Publish Date: 2023/6/11
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What was the last thing that filled you with wonder, that took you away from your desk or your car in traffic? Well for us, and I'm gonna guess for some of you, that thing is... ANIME!

Hi, I'm Nick Friedman. I'm Lee Alec Murray. And I'm Leah President. And welcome to Crunchyroll Presents The Anime Effect. It's a weekly news show. With the best celebrity guests. And hot takes galore. So join us every Friday wherever you get your podcasts and watch full video episodes on Crunchyroll or on the Crunchyroll YouTube channel. Crunchyroll

When I was taking pics at the dealership, this guy started, he started like this, right? He started tilting the phone and the pics are like the craziest angles that like to take pics of what the car. Yeah. And so I was holding up the key, like me and my dad, right? And he's like, yo, give me your phone. I'll take pics. This guy starts going like this, right? Boom. It's all normal. Then he starts like rotating like nonstop. And

It got to a point where he was down there like this. It looks cool. It's different. You want the ankles. You got to hit the ankles, bro. That shit, we deleted that shit immediately, fam. I'm telling you, boomers have like a... They low-key have their own swag, bro. What? Like boomers. Oh, boomers? Yeah, they are different. They have their own swag. Fam, I'm not going to lie. There's some...

Yeah, have you ever seen like your dad work on something like fixing something and then they do shit with the tools I started way like Plumber like does his profession That's how you know, we don't do no Hand shit. You don't do any like fixing. We don't do we don't work with the hands at all We really just work with our fingers like this and you know the new album

Apple provision. Oh, that's gonna fuck up the boomers cuz they're like, oh, what is this? Oh because there's this and there's a TED talk going around to where a boomer was like Oh a Gen Z can't even write a check and then all the Gen Z's was attacking her She was like, oh log into your Apple iCloud and log out and see what happens Yeah, yo, but honestly I think

I don't want to call mans out. I'm not trying to call mans out. Obviously, because it's pointless. Yeah, but low-key, the next generation coming, I hope they really dive into more computer stuff rather than the tablet stuff. The tablet stuff. I don't think that's going to be a thing. I think it's going to be all iPad kids. You think it's going to be all simplified? Yes, iPad kids, fam. I hope it's not. Like, I love my iPad kids out there. That's our demographic, feel me? That's our mans, but...

I just hope like, cause growing up for us, we were always on the computers because that's all we had was computers. Like we were playing games, we were downloading our own games. You have to like move files. If the file didn't work, then you have to move into another texture pack, blah, blah, blah. You have to do launchers. Fam, now it's just go to app store and you get the app and then log in. That's it. And then it's getting even more simple because you don't even have to use a mouse. You just tap it. You just tap. And now you can control it with your eyes. So it's, I don't know why people don't see like

real problem like as soon as this becomes like a reality like it's already becoming that you know what though we're becoming the robots like we literally predicted it the the oculus has been out for a minute though like the vr and that's pretty much the same thing no it isn't because it's not

It's augmented You mean You have You have controls No but you can do that With Oculus too Like people just didn't bag it Yeah it's been out fam Really Like this tech All of this tech That Apple's dropping It's been out You guys just paid attention now Because it's Apple That's how brainwashed mans are Because now that we see Like a big brand doing it We'll be like oh shit But the tech mans know Like Yeah

Shout out MKHB. This guy's been doing reviews on other tech that's probably even more advanced than that. Wait, so Oculus you can control with your eyes? Okay, I don't know eyes. Yeah. I think the new one, the Oculus 3 is going to control your eyes, but you can, you could use your fingers like this. Okay. You just go like this and just tap.

Word. Yeah. I didn't know that. You don't have to use the controllers. Controlling is better. Just controllers is better because of the games. Because you want to feel the vibration, blah, blah, blah. Did you see the ad too? It was kind of like pointless because the guy was already sitting at home and the advertisement was like, oh, you can play your favorite games. Fam, you're sitting at home. You have a TV. You can't turn on the TV and play 2K. Now you're in it playing 2K, which makes no sense. You have it.

Okay, I know but trust me when you try it. It's pretty crazy Cuz I have the oculus quest right I put that shit on and I'm in a movie theater Yeah, and I can I can make the screen as big as I want. Yo, I I made a

Environment that's a classroom and I'm watching like on a projector screen. I'm just sitting at a desk You're the guy tell me gonna walk into a classroom and watch a movie and you're a weirdo, bruh Nobody's walking to classroom at this age, but why would you even wanna what the want to dream about that? That's kind of weird. No, it's not This guy misses school

No, but it's a comforting feeling, you know? It's a comforting feeling. Just like how you get comfort when you watch your old cartoons. You sit in that same setting, you get comfortable. That's true. It's almost like, you know those movies and movies where they go...

They go on an adventure and then they end up back in their old room. Like their childhood room. It's the exact same feeling. And it was like all a dream? Yeah. Okay. I get that. You know what's crazy? So I heard this theory. Okay. This is actually real. I don't even think it's a theory. But-

Cereal. Cereal, okay. We all know cereal is bad for us. The sugar is terrible for us. It's just not a healthy diet, fam. But that's the number one thing people eat for breakfast. Check this out. John Harvey Kellogg, the creator of Kellogg's cereal, he invented... Sorry, he made his cereal to stop masturbation. What? So he specifically created Kellogg's cereal to put...

Ingredients that will lower the testosterone of boys because boys are masturbating too much. Check this out.

if you eat Kellogg's cereal right now, it will lower your testosterone fam. - Say word. - Yeah, it will actually lower your testosterone because they put chemicals in there to lower it. It was the whole plan all along. It was to stop boys from busting nuts and like being so horny and shit. - Damn. - So if you eat, imagine you had a whole generation of kids

Eating cereal in the morning. Kellogg's, Frosted Flakes, Kellogg's, Corn Flakes, blah, blah, blah. We're all lowering our testosterone every single day eating Kellogg's cereal. Isn't that bad though? Because wouldn't you want some level of testosterone too, especially in the morning? As kids, you already have a high level of it. Oh, okay. And you know what's fucked too? This is a real study. This is an actual study. If you look at the years and generations and testosterone, they studied and they looked at

full research of different generations, it actually lowers like fucking, I want to say like 30%, something crazy. So we, our generation has the lowest testosterone in males than any other generation ever. Damn. I don't eat cereal like that though. So I'm highly like energetic. Yeah. But who knows what it is, right? Do you eat cereal every day? No, I don't eat. I used to eat cereal a lot.

Yeah. But that is a bad thing though. Like why would you want to lower your testosterone? Like it's good to let those juices go. So you want the conspiracy? Yeah. So the conspiracy is the more I guess

energetic males you have or high testosterone males usually those are the people that what those are the people that get shit done so they don't want to get usually those are the people that are what like the go-getters the bosses the people that fucking move things you know what I mean so as a person on top would you want more competition or less if you yourself are one of those obviously less bro

Damn. See, if we ever fought in a war, fam, and we were like Canada's top consumer of cereal, oh, man. Imagine the soldiers like, oh, we're all just slowed down. We have no testosterone at all. We fucking suck. Like all the mans are not passing the army test that your uncle did. Yeah. Like lifting and shit like that. Damn, I think the regular male can't do it. If you really take it in, back in the day, they would just take whoever for the war because usually...

the males they're doing the heavy lifting they're doing hard hard jobs like we were talking about in the beginning like hand to hand stuff but nowadays fam like we're just sitting at computers yeah do you have any theories of the air stuff that's going on cause I remember last night this guy was panicking cause it said and I watched the TikTok it was like oh Toronto's gonna become inhabitable so it's like this guy said I don't know if it's inhabitable that's what the TikTok said so I'm like whoa what the fuck and

in new york it literally looks like you know the blade runner yeah yeah blade runner yeah it looks like it's crazy so i'm like yo i literally took a took a step outside to like go on a grocery run and i like my eyes hurt i was like what the hell your eyes were hurting yeah well you weren't in toronto at the time yeah because i was in pickering and then and then it wasn't that bad in pk yeah it wasn't so also and i saw the sun was red right so i was like oh shit that usually doesn't happen um

It usually happens like yearly, right? Yeah. So I looked into it and Jarlene's telling me, oh, oh yeah, that's just the blood moon. I'm like, fam, that's not the blood moon. That's not the blood moon, no. I searched it up. It was like blood moon today. Fam, it's not happening until like August. It's just because of the fire and the smoke and shit. Yeah, that's how bad it got, fam. What's crazy, right? This is kind of fucked, but there was actually a prophecy.

And it said... It had something to do with the sun and the moon. Okay. And apparently, this moon is supposed to awaken the whole population and give them powers. It sounds fucking crazy. It sounds really, really crazy. Yeah, yeah. But they say... This is the whole conspiracy. I'm not saying I believe in this. But they say this whole...

wildfires smog popping up yeah it's to stop us from getting the energy from the moon to make us and get that power that's what they're saying that's some shit a bullshit conspiracy no but that that's what the that's like the main conspiracy about it because they want like why would they want to

I mean, there's a theory for everything. Why would they want to smog shit up? Yeah. Have you ever heard about the sunshine experiment? No, I wasn't. So that's one of the government conspiracies that actually came to be true. So I think it started in the 1950s.

And people were catching on to what was going on, like what was happening. And then it later got revealed to the public like six years later. So the whole conspiracy is that the government was taking dead bodies, like limbs and tissues, to test out what would happen if a radioactive fallout would happen. So it was true. The government actually took like a thousand bodies alive.

Of dead babies And Just like Dead people Random people bodies Without the consent Of the people's families From like the hospitals Yeah And like the graves fam Yeah So they took that And they tested it on them And people found out The parents were pissed Because this is An infant's body That they're taking And what did they find out They just used it Yeah they used it as research For the sunshine project Damn

Yeah. It's fucked. The government is hiding a lot of shit. You see Justin Trudeau like smiling during the whole wildfire thing too? That shit kind of pisses you off. He's like, yeah. Bro, this guy's getting hella carbon tax. I ain't gonna lie. He's finessing. He might be the biggest finesser. I just want to say this right now. Like, we'll never know the true...

You know what I mean? Like we'll hear what goes on in the news, but we'll never know the truth, why it happened, what they're actually planning behind it. It's just for us to guess. Us to guess. The one thing that you can believe in is what's right in front of you and what you can see. And the sad thing is like...

We can't control it. Yeah. It's sad too. Like a lot of people are like, when something, a government conspiracy comes up, they really try to copycat like an attack, like from them. So like, you know how a,

when 9-11 happened and new york uh just got bombed yeah there was like a lot of people who actually attempted to copy that attack yeah there was one no they did the same thing i think it was still the taliban though no it wasn't it wasn't because there was another guy um i think it's a russell peters joke fam no it's not it like an actual guy actually stole a plane yeah and crashed it into a building in america oh shit yeah you didn't hear about this no so so uh

this was going around when 9/11 happened. Everyone's trying to copycat this. Everyone got caught before it happened, right? A 15 year old kid fam, Charles J. Bishop, I think that's what his name is. He was studying to be a pilot, right? - Yeah. - Pilot left him before his lesson just to do the pre-flight check and shit like that.

He just drove the plane. He took the plane, put that shit in start and drove it into a Bank of America building in, and I think it was Tampa Bay. Wait, so he flew it all the way down. Yeah, he flew it. He flew it. He took that plane. He flew it. And then fam, he died for nothing because he flew it and nothing.

Happened like he didn't he nobody said he died no one else died he the pilot died Yeah, yeah, and then they found written in a letter. It was like him showing support to Osama bin Laden Oh, so he was he was a Taliban no he wasn't Taliban, but he like he liked that that

that theory or like he liked the idea and like he was like this is for Al Qaeda I think I don't know if it was in India I think it was India actually but the Taliban did a similar 9-11 attack this is Russell Peters joke actually okay but fam they really had the humor not to do it on 9-11 in India but to do it on 7-11 oh

I know that joke fucking hit in the comedy. Oh my goodness. No, but it actually happened. There was a huge mass shooting. I think it was in India. I believe at like a hotel. Yeah, on 7-Eleven. I can't even laugh about that. Instead of 9-Eleven, man. Did you see the Indian Spider-Man in Into the Spider-Verse? No, no. That shit was hard, bro. I'm not going to lie. That might be the best character design I've seen in a while. Shut up.

- Show me. - Look, I'll show you. - Show me. What does it look like? - He's literally Indian Spider-Man, look. Indian Spider-Man. And he had like an Indian MJ. It was fire, bro. Look at the character design though. Can you tell me, his fits not hard, bro. It is hard, bro. - Oh, the actual thing. I thought it was a troll. - No, this is in the movie, the recent movie. - Whoa. - Look at the head.

That's hard. It's actually so sick. No. Yeah. Okay, I know you didn't watch Into the Spider-Verse, but I want to say this for everybody that did watch it. That shit was not a 10 out of 10. I don't know what everybody's saying. Everybody was hyping it up to me. 10 out of 10. Best Spider-Man movie ever made. Yeah. I disagree. I just personally think it was a little bit too much going on. Here's my opinion. Okay, okay. Because I know people are roasting me in the comments right now. How can you say that? I rated it a 6.5 on my story. Yeah, that was great.

But I knew it was going to cost. Everyone else's was 10. I knew it was going to cost some rides, fam. But it's not really a 6.5. I'm going to say that. Okay, okay. More like a 7. Like, give it a .5 more. It's like a 7 out of 10. So it's bad. It's bad. It's not bad, actually. It's not bad. Mm-hmm.

But what it could have been made it bad. You get me? Because it should have been a 10 out of 10 for me. Why? Tell me. Maybe because nobody was deeping it like how I was. I feel like they catered it towards the kids that have no attention span. Oh, really? So it was...

like yeah thing after thing no storyline no there was storyline but the storyline was so it was so um it's hard to pay attention because there's so much going on all at once so the the animation was amazing it's 11 out of 10 animation like don't get me wrong but there's so much action showing on screen so many like boom blah blah you know what i mean and

And then it was kind of distracting from the emotion I was supposed to be feeling. Definitely, I'm not like the majority. A lot of people liked it. Everyone is saying like 10 out of 10 best Spider-Man movie ever. Personally, I just didn't like it and I did not like the ending. That's all I'm going to say. I only saw the trailer, but I

already knew it wasn't gonna be a top spider-man because it was cartoon style you know what i'm saying no but actually what's crazy yeah the first one people say is the best spider-man movie ever no i only like the one where it's it's all it's like humans like i don't like any of the if you don't like animation i don't want it to be in um in cartoon no it's pretty it's sick though it looks sick

Because there's certain things you can't do in real life that you can get away with on animation. There's a lot you can get away with on animation that you can't do in real life. Oh, there's a hidden detail in Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse 2. Okay. This is so sick because I didn't notice that at first. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But the character Spider-Punk, when he was in the headquarters, like Spider-Man 2099's headquarters, he was picking up some random shit, looking at it, like, oh, this is cool, throwing in his backpack, throwing in his backpack. Yeah.

Later in the movie we figure out yo, he was collecting all of those different gadgets to make Gwen's time travel watch Later, so if you watch it again, he's actually going through the whole headquarters picking stuff up and putting away this guy's delicious Yeah, yeah, I know it only made sense later. Oh, we're sick though So did you know spider-man this symbol is

- It's devilish, yeah. - No, it's not. - What? - This is "I love you" in sign language. - Oh shit. - So every time he's fighting the Sinister Six, every time he's fighting all those villains, he goes like this.

so when spiderman fights you he's actually saying i love you i love you i love you i love this whole time bro yeah so he's fighting with love but oh wait no i talked about that before remember in italy it was like in italy they do this oh we're like yeah i was i remember talking about symbols and this was one of them this is actually i love you yeah yeah so spiderman when he goes like this it means i love you so he's fighting them but he's actually fighting them oh that's kind of sick i thought it was gonna be some satanic shit again i

Nah nah nah nah, he's not satanic. I don't think Spider-Man's satanic. You could probably come up with some shit about Spider-Man being satanic and shit. He's red. No, that makes sense though. He's red ass, bro. He's red. He's shooting shit out of his face. No, but I don't know if you saw the Ellen Live. Ellen went live, right? Ellen Live on what? Like Instagram? Like Instagram, right? And like it showed parts of her house, right? Yeah.

And I don't know why, but Ellen's eyes have been really fucking me up so far. But it's like different colored lenses. It's really creepy. But all the paintings that are in her house are done by this guy who does certain rituals, like satanic rituals. And you can see in one of the paintings, there's triangles and shit like that, right? And I read up more about it. Those triangles are the same triangles that they do when they try to summon something. So every time...

Ellen has like three pictures specifically. And one, it was so fucked. But in quotation marks, it says, it spells out revenge. Revenge of what though? Revenge. I don't know. But that was part of the picture. I'm like, yo, I have a chain that's exactly like that. That spells out revenge. I was like, oh my God, I gotta throw that shit away. I gotta throw that shit away. Is that why you don't wear it now? Yeah, I don't wear it anymore. Do you think certain words, if you always kind of hold on to the meaning of it, does it fuck you up? That's what my friend told me. He said, um,

Even though that was like, it means something different to you. Yeah. That word is very bad energy, right? Yeah. So that's why it's like, fuck, whenever I wear it, is that like bringing bad karma to me, even though it's meant for something else? You know, so it's scary. Yeah. So there's also another game that's really trending right now. Have you ever heard of the red door, yellow door game? No, I don't.

You haven't. No, this is recent. Like everybody is putting their phone down and literally recording them playing the game. So I'll show you a video after. So you have one person that's like laying on their back, right? And another person is going like this, right? To their brain. So the whole point of the game is try to

hypnotize the other person so they can visualize our different sets of doors, right? Yeah. And the whole point of it is like you can open any door you want, but you have to be careful of which door you open, right? So there's three rules. The first rule is

If you see a guy in an all black suit, you have to end the game immediately. Why? Or else he'll kill you in that dream, in that hypnosis. Oh shit. So if you die like in the dream. Like there's actually people that went out of the dream traumatized too. Cause they were that close. So second rule, if you see any demons or thing talking to you, don't talk to them in that dream. And the last one, if you get trapped in a room full of clocks, like,

You have to get out right away or you might stay in that room your whole life. Oh, shit. So this is crazy. Yeah, yeah. So I'll show you the video. This girl and she did it to her brother. So they got fucking scared once shit happened. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So look, so look. She was leading him through. Wait, dude, is this all playing black, man?

No. Fam, the little boy said, an all-plain black man. She had to wake it up right away. No. Because he would have been killed in that dream, fam. There's way more videos I can show you that people slapping them. Nah, it's fucked. Because what would happen to that person when you're holding them? Would they just like fucking freeze up? Yeah, like freeze up. Like literally just stay still.

That's just scary. I know, fam. That's just scary, fam. Because I... You ever had those, like, for example, sleep paralysis? Many times. Yeah. What would happen, like, if you get stuck in a sleep paralysis? Because there's some people that do get stuck, right? And I heard, like, some people, they have heart attacks. Oh, word. And they die. What the fuck? So what if... Did you know there's a certain death a lot of people can get? And...

it's during their sleep and there's no there's literally no scientific proof of or medical proof of what actually killed them it's just they just deem it as like they died in their sleep they don't they don't know how it happened medically they don't know what triggered it there's nothing with their health that triggered it but

They just passed away. It's like a paranormal thing or it's like, no. Who knows? Yeah. What if those deaths, like those deaths when people die in their sleep, like certain ones, it's because of paranormal things like that. That's so fucked. I wouldn't want to, that's scary. Cause what if our dreams are actually just,

Jumping into different dimensions and portals. And by mistake, you jump into a death portal and like it ends up being that. Oh, that's fucking scary, bro. Have you ever had a dream like that where like you almost felt like. Okay, you want to, this is going to scare you though. I don't know. No, no, do it. I love those stories. It's not even like this is a real story. Yeah, I want to hear it.

You know the creepiest one? When you were gone for so long in the apartment, I was ready for shit to start falling out the cabinets like how you told me. I was like, I don't want to- Wait, what? Falling out the- No, because remember you were like, oh, the thing fell and hit my- Oh, yeah, yeah, dude. You were gone for so long. I was like, fam, I have to invite someone over. You're scared? No, because when you're gone for that long, fam, and you tell me that story and you leave, fam, come on, bro. What are you doing? You're setting it up for failure.

You know what I mean? Okay, bro. You're actually going to get fucked. No, I'm leaving after this, so I'm good. Alright. Let me hear it. Bro. Let me buckle up. No, this is actually real. It's actually... This is no joke. I'm going to just say that first. So lately, I've been feeling kind of not myself. What? Yeah. Damn. Okay. And you know I'm religious. I'm very religious. So I decided to go to church on a Wednesday. Oh, okay. That's sick. Yeah. So I went to church and...

This is going to sound scary to you, but... Yeah. Like a Catholic church? The Catholic church? Yeah. And I was praying. And then when it came time for, like, communion, you know, when you get the bread, the Eucharist? Yeah. This is kind of fucked to say, but, like, I was walking toward the priest and I had this urge to laugh. Yeah, fam. Whoa. Whoa. Yeah, no, like, fam, hold on. No, it's kind of crazy. Like, it's actually, like, really scary. Yeah. I had this urge to, like,

burst out laughing. Because you were uncomfortable or what was it? Because like in uncomfortable situations, man's laugh. So I can get that. Nah, bro. Yeah. Okay, so I sat down. Yeah, I sat down and I started praying. I'm like, why was I... I was scared, right? Why was I like laughing like that? Like what was...

what's going on right yeah so anyways i just kept praying and then you know i mean locked it away like blah blah blah so time goes by i'm blessed and as you know like i'm gonna keep praying i'm gonna keep doing my thing for sure for sure and the one that had a dream this was actually recent like not too long ago but i had a dream and it was like i heard someone screaming and i was i was in the living room and i heard someone screaming for the life they were like screaming

Get me out! Like, yeah, like screaming. I'm like, what the fuck is this? And I'm chilling. Like, I was chilling in like a living room. I was just like a home setting. And I walked downstairs and I just see like someone like trying to like get out or something, right? What? And it's screaming like, get me out, get me out. You saw it? Yeah, like in my dream, in my dream. Oh, okay, in your dream, in your dream. Yeah. So I'm like, oh, fuck. That was kind of weird. Yeah. And the time goes by, yeah. And then...

You know how I always wear this bracelet? Yeah, yeah. So this is supposedly protecting you. From demons, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right? So I took the bracelet off and I was like in, I was actually in, holy fuck. I was in the living room of my house. Holy shit. Yeah. It's like my dream. What the fuck?

I'm not making this shit up. And I wasn't wearing my bracelet, right? And something, I don't know why I was just so like anxious. I was so like worried about something. I don't know why, but, and then I started praying. I'm like, nah, I can't, I can't be feeling like this. Right. So I started praying. And when I prayed, like something inside of me was like, this is exactly what I heard in my head. You're going to get scared. This is exactly what I heard in my head. I can't stand you.

Something in my head said, I can't stand you. Fam, I'm not going to lie to you. It felt like some spirit or some shit was trapped and they did not like it inside, fam. But that's good though. I'm not scared about that because it's like, I know you're on that side. And then that's when I started praying. I prayed properly. Now, here's the thing though. Okay, I'm going to give the conclusion after. But I started praying and I said, please God, remove any...

any negative energy, any evil or any demon that may be attached to me. Yeah. So I prayed that the moment, like I said that, like I finished a prayer, fam, I swear to God, I swear to God, like, no, this is, I'm not even joking. Yeah. I felt like replenished. I felt like clear, like my head was clear, crystal clear. I can see, I can hear, I can like,

It's like quiet. Yeah. No. But usually it was loud, fam. Yo. Usually it's loud in my head. I shit you not, fam. Because I went to church on Saturday. Yeah. The Christian one with Jorley. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I prayed for the same thing. I said, because I initially prayed for protection from all the judgment because obviously the comments and shit, I wanted to replenish that. But I also said from anything negative or any spirit that's on me or any hex, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And so what they do in the Christian churches, they all gather their hands. They did it this week where they all get into a circle and they all hold hands. And everyone is talking at the same time, right? So I'm there like saying my shit. And the priest on the stage starts, as soon as I say that in my head, please, Lord, please protect me. He starts talking in tongues. I shit you not. He goes, I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here.

And I'm not supposed to open my eyes, but I look. I look, I'm like, what is going on? And he's up there, and I notice everyone, like damn near everyone is talking in tongues. Oh, shit. Fam, so I look to Jarlene. I squeeze her hand, and she's like, yo, yo, like just go, just go. Just keep praying, keep praying. But fam, the emotion I felt, fam, was...

was so crazy i'd never experienced anything like that before but it's like it translated you know energy yeah fam that was the craziest like uh preaching i've ever been in word yeah it was so crazy that day so were you able to think no no i i just kept going like like i cried like i i didn't cry damn yeah nothing so that shit is real bro yeah and and um i realized something

I realized like what's been happening. What? I'm putting faith into too many things that aren't God. Like what? It's good to put faith in yourself, right? You know what I mean? It's really good to put faith in yourself, but everything else is in like...

astrology or like believing in like crystals and shit even like this the numbers yeah yeah you put you put too many you put too many too much faith into other things to take care of you but the more time and more effort and more energy you put into that faith of other things the less the faith is in that

And I think that's what was happening. I was putting too much faith into other things. And what if those things aren't necessarily the right team? You know what I'm saying? Because obviously as an open-minded person, you're going to open yourself to those things. Like, oh, you start believing. Oh, Gigi was actually right, fam. But you know, at the end of the day, it's like none of these things is real. It all supersedes it. There's one thing that always is on top of.

That was one of the scariest moments of my life. But I felt replenished. Was it this week too? So we both went to church this week? Yeah. Yeah, so we came back. We're blessed still. That's crazy, fam. I know. Nah, but real talks, like you hear stories all the time on how this stuff would happen to you or you hear how people get quote unquote like possessed and shit. And you think it's crazy until...

Happens to you I swear to God like you think it's crazy so it actually happens to you because that's when you actually start praying Yeah, cuz like you never like a lot of people don't pray just to pray like they pray when they're scared Hey when it's like almost too late fam, but the thing is is never too late, which is what's really good but at the same time you should

you should open your mind to those things before beforehand like you should be thankful beforehand because if if you only do things after after the fact that you're down on your luck that you're you know i mean going through hard times like where are the times you're celebrating with god where are the times you're thanking yeah yeah because then we forget we forget who's been there the whole time it's like that there's that quote it's like um there's this guy walking on the sand

The whole time he was walking through the sand, he saw another pair of footprints. Okay. So this whole time he was walking on the beach and he saw another pair of footprints, right? And he noticed the hard times. When he felt like he was going through hard times, he only saw one pair. And he started to think like, what the fuck? How come there's only one pair of footprints?

like he looked back at his life like why why was there only one pair what happened to the other and he said jesus how come you didn't help me how come you didn't you weren't there for me at the hard times and then you know what jesus said those are the times i carried you

Jesus, man. W Jesus. I heard that quote. I'm like, holy shit. That's kind of. Yeah, no, that's real, bro. Kind of deep, fam. Yeah. So some guy in the comments also pointed out too, like, you know how we were talking about how the, all the media portrays that other side. Right. And it's like, some guy said, yeah, why couldn't destroy lonely be a fashion God? Why does he have to be the, the fashion? Exactly. Real talks, bro.

He could have chose any other word. Fashion God sounds cooler because you're the god of everything. Yeah, he could have chose different words, bro. No, but 100% there's like a spiritual world going on. Yeah, yeah. Y'all got to figure out what side you're going on because it's looking like the apocalypse outside, bro. I'm not even going to lie to you. It's literally looking like the apocalypse. Yeah, so now man's deciding to pray to God. It's too late, man. Nah, it's never too late. It's never too late, but...

If you ever feel like certain things aren't right in your life, maybe take a look at your spiritual side and see what things are wrong in that side of it. Because we only see the world as a surface level, but if you look deeper and see what affects what, shit, you can figure out so many different problems just figuring out what's inside your head. Because a lot of the times I get overwhelmed, anxious, this and that.

It's when I'm not focused on myself. It's when I'm not focused on, like, what's in here first. I'm focused on too much what's happening out there. Like, I want to tackle that situation. I want to go and do that thing. I want to go buy these things. I want to go hang out with these people. Take it back a step and then, shit, bring your energy back here and see what's going on right here. Yeah, I know. A lot of people just can't relax, especially for, like, entrepreneurs because it's always happening. But there was this guy on TikTok, right? So he, like, documents...

his life. Yeah. It's like, it's the name of the series is like the life after the nine to five. Right. And so,

Lot of people say oh that life is so stupid like don't go escape the matrix shit like now, right? But I realize I like it's very cool because it's very stable, you know It's like um, he goes from the 9 to 5 and then he has his routine, but it's every day So you're saying you'd like the 9 to 5? No, but I get the piece of a 9 to 5 like I get the piece So it's like you do the same routine cuz you don't have to worry Yeah, but say like I wake up. I have no routine right now. It's like I

oh, what am I going to do next as an entrepreneur, as a creative? No, because you have to, I mean, you have to have, you have to make your, you have to make your routine, bro. Like, obviously it's going to be like that if you don't make one. Everybody can make a routine. You can do, you can do nothing in the world, but have a routine of doing nothing in the world. Yeah. Like, oh, I wake up today. Yeah, yeah.

Time to do nothing. - I know. But I like his account because it's like a lot of people shit on that nine to five, but he's making it like seem like, okay, which it is, you know? - There's one thing that fucking blew my mind. This shit, like it made me think about everything, even just career wise in general. If you look at how the world works, like we all trade our health to what? To make more money. And then when we have more money, we lost our health. So what do we do with the money?

We try to buy back our health. Yeah, yeah. Oh, fuck. Whether that be with vacation, mental health, blah, blah, blah. So it's like we're trading ourselves. Boom. All right, give me this monetary value. Like, oh, shit, I'm fucked up now because I spent my whole time working. Working, yeah. So now let me just spend this money and get healthy. So it's like a cycle. But what if you could have just been healthy to begin with?

Health is wealth, to be honest. Yeah, you could have a billion dollars in the world, but if you're, like, dying, what's that billion dollars worth to you? And also, I had a fortune cookie, too, where it's like... No, no, it was so... No, it was just funny. No, no, it was so perfect. It was so perfect because me, me personally, I don't like to... I don't know why, but...

Got called out for is like yo if I have a friendship and shit like I'm very low maintenance Yeah, so I'm not gonna reach out to you like it's only until you reach out to me that I'll say yeah Yeah, cuz I say yes to everything but you have to reach out to me. Yeah, right So I got a fortune cookie recently and this was when I started like this like the first time I started linked my friends cuz I haven't seen them a long time so I was like yo, let's go chill and just like like have like a boba run or something. Yeah, so it's like something about like friends

friends in this world are free. Like, you should use them more. Some shit like that. But it was about friends and using them because it's free. It's free happiness. Like, that's, you know? But I was like, fuck. Sometimes it's not. What do you mean? Sometimes it's not if you have fake friends. I mean, yeah, but my circle is pretty good. That's why it's like, oh, it's such a relief to just get my mind off stuff and just hang out with the guys.

Yeah, for real. Like, you just... Even just hanging out with your parents or, like, your family, bro. Yeah, yeah. Look, that's mad underrated. I don't even... I didn't even realize until, like, lately. Yeah. It's actually mad fun to just kick it with my family, even if we're not doing shit. That's exactly... We're just, like, lined up like this. Like, yo. Especially when you just moved out. This right here? Yo. Yo. That right there? That's...

You couldn't trade nothing for that right there. And we're all together. Nothing could trade that, fam. The moment I get back to my mom's house, fam, I just, you know, I miss those times where I could just go in her room and start doing random shit in her room and annoying her, fam. When I'm here, I'm bored, fam. I have no one. Like, it sucks sometimes. You have to, I think if you're going to do that,

entrepreneur life, I mean, that's not a schedule. You really have to make yourself busy because if you don't make yourself busy, you're going to end up doing shit that either stresses you out, gets you into trouble. Or you get an addiction. Exactly. Because you're bored and man's are bored. But if you have something to work at,

You can be too busy to like, you know? But the voices, man. The voices just speak. This guy gets the urge in the bust nuts every day, fam. That's the voices he's hearing right now. Like, you see me every day just chugging down Kellogg's. Ew, bro. If I get lonely, fuck. Ew, fam. Side note, but what's the best cereal of all time? Side note. Best cereal of all time? Me personally is the Nesquik. Mix it with milk. You get the little chocolate after. Ooh, man.

So it gets soggy? No, you get the chocolate milk after. So the nest with chocolate balls. Okay, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's pretty good. That's pretty good. How about you? Fruit Loops. Yeah. Okay, I am. You're a Fruit Loops guy. I'm a Fruit Loops guy still. I'm a Fruit Loops guy. Yeah, I don't know how you guessed that. I was actually gonna... I was trying to switch it around, but yeah, Fruit Loops is my favorite.

Just the... I don't know why, but the first thing I thought of is like, yo, you look like a Fruit Loops guy. Nah, I'm a Fruit Loops guy still. Because it's like, you can't get bored of Fruit Loops. It's like excitement in your mouth. You know...

You know why I fuck with Fruit Loops though? What? Because that shit's crunchy. Everything's crunchy though. No. Fruit Loops holds its crunch for the longest. Oh, for a long time? Out of all the other cereal. You're right, you're right. All the other cereal gets soggy. Yo, Frosted Flakes, that shit... You know Frosted Flakes? I'll take a handful, put it in milk, eat it, and then get another handful, put it back in the milk and eat it. Like, I don't put a whole bowl of Frosted Flakes in because that shit gets soggy in like two seconds. Immediately, immediately. Nasty. As soon as it touches the water, fam. Nasty. Ew, bro. Ew.

You know, I don't like um, yo the Filipinos gonna hate me for this. Oh, no, I don't like rice soaked in soup Yeah, I kind of didn't like that at first but I get it but super soaked like I don't like it either No, you know you but sinigang on the yeah on the rice. Yeah, I

I actually don't like it, yo. And then I eat my rice. I'm sorry. I actually don't like it. But like, I know Filipinos love that. That's like their whole thing. Conspiracy. Yo, they dip anything in rice, fam. You can have like coffee. They'll put that shit in rice, fam. True. You know? Rice is life, still. I don't know why, but conspiracy theory, it's not even conspiracy, but they like soggy shit. Relax.

You can't talk because you're the least Filipino Carlos not a Filipino fam Not real talk I'm working 80 there was one there was one I showed you the tick-tock There's two Filipinos in this world the ones that are in nursing and the ones that drop out This is perfect example this fine. I mean nursing well, I'm in school Okay real shit

I saw this too. It's like, there's two people in the military. It would be like the people that go to war and the people that become medics. Oh, facts. I'm definitely the medic. Fuck, go to war, man. And I saw that, fam. Like, Gavin 100% would be my medic, fam. There's no way you're holding a strap, bro. I'm sorry, but...

Like I couldn't be the medic first off I'm too un-serious to do that. Wait wait, so I have a question too. Is your dog a Chihuahua? Yeah. And um, Purito in Puss in Boots, that's also a Chihuahua? Yeah, why? Really? No, because the whole thing of Purito was he was supposed to be a therapy dog and remember that scene where he's like going where Puss in Boots was like

Like he was getting anxiety attack. Like that's literally what you had too. And like, and literally when I visioned, when he was having the anxiety attack, people were saying that's the best personification of what actually happens with a therapy dog. And like what actually happens if you have an anxiety attack, like that's what you see. Yeah, it is actually. So have you ever used your dog as like a, when you're getting thing? I guess so. No, when I had an anxiety, I never had anxiety attack around my dog. Oh shit. Oh, see.

Maybe your dog is actually like your therapy dog and you just didn't know I think that's just like animals in general. I love animals. Yeah. I love animals I was saying this to all my boys like yo, I really want to go to Kenya, but no one's serious No one wants to come with me I really want to go to Kenya Kenya and those like the Philippines trips are the trips that will like you'll remember forever because it's such different like like it's not you getting drunk

Yeah. You know, it's not you going to a vacation. Itinerary is nothing. You just show up and get drunk. I'm just trying to see some animals, bro. I'm trying to see like a hippopotamus and like, you know what I mean? The lions. I wanted to go to Thailand with the guys to see who... See the ladyboy. To see who gets with a ladyboy first. It's you. You can get... Hell no.

Hell no, hell no. I can't. I'm surprised. Yo. Yo, fam. If we go to Thailand, I'm going to do a Muay Thai fight though. So I don't know if I'm ready for that. That's what I said to myself. Like, if I go to Thailand, I'm going to fight. I'm not going to go to Thailand and not fight. I have to pray for you, fam. Because they're serious, bro. Who's that guy, Ra Tank? I don't know if he's from Thailand. Is he from Thailand? Yeah. Fam. Fam.

He doesn't feel pain. Damn, the whole, that's their baseball. Their baseball is Muay Thai. So I'm definitely not ready. Yeah. So that's why I don't know. I don't want to go to Thailand yet. Cause that's what I told myself when I was really young. If I go to Thailand, I'm going to fight. You're going to fight. That's like your lifelong dream. Yeah. But now like I can't go to Thailand cause I'm not ready. Holy shit.

Do you ever have those rules that you say to yourself, but you have to do no matter what? That's one rule for me. I can't go to Thailand if I don't fight. Damn, a rule? I don't know. Not really. Nah? Nah. Maybe like little rules. Like at a party, I have to at least talk to a new person. I have to make one new friend. Like that's the closest. Oh, a rule. When I go on vacation, it can be more than like four or five days. Because that's a rule. Four or five days? Why? Because it's like...

I feel like I miss home too much after I like being in the comfort of my home Which is really weird So is that your vacation then? Yeah Would you just make Why don't you just chill at home It's your vacation bro Because I'll Like my family wants to go on vacation They want to see the world Okay I'm gonna go with you Real talk You know what we should normalize We should normalize Like taking a vacation at home What?

- That's not a thing though. - Now hear me out, hear me out. Let's say a trip to Cuba, you spend like a rack, like a thousand dollars, right? What if you just take like one, two, three days off, use that thousand dollars and do something nice at home.

There's a lot you could do still. Or take yourself out. Yeah. Because you don't have to plan it days in advance, months in advance or whatever. It's not too much of a hassle to travel back and forth. Take a chill time. You know what I mean? Enjoy yourself. I don't know. People are working the 9 to 5. So they come back to that vacation, which is every day. It's the home? It's the home, you know? True, I guess so. Maybe I don't understand because I'm barely home anyway. Yeah, I know. Barely home anyway. Stop.

You know that energy? It gave that energy of, you know that, you know LeBron when he was like explaining the Lux? Oh, yeah. He goes to Morphea. That's the same energy. I know, man.

Enjoy yourself. It'll be the worst, like, especially when I'm researching for the pod and I'm into these ghost stories. And then I hear, literally, I think I heard you leave one night. So it was like 1 a.m., right? I'm searching, I'm searching for it because I know we're about to record. I hear a... And I'm like...

No, bro. No, because I'm like, no, bro. This guy really left at like 1 a.m. Right? So I go and I look and your door is open. So I know you're not there. So I'm like, fuck, man. Plot twist, I wasn't there the whole time. No, you were. Chill. Oh, okay. But since we're on ghosts, just before we transition, there was one, another story that's going viral on Twitter. Right? So there's this little boy who...

He's like complaining to his dad that he actually has like an imaginary friend. So it's called his name. Like he gave it a name. It's called the imaginary. Oh, no, it's called the hanging man. Right. So he draws it on his little chalkboard. And it's like people in his room that are hanging from the ceiling. Oh, right. So his dad's like, oh, is this your imaginary friend? He's like, yeah, yeah. I see him every night and he kind of annoys me.

The dad's like whoa, so the dad erases the chalkboard. Yeah, he says yo, can you drive for me again? Right the kid draws like a more zoomed in version and

A head hanging from the ceiling and and he draws tears the dad's like what is that? He's like, oh no, I hear him crying every night - these are his tears, right? There's the kid. He sees like his imaginary friend, right? So the dad props up a video camera in the room as soon as he hears this Yeah leaves the the Sun in the room for like 20 minutes max at night This is what he sees fam

So, look, I put a camera in my new room, I put him to bed then within 20 minutes he ran down. This was 6pm. Yo! Boom, he leaves. Nah, that's-- Did you hear that?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then he said, stop it, you're scaring me. Nah, bro. Fam, oh my god. Yo, kids see ghosts, fam. Exactly. Kids actually see ghosts. Yeah, no Kanye, no Kanye. Yeah, no Kanye. Real shit, kids actually see ghosts. And then it's only until we start using fluoride toothpaste. You don't see that shit no more. My shit got extra. You don't see that shit no more. I was going like this, I was like, extra fluoride. I was like.

Do that shit away man, fuck that. - Yo, nah but real shit though. 'Cause I had a theory for a long time. - Stop, stop. - Yo that was sick right, that was good. - That was a good one, that was a good one. - That was a crazy face, that was a crazy face. - Yo cast me, cast me bro. - And mid sentence, I like that transition. - Cast me, cast me, cast me. - That was a great transition. - Nah but what I was saying, real talks.

When I started using the non-fluoride toothpaste, I got scared bro, because I'm like, because I had that theory. If I stop using fluoride in my toothpaste, will I start seeing shit? No, real talk, Snowbam. What if it's just so we don't see those things, bro? What if it's for our own good? You're about to set every man up for failure. They're not going to brush their teeth. They're like, yo, what if I see something rotten?

Yellow. No, because the fluoride, what it really does, right? It just decreases cavities. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But if you brush your teeth, it will be clean. There's people in Africa that they just brush your teeth with... The wood, the stick. Yeah, with a stick. That's all they do. And they have pearly white teeth. Yeah.

You know what I didn't know too? So I think it's... Is it Muslims where they have certain prayer rooms? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I didn't know this, but Wonderland had prayer rooms. Yeah, you didn't know that? And Sharon told me... At the zoo. When you guys went to the zoo, there's actually ones. Yeah, there's prayer rooms. I didn't know that. That's sick though. There's designated spots for you to pray. Because I think they have to pray at a certain time and then when it's time to pray... Oh, that's so cool. I didn't know that. No, but going back to the thing... Yeah, yeah. Like...

What if certain things are put for us just to keep us safe? You know what I mean? Like, example, the toothpaste thing. What if, like, you could actually start seeing ghosts and shit? Like, start being haunted because y'all stopped using fluoride. And the girl's like, y'all should've used fluoride, man. But what if...

because it could be good or bad we just don't know the truth yeah but i i mean we could i don't want to test it but it's like what if that becomes our research like we we don't uh instead of like searching these stories we just live it and just don't brush our bro you know how hot our breaths would be damn when i was a kid i think i said this before but when i was a kid

I didn't brush my teeth a lot. What? Yeah. When I was a kid, like really, really little. And those are the times like I used to talk to myself and like play with action figures and shit. Like all the time. And then like when I got older, obviously I brushed my teeth because like I cared about things. You know what I mean? Of course. But when I was a kid, like I had some wild imaginations and there was this story about

I think I told you like Charlemagne. He had like the... Did I say that one? The tractor? No, no. I don't think I heard it. I didn't say this? No, no, no. I didn't say this to you? No. So Charlemagne the God. You know Breakfast Club? Yeah. So he was saying this story when he was a kid.

He would have like a toy, like a tractor, and there's a farmer on it, right? Now, he said sometimes the farmer on the tractor would talk to him. What? Yeah, and he would tell his mom like, yo, it's talking, it's talking, blah, blah, blah, this and that. And one time, he threw his toy tractor with the farmer into a pit of fire, and he heard it, heard the man screaming. Oh, fuck. You hear the man screaming, bro. Never.

But his mom just thought he was crazy. And he himself, he doesn't know what the truth is. But the theory is like as a kid, you're susceptible. I don't even know what the word is. But like you're open to hearing these like spirits or whatever. I mean, you're kind of sensitive to those.

Yeah, my uncle, whenever we go camping, like he's known for like telling scary stories. And like as a kid, like you think this shit is like serious, serious. So you go back into your cabin and you're like, oh fuck, I can't even sleep, right? So the whole time, I remember he told this crazy story about how he pissed.

And like there was some spirit that came over it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And stuff like that. And I remember just going back and looking through the cabin window. And I swear I like manifested or imagined a spirit coming to me. Yeah, but it was like I kept looking at it, right? And there was always like this shadow that came through. And I was like, yo, what the fuck is this real? So I just went to sleep. So I'm like, but I don't know if I actually manifested a spirit coming. Because I just thought too much of it. Like I thought it was too real.

You know what I'm saying? Yeah. But as a kid, your imagination goes crazy. So you never know. Yeah, you never know what's... Because at the same time, I started to think like, did I just imagine certain memories? Yo, that's what's fucked. Because I feel like as we get older, we forget what's real memories and what's like imagined. Unless you look at... Because if you really take it in, this is what's crazy. Every single one of our memories is remembering the memory. It's not even like the actual memory no more.

Like it's us remembering, remembering, remembering. It's not even us like actually remembering that exact moment. Isn't that crazy? I know. It's like you put, yeah. It's like broken telephone now. Like at one point it was so vivid. Yeah. But I can say this is truth. Did you know if you want to remember anything, you just have to be like almost half traumatized? What do you mean? Yeah. So every single time your adrenaline spikes, you remember everything.

So during times of, I guess, trauma or danger in your life, you remember it like to the T. Like people will remember the smell. People remember like what they saw, everything, the feel. Now, I remember...

um i was in a car accident a long long time ago but i can i can like vividly see exactly how i felt with motion like with the smell of it exactly yeah it's like almost ptsd exactly yeah and i always go back to certain memories in my in my head there's this one memory i had where i had like um i made this lego like gun like it's a big like lego rifle i made it and i was running up the stairs and i tripped

And I dropped it. I'm like, fuck. And I walked upstairs and I started like crying, like bawling my eyes out. And my uncle came to me and he was like, what's wrong? We'll fix it. We'll fix it. Blah, blah, blah. And he's like helping me fix it. I'm like, nah, it's not the same. Like you can't build it like how I built it. Nah, fam. But every single time, like to this day,

that's one of my most vivid memories and i still don't know why now in my head i'm wondering if that's like a lesson to me for to remember that like is it is it meant for me to remember that because there's a different meaning that has right now for you maybe you never know because it's it's one of those memories that it just pops into my head like randomly yeah but it's so long ago yeah and it's so random yeah but it always happens like i remember exactly and i think it's that lesson of like

shit, it broke, but you shouldn't, you shouldn't cry over spilled milk. Yeah. But I was so upset with my uncle too, because he was trying to fix it for me. I'm like, nah, you can't do like how I built it. You can't. Yeah. Maybe it's like, just stop being stubborn. Yeah. Maybe like being stubborn or something. But I think of my, cause remember I said this in the last podcast, me as a kid, biggest ego. Yeah. Yeah.

And I remember like, oh shit, that's exactly, that's that ego I remember. It's like, yeah, you can't make it like how I made it. And I was bawling my eyes out for him. Have you ever dealt with someone who's like that? Like, um,

Who were like, you triggered a PTSD moment? To somebody? Yeah, to somebody. Lucky a dog. Really? Yeah. So, no, like, do you remember their reaction, like, when it happened? Because there's this dog... Okay, I don't want to... This kind of sounds fucked up. Yeah. But there's this dog that doesn't like the noise of certain things. And you played that noise? Yeah, I played the noise, yeah. Word. But I was a kid. I was like, yeah. No, because one of my...

Like, I have to be really careful of what I do now because one of my friends, too, like, whenever they have this PTSD moment because of their past trauma, it's the craziest. Like, me seeing what I did and, like, them freezing was the crazy experience. Wait, what did you do? So I said something in this, like, I said something in a sentence that triggered my friend. And I can see him literally go, visibly go, like,

Word. He had like a, you know the Raven vision? Yeah. Where he can just go like this and then I'm like, yo, are you okay, bro? And he said, no, just leave me alone for a bit. Yeah. I'm like, fuck, did I say something wrong? He's like, no, I'm just having PTSD. Like, could you just like calm me down? Fam. And even, that scared you. Yeah. And even the time when me, you, Charon, and thing went out. Yeah. So that, that,

that night was the first time I hung out with all you guys. Yeah. Yeah. And some homeless guy started, I remember that you remember. Oh, I remember this. So some homeless guy started running to my girl. Yeah. And my girl got PTSD from that. And she literally, she was the only one in the group that ran. Remember? And everyone is staying behind. So this was the first time I had to deal with them. Like, fuck, fuck. Like, calm down. Don't worry. You're with me. Like, I don't know if you ever like, had like,

like had to take care of somebody but it's so like a crazy feeling because you don't know what to do like you can only calm them down i i learned a little bit of it yeah i feel like you have a lot of experience with that it's so crazy because you have so much experience with that yeah yeah yo i yo i was at am pm and like um i went home right i went home drunk right and i'm in my bed and i'm usually like the the take care of the group and nobody's taking care of you

Yo fam, I literally went, I literally like, I went like that. I'm like, it's an evil world we live in fam. Cause nobody takes care of me, bro. But literally in every situation, like I'm the one. You're usually the one like, yeah, you're the one taking care of them. So it's weird. It's weird. Damn, bro. Yeah. I always say that to my wife. Like, yo, it's an evil world we live in. She's like, bro, I gave you water. I'm like, bro, that's not enough, fam.

When someone throwing up in front of me, I rub their back. I do. I'm like, I turned into a dad. That's jokes. Cause I'm not, I'm, I'm not really built like that to like, um, I don't usually handle stuff like that. Cause this is the worst. I might be, I may be the complete opposite. No, I'm really good at like getting shit done. Like if we have to, if you have to handle things, but when it comes to feelings, nah, dog,

- 'Cause when it comes to his family fam, they're ruthless. - They're ruthless, no fear. Real shit, we're actually kind of ruthless. We're kind of like, you better start crying right now. That's the only therapy you're getting, Snow. That's the only comfort you're getting is like, you better stop crying right now or you can't eat.

No, because bro, you put me in that situation. Carlos is like, yo, come on, bro. You're good, man. That's what I would expect from Carlos. You know what though? Because I was trained in like lifeguarding. Yeah. And I had to, I like, I went through those, um, how to treat for, for shock and this and that. I was doing it. It felt like I was doing acting class. Yo, come on. Are you good? Step one.

- For real, I think that was the most like relevant thing before acting class that I had to acting class was working out like shock. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - 'Cause I don't actually like- - Yeah, you don't practice that. - Yeah, I don't practice that. I don't really do that. - Yeah, man. But no, like certain things like that I believe that Gigi said is that like my number relates to emotional. So if I can trigger that and control that

Especially emotionally Like just any emotion I'm good You know Man feels things Yeah yeah For sure Word That's why random people Just open up to me Like first First A lot of first dates That I went on Shorties Shorties would Trauma dump Wow

Wow. And I would be like, whoa, this is kind of weird, but I guess it's a normal thing. You just seem like that guy. Yeah, you feel me? You want to tell Gavin all your trauma, man. I low-key like it too, man. I should just get out of counting and go into being a therapist. Therapy? I feel like I would be sick in that, low-key. I think that's my comment. What's my deepest fear, do you think? Your deepest fear? Hmm. Probably... Like, if you were to, like, therapy, like, deep dive me, what do you think my biggest fear is? Your biggest fear would probably be, like...

Regretting not doing something. Yeah. Holy shit. That's great. That's right. Because whenever, whenever you, you do something, you get mad after because you didn't trust your gut. Like, yeah, like verbally get mad. Like, fuck man. Like it was right here.

Not real time damn, that's actually pretty accurate, bro. You should be a therapist Holy shit, dr. Gavin sounds fire - yeah, because now my biggest fear is not it's like knowing something and not trusting myself and not doing it and then like it I think the biggest biggest biggest fear of my life could be like I had a chance to stop somebody from doing something and then it

go that way and just kind of fuck them up. Yeah. But if I was a therapist, I would advise you to like not think about like that much because that would like you're just overthinking your whole life too. Like I am always overthinking. You got to enjoy like what you're doing right now, you know? True. But yeah. No, but it's so hard, bro. There's so much to do. I

I know but at the same time that's why it's like some some people like they they enjoy life they they go and party like just to get their mind off it you feel me yeah but you that's why it's like I see you it's like work work work oh one million that's cool back to work man like at least like you know bro it's tough man at some point I really wonder like what am I really really really really trying to have you have you got into a new hobby soon because low-key I'm just waiting till the new hobby yeah

No, because I know you. Like, I've been around you for so long. I don't know. For so long. Guitar. I'm going to be on guitar right now. Like, I got back into that. I just pick up hobbies again. But I don't know if I like. I don't know. There's going to be something that pops up. Yeah, there is. There is. I feel like it just takes like a movie or something. Yeah. I'm like, oh, shit. That's kind of cool. I started doing all that stuff. But if I would advise one, like one life hack is always have a friend that is willing to escape the matrix because it makes life so fun.

And that's, you're that guy. Cause it's like, oh, you bring me on these like random side missions. Oh, it's cool fam. Yeah. You know, but any other person wouldn't do that. They wouldn't do like, yeah. So if you have one friend that always wants to escape them, it makes life exciting. Like find a friend that wants to go outside, bro. Yo, I feel like it's gonna be more and more rare cause everybody's so focused on just having fun here. Yeah. And it's so, I'm not gonna lie to y'all. Like, I really hope this is not the case. Like I want to knock on wood, but I don't, I don't knock on wood no more. Oh yeah. But,

If y'all are like on the phone like this, high key, this pleasure right here is so fucking addicting and it might even stimulate you more than going outside. But the problem is you won't be able to enjoy outside until you stop it. It's like you'll never feel good again until you feel worse. Does that make sense? You have to feel worse and then you'll feel good.

You have to take it's literally addiction. No people yo, literally people go out They they do the motives remember the motives that you can you can show everyone Yeah, and they wouldn't even have fun of the motives, but at least that they showed everyone that they're at a motive That's their satisfaction. Yeah, that's but that's that's um artificial like that's not real. I know bro. I mean yo like just show true good times man show show memories and shit Don't fake it

I feel like the more that we fake things, when I fake something, if I feel like I'm not true to what I'm doing, then fam, I just feel like I just destroyed myself, bro. The only time that Carlos will fake something in the club is when he hits this move. He'll be dancing. He'll look at you like this.

I want to go home, bro. That's the side of like, I want to go home right now. I want to enjoy a burger. But he'll dance, like fake dance. Because I'm doing it for y'all, bro. Real talk. Okay, I have a question though. I have a question, right? Yeah. If I just dipped... See, the problem is...

The problem is, mans will come with me if I leave bro. If I could just leave and nobody- - Cause you're a group leader. - It doesn't matter if it's your girls birthday fam, you're still a group leader. - No fam, I'm not saying that part. I'm not saying like for that specific club night. - Okay. - But just for a different club night. - Yeah. - I wish I could just dip. I wish I could just like leave and nobody would like question. But then I have mans like, "Yo where you going? Where we going next?" Like, "Doc, I don't know. I just want to leave."

And then I feel bad because it like ruins every everybody else's fun like all y'all have one you know that you know the the pigeons and Nemo the hawk As soon as Carlos like starts going or everyone's like where's Carlos? Mike Mike Mike

It's jokes though, because I remember Charin just recently, this was yesterday. Yeah, Charin was saying to Samara, like, yo, what are you down to do today? Because if you say whatever, don't expect like a regular motive. Carl's going to come up with some next shit.

We might end up geocaching. It'll turn. You can't just say you're down for whatever because it's going to be whatever. Especially don't say anything in nature because you guys will end up geocaching, fam. We can't end up looking for rocks, bro. We're going to end up making a fort. But that's good, fam. Have those people that just love to do those random... We're going to end up collecting berries, dog.

Now berries is so crazy. We're gonna end up taste testing berries in the wild, bro. I lie. We're gonna end up flying kites. Kites is crazy. But yeah, bro. We're gonna end up doing hopscotch. Oh my god. Skipping stones. I'm trying to think of like...

I know, just keep listening for the people outside that don't have motive. No, real talk, how come, because if you think about it, back in the day, that's all they could do. How come we don't even do those things anymore? Yeah, because we have this. This is, everything is on here. That's kind of sad, dog. Yeah. That's super sad because we lose like that sense of play.

Is this really play anymore? You're barely moving your finger. Yeah. Now it's going to get even more sad when people... You see people... No, the moment I see everyone outside wearing the Apple... And they're going like this to control. Yeah. They don't have to move their hands. But they're outside walking. Oh, that's the end of times, fam. It's really good for the people that are... Introverts? No, no, no, sorry. That are kind of like...

their special needs and they can't move. Okay. Okay. I mean, that's really good for them because they can enjoy a lot. But for people that have the blessing to go out and move physically, yo, use it, use it, bro. Like go out and play sports, go out and like take a walk fam. You don't realize how fulfilling a walk is until you take it. And no, until you can't walk.

I remember I sprained my ankle. I realized, oh shit, I really can't enjoy moving. Especially though, when you know when you get sick and you're like, oh fuck, it's coming. And then you contemplate on all the times that you weren't sick. It's like that. You think about when you could have blown out or when you could have done stuff and you didn't. One of the saddest things is like...

When one of my family members was in the hospital, he asked me, like, oh, like, why did God have to do it to me? And shit like that. So I'm like, fuck, man. Like, you really, like, when you're in that position, you really question everything. Question every single thing. When you're healthy. So it's like, fuck, man. Just enjoy. Just enjoy while you have it. Because you never know when it's going to be taken away. Yeah, bro. Well, okay. Before we end it off, I just want to ask you this one question. I never asked you this before. What's, like, your biggest fear? Like, what do you...

What do you want to do before everything ends, fam? Like what's your like big goal at the end of the day? Cause I don't think I ever asked you that still. I think right now is just seeing if this is really my purpose. You want to find your purpose? Yeah. Because it's like right now I'm satisfied. Like I feel satisfied because I

I say all the time like, oh, shit could happen, but I would be happy because at least someone is watching me that took my word, used that positive, but I don't know. It's like, I just hopefully I figure out like what I want to do at the end of the day. Like me, like I have to find it. So you're still searching, you think? Yeah, I'm still searching for sure. Like I feel like this is definitely part of it, but it's not my truth. What do you think that is? Where do you think it might be? I don't know. That's why I'm still searching.

No, where do you think it might be though? This guy wants to give me an idea. What do you think it is? Yeah, no, like, where do you think it might be? Like, where do you think you're gonna search for it? Me personally, I don't know, but that's the fun thing about it. You know, I'm not scared. Maybe under the bed. What? You said under the bed. You know how crazy that is, fam? You check the fridge, bro. No, bro.

This guy thinks he's a comedian now. No, but I don't... No, where are you going to look like... I mean, like, where do you think you're going to go? No, by doing shit. By doing stuff like this, you know? I know, but like what? Like, give me like an example or something. I don't know. I'm still figuring it out. Just living life. What are things you like? Huh?

Things I like. Let's figure it out today, bro. Let's figure that shit out today. Why can't you figure it out today? I don't know. Because I'm still... I'm playing. You don't actually have to figure it out today. But I'm just saying like... You know how much I started overthinking? I saw his face. I saw his face going, no, no. I'm playing. I'm playing. I'm playing. Zoom in on me going like... You're like, what do you want to do?

what do you want to do no what i'm saying is though like um like just think think of like one thing you wanna you think you might want to do and just go do it because that was my whole life my whole life is i think i'll like that and i go actually do it and see like oh i do like it yeah i don't like it every single thing in my whole life like even if i have a little bit of of uh interest in it yeah i try it damn i tried break dancing for a bit dog i was out here doing baby freezes and bro

I swear to God fam. - Yeah, no, I think that's my biggest challenge is like, I know what I like, but it's just like, I have to go out and do it because, oh, this is something crazy too that I found out. I have social anxiety.

So word. So, okay. So Charlie asked me to act in a short film, right? So all the scenes I did inside, no one watching me perfectly fine. Yeah. Right. But fam, she got so frustrated because as soon as she said, Oh, you have to dress up and hold flowers in front of the public. We're going to the pier. I said, what?

I said, no, I can't do that. Wait, for real? I was like, I don't even like taking pictures in public, like fit pictures. Yeah. And as soon as I got into public, I'm looking around like, that's so surprising to me because we do the podcast. She said that. She said that. And she was like, fam, you do a podcast. I'm like, fam, that's me and Carlos in our room. No one's watching me. Word.

And as soon as I put, I literally changed into my shirt so quick. I said, here, record, here, record. I did all the lines. I did all the lines in front of everyone. I was like, oh, fuck. I took the thing off and I put my shirt off because I don't like attention. We have to break you out of the matrix, man. You're still trapped in the matrix, dog. We got to break you out there. We got to break you out of that shit, bro. No, for real. That's part of the matrix is like not thinking...

Real look look I was exactly like that them. Yeah, I know exactly how you're feeling You think like you're not allowed to do certain things because that's what you're supposed to act like in in public. Yeah Who says I can't I can't go like this who says I can't yeah, I mean who cares like nobody's gonna judge you Nobody's gonna do shit to you. You know, I mean if they want to fight you then let them throw hands but at the same time

Like every single situation we're put in, it's almost like there's a set of rules when you walk in the room. Like, boom, I walk into this setting. I'm supposed to be quiet. I'm supposed to be good manners, blah, blah, blah, blah. Like, yeah, everyone's supposed to be respectful. But just because you're respectful doesn't mean you can't be yourself, right? I know, but that's the scary. Yo, when I tell you, I was literally rushing. Like I felt eyes on me. New challenge. New challenge. We're going to do some social experiments. I'm going to make you do them. Fuck.

That's low-key. If you were to make that a series, that would be so sick. Because I'm learning at the same time and it's funny. Because I know it's going to be funny. It's going to be jokes, bro. Because I would be like, fuck, I can't do this, man. I think you could... You'll be able to... Once you actually do it, you'll be able to freaking really break out your shell, fam. For sure. It's like I just didn't have that growing up. My mom did everything. It was like...

What do you call this? When I'm ordering. Oh, my dad would order. The thing is though, because I can see you being good at it. That's why. But in my head, I thought you were already there. No. Wow. Not even close, fam. I felt like the burning sensation of eyes at the back of my head. Where? She said, yo, you have to wear a polo shirt. I said, what? In public? Okay, I have a challenge for you. Next time you go downtown, just scream something out loud. Just scream like some bullshit. Turtles! Turtles!

Like just some bullshit out like Turtles Do you have my slipper Just say something stupid Like who cares bro And then go look at somebody right in the eyes Be like Wednesday That's it that's all you say fam Just walk away Yeah just say that Yeah yeah it is Wednesday I would cry fam I would cry And like if he talked back to me I would cry I'm like what next

Yo, just be a bucksy for a day, bro. Just say what you want, fam. No. High key theory. If you want to get technical. If you want to get technical.

You want to get technical fam some of the Buc-tees that say like the randomest shit out loud they escape the matrix bro They're not even NPCs no more. They're the ones that escape They have no they have no care in the world. They're the ones that escaped fam. But yeah, they're the ones that escaped they don't even have never mind I'm not gonna say that Okay, hold on before we end it I just want to say one more theory

My sister said I have to say this theory for her. Okay, okay. All right. What's the theory? This is sick. This is a Pokemon theory. It's dope. It's nice and fun to end off the episode. All right, let's see. So there's a theory that, you know Cubone, the one with the skull? Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Um, yeah, yeah. I don't know if you said this. Did you say this before? No. Okay. So, Cubone... The reason he has a skull on his head... Uh-huh. Is because he's actually a baby Charmander. Yeah, yeah. That didn't have their flame? Yeah. Wait, did you say this? No, no. I just saw about it. Yeah, yeah. That's fucked, fam. So, apparently...

the the cubone right cubone can learn fire type moves but he's not a fire type he's ground type yeah now if you look at cubone's skull on his head it's the exact shape of a charizard bro i didn't notice that fam it's exact shape even like the horn part like this is actually charizard so they're saying the cubones are the baby charmanders that couldn't get their their tail lit by their mama charizard to light their flame and they just grow up

With no mom, with their... The skeleton of their Charizard mom. They have to wear it. They put it on their head and they can't do nothing else. Yeah. They just become a ground type. I know. Which is sad though. Which makes sense though because...

If you really compare them, one is orange, one is grey. What happens when you unlight a mat? It becomes grey. You know, so it makes sense. It becomes like not vibrant. Yeah, not vibrant anymore. Charmander's orange and then it's just like a little bit duller. And they're the same size. They're sort of like the same height. Same, exactly, fam. But the whole time I really thought they were two different Pokemon because the mask separated them. Fam, you strip that. Yeah, that's a Charmander, fam.

but yeah I will end it off there I just don't really want to say that one yeah that's a good one though alright thank you everyone for watching this episode of the Jumper Zone podcast make sure to comment like subscribe all that good stuff make sure to go on Spotify Apple rate the show five star download those episodes I don't want to end it yet I want to say one more story what is it about the problem oh yeah say it say it I want to hear it yo

I wanna hear it. Alright, before we end this, this is for y'all. This is a bonus. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is a bonus. So, my sister had prom. Yo, go back in the episodes when Carlos says, if my sister brings any girl, guy home, it's raps. So, check this out. My dad, he's away on a business trip. So, my dad's not in town. I'm the man of the house, bro. I'm the man of the fucking house today, bro. So, yesterday was prom. And my sister obviously has a prom date. So...

Prepping for the guy to come to the door. I rehearse some lines So I was like rehearsing lines and shit right the funniest part was I didn't even get to say my line Wow check this out What happened what happened

So, okay, we're sitting in the family room. Waiting for the guy? Waiting for the guy, and we hear the footsteps. Oh, shit. It's game time. It's game time. It's show time. So, I walk over to the door, and I get into character. Yeah. Open the door. My face is blank like this. Oh, fuck, bro. You're so accurate. Yo, what's up? What's up?

I was gonna- And he goes like, "Bro, fam, I went like this too." Yeah, yeah. Yeah. What's up? Showing the tats? Showing the tats? Yeah, fam. I should've wore a tank top. I should've wore a white beater or something, bro. No, I opened the screen door and it was like this. And then he was so like- He didn't really say much, bro. He just went like this. Oh, okay. So I'm like-

Alright, okay. I'm not going to play with you. Because he didn't... I don't think he said hi or nothing. He didn't say hi or nothing. No disrespect. Bro's a really good kid. You know what I mean? He's a great date for my sister. Much respect. Thank you for taking her to prom. But when he came to the door, fam...

He seemed a little bit shocked. He seemed pretty scared. I'm not gonna lie. But then again, I put myself in his shoes. If I was in his shoes, I'd probably be scared too. Yeah, he's a high schooler fam. You see that guy like that fam. And then he didn't say nothing. No words. And he just put his hand out like this. I'm like, okay, I can't play with him. Because I'm not trying to like... I'm not trying to say... You want to hear my lines? So imagine I'm the guy, right? Okay, so I come to the door. Nice to meet you, sir.

Yeah, what's up? And then say you don't shake my hand, right? I can't even do it seriously. No, no, don't shake my hand. Don't shake my hand. No, I was going to shake my... I shook his hand anyway. Okay, okay, so shake my hand and do your line. Ready? No, he wasn't actually supposed to shake my hand. So my lines... No, my lines were... I can't even say it. I was pretty much like, yo, you have the wrong... But he knows who I am.

But that was gonna be the test bro. The test was gonna be like, yo bro, you're at the wrong. I couldn't even say it to him. Bro was terrified already. If I said like, you're at the wrong house. Bro, I don't even know what the reaction would be. Cause he knows, cause I just want to see, I just want to see the test. Like if he tests me and goes,

What do you mean? This is Mikael's house. Is it not Mikael's house? I just want to see if he had that dog in him. So that's a W response. But he didn't say that. I didn't even get to say my line. Yeah, that would have. But telling by this with no words is, yeah. Leave it. I'm not trying to traumatize bro. Imagine, you put his hands out, you slap that shit. You're wrong. You're wrong. I'm going to lie. I think I am.

Sir, I think I am at the wrong. No bro, I swear to God fam. Like I was ready to say my lines like I was so amped and then I saw him like this I'm like, bro, I felt so bad. You're a W man for that though. Cause it's not. Yeah, I'm not trying to fuck. Yeah. It would have been funny if you included that in the vlog though. If that was a whole vlog. Don't be obvious like the cameras in his face and shit. But yeah, man. Yeah, I can't do that to nobody bro. You can't, you can't. I'm too nice. I'm too nice.

You're at the wrong house, stupid ass. Oh, really? I just want to see. If somebody did that, then I'd be like, okay, all right. But what if he did get on that level? What would you say next? What was your next move after that? No, I would just be proud. Like, okay, yeah, you're right. Yeah, you're right. This is the house you're supposed to be at. Good job. My boy. Yeah, no, because real talk. Look, the whole reason I did, I was thinking about that was because

Let's say you are a kid. Sorry. You are taking a girl out to prom, right? And then from the perspective of like the big brother. I see you're going to take my sister out. If you can't handle a stranger coming up to you and pressing you a little bit, like, yo, blah, blah, blah, like causing you trouble and you can't reply back.

How do I know you can take care of my sister during that time? Yeah, it makes sense. You can't. You know? It would let, yeah. You would let anything slide still. Yeah, you can't let nothing slide like that. So at least like me just pressing a little bit like, yo, you're at the wrong house. Yeah.

Like whatever the reaction would be would show me like, oh, okay, he's good. Okay. But I didn't even get to say my last name. I don't know. But this told the story. Yeah, this told the story. Yeah, Mikayla was definitely going to scrap anyone anyway. Like she was definitely the protector. No disrespect. She had me on speed dial. Exactly. That's all that was needed. Exactly. Got the snipers out there. We're good. We're good. See the lasers? You're at the wrong house. They're at the prom. They see the beam.

I'm playing, I'm playing, I'm playing. All right, thank you everyone for watching this episode of Jumper Jump Podcast. Make sure you comment, like, subscribe, all that good stuff. And go check out the vlog. The vlog is out right now. It's not even a vlog. Hold on. Project X. It's not a vlog. I don't call it vlogs no more. It's a movie. Go watch that short film. Yes, sir. Go watch that movie, man. And go on Spotify, Apple, download this episode. We love you guys. Project X. Jumper Jump out. Deuces.