Publish Date: 2021/3/1
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Jumpers Jump


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So that party, remember where we were at? So everyone went out. The police are coming. I saw red lights. First time ever I've seen red lights. Right? I look one way and you were right beside me. I turned. You're full out sprinting. You and Josh are coming.

You gave me no warning. Fam, it's like common sense, bro. Like, me and Josh knew what time it was. No, but like, the thing is, you didn't even warn me. I turn around, you're gone. You're gone, so I start sprinting. I'm like in winter boots, fam. I'm like, oh my god, I can't catch this guy.

I've never seen you run like that fast. Cause we're running from the police, bro. That's the first time we ever ran from the police. No lie. My hair was going crazy. Cause I saw red and blue. I'm like, what the f*** is going on? Like, I froze, but y'all knew what time it was. Y'all were in deep in time. Yeah.

No, because me and Josh, we kind of have that. We think the exact same. Exactly. Like, you can even see on the podcast, we think the exact same. Like, whatever I'm doing, like, he already thought of it, too. Like, we're on the same, like, wavelength. Yeah, yeah. Like, I move my foot, he moves his foot already. Yeah, yeah.

No, because it was probably like you guys both saw it. Coordinated. Boom. You both ran. Yeah, we cut. And then here's the thing. So you and Josh split up. We split up. You split up. And then I was like, shit, should I follow Josh or Carlos? I'm like, I know Carlos more. I'm going to run. I'm going to try and run and catch him. Yeah. That shit was the funniest thing ever. And you know how I told you that my coworker. Yeah, your coworker. You know about the podcast. It's so funny because after the meeting. Mm hmm.

She's like, yo, you have a great customer service voice. Oh, really? Because you know how the customer service voice is like, oh, welcome to Ryerson. How may I help you? And then she watches the podcast. She's like, yo, this is actually how you talk.

I think I have I have like a deep Deep enough voice Where I can just narrate shit No you can't Right Imagine like Those ebooks Nah I'm not that level Nah I would buy a Carlos ebook Yeah Pause Pause But yeah I would buy a Carlos ebook Yo but going back to the police Yeah That was the first time You ever got in like trouble though right Oh yeah But it was not even trouble though You weren't even in trouble Yeah we weren't even in trouble Wait did you tell me to hold it Cause I think I remember You're like Yo Gavin carry my bag I'm like Oh

Wait, did I say that? Yeah, I think you did because I was holding on to something. Wait, what? No, I didn't. No, you did because I remember holding your Versace bag. I remember that gold Versace bag. That's, yo, because I remember we were at the party. Nah, I didn't tell you to hold it. No, we were running during the party when like the cops were coming. They're like, yo, you're like, yo, hold this for a second. For a second.

That shit better be 30 seconds, man. We're on dip. I'm throwing your bag. Nah, okay, okay. I remember it was like another party. I gave it to Sofia. I gave it to Sofia, right? Yeah, you did. You did. Everyone held that Versace bag at one point at the party. And then one time it was like Michael Orlando. I remember that. I remember that one like so clearly. I don't know why though. But it was funny because at one party too, I was like,

we were still all inside. And then we heard the cops coming and shit. And some men started panicking and like jumping over the fence into other neighbors and started booking it down. What was this? Or was it the one where we ran from the cops? I think it was that one. Okay, but every single party we went to, the cops showed up. Yeah, I know. Like if the cops didn't show up, it wasn't a party. It was a get together. I know, fam. Oh my gosh. I remember that Dadino party. Oh yeah, yeah. The man got stabbed. Yeah, that was f***ed. I was like...

That was fun. I'm surprised that happened. It didn't even seem like that type of vibe. Yeah, yeah. Let me tell you a story about that too. So this is the first time. You know how you leave your shoes at the front door, right? This is the first time I stole something. Oh my God. I took someone's clean white Air Forces and left mine. And I was in the car chilling. I get a call from Eric, one of my boys. He's like, yo, do you see my Air Forces? I'm like, wait, size 11? This guy took your Air Force. I'm like, oh, shit. Shit.

And I took his. When did you take the pure monies? Nah, I don't know. I wanted clear air forces. Oh. Yeah. I guess so. Wait, you left... You left air forces? I mean...

Pure money's there? Nah. I wore some shit. I never wear nice shoes to a party. Word. Especially one of those parties. Yeah. Never wear nice shoes. That's one thing you taught me. Because I used to wear like, I used to go to parties wearing like my best shit. Nah, bro. Like wearing Jordan. The only time I wore really nice shoes was Denzel's party. When was that? This was like grade, this is grade, early grade 10. Yeah, yeah. But Denzel had a huge party. And then that was the only time I wore nice shoes because I knew Denzel and then like that was our end. Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah. You know what I mean? Because, like, I can wear it, like, on my feet. Yeah, yeah. That's not going to be a problem. But, like, in, like, other parties where I don't know everybody, it's going to be, like, ah. Oh, for sure. Nah. Especially in Canada. It's not safe. It's not safe. It's not. Especially in Canada, you have to, it's, like, polite to take off your shoes at the door. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Like, U.S., in the U.S., you don't take that shit off. Yeah. For some reason. It was weird. Mm-hmm.

I remember at Denzel's party, though, we ended up going into the school. You know, the abandoned school? Really? Yeah. No way. So one of our boys, he was there at the party and he has the keys to the abandoned school. What? How? How do you obtain something like that? Nah, so like, they found their way in. I'm just gonna say, they found their way in. Yeah. And then they found keys inside there to the school. So they're chilling in the school whenever they wanted. What?

I said this in Josh's podcast, remember? There's like a whole war there too. There's like a turf war. There was a turf war, yeah. Those mans, they were part of the turf war. That would be sick though. Ben and school just chilling there every day. Yeah, we even brought Christian and all the white men. All the Major Oaks guys. No, not even them. Michael Dillon, all these mans, Ethan. They all ended up coming over here just because we spread the word. You guys, you should have threw a big ass party there.

Nah but it's dangerous bro Why? Like um Eventually there was uh Like silent alarms and shit Oh really? Yeah And then like Neighbors would call police and shit Oh okay okay Cause it's an open area right? Shit I'm like snitching on myself Now you're not It's You don't go there no more Yeah it's true Yeah we can't disclose the school They don't know where it is You feel me? Yeah

You know what I never got to? What are those parties where you go in the woods? What is it called? A bush party? Yeah, bush party. Those are so weird, fam. Why? You guys are all just chilling in the forest. In the summer, it's a vibe. I guess. In the summer, it's nice. I guess. As long as it's not bugs and shit all around. Yeah. Because if you're in the right spot, it's cool. Yeah. Because I had someone call me, like, yo, this bush party is so whack. Can you come pick me up? And then I actually went. And I had to follow this weird ass troll. I'm like, what the...

What's going on? The circle of people, I'm like, oh, all right, let's go. Yeah. People smoking it up and shit. Okay, yo, you know, you watch Project X, right? No. Damn, okay. So in Project X, it was pretty much this like high school kid and his parents were going out of town. It's a classic like, oh, let's throw a party, right? Okay, yeah. But his party ended up being the biggest party ever.

ever in the country this isn't a movie yeah but ended up being the biggest party in the country and he had like rappers showing up he had like the news showing up and shit because it was so big yeah and it was literally like the craziest party you could imagine for high school yeah

and people are on the roof there's like flamethrowers and flamethrowers people were like molly you know yeah crazy i think after corona fam you can really cash out on like a big ass party because every that's what everyone wants to do i know i think they might go crazy with it oh 100 but i feel like that um if you get the vaccine and yeah like unless people they're gonna start forcing men to get vaccines it's like oh if you if you don't have the vaccine you can't come into this party yeah probably i can see that yeah i could see that like how do you prove you have a like a card

You see this dent right here? You see this hole? Yeah. I guess, yeah, maybe a card. Like a hologram. Yeah, yeah, a card. Like, I got a shiny vaccine. I got the shiny vaccine card. I got this. Facts, bro. You know how much power that shit holds? A black card, what it's called? The black Amex? Yeah, the black Amex card. You've heard of those? Yeah. Like, I've seen just bare videos like, yo, I'm rich, I have this black Amex card or whatever it is. It doesn't mean there's money on there. I know, that's what I'm saying. I mean, I guess. I can just paint my card black.

Yeah. My guess, bro. Nah, the rich people, there's this metal though. They drop it on the table and go, ding-a-ling. Oh, that one? I've seen that shit. That one's sick. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That one, those are like for billionaires. Those are for like Elon Musk type people. Oh. Okay, if you had all the money in the world, you're gonna throw a party. Where are you throwing it? Oh, on a tropical island. On an island? Like surrounded by water. You have to come to my party on a boat. You feel me? Yeah.

So you get lit on the boat. Once you hit the party, boom. I wouldn't... So you said a boat? No, no, no. So you come to the party... On an island? Nice tropical island. We have the island for ourselves. You feel me? I think I would throw a party in Ikea. Okay.

Why? Why? Damn. Low key, that one's a duh. Think about it. Hide and seek would be prime in there, fam. Nah, but, but, but, like, all the furniture and shit. Yeah, yeah. Like, if we can have a party and just, like, crash everything, Ikea. Ikea? Because it's so big enough where, like, you can go so many different places. That's fast. You can have your privacy, you want privacy, you can have, like, a lip zone.

Zone if you want, you know, that's actually hard. You can have a nice turn up spot like in the middle Yeah, yeah, like a mosh and shit like I was even thinking about that cuz cuz you have all the money in the world You know like literally unlimited possibility. Yeah, you do that or for me it would be you know Those um those airplanes were like it's zero gravity. It's your guy the airplane Yeah, yeah, you go in the airplane and then like it's your gravity and everyone's like floating around like space you would do that there Yeah Imagine imagine taking shots and then it's like in the air Yeah

Imagine how crazy that would be. No, that would be hard, fam. No, you have all the money in the world, right? Like, unlimited. Damn, that made my answer seem like so boring. You're talking about shots in like zero gravity? Hold on. Or even like a zoo. Imagine like a zoo party. A zoo would be fun.

Imagine you're just in the cage with monkeys. That's dangerous though. That's dangerous. That's kind of lit too. Nah. I can see man's like taking the monkey. Oh yeah, yeah. And just f***ing having it by their side. You've been to those, what do you call those? What? When you drive around and like the animals come to your car. African lion safari. African lion safari. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Those I've never been to. You've never been to that? No. Damn. Damn.

I've been to something similar like that too. Yeah. It was like controlled in a zoo. But like the lion like started going crazy. And like they had to start like stop it. Oh really? Because he was coming up to the cart and like scratching him. I'm like oh shit. You never went there as like a kid? No. Because I remember like so perfectly like we used to go in the... It's kind of like a tour. Yeah. So...

All the animals can come up to your car and shit. You can even roll down the window. I don't think you're allowed to. Yeah. But we did. We rolled down the window. Fuck it. And then like the fucking zebra would put the head in the car. Oh yeah. And we'd like feed it chips and shit. Chips dog? Dog? And the monkey we had like bananas. The closest thing I got to that was like a petting zoo. Oh yeah. Where you feed it. Yeah. Yeah.

If you're going to have one animal as a pet, what are you going to have? Like an exotic animal. I was going to ask you that question because I was searching up like the craziest pets. Yeah. Did you know fucking there's more tigers in the United States than there is in the wild? Did you know that? Like roaming around just loose? Yeah, there's more...

tigers in the United States than there is in the wild. In the world? In the wild. Oh, in the wild. Holy shit. Isn't that crazy? You know, in Florida, there's bear alligators and shit? Yeah, for sure. And like, there was a video of a crocodile in the resort's pool. Oh, fuck. Really? Yeah, or some shit like that. And they all had to evacuate. They're like, what the...

I didn't know that. But yeah, if I had an animal as a pet, as a pet, the first thing that come to my mind was, you know how Mike Tyson has those, the white lions. Yeah. I mean, no, no, no. There's tigers, tigers, tigers. And he has the pigeons or something like that. A pigeon, like anything. It could be like aquatic. It could be,

Like a mammal? Reptile? I'd probably have like a big aquarium and just stuff it with like platypuses. Platypuses? Yeah, yeah. Like parrots? Yeah, like parrots. That'd be pretty cool stuff. Yeah, yeah. Just a bunch of them though. Yeah, yeah. You know what would be dope? If you could have an aquarium with those anglerfish. That'd be sick. Anglerfish? That's dangerous, man. No, in the aquarium though, you just look at it. Yeah. Or jellyfish. Jellyfish would be kind of cool. Jellyfish is kind of lame though.

Jellyfish? Yeah. What? Jellyfish are sick. Because they glow. They glow. I never understood the hype of jellyfish though. They look so cool, fam. You ever been to the aquarium in Toronto? Yeah, and I always skip that shit. I mean, I go past it, but I'm like, ah, that's cool. Really? Yeah.

Damn, that's just so mesmerizing to me. Like, I'll stop and, like, appreciate it for a while. I'll just stand there and, like, I'll, like, take it in. I never got the hype of that, to be honest. But it's literally, like, a live object and it's, like, glowing. That's it? Like, what's that? I don't know, bro. It's, like... Yeah, to each their own, fam. Yeah, true. So that's your pod forces? Hell yeah. That's kind of cool. Because they can walk on land too, right? Yeah, just have a mini parry. Yeah. I think I want, like, a kangaroo, fam. Like, something... Yo, your answers are...

Like, something that's not gonna, like, kangaroos can fight, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying kangaroos don't harm me. But I'm, like, saying, like, if you can train a kangaroo to be, like, chill, like, as a friend. Imagine I had a kangaroo friend, like, right beside me. Yeah, no, that would be hard. And then, like, yo, pull out the strap and, like, reach in this pouch. Yeah.

This guy has a strap in his pouch. This guy, what the fuck? I never thought about that too. Have you seen kangaroos fight? They're crazy. Yeah, yeah, they're crazy. They like kick and shit. Yeah, yeah. Or even like a baby kangaroo. Imagine a baby kangaroo. Have you seen the inside of a kangaroo though? Yeah. It's disgusting. I thought it was going to look like furry and stuff. No, no, it's like just flesh. It's not nasty, but it's like flesh. Yeah, there was a tuk-tuk where it goes in. It's like an armpit. Yeah, it's like an armpit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's exactly like it. Yeah. It's either a kangaroo for me or it's going to be like...

probably just a lion honestly like something i can pet you know i mean feel cool i guess no like like the pet you know like the main the main or imagine riding like a zebra like a horse you ride a zebra like a horse yo or if if unicorns were actually real i would have a unicorn a unicorn hell yeah yeah imagine you can just get a horse and tape some shit on his overhead but unicorn is way cooler like you know it's like real but yeah if

If I had a unicorn, I'd be like, yo, attack. And then he would just go and run into someone if I needed to. That's true. That would be fire. Yo, take in my uncle, right? Yeah. In the Philippines, he has his dog. He has a Rottweiler. Okay. And he got into a street fight in the Philippines. Yeah. And his dog, he attacked the guy that was fighting my uncle so badly that he had to go to the hospital and he had to get surgery. And he had to pay like a huge amount of money. His dog. Because his dog like fucked him up. I mean, yeah. They're the best. Like, that's the best security, fam. If you have a dog,

Imagine you're in a street fight and the dog just comes at you. And then like fucking gets you right in the ribs or something. Big dogs too. Not even the small ones. Yeah. Like the big dogs. Now imagine you and a unicorn running at you 100 miles per hour. Ready to puncture you. Okay, but a unicorn is so big though. Okay, yo. Imagine how cool you would look riding down on a rainbow unicorn. Just...

I guess it's pretty dope but like I can vision like Uzi doing some shit like that because Uzi's a fruity guy yeah yeah exactly riding around on a unicorn with a pink diamond you know where he got that pink diamond though from what I mean he um you watched Steven Universe right nah the cartoon nah

word so there's like this anime character i know what it is i know what it is yeah the cartoon character that's where he got it from the cartoon character had like it's called pink diamond i think that that character like it's well a lot of people did it like sunari from naruto that's what you said at first and then and then vision yeah obviously from avengers yeah but like it's definitely because because a lot of a lot of cultures used to have the like the jewel yeah yeah like it's not implanted but it's like a jewel on their forehead you know

So I guess he kind of took inspiration from that. That's right. It's like the third eye thing. Right? It's pretty much just third eye. Yeah. People were saying it was either from a cartoon, an anime, or like the third eye. But you know that video when he was rapping and then he had the pink cardigan to match it? In Steven's universe, Steven had this exact same jean jacket he had. Word. Yeah. So he takes bare influence from that. That's interesting. And people are saying that he's the one who's going to kill Pink Diamond. Okay. If you can have something implanted. Oh. Pfft.

like what would you get fam like a body modification to make you like as cool as you want something something so extraordinary i'll do like hair yeah that's like okay i can switch it to anything i want at any time would that would that count i don't know if that counts i don't know maybe that's like something else but like yeah a body modification you know what i get bro why i get like the sharring gun of course you would like like something i can blink and then like sharring gun blink away where

Imagine that. That's so sick, bro. Yeah, that is kind of cool. Because I always thought like, knock on wood, but like, you know those people that have a missing eye? Yeah. And then they have to get like the fake placement eye? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Imagine how cool that would be like you have a Sharingan one. I think someone has that. I think I saw it on TikTok. Someone has it. It's so sick, bro. It's so sick. I get like a silver foot or some shit like that. Silver foot? For Taekwondo, since we covered up. It's made out of metal or is it just made out of metal? What the fuck?

I'll be the hardest kicker out there fam. Damn you wouldn't be able to kick though because it'd be so heavy. No no no. You would be able to kick. It would be like a good weight to allow me to like lift it up and shit but like if it kicks you in the face then you're f***ed. So in street fights imagine in street fights. Why don't you just like put steel toe? I guess. I guess. Man made his whole foot made his whole foot metal. What the f***?

Is there a steel toe boot stock? Why not? Oh, I seen one where like the implant metal in their knuckles. So it's under their skin. Oh, it's under their skin? Yeah. Oh, that's cheating. That's dangerous. That's so, that's cheating. That's dangerous. You remember that boxer who died because someone cheated and had something under their glove? Oh no, he didn't die, but he got like, um. Oh, brain damage. Yeah, he got like brain damage, bro. Permanent brain damage. That's fucked up. Yeah, bro. Or like, imagine Wolverine claws. That'd be sick. I think, I think that, that's one thing. Like if I'm a mutant or some shit. Yeah, yeah.

Wolverine claws would be hard too. But we're just regular people. That shit will never happen. Unless we're the losers. No, never. No. What if in the future we can do these modifications? Because I think eventually... Yeah. We're becoming so advanced. We can change shit. We can change our body chemistry. We can change like ourselves. Yeah. We can even manipulate growing cells. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like we can manipulate...

Let's say, you know how they cloned a lamb? Yeah, yeah. And then they can put shit in it to modify how it grows. They can grow it with an extra arm. They can grow it bigger and stronger. Fam, even computerized cars, everything now, have you driven a Tesla? All computerized, fam.

Like, so now imagine a hacker gets into your car. Like, I'm cool with, like, the GPS navigation system in cars. Like, that's cool. But once it becomes all computerized, fam, imagine the government starts controlling where you go and where not to go. Bro, that's scary. I know. But that's the thing, though. Because as long as we still progress in technology, there's going to be those dangers. Because when we evolve, right, there's more shit that comes out that we never knew would happen. Mm-hmm.

I mean like We didn't hear about Computer viruses until what? Until like the 2000s right? Before when the Internet first came out Like

Like, we weren't wary of these dangers. But now we know. Yeah. So as technology progresses, there's going to be more and more dangers that may come with it. And that's like, that's just reality, right? And wait until smart houses become like really smart. And then we're trapped in our houses because like of a software update. Nah, that's f***. Imagine what a hacker could do. Yeah. Technology. Very f*** nowadays. I know, but it's cool. I still want to fly on a hoverboard and shit. I still want to like...

You know what I mean? Yeah. But there's so much shit. Like in the 80s. Remember in Back to the Future? Yeah. They predicted so much shit that would come out but never came out. You know what I mean? Yeah. And it's still like cool shit. Like why can't we have that yet? Why can't we have that? The hoverboard skateboards. I know. That shit's so bad. I guess it's like just impossible to make. It's not though. If you have the right amount of money, anything's possible. Well, hoverboards are. Yeah.

Hoverboards are impossible. Bro, when the Segway came out, everyone was freaking out because, oh, that's like, okay, we're going to rise up from the Segway with wheels to now, okay, maybe like 10 years in the future. That was so weird. That was such a weird moment in time. Yeah, yeah, it was though. Because it was like, it was kind of futuristic, but it's not. It's not. It was just taking out the handlebar. Yeah. You know? And it's like,

Are we gonna do this from now on? Nah, it wasn't even... It wasn't even like that. It was like a cool trend and then everyone made fun of it. It was like, yo, look at that... Like during Vine. Yeah. Look at that lame-o on a hoverboard, right? I know. Now it's like cringe. You see a hoverboard, it's cringe. Do you think...

if we get to the point in the future where we have things like... You remember in WALL-E, everybody's in the chair and shit? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. So do you think when we get to a point like that where a lot of people are doing that, do you think it's going to become uncool? Uncool and... Because let's say...

Just like how the segue, just like how that shit came out. It was so cool. Everybody wanted it. Like, to be honest, I would kind of want that too. You know what I mean? To float around the fucking room in a chair. But I think what if there's always that the edgy person in the room that's like, nah, fuck that.

Yeah. You know what I mean? I'm going to do something else. You get what I mean though, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's always that person that's like, nah, that's not cool no more. Yeah. I'm walking on my feet now. Yeah. See, that's so weird to say though because in the future, we're not thinking about it right now. We're thinking about the future. In the future, it's going to be so normalized and then it's going to be weird to walk on your feet. Maybe the segue, it didn't come out at the right time. I guess. Would you say that? Nah, but I think it was going to come out anyways. Yeah. But it's just that like...

It's not something practical. Yeah, because there's always something else. Right? And even like the Wally chair, it is practical in a sense, but it's still also unpractical. Okay, that's it right there. It's not practical. It's practical, but unpractical at the same time. Yeah, yeah. It depends how we view it, though. If everybody's doing it...

then it's gonna be it's gonna be like oh that's so practical it's everyone's doing once it becomes a trend like yeah yeah because it didn't become a trend no one was riding on the streets you see one person and then it was like what is he doing yeah exactly exactly no i like the chair the chair the flying chair would yeah i don't think it would like cool i'm surprised like healy's didn't become more big i'm surprised that's the time not gonna lie it definitely had its time but i'm surprised that that's still not a thing but okay how about the jet packs on um the shoes so when you you can just now you just fly right

around like Astro. That's dangerous as fuck. Like Astro Boy. That's dangerous as fuck. But you know those guys in the water, they have those things, the jetpacks in the water? Oh yeah, that's cool. Where you go up? That's sick. It shoots down the water though. It shoots down the water and then you fly up. But something for like day-to-day life is hard to like...

I don't know if there's anything like that that we can use in day-to-day life. Day-to-day life? Because the hoverboard was the thing like everyone's like, oh, we're all going to be on this now. But not really. It didn't happen. Because we can always walk, you know? What's one like technology that you want to see to like help you through your daily life? I get, okay, I had an invention in my head. I think this is a thing now. Okay. But I always thought like when I was younger, like I can go to the washroom and then my mirror will like talk to me. Like,

Like you know mirror mirror on the wall shit? No that's fire Like it will talk to me and be like Oh Carlos how you doing today? This is your schedule You have to do this this and this You have to brush your teeth for two minutes Cause last night you ate a little bit of this So you have to brush a little bit longer You know what I mean like a smart mirror imagine Yeah that's kind of like Siri no? That's just a Siri for your mirror It's more like the Iron Man shit You know the Iron Man shit where it's like It can predict shit and tell you exactly Yeah yeah yeah

That would be hard too. That's practical. Yeah, that's practical. That's very practical. I think someone made that. I think someone has to. Yeah, for sure. But it's just going to be too expensive for everybody. That's the thing. But it doesn't talk to you. I think the mirror just tells you the weather and like what time it is. But I guess we need AI still. Yeah.

Because Siri isn't like complete... Yo, imagine Siri was like complete AI where it's like Jarvis from Iron Man. It knows exactly what you're gonna do. You ever watch Her? No, I've heard of it though. Bro, you ever watch... Okay, so when this movie Her, it's starring Joaquin Phoenix. Yeah. He pretty much, he's a guy in the future. Yeah. And the whole society...

They started using artificial intelligence to do their day-to-day life. So he had like a AI on his phone. It's kind of like a Siri. But this Siri is transferable from like a computer, from a phone, from everything, from like media in your home. And pretty much what it was is just like a person.

It's literally like me talking to you, but it's AI. So you have a companion by your side? Like a companion. Yeah. And then eventually in the movie, he falls in love with her and then they have a relationship. What? Yeah. With AI? Yeah, with AI. What happens at the end? Like, um... Oh, actually...

I don't want to spoil it, but when Blade Runner, it's kind of the same thing. But in Blade Runner, it's even crazier because it's way farther in the future where the AI is actually like a hologram. So you can literally like see her in front of you and shit. In front of you? Yo, imagine during quarantine, you would never be bored again. Yeah. Nah, that's like, what's that movie with the white blob? Big Hero 6? Big Hero 6? Yeah, it's kind of like that. Like a real person. Like a real person. Yeah.

And then like in that movie, oh fuck, I don't want to spoil it. But you get emotional, you know what I mean? It's so sad because you know it's not real. Yeah, exactly. But what the AI in the movie was really towards was like lonely people. Yeah. Which is true. There are a lot of lonely people that say don't go out there and then make friends, make relationships with people. Maybe that's a way they can do that, you know?

There was one movie. Have you watched Love Alarm? Nah, what's that? So this is a Japanese movie, I think. So they created an app. Oh, wait, I saw this. So they created an app. That's a Korean movie, right? I think so. So if you walk by a person and they love you or something, you'll get an alarm. You'll get an alarm on your app that says this. In a six kilometer radius, someone likes you. Yeah. They did the exact same thing in Rick and Morty. What? Yeah, the exact same thing.

but in rick and morty it would it would give you like your um your soulmate yeah and you would be soulmates with that person like it would tell you but it would change so after you meet that person it would change to another another soulmate but it just so happens like it actually is your soulmate it just it keeps changing but what do you mean if you have one soulmate that's your soulmate why would it change no okay listen listen listen okay how do okay

A soulmate is a soulmate, right? Yeah. Now, let's say your soulmate dies. Okay. Will you have another soulmate? Yes or no? No. Who says you can't have multiple? I don't know. Who says you can't have multiple? There's no rules. There's no rules. So Rick and Morty was like, that's your soulmate. You go find your soulmate. Yeah.

And then all of a sudden there's another soulmate. Replaced. Replaced. No, bro, you can't say that. There's only one soulmate, fam. You think there's only one soulmate? Yeah, bro. Maybe there is. Remember that theory that I said on stereo? Yeah. If you have the exact same birthmark as the person, that's your soulmate? Yeah. So remember that there was a girl that I had in my live who I randomly picked, right? And she came in the live and everyone's spamming, yo, she has the same birthmark. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

I didn't even notice. She kind of looked like you though. She kind of looked like you. I was like, wait, what the f***? Is this me? But yeah, bro. Shout out my soulmate, bro. But yeah, technology is f***. Even the shit that you said, I don't know, in like the past episode of filters, fam, deep fakes. Yeah. When they take all your pictures on social media and they mask it onto someone's body. That shit is crazy. Because I watched the Obama video. Yeah, it's so real. It's so real. And the Charlie D'Amelio one, it looked exactly like Charlie, bro. I know. Yeah.

That's the thing. We're going to start seeing more dangerous shit come out from technology. But at the same time, all of these good shit's coming out, there will be a dark side to it. You know what I mean? Like...

Filters in general was a good... Was like a cool innovation. But there is a dark side to that. Yeah. Right? Just like fucking... When they created the atomic bomb, bro, it's so crazy. I watched a video of when the scientist that created the atomic bomb, he did like a whole speech. He was like...

I become the destroyer of worlds. Oh, hell no. This was actually him. Yeah, this was the guy. Okay. He's like, and it's so true though. Cause he, he created the atomic bomb. Yeah. Like you press that, you launch it. Yeah. Whatever you want is gone. He said it. He's like, I become the destroyer of worlds. Oh,

He said something along those lines. It was like, like scary and shit. But he wasn't even saying it as like to be scary. He was saying it as like, I did this. I have this power. Yeah. Bow down. You feel me? No, not even like that. He just said like, I did this. And I don't know if it's like, I should have. Why did I do this? Why did I do this? And it's so true.

Because I remember reading a comment in that YouTube video. It's like, the mouse never created the mousetrap. But why would humans create atomic bombs? To trap other mice. Why would a human want to kill? To trap other mice. Why would... And then a human...

create an atomic bomb which can kill all humans people are evil bro crazy right like if you think about it like that we're like i said this already but we're not even working together as a human race anymore we're not yeah we're not and i think it's gonna take something like a fucking alien invasion or like something out there for all of us to like realize again we're together you

It's not like we should be separate. We're together. Yeah, yeah. But it's going to take something like that. You know what I mean? It's going to take like a threat. You know the leak of the alien attack? Like I think we talked about this. Or you didn't? There was some leak about an alien attack. And then how that plays to the theory of Lil Uzi. Why he put the pink diamond on his head. Why? So when the aliens finally come down, he can blend in. What the fuck? Be like, no, I'm with you guys.

I was watching this video on the conspiracy theory. Exactly. No, exactly when that leak came out, he put it on his head. That's jokes. But yeah, the internet is funny, bro. Once I got into like the subreddits and shit of just searching up conspiracies, it gets deep, bro. I feel like I was just reading pages of your book. Yeah.

Like, like, fam. Of my journal. Yeah, like, you know why Bruce Lee? Yeah. Bruce Lee said they died. He died of a painkiller, right? Did he? Yeah. He died of a heart attack, I think. No, he died. I think he died because he took some painkiller. Oh, shit. Really? I didn't know that. But they were saying that the Chinese mafia actually killed him because he was giving too many secrets about the martial arts to the West. They just had to completely just. Oh, fuck. That's crazy. I get him out. Damn.

Damn. Yeah. I didn't know that. That's crazy that you didn't know that because I thought you would. No, I don't know every theory. I just like the ones that come across that come across. Your brain is just a Reddit up there. Like, delete.

Like I say a word plant and then like your brain would like, okay, the file of a plant would come up. Plant theory. And then it would come out. No, I think what it is, is just I daydream so much. So I always think about like weird, like creative shit, I guess. Like out of the ordinary, like what could that be? You know? I daydream too, but it's like. Like sometimes I'll look at a leaf and I'll be like.

What if that leaf has its own world on it and there's little green men that work there? But they're so minuscule that we can't see them. And when we look at them on a microscope, it's so small that we still can't see them. We only see the atoms.

See, I can just say some dumb shit like that. Yeah, yeah. And Loki, the people will believe it. No, but the way I say it, you know, it's the way I say it. Shut up, bro. You know what a famous quote is? What? I forgot which comedian it was, but he said, it's never...

It's never really what you say, it's how you say it. Oh, yeah, yeah. Right? Like how you said, you can sell a bag of shit if it's the right marketing. Exactly, exactly. You feel me? Yeah. So if you say like the right tones, I guess, because if you really study like how to speak and stuff like that, and then you study like what people like to hear. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It gets dangerous, bro. Like the best talker in the world can convince people like bread causes cancer. You know what I mean? I feel like that's like the most, because that's a low-key superpower. Yeah.

If you know how to convince people and shit, like, the world is yours. That's, like, literally shit they teach you in books. That's literally the secrets. Yeah, like, imagine you can go up to, like, a bank teller and just convince to give you $25,000. I'm gonna blow your mind right now, okay? People know this. Yeah. That's why you see these people controlling everything they have. You can see these people with empires. They built it upon that. Mm-hmm.

They built it upon like how they can communicate. Yeah. You know what I mean? That shit's real. It's not like a fantasy. Like people do that. People spend their life to do that because the outcome is that, right? If you have a proper network and you know how to talk to people... Exactly, yeah. That's like a cult, you know? You can really just start a cult by basing off your network and just talking to people. Yeah. That's one of the most important things in life. If you don't...

like if you don't know how to network fam like i feel sad bro like you should really go out and just go network and talk to people but some people they're so they don't put them themselves in the positions to grow kind of that that skill yeah i mean because they're a lot of people they're stuck in they're very comfortable they don't want to step in their comfort zone so when they're in that comfort level it's very hard to like see past it like see it's very hard to see like

the benefits after. Cause all you're thinking was like, Oh, I'm going to stay here cause I'm safe. What happens if I go out and I fail? Like they're too scared to go out. You know, a lot of those people is because they haven't tasted failure. That's why. That's why. Bro, the most successful people failed the most. Exactly. How many L's did I take when, when I was in like first year university? I took so many L's. It was an ongoing joke that I took so many L's. Remember? But the thing is that you, you knew how to take those L's and just keep them moving. Yeah.

But the most important thing you learn from it. Because you can take an L, but sometimes you don't learn from it. You just make the same mistake and the same mistake. That's why every single L, there's always a lesson learned. We've been through all that pain, bro. Like you don't see this. You see all the success, bro. Like no, bro. Like we've been through real pain, dog. They only see the finished product. Yeah, totally.

They don't see all the hard work, the pain you've gone through to get there. Just like in a, let's say you go to a gourmet restaurant, right? And you see the fancy dish that they made in front of you. Like a beautiful steak with like potatoes and like vegetables, right? Now you didn't see what came out of that, what was in the kitchen. Who knows? What if the kitchen was fucking like the nastiest shit or like the hardest working, they're like sweating, blood and tears, like putting into that dish. Yeah. And people are going to criticize it.

If they see one little thing. Yeah. But they don't understand like how much effort it took to get those ingredients to make that. You just got to work hard, bro. You got to really work hard to the point where people stop and look. Because you're in competition with so many people. You got to be like the best. Because yo, I don't even watch tennis like that, right? But if...

Serena Williams goes on I'm gonna watch Cause she's so good At what she does That I'ma just go watch Yeah there's a lot of people Like that like The goats in their In their industry Are the best at what they do Yeah The best You can appreciate like How good Like the natural talent Yeah That's in them You know what I mean Yeah

Like Conor McGregor. Yeah. Even if you're not a big UFC fan, you're going to stop and watch Conor McGregor. Exactly. But Conor McGregor also is a case of like, he's really good at marketing too. Yeah. See? He's a classic like market. Yeah. He's the greatest fucking like shit talker or like trash talker. Is that Takashi? Oh,

Tekashi out here dissing King Von and stuff like that. I don't know. Meek Mill. Yeah. He's going after all the big names. Yeah, okay. I don't know. But the thing is, Conor McGregor, he trash talks, but he also fights. Tekashi's not fighting. But he's proving himself with music, though. Yeah. Like, he's going billboard. That's his proof. He doesn't have to fight. That's his proof. I guess. Something like that. Would that compare to it? I guess, but I always think of it like...

You know when you see those guys on the street that talk a lot of shit? Oh, yeah. But when it comes down to a fight, they won't fight. Like me.

I guess. But like, you know what I mean, right? There's people in the world that will talk so much shit, but they can't live up to what they say. When it comes down to it, they're like, nah, nah, nah. You know what I mean? When it actually comes down to it, right? So Conor McGregor is one of those people. He'll trash talk and shit. But he'll back it up. But he'll still fuck you up. You know what I mean? 100%. He'll still fuck you up. It's not like Tekashi's talking all this shit, but he's not throwing hands with you.

Yeah. So you can look at it both. That's how I see it. But a lot of people don't look at it like that. Yeah.

You know what I mean? It depends, like, who you are, like, how you perceive things. Yeah, but the fact is, like, Takashi doesn't have to go out his way to fight. Like, he doesn't have to do that. But I guess he is talking all this shit. You know what I mean? Yeah, okay, I get it. Right? Yeah, I get it. Like, when it comes down to it, he's gonna be on his knees, like, oh, don't touch me, don't touch me. You know what I mean? You think? Yeah, what the fuck? You think Takashi's gonna fight? You never know. Yeah, he would. He's from New York. Nah, Takashi said in an interview himself. Oh, he wouldn't? He wouldn't? Okay. Damn, I had trust in Takashi. Well, but that's why I have, like, I have respect for Takashi, though, because...

He's not afraid. Yeah. He's not afraid. Right? Yeah.

But at the same time, it's all an illusion. Holy fuck. It's a big illusion, fam. He's playing with all of our minds right now. Yeah. Yo, I bet you, though, there's some people in ancient history, or not even just ancient. I'm talking about Napoleon era and all of these wars that happened, Stalin. I bet you there's some people that did that shit. When there was kings and castles in the medieval times. Did what, though? There were some people that talked shit. And they were like, yo, you can't touch me because I'm in this castle. Yeah.

Takashi, the Takashi Yofuken medieval times. Yeah, the revolution. That's so funny, fam. They weren't internet bangers back then, fam. No.

No, but there was like real beef. There's real beef where like they'll kill you. Yo, do you ever watch that movie The King? No. It's with Timothee Chalamet. You know Timothee Chalamet. Yeah, okay. So he did a movie The King. I think it's, don't get me wrong, it may be King Charles. Yeah. King Henry. One of those kings, right? Yeah. This is like long, long time ago. So medieval times. Pretty much what happened was the French subjugated

supposedly sent him a ball on his birthday when he was king. Okay. And that was pretty much to symbolize that he's a boy because he gave him a ball, right? That was a diss? Yeah. So he took that as like a disgrace. Okay. Not only did he take it as a disgrace, his kingdom saw it as a disgrace. Oh, right. So they were fuming. So...

they were mad that he's not going to do anything. So he was like, okay, I have to go to war. I have to go to war. They're clowning me. They're clowning me. They're calling me out. Because they rolled a ball in their kingdom. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They gave him a ball. So he's like, we're going to go to war now. Damn, just because of a ball? Because of that. That's crazy. Now it's a tweet. Now it's a tweet and it's not even like real violence. It's not, it's not. See, because when it comes down, look,

A lot of this shit, a lot of, like, let's say, bullying, a lot of, like, internet drama, it's never physical anymore. You know what I mean? It's not. That's why they have this false illusion where they can talk all this shit and nothing's gonna happen to them. It's because they haven't touched violence. You know what I mean? Yeah, exactly. They haven't touched, like, real violence. I'm not saying Tekashi didn't because he's definitely seen violence. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, like...

Some people, when they talk shit, they don't understand there's some shit they can do to you. Remember the Tekka interview? Yeah. Where he's like, I got guns, I got guns, or something. And he's like, no, I don't have any straps. And he's like, I drive Tesla, I drive Tesla. No, I don't have any cars. Yeah, I saw that. Bro, everything now is you can really just fake it until you make it. See, it's all over the marketing, right? It is. We don't look too deep into it. But if you actually...

it depends on the person like i said if you're the person to like look into it like oh is he actually living up to what he says yeah then that's when it's a problem because that fan that thought you were doing all this shit is gonna be like ah wow it was all fake this whole time i heard it was a sham you know i mean bro i heard that concerts like marketing too concerts don't book rappers based on how big their chain is that's true obviously which is crazy i'm like wait what

I didn't know that though. What do you mean? Like if you have, if you don't have a chain on or like a big enough chain, they won't book you. Wait, what? No, that's not true. No, they did. Wait, that's what you're saying? No, I remember watching it in an interview. Yeah. With like YBN something. Nah, that's bullshit. No, no, they won't book you if like you're not showing like this money and all this. I guess that's where it plays in. Like, okay, if they don't see money, then nah. Nah, okay. I'll find the interview. I'll find the interview.

But numbers don't lie, bro. Numbers don't lie. So in my opinion, if I'm going to book somebody, I'm going to look at their numbers rather than fucking their jewelry. I guess. Like you can, you can have the big, you can have like a laptop on your chest off of the chain. I'm going to be like, nah, if you only have like a certain amount of listens, obviously I'm going to choose fucking like someone like Billie Eilish. She doesn't have no chain. But then you see those guys who dress up, who dress up as rappers and get on the stage. Right. So sometimes it works, bro. Yes. Like you can dress up, uh,

fake chains, fake grills, fake everything and still get up on stage. Do you think the image of a rapper is going to change? Image of the rapper? Because the image of a rapper has been the same for a long time. What, like the thug? Yeah, the only time it's really changed was when X came into the game. That's when kind of the image was changing because like the emo rap. I was going to say emo type thing? Like Trippie Redd. That was when it started to change.

But like now it's kind of back to like it's man's with big chains. Yeah. I mean, grills. It's becoming more feminine. You think so? Yeah. The chokers, the grills, no one had stuff in their teeth like diamonds and stuff like that. Yeah, that's true. That's true. Actually, yeah, you're right. You're right. Even Young Thug. Yeah. Yeah, you're right. What do you think is going to happen with the future of like performance artists? Like, how do you think? How do you think?

things will change after covid but they would just go back to their regular concerts you think it should be like a regular concert big festivals big all that did you see like those virtual those virtual concerts and shit oh yeah yeah yeah it's so lame they're all they're all like so the the rapper would be on stage and then he'd be performing in front of a big screen with like 20 zoom people yeah it's so lame bro i know it's so it's not the same it's not it's not the same well what's that big concert that um uh

They always hold... Rolling Loud? Yeah. Yeah, Rolling Loud was not it. Like, you see all the flaws in the artists now because when they're not singing, they're trying their hardest, but they're out of breath and shit. That's the thing. Because a lot of the time when we see rappers perform, it's not... It's just the music playing and then they're just lip syncing it. And they're like, yo, let's go. Yeah. But now they actually have to perform. Yeah, that's true. And it looks so... It's so awkward, fam. One of the greatest performers, though, is Travis Scott, bro. Have you seen...

Travis Scott, he actually raps it. Really? Yeah, he actually spits. No, I haven't seen a virtual Travis concert yet. Oh no, like just on stage. Just watch any of his live videos. Oh yeah, 100%, yeah. Like he spits, you know what I mean? He's the one that's doing everything. Even the baby. The baby's nice too. And his raps are so fast. I don't know how he does that.

Did you see as a, you a bitch, Jojo Siwa a bitch. You a bitch, Jojo Siwa a bitch. Yeah, yeah. I don't know why, bro. That's so funny. It's like, yo, Jojo Siwa pulling up to the baby's crib. And she's taller than him too. Yeah, I know.

hello rappers are yo megan the stallion is like if you compare it to the babies they had like a little video yeah she's super she's like five eight something like that no she's like yeah actually yeah five ten something like that but like like built yeah she's built she built she looked like she would like sit on the baby yeah and like nothing will happen slow it down sit on the baby you know what memes killing me from the woo the woo guy the yo i want jimmy woo well that was that we

you watch wandavision yeah i did you did yeah you know the theory about wandavision which one i know all of them you tell one you tell actually let me tell one okay go go you go so you know in um when wanda went into agnes's house yeah and they were playing um yo gaba gaba oh yeah i saw that one yeah yeah so that represents um the infinity stones so the red the red character i don't know his name represents i think the power stone uh the pink one represents a

Oh no, the pink one represents the power. There's like four of them, right? There's four of them, but they all represent... Or five. Yeah, yeah. Because there's six infinities. Yeah, yeah. But they all represent the stones. And they were playing a song, the Jumpy Jump song, which indicates how Wanda was traveling through time. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Nah, and then one part of the theory you forgot was there were five of them. One was missing, which was the robot. The robot, yeah, yeah. Which was Vision, because Vision was occupied. Yeah, yeah. Right? Yeah.

Yeah. I have a theory for WandaVision though. I think I've seen you like... In WandaVision, they're doing a lot of things with the multiverse, right? Like the new Spider-Man is going to have all three Spider-Men. You know that? Oh, no, I did. I did. I see an ad on that. And in Doctor Strange, they're going to introduce the multiverse with all of these new characters, right? This is just a crazy theory. Like this is probably not going to happen. But my theory was that because the actors...

for Vision he said he's gonna work with a new character an actor he always wanted to work with before but he's never got a chance to and Wanda like the actress for Wanda she said that there's gonna be a cameo in the show that's as big as Luke Skywalker showing up

in Mandalorian. So Luke Skywalker, the first character in the first movie of the franchise, showed up in Mandalorian, right? Now what's comparable to the first character of Marvel? Spider-Man. So they're going to bring back Tobey Maguire for the multiverse. For the multiverse? In WandaVision. Oh, that would be hard.

Imagine, bro. Imagine we see Tobey Maguire in WandaVision. It low-key might happen, fam. It might happen. It's not even a crazy thing. I see that happening. Yeah, because they're playing with the multiverse and shit. And Tobey Maguire is going to be in Spider-Man Confirmed. He's going to be in Doctor Strange Confirmed. So it's going to lead... And WandaVision is supposed to lead up exactly to those. So we might see Tobey Maguire...

In WandaVision. In WandaVision. Because she said it's just as big as when Luke Skywalker was in Mandalorian. What's just as big? It's got to be that. Remember in the Avengers? Yeah. When Spider-Man came on the screen? Everyone's going crazy. Yeah, exactly. Everyone's going crazy. So now, everyone loves Spider-Man. Yeah. That's the goal.

Yeah, Spider-Man. He's the one that... The first Spider-Man movie was the Marvel movie that made everyone like, okay, superhero movies are a thing. It's cool now. Yeah. Because they did it with X-Men. They did it with a bunch in the past. But it wasn't to that level of everyone's on it. Everyone loves it. But when the first Spider-Man came out...

That shit changed the game for Marvel movies. It was a wave, fam. For superhero movies in general, it changed the game. Till this day, I still love watching Spider-Man. Like, I don't think it'll ever get old to me. It's so nostalgic, too. Like, it doesn't... It holds such a special place in your heart. It's, like, sentimental. Yes, bro. Like, even the... Like, I played the video game where you could just freelance. That was my favorite game because you can just go wherever you want and swing around. Like a free roam. Yeah, like free roam games, bro. Like, that was the best. And then shout out to the... Hey, yo, who the...

If y'all know, if you know, you know. I saw this in the Value Village in the thrift store. Like, yo, I have to get this, bro. Yo, who the f***? Yo, who the f*** is this? Yo, let me get two steak and cheese as my G. Who the f*** is this?

Classic meme. That's one of my favorite Vines, bro. That was a good one, fam. Man, I miss Vine, bro. Like, I remember searching up, like, what are Viners doing now? King Bach is doing pretty good. Yeah, they're all doing really good. They're all doing really good. But, like, the top ones, like, Logan Paul, Jake Paul. Yeah. They're killing it. They came from a seven-second video. Take that in. Yeah. Like, that's crazy. And that's going to be the same thing with TikTok, bro.

It's the same shit. My friend texted me today. He's like, yo, I got 200 followers off my brand just because I posted a TikTok. And then I was telling him that he should go post on TikTok because he has TikTok worthy clothes. Yeah. Like it would blow on there. And he's like, yo, I should have done it earlier. I'm like, yo, I've been saying that. So he's like, I'm like, shout out me, but shout out Carlos. You feel me? Because no one did that at the beginning. Yeah. No one did it because it was only like a dance app. Yeah.

You think TikTok's gonna have pictures now? I don't know if they're gonna have pictures. I don't know about that. Yeah. But I think it's gonna be more social. You know what? Yeah. You know how Instagram's so social? It is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But TikTok's kind of missing that little bit of... It is. All you can do is kind of scroll and comment. Yeah, yeah. But once it touches that, I think it's gonna change. Yeah, because no one uses TikTok DM.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's not a thing. Like, it's not cool. That's what Instagram is known for, kind of. TikTok have stories. It doesn't have stories or nothing like that. You can just go live. Yeah, there's no stories. There's no stories. Yeah, like, they're missing something, but I think once it has... I don't know, but the big ups, like on the...

What do you call it? The creators, they definitely know what's going to work. And I feel like they're holding it off for now because it's still working. Because they don't want to change anything until shit kind of dips, you know? Did you know Polaroid, they had the patents for film cameras. Oh, no.

was it film camera or digital they had a patent for digital but they didn't want to they didn't want to use it until they stopped selling their film did you know that no I didn't so they had it they had it in the bag already it was already invented but they didn't they didn't want to drop it because the film was still doing so well yeah

Right? Because the moment they come out with the film, or I mean, the moment they come out with the digital... They can't use film, right? They can't use film no more. So they're shooting themselves in the boot. You know what I mean? What's really popular is coming back is like people are going, I guess kind of, but like less high definition. But everyone's using those old cameras now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like film, like they want to look like their pictures are old. Because they want the raw edge type of... Yeah. You know what I mean? Because there's such a like...

There's like an art to something that was handmade or if it was like raw edit, you know? People get attracted by that, I guess. Because when everything's so clean and so cut perfect, it's nice to like look back at like the raw edge. It's nice to look back at like the unfinished kind of work in progress. Oh, yeah. Because even with fashion, look at fashion. It's a lot of work in progress shit. That's all it is though. It can always be improved. That's why. That's why I think VHSs and shit are coming back because we miss that kind of like...

old view of TV because everything's so perfect crystal clear HD fucking 8k this and that sometimes it gets kind of okay let me switch it off yeah it gets tiring because that's so we're so used to that we kind of like miss the old you know yeah it's just trends it'll come back that's with everything though that's with everything I think nostalgia will always hold the place in history yeah that's your favorite word yeah it is nostalgia it is but it will always hold the place because like look at cars yeah

The classic cars always, they're always the most sought after. I mean, the older cars, even like the imports and shit, like it's always goes back to nostalgia. They want to, they want to chase that effect of the past and bring it to the future. Cause I guess nostalgia is just, I want to go back to the feeling I had back then when I had this. And it's always, it's always revamping, you know, it's always like, cause as new shit comes out,

the new shit back then becomes old. So just like Trap Queen with Fetty Wap, that shit's nostalgic now. But imagine saying that like a few years ago, that's like nostalgic. Yeah, I mean, Trap Queen never went, like I could still listen to that right now. Exactly, that's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. So Trap Queen, like if you said that a few years back, like what the fuck? Nostalgic? What are you saying nostalgic? But now it's like, it's nostalgic. Because that 2015, I don't know, 14, 15, 16 era? Yeah, that sound is different. Yeah, and it was like,

That year just reminded you of happiness. So you go back to that song, you get happy again. Exactly, yeah. And there's a lot of artists and songs. Like Bobby Shmurda. You know why I think Bobby Shmurda is going to do so well this year? Why? It's because everyone's thinking back at when he dropped the track. I think the best meme that he could do in a music video was his hat coming back down. And he starts rapping. He should do that. Bobby, yo, do that.

please. The internet would go crazy over that. But shout out Bobby's out now. Oh, this is the, this is the time where Corona started. Was it? It was early March. Oh yeah, it was still. So saying it's been a year, this whole time. So in a year of Corona, what's like the biggest lesson you learned? Biggest lesson I learned? Yeah. In this year, since we're having a Corona anniversary, it's like a lesson I always knew, but I, I actually like lived it. The lesson I lived was there's always a silver lining to something terrible. And, and,

That proves it. You know what I mean? This proves it. That's true. There's always a silver lining. Like sure. Just let's say something bad happens. Right. Yeah. There's always something you can take back from it. It's never going to be. It's not. It's not like this is the end. This is it.

You can change from what that was. Yeah. Be better. Always going to be a bigger opportunity, even though there's like a bump in the road. And another big lesson I learned was really appreciate what you have. Oh. Really appreciate the moments that you had in time. Like going out, we took that for granted. It's

I mean, we took going to parties for granted. We took like meeting people on the street for granted, concerts and shit. After this, after this, I don't think I'm gonna miss any motive. Like you want to go look at geese? I'm there. Remember in the summer, like I wanted to do everything every single day. The main line Carlos said, yo, what's the motive? Yeah. I'm bored. Let's go do something. Everyone's like, uh. I know. And the men's wanted to stay home and like play games. I'm like, yeah.

I don't want to do that. I know. I didn't want to do that. Yeah. Like, I wasn't the type to just, like, I'm going to put my head in the game and then I'm just going to, like, play my day away. I can't do that anymore. Like, I want to go out and see what's out there. I want to go make memories because I know memories are going to last me my lifetime, not just moments on the video game. And I see everyone starting all these businesses. It's good. Yeah. It's good that everyone's trying to go get their money. That's what's...

That's the silver lining of Corona, of the lockdown. Yeah. Was like, everybody's like, okay, I have this extra time. What can I do with my extra time? And exactly, is building your own business. Something like that. Side hustles. Yeah. I think if I didn't have this podcast, I think my social skills would have been like, toned down a bit because I wasn't talking to people. Like, I was just always in my room. Like, imagine just going out after a year of just quarantining. Yeah. Just talking to your friends on thing. Like,

I'm a bit rusty. Like, I'm kind of awkward. But yeah. Yeah, that's kind of true. Because a lot of people were inside so much. Yeah. It's going to be hard to like go back. I know. Yeah. Imagine that day comes where boom, the government says, okay, Corona's done. Everyone can go outside. Imagine how hectic that day would be. I know.

I know. Mask off by future. Number one chart. It is. It is. It's going to be, it's going to be one of the charts, fam. Like what was like the first thing, bro, you're doing? The thing is I've already adapted where it's like, you're full on quarantine mode. Like, yeah. Like, okay. You can have that. We can continue this for like a couple of years. I don't care. Like I'm going to, I'm going to do my thing. A hundred percent. But sure. It changes then. Sure. Like I'll do some stuff, but like I'm not, I'm not focused on,

I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait until like Shit's over That's not gonna be me I'm gonna be like I'm doing my thing When it's done It's done It's done it's done yeah And people wouldn't get that Because they're like Yo why though You don't wanna You don't wanna go outside But we've done it for like Okay we know We know Kind of the ins and outs Of quarantine now We're gonna stick to this plan Until it's over That's the thing right Like

there's always something to it. There's always some silver lining to shit that happened. You just always have to, it's like half empty, half full. Are you going to look at it half empty or half full? And a lot of people like, yo, when you actually look at a glass, those people that see half empty and don't see half full, it's actually a serious thing. It is. Because that really tells you your mindset is different. If you see half full, then it's half full. If you see half empty, it's half empty. Like next time, next time you guys are just have like a glass on your table, just look at it.

I mean, and if you see half empty, you're going to have to change that. Then maybe that's a wake up call. Like you've changed my mindset. I know. But the thing is like, okay, if you were to give advice on someone to change their mindset, where would you start? Where would I start? Because it's like, it's hard changing your mindset from going on. Always, always negative to always positive. Like it takes time. Like what's one trick that, that helped you kind of me for me is putting myself around the right people and not necessarily physically. Hmm.

Not necessarily physically, but the content that I consume. Yeah. I mean, I'm going to take in the content that's good for me. Yeah. Like, I'm not going to just watch like stupid interviews, like stupid shit. I'm going to like take in the shit I can learn from. I mean, that's why I always like shout out fucking Gary Vee, Joe Rogan. Like, they teach me so much. Yeah. I learn from them. It's like almost like they're my friends. Yeah. You learn a lot from them than you learn from cool fam. Right? Which is crazy.

It's kind of like going back to the AI friend. You know what I mean? Like a virtual friend. They're like my virtual friends. Yeah, they are. They're my virtual mentors because I study them. I listen to them. I listen to them talk. It's like I'm around them more than like

people my other friends yeah just because i consume their content right and social media too is big because a lot of social media is really bad it can like take a toll on your mental exactly so some people they're taking in the content but it's not the right content not the right content right they're taking in the stupid content that that doesn't like build them up it doesn't like change them it just it just puts them in worse positions or it it puts their mindset in like

A shitty position Where you don't You don't see The better in things Right Something that was really powerful That someone told me Was um He's like I'm feeling lonely in quarantine But you and Carlos Were like My virtual friends And you guys keep me like sane And that shit is so Yeah that's what I love bro Like that made Like that always makes Whenever I read something like that That makes me go even harder Yeah facts Like it inspires me To just go out Okay this is Like this is what God put me on the world to do I'm gonna just Go keep doing it The one thing I always tell like To my family is like

like a lot of kids out there they just need like a big brother figure to look up to yeah if i can just be that then that that's good enough for me because growing up because being the you're the oldest yeah i'm the oldest but i didn't have like um i guess a cousin that i looked up to but it was like you and all my boys like you were my big brothers to me and i learned from you yeah i found

Just remember guys like... Keep your circle. Know what you're learning from and know the people around you. Yeah. And try to be the best out of that. When I was coming up on this fashion stuff... Yeah. Like...

There was only like one person that really like, like push it out, go push it out. Cause he saw the exact same thing as me. Like BG was the only one who like, you know, Mike, my ideas are kind of crazy, but he always said, no, push this, push this. Cause he knew it. So I'm gonna make sure like when I'm up, bro, like first my family and my, all my boys, especially BG, like he eats too. Yeah. You got to keep people like that in your circle. Cause there's not a lot of people like that. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. You want to end it there? That was a good episode. All right. All right.

Alright, go follow us on Instagram. Oh, I got to shout out all the people on my live because I forgot to do that. So we had... So if you follow me and Carlos on Instagram, we do crazy stuff on there. We had people shaving their eyebrows, eating cat food, jumping into the pools while eating pel... Yeah, go, go, go. Go, go, go. Oh!

Anything for the hoodie. Go, go, go, go. All right. Go, go, go, go. Oh, she was crazy. Follow that. Go follow us on Instagram. Yo, thank you guys for tuning in. Jumpers jump out. Deuces.