Publish Date: 2021/1/31
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Jumpers Jump


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I'm not editing this. I give up, fam. Chill. No, I actually go after that, after that editing session that I had, fam. How long was it for you? Like three days, nonstop. I told you. It's actually f***ed. Yeah. Now imagine, now imagine we film today and then I got it ready for Saturday. Not only that, I got it ready for Friday, but I had to push it to Saturday. So I'm like,

You know what? Nah, I'm going to perfect him and make it sad. I gained so much respect for editing. Yeah. But it didn't feel like work though. I've always wanted to become a YouTuber. And I was like, okay, let me lock in. Yeah. And stuff like that. But I feel like everything starts to feel like work. Yeah. The moment you make it feel like work. So, I mean...

When you take your mindset out of that, oh, it's just fun and games, it's just fun and games. And anything you do a long time, anything like, let's say you play a sport, right? Eventually, you're going to do shit that's repetitive. Eventually, you're going to do shit that you may not necessarily like within that position. Mm-hmm.

eventually it's gonna feel like work but you got to change your mindset to like i got to switch it up like this yeah so i can feel like this because when i'm editing it's like i go numb it's like when you have those really like long sessions you just start going and that music the music playing in the background yeah you don't even hear that anymore you're not even focused on that yeah bro it's one of those especially when doing homework you're just like when

when you're doing homework, the music in the background starts going off. I think, well, I don't know what that's called. It's when you get in a flow state. A flow state. Yeah, that's what you call a flow state. George St. Barry does this in his training. So he finds the perfect balance of...

It's not too hard. It's not too easy. Yeah. To be right in the middle. Cause when it's right in that middle and that flow state, then you're just like, you're moving through it like nothing. It just feels like time's going by like that. It feels like time's going by. Yeah. Now imagine doing that for five fucking episodes, bro. Nah, nah. I rate you. I rate you. So I didn't guess. I think the first, the first time I did it, like I didn't get sleep, but it was like, all right. Right. Yeah. Second time around, they're like, oh shit, I'm getting tired. Really? Third time around, I'm like,

Like my eyes are like bloodshot red. Yeah. Fourth and fifth time around, bro. I was already done. I was like, no, for real. For real. I was like, bro, I gotta do this shit. Here's a funny story. Right. So I thought I was done with editing. Right. And I sent it to you. Right. And then I went home. Are you telling the story? Yeah. So I went home. Yeah. I went home. I was about to sleep for the first time. Yeah. I literally stayed up on New Year's. Like I, I went downstairs, did that whole celebration. Went back upstairs, back to editing. Right. Boom. I go to your house next day. Yo, Gavin, it's not done fam.

I was literally in my blanket ready to pass out. Yeah. But yeah, that's just crazy. But you realize it wasn't done yet. But like, you're getting there. It takes time, especially for someone that is stepping into like a new, a new like position or new like,

role they have to take on like yeah you're gonna have that like um what you call the learning curve the plateaus that's with everything because shit there's a learning curve with everything but a lot of people they don't take the time to get past it like when you learn a kick in taekwondo yeah you can't just learn a kick like that same with muay thai you can't just learn a kick like that it's over repetition over practice you get your hips turned you get your legs straight you get everything like that perfect and timing yeah the basics but yeah that was my new year's fam i literally i

edited, went down. Hey, uh,

Oh, back to editing. But yeah. I just ate a shit ton, bro. Really? Yeah, I ate a shit ton. You had lobster. Lobster? I hate lobster, bro. You don't like lobster? Why? Lobster is so overrated to me. I'm sure you wanted to go to Captain Boyle, though. Yeah, but I went to Captain Boyle. I only got crabs, all the other stuff. You don't like lobster? Because lobster. Why? I remember I have a bad history with lobster. So it was a Christmas Eve. Yeah. And then my mom cooked some type of lobster, right? I ate it. I felt super sick. Like...

If I was the emoji, I was the green emoji about to throw up. And I was like, it was bad. And once you throw ups, you never eat that thing again. So you got sick. Yeah. You know what else? Like with all ranch Doritos chips. I ate that. Oh, you know what? Was it the Dorito? I mean the Taco Bell shit or not? No, no. It was just the all ranch chips. I threw up from that. Never eating that again. Damn. Yeah. From the chips? Yeah. Yeah.

- It was bad bro. - Those are nice though. - I know, but it was one of those things where, I don't know. It's too disgusting to tell. - Yeah, okay, okay. - I might throw up. - Yo, I was three, I was at the buffet. - Yeah. - This is the worst bro. Imagine you're at the buffet, you're eating hella. - Yeah.

And then I got one of those shrimp tempuras. Do not trust the shrimp tempuras at the buffet. Those are blessed though. Bro, trust me. There's some bad ones in there. Okay. Cause I took one of the bad ones. I didn't know. Cause it's covering the tempura. Took one of the bad ones, bro. On site. Yeah. Like I took that shit all over the buffet floor. No, no. Fam, I was what? I was maybe seven years old at the time. Oh,

So it wasn't a big deal because I was a little kid. But still, it was a lot, bro. That's disgusting, fam. Because imagine you fill your stomach with like the buffet food. And you're doing that a lot, right? You're eating so fucking much. It was like the lighter to a bomb, fam. Yeah. It was like, boom. Boom.

that shit like went everywhere i would it was it was a spasmodic like fucking throw up so it's like yeah and i keep walking keep walking and then like on the way to the to the fucking washroom i'm still throwing up yeah by the time i got to the toilet the toilet bowl nothing came out because i already i already left that shit in the floor yeah but shout out shout out the the buffet workers like they're real ones for cleaning that up bro spasmatic that means uh

Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, but do you have those things when after you're done eating, right? At a buffet? You and all your cousins make like the shit shake. I never take part. Really? I did it and they mix like Coke with like all that shit. And that's the first time I threw up at a buffet because we did rock, paper, scissors. I lost. I had to drink it. Gross, bro. We were driving home. I was like, mom, we need to stop at like a gas station because I'm about to throw up, fam. Damn. But yeah, New Year's.

What's your newest predictions? My newest predictions? Yeah. Okay, newest predictions, like what you think this year is going to bring? Yeah, yeah. Okay, you ready for this one? Yeah. I think we're going to see Aliens this year. Have you seen those monoliths? Yo, okay, that's just, that's bullshit. Because that's for a movie, right? Oh, yeah. But I'm talking about some real shit. All right. Really?

I seen this on Joe Rogan's Instagram. So he posted this article about a COVID bill. Yeah. That's, that's, that they're, they're going to release in the U S there's a COVID bill. They can release in the U S and hidden in that COVID bill was a statement about releasing UFO information. They hid it inside that COVID bill. So they're using COVID as a distraction. So they, they just look over it because look at it. Like,

If the government was ever to release information about the aliens, they would never want to release it at a time where we're paying attention. Yeah, for sure. Right now, you can look at things that happened in the past and the news shit would be so big that other stories would get blocked out. Like you wouldn't even see other stories from other shit because everyone's talking about a certain topic. Right. You can just imagine right now. Look at the news.

COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, vaccine, vaccine, all of this shit, right? Low key, if they give out information of the UFOs, who's really paying attention? I'm not even paying attention, feel me? I'm only paying attention because I just seen it like online.

But no, like the average person isn't really like looking deep or isn't like looking at what else is on the, on the bottom layer. That's the whole plan. Exactly. Yeah. Remember I, you posted something on your Snapchat. You're like, what is this? I need answers. Yo, okay. I'm going to show the pic on the screen. I,

Fam, I don't know. What was that though? It was green. Probably a drone. You know what's crazy though? Okay. It might have been a drone. So I seen that shit. It was like a glowing... Green. It was like a green stride. Not even a stride. It was a...

It looked like an upside down Nike swoosh, bro. Yeah, I was going to say like a crescent. Yeah, like a crescent. Like a crescent. Not even a week. What? When did that happen? Like four days, five days ago? Yeah, I think it was New Year's. Oh, it was New Year's. Okay, so let's say like a week ago, right? Yeah, so the aliens arrived. This week, this week, they found...

a similar thing in hawaii no yeah a similar thing in hawaii they they seen it in the sky there's hella footage of it like i just caught it by accident right because i was looking at the clouds yeah okay so first i was looking at the clouds because i saw the clouds it made this formation where it's like a sheet a straight sheet i've never seen clouds like that before yeah yeah like why why are the clouds like that i'm like yo what's going on i'll show it on the screen yeah and it was literally

Almost as if they made a screen with clouds and you couldn't see through nothing and it was flat It was like a wall. It was flat of clouds. Yeah, you know when you see clouds is like little puffy You can see like the gaseous. There's not there's no never structured to cloud Yeah Yeah But these clouds like you couldn't see through it and it was a it was almost as if I took a sheet of paper And I put it up to the sky. That's how that's how straight and flat the color was. That's crazy So you take a picture of the clouds? Yeah, I'm gonna show it to them

So I was looking at that first. I'm like, yo, what is going on? Right? Like, why is the clouds like that? I showed my sister, my sister's like bugging too. She's like, what's going on? Yeah. So I took the pictures and shit. Right. And I didn't think of it. And then later on, I looked at the pictures and I seen these like glowing shit. Like the glowing, like a glow stick. Yeah. Like the, let's say UFO. I don't know if it was a UFO or not, but like, but I seen that shit. I'm like, what's going on here? Right. So in my mind,

this is a Carlos theory, you know? In my mind, I'm thinking, okay, what if they did these clouds on purpose to hide something beyond the clouds? So let's say they're using the cloud as a... Yeah, as a shield. As a shield to cover something they're doing. Because Loki, they could have a fucking space war in our sky and just cover that shit with clouds. We wouldn't know. I know, yeah. I don't know.

I don't even want to talk more of that because that's dangerous. We're put on a list because of that shit. I've been on bill. Yeah, bro. No, but I wasn't trying to get deep into like aliens. I was like, what are you? What are you? Things are like, how's music going to go? How's where's fashion headed? Like you can't really predict with a culture no more. Yeah, you can. Not really. Mm hmm.

The thing about predicting culture, you can just see your next one. My bad, what were you gonna say? No, no, but you know, man's are trying to get opinions on the Cardi album. Yeah, yeah. And then people are mad that because it was like punk trap. Not like that vapor trap type thing. But he's been doing punk trap though. Compared to this one, this was some real rockstar shit. Nah, Dalet from the jump was punk. You can feel the punk beats. Really? Yeah. I guess.

But yeah, I like the album though. Instant classic. I think that's where music is headed or the trap game. Even in Cardi's music video, was it R.I.P.? Yeah, it was all rock stars in the mosh and shit like that. That's punk. If you look at the crowd, they're all punk. That makes sense. I watched his documentary in school. It was like on a punk culture in LA. Bro, it's literally the exact same shit. Like they wear the same type of clothing. They headbang, you know when they headbang? Yeah, yeah.

Oh yeah, the Headbangers. Yeah, yeah. That's punk culture. And I feel like Cardi wants to bring that punk culture with his music. So it's trying to tie it together, you know? That makes sense. Because punk is really just alternative of the mainstream. Right? It's like...

Punk is like, that other shit, the mainstream. - I'ma just do me. - Not I'ma just do me, I'ma do the opposite of what you think it is, or I'ma do the extreme. So that's what kind of punk is. - And people are asking for like the old stuff on the album, bro. Why are you asking for the old stuff that we already heard of? Like on the Deluxe, I better hear "No Leaks." - Whoa, really? - Yes, bro. 'Cause why would you want to hear that again?

It's already out, you feel me? Nah. I would rather hear some new Cardi stuff. I don't know. No, no, no. I think what he's going to do is he's going to put all of those leaks on the Deluxe so that we big up the album. It's not even like that's what Uzi did. It wasn't as good. Because if Uzi dropped Eternal Take with all the leaks, first off, it would have not been good. But Uzi's different because all of his tracks sounded like the leaks. I guess, yeah. Cardi's didn't sound like the leaks. Academics said Cardi made 15 versions of...

The album. I believe that. Yeah. Look how much fucking time this guy had. I know, yeah. It was bare time. It's like Travis and Astro World, bro. Yeah, yeah. That's facts. But yeah, this new year. What was the big trends of this year? Of last year, I guess. Oh, 2000s fashion coming back. Really? Like the baggy pants. Yeah, yeah. You know what I feel like is going to come back though? What? I'm going to predict it right now. Cardigans. Cardigans? Cardigans are going to come back. Wool sweaters. Anything knitted. I can see that coming back. And you know what I'm...

in uh the north face slippers the mules that's been that's been a thing it's like the bubble slipper no that's been a thing though really i think that's gonna become more popular like with the hidden and white man's yeah yeah like they they've been wearing the mules really there's a whole there's a whole account called mule boys shout out mule boys oh yeah yeah they all they wear is like the mules like sweet cokes and those like slippers yeah those slippers are hard though i feel like those are just gonna become way more popular though they're cozy still they're cozy

But for me as a sneakerhead, like I won't, I'm not the type to go out in like slippers and shit. Yeah. Cause I have sneakers. Yeah. That's fine. So it depends on your aesthetic. I feel like that aesthetic is more guided towards like,

like the hidden NY man because they're like the cozy boys yeah they're the cozy boys because I was I was watching Richie Lee's video this is my like first time ever watching Richie Lee in so long yeah and they have they're all glowed up now it's crazy and they're talking about like their favorite shoe and shit yeah what was yours favorite shoe of all time 2020 of 2020 yeah if I'm gonna say like my favorite that

I don't have. I'm going to say the off-weight fours. The cream ones. Oh, the cream ones? That's exactly what every one of them said. Oh, really? Yeah. So you belong in that group. No, but that's my favorite color too. No, but it's a hard shoe. I can't disagree with that. But mine, you know the cactus plant flea one? Which one? All the diamonds? All the Swarovski. Bro, stupid hard. Yeah, those are dope too. Those are fire. Stupid hard. Those are so hard. Imagine walking and just...

It's literally also Michael Jackson shit. Yeah, but that's so... It's like six boats. I mean, six racks. Yeah. If I had money, I would definitely do all that. It's crazy. But yeah. Yo, let me... I got to tell you a story about New Year's. So this was back in the Philippines, right? Yeah. Everyone's having a good time. Everyone's done eating, right? Yeah. So New Year's, you light fireworks. So we start lighting the fireworks. Yeah. First one, we do the little ones. Like the... Like the easy little ones, right? Yeah. So we light up the big ones. The one that goes...

Yeah. Right? So first one goes off. Everyone's like, hey. Right? Second one goes off. Third one, the thing tilts. Oh, shit. At us. Yeah. And it shoots us. You got hit? You got hit? All you see is, all I saw was white. Oh, fuck. Right? And I have the video. It's such an OG video. You got your ears ringing and shit? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, fuck. And literally all I could see was fucking white. And I was like, Jesus, grabbing my hand. I was like, yo, Gavin, you ready, fam? Yeah.

Wait, this was this year? No, no. This was like back in 2008 or something. Oh, wait. But yeah, that was my... Probably the most memorable New Year's experience that I've ever had. Yeah. Yeah, when I got shot. And my uncle got shot in the eye. With a firework? With a firework. He had to flush it out. Damn. Yeah. But it was crazy, fam. Yeah, you gotta be careful with those still. Yeah. It's like shooting a gun. It really is. That's why...

I question those people that go around and just have fun with those things. Nah, but those are the loud nines, bro. You can't tell them what to do. Fam, I wear goggles when I play Nerf. Yeah. You wear goggles when you play Nerf? Bro, you don't? That shit's dangerous, bro. Nerf? Especially the tiny balls that they shoot at you, paws. Yeah. That shit flies fast, bro. I don't, because they're foam, though. Nah, bro. That shit flies fast. I guess so. I guess so. But yeah.

But like if it hits me in the eye I'm gonna take it like a punch though But I know But definitely Definitely like It is smart To like cover your eyes and shit It's really smart Cause my cousin before I think

my mom's cousin actually in the philippines he was playing with his brother and for whatever reason they were throwing rocks at each other yeah got him in the eye oh he's blinded for like yeah see that's what i'm scared of bro like you got to be careful with like certain things for sure like you have to what are you have to understand like what are what's really going on what are the the dangers that can come through that's why i'm like nah i gotta wear i've got to wear protective goggles or else i'm not playing yeah but i'm just a safety freak like that bro do you know who king of random is

The YouTuber? No. King of Random? Yeah, King of Random. He used to make these experiments, science experiments and crafts and shit. Bro, this guy passed away. I didn't even realize. I didn't even know until recently. So he used to make one of my favorite videos. He used to make aluminum crafts. He made swords out of cans. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And then I found out he passed away from a glider accident.

No. Yeah. A glider? Yeah. He did like a, I think, I think that's, that's what happened. He did, he did like a glider. Yeah. Cause, um, he's one of those guys that, that goes on adventures and stuff, right? Yeah. He did like a, a gliding thing. And I think he, he passed away from an accident like that. Damn. Just crazy. Cause there's a lot of people like that, that do. Yeah.

crazy stuff like um thrillful kind of adrenaline junkies adrenaline junkies and bro i don't know how the adrenaline junkies do it bro yeah no bro a friend of mine we we were tobogganing yesterday right i told you this bro this guy it was all ice this guy stood up on the toboggan like a surfboard fan if he tilted the wrong way he would have broken his head and

And he just went down. Let's go. This guy's crazy, bro. No hesitation. No hesitation, fam. On a toboggan too, right? On a toboggan with, he's only holding a string, fam. Fuck that, bro. On a steep hill. Like, nah, bro. And then he was like, yo, Gavin, do it. I was like, nah, I value my life. I have a career ahead of me. A life? Like, you can't. Real shit. You can't just do random shit like that. Yeah, facts.

I was like, no, Jumper's Jump got to go crazy in 2021. I'm not trying to start off 2021 with an L, fam. But yeah. You know, the first movie I watched in...

uh what do you call this actually no i was because i was trying to get more like open-minded i really sat down in 2021 yeah at the beginning of it and i was like yo what are my goals type thing and one of them was just straight being straight open-minded you know the first thing i did what i listened to tayman paulo i was like this is so trash no it's not but it's bro it's not trash but this is me still being being like gavin and then i was like okay let me let me listen to it fine okay

I tell you this all the time. I listen to every single type of music. Yeah, you do. But I don't listen to it from like... I'm never biased. Yeah, for sure. I'm never biased. Like, I'll listen to country, but I'll try and find... Like, I'm not saying I like country. But I'll try and find like what's good out of it. Yeah. This guy, Baby Dark. That's hard. Yeah, that's what I'm sorry. I forgot who sang that though. Yeah, okay. Or Big Green Tractor. That's not...

I'm sure that was a remix. That's Luke Bryan. Oh, Luke Bryan. Luke Bryan, I think. Luke Bryan. I think it was Luke Bryan. I just remember it because Shroty told me that and then like I got into a little bit of it because Shroty went to Boots and Hearts. So I'm like, okay, I guess I got to see what this is about. It's something Bryan. It's something Bryan for sure. My dad listened to country music, bro. I hate it.

I hate it, but like, I'll try and find like what's good about it, you know? Yeah, for sure. Because what I grew up under classic rock. I grew up under ACDC, Guns N' Roses, Nirvana. Nirvana is more like alt rock. I listened to like Lynyrd Skynyrd, all those classic rock stars from Guitar Hero because I was really into playing guitar, right? So that kind of made my music taste different.

in the sense that i would listen to rap music too but i'd find like the little key kind of subtle hints that they're they're calling back to those artists too i grew up all on trap first thing first thing i listened to was probably something uh young thug really yeah yeah and um yeah young thug so that's why that's when do you get into young thug though like grade nine grade nine yeah because from grade eight i was listening to yeah i think i got into young thug with um

Old English. That was the first track I heard. Really? Old English. That was like one of his OGs. And the... Lifestyle, lifestyle. Yeah. That was the first track that kind of put me on track and I've never like strayed away from that path. Really? Yeah. You didn't listen to Kanye? No, fam. Really? Wow. No, I listened to Kanye but you know, not like that, yo.

Like I knew about. You didn't listen to Kanye in like grade seven though? No. Really? I was listening to some other stuff in grade seven. I don't think I listened to music because my mom said, don't listen to any of the trap music back then. What? Before you sleep because it's bad luck or something or something bad will happen to you. So I never, I never, I never listened to that bad stuff. And then grade nine, I was like, I'm my own person.

I can do it. But yeah. They say that about rock too back in the day. They said that about rock. They said it's like the devil's music. I guess, yeah. But shit, I'd listen to it. I don't care. See, that's what my mom told me too. She was like, don't listen to that because it's going to have a bad influence on you. I don't think it's a good influence. Listen to everything that has a good influence as long as you take what's right from it. You don't just go f***ing like, I'm going to listen to this and they're talking about killing people. I'm going to kill people. Nah. You can't take it from a perspective where everything's literal. You have to take it like as an art piece. No, that's fact. The only person that

I can really listen to like and put on repeat in that kind of Tame Impala indie type lane is my boy Mad Season fam. Always. Walls goes crazy fam. I think that's the song that'll put me on that road. Shout out Ryan. And another thing that I was listening to on New Year's it's like I had a whole listening party in my room of just every genre. BTS.

Oh, you listen to K-pop? I actually like K-pop. Yeah. I figured that out. BTS, Dynamite. Nah, to be honest, they have some tracks, though. Stupid hard. That's on track. Even the shorties, Blackpink. Yo, they go hard still, yeah. The shorties go stupid hard, too. They're fine. Low cap, low cap. Yo, but do you know...

The preparation it takes to be a K-pop star, fam, it takes... So they literally wake up at 5 a.m. or something. Yeah. And then their whole day consists of just training, training, training, right? Go to sleep at 1 a.m. And their diet consists of literally nothing just to keep their bodies in shape.

And there's a thing that not a lot of people make it because half the time they're passing out on stage because they're too exhausted. Really? Yeah. Where did you see this? Just a website that I was reading. Because it takes a long, like a lot of preparation to be a K-pop star. I feel that that's with everything. But Asians take it to that level where it's like, don't sleep. Yeah, because Koreans have a good like work ethic. Yeah. Like they're worth it.

Ethic is crazy. So that's why... Even being an actor or actress in Hollywood, that's the type of shit they go through, though. Everyday non-stop grind, but...

With everything, it's always like that. If you want to be the best or if you want to make it to that level, you got to put in those hours. Yeah. Bro, even like my business, I started off, I was doing... I didn't do any research. I put bedazzled jewels on my pants. Second I put that shit in the washer, fell off. Right? So I did more research. Did more research. Boom. Got better. Got better. Improved the quality type stuff. Oh, and even in Taekwondo. Yeah. I was fighting. So they put me against...

like higher up belts I didn't understand why what do you mean like obviously you need you can't just stay in one lane you have to go fight the other kids because they're better me being like yo why am I getting beat up every day

But you keep training and training and training and boom. And then you get better at it. Fam, I used to get beat up all the time from fighting with pro fighters at the gym. Yeah. I'm not a pro fighter. They're going to beat me up anyway because that's their job. Yeah, yeah. You feel me? No, that's facts. And it got to the point where I'm like, damn, I'm getting beat up all the time. Loki, I need some other people that are like my level. Yeah, yeah. But...

you learn from it right you take hits that people are gonna give you i mean they'll they'll give you realistic hits yeah compared to let's say you're you're you're fighting with like

someone some beginner yeah right because we're fighting with a beginner yeah you got to teach them too you can't just be like oh i'm gonna beat you up because you're a beginner not for sure no you gotta have that heart and be like i'm gonna bring you up yeah i'm still gonna use you to train too damn 100 and then you start building confidence i think i remember the first time i actually like gained confidence in myself yeah where it was like so there's this like fighter at my gym yeah so he used to beat up everyone he

Fastest kid, strongest kid, right? Yeah. I was fighting against him. He was beating me up. First round ended. Yeah. Second round started. In my head, some flip switch. I was like, okay, I'm not scared of this guy anymore, right? And I actually almost won the fight. I didn't win, but I actually almost won the fight. And from that day on, I know I can flip that switch anytime now. Yeah. And that was sick to me. You got to flip that switch every time you go in the ring, bro. Yeah. Every single time you step in there, you flip a switch. Exactly. Because...

Training is way different from the fight. Way different from the fight. I told you this before, right? Like, if it's a fight, all switches on. It's like when you have the car and you have, like, turbo mode. You flip the switch to racing mode. Facts, facts. But, like, when you're in training, you're like, nah, I'm not putting that racing mode on. Exactly, exactly. I'm going to just, yeah. Actually, yeah, it's econ mode right now. It's econ. It's not even econ, but it's like you're getting used to the path. You're getting used to the drive, you know? That's facts, yeah. And then when you get in the fight, it's a different story. Yeah.

Everything you learn, everything you train goes in the hand. It goes right in the back of your head and just comes out. Because a lot of people don't realize, but when you're fighting, it's a lot of instinct. It's a lot of instinct. And stuff your body will do just for you because you've trained so hard in the practice. Yeah.

that it's just muscle memory at this point. And dead ass, whatever you didn't train, it's not going to show up. Yeah. You'll be like, Oh shit. Why did that happen? Yeah. Whatever you didn't train is not going to be there. Yeah. So you got to train for whatever you expect and whatever you train for, it will be there. Even, even like with this podcast shit, because we're only at eight episodes in. Yeah. Not even eight. I think like six, but yeah, I,

I think I'm progressively getting better every single episode. I feel, you know what, you know what I think really helped me become a better talker? What? Just being in school, like I used to just talk to random people and I see in the comments, man, just like, yo, this was the guy in class that talks to you about random shit and it was the whole period. No, that actually, you fit that stereotype because you'll just be like, yo, you know about that thing? And then just start a conversation. That's good though. Like I wouldn't even do my, like I'd be so bored with homework. Yeah.

Yeah, yeah. Do you think Christopher Columbus really did this? No, but that makes sense. But yeah, even me, like before my mom said how this whole thing worked out, because before I used to be in the, have you, did you ever do those speech competitions? Never. At your school? I was such a shy kid, but my mom put me in these speech competitions. Oh, wait. And you know what's crazy? My first speech ever was about aliens. No way. Are you serious? Yeah.

Yeah. And I remember, so there was this big gym. I was in front of everyone, shaking, fam, with my cue cards. Yo, give us hit over here now. I got it. So this is my first line, I remember. Beep boop beep. And then everyone started dying. I was like, and then I was like a stand-up comedian, fam, the whole time. And I won. Yeah. So I feel like just if you have opportunities, just go out of your comfort zone. Go, please. Because it's crazy. If I didn't do that, I don't think I would have been a sick talker like that. Facts.

What I really did, whenever I was in, I told you, right? Whenever I was in Ryerson, any new class I went into, talk to at least one person. I go to someone I see I want to low-key talk to, and I'll just sit beside them and be like, yo, what's up? You know what I mean? Low-key, just try and make a friend. At least just try and get a good conversation out of it. When you keep doing that, when you keep building your experience, it's just like talking to girls still because a lot of guys, they think, oh, I can just get a girl like this, even though they haven't

Sure, they try to get... But they haven't, like, trained their conversation skills. You know what I mean? Because that's a big deal, but a lot of people don't realize it. That's facts. It's really a big part of it is training your conversation skills as, like, let's say when you're flirting. I mean, like, you got to train that shit or it's not going to come out right. Yeah, you know what's crazy? Yeah. At New Year's, right? That last episode, I think, I was talking about how I was going to ask this shorty out, right? Yeah. So...

My conversation skills and the stuff I could talk about with her, all these theories and stuff. Shout out to you because this whole thing has stepped up my game tremendously. My game is immaculate. Nah, no cap. Just practicing how you talk will get you more gusto. Yeah, and even in interviews, if I ever get another interview,

Because I've never... Before this, I've never lost a job from an interview. I've always got... If I had an interview, I got that job right after. But now, if I get the...

If I more practice on this, by the 60th episode, I'm going to be a pro talker, fam. Hide your shorty. You know what? It takes years, though. Yeah, it does. To become a talk show host type of character. It does, it does. Or a person that really knows their voice and really knows how to manipulate their ways through conversation. That takes years of practice. And that's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to get on that level. Yeah, for sure. Because I'm nowhere near that. I'm nowhere near that, but I want to make my way there. Right now, you're really, really f***ed.

good thank you really good though but yo you know what a vision i had at new year's eve too yeah you know that people um hosting the new year's eve event yeah i was like yo one day me and carlos are about that or or the kids choice awards i had a vision like like literally i went out of focus and then i had that image pop in my head like the raven eye yeah that's a raven and then i zoomed back in i was like i was like mom me and carlos gotta

That'd be so sick, bro. Yeah. Yeah, one day, like, I really want to host something. I feel like we're going to have that soon, man. But that's just me dreaming, you know? Yeah. And that's good. But I really sat down and I was like, no. If that's the goal, then we really got to work hard, you know? Yeah, facts. No more slacking. Came from Mushroom Theories to Taco. Facts. Facts.

Yo, do you know um, shout out Impulsive and Mike Tyson. Yeah. Cause Mike Tyson took shrooms on his podcast. Oh yeah, I saw that one. I saw that one. It was so funny. And they were talking about it because they were like, um, what do you think is gonna happen with shrooms? And Mike Tyson's like, yeah, it makes you feel more connected with the earth. And people, like the federal government is making, is like expanding shrooms. Yeah, there's been a lot of studies with shrooms. Okay.

a lot for a lot of people that don't know about shrooms yeah your first preconception about it you think oh that shit's crack it's just like yeah like the people that don't understand they're like oh that shit's crack that's like that's so bad for you drugs like you're gonna fucking like end up in the street right that's what that's what the preconception is that's the stereotype they attach to it right now when you when you go back and look at the 70s when they were doing those like psychedelic trips with um like the concerts and the whole hippie movement look at that whole movement with world peace and shit

That shit was actually woke as fuck. I know. If you're really baggy. Yeah. Like, those people were really woke. And that was a point in society where everyone was really trying to love each other and really be open-minded and understand. Yeah, it was, like, peaceful, fam. But something happened in between where either...

the government said it was bad or they didn't want them to continue with this because the economy was changing. It's become less of these, these, all these people are trying to be rich and all these people are giving the money out, giving the money out, giving their money out. And it became more of this, this society where everyone's sharing, everyone's loving, everyone's like this. Right now, imagine a universe where they didn't ban psychedelics like that, where they didn't ban like drugs,

that movement or they didn't try to stop that movement. I feel like everyone would be just happy and loving of each other. Yeah. Because Mike Tyson even said that this is, if they do like release the psychedelic stuff, if it becomes legal, that'll probably be the best thing that happens in 2021. For society, especially. For society. Society, especially. Yo, I wrote this down in my journal. Like dead ass, I wrote this down. I put,

It's become less of the human race as a whole. It's become more of the race of the humans. Oh, for sure. Yeah. I've heard that before. Instead of, instead of us being working together, us working together as the human race, it's become a race of the humans. As in, we're trying to be ahead of someone else. We're trying to be ahead of someone else. We're, it, it's become less of we're trying to help each other. Yeah.

i know like that's getting lost in the sauce really and that goes back to uh i think episode four or something where you said there's gonna become an alien attack so we all finally band together or something oh yeah yeah so bro i like how all of our episodes kind of connect yo you want to hear something crazy about that what bro i try to post that clip on tiktok yeah you have to you have to bleep out the government i'm not gonna make this a clip either because they're probably gonna take it down i'm gonna keep this in the video yeah

I tried to post the clip of us talking about the fake alien invasion, like a government's going to plan a fake alien invasion for us to join together and all the countries to be one under one order. Yeah, yeah. So you can look back. What episode is that? Episode four? It was me with the same hat. Okay, yeah. So I said all that shit, right? Yeah. I made a clip of it

To put on TikTok. Because we always make our clips, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I put it on TikTok and it was stuck at zero views. I'm like, what's going on here? Why is it stuck at zero views? So I deleted it. Whatever. I didn't think twice. You're like, Gavin, are we shadow banned? Yeah, I didn't think of it twice. I'm like, all right, whatever. Okay, I'm going to repost it. Repost it. Put it on. Wait a few minutes. I'm like...

still stuck at zero views i'm like why is it still stuck at zero views yeah we shadow man so i deleted it and i made another clip with a deep sea so you guys know that clip yeah so i made the deep sea clip i put it up and i was stuck at zero views i'm like oh we're shadow band right yeah yeah i said googling all this like are we shadow are we shadow back and then maybe like 10 minutes later that that video went up so why why did that other video

i waited longer why did that other video not go through i didn't say i didn't say swear word i i bleep out all the swear words yeah right i take out fam i'm telling you right now anything that i say government the word the g word anytime i say the government yeah

TikTok will take it out. That's why you have to bleep out the word. Yeah, you got to bleep out the word. And it's funny because I guess just bleeping out the word makes it better. But you know why? I think it's politics too. Yeah. It's politics too. But I'm not trying to be like a political... None of that. This is all just fun. This is all for fun. It's entertainment. But...

It's interesting that they took out that conspiracy and they didn't block any other conspiracy I said. Yeah, because some theories on YouTube, because I was watching about all the theories that got blocked from YouTube. If they're like super woke, that makes sense in a way, they would just take it down from YouTube. Because what if there's truth to it? It is. What if there's truth to it? I mean, they're always, I don't know. We don't know, but 100% of the government, I'm not even going to say anything because I don't want to put you on a list. This guy right here is the guy with all the theories. Yeah.

- No, that's funny fam. Oh, you know what a theory I was reading? Oh, have you watched them? "Soul". - Yeah. Oh, I talked about this in the episode with Josh. - Really? - Yeah. - We were gonna say about "Soul". - No, but you know how the Pixar theory. - Oh, Pixar theory. Oh, where everything's connected? - Connected fam. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And "Soul" proved that. And since it was a recent movie, how every like, in the hall of everything, they had like the pizza car from, what was that movie? - "Toy Story", from "Toy Story". - Yeah, yeah. And how every like, you know Boo?

From Monsters Inc. Sully's kid. Is actually the witch from Braveheart. They're saying. That's the theory. Wait, why? Is the witch from Braveheart. Oh, they had Sully in like the wood. The wood. Yeah. I was like, that's kind of crazy. Yeah. Yeah. That whole time traveling thing. Disney is so smart for that, fam. Or Pixar is so smart for that.

that i don't i don't think it's everything's connected but i think it's um they just leave easter eggs you know yeah yeah because it's kind of far-fetched like oh they're all in the same universe right they're not in the same universe they just want to call back to like all of the other i mean i guess you know but yeah i like how it's connected because um

even in toy story they i mean in soul they say everything is an energy did you watch so yeah that's why i told you did you watch so yeah yeah yeah so everything's an energy in soul so once they die it's like a spark of energy right yeah so they're saying that you know um in toy story yeah so they're they're so obsessed with uh like the love and affection from like the parents from their owners because once once they don't get it they just die and in soul once once they didn't have love and affection from the

The people, they just crumpled up. They were just energy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I heard that one too. Yeah, but yeah, it's crazy. I think they said that in Toy Story 3, right? Yeah, something like that. If they don't get love anymore, they just become a regular toy. Yeah, they just become a regular toy. Yeah, yeah. They're really taking everything into account. Oh, yeah. Even in... What do you call this? Monsters, Inc. That they can charge energy from people, from their emotions. From the screen. They use their screen. See, everything's like...

connected to energy because pixar is so creative though yeah they have like the top of the line creators and creatives that come up with stuff that no one else like there's a few creators of shows i really want to like sit down with and and kind of dissect like what their thought process to do so 100 ninja turtles bro teenage mutant ninja turtles how creative is that look they're just turtles teenagers mutant

and they do martial arts bro like what what comes to your head like oh ninja turtles you know what i mean i don't know because on paper it sounds it sounds crazy that's like um flying pig space space suit you know what i mean yeah like

those words together doesn't make sense, but we're so used to it now. Saying Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Ninja Turtles is so like second nature to us. Like, oh yeah, that's Ninja Turtles. I mean, but at first it definitely sounded crazy. Ninja Turtles. Yeah. Definitely sounded crazy at first.

100% fan. So even SpongeBob, like a SpongeBob, you have sea creatures that are talking, that talk in sponge, SpongeBob, like it's so second nature because we're so used to it now. But back, I'm so curious, like the beginning stages of that. I mean, before there was, before there was a huge audience, before there was people backing it. Yeah. Right. How did these people like come up with those ideas? They're so creative. I don't know. They probably sat down and started drawing, started animating from there.

Because I remember I was watching a documentary with how they start characters. And it's literally just a blob at first. And then boom, build it up, build it up. Yo, shout out to comic book writers though.

Because a lot of this stuff, a lot of stories and a lot of characters come out from comic books first. Ninja Turtles started out as a comic book. Oh, yeah. Scott Pilgrim, comic book. Yeah. Scott Pilgrim was a banger. Like so many different things started out as a comic, started out as a drawing of a character. And then it became like a movie adaptation. It became an animated feature. Yeah. Right? Which is so crazy because you don't, it's just like an author and then they make like a live action, right? Not a lot of people go back and take a look at

the book. They don't go back to the origin. How did this start, right? But if you go sit down and then really like, you got to appreciate the humble beginnings. You know what I mean? Man, I miss comic books. They don't sell comic books no more in the convenience stores. They don't? Yeah, because this convenience store nearby me, I used to always go with my Lola and I used to always like,

Like get magazines or comic books. I always get a Spider-Man. This comic book right here. This Wolverine and Spider-Man one. I got that from the convenience store. Yeah. I got... I used to do Archie. Have you ever seen Archie? I have Hello Archie, but I don't like Archie as much. Yeah. I used to like Archie. But yeah, Scott Pilgrim. I used to just draw Scott Pilgrim characters. Not seeing the movie though. Yeah. It was so like...

just around me all the time that I just used to freehand draw and it would just come out of Scott Pilgrim yeah I didn't even know Scott Pilgrim was a movie because I was in grade 6 that's when I first picked up Scott Pilgrim yeah oh really yeah that's when I first picked it up and I'm like oh shit that's a CN Tower in it word

And a lot of you, I don't think a lot of people know Scott program is based in Toronto. - I learned that recently. - That's the coolest shit ever. Like, I don't think we have a, do we have something else like that? Where it's based in Toronto? - Kim's convenience. - Oh yeah, Kim's convenience. Shout out Kim's convenience, that's fire. That's a funny ass show too.

I watched all four seasons. It's like Fresh Off the Boat, but Toronto. Fresh Off the Boat isn't on Netflix. I wanted to watch Fresh Off the Boat. Yo, that show's funny as fuck, bro. Where do you stream it from? I used to stream it off... My cousins used to have Crave and I used to always chill on my... I need to watch that because...

because yeah Kim's convenience was a banger I probably binge watched four seasons in like one sitting yeah but yeah damn I didn't even watch it like that and then like the next week I went downtown and visited the convenience store oh weird yeah it's pretty sick so where is it it's like Queen and what I

I forgot where. I gotta go there. It was kind of sick seeing it because I was like, damn, in Toronto. Yeah, there's so many things in Scott Pilgrim too, like Sneaky D's. That was a real restaurant. It was in Scott Pilgrim. Really? Their hangout spot. Their hangout spot in Scott Pilgrim called Sneaky D's. That's in Toronto. Yeah. And then I used to pass by it a few times, but like I never went inside. Fuck. I think they closed down. Yeah. But I need to like...

you know in google maps this is around me probably my head where they take they're taking pictures of your house and stuff yeah and then you see that person then you're like yeah and then when you go on google maps and type in your house you're there like this you ever been on it yeah i was dead ass i have i have a picture of it wait do you yeah me and my cousin were walking on the street and then we saw the google thing yeah the google car the google maps car and we're like yo that's

the one you bought the post no me and my cousins started chasing after it oh you're like yo and then you just see us like running towards it we're really far away so we couldn't get like a good one no that's actually jokes and then another time i was in the in the front yard and i saw the bing card that bing like i i don't care like take your pick bro take your pick that's a bing i don't care

If you're not Google, I don't watch you. You know? You're not worth my time. Who even looks at Bing Maps? Nah, no one searches up Bing. If you use Bing, you're a weirdo. Shout out to the ones who use Bing. You know what Bing stands for? What? I don't know, but the street saying was...

Because it's not Google. No, that's a joke. Because it's not Google. Yo, have you, LimeWire. Do you remember LimeWire? Yeah, bro. Bro, I think I got my first virus off that because I remember playing Crazy Frog. I searched up on LimeWire and there was like this little ad on the side and I clicked it by mistake. Yeah.

Virus Popped up on my screen My dad walks in my room Yeah There's like girls On the screen I'm like Nah bro Nah chill chill Everyone knows those Yeah yeah They all sold jokes fam He's like Yo what are you doing fam Just close it My bad dad The LimeWire era Was my favorite era Cause that was when I first got into Computers and shit Yeah That's when I was like Downloading files I think that was like Everyone's Born in 2000 LimeWire You started on LimeWire Yeah everybody started on LimeWire Yeah yeah I remember You know when

uh soldier boy first started yeah he used this is why soldier boy was so smart back in the day he used to take 50 cent in the club yeah and he used to post his music as 50 cents in the club title oh really so you would go try and download in the club on limewire but since limewire is pirated it's not a big deal that it's under a different name right so he clickbaited before clickbaited he clickbaited

Gorilla marketing bro Gorilla marketing Soulja Boy is probably like One of the OGs To do everything though Yeah he was the first Like YouTube rapper Yeah like He was the first on YouTube like that Yeah big Soulja fan And he's probably one of the funniest like Rappers out there For sure For sure Like he's Have you seen his Among Us videos? Yeah Nah

Nah, I ain't lying. I ain't capping. Oh my god, that shit's so funny, bro. And the story of him like shooting people in his house. Deadass top funny rapper. And then goes Jack Harlow. Yeah, Jack Harlow jokes. Bro, Jack Harlow and his interview as ABCs. Yeah, we chilled, man. Yeah.

he was wild in them so uh in xxl he had the abcs right yeah so in z he's like what does he stand for he's like zaddy daddy's like when i like run into one of my homeboys i'm like what's up zaddy jack harlow something else fam yo shout out um tyler hero bro oh tyler hill his track tyler who was fired no

I slept on that stuff. Shout out Tyler Hero, the NBA player himself. Yeah, yeah. Yo, he's a 2000s kid, right? Yeah. Born in 2000. That's crazy that he's doing that all, like, he's probably one of the youngest players to do what he's accomplished. Yeah. Especially starting in a playoffs game. That's crazy. I'm living life. After that, I do not care. He's living the dream for real. Oh, and I'm predicting it right now.

2021, Brooklyn Nets. If Kyrie and KD stay healthy, they're winning the championship. But yeah. You don't think Lakers back-to-back? Hell no. You don't think Lakers back-to-back? And you can debate with me. You can DM me on any of that. Bro, Lakers looking unbeatable still. Have you seen Brooklyn play? KD dropping 30. Kyrie dropping 30. Their third option is dropping 20 points. Bro, look at Lakers. It's like all of them have the Mamba mentality now. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like Kobe's spirit went into the Lakers now. No.

nah they're like the monster is still lebron lebron couldn't beat uh currying katie so they're not gonna beat katie and kairi that's a different level fam we'll see you we'll see yeah we started oh yeah maybe i'll bet you for that i bet i'm so down i'll bet a grand on that shit yeah if i'm saying if they stay healthy if they go down nice it's over still but yeah but yeah 2021 started off with um ryan garcia getting hit

That's my boy, man. No, this guy knocked him out. I mean, TKO. And he came back and knocked him out, fam. Okay, and this is the debate of the century. Who's winning? Gervonta? Bro, I told you. I already know who's going to win this. I favorite the speed boxer. But after that fight,

I'm going with Gervonta. Gervonta? Ryan went down. That just showed me like, I don't know, he's not immortal anymore, fam. Okay, I'm going to say, I'm a fan of both. Yeah, I'm a fan of both. I'm a fan of both. I'm a fan of both.

But honestly, I've never seen someone fight like Ryan Garcia. Yeah, he's super like... The way he fights, I haven't seen someone fight like that. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like, the way he punches, this is like his secret. Like, a lot of people don't know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He doesn't even close his fist. I know. He punches like this. That's why he's so fast. He's so fast. Because when you're punching and you stress your hand and you make a fist... It's slower. It's slower. Right? Yeah.

This guy's so quick. It's like Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee, I think he was the first to come up with strategy. He used to fight like this. Yeah. He's never closing your hands. He flicks his knuckle at you. Oh, yeah. Because in the UFC, he's just like this. Exactly. Oh, shit. So if you look at the way Bruce Lee fought with the flick, Ryan Garcia's doing the same thing in his glove. But the thing is, you can't just do that

and not train with it because you're gonna break your hand you're gonna break your hand yeah you're gonna do it for a long time then yeah you get your hands get used this guy this guy trained like that like that's all he knows is like that right yeah so that's why that's why he's perfected that type of style 100 and in my opinion i haven't seen a fighter like that so i i always root for him because it's different i get that yeah i mean but i feel like i don't know giovante is a great fighter though he's he's super fast too he's almost

low-key he could be faster yeah he has a combination of skill and his power is crazy because i watched his pedraza fight his uppercut or no his most recent fight his uppercut almost killed the guy we'll see though we'll see that's a really good fight right now right now i have gervonta i got i got ryan's though okay that's that's a good debate though i got ryan on that but yeah i feel like ryan's just gonna get caught like how he got caught because you know how old is he ryan garcia yeah

20 22 23 22 i think yo how many celebrities are out there that are 2000s like us 2000s kids like you're 2000 i'm gonna have to think about because tyler hero tyler hero addison ray addison yeah addison ray is a 2000 though i think little pump too right little pump oh little pump is young i swear he's younger than us no no his 2000 oh no i'm saying like who's the 2000s kid oh 2000s kid yeah he's low pump

but there's a lot of young guys bro oh um you ever watch grownish yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah shahidi she's 2000 kids that's sick shout out grownish that that show was so good yeah yeah that show was so because what's so good about it too is we started university when she started university so we all understand it like yeah it's like the exact same path at the exact same time whatever she's going through we're going through at the same time when the episodes come out but yeah i started watching growness yeah just because of lucas apart

Oh, just Luca? I swear when Luca posted, I was like, Grown-ish? What is this? And when I saw him on it, I'm like, what? Like, now I'm watching the show. Because I grew up, there's a documentary that we did on fashion. Yeah. Right? And I said his name wrong.

because he said luca sabit i said look i said luca sabit ian connor all those things that i look up to but i learned i learned that his name was luca sabat yeah i kind of get my like feminine kind of dressing side from him because bro this guy wears when he started wearing all those rings that's where i got it from because if you see me walking around with all those rings i got it from luca that was a huge wave back then too yeah yeah that was a huge wave but bro he wears like those um cowboy boots

those high-waisted jeans fam i'm like bro what the hell these tight ass shirts he's doing high fashion though he's a high fashion it's not street wear it's not he used to be kind of street wear before but his it's not fashion no more style you feel me yeah quote that it is style though it's it's like how you put it together but yeah i remember i think we were on youtube at the same time last night because i was searching i deleted the search history yeah what came up that bald guy that does theories who

I don't know. That bald guy that knows all the theories. Matthew Santoro? Matthew Santoro. Because that was the most recent. And I searched something up and it wasn't there before. So I think we searched it up at the same time. Oh, really? But yeah. It was funny though. Why you delete the history, bro? Huh? Why you... What are you watching? Nah, nah. It was just like... Nah, chill, chill, chill, chill. It was just like... This guy's deleting his history from me. It was just... Nah, nah, nah. What are you watching, bro? I was listening to Jhene Aiko. That's why. But yeah.

And I was like, slow to reverb. I didn't want you to know I was listening to that. But I don't care. I don't care, bro. You know I listen to that too. Listening to a slow to reverb song, it's like you're listening to your favorite song for the first time again. Yeah, yeah. That's crazy. That's true. Yeah. And I know you probably know of 8D when it goes around and shit. Yeah. 8D music is so trippy. Imagine 8D music with shrooms.

Since we always go back to shoes and shit. It's supposed to make you appreciate music better. Or hear music differently. You know what I searched up last night though? What? I seen some bird. Yeah. Time travel. How? Nah, I'm kidding. I was just watching. I was just watching a few videos where it's like, is time travel real? Time travel is real in the sense of...

Yo, you hear that thing about, I think you were trying to say it, but you didn't say it properly. Yeah, what did I say? You ever watch Interstellar? Yeah. So in Interstellar, when they go into space on the spacecraft, remember when- And they're moving so fast. They're moving at a speed that's different than on Earth. Yeah. So by the time they come back, it may have been like a

a couple minutes in space. When they come back down, it could have been like five days. Yeah. That's what I kind of said. Yeah. Even when you're on an airplane, the speed you're going on an airplane is way faster than on earth, than people on earth. So in a way you're aging differently than the people down there. If you spend your whole life in an airplane, I think someone tried to prove this before, but I forgot his name.

If you spend a long time in an airplane, you're experiencing time differently than someone staying flat. Because you're moving at a different relative to time. So you're moving like this. Everyone else is moving like this, right? Oh, yeah. So you're experiencing time differently. So you're technically time traveling. Yeah. I said that car shit. I just heard that from somewhere. I just wanted to say it. But yeah.

But you know in the Titanic, you heard of the Jack time traveling, right? I know that one, but it's kind of far-fetched, though. But it was kind of crazy because I was like, what if Jack was only on the Titanic to make sure it's not? Tell the theory. Yeah, no, that's the whole theory. So...

Jack is a time traveler that made sure the Titanic sunk. That made sure the Titanic sunk? There's a whole video on it. But I don't get it though. Why though? I don't know. I don't know either. But it kind of made sense because there's little hints that he was a time traveler. Because one scene was when he was talking with Rose, right? I think it was one of his first ones. And he was like, yo, I remember back then when I went fishing in the lake. And that lake...

And their conversation happened in 1920. But that lake was built later on. So how did he know about that? He said the name of the lake? Yeah, he said the name of the lake. And that lake was built later. And he also said something about a roller coaster that was also built in the 1917s. But...

the conversation was only in the 1900s so i was like kind of makes sense the only thing i know about time traveling with the titanic is yeah he his haircut didn't match the time that's the only thing i heard that too i heard that too that's the only thing why would jack have that haircut with everyone else because this guy got the 90s haircut the 90s boy haircut yeah but that's just because the movie came out in the 90s i guess but yeah

it's kind of crazy to see yo you know it's an underrated movie okay it's not underrated but it's like um a lot of people haven't seen it what the romeo and juliet with leonardo dicaprio have you seen romeo and juliet with leo yeah that's like one of my favorite like cult class we watched it we watched it in english class oh yeah yeah the one with the guns right yeah the one with the guns yeah yo take in they were gonna they were gonna get natalie portman to play the girl as juliette

Imagine how different that would be. Natalie Portman? Natalie Portman at the time, bro. I like the other shorty, though. That Natalie Portman in the 90s, bro. I have to pull up a picture of Natalie Portman for you. I feel like that person who played Juliet was a good fit, though. She was really good. Don't get me wrong. She did that part really good. Oh, imagine Natalie and Leonardo? Yeah, exactly. That's what I'm saying. I feel like if that happened, people would be talking about that movie to this day still. Yeah.

I mean, I know some people are still talking about was more like underground. So like a classic cult classic. But I feel like if it was Natalie Portman and Leo, bro, a lot of people would be talking about that right now. Yeah, for sure. The only thing was, I think she was a little bit younger.

She was like how much years younger, so it would be a little bit weird. It's kind of weird to see like all your childhood stars growing up now. Like who? Like Macaulay Culkin, fam. Oh, yeah, Macaulay Culkin, yeah. Oh, just Miley Cyrus, fam. Miley Cyrus, literally on some punk rock type thing. She's been on that since what? Like grade five though, no? No. Like grade six. We know Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana, fam. No, I remember when, what's that song? No, grade eight, my bad. Grade eight, she dropped...

the jordan the jordan song and wrecking ball yeah like she she had back to back just like explicit like not for kids no more but yeah yeah and there's been years from that though like i feel like she already established that yeah at that point remember she called out asap rocky she's like asap rocker oh yeah she had an asap and then rocky was cheese rocky was cheese and he was like yeah i think was it nikki minaj she's like

Shout out to the That had a lot of say about me Oh really And then it was Miley Cause Nikki Nikki like Got the mic Cause she was accepting an award Yeah yeah And she's like And then shout out to the Talk a lot of shit about me Miley I see you Or some shit like that What the hell Yeah I remember the Kanye one And the Taylor Swift one Oh yeah the Kanye one Yeah And I remember when Jay-Z did it to Kanye Jay-Z did it to Kanye As a joke Yeah As a joke And he was like yeah He was like He was like showing Kanye the thing He's like

I'm gonna let you finish Kanye boy All the childhood stars growing up is crazy Who's your childhood crush? Oh my childhood crush? Yeah Who do you think I'm gonna say? I'm curious Who do you think I'm gonna say? That person from Danny Phantom No no no I mean actress my bad Oh actress? Actress Like real people

- Okay, we can go cartoon side later. - Okay, okay. You sent her in the thing before. - Yeah. - I don't know, say her name again? I forgot. - Nah, you have to guess it. You have to at least one guess. - It's the girl from Transformers. - Yeah, Megan Fox. - Megan Fox. No, but we all grew up on Megan Fox though. She was like that perfect... - Yeah, that was a childhood crush.

What was mine, bro? What do you think mine's going to be? I don't know. But for me, it was Megan Fox and then Brenda Song. Brenda Song? London. Oh, I had a crush on London, too. London Tipton? Yeah. From Suite Life? I feel like for you, it would be freaking victorious.

Victoria Justice? I'm right. I'm definitely right. No. Nah? I didn't like Ariana or anyone like that. I didn't like Ariana. Oh, I know who. In Sweet Life and Zack and Cody, there was this one scene where they had a drama class and they were doing a kissing scene. That shorty that was kissing Zack, I had the biggest crush on. It was Victoria Justice. Was it? Nah, I don't know. I think it's Selena Gomez. No, it wasn't. But it was some other... I gotta find that shorty. Yo, you definitely had a crush on Victoria Justice. No, no, no. Kinda, like a bit.

I mean like I said I didn't like Ariana Grande like that But I still did I'm not gonna lie Nah I didn't really like She was annoying She was too annoying for me fam She was pretty though Yeah she definitely was But yeah if we're talking cartoon side Definitely that girl from Danny Phantom Yeah My goodness My goodness From Danny Phantom? Yes fam Okay okay Or Or The mom from Incredibles My goodness Really? Yeah Alright guess mine Guess mine Mine's kinda obvious Your cartoon? Yeah

i say this all the time really yeah probably not around it's from a movie animated movie okay i'm gonna give you a bigger half animated movie half animated movie fam i actually don't know lola bunny time oh lola bunny i go i liked lola bunny too fam yeah lola bunny was crazy lola bunny that was my first like yeah space jam when she walked in oh why did they make that scene so sexual though i don't know

There's a lot of, yo. That scene just hit different. Facts. Whoa. You know Ron and Stimpy? Mm.

I didn't watch it like that. Yeah, but it has... It's probably... You search up Ron and Skimpy, every sexual reference they were doing. Because it's really... There's a lot. As kids, I don't know how that shit passed. Yeah. But it's kind of crazy. When did that come on? I never saw that on TV. I never saw it too. But I remember that show though. Oh, weird. Tom and Jerry 2. My goodness. Those are my childhood friends. And Jasmine from Aladdin. Jasmine from Aladdin? She was bad. Oh, yeah.

You know the show 16? 16? 16, 16. Trying to make the good times last. No. Wait, was that on Family Tenor or something? No, it was on Teletoon. No, no. Damn, the Asian girl was so sweet. And the main girl. Oh, this! Yeah, yeah, okay, okay, okay. With the lemonade stand? Yeah, yeah. Okay, I do know this. I mean, I'll put it up on the thing. Yeah, just put it up on the thing. But this shorty...

Oh, they cut off her face. What the fuck? Best character. Right there. Yeah. This girl. With the purple hair and this girl. Their animation style was just fire. No, no. The animation style was fire. Oh, you know who... What's that? Total Drama Island? Yeah, yeah, yeah. All the girls on there were top tier. I wasn't a huge fan of Total Drama Island, to be honest. Really? No, I didn't like it. I think that was kind of my first like, oh my God, I don't want...

my parents to catch me watching this. Oh, really? Yeah. I don't know. Yeah. Cause it was kind of like, nah, for me, it was robot chicken, bro. Oh, it was so crazy. Cause I remember the stuff on robot chicken that I saw when I was a kid. That's like dank memes before dank memes. No, that's facts. There was so much explicit stuff as a kid. I was like, what is going on? Yeah. That was when, that was when you put the volume at the very lowest setting. You put it at one, one, it goes all the way to a hundred, but you turned out all the way to one. Yeah. Yeah. Uh,

Robot Chicken, that was... How come they don't make those no more? I don't know. Look at that with Bang right now. Even on YouTube, they should have continued that. Oh yeah, for sure. Is it on YouTube though? If you...

If you search it up. But I think... Yeah, they definitely... Someone put it up. I think it's not... They don't make it anymore because everyone's so sensitive now. Oh, it's a controversial? Yeah, you can't do a lot of stuff now. That's true. Without being it. So, yeah. But back then, shout out... I'm thankful I was born in that era so I can see all the crazy stuff. I know. Because nothing was censored. Everything's censored now. You can put so much stuff on the internet. It's not censored. Shout out Dave Chappelle. Everybody tries to cancel Dave Chappelle. You cannot cancel Dave Chappelle. Yeah. Like, he's...

he's the one like people see oh he's saying all this stuff he's saying all this stuff right he's like the OG he can say whatever he wants sure it may sound like a little bit offensive but everybody knows he's joking around right and they try to cancel him they try to cancel Kevin Hart right they cancel Kevin Hart because like yes he says some other shit right but you can't cancel

Dave Chappelle. Because that's the OG. Exactly. And I don't know if you know Andrew Schultz. Oh, yeah. They try to cancel him a lot, though, because he just does not care. But yeah, I was watching Dave Chappelle stand up last night. He's super funny, fam. But top comedian for me is definitely Bobby Lee. You ever watch Chappelle's show, though? Yeah. Yeah? Yeah. You ever seen the episode with the...

I can't even say it, bro. It's like, it's so bad. Yeah, just don't say it. Just don't say it. I used to watch Chappelle show with my uncle all the time. He used to turn it on for me, right? And when I was little, like, I didn't understand the jokes. It's only until, I want to say, like, grade 8, grade 9. I started understanding the jokes. We looked back at it. I'm like, yo, this is so funny. No, facts. Facts. But as a kid, all that shit went over my head, right? It did, yeah. And I'm like...

Yo, this is definitely the greatest comedy show of all time. In my opinion, greatest comedy show of all time. Nothing can compete with Chappelle's show. But for me, I love Dave Chappelle. I don't like Kevin Hart. Kevin Hart, as a kid, I liked Kevin Hart. Kevin Hart was funny at first, but it became a little bit repetitive for me. Yeah, the screaming. But yeah, Bobby Lee. I was watching Bear Bobby Lee. Bobby Lee is so funny. I don't know if you watched them, the hot ones. Have you watched his hot ones episode? Yeah, I watched that. Bro, he literally...

took a shit on camera and he did not care he was like you hear that yeah damn I could never this guy's unfiltered bro he is what's he called Jokoy is funny as fuck too oh Jokoy yeah yeah shout out Jokoy one of the Filipino Indians and um I forgot his name I always forget this guy's name I think his name is uh

the guy from hangover the chinese guy from hangover oh i always forget his name i feel so bad so funny i know i know who he is anytime he pops up in a movie it's like the funniest he'll pop up in the randomest times you'll never see it coming oh it's that guy and he's known as like the hangover guy no but it's funny because you just laugh at him yeah yeah he's it's not he didn't have to do nothing yeah it's just like appearance well yeah

This guy up here, remember he was in Transformers? Transformers 3? He's the funniest in Transformers 3, bro. The most random moment you can probably think of. And then the funniest person arrives at the time. That's him. That's probably him. Nothing beats that moment for him. Holy smokes, man. That's so joke.