Publish Date: 2021/5/15
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Jumpers Jump


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This one's crazy bro. Should I just start off with the crazy shit? Let's go, let's go.

I have a bunch of notes, but like you, you, it's whatever. I don't usually have notes on me. Yeah, yeah. Like I only do it like if it's something important. I know, yeah. And this one, this one's a little bit important. It's not important, but it's f***ed. Okay, okay. So do you know what disassociation is? Does that mean like disassociating yourself outside like a society? Disassociation. So disassociating yourself to...

To your body. To your body? You ever heard of that? No. Okay, I'm going to tell you something, bro. Okay, okay. All right. Warning first. If you guys are the type to get a little bit paranoid about things, maybe you shouldn't listen to this part. But I'm just going to say it, okay? I get paranoid, bro. Like, you too. All right, so. Damn, I'm really starting off with a heavy one. But listen, listen. You ever watch the movie Fight Club? Yeah, yeah. You know the ending of Fight Club, right? Go did, yeah. Go did. So, Fight Club, pretty much what it was, he had this friend. Mm-hmm.

And throughout the whole movie, his friend was by his side. And his friend, he would do like wild shit. He would do crazy shit all the time. And kind of like, quote unquote, like edgier version of himself, right? So later on in the movie, he finds out that his friend is actually him. Just his alter ego throughout the whole film. So any crazy shit that his friend was doing, it was actually him. But he just disassociated himself from...

From that alter ego. So he thought it was another person. Because in the whole movie, he was like losing sleep. Like in the beginning of the movie. In the beginning of the movie, he was losing sleep. Like he was off like two hours of sleep every night. Yeah. Type shit, right? Okay. So they played off that part first.

Now, I looked into it, right? Because I don't get a lot of sleep, right? I don't get a lot of sleep. Especially during, like, COVID. Especially during, like, lockdown and shit. Like, we're all on our phones. Just, like, staying up on social media, watching YouTube videos, right? So, I saw this TikTok. And they're talking about disassociation. And pretty much what this guy said, he said, it's like thinking yourself outside of yourself. So, knowing that this body, this position, this life I'm in right now. Mm-hmm.

isn't actually what it is this is just like what we think it is so i know it sounds really funny it sounds really crazy but listen listen so a lot of people that take so there's three ways you can activate disassociation there's three ways okay one way is like smoking a lot of marijuana yeah yeah um doing like psychedelics like lsd mushrooms whatever yeah

and losing sleep. Oh, shit. So, I think I low-key started losing a lot of sleep and I started getting these feelings of disassociation. So, while I had these feelings of disassociation, right? This was like 4 a.m. I'm trying to fall asleep, right? Bro, I started it. I came up with this theory and then this theory is like, what if our lives, right? It's almost as if like it's a video game in a sense where we're the character in the game, right?

But whoever picks up the controller is somebody else. So maybe one day you're acting a certain way. The next day you act a little bit different. It's because it's a different player. But listen, listen, listen. You know how they say, oh, he woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Yeah, yeah. That's why he's acting like that. Like you're moody. You're moody and shit. That's why he's acting like that.

So your personality might change depending on who's playing your game. Now, this is like... This is just like a weird way of thinking, but... Yeah, it's a cool theory to think about. Yeah, it's a cool theory, right? To me, I don't believe that. But listen, listen, right? So, fam, I'm telling you, I started having these feelings like...

What if... Okay, you know how like a character in a video game? Yeah. He doesn't know. He just knows himself. I mean, you know yourself, right? You know yourself. So you're going to go out, do your thing, whatever your job is. Not question it. Not question it, right? Now, whoever picks, hold on, picks up your game. Yeah. They're still going to do the same activities as you because it's still your game.

Do you get that? But like you said, it may be based on different events because he has a different personality than me. No, you'll still have the same personality. Because let's say you play like Drake's Deception. Okay, okay. Or Assassin's Creed. If you pick up playing Ezio, you're still Ezio. Yeah. But even though it's some other person controlling you. Yeah. So what if this is like just all a simulation? But we will never find out because it's just like...

a character in there we're playing the path that we're given we're playing the path that we're given

regardless of who picks up the controller. Yeah, someone told me that, okay, what if that we are in our, like, that VR reality game, and we don't know it, and just when we die, that's our kind of our mind just saying, oh, okay, now you're born in... Like, we wake up and shit, and we, like, okay, now we're in it. Because our brain is like, okay, that whole time, you just thought you were in a VR game, but now this is reality. Yeah. So, bro, I don't know, man. It's kind of like that, because listen, like...

Okay, you remember when we were talking about like sleep positions and shit? Yeah, yeah. How like different sleep positions might trigger like different personality traits. Or like it shows like who you might be. You know what I mean? So this kind of went hand in hand with my theory because I'm like, what if sometimes I wake up like back against my bed. Sometimes I'll wake up like on my side. Sometimes I'll wake up on my face, right? And I feel like depending on how I wake up,

Kind of changes my mood during the day or changes like how I feel. Would you agree? Yes or no? Kind of, right? A little bit, a little bit. Cause that's why they say like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed. That's the whole meaning. Yeah. So what if the reason you wake up on the wrong side of the bed is because it's somebody else? Or,

Or you just move while you sleep. Yeah. Okay, yo, yo. So there's this thing called the egg theory. You ever heard of that? No. So the egg theory is pretty much that every person has lived the same life. So in a sense of this consciousness has lived in your body, has lived in your mom's body, has lived in like the person down the street's body. And over time...

Eventually, the same soul has been passed through throughout thousands of years. So this egg theory, right? It's a video on YouTube. I'll link it to you. So pretty much what it was is like, it was like God, right? Like a celestial being. He said, okay, in order for you to be like me, you have to learn first. But in order to learn, you have to live through everybody in the world. So you're going to live through being a homeless person. You're going to live through being a dictator like Hitler.

You're going to live through being all of these different types of people. And then you can be on my level.

oh so you think so so it's like okay you have to go through all these and then once you once you complete all that like experience learning yeah you can finally like go up to him yeah that's the theory that's an egg theory that's cool so so we all like live the same way different lives different lives but like but we're in one we we like get these i guess different types of pain different type of experiences yeah exactly exactly so that's why that's why you hear a lot about like in religion you say like oh we're all connected oh yeah

Like, no matter what religion, they always say, like... That's a big thing. Yeah, that's a big theme is, like, we're all connected somehow. There's some... I remember I was at a beach yesterday. Yeah. Right? Because I was going to take product pictures for my thing. So I was just walking and there was, like, a little...

like where no one was. And I looked down and there's a log and then there's like a statue of an elephant. Of an elephant. Right? Yeah. And it was just placed there, right? And I'm looking at it. I'm like, I probably think, I was like, yo, this looks like mad familiar. Like, is it like a, a God type thing? So I looked it up, elephant God. And it was like Ganesh. Yeah. Yeah. Right. So I told, I told my friend, he was like, yo, was it placed there or did just randomly? And I was like, yeah. He was like, yo, that's good luck. Oh really? Yeah. So, and that same day sold out.

you feel me i sold out my hoodies so i'm like oh shit because i there was no reason for me to go in that little like like place and and see it and see it so what was it like a toy like a statue no it was a statue yeah ganesh yeah and like someone placed it there yeah yeah for some reason interesting and then i was like okay i searched what it was it's like okay ganesh represents like wisdom intelligence and shit like that yeah yeah i'm like but at the same time my friend was like that also symbolizes like really good luck

Word. So I'm like, oh shit. Yeah. Cause I didn't even need to go to the beach that day. Yo, what if, what if like our future selves could put like little secrets in the past to like lead us into different. Oh, that's so fire. To lead us into like different paths. It's like he knew something was going to happen good today. And it's like, yo, Gavin, I'm going to leave this. Yo, so I saw this, I saw this video on TikTok, right? Yeah. And it's supposedly, supposedly this is a real video. Okay. So this guy, he was like walking down the street. Uh-huh.

And then someone tapped him on the shoulder. So when he tapped him on the shoulder, he like turned around. And just as he turned around, this truck was like coming towards him. Like the back of the truck trailer was about to hit him. But because he turned around, he was able to see it and he stepped out of the way. So God's plan. Yeah. The theory, the theory goes like that was the person that tapped him on the shoulder was actually him from the future or stopping his death. What? Yeah.

Cause like he was gonna die Like if he wasn't Tapped on the shoulder If he didn't look over his shoulder He would've died I mean that's really good luck You've seen those videos like Of almost dying Yeah Like a train comes But like a guy Pushes him out of the way Yeah yeah Like you know those ones Yo but this one's so fucked Because the guy tapped him And then like ran away Oh He just completely ran He like cut bro Oh

So it's like he wasn't trying to be seen. And he was wearing the exact same clothes as the guy. Yeah, he was wearing the exact same clothes, fam. Nah. Yeah. That's kind of crazy. So just like I said before, let's say that elephant thing, right? In your story. What if it had no special meaning? Yeah. But your future self knew you would take it a certain way. So that's why they put it there.

So it holds no meaning. Yeah. But because you saw it, you associated it with like luck, with prosperity, with whatever. Yeah. So your future self put that in the past. So you would think like that.

You know in this world, like, strangers to us are just strangers, right? We don't know them. We know our certain group of people. What if, like, okay, God put those certain people that we know on a day-to-day basis? Like, this is what's going to control it. But we see different strangers. Yeah. You feel me? Like, I feel like the strangers we see is almost as if, like...

We're meant to see them, but it's our choice whether we want to interact. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what I mean? Because if we don't interact, they're just another person, you know? Yeah, they're just another person. So that's why it's, in a sense, kind of like a miracle if you meet somebody. Yeah, we meet somebody, yeah. Because during, let's say, if it's on the streets especially, because what are the odds, like, you came out of your house that day at that time, right? And then that person came out of their house that day at that time. Maybe they forgot their keys. They went back inside and they came back out. Yeah, yeah.

Yeah. I mean, everything lines up, right? And also, it's such a miracle too that you're born there, that you live at this, in this location, this area. Yeah, fam. So it's kind of a miracle that you guys, like you guys meet. Yeah, yeah.

So anybody you meet. Yeah, even the fact that you're born, like you really competed with a million other sperm cells. Yeah, facts. But you're on this earth. Bro, like a lot of people don't understand. Everyone's like, yo, I want to win the lottery. I want to win the lottery. I feel so unlucky. Like I'm so depressed. Like I don't like my life. Count your blessings, bro. You got to take in...

It's a miracle. You won the lottery. If you're alive right now, you won the lottery. Real shit. You know what I mean? That's fact. Because like having life already, having what you have, being alive already, that's already a blessing. That's a miracle itself. Facts. It was out of a million, more than a million. Life is the odds of living. You won that race, bro. Yeah. It's harder to live than to win the lottery. Yeah, yeah. You know how much sperm was in your dad's nut? That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying, bro. You know what I mean? Yeah, and...

I always think about it like, okay, whenever I don't feel grateful and shit. Yeah. Or when I'm lazy, I'm like, okay, I only live one life. I was put, I was, I won that lottery. Why am I being lazy? You feel me? Why am I wasting my time? Yeah. Like, go do some shit, bro. Yeah. Make it count. A lot of the time, like, you'll have those moments where, okay, I'm on my grind now, right? Yeah, yeah. You get a motive, something motivates you, right? And a lot of times, like,

something happens where you just lose that motivation. Yeah, the downslope. The downslope, the downslope. So I feel like when a lot of people find that downslope,

The reason they don't find it again or they don't find their motivation again. They don't think it's possible. Not only that is because they don't have the motivation that brought them there from the beginning. So I feel like a lot of people, they have to find out what motivates them and keep them close. What motivates you? What motivates me? Yeah. My family, my dreams. I mean, what motivates me is like,

I based my goals from when I was younger. Right? So I always have like these goals I'm looking towards. If I don't have a goal, I don't feel like myself. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I'm not going to say like all my goals and shit because that's a little bit too much. Facts, facts. But like...

What motivates me is I got to finish this task rather than, rather than, Oh, I want to, I want to be on the, on the, the cover of magazine. I want to be like, blah, blah, this and that. Right. I want people to think about me when this happens. Right. I don't look at it like that. I look at it as like, this is my to-do list. Check off, check off, check off rather than I want to be rich and famous, blah, blah, blah. Cause I feel like when you chase that,

Once you get that, it's over. Yeah, bro. Like I used to think like that, bro. Cause like, oh, I want this car. I want this house. But then it's like, I don't know. I'm not doing it for that. You know, I just want to complete like what I set out to do. Yeah, exactly. And I love being the underdog. Cause I feel like my whole life I've been the underdog. So when someone says like, yo, you can't, you can't do this. Or like a guy in my accounting program says, oh, you'll, you'll never be like rich and shit. Cause, cause you're not set out for this. You're not smart enough.

That shit will just make me go even harder. Like, I strive off that shit. That's what motivates me, bro. Like, all of that noise, you don't let that go to your head. Real shit. Never let that shit go to your head. Especially, like, the people that give you that negative energy. Those are the type of people you want to cut out of your life. Man.

People say that a lot, but like, yeah, people say that a lot, but it's, it's really important and you won't see the results until it happens. Right. Cause a lot of people shit, they'll keep like really negative people around them and it's slowly, slowly, it trickles down into them and then you're going to see them decline a little bit, a little bit.

You'll see them feeling a little bit like them. You know what I mean? Because it gets to you. It gets to you. Even like that little, oh, you can't do that. It'll never become possible. Like long term, you're always thinking about this. Real shit like, if you grow up with wolves, you're going to become a wolf. Exactly. Like if you took a baby...

raised by wolves, it's going to learn how to hunt like a wolf. It's going to learn how to bark like a wolf. You know what I mean? Even though it's not a wolf, it's going to take on those tendencies. So it's the same shit. But like before too, like, cause I used to let all that like shit get to me because my mom used to, my mom still does this. Like she babies me. Yeah. Right. But my dad will check me when he needs to check me. Right. It's like, yo, yo, don't do that shit. Like there's, there's like a good balance. Yeah. So I'm grateful for my dad too. Cause he's like, okay, he, he puts me like, yo, don't get that. Let that shit go to your head. Like just do your shit. I feel like that's,

That's when parents mess up is when they baby low-key. Yeah, my mom still does that shit, bro. I was never babied, bro. Yeah, I know you weren't. Like, no matter... If you fail, you f***ing...

can fail like they'll tell me straight up you failed right but a lot of a lot of parents like they come soft they're like a little bit softer with their kids and then when they they fail it becomes this huge deal it's devastating to them fam and then that you can't allow that because when it's devastating they never come back up from a failure you got to be able to take failure and then keep going you know i mean and i kind of learned that from myself because um high school i was all straight eight student right yeah but when i got my first like 70 bro 70 i

I came home with my report card. Yeah. I started crying, bro. And I'm like, I look back at it. I'm like, bro, it's just a grade. Like I still ended up where I needed to be at. Like no one's perfect in this world, you know? Yeah. But like the, the thing is that I told myself, okay, yeah, I can just, I have enough like motivation to me that I can just bounce back from this. But kids that are in that household who are perfect, perfect, perfect, everything. Like I'm, I'm,

I hope like they can muscle up some confidence. Because they get soft, fam. They do. They get soft. Especially like, I'm not going to bash on anybody. No, I was that one guy. But you know those kids that, they get everything they're handed to them. Spoiled, yeah. They get spoiled. When you get spoiled, you don't learn how to survive on your own. And then they're constantly looking for that, like, that crutch. You know what I mean? Yeah. That binky type shit. You know what I mean? Give me some of this sucka. Pause. Pause, pause, pause. Pause.

You're talking about Binky, you know what I'm talking about? Yeah, the pacifier, pacifier.

no but there's people like that though there's people like that like they're looking for a past fire to suck on because they feel like yeah i can't do nothing without it you know what i mean but i'm glad i i am spoiled like i'll say i'm spoiled but i'm glad that i didn't because every time i wanted to do something i asked my parents for money i was like okay i'm gonna just do it myself so later i i don't have to say oh i owe you this i owe you this word or you put me on this you put me on this yeah that's really important yeah like when i was younger like i don't

i don't even know if my parents told me this but i told myself this yeah i'll i'll put up a picture if i can find it but i had like uh i had like this this um this poster you're supposed to like write your name it was in grade seven you're supposed to write your name write like your goal what you want to be and then like a quote or some shit okay and then oh i think it was for graduation actually you like you know like school no the elementary school okay okay you graduate grade eight yeah so my quote was to

to become successful without help. That's what I put. At grade 8? Yeah, that's what I put. Some shit. Some shit like that. Yo, I like how manifesting, like we preach that a lot. And it is kind of real because a lot of the really big celebrities have a cool like high school or elementary quote that said exactly what they were going to do. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know? And it was like, I don't know what Kanye's was, but it was like something, I'm going to become rich and famous one day. Boom, look what he did. You feel me? Yo, because a lot of these like

a lot of the celebrities, a lot of rich people, I say this all the time, bro. They know the secret and the secret to the riches, the secret to success is manifestation. You got to believe in it yourself before it's given to you. I mean, if you don't believe in yourself to let's say like make a basket,

when you're shooting basketball right yeah you're not gonna make that basket even if even if like by a fluke like sure maybe yeah but the chances of you okay yo they took they took they took a person right yeah this is um this isn't a dale carnegie book it's like some motivational shit so they took this person and they told them um the pill they take will make them like 40 stronger yeah and it was a placebo but because they told them that

They were able to lift like 50 times more than what they would have lifted before without it. All in the mind. Yeah. So, and then they took another group. Yeah. They took another group and they told them, all right, this pill is going to make you weak. It's going to make you feel sluggish. And they picked up the thing. They did less than the average because they were told that.

yeah because they were told that that's cool i didn't know that but but there was this uh twitch streamer you know aiden ross yeah yeah so he's like probably like the like the biggest twitch streamer it's the hottest out right now like whatever he does like people will track to it he recorded a video of him in like 2016 saying all this he's like yo i'm not gonna stop at this shit like i'm gonna be look at my room right now i'm gonna be in la i'm gonna be doing all this and look what he did

Yeah, that's what it takes. It takes you to believe in yourself before others believe in you. And the funny thing is, I have a video like that too. Yeah, you made that? No, but this was like 2018 when I first started my brand. Yeah, yeah. Because when I first like sold my first four pairs of jeans, I was so hyped. I went in my room and I was like, I'm a...

Something's up. Yeah. But when I'm up, when I'm like actually up, I'll leak the video. Yo, y'all remember in the first episode, like I did the manifestation. Oh yeah. That's proof of it right there. Our second video is like, we clipped it up. The man, how I manifested everything I made. Yeah. And I'm not me. That's, that's all real. Like I'm, I didn't bullshit nothing. Like, yeah.

Exactly what I did is exactly what happened. This is all still kind of surreal to me, but like, because I wasn't in like the marketing aspect of this like podcast thing. I was just like, okay, I'm going to hop in the podcast with you. Yeah. But now that I've seen like all the success that we've kind of had, like I knew exactly what you were doing. Yeah. You had this plan still. Exactly. Exactly. It was all perfect. That's why I told you, bro, just come. Yeah.

That's exactly what you told me. Yeah. But let's just run it up. Exactly, bro. Yeah, man. Shout out to you because I would have just started an OnlyFans. Why OnlyFans? I'm kidding. That should make a lot of money, bro. I think I wouldn't. Lowkey, I wouldn't do that. Yo, fam, I was searching up too, okay? Because I got some horror stories of OnlyFans people.

I saw this and I was like, yo, I have to tell this. Only Vans? Yeah. Okay. So there's like this. Okay. So shorty, shorty is in university and shit like that. Yeah. Not going to name names, but she, um, she was doing like all her classes. She was working these jobs. Right. But wasn't making enough money to like, okay, pay for the classes.

Right? So she's like, what's a cool way to make money nowadays? So she started an OnlyFans. Yeah. Right? Okay. So boom. She started it up. Started it up. She got a few cosigns from like cool, like really big Twitter pages. Yeah. Boom. Started blowing up from there. Started making decent money. So you know guys on OnlyFans, like they're kind of weird, right? What do you mean? Yeah.

Nah, like, okay, so in OnlyFans, you get DM requests. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, so a guy was like... They're like a creepier... Yeah, like the creepier type. So a girl got a request and opened it. Yeah. She said, yo, can I have... I'll send you $100 for a picture of you just smiling. So she's like, I bet that's an easy bag. Right? So she did it. Boom. Next message. Okay, can I get your hands? Okay, boom. Can I get your... Can I get your, like...

head all the way to like your you know what yeah okay easy back then she like the guy started asking like yo what type of SDDs do you have why like are you sexually active

so boom she just exited the chat yeah right next day she comes back from school all lazy and shit she comes back to like a paragraph i got of the guy saying yo if you don't send me all this shit i'm gonna hunt you down what the fuck right yeah so it's so she goes outside to her apartment she's just chilling there and there's a guy there's a guy on the other side of the the apartment with binoculars an old what the fuck an old guy and he he's looking around right yeah

So, okay, she just goes back to her house. She needs to get food. So she leaves that night. Starts walking down the street by herself. I don't know why she did that. But the same guy with binoculars starts walking behind her. So she's like, what the fuck? Obviously, this is sus. Yeah. Right? So the guy starts running after her. So she starts running too. She goes near her building, like hides near her building. There's another guy she meets.

she's like yo yo uh do you need help walking home and shit she's like i'm gonna go with you then so this was the thing the guy that promised to help her out took her shit in the car and that guy that guy with the binoculars was only was only had the binoculars because there was a random car outside the building so he was suspicious that's why and she was trying to help damn bro bro what the f**k nah because like

People like that, they use tactics. They use all the tactics in the book to either put you in a position where you're vulnerable or where they can take advantage of you. They low-key study that shit. Yeah, bro. So that's why a lot of people, they have to be careful. You gotta really be careful. You gotta be careful when you're dealing with these sketchy characters. There's more stories about how they have... So they were DMing a guy and the guy would like...

have a video on his instagram of her him outside her window wow and shit like that so it's how do they find them though ips fam ip you can just get the address from there oh true like all your shit is really on um on the internet yeah yeah like you know um when i was young i was taught to always like whenever you're taking photos never set the location on because man's actually like like follow that shit if they see some like a little girl taking a selfie and the location is on yeah they'll low-key like

like go and yo you know what's crazy you know um you know on your iphone where it says like 30 minutes to home or 30 minutes to like so yo what do you mean i have like a routine schedule when i used to work at like uh the swimming place yeah right so anytime i would leave the house it would tell me

it will take 20 minutes to get there before like I even put it in GPS nothing. Yeah. Like it just knows I'm headed there. And even on a day like I wasn't headed there, it would still pop up at notification like, okay, it's going to take 15 minutes to get to your work today. Okay. Fam, I didn't put anything in to set that up. It just did that automatically. It's like it knows where I'm going to go already. I feel like a lot of people have that too. Like, yeah,

Do you not have that? You don't have that on your Google? Your Google Maps or iPhone Maps? Unless I type it in, like, take me to this location, it won't tell me. Because I think I turned on whatever, like, all the settings and shit. Siri automatically knows, like...

I when I go to the gym it knows like I was gonna go to the gym before I put it in or anything it just it just says like all right you're headed to the gym word yeah no that's scary what kind of settings do you have on I don't know but that's a thing like I comment down below if y'all have that yeah because I know it's not just me I know like it's a real thing like a regular thing yeah even yo even the fact that we're just talking to like Siri it's kind of weird to me it's like yo Siri uh

what's the weather today and shit. And she'll tell you the exact weather, like by your house. And you know, they're always listening. What do you mean? Like Siri, like Siri and freaking everything. Like Alexa, they're all listening. Like even, even look, hold on. When I say, Hey Siri. Yeah. Hey Siri. Okay. There you go. See, it pops up right now for it to pick up. Hey Siri. It's gotta be listening all the time. So it's listening no matter what, like it,

It's picking up what I'm saying until it sounds like something I say is, hey Siri. I just bagged that. Okay, it didn't work that time. Yeah, yeah. Well, you know what I mean? Yeah. Unless you shout, hey Siri. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whoa. I didn't really bag that. You didn't know that, right? No. Okay, now that you said that, I understand that. That's how it works. Even with Alexa, it's constantly listening. So here's the thing. So I was...

I was out with this girl one time and then we were like gonna buy alcohol. Okay. And we were talking about alcohol. Like we're talking about like freaking Captain Morgan talking about Hennessy. I mean Hennessy talking about like all of these drinks, right? Yeah, yeah. Rum, whatever.

And then all of a sudden, I never got this before, but I checked my Instagram. I have bare ads for liquor. I was just going to say that, fam. I remember I wanted a ring light one time. And then all the ads on Amazon was just about ring lights. Ring lights. I'm like, wait. Yeah. I didn't Google nothing about alcohol. Why would you Google about alcohol? Yeah, bro. I don't know. I didn't Google nothing about alcohol. But I feel like it was listening and it picked up that shit. Like, I wanted to buy that. And just so happened, it popped it up. That happens with clothes too. Like, a specific shoe. Mm-hmm.

Like the direction will pop up and be like, oh, it's 20% off on Grail right now. Yeah, it's great. Dog, what do you mean? Because they got it down to a T. Yeah. Like all the top businesses, it's like marketing is low-key paid to win now. Like low-key, they have it down. Yeah. It's crazy.

it's so automated. Like they know exactly what you want. They'll put it right in front of your face. Yeah. It's just like, it's just like fishing before when fishermen were fishing, they didn't know exactly what the fish wanted, but now it's like, ah, now it's exact. It's like, we're the fish and these big companies that, that are marketing their products towards us. They put it right in front of our faces at the perfect time. The right bait, the right product. Yeah.

Social dilemma fam. If you've seen that movie, it was like, uh, there's two guys that they're like, uh, kind of simulating what actually happens. So there's like one guy, the consumer. Yeah. There's two guys, the, the, uh, the social guys. Right. And they're like, okay, he's done with this video. Let's see what he wants. Let's put an ad in front of them. Okay. He's, he's, he's still like, um, focused on the video. Yeah. Let's put another one. I go, go, go right now. Yeah. Right. So it's like, it's perfectly timed.

it's so to think about though oh my god yo um i remember i heard this thing about google like the first people that works for google right they had like this code of ethics and it was like the number one rule it says something about like do good right yeah do what's ethical yeah it said something like do what's ethical right so they're not doing that now though yeah so apparently they took out

That rule of ethics. Like, they took out... Yeah, they took that out. It's gone. Like, apparently, they used to have it in their headquarters, like, on the wall. And it would say, like, do what's ethical or do, like, good, right? Do for the greater good or some shit. They took that out. So, in my mind, I'm always thinking, like, imagine there's someone, like, like I said on the Josh episode, with ill intent, with, like, the mind to control other people, the mind to, like, do evil. Like...

I mean, because there's people out there that want to do evil. The dark web. Yeah. You know? And I searched up too. Like, it's fucked up. Like, okay, I didn't go on the dark web. But I've seen so many videos. Like, they have dark web game shows. You know what that is? Nah. So, you know, like, game shows like Big Brother? Yeah, yeah. They'll have that shit on the dark web. But if you get eliminated, they kill you. What the fuck?

And they have wipeout. What happens with wipeout? I'm going to tell you the story. Yeah. So there's this guy who, so in the wipeouts, you, you, if you're a listener, you get to bet on people. Right. So this guy was like, okay, I'm going to join it. Cause there's a hundred thousand dollar prize. He goes, he goes to whatever. And there it's like in a warehouse. Yeah. Right. So the, there's four other contestants. First obstacle, you know, the big red balls pause. Yeah. So they do that. The first person gets called up, goes,

Falls? All you hear, breaking of bones. What the hell? You feel me? The other person goes. That's like some saw shit, bro. That's what I'm saying. Doesn't pass it. Breaks bones. There's only two guys left that actually passed it. The final round was them, okay, you have to hang on metal bars. And below you, if you fall, shark tank. What the fuck?

And you know what the guy did? What? He won with 100K. And they injected something into him so they can put him back in his house. And when he woke up, there's 100K right beside him. What the f***? That's crazy, bro. That's really like some jigsaw shit. It is, it is. Like when I saw videos of it, I'm like, what the f*** is this? Do you think there's like real super villains in the world? Like not necessarily like superpowers, but evil villains in the world. Evil villains. Like real evil villains. Are we?

Are we in a movie? Like what I said before, like Dr. Doofenshmirtz. You know what I mean?

Dr. Dushan up there fighting like a platypus. Oh, do you know Martin Shkreli? No. Oh, you don't know Martin Shkreli? Who's that? Who's that? So he's like, he was quote unquote like one of the most hated people ever. Why? So what happened was he found like a cure or a medication to help with AIDS. Oh, I've seen this. Yo, I've seen this. Yeah. So he found a medication to help with AIDS. Yeah, yeah. Right? And he ended up buying like the patent to the medications to the whatever thing. And he ended up

the price like 200% or some shit and before it was like cents yeah marketing though like do you blame him no but at the same time it's like fuck people need that to live yeah yeah people need that to live there was also a story that um there was like some cure with aids or something some guy had it but they killed him off oh shit like the government or something killed him off and you know what else Martin Scully did so he bought um Wu Tang's unreleased album once

Once Upon a Time in Shaolin. You ever heard of that? No. So he owns the rights to Once Upon a Time in Shaolin. An unreleased Wu-Tang like fucking masterpiece. And he gatekeeped it? He kept it.

He kept it, never released it. And then like once, once in a while he played like on live. That's so dumb to them. Cause no lie, the most angry I get is when a rapper or artist plays some bleak shit on his live and never drops that shit. And it sucks cause Wu-Tang couldn't do anything about it cause he owns it now. Yeah. He owns, he bought it for like however how much fucking money. And then he, he held that shit and nobody's, nobody else is allowed to leak it. Nobody else is allowed to do anything. Well, here's what happened. I think, I think he got arrested for something. Yeah.

And right now, it's in the hands of like the US government or like the police or some shit. But why would the police just leak that for the people, man? No, because they can't. It's like low-key like evidence or some shit. I don't know. I don't know if this is true. This is like some shit I heard. But going back to the supervillains, I think there is. Because what...

but if if a super villain hires like hitman to go after people yeah i consider you a villain because why are you doing that maybe just the real super villains are just like the mafia bosses and stuff the mafia is scarier bro yeah have you seen um uh the jfk the jfk um call like before he died ah really what's that so like um before uh like i think this was in the morning uh

A phone operator got a call. Yeah. And some guy was like, yo, at like 1030, I mean at 10, I'm gonna kill JFK. What the fuck? Puts the phone down, brings it back up. And then he's, the guy was like, nah, nevermind. I'm gonna kill him at 1030. What the hell? Right? So, so this is what happened. Like when, when they were driving down,

1230 Central Time 1030 LA he died shit so like that shit's kinda scary so it was him that called? yeah who did he call though? he called some phone operator like that was like near I guess close to JFK there's a lot of conspiracy around the JFK assassination cause it was so perfect like everything lined up a lot of people say the CIA actually word yeah I don't wanna dive into that one though I'm scared of that one there's a conspiracy about you what's the conspiracy? no I can't tell that chill out bro

I have a funny theory. I have a funny theory. Alright, go, go. Okay. So going back to Dr. Doofenshmirtz. Yeah. Bro. So there's this theory that Dr. Doofenshmirtz and Phineas and Ferb is actually the father of Phineas himself. Low key because he kind of looks like a girl.

Listen, listen, listen. So there's this one episode in Phineas and Ferb, right? Yeah, yeah. Phineas' mom was actually out with Dr. Doofenshmirtz when they were younger. It was in the 80s. They were in the 80s and then that was when she was like Linda, like the singer shit, whatever, right? So...

They actually went out. So it was shown they dated. Yeah, yeah. They dated and shit. Now, if you look at Phineas. He looks just like him. Phineas has the same head shape as Dr. Doofenshmirtz. Yeah. Right? Also, Phineas is so smart, so creative, almost like...

A mad scientist. Because he comes up with these crazy inventions. Just like Dr. Doofenshmirtz. Yeah, yeah. So you think Phineas' mom had Phineas. Yeah. And then like low-key, he had like a little side ting and had Ferb. No, no, no. Because Ferb was the new dad. Oh, Ferb is the new dad. Yeah, Ferb is the new dad. They're not related, bro. Remember? Oh, yeah. Ferb's just like...

Stepbrother. So why do you think Perry hates Doofenshmirtz? You think Phineas goes out and sends Perry to fight him off? Nah, nah. I think so. I think he's just a secret agent. Yo, get my dad back, bro. Fuck that guy. But yeah, but fucking Phineas and Ferb, they come up with the craziest shit. Just like, they probably inherited the genius gene from Dr. Doofenshmirtz. Yo, I didn't think about it like that. Really?

right but yeah this guy sent me this guy sent me a video who uh some some random fan yeah i'm a guy um in the denver airport it was so funny oh really yeah because he was like yo yo guys i'm gonna try and follow the construction workers yeah they low-key probably know what's going down so he was following following right so um he took the subway the underground tunnels with him and then he got to a stop because he didn't have a bag but

fam the way the journey he took to get where to where he's at there was a lot of shit going on yeah what was going on like he had to take a subway he had to go down he had to walk flights of stairs down but he didn't have a badge you feel me but it's so funny because really if uh because all he had was a vest on so he kind of like looked like a construction worker

But you ever know those ones, like those guys that snuck into the Super Bowl? Oh, yeah. That's so sick, bro. Because all they did was carry around a ladder, fam. That shit is so sick. Because freaking they made like their own. There's some people that made their own like VIP passes and shit. Yeah, bro. That's so fire. You know what they did? Like I remember this one guy. He just took like a close-up shot of somebody at the event.

And then just, like, zoomed it in. Yeah. And then just, like, manipulated the picture to look exactly like it. That's fire. So he made his own laminate, whatever, VIP pass. Yeah. Made his own, like, camera shit, whatever. Yeah. And he was able to go in and watch freaking... I think it was the Manny Pacquiao fight with Mayweather. Oh, I think I've seen a TikTok on that, too. Yeah. There's so many different ones. Everybody finesses it. I know. Like, even the Golden State Warriors game, there was a guy who looked exactly like Klay Thompson. Yeah. And he got... He drove through, like, the player's entrance. Word. Because...

But I'm like, bro, you guys have got to hire way better security. Yo, Loki, we should have done that before. Like, when the Raptors, the Raptors in the finals. Oh, Loki. That would have been crazy. But they were on, like, high guard for everyone, fam. But I feel like, Loki, if you do it properly, you can finesse it somehow. Yeah, Loki. Because I watch his TikTok. There's these girls that collect, like, you know those wristbands, the colored wristbands?

You know whenever you go to a water park and they put like... Oh, Great Wolf Lodge. I was just gonna say. Yo, we have those. Whether it be like Wild Water Kingdom, Great Wolf Lodge, whatever. They all have like different colored ones, right? Yeah.

So what they would do, they would just collect like hella freaking wristbands. I know. No matter what, what day it is. Because they change it every day. One day it's blue, one day it's orange, one day it's yellow, right? So depending on the day, they just look, they take a look like, oh, it's yellow today. Reach in the bag. They got yellow wristbands. Put that shit on. Yo, what type of wristbands you got on today, fam? Wow. Green. I say the last one.

That's such a finesse, bro. I know, it's the biggest. And there's this other thing these girls would do. They would look around the hotel, the hotel floor lobby, to look for the hotel cards, like the room cards. So they wouldn't use it to get into rooms. But what they would use it to do...

is to get into the pool to get access to like the freaking resorts and shit so imagine you just have like a collection of fucking all of these resorts bro imagine at disney and you have all those cards like you can do whatever the fuck you want you just don't go in the hotel bro no cap that'd be like the best date you know what i mean like take a shorty to go to like any resort you want yeah where you want to go oh lies like yo which one which one i got the cards yeah you have like a whole collection it's like a fucking

a pokemon set you have like all the cards in like a sleep that's so fire bro imagine bro yeah like even um fucking um abandoned um water water like places oh like what do you call those like if wild water kingdom yeah yeah like no one was there because of covid but it was still running imagine just going there having the time yo i saw this video before these people went to like the abandoned uh freaking like the water parks and shit yeah bro you know what they did what

They took like their skateboards and then just ripped down that shit, bro. Oh, yeah, bro. That's so sick to me. That's fire, bro. Even with towels, they did that with blankets. I've seen guys because they didn't like they didn't want static shots. Oh, yeah, yeah. They ran down with towels. That's so sick, bro. But yeah. Okay, where would you want to go abandoned? Like any place in the world, where would you want to go? Abandoned? Low-key, I think a building like...

You know the big ass Bass Pro in the States? Oh Bass Pro Like the world's like biggest Bass Pro Yeah Bass Pro is like in Niagara It's still big Yeah Like that's just fire I haven't been there I haven't been there But imagine like a store like that Yo like even in Mall Cop Remember in Mall Cop? Yeah Like the whole mall was abandoned And he was just like fucking around in the mall Malls is cool But like there's nothing to do in malls Unless you have like a really Like cool group of friends And you can just play tag and shit No but then Okay

are we doing illegal shit are you doing no we're doing illegal shit okay then you can like then you can like use whatever's in the mall like what even even like an old ass arcade like with the bouncy houses or whatever that would be sick yeah true true i don't know would you want to do something scary like go into some abandoned scary place i don't know bro i would yo this is what i want to do i want to low-key go into like those cabins that have like um those unsolved murder mysteries yeah loki want to like try and

you wouldn't i'm not trying to imagine solving that shit though solving it yeah like oh shit there's a knife here oh my god like let's report this shit you know i guess it's abandoned though like so and it's happened a long time ago i don't want to get no hauntings fam i don't with no spirits but i would go into like um like not not scary but like abandoned like buildings and shit like like you know those huge like office buildings

Like, abandoned office building. That's scarier than cabins, low-key. Nah, nah. So, I know there's this thing in, I think it was in Malaysia. I think it was in Malaysia. There's, like, this whole building, like, a fucking office building, right? Yeah. And then it got flooded in the bottom floor. And what happened was these koi fish, these koi fish, like, inhabited the whole area. So, the whole, like, lobby hole, like, bottom floor is filled with, like, beautiful koi fish. Word.

Yeah, it's so dope. I don't know where it is. It might be China. It might be in Malaysia. I forgot exactly. But search it up. It's like a koi-infested abandoned building. So dope. That's kind of fire. So dope. Where did the koi fish come from? Just randomly? I think what happened was... You know how when people get rid of their goldfish, they put it in the sink? Yeah, to flush it. It ends up in the sewer system, right? Oh, yeah. So when the flooding happened, I guess...

there was some like remnants of like koi koi eggs or koi fish yeah and they just like breeded and they ended up being like hundreds and shit yeah some flushed away type shit yeah like flushed away that's sick that's sick but no at the same time yo low-key uh ripley's aquarium abandoned or marine land no when there's still fish but just no one there oh that'd be sick yeah imagine imagine jumping in with them would you swim with a shark no no fuck that

that okay well what if you knew like the shark wouldn't harm you would you swim over there okay yeah hell yeah yeah and I would like latch on to his fin and like become aquaman or some shit become like the little mermaid and shit bro okay

I low-key want to have a shark that I can like... You know when you go to the sea and then you're on the boats and shit? Yeah. I low-key want to have a friend that I can call. Low-key, like a secret agent. Yeah, yeah. Is it George in the Jungle where he's in the jungle, he can call shit? Is it George in the Jungle? I don't know, but I think it's like... Is it Tarzan? Yeah.

It's Tarzan, the one that can call up. Oh, no. Yeah, yeah. Tarzan and Aquaman. Yo, Loki. Loki. That would be the craziest superpower to have, like, control of, like, animals and shit. No, that's fire. Imagine calling the gorillas. I attack them. Because look at Ant-Man. Ant-Man has, like, controls over ants and shit. Oh, yeah. Ant-Man's kind of lame. Yeah, I know. Like, see how lame that shit is? But he's still a superhero. Now imagine you had any freaking... Any animal you could have. Oh, yeah.

Like you can use like pigeons in the city to see like what's going on. No lie. Yeah, fact. I would do low-key pigeons because those are just drones for me. Yeah, exactly. Pigeon number 54, what's going on at CN Tower right now? Yeah, real shit. Or even like a sewer rat or some shit. Like a ratatouille type thing. They can get into like crooks and areas and shit. But like a rat wouldn't give you like

Like useful information You feel me Yeah it could No it wouldn't Yes it could You're just down on Low surface ground No but What if you can tell it To like go into like A secret building Like an office or some shit Oh okay Right I kinda see that Imagine that bro Or Loki just get a fucking Imagine you had control Over dinosaurs Yeah

One or no, you're like you're gonna be like those how to train a dragon guys. Oh shit Yeah, imagine like call the fucking uh blue eyes or something whatever he's called in the movie And then you're just flying now. Do you think do you think dragons exist at the same time as human? Yeah, there's a theory that you know how there's water on mars, right? Yeah, okay. Look what if we did live on mars? But we fucked up the climate so bad that we had to take a pod like an escape pod to earth. Oh

And listen, listen, listen. And that escape pod was the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs. Oh, shit. But now look, the same thing's happening right now. We're killing the climate. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now it's kind of fucked up that we're hearing stories about alien invasions because what if we just have to escape again? Yeah, that's a good point. And now what you said in that other podcast, now the new shit is going to be robots. We're going to be extinct.

Because, um, do you think we're not going to live on Earth forever? No. Because I think the Earth's going to die eventually, right? Yeah, yeah. What if...

Yeah, what if, like you said, Mars was our Earth before? Yeah. Mars was our Earth before and then they traveled over. And history repeats itself. That's what I'm saying. History always repeats itself. Look at Interstellar. Remember Interstellar? Yes, bro. Like, they were looking how to get Earth away from Earth. Like, get onto a different climate because the climate was destroying their crops, destroying all their food. Yeah.

They couldn't survive on Earth anymore. That shit's gonna happen. We're already seeing that. What's happening right now, bro? We're already seeing that, right? We have seven years according to New York. Yo, what's the plan, though? Like, what's Elon saying? What's the plan? Nah, real shit, what's the plan? Fam, low-key. They gotta be making plans right now, like. Low-key, he might create a Tesla car that's just rocket ship. So everyone buys a rocket ship and then we all just fly out in, like, those units. What if it's only... Remember that movie 2012? What if it's only, like, the rich and powerful that get it, right? That's fucked up.

It might happen like that, bro. It might, right? Because there's definitely got to be a plan somewhere. Yeah. There's got to be a plan. I don't think they would...

They would just leave it like this. Like we, we all know the world's like, eventually we're going to lose the resources and shit. Or we may not. We think we may not. Man. Sustainability practices, bro. We might have a chance to, to fight back unless aliens just, there's a completely different agenda for aliens and they just take that shit away from us. Yeah. Cause you never know. We just live in that. There's a lot of people that don't believe in climate change though. Okay. Remember that picture you sent me? It was like, there's a crazy guy.

And then there's the bottom of an icicle where it's like the deep researcher. And then there's another part of the icicle where it's like, I don't know, it's like some next guy who knows everything. And in the deep researcher, it was climate change, one of them. And me and you, we're just the crazy guys right now. They all think we're crazy, but it's just Google. Yeah, you know what? Because a lot of people on...

online like on youtube there's a lot of like conspiracy like real i'm i'm i guess i'm a conspiracy theorist but not really yeah but there's some real conspiracy theorists that do every single research they can that's a real conspiracy and then they try and like no offense yeah they try and like freaking lay it all down yeah solve that shit right yeah

So if a regular person like me, for example, if I see him talking all this crazy stuff. We're not going to believe that shit. I'm not going to believe it because he's taking it a little bit too seriously. Exactly. So there's low key, there's low key like an art to not trying too hard. Because like I'm saying some conspiracies, but like I'm not trying. I'm not like, yo, this shit is real. It just comes up in your mind. Yeah. Yeah. I'm just like, I'm just having fun with it.

I'm just opening y'all's mind. Yeah. But if you saw like another person, let's say I was like one of those conspiracy type people. Loki, no one would listen because they just deem me as like fucking crazy. Nah, to me, you're still crazy. And that's to me. Yeah, yeah. You feel me? But imagine being in that position of the guy in the complete total, like you know everything. I think it's called like

Or like the final stage where you know all these secrets to life. Yeah. Like imagine being in that position and you're trying to tell these people, but they're like, they're completely like, yeah, ignore that fucking crap, bro. Okay. Yo, there's this crazy theory that, uh,

The snow that we see today is like artificial. It's like controlled with like chemicals and shit. So take this in. So this viral video that came out on YouTube, this guy took a piece of snow and then he was like lighting it with a lighter and it started to burn.

It started to burn because there's some elements in the snow that made it burn. Did it melt? No, like it burnt, like it turned black. What? So if it's made out of water, if it's made out of ice, it just melt, right? Yeah. So why did it burn, like turn black? Damn, bro. Someone turned on the weather machine? Bro, okay. Now this conspiracy goes way deeper. So there's a link to areas with a lot of snow and

And cancer. Okay. Like, I think New York, Toronto, like places with a lot of snow. Where us? Minnesota. A lot of these places that get a lot of snow. The number one cause of death is cancer. I think it's from the snow and the chemicals. That's what they're saying. That's like the theory. There's a theory about Doug Ford where everyone is just on him. So he had to switch the weather machine. So it started snowing that one day. Remember that? Nah. He had to distract people with that. Nah, bro. Shit, bro. Because imagine... Imagine that something like that is real. Yeah.

I don't know. Do you think people can control the weather? Bro, that's... I think climate change just happens because we can control it by doing like... Like not doing certain stuff. Because look, look. If we can change the climate with pollution... Mm-hmm.

somebody can study that shit and figure a way to control the weather no yeah low-key why doesn't why doesn't the government no low-key hold on they've got to be able to then yeah because there's certain stuff if not they would know at least like ways to manipulate a little bit and i think they do that though they do that you think they do that yeah they do that shit that's crazy yeah we're getting one of the i don't maybe they plan this but we're getting one of the hottest summers this year

you think that's just because of what we're doing wrong or is that just because oh they put certain uh factories in in this place to to increase pollution because they want that or something they want to kill off something this is a little bit out of my like expertise you know what i mean like people look into this like actually yeah but i wouldn't be surprised if they put some chemicals into the air i mean if they put some to manipulate the weather

Cause that, that whole conspiracy with the snow and cancer. Yeah. That's kind of like eyeopening for me. Isn't there a saying like, yo, the air hits different here or some shit when you go like travel and like the air back home kind of is like, yeah, but like you go up to a mountain or like someplace else. It's like this cleaner here. Yeah. Or like even, even my, my cousins in Chicago when they came over here, they saw all of us like, yo, y'all are so tall and we're not even that tall. And then they're like, yo, what do you put in the water? Yeah.

Oh, we're drinking some next water. Yo, take in... What's in the nestle? Did you know someone did like a test of like tap water, Dasani, like all of these different spring waters. What happened? A lot of them have like acidity of like... Oh, pHs. Yeah. A lot of them have like toxic shit in it. Yeah. Low key. I don't drink tap water because it's like low key hella toxins. And then I saw this guy. This is his TikTok, right? Yeah. This Chinese guy.

He bought this machine to like purify his water and he spent like $5,000 to do this. Right. And he brought up a really good point. He brought up a really good point. He's like, a lot of people say like, why would you spend $5,000 on water? Blah, blah, blah. Right. He brought up a good point. He said, I'm spending $5,000.

but it's for my health. He's spending $5,000 on his health. He said, rather than spending $5,000 on like clothes, shoes, luxuries and shit. You can live longer with the right water. Yeah. He's spending water. I mean, he's spending money on his health. So low key, I feel like I'm not doing enough for my body low key. Like I, I see a lot of people doing really good for, let's say, um, their diet. Yeah.

The way of living, right? The water they drink, vitamins, supplements, whatever. I feel like a lot of people, including myself, we don't even look too much into that shit. Yeah, because yo, I was just going to say, like when you go on vacations and shit, like Philippines, Mexico, what's the one thing that they tell you? Don't drink the water there. Or don't put the ice in your water. Yeah. And I'm like, wait, why is that though? Because like, aren't we all drinking the same water shit? But nah, like in Mexico, it might be like, I don't know, infected with shit.

Yeah, exactly. Yo, fam, the average teenager can probably name like 20 designer brands. Well, it could only name like three different vitamins.

Yo, you know that chlorophyll water that everyone's doing now? That trend? Nah. So you put this chlorophyll mix and you mix it with your water so it's green. And it kind of detoxifies your body. Nah, I've never heard of that one. Loki, you should do it. Because I'm going to start doing it. Because I heard the benefits. You're more energized. You feel more healthy. And your skin too. Yo, there's this... Bro, this one's a little bit scary. So you ever heard of Dr. Sebi? No. Bro. So there's this guy that he was big on like...

It's not pseudoscience It's like Natural remedies Huge Unnatural remedies right Yeah yeah And supposedly He came out with like Something to help cancer Like a cure for cancer What? With like natural substances and shit What happened to him? Bro He like dead ass Got assassinated Yep Like

Like, no, like for real. Like you can look into this shit. They killed him. Why? Why do they do that, fam? I don't know, bro. I don't know, bro. And Loki saying this is kind of scary. It's an evil world we live in, bro. But shit. It's an evil world, fam. That's crazy. Oh, I also saw this thing how dandelions. Uh-huh.

Dandelions, the root of a dandelion is actually really, really good for your heart. Oh, I heard that too. You heard that, right? And there's one thing, I don't know if you know, it's lion's mane. It's like this edible mushroom. Really? But it's not psychedelic. It's like a regular mushroom. Yeah. So it cures, you get less depressed. Mm-hmm.

and you and there's like some there's some branch of like i think it's like called norphotics or something where it's just okay you become more healthy you become uh you quick you learn things quicker yeah yeah like that and increase increase of like brain memory my mom told me this thing about like a leaky gut you ever heard of that leaky gut i've heard of it but remind me of what is that so a

Apparently, if you eat a lot of fast food... I forgot exactly what triggers it. I think it's gluten. I think it's certain allergies. Yeah, yeah. Everyone's stomach...

We all have allergies, right? You know that? Yeah. Did you know the original humans were lactose intolerant too? What? I didn't know that. Yeah. Like the beginning of humans, like we weren't supposed to be drinking milk from a cow. Like the caveman type guys? Yeah. We weren't supposed to be drinking a lot of like people with peanut allergy. Loki still had the gene of like the old humans. Like they didn't get the update. Imagine caveman just finding out that they're lactose intolerant. Like they're drinking milk, right? Yeah. And they're like, I have to.

I have to shit. Yeah, so... You feel me? We weren't actually supposed to be eating all of these different shit, right? Yeah. But yeah, we were supposed to be eating all of these shit, right? So over the times, I guess our body evolved. And then we're able to consume these different products, right? Okay. Yeah, because I don't have any allergies, but maybe... Yeah, so there's this thing called leaky gut.

And apparently there's a huge link to having a leaky gut and anxiety, depression. What does leaky gut mean though? So when you eat something, right? Yeah. Apparently it puts holes in your digestive system. Oh shit. And...

And it kind of like, it triggers things in your body chemistry, like your cells. And it makes you feel different way. Like these chemicals aren't supposed to be in the spots they go to. Yeah. Because like a leaky gut, right? So in a sense, like it's leaking into other things. So instead of digesting properly, it's going, it's breaking down your gut lining and going into places it shouldn't be. And then that's what, apparently there's like a, there's a link between,

to like autism and cancer and like so many different like disorders so many different like health problems is one like adhd loki maybe i don't know that's kind of crazy bro and um there was a study before how i think glutamine or something it will it will coat like a lining in your stomach

And you won't have that problem anymore. But a lot of people, they don't take that. Or we're deficient in it. But it's not like common knowledge, right? You have to like look into this shit. Do you have any weird remedies that you do like when you're sick? Because when I'm sick, like you do the, let me, do you do this? So like your mom comes with Vicks. Yeah. And she puts a cross on your face. Yeah, she put it on my chest. And then my feet. Yeah, the socks. Yeah, the socks. You put it on your feet and then put socks on. Yeah.

Every Filipino knows Alex. And there's like some other... That shit works though. It does. That shit works. Or is that low-key a placebo? Nah, nah, nah. I think it's the... What do you call it? Freaking... What do you call that thing that makes you really cool? Makes you really cold? Like when you eat gum? It's like this... Menthol, right? Menthol, yeah. Yeah, I think it's that effect. Yeah, yeah.

Oh, there's a thing all Muay Thai fighters do too. They have like this oil. They put it on their sore muscles. And it's the same effect like Vicks. Like it kind of burns and then cools at the same time. Damn. Athletes do a lot. Ice baths. You know the cupping? Yeah, yeah. I've always wanted to try cupping low-key. I never tried it before. Have you? No. Because cupping is like it relaxes all your things. And low-key, I'm like hella tight. So like one time, I'm going to do cupping.

I've never even been for a massage yet. Same. That's kind of weird. I don't want men touching me. Let's go to a girl. Yeah, I don't want shorties touching me either. Why? I don't know. That's kind of weird, bro. I think I have a displace in my shoulder like a long time ago and it's still displaced. Loki, my back's been hurting lately and you know why, fam? I don't know why, but I've been sleeping like this. Oh, you've been sleeping like that? Yeah. I was like, okay, I want to become more adventurous. Let me sleep like this. I'm trying to be like my idol, Carlos. So I'm going to sleep exactly like him.

You know what makes do that though? What? Like low-key, like there's like some super fans out there. Like that idol, a celebrity that like copy like day-to-day. Oh yeah, I believe that shit. You know that's kind of crazy. Yeah, there's people that will get the exact same haircut, like stans. Yeah. They'll get the exact same haircut, exact same food they eat, every single brand they use, blah, blah. Like you and me, fam. You always copy, bro. What? Okay.

what i don't know but that's funny bro just thinking of that like really creeps me out like bro what if what if like uzi uh brushes his teeth counterclockwise or like at like 10 seconds per per tooth and you do the exact same thing because you want to be like but that's fuck though why would you want to live in someone else's light like that that's what i'm saying bro but i guess because in a sense i do that where i take inspiration from things yeah but i wouldn't like live the exact same i wouldn't live the exact same that's

that's weird i know just be yourself man just be be a follower i mean no not a follower be a leader be yourself be a leader don't be a sheep you feel me no just be yourself because look if you always try to like be like somebody else

Wait, at the same time though? Look, listen, listen. Yeah. How do you know what your true self is? Like, how do you know, like... Because we're so exposed to different things in the media. So many different things that we look up to. How do we know what's true to ourself anymore? I think we are shaped by... I don't think we can know... No, listen. This is some dark shit. I don't think we can know anymore, like, what's our true interest. Just because everything's forced down our throats, you know what I mean? Advertisements, all that. Maybe we're just building character, bro. Just from...

we're a true self when we're a baby, but then all these, all these, um,

what do you call this adds all this influence on us then we just that's that's us to be honest maybe you can't really explain it but the hardest thing to do in this life is to be someone else just be you fam a lot of thing a lot of things i'm into i wouldn't have gotten to if i didn't see it before so is that still my true self yeah i guess it is because i it was my choice to take it on exactly but you know what i mean though right you know what i mean i don't want to think about it like that because i'm like yo i'm not

i'm gonna look at myself in the mirror you're gonna look differently right you're gonna look at it differently do i really like this but no i've come i've come to like conclusions like oh i only like this because because like a celebrity i like this you feel me like oh i only like this brand because someone else wore it you know yeah but then i start to get in like yo what do i really like and then i'll go i'll go i'll go and then i'll choose something else that's true because that i feel like there's a there's a thin line like you can't really know sometimes you know

Yeah. You don't really know sometimes. Because what if I just did that, I don't want to like it because he liked it type shit? Yeah, never mind. Just to say it? Just to say it, you know? Just to say it, huh? Because you know how, okay, you know how even when people, it goes both ways for liking something and disliking something. Oh, yeah. It goes both ways. Like if the majority of people dislike something, you're inclined to dislike it too. Yeah.

Yeah, Loki. Just like country music. Yo, it's chill. I like country music, though. No, but you feel me, though, right? Like, a lot of people say they won't give anything a chance because the majority says that shit's whack, you know? So you're saying that we are controlled. Yeah, Loki. Nah, I'm not saying that we're controlled. That's such a youth thought, bro. I'm not saying we're controlled, but look, look, look. It's like, I have my own choice, right? Whether I want to get into, let's say, a sport. Let's say, like, a hobby, right? Mm-hmm.

But at the same time, it's kind of like timing. It was in my eyes when I decided to make that choice. It's like you wanted to play basketball because your friends were playing basketball, your family plays basketball, blah, blah, blah. Now they put you into, let's say you grew up in Brazil. Yeah, soccer. It would be soccer. It would be different. Yeah. So what do you think your true self is? Is it really just your true passion inside? Because what if your true passion inside would have been something else if you grew up in a different area? Yeah, low key, it really depends on

It depends what's in your eyes, right? The situation you're put in as soon as you're on this earth. Yeah. Because fam, I could...

Yeah. It's crazy, right? It's low-key crazy because... Because I'm a suburbs kid. That's all I know. Suburbs. Even like the shit we see on TV, right? They put it in our eyes to influence us. Be like this. Be like this. Be like this, right? That's why it's important, fam, to like... If you're parents, like put your kids through some good shit. Just like my theory before with our parents wanting like an average house. Like the white picket fence, small family, blah, blah, blah. And then our generation is looking towards like influencers. We want to be like...

Blah, blah, millionaires, Rari. Now, just like my theory before, that's what they were seeing on TV.

yeah our parents were seeing all of those like small houses and tv full house looking for again all of those shows right yeah so and everyone wants to get rich in this generation like quick because like the kids that are doing it our age are already rich yeah but like the thing like the biggest advice i could give is just work at your own time because you don't got to get rich at like 20 like that that's that's that person's fate you go and do your work like

Don't stress yourself or kill yourself over Kylie Jenner making this much money at 25, you know? Just do you. But at the same... I feel like...

It's a really good motivator. It is. But like if you get too deep into it, you might go down some path. Here's the thing, bro. Here's the thing. It depends how you take it. It depends on your personality. Yeah. Because somebody else could take that and they would use that as real fuel. You know how much that would fuel somebody? Yeah, for sure. That would fuel somebody's whole life if they saw somebody like that. Imagine like, let's say you're a little brother. Yeah. So like your big brother and your big brother is like the biggest person in the world, like a millionaire, blah, blah, blah, right? You're going to have to.

He's going to do everything in his heart to be like his big brother. Yeah. You know what I mean? Now, let's say the script flips and his big brother wasn't successful. It wasn't like that. Yeah. He wouldn't be as motivated. I know, bro. So you can look at it different ways, right? You can look at it as like,

I can't be looking at all this shit. I feel like... I'm not bashing on anybody. I feel like the people that say I can't compare myself to those celebrities, I'm putting them on a pedestal. Because when you say, like, I can't compare myself to them, it's because you put them on a pedestal, they're too high up there. That's the wrong way to think of it, right? Because the moment you put them on a pedestal is the moment you can never be on their level.

So instead of looking at them as like... Or looking at them as like... The highest power. The highest power. Yeah. You got to look at them as your fucking rivals. As your peers. Facts. Because if you look at them differently, if you don't look at them as your peers, you're never going to be their peers. Yeah. What's that saying? Work hard until my idols become my rivals? Mm-hmm. I always look into that shit. Exactly. But yeah, you're the oldest, right? In my family? Yeah. Low-key because...

I think I'm kind of cultured. I'm not that cultured because I don't think I was put... Like, I wasn't given a big bro. Like, low-key, I always think like, man, I low-key wish I had an older brother that I can look up to. But now, that's why I'm like this because I looked up to like just man's like social media guys. Yeah. I try to live this life, you know? Yo, some of my closest friends are fucking...

In my head, it's like Joe Rogan and all of these different podcasters. Gary Vee and Joe Rogan are like my best friends because I listen to them more than I see other people. Yeah. But they don't know who I am, you know? Yeah, exactly. But I didn't have like a big cousin like you, fam. Like I really couldn't look up to anyone except for mans on the internet. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like my imaginary friends type shit. That's true. So it's kind of sad, but like...

Hey man, we turned out good. You make the most of how you get it. You know what I mean? You can do that and then become successful. I feel like the oldest in the family is always like, you got to figure this life shit out by yourself.

you feel me maybe i've always wanted to be a younger guy like a like be the youngest in the family because you can learn from the older guys mistakes and and like just okay now i have all the answers you feel me i guess i guess i don't know maybe because i was i was born the oldest i i don't i wouldn't want that for myself

Because I'm the type that I want to taste it. I want to feel it first. Word. So I learned like that. If I don't make a mistake, then I'm fucked. Then when a mistake comes, then I'm fucked. I want to eat an L.

Feel what it tastes like. And then I can go and pursue what I want to do. And next time an L comes, I know what that's like already. See, that's the different personalities between me and you. Because I would rather know what I'm getting into. I have the answers already and just go. Bro, I think the best thing in the world is losing first. Because my first... I told you, my first kickboxing fight, I lost.

I lost. If I won my first kickboxing fight, I would probably look at kickboxing differently. I probably wouldn't have trained as hard. You know what I mean? But the fact that I lost, I took an L, I wanted to be better than myself. Because low-key, yeah, I get that.

If I started Taekwondo and I lost, I probably wouldn't have continued it, to be honest. See, it just takes like, it's different. Yeah, it's different personalities then. Yeah. But now I've gotten to the point where it's like an L is an L. I'll take that and learn from it, you know? So, because now I can easily take an L and just move forward. Like a bad grade, I'll just move forward. You feel me? Before, I would cry over that shit.

Yo, and you can take this mindset with everything. Even with like talking to girls, yo. Like the mans I do don't talk to girls. Like, oh, I can't talk to her. She's too pretty, blah, blah, blah. She won't give me a check. The pedestal, bro. They're putting them on a pedestal. When you put them on a pedestal, that's when you don't do shit. That's when you're too afraid to take an L now. Now you put it so high up. It's just like what we were talking about before with sensitivity and being like spoiled and shit and being like babied.

If you're a baby and you don't get pain, you don't feel pain, how are you going to know what happiness feels like if you never felt pain? Fam, fam. Those days, because when you're up, when you finally reach that point where you're happy, you can just look what I did. Exactly. I came from the dirt. Look at Manny Pacquiao came from the dirt. Oh my God. The literal dirt, bro. His documentary was so good. I actually like felt his pain. Yeah. He had nothing. Yeah.

He had nothing. And I remember I was watching this interview of another woman and her mother was like friends with Manny Paco. She said she was so poor. Yeah. But Manny Paco was like even poorer. He was like

He didn't have money for water type thing. But he got up and... And look at him now. He's a billionaire, right? Yeah. Bro. Probably hella happy right now. Bro, here's the thing though. Here's the thing. Like I watched this... I think it was his son's like vlog or something. Yeah, yeah. And it was his birthday party. And I was looking at his birthday party. Hundreds of people. Okay. I'm like, damn. Where were all these people when he was on the streets? But I mean like... Not to say like they're good people. But...

Not to say that they're not good people. So you're saying that I looked at it differently. I looked at it differently. Like they don't latch on to you until you're up. They don't believe in you until you're up. Yeah. Yeah. That's the name of the game, though. You can't really blame because I don't know. Like, I'm thankful for those people who bought my shit when I was no one right now. But like, I know you can't think like that. You can't think like, oh, I'm not going to give love to you because you didn't give love to me before. Exactly. But at the same time, you still got to be like.

You had an opportunity to help. You didn't believe him. Yeah. You had an opportunity. You didn't take it. Exactly. So I think that's a, that's a good note. We can end off. Yeah. That was, this was a good episode. So it was, it was, I will end it there. Thanks for watching. Um, any announcements, my bad. Uh, no, the discord still up. Uh, go smash that like button right now. If you haven't for this goaded episode. Yo, um, we're going to do a vlog channel soon. Yeah. We're going to do that vlog in the, in the forest. So stay tuned for that. Um,

It's March I mean it's May now Yeah So my channel's coming out soon If you guys want Let's go You guys ready for Nostalgia Trippin Nostalgia Trippin It's on It's actually linked in the Channels On our account So you guys can check that out Link in my bio too Jumpers Jump Out Deuces