And this is before Google, I imagine. So if you didn't have a calculus book, you didn't know calculus. You couldn't look it up anywhere. Isn't that crazy? Yeah. And it was like it was addicting.

I was getting good at stealing. I was like, man, I'm not even a thief, but I love stealing. It was like, I love stealing. And then I had buddies that got into credit card shit. Oh, we did that for a while. A lot of crime in college, man. In the frats, the fraternities. Oh, yeah. Man, these motherfuckers. Because we, okay. Yeah.

In Illinois, we had the biggest fraternity and sorority system in the country. Were you a frat guy or not? Nah, I almost, my buddy was, my buddy Kyle, black dude, he joined a white fraternity, Kappa Sigma. And I remember moving him in, like, this is my buddy from high school. And I was moving him in, like, moving him in. And the black fraternity dude saw me.

The Omega. You ever heard of Omega? The Q-Dogs? Oh, yeah. I've seen Revenge of the Nerds. Yeah, yeah. You ever see Stomp the Yard? Yes. Fuck yeah. So these guys, Omegas, they saw me moving around.

And they go like, hey, yo, man, what the fuck are you doing? I go, oh, this is my buddy Kyle. He was one of those black dudes that didn't... He always hung around white guys. That was... We call him one of the good ones. Me and Kyle...

We're friends because that was my buddy because he related to me because I hung out with everybody. Yeah. You know, I was always, I went to a bunch of rushes. Yeah. Well, rush is just free booze. It's free booze and free food. Yes. Because everybody, I was thinking. It's fun to be courted. It is. But I was the black dude. Me and Kyle were the black dudes that people wanted in their fraternities. Right. So they'd be like, dude, they'd be like this. Hey, man, Sig Epps, man, we're the best, man. Sig Epps, man, here's my buddy Steve. Here's my buddy Josh.

yo man can have anything we got great barbecue man every year we got this doop doop doop doop doop doop doop doop doop doop doop hacky sack right so it was like and i could play my ass off by the way oh really i'm fucking for now i'm fantastic i was fantastic that was the only thing white people had on you we got the hacky sack and hockey hacky sack here's the thing about hacky sack

If you played soccer. Yeah, same shit. It's the same shit. It's like, you know, my father. Minus the weed. I'm Nigerian, so soccer was my first sport. Is that your best sport? My father, my uncles, they all played. So that, you know, I knew how to dribble with my feet, you know. And so when I played hacky sack.

You know, it was not that, other than these moves, I got really good at it. But then, you know, it's so funny because hacky sack is, you throw a hacky sack to a Mexican dude, he's like, oh, oh, oh. To an African guy, oh, oh, oh. He's like, oh, oh, oh. You know, anybody can play soccer. You know what I mean? So that was easy, hand-foot coordination. Hockey, I got something to tell y'all, guys. Let me tell you something about hockey. I found this out. I found it out.

You know, I just came back from Edmonton. Okay, you guys do Edmonton. Sure, House of Cumber. Actually, I've never done that one. You gotta do it, huh? Yeah, fuck you. I don't know why. For whatever reason, I've done Winnipeg, I've done Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal. Winnipeg is the 80s. It is. It's the 80s. It really is. It's the 80s.

Winnipeg, I want to go. It's below 40 degrees. They have underground tunnels in Winnipeg. Yes, exactly. It gets so cold. I've done Winnipeg a bunch of times. Rumors, I've done Winnipeg Comedy Festival, I've done Winnipeg many times. I just can't be there. I'd rather get pegged than go to Winnipeg. I'd rather get weenied. No.

I tried to add to that. Sorry. I'll take it. You know when you go into the corny zone, you just go. Yeah, let's do it. Hey, man. I might need another one of these. These are incredible. They go down easy, the Drambu. You haven't done fucking Edmonton yet? I've never. For whatever reason, I know it's like an oil town. It's like. Oh, yeah. The pig rigs. The rig pigs. Sorry. Yeah, rig pigs. They'll take. Because shout out to Rick Bronson and Tammy. Yes. They love comedians. Oh, yeah. Because Rick was a comedian.

And he's a fantastic magician. Really? I'm telling you, he is an amazing magician. A lot of comedians were magicians first. Steve Martin. Woody Allen. Johnny Carson. They were all like magicians first. But-

Yeah, they like comedians. You have a name. You can do that. I just realized I haven't eaten. Oh, shit. I haven't eaten yet today. I want to get this guy a couple of nuts. Are those sandwiches coming? Yeah, that's not going to be good. Yeah. Well, I could do one more. I'm done. Well, I could do one more. I just have an empty stomach. I'm going to tell you something about hockey real quick that I discovered. Uh-oh. Because being in Canada a lot, I got used to watching a lot of hockey, but I was watching hockey with the Blackhawks.

Blackhawks are major to us in Chicago. Everybody watches the Blackhawks. Black people, we fuck with the Blackhawks. Really? Hardcore. I didn't know that. We fuck with the Blackhawks. We wear all these t-shirts. I had mugs. Blackhawks are serious. All Chicago teams are serious in Chicago. Yeah. We support all our teams.

Period. Yeah. So it's easy to when you had the 90s Bulls. Yeah. Yeah. You'd have a couple. We were we were we were loyal to our horrible before. Chicago's legit. Chicago to me is like I have a few cities in America that I'm like, these are cities I fuck with. San Francisco, Chicago. I love Boston. Those are like great. Major ones are like Chicago, Philly, Philly, Philly, D.C. We all we all love our teams. We all have a lot of pride in our teams.

All the racially tense cities are the best comedies. That's so true. It's the truth. Philly, Boston, Chicago, all the angry cities. Detroit. Detroit. That fight over their teams. Best comedy. Well, tension. Comedy's tension. Exactly. Well, you guys have so many great comics out of Chicago, you know? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I mean, you had like Bernie Mac. You knew Bernie Mac, right? You knew Bernie Mac? Yeah.

Yeah. What? I think he's one of the greats, and I don't think he gets put up in the... He doesn't. I think it's because... Comics do. We know he's great. Yeah. The problem is, we didn't have a chance to see him do specials. We didn't have a... Specials are what keep you... That's like your catalog. You see Carlin. Carlin has like 13 specials. You know what I'm saying? I think 18. It's something crazy. Right. Crazy. He was like the first eight. I think Robert Klein or him were the first HBO guys. Yeah. And you got...

Like Chris Rock, he has a catalog of specials. Fortunately, we got this Netflix thing when they're actually acting properly, giving specials to the right. No, I'm saying. Yeah, Chappelle did what? Four in a year or something? He has a catalog. Chappelle specials are like his podcast. He's like, we're going to throw in another one here. It's amazing. He just goes, I want to do a special. Yeah.

I think I need to talk to the gay community again. Just another special. I know this is going to be part two of me not being homophobic. Chappelle can be in his fucking underwear in his bathroom and they're like this. I'm doing one out the bathroom. It's going to be prolific. The drop in a deuce tour. Yeah, drop in a deuce. Be on the toilet. Everyone's like, man, that was brilliant.

But El can do whatever the fuck he wants. I thought it was just going to be a piss, but it transitioned into a shit. It was a six and a half hour shitty Brooke Dane Cooks record. But the hockey thing, let me tell you, I looked it up because I'm, you know, me, I'm always like looking up like if black people created shit. Sure. Because they'll be like this, this man created this. I go, hmm.

My Malcolm X goes, I don't believe that shit. I don't know why I had to do the Malcolm X voice for the Eddie Murphy 80s voice. I think you're lying, man. So I was like, dude, your Eddie Murphy is dead on. Yeah, but it's the Eddie Murphy that was like,

The loud black dude, when Eddie Murphy did the loud black guy. Yes, the actor. Say it, motherfucker. You're right. Kiss your ass, man. I'm going to whoop your ass. That's so good. It was so funny. That just makes me feel... That's like my childhood, so it just makes me feel good. It's so great. Dude, I think about seeing the Nutty Professor in the theater with my dad and never seeing my dad laugh that hard in my life. That's so great. Dude, that...

Eddie Murphy, I think, deserved an Oscar for that movie. Thank you. Because he played like 10 fucking people. And he didn't play like a cheap 10. No. I'm like, those characters have like heart, man. They had heart. He played like a mom with like a heart. Something about the industry. It must be something against the guy. Against comedy. It's comedy. It's comedy. That's unfair. They don't fuck with comedians at the Oscars. But that's so unfair because. But he should have won for Dreamgirls. That was like a year. I think it was a jealousy thing.

of actors are jealous of us. I'm serious. I think there's a jealousy of being able to make people laugh like that. There's a jealousy. - We also live much more recklessly than actors. - No, no, but comedy's harder than that shit. - It is. - I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is I think actors see that we can just be free. Like we can just do this shit.

Actors are waiting for a script. We're just making our shit. That's true. But they want to be funny so badly, though. It's like comedians that want to be musicians and musicians want to be comedians. Right, John Mayer. But don't you ever see an actor on a late night talk show? You rarely like them more.

True, true. You see an actor on like Fallon or like whatever show and you rarely like them more. You like them more when they're the other person and that must be fucked up. Yeah. You love me when I'm pretending only. But when an actor is funny. Now that goes a long way. You go, because John Malkovich

Man, his interviews are the best. He's so damn funny because he knows, everybody knows Malkovich for his serious face. Another Chicago guy. Yeah, Steppenwolf. Steppenwolf Theater. They like him for it because when he was on Conan,

One of the funniest interviews. Really? I've never seen him on panel. I never did either. Dude, I just re-watched Rounders. That's still a great movie. That's a great fucking movie. His accent made me laugh, though. He goes, you have to make that money. I need money. You better give money. That shit was so terrible. And after they wrapped that shit. Wow. He goes, I made money. You need to give money. That shit was making me laugh. He was like,

That shit was hilarious. I love him. Kevin Spacey, also great on interviews. Yeah, he's very good. He can imitate people, too. Yeah, really funny guy. Kevin Pollak. Yes. Kevin's a stand-up. Yeah, right. Keaton was a stand-up. Michael Keaton was a stand-up. Michael Keaton is great in everything. Yeah, Keaton's dope as fuck.

uh what was i gonna say uh i just had what was i talking about uh-oh hockey no no no eddie murphy this happens a lot in this podcast yeah malkovich so malkovich is talking to conan and conan yeah to me out of all of them is my favorite yeah and he's like this is laughing going so you said you're like really good at stuff he goes yes i am i'm amazing at leg wrestling

Conan's like, what? Leg wrestling. No one's beaten me in leg wrestling. He goes, I would like to challenge you in leg wrestling, Conan. Can we pull this up, Matt? Can you pull up the Malkovich leg wrestling? Leg wrestling, Conan. It's fucking hysterical. Oh, wow. I missed that one. And everybody knows because people are intimidated by Malkovich. So he's just like, he uses that as the comedy. Yes. He goes, I'm very good at, I would like to...

Is that it? Yep. Wow. Leg wrestling. Wow. One, two, three.

Conan plays it up. That's a great host. Conan really is the best. He's fantastic. Yeah, but that's... Malkovich, he's a funny dude. Yeah, I like that. Because he doesn't laugh and he just tells jokes. He's just being very funny with that facial expression. It's really cool. But I think people are jealous of comedians. But we do host all of it. Yeah.

I think that's why it's like Billy Crystal, Chris Rock. They're kind of getting rid of that. They're scared because of Gervais. Gervais scared everybody. Good for Gervais. I know. I love it. I think we can all agree he fucking killed it. He murdered it. And because people are so fascinated with British accents, we're so amazed. Even when these British people aren't funny, we just think, really? Yeah. It's like this. Can you believe this? Open.

Obama? Really? You believe in God? It's like this. Yeah. So how about this? Fuck off. Really? You are an incredible impressionist. You do incredible impressions that no one does. I don't even want to be known for that. No, you're not. No one calls you an impressionist, but you do incredible impressions. They're not bad. Yeah. They're great. How much work do you put into it?

Not a lot. Like, I knew Norm MacDonald. What? Yeah. I knew Norm. How well do you know Norm? Norm fucked with me hard. Because Norm, I remember, I would catch Norm. It would be either bearded drunk Norm.

Whoa. Or shaved, because he's a handsome guy. Yeah. He was a handsome, shaved, sober Norm. Very handsome younger guy, yeah. Or I'd get shaved drunk Norm, or shaved, or gained a little weight. Yeah. Because he was always in and out. Yeah. In and out. And then I remember one time I was at the Laugh Factory.

I come upstairs. He goes, God, man, man, man, wow, you're awesome on stage, man. He's like, yeah, listen, you ever done SNL? I go, nah. You ever done it? Like he wouldn't have heard about it? Yeah, he's like, you ever done SNL, man? All the voices and all your voice, that was fucking awesome. And I go,

I go, nah, he got rejected by SNL three times. Really? Oh, yeah, man. I auditioned. We got to talk about this. Oh, yeah. I auditioned. We'll tell this over, but we want to hear SNL next. Okay. Yeah. He goes, yeah. Yeah. You should do SNL. Maybe you should try it out. Yeah. And I go, uh.

I tried. They just kind of rejected me. He goes, fuck them. He goes, they hate me. They hate me. NBC, they fucking hate me. Yeah, that's what he said. But man, you're talented. Keep it up. Yeah, he fucked with me hard. Michael Richards fucked with me hard. Whoa. Man, I got stories. Michael Richards fucked with me.

Remember when he snapped? I heard you heckled him. Remember when he snapped? Do we remember? I think everyone remembers. But I saw that.

That's what got me into comedy. Before he did that, I saw him. I heard he walks into canceled anonymous meetings like Kramer. I was like, hmm. I saw him do that to an old lady. What? I was hosted at the Laugh Factory. You snapped on her? Yeah. I was hosted at the Laugh Factory. And this is when I was bi-coastal. You were bi? Yeah.

I went, he was on stage. He gets on. I bring him up. Ladies and gentlemen, Michael Richard and people losing their shit because it's fucking Kramer. Sure. And he gets on stage. He's doing that shit for like five minutes. Everybody's like this. Ah!

They're looking at him like, all right, motherfucker. And he runs into the wall. He's like, whoa, whoa. Yeah. Doing this. And everyone's like, get to the fucking joke. Yes. Because the applause was huge. And then they were like, all right, now. That's the one thing I love about comedy. Yes. It's the equalizer. Yes. Comedy becomes the celebrity. It's like, okay, great. Now, what?

can you do the art form we're here for? Exactly. He was a brilliant comic actor, but it doesn't necessarily translate to stand up. He was on a show called Fridays. I remember that. Yeah. It was Fridays was a, was a sketch comedy thing on ABC. And then Nanny went into fucking Seinfeld. Yeah. Yeah. So, and,

He was in UHF too, the Weird Al. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then stand-up, man. That's why I stand-up. That's why I love it. I go, stand-up is so wonderful that it's going to filter the fuckers that aren't doing it right. It's going to get you. Tony Woods said, the joke gods are going to get you, shall we? Ha, ha, ha.

Another underrated guy. He'd be a good guest, too, because he'll put him back with us. Oh, yeah. You need to bring him on here. Bring him. I got his number. I got his number. He's fantastic. I love Tony. And so he's on there doing some weird shit, and this old lady goes, you were better. You're funnier on Seinfeld. Woo!

He goes, you fucking bitch. You fucking. Oh, yeah. He snapped. Fucking losing his shit. Whoa. And he leaves. He just walks off. Yeah. Walks off. And they're like, God, you got to come back in. You got to come back in. I go, what the fuck happened? Wow. He just fucking snapped. And all you see is the mic just dangling. Whoa. I go, give it up for Mr. Mike. They should bring back Seinfeld, but this time Kramer's got an anger problem. Right. And Jerry's like, you got to stop saying the N-word. You got to stop. Yeah.

Little did Michael Richards know that old lady put a hex on him. Right, right, right. Years later. And what's funny is I was with Mike a week before he did the N-word rant. Sure. That was like the first taste of what has kind of come to be known as cancel culture. Yeah, yeah. I was there. I was with this type of cancel culture. Of course. And I was with him a week before he snapped.

And then CNN called me and I went on the Anderson Cooper show, but Anderson Cooper was on, he was on assignment. It was John Roberts who's on Fox now. And he interviewed me and I was, it was me and him. And I was on, see, I've always wanted to be on a CNN desk. And I was, and I was interviewing me about what do you think? Why is Cooper cool?

I never, I didn't meet Cooper. It was John Roberts was taking his spot. I was hoping it was him. I thought you meant you were doing a Cooper interview on his show. No, it was Anderson Cooper's show, but John was taking his place because he was on assignment. Wow. I was like, fuck, but John Roberts is pretty well known. And so I was like, he goes, so what did you think about that? I said, I mean, he snapped everything.

I've seen him snap on other people like that. He's called people cunts and all that. And he did that for shock value. You know, he's a really strange dude. He's really... Because when I would talk to him, one time he was sitting on the stairs, you know the stairs at the Laugh Factory? Yeah. And I come around, he goes...

hey, hey, I want to talk to you, man. I love your stage presence, man. Yeah. Wow. Oh, man, it's fucking great. I was like, thanks, man. I'm talking to him, but it was weird. Yeah, yeah. He's an odd guy. He's an odd motherfucker. He is. So he doesn't,

know how to handle the stand-up world. He fucked up, but I know he's not going around hating black people. No, no, no. A lot of these guys, I think it's a money grab. You have the fame from elsewhere and your agents are like, you can make a lot of money doing stand-up, build an act. Sure. But they don't really have the tools to do it. So they don't have the humility to fail in this way. They fail as actors, of

Of course. I mean, like, no one can question his greatness as an actor, but it's a different type of failure, and you need humility in a stand-up. You have to have humility every day. You got to bomb. Every show is different. Even though you know, oh, these jokes kill. We don't know until you get on stage. You really don't know until you go, what's up, everybody? You don't know. It's a risk every time. It's a risk every time, but you're like, but I'm good enough where my percentage is

It's not really probability. Probability happens with these fucking bums that think they can just get up there and I'll just get drunk and just fucking do it. There's a formula to this shit, motherfucker. There's a real formula because you've tested it all over the world.

And you go, I'm gonna do this joke. Damn, it hit. There's a real fucking formula to this. - But that's the magic of standup too is you can have the words, the cadence, the rhythm, but it might not work in this room for some reason. And you have to figure out why it didn't work. - It's amazing. - It's a weird thing. - And that's why the years you put in it, you can go, okay, that didn't work. Watch me do this. - Yes. - I've seen that. You ever seen that? You ever been on stage and you go, oh my God, I'm experienced. I actually did the, the joke didn't work, but I was able to do that. - I called an audible.

I was Peyton Manning. It does feel good. Overhaul, overhaul. I get surprised sometimes when like a riff will work and then you're like, oh yeah, I've been doing this every night for a long... And you finally got it. It's muscle memory. It's like, you ever watching like Walt Frazier call a game and a player's off? He's like, he's aiming his shot. You're like, yeah, you're thinking about it. Just trust the repetition. Yeah, trust the muscle memory. Yes, exactly. You're gonna make it work if you just go... Even if you're bombing a couple riffs, you're gonna get them eventually. You're gonna do it. But that's from...

doing reps, reps, and you know, other community, what you have tips go on a lot. That's it. It's no magic trick. No, go on a lot, a lot, a lot. And you go, fuck damn there. Yo, wow. If I didn't have the reps, I wouldn't have known what to do with that. It's like when I was in martial arts, I did martial arts for 10 years out here.

I did a hop keto. 10 years. That's the Steven Seagal shit, right? It's a cousin to Steven Seagal shit. It's all like grabbing wrists, bone breaking, all that shit. You can fight. You're in great shape. Listen. He can fight. No. Come on. You're dressed like an out of work ninja. Yeah.

There's no way you can't fight. I've seen you kick. I've seen you move. You're in great shape. He shops at a store called Under Siege. And he's dressed like we're in a fucking cop movie together. After I fuck everybody up. You good? Pick it up. Pick it up.

You got to teach me your move. I never tire of those buddy cop movies. I don't know. Me neither. There's something about them, like the two guys who can't get along. Yeah, it's always great. Like whether it be Rush Hour or 48 Hours. As long as it's all about the execution of the people in it. It's all about the people in it. Like Jeremy Piven, he's been doing, he's...

He's in the comedy world. He calls me all the time. He goes, God, I need some help. I've got to pick your brain. It's so great that he calls you God. And he's from Chicago. Chicago guy, too. He's a theater guy from Chicago. His mom created theater in Chicago. And he's like this. And as soon as he became a comic, I became his friend. Yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. He's like, bro, you got to do some cigars, man. Got to pick your brain. And he's a really great actor. Yeah, he's good. Stand up, he's getting there. Sure. But it's like... It's hard to start once you're famous. It takes years. It is.

I give him props for even doing this shit. He's... Well, don't you think he's making insane money on the road, isn't that? Yeah, they pack it up because it's pippins. I give you props, but also, you know, it is a money grab too, right? But comedy, that's what I love about comedy, because comedy shows up and goes, you didn't put your time in. Sure. And I'm going to let people know you haven't. Yep. But he's acting like a comedian. Okay. He's such a good actor. He's acting like a comedian. It's not intrinsic yet.

It's more surfacy right now. It's like when an actor plays a comedian in a movie and you're like, I know you're a good actor. I know Dustin Hoffman's a brilliant actor. You're still an actor. You're still an actor when he did Lenny. Yes. When he did Lenny. I did an indie film one time. It was Elijah Wood. Mm-hmm.

So I'm hanging out with Elijah Wood giving him tips. It was in LA. I had a small book. And he's a comic in it? He's a comedian in it. How many movies do they make about like. Just cast a comic. I don't know why they don't just cast. We'll play fucking. We can play a comic. But this is how much they're jealous of comedians. They won't even let you play a comedian.

I'm telling you. Wow. They're that jealous that they want an actor to do it so they can feel what it's like. There's rumors of Marlon Wayans playing Pryor, though. I've heard that forever. Is that ever going to happen? I don't know if that's going to happen. I heard that, too. I think he would be good, actually, because... It's going to be Lenny Henry, I think. He's a British... Black people are playing us now.

It's a, yeah, Idris Elba plays, yeah, all black British people. Snowfall, black dude's British. Oh, really? Yeah, he's British. I was watching his interview. I love Idris Elba. I heard the new Western is great. I liked it. I liked it. Is it good? Dion Cole's in it? It's very stylized, very Tarantino-esque. Idris Elba is, I mean, I love Luther. I think he's awesome. Yeah, he's awesome. But he plays American accents.

Well, on The Office, he was hilarious. I mean, that's the thing, too. He gets comedy, too. He's subtle. He gets it. Snowfall, snowfall. Didn't he used to work at the door of Caroline's? He did. Yeah, he was tearing tickets. Is that right? Yeah.

Get out. That guy's too hot to be tearing tickets. And he was a DJ. I heard he's a great guy. I never met him. I've seen him from afar, but I never met the guy. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But yeah, they're going to do a guy named Sir Lenny Henry. I guess he's a famous comedian guy. Can we get a photo of Lenny Henry? They're considering him to do Richard Pryor. Which is that? Lenny Henry, this guy right here. They want him.

to be Richard Pryor. I heard Mike Epps was in the running. Mike Epps was supposed to be because Mike called me to help him with inflections. Yeah.

to help him with the prior voice. Yeah. Because I could do prior voice-wise. That's a game-changer. You get that role. That's a game-changer in your career. You have to do it right, though. You really do. For sure. I mean, look what Jamie Foxx did with Ray. I mean, that's like murdered Ray. Jamie Foxx is a fucking great actor. Yeah, he nailed it. Like, perfect. Because he's a pianist, also trained. He can play piano so talented. It's so annoyingly talented, that guy. He's so good. Yeah, he's got it all. Prior, prior, that's going to be a...

You got to really come with the fucking... There's layers to that shit because Nick Cannon wanted to do it. There's too many Jews on set. You can't focus. You can't have a not good stand-up play prior. You can have an actor, but you can't have a bad stand-up. Good point. You got to get... You motherfuckers is crazy, Jack. I don't give a fuck. Goddamn. Damn!

Is that any casting people watching this shit? That was dead on. It's like you have to have the, yeah, man. And I'm just saying, niggas are fucked up, man. Wow. There has to be levels. Has anybody seen? You know, you got to be able to. And there's the breathing. That's some funny shit. This is good. Wow. That's incredible. And Mike called me because I thought he was about to do it. And he said, I mean, I need like a voice, like a coach. Like, can you help me out?

because you can do them. And I said, I was like, you got to pay me, motherfucker. I'm joking. Even the hand movement is perfect. And then it went away. I don't know what's going on with it because the wife...

The one wife, his white wife that he married, he had eight different wives. Yeah, with the short hair? Yeah, she's like hardcore. I think Jennifer, she's like really kind of guarding the fucking property. Right. So it's kind of tough. So I don't know. It's going back and forth. Different people are trying to play him. I don't know. So much goes into these decisions. But I mean- But there's a lot of fuck shit that goes on. A lot of egos, I think. Of course. Well, they did a-

Pull it up, Matt. They did a Sam Kinison movie and it looked rough. I mean, I'm sure you could find the Sam Kinison movie. I don't know if it got any play, but there was a trailer for the Sam Kinison guy. Matt, are you there? I was just watching Sam Kinison, like his first Letterman appearance. Oh, it's unreal. It's fucking great. I mean, talk about a game changer. He goes into the crowd, like everything you'd never seen before. He broke the fourth wall. Yeah. And that's that preaching he had.

That's him. No, that's not it. That's the real him. That's really him. I was like, that's really good. No, that would be good. Chris Rock says he changed the format of stand-up. Really? He really did. He really did. He was very conversational.

His fucking long jacket. Terrible. Just terrible. Yeah, it looks like hell. Two funny things about him. One, preacher. Yes, he was a preacher. Who was in a car accident. Religious family, yeah. Fucked his head up, became a stand-up. Roseanne was just like a housewife, got into a car accident, started doing stand-up. Wow. Something weird about that. Knocked something off or knocked something back in. Really? Exactly. That's crazy. Something about the car crash. Something about the car crash. We Might Be Drunk is sponsored by BetterHelp.

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Hold on. Let's see who it is. Oh, wow. That's pretty good. That's not bad. Whoa. Awesome. That's pretty damn good. Good screen. This was fantastic. Way better than I remembered it. Yeah. Who is that? What actor is that? From Balls of Fury. Oh, really? That is amazing. That's pretty actually impressive. He nailed that screen. That was fantastic. Good for him. I remember not being nearly that good. Is that coming out? That's very good. No, that was years ago. That was millions ago. Oh, wow. What is it? Dan Fogler.

Dan Fogler. Well done, Fogler. He is good. Also, what about the guy that's doing the Robin Williams? What? There's some dude. I didn't know about that. God, can they let the fucking corpse get fucking cold before they do these movies? Yeah, right? Same birthday, Robin Williams, July 21st. Did you know Robin well? Oh, yeah. I did shows with him. He came to the cellar a few times. I met him at the cellar once. We chatted for a long time, and he couldn't have been cooler. That 98 photo that you see in the cellar, I was there. Whoa.

I think I was hosting that day. Yep. Who were those? Any of those legends that were like, was Bernie Mac really cool to you as a young comic? He took me under his wing, man. I have a, there's a thing, Bernie Mac had a HBO show called Midnight Mac before all this other shit in Chicago where he had his band. He had a band.

And he had his macaronis, his dancers. And that's what he did in his open mic shows. He had a band. He would bring us up. Me, Dion Cole, Corey Holcomb, all of us. And I did a sketch with him. It's on YouTube. I did a sketch with Bernie. I'm 22.

Yeah. And Bernie was like, he was like, God, I want you to do a sketch. You know, I want you to do a sketch because, you know, you talk real proper and shit, you know. And this sketch is a motherfucking agent, you know. Wow. I'm going to come to the hallway. You're going to meet me at the motherfucking bar and do that. You know, you talk real proper and shit. And I'm going to need that motherfucking, you know, college shit. That's incredible. You know, so I was like, all right. And I think you look up Midnight Mac. Maybe you'll, I think it should be.

Midnight Mac, is it? Is that it? He doesn't have a ton of specials, but if you want to see quintessential Bernie Mac murdering, he's got the last set in Kings of Comedy. You know, it's D.L. Hughley, Steve Harvey, or whatever, but he murders that thing. It's an incredible set. Him and Steve Harvey were rivals. Oh, really? They didn't like each other? They didn't like each other because it was like,

They were fighting because Bernie, Steve Harvey couldn't follow Bernie. Of course. He couldn't. So he had to host because Bernie was murdering. And they were like, I know GQ magazine interviewed Bernie saying, yo, I heard you got you. I heard you're, are you upset at Steve Harvey? Is he, are you upset at him? He goes, he's not good enough to make me upset. Ooh.

He said that shit. Because Steve hated on him so much. Do you know Anthony? Oh, God. Do you know Steve Harvey at all or no? Yes, I know Steve. Chicago. No, he's Cleveland. But he always came through Chicago. I would see him at this. We had a club called. Was he a good dude to you? He was cool. He actually. Because I was in a comedy team for a year.

It was Godfrey and Alexander, a guy I was with, big, tall dude. And he was fucking up because he didn't – because a duo is hard. Yeah. And I was writing all the sketches. And then I was in the hallway and I was pissed off and Steve came out. Steve was like, yo, what's up? What's up? What you mad about? I was like, I'm just my partner. He's not remembering his lines. He's always up there drunk and shit. And I remember he goes – Steve goes, how much money you getting?

i was like i'm getting about we're getting like 100 bucks as i first started he goes

you tired of splitting that shit yeah he's like cut his ass wow i got a photo with steve that day when he told me this wow yeah steve yeah and then i opened that's when i opened up for jim carrey what yeah yeah yeah yeah we're talking too but this is too much gold here i'm sorry 1995 i opened up for jim carrey at illinois institute of technology because my friend was an engineer and she was running the student activity she goes you want to open up for jim carrey i said are you

fucking kidding me? It's one of my favorites. Jim Carrey's a big influence on me. I mean, that's after Dumb and Dumber, The Mad. This is 95. This was like, yeah. And it was like, he was really coming. He was starting to get like really big. And I opened up for him. I have a photo with him. And we were in a basement. Like it was me, him, and Harlan Williams. What?

Harlem Williams is great. Harlem was... I love that guy. And Harlem still remembers me from that day. And I go, that's how I became good friends with him. And I remember he was the nicest dude. Because I remember his managers asked me, hey, man, you're a big Jim Carrey fan. I say, fuck yeah. He goes, just trying to make sure that your style is not the same. He said, I go, nah, I'm totally not. I go, he's but a big influence on me. He goes, we just want to check because we don't want...

Same shit. And I respected that because we want to make sure everybody's doing it. That's why Harland's so different than Jim. Right. Even though they're both Canadian, I go, no, I don't. So I kind of- Harland is kind of underappreciated. He really is. He's so funny. I think he's a really funny guy. He's really, hey, Scooter, what's your name? Yeah.

Oh, what's your name? Oh, okay. That's cool. Are you from outer space? All right. I love it. He's fantastic. Yeah, man. Anthony Griffin. That's Anthony Griffin. Okay. What did Jim say to you? Do you remember any of the conversations? No.

No, he was just talking about what he's doing next and stuff. And, you know, like how long he's been doing it. If I remember, he was just really, it was just me and him. Wow. I got a photo with him. Got it. Just me and him. Oh yeah. Here it is. Yup. Keep moving towards the end, moving towards the end. And we can't play a, I'm scared of you motherfuckers. No, no, I can't do that, but it's so funny. So good. Yeah. I think keep going. What year do you think we're in here?

This has got a couple million views over here. You know what? Maybe some other time I'll show you that. Because if I look at my phone, I always... Because you know on YouTube, it marks your stuff down when you're looking at stuff, certain videos. Let me see if I can get this real quick. All right, all right. Midnight Mac, watch this. I didn't even know he had a show on HBO. How did I miss that? It was like a few episodes and then it...

Yeah, it's Midnight Mac with Bernie Mac part one. Part one, and it's at, hold on. Oh, shit. He knows a huge Bernie Mac fan. It's at 2529. 2529. Right there, here I am. Whoa, look at this. Where? That's me on the right. Turn up the volume. Oh, Jesus. The hair. Turn up the volume. How nervous were you? He said, I want you to be real corny and shit. Wow. Yeah. That's what he said.

That's my proof of I know Bernie. That's amazing. Yeah, Bernie was really nice to me. He took me under his wing and shit like that. Legend. You know who loves Bernie Mac? Seinfeld. It's one of his favorite comics. He won't shut up about Bernie Mac. Really? Loves Bernie Mac. Wow. And Seinfeld. I'm a comedian.

That's right. I'm in two scenes, man. I've seen that a million times. You go, well, you got enough. He's like, I'm gonna do the road now. Yeah, you got enough. Yeah. So I felt like saw me do, what did he say me do? This was the funniest shit. When I was, I came back from Egypt and I was, did this whole thing about,

whether I should ride a camel or ride a horse because they give you a choice at the pyramids. Oh, yeah. They say, you want a horse or the camel? And I was like, shit, and the camel, I'm doing all this shit about the camel. And he had seen me. And then he goes, hey, and then I see him some weeks later and he goes, hey, man, I've been wanting to talk to you for a minute. So we sit and we talk at the olive tree for like an hour. Whoa. He's giving me advice. Oh, yeah. And Jim Norton is looking at me like this.

I hate you. He was jealous. He was like this, I hate you. Look at you. What are you? Obi-Wan Kenobi. He just kept saying, you bug me. Look at you, your eager face. He just kept sitting back there and I'm watching him going,

I love it. Yeah, but that's, yeah, that's, I got a lot of fucking stories, man. It's like, once you stay around, you know, you guys are collecting. You're collecting stories. Yeah, you know Jay Leno, Sandler. I met, yeah, I don't know him. I don't know him, but I met him. Sandler, my story with Sandler is when he came, was doing comedy again, and we were at the comic strip. The comic strip was dope. Mm-hmm.

What happened to the comic strip, man? It was dope. It was dope as fuck. It got corny. Me and Papa were comic strip guys. I love Tom Papa, dude. Me, Papa, Judah Friedland. We were all uptown dudes. Before I... It was Boston Comics. That lineup, you, Judah, and Tom Papa, that lineup. That's killer. Yeah, it was me, Papa. That's old school. Yeah, it was all of us.

And Maceo. It was just all... I remember Maceo. He had funny shit, man. And Lucian was alive. Boy, Lucian was mean as fuck. But it was all of us. Burr. It was all of us down there. I saw Burr at the comic strip when I was in high school. I went to his show. It was like Burr, Kevin Brennan, Maceo. Burr, Brennan. Yeah, it was all of us. It's a great show. And so...

I don't know Richie Tinkin, who was a nice guy. I knew Richie Tinkin too. I knew him before his voice was, when he had a regular voice. Tinkin and Lucian. And that was when it was cool, man. And then I don't know what the fuck happened. Thank you. I don't know if it's managed. I don't know. Something changed.

You gotta care so much to keep a comedy club afloat. You have to care. It's a culture. You can't be distant from it. You have to be really in it and you really have to see what's going on. That's why SD is so... And they're so hands-on. Right. But that's what keeps it decent. Yes. Even though there has leaked... There's been some whack shit leaking into the cellar. Oh, yeah. But... But...

It's still a good club. It's still good shit. Yeah. It's still good comedy. Even with issues, it's the best club. It's still the best club because of the hands-on. See, if Manny were there still. Because Liz is so on shit. Liz is far more passionate about it. Noam is so on shit too. And you need that. You need that kind of, you need that shit. You need it. Because when Manny was here alive, Manny, you've seen the photo of Manny. Yep. Noam's dad. Yeah.

Oh, fuck. That dude didn't play. He was funny as shit. Noam is scary because Noam sounds like his father at times. It's scary. Noam will be joking. I go, you're doing exactly like your father. He literally is his dad. Noam really cares. No, he is a fuck-up. And he's a good man.

He's a good man. I remember when the New York Times did that story on him and they tried to peg him and stuff and I was like, man, you don't know how good a dude this is. He's really a good dude. He has his things where you're like, fucking norm, but every person has their things. Everybody does. You're running a business. He is a good man.

He's a very good dude. And he does right by the staff and by the comics. Yes, he pays the most. And that's hard to do. Well, you like, his father ain't there. His pops didn't give a fuck how you felt. I remember his father would do this. If someone's on stage, him and Esty was speaking in Hebrew. They'd be like, and then Manny would go like this to me, get the fucking cane. And you're like...

Get him off. Whoa. Manny was funny, though. He had jokes. One line, Manny was fucking funny. Well, they said he would hold court. It was a Colin, Patrice, DiPaolo, and he was holding court. Do you miss that time at the Cellar? Yes. Do you miss Patrice and Geraldo? Yes, Geraldo, Patrice, Burr, Boss. It was all of us, just all of us ripping on each other. Artie,

Ian Edwards, Dina. It was all of us ripping each other to shreds. Yeah. Dogging each other. Jim Norton. I mean, we'd be talking about politics and race, and we'd be talking about real shit. Yeah. Because Geraldo was brilliant. He's a Harvard lawyer. Brilliant. Brilliant. Everybody was graduate. Judah has a degree in film from NYU. Mm-hmm.

So does Attell. I mean, I have a degree in psychology. Everybody could talk, you know? And he would bring politicians. We had politicians. Professional talkers. Right. Yes. He would bring politicians. Manny brought politicians to the table.

I mean, like famous motherfuckers came to the table to talk to us and he would take us to the Martin Luther King celebration. He was part of the core. He was part of the Manny's. Noam's dad was on the board of the Martin Luther King Foundation. So we would go. I met Hank Aaron. What? Yeah.

Does Hank Aaron have the biggest hands ever? Man, Hank was like, how you doing? I was like, god damn. RIP, man. Fucking legend. Baseball is really like...

We've lost something great. I don't mean to sound like old America here, but baseball was so fucking big. Baseball was the shit. And it's lost a little bit. Well, corporate. It's corporate now. And people don't stick. And it's like football. Nobody sticks with their teams. Everybody goes where the money is, which I don't blame them because corporate- But football, NFL is horribly run.

It's horribly mine. It's like no different than boxing. It's just, but you go for the money, which I don't blame. I like Gruden. No, but here's when you know the NFL really fucked up. They're literally giving these players CTE. And I liked them too. Shit. That hurt, man. But you're giving these players CTE. You're killing them. They're getting blackouts. There's no long-term health coverage. And then you're fucking getting mad at them for doing end zone dances. Yeah.

Like, are you fucking kidding me? Yeah. They're dancing. It's silly. What if he just got his CTE results? Oh, shit. I'm cleared. No memory loss. The table was this bastion of thoughts and provoking and all that. And now it's so weird. Like, I said cunt at the table and somebody goes, whoa, watch the language. I'm like, oh, we got to go. And it's not even like a PC thing or like whatever or offended thing. It's like, what are you doing? We're talking.

You're trying to talk about my wife. Yeah, exactly. And it's fucked up because what we used to do too, man, man, what we used to do too is like we'd go down, like say Voss goes down on stage and we'd all come down and stand in a doorway and wait for him to do some whack shit. We'd go...

Or we'd walk past to the bathroom on purpose to keep distracting. Keith would go. Maggie does that to me. Maggie does that to me all the time. He'll see me on stage and he'll keep doing this. He'll do this. He'll give me middle fingers. He kept us sharp. We dogged each other. We'd be like, oh. And when Norton would be like, oh, Colin, your cancer legs. I'm sick of your cancer legs. Why are you crossing those cancer legs, you piece of shit?

And he'd come to me like, I'm finished. I'm fucking finished. It was great. It was great. It was almost like a ball team. It was like a squad. And sometimes we would disagree and shit would get heated. I remember, man, I remember this shit. 9-11.

When 9-11 happened, they had opened up. After about a week, they started opening. We started doing shows for the workers. Oh, yeah. I did a theater where all the workers, they were dusted. They had the dust on them still. Oh, my God. What? We had to do shows. Yeah, man. We had to do shows. And I remember it was me, Marin, Chris Rock.

How is this said? I gave it a ground zero. It was pretty bad. Corey Ellie. We all did a show and I remember Mitch Fatale.

Mitch Fatale went on stage and was doing his little boy shit. You know how he goes, oh my God, oh my goodness. That shit. And we were at the table and we went upstairs and we're at the table and Mitch Fatale comes on stage and goes, hey, what's up guys? And Mitch is cool. I'm like, hey, what's up? And Nick goes, really? That's what the fuck you doing on stage?

acting like a little fucking kid when people are fucking dead bodies and da da da da. What the fuck's wrong with you? He just snaps on him. He goes, I don't. DePaulo just blacks out on him. I go, I'm like, what the fuck? He goes, dude, you know we got bombed, right? Did you know that? Do you have any jokes on that? You're not even fucking talking. He goes, I don't need to talk about that. I'm not, I'm giving. He's going the escapist route. I was like, man, I was like, yo, Nick, leave it. That's what he does, man. The fuck you talking?

about that guy. It was still fucking... He goes, what the fuck was that? He's like... He was like, it's bullshit. You're a fucking grown man. He just gets... He just snaps. Yeah, yeah. That's happened before. Stuff like that happens every once in a while. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. It was...

Yeah. It was harsher. I remember Artie Lang sat down like two years ago at the club before COVID and he was like, what are you doing? You guys are like complimenting each other. This is weird. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like, I don't like sitting at those tables really, depending on who it is. It's like, you're afraid. Like, I don't know who's going to take shit for. Right. Yeah. We used to shit on you. Like Patrice would be waiting. Yeah.

like Jabba the Hutt. He'd be sitting waiting and you'd see him. He had a waitress chained to his leg. Right. And he'd be sitting and you'd walk in and he's just, you're about to get, you got to get fucked up. I know. And he'd be like, this, ugh.

Yeah. What the fuck are you wearing? You know, but that's what we did. Well, you kept each other in check. Now we talk about safe spaces and all that shit. I'm like, I'm scared of you. I'm scared of you ratting me out or whatever. Like, you're scary. Yeah. I'm just going to say offensive word or a joke. It's sad. That's and that's what that's why a lot of the comedy for the ones that are all PC is weak.

Weak shit. Well, it's important to have like, I'm not saying that like we all need to be careless, but like it's nice. It's nice having anything goes table. It's nice to have like one place, you know, you can kind of just say you can take risks that are, that are never malicious. Yeah.

but are, you know, that might walk a line of indecency. Yes, yes. There's something exciting about that. Right. Even like in a prohibition type vibe that exists. Yes. If we lose it everywhere, if we lose it even at a comedy club, then it's just lost. Yes. It's lost. Exactly. It's not fun. And people say, how is this affecting you?

On stage, I go, what? I'm like, I haven't changed shit. Same here. I'm not calling people the F word. I'm still doing those jokes. And there's nothing wrong with, okay, you know what? Instead of there, I'll tweak it and go here. That's cool, but I'm not losing the integrity of the joke. Same. I'm going in. Exactly. I'm going in.

Man, I did LGBT shit all day this weekend. I was doing LGB, I was like, I have this joke where I go, the LGBTQ, they're bored. They're bored. Because my gay friends...

Gay people like to be noticed. Let's be real. The culture is very... Flashy. It's very flashy. It's very like, hey, I'm here. Right. We know. Look at Miran. Yes. Kegani. Rhinestone. Yes. Sequins. I love that. That shit makes me laugh. Yeah, it's great. We love Miran. They don't like... He's so fun, that guy. And the fact that they're being normalized now that you got your rights...

Now you're being normalized. No one cares now. That's pissing them off. Interesting. So they go, let's go fuck with... Part of their identity was to stand out. We used to be like, oh, now let's go fuck with pronouns. We're bored. So I talk about that. And it's working. But I'm like, you guys are bored. I'm not dogging the LGBT. I'm saying you guys...

It was kind of better before because you guys were fire. When you guys came, we knew you were here. We loved it. You were loud. Now, no one gives a shit. Right. And now you're upset. Like, damn, this is not cool. We're not normal. That's a funny angle. I like it. And it's also not even, you're kind of criticizing from within. You're not saying, I don't like you. You're saying, here's a funny observation. Right.

I mean, that's it, right? But if they want to be normalized, okay, we should be able to make fun of you now. Aha, yes. You're welcome to society. Right, right. But you got to make up your mind, your special interest when you get to the fucking comedy club, but then you want to be normalized outside. That's not how it works. Can't have it both ways. We get jokes from normalized society. Right. We get jokes from the life we live. Yeah. So if you want to be treated like human beings...

I should be able to joke about you from a good place. But there's a lot of funny shit in the gay community because gay people make fun of it. Yes. It's a form of welcoming. Right. When Miran goes, yes, bitch. Yes, yo, suck a dick. It's hilarious. It's great. It's fucking funny. Can you do Mia Normand?

- Can you do impressions of us? - I did one, oh I only go pick it up, pick it up. That's all I do, right? Pick it up, pick it up, hey pick it up. And yours was, I did one, I was like,

There's a girl I went out with. Oh, yeah. That's good. Yeah, I couldn't believe it. Sam's a little more subtle. Yeah, I can do you on the mic, I think. Yeah. Hold on. You've got to ruin your posture. I went on a date with this girl. She wanted me to pay the bill. That's pretty good. Not bad. Not bad. Oh, damn.

I saw a guy light a tell once and he goes, oh, really? He's like this, but John Mayer's going on next.

Oh, he laid me time to wrap it up. Is there anything funny when Natal goes that route? Natal used to do this, man. This used to have me. He's so fucking brilliant. He goes, hey, give it up for Artie Fuqua. Right? He'll go right after Moise. Yeah.

That is, I mean, the funniest. My favorite. You want to joke bombs? He goes, we'll be right back. You know what I love? He's so dope. Whatever city he's in, he does that like fake Copland. He goes, Ann Arbor, Michigan. You guys know how to party. Am I right? He goes, you know what the funnest thing about Ohio is packing up and getting the fuck out of there.

And I love when he bombs, he goes, I better turn this up to funny. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. He goes, I need quick laughs, quick laughs, monkey pussy, monkey pussy, monkey pussy. Are there any other big comics you can do?

Shit. George Wallace? Oh, yeah. They're like, that's a stupid Guffrey. I just want to tell you, Guffrey, man, I really enjoy you. You're a very talented boy. Wow, that's dead on. A lot of stupid things. A lot of stupid people. I hate stupid people. Can you do Cosby later years? All right. So I'm free. And I'm going to find a bitch to lock me up. So my Netflix special is going to be called... Wow, that's great. Duh.

How about... He's just David. Can you do Quinn? Colin Quinn? He's tough. Jay Moore can do a pretty good Quinn. Not bad. But I always be like, oh, fuck, I'm finished. I'm finished. Hey, excuse me. We don't need you to explain that to us.

He's like, you don't rape little girls. Listen, I don't need you to grab me in the middle of a mall. Wow. Okay, I think we get what rape means. I'm fucking finished. Jesus Christ. I mean, just just, you know. How about the guy who's going to challenge you to a fighting and karate tournament? Can he do that? Oh, we do this thing. This makes me laugh when he does this. I don't know why he loves this shit. He just does the 80s bully so well. The 80s bully is like this. Next time, you're fucking dead. Meet me at the, whoo!

And he does moves. Woo! Yo, calm down, dragon. Woo, man. Wait for the fucking mall. His leg is still up there, buddy. I don't know why this makes him laugh. It's fucking amazing. Right. The 80s bully is perfect. He goes, dragons, move. Woo! He got the girl like, yo, I heard you were talking to my girl. Woo!

Listen, bro. One more time. You're cruising for a bruise. Put him in a body bag. You're like, come on, Josh. Leave him alone. Yo, shut your mouth. Dragon smooth. Oh, that's great. But Quinn said it best about stand-up. You mentioned this earlier. Yeah.

Comedy is the closest thing to justice. Like you put Jack Nicholson on stage. He's beloved. He's got the sunglasses. Everybody loves him. But after three minutes, you're like, all right, buddy, you got to make us laugh. Done. That's what I like. Even with the Instagram. I don't know how you all feel about the Instagram comedian. When I see people go comedian, that title. Yeah. Comedy needs to be like the armed forces. Yeah.

It really does. Fuck yeah, man. I'm like- Like branches? Yeah, the green room is an example. I've come into green rooms where there's a comic. I go, who are you? Oh, I'm a local comic. I go, are you on the show? No. Why are you in the green room? Oh, yeah. That's pretty ballsy. Why are you fucking in the green room? That's ballsy. That's not your weekend. I don't give a fuck who you are. I don't care if you won Kansas City's greatest funniest-

fuck out of here, man. There's no pecking order. You have to have a peck. It should be like the armed forces. If you're a cadet, you don't talk to a private, you don't talk to a general a certain way. Oh, interesting. Unless they talk to you. What? Unless they talk to you. Right. It's like if I say, hey, that's how we did it. Right.

Bernie was like, you do five minutes, you get the fuck off stage. That's it. I had a lot more fear. You stand by the bar. You don't walk into the fucking green room because you did five minutes. Yeah, that is good. I think I had more. We had a lot of fear, Mark. Oh, yeah. We definitely did.

I think there's a lacking of that. There's an entitlement now. For sure. It's entitlement because, and that's just how I feel like rap music. It's just a lot of bums on a microphone. Yeah. There's a lot of them, women and men. And there's a lot of foreigners that because, hey, I'm from Tibet. I'm going to be a

comedian. Get the fuck out of here. You know what I mean? I'm Tibetan. Some dude named... Yeah. That's a special. Get the fuck out of here. But you can't even blame them because they go on TikTok or whatever and they make a million views. And I get the enthusiasm, but...

The art form is hard, man. Yes, and it takes years. It's hard, man. I'm a funny dude. You guys are probably naturally funny like me. I was a funny, naturally funny guy. But the craft, I said, whoa, whoa. It's a different thing. There's the craft. Motherfucker. How do I take this raw shit and technicalize it and make it technical? Right. How do I...

Well, the way you're funny to your friends is different than the way you're funny to a room full of strangers. You have to hone that. You want to hone it to where you look like you're funny to your friends again. There you go, to strangers. You know what I mean? You want to just be like, yo, man, you're just up there. I go, I'm just up there. This is thousands of hours of just...

Yes, trial and error, trial and error, trial and error. It's no different than martial arts. I remember when we would do martial arts at the beginning, you're doing all these dumbass punches and shit, hundreds of them, right? You're like, what the fuck is this for?

10 years later, you're like, you're like, and you're like, oh, right. It's automatic. Oh, it may. Oh, I see why comedy is like limb dick pussy. Yeah. Oh yeah. Cobra Kai. But it's fundamentals. It's like, I watch MMA and they just look like they're fucking throwing up, but it's all, it's,

Years of that technique. Years of that way they grab. They have to do that over and over and over. Even you're a sports center, you're like, that's a skill they acquired. They're making this look easy. So you think you could just be like, next, coming up. That's a skill. Yes, yes. Catching the football, throwing the football, the basketball, the shots, the going on. You know how many times they've done that? Didn't you see Kyrie Irving put English on a ball? Yes.

Yeah, that goes in because he practiced that. He practiced that spin it boom the way it hits off the back. Tim Duncan, when he would do that baseline off the backboard. I loved him. It was nasty. I love Tim Duncan so much. It's done thousands of times. And comedy to me is a sport. It's physical. You got to get up there. You got to show up to practice. It's no different than sports. You're a sports guy. We're sports people. You have to show up.

Some of these motherfuckers think they're magical. Yeah, they do. Like they're just going to get lucky because they're just so quirky and I'm just smarter than the fuck. I didn't write any jokes, but I put on this sweater and I feel pretty good about it. Right. So I don't know. It takes a lot of effort to be effortless. Yeah, it's real shit. And it's like,

And like I said, I don't know every comic. I don't care. But that never changes the fundamental. And I remember I was having a conversation with Sam Jay. And she was getting her drinking. She likes to put them back. She was like, she goes, I'm telling you, Godfrey, watch. There's going to be a comedian. Watch. And that may be not our generation that's going to be able to skip the fundamental process. Uh-uh.

That ain't going to change. Nobody's going to skip. I think she's right. I mean, like with- No, no, no. As far as being good at comedy, I didn't say- Fame-wise, they'll skip, but not skill-wise. Right. Skill-wise, I'm not talking about getting on a TV show. But that's the difference in sports. A fucking five-year-old can get on a TV show. There's no basketball player where you're like, he's good on TikTok, so we're going to sign him with a 10-day contract. She said that they're going to be able to skip levels because-

I said, well, they will skip levels. They just won't be good. I mean, but she said they're going to do it to put the work in. She said they're going to be good without the hours. I go now. It's not going to happen. It's not going to happen. I'm telling you. And I'm telling you, I was a funny guy before this shit. I was funny. Just a funny motherfucker. But I had to work hard to get an act done.

I had to work hard. You're a road dog. And you're also a dude when I go to clubs and I'm not blowing smoke up your ass here. I know that. But you're a dude that when I play clubs, the staff will be like, he did a different hour every show. And I'm like, fuck him. You make us look bad. The waitress is like, oh, we had Godfrey last week. He juggled three chairs. You're like, what the fuck? I can't do that.

I'm just doing Juggalo. If I ever juggle, you know I've given up. No, I'm just kidding. But it's always three different hours. He talked about the city for 20 minutes. I'm like, oh, shit, I got one line on the city. I'm like, San Francisco, falling off. I'm like, shit, nothing. A lot of hobos engaged.

All right, now into my prepared material. So I'll date this girl. Let's go to this date and this girl show. I tell you, good crowd. Good crowd. Good teacher really seems to do it. I tell you, good crowd. But yeah, you want to tell. Every time I go to a club, we had Godfrey last week, different hour every time, new jokes every night, fucked with the host, fucked with the crowd, fucked with the city. You're like, God damn. Yeah, I just, I mean, what I do, you know, what I do, one of the things I do

and comedy shit with cities, I go, I Google when they were established. Ooh.

That's my thing. A little trick. I do like Baltimore is the best because I'll do Baltimore. What club do you do in Baltimore? I do Magoobies. I'm back to Magoobies again. Timonium. Right, in Timonium. But now I do the Comedy Factory, which I did for like eight years. It's urban. Very black. But I do this joke where I go Baltimore, say 80% black, but named after a white man with a cape.

It's like, Lord Baltimore. And everyone's like, yeah, that's true, man. I said, imagine if he came back to see what happened to his city. And they fucking die. And he says, sire, sire, you have to come back. Look at your city. What do you mean? And he's like, oh, my God. What is that? Oh, black people are going up. See, you built a whole little world out of that. I said, what just happened? And then people are like, yo, man, who the fuck are you? It's like, Lord Baltimore. What do you mean? Ha, ha, ha.

And there's just ways just to come at different angles. I mean, sometimes Google, Google the city, Google some shit. For sure. They fucking, when you do that, they go, oh shit. You put a little effort into the show. You make it a little special. It goes a long way, man. What are your favorite cities to play other than like New York, Chicago? You know what's weird? I like, because if you're funny, it don't matter.

Yeah. Cities are like, I just like being here. I love Houston. Yeah, Houston's great. I love Texas cities. I love doing Texas. Me too. Texas, they- Dallas and Austin are pretty great. I love San Antonio. San Antonio's great. Yeah. Texas loves performances. Yeah. They're not too Southern, and it's not too hickish, and it's like a mixture of international and that Southern feel. Well, Houston has got all the Vietnamese now. Very diverse. It's very neutral. Very neutral.

Yeah. Right. And a lot of stuff has come out of Texas, which people don't understand. Whole Foods started in Austin. Whoa. Austin, Texas started Whole Foods. The Wilson Brothers. Yeah. Jamie Foxx. Jamie Foxx. And also fucking Six Flags. It was Texas. A lot of stuff started in Texas, which you think-

What? Yeah. Didn't start in New York. Yeah, yeah. Didn't start. A lot of stuff started at Texas. So Texas is a very strange. My sister lives in Dallas. She's been in Dallas 20 years. My nephew goes to U of T. My other nephew, his brother's going to Texas Tech. And my niece is going to probably go to a Texas college too. Well, JFK ended in Texas. But we're going to get away.

you know what i mean i've been to that museum too and i was like i don't think he shot him from there that's i think it's because i was like how the he get anyway how the his head go back like that i think it was in the car bro interesting i think it was from the car or something because it was just it was just i mean it's a very it's mysterious but i was looking and i go

That just didn't look right. I just didn't look right. What a weird president to just be banging like hot actress chicks. They were mad. Can you picture Biden like banging Emma Stone? It's like fucking weird. He'd be fucking Betty White or something. To him, that's still young. My Biden's not too bad. Folks, listen, folks, folks, we have to- Marilyn Monroe. But listen.

He was banging Monroe. Yeah. That was Joe DiMaggio's woman. That was DiMaggio's girl. You don't fuck with a Yankee Clipper, baby. Go Yankees. DiMaggio was probably linked up. And I got a story about DiMaggio. Ooh. He's probably...

Probably mafia people love DiMaggio. Yeah, Italian. He's Italian. Dude, he was the clipper, dude. The fucking dude. Greatest hitter of all time. It's him and Ted Williams. And then he pissed off Frank Sinatra when he won Illinois. He needed Chicago, Illinois. He needed that state. And Sam Giancana was like, hey, I can get you that, but you got to do me this favor. Kennedy, he told Joe Kennedy, you got to do me this favor.

You got to tell Robert to stay the fuck off the mafia because he was the DA. Right. He said, keep him off us, man. And he goes, we're going to do that. Don't worry. Just get us Illinois. That'll help us win this presidency. So the mafia hooked him up, got him the fucking presidency, got him Illinois, which he needed. And then Joe goes, fuck those fucking, fuck those guidos. We're out.

So he had a lot of shit against him. He was a mob hit. But if you watch the documentaries and go, man, he pissed this person. He fucking Marilyn Monroe. There was a lot. I think there was a lot. He had enemies. That's what I'm saying. He was trying to be race relations, and that wasn't popular either. Race relations. And I think Lyndon Baines Johnson had some shit to do with it, too.

It's so weird to have a celebrity president. I mean, he was kind of the first celebrity president and Obama was kind of the second one. It's weird to see Obama now. Clinton was cool. Clinton was cool too. Clinton was like a cool motherfucker. He's on Arsenio Hall with the sex. But Obama doing a podcast with Bruce Springsteen. Obama having

I just want to see that like this. You know, sometimes a bummer. I just, I understand what you're saying. Wow. This guy's doing the whole podcast. I'm a real big fan of your music. Wow. I think that Born in the USA, that's a great song. Wow. It's like, well, I appreciate you. You know what I mean? Sometimes.

You know, Obama, I think your presidency is pretty damn good. Okay, what about if Trump started a podcast with Ted Nugent? Cat scratch fever. Very good, very good, but I really don't need you on my podcast. You're not that great. I think Ted ACDC way better than you. Angus Young, better guitarist. How has Trump not started a podcast? Oh.

I know he goes this. Oh, God, it'd be huge. One, two, one, two, I'm here. Very good podcast. The best podcast. I'll be doing it once a month because I'm not a loser. So this is going to be a great podcast. In fact, I can't wait to have guests. I don't like Trump. I would listen to the podcast. I would listen to it in a heartbeat. I just want to hear him do ads. You got to get sheath, sheath underwear. She's like this. Oh, blue chew. Very good. Tablets. I never use them.

Very natural. Blue tie. Natural boner. Sheath underwear. Very good underwear. Very good underwear. Boy, this is rolling. Where are you going to be? You got any dates coming up? When is this showing? Probably coming out. Two weeks? Two weeks. Damn. Sorry, we do one a week. When do you do it? I'm not going to tell them about this date this week. In two weeks? What would that be? What date would that be? Can I have an estimate? The start of December?

No way. The beginning of December? Yeah. Oh, maybe. Wait. No, you're right. A week into December, so the 10th. Jesus. Okay. Cleveland Improv. Ooh. December 10th. You guys probably do hilarities. Yeah. Honkeys. We hung out one time. Remember we went to the Buckingham Hall of Fame together? We did. That was great. It's fun, right? I had so much fun with you. December 10th through the 12th.

Cleveland Improv, December 10th through the 12th. Go see them, folks. Cleveland Improv. That's in the flats over there. I love Cleveland, man. Cleveland's cool, man. I got love for Cleveland. I have love for Cleveland. They're a hardcore city. They're hardcore. They love their teams. They love their teams. They got great Chinese food, and they fucking... The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's incredible. And Superman was created in Cleveland. Really? Yeah. The creator's a Superman. The other writer, was it Crum? Who was it? Crum.

Who's the writer? Oh, Harry Crumb? Harry Poggiamatti played him in American Splendor. Yeah, Harry Crumb. Oh, wow. Judah Friedlander was in that. Judah's incredible. That's right. Yeah, Cleveland Superman, because they have a Superman little museum at the airport. Right. You can see the creation of Superman. Underrated town, Cleveland. Underrated town, man. Anyone else coming up? Oh, yeah. I got...

Minnesota, Minnesota house of comedy for new years. I'm December 30th, January 2nd house of comedy in the mall of America, you know, which is a, you know, house of comedy. Great, great franchise. Rick Bronson, Tammy Bronson, kick-ass franchise. December. Oh, um,

Albany, New York. I got the funny bone in Albany, New York. I like that room. They do a good job there. It's boring as fucking all hell, but I love that. I love the shows. December 17th and 18th, Albany, New York.

bitches and my podcast which sam has done godfrey we trust i gotta do it it's cool man i like it it's with the gas digital network with the jay oakerson holy shit oh yeah wow

He doesn't rock fingerless gloves, but he's right there. Right, right. Wow, man. God damn. I'm going to rock those fingerless gloves. Does Jay Ogerson know about this dude? No, I don't think so. Do you think they really look alike? Jay goes, you say we're brothers. That's weird. Yeah.

It's kind of weird. But anyway, yeah. In Godfrey We Trust on the Gas Digital Network, you guys should subscribe to it. Promo code Godfrey. Get a week for free. And also, I got my little reward for having over 100,000 subscribers on YouTube. I got my little plaque. Hey, nice. They give you a plaque.

If you're on YouTube, just type it in Godfrey We Trust and press the subscribe button. He's great on it, man. Godfrey, we love him. I mean, we're grateful to have him on the pod. This is cool. You're only our third guest. And we tried to get you sooner. Damn. Man, this is good. You got to be a regular on here. We love you. Yeah, please. I would love to come every couple weeks.

Yeah. Or whatever. How you guys do it, I don't know. Hell yeah. We'll have you back. How's your podcast doing? It's growing. It's really- It's doing pretty well. It's pretty new and it's still popping. Yeah, it's popping, right? Things are all right. Can't complain. People, you can feel it when you go on- Oh, yeah. You'll get some drunk people at the shows going, oh, we might be drunk. Wee! Godfrey, do Pacino. I know. Do Norm MacDonald, man. Yeah, there's going to be a lot of that. Wee!

I'll be Miami Improv, Addison Improv, Magoobies, Sandman Comedy Club in Richmond, Virginia, Sacramento, Punchline, Morecommon, slash shows. Nice. What do you do in Miami? That's a new one. Miami's, I think this weekend, December...

Good luck. That's a tough room. Is it? Oh, it's just a bunch of hot, spicy Latina whores. Oh, my God. And they are into comedy. It's the 9th through 11th of December. And they're not? Yeah, they're just like, they're all dolled up. They're like, wait, this is boring. I got Gary Vito with me. You need to pay attention to me. Yeah, it's a lot of that. But you'll get a great view of cleavage from the stage.

Yeah. Milwaukee Improv, Atlanta Buckhead Theater, Charlotte Comedy Zone, Mark Ridley's Comedy Castle, Kansas City Improv. Yes. And some other stuff. Check it out. Oh, yeah. Instagram. Comedian Godfrey. There you go. Comedian Godfrey on Instagram. And guys, come to our shows, man. Yes. You want real comedy? Fucking pound for pound.

Real joke writing. See these motherfuckers. They do it for real. It's real talk. Thank you. Stop, stop, stop seeing these popular whack motherfuckers. See the popular good ones. There you go. The popular whack shit. Stop. Go see real motherfucking comedy. Yes. Yeah, I love this shirt too. The Carlin shirt. Oh, man. Hell yeah. One of my favorites, George Carlin. Dude, it was great to have you on. Thank you. It was a fun app. This is fun. This is a classic. Hell yeah. All right. Keep drinking. Thanks, guys. Praise Allah. Later. Later.

I'm going to go to the gym.