Publish Date: 2024/7/7
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Jumpers Jump


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I want to start with this. Yeah. Because we know, or at least our audience knows, we didn't really like LA at first. Maybe just me. I didn't like LA at first. But LA's not so bad. Yeah, LA is not so bad. California's not so bad, bro. It's like everything. Like, say you go to a club, right? Yeah. And you go to a club with your friends. You're going to have a better time with your friends because it's a better energy. You know what I mean? I guess so, but...

I think the audience now, now that I'm saying, like, oh, LA's good, LA's good. Yeah. Probably like, yo, they signed with Illuminati. No, no, no, no. That's somebody that signed on would say that. But yeah, no, it is the thing because now we brought all our boys and it's like...

It's a good energy towards like everything because before we were just doing influencer stuff But I feel like our boys take us out of that, you know me because at the same day like when we go home Oh, it's just Carlos and Gavin at the end of the day. There's no egos involved. Mm-hmm, right So you think yeah, but you could go anywhere in the world with your friends I feel like you can't go wrong if I brought Josh with me in the middle of the desert. Mm-hmm

We'll find a way to have fun. Exactly, yeah. When I was in the Philippines, I was looking around and I was thinking, because sometimes all my cousins there were working, they were doing school, right? But I was like, imagine if I had Carlos, maybe Josh, and maybe all my friends here. Oh my God, I would probably have the craziest time. I know, the Philippines would be crazy. That's why I'm constructing Project Jumper's documentary. Yeah, bro. And special announcement, we're actually working on our first one out here in LA. That's kind of why we're out here too. Yeah, that's going to be crazy. So sneak peek.

Because we're going to go to the St. Mary. Or what is the St. Mary? Queen Mary. We're going to the Queen Mary. That's in our high school. That's literally our high school. No, we're going to the Queen Mary ship, which has a lot of like ghost lore about it. But just recently, we were just talking about the Winchester house. Oh, yeah. I don't know about that. Yeah, that's one I talked about on the episode with Dino. I never talked about it with you.

Yeah, I don't know why I never talked about it with you. But it's one of the craziest ghost stories I heard because this house, they made a movie about it. Pretty much what happened, there's this lady and she's actually an ancestor of, you know, the Winchester brand?

The gun brand. Oh. They made the Winchester rifles, which was pretty much used in a lot of wars and a lot of, you know, gunfights. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now, the lore goes that pretty much what happened is because she's connected to the Winchester brand, the spirits and the souls of people that were killed with Winchester guns haunts her house. And what she did is...

What she did as a way to combat all of the spirits coming into her house, she maneuvered all of the spirits to go in different directions. So what she did, she tricked them. She pretty much made like...

staircases leading to nothing, doors that open to nowhere, so that if the spirits are inside her crib, they don't know where the fuck to go. That's so confusing a ghost. They're confusing the ghost. Because you can imagine, if a ghost... So if we become ghosts eventually, if we become spirits eventually, we would have the same, I guess, I don't know, comprehension? No, I don't know. How to maneuver around the world? I feel like it would be a free world. You know what I mean? You'd like go through the walls and shit? Yeah, everything. Nah.

Well, we don't know though. That's why. Well, we don't know. We don't know. Because ghosts, because in my opinion, ghosts are probably just us just on a dimension where we can't see or they can't see us from, you know? It's almost as if like a spectator, you're a spectator, but I don't think you could go through walls and stuff, would you?

I don't know. Casper did it, so... Because if you go through a wall... If you're a ghost and you go through a wall, what do you see? Do you see, like, inside the material? Oh, I see. I don't know. Maybe you just go through... What would you see? Yeah, probably inside the material. It would make sense, though, right? How? Because you're seeing... Like, if I'm inside the wall, bro, I'm literally going to see drywall? No, bro. Probably you're going to go through it. I think ghosts are connected more frequency-wise on a sense of, like, they're only going to see...

They're only going to see what's important. Why would they go into a wall? Yeah, that's true. They'll only go around like what's meant for them to, I guess. Well, we don't know. So continue about the story though. Yeah, there's a story. Oh. So that house was pretty much being haunted by all of those souls of the Winchester. Yeah. And she tried to make all of those spirits confused and shit so they don't haunt her anymore.

But there's a lot of stories on the hauntings. We'll get into it when we do a documentary. No, because the Queen Mary thing, I'm very... Like, we've done the Airbnb house. We didn't really stay in it. And we went in during the day, right? And then what else did we do? The tunnel, that Niagara... But people literally go in that tunnel and just smoke weed there. So it's not, like, very, like, scary. Honestly, yeah, this is going to be the first one where it's confirmed ghosts. Confirmed, like, yeah.

But I feel like we're on I'm gonna say this now, okay I don't I don't know if ghosts are gonna come if I'm there Really cuz I noticed bro. Oh wait, so you don't think nothing's gonna happen like not even like a light flicker. Oh

That's what I'm hoping for. Yeah, that's what I'm hoping for. Because if there's nothing that happens, that's kind of like... Imagine the first people that go into Queen Mary and nothing happens. I told you my story, right? I told you my Philippine story. It's only when I left my cousins away, that's when the haunted shit started happening. It's only when I leave. So I don't know what that means. Because me personally, I've experienced...

total of one one goes experience myself me me I have zero like I've never experienced it goes I've only seen curses but I've never seen something like you know I mean or like how everybody says they pull the blankets I've never experienced that like your uncles have so many stories I'm like you know this might be that I have a feeling that this might be the first one that I might see something paranormal

This is your first first one. Yeah, this is my first first one. So starting at Queen Mary is kind of crazy I don't think it's crazy. I think it's like really cuz we want to go to Asia, right? That's true. That's true. We gotta do this shit in Asia So we got to start somewhere, bro But but at the same time I just came back from the Philippines and my faith is really high too So and I knew all this stuff like that can do like you taught me this yeah, we're probably gonna do a prayer before we get in so and

You should be good as long as you're in... I think as long as you're not a negative person, as long as you're not, I guess, weak-minded, they can't really mess with you. But we can still communicate. That's a different thing. Being messed with and being haunted is different from being communicated with, you know? Because it could just be a conversation. Not all ghosts have to be scary. That's true. They can just flicker the lights. Maybe it's more like, yo, what's up, guys? You know what I mean? I just saw a video, actually, on TikTok.

check this out what'd you see so they say that demons and spirits they can only attack you or they can only have access to you when you sin so check this video out woah when you sin this is footage of outside someone's garage

There's a guy planning to rob this car. Yeah. And in the back, you see almost like a spirit just waiting around. It's like a semi-transparent shadow. Okay. It's just waiting around. But the moment the guy goes to steal the car, look what happens. Let me see. Look. Let me see it. Go like this. You see it? Yeah. It's like this.

He gets in the car. Yeah, so he's getting in the car and then look at the shadow look at look at the spirit People in the comments are saying it's a demon and this is how demons have access to people look So the moment he runs and grabs something from the car. Oh, he runs with him. It runs with him Okay, what does that but it's not a shadow because if it was a shadow Look cuz you could say oh, that's just the shadow of him moving, right? But it was moving on its own. It's separate from him. You saw oh

It's in that position. And then the guy walks away and the shadow moves. Also, it only follows you if you say, yeah, that makes sense. He stole something from the car and that thing. Because what I heard is pretty much if you follow, think about it, right? Spiritual rules, right? We're literally given the 10 commandments, what you're supposed to do and what you're not supposed to do. The golden rules. The moment you mess up or you go off of it. You know what sin actually means? No.

Sin? Yeah, do you know what it actually means or not? To me, it's just like doing stuff that you shouldn't be doing. You know what it actually is? No. Sin means to miss your mark. To miss your mark. That's what it means. Isn't that interesting? Yeah. But we treat it as something. It's like a rule book. It's just something bad we've done, right? Yeah, we've done. Yeah, yeah. But what it means, like the literal translation is to miss your mark. So what do you think that means spiritually? I don't know. So in my head, I think...

To miss your mark means we have a purpose to go on, right? Like a path. And the sins that we're tempted to do, that's the distractions. So we miss our mark by falling into sin because it takes us off our path. So you could have like the craziest storyline or given the best path in your life that God has planned for you. But when you sin, it takes you off the path.

And then maybe you can't get on that path. You have to go on a different path. That's true. That's kind of like the story I read about. I don't know why we've never talked about this. So there's like this spiritual healer in Brazil. Have we talked about this? His name is John de God or John of God. No, I never heard of him. So he's like this medium. Wait, his name's John? Yeah, John of God.

Okay, continue. Supposedly he does these miracles and he's gotten a big following out of it. Oh shit! I have something for you right after that. So listen, he's in Brazil and one day he's like, "Oh, I'm just gonna go out and tell everybody I can do these healings." And people started to believe him. So they would get on his knees, "John, can you heal me? I can't walk." And stuff like that.

It got so big that he literally built a, it's called a spiritual convention center in like a town of Brazil. Yeah. And it only had like maybe 500. But for 500 people to believe. That's a lot. That's a cult. Fam, he doesn't even have, he dropped out of high school. He has no like doctorate degree. He even dropped out, I think he said he dropped out of elementary school. So he has nothing at all. But he's telling all these people. Like his philosophy is his God is healing other people through him.

yeah right so this is where it gets crazy because one very influential person saw this in Brazil and wanted to go do like a documentary on him that's a celebrity I guess it was very influential damn I don't know who covers these topics

Who? Oprah Winfrey, fam. Oh, really? Yes. So she flies out to Brazil, does episodes with him. And imagine, after Oprah does all these episodes, his following skyrockets. Yeah. At this point, his convention center is healing 10K people per month. Dang.

Damn. Yeah. So is he making money off of it or what's he doing? Here's the thing. So obviously when, like he says that God never took money for his healings. He doesn't do that either, but he's selling spiritual pills. He's taking donations. Oh, so there's other things he's using to monetize. But all his stuff is like,

BS. He's like taking if somebody has cancer He's taking like a scalpel no anesthesia at all and just scraping their eyes and saying it it'll cure them What happens or nothing? No nothing because everybody like that has tried has like died or the treatment has been worse So why does he have such a big following?

i don't know because there's so many testimonies that that say like oh he cured me he cured me you know what i mean but this is where the twist is because one one woman who he saw on the oprah winfrey show she flew out to brazil because she had like i think it was breast cancer

And then what he did is he took the girl and he went into the washroom. And I think something happened where he essayed her and stuff like that. And then this is where all his following. Broke out Me Too. No, that's exactly it. So the Me Too movement was during this time of John DeGaad. And then she kept it hidden, but then she tweeted about it.

Everybody on MeToo said, "He's doing the same thing to me." Right? So that's when he gets caught. Everyone in Brazil finds out John the God is a pedo, goes to jail, that whole thing is done. Damn. It always happens like that. The cult leaders are always like... Exactly. But I feel like how you said, why is everybody believing it? Because he probably convinced everybody to say, "Oh, he cured me of cancer. He did this, he did that."

But the theorist that literally I heard it from, his mom went there for, because she was like getting blind every day. And he did the same thing, just scalpel to the eye. Nothing worked. So do you think the people that were cured, some of them died?

They cured themselves because they, I guess, manifested it. Probably like a placebo? Placebo. Yeah, probably. Because maybe that's what happened. Yeah, yeah. Because if there is like true... Man, that's a... To have a cult and a following of people like that, there has to be some truth somewhere, no? Yeah. Maybe he did know some remedies to heal people. Yeah. But maybe like...

man I want to look more into it yeah but I wanted I want to like specific like miracles yeah but that was like the the thing he don't know like the specific here's yeah so cancer if somebody came in and couldn't walk he made them walk stuff like that look the blind so blind so were those people were those people that were cured was it shown like in front of everyone it wasn't shown in front of her it was in the convention center that he did these surgeries on surgeries yeah surgeries

It's a weird case because he didn't show anything publicly. Crazy. But that's what his karma was. He tried to imitate God. And what happened to him... Is he in jail right now? Yeah, he's in jail. He's probably dead. Damn. How long ago was this? I don't know. For Oprah to go out there, that has to be like... For Oprah to go out there, oh my gosh. After that, 10k people in the line...

Like whatever you need. You know that guy in India that fixes the pots and pans? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's literally like that. He takes a pot, he hits it a bit, and then he gives it back. Yeah. Okay, because when you said his name was John, you know there's a theory coming on right now. Everybody's theorizing. There's a theory that says, you know John the disciple? One of the disciples of Jesus? This is weird. They say he's still alive.

Whoa, whoa, where? How? They say he's still alive, bro. How? Check this out. So these are real people, real accounts, right? They have every single one of the disciples' deaths, how they got killed, where they got killed, right? Damn. Except for one.

John like they don't have the documents and it's even put into like scripture - oh so in one of the stories um pretty much this was before Jesus was crucified and

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Oh no, Jesus asked Peter, said, do you love me? And Peter said, yeah, I love you. And Jesus goes, you are going to be killed for me. Like you're going to be martyred for me. And Peter, he was in shock. He's like, man, like that's what's going to happen, blah, blah. And he turns and he looks at John. He goes, what's going to happen to him? And literally this is what it says in the Bible. It goes, this is John 21, 21 to 23. He goes,

If I want him to stay alive until I come again, what is that to you? You follow me. What the heck? So he said that in the scripture, right? Yeah. Now this is really interesting because every single one of the apostles, the disciples, Andrew was crucified. Bartholomew, beaten and crucified. James, stolen to death. James, the other James, beheaded. Literally Matthew, speared to death. Peter, crucified upside down. They have everything. Every single one.

except for John. Now, they tried to kill him multiple times, you know that? The Romans tried to kill him multiple times. And this was before Rome was Catholic or Christian. They tried to put him in a boiling pot of oil in front of the Colosseum for everyone to watch. Now, there's a line here in the Bible that said, "He wouldn't be harmed." Like, Jesus says something like, "You wouldn't be harmed," right? When they put him in the pot of boiling oil,

He survived. And that's one of the miracles that changed all of the faith in Rome. Because they witnessed it right in front of the Colosseum. And eventually what happened, they tried so many times to kill him, kill him, kill him, but they couldn't. And what it said is he probably died of old age, but there's no proof and there's no account of it. But in the book of Revelation, the Revelation book is like what's going to happen in the future. It's pretty much the prophecy of what would happen to everyone. Damn.

and the line says in revelation 10 11 they and they said to john you must process you must prosify again concerning many people nations and languages and kings and it pretty much said like along the lines of he would be kept alive until that time comes and who knows if one day all of a sudden someone comes out and goes

yo by the way I'm still alive from thousands and thousands of years ago this is me I'm living proof of a miracle this and that yeah try killing me try killing me oh that's crazy and he just doesn't die yeah

If that happens right now, that would be wild. Because you know how everything that is bad happening in the world, they're saying it's coming to an end and then something will rise again or the Antichrist will come out? Do you know how all the hurricanes are happening and all the bridges burning? I think that's different. I feel like something's coming. I don't know what. But it does feel like as if the world is in a weird place. Yeah, exactly. Yeah.

Mentally though, I'm not like that. I'm not gonna look at all the terrible shit that's happening. Everyone's talking about the war. Bruh. There's something that the US should be concerned about right now. What? Because they're in a Code Red warning. Oh, for nuclear war, yeah. No, no, for a hurricane warning.

Oh, really? You haven't heard about that? The Hurricane Burrell. I think it's barrel. Don't they have like hurricanes every year though? No, no. But this one is like, cause it's right now it's in, I think it already hit Puerto Rico, right? Yeah. And supposedly it's supposed to come to the thing as a category five hurricane.

so that's the biggest story right now it's a category four and and it's gonna come to it may hit texas what everybody's like the scientists are saying is it may hit texas that's the only thing or it might be a code three when it arrives to the us so yeah that's that's happening like what would it do though would it i don't know well what it did to a lot of damage yeah what it did to puerto rico all the roofs on all the houses gone like the there's

Floods everywhere. Wait, so it's coming right now? What are they doing to stop it? I don't know. I literally read the update 24 minutes ago before we got into the thing. Because I seen a TikTok about it. I was like, okay, let me do a bit more research. Damn, should we get out of here? Should we run right now? We're going back to Canada soon, so it's not going to hit us. When is this coming? I don't know. I don't know. It's going to... I don't know. We should just do the update right now. Just search it up. It'll probably say... Hurricane Brill. Is it...

Fam, they're calling that- We're gonna be flying on a plane, bro. Oh shit. Yeah, you're right. What are you talking about here? I don't think it moves that fast though. It should have time. Search up Hurricane Brule. Watch. You'll see a post that says 24 minutes ago. So it's coming to where? It's supposedly supposed to hit Texas.

That's what it's saying. But then it's going to go down to like a category three, but then it's going to go back up to category four once it hits the Gulf of Mexico. That's what the article I read was saying. Damn, bro. But yeah, it's fucked. What are you supposed to do? I don't know. Brace for impact? I don't know. Just get out, right? Yeah, probably. I always think about this too. If there were words to be, God forbid, like a nuclear war,

What are you supposed to do? A nuclear war. Because you know how everyone, some people are like doomsday preppers and stuff. They all have their nuclear bunkers. Damn, Mark Zuckerberg just built one in Hawaii. Yeah. Me personally, I don't think you can prepare for it. Because I feel like the nuclear war would just happen and just take out so many people. Because it's nuclear. You know what I mean? What do you have to do? You think it's worth still living?

No. Why? You know that game that everybody plays where it's like... Fallout? No, no, not Fallout, but there's another one. So there's a dad, a mom, and two kids, right? And they literally made a bunker. So you have to try and survive 500 days, and you send out the mom to get food, and you give them certain tasks, right? Everybody that plays that game usually only dies around maybe day 30 because they send...

People out, they die from the thing and they don't have any food. And even though they're doomsday peppers, they run out at some time. You know what I mean? So it's not worth it. I think I would just try to survive as much as possible. I'll just do what I can, bro. That's insane. No.

I think so. Like I wouldn't just give up though. I'm not, I would give up. I don't give up fam. Yeah. Okay. No matter what, I'm not giving up. It doesn't matter what it is. If I'm on a treadmill and then someone's testing me, I'm still going to be on the treadmill type shit. If there's zombies, I'm fighting all the zombies bro. Till somebody bites me. And then I can say I give up. Day one that shit drops, I'm out. Actually scrap that. I'm still not giving up.

Even when I'm a zombie, I'm going to try to go back to being a human. No, no, no. And then day two, you're probably going to go out. So you did survive longer than me, but shit. I guess you one-dupped me then. Congrats. Congrats on one-dupping me on the nuclear war. But even if it's like complete nothing, right? Yeah. I think the purpose... Bro, even if there's a slim chance of overcoming a problem or even catastrophe...

Slim chance is enough, in my opinion, to still go. Because what if you were the one? That's the thing, right? If there was a zombie apocalypse or there was a disaster that everyone just feels like they want to give up on everything, you would need at least one person if you want to keep the world running or if you want to keep, I guess, hope, survival. It takes that one person.

Save everyone else. That would be a sick documentary idea. Imagine that happened and we're actually in a bunker. Oh my gosh. And then like we play certain roles, right? So you're the guy that actually wants to survive. I'm the guy that does a yoga. Let's just go out. Do you think people would want to save everyone though? Do you think there's people in the world like that or not? That would want to see. Do you think it's very selfish? From what? Like a nuclear attack? Just...

apocalypse in general apocalypse there's definitely people that would want to and just like start a new like civilization but the people that can do it are rich and they're very i guess i don't know do you think do you think they're willing to save everyone else or do you think they're more focused on saving themselves nah if you're rich you're probably focused on yourself money and greed already has like built-in selfishness you know what i mean what would you do if you had like billions of dollars billions of dollars well it's different because because

You know what I mean? If you're giving me that with this mentality, yeah, I would try to save them. But if I was growing up on money, probably not.

Like, if I was, like, a kid and my whole life was money, money, money, and then boom, like, oh, yeah, apocalypse happens, I probably wouldn't care about them. Really? But right now, if you give me the money and there was apocalypse right now, yeah, I'm trying to save as much people. But now what's the difference from one person to many people? It's utilitarianism, right? So, like, I believe, like, if there's a train track with one person, I'm going to flip it to the people that will save three people. You know what I mean?

Because I feel like giving up on yourself is giving up on everyone. On everyone? Because there's people that care about you. There's people that love you, right? That's true. So if you give up, then everybody that cares about you gives up. So what would you do? You would... Fam, if I have people that look up to me, I'm not stopping, bro. Because it's that thing of if there's a leader, if I follow a leader and my leader drops in front of me...

How am I going to feel, you know? I'm going to feel like, damn, I got to do this shit on my own now. And then somebody else has to become that leader if they're brave enough. So I think the best leaders, they teach their, what do you call it, correspondents? Like supporters. Supporters to be their leader when he's gone.

That's true. Because if you have a squad where everybody can become a leader, then you have a sick squad. But if you're... What do they say? The weakest link? Your squad is only as strong as your weakest link? It makes sense. Because if you have a weak link and you can't take over, then you're done. How do you know someone's strong enough to help everyone, though? Strong enough to help everyone...

See, I think it doesn't matter. Like, even if it seems as if it's just hopeless, it's never hopeless. Like, whenever I watch a basketball game and someone's losing, like, terribly...

Still in my head. I'm still rooting for the underdog like yo he could switch this around if he really could well You're talking about our basketball team. No just anyone. I don't know I would just have to be put in that situation You have to be put in the situation for me to find out what would make you get out of that though? What would make you like be brave if my family literally gives up? Then I would have to try and do something cuz that does I look up to my dad and my mom So if they're scared, oh, yeah, then I would have to

try and gain courage and bravery to just go out there and do it. Because there's no way I want my loved ones. My loved ones are the reason I do a lot of things. So it's like, that's what keeps me going. Do you think you have ancestors that talk to you or try to move your life in certain directions? Because I think like that sometimes. Because my two grandfathers that passed away, they were very, very...

successful entrepreneurs. And my whole life, like growing up as a kid, I would always think about becoming an entrepreneur. Like, remember, we talked about this before. Like, I always wanted to be an entrepreneur, right? And there's some times where it's almost as if I felt I was getting, not information, but I was getting support in a way. I don't know why. Almost as if people were watching me and I have a reason to keep doing it. Oh, so it's like they give you that courage to go out there because you know they're watching? So you know how, like,

You know when people are live streaming and they have to do a good job live streaming because they have people watching them on their stream. Oh, you have five people, you have 20 people, you have a thousand people watching you. So you got to perform. I think life is like that. I think life is like that. Because if spirits do exist, 100%, imagine how many different spirits of your ancestors, family members, even you can probably date it back thousands of years. Who's watching your live stream? Who's watching you live?

That's true. You know D-Pride, right? So I watched his little podcast thing and he said that on the day I think that his mom passed away, it was raining or something. And literally whenever he goes and performs the outdoor events, it starts raining. And he says whenever it starts raining, he actually gets more hype because he knows his mom is watching. Damn, it was raining when his mom passed away? Yeah, yeah.

And he says whenever he goes out there and it's literally every outdoor performance he's done, he said it's raining. And I've seen it. I've watched the live performances. Raining a lot. Right? And he continues it. He doesn't say stop the show. He's like, let's do this because my mom is watching right now.

And I have those things with my grandma too because like there's certain points of life where I know like it's like a deja vu moment where it's like, oh, I've seen it before. I know I'm supposed to be here. Like whenever I like look around and like in the Philippines and Vancouver and in here, there's always a butterfly somewhere, right? And I always think like, oh, that's my grandma. I'm supposed to be here right now. And she's always watching over me. You know what I mean? Yeah. Do you think...

Do you think some people just make those things up to make them feel better? Or is it they manifest into something real? It might be manifesting. It might be both. It could be both. Because I actually... Obviously, I'm not making up because when I see the butterfly, I feel something. Yeah, I get you. Because it becomes your own superstition. Nobody can tell you what your faith is or what your thing is, right? But the truth that comes out of it, what you actually do. You had faith in...

a superstition of having an orange peel in your sock to play basketball and all of a sudden you're Michael Jordan on the court. Nobody else can say anything if you played like Michael Jordan. Off topic, since you mentioned the orange peel, I don't know, and we ate the acai bowls. Did you know there's a phenomenon going around where the fruits are actually plastic and rubber? Yeah, I've been seeing that. Because I've seen one TikTok, this one put me on and now all my feed is rubber banana, rubber watermelon. I got a rubber

Yeah, so the original video I seen was the rubber blueberry So there was a mom that was feeding I guess her her child a blueberry and she was like oh They're complaining about it how it tastes like weird and like chewy right so she gets the blue Bay shows the camera puts in like the garbage disposal flips the switch

flips it off she takes it out and it's still intact and it's like like you can rip it apart and you've probably seen the banana one where the guy peels it and usually if you crack a banana it breaks yeah fam it was bending yeah so I was like what are they doing the watermelon's crazy because I didn't see the watermelon it's so like long paws it's so

And then when you try bending it, it looks like it would snap, but it's not, bro. I'm pretty sure if you try cutting it just like this, it will bounce. You could probably dribble that shit. Because I'm thinking, like, okay, there's obviously farmer's markets, but those are obviously more expensive. And the cheaper ones, they're definitely cutting corners. Like, the farmers out there definitely have enough money to cut corners and, like, give us... We all know the preservative stuff. We all know the, you know what I mean, the...

the stuff they put in like remember the chicken one where we were talking about how like they're injecting steroids into chicken so it becomes bigger they're definitely doing that with fruits like and veggies they've been doing that yeah we already know gmo is a thing bananas aren't supposed to be that big bananas just be like this big bro i know i know

And they just messed up the size for everyone. Yeah. Goddamn. You've tasted the bananas in the Philippines way better than the ones in here. And they're smaller. Like you said, they're smaller. That's why banana candy doesn't taste like banana. You know that? At least the old banana candy where it tastes weird. Okay. You ever had those like Laffy Taffy banana? I haven't had a banana flavored thing in a long time though. It's because no one liked the banana flavor. That's why. Because it doesn't taste like the bananas we eat.

Yeah. It tasted like the real bananas. And the real bananas taste way different. Did you see what's going on with honey, though? Honey? Oh, like the honey packs? Oh, yeah. You want to talk about that? No, no, no. That's going crazy right now. What's going on with honey? So there's pretty much a theory. Ah.

And remember I talked about the beetle with the vibration of the wings? Okay. Did I show you that video? No, no, no, no. So look, it even said it, it literally said it in the bee movie. It said a honeybee, or sorry, it's either a bumblebee or just a bee. A bee scientifically cannot fly with its body weight and the size of its wings. Cannot. It shouldn't. It shouldn't be able to. It literally said it in the beginning of the bee movie.

But bees don't care what humans think. That's why they can still fly, right? But there's actually real things that are going on. They don't really just use their wings to fly.

flap air to fly what they're doing is they're using vibration to make themselves fly they're using frequency to make themselves fly you know when they put sand on a table and they play a certain hertz a certain frequency of of sound what happens to sand it creates like hexagons it creates like certain patterns what is a honeycomb oh it's the same thing it's the same thing it's hexagons hexagons hexagons how do they make that shape

It's because of the vibration they're moving in. Now, why is honey literally the only, probably the only food naturally that doesn't go bad? Like fungus can't grow on it. It's so pure. It has all of these nutrients. It's very good for humans. It's very good for everyone. But it doesn't go bad and stay so pure. What makes it that way?

It's been blessed by the frequency of the bees. And it's put into that... People call it, like, sacred geometry. That's what they call it. Oh, it's sacred geometry. The hexagon. Because a honeycomb is literally a hexagon. When what they do, they throw up the pollen into the thing, and then they use...

their their vibration to create it damn i didn't know that because because i've seen the the frequency stuff too because you know how um uh in the ocean they have sonars so i don't know where it's at specifically but on like a beach all the all the sharks and stuff were going and swimming close to each other and they're saying it's because something down in the ocean like is sending sonars because we don't know what's in the ocean right so they're sending sonars and every like

creature in the ocean like started like freaking out or like they're swimming together to the shore because we've never seen that to escape what do you think it is probably like a big fish that has those type of things that we haven't seen before it's probably gonna be like oh new Pokemon I think it's probably the shit we're using to explore it

You think people are down there right now and they're like sending stuff up? No, I think because If you if you bag it we didn't have technologies to go down that far before we didn't have technology to make like oil lines into the ocean before but now we do so the way they're moving is away from all of that stuff I guess okay. I want to show you the video though. Yeah, so I talked about this before with the it's a beetle that they find in the wild and

And this beetle might be the reason we're able to make flying cars, flying everything, literally levitating hoverboards, all of that shit. Okay, let me see. So it's the same scientist that he took a beetle wing, he placed it on top of another beetle wing, and it like bounced off almost as if it was a magnet. Oh, okay. Check this out. Oh, maybe I have seen this video. This is a real video. He just tested it. Today we're going to try to get one of these shells to hover over the other one. The original...

This video So this is that scientist you put on top and it floats on top it levitates on top look he's gonna do it right now Yeah, there's no there's no effects. No nothing. Look you see it. It's like it's like hovering look you see it. It's hovering It's literally hovering bro. That's wild that's straight off like you said frequency, right? So what if you if you use a microscope and go deep into what the wings are made of

The pattern is what? Is the same geometrical symbol. It's all frequency fam. Everything is a frequency. So now we got that solved, there's gonna be flying cars and stuff. Remember when we were kids and we were imagining what the future would look like? So all we needed was that fucking beetle? Bro, that same beetle, it's plastered everywhere in ancient Egypt.

You know the scarab, the beetle? That's everywhere. And it's because that's what gave them possibly the answer to make all of the pyramids, all of these things that we can't do now. Now, what if you're saying like we're going to get all these hovering cars and shit like that? Bro, this is ancient. They 100% knew this already. Time ago.

It's not like we're going to get it now. It's already there, fam. We just don't have access to it. True. But it would take somebody to study it more and then, I guess, manufacture it more to become something else. But what I'm curious in is because you know how the particles are always moving and always taking form, right?

Would we be able to create, with understanding that, would we be able to create even crazier things just by geometry? Probably. Because, like, you said how it's all in the walls and ancients. So that guy that showed the beetle video, is he, like, locked up? Because everybody that I've seen, that I've read about who does that type of research, either gets, like, imprisoned or, like, he just gets killed for exposing that ancient teaching. Yeah.

nah you didn't get locked up but he's still good? yeah holy smokes I don't think if it's public like that I don't think also this is not some knowledge that's top secret it's just out there it's literally you just pick up a beetle and put the wing on top and shit starts floating but then what if he goes and creates his own things now so

since he knows that i don't know you know what i mean what i'm what i'm interested is if if you were to take it further and then start making products exactly yeah what would happen yeah yeah what do you think like the first floating hoverboard so we have the regular hoverboards if once he creates the first floating one he gets a bunch of money from it maybe they might you know i mean but i don't think that's why it would be for yeah this should be for military yeah this should be for military this should be oh if they use that for military it's raps imagine you don't have to walk no more use it that's my thing you

You know they have an invisibility cloak already? Oh yeah from China? The one that they went like this and the tree? They have an invisibility cloak. That's kind of crazy. Everything in the book that they ever wanted to create, they lowkey have it already. It's just they're not showing us because we're not meant to have that stuff. Why do you think though? Because it's dangerous bro. If we all had that, if we all had what the, I guess the elites or whatever you want to call them have, we'd be dangerous bro. True.

True. Well, you'd be dangerous and be able to take the positions of people in power. Yeah. When the movies, new movies come out, they usually give hints of what's going to come next. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So what if they start making, oh, the futuristic movies just because this is now? Oh. You get what I'm saying? Yeah. That's why I think Marvel movies, Marvel movies have to be doing something because every time there's something going on, like...

in the realm of conspiracy. Marvel does it in the movie. The shapeshifters, the Skrulls. Exactly. What do you call it? The government conspiracy stuff. They have it. Captain America Civil War. Captain America Winter Soldier. It always lines up when it's happening. It's always there. But I think the reason that happens though isn't because like... I think it's just they're playing off of what we're interested in at the moment. Because...

I would be interested if I'm hearing all these conspiracies and then it's out in a movie, but then it makes it seem as if it's not that real because it's just in a movie now. Oh, okay. That's just something in a movie. And when we say in a movie, it kind of lessens the reality of what could be.

if that makes sense. Because there's two types of people. They will see things in a movie. I feel like creative people will do this. They'll see some things in a movie and think, okay, this can be manipulated and created into real life. But I feel most people, they see it in a movie and say, oh yeah, it's just a movie. This is how we say, oh, dreams are just dreams. You just had a dream, bro. That's true. Oh, you just had a dream. Don't even worry about it. But why are we always, I guess, passing it off as, oh, it's nothing. What

What if there is something, right? Yeah. Do you know the, so you know the yellow Ferrari that Guy Fieri drives? Yeah. So, you know, there's a, it's like iconic yellow Ferrari of Guy Fieri. There's a backstory that they low-key should have turned into a movie. So, because this guy didn't know it was Guy Fieri's Lambo. So, he seen, he was like one day at like 4 a.m. He was on top of the dealership and he did like the spy mission where like he went in the dealership, unlocked the car and drove it out. Mm-hmm.

And everybody on the roads that knew that Guy Fieri had the yellow Lambo was like, "Oh yo, I see you driving your Lambo. "Oh, it looks so sick." And then Guy Fieri was like, "What do you mean? "I got it, I put it in the dealership to get serviced." So this guy who's doing these missions also sells, he does all these bad things. So he sells fake IDs to high school students. He steals the cars, sells it to other people. But when he does it, he keeps the cars in a storage unit.

it right and while he's doing this um fake ID card there's this girl that he he always sells fake IDs to and they try to they try and like um what do you call this have like a relationship but the girl says oh I have a boyfriend and stuff like that so the guy's like really pissed that this girl has a boyfriend and he wants like fam he devises a plan to kill the boyfriend and the girl

So imagine he's doing all these criminal activities and he's still trying to go out and like shoot people. So one day he goes to a bike shop, he grabs a bike, all the gear in the bike, and he goes to the boyfriend's house

lets off shots while they're chilling in the parking lot fam he misses them and and he dips away right so remember i told you the guy sells fake ids to the girl yeah the girl calls the cops how can we lure him in he's like okay can i get another fake id and stuff like that and so he he drives the lambo to the girl since he's trying to impress her guy yeah guy and then the girl's like okay cancel that i don't really want to uh uh

ID no more. But they see he's already got lured to the house and the cops follow him back when the girl says, oh, it canceled. He goes back to the storage unit. Cops waiting for him. Oh, yes, I know. Yeah. But Guy Fieri didn't know this whole thing happened. And when it happened, he's like, yo, there's a whole backstory to my Lambo now. Yeah, he just left it off. There's a story. And all that stuff popped off. Exactly. Those are my favorite movies. Exactly, yeah. Those are my favorite movies too or stories is when it's like...

It's just supposed to be something regular, but there's a whole freaking other storyline that plays out that you don't even realize is going on. That's why I'm so curious. Little things, the butterfly effect, if I go accidentally bump into somebody and then they just have a bad day, what is he going to do? Facts, facts. I better apologize or something, right? That's why I'm so like, anytime I see...

Somebody, if I offended them or whatever, you have to be careful because there could be like a butterfly effect of,

negative things that they would want to do to you or to other people just because that energy is passed off in that way even if it's like a miscommunication that's true you know what I noticed that in like so remember how you always said like we were talking about like breakups and heartbreak like that stuff and how like even though a girl has hurt you you would try your best not to just remain the same and not like pass that negative energy towards that's why I truly believe like when I got to my next relationship I feel like

Even though I was broken so bad. I feel like I had to Build up the courage not to do what she did to me, you know I mean and I feel like like it's maturity, you know, I mean it's maturity and growth how I didn't I I could have done it but I really did it do you think it takes time to change or do you think look let's say let's say you want to become somebody else or you want to

You want to change. Let's say you want to change, but the people around you are used to you being one type of person. Do you think it would take time or can you just change quickly?

It's a bit of both because actually, no, because if you really know... Because if you change too fast, they're going to think something's up, right? Yeah, but at the same time, if you change fast, you would probably grow out of those friends. You know what I mean? And they would like, if you're a real person, you would just cut them off because they're not good for your growth no more. Interesting. But if we're taking time, then...

like your growth will push them away naturally. You know what I mean? So it'll take time, but it's not like immediate. Oh, I'm cutting you off. It can go two ways. You can change quick, cut them off or like immediate growth and just drift off naturally. If you have a suspicion of your partner, I guess cheating on you or doing something behind your back. Yeah. Would you change anything to try to combat that? Or would you just stay the same? If you have a suspicion. Damn.

because a suspicion is suspicion it doesn't have to be real it's not it's just an allegation what would you do so there's an incredibles theory okay now i don't know if you noticed that this is this is wild

In the Incredibles, remember when Mr. Incredible was sneaking out to be a superhero still? Yeah. Because being a superhero was not allowed anymore. And Mrs. Incredible was just curious, like, why is he always going out? What is this going on? As kids watching this, I never bagged it. But remember she was in the room and she was, like, picking up the hair and stuff? She was like, whose hair is this? Off his suit. And she realized, yo, he's going out. He's going out and stuff. Oh, shit.

Now, theory goes that Mrs. Incredible, throughout the film, we know, what's Mrs. Incredible's powers? Elastic. She was making her body more voluptuous to combat Mr. Incredible's suspicion of being a cheater.

Oh, that's kind of crazy. So that's why... Remember when she goes to save Ms. Incredible? Yeah, yeah. And she's looking in the mirror like that? It's because she's looking at her new body that she gave herself to get Ms. Incredible to stay with her. That's kind of crazy. No, because I feel like, yeah, that's definitely a fan theory. Yeah, it's a fan theory, but still. Would you... Like, if you could, I guess...

You still can. Like, you can do things in your day-to-day to be, like, a better person. Yeah. But if you have suspicion of someone cheating on you or someone going behind your back, whatever, would you change yourself for that purpose? Or would you just stay the same? I would probably just stay the same. So theory, right? Yeah. Theory. One of the signs, one of the signs that someone's ready to leave you is when they better themselves too much. Better themselves too much. Right away.

Think about it. Think about it. Because remember you said what? Remember you said what? When you grow too fast, you're probably going to what? Outgrow them. Oh, I get what I'm saying, right? So theory, one of the clear signs or one of the red flags is someone's changing fast right before your eyes for a reason.

You think that's true? Yeah, I believe that's true. But also, I believe that if you guys have a good relationship together, you grow together as well. Because that's what's the point of a relationship is to grow together. But if one person, yeah, is dramatically changing, I'd be scared still. But what would you do? I would have to try and change as well. Like I would try and grow as well.

like better myself get a better job if i if i didn't have one you know what i mean yeah do you think it happens a lot or not this is just like rare cases no i feel like this happens a lot a lot yeah because in usually my past relationships we were outgrowing each other somehow it may be just be like oh your hobbies don't match to my hobbies or my

Our future or his future her future doesn't look the same as my future. So it's like mindset Mindset wise health wise could be anything. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I have another incredible series. Okay, so there's a theory You know, you know, um, you know syndrome, right? Yeah. Yeah So if you take it in here all of the information on every single superhero where they were if they're dead if they're alive and

where they are pretty much yeah you have the whole system remember Mr. Incredibles on the computer goes boom deceased boom alive boom missing whatever but some of them said underground so he knew where they were he knew their identities but it says underground now theory goes that syndrome from the Incredibles he's not just any regular supervillain yeah he's hired by the government to

to take out any superheroes that are still doing super business. So he's the, what is that role again? Yo, he's the one to take them out. To take them out? Because if you think about it, right? In that universe, being a superhero or being a super was illegal. But there's still people doing it on the side, like in, you know, incognito. So his job theory was, how did he get all his riches first off?

I forgot. It didn't even say. All of a sudden, he's a billionaire or he has all of this tech, all of this weaponry from nowhere. They like military grade work, you know? Yo, Syndrome is the fan of Mr. Incredible, right? Yeah, he's the villain. What?

So how did he become that or how did he go from that to becoming the villain he is? Theory goes that he was hired by the government in their universe to take out every single superhero that's still a super. That's still going out. That's why some of them say underground and the underground ones you won't touch because they're, you know, they're abiding by the law. Yeah. Of not being a superhero. Yeah.

You know who had a really bad Disney story, I mean, a cartoon lore? Loki the Worst out of all of them. Which one? Dr. Doofenshmirtz.

oh because the parents a kid yeah when he was a kid and the parents put the plastic bag over whenever he walked as a kid and then they left him because they were disappointed like he didn't become a doctor or something I feel like that's why like he was so close to Perry because it's every day he was coming you know I mean and he was coming to visit him fight with him but at the same time it's like building a relationship at the same because you see him every day that's like your co-worker yeah that's what happened with Batman and Joker

Oh, yeah? Yeah, so Batman, or Joker, every time Batman beats him up, Joker's still around. But it became a thing of, if he doesn't exist, then who is he? You know what I'm saying? Like, if there's no dark, there's no light. If there's no hero without a villain, then how powerful or how much is the hero worth without that side? Nothing, bro. If there's no challenge for the hero to combat, no challenge to test him,

Yo, it's not even worth being a hero. I probably wouldn't be a superhero. Who's your favorite storyline then? Storyline? That inspired you the most? Spider-Man, for sure. Oh, Spider-Man? Spider-Man, yeah. What was mine? I'm trying to think. Loki, the one that made me more courageous was Kick Patowski. You remember that? Why? Because he just did everything. And as a kid, you're looking at this daredevil. I was like, yo, I want to do that too. Yeah.

Really? Yeah. King Patasky was probably one of my favorite shows. Yeah? That's an old one. Wait, what did he do again? He literally just broke every rule and like broke every bone just so he can do a stunt. Would you say you break a lot of rules though? No. But I looked up to him because I wasn't doing that. You know what I mean? That's like I was living vicariously through him.

You know how all these like... So say like some guy streams. Yeah. And he goes to clubs, he meets with friends and stuff. When you're a kid and you see these people, you live through them. True. You know what I mean? So it's like a deeper relationship even though you don't know that person. So all the stuff that I wouldn't want to do, somebody is doing it. Yo, I would want to look up to him. Do you think... Do you think if there's too much of that like vicariously, living vicariously, then...

it just traps everyone. It does. I think it's just, is high key a trap, bro? One of our boys even said that. And I was like, kind of like, Oh, that's kind of weird because it's like, yo, I'm, I'm vicariously living through you got your influencer lives right now. I'm like, bro, you can do it yourself. Why don't you just do it yourself? You don't have to. Yeah. I mean, you like to experience it is way better. And I mean like in person, you doing it way better feeling. But do you think there's certain people that are meant to just witness like,

I don't think so. Like, I feel like it's just, I don't know. Because in a sense, I'm a witness as well. I witness certain content and I... But you went out and did it though. But I'm still a witness of other people's content that I don't do. True. But do you think there's certain people that are meant to just witness?

and and not do no i don't think so i feel like everyone has the capability to do it i i think even if you witness and just make a difference in whatever you're doing that's your purpose even if it doesn't seem as crazy as it is for example if you're like the best bartender ever you know even though people don't see you as this person if you're doing the best job you can do and you're having fun with it yeah that's your purpose anyway right yeah

Like, no one can really... Yeah, we were all... You had a good point. We were all witnesses at one point. It's just like...

You have to put in the work to get to that point now. Because when I started the clothing, like, I remember I seen... The one video that I want to recreate is the Ian Conner one where he had a money counter. And he was literally, after his drop, he was counting $100,000, right? And I worked, like, every day just trying to get, like, to that point. And I was telling people, like, oh, that look up to me is like, oh, I'm doing this, I'm doing this. I'm like, bro, when I was, like, dead broke, I was...

hitting up every single influencer every single day was doing so much just to get to that point and that's like you know i mean is there a certain i guess figures media figures celebrities whatever stories that you would plant if you could go back in time and plant it to your younger self would you do it probably not because it would probably affect my route yeah it would but would you would you do it in the sense of making you a better person would you do that

Oh, I don't think so. What's wrong with that though? Because that's pretty much your older cousin showing you these things. Because in a sense, that's a duty. That's purpose, fam. If my older cousin never put me onto all of these things that cultured me, that showed me good music, that showed me, I don't know, fashion. I wouldn't be like this, bro. I literally would not be like this if it wasn't for them.

So would you do it to yourself, though? If you could go back in time and look at a young Gavin, be like, yo, I'm going to give him Tupac right now. You know what I'm saying? I'm going to let him watch this movie right now. Boom.

Fuck, I probably wouldn't. I would. I 100% would. Because, oh, yeah. So this is perfect because you did that to your sister, right? I did that to my sister. And I didn't. I made my sister too cool. I made my sister too fucking cool, bro. I'm not scared, but, like, I'm worried there's going to be too many people that like her. Mm-hmm.

Yeah, because with mine, like I said, I didn't do nothing. Like, I let her pick her own cultures. Like, obviously, I would throw stuff in there, but whatever she likes, she likes. I wouldn't force nothing. But is that a duty, though? That's a duty, fam. I don't think so. I feel like I have the duty to...

uh, push her to the good stuff and not like the bad. You're always like, yo, I put you on, I put you on, I put you on, but you don't put your sister on? Come on, bro. That's true, that's true. Think about it though. Think about it. You can really help somebody out by putting them onto the right things. Or,

just inspiring them the right ways and they'll be like Amazingly great because some of the greats they're only great because they're inspired by great You know if they're consuming the wrong content or they're consuming the wrong I guess I

and just overall aesthetics, then it's going to go a direction that's not really the best. Yeah, that's true. But who knows? Everyone's different. Some people would take like really weird stuff or really kind of like poopy. Yeah.

stuff and then create something amazing out of it somehow. It takes a mind to do that. Yeah, if I see my sister watching Brain Rot every day and shit like that, obviously I would have to step in. But if she's already consuming good content, like good YouTubers pushing positive... What's your favorite YouTuber? Right now? Yeah. If it wasn't for us, it would probably be...

Influencer or YouTuber? Just anything, like media. What does she consume? What she consumes or what I consume? No, like her. What does she consume? It's like the... Loki, the people at VidCon, so Smosh. She watches a lot of Smosh. Right now, yeah? Yeah, Smosh, yeah. Because they're just funny and stuff like that. Yeah. And then... Yeah, I don't think it's no one bad. It's like Mr. Beast, the typical. You know what I mean? Yo, high key, like... I never thought about... I never thought about kids like that. Uh-huh.

But I'm super excited for like when I have a kid, you know what I mean? Really? Yeah, like super excited. Like I'm thinking about it now because I never thought about it until like this very second. Yeah, yeah. Are you going to LeBron him? What do you mean LeBron him? Not LeBron him. Yeah, kind of LeBron him because you know how Bronny's like, oh yeah, he has LeBron as father. So he has all the tools, equipment. Now you're going to the NBA right away.

it's still very early to think about that you got me it's very very early are you gonna come i'm just saying in my head i'm just saying in my head if i could raise myself yeah yo that'd be so crazy really yo you would push conspiracy theories on him right away why would i do that why would i do that i'm wiser than that yeah i'm wiser than that i wouldn't do that but i would give him the all the tools necessary to be like the best you know yeah

I'm mad excited for that whole league. I never thought about it like that, though. When did that flip switch? Right now. Right now? Yeah. Oh, shit. Because I never thought of... Look, my sister, in a sense, is someone I helped out. You could say you helped raise somebody if you were actually there raising them.

But we don't bag it like that. Some people don't bag it like that. Even if it's a cousin, some of my cousins helped raise me because I spent a lot of time with them. And what's crazy is some of the people that are most impactful are teachers. Because you're, in a sense, raised by the teachers. You spend the most time in class with them.

So if your teacher's not a great role model or not the best type of person, but you still end up like them, you were still raised by them, you're going to get a little bit of them in your life. Is it scary to you that you think we raise our friends too? Yeah, 100%. You don't think so? Yeah, I do think so, but I also feel like it's scary. Everyone that is close to us is kind of the same. Isn't that not scary to you?

Like it's a great feeling because everyone in our group is very like, is positive. Why is it scary though? I don't know. I don't know because I feel like it's like, I don't know. It's just scary to me just the fact that there's so many similar people to us. And like, I've talked to a lot of other people and there's like, oh no, I don't have people. I don't think we're very, I don't think much people, I wouldn't say we're very that similar. Yeah, but I feel like just the core morals, it feels good to have people around you that have the same core morals because that's super important.

Yeah, of course. Always. Yeah. How do you find people with the same morals, though? I feel like you just attract them because if you have the right morals, then people with the same morals will find you. You know what I mean? You think they'll find you? Yeah. Well, yeah. Or if you have the first conversation with someone, you already feel like, oh, you're grateful and stuff like that. Boom. You know what I mean? You build that relationship.

I don't think they find you necessarily. They don't find you? No, I don't think so. The right people won't find you? I don't think so, no. Really? I believe that's so heavy. I think the wrong people will still find you. But it's up to you to make them see your way. No matter what, people will come to you. But depending on the type of person you are, then they will change depending on who you are. If you're that type of person. True, okay. That's what I'm saying. I see what you're saying. So I don't think the right people will find you. I think...

people will find you. I think just people in general will find you. Because I think it's better if I meet people that will challenge me or if I meet somebody that's completely different than me, that's high key more incentive than finding someone that's exactly like me. I remember one podcast we did that was totally different, but...

Because, look, if I know someone that's exactly like me, bro, that's not a challenge. I know exactly what they like. I know they're going to mess with this. I know how to conversate. I know how to open them up. I know how to find love with them. But if you take somebody from a complete different, I guess, perspective, somebody that's, I don't know, I guess a little bit more, who knows, dark, whatever it may be. That's where the real test. That's more of a challenge. I feel that's more interesting and more valuable because that...

I don't know, dynamic is something you wouldn't be actively going to encounter. Or just...

conversing right yeah yeah because then yeah there's definitely conflicts and then you're gonna have to talk it out but yeah no i get what you're saying like if you were to become the greatest speaker in the world how would you become the greatest speaker oh oh talk to different people about yeah i guess talk to different people yeah that would be one of it but i think it's more just like finding challenging conversations true true because i want to i want to get somebody that's so much fucking smarter than me put them in the room and then see

See how I level up from them. Like, compare me to before and then after. How quick of a change it would be. Because I think I really gain off people. Like, I'll... Not that I change, but I'll... I don't know.

get their lingo, get their ideas kind of. Because it's like the NBA player. You put an NBA player in a college team and you really see how shit a college player is compared to an NBA player. So yeah, other people, when I talk to other people, oh yeah, I'm practicing with podcasts every day. So it's like we said, if I go into another podcast, boom. I'm already prepared. What do you think would be your biggest challenge on a podcast? Like a person.

I feel anything Joe Rogan Joe Rogan really? You think Joe Rogan would be hard? I think he would be easy to be on a podcast No because that's what you like You know what I mean? Anything If we did street What I would do Oh streetwear podcast Deep talk podcast But once it comes into science and thing I will look like a rookie Really? Yeah I will dead ass look like a rookie

Unless I have stuff planned. Because if we're just conversating and I actually don't have shit planned, oh man. You know what I mean? That's why if we ever get on Joe Rogan, oh, I'm doing research for a week straight. High key, I want to be on a podcast with somebody that doesn't speak a lot. Speak a lot? Oh no, I love that. The introverts?

I love having conversations with introverts. Like shy people. I feel like it's super interesting. It is, it is. Because it's a challenge to even open them up first and it's a challenge to once you've done that, there's a second wall. You know what I mean? Now you have to do, okay, what's your interest? Stuff like that.

But yeah, I've never had problems with introverts, actually. So you think it's harder to talk to extroverts? That's an interesting take, though. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's an interesting take. Low key. Why, though? Why? Because, oh. Because it's like that thing. It's like, oh, if you know that person is smarter than you, if you know that person is louder than you and talks more, then you're like, oh, shit. Now it's kind of a shock to you.

but once you have with an introvert i know that you know i mean i'm i i build confidence just because it's like oh now i have to i have to be the dominant side well what's the goal the goal is to to get even playing field what like as in as in they should be comfortable with me and i should be comfortable with them that's the goal yeah that's the goal whenever i go into like uh whenever i'm talking to an introvert really yeah is that is that your goal with a conversation yeah to have just good conversation

at least feel comfortable i'm kind of tactical i'm like yeah like when i meet someone new well it depends though i don't do this all the time but when i meet somebody new i try to i don't know try to get information really what type i don't know like i don't know i mean that kind of is the point of like once you get information you're getting comfortable with them i feel i feel if if i don't get information then i wasted a conversation really yeah

But you also trade vibes too. Yeah, vibes. Vibes is just as valuable. For sure. Because if I just get a good mood off someone talking to them, that's fire. I think, yeah. But I think that's all in the same umbrella. Like vibes, information, and comfortability. That's the three recipes to a good convo, no? Oh, what is it?

What is it? It probably is because in this podcast, we give information, relatability, so they're probably comfortable listening to us. And then what was the last one I said? Comfortability. Comfortability. Information and vibes. Yeah, and they probably vibe with us. So those are three recipes to a good conversation. So if you have those...

I think excitement is my favorite part. That's vibes. I know, but that's like my favorite. Okay, yeah. I think that's my favorite. If I were to go into the conversation and get something cool, it would be something exciting. But what does exciting mean? It means to be for the future. So I guess to get something, could you be excited about something from the past? I guess you could because it's something new, right? Yeah.

I guess you can get excitement from every combo. Yeah, that's true. That's going to be my goal. I'm going to try to get excitement from everybody I meet. That's fire. I bet. You want to end the vlog out? Yeah. Thank you for watching this episode of the Jumper Jump Podcast. Make sure to comment, like, subscribe, all that good stuff. Go down to Spotify, Apple. Give us a five-star rating. We love you guys, man. Also, if you haven't already, go check out my other channel, Carlos Rico channel, in the description below. I'm posting a lot on there. And go check out this video right here and this video right here. Jumper Jump out. Deuces.